7 February 1992 Talk to Sahaja Yogis Perth (Australia) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed 7 February 1992 Righteousness Must Have Love And Sweetness Informal Talk to Sahaja Yogis Outdoors, in the garden of Ashram, Perth, Australia Talk Language: English | Transcript: Draft| Hindi | Transcript: Draft [sounds of children playing, yogis talking] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: That lady also turned out bad, others are saying, she is not right. Sahaja Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: Come closer, cannot hear. Shri Mataji [in English]: Some...actually, most of them really, Australian girls [unclear/are] really very nice wives, I must say. But some of them are queer I should say, very queer, I don’t know, poor Prasad has been blessed by so many of such kinds... [laughter] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: Now you tell Me, what’s the matter? Sahaja Yogi: I don’t like her behaviour. It’s not right. Shri Mataji: Even you are a little brahmachari, is it not true? Sahaja Yogi: I am asking... Shri Mataji: Yes you are a little. [in English] You see they are not Indians, they are used to romantic stories, like Romeo, Juliet, this that. You see them on the roads also they are kissing each other, or doing something. I mean if our husbands do like that, you just take a divorce, its shamelessness according to Me, So that point is there, you will have to little bit, look to that end also. [in Hindi] And if girls are more in age, then they become more like that – [English] frustrated. I wish Dr. Bogdhan was here. Sahaja Yogi: You’ll see him in Sydney, Shri Mataji. He’s gone to Grafton, north of Sydney. Shri Mataji: That is such an asset from Australia. Such an asset. But Bogdhan, you know doesn’t understand money at all – absolutely, he is worse than Me. I really tell you. Between both of us, we get lost in that Russia. We just don’t understand anything. He’s too simple. Actually, for an Australian, he is very impractical, can’t understand it. Better now? I can see you smiling. Sit little spread out, sit in a spread out way. Sahaja asana. ‘Sahaja asana’ is spread out. No, no – not to push back, just put it straight, Yes. Better? Just this. Like this, not like this. You all have been singing? Practicing? Thinned down? What’s the matter? You, you.. You have thinned down. Careful. If you just thin down without doing any dieting, it means there’s some liver coming out. [in Hindi: unclear - something about right side] Righteousness must have love and sweetness, otherwise it’s like a sugarcane which is without any juice. Should not be artificial of course, but to say sweet things; the children understand sweetness very well. Sahaja Yogi: Simon’s doing a lot of work with these Chinese programs I told You about, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Which one? Sahaja Yogi: In Sydney, we did twelve programs, for the Chinese...We’ve been busy. Shri Mataji: Ya, Ya , he did. With the Chinese, they are very sweet people, the Chinese. Are extremely sweet, gentle. [in Hindi] Like Bengali style, Bengals has got big impact on China. [in English] Bengali’s have got the same grace. Very sweet: Chinese are extremely sweet. And they don’t know how to express their sweetness - they express it when you are eating with them. I mean really, in a Chinese-like way I don’t know what comes out of you there, it’s...It starts about six and it finishes at twelve o’ clock, They will go on: “Please, this one is our speciality,” you see. And you’ll be at least eleven courses, and every course will have eleven, at least [unclear]. And the host will sit next to you and you are finished. They win over people through their stomachs, I tell you: every time. Very sweet. Very, very sweet. And they remember small, small things, very small things. It’s very sweet - and same with the Bengalis. And if you even have a tea with them or something, they feel so happy. I mean, it’s something with Bengalis too. I think I will have My bath and then I can have lunch, because breakfast I have had already. [Laughs] Last time I didn't take any dinner, because these people brought some sandwiches all the way - I was not hungry. I said, all right, they have brought so I ate sandwiches, then I had no appetite. So sweetly they brought - these Chinese - sandwiches, Diet Coke, everything [unclear/with them]. Very sweet. Sahaja Yogi: They were most anxious on the telephone, they wanted to see: “Is there time? How much time will there be? Will there be enough time – we can go there and...” [laughs] Shri Mataji: They were with Me for about two and a half hours, very happy. This, I was telling you about this gentlemen, Indian, whose a doctor, who had been to TM. TM started showing, He said, “There’s a problem in our collectivity. “ “I said, “Why?” “Because N G has married a lady who’s already a married lady.” I said, “Who told you that?” So he said, “Her husband came and complained to me, that she is a married lady and now she has married N G.” I said. “Doctor, if you have some common sense, try to understand, that a married lady cannot marry somebody else and if she marries, he can file a suit against her. So she is not married to him definitely now.” Then N G told Me, “She is already divorced, Mother but they don’t believe me. They believe that man.” I said, “Never believe a non-Sahaja Yogi.” The simple logic is, if she was married to him, they would arrest her. TM' s bhoot effect was on him, I said, “Don’t try to create problem in collectivity. It is N G who has worked it out; single-handedly, He stayed there for such a long, he is the one who worked it out. And now you are trying to say these things to Me, it’s all [unclear/ any bhoot]. He says, “This is bad, that is bad...” TM has this kind of a bhoot, you see, it just comes up, trying to find faults with the leader or something; trying to be very wise. But if you get rid of it, then they are very good. So now, should I have My bath? [Shri Mataji gets up to leave] You are doing better that way, isn’t it? Because if you are in the dark and I am in the light, it will show better. [A shawl has been placed on the ground for Shri Mataji to walk on] Who is spoiling their shawl? Matches with My sari, you see. Very much. Where is the gentleman? [in Hindi] Where were you? Please get My box.