Talk at Sahaja Yoga Exhibition, Bucharest (Romania), 22 July 1992 The talk starts at 00:18:30 Very happy to meet all of you again here. I'm sorry I'm here for a very short time, but I have to travel to many countries. You people are something very unique type of Sahaja Yogis. Everybody is impressed the way you know all the songs by heart and the pronunciations also are so accurate. I hope you understand the meaning of these. To hear the last song - it is recent, very recent. Mr. Costian: It was the top on the Indian tour, Vishwa Vandita. Shri Mataji: Yes, it was. It is written by a blind poet, very famous. [Ravindra Jain] And he has written also, he has composed and written poetry for Ramayana, epic film. It's a ... I can't understand this man, because he just met Me three times and he has seen such things very deeply about Me that really I was amazed. He has described Me in such a manner that some people have not seen those points which he has seen. I think you have got the complete tape of Vishwavandita. Also you seem very much in tune now. Something remarkable. Now, we have to meditate. You must find some time. Not now. I mean, unless and until you meditate, you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. Not only individually, but in collectivity. Then only you grow well. Really, I don't know how to express My joy after seeing you all. It's such a surprise, such a surprise to see you all here. Any problems you have, you can tell on My photograph, then it will work out. You are very powerful people. You will be surprised how miracles work through you. Just assume your powers. Like, supposing we ask a person who thinks he is a beggar to sit on a throne, then he still begs. But forget it, you are now really sitting on the throne. Now you have become. So now you become the citizens of God's Kingdom. Just assert your powers. May God bless you all. Also, you will develop confidence. Don't be afraid, don't be shy. Just take a bandhan before doing that. That's the protection. May God bless you all. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi