THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE India Supplement VOL.1 No. !1 To enioy the positivity in every negativity is the capacity of a Sahaja Yogi. vol. 11 BY SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SHRI BHAIRAV NATH PUJA TALK - CARLATE (ITALY) DATE : 6.8.89 Today we have gathered here to do Puja of Shri Bhairav Nath. I think we have not unders tood the significa.ce of Shri Bhairav Nath who moves up and down on Ida Nadi. Ida Nadi is the Nadi of Chandra (Moon). So this is a channel for us to cool down so the forte of Bhairav Nath is to cool us down. For instance hot temper is due to If a person is in a big temper then Bhairav Na th ego and hot liver. plays tricks on him to pull him down. He organises every thing in a very hot tempered person wi th the help of Shri Hanumana to show that the stupidity of anger is no good. People who are left sided or are depressed, Shri Hanumana tries to help them to come out of it no doubt but also Shri Bhairava Nath heip them to come out. Now a person who is left sided cannot be collective. It is very difficult for such a person who is very sad, unhappy, worried, who cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity. While a hot tempered, right sided person does not all ow anybody to enjoy collectivity, but tries to be in the collective so that he can ascend. Because such a person tries to show off his superiority, naturally he cannot enjoy the collec- tivity. On the contrary the person who is depressed all the time thinks nobody loves me, nobody cares for me, expecting something from others, Such a left sided person will find un- also cannot enjoy collectivity. happiness in everything. The negative attitude to find everything negative is the way we really spoi1 our left side. Shri Bhairava Nath always has a light in his hand and he runs up and down Ida Nadi to make light for you to see there is nothing negative. ...2 by putting a light there and confess the crime tiefore him. Shri wrong siy things. Whatever we think Bhairva alse protects from doing we do secretly and can be hidden, but you cannot hide it from Shri Bhairva. If you don't change then he exposes you completely. That's how he has exposed all the horrible false qurus. Shri Bhairva later incarnated on this earth as Shri Mahavira. He stands at the gate of hell to stop people from falling into hell. But if you want to go to the hell then he says alright GO. It is better if we try to fight our negativity and become fun loving people, enjoying others, Toving others. Not worrying about what others äre doing to you but cnly thinking what good you can do to others. Let us pray to Shri Bhairva Nath to give us a sense to laugh, to enjoy, to have fun. -4- SHRI KRISHNA PUJA TALK BY SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI DATE: 14.8.89 SAFFRON, U.K. Today we have gathered to worship Shri Krishna's incarnation. Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Shri Narayana, of Shri Vishnu. In every incarnation they carry all their qualities, powers and all their nature with them. So when he incarnated he had all the qualities of Every incarnation tri es to recti fy whatever Narayana and Shri Rama. in their previous incarnation was misunderstood or carried out to the extremes. That's why they come back again and again. Shri Vishnu is the presever of creation and Dharma. So when he took his incarnation You have to get your he had to see that people abide by their Dhanma. realisation to keep alright and reiain in the central path of Shri Mahalaxmi, By the first incarnation we can say that he tried to creat a benevolent king as Shri Räma. Не Shri Rama was Purushotarma the bes t among human beings. tty incarnated as a complete human being with all the qualities of human beings. He married the Laxmi principle that is Shri Sita Ji. He lived a nommal married life. Then he gave her up and lived like an ascetic. By his life he showed how a husband should be with his wife. Later on he had another role to play as a king. When he become the king he found out that people were criticizing him because he brought Shri Sita back from Ravana. Sa Shri Rama sent her away. How many people who are in power weuld be that sensible that they must set an example by their behaviour in a manner that they should be ideals for all other people who are working under them. Shri Sita Ji was Mahalaxmi, she understood everything, the whoie play and she went away. .5. -5- As a king Shri Rama taught how to rule the people. He established the iaeals of kingship and it is said that the most ideal kingdom was Rama Raja. Under his rule there was peace, no competition, every one was joyous and happy because he emitted fair play, Dharma, joy, bliss and peace. But people always take to something which is not normal in the case of each incarnation. Because Shri Rama lived as an ascetic people started fo1llowing ascetism. People became aus tere, would not laugh or smile. Everything became very serious. As people did not marry they 1ost balance. Marriage gives you balance. That is the time Shri Krishna incarnated to show that the whole creation is fun, is leela. There is nothing to be serious, dry or ascetic. Infact before Shri Rama's time all the saints used to marry. Then also a kind of funny brahaman ism 5 tarted. They weakened the caste system which was determined by birth rather than work. The Brahmins started dominating others. So Shri Krishna came as a son of cowman. When Shri Krishna was anly five he played all kinds of pranks and did all kinds of leelas like he killed one big cobra snake, he killed many demons wi th his power in a play. Shri Rama was not supposed to know that he was an incarnation. Even though it was revealed to him by various methods that he was an incarnation yet he would not accept In it because he was not supposed to know. Something like Mahamaya. the same way all the cameras are now giving you all the evidence of the real Mahamaya, what she is like, but one may try to show that you don't r emember, you have no memory of it. Because if you remember it your action would not be human. They would become Divine actions and that may not be alright for human beings because they will not be able to stand it, they will be frightened, there will be such an awe. So Shri .6. ....6. -6- Krishna behaved notmally like a very crdinary person. In this chT lunood he was very fond of butter. Butten is very good for the vishudhi chakra. In the tea add a little butter so that the throat which is iried out gets relief. With the help of his friends he would break the containers and eat all the butter. Then he would t ell little little lies. A1l his pranks, childish sweet lies were just to create a feeling of understanding. When children are naughty like that with their mother it is cons idered very sweet. In the Orient they enjoy the naughtiness of the children. The strictness with the children is mostly because people do not love their children. They Tove their carpet and other material things because they can sell it. They can't sell their children. As children and parents are separated by materia- listic ideas, the material things become more important. Now stealing is considered bad, but Shri Krishna used to steal the butter of all the ladies, who used to take it to a demon in Mathura. This butter was eaten by all the demons and they were becoming very powerful. So he thought better to eat all the butter so that the ladies won't be able to sell it there. Also if you see the significance - we starve our children just to have some money. Money orientation is there with the idea that everything is to be sold so children become a permanent 1liability. Children are treated as if they are just burdens. If all the value system just turns down to money then children have no place in the family. According to Sahaja yoga children are more imporant ihan all the wealth of the world and they are to be loked after thel way. Ofcourse they should know what is dignity and how to behave them- s elves but their little little pranks are to be understood and enjoyed. Only as children they can play pranks and not as grown ups. They should ..6. -7- i ave that much freedom to play pranks and tricks otherwise they will become very serious peaple and might become ascetics. Those parents who are very strict wi th their children are never normal., They either are estremely perverse or they quiten down and cannot face life. Both are of the same style; one cannot face life and the other cannot be faced by life. You have to treat your children with great love and understan- ding, but they should know that if they misbehave , this love will be money else. The love you establish in your child becomes a very precious thing. Sahaja yoga is based on Divine love and it can only work when people are loving. If they love money, power or their reputation etc. and not their own children or family then they are loosing a very big part of their society. As a king Shri Krishna wanted to establish people in dharma and he needed the help of the five elements, so he made them into five ladies whom he married. But they are the very part and parcel of his being. He was Yogeshwara, absolutely detached in his yoga but for all practical purposes he had five wives and then there were sixteen thousand women who became his wives who were nothing but his sixteen thousand powers. The Vishudhi chakra has got sixteen petals multiplied by the Viratas 1000 petals comes to 16000 powers. These 16000 powers were incarnated as women and were taken away by a horrible king. Shri Krishna defeated the king and released these women and gave them his protection by marrying them. ..8. -8- When we have Vishudhi problems we have to know what are the dieties on both the sides and what are the qualities which are lacking in us that we are suffering. Lets see right side Vishudhi when we catch. Shri Krishna's essence is sweetness. His power was Radha. the one who sus tains the energy and his power dha Ra energy was Allahad - joy giving qualities. Shri Krishna's quality was that he was Yogeshwara the eternal witness. Now a person who shouts and screams, talks loudly and loses his temper suffers from right Vishudhi. One should understand that even if we have to scold somebody we have to say 'what are you doing' in a sweet manner. The best is to give some. rest to the right Vishushi by observing silence 'mauna' It On the right side the heat starts coming from the liver. starts rising, first it goes to the right heart as a result you might become a very hot tempered husband or father. Then it passes to the right Vishudhi and you become a very irritable hot, tempered person, al1 the time shouting at others. If you use your anger in that manner then that person may be just frightened of you, might develop an inferiority complex, might become a left sided person, God alone knows what can happen to a person who has somebody all the time shouting at him. From Shri Krishna's life we have to learn how he used to play the flute and how the whole atmosphere used to become absolutely quiet without any ripple. But in modern times they have the other way round where the right Vishudhi is about to break or burst. Where the music does not bring peace but excites you more and more. Such music numbs the limbic area which is the seat of the Virata aspect of Shri Krishna. 19. then you take drugs From the right Vishudhi it goes to the Sahasrar because your brain is numbed. Then aga in you feel the drug is not sufficient,you take stronger drugs. You go on like this, ultímately you reach a stage where you are no where. Where it is a11 self destructive. Shri Krishna was a divine diplomat. What is divine diplomacy? You don't ha ve to shout. If you want to bring somebody to some conclu- sion then the best thing is to first change the subject. That To have a complete rapport with the person is to play ciever thing to do. wi th that person. One has to know that the essence of all this dipio- macy is BENEVOLENCE. You have to achieve the benevolence of the whole humanity. If you are doing it you are not doing it for your own gain, So there is no need to shout, play around or any particular person. with it and bring it to that point which is benevolence. Shri Krishna said you have to tell the truth, but it should also be pleasing and it Supposing you tell the truth to s omeone should be for the benevolence. he may not like it at the moment but if it is for his benevolence then in the long run he wil1 feel a great obligation to you that you tries to help him. Even if you have to tell some lies for benevolence does not matter because Shri Krishna who is the diety knows it. You cannot shirk from telling people what is wrong with them s pecially those whom you are incharge like your family, relations etc. It is your duty. People It is best to frankly tell them what is right. escape it also. Many people who don't want to face their children gi them toys after toys. Discipline does not mean domination but it means whatever we do is for the benevolence of your spirit and the spirit of others. That is Sahaja discipline. 30. -10- Left Vishudhi is the lightening Tike a person who can scream and shout and who can expose others as did Vishinumaya. You snould not o e afraid 'how can I do it' - Mostly the people who feel guilty have Tost confidence and the ego has entered the 1eft side. its a very We should be on the look out that we are not complicated situation. f eeling guilty. Guilt is just a myth. We want to escape reality that's why we say we are guilty. You have to face the reality. Try to find out what's wrong with you and others. Because Vishnumaya is nothing but like electricity. Electricity exposes people, she screams and shouts at people, rears at people. If you have a left Vishushi you have to use these methods. The person who has a left vishudhi should go to the sea and address the sea, "I am the Lord of the sea, I am this, I am that", loudly. /side The power of Shri Krishna in the right of the threat is over The same thing happens wi th the vocal cords the power of sweetness. Vishnumaya too. Vishnuma ya is the potential power but she uses it to scream and shout, to show her existence that she is there. Now al1 these miraculous photographs you get are because of Vishnumaya. She is the one who acts as electricity and she is the one who manages all these things. Thaugh she is the sister of Shri Krishna she is very subtle and she helps you in a subtle manner. Now this microphone has electri- city in it and you wil1 be surprised that viberations are passing through it. From here they are going anywhere you want them to go. You can put a computer on the other side and computerise them. It is such a remarkable thing that the one who is supposed to scream and shout and roar is the one who is on the left hand side so that it exists in a potential way in the people who are feeling guilty, who are 11. suffering from inferiority complex, who are sly, who feel they are good for nothing. See the contrast. Her power expresses in a person who is not self confident and thenShe asserts her power by which people become self confident. When we talk of Vishnumaya we have to know that she is seated there, any tmoment we decide we can become great speakers, we can expose like thunder but normally people, we can be like iightening, we can be So this gives balance to both types of people. In the we are not. centre when the kundalini rises most of the people have their vishudhi caught up, so they have to see that they are not guilty, that they are completely in balance with themsel ves, that they are in the central path by which they become sweet, kind and nice. There are many people who are artificially sweet to exploit others. Such people will go to hell because they are using the power of Shri Krishna in a very absurd manner. It is important for us to understand that our Vishudhi is to be kept clear. First of all we must have a very beautiful and a clear heart where there is the fragrance of Shri Krishna's melodious music. Improve your vishudhi, work it out, look at the Virata and find out whats wrong wi th you and correct it for it cannot be done by any one else. Se that you have a full idea about yourself. That can only happen if you have a good vishudhi otherwise you can never see yourself because at the If you have achieved the vishudhi point only you become the wi tness. witness state then you can see in your vis hudhi whats wrong wi th you, what's wrong with your problem, with your atmos phere and everything. So today when we are worshipping Shri Krishna we should know that he ultimately becomes the brain. The fat of the stomach goes in the brain. ...12. -12- 50 Shri Narayana enters in the brain and becomes as Virata - Akbar. When he becaines Akbar then he is the brain in the matter. That is why people who worship Shri Krishna become brainy people without ego. Their brain developes and they have no ego about it. Egoless intelligence which ! call as pure intelligence starts manifesting. May God Bless you. FIRST KNOW THYSELF. Porchester Hall, London. 1.8.89. At the very outset we have to unders tand that truth is We cannot conceptualize it, or orgnize it, or use what it is. it for our own purpose. Moreover with the blinkers on both the sides like a horse, with all our conditionings, we cannot find We have tobe open minded the truth. We have tobe free people. to see for ourselves what is the truth. people, like scientists If somebody preaches, professes or says some thing, is not tobe accepted blindfolded. The essence of al1 the religions is to And to treat the transitory in its own under- find the eternal. standing and its limitations. That's why we have lost our balance. If we are really the people who want to know the truth, we have to know that at human awareness we cannot know it. becomes a concept. You have to have thespiritual awareness. This spiritual awareness is a state of your being, where you can become the spirit. Is not artificially certifying somebody that now you have bec ome a Hindu or a Christianor a Muslim or become anything. You can commit any sin, you can do anything that is wrong because you are a Hindu, or a Christian on a So all Muslim. Nothing foom inside is going to stop you. these things have become so much outward that now there are There wwS. peop-le who have started saying that there is no God. It is not true. is nothing 1ike religion. First of all you sa y there is no God, you should find out, have we been able to find out about it or in our ego we are saying there is no God. Have we been able to work it out to see You do not judge God from the people if there is God or not? Anybody cantalk about God because they think who talk about God. -14- there is now law that can catch them.. They can talk for Him, TOW against Him or they can do what they Iike. They can even make imoney by talking against God and against all the Prophets. So first of all we have to be a little independent tobe To know that if you have to know the Spirit - Know free. Thyself - and you have to know it on your centralnervous system. As I can feel this is cold or hot, you have to feel the Divine Power which is all prevading, which isthe Truth, which manifests the Truth because it is the love of God. You have to first feel it on your central nervous system, which is the bodha. One may say that in the West we have advanced so much, But if you see when or we have gone too far with everything. we started with sciençe what have we produced?Hy drogen Bombs, Atom Bombs and all kinds of devils sitting on our heads. There is no balance. Any enterprise we t ake, we go to extremes.. It moves in one line and Any mental projection is linear. Now you have got then recoils back and then you are chocked. You have produced machinery. Machinery is for you, acid rain. And thus there is no balance bet- you are not for machinery. No balance between you and science. ween you and the machinery. It's just like going amuck with anything that you get in your hand. And this balance you get when you become the Spirit. But unless there is You see beautifully made chandeliers here. In the same way, if you do not have light they have no meaning. the lightof the Spirit shining in your attention, you will not Unless this microphone is connected to the know your meaning. Unless we are connected to the mains, mains, it is useless. we do not know the Absolute and that'is why al1 these problems When I talk about the instrument which lies with us are there. -15- one has to know that this is the knowledge of the roots, for which you have to become a subtler personality. To the gross To become the subtler personality mind you cannot see it. you have to know the roots. S omething has gone wrong some- where in every human enterprise, even in religions. Tha 's why And what has today we find this kind of a farce going on. gone wrong is that we have to seek the Eternal. Maybe it Budha and Ma havira For example little different. might look a I also did not talk about the God did not talk of God at all. for four years. As soon as you talk about God people start jumping that when can we become God. So first you become the Self - the first step. They said first you become the Self. Unless and until you have your eyes, how can you see the calours? It is for your benevolence, that you better get what you deserve, what is your own, is your birth right as a human being, i.e. to become the Spirit. That is what Sahaja Yoga is. Sah Born with you is the right to get means with, ja means born. It is your birth right this yoga - the union with the Divine. And it You are the epitome of evolution. as a human being. has to work out, but please open your hearts and open you minds, But by thinking I know it will work. and then see for yourself. about it you cannot conceptualize. This is the biggest problem of our seeking that we run after some sort of a concept. Now you have seen the instru ment, which is the most beautiful instrument that is created within us during the The first one centre is the most process of our evolution. beautiful one, because it stands for our innocence. This inno- cence is the one which gives us real support, real strength. -16- It maybe overshadowed, there may be clouds, maybe you are hopeless case, some people might say, that we have destroyed Whatever you might have done this is one centre our innocence. You may have probiems with it, which cannot be destroyed. but it cannot be destroyed. It is such a wonderfui centre, which has got four petals, which looks after the pelvic plexus. In our freedom, we do all kinds of things which may not Doesn't matter. Kundalini cannot be benevolent for ourselves. The source which is going to give you the self be destroyed. realization, I say she is your individual Mother. And this Mother is a loving Mother and She knows each and every thing about you from your past lives. She is just waiting for a chance that She can be awakened and She cangive you your second She is a Divine Mother. She is not going to give you birth. trouble. But these problems that have come are coming from people who have no authority, who have noeducation, who do not know what Kundalini is. Kundalini will never give you any problems. On the contrary when she rises and when you get your awakening the first thing a thought that is established is thoughtless awareness. For rises and falls and the Kundalini makes the thoughts smaller and inbetween at the present. It makes you stop in the present If you want to think you can and you grow in the present. think, if you don' t want to think you don't. This works out when Kundalini crosses the Agya Chakra. So what happens in the second centre, when it enters is you just become dynamic, because second centre is for aesthe- tics and for creativity. My brother who is a chartered accountant -17- Now he s making poetry was very bad at all the languages. in Sanskrit and Urdu and also in Marathi which is the most difficult language. When the Kundalini rise, it nourishes that centre, like a very beautiful mother She nourishes. After realization, Amjad Ali became a great artist. Because the and Kundalini goes up and the creativity becomes so tremendous active and so dynamic. At the same time that person becomes very mild, very sweet, very compassionate. So this violence, this anger this temper is not your It's the creation of your liver. Now when the temper creation. is there you don't know what to do. You are like a drunken personality who does whatever he likes. But all this temper everything becomes so cool and beautiful. that a very dynamic person becomes very compassionate. Now, also they say that certain natiionalities have got special Because of this centre which Everything dissolves traits. is so creative, and which also gives you the manifestation of pure knowledge, you start feeling on your central nervous . Like some- You start feelings on your finger tips system. I've body came and said to me my Agya is catching. It means Would anybody say li ke that? On the contrary got my ego on. Would they'll show you that if you tell somebody you' ve got an ego, It's very dangerous to say to some- they have their ego on. your ego is on. But because of self-knowledge you know body that Mr. Ego is sitting here and I cannot cross through, as there's a blockage here which I have to take out. -18- It's so innate within you and once the connection is made, immediately you know about yourself and this centre which is responsible for creating all kinds of funny thoughts and horrible creativity, beccomes so benevolent , so soothing, so beautiful. Apart from that these people who could not say one word in the So in Hindi language, they have started singing in Sanskrit. Sahaja Yoga an artist who is struggling today may become a great You'11 artist. But still I would say there are temptations. become a great artist, you'11 start earning more money, etc. You But that's not what you have tobe really satisfied with. will never be satisfied.. So now we move to the third centre which we call as the This centre is made on one side of water qnd the Nabhi Chakra. Around it are ten valencies, our innate re- other side of fire. ligion within ourselves. This Nabhi Chakra or solar plexus gives us religiousness as soon as Kundalini rises and the light spreads in this centrel Overnight people have given up drugs. Overnight And the best part is that they give up alchohalism, everything. Some people think then what is the they enjoy their virtues. fun, what is this that you take comething in the pub and the next Here you take something and next day day you have a hangover It never comes down. It never gives you are much better off. It's not intoxicating. Its not artificial. you a reaction. It's from you, it's bubbling out. Here we have a capacity that we enjoy our generosity. But the Now all matter whatever it is, we are materialistic. aesthetics of matter is that you can give it to others suggesting -19- That's the only thing that ma tter can do. And your love in it. The feelings in a very special way you can express that love. that you have expressed of knowing what that person would Tove and this kind of a depth develops within you with such a Towable beautiful society, you enter into and you don't need anything because everybody is looking after your needs. You don' t The joy you are giving Comes from this centre. You just eat whatever is good have to bother as to what to eat. You become so wise and also you for you, benevolent for you. please others. You dont displease others by saying this is per Like a candle which is food, I want that. Iwant' goes away. not enlighened is asking for light. I want light. But once it In the is enlightened it gives light to others automatically. same way you also start giving your light, your love, your joy Nobody has to go through any ten command- to others automatica1ly. Those days are gone. Now automatically you ments anymore. become like that. Very beautiful people, very affectionate, and very glorious. See the glow on the face of Sahaja Yogis. The face itself is radiant. Many people drop out ten to twenty years in their age and they are so enthsiastic. They never get tired. Specially Young peopie too. in the west people get very easily tired. A11 energy is Why are you tired? Because we think too much. wasted in thinking so no energy is left to enjoy anything what- You think - you invite people for dinner. soever. For example what to drink, how to make the food warmer, what to do, etc. etc. So agitated and so nervous about the whole thing that wehn the guests come in, they feel like running away, because so much of Ultimately the tension of thinking and planning is generated. whole joy has disappeared. -20- So the second centre does a very miraculous thing, that it provides the grey cells in our brain, when we are using it for It also looks after your liver, pancreas, spleen, thinking. But instead of doing that, kidneys and part of your abdomen. it is busy sending grey cells to your brain because you are So you develop all other diseases thinking and thinking like mad. and then you get diabetes. Now diabetes you do not In India, in the villages you s ee get by taking too much sugar. that they takesugar in such a manner that the spoon stands up in The reason is that he does'nt But he never gets diabetes. the cup. He just works hard, eats his food and sleeps think of tomorrow. So this diabetes He doesn't take sleeping pills either. off. And canbeeasily cured if you take to comes by over thinking. Sahaja Yoga. Then the third disease which is even more dangerous is blood cancer. Blond cancer is cause only to people who think It can even be to the children if the mother is very too much. meticulous. Particular about her carpets, her house, everything, And all the time thin- doesn't enter that house. that even a rat the child and the child also can king and planning. This affects get blood cancer. Blood cancer one gets because your spleen is Its the one who gives you the rhythm of life. a speedometer. When we are hectic people all the time under shock, then this goes For exampie, in the morning we get up, see the out of order. Such a news paper and news of someone illed, or an accident. News papers never give good news. They never report how shock. many people yot realization or something is working out alright. -21- something horrible that shocks your head, your limbic area, otherwise you wont take it seriously. So Your system is a very delicate system, it gets a shock. then you get into your car without taking your bre akfast, or On maybe in your hand is the breakfast, because you are late. the way there's a traffic jam. You're shouting and screaming. a boss Somehow or the other you reach the office and there's We are barking. This is how we live under complete tension. In the night if you sing loudly the supposed tobe free people. You can't neighbour will come and put you in the police station. You have tobe bound by the do anything. There's no freedom. So all watch. This is the exact time you have to reach there. these things work on us and we become hectic and for emergency But this spleen is the one which releases red blood corpsules. if you're all the time hectic then the poor spleen becomes mad. It does'nt know what to do, and starts producing more and more cells and then thinks that its a mad person I'am fixed with. So the Because I don't know when to act and when not to act. vulnerability is there and suddenly with some other shock he might get bloodcancer and the doctors will certify you are going to die after one month. But Sahaja Yoga has cured blood cancer Because as soon as the Kundalini is awakened, of many people. too much movement this side and that side which is going on all The Kundalini passes through and brings it the time, subsides. Even vulnerability to cancer and to all backand bourishes it. incurable diseases are because of these centres going out of place Now we have the heart centre. It controls left and right side both. As you know the sternum bone creates the antibodies -22- i ght the deseases. This is the centre of our mother. and they fight When your mother is challenged you develop breast cancer. supposing a man is a flirt and his wife is worried, she might And get breast cancer, be cause her motherhood is challenged. As a result of that very disturbed. her sense of securi ty gets she gets this problem. Also you think too much and are very right-sided and futuristic. Like people who plan t00 much. They plan ten years ahead. Even their deaths, what dress they are going to wear and where they are going tobe buried. Al1 this futuristic planning creates such tremendous heat in the body because the liver which is supposed to absorb all the heāt is neglected by this centre and as a result the heat travels up and you develop asthma. Asthma is very easily curable. The right heart is the centre of the husband or of the father. If you are a bad husband or if your wife is a shrew, or if you are a very bad father, or if your father is not kind to you, you may develop asthma. But Or if you have not forgiven your father you may get asthma. the relationships of our parents we have chosen when we came on I know they may be wrong, or obstinate, or head- this earth. But even if you leave them, strong. They may be drunkards. still forgive and forget. Otherwise you carry the problems with you. The Divine Cool Breeze Wishes you a VERY HAPPY DIWALI. ---------------------- 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-0.txt THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE India Supplement VOL.1 No. !1 To enioy the positivity in every negativity is the capacity of a Sahaja Yogi. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-1.txt vol. 11 BY SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SHRI BHAIRAV NATH PUJA TALK - CARLATE (ITALY) DATE : 6.8.89 Today we have gathered here to do Puja of Shri Bhairav Nath. I think we have not unders tood the significa.ce of Shri Bhairav Nath who moves up and down on Ida Nadi. Ida Nadi is the Nadi of Chandra (Moon). So this is a channel for us to cool down so the forte of Bhairav Nath is to cool us down. For instance hot temper is due to If a person is in a big temper then Bhairav Na th ego and hot liver. plays tricks on him to pull him down. He organises every thing in a very hot tempered person wi th the help of Shri Hanumana to show that the stupidity of anger is no good. People who are left sided or are depressed, Shri Hanumana tries to help them to come out of it no doubt but also Shri Bhairava Nath heip them to come out. Now a person who is left sided cannot be collective. It is very difficult for such a person who is very sad, unhappy, worried, who cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity. While a hot tempered, right sided person does not all ow anybody to enjoy collectivity, but tries to be in the collective so that he can ascend. Because such a person tries to show off his superiority, naturally he cannot enjoy the collec- tivity. On the contrary the person who is depressed all the time thinks nobody loves me, nobody cares for me, expecting something from others, Such a left sided person will find un- also cannot enjoy collectivity. happiness in everything. The negative attitude to find everything negative is the way we really spoi1 our left side. Shri Bhairava Nath always has a light in his hand and he runs up and down Ida Nadi to make light for you to see there is nothing negative. ...2 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-2.txt by putting a light there and confess the crime tiefore him. Shri wrong siy things. Whatever we think Bhairva alse protects from doing we do secretly and can be hidden, but you cannot hide it from Shri Bhairva. If you don't change then he exposes you completely. That's how he has exposed all the horrible false qurus. Shri Bhairva later incarnated on this earth as Shri Mahavira. He stands at the gate of hell to stop people from falling into hell. But if you want to go to the hell then he says alright GO. It is better if we try to fight our negativity and become fun loving people, enjoying others, Toving others. Not worrying about what others äre doing to you but cnly thinking what good you can do to others. Let us pray to Shri Bhairva Nath to give us a sense to laugh, to enjoy, to have fun. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-3.txt -4- SHRI KRISHNA PUJA TALK BY SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI DATE: 14.8.89 SAFFRON, U.K. Today we have gathered to worship Shri Krishna's incarnation. Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Shri Narayana, of Shri Vishnu. In every incarnation they carry all their qualities, powers and all their nature with them. So when he incarnated he had all the qualities of Every incarnation tri es to recti fy whatever Narayana and Shri Rama. in their previous incarnation was misunderstood or carried out to the extremes. That's why they come back again and again. Shri Vishnu is the presever of creation and Dharma. So when he took his incarnation You have to get your he had to see that people abide by their Dhanma. realisation to keep alright and reiain in the central path of Shri Mahalaxmi, By the first incarnation we can say that he tried to creat a benevolent king as Shri Räma. Не Shri Rama was Purushotarma the bes t among human beings. tty incarnated as a complete human being with all the qualities of human beings. He married the Laxmi principle that is Shri Sita Ji. He lived a nommal married life. Then he gave her up and lived like an ascetic. By his life he showed how a husband should be with his wife. Later on he had another role to play as a king. When he become the king he found out that people were criticizing him because he brought Shri Sita back from Ravana. Sa Shri Rama sent her away. How many people who are in power weuld be that sensible that they must set an example by their behaviour in a manner that they should be ideals for all other people who are working under them. Shri Sita Ji was Mahalaxmi, she understood everything, the whoie play and she went away. .5. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-4.txt -5- As a king Shri Rama taught how to rule the people. He established the iaeals of kingship and it is said that the most ideal kingdom was Rama Raja. Under his rule there was peace, no competition, every one was joyous and happy because he emitted fair play, Dharma, joy, bliss and peace. But people always take to something which is not normal in the case of each incarnation. Because Shri Rama lived as an ascetic people started fo1llowing ascetism. People became aus tere, would not laugh or smile. Everything became very serious. As people did not marry they 1ost balance. Marriage gives you balance. That is the time Shri Krishna incarnated to show that the whole creation is fun, is leela. There is nothing to be serious, dry or ascetic. Infact before Shri Rama's time all the saints used to marry. Then also a kind of funny brahaman ism 5 tarted. They weakened the caste system which was determined by birth rather than work. The Brahmins started dominating others. So Shri Krishna came as a son of cowman. When Shri Krishna was anly five he played all kinds of pranks and did all kinds of leelas like he killed one big cobra snake, he killed many demons wi th his power in a play. Shri Rama was not supposed to know that he was an incarnation. Even though it was revealed to him by various methods that he was an incarnation yet he would not accept In it because he was not supposed to know. Something like Mahamaya. the same way all the cameras are now giving you all the evidence of the real Mahamaya, what she is like, but one may try to show that you don't r emember, you have no memory of it. Because if you remember it your action would not be human. They would become Divine actions and that may not be alright for human beings because they will not be able to stand it, they will be frightened, there will be such an awe. So Shri .6. ....6. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-5.txt -6- Krishna behaved notmally like a very crdinary person. In this chT lunood he was very fond of butter. Butten is very good for the vishudhi chakra. In the tea add a little butter so that the throat which is iried out gets relief. With the help of his friends he would break the containers and eat all the butter. Then he would t ell little little lies. A1l his pranks, childish sweet lies were just to create a feeling of understanding. When children are naughty like that with their mother it is cons idered very sweet. In the Orient they enjoy the naughtiness of the children. The strictness with the children is mostly because people do not love their children. They Tove their carpet and other material things because they can sell it. They can't sell their children. As children and parents are separated by materia- listic ideas, the material things become more important. Now stealing is considered bad, but Shri Krishna used to steal the butter of all the ladies, who used to take it to a demon in Mathura. This butter was eaten by all the demons and they were becoming very powerful. So he thought better to eat all the butter so that the ladies won't be able to sell it there. Also if you see the significance - we starve our children just to have some money. Money orientation is there with the idea that everything is to be sold so children become a permanent 1liability. Children are treated as if they are just burdens. If all the value system just turns down to money then children have no place in the family. According to Sahaja yoga children are more imporant ihan all the wealth of the world and they are to be loked after thel way. Ofcourse they should know what is dignity and how to behave them- s elves but their little little pranks are to be understood and enjoyed. Only as children they can play pranks and not as grown ups. They should ..6. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-6.txt -7- i ave that much freedom to play pranks and tricks otherwise they will become very serious peaple and might become ascetics. Those parents who are very strict wi th their children are never normal., They either are estremely perverse or they quiten down and cannot face life. Both are of the same style; one cannot face life and the other cannot be faced by life. You have to treat your children with great love and understan- ding, but they should know that if they misbehave , this love will be money else. The love you establish in your child becomes a very precious thing. Sahaja yoga is based on Divine love and it can only work when people are loving. If they love money, power or their reputation etc. and not their own children or family then they are loosing a very big part of their society. As a king Shri Krishna wanted to establish people in dharma and he needed the help of the five elements, so he made them into five ladies whom he married. But they are the very part and parcel of his being. He was Yogeshwara, absolutely detached in his yoga but for all practical purposes he had five wives and then there were sixteen thousand women who became his wives who were nothing but his sixteen thousand powers. The Vishudhi chakra has got sixteen petals multiplied by the Viratas 1000 petals comes to 16000 powers. These 16000 powers were incarnated as women and were taken away by a horrible king. Shri Krishna defeated the king and released these women and gave them his protection by marrying them. ..8. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-7.txt -8- When we have Vishudhi problems we have to know what are the dieties on both the sides and what are the qualities which are lacking in us that we are suffering. Lets see right side Vishudhi when we catch. Shri Krishna's essence is sweetness. His power was Radha. the one who sus tains the energy and his power dha Ra energy was Allahad - joy giving qualities. Shri Krishna's quality was that he was Yogeshwara the eternal witness. Now a person who shouts and screams, talks loudly and loses his temper suffers from right Vishudhi. One should understand that even if we have to scold somebody we have to say 'what are you doing' in a sweet manner. The best is to give some. rest to the right Vishushi by observing silence 'mauna' It On the right side the heat starts coming from the liver. starts rising, first it goes to the right heart as a result you might become a very hot tempered husband or father. Then it passes to the right Vishudhi and you become a very irritable hot, tempered person, al1 the time shouting at others. If you use your anger in that manner then that person may be just frightened of you, might develop an inferiority complex, might become a left sided person, God alone knows what can happen to a person who has somebody all the time shouting at him. From Shri Krishna's life we have to learn how he used to play the flute and how the whole atmosphere used to become absolutely quiet without any ripple. But in modern times they have the other way round where the right Vishudhi is about to break or burst. Where the music does not bring peace but excites you more and more. Such music numbs the limbic area which is the seat of the Virata aspect of Shri Krishna. 19. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-8.txt then you take drugs From the right Vishudhi it goes to the Sahasrar because your brain is numbed. Then aga in you feel the drug is not sufficient,you take stronger drugs. You go on like this, ultímately you reach a stage where you are no where. Where it is a11 self destructive. Shri Krishna was a divine diplomat. What is divine diplomacy? You don't ha ve to shout. If you want to bring somebody to some conclu- sion then the best thing is to first change the subject. That To have a complete rapport with the person is to play ciever thing to do. wi th that person. One has to know that the essence of all this dipio- macy is BENEVOLENCE. You have to achieve the benevolence of the whole humanity. If you are doing it you are not doing it for your own gain, So there is no need to shout, play around or any particular person. with it and bring it to that point which is benevolence. Shri Krishna said you have to tell the truth, but it should also be pleasing and it Supposing you tell the truth to s omeone should be for the benevolence. he may not like it at the moment but if it is for his benevolence then in the long run he wil1 feel a great obligation to you that you tries to help him. Even if you have to tell some lies for benevolence does not matter because Shri Krishna who is the diety knows it. You cannot shirk from telling people what is wrong with them s pecially those whom you are incharge like your family, relations etc. It is your duty. People It is best to frankly tell them what is right. escape it also. Many people who don't want to face their children gi them toys after toys. Discipline does not mean domination but it means whatever we do is for the benevolence of your spirit and the spirit of others. That is Sahaja discipline. 30. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-9.txt -10- Left Vishudhi is the lightening Tike a person who can scream and shout and who can expose others as did Vishinumaya. You snould not o e afraid 'how can I do it' - Mostly the people who feel guilty have Tost confidence and the ego has entered the 1eft side. its a very We should be on the look out that we are not complicated situation. f eeling guilty. Guilt is just a myth. We want to escape reality that's why we say we are guilty. You have to face the reality. Try to find out what's wrong with you and others. Because Vishnumaya is nothing but like electricity. Electricity exposes people, she screams and shouts at people, rears at people. If you have a left Vishushi you have to use these methods. The person who has a left vishudhi should go to the sea and address the sea, "I am the Lord of the sea, I am this, I am that", loudly. /side The power of Shri Krishna in the right of the threat is over The same thing happens wi th the vocal cords the power of sweetness. Vishnumaya too. Vishnuma ya is the potential power but she uses it to scream and shout, to show her existence that she is there. Now al1 these miraculous photographs you get are because of Vishnumaya. She is the one who acts as electricity and she is the one who manages all these things. Thaugh she is the sister of Shri Krishna she is very subtle and she helps you in a subtle manner. Now this microphone has electri- city in it and you wil1 be surprised that viberations are passing through it. From here they are going anywhere you want them to go. You can put a computer on the other side and computerise them. It is such a remarkable thing that the one who is supposed to scream and shout and roar is the one who is on the left hand side so that it exists in a potential way in the people who are feeling guilty, who are 11. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-10.txt suffering from inferiority complex, who are sly, who feel they are good for nothing. See the contrast. Her power expresses in a person who is not self confident and thenShe asserts her power by which people become self confident. When we talk of Vishnumaya we have to know that she is seated there, any tmoment we decide we can become great speakers, we can expose like thunder but normally people, we can be like iightening, we can be So this gives balance to both types of people. In the we are not. centre when the kundalini rises most of the people have their vishudhi caught up, so they have to see that they are not guilty, that they are completely in balance with themsel ves, that they are in the central path by which they become sweet, kind and nice. There are many people who are artificially sweet to exploit others. Such people will go to hell because they are using the power of Shri Krishna in a very absurd manner. It is important for us to understand that our Vishudhi is to be kept clear. First of all we must have a very beautiful and a clear heart where there is the fragrance of Shri Krishna's melodious music. Improve your vishudhi, work it out, look at the Virata and find out whats wrong wi th you and correct it for it cannot be done by any one else. Se that you have a full idea about yourself. That can only happen if you have a good vishudhi otherwise you can never see yourself because at the If you have achieved the vishudhi point only you become the wi tness. witness state then you can see in your vis hudhi whats wrong wi th you, what's wrong with your problem, with your atmos phere and everything. So today when we are worshipping Shri Krishna we should know that he ultimately becomes the brain. The fat of the stomach goes in the brain. ...12. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-11.txt -12- 50 Shri Narayana enters in the brain and becomes as Virata - Akbar. When he becaines Akbar then he is the brain in the matter. That is why people who worship Shri Krishna become brainy people without ego. Their brain developes and they have no ego about it. Egoless intelligence which ! call as pure intelligence starts manifesting. May God Bless you. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-12.txt FIRST KNOW THYSELF. Porchester Hall, London. 1.8.89. At the very outset we have to unders tand that truth is We cannot conceptualize it, or orgnize it, or use what it is. it for our own purpose. Moreover with the blinkers on both the sides like a horse, with all our conditionings, we cannot find We have tobe open minded the truth. We have tobe free people. to see for ourselves what is the truth. people, like scientists If somebody preaches, professes or says some thing, is not tobe accepted blindfolded. The essence of al1 the religions is to And to treat the transitory in its own under- find the eternal. standing and its limitations. That's why we have lost our balance. If we are really the people who want to know the truth, we have to know that at human awareness we cannot know it. becomes a concept. You have to have thespiritual awareness. This spiritual awareness is a state of your being, where you can become the spirit. Is not artificially certifying somebody that now you have bec ome a Hindu or a Christianor a Muslim or become anything. You can commit any sin, you can do anything that is wrong because you are a Hindu, or a Christian on a So all Muslim. Nothing foom inside is going to stop you. these things have become so much outward that now there are There wwS. peop-le who have started saying that there is no God. It is not true. is nothing 1ike religion. First of all you sa y there is no God, you should find out, have we been able to find out about it or in our ego we are saying there is no God. Have we been able to work it out to see You do not judge God from the people if there is God or not? Anybody cantalk about God because they think who talk about God. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-13.txt -14- there is now law that can catch them.. They can talk for Him, TOW against Him or they can do what they Iike. They can even make imoney by talking against God and against all the Prophets. So first of all we have to be a little independent tobe To know that if you have to know the Spirit - Know free. Thyself - and you have to know it on your centralnervous system. As I can feel this is cold or hot, you have to feel the Divine Power which is all prevading, which isthe Truth, which manifests the Truth because it is the love of God. You have to first feel it on your central nervous system, which is the bodha. One may say that in the West we have advanced so much, But if you see when or we have gone too far with everything. we started with sciençe what have we produced?Hy drogen Bombs, Atom Bombs and all kinds of devils sitting on our heads. There is no balance. Any enterprise we t ake, we go to extremes.. It moves in one line and Any mental projection is linear. Now you have got then recoils back and then you are chocked. You have produced machinery. Machinery is for you, acid rain. And thus there is no balance bet- you are not for machinery. No balance between you and science. ween you and the machinery. It's just like going amuck with anything that you get in your hand. And this balance you get when you become the Spirit. But unless there is You see beautifully made chandeliers here. In the same way, if you do not have light they have no meaning. the lightof the Spirit shining in your attention, you will not Unless this microphone is connected to the know your meaning. Unless we are connected to the mains, mains, it is useless. we do not know the Absolute and that'is why al1 these problems When I talk about the instrument which lies with us are there. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-14.txt -15- one has to know that this is the knowledge of the roots, for which you have to become a subtler personality. To the gross To become the subtler personality mind you cannot see it. you have to know the roots. S omething has gone wrong some- where in every human enterprise, even in religions. Tha 's why And what has today we find this kind of a farce going on. gone wrong is that we have to seek the Eternal. Maybe it Budha and Ma havira For example little different. might look a I also did not talk about the God did not talk of God at all. for four years. As soon as you talk about God people start jumping that when can we become God. So first you become the Self - the first step. They said first you become the Self. Unless and until you have your eyes, how can you see the calours? It is for your benevolence, that you better get what you deserve, what is your own, is your birth right as a human being, i.e. to become the Spirit. That is what Sahaja Yoga is. Sah Born with you is the right to get means with, ja means born. It is your birth right this yoga - the union with the Divine. And it You are the epitome of evolution. as a human being. has to work out, but please open your hearts and open you minds, But by thinking I know it will work. and then see for yourself. about it you cannot conceptualize. This is the biggest problem of our seeking that we run after some sort of a concept. Now you have seen the instru ment, which is the most beautiful instrument that is created within us during the The first one centre is the most process of our evolution. beautiful one, because it stands for our innocence. This inno- cence is the one which gives us real support, real strength. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-15.txt -16- It maybe overshadowed, there may be clouds, maybe you are hopeless case, some people might say, that we have destroyed Whatever you might have done this is one centre our innocence. You may have probiems with it, which cannot be destroyed. but it cannot be destroyed. It is such a wonderfui centre, which has got four petals, which looks after the pelvic plexus. In our freedom, we do all kinds of things which may not Doesn't matter. Kundalini cannot be benevolent for ourselves. The source which is going to give you the self be destroyed. realization, I say she is your individual Mother. And this Mother is a loving Mother and She knows each and every thing about you from your past lives. She is just waiting for a chance that She can be awakened and She cangive you your second She is a Divine Mother. She is not going to give you birth. trouble. But these problems that have come are coming from people who have no authority, who have noeducation, who do not know what Kundalini is. Kundalini will never give you any problems. On the contrary when she rises and when you get your awakening the first thing a thought that is established is thoughtless awareness. For rises and falls and the Kundalini makes the thoughts smaller and inbetween at the present. It makes you stop in the present If you want to think you can and you grow in the present. think, if you don' t want to think you don't. This works out when Kundalini crosses the Agya Chakra. So what happens in the second centre, when it enters is you just become dynamic, because second centre is for aesthe- tics and for creativity. My brother who is a chartered accountant 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-16.txt -17- Now he s making poetry was very bad at all the languages. in Sanskrit and Urdu and also in Marathi which is the most difficult language. When the Kundalini rise, it nourishes that centre, like a very beautiful mother She nourishes. After realization, Amjad Ali became a great artist. Because the and Kundalini goes up and the creativity becomes so tremendous active and so dynamic. At the same time that person becomes very mild, very sweet, very compassionate. So this violence, this anger this temper is not your It's the creation of your liver. Now when the temper creation. is there you don't know what to do. You are like a drunken personality who does whatever he likes. But all this temper everything becomes so cool and beautiful. that a very dynamic person becomes very compassionate. Now, also they say that certain natiionalities have got special Because of this centre which Everything dissolves traits. is so creative, and which also gives you the manifestation of pure knowledge, you start feeling on your central nervous . Like some- You start feelings on your finger tips system. I've body came and said to me my Agya is catching. It means Would anybody say li ke that? On the contrary got my ego on. Would they'll show you that if you tell somebody you' ve got an ego, It's very dangerous to say to some- they have their ego on. your ego is on. But because of self-knowledge you know body that Mr. Ego is sitting here and I cannot cross through, as there's a blockage here which I have to take out. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-17.txt -18- It's so innate within you and once the connection is made, immediately you know about yourself and this centre which is responsible for creating all kinds of funny thoughts and horrible creativity, beccomes so benevolent , so soothing, so beautiful. Apart from that these people who could not say one word in the So in Hindi language, they have started singing in Sanskrit. Sahaja Yoga an artist who is struggling today may become a great You'11 artist. But still I would say there are temptations. become a great artist, you'11 start earning more money, etc. You But that's not what you have tobe really satisfied with. will never be satisfied.. So now we move to the third centre which we call as the This centre is made on one side of water qnd the Nabhi Chakra. Around it are ten valencies, our innate re- other side of fire. ligion within ourselves. This Nabhi Chakra or solar plexus gives us religiousness as soon as Kundalini rises and the light spreads in this centrel Overnight people have given up drugs. Overnight And the best part is that they give up alchohalism, everything. Some people think then what is the they enjoy their virtues. fun, what is this that you take comething in the pub and the next Here you take something and next day day you have a hangover It never comes down. It never gives you are much better off. It's not intoxicating. Its not artificial. you a reaction. It's from you, it's bubbling out. Here we have a capacity that we enjoy our generosity. But the Now all matter whatever it is, we are materialistic. aesthetics of matter is that you can give it to others suggesting 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-18.txt -19- That's the only thing that ma tter can do. And your love in it. The feelings in a very special way you can express that love. that you have expressed of knowing what that person would Tove and this kind of a depth develops within you with such a Towable beautiful society, you enter into and you don't need anything because everybody is looking after your needs. You don' t The joy you are giving Comes from this centre. You just eat whatever is good have to bother as to what to eat. You become so wise and also you for you, benevolent for you. please others. You dont displease others by saying this is per Like a candle which is food, I want that. Iwant' goes away. not enlighened is asking for light. I want light. But once it In the is enlightened it gives light to others automatically. same way you also start giving your light, your love, your joy Nobody has to go through any ten command- to others automatica1ly. Those days are gone. Now automatically you ments anymore. become like that. Very beautiful people, very affectionate, and very glorious. See the glow on the face of Sahaja Yogis. The face itself is radiant. Many people drop out ten to twenty years in their age and they are so enthsiastic. They never get tired. Specially Young peopie too. in the west people get very easily tired. A11 energy is Why are you tired? Because we think too much. wasted in thinking so no energy is left to enjoy anything what- You think - you invite people for dinner. soever. For example what to drink, how to make the food warmer, what to do, etc. etc. So agitated and so nervous about the whole thing that wehn the guests come in, they feel like running away, because so much of Ultimately the tension of thinking and planning is generated. whole joy has disappeared. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-19.txt -20- So the second centre does a very miraculous thing, that it provides the grey cells in our brain, when we are using it for It also looks after your liver, pancreas, spleen, thinking. But instead of doing that, kidneys and part of your abdomen. it is busy sending grey cells to your brain because you are So you develop all other diseases thinking and thinking like mad. and then you get diabetes. Now diabetes you do not In India, in the villages you s ee get by taking too much sugar. that they takesugar in such a manner that the spoon stands up in The reason is that he does'nt But he never gets diabetes. the cup. He just works hard, eats his food and sleeps think of tomorrow. So this diabetes He doesn't take sleeping pills either. off. And canbeeasily cured if you take to comes by over thinking. Sahaja Yoga. Then the third disease which is even more dangerous is blood cancer. Blond cancer is cause only to people who think It can even be to the children if the mother is very too much. meticulous. Particular about her carpets, her house, everything, And all the time thin- doesn't enter that house. that even a rat the child and the child also can king and planning. This affects get blood cancer. Blood cancer one gets because your spleen is Its the one who gives you the rhythm of life. a speedometer. When we are hectic people all the time under shock, then this goes For exampie, in the morning we get up, see the out of order. Such a news paper and news of someone illed, or an accident. News papers never give good news. They never report how shock. many people yot realization or something is working out alright. 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-20.txt -21- something horrible that shocks your head, your limbic area, otherwise you wont take it seriously. So Your system is a very delicate system, it gets a shock. then you get into your car without taking your bre akfast, or On maybe in your hand is the breakfast, because you are late. the way there's a traffic jam. You're shouting and screaming. a boss Somehow or the other you reach the office and there's We are barking. This is how we live under complete tension. In the night if you sing loudly the supposed tobe free people. You can't neighbour will come and put you in the police station. You have tobe bound by the do anything. There's no freedom. So all watch. This is the exact time you have to reach there. these things work on us and we become hectic and for emergency But this spleen is the one which releases red blood corpsules. if you're all the time hectic then the poor spleen becomes mad. It does'nt know what to do, and starts producing more and more cells and then thinks that its a mad person I'am fixed with. So the Because I don't know when to act and when not to act. vulnerability is there and suddenly with some other shock he might get bloodcancer and the doctors will certify you are going to die after one month. But Sahaja Yoga has cured blood cancer Because as soon as the Kundalini is awakened, of many people. too much movement this side and that side which is going on all The Kundalini passes through and brings it the time, subsides. Even vulnerability to cancer and to all backand bourishes it. incurable diseases are because of these centres going out of place Now we have the heart centre. It controls left and right side both. As you know the sternum bone creates the antibodies 1989_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_11.pdf-page-21.txt -22- i ght the deseases. This is the centre of our mother. and they fight When your mother is challenged you develop breast cancer. supposing a man is a flirt and his wife is worried, she might And get breast cancer, be cause her motherhood is challenged. As a result of that very disturbed. her sense of securi ty gets she gets this problem. Also you think too much and are very right-sided and futuristic. Like people who plan t00 much. They plan ten years ahead. Even their deaths, what dress they are going to wear and where they are going tobe buried. Al1 this futuristic planning creates such tremendous heat in the body because the liver which is supposed to absorb all the heāt is neglected by this centre and as a result the heat travels up and you develop asthma. Asthma is very easily curable. The right heart is the centre of the husband or of the father. If you are a bad husband or if your wife is a shrew, or if you are a very bad father, or if your father is not kind to you, you may develop asthma. But Or if you have not forgiven your father you may get asthma. the relationships of our parents we have chosen when we came on I know they may be wrong, or obstinate, or head- this earth. But even if you leave them, strong. They may be drunkards. still forgive and forget. Otherwise you carry the problems with you. The Divine Cool Breeze Wishes you a VERY HAPPY DIWALI.