DIVINE C OOL BREEZE VOLUME VIII ISSUE 5 In our evolutionary process we have reached the staté of human awareness and now we have to jump into this new awareness,by which we get the idea of the totality and not of the part. H. H. Shri. Mataji Nirmala Devi Y. P. O. Conference Mumbai, 1996 SHANKARACHARYA'S PRAISE OF THE DIVINE MOTHER Oh daughter of the Mountains Who keeps the whole world happy And who gives pleasure to the universe, You are the daughter of Nanda Who was the cause of happiness of Vishnu And you reside on the peak of mount Vindya You are the wife of the great ascetic Who is no other than Shiva. I. Chorous : Victory be yours, O great destroyer of Mahishasura, You who are always dressed beautifully And are the daughter of the Mountains. (Parvati is the name given to Adi Shakti because she is the daughter of Parvat, Mountains, Parvati is married to Shiva. Legend has it that Adi Shakti was born as Mahamaya, the daughter of Nanda who was exchanged with Krishna and subsequently killed by Kansa. For her, Krishna was saved and Mahamaya resides in the temple at Vindayachal, on the peak of mount Vindhya) You shower blessings on the gods and you have killed powerful demons Like Durdhar and Durmukha II. and laughed at your own feat You give success to all three worlds and please Shankar (Shiva) you proudly announced your killing of Kilbhisha you also destroyed Danuj and other demons like Durmod. You are also the daughter of the great seas (Adi shakti, as Mahalakshmi, was born from the seas.) III. You crushed the head of the Elephant Demon and broke it into hundreds of pieces Your power is so invisible that the enemy elephant was completely helpless with your own hands you vanquished Chanda, the great demon, and also Munda. IV. When you are engaged in battle you excite all warriors by the vibrations of your bow. Just as humming bees swarm around honey laden flowers So too, everyone is attracted by the heavenly beauty you emanate??? Again, assuming four-fold power, you use various devices to fight your enemies Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VilII Issue 5 1 You are completely appeased when hear people of the world praying to V. you the mellifluous sounds of your ankle bells Vibrate and please lord Shiva. You are also greatly adept at acting. And your singing is most melodious. you VI. O beautiful and more beautiful and more beautiful than the most beautiful such is the radiance of your beauty. Your face is even more bright and glowing than many many moons amalgamated just as money-seeking bees constantly swarm around the lotus So too, your followers constantly desire your proximity never wanting to be far removed... VII. You reside in beautiful surroundings which are full of perfumed flower trees All swarming with humming bees and crickets just as the best flowers have an array of bees, So, too, you have an arrow of weapons. And empowered with these you use all your manifold powers to fight the powerful demons VIII. Your beautiful forehead is as beautiful as the petals of the blooming lotus. You are the core and the receptacle of all arts. your mellifluous voice is more charming than the melody of birds singing in spring. Your followers and devotees never leave you just as bees never leave perfume laden flowers. Chorus : Victory be yours, O great goddess ! The slayer of Mahishasura ! The Charmingly adorned ! The daughter of the mountains !! Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 2. I want to be smaller, Like a dust particle which moves with the wind It goes everywhere, Can go, Sit on the head of a king Or can go And fall at the feet of someone And it can go And sit everywhere But I want to be a particle of dust That is fragrant, That is nourishing That is enlightening. Poem written by H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at the age of seven. Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 3. VASHI TALK 19/02/96, Mumbai Seekers of truth. It's a very different thing today that I have to speak to people who are professionally doctors and are following a kind of a medical practice which is supposed to be absolutely scientific. I'm not here to in any way denouce or put down any one of the theries that are prevalent and are practiced by the doctors all over the world. In no way one has to degrade any knowledge whatever is available. But the problem is when you find any knowledge is not fully developed or not competent we should open our minds to something that could be something better than what we are following. Because we have studied in a medical science, because we know about medical studies it's not necessary that we should be so conditioned that we can not take to anything that is new, is available. In the ethics of medical science as far as I know, it is for the benevolence of the people that we are working, we are not working for just pocketing money or for propagating a one kind of theory that we know of. As it is you know, every time in the science theories are changed. Starting from earlier times, you see all becomes hypothesis then becomes laws and then the laws are challenged. Another thing is the science is amoral. It doesn't look at that aspect of human beings where it is important that morality must be imbibed. Thirdly it's a limited thing, it's limited because it is dealing with our efforts through our mind. With our mind, whatever we try to know need not be absolute truth, that is the reason there is always difference of opinjon. If it was absolute truth there would have been no difference of opinion. So what we have to do is to get to a point where we can know absolute truth, absolute meaning that every doctor should feel the same way, diagnosis should be the same. From all these points of view we have to a little bit humble down and see for ourselves what knowledge lies before us in this great country of India. We have no idea as to this knowledge of Sahaja Yoga existed thousands and thousands of years back. I was surprised when I went to Kiev in Ukraine people were talking about Machhindranath and Gorakhnath and they had made pictures of different chakras and were talking about Aditi is the primordial Mother. I was shocked how so nany years back, 3000 before Christ, these great saints went there and did such miraculous work. We have in this country also a great knowledge of the power of Kundalini, but we don't read all that, we don't want to know, but I was happy to know at least in the course of Ayurveda they try to talk about Kundalini, they don't know much but they do talk. Now this power that I am talking about is the Kundalini resides in the triangular bone. Now whatever I'm saying you need not accept me because it's a very different knowledge I'm talking about and this Kundalini which is coiled up into three and a half coils is restirng nicely till you come to find out the truth. This knowledge has been there from ages and ages like Markandeya was fourteen thousand years has talked about it, Adi Shankaracharya has talked about it. Many saints abroad also I know have talked about Kundalini, even in the Bible it is written I'll appear before you like tongues of flames. They have talked about the tree of life, like Krishna has talked about also the tree of life which is upside down and the roots are in the brains. All these things had no validity, nobody tried to look at it from that point of view Vol. VilII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze but today it can be proved that all human beings have this very unique thing within themselves which we call as Kundalini. It is placed in the sacrum bone, I asked some Greek people and they said of course it is sacrum because regarded as a sacred bone and I asked them who told you, they said the Indians long time back they told us that's a sacred bone Now this Kundalini is like a primule of a seed, like a primule what we call Ankur, when you put it in the Mother Earth the seed sprouts by itself, Sahaja, you don't have to do anything. You can't pay physical things. It is inside the seed is built in power to sprout and also it is in the Mother Earth the built in power to sprout the seed. So this primule sprouts, by that you see a living process comes into being anything to the Mother Earth. You can't stand on your head or do any thing of these Through our evolution we have become human beings, we have become human beings and we have all the things within us about which we have no knowledge, we have knowledge whatever we see outside but what is within us we have no knowledge so far because we have not yet studied or have tried to find out what is written in so many ancient books about what we have inside ourselves. So it's a question of understanding that all these things written since ancient times in our country by many saints, many incarnations must be some reason why they wrote about it. Now this power is nothing mysterious today it's the power that is to sprout for our last break through of our evolution. After the human awareness we have to jump into a new awareness which is a complete understanding of ourselves. This new awareness that has been talked about , told about by Zen system which you know that is followed very well in Japan, then also by Lao Tse in China, by so many people it has been talked about that one has to become a person who is beyond the mind. I want to tell you about this mind, mind is a myth, mind is created by our ego conditioning it's a myth it's no reality, and this mind creates these two institutions within us and later on those two institutions of ego and conditioning control the mind. It's like we create a computer, after some time the computer starts controlling us. In the same manner this mind does it, it's just like bubbles which are created by the wind of these two institutions that exist within us. Now to get over this mind is not an easy thing, it's written in all Shastras it's very difficult, that you can't go beyond the mind. Now see the mind as it is. We think of the future and we think of the past, we cannot think of the present just row where we are, we can't put our attention to the present. So what happens this mind raises lots of bubbles in our head, a thought comes up, another thought comes up, another thought comes up and we are dancing on the cusp of these thoughts., In the present resides the truth, in the present resides the reality of life, but we cannot be in the present. This has to be established and for that, this Kundalini is within us. She is your individual Mother as I said. Of course there is no concept of mother- father in the medical science but there are mothers and fathers we know that, we don't hang from the trees whatever it is, but this Kundalini rises, she rises through six centres. The seventh centre is below the sacrum bone. Six centres, now these centres according to Sahaja Yoga are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When She rises what She does She nourishes those centres, She integrates them and connects you to the all pervading power of Divine Love. So far, people have been talking about it in some sort of a we can say in the church or maybe in some of the religious things that there is a power of God that looks after us. They talk of Param Chaitanya. It's all there in the Shastras but no body and by our Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 5. think there is much sense in it except for medical science. Now this Param Chaitanya that is surroundig us, does all the living work. Look at these flowers, how mysterious they are, and it's a miracle the way they are produced from this Mother Earth with different colours, fragrance and heights. Who does all that? It's done by this great power which surrounds us, it's called as the Ritambhara Pragya by Patanjali, the one who makes Rutu, means the one who makes seasons. But this Pragya, this one, this enlightened knowledge that exists around us we have never felt before, we do not know if there is such a power or not. People have talked, the saints have talked, we pray to them, we talk to them but we do not know what is the connection with reality or with the mind because mind doesn't allow us to go to that reality. In the Zen system it's very clearly given that you have to cross over, you go beyond the mind where you are Nirvichara, it's call as nirvichara Samadhi. At that point you become thoughtlessly aware but you are one with that Divine Power. It's your right as Indians to know all about it and to use it for the purpose of emancipation of human beings. It's not only spiritual emancipation I would say but the goal is that to know your self what you call Atma Saksatkar, but as a result of that you get your physical well-being, you get your emotional well-being, you get your spiritual well-being and you became absolutely a transformed personality. Just now our Doctor Rai talked about so many defects we have but the worst that we are suffering today is corruption. Even a corrupt man may became a very honest man, extremely honest and he cannot help to be that because a kind of a saintliness comes ito him. It sounds so fantastic and people can't believe it but actually we are fantastic, we are great, we don't know about our wealth that is within us. This has to be aroused through this Kundalini awakening we get all these things as a by-product. Of course cancer can be cured by Sahaja Yoga, no doubt about it. Is not a knowledge of just curing one thing, there is no specialization in Sahaja Yoga. Like some people say that you have to have one doctor for one eye, another doctor for an other eye, is not like that. It's Ambiak, means it is all integrated, it's totality of a human being is treated through this because this Kundalini when She rises, she passes through like a thread into the pearls of these chakras and makes you one with this Divine Power which later on makes all your chakras perfectly alright. Now it's ?coming to the question of cancer in a very simple way because you see I'm not such a great scientist to talk on scientific knowledge. Now the simple thing is cancer, is very simple disease, is not something to be frightened of. What happens that we have sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Two systems are there, the sympathetic is for emergencies and parasympathetic is neutralising it. Now the left side we call as the left sympathetic and the right side the right symnpathetic. I don't know if the medical science has reached that point or not but when I was studying medicine I didn't see they knew, they thought that both are just the same. No, they are not, they are complementary but they are opposite each other. Left side is like this and the right side is like that. Left side stands for your emotional being, for your past. Right side stands for your future and for your physical being and also your mental being, so called mental being. English language you know is like mental can mean also emotions, can mean, anything. But here it means the mind through which you work. two sides form a loop like this within us. Left and right and the sympathetic makes the parasympathetic like this. Now this is the Chakra, this is the centre that we have within So these Divine Cool Breeze 6. Vol. VIII Issue 5 ourselves. Now what happens in the case of cancer. You start using one side very much, like right side, some people are very right sided, futuristic, always looking at the watches, planning everything, I mean is the modern man he is. So he goes on using it too much so this chakra is used too much and the power that is inside this Chakra becomes less because it's constricted. Suddenly what happens that he might have an emotional problem or maybe some sort of a sudden shock, so this breaks. When it breaks what happens that your connection with your brain is finished with the centre is finished and all the energy starts flowing where you find that the cells become on their own, there is no connection with the whole. Now the left side would be amazed Doctor Saheb has mentioned to you is I told him long time back you is nothing but our past and I also told him the name that they will give it was 53 to this special attack from the left side which causes the cancer. Now this we can say the protein which enters into our body from the left side starts governing all the other cells and they become malignant, they are on their own. It's very simple now just to make these two things again brought together and to nourish this centre. If you can do that, you can solve the problem. There is another simple thing I would like to tell you which is very important for all of you who are working very hard, thinking very hard and who are doing all kinds of futuristic planing, is very important. For the Minister Sahab and for all of you what is ahead of us if you go on too much for the futuristic. This one centre I don't know why we have it behind but I wish could see later on which we call as the swadhishthan. This one centre comes out of you the another centre call as nabhi. Now this centre is very important for all of you because the duty of this centre is, which of course in the medical science they don't accept but we can prove it, is to supply energy for our brain when we think too much. Now we never understand, we are thinking, thinking, thinking and who supplies the energy. Now this centre supplies this energy for our grey cells in the brain. This centre has other jobs, this job of course maybe doctors don't know. Other jobs are that it looks after your liver, it looks after your pancreas it looks after your spleen, it looks after your kidneys and also looks after the intestines, Now those who are very futuristic, who think too much, sit on the table, plan, do this, do that are using this energy entirely for this kind of a futuristic work. As a result what happens all the other work it has to do is neglected, the first is liver. I have told, asDoctor Saheb has told you already that liver is never bothered about and doctors know very little about liver, I'm sorry to say. This liver is the one that makes us live. When we neglect this liver what happens it creates a kind of a heat, I'Il not give you the medical terminology but it creates a kind of a heat and that heat can be very injurious. The job of the liver is to absorb all the heat of the body and put it in the blood circulation so it goes out of the system, but when it is neglected it doesn't act. When it doesn't act it gets into problem and the problem is that this heat then starts moving upwards and downwards. When it starts moving upwards what happens. It happens that we call another centre is right heart which controls all the lungs and the breathing and everything. When it reaches higher it creates a problem as asthma. Asthma can be easily cured with Sahaja Yoga. Is very simple if you know how to remove the heat of the liver. It's a very common disease in India, asthma, also pollution is responsible, you see there are other problems because we call it this is the centre of the father. If there is a problem with the father, between son and the father also this centre can get excited. Ifa child has lost his father earlier also there is a problem on this centre. Whatever it is, it is curable through Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze very simple method of Sahaja Yoga. Then this heat passes on to your pancreas now this is very important. So what happens that your pancreas goes out of order. When it goes out of order what you get is a special disease is diabeties. Now this diabetics is caused again by the same heat. All those people who are sitting on the table working out things they get diabetes, not the villagers. Villagers specially in Maharastra see that the spoon must stand at right angles with the sugar otherwise they think it's not tea at all, they drink so much of sugar they never diabetes. Because they work hard, they are so tired they go off to sleep, they are not get bothered about insurance, saving money or anything and they are very happy, they don't get diabetes they have no botheration about the future. But the people who are sitting at the table eventually have to get it because diabetes is caused as I have told you by over thinking then the results of diabetes are there that one can get blindness also for that we have Sahaja Yoga explanation. The Swadhishthana in the brain how it works, we call the Peeth' which has been proved now in Russia that what I have told them about the Chakras ad the relationship with the Peeth is there, they have proved it. You see in Russia science has grown so much that they are trying to go beyond and they are very helpful to us. Then, there's another disease that comes in, which is a very dangerous one for all such people who are very busy who have no time you see, the thing is that the life becomes extremely hectic. You get up in the morning and you think it's late, so they get into their cars. In America people even brush their teeth in the car. They are so much moving with a speed and there is no time for them to have breakfast or anything, while in the car they will take breakfast or may be in the office. My husband used to tell that so many people come in the office and go to bathroom here in the office because they say better here. So this kind of a hectic life that we have. The worst is to read newspapers in the morning. If you read newspapers in the morning the Sympathetic goes into action and as you know that your spleen has to produce red blood corpuscles for any kind of emergencies then the spleen starts pulsating and acting to help you in your emergencies that you are going through. As a result what happens that this spleen becomes really mad, crazy and she doesn't know to cope with this crazy man who is doing all kinds of things so hecticaliy. In the olden times I remember that people used to eat their food, my father would eat his food, my mother would sit next to him fanning like this and rhythmically he would eat his food with a very quite and a very peaceful manner. This was our style of life but today its not so. As a result this spleen is all the time very tense and doesn't know how to cope, and is extremely vunerable to a very dangerous disease which we called as Blood Cancer. We have people now who had blood cancer long time back, about nine, ten years back they were cured with Sahaja yoga. They are still alright, doing well, nothing has gone wrong with them, without the transfusion of blood or anything, it has worked out, no doubt we have people who have done this. It's a very dangerous disease and for that we should know that this blood cancer is caused also to children when the mothers are very hectic. I know the mothers have become also very planning sort and they are all the time planning they are running about, jumping about, the other day I met a wife of a Vice Chancellor of University from Gujarat, and I was surprised that she had this problem. I asked her "what you do all the time?" She said "I don't do anything I sit" " must be doing some planning" some Papads', or 'Pharsan' and this" I said "for that why do you need a planning you go to "Yes I do only planning for food, what should we have today, should we make Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze the market whatever vegetable is available you cook it why do you need a planning for that supposing you planned today I will make this vegetable" Spoil our health, horrible disease comes up. Then another thing that happens to you is another serious disease is the coagulation of the kidneys. With this heat the Kidneys can also get coagulated and the urine stops. Then what you do you put on the dialysis, then the person become bankrupt and dies. That's all. Easy way to make a person die, bankrupt Doctor Saheb are brought a friend of his who had kedney trouble he was doing dialysis of others. So I said if you promise that if I cure you, you will not any more do your dialysis business, He promised me, he was cured, but still he was doing it. So I asked him why are you doing it? he said Mother I had spent so much money, I have put so much Capital in to it if I stop it what will happen? So the whole thing is so money oriented that we cannot think of giving up somethings that we have. Then it affects your intestines. So much so that a persori can get a Chronic constipation. You know constipation is such a bad thing. This absolutely makes feel so upset, all the time angry and also it makes your life really miserable. But people get Chronic constipation and they have lot of trouble getting over it. They will try all kids of medicines, this thing, that thing and also other problems of the piles and all those things come you up. This is in short I have told you what things can happen to us. But there is something more serious is that supposing a boy of 21 years plays tennis and drinks, he will definitely get a fatal heart attack, definitely a very massive fatal heart attack. Because the seat which is from the liver reaches to the heart, by working too hard as a tennis player or gymnast or anything plus drinking and all that this heat increases and can attack the heart and one can get a massive heart attack at that time, also later in life one can get a massive heart attack no doubt. Sahaja Yoga has cured I wat to give, if you don't mind the name of Rahul Bajaj who had this massive heart attack and who came to me, and he was cured. Completely cured, he is perfectly all right now. Now then what happens that this heart trouble also is, we do not call it a heart trouble of the same type. There are two types of heart troubles is one is a heart where we call it a lethargic heart. Another is a over active heart. So with the over active heart people die of massive. And with the lethargic heart they die with Angina. Now this Angina thing happens when this centre caught up here when your heart cannot push the blood to your brain and that's how you get the Angina. Angina is absolutely curable, absolutely curable. Now we had a patient called Mr. Bari Malhotra whose Angina was completely cured. He could not believe it I said all right, you don't believe me you can go and show to some doctors. All the doctors said you are quite halw nd hearty, you have no angina. He did then Anginography, this thing he was about to go for the bi-pass where I met him in Delhi and he got alright. This is only one of the examples I am telling you. So if these centres are put right, if your centres are in perfect condition and you are one with the divine you will become a transformed You are absolutely transformed, not only health wise but also mind wise and also spiritually feel absolutely alright. This is just one Chakra I have told you. There are all other centers personality. you within us which look after ourselves. On the physical side we can say our plexuses that we have. This is the aortic plexus I have told you about only on the physical side but it has other work to be done and when this plexus work on left and right side it really gives you a great creativity, great creativity. If you are a scientist you get a great idea about what is the deep Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze knowledge hidig behind these superficial things that we are seeing. It works out in every way for example on genes have I worked out and I told them about genes what I know about and they were surprised. They said nobody has worked on phosphorous so far and nobody has worked on phosphorous. I am surprised at it, it is common sense, then also our Doctor Saheb is telling about immune system I said its also absolutely Common sense that if the immunity goes down you will catch diseases what is so great. If I have said it is immune system which is responsible. Now then, we have to comnect it to the deities where the doctors failed. They cannot. They will have a Ganapati in the house they will say Namaste to Ganapati go for work. But they don't know Ganapati is so important for us within ourselves. What it does, where does he exist, how it works. Its not only our Indian deities but we have also Christ, we have also Mohammed, we have also Mahavira, we have Buddha all of them. They are within us. But this is too much for doctors to really accept I would say they should not. Later on gradually as they will into Sahaja Yoga they will start accepting. It is once you have a real knowledge then you are amazed for diagnosis you need not kill the patient. Only on your finger tips you will know what is the matter. Not only you but anybody else, who is a realised soul will say what are the centres catching and what is the problem. It is all been decoded now in Sahaja Yoga and you can find out what is it. grow Now the research centre that we have here is going to assimilate all the information they have about the people who have been cured. We don't want to have any diagnosis things going on because we can feel it on the finger tips, but they can bring their diagnosis from other hospitals, from other places and they can see for themselves if this diagnosis is correct or not. They should treat it according to the diagnosis of Sahaja Yoga and once they are treated they can note it down and write it down and such a research can be held. For Doctors Saheb is very much deftin that and he has done so much work and there are already four doctors who have got their M. D. In Delhi University. I must say in the North I was surprised that doctors are very oper minded while in Maharastra I found it very difficult, not the doctors but the authorities. They do not give us any chance and they think that it'sall a hocus-focus. Now four doctors have got M. D. but here there are some doctors like just M. B. B. S. have no work they are not practicing, and they have formed a group against us and they are trying to trouble us. Why not if something is doing so much good it's from your own country why not open your mind and see to it. After all if you are a doctor you are not here only for minting money. In medicine and politics you are not to make money but you have to make a name. That's very important. That anybody takes your name they should say yes that's the doctor you see is the humanity part. It's very important. So in Sahaja Yoga a person becomes extremely compassionate. All these doctors who follow Christ why don't they find out how did he cure 21 people during this short stay, how did he manage. He just raised the Kundalini of people. But it was not written in the bible, because the bible was not written by Christ himself. Same with Mohammad Saheb he never wrote the Koran and what he has said is unless and until you know yourself you cannot know God. All of them have said the same thing, but unfortunately they all have not written any book themselves, so there are problems and there are confusions. But let us now face that the time has come for so many people to get completely cured, completely happy, joyous and enter into the Kingdom of God almighty. To Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 10 talk of God to the scientists is a big headache but there is God and as a Scientist you must first find out if there is God or not. Otherwise if you say there is no God that means that you are very unscientific. Have you found out whether there is God or not is the point so I would say that all of you should very humbly try to find out if there is god let us scientifically see that there is God or not. I must say Dr. Rai has been really extremely open minded and how he has worked it out all over the world he has travelled, there are so many doctors all over the world who had accepted his view point, gradually I am sure this will work out. Now we see our country specially is a poor country extremely poor. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to take any money or anything just works through your own powers. You can help the poor people ery well. Of course if there are very rich people, they are available to you, we don't want to bother about them too much and neither they are bothered about us. They only depend on doctors so you can have them. But for us is more important the middle class and the lower middle class specially the people who can't afford to go to doctors and hospitals. Here we have a wing three halls for them those who can't afford to pay at all. But if they come and stay here they have to pay for the rent of the house we can say of the rent of the whole institution and for that its not much, has to be worked out, we have to pay to the doctors who will stay here and to the nurses that's all we will be covering up. But it's absolutely going to be no profit here. That is I am very particular they know very well because you see money is the one thing that's a disease goes on and on and they have money but this greed goes on growing and I have see people want even the walls to be made with paper notes is something going mad, crazy people. So the doctors are something idealistic, they are idealistic people as always I had that faith. With that kind of an attitude we have to see how much we can help our poor people also and look after them. This science is absolutely free to you, you can learn it in one month. For medical science you have to work for seven years. What is the advantage for doctors to know it because they can locate it very well, they can grasp this much better. They can understand that it's so scientific. It is so beautifully working out. They are amazed at it. I would say that, this is so great a science, we can call it a meta science as Doctor Saheb has said, but this science can explain it logically but science cannot encompass the whole. Science is still a little cup can't get all the ocean in to it. So for that all the scientific people who think science is great should try to understand what is such a wealth of our country. May God Bless You All. Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 11 Address to International Forum of Business men at Y. P. O. Conference by H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi OBEROI HOTEL BOMBAY 27/2/96 One has to know truth is what it is, you can not change it, you cannot transform it. Mind is a myth, brain is not. Human being has a special kind of brain, which is a bit modern like a Prism. Animals do not have this. In human the divine power enters through the brain, it goes into different directions. First one goes directly inside. And the another one which falls into the left goes to the right, and which falls into the right goes to the left. Now these two pass out of the brain as resultants but some of these are sucked out by our sympathetic nervous system. And the part which goes out creates our attention. When our attention is reacting with anything else as human beings. For example if a child is nursed by a mother, the child is very happy and peaceful, but when she moves the child from one side to another, then the child is challenged and the ego develops, gradually. When the child is moved it starts struggling with the mother, then the mother says don't, so the conditioning start. So there are two types of balloons, which develops in the brain, the ego and the other is conditioning. One comes from the past and other from the future. These two balloons are the reactions we have naturally. These two balloons create our mind through thoughts. So our mind is nothing, but the out come of the bubbles of thoughts. When we live in the realm of mind, we may feel very confident, but these thoughts are nothing but our reactions of our attention outside which is not reality. For the business what you need is a pure awareness. Supposing you put your money in something, tomorrow you find it is all lost. That is one part. Secondly suppose we want to save money for some purpose, you may want to buy a car. When you buy that there is no satisfaction. Then you want to buy another car, you go on jumping from one to another, cannot enjoy for which you have worked so hard. The law of economics says that in general wants are not satiable, so we are doing all this for satisfying ourselves, but we are not satisfied and that is why all the time the mind is very upset. you Today I am very happy that I am talking to western minds because I have had lot of dealings with western mind and I was amazed that they are seeking something beyond mind. What is reality and I was mazed they want to find out how to be satisfied and be peaceful. All kinds of problems arise from our thinking. The first and foremost is stress. People are suffering from terrible stress all over the western world and the solution is that we have to go beyond the mind. This solution has been existing in this country for thousands of years. I was surprised when I went to Kiev to find out that 3000 years before Christ they had been talking about this power in our triangular bone. I asked how you know about it so they gave me names of great saints from India who had gone there. I was amazed that they still remember all these things even after such a long time. And they have so many paintings, so many illustrations that they know so much. Now this country has been blessed by such great seers and really guided by great saints. But we were invaded by so many invaders and for 300 years of British rule, we Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 12 lost most of treasures, one of them the knowledge of self. Even in China they know that there is a treasure of knowledge in India, that is the knowledge of Self. When we say this my hand, this is my nose, this is my body, we go on saying my, but who is the owner of this my, should be found. Even Christ has talked about it and has said you have to know your self. In Kuran it is written unless and until you know your self, you cannot know God. How clearly it has been written been down. Ofcourse the Christ never wrote the Bible. Muhammad Saheb never wrote the Kuran, Moses never wrote the part of Old Testament, so there are certain things which can be challenged. But whatever we have to know this that so far we do not know our selves. Once we humbly accept this part that we do not know our selves then things work out much better and our seeking has that humble attitude. There are seven centres. Out of which six are on our central nervous system. In the base of the spine there is the triangular bone called as Sacrum. It is a Greek word. When I asked a curator in Greece, why do you call it Sacrum, he said don't you know it is a sacred bone? How do know it is a sacred bone. He said Indians told us. This knowledge went there from you India. Now this is the bone which has got a power we call as Kundalini, Kundal means coil and it is feminine power, which gives us our second birth. She is actually your mother, your own individual mother and She knows each and everything about you, She knows your past, She knows your aspirations, but She is your mother. And as She is your mother, She gives you birth without any pain. Lot of things have been written that on Kundalini awakening this your happens, that happens. So far I have not seen anything happening wrong on kundalini awakening. But if a person tries to force it , it can. Because it is living process of our evolution. Unless and until we achieve it we cannot be peaceful and satisfied. We have to achieve that evolutionary process which is just a little breakthrough in our awareness. Now how is it connected with our business. When our awareness is limited to our brain, which is just a reaction to the things and we started thinking and planning, what happens. It has effects on all sides but especially on our business. For example I see people coming to India trying to import things from us. Now they do not know anything about India. They have no idea where what happens in India, what will be appreciated and what will sell, what they should create. They wanted to start a make a big company with a very huge factory where I will produce this. I said all right, but what about the labour. Have you got the labour. It so happened that he started the factory and there was a big strike. For one year that strike continued. He said now how to ask them to come for work, because they have taken to drinking, they have become bankrupt. It's a big mess and nothing can happen. I said in Maharastra you should find out, it's very simple, they are worshippers of Shri Ganesha. So you start a temple of shri Ganesha. He built this temple. After building the temple of Shri Ganesha, people thought he is one of us. They all came for the inauguration and the factory started. Then I said it is a custom that on the day of Diwali, that the owners go to the house of the people and give them something for the happy married life. And he did it. Didn't cost him much and he is one of the most successful person in his business. Now this is just my own advice. company. He is a gentleman, say form Gujarat. He said I am going to Your own awareness has to expand, your own awareness has to become divine. For that you do not have to give up anything, you do not have to think that it is blind faith. It actualizes Vol. VIlI Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 13 within you, you become that. Once you become that, so many things happen to your awareness. Because your awareness is not so clearcut, might be through your experiences may be knowing some things, but I have known people who are great experts in business, suddenly they grow old, suddenly they suffer, if not financially, something else happens, they are worried all the time, they look so haggard, tired and finished. The reason is that they are all the time worried about money. Now with this happening, first of all when this power rises through the six centres and pierces through your fontanelle bone area, it is the actualisation of the baptisn it is not some priest putting his hand on your head and saying you are baptised. You become baptist. When it touches the all pervading power, you can feel it on your finger tips, the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You can feel Param Chaitanya, you may call it anything but it is all pervading power of divine love, which is there and doing all kinds of beautiful things. you When you see these beautiful flowers, you take these for granted. It is a miracle. If the doctor who runs your heart, he will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this aute, We never try to ask because these are so miraculous, We never try to find out how a seed sprouts out of the mother earth. Because the seed has the capacity to sprout and the mother earth has the capacity to help sprout. In the same way, you have this subtle wealth of knowledge within you, which you do not know. When this Kundaliri rises, She enlightens all the six centres which are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. In the evolutionary process we are standing just at a point, where we can take a flight towards this higher awareness. ask you Whatever I am telling you, you should not take it for granted. Because blind faith has given Lus lot of problems. There should be no blind faith about it. There should be actualisation. Unless and until you experience it you should not believe it. It is a happening, which has to happen in these modern times, which I call blossom time, last judgement, in Kuran it is called Qayama, the resurrection time. It is said when the time of resurrection will come your hands will speak. This is what happens, that you start feeling these centres on your central nervous system. On your finger tips you can feel all these centres, you can feel your self, these centres denotes what is your position, when you use them, what are your chakras, how are you? If there is any problem in these chakras, you will either suffer physically, mentally or emotionally. Now working too hard as you are, the energy that you have is absolutely limited and you have to have the energy which is unlimited. Then if it is the divine power, then divine power is of love, is the power of knowledge and the power of joy. If you become one with the Divine Power then you become tremendously powerful, full of compassion and energy and you do not feel tired. For example I am 73 years of age and look at my energy. I travel all over the world and people say mother you are not tired. Because I never think I am travelling. I think I am sitting on my sofa set. To go beyond mind is the only way you can achieve that peace and also the connection with this all pervading divine power. This divine love first of all gives you very good health. The problem you would be facing by using too much of your energy on thinking of futuristic things. How many diseases one can have only through one centre. This centre is called swadisthana centre, which is the second one. The medical science on the Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIll Issue 5 14 physical side it is aortic plexus, but on other levels also it works. I do not know whether in medical science they accept it or not, but this centre has to do the great work of supplying energy to the grey cells in your brain when you think. This poor centre also has to look after your liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney and intestiñes. Now if you are all the time thinking, plarning the future so this poor centre cannot look after your important organs. So what is neglected? First is your liver. The function of the liver is to emit heat that is collected in the whole body that is the poison into the circulation. But it fails, because it is not looked after by the centre so your liver goes out in a way and the heat is collected. When this heat rises upward it travels up to a centre, which we call right heart, which looks after your lungs and you can have asthma. Then this heat goes to the left side towards the pancreas, that alsogoes out of order, and you may develop a very common disease called diabetes. The diabetes is not caused to people in India who are working in villages, because they do not have insurance, they are not worried about their future. Whatever they earn, they spend and sleep. They are always very much satisfied. They take so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at ninety degree to make a good tea for them. Only people sitting on the table get diabetes, because all their energy is going to their brain, not to their pancreas. Modern life is very much hectic. Early in the morning you get up. Even in America I was amazed to see that people brush their teeth in the car. You see the newspaper in the morning, which you should not, because you get such a fright, every day there is so much horrible deaths and if you are a sensitive person the emergency sets in. So that in this emergency the spleen has to produce red blood corpuscles all the time. The spleen does not understand this kind of crazy behavior, why is he so hectic. First you read newspaper early in the morning and then rush to the office, eat your breakfast in the car. In office the boss is shouting at you or you find there is a loss in the company. All this is showing on you and there is terrible emergency. Your spleen which is to work in emergency goes out of order. Then the horrible disease called blood cancer sets in. Now the intestines. The intestines are really coagulated ad by that you get a terrible type of constipation. I was surprised to see in Switzerland that they eat something which we give to our buffalos for constipation that is called the seed of cork that they eat in bread. When I asked them they said it is very good for constipation. It is because of too much futuristic thinking, that they get this horrible constipation. Now suppose there is a boy of 25 years of age and he is playing tennis and he drinks a lot, then the liver goes out of order very soon and the heat rises so much that such a person get a massive heart attack, which is fatal. This heart attack can come later also and the man can die of fatal heart attack. There are two types of heart attack. One is by overactive person and other is by lethargic which is called angina. But the heart attack people get from business is mostly of massive type. People who work too hard have to understand that they do not have supply of extra energy which they need to have if they have to be alright. This is possible only if you get connected to your mains. Now this instrument (microphone) if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way in the West people are lost. In the beginning I came across lot of hippies. I asked them why do have this kind of hair. They said we want to I said you cannot do that, inside you is this modern brain. This outward understanding of back in time. go Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 15 your problem is not the solution. The last problem you could have is paralysis on the right side. It is the nature which gives you the respite. Now the worst I have seen is that your conscious mind goes in completely jeopardy they call it the yuppies disease. The people become reptiles. The brain is OK but they cannot move their legs consciously, they cannot move their hands consciously. As you people are young I have to warn you that if you have to enjoy your life you should get connected to the mains, to this all pervading power, which exists and which you can experience. This all pervading power loves you. You get so much blessings all your life, you will be amazed how things work out. First of all you must have full confidence in yourself and know that you are born a human being for a purpose. You are not made into human beings without any destinations for just putting money here and there. To get the complete enjoyment you have to get connected to this all pervading power. Unless and until your awareness is expanded you cannot have a happy life. In our evolutionary process we have reached the state of human awareness and now we have to jump into this new awareness, by which we get the idea of the totality and not of part, you get the idea of the future, that is your attention is directed to it. You are not just a human being tossing on the waves, but you are a person who knows him self and who is full of love., Once you open up this divine power, the people who could not speak have become great orators. There are so many artists in India who have become great in their fields after getting their self realisation. Your creativity in business also increases, you understand totality and you help yourself, your family. You can know the reality on your finger tips. In the light of your spirit you will know what is wrong and what is right. Your awareness gets enlightened and all the nonsensical things are dropped by you. We have to open our eyes our own weaknesses, our own achievements, own potential, then only you will enjoy and be satisfied. I hope you will try it. Even though I am told you are very rich people and Christ has said that they cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I do not agree because some very rich people have come to Sahaja Yoga and have become richer and richer, not only from outside but from inside. You enjoy your own virtues, your own generosity. So last of all you jump into the ocean of joy. to May God Bless You. : Yogi Mahajan Edited by Published by: Divine Cool Breeze, 9 Bhagyachintamani Soc., Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029 :Golden Arts, B - 2/11 Bandal Complex, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029. Printed by Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 16 ---------------------- 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-0.txt DIVINE C OOL BREEZE VOLUME VIII ISSUE 5 In our evolutionary process we have reached the staté of human awareness and now we have to jump into this new awareness,by which we get the idea of the totality and not of the part. H. H. Shri. Mataji Nirmala Devi Y. P. O. Conference Mumbai, 1996 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-1.txt SHANKARACHARYA'S PRAISE OF THE DIVINE MOTHER Oh daughter of the Mountains Who keeps the whole world happy And who gives pleasure to the universe, You are the daughter of Nanda Who was the cause of happiness of Vishnu And you reside on the peak of mount Vindya You are the wife of the great ascetic Who is no other than Shiva. I. Chorous : Victory be yours, O great destroyer of Mahishasura, You who are always dressed beautifully And are the daughter of the Mountains. (Parvati is the name given to Adi Shakti because she is the daughter of Parvat, Mountains, Parvati is married to Shiva. Legend has it that Adi Shakti was born as Mahamaya, the daughter of Nanda who was exchanged with Krishna and subsequently killed by Kansa. For her, Krishna was saved and Mahamaya resides in the temple at Vindayachal, on the peak of mount Vindhya) You shower blessings on the gods and you have killed powerful demons Like Durdhar and Durmukha II. and laughed at your own feat You give success to all three worlds and please Shankar (Shiva) you proudly announced your killing of Kilbhisha you also destroyed Danuj and other demons like Durmod. You are also the daughter of the great seas (Adi shakti, as Mahalakshmi, was born from the seas.) III. You crushed the head of the Elephant Demon and broke it into hundreds of pieces Your power is so invisible that the enemy elephant was completely helpless with your own hands you vanquished Chanda, the great demon, and also Munda. IV. When you are engaged in battle you excite all warriors by the vibrations of your bow. Just as humming bees swarm around honey laden flowers So too, everyone is attracted by the heavenly beauty you emanate??? Again, assuming four-fold power, you use various devices to fight your enemies Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VilII Issue 5 1 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-2.txt You are completely appeased when hear people of the world praying to V. you the mellifluous sounds of your ankle bells Vibrate and please lord Shiva. You are also greatly adept at acting. And your singing is most melodious. you VI. O beautiful and more beautiful and more beautiful than the most beautiful such is the radiance of your beauty. Your face is even more bright and glowing than many many moons amalgamated just as money-seeking bees constantly swarm around the lotus So too, your followers constantly desire your proximity never wanting to be far removed... VII. You reside in beautiful surroundings which are full of perfumed flower trees All swarming with humming bees and crickets just as the best flowers have an array of bees, So, too, you have an arrow of weapons. And empowered with these you use all your manifold powers to fight the powerful demons VIII. Your beautiful forehead is as beautiful as the petals of the blooming lotus. You are the core and the receptacle of all arts. your mellifluous voice is more charming than the melody of birds singing in spring. Your followers and devotees never leave you just as bees never leave perfume laden flowers. Chorus : Victory be yours, O great goddess ! The slayer of Mahishasura ! The Charmingly adorned ! The daughter of the mountains !! Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 2. 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-3.txt I want to be smaller, Like a dust particle which moves with the wind It goes everywhere, Can go, Sit on the head of a king Or can go And fall at the feet of someone And it can go And sit everywhere But I want to be a particle of dust That is fragrant, That is nourishing That is enlightening. Poem written by H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at the age of seven. Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 3. 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-4.txt VASHI TALK 19/02/96, Mumbai Seekers of truth. It's a very different thing today that I have to speak to people who are professionally doctors and are following a kind of a medical practice which is supposed to be absolutely scientific. I'm not here to in any way denouce or put down any one of the theries that are prevalent and are practiced by the doctors all over the world. In no way one has to degrade any knowledge whatever is available. But the problem is when you find any knowledge is not fully developed or not competent we should open our minds to something that could be something better than what we are following. Because we have studied in a medical science, because we know about medical studies it's not necessary that we should be so conditioned that we can not take to anything that is new, is available. In the ethics of medical science as far as I know, it is for the benevolence of the people that we are working, we are not working for just pocketing money or for propagating a one kind of theory that we know of. As it is you know, every time in the science theories are changed. Starting from earlier times, you see all becomes hypothesis then becomes laws and then the laws are challenged. Another thing is the science is amoral. It doesn't look at that aspect of human beings where it is important that morality must be imbibed. Thirdly it's a limited thing, it's limited because it is dealing with our efforts through our mind. With our mind, whatever we try to know need not be absolute truth, that is the reason there is always difference of opinjon. If it was absolute truth there would have been no difference of opinion. So what we have to do is to get to a point where we can know absolute truth, absolute meaning that every doctor should feel the same way, diagnosis should be the same. From all these points of view we have to a little bit humble down and see for ourselves what knowledge lies before us in this great country of India. We have no idea as to this knowledge of Sahaja Yoga existed thousands and thousands of years back. I was surprised when I went to Kiev in Ukraine people were talking about Machhindranath and Gorakhnath and they had made pictures of different chakras and were talking about Aditi is the primordial Mother. I was shocked how so nany years back, 3000 before Christ, these great saints went there and did such miraculous work. We have in this country also a great knowledge of the power of Kundalini, but we don't read all that, we don't want to know, but I was happy to know at least in the course of Ayurveda they try to talk about Kundalini, they don't know much but they do talk. Now this power that I am talking about is the Kundalini resides in the triangular bone. Now whatever I'm saying you need not accept me because it's a very different knowledge I'm talking about and this Kundalini which is coiled up into three and a half coils is restirng nicely till you come to find out the truth. This knowledge has been there from ages and ages like Markandeya was fourteen thousand years has talked about it, Adi Shankaracharya has talked about it. Many saints abroad also I know have talked about Kundalini, even in the Bible it is written I'll appear before you like tongues of flames. They have talked about the tree of life, like Krishna has talked about also the tree of life which is upside down and the roots are in the brains. All these things had no validity, nobody tried to look at it from that point of view Vol. VilII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-5.txt but today it can be proved that all human beings have this very unique thing within themselves which we call as Kundalini. It is placed in the sacrum bone, I asked some Greek people and they said of course it is sacrum because regarded as a sacred bone and I asked them who told you, they said the Indians long time back they told us that's a sacred bone Now this Kundalini is like a primule of a seed, like a primule what we call Ankur, when you put it in the Mother Earth the seed sprouts by itself, Sahaja, you don't have to do anything. You can't pay physical things. It is inside the seed is built in power to sprout and also it is in the Mother Earth the built in power to sprout the seed. So this primule sprouts, by that you see a living process comes into being anything to the Mother Earth. You can't stand on your head or do any thing of these Through our evolution we have become human beings, we have become human beings and we have all the things within us about which we have no knowledge, we have knowledge whatever we see outside but what is within us we have no knowledge so far because we have not yet studied or have tried to find out what is written in so many ancient books about what we have inside ourselves. So it's a question of understanding that all these things written since ancient times in our country by many saints, many incarnations must be some reason why they wrote about it. Now this power is nothing mysterious today it's the power that is to sprout for our last break through of our evolution. After the human awareness we have to jump into a new awareness which is a complete understanding of ourselves. This new awareness that has been talked about , told about by Zen system which you know that is followed very well in Japan, then also by Lao Tse in China, by so many people it has been talked about that one has to become a person who is beyond the mind. I want to tell you about this mind, mind is a myth, mind is created by our ego conditioning it's a myth it's no reality, and this mind creates these two institutions within us and later on those two institutions of ego and conditioning control the mind. It's like we create a computer, after some time the computer starts controlling us. In the same manner this mind does it, it's just like bubbles which are created by the wind of these two institutions that exist within us. Now to get over this mind is not an easy thing, it's written in all Shastras it's very difficult, that you can't go beyond the mind. Now see the mind as it is. We think of the future and we think of the past, we cannot think of the present just row where we are, we can't put our attention to the present. So what happens this mind raises lots of bubbles in our head, a thought comes up, another thought comes up, another thought comes up and we are dancing on the cusp of these thoughts., In the present resides the truth, in the present resides the reality of life, but we cannot be in the present. This has to be established and for that, this Kundalini is within us. She is your individual Mother as I said. Of course there is no concept of mother- father in the medical science but there are mothers and fathers we know that, we don't hang from the trees whatever it is, but this Kundalini rises, she rises through six centres. The seventh centre is below the sacrum bone. Six centres, now these centres according to Sahaja Yoga are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When She rises what She does She nourishes those centres, She integrates them and connects you to the all pervading power of Divine Love. So far, people have been talking about it in some sort of a we can say in the church or maybe in some of the religious things that there is a power of God that looks after us. They talk of Param Chaitanya. It's all there in the Shastras but no body and by our Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 5. 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-6.txt think there is much sense in it except for medical science. Now this Param Chaitanya that is surroundig us, does all the living work. Look at these flowers, how mysterious they are, and it's a miracle the way they are produced from this Mother Earth with different colours, fragrance and heights. Who does all that? It's done by this great power which surrounds us, it's called as the Ritambhara Pragya by Patanjali, the one who makes Rutu, means the one who makes seasons. But this Pragya, this one, this enlightened knowledge that exists around us we have never felt before, we do not know if there is such a power or not. People have talked, the saints have talked, we pray to them, we talk to them but we do not know what is the connection with reality or with the mind because mind doesn't allow us to go to that reality. In the Zen system it's very clearly given that you have to cross over, you go beyond the mind where you are Nirvichara, it's call as nirvichara Samadhi. At that point you become thoughtlessly aware but you are one with that Divine Power. It's your right as Indians to know all about it and to use it for the purpose of emancipation of human beings. It's not only spiritual emancipation I would say but the goal is that to know your self what you call Atma Saksatkar, but as a result of that you get your physical well-being, you get your emotional well-being, you get your spiritual well-being and you became absolutely a transformed personality. Just now our Doctor Rai talked about so many defects we have but the worst that we are suffering today is corruption. Even a corrupt man may became a very honest man, extremely honest and he cannot help to be that because a kind of a saintliness comes ito him. It sounds so fantastic and people can't believe it but actually we are fantastic, we are great, we don't know about our wealth that is within us. This has to be aroused through this Kundalini awakening we get all these things as a by-product. Of course cancer can be cured by Sahaja Yoga, no doubt about it. Is not a knowledge of just curing one thing, there is no specialization in Sahaja Yoga. Like some people say that you have to have one doctor for one eye, another doctor for an other eye, is not like that. It's Ambiak, means it is all integrated, it's totality of a human being is treated through this because this Kundalini when She rises, she passes through like a thread into the pearls of these chakras and makes you one with this Divine Power which later on makes all your chakras perfectly alright. Now it's ?coming to the question of cancer in a very simple way because you see I'm not such a great scientist to talk on scientific knowledge. Now the simple thing is cancer, is very simple disease, is not something to be frightened of. What happens that we have sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Two systems are there, the sympathetic is for emergencies and parasympathetic is neutralising it. Now the left side we call as the left sympathetic and the right side the right symnpathetic. I don't know if the medical science has reached that point or not but when I was studying medicine I didn't see they knew, they thought that both are just the same. No, they are not, they are complementary but they are opposite each other. Left side is like this and the right side is like that. Left side stands for your emotional being, for your past. Right side stands for your future and for your physical being and also your mental being, so called mental being. English language you know is like mental can mean also emotions, can mean, anything. But here it means the mind through which you work. two sides form a loop like this within us. Left and right and the sympathetic makes the parasympathetic like this. Now this is the Chakra, this is the centre that we have within So these Divine Cool Breeze 6. Vol. VIII Issue 5 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-7.txt ourselves. Now what happens in the case of cancer. You start using one side very much, like right side, some people are very right sided, futuristic, always looking at the watches, planning everything, I mean is the modern man he is. So he goes on using it too much so this chakra is used too much and the power that is inside this Chakra becomes less because it's constricted. Suddenly what happens that he might have an emotional problem or maybe some sort of a sudden shock, so this breaks. When it breaks what happens that your connection with your brain is finished with the centre is finished and all the energy starts flowing where you find that the cells become on their own, there is no connection with the whole. Now the left side would be amazed Doctor Saheb has mentioned to you is I told him long time back you is nothing but our past and I also told him the name that they will give it was 53 to this special attack from the left side which causes the cancer. Now this we can say the protein which enters into our body from the left side starts governing all the other cells and they become malignant, they are on their own. It's very simple now just to make these two things again brought together and to nourish this centre. If you can do that, you can solve the problem. There is another simple thing I would like to tell you which is very important for all of you who are working very hard, thinking very hard and who are doing all kinds of futuristic planing, is very important. For the Minister Sahab and for all of you what is ahead of us if you go on too much for the futuristic. This one centre I don't know why we have it behind but I wish could see later on which we call as the swadhishthan. This one centre comes out of you the another centre call as nabhi. Now this centre is very important for all of you because the duty of this centre is, which of course in the medical science they don't accept but we can prove it, is to supply energy for our brain when we think too much. Now we never understand, we are thinking, thinking, thinking and who supplies the energy. Now this centre supplies this energy for our grey cells in the brain. This centre has other jobs, this job of course maybe doctors don't know. Other jobs are that it looks after your liver, it looks after your pancreas it looks after your spleen, it looks after your kidneys and also looks after the intestines, Now those who are very futuristic, who think too much, sit on the table, plan, do this, do that are using this energy entirely for this kind of a futuristic work. As a result what happens all the other work it has to do is neglected, the first is liver. I have told, asDoctor Saheb has told you already that liver is never bothered about and doctors know very little about liver, I'm sorry to say. This liver is the one that makes us live. When we neglect this liver what happens it creates a kind of a heat, I'Il not give you the medical terminology but it creates a kind of a heat and that heat can be very injurious. The job of the liver is to absorb all the heat of the body and put it in the blood circulation so it goes out of the system, but when it is neglected it doesn't act. When it doesn't act it gets into problem and the problem is that this heat then starts moving upwards and downwards. When it starts moving upwards what happens. It happens that we call another centre is right heart which controls all the lungs and the breathing and everything. When it reaches higher it creates a problem as asthma. Asthma can be easily cured with Sahaja Yoga. Is very simple if you know how to remove the heat of the liver. It's a very common disease in India, asthma, also pollution is responsible, you see there are other problems because we call it this is the centre of the father. If there is a problem with the father, between son and the father also this centre can get excited. Ifa child has lost his father earlier also there is a problem on this centre. Whatever it is, it is curable through Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-8.txt very simple method of Sahaja Yoga. Then this heat passes on to your pancreas now this is very important. So what happens that your pancreas goes out of order. When it goes out of order what you get is a special disease is diabeties. Now this diabetics is caused again by the same heat. All those people who are sitting on the table working out things they get diabetes, not the villagers. Villagers specially in Maharastra see that the spoon must stand at right angles with the sugar otherwise they think it's not tea at all, they drink so much of sugar they never diabetes. Because they work hard, they are so tired they go off to sleep, they are not get bothered about insurance, saving money or anything and they are very happy, they don't get diabetes they have no botheration about the future. But the people who are sitting at the table eventually have to get it because diabetes is caused as I have told you by over thinking then the results of diabetes are there that one can get blindness also for that we have Sahaja Yoga explanation. The Swadhishthana in the brain how it works, we call the Peeth' which has been proved now in Russia that what I have told them about the Chakras ad the relationship with the Peeth is there, they have proved it. You see in Russia science has grown so much that they are trying to go beyond and they are very helpful to us. Then, there's another disease that comes in, which is a very dangerous one for all such people who are very busy who have no time you see, the thing is that the life becomes extremely hectic. You get up in the morning and you think it's late, so they get into their cars. In America people even brush their teeth in the car. They are so much moving with a speed and there is no time for them to have breakfast or anything, while in the car they will take breakfast or may be in the office. My husband used to tell that so many people come in the office and go to bathroom here in the office because they say better here. So this kind of a hectic life that we have. The worst is to read newspapers in the morning. If you read newspapers in the morning the Sympathetic goes into action and as you know that your spleen has to produce red blood corpuscles for any kind of emergencies then the spleen starts pulsating and acting to help you in your emergencies that you are going through. As a result what happens that this spleen becomes really mad, crazy and she doesn't know to cope with this crazy man who is doing all kinds of things so hecticaliy. In the olden times I remember that people used to eat their food, my father would eat his food, my mother would sit next to him fanning like this and rhythmically he would eat his food with a very quite and a very peaceful manner. This was our style of life but today its not so. As a result this spleen is all the time very tense and doesn't know how to cope, and is extremely vunerable to a very dangerous disease which we called as Blood Cancer. We have people now who had blood cancer long time back, about nine, ten years back they were cured with Sahaja yoga. They are still alright, doing well, nothing has gone wrong with them, without the transfusion of blood or anything, it has worked out, no doubt we have people who have done this. It's a very dangerous disease and for that we should know that this blood cancer is caused also to children when the mothers are very hectic. I know the mothers have become also very planning sort and they are all the time planning they are running about, jumping about, the other day I met a wife of a Vice Chancellor of University from Gujarat, and I was surprised that she had this problem. I asked her "what you do all the time?" She said "I don't do anything I sit" " must be doing some planning" some Papads', or 'Pharsan' and this" I said "for that why do you need a planning you go to "Yes I do only planning for food, what should we have today, should we make Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-9.txt the market whatever vegetable is available you cook it why do you need a planning for that supposing you planned today I will make this vegetable" Spoil our health, horrible disease comes up. Then another thing that happens to you is another serious disease is the coagulation of the kidneys. With this heat the Kidneys can also get coagulated and the urine stops. Then what you do you put on the dialysis, then the person become bankrupt and dies. That's all. Easy way to make a person die, bankrupt Doctor Saheb are brought a friend of his who had kedney trouble he was doing dialysis of others. So I said if you promise that if I cure you, you will not any more do your dialysis business, He promised me, he was cured, but still he was doing it. So I asked him why are you doing it? he said Mother I had spent so much money, I have put so much Capital in to it if I stop it what will happen? So the whole thing is so money oriented that we cannot think of giving up somethings that we have. Then it affects your intestines. So much so that a persori can get a Chronic constipation. You know constipation is such a bad thing. This absolutely makes feel so upset, all the time angry and also it makes your life really miserable. But people get Chronic constipation and they have lot of trouble getting over it. They will try all kids of medicines, this thing, that thing and also other problems of the piles and all those things come you up. This is in short I have told you what things can happen to us. But there is something more serious is that supposing a boy of 21 years plays tennis and drinks, he will definitely get a fatal heart attack, definitely a very massive fatal heart attack. Because the seat which is from the liver reaches to the heart, by working too hard as a tennis player or gymnast or anything plus drinking and all that this heat increases and can attack the heart and one can get a massive heart attack at that time, also later in life one can get a massive heart attack no doubt. Sahaja Yoga has cured I wat to give, if you don't mind the name of Rahul Bajaj who had this massive heart attack and who came to me, and he was cured. Completely cured, he is perfectly all right now. Now then what happens that this heart trouble also is, we do not call it a heart trouble of the same type. There are two types of heart troubles is one is a heart where we call it a lethargic heart. Another is a over active heart. So with the over active heart people die of massive. And with the lethargic heart they die with Angina. Now this Angina thing happens when this centre caught up here when your heart cannot push the blood to your brain and that's how you get the Angina. Angina is absolutely curable, absolutely curable. Now we had a patient called Mr. Bari Malhotra whose Angina was completely cured. He could not believe it I said all right, you don't believe me you can go and show to some doctors. All the doctors said you are quite halw nd hearty, you have no angina. He did then Anginography, this thing he was about to go for the bi-pass where I met him in Delhi and he got alright. This is only one of the examples I am telling you. So if these centres are put right, if your centres are in perfect condition and you are one with the divine you will become a transformed You are absolutely transformed, not only health wise but also mind wise and also spiritually feel absolutely alright. This is just one Chakra I have told you. There are all other centers personality. you within us which look after ourselves. On the physical side we can say our plexuses that we have. This is the aortic plexus I have told you about only on the physical side but it has other work to be done and when this plexus work on left and right side it really gives you a great creativity, great creativity. If you are a scientist you get a great idea about what is the deep Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-10.txt knowledge hidig behind these superficial things that we are seeing. It works out in every way for example on genes have I worked out and I told them about genes what I know about and they were surprised. They said nobody has worked on phosphorous so far and nobody has worked on phosphorous. I am surprised at it, it is common sense, then also our Doctor Saheb is telling about immune system I said its also absolutely Common sense that if the immunity goes down you will catch diseases what is so great. If I have said it is immune system which is responsible. Now then, we have to comnect it to the deities where the doctors failed. They cannot. They will have a Ganapati in the house they will say Namaste to Ganapati go for work. But they don't know Ganapati is so important for us within ourselves. What it does, where does he exist, how it works. Its not only our Indian deities but we have also Christ, we have also Mohammed, we have also Mahavira, we have Buddha all of them. They are within us. But this is too much for doctors to really accept I would say they should not. Later on gradually as they will into Sahaja Yoga they will start accepting. It is once you have a real knowledge then you are amazed for diagnosis you need not kill the patient. Only on your finger tips you will know what is the matter. Not only you but anybody else, who is a realised soul will say what are the centres catching and what is the problem. It is all been decoded now in Sahaja Yoga and you can find out what is it. grow Now the research centre that we have here is going to assimilate all the information they have about the people who have been cured. We don't want to have any diagnosis things going on because we can feel it on the finger tips, but they can bring their diagnosis from other hospitals, from other places and they can see for themselves if this diagnosis is correct or not. They should treat it according to the diagnosis of Sahaja Yoga and once they are treated they can note it down and write it down and such a research can be held. For Doctors Saheb is very much deftin that and he has done so much work and there are already four doctors who have got their M. D. In Delhi University. I must say in the North I was surprised that doctors are very oper minded while in Maharastra I found it very difficult, not the doctors but the authorities. They do not give us any chance and they think that it'sall a hocus-focus. Now four doctors have got M. D. but here there are some doctors like just M. B. B. S. have no work they are not practicing, and they have formed a group against us and they are trying to trouble us. Why not if something is doing so much good it's from your own country why not open your mind and see to it. After all if you are a doctor you are not here only for minting money. In medicine and politics you are not to make money but you have to make a name. That's very important. That anybody takes your name they should say yes that's the doctor you see is the humanity part. It's very important. So in Sahaja Yoga a person becomes extremely compassionate. All these doctors who follow Christ why don't they find out how did he cure 21 people during this short stay, how did he manage. He just raised the Kundalini of people. But it was not written in the bible, because the bible was not written by Christ himself. Same with Mohammad Saheb he never wrote the Koran and what he has said is unless and until you know yourself you cannot know God. All of them have said the same thing, but unfortunately they all have not written any book themselves, so there are problems and there are confusions. But let us now face that the time has come for so many people to get completely cured, completely happy, joyous and enter into the Kingdom of God almighty. To Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 10 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-11.txt talk of God to the scientists is a big headache but there is God and as a Scientist you must first find out if there is God or not. Otherwise if you say there is no God that means that you are very unscientific. Have you found out whether there is God or not is the point so I would say that all of you should very humbly try to find out if there is god let us scientifically see that there is God or not. I must say Dr. Rai has been really extremely open minded and how he has worked it out all over the world he has travelled, there are so many doctors all over the world who had accepted his view point, gradually I am sure this will work out. Now we see our country specially is a poor country extremely poor. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to take any money or anything just works through your own powers. You can help the poor people ery well. Of course if there are very rich people, they are available to you, we don't want to bother about them too much and neither they are bothered about us. They only depend on doctors so you can have them. But for us is more important the middle class and the lower middle class specially the people who can't afford to go to doctors and hospitals. Here we have a wing three halls for them those who can't afford to pay at all. But if they come and stay here they have to pay for the rent of the house we can say of the rent of the whole institution and for that its not much, has to be worked out, we have to pay to the doctors who will stay here and to the nurses that's all we will be covering up. But it's absolutely going to be no profit here. That is I am very particular they know very well because you see money is the one thing that's a disease goes on and on and they have money but this greed goes on growing and I have see people want even the walls to be made with paper notes is something going mad, crazy people. So the doctors are something idealistic, they are idealistic people as always I had that faith. With that kind of an attitude we have to see how much we can help our poor people also and look after them. This science is absolutely free to you, you can learn it in one month. For medical science you have to work for seven years. What is the advantage for doctors to know it because they can locate it very well, they can grasp this much better. They can understand that it's so scientific. It is so beautifully working out. They are amazed at it. I would say that, this is so great a science, we can call it a meta science as Doctor Saheb has said, but this science can explain it logically but science cannot encompass the whole. Science is still a little cup can't get all the ocean in to it. So for that all the scientific people who think science is great should try to understand what is such a wealth of our country. May God Bless You All. Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 11 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-12.txt Address to International Forum of Business men at Y. P. O. Conference by H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi OBEROI HOTEL BOMBAY 27/2/96 One has to know truth is what it is, you can not change it, you cannot transform it. Mind is a myth, brain is not. Human being has a special kind of brain, which is a bit modern like a Prism. Animals do not have this. In human the divine power enters through the brain, it goes into different directions. First one goes directly inside. And the another one which falls into the left goes to the right, and which falls into the right goes to the left. Now these two pass out of the brain as resultants but some of these are sucked out by our sympathetic nervous system. And the part which goes out creates our attention. When our attention is reacting with anything else as human beings. For example if a child is nursed by a mother, the child is very happy and peaceful, but when she moves the child from one side to another, then the child is challenged and the ego develops, gradually. When the child is moved it starts struggling with the mother, then the mother says don't, so the conditioning start. So there are two types of balloons, which develops in the brain, the ego and the other is conditioning. One comes from the past and other from the future. These two balloons are the reactions we have naturally. These two balloons create our mind through thoughts. So our mind is nothing, but the out come of the bubbles of thoughts. When we live in the realm of mind, we may feel very confident, but these thoughts are nothing but our reactions of our attention outside which is not reality. For the business what you need is a pure awareness. Supposing you put your money in something, tomorrow you find it is all lost. That is one part. Secondly suppose we want to save money for some purpose, you may want to buy a car. When you buy that there is no satisfaction. Then you want to buy another car, you go on jumping from one to another, cannot enjoy for which you have worked so hard. The law of economics says that in general wants are not satiable, so we are doing all this for satisfying ourselves, but we are not satisfied and that is why all the time the mind is very upset. you Today I am very happy that I am talking to western minds because I have had lot of dealings with western mind and I was amazed that they are seeking something beyond mind. What is reality and I was mazed they want to find out how to be satisfied and be peaceful. All kinds of problems arise from our thinking. The first and foremost is stress. People are suffering from terrible stress all over the western world and the solution is that we have to go beyond the mind. This solution has been existing in this country for thousands of years. I was surprised when I went to Kiev to find out that 3000 years before Christ they had been talking about this power in our triangular bone. I asked how you know about it so they gave me names of great saints from India who had gone there. I was amazed that they still remember all these things even after such a long time. And they have so many paintings, so many illustrations that they know so much. Now this country has been blessed by such great seers and really guided by great saints. But we were invaded by so many invaders and for 300 years of British rule, we Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 12 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-13.txt lost most of treasures, one of them the knowledge of self. Even in China they know that there is a treasure of knowledge in India, that is the knowledge of Self. When we say this my hand, this is my nose, this is my body, we go on saying my, but who is the owner of this my, should be found. Even Christ has talked about it and has said you have to know your self. In Kuran it is written unless and until you know your self, you cannot know God. How clearly it has been written been down. Ofcourse the Christ never wrote the Bible. Muhammad Saheb never wrote the Kuran, Moses never wrote the part of Old Testament, so there are certain things which can be challenged. But whatever we have to know this that so far we do not know our selves. Once we humbly accept this part that we do not know our selves then things work out much better and our seeking has that humble attitude. There are seven centres. Out of which six are on our central nervous system. In the base of the spine there is the triangular bone called as Sacrum. It is a Greek word. When I asked a curator in Greece, why do you call it Sacrum, he said don't you know it is a sacred bone? How do know it is a sacred bone. He said Indians told us. This knowledge went there from you India. Now this is the bone which has got a power we call as Kundalini, Kundal means coil and it is feminine power, which gives us our second birth. She is actually your mother, your own individual mother and She knows each and everything about you, She knows your past, She knows your aspirations, but She is your mother. And as She is your mother, She gives you birth without any pain. Lot of things have been written that on Kundalini awakening this your happens, that happens. So far I have not seen anything happening wrong on kundalini awakening. But if a person tries to force it , it can. Because it is living process of our evolution. Unless and until we achieve it we cannot be peaceful and satisfied. We have to achieve that evolutionary process which is just a little breakthrough in our awareness. Now how is it connected with our business. When our awareness is limited to our brain, which is just a reaction to the things and we started thinking and planning, what happens. It has effects on all sides but especially on our business. For example I see people coming to India trying to import things from us. Now they do not know anything about India. They have no idea where what happens in India, what will be appreciated and what will sell, what they should create. They wanted to start a make a big company with a very huge factory where I will produce this. I said all right, but what about the labour. Have you got the labour. It so happened that he started the factory and there was a big strike. For one year that strike continued. He said now how to ask them to come for work, because they have taken to drinking, they have become bankrupt. It's a big mess and nothing can happen. I said in Maharastra you should find out, it's very simple, they are worshippers of Shri Ganesha. So you start a temple of shri Ganesha. He built this temple. After building the temple of Shri Ganesha, people thought he is one of us. They all came for the inauguration and the factory started. Then I said it is a custom that on the day of Diwali, that the owners go to the house of the people and give them something for the happy married life. And he did it. Didn't cost him much and he is one of the most successful person in his business. Now this is just my own advice. company. He is a gentleman, say form Gujarat. He said I am going to Your own awareness has to expand, your own awareness has to become divine. For that you do not have to give up anything, you do not have to think that it is blind faith. It actualizes Vol. VIlI Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 13 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-14.txt within you, you become that. Once you become that, so many things happen to your awareness. Because your awareness is not so clearcut, might be through your experiences may be knowing some things, but I have known people who are great experts in business, suddenly they grow old, suddenly they suffer, if not financially, something else happens, they are worried all the time, they look so haggard, tired and finished. The reason is that they are all the time worried about money. Now with this happening, first of all when this power rises through the six centres and pierces through your fontanelle bone area, it is the actualisation of the baptisn it is not some priest putting his hand on your head and saying you are baptised. You become baptist. When it touches the all pervading power, you can feel it on your finger tips, the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You can feel Param Chaitanya, you may call it anything but it is all pervading power of divine love, which is there and doing all kinds of beautiful things. you When you see these beautiful flowers, you take these for granted. It is a miracle. If the doctor who runs your heart, he will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this aute, We never try to ask because these are so miraculous, We never try to find out how a seed sprouts out of the mother earth. Because the seed has the capacity to sprout and the mother earth has the capacity to help sprout. In the same way, you have this subtle wealth of knowledge within you, which you do not know. When this Kundaliri rises, She enlightens all the six centres which are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. In the evolutionary process we are standing just at a point, where we can take a flight towards this higher awareness. ask you Whatever I am telling you, you should not take it for granted. Because blind faith has given Lus lot of problems. There should be no blind faith about it. There should be actualisation. Unless and until you experience it you should not believe it. It is a happening, which has to happen in these modern times, which I call blossom time, last judgement, in Kuran it is called Qayama, the resurrection time. It is said when the time of resurrection will come your hands will speak. This is what happens, that you start feeling these centres on your central nervous system. On your finger tips you can feel all these centres, you can feel your self, these centres denotes what is your position, when you use them, what are your chakras, how are you? If there is any problem in these chakras, you will either suffer physically, mentally or emotionally. Now working too hard as you are, the energy that you have is absolutely limited and you have to have the energy which is unlimited. Then if it is the divine power, then divine power is of love, is the power of knowledge and the power of joy. If you become one with the Divine Power then you become tremendously powerful, full of compassion and energy and you do not feel tired. For example I am 73 years of age and look at my energy. I travel all over the world and people say mother you are not tired. Because I never think I am travelling. I think I am sitting on my sofa set. To go beyond mind is the only way you can achieve that peace and also the connection with this all pervading divine power. This divine love first of all gives you very good health. The problem you would be facing by using too much of your energy on thinking of futuristic things. How many diseases one can have only through one centre. This centre is called swadisthana centre, which is the second one. The medical science on the Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIll Issue 5 14 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-15.txt physical side it is aortic plexus, but on other levels also it works. I do not know whether in medical science they accept it or not, but this centre has to do the great work of supplying energy to the grey cells in your brain when you think. This poor centre also has to look after your liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney and intestiñes. Now if you are all the time thinking, plarning the future so this poor centre cannot look after your important organs. So what is neglected? First is your liver. The function of the liver is to emit heat that is collected in the whole body that is the poison into the circulation. But it fails, because it is not looked after by the centre so your liver goes out in a way and the heat is collected. When this heat rises upward it travels up to a centre, which we call right heart, which looks after your lungs and you can have asthma. Then this heat goes to the left side towards the pancreas, that alsogoes out of order, and you may develop a very common disease called diabetes. The diabetes is not caused to people in India who are working in villages, because they do not have insurance, they are not worried about their future. Whatever they earn, they spend and sleep. They are always very much satisfied. They take so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at ninety degree to make a good tea for them. Only people sitting on the table get diabetes, because all their energy is going to their brain, not to their pancreas. Modern life is very much hectic. Early in the morning you get up. Even in America I was amazed to see that people brush their teeth in the car. You see the newspaper in the morning, which you should not, because you get such a fright, every day there is so much horrible deaths and if you are a sensitive person the emergency sets in. So that in this emergency the spleen has to produce red blood corpuscles all the time. The spleen does not understand this kind of crazy behavior, why is he so hectic. First you read newspaper early in the morning and then rush to the office, eat your breakfast in the car. In office the boss is shouting at you or you find there is a loss in the company. All this is showing on you and there is terrible emergency. Your spleen which is to work in emergency goes out of order. Then the horrible disease called blood cancer sets in. Now the intestines. The intestines are really coagulated ad by that you get a terrible type of constipation. I was surprised to see in Switzerland that they eat something which we give to our buffalos for constipation that is called the seed of cork that they eat in bread. When I asked them they said it is very good for constipation. It is because of too much futuristic thinking, that they get this horrible constipation. Now suppose there is a boy of 25 years of age and he is playing tennis and he drinks a lot, then the liver goes out of order very soon and the heat rises so much that such a person get a massive heart attack, which is fatal. This heart attack can come later also and the man can die of fatal heart attack. There are two types of heart attack. One is by overactive person and other is by lethargic which is called angina. But the heart attack people get from business is mostly of massive type. People who work too hard have to understand that they do not have supply of extra energy which they need to have if they have to be alright. This is possible only if you get connected to your mains. Now this instrument (microphone) if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way in the West people are lost. In the beginning I came across lot of hippies. I asked them why do have this kind of hair. They said we want to I said you cannot do that, inside you is this modern brain. This outward understanding of back in time. go Vol. VIII Issue 5 Divine Cool Breeze 15 1996_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_5.pdf-page-16.txt your problem is not the solution. The last problem you could have is paralysis on the right side. It is the nature which gives you the respite. Now the worst I have seen is that your conscious mind goes in completely jeopardy they call it the yuppies disease. The people become reptiles. The brain is OK but they cannot move their legs consciously, they cannot move their hands consciously. As you people are young I have to warn you that if you have to enjoy your life you should get connected to the mains, to this all pervading power, which exists and which you can experience. This all pervading power loves you. You get so much blessings all your life, you will be amazed how things work out. First of all you must have full confidence in yourself and know that you are born a human being for a purpose. You are not made into human beings without any destinations for just putting money here and there. To get the complete enjoyment you have to get connected to this all pervading power. Unless and until your awareness is expanded you cannot have a happy life. In our evolutionary process we have reached the state of human awareness and now we have to jump into this new awareness, by which we get the idea of the totality and not of part, you get the idea of the future, that is your attention is directed to it. You are not just a human being tossing on the waves, but you are a person who knows him self and who is full of love., Once you open up this divine power, the people who could not speak have become great orators. There are so many artists in India who have become great in their fields after getting their self realisation. Your creativity in business also increases, you understand totality and you help yourself, your family. You can know the reality on your finger tips. In the light of your spirit you will know what is wrong and what is right. Your awareness gets enlightened and all the nonsensical things are dropped by you. We have to open our eyes our own weaknesses, our own achievements, own potential, then only you will enjoy and be satisfied. I hope you will try it. Even though I am told you are very rich people and Christ has said that they cannot enter into the kingdom of God. I do not agree because some very rich people have come to Sahaja Yoga and have become richer and richer, not only from outside but from inside. You enjoy your own virtues, your own generosity. So last of all you jump into the ocean of joy. to May God Bless You. : Yogi Mahajan Edited by Published by: Divine Cool Breeze, 9 Bhagyachintamani Soc., Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029 :Golden Arts, B - 2/11 Bandal Complex, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411 029. Printed by Divine Cool Breeze Vol. VIII Issue 5 16