H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi Lectures 1989 INDIA SYNOPSIS DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.1, No. i& 2. DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL I Shri Mataji Nimala Devi's India Tomr 1989 South India and Gujrat were very much blessed by Shri Mataji. She gave public talks in Hyderabad, Madras, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Rajkot and Chowrhat. India is a country of diverse people and cultures. All the five states She visited spoke different languages yet her language of love opened every heart As Shri Mataji remarked, "language is not the problem, it is the seekers: Saliaja yoga is meant for people with an open mind" Thousands of people who had never heard of vibrations surprisingly got their realisation and bowed to the Goddess. Their recognition was instant and did not require many further explanations.This was her only her second visit to Hyderabad after 4 years and people came thronging to her programmes. In Bangelore, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Chowrhat the maiden visit blessed the starting of new centres. The importance of Bangelore visit dawned from her triumphant smile when sahaja yogis praises 'Mahishsura mardini. In her divine play she exposes all rakshas before destroying them.; just as our negativity within is destroyed upon being exposed. A thousand meanings lie hidden in her cach expression, each smile that enthralled us all the time. She said so sang her many wonderful things, some of them are quoted below. Her lectures have been recorded and sent to Austria for world wide distribution. Shri Mataji's Public T Indha Tonr Syaopsis alks South or Synopsis. At the very outset we have to understand that we cannot create truth, we cannot organise truth. Truth is, was and will be.We cannot cheat truth. We have to reach that point to receive it. It 15 not a conccpt, we cannot change it. Sahaja yoga establishes the proof of truth. All the theories have come from truth but its experience is not there. In our seeking of truth we should be very honest with ourself and not gullable. When you come with a forthright attitude, the truth comes to you. You should shun people who are not truthful. Why should you worry about some one else's authority if he hus the authority of God. God does not necd sahaja yoga, it is you who needs sclf rcalisation.. New comers should understand that they are not obliging us. It is better that a few people of quality come, than a large number ol 2. shallow people. Sahaja yoga is not plastic which you can go on mass producing. It has to start with a few. Lots of bad influences have gone now. You have to transform people ,if humanity has to be aved. It is a tremendous task. It is casy to do everything else. It is easy to be a professional, a doctor, a lawycr, engineer etc. People will go down in the history of spirituality who will save humanity. What a tremendous task it is to transform human beings. Therefore be aware of yourself and your altention. It is not difficult to give realisation, one has to work hard to sustain it. Because one easily falls into thoughis. It is not a difficult problem to sustain it if you pnctise sahaja yoga collectively, because all the ways have been given by sahaja yoga. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution has to manifest through our central nervous systein. In the orient people believed that one should see etemal light rather than indulge in Transitory things Transitory things exist, they can be used in proper maryadas, to be kept in their own place. When you cross the maryadas and over indulge in them, then they become evil, simply destructive and fatal. The Etemal All Pervading Divine Power acis on molecules, vegetables, animals and human beings when they grow. The whole created cosmos is so well organised, and looked after in all delaiis, by the Divine power, but through maya it covers it with ignorance. Through this one casily alls into transite ry responses, and gets lost. All hunan understanding moves in a lincar way, and then recoils back. But the Divine radiates on all sides equally. You are like a computer, but the computer has to be connected to the mains. Once you come into the kingdom of God, his Government is benevolent, loving, absolutely earnest and most efficient and above all it acts through its power of love. God Almighty who created this world is more concemed about its wellbeing than you Out of the mire and dirt of a pond lotuses are born. They spread fragrance in the whole world, and cover it with beauty. The lotus is so delicate, but it is open te the beetle who has thomy legs, In the same way in Sahaja yoga your personality develops like a beautiful lotus, which has leaves but on which the water does not stay. Wheni the Laxmi tattwa is awakened, such a person can stand on a lotus He does not put pressure on anyone . His heart is fragrant like the lotus. Laxni gives with one hand, with the other hand it provides protection- like an umbrella which the arher spreads over his children. Likewise an enlightened entreprencur looks after the welfare of his people. The movement of money is linear and many discases are born of its greed. You should consider what do people say about the moneyed people. 3. Enla Talk Madras 8.2.89 Mr Murthy®s Housa Hioune In the Kaliyuga one is wasting time trying to gain the attention of others, just for some transitory gain. In this mad world where do sahaja yogis stand ? You see the world running after transitory things, but we are to be the scekers of the etemal. In modem timés there are some new conditioning and bindings. The worst binding factor is time. To save time we pian all the while, yet we find that everything works out of time (laug.iier). A futuristic person is not yet a sahaja yogi. In modern times life is so hectic, se fast and the experiences of missing out are very harmful, for example, when people take an air ticket in their hand, they become nervous. They start shaking, the moment, they know they have to go to the airport. As a result they forget things and may miss their plane. But Sahaja yogis must know that they cannot miss the plane, if they are real sahaja yögis. Sahaja yogis have to be 'Kalatit' (beyond Ume). If the chitta is not in the present, then it is in the future, you are thinking of the next thing. With the attention on time the point is missed. The precious moment is lost. Therefore keep your attention at case You have to keep your attention in the centre, watch what is going on -just people running up and down. Once we went to a wedding in England. People were so much in a hurry to attend it, that when they aived the church had not opened ( laughter). We should not be futuristic , the attention is lost. In the moment everything is remembered and every thing works out smoothly. After all what special work are we doing only waiting at the airport. We should ask, " are we enjoying ourself" ? If we cannot enjoy anything then why are we doing it ? The principle is that we should be in joy. When we went to the airport in Pune, the plane was three hours late, All the Sahaja yogis had come to see me. All the collectivity enjoyed this time. Then I put my altention on all the Sahaja yogis who had come to see me at Hyderabad Airport. It gave all the new Sahaja yogis an opportunity to know cach other. All the Sahaja yogis just enjoyed talking to cach other and sharing their experiences. Enjoy the beauty of human relationship. I never do anything. I stand in 'akarma'. So you also stand as a witness. What is the use of creating tensions and blood pressure. First thing, you must leam to get out of time consciousness. Then you will find out that everything works out with your time. One does not have to be overactive or lethargic. Everything works in its own time -the ways the ladies take their own time (laughter). One of the blessings of sahaja yoga is that you forget time. Take the blessing of sahaja yoga. We should be what we are, if you are a woman be a woman; if you are a man be a man. In sahaja yoga you have to master your manhood. If a man runs after a woman he is a woman (laughter). such a man should be sent to the doctor. There is some sort of a bhoot in him. If you are alvways looking here and there, then your atfention is nor there. Attention should be very peaceful like a lake, which has no ripples - reflecting the whole creation, the complete creation of joy. Even a "kataksh" is sufficient to give realisation. The media everywhere has neither joy nor any feelings. It creates a very wobbly attention. This leads to all kinds of physical problems. It s necessary for a sahaja yogi to seltle down his attention. Meditation on my feet settles the attention. To see that your attention must be absolutely clear, the eyes must be clear also. It is a state, you simply become a witness, ike a wheel of fan is rotating but it remains still. You should just see, not think. If you enjoy seeking somcthing, don't ask for the price. The joy and love thai an artist has put in making his work, descends upon you like an ocean of joy, which you appreciate in a state of nirvana. Think what can I give to the other. When buying sarees, one has to also think of the poor weavers, what about their job. Everything has a principle behind it. If your attention is there, you can see the principle. Fashion is such a vicious circle, the attention becomes slavish to fashion, everyone wearing the same thing blindly. Sahaja yogis do not wish to live on transitory ideas, just laugh at all these things. We are not going to waste our energy on useless transitory thinking. We stand on solid how footing, enjoying at a dceper level, enjoying the satire of the absurd. As Kabira has said, You. nould I explain to them who are blind". In this state we just enjoy and don't suffer the pangs. You see the the satire of kaliyuga and just enjoy it. Let the people see in you somebody who is so different, let them see the purity, the compassion and peace in you. You are the advertisement of sahaja yoga, you are the light. That is the description of Nimalite. As Namadeva has said after meeting GoraKumhar, " I came to see the nirgunna and I sce it as Saguna in you". What an appreciation of the other. See the beauty of the inside of each other and enjoy it. In your aftention you have to just say, " Let us have the purity of light of our attention". T âm at your command. If you say mother come in my heart, I come ia Your heart. It is for my benevolence, I don't need sahaja yoga , it is you who needs sahaja yoga. lt is for your benevolence that I am here. Receive the blessings of sahaja yoga. May God Bless you. Afier the puja all the sahaja yogis prayed to Shri Mataji Aum Twem wa sahshat Shri Chitta Shakti Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namba. All the sahaja yogis bow to you O Goddess of Lajja and thank you for allowing us to vorship you. May we all your children who have enjoyed the prasada of this beautiful puja and who are so blessed by you, imbibe all the virtues you have so generously showered upon us. May we spread the message of sahaja yoga and bring glory to your name. A devotional song was sung by the Madras sahaja yogis in Tamil. It was composed by Mr Murthy .The Goddess was most pleased and said that it should become an International song. 5n Omestions nad Answers during the proerammA 1) Describe a guru? A guri has to take the full responsibility of the well being and righteousness of the disciple with the same intensity as the mother. Guru is the one who connects the disciple to the Brahma chaityna. You cannot purchase him. If you buy a guru, then he is your slave, be cannot be a guru., 2) What is the difference between Raja yoga, bhakti yoga, japa yoga and sahaja yoga? Modern Raja yoga is like trying to move the wheels of the car without ignition. Raja yoga automatically manifests in sahaja yoga. As we take the food the digestive system goes into action automatically, When the kundalini awakens, then you automatically get connected with Him. When you are in the kingdom of God, then even taking His name once is enough. By repeating mantra jappa His name, does not mean that you treat Him as if he is in your pocket ( laughter). Bhakti can be of two kinds, firstly blind bhakti, secondly enlightened bhakti - that is sahaja yoga. Bhakti without connection with God is useless. It is like a phone call without the connections. As Shri Krishna has said it should be Ananya Bhakti, meaning where there is not the other. 3) All the rivers leads to the sca in different stages. How do we know when we have reached? I think that you have reached tha end of your journey. If you think you haven't then better go back and come all the way (laughter). 4) The niessage of Gita is addressecd to Arjuna but its dictum is universal. The dictum of all the scriptures is for every one, however it is not in the words, but the becoming of it. Why is there such a gap between a stith pragya, and a reader or preacher of the Gita? because you have to become the stith pragya (realised soul). That is what I have copie to do. 5)On education Highe education is not enough, discretion has also to be deployed. 6) Is neditation a mesmcrism ? In mesmerism you dun't get human awareness. In sahaja yoga your awarcness is expanded and enlightened, it becomes unlimited. In mesmerism they use your eyes which are open and then a person gets in:o a trance, while in sahaja yoga the eyes are closed during meditation and therefore cannot be usec foi mesmerism: 7) Why is there a drought in Maharashtra when it is called a Yoga Bhumi? Becau e they have started making alcohol out of sugar. Those staying in Yoga Bhumi should know -hat they are doing in it; It is a great responsibility who are born in this yoga bhumi that we huve to ge our realisation: GUIRAT People look to the west, but happiness docs not come from material things. Today you have one thing, tomorrow you want another. Earlier expensive gurus was the fad, today drugs have replaced them. They take drugs that spin the brain, then they listen to jarring pop music. Thus their limbic arca has become numb and insensitive; so they need sharper and deeper sensations and stimuli. Is this what their freedom has given them?- how to ruin their life. They try to express their freedom in an outward manner. They can colour their hair or dress up the way they like, they could be vulgar and extremely ridiculous as in Halloween. America has become poorer. Where has all the money gone? What is the use of such progress, that drives people to the point of desperation that they commit suicide. Switzerland, Sweden and Norway have the highest standard of living, yet they are in competition which country commits more suicide. When we see some one ahead of us falling into a ditch then why should we follow him ? ----------- You work so hard for your family, what about working a little bit for your inner self, your joy. The person who achieves self realisation becomes "smartha" (equal to one's meaning). He Toms no habit, he cannot be overpowered, he settles down in such peace like the centre point ofa wheel, which is still. Likewise you witness everything but are not affected. The rights of a man and a woman are cqual, but they are not similar. This is what has to be understood by freedom to women. The position of a woman is like mother earth. She wears soothing green, she is the support, she is patient like a mother and forgives our sins. A wife is not in any way inferior to the husband. I think she can become mnore powerful, if she becomes aware of responsibility of her power. In India it is said "woman should be worshipped" - but the woman should also be worthy of worship. You can get happiness from a husband/wife but joy only the comes from the Spirit. Atma is beyond happiness and sorrow, it emits only joy SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI'S INDIA TOUR 1989 CONTD. In the last issue of the Divine Cool Breeze a synopsis of Shri Mateji's programmes in South India and Gujrat were reported. The India Tour continued to Nagpur, Delhi, Lucknow, Dehradun, Bombay, Patna, Calcutte and Nepal. To do ful1 justice to all the wonderful things She said a book would have till then a synopsis is being to be written, presented to share the Divine Message. Nagpur was a homecoming, wè all felt the warmth and love of our Divine Wus Mother's home town. All the people who had known her in childhood narrated so many lovely stories. One gentleman who is an M.P. now lrowedin ArCwed a printed brochure displaying Shri Mataji's name as the president social welfare organization. Her childhood was filled with tremer dous activity devoted to the welfare of humanity. It was amAzing how she could recognise faces she had not seen for decades - it was the enlightenment oE the memory lane. Then there was the school she studied, lanes and parks that vere the scene of the Diving play of Shri Bal Krishna Sakshat. Baba Mama overwhelmed us with his proverbial Nagpur hospitality with the added bonus of a musical bonanza! The opening ceremony of the Delhi Ashram by Shri Mataji was a Divine moment. As the heavens showered their blessings we were in tears of joy at the dedication of our Delhi brothers and sisters in building such Breat monument of love. The Public programmes were tremendous, this time the Capital moved its frontiers towards the common Thousands of villagers got their realisation at programmes held at Noida and Pritampura. The frevour of the Noida songs triggered the audience into a lila of dance and mirth that reminded of Ganpatiphule. The Doon Valley gave a rousing welcome tu the Goddess of the Mountains. It was proclaimed ever ywhere that 'The Blossom .Time has Come'. Indeed, as nature blossomed in riots of colourful ' spring flowers the Dehradun people were ushered into the blossom time of their Spirit. Sahaja Yogis from all the world had gathered to fecilitate over Shri Mataji on her 66th Birthday. As each petal unfolds with the rays of the rising sun, each heart opened with her bashful birthday smiles. In her birthday we felt the joy of our own rebirth, our Spirit shinning and reflecting her love and splendour. Ms Kirti Shelidar complimented .. 2.. the fecilit ion with beautiful classical music in the traditional natya-sangeet style. The following day at the Birthday Puja Shri Mataji bestowed all her blessings upon all her children all over the universe. Jai Shri Mataji. "In Sahaja yoga it is compulsory to be Happy" with which Calcutta took to Sahaja Yoga; 'Come the Mother Calls' was was the positivity the logo that drev seekers from the depths of Bengal. The first two nights ware at a serene camnp where all the sahaje yogis lived like a family Barasat!. It is a village from where traditionally commences the procession of the Goddess during Durga Puja. With the soil of Bengal so bleased by Mahishasura Mardini people got their realisation, of the prophecy of Rabindra Nath Tagore is fulfilled, "Come ye men all races, Co annoint the Mocher, on the shores of Bharat. From Calcutta Shri Mataji arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal is perhaps the only purely Hindu state where the Goddess is worshipped in many aspects. As they worship her in images, rituals and daily life there is a fusion of myth and reality, allowing them to recognise Her Incarnation. There is a tremendous potential, the day is not far for all of them to enjoy the reality of the Incarnation of Modern Times. NAGPUR TALI TO SAHAJA YOGIS 5.3.89 (synopsis translation from Marathi) Mother's place is something very special and one gets reminded of many things. Sahaja Yoga should spread in Nagpur this haa come to my mind But somethimes the people from Mother's place keep away many times. from her. They don't observe what lies around them. A thing at a distance can easily be noticed but where we stay, where we have spent our lives, people from that place are so close that they cannot easily recognise the depth in us and that is why Saha ja yoga has started so late in Nagpur. Because of my childhood here abundant chaitanya a lot of work has already taken place in a spread in this aree and subtle manner and I knew that this all will flourish one day. I visited a lot of places and met a lot of people because of my father who cried to visit each and every plece to spread the freedon stru le. When I was about 9 years old Gandhiji used to call me Hepali. He used 132 to respect my ideas and plans. His Ashram at Bha jenavali was all based I told on Kundalini wherein all chakras are described one by one. him to follow a particular sequence which he did in great details - right from the first ritualistic principles upto Christ. Everything was there Allah O Akbar etc. He used to consult me often. Those people who came in contact wi-h me since my childhood still remember me. Just yesterday my school teacher had come here to the. programme. Maybe they have some inner knowledge and force that binds them to me and helps them to recognise me after so many years. When I was in Science college I had participated in the freedom struggle "Quit India' in 1942. The whole police had come there along with a I alone stood there at the gate facing canon to scare the students. A year ago at a Pune public programme my principal sahib Shri Krishna Modi had come and while coming to my feet he started sobbing them. and saying "see, I have recognised you that you are Shakti. being a Shakti herself a young girl of 17 cannot gather so much courage to face the police alone. And today I am seeing its ậnifestation. The moment I extended my support they removed me from there." Those who know me from my childhood recognise ine even today. There today. There is only one reason for that and it is called LOVE. is Because my love "Nirvyajya, Nirpekaha Bacauso of - without uny axpoctationa. that Nirvyajya love these people still know me. In those tense times We are my mother used to say that they had no identity of their own. known as Nirmala's mother, Nirmala's father. When you are so small this can be only because of one reascn ONLY LOVE. Right from childhood my nature was such that I gave whatsoever others demanded. I had a lot, of love and compassion for all the peaple. That is why people also have a place for me deep within them. môment I was already aware of the bad qualities of the other but I knew if he got the Nirvya jya love then one duy or the other he is bound And that is why to come to sahaja yoga and will see God Almighty. this Nirvyajya love must come in all of you. In it oe does not e or desire anything. If some one gives you something or not how does it bother you? All these things are perishable. However my father I never talked abouE saha ja yoga in my childhood. knew about it, no one else, My father explained it to my mother because she had some Divine dream about me. She had desired to see a tiger when I was to be born and had any such dreams at that time. Mainly I have seen one thing about Nirvyajya love. In school, college or neighbourhood, everyone had knOWn about me. I was wondering because they were not knowing any other people. My brother used to wonder and say, 'how people know Nirmala didi'. Girls used to tell him, 'yes, we kaow you are Nirmala's brother only'. He used to say 'do I not have any identity of my own?' Only through this Nirvyajya love can you befriend the aultitudes. All my friends used to write so many letters that the college office used to wonder whats going on. "How nis lady gets so many letters'. Then I was Garried to a very orthodox to speak, touch every one's feet. At that timUe also what did I do? -I gave Nirvyajya love to everyone. and Ay wearing a big veil, If they had any problems I used to solve them. They love me so much that even if I go to Lucknow fora day the entire family would gather around me and not leave me. All such roles I have played. So everything is in a way so enchanting. There is a sort of a very loving atmosphere. While speaking to people one must speak lovingly, politely. If you denounce them or insult them by putting them in their place it is totally wrong. Talk politely, with coapassion, do every- thing vith Nirvysjya love. You may not know the extent to which it could help you in future. For example all my brother's friends respect me as their sister. If I just give them a hint they would move heaven Whatever and earth. I just cannot imagine what I have done for them. I have done for anyone is that I have only loved them. In love it Whatever love I gave is not that one does something for the other. then was for my own satisfaction and the reward of that satisfaction is so big that any amount of expense would not be enough. The love should be Nirvya jya, meaning love e without vested interest, without any expectations. It should be free of self interest, that I am doing this, I have done this for him etc. This is not a good attitude, infact it is wrong. .. 5.. In Sahaja yoga there are some old' Sahaja Yogis. I have very strange experiences about them. Now you are the people who are initiating this, founding this. Saha ja yogis are at the foundation; if the founda- tion is stiaky then the building will collapse. Suppose you give So realisation to someone, what does it mean? YOU did not give it. 'this awakening is given by Shri Mataji' or that 'this person has got his awakening'. One should must say that 'I am akarmi one So this feeling not go about saying I have awakened his Kundalini'. that I have given something', 'have done this', should never be there. But my reading of human beings tells me that those who come to Sahaja yoga in the begining get this sort of false pride - "ve are very old saha ja yogis, yogis, we are the very first few sahaja yogis'. As sahaja yoga keeps spreading in the seme proportion this false pride also keeps mounting up "that because of me so many sáhaja yogis have crossed the ocean of illusion" %31 By now more or less all such people are thrOwn out of sahaja yoga because of this false pride. I have observed that all people who nourish this false pride get caught Their ego keeps up by bhoots. bloating sa much that they feel uncomfortable in Sahaja Yoga. Then they get angry. They think about themselves as sort of self appointed people incharge of the whole thing. 'we are running this whole show, we are behind keeping everything intact'. As a result the humility that is nost essential disappears and the love vanishes and this gives rise to thoue unwanted fault bringing escapades. There is another deficiency that I notice among old sahaja yogis; that Ehey try to create new ideas, ways, mantras and then proclaim it in Don't try to create sahaja yoga. To always do something вy паmе. new comen from the Western mind. Now Sahaja Yoga is traditional. you have got the fruit. What is new to be done after the fruit? We don't believe have told your exactly what to do, and how to do it. So don't in forming new groups such tendencies come from politics. try to invent new things or say "Shri Mataji has said this, so you better do it". They invent something and use my name to make it authentic and then get caught up in this self knitted web. You should refute all this and say "I would not proclaim any absurd thing, I will continue to do only what Shri Mataji says." If you get some new ideas or concepts, you can write to me about it s0 that I can study it and if it is correct, I shall indicate according- - that I will explain ly. This should be like this and not like this,' to you. 'Not me' this The moment 'I' appears, Sahaja Yoga ceases to exist. Where 'I' manifests everything one thing BISE be imbibed within. finishes. If you are a person with an angry temprament then better "educe your temper. Whatever number of hot tempered people had come to sahaja yoga all have gone. If you have a hot temper you must study from where it comes. If it is from the liver, you must cure the liver. BUT YOU MUSTI CALM DOWN. During Puja one gets very peaceful. Till that time when we have broken down our attitude of getting wild at every little thing that happens around us and till we have risen above it: it is difficult to progress. That is why one must strive hard - not just to control the temper but In Saha ja Yoga there is a way completely remove it from one's being. to de it. How to do it one must study and understand. The most important thing is that everyone should come to the centre. If any one thinks that he can do it alone, single handed, in his own privacy 1t is of no: use. If you do not come to the centre you will not achieve anything. One has to go deep into it. Through the depth Through this friendship we ne must befriend others in the centre. have to learn the laws of our Vishwa Nirumala Dharma in such a way that you imbibe them in your being. We don't approve castism, high or low or fundamentalism of so called The religions - meaning those religions which are followed blindly. true religion we honour but external rituals and dognas we don'E approve. Widowhood is not approved because it is a false notion. It is an in justice forced by men upon women. Do not be afraid of any social stricture of any sect. Say "Mother has ordered us to put kumkum on Walking around with blank foreheads is not allowed. our foreheads. Those who accept themselves as widows are basically wrong because widow- hood if it had been right would have had to apply on gents as well. Gents don't have widowhood then why 1aides should suffer widowhood? Men have brought in this widowhood for the ladies to suffer agony. Except this, I feel they don't achieve anything else. . 7.. Another aspect where Saha ja Yogis get caught up is worshipping a wrong This is very dangerous, anytime the guru can enter your being, guru. whatever he night have done you must sincerely try to wash hin off your being and cleanse yourself. There is nothing to aind or feel disheartened, one must not nurish wrong concepts in this regard. Even if a small bit of it is left unattended it keeps on growing and goes a little bit of it out of hand and becomes like a big tree. Even iE is left within be sure that your viberations will disappear. If the guru tettwa is catching get rld of it by shoe-beating. Even the subtlest of things effects the inner self, , one must be aware of it all the time. Sahaje Yogis who come from outside of India are a mixture o£ many different types. Some are very deep, they imnediately go to the core. Some are half baked and some are just useless. Your behaviour with all of them must be polite and proper. Slowly you will be surpried to see that those who are not earnest will autoatically go away on their own. Those who have not yet properly understood Sahaja yoga from within should be helped. You should call them and work on them. Whereas I find that as soon as they come you announce that they are caught up by bhoots. In Maharashtra we are a bit harsh while placing the facts - "Hello, you are caught up by so many bhoets, better go, get lost." This bluntness possessea us at times. When I ask someene why have you opted out of saha ja yoga they say, "Mother, they have claarly said that there are dead spirite in my house and that I am also possessed by the bhoots." When I ask the Sahaje yogis they reply, "we only told the truth." But the thing la even if it is a fact; one hasto say only that part which will be benevolent to them. Are they benefitted by what you said? on the contrary they lost the opportunity of Sahaja Yoga and have left. When you ere to speak the truth it is not necessary to be sweet and sugar coated but it must be benevolent (hitkari). Speak in a manner that nourishes the others. If they have a problem try to understand it and assure them that we can eradicate it from the Why say it is a bhoot? root. When you say "you are caught up by a bhoot; that person would say 'the doctor has never told me that I am possessed by a bhoot, why are you telling me that?" It la good that now I heve clearly told you these things. Till this day I have not told what are the problems of the new saha ja yogis. This has to be properly understood by old sahaja yogis so that they give Nirvyajya love to those who have just come into saha ja yoga. But somehow You instead they always try to force themselves to be in the front. can pinpoint the one who is sitting in the very first row is a very old timer, better described as 'oldy' - and he must sit in the front "I um siomeone special, I have some special calibre", meaning that they oust occupy the front positions. So you can see that he is useless. If any assgignment is given to him, he will immediatcly delegate the job to some one else - You do this. you do that' and he himself will keep roaming around and put every one else to work. Work delegaters of that kiud that they can shepherd the sheep sitting on the camel. This is the situation. Then when I say. You better quit Sahaja Yoga "Shri Mataji I am such an old Sahaja yogi' they suddenly fall down understood" you are not only old but alsO worn out so better leave us. So everyone is kindly requested to humbly and with great reverence firmly vow that "I have not yet achieved anything, I have got to rise much more, I give light to others only because I get more enlightened while doing so." Some people And you should give light to others also. are very old and worn out and those who come today are very highly evolved. Thus from experience gained on many occasions about the behaviour of the old Saha ja yogis I have decided now to tell them that 'better you check up for yeurself whether you yourself are caught up by bhoots", These bhoots are of the ego. You must first see whether you are possessed by the bhoots of the ego - because of that you are going to lose. For a while it is pleasing that we have become respected people that we have got the pover. But if one wants to achieve power after coming to Sahaja Yoga it is better that the sahaja yogi does not do Saha ja Yoga. This is the thing. Mis sappropriation of funds is totally banned in Sahaja Yoga. It is Be careful with money. Do not use Sahaja Yoga for against Dharma. gaining money. Profit can be made outside of Sahaja Yoga. It is impor tant to be innately righteous. Its result is very bad. One perion had misappropriated just little money. poor fellow, his son expired. 9.. Then recently one fellow suffered heart attack. He had aessed up a Just when I inquired about a few things he got angry, snall amount. within 8 days of that he died. One should not tell lies to me. One person came to me and started telling lies about a certain girl. That person is now down with paralysis and has lost his speech. You must not tel1 lies to each Cultivate love not competition. No leg pulling, back biting other. should be there. Because now you have entered into the kingdom of God Almighty you must remember the laws which are epplied there. There we cannot tell lies, nor nisappropriate funds nor aggress others by exerting power. If you leave these three evils then all the blessings of Saha ja Yoga are upon you. Then male-female related confusions which are due to uncivilised behaviour disappear. If this does not happen then he is not a Sahaja Yogi. Addictions automatically disappear but these three weaknesses remain. The most terrible is power consciousness the desire to rule over others, Wherever you find Saha ja Yogis who are after power be sure that they will disuppear one day from the acene. Some strange incidents take pleace to such a person which take him off. In Sahaja Yoga there are many people who keep running ahead in the forefront all the time. One should not unnecessarily come forward or offer himself all the time 'Shri Nataji's feet have to be touched.. what moreere you going why when my feet are already in your heart to be benefited by touching them. This should be the attitude. If BOmeone rushes to the front remember that next year he is goiag to disappear. Shri Bhairavanath is enacting this. Anyone who keeps coming to the front too much severes his head. I tell him be patient, but he does not listen at all. It means that, there are two Eorces acting ull the time. One is centr petal and the other is centrifugal. One pulls you to the core and the other forces you avay from the centre because there is not so much space for everyone in the Kingdom of God. Now I don't have so everyone wants to directly correspond with me. much tine to individually attend to each letter which is 25 pages, and if I happen to read it, it is full of trash - my mother 19 like What have I to exchange this, iny mesther's uncles, brothers, etc etc. with them? our ather The Sahaja Yogis are all relatives and all .. 10 .. relatives have nothing to do with me and also should have nothing to do with you either. Until your relatives come to Sahaja Yoga I have nothing to do with them nor you have anything to do with them and nor God has anything to do with them. So don't narrate things about them. Let them take to Sahaja Yoga. If some one says take me to Shri Mataji, like he wants to be recommended he may be so and so to you but what do I have to do with him? To establish his contact you should give him my photograph and let him work it out wich it. Never take to curing directly. Sit before the photograph only. There are only three kinds of diseases; diseases of the left side, right side and thirdly from the central channel. The diseases of the left side are psychosomatic, those of the right side are physical/mental and those of the centre have problems of the wrong guru or are practi- sing unauthorised knowledge. If you can master these three types you Soon can easily tell every kind of problem on the photograph only. We would be publishing a book on these diseases then nobody can say "Shri Mataji has told me like this, that or the other.' One must remember that there is no need to meditate for hours together, just 10 minutes is enough. If one needs so much time to meditate he is a fool. Better avoid this madness. Because if there is some place and there is a gate to enter inside, how much time does it take to enter through the door? But if you decide to climb the mountain first then it will take more time. Why climb the mountain? A thing that is simple, if it is made complicated then it is not Sahaja Yoga. So today's speech is very important and it should be translated and sent to all the centres. DELHI Whatever be the fault the Mother brings around her children with her love. She can overlook many things but she corrects in her own way. Through our love we can absorb the defects of others and cleanse them. This is the pover of love. So far we have never used the power of love. The power of love is very unique. It is very easy to use the power of sword, but the power of love is so much more that we forget the pouer of svord. Nirwach is a love which is free of any strings. No one can under- stand how the Mother is going ali around the world just out of love. It is simply the Joy of love. It is just looking at Sahaja Yogis 'I get so much joy that I um thoughtless. Like the waves of ocean rebound back and creute patterns -in the same way I enjoy the way the whole thing works out. look into Sone are rich, some are poor, there are transitory things; the heort vithin and enjoy that love. WitH that love you elevate and lonce nore rise to greatnes3. Ve are a category of people who just love others and go where ever there is 1love. Anyone who just loves gets healed automatically. When we go out of the house we should inform our Mother or wife, this wey her shakti of love always remains vith us. Divine Cool Breeze subscribtion annual: Rs. 200.00 English Rs. 106.00 Hindi Rs. 108.00 Marathi Send Dralt in favour of VISHWA NIRMALA DIHARMA P.BOX 1901 KOTIRUD, PUNE 411 029. 66TH BIRTHDAY PUJA synopsis Bombay 21.3.89 Suryavanshi Hall I really don't know what to say about all these presents you have brought for me - actually you all are my presents. To see your chakras in good condition and to see your kundalini flowing is a present to The essence of matter is that through it one can express love, me. that is why one has to express matter as a present. In your heart there are many emotions which are to be expressed. When you cover matter with these emotions of love and give it to me it is very precious. When ordinary glass is covered by mercury it becomes a mirror to me. in the same way the matter covered by your love becomes a mirror of When love is expressed in words one gets overwhelmed, my reflection. but through a gift it can be expressed. But to express youT love you need not use expensive presents, a very aimple artistic and ethenic thing representing the place you belong is the best. Also the size should be Bmall so that I don't have to build another house for them. In the same way offerings made in a puja express love, that reflects and improves the atmosphere. A little offering of kumkum can be very However, matter should not be used for self indulgence cleansing. but for the expression of 1ove, only then will it improve the I. the same way an artist tries to create something to atmosphere. communicate his love for humanity. When I see all these flowers you have brought me I think of you who were flowers before and have now matured into fruits. This gives me the greatest pleasure. I am very happy that a new ashram has opened in Delhi. Now Ashrams have started all over. Sahaja yogis who retire ahould shift in Ashrams. Grand children should also shift in Ashrams. The grand parents can look after the grand children and enjoy the company of each other. Children are better disciplined by the grand parents than the parents. The parents could visit the children in the Ashrams. While you achieve your personality in Sahaja Yoga you also realise There is no difference between one Sahaja Yogi the glory of others. No Sahaja Yogi should think himself superior than and the other. No Sahaja Yogi should try to give new ideas about Saha ja another. Yoga. Don 't try to create Sahnja Yoga yourself. 13 .. All attachment to mouey, blindness about scriptures, religion and fanaticism has to go. No books about Sahaja Yoga are to be sold in public programmes. My photograph is to be given free. pamphlets should be confiscated that have not been sanctioned by me. All book s or Any books with mantras should be immeliately withdrawn. Be law abiding and do not resort to any violence. Those who have printed books without the permission of the Trust should be confiscated. Please do not bring sick people, they should be told how to work it out with the photograph. Please do not bring individual presents or presents of gold. We have to bulld many projects and you should start saving some 1Boney every month for that. Presents should be collective. Every one should talke a vow on my birthday that he/she should atleast try to bring 51 neu Sahaja yogis on my next birthday. You can easily do this if you go around in groups to the villages and new places. Use simple and loving language. I hope next year you will give me Ehis new type of present. This is my desire, I hope you will fulfill it. May God Bless you. BIRTHDAY POEM that permeates the spine bursting up from underground at the heart Radiating within the agya making ay cyes twinkle and face glow colorfully is what you have given me THE Divine laughter of life whose vibrations draw all truths to light dissolving them to matter that becomes joy adding and delicacy depth and width is what you have given me. of our oneness regenerates ny joy and keeps it bubbing happily overflowing into the hearts of your other children whose joy flows back into mine till you've connected us in loving harmony is what you have given me. you and me LIGHT to purify - to verify KNOWLEDGE COMPASSION to also give - IS WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME, Carolyn n.y. TRETH 14 .. MAHALAXMI AND EASTER PUJA Sunday 26th March 1989 Barasat Calcutta - synopsis From ameoba to the human stagé is an evolution throcgh Sushmna nadi. Through the Sushmne nadi we ascend towards Mahalaxmi tattwa. For the establishment of the Mahalaxmi tattwa many things have to be observed. Firstly the Goddess Laxmi holds in her hands two lotuses of pink colour One's heart has to be of that colour (gulabi) which is always warm welcoming and giving comfort. Even a beetle can rest in it. A lotus is also so beautiful. One must behave in the same beautifu manner and speak sveetly. When it is resting on water, with its fragrance it attracts, Like capitalist it has everything; beauty, fragrance, but it is waiting to give to others. The one who only thinks of himself cannot attain the Lexmi tattwa. A Laxmi Patti is always ready to help others and give protection to those in need. He always does for the benevolence of others. For exaple if he is incharge of an organization or an enterpreneur then he is always thinking of the worker's welfare, comfort, offering hospitality, looking upon them like the father of niserly person can never attain this tattwa. If you are in the centre you can become the Laxmi tattwa but also attain a reputation like a renowned name of which your children would be proud of as in the case of old reputed firms. The balanced atate of Laxmi tattwa is to be attained. With the one hand the Laxmi gives. Gupt (concealed) gift should be given about which no one even knows, There should be no strings attached with what you give. One should not boast about it. However it should bring joy to the one who receives it. There is so much satisfaction in giving to others. Everything is created for giving. Whatever we decorate in our house is to give comfort to our guests. 15 The Lotus does not put pressure on any one, like 'I have done this', I am this, the 'I' should be dropped; or this is 'mine' - the respon- sibility of looking after 'mine' should not be there. Just be in joy. Work keeps going on and business carries on but the greatest joy is in giving others. How In love you know what the other likes. to communicate your love for others is the greatest thing. One should also know how to spend money. If people know how to spend spend their money then there would not be so much misery in the World. Infact the rich people have more problems. It is seen that when prosperity comes Liquor shops the people become indu7gent. open up, omen of ill repute start flourishing etc. Firt the Laxmi tattwa is established; When a person attains balance through self realisation then the Mahalaxmi tattwa settles within. In such a state a person may be having nothing yet having everything. It is the state of knowing the Atma. The Atma enjoys the bliss of the Atme. The fractional outside pleasures belong to the ego. Therefore it is important for us in Sahaje yoga to establish our rebirth today. 16 . . KATEMANDU PUJA 30th March 1989 at the Ashram Christ a1so came to Nepal was looked after a Rishi called Ne-Pal. Nepal. It is a special country created by Mother Earth. It was only a sea, after the amrut mantnan the Himalayas started pushing up till it reached a certain point called the Everest. It was created to shield India the Kundalini of the Universe. It was necessary to protect It is the brain of the Virat. The image of the Virata the Kundalini. was so created that the sahasrara was Nepal. They had to fence some country to preserve the ancient culture. Shri Ganesh had to be placed in Indie. That is why I had to take my birth in this country at the tropic of cancer. Actually India and Nepal are one country. The speciality of India that people can move about freely and even stay in a jungle and is meditate, y you can live on fruits, etc. This country was intentionally made for spirituality. However from the people you cannot judge, there are horrible people everywhere. But this is a place where an inner revolution can take place. In thia country people know a lot about There was no partiality, to learn about spirituality is the Atma. the hardest thing. People had to suffer the moet. People cannot bear those who are spiritual. It is difficult for people to assimilate the truth. People who are realised can assimilate truth but not others. Therefore the others react violently. In every country they tortured the saints, The only thing that can protect you is your innocence. Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is the Dharma within yourself. By climbing Everest you do not know the truth. Only through the Kundalini the Within ourself resides the power to become one truth, can be known. Whatever is within s also reflected in images without. with God. To test whether we are in the right path the images were created. In the same way on the one side of the Mount Kailash is very peaceful whereas the other side is the ego which is very turbulent called the , In the middle is the Mount Kailash looking 1ike Lord *Rakshastal'. There are tvo other images of Shri Vishnu and Shri Brahma. Shiva. 17 Similarly whatever is written about the kundalini has ta bo foundi out There are so many things you have seen about me. The Omkara has 1ight and the 1ight is captured by the camera. This ts how. reality reflected for vou to recognise it. But if you do not want to recogni- se it, no one can help you. By recognising it wu can take to enlighten= ed devotion. The question is have you become 'master'. As a tree laden with fruit bows down in the same way the highest person bows down. TE 1s not an artificial expression but true humility. En joy the humility. When a tempest comea the big tree falls by the little blade of grass renains intact. Remember that God Almighty docs everything we do nothing at all. We should remain within limitations like the sea that always remains within its boundaries. This is the power of love. So far we have never used the power of love. The power of love is very unique. It is very easy to use the power of sword, but the power of love is so much more that we forget the power of sword. be mindful: PLEA SE The photograph of Shri Mataji is not to be sold to anyone. 1. It is only to be given free to genuine seekers at follow ups but not at en oublic programmes. No booklets are to be sold at public programmes. Books 2. on Sahaja Yoga which are approved by Shri Mataji can only be sold at the centres to genuine seekers. However printed handout stating curative be no there should attributes of mantras. be undertaken in rings, 3. No trading activity should No profit sahould be charged on it, they pendants, etc. may be sold only to sahaja yogis at coal:. Any Sahaja yogi desirous of publishing any book on Sahaja 4. yoga should take the prior approval of the Life Eternal Trust, Bombay. All copyrights are to be with the Trust. Video and cassets are not to be copied by individuals. 5. They should only be obtained from the centres. The Divine Cool Breeze is not to be copied or xeroxed. 6. Each one should subscribe for his own copy. Please keep us informed of any new centres that open 7, anywhere. Kum Kum should be applied daily to the Photograph and 8. it siiould be cleaned with Rose water. *** **** *** The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 19 SHRI HANUMANA PUJA TALK, 1989: SYNOPSIS Shri Hanumana puja was held on April 23, in Cliftonville, England, in a quiet seaside resort on the southeast coast of England. In Her address to the Sahaja Yogis, Shri Mataji explained that Shri Hanumana was an angel and that we have become angels Irom human beings. On the left side are placed the ganas and on the right side are the angels. In Sanskrit they are referred to as devdoot, which means the ambassadors of God, and Sahaja Yogis are acting in this capacity on earth. Angels have the special quality of standing by the truth at any cost. completely unafraid ol falsehood and are not concerned about how they are perceived The truth is their life and they will go to any length to establish it and to protect all those who live in truth. Sahaja Yogis have been given special blessings, the special protection of the divine, and if they stand for the truth, for righteousness, then all the. protection of the divine will be given. They are We are not aware of our status. Shri Mataji stressed that She has made us angels and if we can recognize this, all of our qualities will begin to shine forth. She has not made us into saints, but angels. Shri Mataji does not create saints, as they are made by their own effort. Hanumana, and Sahaja Yogis are all made in the same manner. Angels are created effortlessly, like Ganesha, Kartikeya and The fundamental difference between saints and angels is that saints can be naneuvered, troubled, and tortured whereas the angels do not take any problems upon themselves, they only create solutions. tortures, etc. so that they can create an event in their life which expresses their qualities in a more dynamic way. Angels are aware of the protection of the Divine and are very contident. Shri Hanumana, as an angel, has great capacities and powers and it is His right to use them. All the miracles are created by the angels to express the power and beauty of the Divine to humanity, to convirice them of Its presence. Even the incarnations accept penances, Shri Mataji explained that Sahaja Yogis have an even greater right than the angels within the realm of God, as they can raise the kundalini of peaple and give realization. Angels cannot translorm human beings. possession but we are alraid to manifest them and talk about thein We have tremendous powers in our Shri Hanumana came to this earth to eliminate the judgment of others which is expressed through the Agnya chakra. The movement of the Agnya Irom right to left results in the expression of our so called personality as egg, and this tendency 15 what Shri Hanumnana tried to eliminate. Our ego i5 not to be destroyed but it is to be utilized for the work of spreading Sahaja Yoga. Therefore, if we know that we are angels, we will have no ego. The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, and as Shri Mataji works for Sahaja Yoga, we must also work. Sahaja Yoga is not done by Adi Shakti. She has created these powers in everyone which manifest. but Sahaja Yoga has worked out through the innate qualities within the Mother Earth and in the seed. Shri Malaji stated that She is here not as Adi Shakti, but as our Mother, our Holy Mother, and as our Holy Mother She has guided us, but we must do the job ourselves. We are instruments of the Divine and we must work and do the job. Mother emphasized tihe need for quickness in order to see results. and said that we are not particular about the timing of our progress in Sahaja Yoga. The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 20 This portion of the Divine work is our job and nobody else is going to do it. We must spread Sahaja Yoga and bring it to a level where people can see it. Sahaja Yogis must venture forth without any fear, collectively and individually, forgetting as to what will happen, and confident that the Paramchatanya will integrate and sustain our efforts to transform this world. Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Mal INTERVIE W WITH SIR SRIVASTAVA 12/30/88 in Alibag, India Well it is nice to be able to talk about today's world situation. I have the great honour and privilege of serving the United Nations system as the Secretary Genera! of the International Maritime Organization. The United Nations system was established primarily for promoting peaceful cooperation among the nations of the world for the betterment of human kind, And ever since its establishment, the United Nations and the various specialised agencies have done a great deal of work, a tremendous. amount of work. wonderful work, in many countries, the eradication of smallpox or dealing with malaria or dealing with many other matters. Similarly UNESCO has done a great deal of work. United Nations have been endeavouring to bring about peace. Marítime Organization functions on the base of good will among nations of the world in the maritime sector. If you take certain specialised fields, for example health, the WHO has done The International But I have a feeling that peace is not merely cessation of hostilities, cessation of hostilities is very important. I think we must all be very happy that there is no more shooting war in the Gulf area, or within those two neighbouring countries. They have started to sort of talk among themselves. We see Namibia becoming independent, we see Afghanistan, another example of voluntary withdrawal of forces, These are all excellent developments, but perhaps I teel, mnaybe because I am an Indian, I feel that there is something deeper which needs to be dealt with. And that is the human being, the human element. technology, of science. Šince the industrial revolution the world has undergone many other revolutions. parts of the world can talk to each other any time they like, can see each other any time they like. So there has been such great advance in technology; it is the computer age and yet what is that fundamental element on which peace depends? depends on the minds of human beings, on the hearts of human beings, upon their genuine belief that this earth is the award of one human family, that we are all brothers and sisters. Unless we deal with this fundamental problem, unless we try to eliminate from human mind and much more from human heart this feeling of divisiveness of one being against another, of one promoting itselt at the expense of another, unless we do that. do not believe that we will really attain that level of human existence when nations can really live together in peace. That is a problem which rises within me all the time and I feel that much more attention needs to be given all over the world to the human being. We have seen tremendous advance of Today you have the revolution of communications. People in al Peace The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 We must not believe for one moment that human nature is what we generally see. As Hobbes said, "Human alure is nasty, brutish and short. of human nature that is not the ultimate ol human nature. Human nature at its best is angelic and it is all within us, it is within each human beina to improve himself or hersell and that can be done by spirituality. I am not talking ot individual religions, in my view all religions lead to the same almighty God. it is impossible to have more than one Almighty by delinition, therelore we are all His children. entitied to choose any part, what we are not entitled to do is to fight with each other. What amazes me sometimes is that people in the name of the Almighty, before Him we all bow down, in His name we quarrel with each other. It is not understandable. ." That was a very limited view It may be that sometimes human beings exhibil that brutality, but We are all parts to Him and everyone is It is in this context that I very sincerely believe that Sahaja Yoga has a great role to play. After all what is Sahaja Yoga? Basically the philosophy of Sahaja Yoga is that each human being, created by God, has within hirn or her energy which is taught, energy which if released can raise your spirituality, can give you self-realisation. You can attain the heights to which any human being is entitled to attain and it is this aspect of human activity which holds the key to success in the future. It is not by lip- service to the idea ol peacelul cooperalion that we can really build up peace. It is of course very important that we should continue to work. we should continue to bring nations together, but we must create a beautiful world by attention to the inner being so that the inner being rises with majesty to its best height, And I have seen Sahaja Yogis who are as near perfeclion as it is humanly possible. Why is it that they have chosen this part, why is it that they have renounced untruth, why is it that some of them who used to take drugs have renounced drugs overnight? Why is it that they have gone away from alcoholism? Why is it that they believe in speaking the truth? Why is it that they believe in compassion, in friendship, in sharing? . And that can be created only It is because they have now attained self-realisation, which means their own powers have emerged, the power of good which is the angelic power. And that is what needs to be promoted, that is what I have called key to success in the future. unfortunately to a prnctical man and a practical man is supposed lo be someone who takes the world as it is and says, well, is this possible in the world that we live in? Are we not dreaming? Is it not imagination? How can this world change, it has been Tike this for ages?l But then it you come to think about-I am a rational person - I don't just run away with emotions, I am an administrator, I am a diplomat, I have to apply my mind but although I know that mind is a very limited instrument, still if you apply your mind, then you see on the one hand you have force of destruction, nuclear weapons, armaments which will destroy the world four times over. Now is that the kind of world we want? And can we.survive? If it is not today, it will be tomorrowl Some day, somewhere, someone commits a mistake and you have a global holocaust- who survives then? Humankind cannot survive. Now IS It is not something which is that far away. It is with us today. Another instance take the environment: now we have nations-days, we have boundaries, but the environment has no boundary; if there is a disaster in one country it can affect neighbouring Countries which has happened as you know. The Chernobyl disaster, the phenomenon of toxic wastes or the destruction of ozon-layers, the greenhouse-effect. these are all global problems, problems created in one part affecting every other part. So is it not all day dreaming when we talk of a peaceful world? It is there with us today, the only thing is: do we have the ability to recognize that, to understand that and to deal with it? You know the environment Il we don't have, we don't have too much time. The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 22 We used to think the - no longer it is with us today. If we do not rethink problem was not so much before, even ten years ago environment is a lashionable word aur ways of living, our future relationships, the manner in which nations should cooperate, should help each other, we will be in entire trouble, This is the background in which I feel that the movement of Sahaja Yoga which is purely spiritual, which accepts anyone who is seeking, to improve himself or herself. that really holds the key to success. Of course it has a certain Indian connotation, but India has a great tradition, India consists of people whose roots go back centuries to antiquity and there has been a sort of a tradition in India of sages, of meditation, of contemplation. Two thousand years ago people were asking themselves fundamental questions. Questions why are we here, who is God, what is our relationship? These are the questions of a developed mind not of an undeveloped mind and 2000 years ago we had minds which were highly developed, so you go back into the history and that is the tradition. always thinking of the right rule for mankind, of dharma, how to live with. everyone can come to it, but that is the basic philosophy. China, I have a great respect for China, there is tremendous wisdom there, a tremendous culture, and Orient has something to offer to the world today. But what has happened is the developed world, the Western world largely, because of its technological revolution, has gone ahead and achieved wonders, miracles, there is no doubt about that, but in doing so, I feel that they have let human beings behind. And this is creating a tremendous imbalance in their own way of living. They are not at peace within themselves. They have goods, services, but are they happy within themselves, do they have peace? Why don't they have? Because of the dichotomy, because of the distance between technology and the human being. But the tradition of India has been contemplation, meditation, Not that And Orient.I would say in the Orient technology has not yet taken over, it is coming, but in the Orient there is still a certain balance, a certain spiritual approach to human existence. The two can come together, spiritualism of Orient and spiritualism of West you have tremendous spiritualism, only it has been submerged by too much atention to materialism, Well, I think the twwo worlds can come together and that is my hope and that is what I am working for. 23 SAHASRARA DAY PUJA Talk by ier tloliness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SORRENTO 6TH MAY 1989 Synopsis Today we are here to celebrate the day when Sahasrara was opened. We have seen in the photograph of my brain how the Sahasrara was The light emanating from my brain has appcared in the opened out. photograph, it is something great this modern time has done. So the modern times did a lot of things which conclude the oxistonce of the Divine. Alsn it can prove about me. It can convince you what 1 am. This is very ijortant because in the ntlern times this advent has to be fully recognised: this is one GF the conditions for all Salaja yogis. Naw let us see what is happening in modern times in the bralns there is an atlack today there is an altack of the people. In the brains of the people on the Sahasrara. There has been an attack since long but in the modern times it is the worst, they are trying to make the limbic arca very insensitive by very depressive thoughts and very depressive mtisic like period Greok tragedy Tonsense. All these things came in the medieval sO called miseries. when people started taking alchohal to escape the so called miseries. this mortern age in which peuple became over active. HuL them over activity staried and with that the brain also became over active, whereas iI Ws dulI belore, ani then went to the other extreme of uver drugs and very horritile music. activity. So t ilull it again they tonk to drugs arl very horrible music. That is hiw they made this limbie area very very insensitive. So a drug which was just stimulus to begin with was to be taken in reater quantity, Later on they had to take the drugs whhich went on like this anl w w Were of di mor: severe nature. It ......2 24 know that this drug is the only way people think that they can survive. Why? Jecause of the tensions they talk of. In these Hodern times we have something called tensions. it was nevor there before. People nevor talked of any tensions. Now every- body says I am in a tension, you give me a tension'. What is this tension? - This is because of my advent. The limbie area As Sahaja Yoga is wants to know about expanding the kundalini is trying to rise in other people because you have become the channels. Wherever you go you generate vibrations and these viberations give a challange to the kundalini or a messago ITmessage in various people and it rises. It may not rise upto the Sahasrara or may rise and fall back due to lack of recogni tion. So everytime they do something the kundalini comes up and gives them a pressure because their Sahasrara is not open. It is a closed door. Because of the closed door it gives them a kind of pressure in the head which they don't understand and they call it a tension. Actually the kundalini is trying to push out itself but it cannot. Those who get their realization but do not make the Sahasrara alright face the sane tensions. Although the Sahasrara has been opened so many years ago, still there reinains something to be done: we have to ciear the sahasrara. the Brahmarandra opeel First is the break ing open of the sahasrara - 1726 out. Then we started feeling the Grace, next the Grace moved into nur Ida and Pingla nadis (not the kundalini but the Grace which is chaitanya all around) suotheud dorwn our lelt and right side by which our chukras Hore threads of the kundalini started piercing out. opened and That .....3 25_ 1s why I arways tell sahaja yogis that it is importan to muuitate. If your sahasrara is alright all your chakras will be alright, because the pithas or the controling centres of all the chakras are in the brain the limbic area. 5o if your sahasrara is clear then everything around works out in a very different way. How to keep the Sahasrara clear is what people ask me. You know that I reside in the sahasrara, 1 incarnated on the lotus of 1000 petals that is why 1 could break it open also. As am today as you see me. Of course they say sahasrara is mahamaya, so this is the illusion which is all the time there for you. It had to be that way because you could not have faced me otherwise with all the lights coming aut of me as you saw yesterday: there are some sort of abstract colours thrown on all sides and the lights thrown outside. Now this sahasrara is to be looked after by you. It is the temple of your Mother. When you say you put me in your heart actually you put me in the sahasrara because as you know the Brahmarandra here, the fontanel bone area is called the pftha, the centre which controls the heart which is the seat of the Sadashiva, what you call the 3hiva. When you put me in the heart actually you put me there. So to raise it from the heart and bring it there is the problem of twe types of people. Some people who are sensitive in their heart, for instance in Europe we can say the Italians are sensitive in the their heart: the first thing they do as they see me they put their hand on their heart. That is what it is, if you try to feel me in your heart it bocomes 26 much easier. You might say how to feel me in your heart. You have to lovu me as ! love you. You have to lave each one among yourselves because you all are within me. You cannot teach some one how to love because love is within and love manifests if you just open your heart. Now what stopis the heart from opening, let us examine that the first thing is conditioning. Any one who has done something good for you, you love that person. But it ine rx shakti herself has given you the rebirth, it should he the easiest thing to love Her and if She says they are all within Her body: so it should be even easier to love each other. The whole clealsing of the sahasrara is done through this love. This love which is nnt conditioned, not inhibited, which does not want any respite - INIRVAJYA' which does not want any return but the conditionings are too many. First the problem of conditioning arises where you think that this condition makes me hate someone or I canot love some one cannot love soime one Iakes me hate somenne But actually the conditioning itself is because this is the condition. so absurd. See it one by one. To make it simple I would like you to understand the conditioning part. We see person how intelligent he is, how smurt he is, how charismatic he is. These are only conditionings of the mind to think that a particular style of a person is a lovable it is all outside. Then there are some people who do not actually person that they luve because of some one's money love but show but the money he is not yning to part with; or he has a better car, dress or whatever. This kind of an idea is also a killer of love. If love is killed Joy is lost. You canrot have joy without love. Joy and love are both the same, 27 The sap of the tree rises, goes to every part and comes back. It is not attached. If you are attached to one part or one flower because it is more beautiful then tne tree will die and the flower will also die, Likewise love that is entangled or attached also dies. The love of the Spirit is different from the love of the conditioned mind. A conditioned mind can love in a limited way because it is condi- tioned. The greatest enemy of Jove is ego within us which is like a balloon on top of our head, and this ego gives us a very big ditch. They see a carpet which is according to their conditioning not good so they criticise it. This kind of conditioning is of a very low level on the other hand the higher level at the most Is you love your so you say my country is the best. Whether it is killing own country people or destroying world peace it is alright according to you because it is your country. Actually it is very surprising, I was reading a book by Rabindra Nath Tagore. An Englishman had given a very beautiful Introduction in which he mentioned that creativity is killed in the West. He enquired of an Indian critic don't criticize your poets, you don't have people who are called critics. We do', answered the Indian, 'they can criticize that this time there was no rain or we have a problem. "But dan't they criticize the poets, the artists" insisted the Englishnan. ine Indian answered, " What is created is not meant for criticism. If an artist has put something vulgor then of course we don't like it but it is created by a beautiful mind then it has to be beautiful. Then you don't criticize. We cannot create 1ike that so what business do we havo to criticize. We have norms about art and creation. ....E 28 because It does not appeal We don't 1ike a carpet, why ? - to uur intellectual understanding of the norms we have reached and in that frame it dons not fit in, so we dan't like it. Can you even Ncreate one inch of that? So this even gives you an unauthorised action: it is unauthorised -'Anadhikar Cheshtha'. You have no authority to criticize You can't do any thing so why should you criticize. Better appıreciate. See for yourself that you are not an authority. you are not worthy of it to critiize. That apart, you must also know that you are a slave of ve Vour ego. you ego dictates and your so caled intelligence १1A01।1। itever * (da noA JO brings you to the point where it becomes the collective ego of a particular this is no art. That Or Ideology. Sa they think community, country tlon't have niasters any more in is reasati we n art. We can't have PoOr Remtlantit must have himself suffered a lot. All these Rembrandt ntarily but also otherwise. artists sufterod a tot. not only mtarily but álso otherwise. criticize yoUY own self, your country, all the It is bet ter to criticize habits you haveanti laugh at your self, that is the best way. If you ill not object to or Stand in the way Cn langh al yIESell then vou will not object to or stand in the way ursolt the cruitivity of another person. As saints you can make out who of problems. This is not a conditioning because Is Cuglitup. who has you can feet on your finger tips. Then what should you do? In your love you hav to te1l the person if possible that this is wrong with vou, better be corrected - but in a way that he does it. On the contrary if you telil him it a way that he becomes even worse then what it is, you have nol iovenl tinat jerson at all. Allow everyhotly to grow. There are many people in Shahaja yoga who are very good but there are also some people who are rather 29 difficult, sort of cracks in their head or something. They could be in Sahaja yoga they cannot very intelligent and sharp otherwise but ascend to that level. You can say now their growth is possible. Supposing the Mother earth was very hot like the sun then there would have been no growth or if it was very cold then there would have been no growth el ther. It had to come to the centre where It had bath the things in proper proportion to grow. In the same way a human being has to work out to keep a moderation and a balance. You must understand not to TH go to extremes of any thing. That balance you learn when you love someone. Sometimes we have to ask sonie people to leave Sahaja yoga. This is out of love for them because once they go out they improve. For when they are in Sahaja Yoga community they become a nuisance. When he is out that nuisance value is lost. this is logical and the person understands that now he can't be a nuisance anymore. However you have to show complete patience and understanding . you must talk like a person who loves. I love flowers, to suggest mother we love you, you give me flowers. I know you love me but you want to reinforce it. So all these material things canbe used to express your love. They can be very easily expressed in such a that the other person knows. BUT mаппен THE WHOLE POWER OF SAHASRARA IS LOVE. So you should see that this brain has to love. After verifying the power of Sahaja yoga through your brain and intelligence if you reach a point where you understand it is just love. So the same use analysing, synthesizing etc. its no is the case with the Sahasrara, which is brain, which has oeen used for analysing, criticizing, for doing all kinds of nonsensical things now 30 wants to love and enjoy the love. This is the culmination where the brain just loves, one has to understand because it has seen the pownr of love. Once you reach that point you can say now you are in Nirvikalja head, because you love. In Inve w there is no doubt in yuur dun't doubt. iecause you Đujoy Iove that Unly when you think, you doubt. lnve is why love is joy and joy is love, to open our Sahasrara again through aur meditative We have process through unders tanding ourselves & others. There is no way out FIOW, we have reached the end of it. All logic has ended now. Now jump in the ocean of love. Finish. Once you jump into the ocean of love there is nothing to be done. Just enjoy every wave of It, every dew of it. every touch of it. That is what one has to learn Sahaja yoga is nothing - but love..... 31 The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 SHRI MAHAVIRATA PUJA, NEW YORK, JUNE 11, 1989 SYNOPSIS Shri Mahavirata Puja was our opportunity to worship Shri Mataji as Mahavirata in the land of Shri Krishna, Virata is the ultimate incarnation of Shri Vishnu. Shri Mataji explained that it was alsc our opportunity to worship the Virata within our brain since Shri Krishna is Mahavirata. The Virata is the totality in our brains while reality dwells in the heart. This reality is the subtlety behind the totality. Non-integration of the heart and brain is dangerous: when the brain is not nourished by the heart, people become extroverted and ruthless;: when the heart rules, people become self-indulgent and lethargic. Shri Mataji said that this big, vast, great country full of seekers is now caught in the web of many negative forces. There is immorality, nonsensical frivolity, superliclality and meaninglessness in people's lives. overpowering the right side in America and other Western countries. This is a reaction ta the domination of aboriginal people by Westerners in the past. have taken to lethargy. Too much affluence has also caused self-indulgence, which blinds people to reality. Reality, though it is in the heart, has to find expression through action: we have to become more dynamic in order to work it out. She explained that the left side is As a result, they Shri Mataji explained that the conditionings before realization have not disappeared, but have become subtler and subtler. in our small-mindedness and preoccupation with petty individual problems, we get caught in a vicious circle. To become Virata, we have to really examine ourselves without any anger or malice," and decide to do. something about our own growth. We may say we love Mother, but what are we doing about it? Once we start building ourselves inside, things will work out in an amazing manner and Sahaja yogis will become great. On the outside Sahaja yogis also have to become something: they have to have some education and they must have some place in society. being right-sided, which is usually only an argument to support lethargic behavior. should be disciplined: get up early, bathe, sit down for puja, change their lifestyles Shri Mataji stressed that in America, Sahaja Yogis should give up the fear of But they and live a spartan, dynamic life. Shri Mataji said that most Sahaja yogis in England and America are passive and don't take the responsibility of spreading Sahaja Yoga on their shoulders. She said, "The tapasya is here, where we live. Detachment has to be worked out here." We have to follow the ideal of our Mother and work hard for Sahaja Yoga. We have to drop our conditionings the way a flower drops many of its parts while growing into a fruit. This makes us free to see all of the divine knowledge. We don't have to sacrifice anything, only be alert and aware of our position as Sahaja Yogis: "Each single person has to come up. She urged us to talk more frankly about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja yogis should contact community leaders who have sensible ideas and tell them about Sahaja Yoga. But Sahaja yogis have to reflect all of the beautiful, loving qualities of Sahaja Yoga so that the communication will truly work out. We must realize that we are not obliging Sahaja Yoga, but that each individual and everyone collectively needs Sahaja Yoga. Shri The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 32 Mataji asked each Sahaja Yogi to have a copy of Her tapes, to study them and open themselves out to the freedom contained in that knowledge. She urged us to pray from our hearts that we should all "express the conception that was once the Virata as the reality in our lives." The aboriginal Americans understood how to lead a spiritual life, they were extremely free and detached. If we do not correct ourselves, thare will be problems on the collective level, and if there are problems in the collectivity, they will refiect on all the parts. Each one of us has to become the Virata, to show our own worth and go deeper to change ourselves and change this country. SHRI MAHAKALI PUJA TALK Vancouver, June 17, 1989 First the Mahakali principle came on the Earth and She created Shri Ganesha. Then Mahasaraswati created a beautiful universe and made the temperature just right for human beings. temperature is good for meditation, and provided a good environment for seers who then found out the truth, discovered Kundalini. The climate has affected the seeking in people; in India the These people then separated and started universities. age, children were sent to the schools. Within the schools, the students maintained celibacy. This tradition has carried down to modern times: in India students from the same university cannot marry each other. Thus, in many ways the Mooladhara was kept strong, while in other countries, it was not so much attended to. Upon reaching five years of Those who have weak Mooladharas catch quickly. This is why all of the false gurus came to the West and became successful, but they have largely been destroyed now. It is the Mahakali power within us that makes us strong because that is Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha's aspects, as seen in the carbon atoms, are swastika and omkara. When the swastika turns in a clockwise manner, it constructs; when it turns in a counterclockwise manner, it destructs. In the West, Shri Mataji said, the Mooladhara is turning counterclockwise because of immorality. Shri Mataji explained that the problem of Sahaja Yoga in the West is that people don't want to hear that they should be moral. The result of immorality is AIDS and other diseases and by this they are learning, but they also don't want to accept that they've made mistakes. However, because they are seekers, they are to be saved. Sahaja Yoga is not a quick experience of ecstacy that you get from someone putting a spirit into you. It has to develop slowly. We should not get frustrated, but be very satisfied with ourselves and feel confident. Yoga; such saints bring all of the luck to a country. We should develop depth through meditation and collectively talking about it. should happen. The negative people are being put aside. But negativity, including the negativity of frustration, should not "crawl into" us. programs, it is more useful than the experience of thousands who do not take to Sahaja Yoga. She asked as to pray for very powerful Ganesha Shakti. This Shakti will destroy all the negativity. Quality people are required for Sahaja Shri Mataji said that tremendous things If a few quality people come to The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 33 SHRI MAHAKALI PUJA, SAN DIEGO, JUNE 19, 1989 In totality, Shri Mahakali is the reflection of the Adi Shakti, She is the desire of God Almighty. Because of Her powers, we the Sahaja Yogis must understand that we can desire anything. destroyed because in order for Shri Mahakali to go on with the constructive work of our ascent She must do destructive work against that which would destroy the divine construction. We should desire that all the negativity against our ascent be Shri Mataji told us that every morning in meditation, Sahaja Yogis should take the name of Shri Ganesha, who is the power of Shri Mahakali, and say, "What is my desire? This is my goal." This practice will help develop and focus one's pure desire She also mentioned that half-hearted people in Sahaja Yoga cannot work it out because Sahaja Yogis must have four qualities: 1. Be brave 2. Have intense desire 3. Be inteltigent 4. Be auspicious She explained that we have to curb our desires. As Sahaja Yogis we become more affectionate, but even in the West, where people don't place much importance on their families, they only think about themselves and their families, which makes them selfish. This selfishness dilutes the attention and makes people half-hearted in their ascent. She spoke of the way children get the "stamp" of conditionings from religions or countries, and that these stamps form false identifications which cause people to feel allenated from those with different conditionings. We also tend to accept the norms of soclety, which also form conditionings. The pure desire to ascend comes to us as a reaction to this artificiality, as the desire to overcome such conditionings. She stressed that for realization, one must develop the Mahakali power to destroy all obstacles that draw one from becoming the Spirit. Within us are six enemies and Shri Mahakali destroys ail enemies in our way, but wo must make sure we don't stick onto them. The attitude for this is, "We want to achieve that and She is working it out for you. Mahakali power must be strong, so Mooladhara must first also be strong. When a Sahaja Yogi's desire power and foundations are strong, the desire then moves like a kite in the sky. desirelessness is reached, in pure joy, where nothing else is necessary. Shri Mahakali gives us the comfort of body, spirit, and then joy. However, the Every desire is fulfilled until that state of complete MOTHER'S MESSAGE ON MOTHER'S DAY During the entire week in the UK between Sahastrar Day and Shri Buddha Puja, Shri Mataji's house was filled with thousands of flowers from countries all over the world wishing Her a Happy Mother's Day. wesiernized world the people still remember and thank the Mother." She said, "lt's a great blessing that in this She was moved to tears reading all the lovely cards sent by all the Sahaja Yogis. many of them made by the children of Sahaja Yogis. She wanted to thank each one individually, but with such a busy schedule She could not reply to each one. As such. Her heartfeit blessings and thanks are being conveyed to all of them through this note. She is preserving all the cards, letters, gifts and photographs sent by the Sahaja Yogis worldwide in a proper place for posterity to be kept in Her personal archives. The Divine Coolreaze- July 1989 SHRI MATAJI'S GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR 1989 Italy The Grand Tour of Europe began this year withh a stupendous announcement of St Mataji's advent for the entire world to take heed. Here in Italy assembling were people from all walks of life in recognition and commermmoration of an event unprecedented and unparalleled in the annals of history. It was indeed heartening to see close to a thousand Sahaja Yogis from more than 35 nations gather together to celetrato the 19th anniversary of the opening of the Sahastrara by the greatest living incarnaliGn to ever walk the face of this earth. It was indeed fortunate to be presernt Surroundings amongst so many brothers and sisters. in such serene The seminar began with the arval cf our most Revered Shri Malai on the noun of 4h May at Nacas airport. Gure had ceen most concer ed about the weathher 4S the provious dav rain had besn washing a d cleaning up the aly to prepa e for the arnval and sure enough Sne arrived, bringing with Her glarious sunshine and a Suft and gentle coel breeze All the Sahaja Yogis along with ittle childree stood in thie port iounge sngi, bhajans and holding a banner in red and gold saying, "Welcome Grande Madre There were tears of joy on everyone's laces to receive Her once again on the shoreS of Italy eingih As Shri Mataji was escorted through Naples, She said it was relatively unsulliei as false gurus had not propagated themseives in this area; as such, there was no pressure on the Sahastrara and it would make the work much easier Before proceeding any further one must mention one incident in detense of Napies which is contrary to what is said about the thieves of Naples (they are famed for stealing the socks off your feet with your shoes on without your knowing it). We had paid a toll on the highway but to avoid losing the car we were foilowing we did not want to collect the change. Suon a policoman ovortook un and oloppod ths car were wondering what oftense we had comnitted, but he just returned our change. thanked us and went back. Wo The camp where we were staying in Sorrento reminded us of Ganapatipule in the way the cottages were built all over the hill by the sea. It was amazing to feel how tangible was the peace that prevailed. A lot had to do with the fact that Shri Mataji did not sleep at all on the night of the 4th, working relentlessly to keep the Sahastrara open so that we could receive the maximum benelit from the puja. The 5th May, being a Friday, was scheduled for a boat trip to the Isle of Gapri. It was a bright and beautiful morning and we were overjoyed to hear that Shri Mataji would also accompany the Sahaja yogis to Capri on a huge boat filled exclusively by the Sahaja yogis and Shri Mataji. She spoke to us briefly that it's not mature on our part to continue posing our petty problems to Her. VWe should rise above our personal problems and help solve the problems of the collective, we should not be liabilities but assets to Sahaja Yoga. All those with personal, financial, emotional or any kind of problems should refrain from being in the collective unless they are tully settled. She said suppose you are on a ship and you want a pair of scissors and you are worried 35 The Divine Cool Breeze - Juiy 1989 because you can't find one, but if there are no scissors on board the ship, they why create a problem by looking for it? On landing in Capri, on one side of the Isie, she saw two famous rocks jutting out of the sea, one with an arch in it. She said this is how the Zen Masters used to take the help of nature to guide the seekers to achieve thoughtlessness. enjoylng this wonderful view, (the Mediterranean Sea is exceptionally deep blue in this area), we were quite unexpectedly provided a battery-operated luggage ct for Her to sit on to go back to the cable car which would take us to the port in order to catch the boat on time. So we had a spontaneous procession, singing songs and dancing along this unique mode of transport. It's amazing how adaptable Shri Mataji is to our desires and She creates the modes and vehicles for them to be fulfilled, too. After sitting and One of the Sahaja yogis who had taken some photos on the way had got them developed in Capri and offered them to Her. The camera reported miracles of Her True Self once again in a series of pictures in which one could clearly see it stage by stage. In picture #1 we are all sitting around Her singing bhajans. In picture #2 everything gets a little blurred. Mahalaxmi," Mahasaraswati and Mahakali, rising up in Her. Mahalaxmi power pushes through Her Agnya chakra, breaking open the Sahastrara and one can see the various colors of light spread all around. It was a truly miraculous picture. In picture #3 one can see the three powers, In picture #4 the On the night of the 5th we all went to a hall in Sorrento where the Mayor of the City had organized a cultural song and dance show for Shri Mataji and the Sahaja yogis, and gave Her some gifts representing Sorrento, After the loud and exuberant singing aul tlnncleu In thoir traditional enatunoo, Ihe atage WAR VACatod for Inga from Switzerland who did a spontaneous take-off on some of the known Sahaja Yogls and had us all in splits. VACAted for Joee from On the morning of the 6th, She miraculously saved a child who had fallen on his back from a height of 18 feet onto a hard floor. Then She met all the leaders and finalized the entire forthcoming Europe tour. By the time She arrived for the puja, the dark phase of the moon was over and the puja could be done. beautifully decorated with the Shri Chakra on top of Her Throne which had seven curved poles running to the ground entwined with creepers and flowers. The backdrop was a Sahaja yogi artist's painting depicting the evolutionary process in the Virata. The stage had been After having slept barely two hours the previous night, Shri Mataji looked as fresh and radiant as ever. The puja began in the usual way but She stopped our singing midway and suggested we say the same thing once again with one hand on our heart and with the feeling of that awe that what a great privilege it is that we are singing in the presence of the Adi Shakti Herself. us not to distract our attention by taking photos during the puja. Even if we can't understand what She is saying we should try to feel Her from within. It is not possible to convey what She said in Her talk as the same can be heard by the reader on tape when copies are made available. But one must say that the whole puja and singing was so deep, well-timed and precise that it really transcended us into another world of thoughtlessness, in an ocean of tranquility whose joy knew no bounds, with each wave taking us to a higher plane of awareness. This made a tremendous difference. She asked Shri Mataji was very pleased that Her vibrations could be absorbed by the Sahaja yogis present there. After the puja she distributed silk shirts and kurtas to the men The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 36 who have worked hard to spread Sahaja Yoga and silk shawls and sarees to the women. On Sunday the 7th of May, we saw posters on every prominent shop window and street corner in the city. The programme in the evening was very well-attended and well received by the seekers of Sorrento. There were doctors, scientists and architects amongst those who got their realization. There was bhajan singing and dancing going on in the hall as Shri Mataji met each of the seekers personally and worked on their problems. All the questions asked were those of an anxious seeker eager to get the experience of his realization. As the last seeker received his realization there was a sound oi the bursting of firecrackers, as if to culminate the celebration of this historical gathering in the beautiful town of Sorrento. On Monday the 8th of May on our way to Naples, Shri Mataji stopped for a while to see Pompeil, the town at the base of Vesuvius that was ruined overnight to a heap of rubble and ash. Shri Mataji said it was an expression of the Ekadasha Rudra putting a check on the oversized ego of that place. Thereafter She haited briefly at the town of Torre del Greco, tamous for its corals, the finest and cheapest the world has to offer. Looking at the crowds in the Naples programme it seemed that the visit of Shri Mataji to this town in 1988 was paying rich dividends this year. It was an architectural marvel the way the interior of this grand hall was done. The Murano glass chandeliers, the the intricate work on the ceilings and walls provided for a perfect backdrop for the programme. questions were well-framed and on being asked about Neopalitans, Shri Mataji said the peopie had very good and open hearts as they had so much love and regard for their Mother. Waiting at the entrance of the hall was a lady suffering from vertigo. Shri Mataji worked on Her Kundalini for a few minutes and she cleared out and was feeling much better. It was a huge hall packed to the limit and all of thenm got their realization collectively. One hundred of them enrolled in the 7-week course to establish their realization. On Her arrival the television crew was waiting to interview Her, the After the programme, She returned to rest at Nirmala House in Rome at 3 in the morning. Rome On the 9th evening, a very central hall in Rome near the railway station was the venue for Her public programme for two days. Here again a lot of people came and received their self-realization. considerably relieved on meeting Shri Mataji just twice during the two days of programmes and received her realization. Shri Mataji spoke so fluently and with such compassion that all the people took to Sahaja Yoga spontaneously and promised to attend the follow up programmes regularly. They are having ongoing programmes in the heart of Rome each day of the week for the next two months. One lady who came suffering from cancer of the liver felt There is another ashram closer to Rome called the Mangala House. They have 16 children below the age of 5 years who are such a joy to meet. They are well-versed in the knowledge of chakras and vibrations; they are intelligent, alert and very affectionate. On 11th evening they put up a beautiful show for Shri Mataji with a play on the Charlie Chakra and danced to some of the Sahaja Yoga songs. The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 37 For dinner Akbar prepared some excellent pizzas in the log-fired oven of the ashram for all of the Sahaja yogis. After that, Shri Mataji spoke to all the Sahaja Yogis on how to handle the children and how to spread Sahaja Yoga and handle new people. She said that we should tell the new people that there is very little place in the Kingdom of Heaven and it is filling up very fast; therefore, they should hurry up and enter. Spain On May 18th around 3 o'clock Shri Mataji arrived from the U.K. on the Spanish airline, Iberia. Zaragoza. She was received and greeted by all the Sahaja Yogis from Madrid and From the cool climes of the U.K. we walked into what seemed the sweltering heat of Spain at 33 degrees Centigrade. Shri Mataji immediately brought the right side down and within moments there was a gentle breeze blowing and clouds covered the hitherto blue sky. The programme was arranged in the banquet hall of a hotel downtown, and on the way to the city there was a double rainbow in the sky which seemed to originate from the site of the public programme. Her posters were displayed on all prominent spots along the way. Shri Mataji suggested that if it was legal to put up posters then we should put our center address on it also. We could also write in it that if people stretch their hands with paims towards Her photo that they can feel the cool breeze. passersby will get their realization even after She has gone and then get in touch with the centre. This way The hall was packed te capacity as She entered. There were people sitting on the floor all around. IL was a decent, well-read crowd and they asked intelligent questions. She was very happy to meet them all individually and blessed them after Her talk. There were several seekers affected by false gurus who were given their realization. Thare were polio and spondylitis patients cured right there. There were people who complained of being possessed by evil spirits and were being cured. By the time the programme ended it was half past midnight, but all Sahaja Yogis were happy to s9e so many new people who promised to attend their centre the following week. The next morning, Shri Mataji took a flight to Barcelona. There were almost 200 Sahaja yogis at the airport with bouquets to receive Her. Soon after this, without any rest. She went to conduct the public programme. The hall was quite full and most people got their realization. Some of the seekers were really damaged by false gurus. One man who had been a Yogananda disciple was suffering from cancer of the Sahastrara. He received his realization and is on his way to recovery. There were several others from TM, Siddha Yoga, Bala Yogi and Rajnish who also received their realization. Such is the compassion of Shri Mataji that in spite of all these mistakes made in seeking and harm to their chakras She still sucked out their negativity and forgave them by granting them realization. In the early morning, after a rest of 2-1/2 hours, again She left for the venue of the Shri Buddha Puja. It was spellbinding scenery in an idyllic setting with verdant hills. One doubts if many tourists get to see this beautiful part of Barcelona. Shri Mataji felt as if all the nature stood in salutation to welcome Her to this spot, where on top of the cliff stood the hotel El Farell where all the Sahaja yogis were housed for two nights. The Puja had been arranged out in the open over-looking the entire valley. The other The Divine Coo. Breeze July 1989 38 side of the hill was a scene similar ta that of Saptashringi Devi temple at Vani near Nasik. The earth was the color of the clay at Ganapatipule. was very opportune to have Shri Buddha Puja in Spain. It had become quite evident during the public programune that the Spanish seekers were affected by a strong Agnya catch as they found it very difficult to forgive. Incidentally, as Gregoire bagan to say the mantras that had been done before in San Diego, he realized that some pages Were missing so he had to do it spontaneously and it turned out to be much better. Shri Mataji spoke very fluently and was full of humor. explained the meaning of Buddha's life and what it means to us. She referred to Harself as the "laughing Buddha." Her message for this puja to all Sahaja yogis was to warn them about the ego and how it attacks everyone, including Shri Mataji. Everyone can see it except the person himself who is himself affected by it. asked why we have ego. She said that it cannot be attributed to Her as She gave us all realizalion and it is up to us to maintain it that way and not get caught up in it or be evasive but face ourseives. Sha said we should be "truthful to ourselves." truth is our power and we should not be shy about our realization. At the puja, She said it seemed that all the Deities had come and settled down as if it was a Devaloka. She hoped the cameras would photograph them. In a very nice way, She People The After the puja every leader from the countries present brought her beautiful gifts. The gift to Mother from the Spanish was a huge painting, done by eight or nine yogis, of an El Greco painting of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Mother was almost crying, She was so touched. She saw this painting in the Prado in Madrid last year and liked it very much saying, "Look at all their Kundalinis!" because all the saints had little flames painted above their heads. How beautiful it was and After the puļa She rested for a while and then came out on the patio, sat with the Sahaja Yogis and talked to them about lots of miracles in Sahaja Yoga for Phil Ward's benefit. The evening programme at another venue had twice the people as the previous day. It was amazing how ihe crowd responded to the Indian music played by Jose and party. They were singing along in chorus and swaying to the rhythm. The Indians of Barcelona could not believe their ears that Westerners could speak Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit so clearly. raalization to all of them. listening to the music. She didn't have to conduct the whole process of going through the chakras; they just stretched out their palms and confirmed having felt it. Shri Mataji met each and every one personally and gave Most of them had already received their realization just Alhens To begin with, there was a delay in the flight departure on May 25th from Heathrow Airport in London. Laler, on landing in Athens, we learned that the Snhaja yogis there needed that time to prepare for Her arrival and also get together with each other to sort out the finer details about Her coming visit. And Shri Mataji at the other end needed to brief Nick Granby about the contents of the film being made on Her life and work. On the way She corrected the weather of Greece and on arrival the Sahaja yogis intormed Her that the temperature had miraculously dropped 10 degrees Celsius and The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 39 this was also accompanied by unseasonal showers! There was a surprisingly large reception for Her at the airport. Since She was going for the first time to Greece, representatives from most countries had once again rushed to give a helping hand to the Divine, It was heartening to see that much concern for the emancipation of the Greek nationals. Guido had brought Her Mercedes from Rome for Her use. Within minutes of Her arrival at the Graek leader Stamatis' house, a radio interview was set up for Her conducted by an older man, who soon received his realization during the courss of the interview. He showed extreme courtesy and respect to Shri Mataji and was firmly supportive of the great work She was doing. She received a call from Her house that there was a severe water shortage in London. She Just gave it a phandan and a day later we read the news that there had been floods in an area north of London and reservoirs had onough water to tide over the problem. Shri Athena Puja took place on May 24th. Athena means Holy Ghost: Ath means primordial, and ena means Mother. The puja was to have been done in the morning but due to a late night orogram it started quite late the next day because the preparations for the Puja had to be cormpleted. Shri Mataji explained that it could have been done before noon but not after because noon to four p.m. is the time when the Deities go to sleep; as such, the Puja began at 4 pm. During the puja, Shri Mataji explained in great detail about Athena and the spiritual role of Greece. (This will be synopsized in the next issue.) After the talk Shri Mataji was offered a shield decorated with snakes, a spear and a helmet-like crown with a red plume and three subtle channels represented on it. There was also a breast plate showing the Kundalini, all colored in gold. Phil Ward read out some excerpts from the Apology by Socrates. Then Stamatis who had researchsd the 108 names of Athena in the ancient texts, read them out along with their meanings to Her during the puja. The vibrations were very strong during this recitation. elements at Her feet and not Her hands as we usually do, and the vibrations were really tremendous. Shri Mataji prepared real "Charnamruta" by our offering Her the five On behall of the international collective She was offered a traditional gold-plated Greek necklace, bracelet and ring. The Greeks gave an olive tree in a pot to all Sahaja yogis from abroad attending the puja to take home with them. The same evening on the public program was held in the Hotel Grande Britagne, where the Hall was packed with 700 seekers of truth. She spoke about the great heritage of Greece. The Greek people already had the knowledge of the sacrum bone, the Kundalini (serpent/snake power), its coils, etc. She said that they were blessed with prosperity (e.g., a flourishing shipping industry); however, they then fell because they didn't keep to spirituality. Most of those at the program got their realization and promised to come again the following day. The program finished at1 am after She had met each one personaly. Then we went to a tavern for dinner where we had some traditional Greek cuisine and heard the Bouzonkis and Greek folk songs. After that, the Sahaja Yogis went on stage and sang. It wasn't until 4 am that Shri Mataji went to sleep. The Divine Cool Breeza- July 1989 10 In the morning some paper had published a report on the previous night's program in a very frivolous manner. already inside and the hotel authorities thought it might be a fire hazard to allow more people. About 75 new people who hadn't seen Her the previous day clamoured to be allowed in so the management had to give in and they were seated around the stage and in the aisles. When Shri Mataji told them that the Mercedes car that was talked about in the newspaper article was actually gited by Her a couple of years ago to the Rome ashram, there was thunderous applause from the audience who were so far only accustomed to false gurus who snatched everything from their disciples. programme was a great success. Nevertheless, the hall was packed to capacity 750 were The At home Shri Mataji explained that there are various levels in seeking. It could be family, money or power-oriented. But these pursuits give no joy to the seeker; they only bring about misery. With the intellect one cannot know God. Devotion (Bhakti) is the way to reach Him." She expiained Kabir's music to the Sahaja Yogis there and told us lots of miracle stories. She slept at 3 a.m. We had to take the early morning flight the next day to Istanbul. Again another miracie took place. Mataji and the flight was already full. After seven of us got our confirmations, Stamatis requested Her to help us out. She gave a bandhan and twelve people who had confirmed bookings and had even checked in their baggage suddenly decided not to go and got off the plane so Sahaja yogis could come. In the meantime, as there was a slight delay, She bought some things symbolic of Greece at the airport as a remembrance. At least twenty Sahaja yogis wanted to go on the same flight as Shri Turkey She had single- In Istanbul an Italian lady, Mrs. Karla Mottino, was our hostess. handedly aranged Shri Mataji's entire visit with a lot of help from Guido and Akbar who had gone there earlier to make sure all arrangements were done properly. It was wonderful to see such an Asian city in Europe with all its mosques and minarets. Shri Mataji was surprised to see the change in the city, its development and its cleanliness. religion prevented them from following any false gurus. She commented that the Turks were protected in a way as their The flowers were huge and fragrant. Again the weather was a surprise to everyone: it was really cool after the showers which preceded the visit. Karlas' house was right on the banks of the Bosphorus and we could see all the ships passing and the fishermen lined up on the banks catching up to 12-14 fish on one linel In the afternoon Shri Mataji visited the old bazaar in the heart of Istanbul. The quality of craftsmanship in silver was really amazing. Shri Mataji bought a few things and the European leaders present bought silver mirror frames for puja with beautiful work around the border and handle. The roads were really crowded as Benazir Bhutto from Pakistan was visiting, too. Guido could not find parking anywhere so he left the car on the side of the road. People started shouting, but he just turned around and said with a smile, "I've brought The Divine Gool Broezs - July 1983 my Mother with ms." in them and Shri Mataji said, "Look at the respect for the Mother. They understand." Tat just dissolved all the anger The posters and publicity were very well-handled with Sutras from the Koran relating to Her advent quoted below. country for the first time. It was a major breakthrough in penetrating an Islamic The people at the program asked very innocent questions. They had an impression that a guru from India is a person 1o sleeps on a bed of nails and Shri Mataji was a total contrast to what they expected. Realization was granted after a short talk. In the morning of the 27th the fifty Sahaja yogis there were witness to the Shri Begum Pasha Puja. She talked about how we must open our hearts out like the sea and let the rivers of love flow into it. We must have self-respect and also respect for others. We should use our discretion and keep to our maryadas. We should open our heart and place Enri Mataj in it. She cannot live im small-hearted people so our hearts should expand and be large enaugh to accommodate Her love, which is boundless and infinite. The evening program was a great success al the Istanbul Hilton Hotel where a lot of corporate professionals came as well as some journalists, and the music was provided by the Swiss group. After their realization most seekers promised to come regularly. Akbar and Annie, an Armenian Sahaja yogi from Greece, stayed back to help witih follow-ups. Shri Mataji flew on Turkish Airways and was very pleased by the wonderfully courteous and attentive service. Shri Mataji said She will use Istanbul as a stop-over an Her flight to India and fly Turkish Air again. The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 42 Shri Mataji's Tour of the Americas - Part 1 Arnerica entered a new dimension of Sahaja Yoga as this grand tour of America progressed and Shri Mataji spread the wave of enithusiastic participation at all levels, beginining with Shri Virata Puja in New York and finding a geometric escalation in seekers awaiting their self-realization in every program along the tour There were 150 in Cindinnati 400 in Toronto, 800 in VaiICouver and 1600 in San Diego. Miami, our newest center also provided a powerful response ot 150. Even at the United Nations, 30 diplomats attended. Ellects of Shri Virata Puja became immediately manitest as newspapers reported on the 4th of July. (the 213th Independence Day of the United States), that rare photographs of the planet Saturn were taken during Shri Mataji's tour, which clearly showed ihe ng of Saturn. be photographed from earth with the Sudarshan Chakra so clearly showing. This is the tirst time that the planet of the Vishuddhi could Shri Malaji was particularly pleased because not only was this the first time that collectively this couritry had responded so well, but the yogis ihemselves were also entering intoi an era of riew depth and realization of HER vision. America is now an ntegrated nation that is just raising its head to catch a glimpse of what's beyond its own backyard and prepares to contribute towards the international progress of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given us the message to be confident and fearless and go all out to reach the seekers of Iruth and spread HER word. It is our job to make the opportunity available to the world and surrender the results to HER. We must meditate regularly to grow deeper and make Sahaja Yoga our first priority. Shri Mataji has been in England now for sixteon years and, as it will be evident from the reports of various centers that foilow, it is now time for the Vishuddhi to manifest itself. SHRI VIRATA PUJA AND SEMINAR 150 yogis from the U.S., Canada and abroad gathered in Alle weeks of preparation, Bantam, Conecticut for Shri Virata Puja and the beginning events of Shri Mataji's tour a the Americas, For many of us, the weekend began with travel to New York Gity through torrential rains, During this forcetul storm, Shri Mataji arrived at Kennedy Airport greeted by a joyous host of yogis. The airport's florist was sold out almost instantly as yegis welcomed our Mother with a bounty of flowers, While Shri Mataji rested at the nealby New Yoik ashram, yogis travelled on to the lakeside campsite in Connecticut one and-a-half haurs away. Everyone remained in high spirits throughout a night of soaking rairts sent by Our Mother as a cleansing preparation for the puja. Sun greeted us the next day, as yogis lined the road of the campsite In anticipation of Shri Mataj's arrival. Singing, high-spirited yogis, headed up by a van, full of musicians danced along the road in front of Shri Matajl's car all the way to the house prepared fol Her at the edge ol the lake. This procession was a first in America. 43 The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 Shortly after Her arrival Shri Mataji met with Nortn American leaders. She pointed out that the lack of new yogis was actually a rellection of our own lack of depth. We were told not to b8 discouraged, as Shri Mataji is the painter and we are the paint brushes, the instruments of this drama: encouraged to go deeper within ourselves so that the seekers will feel the depth of the Kundallni in our collective, and thereby sense the presence of God within us. TIE how can the paint brush feel badly? We were Yogis continued to meditate outside Mother's house with an emphasis on cleaiing the left and right sides. The rest of the afternoon provided time to meet informially and höld a havan in preparation for the puja. performances in the festively decorated hall covered with hand-made paper flowers made by the American ladies. A reading of American Indian prose and poetry with musical accompaniment was offered by New York and Boston Yogis. commented on how the native people around the world knew about the Kundalini, and also how innocent the American Indians were before being massacred by the white men. During the research for this project we discovered that the place name "Bantam means "place of prayer" in the language of the Americans who once lived there. The evening brought a wide variely of Shri Matali Following this presentation, New York children presented a modern danne about evolution, and two young yaginis from Toranto and their dance teacher followed with sacred dances from India. Vern Wills of Vancouver presented music tapes and a music video, a modern form of devotional music. Shri Mataji affirmed what a good vehicle popular rock music can be for seekers to find out about Sahaja Yoga. She also indicated that music wouid play a major roie in working out Sahaja Yoga in America, San Diego yoginis ended the performances with complete with each dancer offering a flower at Mother's feet, completed the evening, after which Shri Mataji commented that She felt the vihrations coming up fram deep in the earth. a serene presentation of Indian dance, Exuberant bhajans We woke the morning of the puja to a tremendous wind sweeping the camp. It was then announced that a Shri Virata Puja would be held. In the puja talk Shri Mataje explained how the puja would work out a lot in the problems of the brain of America. She described how America is presently indulgent and in the left: we were compared to England. It is imperative that we get back to the center by dynamic action This was a very strong talk which is included in synopsis form elsewhere in this issue Matajl emphasized that every yogi should have a copy of this tape and listen to it The 108 names of American Indian tribes were read to help alleviate the let-side intluence on Americans of Indians who suffered death through massacre and neglect. A hand- made Cherokee head dress was also offered to Shri Mataji at the end ot the puja It is said that Shri Mataji felt an extreme sorrow for what happened to the Indians, a sadness so deep it could not be expressed. Shri After this momentous puja, many gifts were offered to Mother including a necklace made of Arizona turquoise, and a painting of Abraham Lincoln. Many paintings done by local Sahaja Yogis were also given. including oil paintings of flowers. Mother showered us with lovely presents. The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 44 SAN DIEGO The next morning we were blessed in being allowed to perform the puja of Shri Mataji as Shri Mahakali, the Chastiser of Demons. In Her infinite compassion She had asked that the Puja be prepared carefully and with intensity and by this we were made more acutely aware of the awesome work She wanted to execute. The Puja commenced with a puja to Shri Ganesha, who was born of Shri Mahakali and who is the basis of the ida nadi. During the puja, as the names of Shri Mahakali were recited, Shri Mataji at times smiled or laughed and we saw Shri Mahakali as the embodiment of the unfettered joy and emotion of creation. First all of the men washed Mother's teet (each one twice), then all of the women made the offerings. By some wonderful happenstance, Shri Mataji was offered two sets of goild jewelry and wore them both at the same time; the lace of the gold on Her Feet looked ilka armor As She wore Her helmet-shaped crown, She asked us to sing "He Adi Ma, Wearing the necklace of demon heads, She completaly bowled us over by picking up and surrounding Herself with ail of the weapons proferred at Her Feet: conch, discis, mace, ax6, Sword, noose, goad, javelin, trident, bow and arrow. Perhaps responding to unspoken prayers, She said. "Shall 1 use all of My hands?" Holding the weapons, Her eyes became fixed and red, and we could hardly take Her darshan. One felt like a small animal whose whole attention is cormpletely fixed on his adored master whan the master is angry with something beyond its comprehension. At the close of the puja, She asked all of the yogis to say a prayer that all of the negative forces and all of the negative people be destroyed. It was an immense relief that finally America was to be cleansed of its dark side. As we bowed down after the aarti, Shri Mataji said, "Desire, desire" with such intensity to inspire the pure desire power to manifest more deeply. After the puja, Shri Mataji expressed the importance of working with full heart for the success of programs and Sahaja Yoga enterprises and mentioned that the previous evening's program had been advertised very well, and the efforts full of enthusiasm. She outlined changes and cleared the path for further growth in America: Vern Wills ishould be the new leader of Canada, "Karan Khurana. should be the new leader of America, David Dunphy should look after San Diego, Carolyn Vance, New York and Johann De Cocker, Boston. The next areas to be developed would be Los Angeles and San Francisco. Snri Mataji also mentioned that racism was one of the worst problems in the West, and those who are racist cannot survive in Sahaja Yoga: no skin-deep Sahaja Yogis allowed. If there was any racism in our hearts, She asked us please to take it out. "My lace may be fairer, but my hands are black. That is one of the names of Shri Mahakali is that Her hands are black." A the second public program on the 19th of June, David Spiro introduced Sahaja Yoga until Shri Mataji arrived. andience, which Shri Mataji said was 1600 people. This was followed by an ardent and enthusiastic response from the new seekers as most went up individually to Shri Mataji, paid their respects and thanked Her for being kind enough to visit San Diego. Shri Mataji was pleased with the quality of the seekers in San Diego, which She said meant the "city of Gods." During Her lecture, Shri Mataji promised the seekers that After the lecture, Shri Mataji gave realization to a large The Divine Cool areeze July 1989 45 there would be an eight-week course on Sahaja Yoga. The response (about 80 people) at the follow-up programs has been warm and enthusiastic. Shri Mataji gave a two- hour interview to two reporters on June 20th, who took their realization at the end. One woman was an author, and the other was from a local weekly paper. Shri Mataji was very satisfied with the interview, and mentioned that it was the nicest way She's been treated by the press in the West. After the interview, Shri Mataji, Her grandaughter and a tew Sahaja Yogis went on a long shopping trip (to clear the Nabhi of America). Karan and David took Shri Mataji for a pizza dinner to celebrate the successful program, which She said, with a loving Motherly smile, was the most delicious pizza She had ever had. After the shopping trip, She was welcomed back at Her house with music. Then She sat down and gave a very heartfelt talk about how to handle the newly-realized seekers. Shri Mataji's Suagestions for Follow-ups Shri Mataji gave the following suggestions for San Diego follow-up programs: Each yogi should set an example and project dignity. Show the strength of the collective: there shouid be no differences between people. For example, don't disagree with each other when discussing which chakra is catching. Also, they should not sense any disagreement between husband and wife. No children should come to meetings. Separate groups for ladies and men should be organized during the meeting in which experiences of Sahaja Yoga can be shared. Sahaja Yogis can tell them about Shri Mataji, about miracles, and miracle photographs can be shown. Find out everything about each one of the new people. Know them all very well. If new people tell about problems that they have, show compassion and understanding. Say you had the same problem, whether or not it's true. Don't scare them off by discussing negativity or dead spirits. Don't give yourself a bandhan. You can give them a bandhan before working on them. Don't laugh in front of new people. They may feel you are mocking them. Don't mention that Shri Mataji is the Holy Ghost very soon. Serve tea and create an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness. The Divine Cooi Breeze 46 MARRIAGE VOWS, GANAPATIPULE, 1988-89 Circumambulation Around The Sacred Fire The bridegroom says thus to the bride: THE FIRST ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart, and tell you that you must keep the chastity that is necessary for good Muladhar. Our weill-being and auspiciousness lies in completely accepting and keeping full respect of innocence and forsaking cunningness. THE SECOND ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that the Divine aesthetics of married life should be seen in our daily life, our home should be aesthetically decorated. Like planets and stars that are revolving within the limits of their orbits at specific distances, we should do all our work within and strictly abiding by the Dharma. I shal extend all hospitality to Sahaja Yogis and fully associate with you in performing the duties towards Dharma. collectivity. May we both achieve the blessings of enjoying the joy of THE THIRD ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I will hand over all the money that I earn to you, tully realizing that it has come to me as the reward of your punya, You should spend that money carefully and only after consulting me. in mind that all the wealth belongs to God, we should spend our wealth. whatever possible, with the teeling that we are receiving God's blessings. Кверing There should be no hankering for material objects. Becoming completely detached, we should nurture our Mahalakshmi principle. THE FOURTH ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I will never hurt your teelings and shatl forget all the mistakes made by both of us in our past lives. My love for you will be limitiass and so should be yours. Please do not suppress your teelings and never Hesitate to tell me if for some reason your mind is at anguish or someone troubles you. I shall always stand by you, protect you and shall never listen to any false complairnts against you. The Divine Cool Breeze- 47 The bride says thus to the bridegroom: THE FIFTH ROUND remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I shall bring the Divine Sweetness in your life. I shall cook delicious food that can be enjoyed by you, we should eat only the tood cooked by Sahaja Yogis. Please da not force me to meet, or be in the company of those who are not good Sahaja Yogis. We should never use between ourselves abusive or bad language and should never shout at each other. You should quietly listen to me and I shall also quietly listen to you. THE SIXTH ROUND I remember Shri Adii Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that we both should regularly meditate and teach our chiliren and also our friends how to meditate. Our life should be that of penance but we should not complain or unnecessarily tell ethers about it and should be happy in all circumstances. Your eyes should be pure and free from lust for women and withaut greed for anything. THE SEVENTH ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that we should truly understand that Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has cunferred Her Great Blessings on us, and so we should completely surrender and dedicate our hearts to Her. intellect. We should be aware how tremendous and unprecedented the work of self realization is and that the rest of everything in our life is unimportant and of no consequence. It is my condition that we should day and night unceasingly enjoy Her evertlowing grace, devote and dedicate ourselves to Her, regularly offer the Puja to Her photo with all the protocols, and be extremely humble in Her presence. Please, correct me if you find me failing in these. This dedication should be through complete integration of body, mind and Brides and bridegrooms say together: I shall apen the path of Moksha whichI have received with the blessings and grace of Her Holiness Shri Mataji also to others and shall achieve, in the company of such great and realized persons, the well-being of the whole universe. COMPLETION OF THE HAVAN Bridegrooms should drop ghee three times in the Havan with the saying of the following: Om Agnaye Swaha Om Agnaye Swaha Om Agnaye Swaha Om Tatsat Om Tatsat Om Tatsat Om Poornamadah Poornamidam ---------------------- 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-0.txt H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi Lectures 1989 INDIA SYNOPSIS DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.1, No. i& 2. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-1.txt DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL I Shri Mataji Nimala Devi's India Tomr 1989 South India and Gujrat were very much blessed by Shri Mataji. She gave public talks in Hyderabad, Madras, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Rajkot and Chowrhat. India is a country of diverse people and cultures. All the five states She visited spoke different languages yet her language of love opened every heart As Shri Mataji remarked, "language is not the problem, it is the seekers: Saliaja yoga is meant for people with an open mind" Thousands of people who had never heard of vibrations surprisingly got their realisation and bowed to the Goddess. Their recognition was instant and did not require many further explanations.This was her only her second visit to Hyderabad after 4 years and people came thronging to her programmes. In Bangelore, Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Chowrhat the maiden visit blessed the starting of new centres. The importance of Bangelore visit dawned from her triumphant smile when sahaja yogis praises 'Mahishsura mardini. In her divine play she exposes all rakshas before destroying them.; just as our negativity within is destroyed upon being exposed. A thousand meanings lie hidden in her cach expression, each smile that enthralled us all the time. She said so sang her many wonderful things, some of them are quoted below. Her lectures have been recorded and sent to Austria for world wide distribution. Shri Mataji's Public T Indha Tonr Syaopsis alks South or Synopsis. At the very outset we have to understand that we cannot create truth, we cannot organise truth. Truth is, was and will be.We cannot cheat truth. We have to reach that point to receive it. It 15 not a conccpt, we cannot change it. Sahaja yoga establishes the proof of truth. All the theories have come from truth but its experience is not there. In our seeking of truth we should be very honest with ourself and not gullable. When you come with a forthright attitude, the truth comes to you. You should shun people who are not truthful. Why should you worry about some one else's authority if he hus the authority of God. God does not necd sahaja yoga, it is you who needs sclf rcalisation.. New comers should understand that they are not obliging us. It is better that a few people of quality come, than a large number ol 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-2.txt 2. shallow people. Sahaja yoga is not plastic which you can go on mass producing. It has to start with a few. Lots of bad influences have gone now. You have to transform people ,if humanity has to be aved. It is a tremendous task. It is casy to do everything else. It is easy to be a professional, a doctor, a lawycr, engineer etc. People will go down in the history of spirituality who will save humanity. What a tremendous task it is to transform human beings. Therefore be aware of yourself and your altention. It is not difficult to give realisation, one has to work hard to sustain it. Because one easily falls into thoughis. It is not a difficult problem to sustain it if you pnctise sahaja yoga collectively, because all the ways have been given by sahaja yoga. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution has to manifest through our central nervous systein. In the orient people believed that one should see etemal light rather than indulge in Transitory things Transitory things exist, they can be used in proper maryadas, to be kept in their own place. When you cross the maryadas and over indulge in them, then they become evil, simply destructive and fatal. The Etemal All Pervading Divine Power acis on molecules, vegetables, animals and human beings when they grow. The whole created cosmos is so well organised, and looked after in all delaiis, by the Divine power, but through maya it covers it with ignorance. Through this one casily alls into transite ry responses, and gets lost. All hunan understanding moves in a lincar way, and then recoils back. But the Divine radiates on all sides equally. You are like a computer, but the computer has to be connected to the mains. Once you come into the kingdom of God, his Government is benevolent, loving, absolutely earnest and most efficient and above all it acts through its power of love. God Almighty who created this world is more concemed about its wellbeing than you Out of the mire and dirt of a pond lotuses are born. They spread fragrance in the whole world, and cover it with beauty. The lotus is so delicate, but it is open te the beetle who has thomy legs, In the same way in Sahaja yoga your personality develops like a beautiful lotus, which has leaves but on which the water does not stay. Wheni the Laxmi tattwa is awakened, such a person can stand on a lotus He does not put pressure on anyone . His heart is fragrant like the lotus. Laxni gives with one hand, with the other hand it provides protection- like an umbrella which the arher spreads over his children. Likewise an enlightened entreprencur looks after the welfare of his people. The movement of money is linear and many discases are born of its greed. You should consider what do people say about the moneyed people. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-3.txt 3. Enla Talk Madras 8.2.89 Mr Murthy®s Housa Hioune In the Kaliyuga one is wasting time trying to gain the attention of others, just for some transitory gain. In this mad world where do sahaja yogis stand ? You see the world running after transitory things, but we are to be the scekers of the etemal. In modem timés there are some new conditioning and bindings. The worst binding factor is time. To save time we pian all the while, yet we find that everything works out of time (laug.iier). A futuristic person is not yet a sahaja yogi. In modern times life is so hectic, se fast and the experiences of missing out are very harmful, for example, when people take an air ticket in their hand, they become nervous. They start shaking, the moment, they know they have to go to the airport. As a result they forget things and may miss their plane. But Sahaja yogis must know that they cannot miss the plane, if they are real sahaja yögis. Sahaja yogis have to be 'Kalatit' (beyond Ume). If the chitta is not in the present, then it is in the future, you are thinking of the next thing. With the attention on time the point is missed. The precious moment is lost. Therefore keep your attention at case You have to keep your attention in the centre, watch what is going on -just people running up and down. Once we went to a wedding in England. People were so much in a hurry to attend it, that when they aived the church had not opened ( laughter). We should not be futuristic , the attention is lost. In the moment everything is remembered and every thing works out smoothly. After all what special work are we doing only waiting at the airport. We should ask, " are we enjoying ourself" ? If we cannot enjoy anything then why are we doing it ? The principle is that we should be in joy. When we went to the airport in Pune, the plane was three hours late, All the Sahaja yogis had come to see me. All the collectivity enjoyed this time. Then I put my altention on all the Sahaja yogis who had come to see me at Hyderabad Airport. It gave all the new Sahaja yogis an opportunity to know cach other. All the Sahaja yogis just enjoyed talking to cach other and sharing their experiences. Enjoy the beauty of human relationship. I never do anything. I stand in 'akarma'. So you also stand as a witness. What is the use of creating tensions and blood pressure. First thing, you must leam to get out of time consciousness. Then you will find out that everything works out with your time. One does not have to be overactive or lethargic. Everything works in its own time -the ways the ladies take their own time (laughter). One of the blessings of sahaja yoga is that you forget time. Take the blessing of sahaja yoga. We should be what we are, if you are a woman be a woman; if you are a man be a man. In sahaja yoga you have to master your manhood. If a man runs after a woman he is a woman (laughter). such a man should be sent to the doctor. There is some sort of a bhoot in him. If you are alvways looking here and there, then your atfention is nor there. Attention should be very peaceful like a lake, which has no ripples - reflecting the whole creation, the complete creation of joy. Even a "kataksh" is sufficient to give realisation. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-4.txt The media everywhere has neither joy nor any feelings. It creates a very wobbly attention. This leads to all kinds of physical problems. It s necessary for a sahaja yogi to seltle down his attention. Meditation on my feet settles the attention. To see that your attention must be absolutely clear, the eyes must be clear also. It is a state, you simply become a witness, ike a wheel of fan is rotating but it remains still. You should just see, not think. If you enjoy seeking somcthing, don't ask for the price. The joy and love thai an artist has put in making his work, descends upon you like an ocean of joy, which you appreciate in a state of nirvana. Think what can I give to the other. When buying sarees, one has to also think of the poor weavers, what about their job. Everything has a principle behind it. If your attention is there, you can see the principle. Fashion is such a vicious circle, the attention becomes slavish to fashion, everyone wearing the same thing blindly. Sahaja yogis do not wish to live on transitory ideas, just laugh at all these things. We are not going to waste our energy on useless transitory thinking. We stand on solid how footing, enjoying at a dceper level, enjoying the satire of the absurd. As Kabira has said, You. nould I explain to them who are blind". In this state we just enjoy and don't suffer the pangs. You see the the satire of kaliyuga and just enjoy it. Let the people see in you somebody who is so different, let them see the purity, the compassion and peace in you. You are the advertisement of sahaja yoga, you are the light. That is the description of Nimalite. As Namadeva has said after meeting GoraKumhar, " I came to see the nirgunna and I sce it as Saguna in you". What an appreciation of the other. See the beauty of the inside of each other and enjoy it. In your aftention you have to just say, " Let us have the purity of light of our attention". T âm at your command. If you say mother come in my heart, I come ia Your heart. It is for my benevolence, I don't need sahaja yoga , it is you who needs sahaja yoga. lt is for your benevolence that I am here. Receive the blessings of sahaja yoga. May God Bless you. Afier the puja all the sahaja yogis prayed to Shri Mataji Aum Twem wa sahshat Shri Chitta Shakti Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namba. All the sahaja yogis bow to you O Goddess of Lajja and thank you for allowing us to vorship you. May we all your children who have enjoyed the prasada of this beautiful puja and who are so blessed by you, imbibe all the virtues you have so generously showered upon us. May we spread the message of sahaja yoga and bring glory to your name. A devotional song was sung by the Madras sahaja yogis in Tamil. It was composed by Mr Murthy .The Goddess was most pleased and said that it should become an International song. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-5.txt 5n Omestions nad Answers during the proerammA 1) Describe a guru? A guri has to take the full responsibility of the well being and righteousness of the disciple with the same intensity as the mother. Guru is the one who connects the disciple to the Brahma chaityna. You cannot purchase him. If you buy a guru, then he is your slave, be cannot be a guru., 2) What is the difference between Raja yoga, bhakti yoga, japa yoga and sahaja yoga? Modern Raja yoga is like trying to move the wheels of the car without ignition. Raja yoga automatically manifests in sahaja yoga. As we take the food the digestive system goes into action automatically, When the kundalini awakens, then you automatically get connected with Him. When you are in the kingdom of God, then even taking His name once is enough. By repeating mantra jappa His name, does not mean that you treat Him as if he is in your pocket ( laughter). Bhakti can be of two kinds, firstly blind bhakti, secondly enlightened bhakti - that is sahaja yoga. Bhakti without connection with God is useless. It is like a phone call without the connections. As Shri Krishna has said it should be Ananya Bhakti, meaning where there is not the other. 3) All the rivers leads to the sca in different stages. How do we know when we have reached? I think that you have reached tha end of your journey. If you think you haven't then better go back and come all the way (laughter). 4) The niessage of Gita is addressecd to Arjuna but its dictum is universal. The dictum of all the scriptures is for every one, however it is not in the words, but the becoming of it. Why is there such a gap between a stith pragya, and a reader or preacher of the Gita? because you have to become the stith pragya (realised soul). That is what I have copie to do. 5)On education Highe education is not enough, discretion has also to be deployed. 6) Is neditation a mesmcrism ? In mesmerism you dun't get human awareness. In sahaja yoga your awarcness is expanded and enlightened, it becomes unlimited. In mesmerism they use your eyes which are open and then a person gets in:o a trance, while in sahaja yoga the eyes are closed during meditation and therefore cannot be usec foi mesmerism: 7) Why is there a drought in Maharashtra when it is called a Yoga Bhumi? Becau e they have started making alcohol out of sugar. Those staying in Yoga Bhumi should know -hat they are doing in it; It is a great responsibility who are born in this yoga bhumi that we huve to ge our realisation: 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-6.txt GUIRAT People look to the west, but happiness docs not come from material things. Today you have one thing, tomorrow you want another. Earlier expensive gurus was the fad, today drugs have replaced them. They take drugs that spin the brain, then they listen to jarring pop music. Thus their limbic arca has become numb and insensitive; so they need sharper and deeper sensations and stimuli. Is this what their freedom has given them?- how to ruin their life. They try to express their freedom in an outward manner. They can colour their hair or dress up the way they like, they could be vulgar and extremely ridiculous as in Halloween. America has become poorer. Where has all the money gone? What is the use of such progress, that drives people to the point of desperation that they commit suicide. Switzerland, Sweden and Norway have the highest standard of living, yet they are in competition which country commits more suicide. When we see some one ahead of us falling into a ditch then why should we follow him ? ----------- You work so hard for your family, what about working a little bit for your inner self, your joy. The person who achieves self realisation becomes "smartha" (equal to one's meaning). He Toms no habit, he cannot be overpowered, he settles down in such peace like the centre point ofa wheel, which is still. Likewise you witness everything but are not affected. The rights of a man and a woman are cqual, but they are not similar. This is what has to be understood by freedom to women. The position of a woman is like mother earth. She wears soothing green, she is the support, she is patient like a mother and forgives our sins. A wife is not in any way inferior to the husband. I think she can become mnore powerful, if she becomes aware of responsibility of her power. In India it is said "woman should be worshipped" - but the woman should also be worthy of worship. You can get happiness from a husband/wife but joy only the comes from the Spirit. Atma is beyond happiness and sorrow, it emits only joy 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-7.txt SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI'S INDIA TOUR 1989 CONTD. In the last issue of the Divine Cool Breeze a synopsis of Shri Mateji's programmes in South India and Gujrat were reported. The India Tour continued to Nagpur, Delhi, Lucknow, Dehradun, Bombay, Patna, Calcutte and Nepal. To do ful1 justice to all the wonderful things She said a book would have till then a synopsis is being to be written, presented to share the Divine Message. Nagpur was a homecoming, wè all felt the warmth and love of our Divine Wus Mother's home town. All the people who had known her in childhood narrated so many lovely stories. One gentleman who is an M.P. now lrowedin ArCwed a printed brochure displaying Shri Mataji's name as the president social welfare organization. Her childhood was filled with tremer dous activity devoted to the welfare of humanity. It was amAzing how she could recognise faces she had not seen for decades - it was the enlightenment oE the memory lane. Then there was the school she studied, lanes and parks that vere the scene of the Diving play of Shri Bal Krishna Sakshat. Baba Mama overwhelmed us with his proverbial Nagpur hospitality with the added bonus of a musical bonanza! The opening ceremony of the Delhi Ashram by Shri Mataji was a Divine moment. As the heavens showered their blessings we were in tears of joy at the dedication of our Delhi brothers and sisters in building such Breat monument of love. The Public programmes were tremendous, this time the Capital moved its frontiers towards the common Thousands of villagers got their realisation at programmes held at Noida and Pritampura. The frevour of the Noida songs triggered the audience into a lila of dance and mirth that reminded of Ganpatiphule. The Doon Valley gave a rousing welcome tu the Goddess of the Mountains. It was proclaimed ever ywhere that 'The Blossom .Time has Come'. Indeed, as nature blossomed in riots of colourful ' spring flowers the Dehradun people were ushered into the blossom time of their Spirit. Sahaja Yogis from all the world had gathered to fecilitate over Shri Mataji on her 66th Birthday. As each petal unfolds with the rays of the rising sun, each heart opened with her bashful birthday smiles. In her birthday we felt the joy of our own rebirth, our Spirit shinning and reflecting her love and splendour. Ms Kirti Shelidar complimented 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-8.txt .. 2.. the fecilit ion with beautiful classical music in the traditional natya-sangeet style. The following day at the Birthday Puja Shri Mataji bestowed all her blessings upon all her children all over the universe. Jai Shri Mataji. "In Sahaja yoga it is compulsory to be Happy" with which Calcutta took to Sahaja Yoga; 'Come the Mother Calls' was was the positivity the logo that drev seekers from the depths of Bengal. The first two nights ware at a serene camnp where all the sahaje yogis lived like a family Barasat!. It is a village from where traditionally commences the procession of the Goddess during Durga Puja. With the soil of Bengal so bleased by Mahishasura Mardini people got their realisation, of the prophecy of Rabindra Nath Tagore is fulfilled, "Come ye men all races, Co annoint the Mocher, on the shores of Bharat. From Calcutta Shri Mataji arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal is perhaps the only purely Hindu state where the Goddess is worshipped in many aspects. As they worship her in images, rituals and daily life there is a fusion of myth and reality, allowing them to recognise Her Incarnation. There is a tremendous potential, the day is not far for all of them to enjoy the reality of the Incarnation of Modern Times. NAGPUR TALI TO SAHAJA YOGIS 5.3.89 (synopsis translation from Marathi) Mother's place is something very special and one gets reminded of many things. Sahaja Yoga should spread in Nagpur this haa come to my mind But somethimes the people from Mother's place keep away many times. from her. They don't observe what lies around them. A thing at a distance can easily be noticed but where we stay, where we have spent our lives, people from that place are so close that they cannot easily recognise the depth in us and that is why Saha ja yoga has started so late in Nagpur. Because of my childhood here abundant chaitanya a lot of work has already taken place in a spread in this aree and subtle manner and I knew that this all will flourish one day. I visited a lot of places and met a lot of people because of my father who cried to visit each and every plece to spread the freedon stru le. When I was about 9 years old Gandhiji used to call me Hepali. He used 132 to respect my ideas and plans. His Ashram at Bha jenavali was all based 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-9.txt I told on Kundalini wherein all chakras are described one by one. him to follow a particular sequence which he did in great details - right from the first ritualistic principles upto Christ. Everything was there Allah O Akbar etc. He used to consult me often. Those people who came in contact wi-h me since my childhood still remember me. Just yesterday my school teacher had come here to the. programme. Maybe they have some inner knowledge and force that binds them to me and helps them to recognise me after so many years. When I was in Science college I had participated in the freedom struggle "Quit India' in 1942. The whole police had come there along with a I alone stood there at the gate facing canon to scare the students. A year ago at a Pune public programme my principal sahib Shri Krishna Modi had come and while coming to my feet he started sobbing them. and saying "see, I have recognised you that you are Shakti. being a Shakti herself a young girl of 17 cannot gather so much courage to face the police alone. And today I am seeing its ậnifestation. The moment I extended my support they removed me from there." Those who know me from my childhood recognise ine even today. There today. There is only one reason for that and it is called LOVE. is Because my love "Nirvyajya, Nirpekaha Bacauso of - without uny axpoctationa. that Nirvyajya love these people still know me. In those tense times We are my mother used to say that they had no identity of their own. known as Nirmala's mother, Nirmala's father. When you are so small this can be only because of one reascn ONLY LOVE. Right from childhood my nature was such that I gave whatsoever others demanded. I had a lot, of love and compassion for all the peaple. That is why people also have a place for me deep within them. môment I was already aware of the bad qualities of the other but I knew if he got the Nirvya jya love then one duy or the other he is bound And that is why to come to sahaja yoga and will see God Almighty. this Nirvyajya love must come in all of you. In it oe does not e or desire anything. If some one gives you something or not how does it bother you? All these things are perishable. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-10.txt However my father I never talked abouE saha ja yoga in my childhood. knew about it, no one else, My father explained it to my mother because she had some Divine dream about me. She had desired to see a tiger when I was to be born and had any such dreams at that time. Mainly I have seen one thing about Nirvyajya love. In school, college or neighbourhood, everyone had knOWn about me. I was wondering because they were not knowing any other people. My brother used to wonder and say, 'how people know Nirmala didi'. Girls used to tell him, 'yes, we kaow you are Nirmala's brother only'. He used to say 'do I not have any identity of my own?' Only through this Nirvyajya love can you befriend the aultitudes. All my friends used to write so many letters that the college office used to wonder whats going on. "How nis lady gets so many letters'. Then I was Garried to a very orthodox to speak, touch every one's feet. At that timUe also what did I do? -I gave Nirvyajya love to everyone. and Ay wearing a big veil, If they had any problems I used to solve them. They love me so much that even if I go to Lucknow fora day the entire family would gather around me and not leave me. All such roles I have played. So everything is in a way so enchanting. There is a sort of a very loving atmosphere. While speaking to people one must speak lovingly, politely. If you denounce them or insult them by putting them in their place it is totally wrong. Talk politely, with coapassion, do every- thing vith Nirvysjya love. You may not know the extent to which it could help you in future. For example all my brother's friends respect me as their sister. If I just give them a hint they would move heaven Whatever and earth. I just cannot imagine what I have done for them. I have done for anyone is that I have only loved them. In love it Whatever love I gave is not that one does something for the other. then was for my own satisfaction and the reward of that satisfaction is so big that any amount of expense would not be enough. The love should be Nirvya jya, meaning love e without vested interest, without any expectations. It should be free of self interest, that I am doing this, I have done this for him etc. This is not a good attitude, infact it is wrong. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-11.txt .. 5.. In Sahaja yoga there are some old' Sahaja Yogis. I have very strange experiences about them. Now you are the people who are initiating this, founding this. Saha ja yogis are at the foundation; if the founda- tion is stiaky then the building will collapse. Suppose you give So realisation to someone, what does it mean? YOU did not give it. 'this awakening is given by Shri Mataji' or that 'this person has got his awakening'. One should must say that 'I am akarmi one So this feeling not go about saying I have awakened his Kundalini'. that I have given something', 'have done this', should never be there. But my reading of human beings tells me that those who come to Sahaja yoga in the begining get this sort of false pride - "ve are very old saha ja yogis, yogis, we are the very first few sahaja yogis'. As sahaja yoga keeps spreading in the seme proportion this false pride also keeps mounting up "that because of me so many sáhaja yogis have crossed the ocean of illusion" %31 By now more or less all such people are thrOwn out of sahaja yoga because of this false pride. I have observed that all people who nourish this false pride get caught Their ego keeps up by bhoots. bloating sa much that they feel uncomfortable in Sahaja Yoga. Then they get angry. They think about themselves as sort of self appointed people incharge of the whole thing. 'we are running this whole show, we are behind keeping everything intact'. As a result the humility that is nost essential disappears and the love vanishes and this gives rise to thoue unwanted fault bringing escapades. There is another deficiency that I notice among old sahaja yogis; that Ehey try to create new ideas, ways, mantras and then proclaim it in Don't try to create sahaja yoga. To always do something вy паmе. new comen from the Western mind. Now Sahaja Yoga is traditional. you have got the fruit. What is new to be done after the fruit? We don't believe have told your exactly what to do, and how to do it. So don't in forming new groups such tendencies come from politics. try to invent new things or say "Shri Mataji has said this, so you better do it". They invent something and use my name to make it authentic and then get caught up in this self knitted web. You should refute all this and say "I would not proclaim any absurd thing, I will continue to do only what Shri Mataji says." 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-12.txt If you get some new ideas or concepts, you can write to me about it s0 that I can study it and if it is correct, I shall indicate according- - that I will explain ly. This should be like this and not like this,' to you. 'Not me' this The moment 'I' appears, Sahaja Yoga ceases to exist. Where 'I' manifests everything one thing BISE be imbibed within. finishes. If you are a person with an angry temprament then better "educe your temper. Whatever number of hot tempered people had come to sahaja yoga all have gone. If you have a hot temper you must study from where it comes. If it is from the liver, you must cure the liver. BUT YOU MUSTI CALM DOWN. During Puja one gets very peaceful. Till that time when we have broken down our attitude of getting wild at every little thing that happens around us and till we have risen above it: it is difficult to progress. That is why one must strive hard - not just to control the temper but In Saha ja Yoga there is a way completely remove it from one's being. to de it. How to do it one must study and understand. The most important thing is that everyone should come to the centre. If any one thinks that he can do it alone, single handed, in his own privacy 1t is of no: use. If you do not come to the centre you will not achieve anything. One has to go deep into it. Through the depth Through this friendship we ne must befriend others in the centre. have to learn the laws of our Vishwa Nirumala Dharma in such a way that you imbibe them in your being. We don't approve castism, high or low or fundamentalism of so called The religions - meaning those religions which are followed blindly. true religion we honour but external rituals and dognas we don'E approve. Widowhood is not approved because it is a false notion. It is an in justice forced by men upon women. Do not be afraid of any social stricture of any sect. Say "Mother has ordered us to put kumkum on Walking around with blank foreheads is not allowed. our foreheads. Those who accept themselves as widows are basically wrong because widow- hood if it had been right would have had to apply on gents as well. Gents don't have widowhood then why 1aides should suffer widowhood? Men have brought in this widowhood for the ladies to suffer agony. Except this, I feel they don't achieve anything else. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-13.txt . 7.. Another aspect where Saha ja Yogis get caught up is worshipping a wrong This is very dangerous, anytime the guru can enter your being, guru. whatever he night have done you must sincerely try to wash hin off your being and cleanse yourself. There is nothing to aind or feel disheartened, one must not nurish wrong concepts in this regard. Even if a small bit of it is left unattended it keeps on growing and goes a little bit of it out of hand and becomes like a big tree. Even iE is left within be sure that your viberations will disappear. If the guru tettwa is catching get rld of it by shoe-beating. Even the subtlest of things effects the inner self, , one must be aware of it all the time. Sahaje Yogis who come from outside of India are a mixture o£ many different types. Some are very deep, they imnediately go to the core. Some are half baked and some are just useless. Your behaviour with all of them must be polite and proper. Slowly you will be surpried to see that those who are not earnest will autoatically go away on their own. Those who have not yet properly understood Sahaja yoga from within should be helped. You should call them and work on them. Whereas I find that as soon as they come you announce that they are caught up by bhoots. In Maharashtra we are a bit harsh while placing the facts - "Hello, you are caught up by so many bhoets, better go, get lost." This bluntness possessea us at times. When I ask someene why have you opted out of saha ja yoga they say, "Mother, they have claarly said that there are dead spirite in my house and that I am also possessed by the bhoots." When I ask the Sahaje yogis they reply, "we only told the truth." But the thing la even if it is a fact; one hasto say only that part which will be benevolent to them. Are they benefitted by what you said? on the contrary they lost the opportunity of Sahaja Yoga and have left. When you ere to speak the truth it is not necessary to be sweet and sugar coated but it must be benevolent (hitkari). Speak in a manner that nourishes the others. If they have a problem try to understand it and assure them that we can eradicate it from the Why say it is a bhoot? root. When you say "you are caught up by a bhoot; that person would say 'the doctor has never told me that I am possessed by a bhoot, why are you telling me that?" 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-14.txt It la good that now I heve clearly told you these things. Till this day I have not told what are the problems of the new saha ja yogis. This has to be properly understood by old sahaja yogis so that they give Nirvyajya love to those who have just come into saha ja yoga. But somehow You instead they always try to force themselves to be in the front. can pinpoint the one who is sitting in the very first row is a very old timer, better described as 'oldy' - and he must sit in the front "I um siomeone special, I have some special calibre", meaning that they oust occupy the front positions. So you can see that he is useless. If any assgignment is given to him, he will immediatcly delegate the job to some one else - You do this. you do that' and he himself will keep roaming around and put every one else to work. Work delegaters of that kiud that they can shepherd the sheep sitting on the camel. This is the situation. Then when I say. You better quit Sahaja Yoga "Shri Mataji I am such an old Sahaja yogi' they suddenly fall down understood" you are not only old but alsO worn out so better leave us. So everyone is kindly requested to humbly and with great reverence firmly vow that "I have not yet achieved anything, I have got to rise much more, I give light to others only because I get more enlightened while doing so." Some people And you should give light to others also. are very old and worn out and those who come today are very highly evolved. Thus from experience gained on many occasions about the behaviour of the old Saha ja yogis I have decided now to tell them that 'better you check up for yeurself whether you yourself are caught up by bhoots", These bhoots are of the ego. You must first see whether you are possessed by the bhoots of the ego - because of that you are going to lose. For a while it is pleasing that we have become respected people that we have got the pover. But if one wants to achieve power after coming to Sahaja Yoga it is better that the sahaja yogi does not do Saha ja Yoga. This is the thing. Mis sappropriation of funds is totally banned in Sahaja Yoga. It is Be careful with money. Do not use Sahaja Yoga for against Dharma. gaining money. Profit can be made outside of Sahaja Yoga. It is impor tant to be innately righteous. Its result is very bad. One perion had misappropriated just little money. poor fellow, his son expired. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-15.txt 9.. Then recently one fellow suffered heart attack. He had aessed up a Just when I inquired about a few things he got angry, snall amount. within 8 days of that he died. One should not tell lies to me. One person came to me and started telling lies about a certain girl. That person is now down with paralysis and has lost his speech. You must not tel1 lies to each Cultivate love not competition. No leg pulling, back biting other. should be there. Because now you have entered into the kingdom of God Almighty you must remember the laws which are epplied there. There we cannot tell lies, nor nisappropriate funds nor aggress others by exerting power. If you leave these three evils then all the blessings of Saha ja Yoga are upon you. Then male-female related confusions which are due to uncivilised behaviour disappear. If this does not happen then he is not a Sahaja Yogi. Addictions automatically disappear but these three weaknesses remain. The most terrible is power consciousness the desire to rule over others, Wherever you find Saha ja Yogis who are after power be sure that they will disuppear one day from the acene. Some strange incidents take pleace to such a person which take him off. In Sahaja Yoga there are many people who keep running ahead in the forefront all the time. One should not unnecessarily come forward or offer himself all the time 'Shri Nataji's feet have to be touched.. what moreere you going why when my feet are already in your heart to be benefited by touching them. This should be the attitude. If BOmeone rushes to the front remember that next year he is goiag to disappear. Shri Bhairavanath is enacting this. Anyone who keeps coming to the front too much severes his head. I tell him be patient, but he does not listen at all. It means that, there are two Eorces acting ull the time. One is centr petal and the other is centrifugal. One pulls you to the core and the other forces you avay from the centre because there is not so much space for everyone in the Kingdom of God. Now I don't have so everyone wants to directly correspond with me. much tine to individually attend to each letter which is 25 pages, and if I happen to read it, it is full of trash - my mother 19 like What have I to exchange this, iny mesther's uncles, brothers, etc etc. with them? our ather The Sahaja Yogis are all relatives and all 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-16.txt .. 10 .. relatives have nothing to do with me and also should have nothing to do with you either. Until your relatives come to Sahaja Yoga I have nothing to do with them nor you have anything to do with them and nor God has anything to do with them. So don't narrate things about them. Let them take to Sahaja Yoga. If some one says take me to Shri Mataji, like he wants to be recommended he may be so and so to you but what do I have to do with him? To establish his contact you should give him my photograph and let him work it out wich it. Never take to curing directly. Sit before the photograph only. There are only three kinds of diseases; diseases of the left side, right side and thirdly from the central channel. The diseases of the left side are psychosomatic, those of the right side are physical/mental and those of the centre have problems of the wrong guru or are practi- sing unauthorised knowledge. If you can master these three types you Soon can easily tell every kind of problem on the photograph only. We would be publishing a book on these diseases then nobody can say "Shri Mataji has told me like this, that or the other.' One must remember that there is no need to meditate for hours together, just 10 minutes is enough. If one needs so much time to meditate he is a fool. Better avoid this madness. Because if there is some place and there is a gate to enter inside, how much time does it take to enter through the door? But if you decide to climb the mountain first then it will take more time. Why climb the mountain? A thing that is simple, if it is made complicated then it is not Sahaja Yoga. So today's speech is very important and it should be translated and sent to all the centres. DELHI Whatever be the fault the Mother brings around her children with her love. She can overlook many things but she corrects in her own way. Through our love we can absorb the defects of others and cleanse them. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-17.txt This is the pover of love. So far we have never used the power of love. The power of love is very unique. It is very easy to use the power of sword, but the power of love is so much more that we forget the pouer of svord. Nirwach is a love which is free of any strings. No one can under- stand how the Mother is going ali around the world just out of love. It is simply the Joy of love. It is just looking at Sahaja Yogis 'I get so much joy that I um thoughtless. Like the waves of ocean rebound back and creute patterns -in the same way I enjoy the way the whole thing works out. look into Sone are rich, some are poor, there are transitory things; the heort vithin and enjoy that love. WitH that love you elevate and lonce nore rise to greatnes3. Ve are a category of people who just love others and go where ever there is 1love. Anyone who just loves gets healed automatically. When we go out of the house we should inform our Mother or wife, this wey her shakti of love always remains vith us. Divine Cool Breeze subscribtion annual: Rs. 200.00 English Rs. 106.00 Hindi Rs. 108.00 Marathi Send Dralt in favour of VISHWA NIRMALA DIHARMA P.BOX 1901 KOTIRUD, PUNE 411 029. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-18.txt 66TH BIRTHDAY PUJA synopsis Bombay 21.3.89 Suryavanshi Hall I really don't know what to say about all these presents you have brought for me - actually you all are my presents. To see your chakras in good condition and to see your kundalini flowing is a present to The essence of matter is that through it one can express love, me. that is why one has to express matter as a present. In your heart there are many emotions which are to be expressed. When you cover matter with these emotions of love and give it to me it is very precious. When ordinary glass is covered by mercury it becomes a mirror to me. in the same way the matter covered by your love becomes a mirror of When love is expressed in words one gets overwhelmed, my reflection. but through a gift it can be expressed. But to express youT love you need not use expensive presents, a very aimple artistic and ethenic thing representing the place you belong is the best. Also the size should be Bmall so that I don't have to build another house for them. In the same way offerings made in a puja express love, that reflects and improves the atmosphere. A little offering of kumkum can be very However, matter should not be used for self indulgence cleansing. but for the expression of 1ove, only then will it improve the I. the same way an artist tries to create something to atmosphere. communicate his love for humanity. When I see all these flowers you have brought me I think of you who were flowers before and have now matured into fruits. This gives me the greatest pleasure. I am very happy that a new ashram has opened in Delhi. Now Ashrams have started all over. Sahaja yogis who retire ahould shift in Ashrams. Grand children should also shift in Ashrams. The grand parents can look after the grand children and enjoy the company of each other. Children are better disciplined by the grand parents than the parents. The parents could visit the children in the Ashrams. While you achieve your personality in Sahaja Yoga you also realise There is no difference between one Sahaja Yogi the glory of others. No Sahaja Yogi should think himself superior than and the other. No Sahaja Yogi should try to give new ideas about Saha ja another. Yoga. Don 't try to create Sahnja Yoga yourself. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-19.txt 13 .. All attachment to mouey, blindness about scriptures, religion and fanaticism has to go. No books about Sahaja Yoga are to be sold in public programmes. My photograph is to be given free. pamphlets should be confiscated that have not been sanctioned by me. All book s or Any books with mantras should be immeliately withdrawn. Be law abiding and do not resort to any violence. Those who have printed books without the permission of the Trust should be confiscated. Please do not bring sick people, they should be told how to work it out with the photograph. Please do not bring individual presents or presents of gold. We have to bulld many projects and you should start saving some 1Boney every month for that. Presents should be collective. Every one should talke a vow on my birthday that he/she should atleast try to bring 51 neu Sahaja yogis on my next birthday. You can easily do this if you go around in groups to the villages and new places. Use simple and loving language. I hope next year you will give me Ehis new type of present. This is my desire, I hope you will fulfill it. May God Bless you. BIRTHDAY POEM that permeates the spine bursting up from underground at the heart Radiating within the agya making ay cyes twinkle and face glow colorfully is what you have given me THE Divine laughter of life whose vibrations draw all truths to light dissolving them to matter that becomes joy adding and delicacy depth and width is what you have given me. of our oneness regenerates ny joy and keeps it bubbing happily overflowing into the hearts of your other children whose joy flows back into mine till you've connected us in loving harmony is what you have given me. you and me LIGHT to purify - to verify KNOWLEDGE COMPASSION to also give - IS WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME, Carolyn n.y. TRETH 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-20.txt 14 .. MAHALAXMI AND EASTER PUJA Sunday 26th March 1989 Barasat Calcutta - synopsis From ameoba to the human stagé is an evolution throcgh Sushmna nadi. Through the Sushmne nadi we ascend towards Mahalaxmi tattwa. For the establishment of the Mahalaxmi tattwa many things have to be observed. Firstly the Goddess Laxmi holds in her hands two lotuses of pink colour One's heart has to be of that colour (gulabi) which is always warm welcoming and giving comfort. Even a beetle can rest in it. A lotus is also so beautiful. One must behave in the same beautifu manner and speak sveetly. When it is resting on water, with its fragrance it attracts, Like capitalist it has everything; beauty, fragrance, but it is waiting to give to others. The one who only thinks of himself cannot attain the Lexmi tattwa. A Laxmi Patti is always ready to help others and give protection to those in need. He always does for the benevolence of others. For exaple if he is incharge of an organization or an enterpreneur then he is always thinking of the worker's welfare, comfort, offering hospitality, looking upon them like the father of niserly person can never attain this tattwa. If you are in the centre you can become the Laxmi tattwa but also attain a reputation like a renowned name of which your children would be proud of as in the case of old reputed firms. The balanced atate of Laxmi tattwa is to be attained. With the one hand the Laxmi gives. Gupt (concealed) gift should be given about which no one even knows, There should be no strings attached with what you give. One should not boast about it. However it should bring joy to the one who receives it. There is so much satisfaction in giving to others. Everything is created for giving. Whatever we decorate in our house is to give comfort to our guests. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-21.txt 15 The Lotus does not put pressure on any one, like 'I have done this', I am this, the 'I' should be dropped; or this is 'mine' - the respon- sibility of looking after 'mine' should not be there. Just be in joy. Work keeps going on and business carries on but the greatest joy is in giving others. How In love you know what the other likes. to communicate your love for others is the greatest thing. One should also know how to spend money. If people know how to spend spend their money then there would not be so much misery in the World. Infact the rich people have more problems. It is seen that when prosperity comes Liquor shops the people become indu7gent. open up, omen of ill repute start flourishing etc. Firt the Laxmi tattwa is established; When a person attains balance through self realisation then the Mahalaxmi tattwa settles within. In such a state a person may be having nothing yet having everything. It is the state of knowing the Atma. The Atma enjoys the bliss of the Atme. The fractional outside pleasures belong to the ego. Therefore it is important for us in Sahaje yoga to establish our rebirth today. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-22.txt 16 . . KATEMANDU PUJA 30th March 1989 at the Ashram Christ a1so came to Nepal was looked after a Rishi called Ne-Pal. Nepal. It is a special country created by Mother Earth. It was only a sea, after the amrut mantnan the Himalayas started pushing up till it reached a certain point called the Everest. It was created to shield India the Kundalini of the Universe. It was necessary to protect It is the brain of the Virat. The image of the Virata the Kundalini. was so created that the sahasrara was Nepal. They had to fence some country to preserve the ancient culture. Shri Ganesh had to be placed in Indie. That is why I had to take my birth in this country at the tropic of cancer. Actually India and Nepal are one country. The speciality of India that people can move about freely and even stay in a jungle and is meditate, y you can live on fruits, etc. This country was intentionally made for spirituality. However from the people you cannot judge, there are horrible people everywhere. But this is a place where an inner revolution can take place. In thia country people know a lot about There was no partiality, to learn about spirituality is the Atma. the hardest thing. People had to suffer the moet. People cannot bear those who are spiritual. It is difficult for people to assimilate the truth. People who are realised can assimilate truth but not others. Therefore the others react violently. In every country they tortured the saints, The only thing that can protect you is your innocence. Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is the Dharma within yourself. By climbing Everest you do not know the truth. Only through the Kundalini the Within ourself resides the power to become one truth, can be known. Whatever is within s also reflected in images without. with God. To test whether we are in the right path the images were created. In the same way on the one side of the Mount Kailash is very peaceful whereas the other side is the ego which is very turbulent called the , In the middle is the Mount Kailash looking 1ike Lord *Rakshastal'. There are tvo other images of Shri Vishnu and Shri Brahma. Shiva. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-23.txt 17 Similarly whatever is written about the kundalini has ta bo foundi out There are so many things you have seen about me. The Omkara has 1ight and the 1ight is captured by the camera. This ts how. reality reflected for vou to recognise it. But if you do not want to recogni- se it, no one can help you. By recognising it wu can take to enlighten= ed devotion. The question is have you become 'master'. As a tree laden with fruit bows down in the same way the highest person bows down. TE 1s not an artificial expression but true humility. En joy the humility. When a tempest comea the big tree falls by the little blade of grass renains intact. Remember that God Almighty docs everything we do nothing at all. We should remain within limitations like the sea that always remains within its boundaries. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-24.txt This is the power of love. So far we have never used the power of love. The power of love is very unique. It is very easy to use the power of sword, but the power of love is so much more that we forget the power of sword. be mindful: PLEA SE The photograph of Shri Mataji is not to be sold to anyone. 1. It is only to be given free to genuine seekers at follow ups but not at en oublic programmes. No booklets are to be sold at public programmes. Books 2. on Sahaja Yoga which are approved by Shri Mataji can only be sold at the centres to genuine seekers. However printed handout stating curative be no there should attributes of mantras. be undertaken in rings, 3. No trading activity should No profit sahould be charged on it, they pendants, etc. may be sold only to sahaja yogis at coal:. Any Sahaja yogi desirous of publishing any book on Sahaja 4. yoga should take the prior approval of the Life Eternal Trust, Bombay. All copyrights are to be with the Trust. Video and cassets are not to be copied by individuals. 5. They should only be obtained from the centres. The Divine Cool Breeze is not to be copied or xeroxed. 6. Each one should subscribe for his own copy. Please keep us informed of any new centres that open 7, anywhere. Kum Kum should be applied daily to the Photograph and 8. it siiould be cleaned with Rose water. *** **** *** 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-25.txt The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 19 SHRI HANUMANA PUJA TALK, 1989: SYNOPSIS Shri Hanumana puja was held on April 23, in Cliftonville, England, in a quiet seaside resort on the southeast coast of England. In Her address to the Sahaja Yogis, Shri Mataji explained that Shri Hanumana was an angel and that we have become angels Irom human beings. On the left side are placed the ganas and on the right side are the angels. In Sanskrit they are referred to as devdoot, which means the ambassadors of God, and Sahaja Yogis are acting in this capacity on earth. Angels have the special quality of standing by the truth at any cost. completely unafraid ol falsehood and are not concerned about how they are perceived The truth is their life and they will go to any length to establish it and to protect all those who live in truth. Sahaja Yogis have been given special blessings, the special protection of the divine, and if they stand for the truth, for righteousness, then all the. protection of the divine will be given. They are We are not aware of our status. Shri Mataji stressed that She has made us angels and if we can recognize this, all of our qualities will begin to shine forth. She has not made us into saints, but angels. Shri Mataji does not create saints, as they are made by their own effort. Hanumana, and Sahaja Yogis are all made in the same manner. Angels are created effortlessly, like Ganesha, Kartikeya and The fundamental difference between saints and angels is that saints can be naneuvered, troubled, and tortured whereas the angels do not take any problems upon themselves, they only create solutions. tortures, etc. so that they can create an event in their life which expresses their qualities in a more dynamic way. Angels are aware of the protection of the Divine and are very contident. Shri Hanumana, as an angel, has great capacities and powers and it is His right to use them. All the miracles are created by the angels to express the power and beauty of the Divine to humanity, to convirice them of Its presence. Even the incarnations accept penances, Shri Mataji explained that Sahaja Yogis have an even greater right than the angels within the realm of God, as they can raise the kundalini of peaple and give realization. Angels cannot translorm human beings. possession but we are alraid to manifest them and talk about thein We have tremendous powers in our Shri Hanumana came to this earth to eliminate the judgment of others which is expressed through the Agnya chakra. The movement of the Agnya Irom right to left results in the expression of our so called personality as egg, and this tendency 15 what Shri Hanumnana tried to eliminate. Our ego i5 not to be destroyed but it is to be utilized for the work of spreading Sahaja Yoga. Therefore, if we know that we are angels, we will have no ego. The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, and as Shri Mataji works for Sahaja Yoga, we must also work. Sahaja Yoga is not done by Adi Shakti. She has created these powers in everyone which manifest. but Sahaja Yoga has worked out through the innate qualities within the Mother Earth and in the seed. Shri Malaji stated that She is here not as Adi Shakti, but as our Mother, our Holy Mother, and as our Holy Mother She has guided us, but we must do the job ourselves. We are instruments of the Divine and we must work and do the job. Mother emphasized tihe need for quickness in order to see results. and said that we are not particular about the timing of our progress in Sahaja Yoga. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-26.txt The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 20 This portion of the Divine work is our job and nobody else is going to do it. We must spread Sahaja Yoga and bring it to a level where people can see it. Sahaja Yogis must venture forth without any fear, collectively and individually, forgetting as to what will happen, and confident that the Paramchatanya will integrate and sustain our efforts to transform this world. Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Mal INTERVIE W WITH SIR SRIVASTAVA 12/30/88 in Alibag, India Well it is nice to be able to talk about today's world situation. I have the great honour and privilege of serving the United Nations system as the Secretary Genera! of the International Maritime Organization. The United Nations system was established primarily for promoting peaceful cooperation among the nations of the world for the betterment of human kind, And ever since its establishment, the United Nations and the various specialised agencies have done a great deal of work, a tremendous. amount of work. wonderful work, in many countries, the eradication of smallpox or dealing with malaria or dealing with many other matters. Similarly UNESCO has done a great deal of work. United Nations have been endeavouring to bring about peace. Marítime Organization functions on the base of good will among nations of the world in the maritime sector. If you take certain specialised fields, for example health, the WHO has done The International But I have a feeling that peace is not merely cessation of hostilities, cessation of hostilities is very important. I think we must all be very happy that there is no more shooting war in the Gulf area, or within those two neighbouring countries. They have started to sort of talk among themselves. We see Namibia becoming independent, we see Afghanistan, another example of voluntary withdrawal of forces, These are all excellent developments, but perhaps I teel, mnaybe because I am an Indian, I feel that there is something deeper which needs to be dealt with. And that is the human being, the human element. technology, of science. Šince the industrial revolution the world has undergone many other revolutions. parts of the world can talk to each other any time they like, can see each other any time they like. So there has been such great advance in technology; it is the computer age and yet what is that fundamental element on which peace depends? depends on the minds of human beings, on the hearts of human beings, upon their genuine belief that this earth is the award of one human family, that we are all brothers and sisters. Unless we deal with this fundamental problem, unless we try to eliminate from human mind and much more from human heart this feeling of divisiveness of one being against another, of one promoting itselt at the expense of another, unless we do that. do not believe that we will really attain that level of human existence when nations can really live together in peace. That is a problem which rises within me all the time and I feel that much more attention needs to be given all over the world to the human being. We have seen tremendous advance of Today you have the revolution of communications. People in al Peace 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-27.txt The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 We must not believe for one moment that human nature is what we generally see. As Hobbes said, "Human alure is nasty, brutish and short. of human nature that is not the ultimate ol human nature. Human nature at its best is angelic and it is all within us, it is within each human beina to improve himself or hersell and that can be done by spirituality. I am not talking ot individual religions, in my view all religions lead to the same almighty God. it is impossible to have more than one Almighty by delinition, therelore we are all His children. entitied to choose any part, what we are not entitled to do is to fight with each other. What amazes me sometimes is that people in the name of the Almighty, before Him we all bow down, in His name we quarrel with each other. It is not understandable. ." That was a very limited view It may be that sometimes human beings exhibil that brutality, but We are all parts to Him and everyone is It is in this context that I very sincerely believe that Sahaja Yoga has a great role to play. After all what is Sahaja Yoga? Basically the philosophy of Sahaja Yoga is that each human being, created by God, has within hirn or her energy which is taught, energy which if released can raise your spirituality, can give you self-realisation. You can attain the heights to which any human being is entitled to attain and it is this aspect of human activity which holds the key to success in the future. It is not by lip- service to the idea ol peacelul cooperalion that we can really build up peace. It is of course very important that we should continue to work. we should continue to bring nations together, but we must create a beautiful world by attention to the inner being so that the inner being rises with majesty to its best height, And I have seen Sahaja Yogis who are as near perfeclion as it is humanly possible. Why is it that they have chosen this part, why is it that they have renounced untruth, why is it that some of them who used to take drugs have renounced drugs overnight? Why is it that they have gone away from alcoholism? Why is it that they believe in speaking the truth? Why is it that they believe in compassion, in friendship, in sharing? . And that can be created only It is because they have now attained self-realisation, which means their own powers have emerged, the power of good which is the angelic power. And that is what needs to be promoted, that is what I have called key to success in the future. unfortunately to a prnctical man and a practical man is supposed lo be someone who takes the world as it is and says, well, is this possible in the world that we live in? Are we not dreaming? Is it not imagination? How can this world change, it has been Tike this for ages?l But then it you come to think about-I am a rational person - I don't just run away with emotions, I am an administrator, I am a diplomat, I have to apply my mind but although I know that mind is a very limited instrument, still if you apply your mind, then you see on the one hand you have force of destruction, nuclear weapons, armaments which will destroy the world four times over. Now is that the kind of world we want? And can we.survive? If it is not today, it will be tomorrowl Some day, somewhere, someone commits a mistake and you have a global holocaust- who survives then? Humankind cannot survive. Now IS It is not something which is that far away. It is with us today. Another instance take the environment: now we have nations-days, we have boundaries, but the environment has no boundary; if there is a disaster in one country it can affect neighbouring Countries which has happened as you know. The Chernobyl disaster, the phenomenon of toxic wastes or the destruction of ozon-layers, the greenhouse-effect. these are all global problems, problems created in one part affecting every other part. So is it not all day dreaming when we talk of a peaceful world? It is there with us today, the only thing is: do we have the ability to recognize that, to understand that and to deal with it? You know the environment Il we don't have, we don't have too much time. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-28.txt The Divine Cool Breeze May 1989 22 We used to think the - no longer it is with us today. If we do not rethink problem was not so much before, even ten years ago environment is a lashionable word aur ways of living, our future relationships, the manner in which nations should cooperate, should help each other, we will be in entire trouble, This is the background in which I feel that the movement of Sahaja Yoga which is purely spiritual, which accepts anyone who is seeking, to improve himself or herself. that really holds the key to success. Of course it has a certain Indian connotation, but India has a great tradition, India consists of people whose roots go back centuries to antiquity and there has been a sort of a tradition in India of sages, of meditation, of contemplation. Two thousand years ago people were asking themselves fundamental questions. Questions why are we here, who is God, what is our relationship? These are the questions of a developed mind not of an undeveloped mind and 2000 years ago we had minds which were highly developed, so you go back into the history and that is the tradition. always thinking of the right rule for mankind, of dharma, how to live with. everyone can come to it, but that is the basic philosophy. China, I have a great respect for China, there is tremendous wisdom there, a tremendous culture, and Orient has something to offer to the world today. But what has happened is the developed world, the Western world largely, because of its technological revolution, has gone ahead and achieved wonders, miracles, there is no doubt about that, but in doing so, I feel that they have let human beings behind. And this is creating a tremendous imbalance in their own way of living. They are not at peace within themselves. They have goods, services, but are they happy within themselves, do they have peace? Why don't they have? Because of the dichotomy, because of the distance between technology and the human being. But the tradition of India has been contemplation, meditation, Not that And Orient.I would say in the Orient technology has not yet taken over, it is coming, but in the Orient there is still a certain balance, a certain spiritual approach to human existence. The two can come together, spiritualism of Orient and spiritualism of West you have tremendous spiritualism, only it has been submerged by too much atention to materialism, Well, I think the twwo worlds can come together and that is my hope and that is what I am working for. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-29.txt 23 SAHASRARA DAY PUJA Talk by ier tloliness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SORRENTO 6TH MAY 1989 Synopsis Today we are here to celebrate the day when Sahasrara was opened. We have seen in the photograph of my brain how the Sahasrara was The light emanating from my brain has appcared in the opened out. photograph, it is something great this modern time has done. So the modern times did a lot of things which conclude the oxistonce of the Divine. Alsn it can prove about me. It can convince you what 1 am. This is very ijortant because in the ntlern times this advent has to be fully recognised: this is one GF the conditions for all Salaja yogis. Naw let us see what is happening in modern times in the bralns there is an atlack today there is an altack of the people. In the brains of the people on the Sahasrara. There has been an attack since long but in the modern times it is the worst, they are trying to make the limbic arca very insensitive by very depressive thoughts and very depressive mtisic like period Greok tragedy Tonsense. All these things came in the medieval sO called miseries. when people started taking alchohal to escape the so called miseries. this mortern age in which peuple became over active. HuL them over activity staried and with that the brain also became over active, whereas iI Ws dulI belore, ani then went to the other extreme of uver drugs and very horritile music. activity. So t ilull it again they tonk to drugs arl very horrible music. That is hiw they made this limbie area very very insensitive. So a drug which was just stimulus to begin with was to be taken in reater quantity, Later on they had to take the drugs whhich went on like this anl w w Were of di mor: severe nature. It ......2 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-30.txt 24 know that this drug is the only way people think that they can survive. Why? Jecause of the tensions they talk of. In these Hodern times we have something called tensions. it was nevor there before. People nevor talked of any tensions. Now every- body says I am in a tension, you give me a tension'. What is this tension? - This is because of my advent. The limbie area As Sahaja Yoga is wants to know about expanding the kundalini is trying to rise in other people because you have become the channels. Wherever you go you generate vibrations and these viberations give a challange to the kundalini or a messago ITmessage in various people and it rises. It may not rise upto the Sahasrara or may rise and fall back due to lack of recogni tion. So everytime they do something the kundalini comes up and gives them a pressure because their Sahasrara is not open. It is a closed door. Because of the closed door it gives them a kind of pressure in the head which they don't understand and they call it a tension. Actually the kundalini is trying to push out itself but it cannot. Those who get their realization but do not make the Sahasrara alright face the sane tensions. Although the Sahasrara has been opened so many years ago, still there reinains something to be done: we have to ciear the sahasrara. the Brahmarandra opeel First is the break ing open of the sahasrara - 1726 out. Then we started feeling the Grace, next the Grace moved into nur Ida and Pingla nadis (not the kundalini but the Grace which is chaitanya all around) suotheud dorwn our lelt and right side by which our chukras Hore threads of the kundalini started piercing out. opened and That .....3 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-31.txt 25_ 1s why I arways tell sahaja yogis that it is importan to muuitate. If your sahasrara is alright all your chakras will be alright, because the pithas or the controling centres of all the chakras are in the brain the limbic area. 5o if your sahasrara is clear then everything around works out in a very different way. How to keep the Sahasrara clear is what people ask me. You know that I reside in the sahasrara, 1 incarnated on the lotus of 1000 petals that is why 1 could break it open also. As am today as you see me. Of course they say sahasrara is mahamaya, so this is the illusion which is all the time there for you. It had to be that way because you could not have faced me otherwise with all the lights coming aut of me as you saw yesterday: there are some sort of abstract colours thrown on all sides and the lights thrown outside. Now this sahasrara is to be looked after by you. It is the temple of your Mother. When you say you put me in your heart actually you put me in the sahasrara because as you know the Brahmarandra here, the fontanel bone area is called the pftha, the centre which controls the heart which is the seat of the Sadashiva, what you call the 3hiva. When you put me in the heart actually you put me there. So to raise it from the heart and bring it there is the problem of twe types of people. Some people who are sensitive in their heart, for instance in Europe we can say the Italians are sensitive in the their heart: the first thing they do as they see me they put their hand on their heart. That is what it is, if you try to feel me in your heart it bocomes 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-32.txt 26 much easier. You might say how to feel me in your heart. You have to lovu me as ! love you. You have to lave each one among yourselves because you all are within me. You cannot teach some one how to love because love is within and love manifests if you just open your heart. Now what stopis the heart from opening, let us examine that the first thing is conditioning. Any one who has done something good for you, you love that person. But it ine rx shakti herself has given you the rebirth, it should he the easiest thing to love Her and if She says they are all within Her body: so it should be even easier to love each other. The whole clealsing of the sahasrara is done through this love. This love which is nnt conditioned, not inhibited, which does not want any respite - INIRVAJYA' which does not want any return but the conditionings are too many. First the problem of conditioning arises where you think that this condition makes me hate someone or I canot love some one cannot love soime one Iakes me hate somenne But actually the conditioning itself is because this is the condition. so absurd. See it one by one. To make it simple I would like you to understand the conditioning part. We see person how intelligent he is, how smurt he is, how charismatic he is. These are only conditionings of the mind to think that a particular style of a person is a lovable it is all outside. Then there are some people who do not actually person that they luve because of some one's money love but show but the money he is not yning to part with; or he has a better car, dress or whatever. This kind of an idea is also a killer of love. If love is killed Joy is lost. You canrot have joy without love. Joy and love are both the same, 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-33.txt 27 The sap of the tree rises, goes to every part and comes back. It is not attached. If you are attached to one part or one flower because it is more beautiful then tne tree will die and the flower will also die, Likewise love that is entangled or attached also dies. The love of the Spirit is different from the love of the conditioned mind. A conditioned mind can love in a limited way because it is condi- tioned. The greatest enemy of Jove is ego within us which is like a balloon on top of our head, and this ego gives us a very big ditch. They see a carpet which is according to their conditioning not good so they criticise it. This kind of conditioning is of a very low level on the other hand the higher level at the most Is you love your so you say my country is the best. Whether it is killing own country people or destroying world peace it is alright according to you because it is your country. Actually it is very surprising, I was reading a book by Rabindra Nath Tagore. An Englishman had given a very beautiful Introduction in which he mentioned that creativity is killed in the West. He enquired of an Indian critic don't criticize your poets, you don't have people who are called critics. We do', answered the Indian, 'they can criticize that this time there was no rain or we have a problem. "But dan't they criticize the poets, the artists" insisted the Englishnan. ine Indian answered, " What is created is not meant for criticism. If an artist has put something vulgor then of course we don't like it but it is created by a beautiful mind then it has to be beautiful. Then you don't criticize. We cannot create 1ike that so what business do we havo to criticize. We have norms about art and creation. ....E 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-34.txt 28 because It does not appeal We don't 1ike a carpet, why ? - to uur intellectual understanding of the norms we have reached and in that frame it dons not fit in, so we dan't like it. Can you even Ncreate one inch of that? So this even gives you an unauthorised action: it is unauthorised -'Anadhikar Cheshtha'. You have no authority to criticize You can't do any thing so why should you criticize. Better appıreciate. See for yourself that you are not an authority. you are not worthy of it to critiize. That apart, you must also know that you are a slave of ve Vour ego. you ego dictates and your so caled intelligence १1A01।1। itever * (da noA JO brings you to the point where it becomes the collective ego of a particular this is no art. That Or Ideology. Sa they think community, country tlon't have niasters any more in is reasati we n art. We can't have PoOr Remtlantit must have himself suffered a lot. All these Rembrandt ntarily but also otherwise. artists sufterod a tot. not only mtarily but álso otherwise. criticize yoUY own self, your country, all the It is bet ter to criticize habits you haveanti laugh at your self, that is the best way. If you ill not object to or Stand in the way Cn langh al yIESell then vou will not object to or stand in the way ursolt the cruitivity of another person. As saints you can make out who of problems. This is not a conditioning because Is Cuglitup. who has you can feet on your finger tips. Then what should you do? In your love you hav to te1l the person if possible that this is wrong with vou, better be corrected - but in a way that he does it. On the contrary if you telil him it a way that he becomes even worse then what it is, you have nol iovenl tinat jerson at all. Allow everyhotly to grow. There are many people in Shahaja yoga who are very good but there are also some people who are rather 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-35.txt 29 difficult, sort of cracks in their head or something. They could be in Sahaja yoga they cannot very intelligent and sharp otherwise but ascend to that level. You can say now their growth is possible. Supposing the Mother earth was very hot like the sun then there would have been no growth or if it was very cold then there would have been no growth el ther. It had to come to the centre where It had bath the things in proper proportion to grow. In the same way a human being has to work out to keep a moderation and a balance. You must understand not to TH go to extremes of any thing. That balance you learn when you love someone. Sometimes we have to ask sonie people to leave Sahaja yoga. This is out of love for them because once they go out they improve. For when they are in Sahaja Yoga community they become a nuisance. When he is out that nuisance value is lost. this is logical and the person understands that now he can't be a nuisance anymore. However you have to show complete patience and understanding . you must talk like a person who loves. I love flowers, to suggest mother we love you, you give me flowers. I know you love me but you want to reinforce it. So all these material things canbe used to express your love. They can be very easily expressed in such a that the other person knows. BUT mаппен THE WHOLE POWER OF SAHASRARA IS LOVE. So you should see that this brain has to love. After verifying the power of Sahaja yoga through your brain and intelligence if you reach a point where you understand it is just love. So the same use analysing, synthesizing etc. its no is the case with the Sahasrara, which is brain, which has oeen used for analysing, criticizing, for doing all kinds of nonsensical things now 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-36.txt 30 wants to love and enjoy the love. This is the culmination where the brain just loves, one has to understand because it has seen the pownr of love. Once you reach that point you can say now you are in Nirvikalja head, because you love. In Inve w there is no doubt in yuur dun't doubt. iecause you Đujoy Iove that Unly when you think, you doubt. lnve is why love is joy and joy is love, to open our Sahasrara again through aur meditative We have process through unders tanding ourselves & others. There is no way out FIOW, we have reached the end of it. All logic has ended now. Now jump in the ocean of love. Finish. Once you jump into the ocean of love there is nothing to be done. Just enjoy every wave of It, every dew of it. every touch of it. That is what one has to learn Sahaja yoga is nothing - but love..... 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-37.txt 31 The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 SHRI MAHAVIRATA PUJA, NEW YORK, JUNE 11, 1989 SYNOPSIS Shri Mahavirata Puja was our opportunity to worship Shri Mataji as Mahavirata in the land of Shri Krishna, Virata is the ultimate incarnation of Shri Vishnu. Shri Mataji explained that it was alsc our opportunity to worship the Virata within our brain since Shri Krishna is Mahavirata. The Virata is the totality in our brains while reality dwells in the heart. This reality is the subtlety behind the totality. Non-integration of the heart and brain is dangerous: when the brain is not nourished by the heart, people become extroverted and ruthless;: when the heart rules, people become self-indulgent and lethargic. Shri Mataji said that this big, vast, great country full of seekers is now caught in the web of many negative forces. There is immorality, nonsensical frivolity, superliclality and meaninglessness in people's lives. overpowering the right side in America and other Western countries. This is a reaction ta the domination of aboriginal people by Westerners in the past. have taken to lethargy. Too much affluence has also caused self-indulgence, which blinds people to reality. Reality, though it is in the heart, has to find expression through action: we have to become more dynamic in order to work it out. She explained that the left side is As a result, they Shri Mataji explained that the conditionings before realization have not disappeared, but have become subtler and subtler. in our small-mindedness and preoccupation with petty individual problems, we get caught in a vicious circle. To become Virata, we have to really examine ourselves without any anger or malice," and decide to do. something about our own growth. We may say we love Mother, but what are we doing about it? Once we start building ourselves inside, things will work out in an amazing manner and Sahaja yogis will become great. On the outside Sahaja yogis also have to become something: they have to have some education and they must have some place in society. being right-sided, which is usually only an argument to support lethargic behavior. should be disciplined: get up early, bathe, sit down for puja, change their lifestyles Shri Mataji stressed that in America, Sahaja Yogis should give up the fear of But they and live a spartan, dynamic life. Shri Mataji said that most Sahaja yogis in England and America are passive and don't take the responsibility of spreading Sahaja Yoga on their shoulders. She said, "The tapasya is here, where we live. Detachment has to be worked out here." We have to follow the ideal of our Mother and work hard for Sahaja Yoga. We have to drop our conditionings the way a flower drops many of its parts while growing into a fruit. This makes us free to see all of the divine knowledge. We don't have to sacrifice anything, only be alert and aware of our position as Sahaja Yogis: "Each single person has to come up. She urged us to talk more frankly about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja yogis should contact community leaders who have sensible ideas and tell them about Sahaja Yoga. But Sahaja yogis have to reflect all of the beautiful, loving qualities of Sahaja Yoga so that the communication will truly work out. We must realize that we are not obliging Sahaja Yoga, but that each individual and everyone collectively needs Sahaja Yoga. Shri 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-38.txt The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 32 Mataji asked each Sahaja Yogi to have a copy of Her tapes, to study them and open themselves out to the freedom contained in that knowledge. She urged us to pray from our hearts that we should all "express the conception that was once the Virata as the reality in our lives." The aboriginal Americans understood how to lead a spiritual life, they were extremely free and detached. If we do not correct ourselves, thare will be problems on the collective level, and if there are problems in the collectivity, they will refiect on all the parts. Each one of us has to become the Virata, to show our own worth and go deeper to change ourselves and change this country. SHRI MAHAKALI PUJA TALK Vancouver, June 17, 1989 First the Mahakali principle came on the Earth and She created Shri Ganesha. Then Mahasaraswati created a beautiful universe and made the temperature just right for human beings. temperature is good for meditation, and provided a good environment for seers who then found out the truth, discovered Kundalini. The climate has affected the seeking in people; in India the These people then separated and started universities. age, children were sent to the schools. Within the schools, the students maintained celibacy. This tradition has carried down to modern times: in India students from the same university cannot marry each other. Thus, in many ways the Mooladhara was kept strong, while in other countries, it was not so much attended to. Upon reaching five years of Those who have weak Mooladharas catch quickly. This is why all of the false gurus came to the West and became successful, but they have largely been destroyed now. It is the Mahakali power within us that makes us strong because that is Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha's aspects, as seen in the carbon atoms, are swastika and omkara. When the swastika turns in a clockwise manner, it constructs; when it turns in a counterclockwise manner, it destructs. In the West, Shri Mataji said, the Mooladhara is turning counterclockwise because of immorality. Shri Mataji explained that the problem of Sahaja Yoga in the West is that people don't want to hear that they should be moral. The result of immorality is AIDS and other diseases and by this they are learning, but they also don't want to accept that they've made mistakes. However, because they are seekers, they are to be saved. Sahaja Yoga is not a quick experience of ecstacy that you get from someone putting a spirit into you. It has to develop slowly. We should not get frustrated, but be very satisfied with ourselves and feel confident. Yoga; such saints bring all of the luck to a country. We should develop depth through meditation and collectively talking about it. should happen. The negative people are being put aside. But negativity, including the negativity of frustration, should not "crawl into" us. programs, it is more useful than the experience of thousands who do not take to Sahaja Yoga. She asked as to pray for very powerful Ganesha Shakti. This Shakti will destroy all the negativity. Quality people are required for Sahaja Shri Mataji said that tremendous things If a few quality people come to 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-39.txt The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 33 SHRI MAHAKALI PUJA, SAN DIEGO, JUNE 19, 1989 In totality, Shri Mahakali is the reflection of the Adi Shakti, She is the desire of God Almighty. Because of Her powers, we the Sahaja Yogis must understand that we can desire anything. destroyed because in order for Shri Mahakali to go on with the constructive work of our ascent She must do destructive work against that which would destroy the divine construction. We should desire that all the negativity against our ascent be Shri Mataji told us that every morning in meditation, Sahaja Yogis should take the name of Shri Ganesha, who is the power of Shri Mahakali, and say, "What is my desire? This is my goal." This practice will help develop and focus one's pure desire She also mentioned that half-hearted people in Sahaja Yoga cannot work it out because Sahaja Yogis must have four qualities: 1. Be brave 2. Have intense desire 3. Be inteltigent 4. Be auspicious She explained that we have to curb our desires. As Sahaja Yogis we become more affectionate, but even in the West, where people don't place much importance on their families, they only think about themselves and their families, which makes them selfish. This selfishness dilutes the attention and makes people half-hearted in their ascent. She spoke of the way children get the "stamp" of conditionings from religions or countries, and that these stamps form false identifications which cause people to feel allenated from those with different conditionings. We also tend to accept the norms of soclety, which also form conditionings. The pure desire to ascend comes to us as a reaction to this artificiality, as the desire to overcome such conditionings. She stressed that for realization, one must develop the Mahakali power to destroy all obstacles that draw one from becoming the Spirit. Within us are six enemies and Shri Mahakali destroys ail enemies in our way, but wo must make sure we don't stick onto them. The attitude for this is, "We want to achieve that and She is working it out for you. Mahakali power must be strong, so Mooladhara must first also be strong. When a Sahaja Yogi's desire power and foundations are strong, the desire then moves like a kite in the sky. desirelessness is reached, in pure joy, where nothing else is necessary. Shri Mahakali gives us the comfort of body, spirit, and then joy. However, the Every desire is fulfilled until that state of complete MOTHER'S MESSAGE ON MOTHER'S DAY During the entire week in the UK between Sahastrar Day and Shri Buddha Puja, Shri Mataji's house was filled with thousands of flowers from countries all over the world wishing Her a Happy Mother's Day. wesiernized world the people still remember and thank the Mother." She said, "lt's a great blessing that in this She was moved to tears reading all the lovely cards sent by all the Sahaja Yogis. many of them made by the children of Sahaja Yogis. She wanted to thank each one individually, but with such a busy schedule She could not reply to each one. As such. Her heartfeit blessings and thanks are being conveyed to all of them through this note. She is preserving all the cards, letters, gifts and photographs sent by the Sahaja Yogis worldwide in a proper place for posterity to be kept in Her personal archives. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-40.txt The Divine Coolreaze- July 1989 SHRI MATAJI'S GRAND EUROPEAN TOUR 1989 Italy The Grand Tour of Europe began this year withh a stupendous announcement of St Mataji's advent for the entire world to take heed. Here in Italy assembling were people from all walks of life in recognition and commermmoration of an event unprecedented and unparalleled in the annals of history. It was indeed heartening to see close to a thousand Sahaja Yogis from more than 35 nations gather together to celetrato the 19th anniversary of the opening of the Sahastrara by the greatest living incarnaliGn to ever walk the face of this earth. It was indeed fortunate to be presernt Surroundings amongst so many brothers and sisters. in such serene The seminar began with the arval cf our most Revered Shri Malai on the noun of 4h May at Nacas airport. Gure had ceen most concer ed about the weathher 4S the provious dav rain had besn washing a d cleaning up the aly to prepa e for the arnval and sure enough Sne arrived, bringing with Her glarious sunshine and a Suft and gentle coel breeze All the Sahaja Yogis along with ittle childree stood in thie port iounge sngi, bhajans and holding a banner in red and gold saying, "Welcome Grande Madre There were tears of joy on everyone's laces to receive Her once again on the shoreS of Italy eingih As Shri Mataji was escorted through Naples, She said it was relatively unsulliei as false gurus had not propagated themseives in this area; as such, there was no pressure on the Sahastrara and it would make the work much easier Before proceeding any further one must mention one incident in detense of Napies which is contrary to what is said about the thieves of Naples (they are famed for stealing the socks off your feet with your shoes on without your knowing it). We had paid a toll on the highway but to avoid losing the car we were foilowing we did not want to collect the change. Suon a policoman ovortook un and oloppod ths car were wondering what oftense we had comnitted, but he just returned our change. thanked us and went back. Wo The camp where we were staying in Sorrento reminded us of Ganapatipule in the way the cottages were built all over the hill by the sea. It was amazing to feel how tangible was the peace that prevailed. A lot had to do with the fact that Shri Mataji did not sleep at all on the night of the 4th, working relentlessly to keep the Sahastrara open so that we could receive the maximum benelit from the puja. The 5th May, being a Friday, was scheduled for a boat trip to the Isle of Gapri. It was a bright and beautiful morning and we were overjoyed to hear that Shri Mataji would also accompany the Sahaja yogis to Capri on a huge boat filled exclusively by the Sahaja yogis and Shri Mataji. She spoke to us briefly that it's not mature on our part to continue posing our petty problems to Her. VWe should rise above our personal problems and help solve the problems of the collective, we should not be liabilities but assets to Sahaja Yoga. All those with personal, financial, emotional or any kind of problems should refrain from being in the collective unless they are tully settled. She said suppose you are on a ship and you want a pair of scissors and you are worried 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-41.txt 35 The Divine Cool Breeze - Juiy 1989 because you can't find one, but if there are no scissors on board the ship, they why create a problem by looking for it? On landing in Capri, on one side of the Isie, she saw two famous rocks jutting out of the sea, one with an arch in it. She said this is how the Zen Masters used to take the help of nature to guide the seekers to achieve thoughtlessness. enjoylng this wonderful view, (the Mediterranean Sea is exceptionally deep blue in this area), we were quite unexpectedly provided a battery-operated luggage ct for Her to sit on to go back to the cable car which would take us to the port in order to catch the boat on time. So we had a spontaneous procession, singing songs and dancing along this unique mode of transport. It's amazing how adaptable Shri Mataji is to our desires and She creates the modes and vehicles for them to be fulfilled, too. After sitting and One of the Sahaja yogis who had taken some photos on the way had got them developed in Capri and offered them to Her. The camera reported miracles of Her True Self once again in a series of pictures in which one could clearly see it stage by stage. In picture #1 we are all sitting around Her singing bhajans. In picture #2 everything gets a little blurred. Mahalaxmi," Mahasaraswati and Mahakali, rising up in Her. Mahalaxmi power pushes through Her Agnya chakra, breaking open the Sahastrara and one can see the various colors of light spread all around. It was a truly miraculous picture. In picture #3 one can see the three powers, In picture #4 the On the night of the 5th we all went to a hall in Sorrento where the Mayor of the City had organized a cultural song and dance show for Shri Mataji and the Sahaja yogis, and gave Her some gifts representing Sorrento, After the loud and exuberant singing aul tlnncleu In thoir traditional enatunoo, Ihe atage WAR VACatod for Inga from Switzerland who did a spontaneous take-off on some of the known Sahaja Yogls and had us all in splits. VACAted for Joee from On the morning of the 6th, She miraculously saved a child who had fallen on his back from a height of 18 feet onto a hard floor. Then She met all the leaders and finalized the entire forthcoming Europe tour. By the time She arrived for the puja, the dark phase of the moon was over and the puja could be done. beautifully decorated with the Shri Chakra on top of Her Throne which had seven curved poles running to the ground entwined with creepers and flowers. The backdrop was a Sahaja yogi artist's painting depicting the evolutionary process in the Virata. The stage had been After having slept barely two hours the previous night, Shri Mataji looked as fresh and radiant as ever. The puja began in the usual way but She stopped our singing midway and suggested we say the same thing once again with one hand on our heart and with the feeling of that awe that what a great privilege it is that we are singing in the presence of the Adi Shakti Herself. us not to distract our attention by taking photos during the puja. Even if we can't understand what She is saying we should try to feel Her from within. It is not possible to convey what She said in Her talk as the same can be heard by the reader on tape when copies are made available. But one must say that the whole puja and singing was so deep, well-timed and precise that it really transcended us into another world of thoughtlessness, in an ocean of tranquility whose joy knew no bounds, with each wave taking us to a higher plane of awareness. This made a tremendous difference. She asked Shri Mataji was very pleased that Her vibrations could be absorbed by the Sahaja yogis present there. After the puja she distributed silk shirts and kurtas to the men 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-42.txt The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 36 who have worked hard to spread Sahaja Yoga and silk shawls and sarees to the women. On Sunday the 7th of May, we saw posters on every prominent shop window and street corner in the city. The programme in the evening was very well-attended and well received by the seekers of Sorrento. There were doctors, scientists and architects amongst those who got their realization. There was bhajan singing and dancing going on in the hall as Shri Mataji met each of the seekers personally and worked on their problems. All the questions asked were those of an anxious seeker eager to get the experience of his realization. As the last seeker received his realization there was a sound oi the bursting of firecrackers, as if to culminate the celebration of this historical gathering in the beautiful town of Sorrento. On Monday the 8th of May on our way to Naples, Shri Mataji stopped for a while to see Pompeil, the town at the base of Vesuvius that was ruined overnight to a heap of rubble and ash. Shri Mataji said it was an expression of the Ekadasha Rudra putting a check on the oversized ego of that place. Thereafter She haited briefly at the town of Torre del Greco, tamous for its corals, the finest and cheapest the world has to offer. Looking at the crowds in the Naples programme it seemed that the visit of Shri Mataji to this town in 1988 was paying rich dividends this year. It was an architectural marvel the way the interior of this grand hall was done. The Murano glass chandeliers, the the intricate work on the ceilings and walls provided for a perfect backdrop for the programme. questions were well-framed and on being asked about Neopalitans, Shri Mataji said the peopie had very good and open hearts as they had so much love and regard for their Mother. Waiting at the entrance of the hall was a lady suffering from vertigo. Shri Mataji worked on Her Kundalini for a few minutes and she cleared out and was feeling much better. It was a huge hall packed to the limit and all of thenm got their realization collectively. One hundred of them enrolled in the 7-week course to establish their realization. On Her arrival the television crew was waiting to interview Her, the After the programme, She returned to rest at Nirmala House in Rome at 3 in the morning. Rome On the 9th evening, a very central hall in Rome near the railway station was the venue for Her public programme for two days. Here again a lot of people came and received their self-realization. considerably relieved on meeting Shri Mataji just twice during the two days of programmes and received her realization. Shri Mataji spoke so fluently and with such compassion that all the people took to Sahaja Yoga spontaneously and promised to attend the follow up programmes regularly. They are having ongoing programmes in the heart of Rome each day of the week for the next two months. One lady who came suffering from cancer of the liver felt There is another ashram closer to Rome called the Mangala House. They have 16 children below the age of 5 years who are such a joy to meet. They are well-versed in the knowledge of chakras and vibrations; they are intelligent, alert and very affectionate. On 11th evening they put up a beautiful show for Shri Mataji with a play on the Charlie Chakra and danced to some of the Sahaja Yoga songs. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-43.txt The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 37 For dinner Akbar prepared some excellent pizzas in the log-fired oven of the ashram for all of the Sahaja yogis. After that, Shri Mataji spoke to all the Sahaja Yogis on how to handle the children and how to spread Sahaja Yoga and handle new people. She said that we should tell the new people that there is very little place in the Kingdom of Heaven and it is filling up very fast; therefore, they should hurry up and enter. Spain On May 18th around 3 o'clock Shri Mataji arrived from the U.K. on the Spanish airline, Iberia. Zaragoza. She was received and greeted by all the Sahaja Yogis from Madrid and From the cool climes of the U.K. we walked into what seemed the sweltering heat of Spain at 33 degrees Centigrade. Shri Mataji immediately brought the right side down and within moments there was a gentle breeze blowing and clouds covered the hitherto blue sky. The programme was arranged in the banquet hall of a hotel downtown, and on the way to the city there was a double rainbow in the sky which seemed to originate from the site of the public programme. Her posters were displayed on all prominent spots along the way. Shri Mataji suggested that if it was legal to put up posters then we should put our center address on it also. We could also write in it that if people stretch their hands with paims towards Her photo that they can feel the cool breeze. passersby will get their realization even after She has gone and then get in touch with the centre. This way The hall was packed te capacity as She entered. There were people sitting on the floor all around. IL was a decent, well-read crowd and they asked intelligent questions. She was very happy to meet them all individually and blessed them after Her talk. There were several seekers affected by false gurus who were given their realization. Thare were polio and spondylitis patients cured right there. There were people who complained of being possessed by evil spirits and were being cured. By the time the programme ended it was half past midnight, but all Sahaja Yogis were happy to s9e so many new people who promised to attend their centre the following week. The next morning, Shri Mataji took a flight to Barcelona. There were almost 200 Sahaja yogis at the airport with bouquets to receive Her. Soon after this, without any rest. She went to conduct the public programme. The hall was quite full and most people got their realization. Some of the seekers were really damaged by false gurus. One man who had been a Yogananda disciple was suffering from cancer of the Sahastrara. He received his realization and is on his way to recovery. There were several others from TM, Siddha Yoga, Bala Yogi and Rajnish who also received their realization. Such is the compassion of Shri Mataji that in spite of all these mistakes made in seeking and harm to their chakras She still sucked out their negativity and forgave them by granting them realization. In the early morning, after a rest of 2-1/2 hours, again She left for the venue of the Shri Buddha Puja. It was spellbinding scenery in an idyllic setting with verdant hills. One doubts if many tourists get to see this beautiful part of Barcelona. Shri Mataji felt as if all the nature stood in salutation to welcome Her to this spot, where on top of the cliff stood the hotel El Farell where all the Sahaja yogis were housed for two nights. The Puja had been arranged out in the open over-looking the entire valley. The other 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-44.txt The Divine Coo. Breeze July 1989 38 side of the hill was a scene similar ta that of Saptashringi Devi temple at Vani near Nasik. The earth was the color of the clay at Ganapatipule. was very opportune to have Shri Buddha Puja in Spain. It had become quite evident during the public programune that the Spanish seekers were affected by a strong Agnya catch as they found it very difficult to forgive. Incidentally, as Gregoire bagan to say the mantras that had been done before in San Diego, he realized that some pages Were missing so he had to do it spontaneously and it turned out to be much better. Shri Mataji spoke very fluently and was full of humor. explained the meaning of Buddha's life and what it means to us. She referred to Harself as the "laughing Buddha." Her message for this puja to all Sahaja yogis was to warn them about the ego and how it attacks everyone, including Shri Mataji. Everyone can see it except the person himself who is himself affected by it. asked why we have ego. She said that it cannot be attributed to Her as She gave us all realizalion and it is up to us to maintain it that way and not get caught up in it or be evasive but face ourseives. Sha said we should be "truthful to ourselves." truth is our power and we should not be shy about our realization. At the puja, She said it seemed that all the Deities had come and settled down as if it was a Devaloka. She hoped the cameras would photograph them. In a very nice way, She People The After the puja every leader from the countries present brought her beautiful gifts. The gift to Mother from the Spanish was a huge painting, done by eight or nine yogis, of an El Greco painting of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Mother was almost crying, She was so touched. She saw this painting in the Prado in Madrid last year and liked it very much saying, "Look at all their Kundalinis!" because all the saints had little flames painted above their heads. How beautiful it was and After the puļa She rested for a while and then came out on the patio, sat with the Sahaja Yogis and talked to them about lots of miracles in Sahaja Yoga for Phil Ward's benefit. The evening programme at another venue had twice the people as the previous day. It was amazing how ihe crowd responded to the Indian music played by Jose and party. They were singing along in chorus and swaying to the rhythm. The Indians of Barcelona could not believe their ears that Westerners could speak Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit so clearly. raalization to all of them. listening to the music. She didn't have to conduct the whole process of going through the chakras; they just stretched out their palms and confirmed having felt it. Shri Mataji met each and every one personally and gave Most of them had already received their realization just Alhens To begin with, there was a delay in the flight departure on May 25th from Heathrow Airport in London. Laler, on landing in Athens, we learned that the Snhaja yogis there needed that time to prepare for Her arrival and also get together with each other to sort out the finer details about Her coming visit. And Shri Mataji at the other end needed to brief Nick Granby about the contents of the film being made on Her life and work. On the way She corrected the weather of Greece and on arrival the Sahaja yogis intormed Her that the temperature had miraculously dropped 10 degrees Celsius and 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-45.txt The Divine Cool Breeze July 1989 39 this was also accompanied by unseasonal showers! There was a surprisingly large reception for Her at the airport. Since She was going for the first time to Greece, representatives from most countries had once again rushed to give a helping hand to the Divine, It was heartening to see that much concern for the emancipation of the Greek nationals. Guido had brought Her Mercedes from Rome for Her use. Within minutes of Her arrival at the Graek leader Stamatis' house, a radio interview was set up for Her conducted by an older man, who soon received his realization during the courss of the interview. He showed extreme courtesy and respect to Shri Mataji and was firmly supportive of the great work She was doing. She received a call from Her house that there was a severe water shortage in London. She Just gave it a phandan and a day later we read the news that there had been floods in an area north of London and reservoirs had onough water to tide over the problem. Shri Athena Puja took place on May 24th. Athena means Holy Ghost: Ath means primordial, and ena means Mother. The puja was to have been done in the morning but due to a late night orogram it started quite late the next day because the preparations for the Puja had to be cormpleted. Shri Mataji explained that it could have been done before noon but not after because noon to four p.m. is the time when the Deities go to sleep; as such, the Puja began at 4 pm. During the puja, Shri Mataji explained in great detail about Athena and the spiritual role of Greece. (This will be synopsized in the next issue.) After the talk Shri Mataji was offered a shield decorated with snakes, a spear and a helmet-like crown with a red plume and three subtle channels represented on it. There was also a breast plate showing the Kundalini, all colored in gold. Phil Ward read out some excerpts from the Apology by Socrates. Then Stamatis who had researchsd the 108 names of Athena in the ancient texts, read them out along with their meanings to Her during the puja. The vibrations were very strong during this recitation. elements at Her feet and not Her hands as we usually do, and the vibrations were really tremendous. Shri Mataji prepared real "Charnamruta" by our offering Her the five On behall of the international collective She was offered a traditional gold-plated Greek necklace, bracelet and ring. The Greeks gave an olive tree in a pot to all Sahaja yogis from abroad attending the puja to take home with them. The same evening on the public program was held in the Hotel Grande Britagne, where the Hall was packed with 700 seekers of truth. She spoke about the great heritage of Greece. The Greek people already had the knowledge of the sacrum bone, the Kundalini (serpent/snake power), its coils, etc. She said that they were blessed with prosperity (e.g., a flourishing shipping industry); however, they then fell because they didn't keep to spirituality. Most of those at the program got their realization and promised to come again the following day. The program finished at1 am after She had met each one personaly. Then we went to a tavern for dinner where we had some traditional Greek cuisine and heard the Bouzonkis and Greek folk songs. After that, the Sahaja Yogis went on stage and sang. It wasn't until 4 am that Shri Mataji went to sleep. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-46.txt The Divine Cool Breeza- July 1989 10 In the morning some paper had published a report on the previous night's program in a very frivolous manner. already inside and the hotel authorities thought it might be a fire hazard to allow more people. About 75 new people who hadn't seen Her the previous day clamoured to be allowed in so the management had to give in and they were seated around the stage and in the aisles. When Shri Mataji told them that the Mercedes car that was talked about in the newspaper article was actually gited by Her a couple of years ago to the Rome ashram, there was thunderous applause from the audience who were so far only accustomed to false gurus who snatched everything from their disciples. programme was a great success. Nevertheless, the hall was packed to capacity 750 were The At home Shri Mataji explained that there are various levels in seeking. It could be family, money or power-oriented. But these pursuits give no joy to the seeker; they only bring about misery. With the intellect one cannot know God. Devotion (Bhakti) is the way to reach Him." She expiained Kabir's music to the Sahaja Yogis there and told us lots of miracle stories. She slept at 3 a.m. We had to take the early morning flight the next day to Istanbul. Again another miracie took place. Mataji and the flight was already full. After seven of us got our confirmations, Stamatis requested Her to help us out. She gave a bandhan and twelve people who had confirmed bookings and had even checked in their baggage suddenly decided not to go and got off the plane so Sahaja yogis could come. In the meantime, as there was a slight delay, She bought some things symbolic of Greece at the airport as a remembrance. At least twenty Sahaja yogis wanted to go on the same flight as Shri Turkey She had single- In Istanbul an Italian lady, Mrs. Karla Mottino, was our hostess. handedly aranged Shri Mataji's entire visit with a lot of help from Guido and Akbar who had gone there earlier to make sure all arrangements were done properly. It was wonderful to see such an Asian city in Europe with all its mosques and minarets. Shri Mataji was surprised to see the change in the city, its development and its cleanliness. religion prevented them from following any false gurus. She commented that the Turks were protected in a way as their The flowers were huge and fragrant. Again the weather was a surprise to everyone: it was really cool after the showers which preceded the visit. Karlas' house was right on the banks of the Bosphorus and we could see all the ships passing and the fishermen lined up on the banks catching up to 12-14 fish on one linel In the afternoon Shri Mataji visited the old bazaar in the heart of Istanbul. The quality of craftsmanship in silver was really amazing. Shri Mataji bought a few things and the European leaders present bought silver mirror frames for puja with beautiful work around the border and handle. The roads were really crowded as Benazir Bhutto from Pakistan was visiting, too. Guido could not find parking anywhere so he left the car on the side of the road. People started shouting, but he just turned around and said with a smile, "I've brought 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-47.txt The Divine Gool Broezs - July 1983 my Mother with ms." in them and Shri Mataji said, "Look at the respect for the Mother. They understand." Tat just dissolved all the anger The posters and publicity were very well-handled with Sutras from the Koran relating to Her advent quoted below. country for the first time. It was a major breakthrough in penetrating an Islamic The people at the program asked very innocent questions. They had an impression that a guru from India is a person 1o sleeps on a bed of nails and Shri Mataji was a total contrast to what they expected. Realization was granted after a short talk. In the morning of the 27th the fifty Sahaja yogis there were witness to the Shri Begum Pasha Puja. She talked about how we must open our hearts out like the sea and let the rivers of love flow into it. We must have self-respect and also respect for others. We should use our discretion and keep to our maryadas. We should open our heart and place Enri Mataj in it. She cannot live im small-hearted people so our hearts should expand and be large enaugh to accommodate Her love, which is boundless and infinite. The evening program was a great success al the Istanbul Hilton Hotel where a lot of corporate professionals came as well as some journalists, and the music was provided by the Swiss group. After their realization most seekers promised to come regularly. Akbar and Annie, an Armenian Sahaja yogi from Greece, stayed back to help witih follow-ups. Shri Mataji flew on Turkish Airways and was very pleased by the wonderfully courteous and attentive service. Shri Mataji said She will use Istanbul as a stop-over an Her flight to India and fly Turkish Air again. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-48.txt The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 42 Shri Mataji's Tour of the Americas - Part 1 Arnerica entered a new dimension of Sahaja Yoga as this grand tour of America progressed and Shri Mataji spread the wave of enithusiastic participation at all levels, beginining with Shri Virata Puja in New York and finding a geometric escalation in seekers awaiting their self-realization in every program along the tour There were 150 in Cindinnati 400 in Toronto, 800 in VaiICouver and 1600 in San Diego. Miami, our newest center also provided a powerful response ot 150. Even at the United Nations, 30 diplomats attended. Ellects of Shri Virata Puja became immediately manitest as newspapers reported on the 4th of July. (the 213th Independence Day of the United States), that rare photographs of the planet Saturn were taken during Shri Mataji's tour, which clearly showed ihe ng of Saturn. be photographed from earth with the Sudarshan Chakra so clearly showing. This is the tirst time that the planet of the Vishuddhi could Shri Malaji was particularly pleased because not only was this the first time that collectively this couritry had responded so well, but the yogis ihemselves were also entering intoi an era of riew depth and realization of HER vision. America is now an ntegrated nation that is just raising its head to catch a glimpse of what's beyond its own backyard and prepares to contribute towards the international progress of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has given us the message to be confident and fearless and go all out to reach the seekers of Iruth and spread HER word. It is our job to make the opportunity available to the world and surrender the results to HER. We must meditate regularly to grow deeper and make Sahaja Yoga our first priority. Shri Mataji has been in England now for sixteon years and, as it will be evident from the reports of various centers that foilow, it is now time for the Vishuddhi to manifest itself. SHRI VIRATA PUJA AND SEMINAR 150 yogis from the U.S., Canada and abroad gathered in Alle weeks of preparation, Bantam, Conecticut for Shri Virata Puja and the beginning events of Shri Mataji's tour a the Americas, For many of us, the weekend began with travel to New York Gity through torrential rains, During this forcetul storm, Shri Mataji arrived at Kennedy Airport greeted by a joyous host of yogis. The airport's florist was sold out almost instantly as yegis welcomed our Mother with a bounty of flowers, While Shri Mataji rested at the nealby New Yoik ashram, yogis travelled on to the lakeside campsite in Connecticut one and-a-half haurs away. Everyone remained in high spirits throughout a night of soaking rairts sent by Our Mother as a cleansing preparation for the puja. Sun greeted us the next day, as yogis lined the road of the campsite In anticipation of Shri Mataj's arrival. Singing, high-spirited yogis, headed up by a van, full of musicians danced along the road in front of Shri Matajl's car all the way to the house prepared fol Her at the edge ol the lake. This procession was a first in America. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-49.txt 43 The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 Shortly after Her arrival Shri Mataji met with Nortn American leaders. She pointed out that the lack of new yogis was actually a rellection of our own lack of depth. We were told not to b8 discouraged, as Shri Mataji is the painter and we are the paint brushes, the instruments of this drama: encouraged to go deeper within ourselves so that the seekers will feel the depth of the Kundallni in our collective, and thereby sense the presence of God within us. TIE how can the paint brush feel badly? We were Yogis continued to meditate outside Mother's house with an emphasis on cleaiing the left and right sides. The rest of the afternoon provided time to meet informially and höld a havan in preparation for the puja. performances in the festively decorated hall covered with hand-made paper flowers made by the American ladies. A reading of American Indian prose and poetry with musical accompaniment was offered by New York and Boston Yogis. commented on how the native people around the world knew about the Kundalini, and also how innocent the American Indians were before being massacred by the white men. During the research for this project we discovered that the place name "Bantam means "place of prayer" in the language of the Americans who once lived there. The evening brought a wide variely of Shri Matali Following this presentation, New York children presented a modern danne about evolution, and two young yaginis from Toranto and their dance teacher followed with sacred dances from India. Vern Wills of Vancouver presented music tapes and a music video, a modern form of devotional music. Shri Mataji affirmed what a good vehicle popular rock music can be for seekers to find out about Sahaja Yoga. She also indicated that music wouid play a major roie in working out Sahaja Yoga in America, San Diego yoginis ended the performances with complete with each dancer offering a flower at Mother's feet, completed the evening, after which Shri Mataji commented that She felt the vihrations coming up fram deep in the earth. a serene presentation of Indian dance, Exuberant bhajans We woke the morning of the puja to a tremendous wind sweeping the camp. It was then announced that a Shri Virata Puja would be held. In the puja talk Shri Mataje explained how the puja would work out a lot in the problems of the brain of America. She described how America is presently indulgent and in the left: we were compared to England. It is imperative that we get back to the center by dynamic action This was a very strong talk which is included in synopsis form elsewhere in this issue Matajl emphasized that every yogi should have a copy of this tape and listen to it The 108 names of American Indian tribes were read to help alleviate the let-side intluence on Americans of Indians who suffered death through massacre and neglect. A hand- made Cherokee head dress was also offered to Shri Mataji at the end ot the puja It is said that Shri Mataji felt an extreme sorrow for what happened to the Indians, a sadness so deep it could not be expressed. Shri After this momentous puja, many gifts were offered to Mother including a necklace made of Arizona turquoise, and a painting of Abraham Lincoln. Many paintings done by local Sahaja Yogis were also given. including oil paintings of flowers. Mother showered us with lovely presents. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-50.txt The Divine Cool Breeze - July 1989 44 SAN DIEGO The next morning we were blessed in being allowed to perform the puja of Shri Mataji as Shri Mahakali, the Chastiser of Demons. In Her infinite compassion She had asked that the Puja be prepared carefully and with intensity and by this we were made more acutely aware of the awesome work She wanted to execute. The Puja commenced with a puja to Shri Ganesha, who was born of Shri Mahakali and who is the basis of the ida nadi. During the puja, as the names of Shri Mahakali were recited, Shri Mataji at times smiled or laughed and we saw Shri Mahakali as the embodiment of the unfettered joy and emotion of creation. First all of the men washed Mother's teet (each one twice), then all of the women made the offerings. By some wonderful happenstance, Shri Mataji was offered two sets of goild jewelry and wore them both at the same time; the lace of the gold on Her Feet looked ilka armor As She wore Her helmet-shaped crown, She asked us to sing "He Adi Ma, Wearing the necklace of demon heads, She completaly bowled us over by picking up and surrounding Herself with ail of the weapons proferred at Her Feet: conch, discis, mace, ax6, Sword, noose, goad, javelin, trident, bow and arrow. Perhaps responding to unspoken prayers, She said. "Shall 1 use all of My hands?" Holding the weapons, Her eyes became fixed and red, and we could hardly take Her darshan. One felt like a small animal whose whole attention is cormpletely fixed on his adored master whan the master is angry with something beyond its comprehension. At the close of the puja, She asked all of the yogis to say a prayer that all of the negative forces and all of the negative people be destroyed. It was an immense relief that finally America was to be cleansed of its dark side. As we bowed down after the aarti, Shri Mataji said, "Desire, desire" with such intensity to inspire the pure desire power to manifest more deeply. After the puja, Shri Mataji expressed the importance of working with full heart for the success of programs and Sahaja Yoga enterprises and mentioned that the previous evening's program had been advertised very well, and the efforts full of enthusiasm. She outlined changes and cleared the path for further growth in America: Vern Wills ishould be the new leader of Canada, "Karan Khurana. should be the new leader of America, David Dunphy should look after San Diego, Carolyn Vance, New York and Johann De Cocker, Boston. The next areas to be developed would be Los Angeles and San Francisco. Snri Mataji also mentioned that racism was one of the worst problems in the West, and those who are racist cannot survive in Sahaja Yoga: no skin-deep Sahaja Yogis allowed. If there was any racism in our hearts, She asked us please to take it out. "My lace may be fairer, but my hands are black. That is one of the names of Shri Mahakali is that Her hands are black." A the second public program on the 19th of June, David Spiro introduced Sahaja Yoga until Shri Mataji arrived. andience, which Shri Mataji said was 1600 people. This was followed by an ardent and enthusiastic response from the new seekers as most went up individually to Shri Mataji, paid their respects and thanked Her for being kind enough to visit San Diego. Shri Mataji was pleased with the quality of the seekers in San Diego, which She said meant the "city of Gods." During Her lecture, Shri Mataji promised the seekers that After the lecture, Shri Mataji gave realization to a large 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-51.txt The Divine Cool areeze July 1989 45 there would be an eight-week course on Sahaja Yoga. The response (about 80 people) at the follow-up programs has been warm and enthusiastic. Shri Mataji gave a two- hour interview to two reporters on June 20th, who took their realization at the end. One woman was an author, and the other was from a local weekly paper. Shri Mataji was very satisfied with the interview, and mentioned that it was the nicest way She's been treated by the press in the West. After the interview, Shri Mataji, Her grandaughter and a tew Sahaja Yogis went on a long shopping trip (to clear the Nabhi of America). Karan and David took Shri Mataji for a pizza dinner to celebrate the successful program, which She said, with a loving Motherly smile, was the most delicious pizza She had ever had. After the shopping trip, She was welcomed back at Her house with music. Then She sat down and gave a very heartfelt talk about how to handle the newly-realized seekers. Shri Mataji's Suagestions for Follow-ups Shri Mataji gave the following suggestions for San Diego follow-up programs: Each yogi should set an example and project dignity. Show the strength of the collective: there shouid be no differences between people. For example, don't disagree with each other when discussing which chakra is catching. Also, they should not sense any disagreement between husband and wife. No children should come to meetings. Separate groups for ladies and men should be organized during the meeting in which experiences of Sahaja Yoga can be shared. Sahaja Yogis can tell them about Shri Mataji, about miracles, and miracle photographs can be shown. Find out everything about each one of the new people. Know them all very well. If new people tell about problems that they have, show compassion and understanding. Say you had the same problem, whether or not it's true. Don't scare them off by discussing negativity or dead spirits. Don't give yourself a bandhan. You can give them a bandhan before working on them. Don't laugh in front of new people. They may feel you are mocking them. Don't mention that Shri Mataji is the Holy Ghost very soon. Serve tea and create an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-52.txt The Divine Cooi Breeze 46 MARRIAGE VOWS, GANAPATIPULE, 1988-89 Circumambulation Around The Sacred Fire The bridegroom says thus to the bride: THE FIRST ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart, and tell you that you must keep the chastity that is necessary for good Muladhar. Our weill-being and auspiciousness lies in completely accepting and keeping full respect of innocence and forsaking cunningness. THE SECOND ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that the Divine aesthetics of married life should be seen in our daily life, our home should be aesthetically decorated. Like planets and stars that are revolving within the limits of their orbits at specific distances, we should do all our work within and strictly abiding by the Dharma. I shal extend all hospitality to Sahaja Yogis and fully associate with you in performing the duties towards Dharma. collectivity. May we both achieve the blessings of enjoying the joy of THE THIRD ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I will hand over all the money that I earn to you, tully realizing that it has come to me as the reward of your punya, You should spend that money carefully and only after consulting me. in mind that all the wealth belongs to God, we should spend our wealth. whatever possible, with the teeling that we are receiving God's blessings. Кверing There should be no hankering for material objects. Becoming completely detached, we should nurture our Mahalakshmi principle. THE FOURTH ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I will never hurt your teelings and shatl forget all the mistakes made by both of us in our past lives. My love for you will be limitiass and so should be yours. Please do not suppress your teelings and never Hesitate to tell me if for some reason your mind is at anguish or someone troubles you. I shall always stand by you, protect you and shall never listen to any false complairnts against you. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_1,2,3,4.pdf-page-53.txt The Divine Cool Breeze- 47 The bride says thus to the bridegroom: THE FIFTH ROUND remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that I shall bring the Divine Sweetness in your life. I shall cook delicious food that can be enjoyed by you, we should eat only the tood cooked by Sahaja Yogis. Please da not force me to meet, or be in the company of those who are not good Sahaja Yogis. We should never use between ourselves abusive or bad language and should never shout at each other. You should quietly listen to me and I shall also quietly listen to you. THE SIXTH ROUND I remember Shri Adii Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that we both should regularly meditate and teach our chiliren and also our friends how to meditate. Our life should be that of penance but we should not complain or unnecessarily tell ethers about it and should be happy in all circumstances. Your eyes should be pure and free from lust for women and withaut greed for anything. THE SEVENTH ROUND I remember Shri Adi Shakti Mataji in my heart and tell you that we should truly understand that Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has cunferred Her Great Blessings on us, and so we should completely surrender and dedicate our hearts to Her. intellect. We should be aware how tremendous and unprecedented the work of self realization is and that the rest of everything in our life is unimportant and of no consequence. It is my condition that we should day and night unceasingly enjoy Her evertlowing grace, devote and dedicate ourselves to Her, regularly offer the Puja to Her photo with all the protocols, and be extremely humble in Her presence. Please, correct me if you find me failing in these. This dedication should be through complete integration of body, mind and Brides and bridegrooms say together: I shall apen the path of Moksha whichI have received with the blessings and grace of Her Holiness Shri Mataji also to others and shall achieve, in the company of such great and realized persons, the well-being of the whole universe. COMPLETION OF THE HAVAN Bridegrooms should drop ghee three times in the Havan with the saying of the following: Om Agnaye Swaha Om Agnaye Swaha Om Agnaye Swaha Om Tatsat Om Tatsat Om Tatsat Om Poornamadah Poornamidam