The Divine Cool Breeze 00 Volume 2 No. 9-10 SHRI RAJA JANAKA SHRI SHIRDI SAINATI DHARMA VISHWANIRMALA DHARMA VIS SHRI HATIAK SHR1 ABRAHAH MOHAMMED SHRI MOSES |HRI SOCRATER ズし SHRI ZARATIHUSTRA SHRI CONFUCIUS SHRI LADISE ..When you are worshipping your Guru, then this master within you is also noh worshipped. You respect it, you glorify it, you awaken it and you manifest it. -Shri Mataji, Shn Guru Puja, France 1990 A DHARMA NIRMALA VISHWA NIRMALA DHARMA VISHWA NIRMALA OHAF A DHARMA VISHWA NIRMALA DHARMA VISHWA GURU PUJA AVIGNON. (FRANCE) SHRI MATAJI'S TALK 8.7.1990 different significance Sahaja Yoga the Guru Puja has a verY In from any other Guru Puja. When you worship your Guru, you are also worshipping the Guru within you. This is not in any other Guru-Disciple system, because in you the Guru-the Master has been So when awakened. you are worshipping your then this Guru within you is also worshipped. Master You respect it, glorify it, awaken it and manifest it. The quality of a Guru first and foremost is that he makes you It means he raises the Kundalini and establishes the God. meet between the all prevading power. relation is the As your Guru Adi Shakti, we make that person also meet the Adi Shakti. Then have another advantage that when you give them realisation, you not only make them feel the union with the Divine Power but you can also make them meet the Divinity itself the source of you Divine Power. Your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis is very great, because in you is the Guru. there In our mantras we say 'Mother, I am own my this Guru'. But "I" and "my Guru", between have we achieved? Where am I? Have I got the light Can I guide myself? of the Spirit on my attention so well established and manifested that I can guide myself and guide others later on? In the Guru principle it is important that you to see yourself introspection. Have I become my own Guru? In So it has your case, your Guru is a mother, a woman. be to among women that the development of the Guru qualities have to be well manifested. But for the women such is not very the case. They are still the mother's or the wives, or Sahaja Yoginis. But you dont realise that you are also the Gurus, because your Mother is a Guru, because She is a woman and you have to be also of that quality that people should say 'Look at this woman, she is such a I hear from the leaders that the ladies are Guru'. still very much far away and very few can be called as real Sahaja Yoginis. If you still keep all these things of womanhood and these draw backs of woman-hood formed out of domination because they were always shown to be something low. In the Christian religion they regarded something holy. diffidence in them that they do not understand that Dharma can be were never have They this as established more from within than from without. Guru's work is to establish Dharma in the society, The in the family, in relationships. All these Gurus have done nothing but But before establishing Dharma we establish the Dharma. should watch ourselves. Have we got Dharma within ourselves not. First is that quality of a person who has all of Dharma he to others, he obeys. With Western women what has gone wrong is that they have forgotten how to listen to others; how to That is why their children also do not obey. obey. If you do not have obedience, nobody is going to obey you. First you must learn to obey. A person like Kabir was born of an unknown caste and he could not go directly to anybody. Ramdas used to go to the river Ganges every morning to have his bath. One day on his steps Kabir kept lying and in the darkness the Guru could not see touched him with his feet. He asked and who are you'? Kabir replied I am your đisciple' and caught hold of his feet. Then Ramdas's disciple and a great saint. he became People know him In humility than his Guru. The basic thing is humility. more only you can receive the blessings. You can receive the quality that is of your Guru. 2. life First of all Guru has to come up in my own image. your should be absolutely transparent. Transparency is the essence of Sahaja Yoga. Everybody should know what you are doing, where you are going; what is the way you live, what is the way you People who are Gurus, also called Leaders, one finds behave. they that their body. very fussy type of people. Always think about are As if they suffer They grumble that nobody looked after them. Or they will grumble that they đid not from persecution mania. For a Guru it is better eat food for one day. Doesn't matter. this to starve for about three to four days so that you get over hunger because it is in of hunger. The Guru has no idea your so much that you do not feel like stomach and the vibrations are If leaders have this nonsense in their head eating anything. like do you is it that what get to eat, how you eat, etc. tourists in Sahaja Yoga. This is not the manisfestation of Guru I do not know principle. have seen your Guru as She is. I do You what I eat, what they give me, what I want. They go on giving me Do not choices. There should be no they think I like. what attention on choices. should be All your choices waste your on vibrations and not on material things. You should based not kind Eating of tasty food is a have taste for any special food. is addiction. Zen started the system of tea ceremony, which of which In this ceremony they serve tea quite a test of people. It is a great ritual. They tell you watch is to very bitter. thoughtless the cup without thinking. They were trying to reach is Once you take that tea, your tongue awareness through a cup. To compensate it they give you something for anything. good This is just It is so sweet that it becomes bitter. to sweet. shocks This ceremony gives such the to tongue. your conquer That is why tongue that after that you can eat whatever you get. the Japanese can eat anything. The fussiest people about food are the Indians. That is because They know how to their handle have spoiled them. their women Even if they travel abroad, they husbands by cooking very well. Indian food. They cannot get over their tongues because it eat boiled is big conditioning. Gandhiji used to give horrible a with oil and mustard on top, which no one could food He eat. tried that people should get over their taste for food. Thus he would make of the their W.C.s etc to people clean get rid sensitivity People spend in to Smells. forty five minutes to decide what they are going just to eat. For restaurants Sahaji Yogis it is important to give up this idea. First of all nobody should ask what will you have. Do not ask me also what to think about it and will have, have be want to as We must understand how much we are attached to food. Nirvichara. It goes in our stomachs and thus spoils our Guru system and also spoils our physical system. We should try not to look at food. to develop why fasting was told to people who wanted That their Guru Principle. Fasting means that you go into Nirvichara do not think of fasting or food. But they are all the time and thinking of food, so it has no meaning and you are just the same whether you eat or not; your mind is eating the food. You are thinking when you will end the fast and you can eat busy again. We should get rid of our habits of our conditionings. should also be given a The children it. proper training about Sometimes there is no salt, sometimes there is no sugar, does not Nothing important for Sahaja Yogis who can live without matter. For a Sahaja Yogi there is nothing like food for days together. There is only one hunger. It is to be taste of food and hunger. to be clean. purified, This is one of the things that dirties our mind, that we think of food all the time. To get over taste is an experiment you have to do. Unless and until we introspect because though ourselves and do experiments we cannot overcome the Kundalini is trying Her level best but the conditionings are great that it cannot make you into the Guru. If you see the SO of children and all these Gurus; they were married, had life But in their own personal life they lived a normal life. were absolutely detached. The first detachment should come from food. icecream One who is fond of Whatever you like just do not eat. must have already spoiled his liver. If you like pasta then give Learn to give up things that you like so that your up pasta. this mind will get detached from it. It is very easy to achieve detachment if you work it out in a sensible way. If you are your then you better take hold of your body and conditionings. Guru Adjust yourself to any You must treat your body with respect. kind of food. If you cannot get rid of this little thing then you cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi. One of the manifestations of is just self is a satisfied soul. that Guru is He contained. part of the body is that you need comforts. The Western Second Sahaja Yogis may come from any position or status but all of them comfort of the Spirit when they travel on the India enjoy the In this way you They do not ask for a chair or a bed etc. tour. will realise that the body comfort is of no importance. The body will sleep anyway. The third point is the materialistic attitude and their fondness Sahaja Yogis have to have very the eyes i.e., a roving eye. In Sahaja Yogo may Then there is th lust and greed. clean eyes. be the lust part is over, but the greed is still there; and one have lust problems but they still Indians do not gets lost. have greed. For a Westerner he would not like to give up his For furniture which his great grandmother had; even if no one can sit on it, because it is so old. He keeps it to show off. According to Indian standards its junk. a very subtle material attitude towards matter, that it There's Such junk is like a grave in the house, re-sale value. has as Antique is an addiction of knows how many people used it. who the Western people. Indians cannot understand how people are mad writer There is a torn, broken, filthy and dirty things. after India who wrote about two Englishmen on the road of in Benares were hit by a brass pot which fell at The feet. their who So the Indian told them that English were very angry at this. this Lota (pot) is very valuable because it was used by Akbar the were very impressed and The Englishmen that we said Great. give us this antique Lota forgive you for one thousand the Indian to The whole thing was a joke played by rupees. punishment. The madness of antique shoula go escape One should encourage revival of the old our minds. rather arts It has ruined our creativity and running after antiques. than Because something is antique it the quality of our life. should intrinsic because of its be respected, but value or The most important thing is to see its vibrations. aesthetics. If the vibrations are good then you should accept because we have the language of vibrations and we have to use it. do Once you this then you will understand what is to be done. The worst thing for Sahaja Yogis is to think that he is sick, it tarnishs the name of Sahaja Yoga. If you still feel you are sick Either you get well you better get out of Sahaja Yoga or you are not a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a Sahaja Yogi then you have to If there are certain problems also, you get well. see that For example I as the Mother, the Adi Shakti have doesn't matter. certain problems, certain physical things I have to face. But You have You have to accept your body ais it is. go through it. think not to say that I am not wellI and go on complaining. Never Never feel that you are no good. Look old. at your you are I never feel that that way. So if you have a Guru, then Mother MLOOK at our Mother, image should be within you. is, how much She travels, how much She does'. old how that Alright, you She might say She is the Adi Shakti, but 1iEtle bit of Shakti you too If you That Shakti has to be shown through your dynamism. have. have no dynamism and still feel weak, that means that you are not Just ask for any amount andđ it can ocome to you. Sahaja Yogi. Hot with You are younger and younger but the stupidity of youth but the gravity of age. do born realised are very Children and who are won't great talk đignified. anything is that They will not never unnecessarily. By just wearing saris and bindis you do not become First of all where is the gravity? Sahaja Yogi. should You The born realised souls say very only speak when it is necessary. They are they speak., such beautifyl words few words, but The way their Guru principla is acting, extremely obedient. are we also acting the same way? Or are doing some thing that is not Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga if you do good for ascent. not the point to introspect then you of missed have try hard comparison with your Guru all the time. Everything has to be understood in the right perspective that we Sahaja Yogis. For a Sahaja Yogi the first and foremost are thing is that he has to have love for others,. If you are always about yourself then you dont love others. worried Do you seek for other comfort of others? Do you feel the compassiorn the Sahaja Yogis? Do you go out of your way to help them? Many Sahaja Yogis take side of non Sahaja Yogis and try to the Sahaja Yogis. You belong to this new The disgrace race. is who do not belong to this new race attack anybody. It ones to help a Sahaja Yogi as he is your hands and your duty your May be something is wrong with him doesn't matter. head. You should Sahaja Yogi out and out. support Later on you may correct him. This dignity and this understanding comes only through silence. a deeper you are talking all the time it can never make you If mauna.i.e. keep women its best that they take to For person. All the leaders have have told me that its a big problem quiet. But if you with women. They go on talking or spreading stories. ask them to come up to the stage and start speaking they will start shivering. How many can give speeches? Understand that if You should be you cannot give a speech then you better not talk. able to and She give a speech, because your Mother is a woman As your Guru I must tell you that you gives speeches. to have an the best thing for you is to stop murmuring. "Maunam ascend If someboy is talking too Just keep quiet. Sarvaath Sadhanam'. just keep quiet. If somebody criticizes, keep quiet. If much, somebody is trying to attack then just keep silent. This silence has to be established and it can be established by not talking too much. In a church people observe such discipline, which is an artificial place. They dont keep walking in and out. In the has to be now that kind of silence place where you are that kind of understanding, that awe has to be there. observed, because we have not yet developed that Guru principle it is But If you have developed it then immediately it will missing. work Your gravity will show in your behaviour. To discuss out. somebody, to discuss about others' character, will discuss you the character of one hand to another? In Sahaja Yoga marriage is not such an important thing. Some The marriage becomes people pay too much attention to marriage. a headache. The whole attention goes on how you are going to get married. You have come to Sahaja Yoga, you are sanyasins. You are married only to Sahaja Yoga. The so called husband and wife if there, they are not Sahaja Yogis then but are you are Before Sahaja Yoga marriage was a joke, every finished. third day there was a divorce. Then when they got married after Sahaja Yoga, they were the greatest romantic people ever known. of people Even in the Indian villages people complain what sort are these they That saintliness have no sense of modesty at all. that Sanyasi, that asceticism has to be expressed in our married I don't mean that you don't have relationship with your life. husband but If you in a very private way. will ruin the whole of Sahaja Yoga. start going into romanticism, In the you is an idea that you fall in love, there West, then you won't will only fall rise, you This attachment and about worry etc is nonsense. You have to have witness state and husband be watch the state of husband or the state wife. detached of to 81 honeymoons etc. organise after marriage, people want to Soon after conditionings and are coming from the old These ideas honeymoon they come and say 'Mother this marriage is not going to decide. out'. It is better to go slow and steady and then work and Husband learn the sense of shame from Indians,. nust You It is regarded bad wife together in public. never sit as What is the need to show your relationship in blic? manners., Men should be with men in the public and Its only in private. women should be with the women. have jealousies, power orientation and they discuss about Men They get a shock if you tell them that you are leadership. not They think that leadership is something going to be a leader. There's the greatest myth ever Its very concrete. nothing 1ike leaders in Sahaja Yoga. Its just a joke and your So be Mother is careful. very good at playing serious jokes. I test a testing point. level and just that Its on you immediately I know when the person gets on to the horse of ego. priorities So the mental attitude has to be different and our rnust change. The first priority is for our ascent. For your ascent if you have have punish your whole body, or yourself or if to you then get conditioning rid of it. Just introspect yourself. Self-realisation is to know yourself. When you know yourself and is clinging on to it, just remove it completely, work know what it out It is very important that the body, the way you like. everything should be your mind, and Nothing should slaves. dominate you. How dare your body ask for anything. dare How tell you anything. You have so many proofs Inind your mind show to that you are realised souls. my presence if you become the The only way light you must carry the light also. you can to realise that when is Mother about talks penetrate within anything, to see that Mother is talking about me, correcting me, and telling me, then only it will penetrate and work out. is the faith that this All Prevading Power is looking Second after us. The musicians were told to travel by train from Moscow As they had no visa for Hungary they were taken off to Milan. They were sitting at the Hungary border. the train the on did platform, knowing not what to do as they had no visas, not know the language, and not much money. They were stranded there. But they were all laughing and enjoying and no one felt that he Then the custom people started So surrendered. was in trouble. During the course of conversation they gave them. questioning of Can you believe the power custom offficers realisation. the take them officers gave their own carB to The custom Love? Then a vacant bus arrived with two Yugoslavs across the border. the driver asked their problem, and allso realisation. and got driver then drove them right to Milan Ashram. So you must The have complete faith in yourself and in that power which surrounds Once you have that faith you realise that though it is SO you. helpful and kind to you, on the same level if you disrespect it, If "Ninda'. So never listen to Guru it be very harmful. can on anyone talks ill about your Guru, just put your hands your talk ears and refuse to listen. People who are materialistic and easy about the money part, you should tell them that it was by curing for Mother earn money from cancer patients and to But she has never charged anything. If She lives it is not She who lives but Sahaja Yogis. in people. Sahaja large house, still lack that complete faith in themselves and complete Yogis If anyone says anything wrong assertion, where you must assert. against your Guru, you have to assert. to spirituality. Some We must see how much we are sensitive Sahaja Yogis will support a person who is so negative. Whats the A person who is good in when your computer is so faulty. use Sahaja Yoga, who has vibrations, he may be simple and unassuming, he may not be rich or educated but you must see the vibrations of because Then you can judge. Do you judge a person that person. he talks well or is scholarly? You must see his vibrations. The 10 who sees the vibrations of a person and then judges is ore I have seen that sometimes the leaders also support Sahaja Yogi. who is completely negative. They will tell me how good someone that person is, because he donated so much money. So what? Gurus themselves are caught up. Mostly They have ambitions and A Guru has their They are very hot-tempered. to ego comes up. first of all himself a very mild, gentle and a good person. be should not demand and should not ask for anything. He Respect has to be commanded and not to be demanded, in Once you rise ascent, your wisdom, in your awareness and in your Spirit, your You dont have to ask or everything works out well. then plead for anything. You dont have complain about anything. Everything works out and you are looked after by all the Ganas and Angels. If you are half baked then they play tricks with They will make you falter. You go here and They there. you. 1so jokers and they play jokes with you. They make problems are the for We realise that have to we are here for you. emancipation realise of the world. hope you your adou I responsibility. One must understand how one has to be as a Guru, how one has to act and how it has to work out. You must have maturity to be a Guru. With me be very careful I. am too simple and I am Mahamaya. You cannot take liberties with If you try to take too much liberties then it means that you me. not a disciple. A disciple has to keep a distance from the are You cannot just walk into my room everytime, sit there for Guru. You have no right. Only hours together and chit chat with me. You should when I call you or ask for you, you should come. not force things on the Guru- 'please come and listen to this or do this' that should not be there. Everything should be transparent. each should know Everyone Gurus should not have jealousies The each other. other. for Enjoy each other's company fully and appreciate each other 11 than more else, then they should know anyone they have that become Gurus. All the Gurus never fought with each other. They supported one another. Actually it was one Principle born again again. Only Satanic people talk against a realised soul or an incarnation. We all are sitting in an aeroplane and we all have to land in a beautiful area but first of all we have to develop that complete Unless and until you have that surrender humility and surrender. and humility in your heart, Guru Principle cannot the be awakened. First you have to be the disciple and then the Guru. That humility comes very easily if you love me and respect me. May God Bless You. 30 3. 12 3: The Divine Cool Breeze NORTH AMERICAN NATIONAL PUJA SYNOPSIS San Diego, May 28 1990 America is a very important country in the field of spirituality because it is the Vishuddhi in the plan of Virata. The Vishuddhl has a very important subsidiary chakra, which is the Hamsa Chakra. In Germany there was a Hamsa Chakra puja, and It has acted: the discretion of the Germans improved and they realized past mistakes. They were the first ones to go to Russia to give self-realisation and they welcomed the East Germans with the breaking of the Berlin Wall. Due to hardships, fear and sacrifice, the people of the Eastern Bloc have bacome wise and have developed their discretion. Americans, however, have no 'Divine Discretion.' Their blessings have spoiled them and they cannot see what is dharma and what is adharma. "In that terror, in that fear, it is surprising how this wisdom has grown in all the people, much more than in countries where we have the greatest affluence, greatest comfort of life." Shri Krishna supported the Pandavas because they were dharmic, yet America always supports the wrong thing, such as dictatorships in other countries. False gurus settled here because they knew that the people had so little divine discretion. The democracy of Abraham Lincoln, democracy which should be "for the people gone. The government looks after Its own interests, and so does the populace. Those who were crooks, who cheated others were able to succeed, to become elected, and this trend spread throughout the worid; the leaders of every country became money- oriented. Democracy can only work out with realization: "If you do not become the collective being, you cannot enjoy the beautiful virtue of generosity. is In order for Sahaja Yoga to spread in America, it is very important for Sahaja Yogis here to become very deep so that they can trigger it off. If they fail in this, they will be held accountable. country's freedom. The Sahaja Yogis have to realize they are the foundation, so they have to be very deep, sensible and open-hearted. They are still sticking on to the past. and to aggressive conditionings. "Loving someone, being kind, should be so natural because that is what your Spirit is. It loves. It enjoys the love, giving love. One Sahaja Yogi in Hungary was sufficient to bring about that To let our Spirit manifest we have to understand its nature and rid ourselves of everything contrary to its nature through honest introspection. When the depth grows, then it is tremendous because the Divine power flows; the Divine power needs a medium which is absolutely clean, egoless and conditionless to flow. Many of the problems of America do not exist anywhere else in the world. The only solution is to go on a warpath, making Sahaja Yoga our only concern. The quality of Sahaja Yogis needs to be improved, and for that the first requirement is "COLLECTIVITY. America stands for the Vishuddhi chakra which manifests collectivity. In order to have the purity of Divine Discretion, which is the second most important quality to be manifested in America, and which sees everything clearly, we need to be collective and to meditate honestly. Meditation is not to sit before the photograph, but 13 The Divine Cool Breeze It should activate the Param Chaitanya, making should be such that it works. everything work miraculously. If this is not happening then something is wrong. Americans are used to a very smooth, comfort-loving life, where everything is tailormade. This type of a life is boring. A challenging situation changes monotony into an event. For example it is more interesting to have so many people sharing a small room that it becomes an adventure to cross the room or get a bath. People who are very comfort-loving have no vision. This temperament is dangerous: in their boredom, Americans do destructive things. The basic reason why there are quarrels and divorces between husband and wife is because they are constantly comparing: " did this much work and he did this much. However, if they work with the goal of pleasing one other, the sheer joy of making someone happy will neutralize all the discomfort and fatigue. accomplish anything is not to think about it, but leave it at the Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji, because when we surrender, the Divine power starts flowing through our being. This was the message of Mohammed and also of Shri Krishna who said clearly, "Forget every dharma, just surrender yourself to Me.' And once that surrendering by Sahaja Yogis in America is developed, the Divine will take care of everything, but for that we have to leave it to Her. The best way to But still we are ambitious and have wrong priorities. There is no need to have ambition. Ambition is an imaginary thing. But Sahaja Yoga is reality. Things work out the way the Divine will have it. To have everything smooth, the way we want it to be, is not the way of Sahaja Yoga. Whatever we get, we should see the Hand of the Divine in it. Only a few Sahaja Yogis of a very deep quality are needed in order to trigger Sahaja Yoga in America. The negativity, the false gurus would not be able to take root if the American people were not so easily befooled. "If we understand one thing that we are living on the soil, or on the soil of the country which is blessed by Shri Krishna who is called as Yogeshwara, so the first part was the one when He destroyed all these things, He was Yogeshwara, He was the Divine energy for yoga, for union with the Divine Power. He was the Ishwara, He is the Deity. If He was the Deity and He was ruling this area, then what should you be? In yoga we should be masters. Not mentally but at that state of the higher state. If that could be achieved then you people should become the highest of highest yogis. Because you have that power existing in this place. It is there. So many have told me that Mother, now don't You worry about America, forget it. It's not going to work out." But I know such a lot of power exists in this country of the Yogeshwara. And if you can use that power of Yogeshwara, you can do so much good to the whole humanity at this juncture where the history is taking another form. *.Everybody is talking about spirituality and you are the ones who have it with you. You're the ones who have powers with you, you're the ones who can spread it, and once you start spreading it you'll be surprised how you will achieve tremendous heights in every sphere...You have to use the power of Yogeshwara who is the presiding Deity of this country. I bless you all that you have that wisdom, that depth, that you touch that depth somehow. Try to work it out, stop all nonsensical fights and things, become collective, try to understand each other, try to open your hearts. You have such depth3; you are born in this country because the Yogeshwara wanted you to be here, and He has blessed you with all the bounties of His love." "The embodiment of madhurya, sweetness, that madhurya you have to imbibe and that madhurya you have to spread. The relationship of enjoying each other, the relation of knowing each other has to be full of sweetness just like honey...l am sure it will work out. It should work out for all, so those who run away from collectivity should be very careful." 14 SHRI MATAJI VISITS THE SOVIET UNION 25th June to 2nd July 1990 Shri Mataji's public programmes were held in huge sport stadiums in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. The public response was beyond imagination. In MoscoW. and Leningrad over Ten Thousand seekers to each programme.- After Shri Mataji gave realisation we came in ecstasy as nearly all the seekers raised were their hands affirming their We would have loved for al1 realisation. our brothers and sisters to have witnessed the magical spectacle of their shining eyes, radiant faces and the volley of vibrations dancing to a crescendo, They would listen to Shri Mataji with rapt attention and bring beautiful flowers. When it was time for handing out photographs there would always be such stampede the police had to regulate the crowd. that Over Twenty five thousand photographs were distributed in the Soviet Union and even they were not enough ! MOSCOW PUBLIC PROGRAMME SHRI MATAJI'S TALK- 25.6.1990 We must first know what is absolute truth. have human We we also have freedom to form our own mental awareness, ideas. truth cannot be known through human awareness. But has One to become a separate personality. All the knowledge which is outside is known has created a civlization which is which like a big But you have to find out about the roots which are going tree. to nourish this civilisation. If you do not knOW the absolute truth, Any type of mental projection or you cannot be saved. ideology ultimately will recoil back, because it to be substantiated by reality. What is the reality? It is that you 15 are not only this body mind, ego, intellect or this conditioning, but you are the pure Spirit. Another thing is that we take all human work for granted. For we take all these flowers for granted without finding example differentE from a seed they became flowers and also out how which times. physical body There So many things in our are human body always be explained; one of them is that a cannot throws out whatever is foreign. When a child is conceived, it is retained, nourished, looked after and thrown out at the proper They do not time. mango tree grows upto a certain level. is What limits. Every animal has its limits too. the cross that energy that does all this work ? - the energy that nourishes This energy us, looks after us, gives us this balance ? resides in the Mother Earth, resides in the sun, resides everywhere. It definitely exists but we have never felt it before. Keep your minds open and accept it if it is proved. Every human extremely potential and is capable of creating very being is If the instrument is not connected then it is dynamic lives. In the same way unless we are connected to the useless. energy Divine Love, we are not yet fEulfilled, is our manifestation of not complete. We get limited. beauty, dynamism and compassion is All our easily frustrated, đisappointed and feel that this life is really Human life once enlightened is the highest life in the a misery. whole universe. You must get your realisation, feel this Divine Power, then you know yourself what this mechanism is and what is As the Kundalini rises she passes through technique. the seven cater to mental and emotional side. Then which the centres Spirit which is in your attention awakes this attention. is It so powerful that when you put your attention to anything it acts for the benevolence of your being, your fellow being and for the that it understands such in whole world. It actS way 16 everything, knows everything and knows the method how to work it out. The Spirit is a collective being within us, like the sun on every thing. But if the reflection is like a reflects stone it doesn't any reflection. Once you show realize and start the Spirit reflecting the Spirit, the qualities of start manifesting themselves through you The first quality of the Spirit is that you become collectively conscious. Your awareness widens. That is, it receives another dimension by which you can feel on your finger tips your centres and the centres of others. If only you know how to correct these centres you can help yourself or others. Spirit is the source of Even if you talk of peace, people have peace foundations peace. but is there's no peace within themselves. who A person enlightened by the Spirit emits peace. Spirit is the source of Power You become so powerful that no habit can overpower you. I have seen people giving up drugs and alcoholism overnight. The Spirit is the source of Wisdom. Even small children who are troublesome, studies; no good in their they become once enlightened they become extremely wise children. The sense of the Spirit comes to them and they learn to respect themselves. The Spirit is the source of knowledge. Whatever knowledge we have about anything is very superficial. Self realisation is the real knowledge. absolute and Unless and until your eyes are opened and you see the knowledge, you believe in anything. Its blind faith. Blind faith leads you to destruction. It becomes like an addiction and a person goes on destroying himself till the whole community is destroyed. Unlss you have the of sense reality within you, you are following blindly. You all could be very knowledgeable. every thing about You learn and understand the problems of You can know each and yourself and others. 17 You can judge yourself very society and how to solve them. well because you can feel yourself, you can feel centres. your When you say this is 'mine', my', what is this 'I'? It is the If the Divine Power awakens in you, you become what Spirit. you We have to just say that we want to be the Spirit because are. Kundalini is the Power of Pure Desire. All this desires other impure. Today you want a car, then you want a house and go are and on. You are never satisfied. be The pure Desire is to on one with that Divine Power. It is possible when you become the Spirit. Sahaja Yoga is going to work out and is the only thing that is going to transform the whole world. When you ascend you have be careful because the more you ascend to the the worse fall. MEDICAL CONFERENCE 29.6.1990 MOSCOW- SHRI MATAJI'S TALK In the medical studies whatever we have discovered is SO far available there already. Whatever we can discover with human awareness has its own limitations. Supposing it is said that the human body does not accept any foreign thing into its body, but the foetus is implanted, it is not thrown out when but looked and thrown out at the right time. after Also the adreline and acetocholine in our body, its mode of action cannot be explained because sometimes they they augment and sometimes they relax. We cannot explain so many things through medical achievements. has to be known and much to be found out. Much 18 I would like you all to know something of the beyond which is not known so for So have an open mind of a scientist to see yourself if its true or not. Till then it is like a hypothesis. Sahaja Yoga gives you the complete picture of the totality of consciousness. As you grow higher and higher in Sahaja Yoga you First we yourself understand and can work out this great system. to accept that we are not only this human body, nor are have we emotions, neither are we ego and conditionings, but we Pure Spirit. are the There is an all prevading power of Love which does all this living work of creating flowers, fruits, and making us human beings. In science they do not talk of love but even the Eor doctors the patients otherwise they have love cannot dedicate. First the doctor has to become the Spirit. He has to feel the his head which are the fruit of this all vibrations on Cool This is the instrument which you prevading power of love. have for cleansing first of all for cleansing yourself and to use the medical science we In that the others. say can parasympathetic system is looked after by the central channel and right is looked after left and channels. by two more the to Sahaja Yoga, left and right sympathetic two are one is the one which comforts separate energies. The left us, the right one is the one which counsels us and the centre one is All this happens one which redeems us. after realisation, the because you have to have the correction. in In human beings the centres are in the spinal cord and also They are formed from the left and the right and the brain. both put together is the central system. The triangular bone in which the Kundalini resides is called as Sacrum means sacred sacrum. and the Greeks knew about it and put that word in the medical to Sahaja Yoga we are basically or to According terminology. three of people. Firstly we either go to the left the Left side is our desires and also whatever doesn't work right. 19 goes into our collective subconscious. out We can say it looks after our psyche. It starts from down below at first centre and goes upward and crosses over at the optic chaisma and creates the super-ego in psychological terms is the conditioning. The lower centre also nourishes the pelvic plexus. This is responsible for excretion and sex. So one has to have sane ideas about our sex because this channel originates from the last centre. When Freud talked of psyche he preverted the whole thing Instead of telling people how to safeguard this centre which is the centre innocence by looking after the sex habits, he just of told the other way round. He related everything to sex as if human beings just sex points. He formed a self opiniated idealogy, that are feelings for his has Teveryman On this mother. sex mental projection he based all his theories and people thought it was so called 'freedom' to have sex the way they like. They didn't even challenge him. He became more than Christ to them in the West. result we As now the disease like AIDS, gnnorhrea, syphilis, etc. All related to sex organs. It was always called private parts but it was never understood what it means. Left side is the physhic problem and the right side is the psychosomatic problems. Psychosomatic problems are when you work too hard and think too much. In the second centre all the energy goes to the brain which thinks too much and is futuristic. Right sided problems caused by over active liver are one gets or diabetes because pancreas is not looked after. You get leukamia because spleen is not lookeđ after. You get high blood pressure because kidneys are in trouble. As the heat of the liver ascends get asthma. brain is like a The you it and spongy matter So the heat goes to kidneys. They cannot pass urine coagulates and the urine circulates in the body and blood. Also it causes constipation. Heat is the symptom of disease and coolness is the 20 good health. The experiment with helium that when given heat, all the molecules were fighting with each system of s showed gas other. when they removed the heat they found And all the molecules were united. The third type of diseases are psychosomatic. Those who are have more problem with the psyche than with the physical. Cancer is psychosomatic. All viruses are dead plants animals, may be microscopic which have gone out or of circulation of They reside in the area called collective sub-conscious. have reached certain Doctors understanding that they say are protein 53 and protein 58 which trigger the cancer. Also they say that this cancer is caused to a person when he goes into a shock and the attack comes from the left in the area which was built within us since the creation. This is the collective sub-conscious where same area as the everything that is dead is there. So there are humans who are dead hanging around there. In physical science you may have never heard of something. There is a soul which is playing on the causal of all elements. It is attached in loops on the back side of our body. In all the seven It makes seven plus the sacrum bone it resides. loops. centres realisation you can see many loops like going round After and Sometimes many int o it round like chakras and one into another. together and sometimes only one. Also you can see little sparks like commas, which is chaitainya of the vibrations. These are Now this soul is reflected on ourselves in dead souls. the the Recently in America they have taken photographs receptor area. of the receptor of It looks exactly like what a cell. you see after realisation. But when another soul sits on the being then is It affects reflected on the cells. it the also. receptor This new soul might get attached to anyone of the centres or to all of them. It affects the cells also and they give all this depomine series which causes epilepsy, mental problems, cancer 21 Only one may go in and If its a etc. If they are viruses its not so bad. but it can travel from one to another. affect human possession then its very difficult. Heart diseases, epilepsy come from the left side. Hypertension, sick headache could be from both sides. Migraine All bone or diseases Leukemia,r Fibrosis is Tumors, are psychosomatic. is not disease. psychosomatic. normal Menopause Its a a condition. Inflamation of could also the be pancreas Sciatica could be somatic or psychsomatic. All psychosomatic. mental diseases are left sided. Schizophernia is left sided. Alchoholism in sided the right side and left starts creates Arthiritis is psychosomatic. Drug addiction, smoking problems. homo-sexuality and preverted sex, too much indulgence in sex is all left sided or psychosomatic. guilty. Smoking creates left-sided problems because one feels sex habits and flirting of the eyes, AIDS, too much Perverted rigidity is due to left side. It is some sort of sex, centre problem. Multiple sclerosis is Neurosis possession. Parkinson's đisease is from both sides. could be side. Rhematicism comes from the Nabhi. Muscular distrophy comes from the left side. Yuppie's disease is where you are extremely hard working, and use your conscious mind too much. very futuristic absolutely Studying Then the conscious mind becomes too much. suddenly you walking alright paralyzed. and You are are conscious that you are walking then you will suddenly fall down. I had told eight years back in America that it will come. I told them about AIDS about fourteen years back. But nobody listened, now its very serious. is mostly right-sided. Diabetes When you use too much of right then the exhaustion takes place here. So you are vulnerable and suddenly happens from the left side as the connection from the left side as the connection with the whole is lost. These proteins like 53, 58 are very ego-oriented 22 malignant. and arbitrary. Whatever cell they touch that becomes So women suffer from Thus malignancy sets in. breast cancer. When the mother- The centre of the heart is the Mother's centre. hood of a woman is challenged, say a husband is a flirt and keeps this insecure insecure, or if she's then centre gets affected. This centre produces anti-bodies to fight the diseases in the sternum bone till the age of twelve years. Then they are distributed all over. bone Whenever there is fear the sternum shakes and it is like a remote control that sends messages to all the anti-bodies to fight. If you establish the security of a lady through Kundalini awakening then her cancer be such can cured. have When they are in very advance stages they do not will power left, then its better to remove the breast that and then establish your security. lethargic organs. There diseases which are caused by the are When heart is lethargic one gets angina. When the left vishuddhi catches you feel very guilty and then there's a block and the blood cannot flow to the head, then it has to go to the heart and such a heart becomes tired and lethargic. In Sahaja Yoga we have two of organs : One is lethargic and the is ove other active. The doctors should first of all establish themselves properly and protect themselves, then they can also learn to cure others. Use the photographs which have the vibrations in them. Psychosomatic must be dealt only first on the left side. Some children suffer from hyper-activity. Diabetes also comes from the same reason. At the time when the mother is pregnant she should not work very She should take rest more. hard. She should not think too much but read something soothing, something nice. Best is to meditate. the mother is At that time if over-active and thinking of futuristic things, children are born with diseases. Or if she's child may hectic the is for get leukemia. The spleen all But if you emergencies because it produces red blood corpuscles. 23 are hectic, panicked all the time, rushing about then the poor It becomes errati c and understand. It spleen cannot crazy. could happen to children or adults. When something triggers from the left side and there's sudden shock, may be sadness, accident anything, it triggers leukemia. The worst thing which is very difficult for anyone to understand there are negative forces working. They work through is that is They work through some false Guru, or parapsychology negativity. All these things are done by putting some sort or mesmerism etc. of a dead soul on your soul. One has to be very clear. For this It is a living process. cannot charge money. example For you You don't pay money to Mother Earth. Sow a seed. does She you It is built in the seed as well as Mother Earth. it. also We the living processes take all for There's granted. no But all these horrible people are obligation. oriented. money no purity of heart or purity of f eyes. They have They are interested in women, men or all kinds of dirty things. They are They cannot relate it to to explain how they do it. not able medical science or any science. In Sahaja Yoga Hatha Yoga exercises eboga there whenever we do some we is a chakra When damaged because of necessary. some Hatha Yoga try to give that particular physical problem, we But the way people do Hatha Yoga is to take al1 exercise. the medicines at once. -- Ha and Tha both the nadis have to In Hatha But now-a-days its only Ha used. This be used. can cause a imbalance within People who do this become great you. can extremely dry, hot tempered and may divorce his wife or leave his children. in the centre and be We should Kundalini should be fixed permanently with that All Prevading Power and flow all the time within you. But apart from physical, mental and emotional life, 24 you have the Spiritual life, which is much more miraculous, which is very blissful and when you understand how this power of Love looks after everything, you are amazed. WE NEED SAHAJA YOGA. SAHAJA YOGA DOES NOT NEED US. SHRI MATAJI 25 The Divine Cool Breeze Shri Mataji's Advice on Childcare In Miami, Mother spoke about child care in the United States and India. When asked about the problems non-Sahaja Yogis are having with their children in schools and day care, Shri Mataji answered immediately that all chldren should go to India, both Sahaja Yogi children and non-Sahaja yogi chilidren. She then spoke about the Indian Sahaja Yoga school. A sense of security and self-esteem would be established in the children there. Activities would be both formal and informal. Different teachers would lead the different activities. Security is established through the personal qualities of the care providers. It is not necessary to have one consistent care provider. Shri Mataji shared that in India, child raising is just known, established in the culture. Many things known as common sense in India are unknown here in the West. Examples are eating large, cold coca-colas with oily french fries (very indigestible); swimming in very cold water (a shock to the system); drinking cold drinks when coming in from extreme heat. These are Just little examples of things people do in the West which can make them sick. Mothers in India talk to their children constantly, explaining why and how things are done. Shri Mataji stressed this several times emphasizing the importance of talking to children. important to talk to them at their age level explaining things they can understand. In the United States, we give children toys and want them to be quiet. When asked how to handle children who say no, for example, "No, I don't want to eat my lunch, "Shri Mataji suggested not to make them eat lunch -- just wait until the next meal. They will learn that they will get hungry unless they eat their lunch. She said children can be quite sensible and should be listened to. It is Shri Mataji said parents in the United States say no all the time to the children instead of explaining things. This causes problems with the chlldren's development of self- esteem. Children should be ignored when they are doing something wrong. If they break something, ignore it. When the children do things right they should receive a lot of attention. Talking and explaining things to children gives them the direction. When asked about the frequency of illnesses in young children in day care, Shri Mataji said, "Yes, people in the United States are quite sickly." She said this is a problem with the mother's center heart. Establishing a strong center heart is important for mothers. She said I am sitting right there in your heart. Shri Mataji spoke at length about the great sense of God in India. She told several stories showing how people in India recognize the power of God, acknowledge and fear it. In the United States, the blind faith in Christianity is terrible. Church Teaders are stealing money from people in the name of God. How people in the West do not see the falsehood of Christiarilty is shocking to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji spoke at length about the relationship of the mother and the father, in marriage and as parents. The role of the father and the mother is quite distinct and defined in India. husband will not make decisions without her. He depends totally on her. Indian husbands do not know how to do anything around the house and they do not know how to fix anything. An Indian Sahaja Yogi explained that when he got married Shri Mataji said her She said The husband depends totally on the wife. 26 The Divine Cool Breeze in India, he was given advice politics and economics. Your wite will make decisions about the unimportant things of running the household and raising the children. We all laughed. motherhood is recognized. you make decisions about the inmportant things in The power of Shri Mataji said that the mother and father should never fight in front of the children. A child cannot develop respect for the mother or father if there is fighting. Children develop respect when they see the parents respect each other. Shri Mataji stated we need a school for parents in the United States. She will be speaking extensively on child care in Russia this tour. Shri Mataji suggested some ways to bring knowledge of raising children to the United States. These are being pursued. 3- Shri Mataji's advice for conducting Sahaja Yoga programmes. A Sahaja Yogi represents the Collective Sahaja Yoga when speaks from novice impression also bears the conviction of his faith. he The the but a public platform to introduce Sahaja Yoga. tends to form their initial opinion the speaker leaves. They not only listen to him his manners, dress, poise and whether audience his observe speech Rhetoric the spirit of the audience. feel upliftment of the spirit. without the hands flying in all directions. to or pompous speeches void of vibrations fail arouse and the but One should speak from the heart for There should be genuine The face may express that concern what one says. concern Too often Remember to speak to refrain from making long speeches. gets lost in his own oratory. a mental approach only arouses the ego. exude joy, bear a happy countenance without being He should conduct himself with dignity, grace, the Onie should speaker point, as should serious. be formally dressed with well groomed hair. the speaker overly poise, The should avoid preaching long Centre leaders Yogis at collective meetings. play Shri Mataji's medium sermons to Sahaja They should minimize lecturing and Centre leaders tapes instead. Shri Mataji and a Sahaja Yogi. Mataji's audio not We should not tapes have her are a between video and and spontaneously clear out all negativity allowing experience the joy of his several centres have not so far acquired tapes forget that vibrations Sahaja Surprisingly not Shri own Spirit. and and Video Yogi each to showing the videos of Shri Mataji. Audio are information was sent in the last issue. Shri Mataji has strictly prohibited any individual or make copies of any video, audio or publish any literature booklet. centre to or 27 ---------------------- 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-0.txt The Divine Cool Breeze 00 Volume 2 No. 9-10 SHRI RAJA JANAKA SHRI SHIRDI SAINATI DHARMA VISHWANIRMALA DHARMA VIS SHRI HATIAK SHR1 ABRAHAH MOHAMMED SHRI MOSES |HRI SOCRATER ズし SHRI ZARATIHUSTRA SHRI CONFUCIUS SHRI LADISE ..When you are worshipping your Guru, then this master within you is also noh worshipped. You respect it, you glorify it, you awaken it and you manifest it. -Shri Mataji, Shn Guru Puja, France 1990 A DHARMA NIRMALA VISHWA NIRMALA DHARMA VISHWA NIRMALA OHAF A DHARMA VISHWA NIRMALA DHARMA VISHWA 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-1.txt GURU PUJA AVIGNON. (FRANCE) SHRI MATAJI'S TALK 8.7.1990 different significance Sahaja Yoga the Guru Puja has a verY In from any other Guru Puja. When you worship your Guru, you are also worshipping the Guru within you. This is not in any other Guru-Disciple system, because in you the Guru-the Master has been So when awakened. you are worshipping your then this Guru within you is also worshipped. Master You respect it, glorify it, awaken it and manifest it. The quality of a Guru first and foremost is that he makes you It means he raises the Kundalini and establishes the God. meet between the all prevading power. relation is the As your Guru Adi Shakti, we make that person also meet the Adi Shakti. Then have another advantage that when you give them realisation, you not only make them feel the union with the Divine Power but you can also make them meet the Divinity itself the source of you Divine Power. Your responsibility as Sahaja Yogis is very great, because in you is the Guru. there In our mantras we say 'Mother, I am own my this Guru'. But "I" and "my Guru", between have we achieved? Where am I? Have I got the light Can I guide myself? of the Spirit on my attention so well established and manifested that I can guide myself and guide others later on? In the Guru principle it is important that you to see yourself introspection. Have I become my own Guru? 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-2.txt In So it has your case, your Guru is a mother, a woman. be to among women that the development of the Guru qualities have to be well manifested. But for the women such is not very the case. They are still the mother's or the wives, or Sahaja Yoginis. But you dont realise that you are also the Gurus, because your Mother is a Guru, because She is a woman and you have to be also of that quality that people should say 'Look at this woman, she is such a I hear from the leaders that the ladies are Guru'. still very much far away and very few can be called as real Sahaja Yoginis. If you still keep all these things of womanhood and these draw backs of woman-hood formed out of domination because they were always shown to be something low. In the Christian religion they regarded something holy. diffidence in them that they do not understand that Dharma can be were never have They this as established more from within than from without. Guru's work is to establish Dharma in the society, The in the family, in relationships. All these Gurus have done nothing but But before establishing Dharma we establish the Dharma. should watch ourselves. Have we got Dharma within ourselves not. First is that quality of a person who has all of Dharma he to others, he obeys. With Western women what has gone wrong is that they have forgotten how to listen to others; how to That is why their children also do not obey. obey. If you do not have obedience, nobody is going to obey you. First you must learn to obey. A person like Kabir was born of an unknown caste and he could not go directly to anybody. Ramdas used to go to the river Ganges every morning to have his bath. One day on his steps Kabir kept lying and in the darkness the Guru could not see touched him with his feet. He asked and who are you'? Kabir replied I am your đisciple' and caught hold of his feet. Then Ramdas's disciple and a great saint. he became People know him In humility than his Guru. The basic thing is humility. more only you can receive the blessings. You can receive the quality that is of your Guru. 2. 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-3.txt life First of all Guru has to come up in my own image. your should be absolutely transparent. Transparency is the essence of Sahaja Yoga. Everybody should know what you are doing, where you are going; what is the way you live, what is the way you People who are Gurus, also called Leaders, one finds behave. they that their body. very fussy type of people. Always think about are As if they suffer They grumble that nobody looked after them. Or they will grumble that they đid not from persecution mania. For a Guru it is better eat food for one day. Doesn't matter. this to starve for about three to four days so that you get over hunger because it is in of hunger. The Guru has no idea your so much that you do not feel like stomach and the vibrations are If leaders have this nonsense in their head eating anything. like do you is it that what get to eat, how you eat, etc. tourists in Sahaja Yoga. This is not the manisfestation of Guru I do not know principle. have seen your Guru as She is. I do You what I eat, what they give me, what I want. They go on giving me Do not choices. There should be no they think I like. what attention on choices. should be All your choices waste your on vibrations and not on material things. You should based not kind Eating of tasty food is a have taste for any special food. is addiction. Zen started the system of tea ceremony, which of which In this ceremony they serve tea quite a test of people. It is a great ritual. They tell you watch is to very bitter. thoughtless the cup without thinking. They were trying to reach is Once you take that tea, your tongue awareness through a cup. To compensate it they give you something for anything. good This is just It is so sweet that it becomes bitter. to sweet. shocks This ceremony gives such the to tongue. your conquer That is why tongue that after that you can eat whatever you get. the Japanese can eat anything. The fussiest people about food are the Indians. That is because They know how to their handle have spoiled them. their women Even if they travel abroad, they husbands by cooking very well. 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-4.txt Indian food. They cannot get over their tongues because it eat boiled is big conditioning. Gandhiji used to give horrible a with oil and mustard on top, which no one could food He eat. tried that people should get over their taste for food. Thus he would make of the their W.C.s etc to people clean get rid sensitivity People spend in to Smells. forty five minutes to decide what they are going just to eat. For restaurants Sahaji Yogis it is important to give up this idea. First of all nobody should ask what will you have. Do not ask me also what to think about it and will have, have be want to as We must understand how much we are attached to food. Nirvichara. It goes in our stomachs and thus spoils our Guru system and also spoils our physical system. We should try not to look at food. to develop why fasting was told to people who wanted That their Guru Principle. Fasting means that you go into Nirvichara do not think of fasting or food. But they are all the time and thinking of food, so it has no meaning and you are just the same whether you eat or not; your mind is eating the food. You are thinking when you will end the fast and you can eat busy again. We should get rid of our habits of our conditionings. should also be given a The children it. proper training about Sometimes there is no salt, sometimes there is no sugar, does not Nothing important for Sahaja Yogis who can live without matter. For a Sahaja Yogi there is nothing like food for days together. There is only one hunger. It is to be taste of food and hunger. to be clean. purified, This is one of the things that dirties our mind, that we think of food all the time. To get over taste is an experiment you have to do. Unless and until we introspect because though ourselves and do experiments we cannot overcome the Kundalini is trying Her level best but the conditionings are great that it cannot make you into the Guru. If you see the SO of children and all these Gurus; they were married, had life But in their own personal life they lived a normal life. were absolutely detached. The first detachment should come from food. 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-5.txt icecream One who is fond of Whatever you like just do not eat. must have already spoiled his liver. If you like pasta then give Learn to give up things that you like so that your up pasta. this mind will get detached from it. It is very easy to achieve detachment if you work it out in a sensible way. If you are your then you better take hold of your body and conditionings. Guru Adjust yourself to any You must treat your body with respect. kind of food. If you cannot get rid of this little thing then you cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi. One of the manifestations of is just self is a satisfied soul. that Guru is He contained. part of the body is that you need comforts. The Western Second Sahaja Yogis may come from any position or status but all of them comfort of the Spirit when they travel on the India enjoy the In this way you They do not ask for a chair or a bed etc. tour. will realise that the body comfort is of no importance. The body will sleep anyway. The third point is the materialistic attitude and their fondness Sahaja Yogis have to have very the eyes i.e., a roving eye. In Sahaja Yogo may Then there is th lust and greed. clean eyes. be the lust part is over, but the greed is still there; and one have lust problems but they still Indians do not gets lost. have greed. For a Westerner he would not like to give up his For furniture which his great grandmother had; even if no one can sit on it, because it is so old. He keeps it to show off. According to Indian standards its junk. a very subtle material attitude towards matter, that it There's Such junk is like a grave in the house, re-sale value. has as Antique is an addiction of knows how many people used it. who the Western people. Indians cannot understand how people are mad writer There is a torn, broken, filthy and dirty things. after India who wrote about two Englishmen on the road of in Benares 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-6.txt were hit by a brass pot which fell at The feet. their who So the Indian told them that English were very angry at this. this Lota (pot) is very valuable because it was used by Akbar the were very impressed and The Englishmen that we said Great. give us this antique Lota forgive you for one thousand the Indian to The whole thing was a joke played by rupees. punishment. The madness of antique shoula go escape One should encourage revival of the old our minds. rather arts It has ruined our creativity and running after antiques. than Because something is antique it the quality of our life. should intrinsic because of its be respected, but value or The most important thing is to see its vibrations. aesthetics. If the vibrations are good then you should accept because we have the language of vibrations and we have to use it. do Once you this then you will understand what is to be done. The worst thing for Sahaja Yogis is to think that he is sick, it tarnishs the name of Sahaja Yoga. If you still feel you are sick Either you get well you better get out of Sahaja Yoga or you are not a Sahaja Yogi. If you are a Sahaja Yogi then you have to If there are certain problems also, you get well. see that For example I as the Mother, the Adi Shakti have doesn't matter. certain problems, certain physical things I have to face. But You have You have to accept your body ais it is. go through it. think not to say that I am not wellI and go on complaining. Never Never feel that you are no good. Look old. at your you are I never feel that that way. So if you have a Guru, then Mother MLOOK at our Mother, image should be within you. is, how much She travels, how much She does'. old how that Alright, you She might say She is the Adi Shakti, but 1iEtle bit of Shakti you too If you That Shakti has to be shown through your dynamism. have. have no dynamism and still feel weak, that means that you are not Just ask for any amount andđ it can ocome to you. Sahaja Yogi. Hot with You are younger and younger but the stupidity of youth but the gravity of age. 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-7.txt do born realised are very Children and who are won't great talk đignified. anything is that They will not never unnecessarily. By just wearing saris and bindis you do not become First of all where is the gravity? Sahaja Yogi. should You The born realised souls say very only speak when it is necessary. They are they speak., such beautifyl words few words, but The way their Guru principla is acting, extremely obedient. are we also acting the same way? Or are doing some thing that is not Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga if you do good for ascent. not the point to introspect then you of missed have try hard comparison with your Guru all the time. Everything has to be understood in the right perspective that we Sahaja Yogis. For a Sahaja Yogi the first and foremost are thing is that he has to have love for others,. If you are always about yourself then you dont love others. worried Do you seek for other comfort of others? Do you feel the compassiorn the Sahaja Yogis? Do you go out of your way to help them? Many Sahaja Yogis take side of non Sahaja Yogis and try to the Sahaja Yogis. You belong to this new The disgrace race. is who do not belong to this new race attack anybody. It ones to help a Sahaja Yogi as he is your hands and your duty your May be something is wrong with him doesn't matter. head. You should Sahaja Yogi out and out. support Later on you may correct him. This dignity and this understanding comes only through silence. a deeper you are talking all the time it can never make you If mauna.i.e. keep women its best that they take to For person. All the leaders have have told me that its a big problem quiet. But if you with women. They go on talking or spreading stories. ask them to come up to the stage and start speaking they will start shivering. How many can give speeches? Understand that if You should be you cannot give a speech then you better not talk. able to and She give a speech, because your Mother is a woman 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-8.txt As your Guru I must tell you that you gives speeches. to have an the best thing for you is to stop murmuring. "Maunam ascend If someboy is talking too Just keep quiet. Sarvaath Sadhanam'. just keep quiet. If somebody criticizes, keep quiet. If much, somebody is trying to attack then just keep silent. This silence has to be established and it can be established by not talking too much. In a church people observe such discipline, which is an artificial place. They dont keep walking in and out. In the has to be now that kind of silence place where you are that kind of understanding, that awe has to be there. observed, because we have not yet developed that Guru principle it is But If you have developed it then immediately it will missing. work Your gravity will show in your behaviour. To discuss out. somebody, to discuss about others' character, will discuss you the character of one hand to another? In Sahaja Yoga marriage is not such an important thing. Some The marriage becomes people pay too much attention to marriage. a headache. The whole attention goes on how you are going to get married. You have come to Sahaja Yoga, you are sanyasins. You are married only to Sahaja Yoga. The so called husband and wife if there, they are not Sahaja Yogis then but are you are Before Sahaja Yoga marriage was a joke, every finished. third day there was a divorce. Then when they got married after Sahaja Yoga, they were the greatest romantic people ever known. of people Even in the Indian villages people complain what sort are these they That saintliness have no sense of modesty at all. that Sanyasi, that asceticism has to be expressed in our married I don't mean that you don't have relationship with your life. husband but If you in a very private way. will ruin the whole of Sahaja Yoga. start going into romanticism, In the you is an idea that you fall in love, there West, then you won't will only fall rise, you This attachment and about worry etc is nonsense. You have to have witness state and husband be watch the state of husband or the state wife. detached of to 81 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-9.txt honeymoons etc. organise after marriage, people want to Soon after conditionings and are coming from the old These ideas honeymoon they come and say 'Mother this marriage is not going to decide. out'. It is better to go slow and steady and then work and Husband learn the sense of shame from Indians,. nust You It is regarded bad wife together in public. never sit as What is the need to show your relationship in blic? manners., Men should be with men in the public and Its only in private. women should be with the women. have jealousies, power orientation and they discuss about Men They get a shock if you tell them that you are leadership. not They think that leadership is something going to be a leader. There's the greatest myth ever Its very concrete. nothing 1ike leaders in Sahaja Yoga. Its just a joke and your So be Mother is careful. very good at playing serious jokes. I test a testing point. level and just that Its on you immediately I know when the person gets on to the horse of ego. priorities So the mental attitude has to be different and our rnust change. The first priority is for our ascent. For your ascent if you have have punish your whole body, or yourself or if to you then get conditioning rid of it. Just introspect yourself. Self-realisation is to know yourself. When you know yourself and is clinging on to it, just remove it completely, work know what it out It is very important that the body, the way you like. everything should be your mind, and Nothing should slaves. dominate you. How dare your body ask for anything. dare How tell you anything. You have so many proofs Inind your mind show to that you are realised souls. my presence if you become the The only way light you must carry the light also. you can to realise that when is Mother about talks penetrate within anything, to see that Mother is talking about me, correcting me, and telling me, then only it will penetrate and work out. 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-10.txt is the faith that this All Prevading Power is looking Second after us. The musicians were told to travel by train from Moscow As they had no visa for Hungary they were taken off to Milan. They were sitting at the Hungary border. the train the on did platform, knowing not what to do as they had no visas, not know the language, and not much money. They were stranded there. But they were all laughing and enjoying and no one felt that he Then the custom people started So surrendered. was in trouble. During the course of conversation they gave them. questioning of Can you believe the power custom offficers realisation. the take them officers gave their own carB to The custom Love? Then a vacant bus arrived with two Yugoslavs across the border. the driver asked their problem, and allso realisation. and got driver then drove them right to Milan Ashram. So you must The have complete faith in yourself and in that power which surrounds Once you have that faith you realise that though it is SO you. helpful and kind to you, on the same level if you disrespect it, If "Ninda'. So never listen to Guru it be very harmful. can on anyone talks ill about your Guru, just put your hands your talk ears and refuse to listen. People who are materialistic and easy about the money part, you should tell them that it was by curing for Mother earn money from cancer patients and to But she has never charged anything. If She lives it is not She who lives but Sahaja Yogis. in people. Sahaja large house, still lack that complete faith in themselves and complete Yogis If anyone says anything wrong assertion, where you must assert. against your Guru, you have to assert. to spirituality. Some We must see how much we are sensitive Sahaja Yogis will support a person who is so negative. Whats the A person who is good in when your computer is so faulty. use Sahaja Yoga, who has vibrations, he may be simple and unassuming, he may not be rich or educated but you must see the vibrations of because Then you can judge. Do you judge a person that person. he talks well or is scholarly? You must see his vibrations. The 10 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-11.txt who sees the vibrations of a person and then judges is ore I have seen that sometimes the leaders also support Sahaja Yogi. who is completely negative. They will tell me how good someone that person is, because he donated so much money. So what? Gurus themselves are caught up. Mostly They have ambitions and A Guru has their They are very hot-tempered. to ego comes up. first of all himself a very mild, gentle and a good person. be should not demand and should not ask for anything. He Respect has to be commanded and not to be demanded, in Once you rise ascent, your wisdom, in your awareness and in your Spirit, your You dont have to ask or everything works out well. then plead for anything. You dont have complain about anything. Everything works out and you are looked after by all the Ganas and Angels. If you are half baked then they play tricks with They will make you falter. You go here and They there. you. 1so jokers and they play jokes with you. They make problems are the for We realise that have to we are here for you. emancipation realise of the world. hope you your adou I responsibility. One must understand how one has to be as a Guru, how one has to act and how it has to work out. You must have maturity to be a Guru. With me be very careful I. am too simple and I am Mahamaya. You cannot take liberties with If you try to take too much liberties then it means that you me. not a disciple. A disciple has to keep a distance from the are You cannot just walk into my room everytime, sit there for Guru. You have no right. Only hours together and chit chat with me. You should when I call you or ask for you, you should come. not force things on the Guru- 'please come and listen to this or do this' that should not be there. Everything should be transparent. each should know Everyone Gurus should not have jealousies The each other. other. for Enjoy each other's company fully and appreciate each other 11 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-12.txt than more else, then they should know anyone they have that become Gurus. All the Gurus never fought with each other. They supported one another. Actually it was one Principle born again again. Only Satanic people talk against a realised soul or an incarnation. We all are sitting in an aeroplane and we all have to land in a beautiful area but first of all we have to develop that complete Unless and until you have that surrender humility and surrender. and humility in your heart, Guru Principle cannot the be awakened. First you have to be the disciple and then the Guru. That humility comes very easily if you love me and respect me. May God Bless You. 30 3. 12 3: 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-13.txt The Divine Cool Breeze NORTH AMERICAN NATIONAL PUJA SYNOPSIS San Diego, May 28 1990 America is a very important country in the field of spirituality because it is the Vishuddhi in the plan of Virata. The Vishuddhl has a very important subsidiary chakra, which is the Hamsa Chakra. In Germany there was a Hamsa Chakra puja, and It has acted: the discretion of the Germans improved and they realized past mistakes. They were the first ones to go to Russia to give self-realisation and they welcomed the East Germans with the breaking of the Berlin Wall. Due to hardships, fear and sacrifice, the people of the Eastern Bloc have bacome wise and have developed their discretion. Americans, however, have no 'Divine Discretion.' Their blessings have spoiled them and they cannot see what is dharma and what is adharma. "In that terror, in that fear, it is surprising how this wisdom has grown in all the people, much more than in countries where we have the greatest affluence, greatest comfort of life." Shri Krishna supported the Pandavas because they were dharmic, yet America always supports the wrong thing, such as dictatorships in other countries. False gurus settled here because they knew that the people had so little divine discretion. The democracy of Abraham Lincoln, democracy which should be "for the people gone. The government looks after Its own interests, and so does the populace. Those who were crooks, who cheated others were able to succeed, to become elected, and this trend spread throughout the worid; the leaders of every country became money- oriented. Democracy can only work out with realization: "If you do not become the collective being, you cannot enjoy the beautiful virtue of generosity. is In order for Sahaja Yoga to spread in America, it is very important for Sahaja Yogis here to become very deep so that they can trigger it off. If they fail in this, they will be held accountable. country's freedom. The Sahaja Yogis have to realize they are the foundation, so they have to be very deep, sensible and open-hearted. They are still sticking on to the past. and to aggressive conditionings. "Loving someone, being kind, should be so natural because that is what your Spirit is. It loves. It enjoys the love, giving love. One Sahaja Yogi in Hungary was sufficient to bring about that To let our Spirit manifest we have to understand its nature and rid ourselves of everything contrary to its nature through honest introspection. When the depth grows, then it is tremendous because the Divine power flows; the Divine power needs a medium which is absolutely clean, egoless and conditionless to flow. Many of the problems of America do not exist anywhere else in the world. The only solution is to go on a warpath, making Sahaja Yoga our only concern. The quality of Sahaja Yogis needs to be improved, and for that the first requirement is "COLLECTIVITY. America stands for the Vishuddhi chakra which manifests collectivity. In order to have the purity of Divine Discretion, which is the second most important quality to be manifested in America, and which sees everything clearly, we need to be collective and to meditate honestly. Meditation is not to sit before the photograph, but 13 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-14.txt The Divine Cool Breeze It should activate the Param Chaitanya, making should be such that it works. everything work miraculously. If this is not happening then something is wrong. Americans are used to a very smooth, comfort-loving life, where everything is tailormade. This type of a life is boring. A challenging situation changes monotony into an event. For example it is more interesting to have so many people sharing a small room that it becomes an adventure to cross the room or get a bath. People who are very comfort-loving have no vision. This temperament is dangerous: in their boredom, Americans do destructive things. The basic reason why there are quarrels and divorces between husband and wife is because they are constantly comparing: " did this much work and he did this much. However, if they work with the goal of pleasing one other, the sheer joy of making someone happy will neutralize all the discomfort and fatigue. accomplish anything is not to think about it, but leave it at the Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji, because when we surrender, the Divine power starts flowing through our being. This was the message of Mohammed and also of Shri Krishna who said clearly, "Forget every dharma, just surrender yourself to Me.' And once that surrendering by Sahaja Yogis in America is developed, the Divine will take care of everything, but for that we have to leave it to Her. The best way to But still we are ambitious and have wrong priorities. There is no need to have ambition. Ambition is an imaginary thing. But Sahaja Yoga is reality. Things work out the way the Divine will have it. To have everything smooth, the way we want it to be, is not the way of Sahaja Yoga. Whatever we get, we should see the Hand of the Divine in it. Only a few Sahaja Yogis of a very deep quality are needed in order to trigger Sahaja Yoga in America. The negativity, the false gurus would not be able to take root if the American people were not so easily befooled. "If we understand one thing that we are living on the soil, or on the soil of the country which is blessed by Shri Krishna who is called as Yogeshwara, so the first part was the one when He destroyed all these things, He was Yogeshwara, He was the Divine energy for yoga, for union with the Divine Power. He was the Ishwara, He is the Deity. If He was the Deity and He was ruling this area, then what should you be? In yoga we should be masters. Not mentally but at that state of the higher state. If that could be achieved then you people should become the highest of highest yogis. Because you have that power existing in this place. It is there. So many have told me that Mother, now don't You worry about America, forget it. It's not going to work out." But I know such a lot of power exists in this country of the Yogeshwara. And if you can use that power of Yogeshwara, you can do so much good to the whole humanity at this juncture where the history is taking another form. *.Everybody is talking about spirituality and you are the ones who have it with you. You're the ones who have powers with you, you're the ones who can spread it, and once you start spreading it you'll be surprised how you will achieve tremendous heights in every sphere...You have to use the power of Yogeshwara who is the presiding Deity of this country. I bless you all that you have that wisdom, that depth, that you touch that depth somehow. Try to work it out, stop all nonsensical fights and things, become collective, try to understand each other, try to open your hearts. You have such depth3; you are born in this country because the Yogeshwara wanted you to be here, and He has blessed you with all the bounties of His love." "The embodiment of madhurya, sweetness, that madhurya you have to imbibe and that madhurya you have to spread. The relationship of enjoying each other, the relation of knowing each other has to be full of sweetness just like honey...l am sure it will work out. It should work out for all, so those who run away from collectivity should be very careful." 14 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-15.txt SHRI MATAJI VISITS THE SOVIET UNION 25th June to 2nd July 1990 Shri Mataji's public programmes were held in huge sport stadiums in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. The public response was beyond imagination. In MoscoW. and Leningrad over Ten Thousand seekers to each programme.- After Shri Mataji gave realisation we came in ecstasy as nearly all the seekers raised were their hands affirming their We would have loved for al1 realisation. our brothers and sisters to have witnessed the magical spectacle of their shining eyes, radiant faces and the volley of vibrations dancing to a crescendo, They would listen to Shri Mataji with rapt attention and bring beautiful flowers. When it was time for handing out photographs there would always be such stampede the police had to regulate the crowd. that Over Twenty five thousand photographs were distributed in the Soviet Union and even they were not enough ! MOSCOW PUBLIC PROGRAMME SHRI MATAJI'S TALK- 25.6.1990 We must first know what is absolute truth. have human We we also have freedom to form our own mental awareness, ideas. truth cannot be known through human awareness. But has One to become a separate personality. All the knowledge which is outside is known has created a civlization which is which like a big But you have to find out about the roots which are going tree. to nourish this civilisation. If you do not knOW the absolute truth, Any type of mental projection or you cannot be saved. ideology ultimately will recoil back, because it to be substantiated by reality. What is the reality? It is that you 15 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-16.txt are not only this body mind, ego, intellect or this conditioning, but you are the pure Spirit. Another thing is that we take all human work for granted. For we take all these flowers for granted without finding example differentE from a seed they became flowers and also out how which times. physical body There So many things in our are human body always be explained; one of them is that a cannot throws out whatever is foreign. When a child is conceived, it is retained, nourished, looked after and thrown out at the proper They do not time. mango tree grows upto a certain level. is What limits. Every animal has its limits too. the cross that energy that does all this work ? - the energy that nourishes This energy us, looks after us, gives us this balance ? resides in the Mother Earth, resides in the sun, resides everywhere. It definitely exists but we have never felt it before. Keep your minds open and accept it if it is proved. Every human extremely potential and is capable of creating very being is If the instrument is not connected then it is dynamic lives. In the same way unless we are connected to the useless. energy Divine Love, we are not yet fEulfilled, is our manifestation of not complete. We get limited. beauty, dynamism and compassion is All our easily frustrated, đisappointed and feel that this life is really Human life once enlightened is the highest life in the a misery. whole universe. You must get your realisation, feel this Divine Power, then you know yourself what this mechanism is and what is As the Kundalini rises she passes through technique. the seven cater to mental and emotional side. Then which the centres Spirit which is in your attention awakes this attention. is It so powerful that when you put your attention to anything it acts for the benevolence of your being, your fellow being and for the that it understands such in whole world. It actS way 16 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-17.txt everything, knows everything and knows the method how to work it out. The Spirit is a collective being within us, like the sun on every thing. But if the reflection is like a reflects stone it doesn't any reflection. Once you show realize and start the Spirit reflecting the Spirit, the qualities of start manifesting themselves through you The first quality of the Spirit is that you become collectively conscious. Your awareness widens. That is, it receives another dimension by which you can feel on your finger tips your centres and the centres of others. If only you know how to correct these centres you can help yourself or others. Spirit is the source of Even if you talk of peace, people have peace foundations peace. but is there's no peace within themselves. who A person enlightened by the Spirit emits peace. Spirit is the source of Power You become so powerful that no habit can overpower you. I have seen people giving up drugs and alcoholism overnight. The Spirit is the source of Wisdom. Even small children who are troublesome, studies; no good in their they become once enlightened they become extremely wise children. The sense of the Spirit comes to them and they learn to respect themselves. The Spirit is the source of knowledge. Whatever knowledge we have about anything is very superficial. Self realisation is the real knowledge. absolute and Unless and until your eyes are opened and you see the knowledge, you believe in anything. Its blind faith. Blind faith leads you to destruction. It becomes like an addiction and a person goes on destroying himself till the whole community is destroyed. Unlss you have the of sense reality within you, you are following blindly. You all could be very knowledgeable. every thing about You learn and understand the problems of You can know each and yourself and others. 17 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-18.txt You can judge yourself very society and how to solve them. well because you can feel yourself, you can feel centres. your When you say this is 'mine', my', what is this 'I'? It is the If the Divine Power awakens in you, you become what Spirit. you We have to just say that we want to be the Spirit because are. Kundalini is the Power of Pure Desire. All this desires other impure. Today you want a car, then you want a house and go are and on. You are never satisfied. be The pure Desire is to on one with that Divine Power. It is possible when you become the Spirit. Sahaja Yoga is going to work out and is the only thing that is going to transform the whole world. When you ascend you have be careful because the more you ascend to the the worse fall. MEDICAL CONFERENCE 29.6.1990 MOSCOW- SHRI MATAJI'S TALK In the medical studies whatever we have discovered is SO far available there already. Whatever we can discover with human awareness has its own limitations. Supposing it is said that the human body does not accept any foreign thing into its body, but the foetus is implanted, it is not thrown out when but looked and thrown out at the right time. after Also the adreline and acetocholine in our body, its mode of action cannot be explained because sometimes they they augment and sometimes they relax. We cannot explain so many things through medical achievements. has to be known and much to be found out. Much 18 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-19.txt I would like you all to know something of the beyond which is not known so for So have an open mind of a scientist to see yourself if its true or not. Till then it is like a hypothesis. Sahaja Yoga gives you the complete picture of the totality of consciousness. As you grow higher and higher in Sahaja Yoga you First we yourself understand and can work out this great system. to accept that we are not only this human body, nor are have we emotions, neither are we ego and conditionings, but we Pure Spirit. are the There is an all prevading power of Love which does all this living work of creating flowers, fruits, and making us human beings. In science they do not talk of love but even the Eor doctors the patients otherwise they have love cannot dedicate. First the doctor has to become the Spirit. He has to feel the his head which are the fruit of this all vibrations on Cool This is the instrument which you prevading power of love. have for cleansing first of all for cleansing yourself and to use the medical science we In that the others. say can parasympathetic system is looked after by the central channel and right is looked after left and channels. by two more the to Sahaja Yoga, left and right sympathetic two are one is the one which comforts separate energies. The left us, the right one is the one which counsels us and the centre one is All this happens one which redeems us. after realisation, the because you have to have the correction. in In human beings the centres are in the spinal cord and also They are formed from the left and the right and the brain. both put together is the central system. The triangular bone in which the Kundalini resides is called as Sacrum means sacred sacrum. and the Greeks knew about it and put that word in the medical to Sahaja Yoga we are basically or to According terminology. three of people. Firstly we either go to the left the Left side is our desires and also whatever doesn't work right. 19 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-20.txt goes into our collective subconscious. out We can say it looks after our psyche. It starts from down below at first centre and goes upward and crosses over at the optic chaisma and creates the super-ego in psychological terms is the conditioning. The lower centre also nourishes the pelvic plexus. This is responsible for excretion and sex. So one has to have sane ideas about our sex because this channel originates from the last centre. When Freud talked of psyche he preverted the whole thing Instead of telling people how to safeguard this centre which is the centre innocence by looking after the sex habits, he just of told the other way round. He related everything to sex as if human beings just sex points. He formed a self opiniated idealogy, that are feelings for his has Teveryman On this mother. sex mental projection he based all his theories and people thought it was so called 'freedom' to have sex the way they like. They didn't even challenge him. He became more than Christ to them in the West. result we As now the disease like AIDS, gnnorhrea, syphilis, etc. All related to sex organs. It was always called private parts but it was never understood what it means. Left side is the physhic problem and the right side is the psychosomatic problems. Psychosomatic problems are when you work too hard and think too much. In the second centre all the energy goes to the brain which thinks too much and is futuristic. Right sided problems caused by over active liver are one gets or diabetes because pancreas is not looked after. You get leukamia because spleen is not lookeđ after. You get high blood pressure because kidneys are in trouble. As the heat of the liver ascends get asthma. brain is like a The you it and spongy matter So the heat goes to kidneys. They cannot pass urine coagulates and the urine circulates in the body and blood. Also it causes constipation. Heat is the symptom of disease and coolness is the 20 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-21.txt good health. The experiment with helium that when given heat, all the molecules were fighting with each system of s showed gas other. when they removed the heat they found And all the molecules were united. The third type of diseases are psychosomatic. Those who are have more problem with the psyche than with the physical. Cancer is psychosomatic. All viruses are dead plants animals, may be microscopic which have gone out or of circulation of They reside in the area called collective sub-conscious. have reached certain Doctors understanding that they say are protein 53 and protein 58 which trigger the cancer. Also they say that this cancer is caused to a person when he goes into a shock and the attack comes from the left in the area which was built within us since the creation. This is the collective sub-conscious where same area as the everything that is dead is there. So there are humans who are dead hanging around there. In physical science you may have never heard of something. There is a soul which is playing on the causal of all elements. It is attached in loops on the back side of our body. In all the seven It makes seven plus the sacrum bone it resides. loops. centres realisation you can see many loops like going round After and Sometimes many int o it round like chakras and one into another. together and sometimes only one. Also you can see little sparks like commas, which is chaitainya of the vibrations. These are Now this soul is reflected on ourselves in dead souls. the the Recently in America they have taken photographs receptor area. of the receptor of It looks exactly like what a cell. you see after realisation. But when another soul sits on the being then is It affects reflected on the cells. it the also. receptor This new soul might get attached to anyone of the centres or to all of them. It affects the cells also and they give all this depomine series which causes epilepsy, mental problems, cancer 21 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-22.txt Only one may go in and If its a etc. If they are viruses its not so bad. but it can travel from one to another. affect human possession then its very difficult. Heart diseases, epilepsy come from the left side. Hypertension, sick headache could be from both sides. Migraine All bone or diseases Leukemia,r Fibrosis is Tumors, are psychosomatic. is not disease. psychosomatic. normal Menopause Its a a condition. Inflamation of could also the be pancreas Sciatica could be somatic or psychsomatic. All psychosomatic. mental diseases are left sided. Schizophernia is left sided. Alchoholism in sided the right side and left starts creates Arthiritis is psychosomatic. Drug addiction, smoking problems. homo-sexuality and preverted sex, too much indulgence in sex is all left sided or psychosomatic. guilty. Smoking creates left-sided problems because one feels sex habits and flirting of the eyes, AIDS, too much Perverted rigidity is due to left side. It is some sort of sex, centre problem. Multiple sclerosis is Neurosis possession. Parkinson's đisease is from both sides. could be side. Rhematicism comes from the Nabhi. Muscular distrophy comes from the left side. Yuppie's disease is where you are extremely hard working, and use your conscious mind too much. very futuristic absolutely Studying Then the conscious mind becomes too much. suddenly you walking alright paralyzed. and You are are conscious that you are walking then you will suddenly fall down. I had told eight years back in America that it will come. I told them about AIDS about fourteen years back. But nobody listened, now its very serious. is mostly right-sided. Diabetes When you use too much of right then the exhaustion takes place here. So you are vulnerable and suddenly happens from the left side as the connection from the left side as the connection with the whole is lost. These proteins like 53, 58 are very ego-oriented 22 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-23.txt malignant. and arbitrary. Whatever cell they touch that becomes So women suffer from Thus malignancy sets in. breast cancer. When the mother- The centre of the heart is the Mother's centre. hood of a woman is challenged, say a husband is a flirt and keeps this insecure insecure, or if she's then centre gets affected. This centre produces anti-bodies to fight the diseases in the sternum bone till the age of twelve years. Then they are distributed all over. bone Whenever there is fear the sternum shakes and it is like a remote control that sends messages to all the anti-bodies to fight. If you establish the security of a lady through Kundalini awakening then her cancer be such can cured. have When they are in very advance stages they do not will power left, then its better to remove the breast that and then establish your security. lethargic organs. There diseases which are caused by the are When heart is lethargic one gets angina. When the left vishuddhi catches you feel very guilty and then there's a block and the blood cannot flow to the head, then it has to go to the heart and such a heart becomes tired and lethargic. In Sahaja Yoga we have two of organs : One is lethargic and the is ove other active. The doctors should first of all establish themselves properly and protect themselves, then they can also learn to cure others. Use the photographs which have the vibrations in them. Psychosomatic must be dealt only first on the left side. Some children suffer from hyper-activity. Diabetes also comes from the same reason. At the time when the mother is pregnant she should not work very She should take rest more. hard. She should not think too much but read something soothing, something nice. Best is to meditate. the mother is At that time if over-active and thinking of futuristic things, children are born with diseases. Or if she's child may hectic the is for get leukemia. The spleen all But if you emergencies because it produces red blood corpuscles. 23 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-24.txt are hectic, panicked all the time, rushing about then the poor It becomes errati c and understand. It spleen cannot crazy. could happen to children or adults. When something triggers from the left side and there's sudden shock, may be sadness, accident anything, it triggers leukemia. The worst thing which is very difficult for anyone to understand there are negative forces working. They work through is that is They work through some false Guru, or parapsychology negativity. All these things are done by putting some sort or mesmerism etc. of a dead soul on your soul. One has to be very clear. For this It is a living process. cannot charge money. example For you You don't pay money to Mother Earth. Sow a seed. does She you It is built in the seed as well as Mother Earth. it. also We the living processes take all for There's granted. no But all these horrible people are obligation. oriented. money no purity of heart or purity of f eyes. They have They are interested in women, men or all kinds of dirty things. They are They cannot relate it to to explain how they do it. not able medical science or any science. In Sahaja Yoga Hatha Yoga exercises eboga there whenever we do some we is a chakra When damaged because of necessary. some Hatha Yoga try to give that particular physical problem, we But the way people do Hatha Yoga is to take al1 exercise. the medicines at once. -- Ha and Tha both the nadis have to In Hatha But now-a-days its only Ha used. This be used. can cause a imbalance within People who do this become great you. can extremely dry, hot tempered and may divorce his wife or leave his children. in the centre and be We should Kundalini should be fixed permanently with that All Prevading Power and flow all the time within you. But apart from physical, mental and emotional life, 24 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-25.txt you have the Spiritual life, which is much more miraculous, which is very blissful and when you understand how this power of Love looks after everything, you are amazed. WE NEED SAHAJA YOGA. SAHAJA YOGA DOES NOT NEED US. SHRI MATAJI 25 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-26.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Shri Mataji's Advice on Childcare In Miami, Mother spoke about child care in the United States and India. When asked about the problems non-Sahaja Yogis are having with their children in schools and day care, Shri Mataji answered immediately that all chldren should go to India, both Sahaja Yogi children and non-Sahaja yogi chilidren. She then spoke about the Indian Sahaja Yoga school. A sense of security and self-esteem would be established in the children there. Activities would be both formal and informal. Different teachers would lead the different activities. Security is established through the personal qualities of the care providers. It is not necessary to have one consistent care provider. Shri Mataji shared that in India, child raising is just known, established in the culture. Many things known as common sense in India are unknown here in the West. Examples are eating large, cold coca-colas with oily french fries (very indigestible); swimming in very cold water (a shock to the system); drinking cold drinks when coming in from extreme heat. These are Just little examples of things people do in the West which can make them sick. Mothers in India talk to their children constantly, explaining why and how things are done. Shri Mataji stressed this several times emphasizing the importance of talking to children. important to talk to them at their age level explaining things they can understand. In the United States, we give children toys and want them to be quiet. When asked how to handle children who say no, for example, "No, I don't want to eat my lunch, "Shri Mataji suggested not to make them eat lunch -- just wait until the next meal. They will learn that they will get hungry unless they eat their lunch. She said children can be quite sensible and should be listened to. It is Shri Mataji said parents in the United States say no all the time to the children instead of explaining things. This causes problems with the chlldren's development of self- esteem. Children should be ignored when they are doing something wrong. If they break something, ignore it. When the children do things right they should receive a lot of attention. Talking and explaining things to children gives them the direction. When asked about the frequency of illnesses in young children in day care, Shri Mataji said, "Yes, people in the United States are quite sickly." She said this is a problem with the mother's center heart. Establishing a strong center heart is important for mothers. She said I am sitting right there in your heart. Shri Mataji spoke at length about the great sense of God in India. She told several stories showing how people in India recognize the power of God, acknowledge and fear it. In the United States, the blind faith in Christianity is terrible. Church Teaders are stealing money from people in the name of God. How people in the West do not see the falsehood of Christiarilty is shocking to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji spoke at length about the relationship of the mother and the father, in marriage and as parents. The role of the father and the mother is quite distinct and defined in India. husband will not make decisions without her. He depends totally on her. Indian husbands do not know how to do anything around the house and they do not know how to fix anything. An Indian Sahaja Yogi explained that when he got married Shri Mataji said her She said The husband depends totally on the wife. 26 1990_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_9,10.pdf-page-27.txt The Divine Cool Breeze in India, he was given advice politics and economics. Your wite will make decisions about the unimportant things of running the household and raising the children. We all laughed. motherhood is recognized. you make decisions about the inmportant things in The power of Shri Mataji said that the mother and father should never fight in front of the children. A child cannot develop respect for the mother or father if there is fighting. Children develop respect when they see the parents respect each other. Shri Mataji stated we need a school for parents in the United States. She will be speaking extensively on child care in Russia this tour. Shri Mataji suggested some ways to bring knowledge of raising children to the United States. These are being pursued. 3- Shri Mataji's advice for conducting Sahaja Yoga programmes. A Sahaja Yogi represents the Collective Sahaja Yoga when speaks from novice impression also bears the conviction of his faith. he The the but a public platform to introduce Sahaja Yoga. tends to form their initial opinion the speaker leaves. They not only listen to him his manners, dress, poise and whether audience his observe speech Rhetoric the spirit of the audience. feel upliftment of the spirit. without the hands flying in all directions. to or pompous speeches void of vibrations fail arouse and the but One should speak from the heart for There should be genuine The face may express that concern what one says. concern Too often Remember to speak to refrain from making long speeches. gets lost in his own oratory. a mental approach only arouses the ego. exude joy, bear a happy countenance without being He should conduct himself with dignity, grace, the Onie should speaker point, as should serious. be formally dressed with well groomed hair. the speaker overly poise, The should avoid preaching long Centre leaders Yogis at collective meetings. play Shri Mataji's medium sermons to Sahaja They should minimize lecturing and Centre leaders tapes instead. Shri Mataji and a Sahaja Yogi. Mataji's audio not We should not tapes have her are a between video and and spontaneously clear out all negativity allowing experience the joy of his several centres have not so far acquired tapes forget that vibrations Sahaja Surprisingly not Shri own Spirit. and and Video Yogi each to showing the videos of Shri Mataji. Audio are information was sent in the last issue. Shri Mataji has strictly prohibited any individual or make copies of any video, audio or publish any literature booklet. centre to or 27