9 October 1982 Bestowing Of Boons Ganesha Puja Maria’s House, Wellingborough (England) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed Shri Ganesha Puja, Maria’s house, Wellingborough, England, October the 12th, 1982 Shri Mataji: Shasti? Dr Rustom: Because full moon was on the 3rd. Today is the 6th. Shasti Sahaja Yogi: Cancer Moon, is it? Yes, Cancer. Shri Mataji: Cancer? Sahaja Yogi: I think so, Mother. I think. Shri Mataji: [Hindi] Dr Rustom: [Hindi] Full moon was on the 3rd, Shri Mataji, at midnight on the third. Shri Mataji: [Hindi]. Dr Rustom: Have you got a newspaper please? Sahaja Yogi: That’s true, the third. Shri Mataji: [In Hindi] Now we’ll read the Thalis again. Dr Rustom: Seventy thalis. Shri Mataji: Poor Harri. [Laughter] Dr Rustom: It’s possible- we can ask vibrations actually, what else. Shri Mataji: I think it might, [unclear] is a better day. [Hindi spoken] Dr Rustom: Shri Mataji is correct. Shri Mataji: Hmm. Dr Rustom: I said, You are correct. Shri Mataji: Vibrations came, eh? [Laughter] Dr Rustom: OM twame wa sakshat, Shri Ganesha sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Bhagavati Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namaha. Three Great Mantras. OM twame wa sakshat, Shri Mahalakshmi, Mahasarasvati, Mahakali, Tigunatmika Adi Kundalini sakshat, Shri Adi Shakti Sakshat, Shri Bhagavati Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namaha. Shri Mataji: This, can repeat? [Sahaja Yogis begins three Great Mantras as said before.] [Dr Rustom says the first names of Lord Vishnu.] Om Shri Keshava namaha Om Shri Narayana namaha Om Shri Madhava namaha Om Shri Govinda namaha [Repeats three times the first four names] Om Shri Vishnu namaha Om Shri Madhusudana namaha Om Shri Trivikrama namaha Om Shri Vamana namaha Om Shri Shridhara namaha Om Shri Samkarshana namaha Om Shri Vasudeva namaha Om Shri Pradyumna namaha Om Shri Aniruddha namaha Om Shri Purushottama namaha Om Shri Adhkshaja namaha Om Shri Narasimha namaha Om Shri Achyuta namaha Om Shri Janardana namaha Om Shri Padma nabha namaha Om Shri Damodara nabha namaha Om Shri Upendra namaha Om Shri Hara namaha Om Shri Krishna namaha Shri Mataji: Repetition [Hindi] Dr Rustom: Om Shri Matsyavatara namaha Om Shri Kurmavatara namaha Om Shri Varahavatara namaha Om Shri Narasimhavatara namaha Shri Mataji: Vamana Dr Rustom: Om Shri Vamanavatara namaha Om Shri Parashuramavatara namaha Om Shri Rama-chandravatara namaha Om Shri Krishnavatara namaha Om Shri Mahavishnu-Christa-avatara namaha Om Shri Kalki-avatara namaha Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagavati Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namaha. Dr Rustom: Pranavasya, Parabrahmarishi, Paramatma, Devata Devi, Gayatri Chanda, Pranayame, Vineyoga Shri Mataji: This is action, you see, so it’s right side, Pranaya. Just to put it How you do it? Just tell them. Dr Rustom: What you do is you take your hand like this, place these fingers on the left nostril, breathe in through the right nostril. Hold it, for a short while, then put your thumb on your other nostril and breathe out through the left nostril. Then breathe in through the left nostril. Hold it, and then breathe out through the right nostril. It should be done gently. You shouldn’t force it. Once or twice is- Shri Mataji: Thrice Dr Rustom: Thrice Shri Mataji: Let’s put right hand on the [nostril]. Dr Rustom: First put the right hand on the- Sri Mataji: No. Right [thumb]. Dr Rustom: Right thumb on the right nostril, breathe in through the left. Follow Shri Mataji as She is. Shri Mataji: And also, when you breathe out, keep it out for a while. [Several minutes of breathing through the nostrils] Shri Mataji: Cleared out. Dr Rustom: It is. Shri Mataji: It’s to clear out your sinuses and problems, you see, with your Vishuddhi. It goes better. It’s better now? [Conversation in Hindi] Dr Rustom: OM. This is the great Gayatri Mantra, which- Shri Mataji: This is right side. Dr Rustom: Right sided. And we refer to the seven main layers in the cosmos. These are the seven names we take first. Om Bhuh, Om Bhuvah, Om Swaha, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyam, Om Tat savitur Vareṇyaṃ Bhargo- Shri Mataji: Listen, again, can I explain this? Dr Rustom: Yes, very much. Shri Mataji: Very good. Dr Rustom: First is Bhu. Shri Mataji: Bhu. First is Bhu. Bhu is the Earth, Mother Earth. Dr Rustom: Mooladhara. Shri Mataji: What is the Second one? Dr Rustom: Bhuva. Shri Mataji: Bhuva is Antariksha, is whatever is created, whatever is created. It is Swadishtan. Then? Dr Rustom: Swaha. Shri Mataji: Swaha is Nabhi because it consumes; consumers. Swaha is consumer, it consumes. Swaha. Dr Rustom: Mah. Shri Mataji: Maha is the Mother Dr Rustom: That’s right. Janah Shri Mataji: Vishuddhi Dr Rustom: The people. Shri Mataji: Janah. Dr Rustom: All the people. Shri Mataji: Collectivity. Dr Rustom: Tapah. Means burning. Shri Mataji: Penance, Christ’s life was a tapah. And also, the Surya has got the light. Surya also has got the fire. The heat is tapah. So, this is tapah. [Showing the Agnya chakra] Then Satyam. At the Sahasrara, you know the truth. All right? These are the seven. Dr Rustom: Say it again ? [Shri Mataji nodded] Dr Rustom: Om Bhuh, Om Bhuvah, Om Swaha, Om Mahah, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyam, Om Tat savitur Vareṇyaṃ Bhargo Devasya dhimahi dhiyo yonah prachodayat Aum apo jyotiras’omrutam, Om Brahma Bhur Bhuvah Swarom. Dr Rustom: Om – this is now invocation to all the Deities. Om Shriman Maha Ganadhipatye namaha Ishta devata bhyo namaha Kula devata bhyo namaha Grama devata bhyo namaha Sthana devata bhyo namaha Vastu devata bhyo namaha Shri Mataji: What must be the Saint, angel of the central of England? What would be the Saint? Sahaja Yogi: St George, Mother. Shri Mataji: So, you are praying to St George, all right. Dr Rustom: Mata Pitra bhyam namaha Shri Mataji: The Mother and Father. Shri Lakshmi Narayan bhyam namaha Shri Mataji: Lakshmi, Narayana, yes. Dr Rustom: Sarve bhyo deve bhyo namoh namaha Shri Mataji: Hmm. Dr Rustom: Sarve bhyo Brahmane bhyo namoh namaha Shri Mataji: All the saints, all the Realized souls to be ‘namaha’, saint to be bowed to. Dr Rustom: Now the twelve names of Shri Ganesha [from Mangal patha mantras, from 1 to 3]: Nirvigh namastu, Sumukhashchaika-Dantashcha Kapilo Gaja-Karnakah Lambodarashcha Vikato Vighna Nasho Vinayaka Dhumra-Keturganadhyaksho Bhala-Chandro Gajananah Dwadashaitani Namani Yah Pathach chhrinu yadap Vidyarambhe Vivahe Cha Videsha-Gamane Tatha Sangrame Sankate Chaiva Vighnastasya Na Jayate. Dr Rustom: That means, people who say these names will get success in most things: in studying, in marriage, in anything. Shri Mataji: In all kinds of hurdles. He is the one who is the clearer of hurdles. Dr Rustom: That’s right. Now [from Mangal patha mantras in 'Rig Veda', 4]: Shuklam baram Dharam Devam Shashi Varnam Chatur bhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayet Sarva Vighnopashantaye Now the great mantra to the Goddess from the Devi Mahatmyam [from Mangal patha mantras, from 5 to 11]: Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namostute Sarvada Sarvakar yeshu nasti tesham amangalam Yesham Hridistho Bhagawan Mangalayatano Harih Tadeva Lagnam Sudinam Tadeva, Tara Balam Chandra Balam Tadeva Vidya Balam Daiva Balam Tadeva, Lakshmi-pateh tenghri yugam smarami. Labhas-tesham jayastesham kutastesham parajayam Yesham indivara shyame hridayaste janardanah. Vinayakam Gurum Bhanum Brahma Vishnu Maheshvaran Saraswatim Pranamyadau Sarva Karyartha Siddhaye Abhipsitartha-Siddhyartham Pujito Yaḥ Surasuraih Sarva-Vighnachchhide Tasmai Ganadhipataye Namah Sarveshvarabdha Karyeshu Trayastri Bhuvaneshvarah Devah Dishantu Nah Siddhim Brahmeshana-Janardanah Dr Rustom: Now we say where this Puja is being held and at what time. Srimad bhagavato mahapurushasya vishnurajnaya pravarta manasya, Adya brahmano-dvitiya parardhe vishnupade, sri svetavaraha kalpe, Vaivasvata manvantare – Krita Yuge – prathama harane England varshe – Europe kande – Northampton deshe. Dr Rustom: Which is the River here? Shri Mataji: No, ‘deshe’ is England. Stane. Humm? [Hindi] Dr Rustom: Accha. Northampton sthane. Shri Mataji: What is the River? Sahaja Yogi: It is river Ouse, I think. River Ouse. Dr Rustom: Is it north or south? Sahaja Yogi: It’s towards Northampton from here. Dr Rustom: So, it’s north. Shri Mataji: You should write it down all these things and keep it, you see, it’s important. Dr Rustom: Ouse, dakshine tire, Shalivan shaake, dakshinayne, Ashwini mate, Krishna pakshe, Dakshinanyane Ashwini maase Krishna pakshe. Panchmi tithou shanivasre subha divas nakashtre, Vishnu yuge Vishnu karne shubhastithe vartmane Chandra shubhastithe shri surya shubhastithe deva guna. Shri Mataji: But Cancer is a- Dr Rustom: Character. Shri Mataji: Karka. Chandra karka rashi shri surya tula rashi Shri Mataji: Very good. Dr Rustom: Shubhastithe deva guna shesheshu graheshu yatha yathang rashi sthan stitheshu satshu shubha nama yoge shubha karne evam guna vishesham vishithayam shubha punya tithamyam atman shristi smriti purana-ukta phalam praptyartham sakala sahaja yoginam sakutham vanam sakale varnayam. kshema, sthairya, audiarya, arogaya, Shri Mataji: Now this is it: why are we praying? One for all the Sahaja Yogis, should have -now, what is this? Kshema. Dr Rustom: Yes, kshema. Shri Mataji: Is well-being. Dr Rustom: Sthairya. Shri Mataji: Sthairya means stability. Dr Rustom: Arrorya. Shri Mataji: Humm? Dr Rustom: Sthairya auryorya Shri Mataji: Audia [Hindi] Dr Rustom: Arogaya, aishwarya Shri Mataji: For good health, for prosperity. Dr Rustom: Praptayartham sakala peeda pariharavartham Shri Mataji: To take away all the pains of the body – pains of all kinds pains. Dr Rustom: Manah sthite manav ratne manorathe siddhyartham Shri Mataji: All the ‘manorath’. Manorath means all the desires to be fulfilled of the Sahaja Yogis. Dr Rustom: Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Pritayartham Shri Mataji: For the name of Mataji Nirmala Devi. Dr Rustom: Shakshat Shri Sarva Devi Deva, Shakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namoh namah Yatha gyanen yatha milito-pa-cha-radhaya Shri Mataji: Also, there is not the Sahaja Yoga book and all that is not there. It should be written down. Dr Rustom: When we go to India. Shri Mataji: Ah. In India, you correct it, you see, they have put it much wider possibilities than that. Dr Rustom: Because this is a small one. Shri Mataji: Yes, we must put that. All right. So, whatever we have got, whichever way we have been able to achieve it, whatever things we get for the puja, in our own small way, we want to do this worship. Dr Rustom: Visho-dosho-pa chhala pujam aham karishye tatva-da nirvighno to sidhyatam Maha Ganpati pujanam kurmah. Aam tatha sharira shuddhyatam shudhayatam nyasam kalasha shankha ghanta pujanam kurmah. Shri Mataji: All the other pujas, we do of the Kalasha which represents the Kundalini within us. And a ‘shankha’ is the sound. Shankha is, actually represents the seed. Dr Rustom: Omkara. Shri Mataji: Omkara, we can say the seed, the naada [sound] it’s the movement with the sound. And then ‘ghanta’ is to call people everywhere, you know, when there is a worship always there is a bell ringing, you see, that is good for all the negativity to run away. What else? Dr Rustom: That’s all Shri Mataji. Ah ‘deepa’, the flame. Shri Mataji: Accha, deepa. Also, to the light, worship the light also. Now, can you put these for the Ganesha. Now will you read Gavin,What? English would be better about Ganesha, OK? Now who’ll wash? Get some water and sit. Shri Mataji [To Derek Ferguson]: I think you can go in the back, so there is more place here. Yes, it’s better. You can come forward a little, you can sit here. Now it’s all right, you can sit here. Now come forward, little bit. Now, you have to wash, look after the flower, all right? Just bring the flower forward. Now, one by one, just wash my feet. Two of you, all right? Now you wash this one. [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: Let us hear now which has been done or being done and will be done. It is You who supports all things that re supported. It is You who protects all things that are protected. It is You who is the complete All-pervading Spirit of divine energy. Think clearly, speaks only the truth. Let your presence awakened in us by Kundalini, speak. Let your presence awakened in us by Kundalini, listen. Let your presence awakened in us by Kundalini, bless. Let your presence awakened in us by Kundalini, protect. Let your presence awakened in us by Kundalini, your disciples. Be the disciples. You are the essence of all sacred literature and holy words. And You are the energy that understands holy words ... [Puja goes on while a Sahaja Yogi reads a kind of Ganesha Atharva Shirsha in English. Sahaja Yogis are instructed how to wash Mother’s Feet, then silent meditation] [Conversation between Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis about what has to be done next.] [33:07 Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yogis discuss about a dry towel to protect Shri Matatji’s sari.] Sahaja Yogi: Kalashysa puja? Shri Mataji: Ok. Kalasha puja. [Sahaja Yogis discuss about a dry towel to dry Shri Matatji’s feet] Dr Rustom: Kalashasya Mukhe Vishnu Kante Rudra Samasritha Shri Mataji [about the puja objects]: These are all symbolic things, all right? Before realization, no worship has any power because you have no vibrations, nothing is sanctified, that’s why it is said not to bow to anything, don’t go into rituals. If you go into rituals without Realization, it’s a problem. After Realization now, everything has a meaning. Sahaja Yogi: Can you give me the coconut? Shri Mataji: This represents Shri Ganesha. Dr Rustom: Kalashasya Mukhe Vishnu Kante Rudra Samasritha. Mule tatra sthitho Brahma madhye matrugana smruta. kukshou thu saagara sarve sapthadveepa Vasundhara. [Vishnu resides in the mouth of the Kalasha, Rudra in the neck of the vessel. At the bottom Brahma resides. In the middle are the divine Mothers. In the stomach, are all the seas and seven islands on this earth] Shri Mataji: These are the seven, seven- Dr Rustom: Contenents. Shri Mataji: Seas, you know, oceans. Oceans are vibrating. Dr Rustom: Prithvit mantrasya mer pulastaya rishi kurme devata Sutalam chhandha kurmo devata asana shodhan viniyogah Shri Mataji: This is the Putri. It’s the Mother Earth [Shri Mataji is touching the coconut] Dr Rustom: Om prithivyai tvaya dhrita loka devi tvam vishnuna dhruta Tvam cha dharaya Mam Devi Pavitram kuru Chasanam Isti asanam vidhaya Om apa samarpam tute bhutaye bhut bhumi sansthite ye bhuta Vighna karta rapte gachhantu shivajnyaya apakramantu Bhutani pisachsa sarvato disham sarve kshama virodhen puja karma samarabhye Shri Mataji: That’s why we said to her that, “We awaken you, o Mother Earth.” So that you get rid of all negativity, all the ‘pishachas(demons), all these horrible people. And that’s why we use this [a coconut] when there is any problem in the house. What we do, is to take this and put it in the Mother Earth you see, vibrated things, so that the Mother Earth gets awakened. And she looks after that part. So, she doesn’t allow any ‘pishachas(demons) to come in. Dr Rustom: Atah shadang nayasa. Now we purify the six parts of the body. Shri Mataji: Yes, we have to clear the six parts of our body. Dr Rustom: First, the heart. Shri Mataji: [Unclear] to the heart. Dr Rustom: OM bhur bhuva swaha hitayaya namah Dr Rustom: Next the top of the head. Shri Mataji: That is, we bow to our heart. Dr Rustom: OM bhur bhuva swaha shirse swaha Shri Mataji: Sahasrara. Dr Rustom: Then the Back Agnya. OM bhur bhuva swaha shikayaya vashat Shri Mataji: ‘Vashat’ is like this. [Shri Mataji claps her hands] That means you bring two fingers, bring it round and hit it hard, on the Sahasrara [on the palm of the hand]. That is taking out the baddha, you see. From here, take it out and put it on the Sahasrara, hit it hard. And this is the ‘Samhara Shakti’ of Shri Krishna [destructive power]. Dr Rustom: OM bhur bhuva swaha kavacha aham Shri Mataji: Kavach. Kavach is bandhan. Dr Rustom: OM bhur bhuva swaha netrayaa vashat Shri Mataji: You see, eyes are cleansed; must have clean eyes. Again, with the clean eyes you again go back at the Agnya, at the Back and take it down. [Sound of Sahaja Yogis clapping their hands with their two fingers] Dr Rustom: OM bhur bhuva swaha astra vaphat. Shri Mataji: Astra. Astra are the weapons that you have got. Astra vaphat! [Shri Mataji claps her hands]. Means all the baddhas should run away. Dr Rustom: Now the bandhan: 'Iti dig bandhan'. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] Shri Mataji: Kavach – Kavach is the cover, Kavach is the cover. Dr Rustom: Shield like. Shri Mataji: Shield, shield, shield, Kavach. Kavach is shield, sorry. Kavach is shield! [Laughter. Hindi] And this is bandhan, sorry. Dr Rustom: Rigvedah, yejurvedah, sam-vedah yatharvana angeshcha sahitah sarve kalasham tu samashritah Atra gayatri savitri shanti pushti kare tatha ayantu deva pujarthan durita kshayakarakaha. Then the mantras for the ‘sapta nadis’, for the seven rivers: OM Thames, Derwent, Trent, Ouse, Don, Forth, Severn. Jalesmin sannidhim kuru- Sahaja Yogini: Seven? Shri Mataji: Seven rivers of England. So, the ego of English should go away, worked out. [laughs] Sahaja Yogini: Hopefully. Dr Rustom: Kalashaya namaha. Sarvopacharathe gandakshatapushpa samarpayami. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]. Dr Rustom: ‘Pushpa”, one flower. Shri Mataji: This is- we are sort of honouring the rivers; five Rivers that they should get awakened and those who drink water out of those rivers should have the Nabhi by which they should seek God through all the rivers. Dr Rustom: Now the conch, 'Shankar'. OM shanka dev, Chandra devayatam kuksha varuna devata praste prajapatim vidhya agrey ganga Saraswati tamam pura sagaro utpana Vishnuna vidhutta kare namit sarva deva cha panchjanya namostute. Shri Mataji: Now see at the back, it is three and a half coils [on the base of the conch]. Can you see clearly? And when it moves in that, you see, in the same way, that Kundalini moves spirally. The whole universe moves in a spiral way. I don’t know if the scientists know this or not but it moves in a spiral way. And this is what is the spiral [the conch]. And when you blow into it, it makes a sound, you see, OM as they say: A U M. Three words are there: that is Mahakali Mahalaxmi Mahasarawati - I’m sorry, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalaxmi. Now these things, when the Kundalini also moves, she makes sound. On those sounds are based all the alphabets and consonants of the - the consonant of the Sanskrit language. For example, here it is all of them are: "er ar ee i oo", like that. So this is the sound which is heard in mantras when you say that, that’s how the Deities get awakened because they know these words, you see, and every sound has a meaning. Dr Rustom: OM pancha janayaye vidmahe pavanaye dhimahi tanaye shakhaya prachodayat shakhaya namaha. Shri Mataji: [Speaks in Hindi] Whatever you do, is these five things to wash my hands. Dr Rustom: That’s right. Also Shri Krishna is becoming conscious [unsure]. Shri Mataji: Would be good. Dr Rustom: Then the worship of the bell. Agamartham tu devanam gamanartham tu raksasam kurve ghantaravam tatra Devatah vana lanchanam. Shri Mataji: This is for all the rakshasas to run away, to get out of this puja, once we see it’s a Garuda here. [Shri Mataji rings the bell] It’s done. All right. [Laughter] Dr Rustom: Gandha akshata pushpam samarpayami Dr Rustom: Now the flower. Dr Rustom: Now the deepa. Shri Mataji: Deepa is the light. That’s very important. Because that’s the light that represents the light within us. Dr Rustom: Deepa devta bhyo namaha gandha kshata pushpam samarpayami Shri Mataji: [Speaks in Hindi] There are flowers kept here on the side. There are many open flowers this side. Do you see? Dr Rustom: Deepa devta bhyo namaha gandha kshata pushpam samarpayami Haridrama kumkumam samarpayami Shri Mataji: Haridrama is Haladi. Dr Rustom: Haldi. [Conversation about haldi, Kumkum, turmeric.] Dr Rustom: You should get some turmeric because [Hindi]. Dr Rustom: Bho deepa brahma rupas tvaṁ Jyotis tvam prabhu ravayaat, yaavad puja samaptihi. Syatavatavam srushtiro bhavah. To keep doing the main puja. Shri Mataji: We’ve done it now. With this, you can do the puja. I think that would be better to wash the hands. Don’t you think? What is that water you have taken out? Dr Rustom: That’s your feet water. Shri Mataji: Feet. So, you have taken out some water also. This first one, this one is first part? You can put it in there. This can be given to the garden. Sahaja Yogi: This is [inaudible] Shri Mataji: No, this one you can put it in this garden. Shri Mataji [to Alganesh]: Gracie. Dr Rustom: [Sloka to Shri Vishnu, Shantakaram] Shantakaram bhujagashayanam padmanaabham suresham Vishvadharam Gaganasadrisham Meghavarnam Shubhangam Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhirdhyanagamyam Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanatham [I meditate on Shri Vishnu, who has a serene appearance, who rests on a serpent (adisesha), who has a lotus on his navel and who is the lord of the devas, who sustains the universe, who is boundless and infinite like the sky, whose colour is like the cloud (bluish) and who has a beautiful and auspicious body, who is the consort of Shri Lakshmi, whose eyes are like lotuses.] [Sloka to Shri Shiva dhyana] Dhyaye nityam Mahesham rajata Girinibham charu Chandra vatansam Ratna kalpo jjvalangam parasu Mragavara bhitihastam prasannam Padma sinam samantat stuta. Mamara ganair vyaghrakrttim vasanam. Visvadyam visvabijam nikhila. Bhayaharam pancavaktram trinetram. [Like a silver mountain, which has white glow. Those who wear the beautifull Moon as ornaments. Whose body is bright with Gemstone decking. Whose hands are the Halberd, antelope, var and abhaya mudra, he who is happy. Sitting on a lotus flower mat. Gods around whom they stand and praise. Those who wear tiger skin, is the origine of the the universe and annihilates all fears. Those who have five faces and three eyes. We meditate daily on Shri Maheshwara.] Shri Mataji: This is the description of Lord Shiva. Dr Rustom: [Beginning of Devi Sutkam] Namo devyai mahadevyai shivayai satatam namaha Namah prakrtyai bhadrayai niyatah pranatah sma tam. [Salutations to the Devi, to the Mahadevi; Salutations to Her who is always one with Shiva Salutations to Her who is the Primordial Source of creation and controls everything. We always bow to Her.] [Purusha Suktam, Shri Vishnu as Narayana, text one] Hari Om sahasra shirsaa Purusha sahasra raksah sahasra paat Sa bhoomim vishvato vrutva Atyatistad dasha angulam [The Purusha (Universal Being) has thousand (innumerable) heads, eyes and feet. He envelops the World from all sides and extends beyond in the ten directions.] [Mahalakshmi puja, invitation, ‘aavahana’] Agatya devisha devo jagat pate pujam agachha deva deveshe tejo rashe jagat pate kriyan manam maya pujam grahana sura sutaam Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Aavahanam samarpayami. Dr Rustom: Yes, offering and invitation. Shri Mataji: ‘Avahanam’ is the invitation to the Mother. [Purusha Suktam, text two] OM Purusha evedagam sarvam yad bhutam yaccha bhavyam ukta muktatva sheshano yadanne nati rohati [Mahalakshmi puja, offering flowers, ‘akshak asana’] Nana ratna samayuktam, Karta-Swarup swara vibhushitam Asanam deva devesh prityartham prati Grihayatam Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Asanarthe akshaktam samarpayami. Shri Mataji: Left hand you put towards Me, normal, and right like that. As long as you can do it. That’s all. But you are all right. Not. But him, I must say [unsure]. [Purusha Suktam, text three] OM Eta vanasya mahima ato jyayagamshcha Purushaha padosya vishva bhutani tripadasya mritam divi [Mahalakshmi puja, presenting the water, ‘padya’] Padyam grihaan deveshi, sarva kshema samarthe, bhoh bhaktya samarpitam Devi, lokanatha namoastute Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Padyam samarpayami. Rustom: [Unclear] for your feet. [Purusha Suktam, text four] OM tripadurdhva udaitpurushaha padosyeha bhavatpunaha tato vishvajya kramat sashana ashane abhi [Mahalakshmi puja, offering the water, ‘arghya’] Namaste deva deveshi namaste dharini dhara Namaste Jagada dhara Arghyam na prati ghyarathan Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Arghyam samarpayami. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] [Purusha Suktam, text five] OM tasmad viradajayata virajo Adi Purusha sa jato atyarichyata pashchad bhumi matho puraha [(?) Purification with water, ‘achamanyam’] karpoor bhasitam turyam, madakinya asma-hrutam achyam atam Jagannatha mayah tattam hi bhaktita, Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Achamanyam samarpayami. [Shri Mataji drinks the water from her hands] [Purusha Suktam, text six] OM yatpurushena havisha deva yajnam atanvata vasanto asyasidajyam grishma idhmash sharaddhavihi. [Mahalakshmi puja, offering the water for the bath, ‘snana’] Ganga Saraswati revapayo shninarma dajala Shri Mataji: These are all Indian rivers. Rustom: We have to invite her. Snapitasi Mayadevi tatha shantim kurushva me Shri Mataji: Ne. It’s all right because Indian rivers have been sanctified since ages now. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha. Snanyam samarpayami. Shri Mataji: Snanyam is the belly [unsure]. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi] Shri Mataji: Let him do it. Rustom: OK. Shri Mataji: And you’d better- he can do it. Or Gavin can do it. Gavin, you sit down here that’s better. So that one person goes there. You sit at Gavin’s place and let him sit here. So, it’s better [Hindi]. You come near this. You also now become an expert, you see. So, we have people [unsure]. [50:43 END OF VERIFICATION] Yogi: Now the five nectars – Ghee [Yogi continues mantra] Yogi: Little bit of water [Yogi continues mantra] Shri Mataji: Madhu. Which one are you saying? Yogi: Milk Shri Mataji: No, should be Madhu [mantra continues] Milk now. Shri Mataji: All the people, all of the Devas are fond of Ghee And what is Chandra... what? [Yogi answers, reading Sanskrit name. Continues mantras] [discussion of temperature of water] Shri Mataji: Next time [.....UNCLEAR]. Vibrations are flowing] [54:40 Sound of pouring water] Some more water should be poured, after sugar also. [mantras continue] Shri Mataji: See - Indra right side.[UNCLEAR] is right side, alright? Then is Varuna. Varuna is sea – see, all void Guru - Grahaspati. Yogi: Guru [UNCLEAR], the right void Shri Mataji, Yes, on the right side. Mitra also. Yogi: [recites some names] Mitraya, Vayu also. Shri Mataji: You see the thing is, when on the Sankranti, when the day changes, on the 14th of January when the Sun changes over, then they give the sweet,[UNCLEAR] saying that, “We’ll give you the sweet and speak to us in the same way in a sweet manner” - so friendship. Sugar gives you friendship. You give sweets to people to establish friendship. But salt also gives you the Emans, you call it. If you eat at somebody’s place, it’s not only friendship but it is also...even if you eat at somebody, enemy’s place, it’s sort of a... you cannot insult that food, you cannot insult that person. [more discussion of what to pour next on Shri Mataji’s Feet] Sahaja Yogi: Water with camphor and chanda... Shri Mataji: Camphor and Chanda are two extremes. That’s very good: camphor and chanda. Because camphor is something that gives you heat and chanda is something that cools you, so the both are of light. Camphor and Chandan. Chandan on the right. [Sahaja Yogi continues mantra] Shri Mataji: Camphor is very good for people who suffer from cold and Chanda is very good for people who suffer from heat. Yogi: Next we offer flowers and turmeric [Mantra] [Shri Mataji gives instructions as where to put things, eg “Up a little bit”.] Yogi: Now some incense and [UNCLEAR][Mantra] Let’s show Shri Mataji the lamp. [Mantra] [UNCLEAR something to eat?] [Further discussion, mantra continues] Shri Mataji: Prakshalana is ‘to wash’ - means you have to do water now. prakshalana is ‘to wash’. And just take a little katori or something to wash my Hands. Mm, alright. [more discussion, mantras continue] You go on saying the mantra, you can then apply the kumkum... [UNCLEAR discussion. Mantras continue] 1:04.00 Shri Mataji: Vibrations started. [UNCLEAR discussion. Mantras continue] This is all asking for all the prosperity of the... must get horses, must have cows and land and... Sahaja Yogi: Elephants. Shri Mataji: Elephants, goats, all kinds of things. Apart from that you have houses – must have these huge houses, palaces, you see. Everything you need to ask. [mantras continue] I think [UNCLEAR]pragnya - that means ’To your subject, give them life, long life’. [Mantras continue] All the five elements should be their properties, you see so that they should be masters of all these five elements. Even Indra, Brahaspati, everybody – all the stars. [Mantras continue] [‘Sobham’?] is this vibrations, you see. [Sobham] But actually [sobha?] stands for Chandrama. But because this moon is the representative of the Spirit, so it is called also [sobham biba?]. [biba??] means ‘let us bring the... vibrations’ Sanctified water is sobham. Or you can say vibrations. Aah, ‘So don’t take away my anger, my jealousies, my greed and my inauspicious mind. I worship You through Shri Sukta, especially the Devi and I worship You through Her stanzas of praise to achieve...’ What is it? [Yogi repeats phrase] ‘Make us full of Punyas so that we do good things, righteous things.’ We must [UNCLEAR] the punyas, you see that. [Yogi continues mantra] Shri Mataji: You give us the blessings... Praising the Mother, you see... That, ‘You are... with Her Lotus Hands - white hands. You give us this blessing. You are the consort of Vishnu and also You are the... You are fond... [Madhuva?], Krishna is fond of You, very much fond of You...’ And what else is there? Yogi: Kshamadevi Shri Mataji: You are the Goddess of forgiveness. ‘You are the One who is the... worshipped by Lakshmi’... and what else? Yogi: Sakim Devi Namami Shri Mataji: And You are the friend of all the Goddesses’ Sakim Devi. So I bow to You. Achuta is the name of Shri Krishna – ‘You are the power of Achuta’, means Shri Krishna. [Praises continue] [1:12:59 – new mantra/praises begin] So the thing is the description comes because Shakti is everywhere; without the Shakti, nothing exists. So that’s what they are saying that, ‘You are this, You are that.’ That is true. [Praises continue, Shri Mataji translates some Names] ‘You are the Creator of the Supreme Mother’ These are the left side – all the Powers of... Yogi: Mahakali. Mahakali Stuti [1:15:56 – sounds of Puja continue, Shri Mataji giving instructions ‘They should be able to see... flowers... remove the [??]’ That’s alright. Keep that on the side.... Take this to the back Yogi: Shall we take the next... Shiva [Karnam?] [new praises begin] 1:19:21 [UNCLEAR?] Shri Mataji: Bhasma is a ‘ashes’. And also, to’ bhasma’ means also to make it into ashes. He is fond of ashes. Why? Because he’s so full of ice. But actually, when He destroys, he uses those ashes on His Body: take the ashes on His Body. Yogi: Also with His Eyes... Shri Mataji: Mm? Yes, He can. [praises continue] Shri Mataji: Adi is Primordial... See, He’s just [UNCLEAR Sureshwara?] Karuna is compassion. [1:23:43 – UNCLEAR Amruti?] [Praises continue, Shri Mataji continues to instruct yogis performing puja] [1:28:06 short silence, then new Stuthi [to the Devi?] begins] Shri Mataji: This is a...you see that, Swarup – everybody She gives realization: Mukti [UNCLEAR ?]. And also resides as awareness, as buddhi – intelligence. [Praises continue] Shri Mataji [correcting pronunciation]Parayana – is the one whose interest is all on the other people. Parayana. Others – not interest in Herself. [Shri Mataji instructs regarding putting sari on] Get seven married ladies. [1:32:10 – sounds of unwrapping the new sari] [1:32:31 – the video has moved on and Shri Mataji is in the middle of telling a story to the yogis] Shri Mataji: Near Veret and when we went into Veret, I had a very big vegetable, this thing – only it was such a thing that I got, I think twenty nine prizes for those. All the prizes I got! Yogi [reading from ?]: ‘At that very period, I shall slay the great Asura named [Durgamam?], thereby you shall have the celebrated name of Durga Devi and again, assuming a terrible [?] in the mountain Himalaya, I shall destroy the Rakshasas for the protection of the Munies. Then all the Munies, bowing their bodies reverently, shall praise Me, and thereby I shall have the celebrated name of Ima Devi, and the Asura named Aruna shall work great havoc in the three worlds, having taken a collective bee form, consisting of innumerable bees, I shall slay the great Asura for the good of the three worlds.’ Shri Mataji: This will happen now in Vienna, because in Vienna there are some sort of a... bees, so I’ve seen to it that they will die. Yogi: And a bee came in Vienna... when You were doing Puja. Shri Mataji: Ah, one bee came in... Yogi: That’s right. Shri Mataji: You see, and we killed them. Yogi: ‘And then people shall laud me everywhere as Pramadevi, Shri Mataji : Pramadevi Yogi : And whenever trouble arises due to the advent of the Danavas, I shall incarnate and destroy the foes.‘ Shall we read it in Sanskrit? The vibrations are there. [reads in Sanskrit whilst yoginis are placing a sari around Shri Mataji. Photos are taken] 1:36:45 Shri Mataji [indicating to someone] You come here... Yogi 2: Is the flash (from camera) too much for You? Shri Mataji: No, no. Yogi 2: [UNCLEAR] these flowers are beautiful. Shri Mataji: Innocence. Alright now? [Let them come?] Let’s see, [UNCLEAR] [Yogi 1 continues saying mantras] Everybody should be allowed [ie: to take photos] [UNCLEAR Hindi spoken] Tying up. Just tie it. [UNCLEAR the feet?] [Hindi spoken. Small laughter] Yogi: No time. [More mantras] Shri Mataji: See, Brahmapadi. You have got now Brahmapad. You have already got Brahmapad – is the position of the Brahma. That She gives you Brahmapad. You have got Brahma isn’t it? So unique... Yogi: Give some perfumes to Mother’s Feet. Shri Mataji: Perfume. The ladies should put in the hand... This is ladies’ job. [1:42:16 more mantras whilst flowers are tied round Shri Mataji’s wrists and arms] This is just to worship all the chakras. [A garland is placed over Her Head] Is it to be put... here? This kind... [indicating for crown to to be tied/placed on Her Head] This kind...[Hindi or Marathi spoken as She adjusts the crown] Yogini: Do you want that tighter, Mother? Shri Mataji: Tighter. A little bit tighter. You make Ekadash. This is for your Ekadasha. [Mantra to Ekadasha Mukuta (crown?). Shri Mataji then combs Her hair and yogi says another mantra...for hair! And then more mantras] Shri Mataji: Ah... To pacify the Ekadasha. Mm...That’s why Christ was given... excited the Ekadasha. He was [given up?]. [short silence as kumkum is painted on Shri Mataji’s Hands. When they have finished, She holds them up – left hand receiving, right hand giving (Christ’s pose) - more photos taken.] Now, if you would take a full photograph... would be good idea. Just move out a little bit... so they can take a full photograph. [small discussion about the light/closing the curtains so there is some kind of a background for the photos, something that would hide the window. Indoor light is switched on. Shri Mataji smiles patiently whilst everyone takes photos. She asks one yogi something about his camera. He replies ‘I’m waiting for it to warm up’.] Shri Mataji [to a yogini]: What’s happened to your camera? Yogini: I never had one. Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR] You see, all of you get such good photographs, that these cameramen cannot. They just don’t have that. Vibrations are there. But the Mahamaya is on top, you see... They can’t cross over. [UNCLEAR] [To someone else] Come, come, come... take a photo. What happened? Yogini: It’s finished (the film in camera) Shri Mataji: It’s done now. May God Bless you. Now, shall we have the Aarti? And also, you people, because this is also for cleansing of the Cambridge... you can bring. Join there. Where’s your husband? There. You have got them also here, Cambridge people – because this puja includes the Cambridge also. Where is [Jay?] Yogini: He’s coming, Mother. Shri Mataji: Yes, all of you join like this. All the Bedford people... come. Hold his hand. Hold his hand. Hold hands, each other, that’s all. You hold his hand. Alright? You hold her hand. [Aarti is sung, followed by [Guru stotra ? 2:03:05], followed by Jai Jagadambe x 12 (for centre heart), followed by Allah hu Akbar x 16 (for Vishuddhi), followed by prayer in Hebrew & English – ‘Shema Yisrael, Hear O Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is One. Blessed be the name of His glorious Kingdom, that witnesses for all eternity. Amen.’ - and ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ x 3 (both for Agnya), followed by The Three Maha Mantras. ] Shri Mataji: Lie down. [ All Namaskar] May God Bless you. May God Bless you. [Shri Mataji removes Her crown and all the flowers and garlands around Her. The video has moved on a bit whilst She has done this] Shri Mataji: What is that cloth? Yogi: That’s one we gave to You earlier – at the Ganesha Puja. It’s the one that we gave to you, in Ganesha Puja. Shri Mataji: You gave it to Me? Yogi: In the Ganesha Puja. Yogi: You were in Switzerland, Mother. [She is then given a big cloth, different to one She was looking at, to place over Her knees and offered a big bunch of grapes, which She smells and then hands back, but eating one. She then vibrates a plate of fruits and other Prasad offered. A joke is made [UNCLEAR]] Shri Mataji: All the Sahaj Yogis are there. [She gives instructions about offering Her Prasad (married ladies) using both their hands.] What you do..the married ladies can do. Everyone can come, one by one. All of them are married, so they are auspicious. [She calls for one specific yogini to come forward] Ann, Ann? May God Bless you. Good. [Ladies on by one are offering Prasad. 2:17:40 UNCLEAR]... best to put both hands together. May God Bless you. Take both hands together. May God Bless you. May God Bless you. You have more married than unmarried. [As Shri Mataji looks down at the cloth holding all the Prasad in Her lap ‘You have soft shampoos’ ie. the cloth feels very soft...] May God Bless you. Good. May God Bless you. Good. Alright? You’re feeling the cool breeze? Yogini: Yes I am, Mother. Shri Mataji: Good. That’s great. Alright. Shri Mataji : Hello william William you want to come here? Hello, you put him in, I’ll take. You just put him here. [She kisses him] He’s so very happy. Good. Alright? Alright, come. Very good. May God Bless you. Good, good. So, this Puja was done very well, I must say. Everybody’s done now? Others are waiting the [....UNCLEAR] to be married, I think. Alright, may God Bless you all. All yogis: Jai! [speaks in Hindi(?) as She hands over the cloth filled with Prasad] See, whatever is given to the mother has to be eaten by her children, isn’t it? The mother doesn’t eat much. [She speaks to a yogini at the back who didn’t yet offer any Prasad] Inder you gave Me fruit? Why? Come along, [....UNCLEAR] away. You shouldn’t do it like that. Come here. Hmm. May God Bless you. Put both the hands like this, like this... Ya, see, underneath...good. May God Bless you. Growing, very well. Who’s crying like that? Is that...? Yogini: They’re laughing, they’re playing. Shri Mataji: Now, what do we think of our... should we...I mean, if there’s long enough, we’ll have some food. [UNCLEAR] Yogi: Even a quick one will do. Shri Mataji: Maybe a chance. [UNCLEAR making a joke] Work has started, in all earnestness. You all have to prepare yourselves, and everybody must see that they learn Sahaja Yoga very well: how to give realization to others, how to talk about Sahaja Yoga, how to improve yourself. All these things must be done. Otherwise you’ll have to face a crowd and you will not be prepared and they’ll be frightened, they’ll think, ‘These people don’t know anything’ and they’ll just [deny??]. For all the newcomers, and those people who have come now, especially people of, say, Northampton or Bedford or Cambridge - where this news has spread. All have to be very well equipped and prepared for it. You see, unless and until you are prepared, I cannot attend to them. So you should try to get all the books – all the small little books – then all the... what do you call... pamphlets, photographs...all these things should be collected. And you should be prepared. Let some things vibrated by Me, like water – you have got now vibrated water – you can put it into another water, it will be alright. Then get sugar vibrated, other things vibrated, other things vibrated. And for this Panchamrita that you’ve got now, better have it for your Nahbi. Keep yourself clean, first of all, and when you talk to others, show that composure and that peace that is now residing in you. The more you show, the more it will express itself. Alright? And be wise, because you will now face many people, and if you are doubtful and if you are still going up and down, they will not be there and you’ll be responsible for driving them out. Alright? So have people who are positively there and you can attend to them, talk to them properly; now you have become saints – saints must behave like saints, responsibly. Alright? So I’ll leave it to you. If you have any problem, you can always ask the people in London to send you [what thing?], whatever you want, you can get. Alright?And come down now on the 17th , all of you. ... to learn that ....Somebody’s crying, whatever is it? I think [UNCLEAR] Yogi: He’s just excited Shri Mataji: He’s crying? Yogi: Laughing, Mother. Yogini: They’re throwing stones at each other. Yogi: Shrieking with laughter. Yogini: Kevin’s in charge. Shri Mataji: Kevin? Then it’s alright. For next year, I won’t be here [UNCLEAR] and other things, you have got a whole year to work it out, and so the temper should all go down. And also, you can call people from... to begin with, some people can come work here. Then also, she was saying that, if somebody can come and stay with her, she’ll be very happy – to help with the beginning of the program. So some people can come and stay with her for a few days, and work it out. If somebody can come and stay with Maria, should try to come and stay here. Would be good idea to work out Sahaja Yoga in this area. Keep all your ornament [....UNCLEAR] Yogi: These came back from Vienna, Mother. Look at this. Shri Matai: This is not mine, this is... Yogi: Could they be from Machindranath? [discussion about the jewellery She has been handed] Shri Mataji: Could be Aradhana or somebody. Anupama’s maybe. This might fit Auriol or someone. Auriol is bigger than Anupama, isn’t she? Maybe this might fit about little Olympia, because Auriol, I have got a watch for her, so give her this - for Olympia, if she is there. And for... in My coat there is a watch for Auriol. Everything that belongs to Aradhana, Anupama goes to, greatly. How are...they’re alright? Little bit... [UNCLEAR] Because such a Sahaja Yogini as Anupama is... Did you get the watch please? Yogi: Olympia’s very much attached to both the girls. Shri Mataji: I know, eh. Ya, I know, I know. All the time. Olympia? They have to send Lily. You see, they had planned that they’ll go to ashram and they have to send Lily because they’re...you see they wanted to extend their stay and... but the ticket was a problem and they had to leave suddenly. Where is she? Yogini: Olympia, come in darling, Mother wants to see you. She’s coming, Mother. Shri Mataji: This is alright for Olympia. This must be Anupama’s. Olympia! There’s something nice for you. Oh, for your feet! Who’s going to wear that? Who’s going... now, I would like to give it to daddy, daddy will... this one, this one. These are two, two of them. Now, what about your socks, you have to take off socks – take off your socks. Now, let’s do it. Socks. Where is the watch now? Where is Auriol? Can you set it somehow? [To Olympia] Yes, Didi has sent, Didi... Nanu has sent it. Nanu. Nanu and Didi have sent – one Nanu, one Didi. Olympia: Saudi Arabia Yogi: Saudi Arabia, yes. Shri Mataji: Huh? Saudi Arabia. [UNCLEAR] higher, tie it up a little higher. [To Auriol] For you, get it set. May God Bless you. Can you adjust it for her? [To Olympia] What is happening? Is it hurting her? It’s smaller than that, you can put one more chain... it’s alright. Yogini: It’s a little bit tight. Shri Mataji: Beautiful. Saudi Arabia – first I didn’t understand what she was saying. Yogi: It’s a little bit tight. Shri Mataji: What a Vishuddhi! Yogi [to Olympia] Do you want it on? Shri Mataji: Alright, put it in her hand: best is to put it in her hand. In the hand, alright let her... Put it in the hand, like a bangle. In the hand is good. Good. Alright? Yogi: If you join the two together, it might make a necklace. Shri Mataji: Ha? You can make a necklace... Ah, very good, very good, very good. You put one more chain in there, you see... Olympia! [UNCLEAR ? Then Shri Mataji picks up Olympia and kisses her] This cold is too much for her...get cold too much. [using a tissue] Good for the nose. Good. Beautiful. This is Didi – Didi has sent this. This is Nanu – from Saudi Arabia. Alright? I think Indian girls have smaller ankles, because they wear from childhood these things. That must be the reason. Bangles also, I think – we wear from childhood, that’s why our hands are more supple perhaps. You’re going to fall down! Hold it, hold it, hold it now, give it to mummy... show her, show it to mummy. Good. Alright, now let’s go upstairs. Mmm. Nothing for the boys, poor things. Auriol, nice? It’s working alright? Very close there[....UNCLEAR] Is it working? So, shall we go upstairs now? Then we’ll have our food and we start [mixing about??]. Yogis: Thank you, Mother. [Complete form of the mantras read by Dr RUSTOM BURJORJEE] Aum Shri Keshavaaya namah Aum Shri Narayanaaya namah Aum Shri Madhavaaya namah Aum Shri Govindaaya namah Aum Shri Keshavaaya namah Aum Shri Narayanaaya namah Aum Shri Madhavaaya namah Aum Shri Govindaaya namah Aum Shri Keshavaaya namah Aum Shri Narayanaaya namah Aum Shri Madhavaaya namah Aum Shri Govindaaya namah Aum Shri Vishnave namah Aum Shri Madhusudanaay namah Aum Shri Tri vikramaaya namah Aum Shri Vamanaaya namah Aum Shri Shri-dharaaya namah Aum Shri Hrushikeshaaya namah Aum Shri Sankarshanaaya namah Aum Shri Vasudevaaya namah Aum Shri Pradyumnaaya namah Aum Shri Aniruddhaaya namah Aum Shri Purush’ottamaaya namah Aum Shri Adhokshajaaya namah Aum Shri Narasinghaaya namah Aum Shri Achyutaaya namah Aum Shri Janardanaaya namah Aum Shri Padma-nabhaaya namah Aum Shri Damodaraaya namah Aum Shri Upendraaya namah Aum Shri Haraaya namah Aum Shri Shri Krishnaaya namah Aum Shri Matsya avataraaya namah Aum Shri Kurma avataraaya namah Aum Shri Varaha avataraaya namah Aum Shri Narasimha avataraaya namah Aum Shri Vamana avataraaya namah Aum Shri Parashurama avataraaya namah Aum Shri Ramachandra avataraay namah Aum Shri Krishna avataraaya namah Aum Shri Maha Vishnu Khrista avataraaya namah Aum Shri Kalki avataraaya namah Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah Pranavasya ParaBrahma rishi ParamAtma devta devi Gayatri Chhanda pranayame viniyogah Shri Mataji guides through breathing exercises. Great mantras to the Goddess from Devi Mahatmyam: Sarva maangala maangalye, Shive sarvartha sadhike, sharanye trayambake Gauri, Narayani namostute, sarvada sarva karyeshu, nasti tesham amangalam yesham hridyasto bhagavan, mangalayatanam harih Tadeva lagnam suryanaam, tadeva Tara Balam Chandra Balam, Tadeva Vidya Balam Daivabalam. Tadev Lakshmi-pataye tenghri yugam smarami. Laabhas-tesham jayas-tesham krutas-tesham parajayam yesham indivara shyame hridayaste janardanah, vinayakam, gurum bhaanum, brahma-vishnu-maheshvaram saraswatim pramyada sarva karyarth siddhaye Abhi praseeda prasidhyatam pujitaya sura suraya sarva vighna-hara tasmayi ganadhipataye namah Sarvaishwaradhya karyeshu trayast-guneshwardhya Devadi shantuna siddhi bramheshna janardhana Shrimad bhagavato mahapurushay vishuradhnye pravart mansaye Adhya brahmno dwitiyah para dev Vishnupade shri shewta varaha kalpe Vyavasta manvantare kritayuge prathama charane England varshe Europe khande Northampton sthane River Ooze dakshine-tire shalivahan shaake Dakshinanyane Ashwini maase Krishna pakshe. Panchmi tithou shanivasre subha divas nakashtre Vishnu yuge Vishnu karne shubhastithe vartmane Chandra shubhastithe shri surya shubhastithe deva guna. Chandra karaka rashi shri surya tula rashi shubhastithe deva guna shesheshu graheshu yatha yathang rashi sthan stitheshu satshu shubha nama yoge shubha karne evam guna vishesham vishithayam shubha punya tithamyam atman shristi smriti purana-ukta phalam praptyartham sakala sahaja yoginam sakutham vanam sakale varnayam kshema, sthairya, audairya, arogaya, aishwarya praptayartham, sakala peeda pariharavartham manah sthite manav ratne manorathe siddhyartham Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Pritayartham shakshat Shri Sarva Devi Deva, Shakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Nirmala Devyai namoh namah yatha gyanen yatha milito-pa-cha-radhaya Visho-dosho-pa chhala pujam aham karishye tatva-da nirvighno to sidhyatam MahaGanapati pujanam kurmah. Aam tatha sharira shuddhyatam shudhayatam nyasam kalasha shankha ghanta pujanam kurmah. Kalashasya mukhe Vishnu, kanthe rudrah samashritah Kalashasya mukhe vishnu kanthe rudrah samashritah Moole tatra sthito brahmaa madhye matroo gana samashritaah Kukshou tu saagaraah sarve sapta-dviipaa vasundhara Pruthviti mantrasya mer pulastaya rishi kurme devata Sutalam chhandha kurmo devata asana shodhan viniyogah Aum prithivyai tvaya dhrita loka devi tvam vishnuna dhruta Tvam cha dharaya Mam Devi Pavitram kuru Chasanam Isti asanam vidhaya Om apa samarpam tute bhutaye bhut bhumi sansthite ye bhuta Vighna karta rapte gachhantu shivajnyaya apakramantu Bhutani pisachsa sarvato disham sarve kshama virodhen puja karma samarabhye Atah shadang nayasa Aum bhur bhuva swaha hitayaya namah Aum bhur bhuva swaha shirse swaha Aum bhur bhuva swaha shikayaya vashat Aum bhur bhuva swaha kavacha aham Aum bhur bhuva swaha netrayaa vashat Aum bhur bhuva swaha astraya phat Iti dig bandhan Rigvedah, yejurvedah, sam-vedah yatharvana angeshcha sahitah sarve kalasham tu samashritah Atra gayatri savitri shanti pushti kare tatha ayantu deva pujarthan durita kshayakarakah. Aum thames, derwent, trent, ooze, don, forth, severn jalesmin sannidhim kuru kalashaya namah Sarvopacharathe gandakshatapushpa samarpayami Aum shankha dev, Chandra devayatam kuksha varuna devata praste prajapatim vidhya agrey ganga Saraswati tamam pura sagaro utpana Vishnuna vidhutta kare namit sarva deva cha panchjanya namostute. Aum panchjanayaye vidmahe pava manaaye dhi mahi tanaye shakhaaya prachodayat shakhaaya namah. Aagmartham tu Devanam, gamaartham tu rakshasham kurve ghanta ravanathatva deveta avahana Lakshanam. Gandha aaksahta pushpam samarapayami. Deepa devta-bhyo namah gandha-kshyakta pushpam samarpayami Deepa devta-bhyo namah gandhakshyakta pushpam samarpayami Haridram(Haldi) kumkumam samarpayami Bho Deepa Brahma roopastavam, joytistavam prabhu ravayaat, yaavad puja samaptihi. Syatavatavam srushtiro bhavah. 45.18 – 47.15 Shaanta-kaaram bhujanga –shayanam Padma-naabham suresham Vishw-aadhaaram gagana-sadrusham megha-varnnam shubha-angam Lakshmi-kaantam kamala-nayanam yogibhir-dhyaana-gamyam Vande vishnum bhava-bhaya-haram sarva-lok-aika-naatham. Jaayet nityam mahesham rajatgiri nibham charu Chandra vatangsam Ratna kapur jwalangam parashu mriga varabhite hastam parasnam padmasinam samanta stutta mama agrina vyagrihe kritam vaasanam vishwaavbhyam vishwa vandayam Nikhil bhaya haram pancha-vaktram trinetram Namo devyai mahadevyai shivayai satatam namah Namah prakrityai bhadrayai niyatah pranatah smah tam Hari om sahastra shirsha purusha sahastrakash sahastra paatra bhumi vishwato pruthviyah yatishthate dashaa angulam agachha deva deveshe tejo rashe jagat pate kriyan-manam maya pujam grahana sura sutaam Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo namah. Aavahanam samarpayami Aum purusha evedham sarvam ya bhutangyat cha abhavyam ukta muktatva sheshano yada nityo rohahte nana ratna samayuktam kalpte swarup swara vibhushitam asana deva devashye prityartham pratigrahayatam Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namoh namah Aasan arte akshaktam samarpayami 47.20 – 49.40 Aum ekda varansaya mahima-to jayan-sh-ch purushah padau-sya vishwa bhutani tripadasyamrutam devi padyan-grahana devesha sarva akshayema samarthabho padya sarpitam deva lokanatha namostute. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo Namah. Paadyam samarpayami. Aum tripa druddhva udayat purusha pado sinha-bhavat punah tato vishwa vida kramata sashanana ashanai-api namaste deva devyesha, namastay dharniyadhara, namastay jagadadhara, ardhyam na pratighriyatam. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo namah. Ardhyam samarpaymi. Aum tasmat virala jyat virajaadi purusha sajjato atyaa-vritya pashchat bhoomi mathopura karpoor bhasitam toyam, madakinya asma-hrutam achyamatam jagannatha mayah tattam-hi bhaktitah, Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo namah. Aachamaneyam samarpayami. Aum yat purushena havishya yagnam matang vatta, vasant vashayshi arjan bhismaidma sadavi ganga, saraswati, reva payosmi narmada jalah, snapitosi maya devi tatha shanti kurushv-me. Mataji Shri Nirmala devi namo namah snayam samarpaymi. Atah panchamrut snanam mantra :- Aum Gatam mimicsay gatam masya ganigritay sheta gatam vasya dham anushwa dhama, vaha madya yasya savha. Krutam rushabha vakshi vayham Ajian suranam avaha ajian tajanay pratistitham ajan pavitraparma stana griytam Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai namo namah. Gritam Sananam samarpayami. Chaturdat sananam samarpayami. Devershi Madhuvakar tayate , madhukshram sindhava madyarta sampoorna sadihi madhur jalastu napita Madura manav, Vanaspati madu, manst tusura madhavi gavo bhantuna sarve sadhay samutpam puyusha sarva sanana madhu sanatan te prayachhaame. Grihina parmeshwari Mataji Shri Nirmala deviya namo namah. Madhu Sananam Samarpayami. Suddhodak Sananam Samarpayami. Surabhinu mookho kartvana ayushin tarishav Chandra mandal shankhasham sarva deva priyang dhadhi sananam samarpaymi. Shuddhodak sananam samarpayami. Aum abhyaya swa samotute vishwata smavisyam bhava ajyast sangate kamadhenu samutbhutam devershi pitrutva pruthavi dana payodadhami devesha sanatan pratighrihyatam Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai namo namah. Paya sananam samarpaymi. Shudhodak sananam samarpayami. Aum swadhu pava vaswa dviyay janmanaay, swadhu indria sahavrutu namanay swadhu mitraya varuna vayuve bruhaspatayai madhumanayai [...mantra incomplete]. Gandhodharam duradarsham mithya pushtam karishiyinay, ishwaram sarva bhutanam kamiupamaye shriyam, karpoor iyla samyuktam. Sugandhit dravya. Sanyutam gandhodaakam, maya dattam Samarthan pratigrihayataam Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo namah. Ghandhodhodak snanam samarpayami. Shudhodak snanam samarpayami. 59.13 – 59.19- offering flowers: Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai nomoh namah. Sarvopjanarthe. Ghandhak akshatha pushpapam tulsi patram samarpayami, haridram, kumkum samarpayami. 1:00:40 – 49: Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namoh namah. Dhoopam samarpayami. Dipam dharshayami. Navaidyarthe, panchaamrutam shaisha naivedyamcha samarpayami. Aum Shri pranaya swaha, Aum Shri apanaya swaha, Aum Shri vyanya svaha, udanaya swaha, Aum shri samanay svaha, Shri Bhramanye Swaha, utara pashanam, hasta mukham, prakshalam samarpayami. Mukha vasate, pungi phalam, tambulam suphala nashakriya aksahram samarpayami. Mantra pushpam samrpayami. Namaskaromi anen kruta purva poojanena tena Mataji Shri Nirmala devyai prityartham. 1:03:40 – 1:07: 54 :- Aum tvam mahalakshmi hari om Hirannya-Varnnaam Harinniim Suvarnna-Rajata-Srajaam chandram hiranmayim lakshmim Jaatavedam avaham Taam avaah jaatvedo Lakshmiim-Anapagaaminiim Yasyaam Hirannyam Vindeyam Gaama-Ashvam Purussaan-Aham Ashva-Puurvaam Ratha-Madhyaam Hastinaada-Prabodhiniim Shriyam Deviim-Upahvaye Shriirmaa Devii Jussataam Kaam So-Smitaam Hirannya-Praakaaraam-Aardraam Jvalantiim Truptaam Tarpayantiim | Padme Sthitaam Padma-Varnnaam Taam-Iho pahvaye Shrim Chandraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalantiim Shriyam Loka Devye-Jussttaam-Udaram Taam Padminiim Sharannam-Aham Prapadye Alakssmiim-Me Nashyataam Tvaam Vrunne Aaditya-Varnne Tapasodhi-Jaato Vanaspatis-Tava Vruksso atha Bilvah Tasya Phalaani Tapasaa-Nudantu Maayam-tanaayaacha Baahyaa Alakssmiih Upaitu Mam Deva-Sakhah KiirtiCha Manninaa Saha Praadurbhuuto smiRaassttre smin Kiirtim-Rddhim Dadaatu Me Kssut-Pipaasaa-Malaam Jyesstthaam-Alakssmiim Naashayaami-Aham Abhuutim-samrudhim Cha Sarvaam Nirnnuda Me Grhaat Gandha-Dvaaraam Duraadharssaam Nitya-Pussttaam Kariissinniim Ishwariing Sarva-Bhuutaanaam Taam-Iho pahvaye Shriyam Manasah Kaamam-Aakuutim Vaacah Satyam-Ashiimahi | Pashuunaam Ruupam-Annasya Mayi Shriih Shrayataam Yashah Kardamena Prajaa-Bhuutaa Mayi Sambhava Kardama | Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Maataram Padma-Maaliniim Aapah Srjantu Snigdhaani CHikliita Vasa Me Grihe | Ni Cha Deviim Maataram Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Aardraam Yah Karinniim Yassttim Suvarnnaam Hema-Maaliniim | Suuryaam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha Aardraam Pusskarinniim Pussttim Pinggalaam Padma-Maaliniim | Chandraam Hirannmayiim Lakssmiim Jaatavedo Ma Aavaha Tam avaha jaatvedo Tam Ma Aavaha Jaatavedo Lakssmiim-Anapagaaminiim | Yasyaam Hirannyam Prabhuutam Gaavo Daasyo shvaan Vindeyam Puurussaan-Aham Yah Shucih Prayato Bhuutvaa Juhu-Yaad-Aajyam-Anvaham | Suuktam Pan.chadasharcam Cha Shriikaamah Satatam Japet Padmanane Padma Uuru Padma-Akssii Padmaa-Sambhave Tvam Maam Bhajasva Padma-Akssii Yena Saukhyam Labhaame Aham Ashva-Daaya Go-Daaya Dhana-Daayi Mahaa-Dhane Dhanam Me Jussataam Devi Sarva-KaamaamshCha Dehi Me Padma-Nane Padma Patre Padma priya Padma dalaye -Akssi | Vishva-Priye Vishva Mano-nukuule Tvat-Paada-Padma Mayi Sannidhatsva Putra-Pautra Dhanam Dhaanyam Hasty-Ashva-adi-Gave Ratham Prajaanaam Bhavasi Maataa Aayussmanam Karotu tume 1:08:20 – 1:09:00 Prajanam bhavse mata ayushmanam karo tume Dhanam agni dhanam vayu dhanam surya dhanam vasu dhanam indro bruhaspati dhanam astume vainatheya somam piba somam pibathu vruthraha 1:09:27 – 1:10:40 Soman dhanasya somino nahyam dhathaathu somina na krodho na cha mathsaryam na lobho na asubhaa mathi bhavanthi krutha punyaanaam bhakthyaam shri sooktham jaapinaam sarasijanilaye sarojahasthe dhavalatharaamkushe gandhamaalyasobhe Bhagavathi hari vallabhe manojne thribhuvana bhhothikari praseedha mahyam 1:10:52 – 1:11:00 Vishnupathneem kshamaam devim madhavim madhavapriyaam 1:11:24 – 1:11:30 Lakshmipriya sakheem devim namaami achuytha vallabhaam 1:11:56 – 1:12:31 Maha lakshmaicha vidmahey Vishnu patni cha dheemahi tanno Lakshmi prachodayaath Shri varchchswama ayusyham aarogyam aaveedhaa Shobhaamaanam maheeyathe dhanam dhanyam pashum bahuputhra laabham satha samvathsaram dheerghamayu iti shri suktam samaptam Sakshat Shri Adishakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah 1:13:00 – 1:15:39 Prasiddhatham prasiddhatham prasiddha parameshwari twam svaha twam svadha twam hi vasat-karah swara-atmika Sudha twam akashara nitye trithamatra-atmika sthita ardha-matra sthita nitya ya anucharya visheshatah twameva satwam savitri twam devi Janani para Tvaya etad dharyate viswam tvaya etat srujyate jagat tvaya etat palyate devi twam atsyante cha sarvada. Visrstau shrusti-rupa tvam sthiti-rupa cha palane, tatha samhrti-rupaante jagato sya jagan-maye. Maha-vidya maha-maya maha-medha maha-smrtih, maha-moha cha bhavati maha-devi maha-asuri. Prakritis twam cha sarvasya gunatraya-vibhavini kala-ratrir maha-ratri moha-ratris cha daruna Twam sris twam isvaris twam hris twam buddhir bodha-laksana lajja pustis tatha tustih twam santih khsantir eva cha. Khadgini sulini ghora gadini chakrini tatha shankhini chapini bana bhushundi paridhayudha Soumya soumay tar ashesa, saumyebhay tvaati-sundari, paraparana parama tvameva parameshwari Yacha kin-chit kvachid vastu sud sada. Akhila-atmike, tasya sarvasya ya saktih satwam kim stuyase tdaa. Yaya tvaya jagat-srasta jagatpatyaati ,yo jagat, so’pi nidra-vasam nitah kas twa stotu mihiisvarah Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namoh namah 1:17:10 – 1:30:04- Shri Shiva names Anant amerishwar, akhilo, akhileshwar, mayo maheshwara, ardhayo, ardhaishwara, Hemadri, Bhuraya, Hemangshu, Hemangi, Hemavahi, Hemapati, Hemasana, Hematatvo, Hemalakshana, Hemachandro, Hemapralaya, Sivomahadevashya, Skandhovskandheshwar, Skandvruoursha, Skandapurush, Atmaparamatma, Sahasradeva, Saharataksha, Sahasrapad, Sahashrahasta, Sahashramukha, Shashrapari, Ahkashava, Ahakasvopari, Parmesha, Parmeshwara, Prakash, Prakashewara, Sarvesha, Sarveshwara, shvetaswa, Shweteshwara, shukleshwara, Shuklambara, Nilokantho, Nileshwara, Trishulapani, Trishuleshwara, Trishulabrur, Apaneshwara, Shahastramukutai, Mukutaieshwara, Shaktivan, Shaktiiswara, Ako-u-akeashwara, Jagatsahasraro, Jagatdeshwara, Viratarupo, Virta-atma Jagatshaiylo, Gyanashwara, Arodho, Nitya- Niyta-lohaya, Nityaravi, Nidhyastithi, Nirmalo, Nirmalatrma, Nirmalahitayo, Nirmalatatva, Brahama-bhramatva, Brahama, Nirakaro, Nirupa, Nanamuneshwara, Chandro, Chandreshwara, Chandrabharo, Chandrika, Chandrashobh, Hridyahasta, Balachandro, Chandrapriya, Mrigyaksho, Mrigapati, Mrigpriya, Pashupati, Pashusheshwara, Pashuhasta, Chandramukha, Chandrapani, Chradrashu-Chandrashekhara, Tamasi, Tamasopari, Atyaidiggdho, Rajeshwara, Sarvaghakhga, Saravahasta, Sarvashakti, Sarvapriya, Sarvamukha, Sarvarupa, Sarvadakshi, Sarveshwara, Sarvakarta, Sarvamaya, Sarvaatmaya, Sarvajoyti, Sarvabhuddi, Sarvadeha, Sarvarohi, Sarvakshi, SarvAgnyaana, Sarvaviddh, Sarvachri, Sarvadhami, Sarvadakshi, Sarvabhyaksha, Nishkata, Niragami, Nishcharin, Gyaanopari, Vidyatitah, Gunatitah, Rupatitah, Viteshwara, Sarvaradayai, Susarvatma, Atiatma, Nireshwara- Niranando, Nishkriya, Paramyogi, Bhasmapriya, Bhasmasheetal, Bhasamasana, Bhasmarupo, Bhasmeshwara, Bhasmaprasanaa,Bhasmatatva, Bhashmakarta, Bhasmavana, Moolamsarvam, Mooleshwara, Sarvabijadhikaranam, Adivajyaadikara, Adyasti-adishwara,Adibhuddho, Adikarta, Adikruto, Adiprasanam, Adisheetalo, Adisheetala, Sheetal-atma,Shishrira – rupa, Hemaatma, Niratma prasana atma, Sudha –atmach- asharirajaya, atyacharay-adimoolam, Adibija, Adicharanam, Adisushtam, Nabhieshwara, Nabhiratnam,Parambrahma-parmeshwara, Sahaja, Sahajeshwara, Prasnaatma, Prasaneshwara, Sura-sureshwara, Sukh-Dukh-hanta, Karuna-Karunarupa, Karuna-avtaro, Karuna-hitaya, Atipita, Piteshwara, Nago-Nageshwara, Nagendra, Nagokantho, Nagasundram, Naga-hasta-bhavanam, Bhuvaneshwaram, Bhavani pati, Bhupati, Haripriyo, Haripujya, Hariatma, Hari-hradhaya, Harimukha, Harirupo, Harishekara, Harishwara, Gangapato, Gangeshwara, Jatini, Jatavibhushita, Jatakirti, Jatadhrishta, Karunajata, Jateshwara, Nagajato, Nagahasta, Nagapadho, Naga-asana, Parmaviveko,Hansasana, Suchirupa, Suchiswara, Swetadevo, Gauravavana, Suchidevovimala, subhatma, Subhatatva,Shubrdaso- Vita, Sada- Shiva- Parmeshwara, Parmeshwarishwara, Prathamepratheswara, Kailasha – Himeshwara, Kailashe-Himatattwa, Kailas-Param-atmacha, Saharasra- Vymaliay-vasi, Sahasra-Vymalia-dhara,Vimalashiva, Chandrashiva, Sanatanashiva,Ananta-Shiva, Ananta-anando, Ananata vidhya, AnanatAgnyan, Ananat- atma, Ananat-tatva, Ananato-trikut-dhivala, Moksha-tatva, Moksha-atama, Moksha-iyana, Moksha-hridayaam, Dhyanvipavitra, Jagatpavitra,Vishwapavitra, Pavitratatva, Kailashshetra, Vihati, Hemashetra-vihati, Lalito, Lalitaeshwara, Lalitatma, Lalita-tatva, Lalita-rupa, Lalitatita, Sukhsmatita, Sarvatita, Atisukshma,Sukshma-gamya, Sukshmo-tama, Sukshma-tatva, Sukshma-atma, Anandachitta, Nirananda, Atmatita, Atmadeha, Shivatita, Paramshiva, Vishwa-Vishnu-tita, Sarva-vishnu-Brahmatita, Adibramha, Bramhaatma, Bramhma-tatva, Sarva-nadi-vishne-shwara, Nadiyatita, Nadi-atma,Parmachitta, chittahridaya, Chittatita, Chittishwara, Sarvachitta, Sarvaprakatachitta, Sarav-aprakata-prakatya-chitta, Dharmatito, Pujatito,Dhaynatito, Dhayanhridhya,Brahma-sutra-atmatavam, Brahmand-nishvasa, Swashatita, Ashutosha, Nityatrusta, Trushatita, Sarva-ekadesha-rudra-shaktya-sanaparmoparmeshwara, Sarva-ekadesha-rudra-shaktya-sanaparma-karta, Sarva-ekadesha-rudra-shakti-dwara-vikashnishwara, Jaganatho, Vishwanatho, Shailanarkto, Sailosha, Himadri-vishwa-vitta, Himashailay—ikashita, Himakoshay-samrut-atma, Himakirti, Hemotva-himabhasura, Himakshi-himapurit, Himavaybhava, Himaraas, Himatatva, Himahimantra, Himantarant-karana, Himantaranta-rathayantara, Guhayaprathama, Virakarta- Sukshama, Sukshama-chitta-sukshamantara, Daye-sukshmatita-paremshwara, Atma-nireshwara, Sukshma-sukshma-sukshmasama, gayasoon, Sakshyamyantr,Antara, Sukshmakaranatma, Sukshm-sukshma-sukshmo, Parmotama,Dayapakshaya(not Clear) , Sukshma-kalameshwara, Somashekara, Sukshma Shekara, Shakti-shekara, Chaitanyaa(not Clear), Krishna- Krishna –Krishnatita, Krishna-pingala,Krishnotama, Krishnasana, Krishnaatma,Krishnarupo, Krishna yadava, Krishna prano, Krishnaswasha, Krishnantaro, Krishnadayo, Krishnapujya, Radyakrishna, Keshavo-krishnashekhara, Krishnachoodo, Sadashiv, Trimukho, Trigunatmapataya, Dugdhha-rupo, Kamadhenu-ukto,Kamapatayai, Kamanatha, Kameshwaro, Kamavajrata, Kamatatva-kamarakta, Kamamaya, Kamamukta, Kamamurdhvaya, Parammoksha,Mokshatita, Nirmoksha,Shrimata Nirmala patayai, Shrimata Nirmala Ardhangay, Shrimata Nirmala Yukta, Shrimata Nirmala Nayika, Vyakta-avyakta,Parmabrahma, Sarva-vyapt- Vyapteshwara, Sarva-Vyapt-Parmeshwara, Anant-Brahma-Brahmeshwara, Trikuta-Kuta-Trighadha-Brahma, Bahunama-Namatita, Ananta-Nomanita-Mantraatma, Mantratita, Mantrakaruna, Prathamkaranay, Sarvakaruna, Karunatita, Prathamatita Achintya-Sarva Yukta-Yogeshwara, Shakshat Shri Adishakti Bhagavati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo Namah. 1:28:24to 1:39:28: Chapter 11 - Verses 3 to24 then from 41 to 55 from Durga Saptashati. Devi prapannārtihare prasīd prasīda mātarjagato‌, bhilasya| prasīdaviśveśvari pāhiviśvaṃ tvamīśvarī devi charācharasya ||3|| Adhāra bhūtā jagatastvamekā mahīsvarūpeṇa yataḥ sthitāsi apāṃ svarūpa sthitayā tvayaita dāpyāyate kṛtsnamalaṅghya vīrye ||4|| Tvaṃ vaiṣṇavīśaktiranantavīryā viśvasya bījaṃ paramāsi māyā| sammohitaṃ devisamasta metat- ttvaṃ vai prasannā bhuvi muktihetuḥ ||5|| Vidyāḥ samastāstava devi bhedāḥ| striyaḥ samastāḥ sakalā jagatsu| tvayaikayā pūritamambayaitat kāte stutiḥ stavyaparāparoktiḥ ||6|| Sarva bhūtā yadā devī bhukti muktipradāyinī| tvaṃ stutā stutaye kā vā bhavantu paramoktayaḥ ||7|| Sarvasya buddhirūpeṇa janasya hṛdi saṃsthite| svargāpavargade devi nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||8|| Kalākāṣṭhādirūpeṇa pariṇāma pradāyini| viśvasyoparatau śakte nārāyaṇi namostute ||9|| Sarva maṅgaḷa māṅgaḷye śive sarvārtha sādhike| śaraṇye trayambake gaurī nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||10|| Sṛṣṭisthitivināśānāṃ śaktibhūte sanātani| guṇāśraye guṇamaye nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||11|| Saraṇāgata dīnārta paritrāṇaparāyaṇe| sarvasyārtihare devi nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||12|| Haṃsayukta vimānasthe brahmāṇī rūpadhāriṇī| kauśāmbhaḥ kṣarike devi nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||13|| Triśūlachandrāhidhare mahāvṛṣabhavāhini| māheśvarī svarūpeṇa nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||14|| Mayūra kukkuṭavṛte mahāśaktidhare‌உnaghe| kaumārīrūpasaṃsthāne nārāyaṇi namostute||15|| Saṅkhachakragadāśārṅgagṛhītaparamāyudhe| prasīda vaiṣṇavīrūpenārāyaṇi namo‌உstute||16|| Gṛhītogramahāchakre daṃṣtroddhṛtavasundhare| varāharūpiṇi śive nārāyaṇi namostute||17|| Nṛsiṃharūpeṇogreṇa hantuṃ daityān kṛtodyame| trailokyatrāṇasahite nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute|18) Kirīṭini mahāvajre sahasranayanojjvale| vṛtraprāṇahāre chaindri nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute ||19|| Sivadūtīsvarūpeṇa hatadaitya mahābale| ghorarūpe mahārāve nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute||20|| Daṃṣtrākarāḷa vadane śiromālāvibhūṣaṇe| chāmuṇḍe muṇḍamathane nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute||21|| Lakṣmī lajje mahāvidhye śraddhe puṣṭi svadhe dhruve| mahārātri mahāmāye nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute||22|| Medhe sarasvati vare bhūti bābhravi tāmasi| niyate tvaṃ prasīdeśe nārāyaṇi namo‌உstute||23|| Sarvasvarūpe sarveśe sarvaśaktisamanvite| bhayebhyastrāhi no devi durge devi namo‌உstute ||24|| 1:32: 31 :- Shrri Mataji Speaking. 1:32: 45:-1:34:00 Dr Rustom narrating the verses above in English. 1:34:01 Resumes Durga sapstasi from stance 41 :- Vaivasvate‌உantare prāpte aṣṭāviṃśatime yuge| śumbho niśumbhaśhcaivānyāvutpatsyete mahāsurau ||41|| Nandagopagṛhe jātā yaśodāgarbha sambhavā| tatastaunāśayiṣyāmi vindhyāchalanivāsinī||42|| Punarapyatiraudreṇa rūpeṇa pṛthivītale| avatīrya haviṣyāmi vaiprachittāṃstu dānavān ||43|| Bhakṣya yantyāśca tānugrān vaiprachittān mahāsurān| raktadantā bhaviṣyanti dāḍimīkusumopamāḥ||44|| Tato māṃ devatāḥ svarge martyaloke cha mānavāḥ| stuvanto vyāhariṣyanti satataṃ raktadantikām||45|| Bhūyaścha śatavārṣikyām anāvṛṣṭyāmanambhasi| munibhiḥ saṃstutā bhūmau sambhaviṣyāmyayonijā ||46|| Tataḥ śatena netrāṇāṃ nirīkṣiṣyāmyahaṃ munīn kīrtiyiṣyanti manujāḥ śatākṣīmiti māṃ tataḥ||47|| Tato‌ hamakhilaṃ lokamātmadehasamudbhavaiḥ| bhariṣyāmi surāḥ śākairāvṛṣṭeḥ prāṇa dhārakaiḥ||48|| Sākambharīti vikhyātiṃ tadā yāsyāmyahaṃ bhuvi| tatraiva cha vadhiṣyāmi durgamākhyaṃ mahāsuram||49|| Durgādevīti vikhyātaṃ tanme nāma bhaviṣyati| punaścāhaṃ yadābhīmaṃ rūpaṃ kṛtvā himāchale||50|| Rakṣāṃsi kṣayayiṣyāmi munīnāṃ trāṇa kāraṇāt| tadā māṃ munayaḥ sarve stoṣyantyāna mramūrtayaḥ||51|| Bhīmādevīti vikhyātaṃ tanme nāma bhaviṣyati| yadāruṇākhyastrailokye mahābādhāṃ kariṣyati||52|| Tadāhaṃ bhrāmaraṃ rūpaṃ kṛtvāsajkhyeyaṣaṭpadam| trailokyasya hitārthāya vadhiṣyāmi mahāsuram||53|| Bhrāmarīticha māṃ lokā stadāstoṣyanti sarvataḥ| itthaṃ yadā yadā bādhā dānavotthā bhaviṣyati||54|| Tadā tadāvatīryāhaṃ kariṣyāmyarisaṅkṣayam ||55|| Shakshat Shri Adishakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namo Namah (ends 1:36: 48 ) 1:37: 08 :- inaudible mantras The following are being offered with relevant mantras :_ Vastra (clothes) Chandan (Sandalwood Powder) Akshat (Full grain rice coloured with Kumkum. (Not broken) Haridram (Tumeric Powder) (1:38:12) KumKum (Red Powder for the lotus feet decoration & forehead) Kajal (For Eyes) Sindhur (For Hair Parting) Kanka Sutram (Red Molli thread) Kankan (Bangles) Draviya (Money) Malapushpa (Flower Garland) Ends 1:42:41 1:46:10 Aum Twameva sakshat Shri Ekadesha Mukuta Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah 1:46:32 Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri ‘Raudra Mukuteshwari’ Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah 1:46:50 Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri Ekadesha ‘Shukla-Shwa-so-Hiteshwari Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi namoh namah 1:47:00 Aum twameva sakshat Shri Ekadesha Rkashaswa-Subh-Hiteshwari Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namah 1:47:25 Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri Ekadesha Shri-Suklashwa-Mukuta-Mata Shakshat Shri Adi Shakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namah 1:49 :10 :- Brahmahastam Shmaksha Sarva Karini, Padma Hastam Sarva Palini, Rudram Hastam Sarva Sanharini, Karuna Hastam Sarva Mochaiyini, Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah. Shakshat Shri Adishakti Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devyai namo Namah. 1:59:00 Aarti 2:03:08 PRAYER FOR FORGIVENESS: Twameva mata cha pita twameva (you are the mother and you are the father) Twameva bandhu-shcha Sakha twameva (you are the relation and you are the friend) Twameva vidya dravinam twameva (you are knowledge, you are sustenance) Twameva sarvam mama Deva Deva (you are everything O my God my God Aparadha sahasrani kriyante aharnisham maya (I commit a thousand sins from day to night) Daso’yam iti mam matwa kshamaswa Param’eshwari (Please accept me as your servant O Mother forgive me) Kshamaswa Param’eshwari Kshamaswa Param’eshwari (O Mother forgive me , O Mother forgive me) Awahanam na janami na janami tav’archanam (I do not know how to invoke You I do not know how to welcome You) Pujam ch’aiwa na janami Kshamya-tam Param’eshwari, Kshamya-tam Param’eshwari, Kshamya-tam Parem’eshwara (Forgive me, O Supreme Goddess Forgive me O Supreme one) Mantrahinam kriyahinam bhaktihinam Sur’eshwari (I have no mantras I have done nothing, I have no devotion O greatest of Goddesses) Yat pujitam mayadevi pari-purnam tadastu me (and yet whatever my prayers may have been to You, please fulfil them Mother through your grace) 2:04: 40 Jagadambe x 12 2:05:25 Allah ho akhbar x 16 English prayer......... 2:06 :50 Lords Prayer x 3 2:08:45 Maha Mantras (earlier version) Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri Mahalaxmi Mahasaraswati Mahakali Trigunatmika Kundalini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Sakshat Shri Bhagawati Sakshat Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Sakshat Shri Bhagawati Sakshat Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Aum Twameva Sakshat Shri Kalki Sakshat Shri Sahasrara Swamini Moksha Pradayani Mataji Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah 2:10:15 Maha Devi Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai Param brahma Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai