NIRMALA YOGA नि में ला यो ग Jan Feb 11 BI-Monthly H. H. MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI nigue Magerine of Mahu Yogi thut rin the crewni all the religion and seel in f Yogn by uctuslizine the Experience r YngTHEUNTON -: AVAHAN :- "In SAHAJA YOGA, all the religions are respected because all the incarnations and previous prophets are in us. We know it for definite that they exist within us on our Centres. First, before starting the marriage, we had to ask them to come and be present on this function. This is called AVAHAN. Now, they were all there. So we are now to thank them that you have been here and the marriage has been successful, In SAHAJA YOGA we are going to break all the barriers which make religions and people separate. All fanatical nonsence, old ideas which have propped up to make money out of religion, all these we are going to completely abolish and make one reiigion for all the humanity, which is religion of GOD, the religion of our evolution. May God bless you all' Н. Н. МАТАJI on the occasion of marriage of Catherine & Gregoire on 1st Jan. 81 at RAHURI AFTER REALIZATION 1. The awareness space of the conscious mind has increased. Ego and super-ego gradually drop down and are sucked back into Pingla and Ida. respond to the messages from the Holy Spirit. They read other human beings systems. They direct as awareness our spiritual growth. 2. The ascended Kundalini establishes a direct link with the unconscious. It mani- 4. Collective Consciousness is achieved. The attention is drawn inside because of the inward happening of Kundalini's rise. fests as the flow of vibrations. 3. The deities on the chakras are awekened. 5. Ina fully mature realised being, the Deities ascend from their place of work in the Chakra, to their own seats within the Sahastrara. This is the stage of complete They are the reflections of the original deities on the Adi Chakras of the Virata and they "organize" accordingly. As they are linked together by the ascended Kundalini the persona- our awareness Divine integration. --The Advent [III-4 (92)/ lity becomes integrated. They decode and माताजी का पत्र लन्दन दिनांक २-६-१६८० マーモーをきちo मतप्रीय सहजयोगी मंडळी यांस आशिर्वादि बनेश्वरी जो कार्यक्रम निश्चित केला आहे तो पूर्णपणे यशस्वी पुण सर्व परमेश्वरी कार्याला नवीन शक्ति प्राप्त होणार आहे. होणार आमचे लक्ष आहेच. पुणकरांनी पुण्याचे पुषण्य सार्थक केले। ह्यात आमचे काय विषेश आरहे । जे तुमचे होते ते जाणले व मिळविले । हेच आमच्या प्रसन्नतेचे निघान आहे । सहजयोगाचा महायोग वडत आहे । त्याची सुरवात बनेश्वरी होणार आहे । इकड़े यूरोपमध्येगी जोरांत कार्य सुरू झाले आहे। ह । मी नोव्हेम्बर मध्यें ये ईन । तोपयंन्त खेडोपाडीं सहजयोगाची पताका झळकली पाहिजे । ह्वर्षी बरीच मंडळी भारतात येणार आहेत तुम्हा सर्वांना अत्यंत प्रेमपूर्वक आशोर्वाद. तुमवी सदेव आई- निरमंला LONDON 2-9-1980 My dear Sahaja Yogis, The programmes which you have arranged at Baneshwar will certainly be very successful. Our attention is there. All God's work will now have a new dynamism. Sahaja Yogis of Pune have given fulfilment to the "Punya' of Pune. special of mine in it. Whatever is with you has been discovered by you and accepted. This is the source of joy. There is nothing Sahaja Yoga is evolving as Maha Yoga. Baneshwar seminar will manifest that. Work has now commenced on very large scale in Europe also. This year many people will be coming to our holy land. I will come in November. Till then the message of Sahaja Yoga should reach every village. My affectionate blessings to all. Ever Yours, Your mother Nirmala Translation of Marathi Letter. त सन्देश मह। याग शा अम य आ ग)याह। सी ने ह wरो की अंज्दा समय आ ०य । ह ৭6।या ६सा आ२।) सरळ!॥ u रही है। जी तन के जना आन्ल साद॥तरवेार ५1 २ दो दि ५ रिवने रहे वृद्षा मे 21र ३। म Sक+ २६ ह ६। सव सभय का डॉी म81। मे ा२ आ। ॥ईे दै। सब सयय वा नतु उस महापुग ज/২ / ३॥ कि, २वेल हइस यथ की धथोणणा अने क भाविष्यवादि के ने । স मे ७i//io Blo ke की N/6 भविव्यवादिषवयो न दिये. ड4नक खेल ध इस हैम मु ২ NTor क/० william Blake ২ ১ दे । े ।ाश 4 े जौर 3नकी भवित्यकाक या वा०ी उ-। ६/शे ि १ थी (उपामe&} is) (sL का ३कवात जहा उ यो Sपाey/.%) ोगा *त६म या सी ambeth vale) प्र चम केन्द्र की गोध पडी है (८amde% ok और गहाँ दोनो हि जगह के बारे थे लेरवंना पह़व अश्यार्थजनक है| 3714 प/5) म8 31 , बইস হলা এd आ2थननक है। कि स श्री नि२्वा गवा है /क सर्वसामान्य को 21६ अथित र दिophet) भनाया जाउ11 जो गक विणेो ज ५ाडीमा बबक अरश्ूत ४बन अहभूत ॐ।ृन न डमने बेषिल पिक शा) शर्वने की मा हक 10/1414118! अथने शईने को पाड़गा । वस अरभत २rdीशtा १ जैसे आने का प्रेश्िट जन कानृजन करगा /सहजयो म भो २६ 21211 6बयो / अडी हि ा६न और सहैसती जान उनकी इ्स कार्बसा HEI 317 आ। या। काश /--ह4 स जय ७।/न क/२)। अडी हि1६ और २/ + | आ२ ६२/ के सहजयेी ड/् नड। मे ५८क२ S। आ/नन्ट १भी भी इसततह आान से अलक बो जॉप लो सहजयोग के २4 >g|ता और सकी पह्चान ने। अ न/ नता अपन॥ ना महान कर्तव्य हो जाधगा । ्रव्य ही जाडग 3-141 सामयोग से अंकुरित कुन्ड लिनी से हि परिक्त। अकुरिव कुड लेनी से हि परिव्त न दहि ह। +।।जो जीवन्त शाढी है वही जीवना ider २। t৮। कि सिवाय और क२ सकती है | परेवल न ह। भाग नही सरा कोई मागे नही है। और 4 के +ा ्ड समझदारी से हि येै (asf औनिम निर्ण येहे (Last प्रेमा मे मिचित ि समझा २4সस॥ ति म ्चरण य८् अतिम ्चरण है। ३से -थर०ा ज सकला है। यह प्भू क के जा सकल॥ अत्यन्त औदायथे चूरी J५ नेद ९nevt ) । foaor बेद् ement २- सरना ६। ५।०न ०&न। -और भों के कोल८६५ से ०४ना ६ुमा ५ावन सरना है| -और माँ को भलदू स करे/ उस ১{ 34 24 ও414/६ अपने मुन्हर कर ले । १२ ।२८ ये आलो रि आप हि अपने को परखिवये औ अपने औी थि 341M J& अती भून्छर आन्यासे अपनना स१ को 311T 31त शिर्वाद मरने है अने क, आशि वान 31।/2। व अनक सर् ओों । सैबैव माँ- भिनीला ও।की हि 311पकी हिहू सदैव ও1।५क RECEPTION TO SHRI C. P. SRIVASTAVA It was a memorable joyous evening for the Delhi people when they welcomed Shri C. P. Srivastava amongst them on 4th January, 1980. Follow- ing is the text of his address on the occasion. Mr. Subra nanyam and dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis of Delhi, gratified. Perhaps, may mention to you years ago when our two daughters were still little children and they were growing up, we both agreed that our first responsibility as parents must be to bring them up pro- perly, educate them and to see that they are properly married and settled in life and then she would be free to devote herself to the that May I say first of all, how very grateful I am to all of you for the honour, kindness and affection you have chosen to bestow upon me, this evening. For me it is an experience which is very wooling and I assure you, I will cherish it for a long time. wider family of Humanity. She kept her word Sahaj Yoga is now the very life of my and I kept mine. My daughters grew up. Credit for bringing them up naturally goes my wife And as Sh. Subramanyamji said, to her, because I was really very busy with she has played the role of a wife, a perect my official duties and she gave me tremen- dous support by looking after the children, now a perfeot Grandmother and what she is and the house and taking over every pos- doing now for the Humanity is something sible responsibility except my office work, which makes me particularly proud and most which I kept to myself. Now, when the wife, whom you call Mataji; who still remains wife, if I may say so, a perfect Mother and are. We, in India have a certain degree of daughters grew up, the question of their marriage came up and that was the test of contentment. We have a rich culture behind us, we have wonderful tradition, Our marvel- lous traditions have a very happy blend of her upbringing and the test of children and so I asked my daughters, "that now you have grown up, you have travelled widely, you materialism and spiritualism. In the West. have been abroad to many countries and spiritualism has declined and therefore, well educated, it is up to you to decide in there is more inner turmoil. Everywhere, the what way would you like to get married", people are looking for something. They want to know what is beyond this material But as my wife had brought them up in true Indian tradition, both of them said, that It world we see; what is our destiny as human was our duty as parents to find proper beings. There is now, a moment in human history, when some new revolution, spiritual bridegrooms for them and so whatever we decided was their decision: Living as we revolution has to come about if the huma- were in Bombay, the people there some- nity is to be saved, otherwise war, conflict, strife will destroy humanity: It is in this con- have been so well educated and widely text, I see in Sahaja Yoga the beginings of a travelled etc. would get married in our tradi- new movement for humanity and I, therefore, tional Indian style and custom, following wish to assure you that I feel proud of what you are doing as Sahaja Yogis and Sahaj found bridegrooms for them, both are hap- Yoginis--true selfless love for each one, for everyone, Irue dedication to the ideals which are being promoted and these are times did not even believe that girls, who ancient Indian values. So as parents, we pily married and well settled. Ever since then, my wife has been devo- ting her time, not only time I would say her soul to Sahaja Yoga and I have seen how wonderous her endevours have Been. m a in U.K. and I might tell you, what I have seen wonderful values. I have seen the wonders of Sahaja Yoga world that we live in, when you look up the I lead a very busy life because of my respon- sibilities but once I was very grateful to my wife and Sahaja Yogis when they invited me to a function, about a month ago and there I saw a group of, may be 200-300 people, old, young, middle aged and children. They all seemed like happy family. They had come and bring spiritual development of the from different paris of the country. All were individuals. Now, to my way of thinking, the together, happy and cheerful with a face world is in turmoil. Not only in India, there which exuded a certain amount of divinity. is trouble everywhere. I find that really They were happy and peaceful, very different human being is in turmoil, within himself from the usual crowd you see, full of tension, and outside. And then what is the need of anger and bitterness; nothing seemed to the hour ? Rich countries are no better. affect them. One thing touched me most newspapers in the morning, you find stiife, trouble, accidents and so on. She wants to bring peace, peace in a spiritual sense. Where there is animosity she wants to subs- titute love for that, where there is bitterness, she wants to substitute harmony for that They might have more material goods but was that several ladies came one by one, inside they are even more troubled than we some of them with tears in their ayes, came to my wife, while I was sitting by her side saying, "Mother, you have saved me and my my deep gratitude to all of you for the love son, who had gone astray, had taken to that you are giving my wife, because you drugs and alcohol and has now been saved. represent a fulfilment of her dream; it was He has come back to the family. Now We her dream to build up a certain together- are a joyous family. How can we thank you ness-a togetherness of spiritualism, a cer- enough for this ?" Another lady comes tain awareness of ultimate reality. Therefore, along and says", My daughter was going the your presence here is to me the embodiment, way, we did not like and your Sahaja Yoga the fulfilment of a dream she always had. has brought her back to the family and now we are a united and happy family again". affection you have for her. I thank you very To my way of thinking, even if one individual much for the kindness shown to me today. can be saved in this fashion, it is a unique I can only say that if in any way, my activities With these few words I want to express I want to thank you for all the love and achievement. If two can be saved it is better can be of slightest assistance to her, she but if dozens and hundreds can be saved it has them; she has all her time for Sahaja is marvellous. I feel this is a movement Yoga and I am very happy about it. I wish which holds great promise for humanity, she had not 24 but 48 hours in a day. What- provided it is pursued strictly in accordance with your values. Values are very very impor- very nice way. It is always embarassing to tant, particularly in today's world. Though, talk about one's own wife, but this relation- there has been a decline all over the world ship is just a fact of life and there is a higher in these values which established our human relationship that you have with her. ever is available, she devotes herself in a society, yet we need to revive our values, and sustain them. I want to assure you that values in India, my own country, and I say you may not perhaps see. She has believed so in all humility and sincerity, are about the in not taking but in giving always. You know best as anywhere in the world. There is no country better than India, there are no There are many qualities in her, which we have relations of all kinds, some are well to do; many not so well to do; some are people better than Indians, if only we remember and become Indians. Being born red within our precincts at any stage of our in India is not enough, we must respect the service life, whatever we had, it was always values, which make India a great country, shared between my children and other chil- and Indians, the wise people. Our tradition is marvelious, very very rich. But we some- times cease to be ourselves. Now, if we own daughters and other daughters or sons become true Indians in the path of wisdom, who had gathered. This was from the very which our forefathers laid down for us and beginning. This is the kind of person that she we really develop spiritually ourselves the way this lady, my wife, is propagating, I have surprised that she is flowering into a spiri- no doubt at all, that a wonderful spiritual tual person. Divinity is her own right. This uplifting is well on the way. poor, some are in need and whoever gathe- drens in exactly the same way, and there never was a slightest difference between our has always been and therefore, I am not is not something which has just happened 6. today. It has been there for sometime. It is vastava's discipline is so great that I do not becoming known more, now. The movement know how he manages it. For example, for is spreading. It is a movement which is time, he is so particular, so also for consi- voluntary. U.K., France, Germany and other deralion of others, for attending to his work. European countries, Australiaand of course, to see the people who come to see him. to India is the motherland for this. May this see what he has to say, how far to say, what movement grow. May more Sahaja Yogis to say at the right time. There is so much participate in its activities and may we Sahaja in him, so much inborn in him that revive in India the great Indian spiritual at the right time, he will say the right thing. And above all the brilliance, he has, so values of which we should justly feel proud. I shall conclude now, by thanking you for much that he comes to the right conclusion the honour you have done me today and the immediately. He was not a realised soul, now I think he has touched the Sahastrar. very thoughtful gift which you have chosen to present to me-Goddess Lakshmi, May Buteven before this, he would reach the right Goddess Lakshmi shower on you all her conclusion As you have seen about Sahaja Yoga also, he has taken a right attitude. To take the right attitude is only possible, if you are really intelligent otherwise, those who are not, cannot Pure intelligence means that there is no bias of ego or super-ego, no conditioning and you could see it in its pure It is very embarassing in this way to form. You can see that he has allowed me blessings-A/ways. Later, Her Holiness Mataji addres- sed the gathering thus : speak about Mr. Srivastäva. Today, I am very happy that you are honouring him to work. To accept that I should do all this work is in itself a very big sacrifice for a man. because if he was not supporting me I None of you would allow your wife to lea could not have done anything, Apart, from you for 3 months. Itis a great sacrifice but that, as he said about values, I have yet to because he has seen that this is the way, he come across a person who has values as Mr. Srivastava himself has. The difference not only allows me, but you know how gene- rous he is about everything. We see things is that you can imbibe values after self- and even understand rationally that this is realization very easily, but even before self- good, still they are not identified with our- realization he has them. He is a very honest selves. While I see in him, his own disci- man. He bought ships worth crores and pline; when he rationally accepts something crores of rupees and never he thought of or thinks that it is correct then he just does any kind of dishonesty and he is a man of it. This is something which you have to learn great discipline. I think what we lack is from someone who has done this all his life. | used to be amazed, as to how he used to disciplined have themselves grewn very identify! There is so much integration in his much and helped others to grow. But if actions and his understanding. This is some- Sahaja Yogis do not have discipline of thing which really surprises me. because Sahaja Yoga, then Sahaja Yoga will be like after realization after great Tapasya, one can any other nonsensical institution Mr. Sri- achieve such a integration. We say one discipline. As it is, the countries which are thing and do another, like so many people this way. But it is his own understanding. who criticise this, criticise that but when it If the people have that intelligence, then it comes to them, they will do themselves the would not be necessary for us to go round same. If he has risen high; many people say to persuade them. that it is Mataji's blessings even if it is partly that; stifl I would say ihat anyone like- him would rise, specially in a country like my mother used to say that only Shankar ours, where people see the honestly and can marry you, the way you are innocent integrity and high moral character as some- and the way you are generous; because I thing special. Since I have come to India saw anybody poor or needy I would take out this time, he has been honoured by so many everything from my mother's Bhandar (store) institutions and so many people that I was amazed, how much he is respected. After whom you would marry; the poor fellow will all, he is like any other beaureacrat, other- have to be poor like Shankar because you wise but the way he is identified with the wiil glve away everything that he will have' Another thing is that when I was a child, and give it. She would say "I do not know I am not an But I am like that, it is my Nature. If anybody ideals. He is a man of ideals easy wife to live with because, as you know, says, I like a thing, I will forget and will give I do not allow any hanky-panky in my own it to him. He has a complaint that I have life. When he joined Indian Administrative even given away our engagement ring. But Service, you won't believe that he was first from one side I gave from other side it came. selected in tndian Foreign Service. He was getting much more pay but I told him that not easy for any husband to tolerate; the way first we have to serve our own country and I am generous. Again, my overloving nature not go abroad to foreign countries. He for all of you. He understands that, I have accepted to join I.A.S. not because I him to but because he thought it was proper you come and disturb me, the people have that we should serve our motherland. He been disturbing me much more now. Some- suffered a lot in LA.S. but he still stuck to thing happens, they must think of Mother, his ideals. I think, one should really imbibe they must come. from him this disčipline of mind. This disci- always; somewhere with somebody. He has pline of the mind is that, whatever one should been very patient in going through all this. accept with one's mind, should be in one's He can understand me as my husband. He action. You should be proud of your virtue. has all those qualities from his childhood. As you know, what company and status he He is a self-made man, absolutely honest has but he does not drink a drop of wine. One may just say that it is because of he never gossips I hate gossiping myselfand Mataji. But, I have never told him to do so. he tiever gossips. Again, he has created an Of course, I have said that I don't like drin- image in his international world that it is a king, but I have never told him not to drink; family that he is looking after. So you people I am not in that way interfering at all. I have also have to understand, if you have to be never told him about Sahaja Yoga also in Sahaja Yogis, you have to imbibe all these Now he knows that. This nature of mine is tremendous feeling for you. Of course, when asked The emergency exists person, he never tells a lie, no hanky-panky, Values, otherwise Sahaja-Yoga will be com- pletely doomed. Sahaja Yogis have to come see them first of all; we should not see the up, they have to decide that they have not defect of others. We, Indians have particu- to tell lies, they have to be honest, they have lar type of defects, which we should try to to believe that the God, the almighty is their cure The other day, in our programme, father and he is going to look after his chil- some people came, who are starting an dren. We have to change the map of this agitation in Maharashtra. 1 told them, world, particularly of our country. It needs "there is no use of starting an agitation people of character and people who are because when you had the Govt., what did fearless, who will face life as honest people. you do ? At the most, you would, form the We have not lost anything; you have seen Govt. again. what will you de then ? They that with God's Grace when we had nothing replied, "what could we do now, some sugar also, we were happy. Once we had a theft magnate has taken so much money, has and all my saris and all his clothes, every- hoarded all the things and has raised the thing was lost, nothing was left. As we had prices and now he is cashing because he little money at that time and he had no has been paying for the election !" I said, clothes, so I told him to have his clothes "Now you decide. from the Sahaja Yoga first and I could'nt buy them for myself; I had point of view, that you will not vote for a people. Whatever are our defects, we should only one silk sari for seven years. But we managed it and it worked out so well after that. Wheather you have it or not, is not the point, the way you live your life is important. Sahaia Yogis must start. Let us all combine man who gives you money or sells votes for money. Even for food, we sell our votes; we do not have self-restraint". At least Also, it is not easy to be my children, together and decide that neither will we have because I know what you do, I know every- any dishonest methods from any corner, at thing about you. I also corect you, you know that. But when you are sticking to me, it also shows that you belong to a category We will have to fight it, then only our coun- of people, bent upon evolving and being try is going to improve. Now, to begin with better people through inner transformation. we will have to do some sacrifices, as you To be a Sahaja Yogi is not an easy thing: have seen I had also to sacrifice But it is that you can pay some money and become not so difficult to sacrifice. I could see members and become Mataji's disciples. other women who had such a lot of orna- Even where you have become my disciples, ments and this and that but I have never you have to pass certain tests and you have felt like having these. Instead, 1 am proud of to work hard for it, you have to do a lot of Tapasya, living in your family. That you have This was the greatest ornament and pride been doing, so I feel very happy and proud that a woman can have. In the same way all of you as I am of him (Sir C. P. Srivastava) Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis must think and I would fike you to see how he has led of virtues. We have a little bit to assert our his life. You can ask peo ple, how he is so honest, so good, so compassionate, to all the any cost nor will we have anyone elected whom we know is not honest and upright. the fact that my husband is a man of virtue. will power; everybody has little weaknesses. Instead of justifying it, they should just try to assert own will-power to cure it. I am sure a day will come when Mr. Srivastava this country changing in real fashion, as he himself has been changing and may be one of these days, he will work Articles will see Experiences side by side with us. We need such people who are seekers of divinity, and have come on this earth to transform this pattern of things. May God bless you. are requested What is it ?... It io an awakening in the opirit, it io an awakening in the inner Yeo. the opiritual awakening is the moot deptho of the heart... life, and it io the sole purpooe of being. eddential thing in man o Secrets of the Heart by KAHLIL GIBRAN Thanks ! ur heartiest felicitations to Shri C. P. Srivastava for his unanimous re-election as the Secretary Gene- ral of International Maritime Conference. Consequent to his re-election for another five years, London will continue to be a unique place of the world in being the centre for Sahaja Yoga activities. We enjoy the happiness of London Sahaja Yogis and pray for all-round success to them in their efforts to spread sacred knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Mr. Srivastava is the first and foremost, the only patron of Sahaj Yoga. He has been gratituously and silently meeting the expenses of all programmes. Thanks to his generosity, our beloved Mother is able to travel to meet Her disciples in different parts of the world and grant en-masse self realization All Sahaja Yogis join to gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of Mr. Srivastava to the Divine work and pray for his success, prosperity, 0 Shri C. P. Srivastava health and happiness, 10 FEARLESSNESS A realized being is someone who has felt the wind of the Spirit and whose Sahasrara Chakra has been opened. He is not yet a real Sahaja Yogi. A real Sahaja Yogi is someone who understands and realises in his life a few basic principles of behaviour. One of them is fearlessness. Fear is a cloud full of murmurds and, sometimes full of horror which spreads from the left side through the heart chakra into the field of consciousness. Why do we fear ? Some of the Sahaja Yogis are saints whose /da Nadi still store the memory of past lives' persecutions. Some others, in their seeking explorations have been exposed to the various aspects of hell. And a few are jusl plain cowards. Yet, fear is nothing but a cloud ! It has no substance, no reality Actually it is fear which creates its own object : the thing we fear is created by fear itself. For, there is simply nothing to be afraid of within the glorious beauty of reality. This reality can be encompassed in one statement : Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mother of Sahaja Yogis is Sakshat, the incarnated Adi Shakti. This is a fact. This fact cannot be affected by mere opinions about it. Do we realize that Her Power is beyond the scrutiny of the Trimurties ? Have we read in the Devi Mahatmyam how the gently smiling Goddess became an enraged demons killer for the sake of Her children ? Do we understand again that this is not a mythological tale but the actuality ? How dare we fear ? Really, if we look straight into our various fears, they will vanish : the clouds dissipate when searched with the stronger beam of enlightened attention. Shri Mataji always says : "Never forget that your Mother is very powerful, that, She knows everything and that She loves you very much". So, to become fearless, a Sahaja Yogi has simply to realize the truth, the depth and the power of this statement. To do so, we need actualizing the nature, the divine nature of our relationship to Shri Mataji. And the One who can help us in this, is the great child-God : Shri Ganesha- Christ. So, it may well be concretely helpful to pray in our mooladhara and agya chakras so as to become better aware that we are sakshat children of the Adi Shakti. And we should also pray Shri Jagadamba in the heart chakra to bless us with a strong feeling of security. The key to the success of these prayers is, of course, surrender. Indeed, a Sahaja Yogi can always take refuge behind the indistructible all perva- And then we also become Her ding cosmic shield of Shri Bhagawati's attention, swords, because the fearless attention of an enlightened being starts burning away many forms of negativity. Fear itself is afraid of you when you are fearless! With my best regards and JAI MATAJI Gregoire de Kalbermatten ZUERICH 11 कबीर और सहज योग क। ा रा मूलाधारस्थ घरती रूप कुण्डलिनी ऊर्ध्वमुखी होकर शकाश रूप मेरू-शिखर अथवा गगन-मण्डल के लिए अग्रसर होने लगती है, अ्र्थात जब कुण्डलिनी आज्ञा चक्र का भेदन कर सहस्त्रार चक्र में पहुँचती देखि देखि जिय अचरज होय, ईपद वृु बिरला कोय ! घरती उलटि अरकासहि जाय, चिउंटी के मुख हस्ति समाय ! है, साधक निरविचारिता अर्थात शुन्यावस्था को प्राप्त होता है। सात्विक बुद्धि अपनी सूक्ष्म वृदत्ति के कारण चींटी स्वभाव की हो जाती है, उसकी मूक्ष्म निग्रह वृत्ति के वशीभुत होकर भवोत्मत गजराजरूप मन अपने बग को अवरूद्ध पाता है। यही चींटी के में बिनू पवने जो परबत उड़े, जिया जन्तु सभ विरछा बुड़े ! मुख हाथी का समा जाना है। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बिना जो साधक साधना में लगति हैं उनका पर्वतरूप सूखे सरवर उठे हिलोर, बिनु जल चकवा करें किलोल ! मन अस्थिर ही रहता है, बह चंचल बृत्ति छोड़ नहीं पाता है। साधना के विकास कील में साधक का के बैठा पंडित पढ़े पुरान, प्रहकार रूप पर्वत बिना बायु ही उड़ जाता है। इस प्रकार, मन की उस चंचलावस्था में यावन्मात्र जीव, वृक्षरूप संसार में निमन्न हो जाते हैं। परन्तु आरत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद मन के स्थ र होते ही चित्त अपनी चचलता को त्याग देता है और साधक के शুष्क सरोवर रूप असंग, निबृत हृदय में आनन्द की बिनु देखे का करे बखान ! कहि कबीर जो पद को जान, सोई सन्त सदा परवान ! संत कबीर दास ने इस पद में सांकेतिक हिलोरें उठने लगती हैं। अर्थात सीमित हदय में प्रतीकों के द्वारा कूण्डलिनी-जागरण की साधना का वरन किया है। उनका कहना है कि यह देख में चुकबा रूपचित्त बिना प्रकृति रूप जल के, कर मूझे आश्चर्य होता है कि संसार में आकर जोवात्मा अनेक साधन-पद्धतियों में फंस कर, है। संसार में बिना आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ही पंडित स्वर्गादिक ग्रनेक सुखों की कल्पना के प्रति आकर्षित नामधारी लोग दूसरों को गलत उपदेश देकर भ्रम बनो रहती है, किन्तु आत्म परिचय रथवा आत्म में डालते हैं । बास्तक्रिकता यह है कि उस साध्य साक्षातकार के लिए प्रबृत्त को कोई विरला सूर ही समझ पाता है। सुरति योग कहना सम्भव नहीं है। कबीर दास जी कहते हैं कि अन्तर्मुखी बृत्ति अथवा उलट बांस करके साधक उस जो इस अत्म तत्त्व रूप पद को जानते हैं, वे प्रपंच- पद को पा लेता है अर्थात सत्वावस्था में उच्च- रहित होकर जीवन्मुक्त हो जाते हैं और ऐसे सन्तों पदस्थ होता है उस अवस्था में जड़ बनी हुई की वाणी हो यथार्थ प्रमारणा होती है। ब्रह्मानन्द की अनुभूति होने लगती है। उस अवस्था तन्मयावस्था में सुखात्मक स्थिति का अनुभव करता नहीं हो पाती। इस तथ्य सूप पद की प्राप्ति के विना, उसके सम्बन्ध में कुछ 12 REPORT FROM RAHURI Om Twamew Sakshat Shri Ganesh Sakshat Shri Mataji SHRI NIRMALA DEVI Namo Namah The turn of the year brought indescrib- land; all had Darshan of the lotus feet of the able blessings to all Sahaja Yogis, of Rahuri and surrounding areas when our Divine performed; in preparation of their marriage, Mother spent 4 days amongst them. The the bridegroom and the bride ware smeared visit was unique and of unprecedented joy with turmeric paste according to the local because H. H. Mataji's programme not only custom. included the blissful Kundalini Awakening sessions at various places, but also for the first time Shri Ganesh Havan was performed lini-awakening function held in newly cons- on 31st December, 1980, and the first day of tructed Vitthal-Rukmai temple in the village 1981, became a day of great rejoicing, when Aradgaon, which Mataji lovingly calls as our dear brother Gregoire from Switzerland Awadgaon (meaning King of the villages). was married to Catherine, in a colourful ceremony performed according to the local proposed to be built for which villagers have Hindu rites in the holy presence of Divine already donated land. Later in the evening, Mother with the full participation of about 400 Sahaja Yogis of all ages, who forgetting Manori-Renuka. (Renuka is one of the the superficial differences of age, sex, language or nationality drank deeply into Yoga has come into existence, here. The the gaiety of spiritual togetherness, expres- Villagers are much impressed here because sing itself through spontaneous, tremendous the villagers, who got their self-realization, flow of love and affection from their hearts, and became Sahaja Yogis were able to com- their faces, visibly shining with joy, like pletely give up drinking. Mataji was seated tchildrén bubbling with delight coming home Itogether to the warm and protected lap of sion by the villagers, In her speech, Mataji their everloving Mother. Divine Mother. The 'Haldi' ceremony was In the afternoon, there was mass Kunda- Near this village a Sahaja Yoga Ashram is the Mother visited another village named names of Devi). A new Centre of Sahaja in a bullock-cart and taken out in proces- expressed her joy in warking with rural masses, because they are more innocent, religious minded and have stronger faith in the presence of Divine power than the urban On the morning of 29th December 1980, Sahaja Yogis from surrounding areas received H. H. Mataji at Rahuri Railway Sta- people. About 2000 persons got realization tion. Thereafter, during a brief stay al Mr. at this occasion. Dhumal's residence nearby, they were joined by 50 Sahaja Yogis from Australia, U K., France, Spain, Portugal and Switzer- December, 1980, Mataji first visited the vil- On the morning of Tuesday, the 30th 13 lage, Takali-Miya, which is named after a Sahaja Yoga, as H. H. Mataji was worship- Muslim Auleya Saint, who lived there. The ped for the first time as Shri Ganesha, with Mother said in her speech "that in the past, his thousand names. H. H. Mataji mentioned there are very few flowers like Miya of this that the first piece of land and a big house village, but now the time has come when for the first Sahaja Yoga Ashram has been there will be very many flowers on the tree made available at the village Sangam near through Sahaja Yoga". foreign Sahaja Yogis, present to visit the the donation by the gracious lady (mother- holy spot where the Miya was cremated; and in-law of Sh. Dhumal) who was present at enjoy the vibrations there. She asked the Pandharpur ( Dist. Sholapur ) through the occasion. Through, Havan, we have offered our thanks and love to Shri Ganesh, Next, she visited, Musalwadi, a village of who has purified the atmosphere by remo- great religious history. Here, Mataji, was ving the Badhas. Now, the land for Sahaja takenout in a precession. bullock-cart beautifully decorated flowers and palm leaves, preceded by Sahaja soon at different places. Yogis and local villagers, at the accompani- ment of the melodies of Indian music and She rode in a Yoga Ashrams elsewhere, also will be avail- with able more easily and these will come up During the evening, the Kundalini-awake- ning programme was held at Mahatma Phule playing of typical Maharashtrian "Lazim". Foreign Sahaja Yogis soon caught up the Agriculture University, Rahuri and was local enthusiasm and spontaneously joined attended by the Vice-chancellor, faculty stu- members, Agriculture Scientists dents the joyous dancing of the rural bretheren, and were soon transported into the ecsatasy Sahaja Yogis from abroad and different of thoughtless state. In her speech H. H. cities of India, viz., Bombay, Delhi, Pune, Shrigonda, sight of her children, brothers and sisters Kopargaon, Niphad and adjoining villages coming together from distant parts of the of Rahuri in large numbers. H. H. Mataji world and greeting each other with so much said that there are limitations to the scienti- love and affection, forgeting barriers of fic research. The real search should be in- side the human being. Man should actualise Vasundhra (The Mother Earth) was also his potential by focussing his attention in- side and should attain the higher plane of Mataji expressed her great delight at the Safara, Dhule, Ahmadnagar, language and nationality. She saw how overjoyed at the ecsatasic dancing of so many realized souls and expressed it in the life. This can be achieved through Sahaja tremendous flow of chaitanya (Blissful Yoga and is the right of all human beings Divine Vibrations) which was experienced of different countries, religions, castes, sex by all. The dancing could be compared with and age all over the world. To attain the Raskrida. With the grace of H. H. Mataji, a temple of Adishakti is proposed to be built evolution of mankind in the play of the at this village soon. higher plane of life is the further step of Divine. It is possible only through Sahaja Yoga in the chaos of this Kaliyuga and The last day of the year-31st December, hence, Sahaja Yoga is in a real sense 1981, will be remembered in the history of Mahayoga. 14 Gregoire marries Catherine on NEW YEAR DAY followed by Kanyadan' by Mr. and Mrs Dhumal, who officiated as bride's parents. The marriage ceremony was performed The night of 31st December 1980 and followed by the Hom and Saptpadi. Then, 1st January 1981 was of a very great delight. the newly married couple sought blessings The mother went to the Public School at of H. H. Mataji This was followed by Lunch, Rahuri Co-operative Sugar Factory where which was hosted by Mr. Goegoire. The foreign Sahaja Yogis were residing and marriage concluded after presents-token of where the marriage of Mr. Gregoire, the their mutual love-were exchanged between author of first book on H. H. Mataji "The the newly married couple and Sahaja Yogis Advent" and Miss Catherine was to be held. from various places. Next Morning, on the 1st January, 1931 was celebrated this marriage. The Sahaja Yogis of Rahuri, formed the Bride's party, while Mr Gregoire's brother, Arnew, his wife and Yogis were present to see the Mother off at his sister and all other Sahaja Yogis from the Rahuri Railway Station. Since the train foreign countries and different places in India formed bridegroom's party. All ladies, further opportunity to us of enjoying collec- from bridegroom's party, according to local tive Bhajan-Singing, on the platform in the custom, put on beautiful bangles, provided comyany of our Mother. Next morning, all by bride's party. The Melodious strains of Shehnai, heralded the start of the ded couple left on a sight-seeing tour of ceremonies, in gaily decorated school com- Aurangabad, Ajanta and Ellora Caves via pound in typical festive atmosphere. Mr. the nearby hallowed spot, Seeta Nahani, the Gregoire, dressed like a Bridegroom with turban on his head and their Vanvas (exile in forest). Sword in his hand, mounted on a well-deco- rated white horse and went in procession accompanied by a playing band and about full of immense joy, which progressively 300 Sahaja Yogis forming the bridegroom's increased on every succeeding day. party to the temple of Shri Maruti (Hanumana) for pujan and then returned to the marriage During the same night H. H. Mataji returned back to Bombay. All the Sahaja was late by a couple of hours, it provided the Sahaja Yogis, including the newly wed- typical Indian place where Shri Ram and Seetaji lived during The four day visit of H. H. Mataji was Mandap. S. T. Kenjale, The main ceremony began with pujan of H. H. Mataji as Gauri by the bride and M. P. Agriculture University, RAHURI 15 Mataji's Horoscope Her Holiness lataji nizmaladevi Saivestawa. Born:21 st March 1923 e 12.09 P.M. noon at nagpur. 79 29 74 & Sayana Chart. 16PK 728 714 L14 29 18 my 3 4182 029 14 25 f17 Aspects. 47,0,A£, 9D07, , AK 4 A ,O, A ? nirayana Chart. 2. रा I 92 Ch 99 90 16 MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 brought her into matrimonial union with an p.m. 1.S.T (noon time) on the 21st March 1923. At this moment, taking into considera- for vairagya i e. a distaste for worldly life tion the local time of Nagpur, the Sun was exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Aries or the 30th degree of Pisces, the Sun in that position house, makes her a Mother-Teacher, and as made a Rajayoga (ie. an aspect for leader- ship and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the Sun's glamour and eminent official. This same Saturn Imakes and renunciation. Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th he is trined by three powerful planets and squared by two and opposed by two, Mataji will have a most eventful life as a World power, Teacher. It will all bring a great renown, an enormous following all over the world, a lot of conflict with evil. Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascen- dant is in the 8th degree. The Ascendant in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata, as the Ascendant is strongly much longevity, great distinction towards aspected by five planets, Jupiter, Mercury, the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual Uranus, Mars and the Moon, while it is Saturn, strong in the 4th house, glves and temporal, although it inclines her to some solitude also in old age. occupied by Pluto, which itself forms grand trines with three of the five planets and sex- files with the others two. Her spiritual International fame is indicated by the powers arise mainly from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, Also, the position of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the second house indicates that her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It is presence of a strong Uranus in the 9th house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto, and sextiled by Mars, and Moon Uranus conjuction gives Mataji great elo- Also, the Mercury- interesting to note that the current position quence and invincibility as a debater. of Neptune in the transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This shows that her main work in the years to come will be solely in The T-square formations between Moon- Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be this field. hindered by obstructive activities of evil and The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is negative forces Also Mataji might have to exalted in Taurus strongly posited in the 11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi- of some of her so-called followers who are Yoga, and invest her: with divinity. She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is destined to live richly like a Goddess, Her aristocratic origin is further indicated by the exalted Saturn in the 4th house, who being the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has steer through conflicting loyalties and aims, enemies in disguise. But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal Self-Realisation ! Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. 17 un beloved Mother Shri Mataji has money or more success in life, but we should U explained to us quite often that Sahaja desire our spirit to act. What does our spirit Yoga is a dynamic, living process. Sahaja desire in order to act ? Yoga nourishes itself through itself and grows for itself. This dynamic, tremendous movement of positivity is ignited by our of joy outside and to spread the fiow of the spirit which is the reflection of our Mother's divine vibrations of our beloved Mother. The divinity in our being. Every Sahaja Yogi's spirit desires to be fully itself, bound to the Spirit is a part, a cell of Shri Mataji's body. Adi Shakti, and to increase the channels This spirit must be activated to become a which unite us to Shri Mataji. So we have to dynamic power, ready to attain and gain the let our spirit manifest its desire. If we do so, hearts of the seekers who are still searching the spirit will do the job. It will automatically God. As Sahaja Yogis we must understand act. Enjoying its own fulfilment, it will ex- how to use our spirit, work with and leave press its joy through action and enjoy it's our EGO and our misidentifications. 0 The spirit desires to manifest his essence own action. The spirit will be the motor of the engine, ready to go and put the Sahaja When a new person gets his realization Yogis wherever and whenever he likes; that and stabilized his feelings and beliets, the Unconscious will give him signs to help him to strengthen his faith towards Sahaja Yoga. Because he is still weak and shattered he ACTION RELATED TO goes up and down, very sensitive towards other people, catch from them and put his attention on other's negativity without know- ing that he gets identified by this negativity. It is the first step where he may become a lethargic, trying to avoid those who did not get yet their realization, afraid of some "boots" hanging around in the air, But when he grows inside, discovering the subtleties of Sahaja Yoga and feeling the manifesta- able to see our own beauty enlightened by tions of his spirit, he gets out of his mood this spirit. of fear little by little, leaveshis shell which covered his spirit and did not allow him to SPIRIT means every Sahaja Yogi can be in thought- less awareness wherever and whenever he likes, because it is his spirit which act, and not his EGO. Then, the more our spirit acts, the more our EGO decreases and we are But to train our spirit to act, it would be foolish to say. "Now, Mr. X let your spirit act". It would not work. No, let's jump into see around. A Sahaja Yogi, when his faith is settled down in his heart must manifest his spirit let's mix up ourselves with the "others" so more and more. As our beloved Mother told that they can discover us only through the the water, let's work and live like the others, us, we must express our desires. But what inside to the inside, from their heart to our is desire ? Desire is wifl put into action. heart. And the more we confront them, the What should we desire ? Not to have more more we train ourselves and the more we 18 use the powers of Sahaj Yoga. These are the powers of love and understanding, a perfect balance between patience and deter- that we can improve the tides of love among mination, tolerance and courage of telling ourselves and move together under the the truth. Confronted with them, we learn how to adapt ourselves to every kind of Shakti, the Holy Spirit, the desire of situations, every specimen of "boots" and God Almighty, the Redemptor of the so we strenghen ourselves. Little by little Humanity, the Absolute of all Absolutes, we know how to deal with them and espe- and so it knows to that the Absolute does cially we begin to understand that it is only not move because He is the integration of If we want to spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world, we must let our spirit act so divine attention of our divine Mother Adi through the action of our spirit that we can all integrations, the act on of all actions as show authority upon them. When we meet well as the inaction of all inactions. In this Shri Mataji, we meet the Absolute and we sense every Sahaja Yogi's spirit must grow receive the Absolute. So let's be Absolute in order to understand that desire put into through the innermanifestation of our acting action means to move closer and closer to this Absolute and let flow into the collec- spirit. tive being the incomparable love and the We, all the Sahaja Yogis, should pray to our Mother to let us act through our extraordinary beauty of his Divine Mother. spirit, because our spirit which acts, desires the other Sahaja Yogis to act too and so the collectivity increases. Maria-Amelia et Arneau de Kalberamatten With beot wisheo from : Jagannath Surendra Kumar 132, Bapu Street, FIROZABAD-283203 Off. : 117 Res. : 622 Phones Wholesalers STRAW PRODUCTS LIMITED 19 LE NIRMALA VIDYA "It is the special power by which we do All Divine work, even forgiving. When you say, "Mother, forgive us", the technique by which I forgive you is Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which I love you is also Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which all the Mantras are manifesting themselves and are effective is also Nirmala Vidya, Nirmala-means pure, Vidya means know- ledge, Nirmala Vidya is purest knowledge or the knowledge of this technique. It creates loops, the energy creates loops and creates also different formations by which it acts and draws all that is unwanted, impure & fills it up with its power. It is a technique, a divine technique which I may not be able to explain to you fully because your instrument does not do that-you don't have that instrument. But now you see, how subtle it is. Only by saying "Nirmala Vidya", you just invite that power, the whole thing, the whole technique to attend to you and it attends to you. You don't have to worry. It Never happens in any government or anywhere in the world. You just address the Govt. and the whole thing goes into work, in the whole the entire universe, every creation. That techique is called Nirmala Vidya. That technique once mastered, by surrendering into it; it completely obeys, absolutely. But it is Ganesh Shakti, the Shakti of Innocence is the power called Innocence. The whole power because it is Innocence So the Innocence takes over, which manages. That's how it works out. Then It goes on rising and called Para Shakti, beyond power, then becomes Madhyama and all that. It comes upto the Vishuddhi at the left. There you become guilty. Because of your guilty nature you say things that are harsh. Left Vishuddhi is the catch of the Ganesh Shakti. Ganesh is Sweetest Thing, you can think of Even when you look at Ganesh; this Kautuk ( F)-this innocent admiration starts flowing. Just think of him, you feel so happy. That Innocence becomes harsh on left Vishuddhi. So to overcome your left Vishuddhi all of you; are to use Sweet Words. Your langu- age should be Sweet to everyone, especially (Men) must speak Sweetly to their wives. Now, that Sweetness will cure your left Vishuddhi. Always speak 20 very Sweetly, try to findout all the Sweet Words. The Sweet methods of addressing is the best way to cure your guilt because if you say anything harsh to anyone; you may say sa as a matter of habit or may be because just you feel happy by saying that, but as soon as you say it, you say, 'Oh God, What did I say, That is the biggest guilt. One has always, to try to find out sweet words. way you have to learn all the sounds of everything by which you make people Now, the birds are chirping. In the same It is very important. Otherwise, if your left happy by your sweetness Vishuddhi grows too much, you will develop a way of talking by which your lips will get distorted towards left side. Then the flow starts higher. in the Ajnya Chakra, where the Ganesh Shakti becomes the Greatest Power of Forgiveness. Then it rises higher into the limbic area where Ganesh Shakti goes above the Surya, the super-ego comes up and this power is that of the Moon and this Moon is Spirit this becomes Spirit and it sits on the head of Sadashiva, that is the same. The whole Ganesh Shakti's evolution, you see, it is so beautiful. our desire itself becomes the spirit, your desire and Spirit become one-but this So this way hurdle can be very bad sometimes. You have seen, that all of you who have left Vishuddhi; when you speak harshly you must know it is not you, who is speaking. No, because you are the Spirit, Spirit cannot say anything harsh or destructive. It only will say harsh, when it is necessary to little bit remould. But that you don't take over. That will be done by somebody else-" MATAJI at RAHURI on 31-12-80 M/s. Paper Trading Agency geney 4019, Chawri Bazar, Delhi-110006 (India) Phones : 262069 & 261529 Wholesalers Straw Products Ltd. Rohit Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd. The Titaghur Paper Mills Co. Ltd. 21 ai Mataji My beloved Mother, tis with great joy that I am writing to you, |Mother, in that blessed land of India, where by your grace I gained the realization of myself. My whole being thrills with excite- ment, that in just several more weeks I shall for which we sincerely beg for forgiveness. be with the one, who has bestowed upon one of Her children, the gift of knowing ledge, our often 'not so clear vibrations to you Mother, we have made many mistakes, Our ego, super ego, lack of precise know- many mis-identifications and conditionings- all these things make us so unworthy of your one's self. And of course, Terence feels just the continuous and overflowing grace. But the same. When we left you, Mother, in Delhi love has always been there. Many of your we were in all truth somewhat apprehensive children have, by your grace, gained their of the future. We had been close to our self-realization here in Australia. This, very Mother for 8 weeks and in the warmth of Her naturally, has given us and all the Sahaja- being we felt secure. felt like rather fearful baby-birds taking their about 35 of your A ustralian children coming first tentative flying lesson. And the confi- to India to be with you and the joy that they dence was far from established. Then when feel inside cannot be described. When we left you, we yogis and Yoginis great joy. There will be we arrived back in Australia we said "OK India gave us so much and taught us so Here we go and take a big jump" And we found that our wings did work and we knew much that we wished that as many as that the confidence would come. The desire possible should gain these blessings and to grow was there no doubt. So, with experiences, first hand in India. We are so Mother's love, we surged ahead and took grateful to you, Mother that materially so great joy in all the new discoveries and fresh many have been able to afford to come to challenges and especially in finding joyful India. We have been so blessed by you in company in 'other baby-birds which were learning to fly with us. As time went by, we had so many cases where our Mother's ever- with all sorts of misidentification and in watchful eyes and loving and caring kept us giving up these attachments they have been on the right way and stopped from getting given back so much more. (Sometimes the too badly bumped. all these ways. Many have given up their old homes where they lived in isolation and process of giving up has been painful; but by your grace the determination and will So we were giving others self-realization have been triumphant) Many have had to and this was the greatest joy. And what has give up very gross sexual misidentifications happened this year, Mother has just been your love and grace. We have really done Kali-yuga. The war is on and we are winn- nothing-just the grace has been flowing ing. That is the important thing and it is all and this has been and is a real battle in this and how blessed we all are. All thanks to thanks to Mother's grace that the inner you, Mother 'O Adi Shakti. Needless to say strength prevails. 22 We all have much work to do so that our Divine wisdom which just flows and flows. spirit can more and more manifest and so that we set Gur vibration right. We are confident that with Mother's everflowing grace it will just happen. What more can we ask that the drop becomes the ocean. We are coming to India with joy, with awe, with humility and most of us are You have met Barbara and Kerry and coming to worship our Divine Mother, the their letters have been so filled with joy, creator of this Universe and in whose being And yet Barbara's letter which came just today is so full of Shri EGO that we had to laugh. How Mother plays with us to teach us One lesson many of us have learned this year is that if we get into ego or super ego our Mother will give us more and more of such situations and in the end we will fall over and then face the real situation and put down our 'Balloons'. Everytime it happens In myself and others, I just laugh out loudly. reside all the Delties that have been manifest and unmanifest on this beautiful earth. May we more and more please these Deities that are a part of Adi-Shakti, in Her in complete form and with Her complete powers. In so doing with a pure heart we can more and more know God both now manifest manifest and unmanifest. Thus, may the self become reunited with God Almighty. This is our prayer 'O' Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi. So again, Mother please forgive us, if in our work here in Australia we have trans- gressed too badly, or if we have not always shown wisdom, or our ego and super ego have blown us too much. All we now ask is With love and respect from all of us in Australia, WARREN & TERENCE 10-Catherene Street, Liechhardt 2040 NSW that we can come to our beloved Mother and sit at her lotus feet and imbibe Her Divine Love and Her Nature and learn more of that AUSTRALIA 10th December, 1980. AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE TRUTH I was preparing for my third terminal and kindness of our Divine Mother only exams when I came to know of HH Mataji's during the days of my final MBBS examina- programmes in Delhi, in February 1980. As tion. HH Mataji gave me realization in time was very short, 1 attended the pro- Since then I cherish this gramme on one Saturday with a wish in precious gift of God. I was a topper in my mind to ask the Mother for blessings to To my I realised the importance of vibrations October 1979. middle school days but thereafter I hardly stand 1st in final examinations. ever got good marks. So, after the realiza- surprise it appeared that the Mother had tion, I thought I would again score highest understood my wish, as She told the story of a girl who topped in all activities, which marks, 23 made her an egoist and a tom-boy, to every prayers, but avoided my earlier mistake. I said Ma, please give me blessings-so that I may be able to attempt every question, bloat my ego and cause my dissent on the howsoever difficult it may be". I received the blessings through the divine / vibrations which were almost poured on me. I bowed before the Mother's photograph and left. body's annoyance, I understood that my wish was unwise as a top position would spiritual path. One day, in the third terminal examination I was to write my Gynaecology Paper. Before starting, I prayed to the Mother before her photograph" Ma, please do such a miracle paper T realised that I had answered all the that only the questions I am prepared for. questions very well, although I had not And lo ! As I finished the question prepared for them. This was repeated in are asked in the exams". Perhaps no vibrations came. I entered the examination respect of all subjects. hall with a curiosity, as to whether my prayers would be answered or not. I was shocked to read the question paper, Every- thing asked appeared to be greek and latin HnalI MBBS examinations were over. and no choice was allowed. I felt dismayed at the mother's decision !! Somehow I answered the questions but falled in that marks in the subject in which I had failed in better than I could even dream of. It became possible only due to the Mother's grace. I did my practical examinations also and mý The result was a pleasant surprise. I had topped in Medicine ; scored very good subject. I told myself "Doesn't matter, it is just a home exam. Please Ma, lest this in the class. Yes, my position was quite the third terminal examination & stood fourth would repeat in final examinations also". Further I decided to study that subject i bowed to the Mother's photograph, with high and still it would not puff up any ego. properly, as inadequate preparation was the main cause of my failure. tears of Joy and gratitude rolling from eyes. How kind of our Divine-Mother to have fulfilled my wish without making me an ego- Medicine My final examination came. was the first subject. Despite studying hard I felt nervous and felt that my preparation was not upto the mark. I stood in front of Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi Namonamah." Mataji's photograph and prayed for help. For a moment I felt as if I was bathing in a shower of vibrations !! Next day, i. e. on the examination day, I was very much scared. Before leaving for the exams I said my ist. "Om Twamev Sakshat Shree Adi Shakti Dr. Nitin Kumar Gupta 27 LIG, DDA Flats (RPS) Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064. 24 ADDRESSES INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE GROUP 1. Me, Don Devine 15 Vicarage Terrace, Cambridge, U. K 2. Mr. Rajbir Gupta RPSD S See, School, Subzim . andi, Malka Ganj Road, Delhi-110007 3. Mes. Asha Lata Gupta R.A. (Social Wark), N.L.H.F Deptt, of P & E, Main Building. Munirka, New Delhi. 4. Shri D. S. Pai 5, Shri Avad hut Pai 6 Smt, Malini Kamakshi 21, Torna Apartment Sahar Road-A, Andheri (East). Bombay-400099. 7. Miss Shubhra Mathur Set No 1, 7. 43: Bungalow Road, Deihi-T10007 With best compiiments from: Mohan Kagaz Udyog пan 615 Uprain Ganj, Jabalpur-482002 Wholesalers: STAR PAPER MILLS STRAW PRODUCTS LTD. Edited E Published by SS. C Rai, 43, Bungiow Road, Delhi-10007 and Printed at Ratnadeep Press, Darya Gan, New Dethi-1o002. One issun R 600 Annal Sobnceiption R 20 oo Fareian (Ry ArmaiIT40 ---------------------- 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-0.txt NIRMALA YOGA नि में ला यो ग Jan Feb 11 BI-Monthly H. H. MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI nigue Magerine of Mahu Yogi thut rin the crewni all the religion and seel in f Yogn by uctuslizine the Experience r YngTHEUNTON 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-1.txt -: AVAHAN :- "In SAHAJA YOGA, all the religions are respected because all the incarnations and previous prophets are in us. We know it for definite that they exist within us on our Centres. First, before starting the marriage, we had to ask them to come and be present on this function. This is called AVAHAN. Now, they were all there. So we are now to thank them that you have been here and the marriage has been successful, In SAHAJA YOGA we are going to break all the barriers which make religions and people separate. All fanatical nonsence, old ideas which have propped up to make money out of religion, all these we are going to completely abolish and make one reiigion for all the humanity, which is religion of GOD, the religion of our evolution. May God bless you all' Н. Н. МАТАJI on the occasion of marriage of Catherine & Gregoire on 1st Jan. 81 at RAHURI AFTER REALIZATION 1. The awareness space of the conscious mind has increased. Ego and super-ego gradually drop down and are sucked back into Pingla and Ida. respond to the messages from the Holy Spirit. They read other human beings systems. They direct as awareness our spiritual growth. 2. The ascended Kundalini establishes a direct link with the unconscious. It mani- 4. Collective Consciousness is achieved. The attention is drawn inside because of the inward happening of Kundalini's rise. fests as the flow of vibrations. 3. The deities on the chakras are awekened. 5. Ina fully mature realised being, the Deities ascend from their place of work in the Chakra, to their own seats within the Sahastrara. This is the stage of complete They are the reflections of the original deities on the Adi Chakras of the Virata and they "organize" accordingly. As they are linked together by the ascended Kundalini the persona- our awareness Divine integration. --The Advent [III-4 (92)/ lity becomes integrated. They decode and 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-2.txt माताजी का पत्र लन्दन दिनांक २-६-१६८० マーモーをきちo मतप्रीय सहजयोगी मंडळी यांस आशिर्वादि बनेश्वरी जो कार्यक्रम निश्चित केला आहे तो पूर्णपणे यशस्वी पुण सर्व परमेश्वरी कार्याला नवीन शक्ति प्राप्त होणार आहे. होणार आमचे लक्ष आहेच. पुणकरांनी पुण्याचे पुषण्य सार्थक केले। ह्यात आमचे काय विषेश आरहे । जे तुमचे होते ते जाणले व मिळविले । हेच आमच्या प्रसन्नतेचे निघान आहे । सहजयोगाचा महायोग वडत आहे । त्याची सुरवात बनेश्वरी होणार आहे । इकड़े यूरोपमध्येगी जोरांत कार्य सुरू झाले आहे। ह । मी नोव्हेम्बर मध्यें ये ईन । तोपयंन्त खेडोपाडीं सहजयोगाची पताका झळकली पाहिजे । ह्वर्षी बरीच मंडळी भारतात येणार आहेत तुम्हा सर्वांना अत्यंत प्रेमपूर्वक आशोर्वाद. तुमवी सदेव आई- निरमंला LONDON 2-9-1980 My dear Sahaja Yogis, The programmes which you have arranged at Baneshwar will certainly be very successful. Our attention is there. All God's work will now have a new dynamism. Sahaja Yogis of Pune have given fulfilment to the "Punya' of Pune. special of mine in it. Whatever is with you has been discovered by you and accepted. This is the source of joy. There is nothing Sahaja Yoga is evolving as Maha Yoga. Baneshwar seminar will manifest that. Work has now commenced on very large scale in Europe also. This year many people will be coming to our holy land. I will come in November. Till then the message of Sahaja Yoga should reach every village. My affectionate blessings to all. Ever Yours, Your mother Nirmala Translation of Marathi Letter. 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-3.txt त सन्देश मह। याग शा अम य आ ग)याह। सी ने ह wरो की अंज्दा समय आ ०य । ह ৭6।या ६सा आ२।) सरळ!॥ u रही है। जी तन के जना आन्ल साद॥तरवेार ५1 २ दो दि ५ रिवने रहे वृद्षा मे 21र ३। म Sक+ २६ ह ६। सव सभय का डॉी म81। मे ा२ आ। ॥ईे दै। सब सयय वा नतु उस महापुग ज/২ / ३॥ कि, २वेल हइस यथ की धथोणणा अने क भाविष्यवादि के ने । স मे ७i//io Blo ke की N/6 भविव्यवादिषवयो न दिये. ड4नक खेल ध इस हैम मु ২ NTor क/० william Blake ২ ১ दे । े ।ाश 4 े जौर 3नकी भवित्यकाक या वा०ी उ-। ६/शे ि १ थी (उपामe&} is) (sL का ३कवात जहा उ यो Sपाey/.%) ोगा *त६म या सी ambeth vale) प्र चम केन्द्र की गोध पडी है (८amde% ok और गहाँ दोनो हि जगह के बारे थे लेरवंना पह़व अश्यार्थजनक है| 3714 प/5) म8 31 , बইস হলা এd आ2थननक है। कि स श्री नि२्वा गवा है /क सर्वसामान्य को 21६ अथित र दिophet) भनाया जाउ11 जो गक विणेो ज ५ाडीमा बबक अरश्ूत ४बन अहभूत ॐ।ृन न डमने बेषिल पिक शा) शर्वने की मा हक 10/1414118! अथने शईने को पाड़गा । वस अरभत २rdीशtा १ जैसे आने का प्रेश्िट जन कानृजन करगा /सहजयो म भो २६ 21211 6बयो / अडी हि ा६न और सहैसती जान उनकी इ्स कार्बसा HEI 317 आ। या। काश /--ह4 स जय ७।/न क/२)। अडी हि1६ और २/ + | आ२ ६२/ के सहजयेी ड/् नड। मे ५८क२ S। आ/नन्ट १भी भी इसततह आान से अलक बो जॉप लो सहजयोग के २4 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-4.txt >g|ता और सकी पह्चान ने। अ न/ नता अपन॥ ना महान कर्तव्य हो जाधगा । ्रव्य ही जाडग 3-141 सामयोग से अंकुरित कुन्ड लिनी से हि परिक्त। अकुरिव कुड लेनी से हि परिव्त न दहि ह। +।।जो जीवन्त शाढी है वही जीवना ider २। t৮। कि सिवाय और क२ सकती है | परेवल न ह। भाग नही सरा कोई मागे नही है। और 4 के +ा ्ड समझदारी से हि येै (asf औनिम निर्ण येहे (Last प्रेमा मे मिचित ि समझा २4সस॥ ति म ्चरण य८् अतिम ्चरण है। ३से -थर०ा ज सकला है। यह प्भू क के जा सकल॥ अत्यन्त औदायथे चूरी J५ नेद ९nevt ) । foaor बेद् ement २- सरना ६। ५।०न ०&न। -और भों के कोल८६५ से ०४ना ६ुमा ५ावन सरना है| -और माँ को भलदू स करे/ उस ১{ 34 24 ও414/६ अपने मुन्हर कर ले । १२ ।२८ ये आलो रि आप हि अपने को परखिवये औ अपने औी थि 341M J& अती भून्छर आन्यासे अपनना स१ को 311T 31त शिर्वाद मरने है अने क, आशि वान 31।/2। व अनक सर् ओों । सैबैव माँ- भिनीला ও।की हि 311पकी हिहू सदैव ও1।५क 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-5.txt RECEPTION TO SHRI C. P. SRIVASTAVA It was a memorable joyous evening for the Delhi people when they welcomed Shri C. P. Srivastava amongst them on 4th January, 1980. Follow- ing is the text of his address on the occasion. Mr. Subra nanyam and dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis of Delhi, gratified. Perhaps, may mention to you years ago when our two daughters were still little children and they were growing up, we both agreed that our first responsibility as parents must be to bring them up pro- perly, educate them and to see that they are properly married and settled in life and then she would be free to devote herself to the that May I say first of all, how very grateful I am to all of you for the honour, kindness and affection you have chosen to bestow upon me, this evening. For me it is an experience which is very wooling and I assure you, I will cherish it for a long time. wider family of Humanity. She kept her word Sahaj Yoga is now the very life of my and I kept mine. My daughters grew up. Credit for bringing them up naturally goes my wife And as Sh. Subramanyamji said, to her, because I was really very busy with she has played the role of a wife, a perect my official duties and she gave me tremen- dous support by looking after the children, now a perfeot Grandmother and what she is and the house and taking over every pos- doing now for the Humanity is something sible responsibility except my office work, which makes me particularly proud and most which I kept to myself. Now, when the wife, whom you call Mataji; who still remains wife, if I may say so, a perfect Mother and 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-6.txt are. We, in India have a certain degree of daughters grew up, the question of their marriage came up and that was the test of contentment. We have a rich culture behind us, we have wonderful tradition, Our marvel- lous traditions have a very happy blend of her upbringing and the test of children and so I asked my daughters, "that now you have grown up, you have travelled widely, you materialism and spiritualism. In the West. have been abroad to many countries and spiritualism has declined and therefore, well educated, it is up to you to decide in there is more inner turmoil. Everywhere, the what way would you like to get married", people are looking for something. They want to know what is beyond this material But as my wife had brought them up in true Indian tradition, both of them said, that It world we see; what is our destiny as human was our duty as parents to find proper beings. There is now, a moment in human history, when some new revolution, spiritual bridegrooms for them and so whatever we decided was their decision: Living as we revolution has to come about if the huma- were in Bombay, the people there some- nity is to be saved, otherwise war, conflict, strife will destroy humanity: It is in this con- have been so well educated and widely text, I see in Sahaja Yoga the beginings of a travelled etc. would get married in our tradi- new movement for humanity and I, therefore, tional Indian style and custom, following wish to assure you that I feel proud of what you are doing as Sahaja Yogis and Sahaj found bridegrooms for them, both are hap- Yoginis--true selfless love for each one, for everyone, Irue dedication to the ideals which are being promoted and these are times did not even believe that girls, who ancient Indian values. So as parents, we pily married and well settled. Ever since then, my wife has been devo- ting her time, not only time I would say her soul to Sahaja Yoga and I have seen how wonderous her endevours have Been. m a in U.K. and I might tell you, what I have seen wonderful values. I have seen the wonders of Sahaja Yoga world that we live in, when you look up the I lead a very busy life because of my respon- sibilities but once I was very grateful to my wife and Sahaja Yogis when they invited me to a function, about a month ago and there I saw a group of, may be 200-300 people, old, young, middle aged and children. They all seemed like happy family. They had come and bring spiritual development of the from different paris of the country. All were individuals. Now, to my way of thinking, the together, happy and cheerful with a face world is in turmoil. Not only in India, there which exuded a certain amount of divinity. is trouble everywhere. I find that really They were happy and peaceful, very different human being is in turmoil, within himself from the usual crowd you see, full of tension, and outside. And then what is the need of anger and bitterness; nothing seemed to the hour ? Rich countries are no better. affect them. One thing touched me most newspapers in the morning, you find stiife, trouble, accidents and so on. She wants to bring peace, peace in a spiritual sense. Where there is animosity she wants to subs- titute love for that, where there is bitterness, she wants to substitute harmony for that They might have more material goods but was that several ladies came one by one, inside they are even more troubled than we some of them with tears in their ayes, came 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-7.txt to my wife, while I was sitting by her side saying, "Mother, you have saved me and my my deep gratitude to all of you for the love son, who had gone astray, had taken to that you are giving my wife, because you drugs and alcohol and has now been saved. represent a fulfilment of her dream; it was He has come back to the family. Now We her dream to build up a certain together- are a joyous family. How can we thank you ness-a togetherness of spiritualism, a cer- enough for this ?" Another lady comes tain awareness of ultimate reality. Therefore, along and says", My daughter was going the your presence here is to me the embodiment, way, we did not like and your Sahaja Yoga the fulfilment of a dream she always had. has brought her back to the family and now we are a united and happy family again". affection you have for her. I thank you very To my way of thinking, even if one individual much for the kindness shown to me today. can be saved in this fashion, it is a unique I can only say that if in any way, my activities With these few words I want to express I want to thank you for all the love and achievement. If two can be saved it is better can be of slightest assistance to her, she but if dozens and hundreds can be saved it has them; she has all her time for Sahaja is marvellous. I feel this is a movement Yoga and I am very happy about it. I wish which holds great promise for humanity, she had not 24 but 48 hours in a day. What- provided it is pursued strictly in accordance with your values. Values are very very impor- very nice way. It is always embarassing to tant, particularly in today's world. Though, talk about one's own wife, but this relation- there has been a decline all over the world ship is just a fact of life and there is a higher in these values which established our human relationship that you have with her. ever is available, she devotes herself in a society, yet we need to revive our values, and sustain them. I want to assure you that values in India, my own country, and I say you may not perhaps see. She has believed so in all humility and sincerity, are about the in not taking but in giving always. You know best as anywhere in the world. There is no country better than India, there are no There are many qualities in her, which we have relations of all kinds, some are well to do; many not so well to do; some are people better than Indians, if only we remember and become Indians. Being born red within our precincts at any stage of our in India is not enough, we must respect the service life, whatever we had, it was always values, which make India a great country, shared between my children and other chil- and Indians, the wise people. Our tradition is marvelious, very very rich. But we some- times cease to be ourselves. Now, if we own daughters and other daughters or sons become true Indians in the path of wisdom, who had gathered. This was from the very which our forefathers laid down for us and beginning. This is the kind of person that she we really develop spiritually ourselves the way this lady, my wife, is propagating, I have surprised that she is flowering into a spiri- no doubt at all, that a wonderful spiritual tual person. Divinity is her own right. This uplifting is well on the way. poor, some are in need and whoever gathe- drens in exactly the same way, and there never was a slightest difference between our has always been and therefore, I am not is not something which has just happened 6. 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-8.txt today. It has been there for sometime. It is vastava's discipline is so great that I do not becoming known more, now. The movement know how he manages it. For example, for is spreading. It is a movement which is time, he is so particular, so also for consi- voluntary. U.K., France, Germany and other deralion of others, for attending to his work. European countries, Australiaand of course, to see the people who come to see him. to India is the motherland for this. May this see what he has to say, how far to say, what movement grow. May more Sahaja Yogis to say at the right time. There is so much participate in its activities and may we Sahaja in him, so much inborn in him that revive in India the great Indian spiritual at the right time, he will say the right thing. And above all the brilliance, he has, so values of which we should justly feel proud. I shall conclude now, by thanking you for much that he comes to the right conclusion the honour you have done me today and the immediately. He was not a realised soul, now I think he has touched the Sahastrar. very thoughtful gift which you have chosen to present to me-Goddess Lakshmi, May Buteven before this, he would reach the right Goddess Lakshmi shower on you all her conclusion As you have seen about Sahaja Yoga also, he has taken a right attitude. To take the right attitude is only possible, if you are really intelligent otherwise, those who are not, cannot Pure intelligence means that there is no bias of ego or super-ego, no conditioning and you could see it in its pure It is very embarassing in this way to form. You can see that he has allowed me blessings-A/ways. Later, Her Holiness Mataji addres- sed the gathering thus : speak about Mr. Srivastäva. Today, I am very happy that you are honouring him to work. To accept that I should do all this work is in itself a very big sacrifice for a man. because if he was not supporting me I None of you would allow your wife to lea could not have done anything, Apart, from you for 3 months. Itis a great sacrifice but that, as he said about values, I have yet to because he has seen that this is the way, he come across a person who has values as Mr. Srivastava himself has. The difference not only allows me, but you know how gene- rous he is about everything. We see things is that you can imbibe values after self- and even understand rationally that this is realization very easily, but even before self- good, still they are not identified with our- realization he has them. He is a very honest selves. While I see in him, his own disci- man. He bought ships worth crores and pline; when he rationally accepts something crores of rupees and never he thought of or thinks that it is correct then he just does any kind of dishonesty and he is a man of it. This is something which you have to learn great discipline. I think what we lack is from someone who has done this all his life. | used to be amazed, as to how he used to disciplined have themselves grewn very identify! There is so much integration in his much and helped others to grow. But if actions and his understanding. This is some- Sahaja Yogis do not have discipline of thing which really surprises me. because Sahaja Yoga, then Sahaja Yoga will be like after realization after great Tapasya, one can any other nonsensical institution Mr. Sri- achieve such a integration. We say one discipline. As it is, the countries which are 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-9.txt thing and do another, like so many people this way. But it is his own understanding. who criticise this, criticise that but when it If the people have that intelligence, then it comes to them, they will do themselves the would not be necessary for us to go round same. If he has risen high; many people say to persuade them. that it is Mataji's blessings even if it is partly that; stifl I would say ihat anyone like- him would rise, specially in a country like my mother used to say that only Shankar ours, where people see the honestly and can marry you, the way you are innocent integrity and high moral character as some- and the way you are generous; because I thing special. Since I have come to India saw anybody poor or needy I would take out this time, he has been honoured by so many everything from my mother's Bhandar (store) institutions and so many people that I was amazed, how much he is respected. After whom you would marry; the poor fellow will all, he is like any other beaureacrat, other- have to be poor like Shankar because you wise but the way he is identified with the wiil glve away everything that he will have' Another thing is that when I was a child, and give it. She would say "I do not know I am not an But I am like that, it is my Nature. If anybody ideals. He is a man of ideals easy wife to live with because, as you know, says, I like a thing, I will forget and will give I do not allow any hanky-panky in my own it to him. He has a complaint that I have life. When he joined Indian Administrative even given away our engagement ring. But Service, you won't believe that he was first from one side I gave from other side it came. selected in tndian Foreign Service. He was getting much more pay but I told him that not easy for any husband to tolerate; the way first we have to serve our own country and I am generous. Again, my overloving nature not go abroad to foreign countries. He for all of you. He understands that, I have accepted to join I.A.S. not because I him to but because he thought it was proper you come and disturb me, the people have that we should serve our motherland. He been disturbing me much more now. Some- suffered a lot in LA.S. but he still stuck to thing happens, they must think of Mother, his ideals. I think, one should really imbibe they must come. from him this disčipline of mind. This disci- always; somewhere with somebody. He has pline of the mind is that, whatever one should been very patient in going through all this. accept with one's mind, should be in one's He can understand me as my husband. He action. You should be proud of your virtue. has all those qualities from his childhood. As you know, what company and status he He is a self-made man, absolutely honest has but he does not drink a drop of wine. One may just say that it is because of he never gossips I hate gossiping myselfand Mataji. But, I have never told him to do so. he tiever gossips. Again, he has created an Of course, I have said that I don't like drin- image in his international world that it is a king, but I have never told him not to drink; family that he is looking after. So you people I am not in that way interfering at all. I have also have to understand, if you have to be never told him about Sahaja Yoga also in Sahaja Yogis, you have to imbibe all these Now he knows that. This nature of mine is tremendous feeling for you. Of course, when asked The emergency exists person, he never tells a lie, no hanky-panky, 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-10.txt Values, otherwise Sahaja-Yoga will be com- pletely doomed. Sahaja Yogis have to come see them first of all; we should not see the up, they have to decide that they have not defect of others. We, Indians have particu- to tell lies, they have to be honest, they have lar type of defects, which we should try to to believe that the God, the almighty is their cure The other day, in our programme, father and he is going to look after his chil- some people came, who are starting an dren. We have to change the map of this agitation in Maharashtra. 1 told them, world, particularly of our country. It needs "there is no use of starting an agitation people of character and people who are because when you had the Govt., what did fearless, who will face life as honest people. you do ? At the most, you would, form the We have not lost anything; you have seen Govt. again. what will you de then ? They that with God's Grace when we had nothing replied, "what could we do now, some sugar also, we were happy. Once we had a theft magnate has taken so much money, has and all my saris and all his clothes, every- hoarded all the things and has raised the thing was lost, nothing was left. As we had prices and now he is cashing because he little money at that time and he had no has been paying for the election !" I said, clothes, so I told him to have his clothes "Now you decide. from the Sahaja Yoga first and I could'nt buy them for myself; I had point of view, that you will not vote for a people. Whatever are our defects, we should only one silk sari for seven years. But we managed it and it worked out so well after that. Wheather you have it or not, is not the point, the way you live your life is important. Sahaia Yogis must start. Let us all combine man who gives you money or sells votes for money. Even for food, we sell our votes; we do not have self-restraint". At least Also, it is not easy to be my children, together and decide that neither will we have because I know what you do, I know every- any dishonest methods from any corner, at thing about you. I also corect you, you know that. But when you are sticking to me, it also shows that you belong to a category We will have to fight it, then only our coun- of people, bent upon evolving and being try is going to improve. Now, to begin with better people through inner transformation. we will have to do some sacrifices, as you To be a Sahaja Yogi is not an easy thing: have seen I had also to sacrifice But it is that you can pay some money and become not so difficult to sacrifice. I could see members and become Mataji's disciples. other women who had such a lot of orna- Even where you have become my disciples, ments and this and that but I have never you have to pass certain tests and you have felt like having these. Instead, 1 am proud of to work hard for it, you have to do a lot of Tapasya, living in your family. That you have This was the greatest ornament and pride been doing, so I feel very happy and proud that a woman can have. In the same way all of you as I am of him (Sir C. P. Srivastava) Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis must think and I would fike you to see how he has led of virtues. We have a little bit to assert our his life. You can ask peo ple, how he is so honest, so good, so compassionate, to all the any cost nor will we have anyone elected whom we know is not honest and upright. the fact that my husband is a man of virtue. will power; everybody has little weaknesses. Instead of justifying it, they should just try 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-11.txt to assert own will-power to cure it. I am sure a day will come when Mr. Srivastava this country changing in real fashion, as he himself has been changing and may be one of these days, he will work Articles will see Experiences side by side with us. We need such people who are seekers of divinity, and have come on this earth to transform this pattern of things. May God bless you. are requested What is it ?... It io an awakening in the opirit, it io an awakening in the inner Yeo. the opiritual awakening is the moot deptho of the heart... life, and it io the sole purpooe of being. eddential thing in man o Secrets of the Heart by KAHLIL GIBRAN Thanks ! ur heartiest felicitations to Shri C. P. Srivastava for his unanimous re-election as the Secretary Gene- ral of International Maritime Conference. Consequent to his re-election for another five years, London will continue to be a unique place of the world in being the centre for Sahaja Yoga activities. We enjoy the happiness of London Sahaja Yogis and pray for all-round success to them in their efforts to spread sacred knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Mr. Srivastava is the first and foremost, the only patron of Sahaj Yoga. He has been gratituously and silently meeting the expenses of all programmes. Thanks to his generosity, our beloved Mother is able to travel to meet Her disciples in different parts of the world and grant en-masse self realization All Sahaja Yogis join to gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of Mr. Srivastava to the Divine work and pray for his success, prosperity, 0 Shri C. P. Srivastava health and happiness, 10 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-12.txt FEARLESSNESS A realized being is someone who has felt the wind of the Spirit and whose Sahasrara Chakra has been opened. He is not yet a real Sahaja Yogi. A real Sahaja Yogi is someone who understands and realises in his life a few basic principles of behaviour. One of them is fearlessness. Fear is a cloud full of murmurds and, sometimes full of horror which spreads from the left side through the heart chakra into the field of consciousness. Why do we fear ? Some of the Sahaja Yogis are saints whose /da Nadi still store the memory of past lives' persecutions. Some others, in their seeking explorations have been exposed to the various aspects of hell. And a few are jusl plain cowards. Yet, fear is nothing but a cloud ! It has no substance, no reality Actually it is fear which creates its own object : the thing we fear is created by fear itself. For, there is simply nothing to be afraid of within the glorious beauty of reality. This reality can be encompassed in one statement : Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mother of Sahaja Yogis is Sakshat, the incarnated Adi Shakti. This is a fact. This fact cannot be affected by mere opinions about it. Do we realize that Her Power is beyond the scrutiny of the Trimurties ? Have we read in the Devi Mahatmyam how the gently smiling Goddess became an enraged demons killer for the sake of Her children ? Do we understand again that this is not a mythological tale but the actuality ? How dare we fear ? Really, if we look straight into our various fears, they will vanish : the clouds dissipate when searched with the stronger beam of enlightened attention. Shri Mataji always says : "Never forget that your Mother is very powerful, that, She knows everything and that She loves you very much". So, to become fearless, a Sahaja Yogi has simply to realize the truth, the depth and the power of this statement. To do so, we need actualizing the nature, the divine nature of our relationship to Shri Mataji. And the One who can help us in this, is the great child-God : Shri Ganesha- Christ. So, it may well be concretely helpful to pray in our mooladhara and agya chakras so as to become better aware that we are sakshat children of the Adi Shakti. And we should also pray Shri Jagadamba in the heart chakra to bless us with a strong feeling of security. The key to the success of these prayers is, of course, surrender. Indeed, a Sahaja Yogi can always take refuge behind the indistructible all perva- And then we also become Her ding cosmic shield of Shri Bhagawati's attention, swords, because the fearless attention of an enlightened being starts burning away many forms of negativity. Fear itself is afraid of you when you are fearless! With my best regards and JAI MATAJI Gregoire de Kalbermatten ZUERICH 11 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-13.txt कबीर और सहज योग क। ा रा मूलाधारस्थ घरती रूप कुण्डलिनी ऊर्ध्वमुखी होकर शकाश रूप मेरू-शिखर अथवा गगन-मण्डल के लिए अग्रसर होने लगती है, अ्र्थात जब कुण्डलिनी आज्ञा चक्र का भेदन कर सहस्त्रार चक्र में पहुँचती देखि देखि जिय अचरज होय, ईपद वृु बिरला कोय ! घरती उलटि अरकासहि जाय, चिउंटी के मुख हस्ति समाय ! है, साधक निरविचारिता अर्थात शुन्यावस्था को प्राप्त होता है। सात्विक बुद्धि अपनी सूक्ष्म वृदत्ति के कारण चींटी स्वभाव की हो जाती है, उसकी मूक्ष्म निग्रह वृत्ति के वशीभुत होकर भवोत्मत गजराजरूप मन अपने बग को अवरूद्ध पाता है। यही चींटी के में बिनू पवने जो परबत उड़े, जिया जन्तु सभ विरछा बुड़े ! मुख हाथी का समा जाना है। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बिना जो साधक साधना में लगति हैं उनका पर्वतरूप सूखे सरवर उठे हिलोर, बिनु जल चकवा करें किलोल ! मन अस्थिर ही रहता है, बह चंचल बृत्ति छोड़ नहीं पाता है। साधना के विकास कील में साधक का के बैठा पंडित पढ़े पुरान, प्रहकार रूप पर्वत बिना बायु ही उड़ जाता है। इस प्रकार, मन की उस चंचलावस्था में यावन्मात्र जीव, वृक्षरूप संसार में निमन्न हो जाते हैं। परन्तु आरत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद मन के स्थ र होते ही चित्त अपनी चचलता को त्याग देता है और साधक के शুष्क सरोवर रूप असंग, निबृत हृदय में आनन्द की बिनु देखे का करे बखान ! कहि कबीर जो पद को जान, सोई सन्त सदा परवान ! संत कबीर दास ने इस पद में सांकेतिक हिलोरें उठने लगती हैं। अर्थात सीमित हदय में प्रतीकों के द्वारा कूण्डलिनी-जागरण की साधना का वरन किया है। उनका कहना है कि यह देख में चुकबा रूपचित्त बिना प्रकृति रूप जल के, कर मूझे आश्चर्य होता है कि संसार में आकर जोवात्मा अनेक साधन-पद्धतियों में फंस कर, है। संसार में बिना आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ही पंडित स्वर्गादिक ग्रनेक सुखों की कल्पना के प्रति आकर्षित नामधारी लोग दूसरों को गलत उपदेश देकर भ्रम बनो रहती है, किन्तु आत्म परिचय रथवा आत्म में डालते हैं । बास्तक्रिकता यह है कि उस साध्य साक्षातकार के लिए प्रबृत्त को कोई विरला सूर ही समझ पाता है। सुरति योग कहना सम्भव नहीं है। कबीर दास जी कहते हैं कि अन्तर्मुखी बृत्ति अथवा उलट बांस करके साधक उस जो इस अत्म तत्त्व रूप पद को जानते हैं, वे प्रपंच- पद को पा लेता है अर्थात सत्वावस्था में उच्च- रहित होकर जीवन्मुक्त हो जाते हैं और ऐसे सन्तों पदस्थ होता है उस अवस्था में जड़ बनी हुई की वाणी हो यथार्थ प्रमारणा होती है। ब्रह्मानन्द की अनुभूति होने लगती है। उस अवस्था तन्मयावस्था में सुखात्मक स्थिति का अनुभव करता नहीं हो पाती। इस तथ्य सूप पद की प्राप्ति के विना, उसके सम्बन्ध में कुछ 12 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-14.txt REPORT FROM RAHURI Om Twamew Sakshat Shri Ganesh Sakshat Shri Mataji SHRI NIRMALA DEVI Namo Namah The turn of the year brought indescrib- land; all had Darshan of the lotus feet of the able blessings to all Sahaja Yogis, of Rahuri and surrounding areas when our Divine performed; in preparation of their marriage, Mother spent 4 days amongst them. The the bridegroom and the bride ware smeared visit was unique and of unprecedented joy with turmeric paste according to the local because H. H. Mataji's programme not only custom. included the blissful Kundalini Awakening sessions at various places, but also for the first time Shri Ganesh Havan was performed lini-awakening function held in newly cons- on 31st December, 1980, and the first day of tructed Vitthal-Rukmai temple in the village 1981, became a day of great rejoicing, when Aradgaon, which Mataji lovingly calls as our dear brother Gregoire from Switzerland Awadgaon (meaning King of the villages). was married to Catherine, in a colourful ceremony performed according to the local proposed to be built for which villagers have Hindu rites in the holy presence of Divine already donated land. Later in the evening, Mother with the full participation of about 400 Sahaja Yogis of all ages, who forgetting Manori-Renuka. (Renuka is one of the the superficial differences of age, sex, language or nationality drank deeply into Yoga has come into existence, here. The the gaiety of spiritual togetherness, expres- Villagers are much impressed here because sing itself through spontaneous, tremendous the villagers, who got their self-realization, flow of love and affection from their hearts, and became Sahaja Yogis were able to com- their faces, visibly shining with joy, like pletely give up drinking. Mataji was seated tchildrén bubbling with delight coming home Itogether to the warm and protected lap of sion by the villagers, In her speech, Mataji their everloving Mother. Divine Mother. The 'Haldi' ceremony was In the afternoon, there was mass Kunda- Near this village a Sahaja Yoga Ashram is the Mother visited another village named names of Devi). A new Centre of Sahaja in a bullock-cart and taken out in proces- expressed her joy in warking with rural masses, because they are more innocent, religious minded and have stronger faith in the presence of Divine power than the urban On the morning of 29th December 1980, Sahaja Yogis from surrounding areas received H. H. Mataji at Rahuri Railway Sta- people. About 2000 persons got realization tion. Thereafter, during a brief stay al Mr. at this occasion. Dhumal's residence nearby, they were joined by 50 Sahaja Yogis from Australia, U K., France, Spain, Portugal and Switzer- December, 1980, Mataji first visited the vil- On the morning of Tuesday, the 30th 13 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-15.txt lage, Takali-Miya, which is named after a Sahaja Yoga, as H. H. Mataji was worship- Muslim Auleya Saint, who lived there. The ped for the first time as Shri Ganesha, with Mother said in her speech "that in the past, his thousand names. H. H. Mataji mentioned there are very few flowers like Miya of this that the first piece of land and a big house village, but now the time has come when for the first Sahaja Yoga Ashram has been there will be very many flowers on the tree made available at the village Sangam near through Sahaja Yoga". foreign Sahaja Yogis, present to visit the the donation by the gracious lady (mother- holy spot where the Miya was cremated; and in-law of Sh. Dhumal) who was present at enjoy the vibrations there. She asked the Pandharpur ( Dist. Sholapur ) through the occasion. Through, Havan, we have offered our thanks and love to Shri Ganesh, Next, she visited, Musalwadi, a village of who has purified the atmosphere by remo- great religious history. Here, Mataji, was ving the Badhas. Now, the land for Sahaja takenout in a precession. bullock-cart beautifully decorated flowers and palm leaves, preceded by Sahaja soon at different places. Yogis and local villagers, at the accompani- ment of the melodies of Indian music and She rode in a Yoga Ashrams elsewhere, also will be avail- with able more easily and these will come up During the evening, the Kundalini-awake- ning programme was held at Mahatma Phule playing of typical Maharashtrian "Lazim". Foreign Sahaja Yogis soon caught up the Agriculture University, Rahuri and was local enthusiasm and spontaneously joined attended by the Vice-chancellor, faculty stu- members, Agriculture Scientists dents the joyous dancing of the rural bretheren, and were soon transported into the ecsatasy Sahaja Yogis from abroad and different of thoughtless state. In her speech H. H. cities of India, viz., Bombay, Delhi, Pune, Shrigonda, sight of her children, brothers and sisters Kopargaon, Niphad and adjoining villages coming together from distant parts of the of Rahuri in large numbers. H. H. Mataji world and greeting each other with so much said that there are limitations to the scienti- love and affection, forgeting barriers of fic research. The real search should be in- side the human being. Man should actualise Vasundhra (The Mother Earth) was also his potential by focussing his attention in- side and should attain the higher plane of Mataji expressed her great delight at the Safara, Dhule, Ahmadnagar, language and nationality. She saw how overjoyed at the ecsatasic dancing of so many realized souls and expressed it in the life. This can be achieved through Sahaja tremendous flow of chaitanya (Blissful Yoga and is the right of all human beings Divine Vibrations) which was experienced of different countries, religions, castes, sex by all. The dancing could be compared with and age all over the world. To attain the Raskrida. With the grace of H. H. Mataji, a temple of Adishakti is proposed to be built evolution of mankind in the play of the at this village soon. higher plane of life is the further step of Divine. It is possible only through Sahaja Yoga in the chaos of this Kaliyuga and The last day of the year-31st December, hence, Sahaja Yoga is in a real sense 1981, will be remembered in the history of Mahayoga. 14 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-16.txt Gregoire marries Catherine on NEW YEAR DAY followed by Kanyadan' by Mr. and Mrs Dhumal, who officiated as bride's parents. The marriage ceremony was performed The night of 31st December 1980 and followed by the Hom and Saptpadi. Then, 1st January 1981 was of a very great delight. the newly married couple sought blessings The mother went to the Public School at of H. H. Mataji This was followed by Lunch, Rahuri Co-operative Sugar Factory where which was hosted by Mr. Goegoire. The foreign Sahaja Yogis were residing and marriage concluded after presents-token of where the marriage of Mr. Gregoire, the their mutual love-were exchanged between author of first book on H. H. Mataji "The the newly married couple and Sahaja Yogis Advent" and Miss Catherine was to be held. from various places. Next Morning, on the 1st January, 1931 was celebrated this marriage. The Sahaja Yogis of Rahuri, formed the Bride's party, while Mr Gregoire's brother, Arnew, his wife and Yogis were present to see the Mother off at his sister and all other Sahaja Yogis from the Rahuri Railway Station. Since the train foreign countries and different places in India formed bridegroom's party. All ladies, further opportunity to us of enjoying collec- from bridegroom's party, according to local tive Bhajan-Singing, on the platform in the custom, put on beautiful bangles, provided comyany of our Mother. Next morning, all by bride's party. The Melodious strains of Shehnai, heralded the start of the ded couple left on a sight-seeing tour of ceremonies, in gaily decorated school com- Aurangabad, Ajanta and Ellora Caves via pound in typical festive atmosphere. Mr. the nearby hallowed spot, Seeta Nahani, the Gregoire, dressed like a Bridegroom with turban on his head and their Vanvas (exile in forest). Sword in his hand, mounted on a well-deco- rated white horse and went in procession accompanied by a playing band and about full of immense joy, which progressively 300 Sahaja Yogis forming the bridegroom's increased on every succeeding day. party to the temple of Shri Maruti (Hanumana) for pujan and then returned to the marriage During the same night H. H. Mataji returned back to Bombay. All the Sahaja was late by a couple of hours, it provided the Sahaja Yogis, including the newly wed- typical Indian place where Shri Ram and Seetaji lived during The four day visit of H. H. Mataji was Mandap. S. T. Kenjale, The main ceremony began with pujan of H. H. Mataji as Gauri by the bride and M. P. Agriculture University, RAHURI 15 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-17.txt Mataji's Horoscope Her Holiness lataji nizmaladevi Saivestawa. Born:21 st March 1923 e 12.09 P.M. noon at nagpur. 79 29 74 & Sayana Chart. 16PK 728 714 L14 29 18 my 3 4182 029 14 25 f17 Aspects. 47,0,A£, 9D07, , AK 4 A ,O, A ? nirayana Chart. 2. रा I 92 Ch 99 90 16 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-18.txt MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 brought her into matrimonial union with an p.m. 1.S.T (noon time) on the 21st March 1923. At this moment, taking into considera- for vairagya i e. a distaste for worldly life tion the local time of Nagpur, the Sun was exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Aries or the 30th degree of Pisces, the Sun in that position house, makes her a Mother-Teacher, and as made a Rajayoga (ie. an aspect for leader- ship and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the Sun's glamour and eminent official. This same Saturn Imakes and renunciation. Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th he is trined by three powerful planets and squared by two and opposed by two, Mataji will have a most eventful life as a World power, Teacher. It will all bring a great renown, an enormous following all over the world, a lot of conflict with evil. Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascen- dant is in the 8th degree. The Ascendant in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata, as the Ascendant is strongly much longevity, great distinction towards aspected by five planets, Jupiter, Mercury, the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual Uranus, Mars and the Moon, while it is Saturn, strong in the 4th house, glves and temporal, although it inclines her to some solitude also in old age. occupied by Pluto, which itself forms grand trines with three of the five planets and sex- files with the others two. Her spiritual International fame is indicated by the powers arise mainly from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, Also, the position of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the second house indicates that her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It is presence of a strong Uranus in the 9th house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto, and sextiled by Mars, and Moon Uranus conjuction gives Mataji great elo- Also, the Mercury- interesting to note that the current position quence and invincibility as a debater. of Neptune in the transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This shows that her main work in the years to come will be solely in The T-square formations between Moon- Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be this field. hindered by obstructive activities of evil and The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is negative forces Also Mataji might have to exalted in Taurus strongly posited in the 11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi- of some of her so-called followers who are Yoga, and invest her: with divinity. She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is destined to live richly like a Goddess, Her aristocratic origin is further indicated by the exalted Saturn in the 4th house, who being the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has steer through conflicting loyalties and aims, enemies in disguise. But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz., universal Self-Realisation ! Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. 17 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-19.txt un beloved Mother Shri Mataji has money or more success in life, but we should U explained to us quite often that Sahaja desire our spirit to act. What does our spirit Yoga is a dynamic, living process. Sahaja desire in order to act ? Yoga nourishes itself through itself and grows for itself. This dynamic, tremendous movement of positivity is ignited by our of joy outside and to spread the fiow of the spirit which is the reflection of our Mother's divine vibrations of our beloved Mother. The divinity in our being. Every Sahaja Yogi's spirit desires to be fully itself, bound to the Spirit is a part, a cell of Shri Mataji's body. Adi Shakti, and to increase the channels This spirit must be activated to become a which unite us to Shri Mataji. So we have to dynamic power, ready to attain and gain the let our spirit manifest its desire. If we do so, hearts of the seekers who are still searching the spirit will do the job. It will automatically God. As Sahaja Yogis we must understand act. Enjoying its own fulfilment, it will ex- how to use our spirit, work with and leave press its joy through action and enjoy it's our EGO and our misidentifications. 0 The spirit desires to manifest his essence own action. The spirit will be the motor of the engine, ready to go and put the Sahaja When a new person gets his realization Yogis wherever and whenever he likes; that and stabilized his feelings and beliets, the Unconscious will give him signs to help him to strengthen his faith towards Sahaja Yoga. Because he is still weak and shattered he ACTION RELATED TO goes up and down, very sensitive towards other people, catch from them and put his attention on other's negativity without know- ing that he gets identified by this negativity. It is the first step where he may become a lethargic, trying to avoid those who did not get yet their realization, afraid of some "boots" hanging around in the air, But when he grows inside, discovering the subtleties of Sahaja Yoga and feeling the manifesta- able to see our own beauty enlightened by tions of his spirit, he gets out of his mood this spirit. of fear little by little, leaveshis shell which covered his spirit and did not allow him to SPIRIT means every Sahaja Yogi can be in thought- less awareness wherever and whenever he likes, because it is his spirit which act, and not his EGO. Then, the more our spirit acts, the more our EGO decreases and we are But to train our spirit to act, it would be foolish to say. "Now, Mr. X let your spirit act". It would not work. No, let's jump into see around. A Sahaja Yogi, when his faith is settled down in his heart must manifest his spirit let's mix up ourselves with the "others" so more and more. As our beloved Mother told that they can discover us only through the the water, let's work and live like the others, us, we must express our desires. But what inside to the inside, from their heart to our is desire ? Desire is wifl put into action. heart. And the more we confront them, the What should we desire ? Not to have more more we train ourselves and the more we 18 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-20.txt use the powers of Sahaj Yoga. These are the powers of love and understanding, a perfect balance between patience and deter- that we can improve the tides of love among mination, tolerance and courage of telling ourselves and move together under the the truth. Confronted with them, we learn how to adapt ourselves to every kind of Shakti, the Holy Spirit, the desire of situations, every specimen of "boots" and God Almighty, the Redemptor of the so we strenghen ourselves. Little by little Humanity, the Absolute of all Absolutes, we know how to deal with them and espe- and so it knows to that the Absolute does cially we begin to understand that it is only not move because He is the integration of If we want to spread Sahaja Yoga all over the world, we must let our spirit act so divine attention of our divine Mother Adi through the action of our spirit that we can all integrations, the act on of all actions as show authority upon them. When we meet well as the inaction of all inactions. In this Shri Mataji, we meet the Absolute and we sense every Sahaja Yogi's spirit must grow receive the Absolute. So let's be Absolute in order to understand that desire put into through the innermanifestation of our acting action means to move closer and closer to this Absolute and let flow into the collec- spirit. tive being the incomparable love and the We, all the Sahaja Yogis, should pray to our Mother to let us act through our extraordinary beauty of his Divine Mother. spirit, because our spirit which acts, desires the other Sahaja Yogis to act too and so the collectivity increases. Maria-Amelia et Arneau de Kalberamatten With beot wisheo from : Jagannath Surendra Kumar 132, Bapu Street, FIROZABAD-283203 Off. : 117 Res. : 622 Phones Wholesalers STRAW PRODUCTS LIMITED 19 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-21.txt LE NIRMALA VIDYA "It is the special power by which we do All Divine work, even forgiving. When you say, "Mother, forgive us", the technique by which I forgive you is Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which I love you is also Nirmala Vidya. The technique by which all the Mantras are manifesting themselves and are effective is also Nirmala Vidya, Nirmala-means pure, Vidya means know- ledge, Nirmala Vidya is purest knowledge or the knowledge of this technique. It creates loops, the energy creates loops and creates also different formations by which it acts and draws all that is unwanted, impure & fills it up with its power. It is a technique, a divine technique which I may not be able to explain to you fully because your instrument does not do that-you don't have that instrument. But now you see, how subtle it is. Only by saying "Nirmala Vidya", you just invite that power, the whole thing, the whole technique to attend to you and it attends to you. You don't have to worry. It Never happens in any government or anywhere in the world. You just address the Govt. and the whole thing goes into work, in the whole the entire universe, every creation. That techique is called Nirmala Vidya. That technique once mastered, by surrendering into it; it completely obeys, absolutely. But it is Ganesh Shakti, the Shakti of Innocence is the power called Innocence. The whole power because it is Innocence So the Innocence takes over, which manages. That's how it works out. Then It goes on rising and called Para Shakti, beyond power, then becomes Madhyama and all that. It comes upto the Vishuddhi at the left. There you become guilty. Because of your guilty nature you say things that are harsh. Left Vishuddhi is the catch of the Ganesh Shakti. Ganesh is Sweetest Thing, you can think of Even when you look at Ganesh; this Kautuk ( F)-this innocent admiration starts flowing. Just think of him, you feel so happy. That Innocence becomes harsh on left Vishuddhi. So to overcome your left Vishuddhi all of you; are to use Sweet Words. Your langu- age should be Sweet to everyone, especially (Men) must speak Sweetly to their wives. Now, that Sweetness will cure your left Vishuddhi. Always speak 20 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-22.txt very Sweetly, try to findout all the Sweet Words. The Sweet methods of addressing is the best way to cure your guilt because if you say anything harsh to anyone; you may say sa as a matter of habit or may be because just you feel happy by saying that, but as soon as you say it, you say, 'Oh God, What did I say, That is the biggest guilt. One has always, to try to find out sweet words. way you have to learn all the sounds of everything by which you make people Now, the birds are chirping. In the same It is very important. Otherwise, if your left happy by your sweetness Vishuddhi grows too much, you will develop a way of talking by which your lips will get distorted towards left side. Then the flow starts higher. in the Ajnya Chakra, where the Ganesh Shakti becomes the Greatest Power of Forgiveness. Then it rises higher into the limbic area where Ganesh Shakti goes above the Surya, the super-ego comes up and this power is that of the Moon and this Moon is Spirit this becomes Spirit and it sits on the head of Sadashiva, that is the same. The whole Ganesh Shakti's evolution, you see, it is so beautiful. our desire itself becomes the spirit, your desire and Spirit become one-but this So this way hurdle can be very bad sometimes. You have seen, that all of you who have left Vishuddhi; when you speak harshly you must know it is not you, who is speaking. No, because you are the Spirit, Spirit cannot say anything harsh or destructive. It only will say harsh, when it is necessary to little bit remould. But that you don't take over. That will be done by somebody else-" MATAJI at RAHURI on 31-12-80 M/s. Paper Trading Agency geney 4019, Chawri Bazar, Delhi-110006 (India) Phones : 262069 & 261529 Wholesalers Straw Products Ltd. Rohit Pulp & Paper Mills Ltd. The Titaghur Paper Mills Co. Ltd. 21 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-23.txt ai Mataji My beloved Mother, tis with great joy that I am writing to you, |Mother, in that blessed land of India, where by your grace I gained the realization of myself. My whole being thrills with excite- ment, that in just several more weeks I shall for which we sincerely beg for forgiveness. be with the one, who has bestowed upon one of Her children, the gift of knowing ledge, our often 'not so clear vibrations to you Mother, we have made many mistakes, Our ego, super ego, lack of precise know- many mis-identifications and conditionings- all these things make us so unworthy of your one's self. And of course, Terence feels just the continuous and overflowing grace. But the same. When we left you, Mother, in Delhi love has always been there. Many of your we were in all truth somewhat apprehensive children have, by your grace, gained their of the future. We had been close to our self-realization here in Australia. This, very Mother for 8 weeks and in the warmth of Her naturally, has given us and all the Sahaja- being we felt secure. felt like rather fearful baby-birds taking their about 35 of your A ustralian children coming first tentative flying lesson. And the confi- to India to be with you and the joy that they dence was far from established. Then when feel inside cannot be described. When we left you, we yogis and Yoginis great joy. There will be we arrived back in Australia we said "OK India gave us so much and taught us so Here we go and take a big jump" And we found that our wings did work and we knew much that we wished that as many as that the confidence would come. The desire possible should gain these blessings and to grow was there no doubt. So, with experiences, first hand in India. We are so Mother's love, we surged ahead and took grateful to you, Mother that materially so great joy in all the new discoveries and fresh many have been able to afford to come to challenges and especially in finding joyful India. We have been so blessed by you in company in 'other baby-birds which were learning to fly with us. As time went by, we had so many cases where our Mother's ever- with all sorts of misidentification and in watchful eyes and loving and caring kept us giving up these attachments they have been on the right way and stopped from getting given back so much more. (Sometimes the too badly bumped. all these ways. Many have given up their old homes where they lived in isolation and process of giving up has been painful; but by your grace the determination and will So we were giving others self-realization have been triumphant) Many have had to and this was the greatest joy. And what has give up very gross sexual misidentifications happened this year, Mother has just been your love and grace. We have really done Kali-yuga. The war is on and we are winn- nothing-just the grace has been flowing ing. That is the important thing and it is all and this has been and is a real battle in this and how blessed we all are. All thanks to thanks to Mother's grace that the inner you, Mother 'O Adi Shakti. Needless to say strength prevails. 22 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-24.txt We all have much work to do so that our Divine wisdom which just flows and flows. spirit can more and more manifest and so that we set Gur vibration right. We are confident that with Mother's everflowing grace it will just happen. What more can we ask that the drop becomes the ocean. We are coming to India with joy, with awe, with humility and most of us are You have met Barbara and Kerry and coming to worship our Divine Mother, the their letters have been so filled with joy, creator of this Universe and in whose being And yet Barbara's letter which came just today is so full of Shri EGO that we had to laugh. How Mother plays with us to teach us One lesson many of us have learned this year is that if we get into ego or super ego our Mother will give us more and more of such situations and in the end we will fall over and then face the real situation and put down our 'Balloons'. Everytime it happens In myself and others, I just laugh out loudly. reside all the Delties that have been manifest and unmanifest on this beautiful earth. May we more and more please these Deities that are a part of Adi-Shakti, in Her in complete form and with Her complete powers. In so doing with a pure heart we can more and more know God both now manifest manifest and unmanifest. Thus, may the self become reunited with God Almighty. This is our prayer 'O' Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi. So again, Mother please forgive us, if in our work here in Australia we have trans- gressed too badly, or if we have not always shown wisdom, or our ego and super ego have blown us too much. All we now ask is With love and respect from all of us in Australia, WARREN & TERENCE 10-Catherene Street, Liechhardt 2040 NSW that we can come to our beloved Mother and sit at her lotus feet and imbibe Her Divine Love and Her Nature and learn more of that AUSTRALIA 10th December, 1980. AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE TRUTH I was preparing for my third terminal and kindness of our Divine Mother only exams when I came to know of HH Mataji's during the days of my final MBBS examina- programmes in Delhi, in February 1980. As tion. HH Mataji gave me realization in time was very short, 1 attended the pro- Since then I cherish this gramme on one Saturday with a wish in precious gift of God. I was a topper in my mind to ask the Mother for blessings to To my I realised the importance of vibrations October 1979. middle school days but thereafter I hardly stand 1st in final examinations. ever got good marks. So, after the realiza- surprise it appeared that the Mother had tion, I thought I would again score highest understood my wish, as She told the story of a girl who topped in all activities, which marks, 23 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-25.txt made her an egoist and a tom-boy, to every prayers, but avoided my earlier mistake. I said Ma, please give me blessings-so that I may be able to attempt every question, bloat my ego and cause my dissent on the howsoever difficult it may be". I received the blessings through the divine / vibrations which were almost poured on me. I bowed before the Mother's photograph and left. body's annoyance, I understood that my wish was unwise as a top position would spiritual path. One day, in the third terminal examination I was to write my Gynaecology Paper. Before starting, I prayed to the Mother before her photograph" Ma, please do such a miracle paper T realised that I had answered all the that only the questions I am prepared for. questions very well, although I had not And lo ! As I finished the question prepared for them. This was repeated in are asked in the exams". Perhaps no vibrations came. I entered the examination respect of all subjects. hall with a curiosity, as to whether my prayers would be answered or not. I was shocked to read the question paper, Every- thing asked appeared to be greek and latin HnalI MBBS examinations were over. and no choice was allowed. I felt dismayed at the mother's decision !! Somehow I answered the questions but falled in that marks in the subject in which I had failed in better than I could even dream of. It became possible only due to the Mother's grace. I did my practical examinations also and mý The result was a pleasant surprise. I had topped in Medicine ; scored very good subject. I told myself "Doesn't matter, it is just a home exam. Please Ma, lest this in the class. Yes, my position was quite the third terminal examination & stood fourth would repeat in final examinations also". Further I decided to study that subject i bowed to the Mother's photograph, with high and still it would not puff up any ego. properly, as inadequate preparation was the main cause of my failure. tears of Joy and gratitude rolling from eyes. How kind of our Divine-Mother to have fulfilled my wish without making me an ego- Medicine My final examination came. was the first subject. Despite studying hard I felt nervous and felt that my preparation was not upto the mark. I stood in front of Mataji Shree Nirmala Devi Namonamah." Mataji's photograph and prayed for help. For a moment I felt as if I was bathing in a shower of vibrations !! Next day, i. e. on the examination day, I was very much scared. Before leaving for the exams I said my ist. "Om Twamev Sakshat Shree Adi Shakti Dr. Nitin Kumar Gupta 27 LIG, DDA Flats (RPS) Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064. 24 1981_Nirmala_Yoga_E_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-27.txt ADDRESSES INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE GROUP 1. Me, Don Devine 15 Vicarage Terrace, Cambridge, U. K 2. Mr. Rajbir Gupta RPSD S See, School, Subzim . andi, Malka Ganj Road, Delhi-110007 3. Mes. Asha Lata Gupta R.A. (Social Wark), N.L.H.F Deptt, of P & E, Main Building. Munirka, New Delhi. 4. Shri D. S. Pai 5, Shri Avad hut Pai 6 Smt, Malini Kamakshi 21, Torna Apartment Sahar Road-A, Andheri (East). Bombay-400099. 7. Miss Shubhra Mathur Set No 1, 7. 43: Bungalow Road, Deihi-T10007 With best compiiments from: Mohan Kagaz Udyog пan 615 Uprain Ganj, Jabalpur-482002 Wholesalers: STAR PAPER MILLS STRAW PRODUCTS LTD. Edited E Published by SS. C Rai, 43, Bungiow Road, Delhi-10007 and Printed at Ratnadeep Press, Darya Gan, New Dethi-1o002. One issun R 600 Annal Sobnceiption R 20 oo Fareian (Ry ArmaiIT40