DIVINE COOL BREEZE Vol. VI Issue 5 & 6 You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. ...HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi DIVINE COOL BREEZE Vol. VI, Issue 5 & 6 Contents Rajrajeshwari Puja - Hyderabad 21.1.94 1 1. Talk to Sahaja Yogis - Madras 17.1.94 Public Programme Madras 18.1.94 10 3. Shivratri Puja - Delhi 14.3.94 15 4 Editor Published by: Printed By: Yogi Mahajan The Divine Cool Breeze, 9 Bhagyachintamani Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029 Computex Graphics, 112 High Tech Indl. Centre. Caves Road, Jogeshwari Easl, Bombay 400 060 2. SHRI RAJRAJESHWARI PUJA TALK HYDERABAD 21/1/94 (SYNOPSIS) (TRANSLATED FROM HINDI) In the South the Raj Rajeshwari aspects of the Devi are worshipped specially. The reason was that there were many Devi devotees born like Adi Shankaracharya, and they established the Shakta Dharma, which means the Dharma of the Shakti. Two types of Dharma started at the same time. Ramanujacharya established the Vaishanva Dharma and as these Dharmas grew, they separated. In reality, in Vaishnava Dharma Mahalaxmi is the one whose work it is. The various aspects of Mahalaxmi are to be awakened within, like to establish Dharma and to be in the central path neither should one go into the left or the right. To remain in the central path is called Vaishanava. Later this Vaishnava Dharma spread to Gujarat and other parts. When you go through the Vaishnava path by the grace of the Kundalini then you enter the Sahasrara. In the Sahasrara, Sadashiva resides, L.e. the Brahmaranda following Vaishnava Dharma you eventually arrive at Sadashiva, who is a part of the Shakta Dharma. One should understand that Kundalini is the Shakti and she passes through the central path. So how can you separate both Dharmas. The path of the Shakti is also the central path. Both the Dharmas which are tied together were separated. The reason was that there was no ascent of the Kundalini In those days. In Kolhapur there is the Mahalaxmi temple where she is in the awakened state, people sing 'Rise, rise Amba'. Amba is the Shakti, Kundalini is called Amba. They don't know why they sing this. Vaishnava make their path, and when their path gets ready then the Kundalini awakens. In Sahaj Yoga we also do this. When you sit towards me with palms outstretched then your seven chakras slowly get alright. It means that you are becoming Vaishnavas. You come from extremes to the central path, and your chakras start working and settling properly. When your chakras get alright then only the Kundalini gets awakened. First you become Vaishnavas and then Shaktas. So both of them are one. In the South Various aspects of the Goddess were believed and one of them is Rajarajeshwari. Laxmi is on the Vaishnava path and that is why this one aspect of Laxmi was told which is the aspect of the Shakti. Rajarajeshwari means that when the Kundalini comes into the Nabhi where she gets the aspect of Laxmi. There are many types of Laxmis influence i.e. Gruhlaxmi, Rajlaxmi, etc. This Laxmi gets these various aspects only when the Kundalini Shakti comes into them. It is only by the merging of Kundalini Shakti that these aspects come. Rajarajeshwari is nothing but Kundalini when she takes the aspects of Various Laxmis at the Nabhi. In one can say that the Aspect of Adi Shakti in the Nabhi Chakra is called Rajarajeshwari. A person in whose Nabhi Chakra Rajarajeshwari is established means that Gruhlaxmi is there in left side, then on right side is Rajarajeshwari. Rajlaxmi state evolves as Rajarajeshwari. How should a Sahaja yogi be in the evolved state of DIVINE COOL BREEZE Issue 5 & 6 - 1- VOLVI Rajarajeswari. There is already the blessing of Laxmi, when the Kundalini rises in such a person, the blessing of Laxmi has to come. to get the blessings of Laxmi and sometimes this Laxmi can grow a lot. The nature of the person becomes like a King. Till your nature doesn't become like that then you must understand that the Kundalini is still moving around the Nabhi. The greatest miracle after coming to Sahaj Yoga is that a person's nature changes. His attitude changes. A person who is filled with Laxmi but in whom Laxmi cannot be seen. For example there are many rich people who are miserly, then you cannot call them Laxmipati. You cannot see any aspect of Laxmi in them. They live like beggars and keep crying about money. They cannot give two pennies to anyone. Such misers have not had the Kundalini awakened in them. They are such misers and are always thinking of money that even their lives may go bad and their face looks like a beggar. Only to attain Laxmi is not the work of the Kundalini. The work of the Kundalini is to bring the aspect of Laxmi in your nature. Rajarajeshwari is the Shakti of the Kundalini and she is the one who brings the aspect of the Laxmipati in you. It doesn't mean that you should have a lot of wealth, but it makes you generous, like a king. You have the temperament of a King. Even kings can be mniserly, false and corrupt. But here we are talking of pure Temperament. The one who worships Rajarajeshwari and who has attained Her. Her biggest aspect is generosity. Such a person becomes generous, because he knows that he is filled with the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. I will never have any need for money or anything so why not enjoy and give gifts to people and keep oneself happy. All Sahaja Yogis are bound In the earlier days when Kings used to be pleased they used to give away their most costly possessions to the people. The one who is not generous is only half a person. First and foremost no King goes and asks for alms. He may become but he will not beg. He will die but will not ask for alms. Sahaja Yogis become poor like a king and they live like kings. Once Akbar asked Birbal who are the most unfortunate people, so Birbal said The ones who come to the temple of God and beg from people'. If God is there then why ask for money. Even in Sahaj Yoga there are such people, who think they can make money out of Sahaj Yoga. From such a person you cannot understand the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. By her Shakti, a person whether he has money or not, you have no fear. There is no feeling of want (Abhav), that I lack this. He feels 1 am sitting in the fullness of the ocean, What do I need Why should I be frightened, whenever I am I can achieve everything'. He lives life in a very grand style. His temperament is very large, humble and great. He enjoys only in giving not in taking. Whether rich or poor, he is ready to help a Sahaja Yogi. In Sahaj yoga there are many people who do a lot for others. But if a poor Sahaja Yogi comes they will not even offer a chair to him. So looking at the outside of a person many people give lots of importance to such a person. 'He is very great because he has so many cars' or 'He is a very famous actor, doctor, architect etc.' These are outside manifes- tations. But if someone thinks that this man has the Shakti in him. There is so much vibrations flowing from him, who is this Aulia? He is the one who has the temperament of a King. There have been many people like this. For example Shivaji. DIVINE COOL BREEZE -2- VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 He was a great man, but his behaviour towards Saints was very beautiful and humble. Once his guru Ramdas came to him, Shivaji wrote a letter and put it in his bag. It was written in that letter 'My Guru, whatever is mine, my wealth, Kingdom all I have put in your bag'. On reading the letter Guru Ramdas laughed and said "My child, I am a sanyasi, what will I do with your Kingdom. You are a king and it is your duty. But if you think that you would like to rule this kingdom with Bhakti then make the flag the colour of the robe I wear. By looking at this flag people will know you are ruling the Kingdom like a Sanyasi, You have no attachments towards it, you are a king but you do not know you are a king'. People who think they are very great, and keep boasting. 'I am so and so are not so'. And those who are, will never say so. Once I was travelling in London and next to me a gentleman started talking about India. Then I asked Were you in India?' He said, "Yes I was there many years." He did not tell us anything else about himself. He got down and left. One day we met suddenly again on the train and he invited us to his house. When we went to his house we found this beautiful palatial house. He was the Viceroy of India, but we never knew that he had been in that position. He gave me such importance. He looked after us so well. In our country the PA of a minister thinks no end of himself. Once some people went to meet a Minister and they saw one person jumping around and getting angry. He said 'Don't you know I am the P.A.', Some people just go crazy when they acquire a wee bit. This is not the attitude of Kings. Kings are first and foremost very humble, Arrogance comes when a person thinks he has a lot of wealth or position. If he is educated or in a big job, or the son of a great father then he becomes even more arrogant. You cannot even talk to him. So much so that even ordinary people go crazy. Like in my husband's office even the operator became arrogant. Why do you talk in such a and simple. You must understand that till you are not complete you will have false ego in you. You will have false anger and you get a strange kind of behaviour that people run away. Some are like beggars who as soon as they come you know that they have come to ask. 'This happened to me, that happened to my family'. Another comes and cries for lack of money. You cannot attain the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari without coming in the middle path. It will not move in you. For example what is the use of water to a plastic tree. In the same way there is a false tamasha about these people. I was coming from London and a lady was travelling with us who was loaded with diamonds. She said, 'I believe in simple living and high thinking, we don't wear such colored clothes. Then as India approached she came to me and said, 'I have a problem can you help me?" I have jewellery worth 65 lakhs can you take me out of customs?' I said, 'But you believe in simple living !". manner? The one who is a complete person is very humble Greed in a human being is a very horrible thing. There are many people who are always coveting others things. If they go to someone's house and see something they want that. When they get that then they want another and another. There's no end to it and greed gets worse and worse. What is the result of this greed? One gets such a headache acquiring things. For example there is a nice carpet VOL.VI- Isue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE and I feel greedy about getting this carpet. So I can steal it or then my mind will be busy thinking from where to get this carpet. Then if one did acquire it then one will be worried that it will get spoiled. It is better if I accept the fact that this is not my carpet and so I don't have to worry about thieves. There is no problem, no headaches of insurance etc. Then the madness of greed vanishes. For Sahaja Yogis it is a real nuisance, because they are Sahaja Yogis and they have one foot in the mouth of the crocodile called greed, so how will they come into the boat? If you get greedy about anything then you must think that Rajrajeshwari has turned away. People who have the Temperament of Rajrajeshwari start enjoying even small things. They do not feel the need of anything. Once we went to Palitana and we climbed up for 2 hours and found a temple at the top of the mountain made of marble. The rest of the people just lay down there. I looked up and saw such beautifully carved elephants and they had each differently carved tails. They all said, 'We are so tired, but from where do you see elephant's tails'. When you learn how to enjoy and to feel the joy of anything. Like Shri Rama became so satisfied after eating the berries Shabari offered him. When you understand this then one can say you are nourished with the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. If someone gives even a small thing with love, for example even betelnut is given with love, though I don't eat supari, but I will definitely, eat it and one should eat it because by this the other will be pleased. How does he know that don't eat betelnut. It means that anything in this world is like, when you put mercury on an ördinary piece of glass, then it becomes a mirror in which you can see your face. If you put love in anything that thing What one should buy for oneself one doesn't think. If you can give up thinking "What do I want? What do I like?' Otherwise that all pervading power has not come into you. If it will come into you then you will know what is useful to what person. Like you go somewhere and you see a beautiful lamp then you will think. 'I went to that person's house and he did not have this lamp so I will buy for him'. You start understanding everybody's needs when your own needs end. You only remember the problems and pains of others and forget yours. Someone is sick, another needs something. That is why love is called knowledge, knowledge is Pure Love. Because when you love someone with Pure love then you get all the knowledge about him. becomes beautiful and one's heart feels whom should one give it to? Even if she is mahamaya you can know. But love should be Pure. By Pure love get all the knowledge and any kind of knowledge. If you see with Pure will you love anything. For example in Madras, there is lot of poverty, so in the mind the feeling came that little children are standing waiting in the sun for a bus while we are going comfortably in a car. So it started pricking. I thought why not start a private transport when you are awakened then, you come into universal brotherhood. Rajarajeshwari has a tremendous task that she thinks about everyone. Like the Queen will see to the problems of the subjects. She will try to allay their suffering. VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE She will not sit around and see how many ornaments she has. In the same way you also become like that. Till you do not rise above your own selves and see into the world, then how can you be a worshipper of Vishwa Nirmal Dharma? Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is not an outside Dharma like we are Hindus, Muslims or Christians. It is the light from within and in this light a person emerges as a great light. He doesn't think that what amI getting' What have I got? He think that what can I do for others? 1 am nothing. Till now I have given realisation to only 100 people and I have not done enough then one can say that the Rajarajeshwari Shakti is moving up in him. She is urging him to distribute the tremendous Shakti he has in him. You cannot count it with money. Rajrajeshwari Shakti is the one which looks after everyone everywhere. She gives benevolence, peace and joy to everyone. That same Shakti is there within you too. You can take it to the greatest heights. What work can be done with even one paisa cannot be done with thousands of rupees. The powers of giving should be great. Shri Krishna went to Vidura's house and ate Spinach (saag) but did not eat Duryodhana's rich sweets. This points to the fact that anything cooked with love cannot be weighed. So first all Sahaja Yogis must tell themselves that they have no needs if they want to clean their chakras. I have come to Sahaj Yoga for the sake of other people's needs. Yesterday many people came after the programme but my right heart got caught up very badly. I could not understand why the right heart catches here so much. It has never happened before. It is the same shakti that pointed it out to me. So I asked how are Gruh Laxmis here? How do the people in Hyderabad treat their Gruhlaxmis. Then I found out that they treat them very badly. They do not respect their wives and they are all the time getting angry with them. They will respect their mothers but not their wives. They told me that this is the Muslim influence. The Muslims don't know that the Quran has said so much about respecting their wives. The ones who don't are foolish. Quran has so much respect for women which you will find nowhere. Then I understood that 'where wives are worshipped, there reside the Gods'. Where the wife is not respected the Gods will not reside. Of course if you have respected your wife then the children will respect you and respect each other. But if the woman herself is not worthy of worship and does unworthy things then you should put her right. But if she is good woman and she looks after the children and looks after the house with love, then such a woman should be respected not only at home but also in the society. Yesterday I suffered for over half an hour because of right heart catch. The same torture came within me with which you torture your wives. May be it can be that a wife may not understand Sahaj Yoga so much with her intellect but she may understand it from her heart. A woman normally understands things through her heart, while a man understands through his brains. To understand from the heart is a very great thing. The woman has always been thought of as embodiment of Shakti, In a house where there is no respect for women there nothing gets done properly, reason is that woman is the Shakti. For Example if this mike has no electricity then what can I say. If you suppress your house wife and do not respect her then the Shakti will not move in you. If lndians have any fault it is this that they do not respect the power of the wife. It is the greatest faults of Indians. They DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 -5- worship the Devi in the form of a virgin, all forms they worship them in, but will not worship the Devi in the form of the Gruh Laxmi. That is why I have to tell you that if you are Sahaja Yogis then be respectful towards your wives. I have heard that you get angry with them openly. Then you will also be shouted at openly. Man has no right that he should insult his wife for any reason. If I can put this one thing right with my attention then the Shakti of Rajrajeshwari will definitely start moving within you. You must understand that husband and wives are the two wheels of a Chariot, one on the left and one on the right. Left cannot come to the right and right cannot go to the left. Both are necessary. Both are alike but only their place is different. This means that no place is higher or lower then the Chariot cannot move forward. Children also learn the same from you. The children who will also not respect their mothers cannot do anything in the world. What respect will they have for Me?. That is why from today I pray to all that do not insult the wife of your home. Do not pull her down in anyway. You need her Shakti which is very important for you. In the same way women in Sahaj yoga should also look after their Shaktis, and should settle down in the Shakti. Everywhere I see I find that Sahaj yoga is spreading with great speed but you must know one thing that how deep have we grown. This is important. By increasing the quantity it is not going to help, till you do not have the value and quality of Sahaj Yoga. If you believe in Rajrajeshwari then you should have the manifestation of the Shakti in you. If not, then outwardly you changed your clothes but within you are empty. It is an inner Shakti and this Shakti should show in your behaviour and speech. May God Bless You. DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 SHRI MATAJI'S TALK TO SAHAJA YOGIS MADRAS 17/1/94 (Synopsis) Today we are lost in the Shabad Jalam. We say mantras, we read books, there are Shaivaites and Vaishnavities. All these things to us have been important also because we thought by following these methods, we will achieve our moksha, our last goal. This way I must say that Indians are very alert and basically spiritually minded. They also know what is wrong and what is good. They also know what is dharma and what is not Dharma. They will do wrong things. They may take to things which are absolutely against their spiritual life, but in their heart of hearts they all know that this is wrong, but they can't help it. We have to understand that we are specially blessed by people who were our forefathers who were great seers, saints and incarnations and who gave so much time for the emancipation of our spiritual life. To them material life was not so important. Specially in the South I feel that people are deeply rooted into Dharma. Iread about Shalivahana who met Christ once in Kashmir. Christ told him that I come from the Country of Malekshas. (Mal-iccha) means desire for filth. Their desire is towards mal not towards purity and I have come here because you people are absolutely Nirmal - Pure. Shalivahan told him 'Why do you want to come here, You should go and work for those people who are malekshas'. We are different type of people even today. Even in this Ghor kaliyuga atleast 70 percent people believe in God, have faith and fear of God. All this that we have is nothing but a kind of awe, a fear of the unknown. We don't know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don't know God. We don't know ourselves. First we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them no where. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm- Chaitanaya Our Bhaktl has no meaning because there is no connection like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? Its like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine. He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine, When are you going to take it ? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you, because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOLVI- Issue 5 & 6 -7- read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy in their heart. They leave their families come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer? Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. 'By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their moksha. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there'. They all have made fun of them. They have all said all kinds of things for you to know that all these outside things are of no help. Of course do it genuinely, because you want to have your liberation, your enlightenment. As you a mother, I tell you, you don't have to do all this. Please don't do it. First of all if you want to upset your mother you always say I will not have any food. So why do you want to do it. There is no need. So much importance is given to food. You get up at 4 am and go on chanting something and the whole house is up. Apart from that the other influences are of false Gurus. Madras is full of them, But worse is Calcutta. everybody seems to be some sort of Guru slave. Everybody is a dikhit (got diksha from a guru) and tantrikas, when you have these bad Gurus they create such negativity that they cannot prosper. The Laxmi Tattwa goes out. Because of that the poverty will never go. Unless and until you get rid of all these horrible Gurus, We have them everywhere in India. But here the people are so simple and hero worshippers. As the Muslims have Jehad we are having Jehad against ourselves. We are killing ourselves, don't eat food, don't do this, do that all the time after our lives. God has created this world for your comfort and enjoyment. Why did he create this world if you had to go through such hell. In Sahaj Yoga you know your identity. You understand how glorious you are once you are connected to the mains you know what powers you have. How beautiful you are within and you start respecting yourself. You don't have ego but you have a right idea about yourself. I'm so happy, I see so many people here who are willing to take to Sahaj Yoga, who are in Sahaj yoga. Of course it cures people, it has cured many people. Apart from that it also gives you mental peace. Emotionally you become a very balanced person, but above all you get the power to give realization to others. First you get your nirvichar samadhi and then you get your nirvikalpa samadhi. You all get it as soon as you are connected to the mains. Its a very remarkable thing. A Sahaja Yogi in Bangalore told me he was doing tissue culture. Only 50% is successful. But I am a Sahaja Yogi. I just stand here and give vibrations, they pass through the bottles and my success is 100%. He is a farmer he does not know even English but he says, 'Mother, there is such knowledge within myself I can feel it'. This is what one has to know that what you VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE are not. This is very important to know that we are not ordinary human beings. First of all you have come to this programme because you are seekers. You are special human beings. Then you get your realization. You get all your powers. You need not be a P.H.D. etc. You need not be a big successful person. Those who think they are very successful will never get realization, because they are lost to normal common sense, like bureaucrats, ministers, are very difficult. So how do they get it? They get it when they have from inside innately thing desire to achieve it. Just to feel that way. It is a such a remarkable thing that everything is tangible. Even the small children can tell you what's wrong with you, which chakra is bad. Its such a great discovery which we don't realize, may be because we have no sense of our spirituality. When I went to Russia, the oldest University in Leningrad, St.Petersburg University gave me a big award. They made me one of the 10 members of the University. I looked at the award and said 'I'm just a housewife. I'm not a Scientist'. Einstein done. He has just managed the material side. He worked on matter, while you have worked on human beings'. S One of the recipients of this award was Einstien. They said What has Things are going to work out. You should all move out from all this kind of darkness and get into the light. See for yourself. What you are. First of all to be born in this country means you have really something special. Such a blessing, it is you have no idea. This mother earth, nowhere you will find such a mother earth in the whole world. But you have to have your realisation otherwise you cannot value it. That is why I want you to understand that even if you get your realisation, try to understand that you have achieved something exceptionally in life which you could not have had. Its tangible, you can find out on your finger tips about anyone, or yourself, theirs and your chakras. Such a big gift is there and I would request that you should utilize this gift by gifting it to others who have not received it. Thats the greatest thing you are to do and you will be joining into a very very big global group which is the living organisation of Sahaj Yoga. All over the world you will have friends. All over the World they will know you. As you are here in Sahaj Yoga you have to understand that all your customs, relations anything is respected. Nobody will say don't do this or don't do that. But you yourself will become your own Guru, because there is light in your attention. May God Bless You. What is the reason for man's existence. Question : To be an instrument of God and to enjoy His blessings. Answer VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE MADRAS PUBLIC PROGRAMME TALK BY H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI 18/1/94.(Synopsis) At the very outset we have to know what is truth. What it is, we cannot think about it, understand it, describe, or conceptualize it. Truth is to be experienced. This is the reason why as human beings we cannot feel the truth. Whatever l'm going to tell you today you need not accept it blindfolded. Blind faith has not helped us at all. You should have a very open mind of a Scientist and treat all this as a hypothesis, and incase you find that its true that you have experienced the truth, then you have to believe it as honest people. What is the Truth? The Truth is that you are not this body. You are not this mind or emotions. You are the Pure Spirit. The second Truth is that there is an all pervading Power of Divine Love which is the Truth which does all the living work. We see beautiful flowers and trees, but we take it for granted. It's all a miracle. Look at your heart. Who runs the heart. The doctors will say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So many things we know, we know from childhood. Who does all this? Who controls the growth of human beings, the growth of tree, flower and all living things. We have no answer for that, Science also cannot answer many questions. Firstly science doesn't teach any morality, which is so important for human life. You have to understand that if you have to know the truth then you have to become the self. You have to become the spirit, You have to become Atma. Also you have to feel this all-pervading power of Divine Love within you. Some people called it as Brahm Chaitanya, some call it as Rooh, Patanjali has called it as Ritumbhara Pragnya. Unless and until you are united to that force, to that power you have no meaning, no identity and you will be floating in the air projecting your mental processes which is not substantiated by Truth, totality or reality. This is the main reason why we have problems that we don't know the absolute Truth. Whatever truth Řelative truth creates problems, discussions, arguments we know is relative. and wars. But if we all know that this is the truth, then there's no chance in in all these useless ventures into which human beings have been indulging wasting their time. To find out your spirit in this great country of Maha Yoga people have done lot of research. Today's Sahaj Yoga is only one advancement. If you read Markandeya, who was 13,000 yrs. ago, he was only 16 years old when He wrote about the Kundalini. Machlndranath, Gorakhanath & Adi Shankaryacharya have described it. In Madras I heard that there are great learned people who know everything by heart. What's the use? As Shankaracharya said that this is all Shabad Jalam. He tells the Holy Mother 'please take me away from Shabad Jalam'. Like Kabira has said, 'Parhi parhi pandit moorakh bhaye'. I become stupid by reading. But I have met many now. You go on telling them about DIVINE COQL BREEZE couldn't understand how could pandits - 10- - Issue 5 & 6 VOL.VI the truth. It has to be experienced, it is an identification. It is the becoming, like a seed becomes the tree, an egg becomes the chicken. It is the actualization of your second birth. Thats' what is to be achieved, no use reading, no use doing all kinds of these stupid penances. Every country has its own problems. For example the Western people were called as Malekcha. The King Shalivahana met Christ in Kashmir, Christ told him 'My name is Isa andI come from the countries of Malekchas, to your country because this is the Yoga Bhumis', Shalivahana said 'A person like you should be among the Malekchas, to improve them!. Malekcha, means Mal-iccha The Desire is towards mal. Their whole mind goes towards mal. You don't know how much Dharmic, we are, how much we all care for purity. In their culture, the whole thing is how to become impure. It's all self-destruction. People are taking to things which will destroy them, their families, society and nations. West is all right in machinery, etc. But they are not good as far as the wisdom is concerned, as far as their own emancipation is concerned. They will always take to people who are befooling them, who want to make money out of them. All these greedy people have moved down there and those who are living here are also getting exposed. We have to also understand that this is a country where there is so much of knowledge. This kundalini awakening was done by so many great people in this country. Its not my knowledge: Its the knowledge which was discovered by so many saints and seers. In the west we find such a civilization grown outside like a big tree but the roots have to be nourished, otherwise they will collapse. How are we going to exist without any sense of mnoral values. If you understand that to be born in this country itself we need punyas of many lives. In the sensible and wise way there is no need for renunciation, or get into all kinds of ritualism. Just so simple if you have to see the modern Sahaja Yoga the difference is that in these modern days thousands of people are getting their self-realisation. Its an en-masse emancipation. I don't take any credit for that because the time has come. This is a special blossom time. The same which they call as the last judgement. This is the resurrection time as described in Quran. They call it the 'Kiyama'. Sahib has clearly told that at the time of Kiyama your hands will speak, but because of the conflicts they had, most of the religions have deviated from the right path. They are either power-oriented or money oriented, and that is why we are so disappointed. We have this power within us in the triangular bone called Sacrum. That means the Greek knew that this is the sacred bone because they called it as Sacred. Athena is the word. Ath in Sanskrit means Pri-mordial. Athena was the Mohammed Primordial mother and described in our Sashatras as Manipur. Dwipa which was Greece. The whole of this mythology was discarded by intellectuals. If it has become just a mythology then Shri Rama, Krishna is also a mythology. Jesus is mythology. Every intellectual has so much right to say whatever they like about the subject which they know nothing about. This kind of intelligence is not only going to mislead them but is going to mislead others and it is the sinful act to talk about something about which they don't know. Unless and until you have discovered it, how can you talk against it? How can you describe it? Its very unscientific that you can talk about anybody you feel like. First find out what it is. DIVINE COOL BREEZE 11 VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 Kundalini is your own mother. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Adi Shakti. She resides in your triangular bone. She is the one who is anxious to give you your self- realisation. Your second birth. She knows everything about you. She knows your pursuits, and mistakes, but she's your Mother. She is a very kind Mother. Very gently she gives you self-realisation. Its like the primula in the seed, the ankura, how it comes out when it is put into the mother Earth, In the same way it works out. It is all there. You have the whole machinery within you. Everything is your own. It is your own power which is within you. This power works and gives you your self-realisation. Are we to believe in it or not? People believe in Shri Chakra. What is Shri Chakra. What are these Chakras, how do they work out. You can prove scientifically now that there are Chakras. When the Kundalini rises, she nourishes these chakras. By nourishing these centres she gives you physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual benefits. Its a fact through Sahaja Yoga, cancer has been cured. All kinds of diseases, mental and physical have been cured. But we are not here to cure anything. We are here to make you your own doctor. To make you your own Guru. To know about yourself and to cure yourself. Once you rise above them, then you can cure others. First the state in which you achieve is Nirvichara Samadhi meaning - thoughtless awareness. Thoughts come and fall. Another thought comes and falls. In between these thoughts there is a little space, that is the present but it is so small that you never feel your present. You cannot be in your present. You can be in the future or in the past. If I tell you be in your present you cannot. If I tell you take your attention you cannot. When this Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts. We are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time and we drop into that state where you are in the present and in the present there is no thought. It is reality. That is where you grow spiritually, not by saying mantras etc. You have to be silent within. That's the time you are peaceful. You become the source of peace because you have reached it. Such a peace has to be within us. We have to feel 1 that peace. People talk of peace. We see people having organizations of peace, etc. and many people getting awards of peace. Most of them are very egostical and hot tempered. How can they spread peace when they have no peace within. It happens, it is not a question of just lecturing or sermonizing. But it just happens that your Kundalini just reaches that spot by which your thought elongate and you feel within yourself. All these problems these days of people getting into tensions all disappear. The first thing you feel is the cool breeze coming out of your own head. You can feel the cool breeze on your finger tips, Christians call it, the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is the Param Chaitanya that you feel on your finger tips. All these finger tips are nothing but our endings of the sympathetic nervous system and you start feeling it. 'Feeling' which means the Bodh. Thats what Vedas call 'Vid'. You have to feel it on your central nervous systems. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our Central nervous system. It's not a make-believe at all. If you want to take - 12 - VOL.VI DIVINE COOL BREEZE Issue 5 & 6 -12 a dog or horse through a dirty lane, it will go. But a human being cannot because he has achieved that state of Bodha where he knows what is dirty. We have achieved so many things much more than animals and what we have to do now is to do just a little more journey upward. Thats the last break through of our evolution. Once we jump into that area then we just grow spiritually.. Then you develop a second state which is called Nirvi-Kapla Samadhi, means Doubtless Awareness. You become, its not just lecturing. It happens because it's all within you. Its your own flow. It happens like when you put a seed in the mother Earth and it sprouts because the mother Earth has got the capacity to germinate and the seed has the capacity to germinate. For example this microphone was made nicely. Till it was not connected it had no meaning. As soon as it is connected fantastic. In the same way we are fantastic people. If you take a television to a ery remote village where they have not seen electricity and tell them you can see very films in this, they will never believe you. We also think you are just boxes which you are not. Only you are to be connected. Once you are connected you will be amazed to see what capacity and powers you have got. Then you can give realization to others, you can cure people and remain absolutely peaceful. You do not feel tired. You become so dynamic because the vital force is going through you. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. You become a different person. You become a saint. You become an angel, which you are in a dormant state. When it works you are amazed at yourself when you become the spirit, for you become a witness. Your attention becomes a witness of the whole thing. watch everything, You don't get involved, you don't get into trouble. Supposing you are in the water and there is a turmoil in your mind because the waves are passing You over, but supposing you get into the boat then you can watch the waves. But supposing you learn how to swim you can jump down and save many people. In the same way your life becomes very easy. Of all the things your attention becomes pure. The greed and lust drop out. Your eyes become steady. Women in the West are anxious how many men are looking at them and vice versa and that's the end of their life. They do all kinds of dirty filthy things. They do not understand that they are going to the world of Satanic forces which will take them to hell. We should be very careful. Sometimes we don't see what is behind all this. As our life is it is good but should not be too ritualistic. Either we are so called stupid intellectuals or we are ritualistics. What is the need to fast. You can fast for your health, but why for God, your Father. Do you fast for your own father. He is the Father of all the fathers. A Mother cannot be happy with a person like that. If you want to displease her you will say, 'Mother I am not eating my food'. In the name of God, to fast, to give up your family, and do all kinds of nonsensical things, is in no way helpful for our spiritual ascent. Some people might say Buddha did that, Buddha searched and searched. Also he needed people to work for him so he said take to Sanyasa. That was the time of Tapa. But there is no need today. Just get your realization, that's all. The greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not duality. It is not happiness or unhappiness. This you get from your ego, when DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 13 - ego is happy or unhappy. It is a state of joy which cannot be described. It is to be experienced. This experience fulfills you completely. This power of Kundalini is - Sudh Iccha. All other desires are not pure, that is why the power of Pure Desire they are not satiable in general. That's the principle of economics. You want a coat, then you want a bicycle, then a car, then you want a house. Whatever you get you are not happy. Once you get your realization and settle down with it your connection is alright. You are satisfied. You enjoy that. It is not that the riches will make you happy. The rich people come to me and tell me 'Mother please give us peace'. They have no peace or joy. With all the riches around them. You cannot purchase that. You cannot purchase me. How much money do we give to Mother Earth for giving these flowers'. How can you pay for God. So many people have been ruined because they have been paying to the Gurus etc. There have been real Gurus also, but in these moderm times there's a Guru shopping going on. A person who is one with the Divine doesn't understand much of money or banking. God doesn't understand banking. Thats your headache, money is your headache; but the blessings of Laxmi are there. Sahaj Yoga its a new world that has started in this new age. We have to humble down a little bit. We have to know that so far we have not found it and today I am going to get it. You have to just have Pure Desire for it. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God. These are not stupid miracles like someone gives you a diamond. The miracle is how you are helped so many times. How you are saved, guided into the right path. How you meet the right person. How you were blessed by so many securities in life. You cannot pay for seeking. It is effortless. It is all within yourself. You got your But Indians take time to settle down in Sahaj Yoga. freedom, you will get this Its very sad. But in the West it is very quick. How is it where there is so much of Dharma, where people like Adi Shankaracharya lived, how is it that we are not so deep as we should have been as far as our spirituality is concerned. You must take your self realization seriously. You may say that I am doing it at home. It won't work because it is a living organism. For example a nail of mine is cut and put there, it won't grow, Sahaj Yoga door is open to everyone. You might find some funny people also coming in, doesn't matter. You should not worry about them. You should just worry about yourself and you should find your own way. There's complete freedom too, but this in a way limits Sahaj Yoga, that you're free. If you want to have you can have, if you don't want to have it nobody can force you. Your freedom is respected May God Bless You Issue 5 & 6 14 - VOL.VI DIVINE COOL BREEZE SHIVRATRI PUJA TALK BY H. H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI DELHI 14/3/94.(Synopsis) Today it is Sadashiva whom we are going to worship. The difference between Sadashiva and Shiva is Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a writer of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like the moon and the moonlight or the sun and the sunlight, We cannot understand such relationship in human marriages or human relationships. Whatever the Adi Shakti is creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him and when He is watching this creation, He is witnessing all of it. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this mother Earth. All the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing. The power of Adi Shakti is thus all pervading power. The God Almighty, the Primordial Father expresses his desire in icchá shakti, as the Primordial Mother. She expresses Her power as Love, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep and whatever She is creating He finds there is some problem or there are people who are trying to obstruct Her work, He brings forth their destruction. He is the one who is responsible for the destructive power. He is reflected in the hearts of human beings. Among all the creations, He pulsates, but that pulsation is the energy of the Primordial Mother, and He can destroy anything that goes against the plans of the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is Love. She forgives and She Loves Her creation. She wants the creation to prosper and to go up to the same level for which it was created. She wants human beings to go to that level where they enter into the Kingdom of God, the Sadashiva, where there is bliss, forgiveness, joy. All this is only possible if you have seeking, that you have also an innate desire to be there. This desire within us is reflected as the reflection of the Primordial Mother. Now this desire is there and other mundane desires are also there which stop the progress of your ascent. In Sahaja Yoga we have never tried to overcome the desires by taking sanyasa or running away from the house, etc. The first thing that is done is that you get the light of your Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of Sadashiva. The spirit is just like a light which is burning and which is showing the path. In that path you yourself become so wise, that you walk in the light of wisdom. That you walk in the light of righteousness, because whatever is destructive is seen through the light of your spirit. You start giving up all that is destructive. Nobody has to tell you that give up this or that. You yourself realize that this is and we should not do it. This was my own understanding of human beings because these are days where people are in complete delusions. They are in a conflict all the time, struggling even to exist. Under these circumstances everything would have failed if you had started taking sanyasa and then going to Himalayas. If you have to do this for the masses something has to be done radical and luckily wrong VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 15 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE I have been able to find out a way by which you can get your sprouting and realization, Some people who get realization have to understand certain things because there are many people who have got realization. What is lacking in them is surrender. This is the only condition of modern Sahaja Yoga, that you have to really surrender. If your start using your brain or other methods to understand Sahaja Yoga you cannot. You must surrender and Islam is nothing but surrender. Islam means surrender. If that surrender is not there it is impossible to establish anyone in the Kingdom of God. Surrender is not that you should give up your family, children, home, etc. Surrendering means to give up your ego, and then give up your conditionings, for example, I met a gentleman who was suffering a lot. As I asked him who is your Guru, he gave a name of a Guru. I said, "He has not done any good to you, will you give him up?" He said "tomorrow." I said "why not today." He said "Today". But I have to throw away all his photo, etc, so tomorrow morning 'll do it," He asked what he should throw away and told him to throw away all the things with which you worshipped him. Then he threw away everything in the sea. Then he told the sea "l'am sorry. I have suffered a lot because of this man, now you please don't suffer." This kind of a way penetrating intelligence he had. You cannot give up. One sticks to that. I know of so many who find it very difficult to get rid of their conditioning. That's more difficult than ego. These are conditionings and conditionings that you have. We have first conditioning that you are born in India. After Sahaja Yoga people suddenly start seeing what wrong with their country, countrymen, their religion and books they were reading. Immediately they start seeing it clearly that this was the mistake. This is wrong. Nobody says "because we are English or Russians or Indians so we are the best. They immediately find out what's wrong and why these people are not getting realization. On the other hand they feel such compassion that so many people haven't got their realization. Why should we not try to give them realization." This is the double action of the light. Firstly you know there is light and that you have become the light. So wherever your attention goes you start seeing the reality and then you understand that this has been the conditioning of our country, of our society. Then they abhor all that is wrong. They never identify, but first thing, is surrendering. In surrendering you develop a kind of a state where you become a sanyasi from within. That means nothing can dominate you. Sanyasi is a person who is above everything else. Nothing can stick to him. He just looks at things and knows what it is. He doesn't do what is wrong. He knows everything, though he may not say it. He is so detached that in that detachment only he can see what is wrong. He starts seeing his family. He starts seeing others and he starts seeing what's wrong. He does not identify with anything. I went to Turkey and met a Swiss gentleman. He asked me for realization, I was surprised because I did not see this in Switzerland. After realization he immediately said "I am not going to go back to 16- DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI- Isue 5 & 6 Switzerland." It is so clear and that this light definitely gives you tremendous wisdom and balance. Suppose you are walking and you can't see the road, you may fall down. But if there is little light also, you can see. This is what Sahaj Yoga has done. It has given you very little light. That little light itself has been sufficient for you to give up so many things. The other side of it is the ega part. Ego is very subtle stuff with human beings. Some of them have such a gullible ego that with the slightest thing it shoots off. And they get very angry for small things. Or they find somebody whom they can dominate. When you start seeing this ego, you just start laughing at it, and think that what's wrong with me. Ego is not like conditioning which is coming from outside. It comes from within. It can come from anything. Human beings have ego of all kinds of nonsensical things. One day I met a lady who was very proud and not even smiling. I asked what's the matter with this lady? They told me she knows how to make dolls that is why she is so proud. What is there? Anybody can make dolls. A person becomes stupid and more stupid. It is the first sign of an egoistical person he is so encompassed in his "I". "I did this." "I am this". He is not even ashamed to say things that should not be said. Then he may even lead a sinful life. Such people are fond of women, drinking, etc. Then they start boasting about that. For an egoistical man there is nothing like shame. He will go on telling about his nonsensical things, whatever they do, they justify. I asked a man "you had such a bad heart attack why do you drink? Give up drinking." He justified it by saying that "even a certain big industrialist at the age of 95, drinks." He drinks, that's why he is so successful." Is he successful because of drinking? But even ordinary reasoning is not there. You see the greatest drunkard of countries you never see the status of a man who died of drinking. In no country people praise a man because he had ten women or he died of drinking. This ego has spread in modern times. They start saying, "I like this, I don't like this." This is a sign of complete destruction, because ego is stupid. The way people dress up these days we find them very stupid, " I like it, what's wrong." Those who get realization somehow or the other see it. "This is my ego talking." Then they start laughing at themselves, making fun of it. Also in Sahaja Yoga there are people whomI ask why they don't go and organize. They say,"Mother, because my ego will come up." How can your ego come up if you see your ego. Supposing you see something is burning, you see it. How can you get that burn-outs yourself? But this is a very subtle type of avoiding work of Sahaja Yoga to say that I will get into ego. In marriages also it is very common. They will say, "Mother I married this girl at that time but now I don't think I should have been married." That time what had happened to you. I have to tell you all these things because I have been facing these problems of this stupid idiotic ego. One has to see clearly how his ego is working in oneself and how it is keeping us down. When we talk of ascent we talk of a higher life, we have to become sanyasi like the lotus that comes out of the pond and no water can stay on it. Even on the leaves of lotus, no water can 17 - Issue 5 & 6 VOLVI DIVINE COOL BREEZE stay on it. We have to become just like that, we don't have to wear sanyasi dresses or anything. But from inside a kind of a detached attention is there which immediately locates the problem within you, also in Sahaja Yoga you know how to overcome that to a very effective, efficient system. To achieve that you have to become Shiva within means detached. Shiva is completely detached. That detachment will give you the same wisdom as Shiva, Sadashiva sees the work of Adi Shakti silently. He doesn't get proud, doesn't develop an ego which says "see now what my iccha shakti is doing." He just watches. But when it comes to destruction, He sees that this part is going to destroy the work, immediately He destroys, in the same way we have to be. We have to see our life itself is a big field. How do we consider ourselves to be? I have seen people talk,"O, So what, Iam a Sahaja Yogi!" You can't talk like that if you are a Sahaja Yogi. With folded hands you have to say I am a Sahaja Yogi. In your behaviour, your talk, everything you have to be a person who is extremely humble. If that is not so, that means that SahajaYoga has given you double ego. As it is you know that Shiva is known for His innocence, simplicity and His forgiveness. He forgives rakshasas, He forgives everyone. That is His quality. But anybody who goes against the Primordial Mother, He doesn't spare. This is the quality one has to understand. Surrendering doesn't mean outside things to be surrendered. Surrendering means cleaning yourself completely. Getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. Some people get sick. They make such an ado out of it. But you are a Sahaja Yogi then you just watch that you are sick. Its a playful mirthful attention. When I came I had temperature, but nobody believes I had temperature. I was so tired in the marriage. They said "you don't look tired." In the same way life also has to be played. Its just a play. And that play has to be seen through the light of wisdom. Nothing is so serious. For Sahaja Yogis nothing is so serious. if There are lots of things which we have to learn. When we worship Shiva we praise Him. There are thousand names of the Goddess, of Shiva & Vishnu with which you worship them. What about people? How many names you can have. Actually in the puja when you take the names of these, they also get awakened. After puja you do feel that way. But you don't utilize them. As many people I have seen have come in the puja and they have got that power within themselves. But by the time they are out, its finished. Surrendering has another side. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these power within myself. One side is surrendering, why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. Once you have absorbed then you should retain and assume within yourself and know that you have these powers. This is where Sahaja Yogis fail more. First time it happened that no Sahaja Yogi would touch anybody, raise anybody's Kundalini. I thought now what to do, I have prepared these channels and nobody is even raising their fingers, how am I going to work it out? Once we had a programme in Nasik area. 18- VOLVI - Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE I was in Nasik and their programme was thirty miles away, we reached half way and our car failed. All the Sahaja Yogis had arrived at the programme and the huge crowd got restless. So they said,"we will give you realization." They gave realization and that is the first time the Sahaja Yogis started knowing that they can give realization. They all started after that. Assume that I have these powers. I am not going to waste them. I am going to use them. Once I was travelling by ship and one fellow got caught up in the freeze room and he got pneumonia. The captain came to me and said that this boy has got pneumonia and they have to get a doctor by helicopter. I said captain I have given you realization, you are a doctor, just go and put your hand on his heart. He did that and the fellow got alright. He was amazed at himself. But if you do not assume and just sit down meditating, then what's the use? After achieving Shiva state you have to start doing the work of Adi Shakti. You should get the desire that we should spread Sahaja Yoga, we have to work it out. But be careful for sometimes you may be conditioned, be egoistical, but watch yourself. By watching you can achieve a lot. Some people have taken it upon themselves, have done it, everywhere in every country. The first thing of surrendering is to reach the state of your spirit of Shiva and Sadashiva, The second state is that now you have to think of others. First it is "vyasthi' 'individual gain,' and then it becomes 'samasti' means collective you have to work it out on collective. People who never ever got realization have been doing so much organization, while you have got it, now it is important that you should extend this light to others. Translated from Hindi You know a lot about shiva. But what is the tattva of Shiva you should know that. Nothing touches Shiva. Anyone can say anything to Him and then ask forgiveness, He forgives, Honour, dishonour, happiness, sorrow, nothing touches Him. He is far from all these, which Adi Shankara Charya has said,"Shivoham, Shivoham. In Adi Shankaracharya's time he spoke of Shivoham, that I am Shiva to achieve this state, individual effort ànd after that the next state is to be active like the Adi Shakti, otherwise if these two states don't meet then what is the point of setting the status of Shiva. If Shiva could do everything then why did He work to create everything. He said one state is the Shiva state. You have to reach that Shiva state where you become completely desireless. Then if you go into anything it will not affect you. People have told me that there is a Sahaja Yogi who is eating money. Some other is showing his ego, some are showing their importance. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga people are showing such madness. If you have come into Sahaja Yoga then you should first get your Shiva state, means that you are completely desireless. For that surrender is imnportant. VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 19 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE After complete surrender you can come into Shiva and Shakti, Shiva is untouched by anything. He has no ego, or sanskaras. He came for his marriage on a bull, even Parvati felt ashamed that what is this my groom coming like this. But he lives in his own understanding. His marriage party comprised of all kinds of funny looking people, one-eyed moustes, one legged because he does not feel who is what, what clothes they are wearing, what they look like. These things don't strike Him. He is sitting in desirelessness. He is innocent because useless thoughts don't enter His head. Many people go to someone's house and distainfully criticize his carpet etc. But have you come to meet the carpet or the person. Some lady will remark about the sari of another. You have to meet a person, meet his or her tattva and base. Get to know what is a human being. To look at others from the outside is not Shiva's way. He is not concerned with anything as to what will people say or how I should live, this should happen, or that. When He lost His first wife, he carried Her dead body on his back, who will do this? All His ways are unusual. But if you see the Tattva, then what he considers right, and what he thinks wrong. He even gave his wife away to Ravana. He knows that His wife is a Goddess. What will Ravana will do with her? Instead she will put Ravana right. Our tendency is to look out worldly at everything. As and when the outer eye becomes less, the inner eye will start opening. You should try to understand the inner worth of a person. Now some village people talk in a gruff manner. People have different tongues, so you get annoyed with that, you should think this is their way. There is no need to take offence, how some very Tahzeeb-cultured people came and you got so lost with their style that you have lost everything. Anything that is made out worldly very beautifully is to deceive you. That is why to put so much attention on outward things is wrong. In the world specially in our country we see how the Western culture is coming here, we see how outward the vision of people are. Gandhiji went to London in his dhoti, where you had to go in a three piece suit. You have to see whether people are wearing it to create attention. But when a man becomes free within and all these things are not so important to him except for reality. To recognize reality is the first Tattva of Shiva then only we will be able to do the work of the Adi Shakti. If someone said something, abused you, so what? Whatever is happening let it happen. How does it matter? But the Tattva within should be clear, and if it is spoilt in others, so what. You can put it right. You will condemn in others but not yourself then you will never get alright. To be surrendered means that whatever there is within you, you keep giving up. In the end, the pure and clear form, which is your atma, you will be joyful by it, and it will make you completely capable. Today is Shiva's puja and you are sitting here with a feeling of surrender. The second part of surrender which you have is that you are realized souls. You are one among lakhs, this blessing we have got and how much are we able to do, you should think about this. VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 20 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE ---------------------- 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-0.txt DIVINE COOL BREEZE Vol. VI Issue 5 & 6 You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. ...HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-1.txt DIVINE COOL BREEZE Vol. VI, Issue 5 & 6 Contents Rajrajeshwari Puja - Hyderabad 21.1.94 1 1. Talk to Sahaja Yogis - Madras 17.1.94 Public Programme Madras 18.1.94 10 3. Shivratri Puja - Delhi 14.3.94 15 4 Editor Published by: Printed By: Yogi Mahajan The Divine Cool Breeze, 9 Bhagyachintamani Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029 Computex Graphics, 112 High Tech Indl. Centre. Caves Road, Jogeshwari Easl, Bombay 400 060 2. 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-2.txt SHRI RAJRAJESHWARI PUJA TALK HYDERABAD 21/1/94 (SYNOPSIS) (TRANSLATED FROM HINDI) In the South the Raj Rajeshwari aspects of the Devi are worshipped specially. The reason was that there were many Devi devotees born like Adi Shankaracharya, and they established the Shakta Dharma, which means the Dharma of the Shakti. Two types of Dharma started at the same time. Ramanujacharya established the Vaishanva Dharma and as these Dharmas grew, they separated. In reality, in Vaishnava Dharma Mahalaxmi is the one whose work it is. The various aspects of Mahalaxmi are to be awakened within, like to establish Dharma and to be in the central path neither should one go into the left or the right. To remain in the central path is called Vaishanava. Later this Vaishnava Dharma spread to Gujarat and other parts. When you go through the Vaishnava path by the grace of the Kundalini then you enter the Sahasrara. In the Sahasrara, Sadashiva resides, L.e. the Brahmaranda following Vaishnava Dharma you eventually arrive at Sadashiva, who is a part of the Shakta Dharma. One should understand that Kundalini is the Shakti and she passes through the central path. So how can you separate both Dharmas. The path of the Shakti is also the central path. Both the Dharmas which are tied together were separated. The reason was that there was no ascent of the Kundalini In those days. In Kolhapur there is the Mahalaxmi temple where she is in the awakened state, people sing 'Rise, rise Amba'. Amba is the Shakti, Kundalini is called Amba. They don't know why they sing this. Vaishnava make their path, and when their path gets ready then the Kundalini awakens. In Sahaj Yoga we also do this. When you sit towards me with palms outstretched then your seven chakras slowly get alright. It means that you are becoming Vaishnavas. You come from extremes to the central path, and your chakras start working and settling properly. When your chakras get alright then only the Kundalini gets awakened. First you become Vaishnavas and then Shaktas. So both of them are one. In the South Various aspects of the Goddess were believed and one of them is Rajarajeshwari. Laxmi is on the Vaishnava path and that is why this one aspect of Laxmi was told which is the aspect of the Shakti. Rajarajeshwari means that when the Kundalini comes into the Nabhi where she gets the aspect of Laxmi. There are many types of Laxmis influence i.e. Gruhlaxmi, Rajlaxmi, etc. This Laxmi gets these various aspects only when the Kundalini Shakti comes into them. It is only by the merging of Kundalini Shakti that these aspects come. Rajarajeshwari is nothing but Kundalini when she takes the aspects of Various Laxmis at the Nabhi. In one can say that the Aspect of Adi Shakti in the Nabhi Chakra is called Rajarajeshwari. A person in whose Nabhi Chakra Rajarajeshwari is established means that Gruhlaxmi is there in left side, then on right side is Rajarajeshwari. Rajlaxmi state evolves as Rajarajeshwari. How should a Sahaja yogi be in the evolved state of DIVINE COOL BREEZE Issue 5 & 6 - 1- VOLVI 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-3.txt Rajarajeswari. There is already the blessing of Laxmi, when the Kundalini rises in such a person, the blessing of Laxmi has to come. to get the blessings of Laxmi and sometimes this Laxmi can grow a lot. The nature of the person becomes like a King. Till your nature doesn't become like that then you must understand that the Kundalini is still moving around the Nabhi. The greatest miracle after coming to Sahaj Yoga is that a person's nature changes. His attitude changes. A person who is filled with Laxmi but in whom Laxmi cannot be seen. For example there are many rich people who are miserly, then you cannot call them Laxmipati. You cannot see any aspect of Laxmi in them. They live like beggars and keep crying about money. They cannot give two pennies to anyone. Such misers have not had the Kundalini awakened in them. They are such misers and are always thinking of money that even their lives may go bad and their face looks like a beggar. Only to attain Laxmi is not the work of the Kundalini. The work of the Kundalini is to bring the aspect of Laxmi in your nature. Rajarajeshwari is the Shakti of the Kundalini and she is the one who brings the aspect of the Laxmipati in you. It doesn't mean that you should have a lot of wealth, but it makes you generous, like a king. You have the temperament of a King. Even kings can be mniserly, false and corrupt. But here we are talking of pure Temperament. The one who worships Rajarajeshwari and who has attained Her. Her biggest aspect is generosity. Such a person becomes generous, because he knows that he is filled with the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. I will never have any need for money or anything so why not enjoy and give gifts to people and keep oneself happy. All Sahaja Yogis are bound In the earlier days when Kings used to be pleased they used to give away their most costly possessions to the people. The one who is not generous is only half a person. First and foremost no King goes and asks for alms. He may become but he will not beg. He will die but will not ask for alms. Sahaja Yogis become poor like a king and they live like kings. Once Akbar asked Birbal who are the most unfortunate people, so Birbal said The ones who come to the temple of God and beg from people'. If God is there then why ask for money. Even in Sahaj Yoga there are such people, who think they can make money out of Sahaj Yoga. From such a person you cannot understand the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. By her Shakti, a person whether he has money or not, you have no fear. There is no feeling of want (Abhav), that I lack this. He feels 1 am sitting in the fullness of the ocean, What do I need Why should I be frightened, whenever I am I can achieve everything'. He lives life in a very grand style. His temperament is very large, humble and great. He enjoys only in giving not in taking. Whether rich or poor, he is ready to help a Sahaja Yogi. In Sahaj yoga there are many people who do a lot for others. But if a poor Sahaja Yogi comes they will not even offer a chair to him. So looking at the outside of a person many people give lots of importance to such a person. 'He is very great because he has so many cars' or 'He is a very famous actor, doctor, architect etc.' These are outside manifes- tations. But if someone thinks that this man has the Shakti in him. There is so much vibrations flowing from him, who is this Aulia? He is the one who has the temperament of a King. There have been many people like this. For example Shivaji. DIVINE COOL BREEZE -2- VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-4.txt He was a great man, but his behaviour towards Saints was very beautiful and humble. Once his guru Ramdas came to him, Shivaji wrote a letter and put it in his bag. It was written in that letter 'My Guru, whatever is mine, my wealth, Kingdom all I have put in your bag'. On reading the letter Guru Ramdas laughed and said "My child, I am a sanyasi, what will I do with your Kingdom. You are a king and it is your duty. But if you think that you would like to rule this kingdom with Bhakti then make the flag the colour of the robe I wear. By looking at this flag people will know you are ruling the Kingdom like a Sanyasi, You have no attachments towards it, you are a king but you do not know you are a king'. People who think they are very great, and keep boasting. 'I am so and so are not so'. And those who are, will never say so. Once I was travelling in London and next to me a gentleman started talking about India. Then I asked Were you in India?' He said, "Yes I was there many years." He did not tell us anything else about himself. He got down and left. One day we met suddenly again on the train and he invited us to his house. When we went to his house we found this beautiful palatial house. He was the Viceroy of India, but we never knew that he had been in that position. He gave me such importance. He looked after us so well. In our country the PA of a minister thinks no end of himself. Once some people went to meet a Minister and they saw one person jumping around and getting angry. He said 'Don't you know I am the P.A.', Some people just go crazy when they acquire a wee bit. This is not the attitude of Kings. Kings are first and foremost very humble, Arrogance comes when a person thinks he has a lot of wealth or position. If he is educated or in a big job, or the son of a great father then he becomes even more arrogant. You cannot even talk to him. So much so that even ordinary people go crazy. Like in my husband's office even the operator became arrogant. Why do you talk in such a and simple. You must understand that till you are not complete you will have false ego in you. You will have false anger and you get a strange kind of behaviour that people run away. Some are like beggars who as soon as they come you know that they have come to ask. 'This happened to me, that happened to my family'. Another comes and cries for lack of money. You cannot attain the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari without coming in the middle path. It will not move in you. For example what is the use of water to a plastic tree. In the same way there is a false tamasha about these people. I was coming from London and a lady was travelling with us who was loaded with diamonds. She said, 'I believe in simple living and high thinking, we don't wear such colored clothes. Then as India approached she came to me and said, 'I have a problem can you help me?" I have jewellery worth 65 lakhs can you take me out of customs?' I said, 'But you believe in simple living !". manner? The one who is a complete person is very humble Greed in a human being is a very horrible thing. There are many people who are always coveting others things. If they go to someone's house and see something they want that. When they get that then they want another and another. There's no end to it and greed gets worse and worse. What is the result of this greed? One gets such a headache acquiring things. For example there is a nice carpet VOL.VI- Isue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-5.txt and I feel greedy about getting this carpet. So I can steal it or then my mind will be busy thinking from where to get this carpet. Then if one did acquire it then one will be worried that it will get spoiled. It is better if I accept the fact that this is not my carpet and so I don't have to worry about thieves. There is no problem, no headaches of insurance etc. Then the madness of greed vanishes. For Sahaja Yogis it is a real nuisance, because they are Sahaja Yogis and they have one foot in the mouth of the crocodile called greed, so how will they come into the boat? If you get greedy about anything then you must think that Rajrajeshwari has turned away. People who have the Temperament of Rajrajeshwari start enjoying even small things. They do not feel the need of anything. Once we went to Palitana and we climbed up for 2 hours and found a temple at the top of the mountain made of marble. The rest of the people just lay down there. I looked up and saw such beautifully carved elephants and they had each differently carved tails. They all said, 'We are so tired, but from where do you see elephant's tails'. When you learn how to enjoy and to feel the joy of anything. Like Shri Rama became so satisfied after eating the berries Shabari offered him. When you understand this then one can say you are nourished with the Shakti of Rajarajeshwari. If someone gives even a small thing with love, for example even betelnut is given with love, though I don't eat supari, but I will definitely, eat it and one should eat it because by this the other will be pleased. How does he know that don't eat betelnut. It means that anything in this world is like, when you put mercury on an ördinary piece of glass, then it becomes a mirror in which you can see your face. If you put love in anything that thing What one should buy for oneself one doesn't think. If you can give up thinking "What do I want? What do I like?' Otherwise that all pervading power has not come into you. If it will come into you then you will know what is useful to what person. Like you go somewhere and you see a beautiful lamp then you will think. 'I went to that person's house and he did not have this lamp so I will buy for him'. You start understanding everybody's needs when your own needs end. You only remember the problems and pains of others and forget yours. Someone is sick, another needs something. That is why love is called knowledge, knowledge is Pure Love. Because when you love someone with Pure love then you get all the knowledge about him. becomes beautiful and one's heart feels whom should one give it to? Even if she is mahamaya you can know. But love should be Pure. By Pure love get all the knowledge and any kind of knowledge. If you see with Pure will you love anything. For example in Madras, there is lot of poverty, so in the mind the feeling came that little children are standing waiting in the sun for a bus while we are going comfortably in a car. So it started pricking. I thought why not start a private transport when you are awakened then, you come into universal brotherhood. Rajarajeshwari has a tremendous task that she thinks about everyone. Like the Queen will see to the problems of the subjects. She will try to allay their suffering. VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-6.txt She will not sit around and see how many ornaments she has. In the same way you also become like that. Till you do not rise above your own selves and see into the world, then how can you be a worshipper of Vishwa Nirmal Dharma? Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is not an outside Dharma like we are Hindus, Muslims or Christians. It is the light from within and in this light a person emerges as a great light. He doesn't think that what amI getting' What have I got? He think that what can I do for others? 1 am nothing. Till now I have given realisation to only 100 people and I have not done enough then one can say that the Rajarajeshwari Shakti is moving up in him. She is urging him to distribute the tremendous Shakti he has in him. You cannot count it with money. Rajrajeshwari Shakti is the one which looks after everyone everywhere. She gives benevolence, peace and joy to everyone. That same Shakti is there within you too. You can take it to the greatest heights. What work can be done with even one paisa cannot be done with thousands of rupees. The powers of giving should be great. Shri Krishna went to Vidura's house and ate Spinach (saag) but did not eat Duryodhana's rich sweets. This points to the fact that anything cooked with love cannot be weighed. So first all Sahaja Yogis must tell themselves that they have no needs if they want to clean their chakras. I have come to Sahaj Yoga for the sake of other people's needs. Yesterday many people came after the programme but my right heart got caught up very badly. I could not understand why the right heart catches here so much. It has never happened before. It is the same shakti that pointed it out to me. So I asked how are Gruh Laxmis here? How do the people in Hyderabad treat their Gruhlaxmis. Then I found out that they treat them very badly. They do not respect their wives and they are all the time getting angry with them. They will respect their mothers but not their wives. They told me that this is the Muslim influence. The Muslims don't know that the Quran has said so much about respecting their wives. The ones who don't are foolish. Quran has so much respect for women which you will find nowhere. Then I understood that 'where wives are worshipped, there reside the Gods'. Where the wife is not respected the Gods will not reside. Of course if you have respected your wife then the children will respect you and respect each other. But if the woman herself is not worthy of worship and does unworthy things then you should put her right. But if she is good woman and she looks after the children and looks after the house with love, then such a woman should be respected not only at home but also in the society. Yesterday I suffered for over half an hour because of right heart catch. The same torture came within me with which you torture your wives. May be it can be that a wife may not understand Sahaj Yoga so much with her intellect but she may understand it from her heart. A woman normally understands things through her heart, while a man understands through his brains. To understand from the heart is a very great thing. The woman has always been thought of as embodiment of Shakti, In a house where there is no respect for women there nothing gets done properly, reason is that woman is the Shakti. For Example if this mike has no electricity then what can I say. If you suppress your house wife and do not respect her then the Shakti will not move in you. If lndians have any fault it is this that they do not respect the power of the wife. It is the greatest faults of Indians. They DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 -5- 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-7.txt worship the Devi in the form of a virgin, all forms they worship them in, but will not worship the Devi in the form of the Gruh Laxmi. That is why I have to tell you that if you are Sahaja Yogis then be respectful towards your wives. I have heard that you get angry with them openly. Then you will also be shouted at openly. Man has no right that he should insult his wife for any reason. If I can put this one thing right with my attention then the Shakti of Rajrajeshwari will definitely start moving within you. You must understand that husband and wives are the two wheels of a Chariot, one on the left and one on the right. Left cannot come to the right and right cannot go to the left. Both are necessary. Both are alike but only their place is different. This means that no place is higher or lower then the Chariot cannot move forward. Children also learn the same from you. The children who will also not respect their mothers cannot do anything in the world. What respect will they have for Me?. That is why from today I pray to all that do not insult the wife of your home. Do not pull her down in anyway. You need her Shakti which is very important for you. In the same way women in Sahaj yoga should also look after their Shaktis, and should settle down in the Shakti. Everywhere I see I find that Sahaj yoga is spreading with great speed but you must know one thing that how deep have we grown. This is important. By increasing the quantity it is not going to help, till you do not have the value and quality of Sahaj Yoga. If you believe in Rajrajeshwari then you should have the manifestation of the Shakti in you. If not, then outwardly you changed your clothes but within you are empty. It is an inner Shakti and this Shakti should show in your behaviour and speech. May God Bless You. DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-8.txt SHRI MATAJI'S TALK TO SAHAJA YOGIS MADRAS 17/1/94 (Synopsis) Today we are lost in the Shabad Jalam. We say mantras, we read books, there are Shaivaites and Vaishnavities. All these things to us have been important also because we thought by following these methods, we will achieve our moksha, our last goal. This way I must say that Indians are very alert and basically spiritually minded. They also know what is wrong and what is good. They also know what is dharma and what is not Dharma. They will do wrong things. They may take to things which are absolutely against their spiritual life, but in their heart of hearts they all know that this is wrong, but they can't help it. We have to understand that we are specially blessed by people who were our forefathers who were great seers, saints and incarnations and who gave so much time for the emancipation of our spiritual life. To them material life was not so important. Specially in the South I feel that people are deeply rooted into Dharma. Iread about Shalivahana who met Christ once in Kashmir. Christ told him that I come from the Country of Malekshas. (Mal-iccha) means desire for filth. Their desire is towards mal not towards purity and I have come here because you people are absolutely Nirmal - Pure. Shalivahan told him 'Why do you want to come here, You should go and work for those people who are malekshas'. We are different type of people even today. Even in this Ghor kaliyuga atleast 70 percent people believe in God, have faith and fear of God. All this that we have is nothing but a kind of awe, a fear of the unknown. We don't know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don't know God. We don't know ourselves. First we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them no where. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm- Chaitanaya Our Bhaktl has no meaning because there is no connection like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what? Its like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine. He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine, When are you going to take it ? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you, because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of no return. I have seen people who have DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOLVI- Issue 5 & 6 -7- 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-9.txt read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy in their heart. They leave their families come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer? Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. 'By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their moksha. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there'. They all have made fun of them. They have all said all kinds of things for you to know that all these outside things are of no help. Of course do it genuinely, because you want to have your liberation, your enlightenment. As you a mother, I tell you, you don't have to do all this. Please don't do it. First of all if you want to upset your mother you always say I will not have any food. So why do you want to do it. There is no need. So much importance is given to food. You get up at 4 am and go on chanting something and the whole house is up. Apart from that the other influences are of false Gurus. Madras is full of them, But worse is Calcutta. everybody seems to be some sort of Guru slave. Everybody is a dikhit (got diksha from a guru) and tantrikas, when you have these bad Gurus they create such negativity that they cannot prosper. The Laxmi Tattwa goes out. Because of that the poverty will never go. Unless and until you get rid of all these horrible Gurus, We have them everywhere in India. But here the people are so simple and hero worshippers. As the Muslims have Jehad we are having Jehad against ourselves. We are killing ourselves, don't eat food, don't do this, do that all the time after our lives. God has created this world for your comfort and enjoyment. Why did he create this world if you had to go through such hell. In Sahaj Yoga you know your identity. You understand how glorious you are once you are connected to the mains you know what powers you have. How beautiful you are within and you start respecting yourself. You don't have ego but you have a right idea about yourself. I'm so happy, I see so many people here who are willing to take to Sahaj Yoga, who are in Sahaj yoga. Of course it cures people, it has cured many people. Apart from that it also gives you mental peace. Emotionally you become a very balanced person, but above all you get the power to give realization to others. First you get your nirvichar samadhi and then you get your nirvikalpa samadhi. You all get it as soon as you are connected to the mains. Its a very remarkable thing. A Sahaja Yogi in Bangalore told me he was doing tissue culture. Only 50% is successful. But I am a Sahaja Yogi. I just stand here and give vibrations, they pass through the bottles and my success is 100%. He is a farmer he does not know even English but he says, 'Mother, there is such knowledge within myself I can feel it'. This is what one has to know that what you VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-10.txt are not. This is very important to know that we are not ordinary human beings. First of all you have come to this programme because you are seekers. You are special human beings. Then you get your realization. You get all your powers. You need not be a P.H.D. etc. You need not be a big successful person. Those who think they are very successful will never get realization, because they are lost to normal common sense, like bureaucrats, ministers, are very difficult. So how do they get it? They get it when they have from inside innately thing desire to achieve it. Just to feel that way. It is a such a remarkable thing that everything is tangible. Even the small children can tell you what's wrong with you, which chakra is bad. Its such a great discovery which we don't realize, may be because we have no sense of our spirituality. When I went to Russia, the oldest University in Leningrad, St.Petersburg University gave me a big award. They made me one of the 10 members of the University. I looked at the award and said 'I'm just a housewife. I'm not a Scientist'. Einstein done. He has just managed the material side. He worked on matter, while you have worked on human beings'. S One of the recipients of this award was Einstien. They said What has Things are going to work out. You should all move out from all this kind of darkness and get into the light. See for yourself. What you are. First of all to be born in this country means you have really something special. Such a blessing, it is you have no idea. This mother earth, nowhere you will find such a mother earth in the whole world. But you have to have your realisation otherwise you cannot value it. That is why I want you to understand that even if you get your realisation, try to understand that you have achieved something exceptionally in life which you could not have had. Its tangible, you can find out on your finger tips about anyone, or yourself, theirs and your chakras. Such a big gift is there and I would request that you should utilize this gift by gifting it to others who have not received it. Thats the greatest thing you are to do and you will be joining into a very very big global group which is the living organisation of Sahaj Yoga. All over the world you will have friends. All over the World they will know you. As you are here in Sahaj Yoga you have to understand that all your customs, relations anything is respected. Nobody will say don't do this or don't do that. But you yourself will become your own Guru, because there is light in your attention. May God Bless You. What is the reason for man's existence. Question : To be an instrument of God and to enjoy His blessings. Answer VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-11.txt MADRAS PUBLIC PROGRAMME TALK BY H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI 18/1/94.(Synopsis) At the very outset we have to know what is truth. What it is, we cannot think about it, understand it, describe, or conceptualize it. Truth is to be experienced. This is the reason why as human beings we cannot feel the truth. Whatever l'm going to tell you today you need not accept it blindfolded. Blind faith has not helped us at all. You should have a very open mind of a Scientist and treat all this as a hypothesis, and incase you find that its true that you have experienced the truth, then you have to believe it as honest people. What is the Truth? The Truth is that you are not this body. You are not this mind or emotions. You are the Pure Spirit. The second Truth is that there is an all pervading Power of Divine Love which is the Truth which does all the living work. We see beautiful flowers and trees, but we take it for granted. It's all a miracle. Look at your heart. Who runs the heart. The doctors will say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So many things we know, we know from childhood. Who does all this? Who controls the growth of human beings, the growth of tree, flower and all living things. We have no answer for that, Science also cannot answer many questions. Firstly science doesn't teach any morality, which is so important for human life. You have to understand that if you have to know the truth then you have to become the self. You have to become the spirit, You have to become Atma. Also you have to feel this all-pervading power of Divine Love within you. Some people called it as Brahm Chaitanya, some call it as Rooh, Patanjali has called it as Ritumbhara Pragnya. Unless and until you are united to that force, to that power you have no meaning, no identity and you will be floating in the air projecting your mental processes which is not substantiated by Truth, totality or reality. This is the main reason why we have problems that we don't know the absolute Truth. Whatever truth Řelative truth creates problems, discussions, arguments we know is relative. and wars. But if we all know that this is the truth, then there's no chance in in all these useless ventures into which human beings have been indulging wasting their time. To find out your spirit in this great country of Maha Yoga people have done lot of research. Today's Sahaj Yoga is only one advancement. If you read Markandeya, who was 13,000 yrs. ago, he was only 16 years old when He wrote about the Kundalini. Machlndranath, Gorakhanath & Adi Shankaryacharya have described it. In Madras I heard that there are great learned people who know everything by heart. What's the use? As Shankaracharya said that this is all Shabad Jalam. He tells the Holy Mother 'please take me away from Shabad Jalam'. Like Kabira has said, 'Parhi parhi pandit moorakh bhaye'. I become stupid by reading. But I have met many now. You go on telling them about DIVINE COQL BREEZE couldn't understand how could pandits - 10- - Issue 5 & 6 VOL.VI 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-12.txt the truth. It has to be experienced, it is an identification. It is the becoming, like a seed becomes the tree, an egg becomes the chicken. It is the actualization of your second birth. Thats' what is to be achieved, no use reading, no use doing all kinds of these stupid penances. Every country has its own problems. For example the Western people were called as Malekcha. The King Shalivahana met Christ in Kashmir, Christ told him 'My name is Isa andI come from the countries of Malekchas, to your country because this is the Yoga Bhumis', Shalivahana said 'A person like you should be among the Malekchas, to improve them!. Malekcha, means Mal-iccha The Desire is towards mal. Their whole mind goes towards mal. You don't know how much Dharmic, we are, how much we all care for purity. In their culture, the whole thing is how to become impure. It's all self-destruction. People are taking to things which will destroy them, their families, society and nations. West is all right in machinery, etc. But they are not good as far as the wisdom is concerned, as far as their own emancipation is concerned. They will always take to people who are befooling them, who want to make money out of them. All these greedy people have moved down there and those who are living here are also getting exposed. We have to also understand that this is a country where there is so much of knowledge. This kundalini awakening was done by so many great people in this country. Its not my knowledge: Its the knowledge which was discovered by so many saints and seers. In the west we find such a civilization grown outside like a big tree but the roots have to be nourished, otherwise they will collapse. How are we going to exist without any sense of mnoral values. If you understand that to be born in this country itself we need punyas of many lives. In the sensible and wise way there is no need for renunciation, or get into all kinds of ritualism. Just so simple if you have to see the modern Sahaja Yoga the difference is that in these modern days thousands of people are getting their self-realisation. Its an en-masse emancipation. I don't take any credit for that because the time has come. This is a special blossom time. The same which they call as the last judgement. This is the resurrection time as described in Quran. They call it the 'Kiyama'. Sahib has clearly told that at the time of Kiyama your hands will speak, but because of the conflicts they had, most of the religions have deviated from the right path. They are either power-oriented or money oriented, and that is why we are so disappointed. We have this power within us in the triangular bone called Sacrum. That means the Greek knew that this is the sacred bone because they called it as Sacred. Athena is the word. Ath in Sanskrit means Pri-mordial. Athena was the Mohammed Primordial mother and described in our Sashatras as Manipur. Dwipa which was Greece. The whole of this mythology was discarded by intellectuals. If it has become just a mythology then Shri Rama, Krishna is also a mythology. Jesus is mythology. Every intellectual has so much right to say whatever they like about the subject which they know nothing about. This kind of intelligence is not only going to mislead them but is going to mislead others and it is the sinful act to talk about something about which they don't know. Unless and until you have discovered it, how can you talk against it? How can you describe it? Its very unscientific that you can talk about anybody you feel like. First find out what it is. DIVINE COOL BREEZE 11 VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-13.txt Kundalini is your own mother. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Adi Shakti. She resides in your triangular bone. She is the one who is anxious to give you your self- realisation. Your second birth. She knows everything about you. She knows your pursuits, and mistakes, but she's your Mother. She is a very kind Mother. Very gently she gives you self-realisation. Its like the primula in the seed, the ankura, how it comes out when it is put into the mother Earth, In the same way it works out. It is all there. You have the whole machinery within you. Everything is your own. It is your own power which is within you. This power works and gives you your self-realisation. Are we to believe in it or not? People believe in Shri Chakra. What is Shri Chakra. What are these Chakras, how do they work out. You can prove scientifically now that there are Chakras. When the Kundalini rises, she nourishes these chakras. By nourishing these centres she gives you physical, mental, emotional and also spiritual benefits. Its a fact through Sahaja Yoga, cancer has been cured. All kinds of diseases, mental and physical have been cured. But we are not here to cure anything. We are here to make you your own doctor. To make you your own Guru. To know about yourself and to cure yourself. Once you rise above them, then you can cure others. First the state in which you achieve is Nirvichara Samadhi meaning - thoughtless awareness. Thoughts come and fall. Another thought comes and falls. In between these thoughts there is a little space, that is the present but it is so small that you never feel your present. You cannot be in your present. You can be in the future or in the past. If I tell you be in your present you cannot. If I tell you take your attention you cannot. When this Kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts. We are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time and we drop into that state where you are in the present and in the present there is no thought. It is reality. That is where you grow spiritually, not by saying mantras etc. You have to be silent within. That's the time you are peaceful. You become the source of peace because you have reached it. Such a peace has to be within us. We have to feel 1 that peace. People talk of peace. We see people having organizations of peace, etc. and many people getting awards of peace. Most of them are very egostical and hot tempered. How can they spread peace when they have no peace within. It happens, it is not a question of just lecturing or sermonizing. But it just happens that your Kundalini just reaches that spot by which your thought elongate and you feel within yourself. All these problems these days of people getting into tensions all disappear. The first thing you feel is the cool breeze coming out of your own head. You can feel the cool breeze on your finger tips, Christians call it, the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is the Param Chaitanya that you feel on your finger tips. All these finger tips are nothing but our endings of the sympathetic nervous system and you start feeling it. 'Feeling' which means the Bodh. Thats what Vedas call 'Vid'. You have to feel it on your central nervous systems. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our Central nervous system. It's not a make-believe at all. If you want to take - 12 - VOL.VI DIVINE COOL BREEZE Issue 5 & 6 -12 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-14.txt a dog or horse through a dirty lane, it will go. But a human being cannot because he has achieved that state of Bodha where he knows what is dirty. We have achieved so many things much more than animals and what we have to do now is to do just a little more journey upward. Thats the last break through of our evolution. Once we jump into that area then we just grow spiritually.. Then you develop a second state which is called Nirvi-Kapla Samadhi, means Doubtless Awareness. You become, its not just lecturing. It happens because it's all within you. Its your own flow. It happens like when you put a seed in the mother Earth and it sprouts because the mother Earth has got the capacity to germinate and the seed has the capacity to germinate. For example this microphone was made nicely. Till it was not connected it had no meaning. As soon as it is connected fantastic. In the same way we are fantastic people. If you take a television to a ery remote village where they have not seen electricity and tell them you can see very films in this, they will never believe you. We also think you are just boxes which you are not. Only you are to be connected. Once you are connected you will be amazed to see what capacity and powers you have got. Then you can give realization to others, you can cure people and remain absolutely peaceful. You do not feel tired. You become so dynamic because the vital force is going through you. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. You become a different person. You become a saint. You become an angel, which you are in a dormant state. When it works you are amazed at yourself when you become the spirit, for you become a witness. Your attention becomes a witness of the whole thing. watch everything, You don't get involved, you don't get into trouble. Supposing you are in the water and there is a turmoil in your mind because the waves are passing You over, but supposing you get into the boat then you can watch the waves. But supposing you learn how to swim you can jump down and save many people. In the same way your life becomes very easy. Of all the things your attention becomes pure. The greed and lust drop out. Your eyes become steady. Women in the West are anxious how many men are looking at them and vice versa and that's the end of their life. They do all kinds of dirty filthy things. They do not understand that they are going to the world of Satanic forces which will take them to hell. We should be very careful. Sometimes we don't see what is behind all this. As our life is it is good but should not be too ritualistic. Either we are so called stupid intellectuals or we are ritualistics. What is the need to fast. You can fast for your health, but why for God, your Father. Do you fast for your own father. He is the Father of all the fathers. A Mother cannot be happy with a person like that. If you want to displease her you will say, 'Mother I am not eating my food'. In the name of God, to fast, to give up your family, and do all kinds of nonsensical things, is in no way helpful for our spiritual ascent. Some people might say Buddha did that, Buddha searched and searched. Also he needed people to work for him so he said take to Sanyasa. That was the time of Tapa. But there is no need today. Just get your realization, that's all. The greatest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not duality. It is not happiness or unhappiness. This you get from your ego, when DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI - Isue 5 & 6 13 - 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-15.txt ego is happy or unhappy. It is a state of joy which cannot be described. It is to be experienced. This experience fulfills you completely. This power of Kundalini is - Sudh Iccha. All other desires are not pure, that is why the power of Pure Desire they are not satiable in general. That's the principle of economics. You want a coat, then you want a bicycle, then a car, then you want a house. Whatever you get you are not happy. Once you get your realization and settle down with it your connection is alright. You are satisfied. You enjoy that. It is not that the riches will make you happy. The rich people come to me and tell me 'Mother please give us peace'. They have no peace or joy. With all the riches around them. You cannot purchase that. You cannot purchase me. How much money do we give to Mother Earth for giving these flowers'. How can you pay for God. So many people have been ruined because they have been paying to the Gurus etc. There have been real Gurus also, but in these moderm times there's a Guru shopping going on. A person who is one with the Divine doesn't understand much of money or banking. God doesn't understand banking. Thats your headache, money is your headache; but the blessings of Laxmi are there. Sahaj Yoga its a new world that has started in this new age. We have to humble down a little bit. We have to know that so far we have not found it and today I am going to get it. You have to just have Pure Desire for it. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God. These are not stupid miracles like someone gives you a diamond. The miracle is how you are helped so many times. How you are saved, guided into the right path. How you meet the right person. How you were blessed by so many securities in life. You cannot pay for seeking. It is effortless. It is all within yourself. You got your But Indians take time to settle down in Sahaj Yoga. freedom, you will get this Its very sad. But in the West it is very quick. How is it where there is so much of Dharma, where people like Adi Shankaracharya lived, how is it that we are not so deep as we should have been as far as our spirituality is concerned. You must take your self realization seriously. You may say that I am doing it at home. It won't work because it is a living organism. For example a nail of mine is cut and put there, it won't grow, Sahaj Yoga door is open to everyone. You might find some funny people also coming in, doesn't matter. You should not worry about them. You should just worry about yourself and you should find your own way. There's complete freedom too, but this in a way limits Sahaj Yoga, that you're free. If you want to have you can have, if you don't want to have it nobody can force you. Your freedom is respected May God Bless You Issue 5 & 6 14 - VOL.VI DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-16.txt SHIVRATRI PUJA TALK BY H. H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI DELHI 14/3/94.(Synopsis) Today it is Sadashiva whom we are going to worship. The difference between Sadashiva and Shiva is Sadashiva is the God Almighty and He is a writer of the play of the Primordial Mother. The combination between Sadashiva and the Primordial Mother Adi Shakti is just like the moon and the moonlight or the sun and the sunlight, We cannot understand such relationship in human marriages or human relationships. Whatever the Adi Shakti is creating, which is the desire of Sadashiva, is being witnessed by Him and when He is watching this creation, He is witnessing all of it. He witnesses the whole universe and He also witnesses this mother Earth. All the creation that is done by the Adi Shakti. His power is of witnessing. The power of Adi Shakti is thus all pervading power. The God Almighty, the Primordial Father expresses his desire in icchá shakti, as the Primordial Mother. She expresses Her power as Love, the relationship between the two is extremely understanding, very deep and whatever She is creating He finds there is some problem or there are people who are trying to obstruct Her work, He brings forth their destruction. He is the one who is responsible for the destructive power. He is reflected in the hearts of human beings. Among all the creations, He pulsates, but that pulsation is the energy of the Primordial Mother, and He can destroy anything that goes against the plans of the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is Love. She forgives and She Loves Her creation. She wants the creation to prosper and to go up to the same level for which it was created. She wants human beings to go to that level where they enter into the Kingdom of God, the Sadashiva, where there is bliss, forgiveness, joy. All this is only possible if you have seeking, that you have also an innate desire to be there. This desire within us is reflected as the reflection of the Primordial Mother. Now this desire is there and other mundane desires are also there which stop the progress of your ascent. In Sahaja Yoga we have never tried to overcome the desires by taking sanyasa or running away from the house, etc. The first thing that is done is that you get the light of your Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of Sadashiva. The spirit is just like a light which is burning and which is showing the path. In that path you yourself become so wise, that you walk in the light of wisdom. That you walk in the light of righteousness, because whatever is destructive is seen through the light of your spirit. You start giving up all that is destructive. Nobody has to tell you that give up this or that. You yourself realize that this is and we should not do it. This was my own understanding of human beings because these are days where people are in complete delusions. They are in a conflict all the time, struggling even to exist. Under these circumstances everything would have failed if you had started taking sanyasa and then going to Himalayas. If you have to do this for the masses something has to be done radical and luckily wrong VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 15 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-17.txt I have been able to find out a way by which you can get your sprouting and realization, Some people who get realization have to understand certain things because there are many people who have got realization. What is lacking in them is surrender. This is the only condition of modern Sahaja Yoga, that you have to really surrender. If your start using your brain or other methods to understand Sahaja Yoga you cannot. You must surrender and Islam is nothing but surrender. Islam means surrender. If that surrender is not there it is impossible to establish anyone in the Kingdom of God. Surrender is not that you should give up your family, children, home, etc. Surrendering means to give up your ego, and then give up your conditionings, for example, I met a gentleman who was suffering a lot. As I asked him who is your Guru, he gave a name of a Guru. I said, "He has not done any good to you, will you give him up?" He said "tomorrow." I said "why not today." He said "Today". But I have to throw away all his photo, etc, so tomorrow morning 'll do it," He asked what he should throw away and told him to throw away all the things with which you worshipped him. Then he threw away everything in the sea. Then he told the sea "l'am sorry. I have suffered a lot because of this man, now you please don't suffer." This kind of a way penetrating intelligence he had. You cannot give up. One sticks to that. I know of so many who find it very difficult to get rid of their conditioning. That's more difficult than ego. These are conditionings and conditionings that you have. We have first conditioning that you are born in India. After Sahaja Yoga people suddenly start seeing what wrong with their country, countrymen, their religion and books they were reading. Immediately they start seeing it clearly that this was the mistake. This is wrong. Nobody says "because we are English or Russians or Indians so we are the best. They immediately find out what's wrong and why these people are not getting realization. On the other hand they feel such compassion that so many people haven't got their realization. Why should we not try to give them realization." This is the double action of the light. Firstly you know there is light and that you have become the light. So wherever your attention goes you start seeing the reality and then you understand that this has been the conditioning of our country, of our society. Then they abhor all that is wrong. They never identify, but first thing, is surrendering. In surrendering you develop a kind of a state where you become a sanyasi from within. That means nothing can dominate you. Sanyasi is a person who is above everything else. Nothing can stick to him. He just looks at things and knows what it is. He doesn't do what is wrong. He knows everything, though he may not say it. He is so detached that in that detachment only he can see what is wrong. He starts seeing his family. He starts seeing others and he starts seeing what's wrong. He does not identify with anything. I went to Turkey and met a Swiss gentleman. He asked me for realization, I was surprised because I did not see this in Switzerland. After realization he immediately said "I am not going to go back to 16- DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOL.VI- Isue 5 & 6 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-18.txt Switzerland." It is so clear and that this light definitely gives you tremendous wisdom and balance. Suppose you are walking and you can't see the road, you may fall down. But if there is little light also, you can see. This is what Sahaj Yoga has done. It has given you very little light. That little light itself has been sufficient for you to give up so many things. The other side of it is the ega part. Ego is very subtle stuff with human beings. Some of them have such a gullible ego that with the slightest thing it shoots off. And they get very angry for small things. Or they find somebody whom they can dominate. When you start seeing this ego, you just start laughing at it, and think that what's wrong with me. Ego is not like conditioning which is coming from outside. It comes from within. It can come from anything. Human beings have ego of all kinds of nonsensical things. One day I met a lady who was very proud and not even smiling. I asked what's the matter with this lady? They told me she knows how to make dolls that is why she is so proud. What is there? Anybody can make dolls. A person becomes stupid and more stupid. It is the first sign of an egoistical person he is so encompassed in his "I". "I did this." "I am this". He is not even ashamed to say things that should not be said. Then he may even lead a sinful life. Such people are fond of women, drinking, etc. Then they start boasting about that. For an egoistical man there is nothing like shame. He will go on telling about his nonsensical things, whatever they do, they justify. I asked a man "you had such a bad heart attack why do you drink? Give up drinking." He justified it by saying that "even a certain big industrialist at the age of 95, drinks." He drinks, that's why he is so successful." Is he successful because of drinking? But even ordinary reasoning is not there. You see the greatest drunkard of countries you never see the status of a man who died of drinking. In no country people praise a man because he had ten women or he died of drinking. This ego has spread in modern times. They start saying, "I like this, I don't like this." This is a sign of complete destruction, because ego is stupid. The way people dress up these days we find them very stupid, " I like it, what's wrong." Those who get realization somehow or the other see it. "This is my ego talking." Then they start laughing at themselves, making fun of it. Also in Sahaja Yoga there are people whomI ask why they don't go and organize. They say,"Mother, because my ego will come up." How can your ego come up if you see your ego. Supposing you see something is burning, you see it. How can you get that burn-outs yourself? But this is a very subtle type of avoiding work of Sahaja Yoga to say that I will get into ego. In marriages also it is very common. They will say, "Mother I married this girl at that time but now I don't think I should have been married." That time what had happened to you. I have to tell you all these things because I have been facing these problems of this stupid idiotic ego. One has to see clearly how his ego is working in oneself and how it is keeping us down. When we talk of ascent we talk of a higher life, we have to become sanyasi like the lotus that comes out of the pond and no water can stay on it. Even on the leaves of lotus, no water can 17 - Issue 5 & 6 VOLVI DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-19.txt stay on it. We have to become just like that, we don't have to wear sanyasi dresses or anything. But from inside a kind of a detached attention is there which immediately locates the problem within you, also in Sahaja Yoga you know how to overcome that to a very effective, efficient system. To achieve that you have to become Shiva within means detached. Shiva is completely detached. That detachment will give you the same wisdom as Shiva, Sadashiva sees the work of Adi Shakti silently. He doesn't get proud, doesn't develop an ego which says "see now what my iccha shakti is doing." He just watches. But when it comes to destruction, He sees that this part is going to destroy the work, immediately He destroys, in the same way we have to be. We have to see our life itself is a big field. How do we consider ourselves to be? I have seen people talk,"O, So what, Iam a Sahaja Yogi!" You can't talk like that if you are a Sahaja Yogi. With folded hands you have to say I am a Sahaja Yogi. In your behaviour, your talk, everything you have to be a person who is extremely humble. If that is not so, that means that SahajaYoga has given you double ego. As it is you know that Shiva is known for His innocence, simplicity and His forgiveness. He forgives rakshasas, He forgives everyone. That is His quality. But anybody who goes against the Primordial Mother, He doesn't spare. This is the quality one has to understand. Surrendering doesn't mean outside things to be surrendered. Surrendering means cleaning yourself completely. Getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. Some people get sick. They make such an ado out of it. But you are a Sahaja Yogi then you just watch that you are sick. Its a playful mirthful attention. When I came I had temperature, but nobody believes I had temperature. I was so tired in the marriage. They said "you don't look tired." In the same way life also has to be played. Its just a play. And that play has to be seen through the light of wisdom. Nothing is so serious. For Sahaja Yogis nothing is so serious. if There are lots of things which we have to learn. When we worship Shiva we praise Him. There are thousand names of the Goddess, of Shiva & Vishnu with which you worship them. What about people? How many names you can have. Actually in the puja when you take the names of these, they also get awakened. After puja you do feel that way. But you don't utilize them. As many people I have seen have come in the puja and they have got that power within themselves. But by the time they are out, its finished. Surrendering has another side. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these power within myself. One side is surrendering, why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. Once you have absorbed then you should retain and assume within yourself and know that you have these powers. This is where Sahaja Yogis fail more. First time it happened that no Sahaja Yogi would touch anybody, raise anybody's Kundalini. I thought now what to do, I have prepared these channels and nobody is even raising their fingers, how am I going to work it out? Once we had a programme in Nasik area. 18- VOLVI - Issue 5 & 6 DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-20.txt I was in Nasik and their programme was thirty miles away, we reached half way and our car failed. All the Sahaja Yogis had arrived at the programme and the huge crowd got restless. So they said,"we will give you realization." They gave realization and that is the first time the Sahaja Yogis started knowing that they can give realization. They all started after that. Assume that I have these powers. I am not going to waste them. I am going to use them. Once I was travelling by ship and one fellow got caught up in the freeze room and he got pneumonia. The captain came to me and said that this boy has got pneumonia and they have to get a doctor by helicopter. I said captain I have given you realization, you are a doctor, just go and put your hand on his heart. He did that and the fellow got alright. He was amazed at himself. But if you do not assume and just sit down meditating, then what's the use? After achieving Shiva state you have to start doing the work of Adi Shakti. You should get the desire that we should spread Sahaja Yoga, we have to work it out. But be careful for sometimes you may be conditioned, be egoistical, but watch yourself. By watching you can achieve a lot. Some people have taken it upon themselves, have done it, everywhere in every country. The first thing of surrendering is to reach the state of your spirit of Shiva and Sadashiva, The second state is that now you have to think of others. First it is "vyasthi' 'individual gain,' and then it becomes 'samasti' means collective you have to work it out on collective. People who never ever got realization have been doing so much organization, while you have got it, now it is important that you should extend this light to others. Translated from Hindi You know a lot about shiva. But what is the tattva of Shiva you should know that. Nothing touches Shiva. Anyone can say anything to Him and then ask forgiveness, He forgives, Honour, dishonour, happiness, sorrow, nothing touches Him. He is far from all these, which Adi Shankara Charya has said,"Shivoham, Shivoham. In Adi Shankaracharya's time he spoke of Shivoham, that I am Shiva to achieve this state, individual effort ànd after that the next state is to be active like the Adi Shakti, otherwise if these two states don't meet then what is the point of setting the status of Shiva. If Shiva could do everything then why did He work to create everything. He said one state is the Shiva state. You have to reach that Shiva state where you become completely desireless. Then if you go into anything it will not affect you. People have told me that there is a Sahaja Yogi who is eating money. Some other is showing his ego, some are showing their importance. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga people are showing such madness. If you have come into Sahaja Yoga then you should first get your Shiva state, means that you are completely desireless. For that surrender is imnportant. VOL.VI - Issue 5 & 6 19 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE 1994_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-21.txt After complete surrender you can come into Shiva and Shakti, Shiva is untouched by anything. He has no ego, or sanskaras. He came for his marriage on a bull, even Parvati felt ashamed that what is this my groom coming like this. But he lives in his own understanding. His marriage party comprised of all kinds of funny looking people, one-eyed moustes, one legged because he does not feel who is what, what clothes they are wearing, what they look like. These things don't strike Him. He is sitting in desirelessness. He is innocent because useless thoughts don't enter His head. Many people go to someone's house and distainfully criticize his carpet etc. But have you come to meet the carpet or the person. Some lady will remark about the sari of another. You have to meet a person, meet his or her tattva and base. Get to know what is a human being. To look at others from the outside is not Shiva's way. He is not concerned with anything as to what will people say or how I should live, this should happen, or that. When He lost His first wife, he carried Her dead body on his back, who will do this? All His ways are unusual. But if you see the Tattva, then what he considers right, and what he thinks wrong. He even gave his wife away to Ravana. He knows that His wife is a Goddess. What will Ravana will do with her? Instead she will put Ravana right. Our tendency is to look out worldly at everything. As and when the outer eye becomes less, the inner eye will start opening. You should try to understand the inner worth of a person. Now some village people talk in a gruff manner. People have different tongues, so you get annoyed with that, you should think this is their way. There is no need to take offence, how some very Tahzeeb-cultured people came and you got so lost with their style that you have lost everything. Anything that is made out worldly very beautifully is to deceive you. That is why to put so much attention on outward things is wrong. In the world specially in our country we see how the Western culture is coming here, we see how outward the vision of people are. Gandhiji went to London in his dhoti, where you had to go in a three piece suit. You have to see whether people are wearing it to create attention. But when a man becomes free within and all these things are not so important to him except for reality. To recognize reality is the first Tattva of Shiva then only we will be able to do the work of the Adi Shakti. If someone said something, abused you, so what? Whatever is happening let it happen. How does it matter? But the Tattva within should be clear, and if it is spoilt in others, so what. You can put it right. You will condemn in others but not yourself then you will never get alright. To be surrendered means that whatever there is within you, you keep giving up. In the end, the pure and clear form, which is your atma, you will be joyful by it, and it will make you completely capable. Today is Shiva's puja and you are sitting here with a feeling of surrender. The second part of surrender which you have is that you are realized souls. You are one among lakhs, this blessing we have got and how much are we able to do, you should think about this. VOL.VI Issue 5 & 6 20 - DIVINE COOL BREEZE