Divine Cool Breeze Volume : X Issue: 7&8 1998 Wins Russtan Hearts Mother s Love "Your beautiful being which is enlightened by the spirit will prove to the world that Sahaja Yoga is the Truth." (Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, Navratri Puja, Cabella Ligure, October 5, 1997) In this Issue: KIEV Public Proaramme 1 Mitacles in the Sky TOGLIATTI Shaktl Puja Publle Progriamme 7. SANKT PETERSBURG Public Programme MOSCOW Public Programme 15 Russia is a Narrow Gate 18 Medical Conterence 19 Diwal Puje 23 Honorary Membership 27 Shri Mataji about Marriages in Sahaja Yoga 28 News-Letter 31 Edited by :Yogi Mahajan Publishod by: VUI Nalgirkar T62, Munirka Vihar New Delhi-110 067 Volume X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Public Programme KIEV July 28, 1993. bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very And if it is proved then you have to accept it. If you outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. are honest you will accept. Because it is for your We cannot think about it, we cannot change it individual benevolence. It is the benevolence of your and at this human awareness we cannot know it. We country and of the whole world. Because most of all have to know what is the Truth. The Truth is that problems come to us when our centres are out of actually we are not this body, this mind, this ego. order. If some how we can manage to correct these these conditioning but we are pure Spirit. We say: centres then all the problems are solved. So when my body, my conditioning, my ego but who is this "my"? You see all these beautiful flowers. We do bone, triangular bone, is awakened, it passes through not understand or not even think that this is a great six centres ultimnately through the fontanelle bone miracle. It is a miracle that from a small seed these area and connects you to this all pervading power flowers have come out! And the different flowers which does all the living work. from different seeds are so beautiful. Who has Thus your physical problems are cured. Definitely organized this? Who runs our heart? The doctors will say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this there are many doctors who are following Sahaja auto? All these questions start coming into your Yoga. There is a scientific explanation of everything. mind. So we take to various things and try to find an I this Kundalini power, which is resting in the sacrum Sahaja Yoga has cured many inctirable diseases and In Russia we have about two hundred doctors following Sahaja Yoga. answer. Science also has its limitations. And we should understand that it cannot answer many questions. One of them is why are we on this earth? What is our purpose? If science could answer that question it There are other problems within us which are mental. And these are coming out of our overworries and also too much thinking, we get into stress and strain. And many people are also trying to do things which they should not do and they get into lots of mental problems. People become schizophrenic or they become lunatic. All kinds of mental could talk about the Absolute Truth also. But it cannot give these answers. Christ had said that So now we have to look into ourselves and see for ourselves you have to be born how are we here as human beings. We have come they say through evolutionary process. But this is the end of our evolutionary process. Christ said that you have to be born again. All the religions have said the same. But it has to happen. It cannot be just a lecture from me but it is a happening that should take place. So now, today you are all here to know about the are trying to mesmerize people. This morning a subtle centres, the subtle system that is within you. young boy came in my room and he started talking But you have to keep your mind open like scientists. like a mad man. I was really surprised how this young again. problems are there which can be solved through Kundalini awakening. The third problem that comes to us is spiritual because we are seeking, whether we know or not, our spirit. So there are many people nowadays who have come as false and they Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7& 8 1998 man is so mesmerized. But there are people who try to mesmerize because they want to earn money out of you. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? How much money is required to run this body? To whom are we going to pay? It is spontaneous. Sahaja means born with you. It is built in these flowers that they should sprout, and built in this Mother Earth that they should sprout. So it is built in you. It is your power. This is your right to become the spirit, to solve your physical problems, mental problems and spiritual problems. That's not the only thing that happens. We are human beings and we always try to get to habits which destroy us. All these habits drop out. Because we get wisdom within ourselves And this wisdom cures us. Like if I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness I can't see, and I am obstinate and if somebody says there is a snake I'll not give up. that snake bites me I may not give up. Somehow or other if there is some light and in the light I see it's a snake then I'll throw it away myself, nobody has to tell me. Because you become your own guide. you become your own master. This is enlightenment. As we call in Sanskrit Bodha from where Buddha has come. That don't know how many brothers and sisters you have! There are fifty five nations where Sahaja Yoga is working. And you have brothers and sisters all over the world. It's like anything if it happens to your one finger the whole body reacts. So if anything happens to a gentleman in Ukraine, people may come from America or Germany or from India, from anywhere. Because you know the Absolute Truth. Even small children can tell what's wrong with you. They can also give realization. They are more suited, I think. But we have to know that our innocence is never lost. It is eternal. Only by our mistakes we might have covered it with some clouds. But after you have established your connection with this Divine. power then you are amazed you become an innocent person. You develop your own sensitivity inside to your own peace. You become extremely peaceful. And that peaceful nature of yours will bring forth the future of a new age where there will be no wars. Family is improved, improved everywhere wwe find people like angels. Your attention becomes innocent and very effective. Wherever you pay your attention, it works. Your powers are great which you do not know, and also the knowledge which is the pure knowledge within you that starts manifesting. The whole thing looks fantastic. But you are fantastic. It's like if you take a television in a very remote everything. They know how to raise the Kundalini, village of India and say that you can see films in they know when chakras are in problem, they know this, they say, box, they'll say: "How can we see in This is the Till time of enlightenment of the children are Last Judgement. means you have to feel this Reality. this all pervading power on your Central Nervous System; that you should know everything about it. It is not something secret. There is no secrecy in Sahaja Yoga. Everyone knows everything. That is how a person can give realization, enlightenment to thousand people. This is the time of enlightenment, of the Last Judgement, They call it Kayama in Koran, where it is said that your hands will speak and tell you all about you and about others. This is exactly what happens; on your finger this box all the films?" In the same way we also think we are just boxes. But we are not, you'll be amazed how dynamic we'll become, how compassionate we'll become. So all this is for you and tonight you can have this ascent. Of course you can't pay for it and you don't have to do anything tips you can feel your centres and yoOu can feel the centres of others, about it. It is just all there. After getting realization then, of course, you will have to spend little time in the collective and know all about it. And you have to master it. Anybody can do it. Whether you are educated or uneducated makes no difference. But it's not meant for idiotic people or stupid people, or Thus you develop self-knowledge and also you become collectively conscious. That means a microcosm becomes a macrocosm, means a drop becomes theocean. Then in the whole world you Volume : X Issue: 7& 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze for people who are very arrogant, or for people who are mesmerized, or who are involved in some stupid organizations. SoI have to tell you that this will take hardly about ten minutes but I cannot force it on you. You should have a pure desire about it. Because I respect your freedom. Those who don't want to have should really leave this place. don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You play into the hands of people who want to trouble you while they are quite happy. You are torturing, yourself for nothing at all. But if you forgive then you feel much lighter. So please, forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Just forgive in general. I tell people that tell all flowers, all the trees that Now there is such a lot of knowledge which Ieannot You are forgiving everyone. tell you in one lecture. But like these lights you have Now the third conditions is that you are to have to just put one switch and they are on. If I have to full confidence in you. Please, do not condemn tell you the history of eleetricity that how it was brought here to Kiev, it will be boring stuff. It's better yourself. Don't believe people who tell you, you are to put the lights on. Because it is built in. There are three conditions which you have to fulfil which confidence in yourself. And that confidence you will are very simple. The first one is that you are not get today, your enlightenment today, your self- to feel guilty at all. After all you are human beings realization today. First, it will happen that you will and only human beings can commit mistakes. You are not God. If you have committed mistakes you state when you will be in the present. We cannot be should face them. But don't put it as a guilt. in the present, we are always in the future or in the Because it spoils this centre (Vishuddhi) here. And past. There you will be in the state of peace, and the centre is very dangerous because it gives you present is the reality. The past is finished, the future disease called Angina. Also it gives you doesn't exist. So you have to be in present. So first spondylitis and lethargic organs. So it is a myth to thing becomes is thoughtless awareness, a new feel guilty. You are human beings, the epitome of dimension in your awareness. Secondly I've told you evolution. So please, do not in any way condemn that you become collectively conscious. You can feel yourself but forgive yourself. Because if this centre is not all right the Kundalini won't rise. yourself. Please, be very pleasantly placed towards sinners. We'll prove that you are not. So have full be aware but there will be no thoughts. That is the this All pervading subtle power on your finger tips. And you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head or the Kundalini coming out of you. Everything can be verified, is absolutely tangible in Sahaja Yoga after realization. The second condition is very simple, you have to forgive everyone. Logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Miracles in the Sky ome Sahaja Yogis were blessed to see miracles in the sky before the Public Programme in Kiev. They are described by a Kiev Sahaja Yogi as follows: The last preparations for Shri Mataji's arrival were in progress. The musicians performed the first few songs when I heard: "Look, what a nice Kundalini is seen in the sky!" The scene we saw is unlikely to reappear some day. Over the seat prepared for our Mother there appeared at first a beautiful snow-white spiral, that is Kundalini, and then the image of Shri Ganesha (exactly the same we had seen on the slides) and a little bit below Him Shri Hanumana. Shri Hanumana would disappear and quickly here and there, On the right side there was seen a clear cut white cross reappear which soon was replaced by Shri Ganesha, a small cross being on the tip of His trunk. In the middle there was an image of Swastika with one little line missing. Shri Ganesha reappeared for the third time next to the Swastika but this time not in profile. It was not windy but different permutations were taking place in the sky as if it were an animated cartoon film only at a slow rate. Then many images unknown to us started replacing one another. Ultimately we saw a clear-cut circle of the size of a big Moon. Soon inside that circle there appeared a noble male face. "This is Jesus Christ", somebody exclaimed. The image dissolved immediately. Disappointed, I dropped my eyes. Suddenly I heared: "This is Garudra!"" The bird's wings were covered with wavy grey feathers. This image remained longer time than the previous ones. At first the bird was seen in profile, then it turned to the audience and spread its majestic wings in a gesture of welcoming the people. Afterwards there appeared channels, spine, paths and aITOWS which subsequently joined together her to form a sort of Aura over Sahasrara. Then this Sahasrara Iransformed into a white lotus, a gorgeous snow-white lotus pierced through with sunny sparkles. I bent my head for meditation... but at that moment I heard: "Look, there's Shri Lakshmi!" The white lotus was replaced for a female figure having few arms and crown on the head. The image dissolved quickly. All of a sudden we felt strong vibrations on our hands. A thunder of applause was heard, everybody stood up. Our Holy Mother was coming into the stadium. All miraculous permutations and transformations we saw got immediately forgotten by Us. In the sky there was nöt a single cloud, only a mere blueness. AIl attention was on the Mother! Divine Cool Breeze w Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Shakti Puja TOGLIATTI August 3, 1993. oday it is such a great day for Me to be with you, all again this year. It's so very joyous and full of fragrance. Today we have a human being can be extremely selfish and could only bother about himself and first of all him and then the rest. Also he may spoil his children or spoil her husband or his wife in any way just to pamper their ego. Some people might indulge into alcoholism or drugs or all kinds of things. Also to help their families they may draw other people because they are very self-centered and their vision is very narrow. Sometimes they discover that for those people for whom they are doing wrong things, do not actually bother about them. decided to have a Puja of Shakti that is the power, that is the Devi. You know within us there are many powers of Maha Kali, Maha Sarasvati, Maha Lakshmi, Kundalini. All these powers are there for us to ascent. If these powers are properly used and, understood then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the Kingdom of God, all these powers get enlightened. And these powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with Love. Enlightenment, we have to understand Then there's enlightenment and they see for that we get completely enlightened by Love, So after themselves that whatever I'm doing is neither good enlightenment, after realization we use only one for me nor for my family, nor my relations. After power which is of Love. enlightenment you think collectively Also when you think about your wife and your children, your family, you think what is the right thing for them to do. Immediately you become attentive to their problems and to their destructiveness. Then this power of love changes the whole atmosphere. In the family people see how sacrificing you are and how noble you are. This nobility is seen very clearly among Sahaja Yogis. In that noble understanding of life they try to be extremely patient, sweet in the family and try to bring them to the right path. Shri Rama had two sons : one was Lav and one was Kush, One of them, Lav, came to Russia. That's why you are called as Slavs, means "with love". So Russian people are already are quite full of their heart with love. But once you get your enlightenment you realize that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself. This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment, It's transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: Because of the enlightenment there's detachment. to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, And the power of detached love is the greatest. It's to your intellect, to your ego. And that is how you like the sap in the trees which rises from the Mother develop darkness of many horrible things within yourself. If you are too much attached to your body then you may eat too much or you may not eat at all Or you may exercise toO much or you may workit out for a particular form of your figure. But when one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of you become enlightened and you understand that your body is the temple of God, then you keep your body clean and also you try to avoid all that is destructive for your body. Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn't stay in one flower because it likes it or in the tree, whatever is need, and is not attached. But supPposing il gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf or that flower will also die. So detached love only gives, doesn't expect anything. It is complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything The another attachment we have is very limited, say for your own family, for your children, for your wife, for your husband, something like that. Despite that Valume: X Issue : 7&8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the the people who are in trouble, who are suffering, who politics, especially, one country believes that they need help and with this attention, which is so must hate another country, they are born for that. enlightened, you can solve their problems sitting Because hundred years back some quarrel took pace down here. With such pcople there's no need to have or a war took place, so the children are still fighting any wars, no need to have any weapons, no needs to among themselves. You'll be amazed that when I first have any boundaries. If Russians go to India, they came to Russia, 25 German Sahaja Yogis rushed to fel India as their country, if Indians come to Russia help me here. Instead of bearing that malice in their they think Russia their own country. So who will hearts, as their forefathers had killed so many of fight? There's no one to whom you can really say: Russians, they felt it was their greatest duty to go "He is my enemy", because everybody is part and and do some service for the Russians. So all the parcel of your being. These are the special times, I hatred changes into this powerful Love. This power call them the Blossom time when too many of Love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga are there who are seeking the Truth. And their we have to use only our power of Love. It's the most fragrance is their love. And they have all to become powerful, effective weapon that we have. Because fruits now. And this is what is going to happen as this is Divine Love. We are getting the source of these times are very, very important. In all the Divine Love from the all pervading power of God's religions they are described. We don't hate anyone Love. They say that God is Almighty. Then who can because we believe in one religion or another be more powerful than God? And if we are connected religion. On the contrary, we believe in all the with God Almighty, who could be mightier than us? religions. This is the power by which a drop becomes In His Love He protects us, He gives us whatever the ocean and individual becomes the collective. we want, He blesses us and He makes us enjoy So all vour powers that are there are enlightened by ourselves. His government is the most efficient one the all pervading power. It transforms you and it has and is very quick and very fast. flowers such a beautiful, delicate way of handling everything. Today only when I was coming, one of the Sahaja The only thing that is needed is faith in this power Yogis eame and said, "Mother it is t may rain." And when I came out after five minutes I Love is going to give you whatever you want. And found the whole sky is cleared out. So all these five there is such a power, All pervading power! There is elements also are at the disposal of the children no doubt about it! And we have to just accept it with of God. Even the cruellest of the cruel person our open heart that it fills it and makes us a great melts down and comes to the humble personality. So there's no competition, there's no understanding of this power. No one can harm ambition, there's no jealousy, nothing of the kind you. And anybody who tries to harm you becomes The only desire then left is that I am enjoying myself, melted away. There are so many miracles that in let others also enjoy. People go out of the way to this short speech I won't be able to tell you all of spread Sahaja Yoga. They work very hard, travel with them. But you'll find it in your life itself, how this very little money, they try to convince people, do all power of Love, that you have within your heart, has kinds of things for no monetary gain. But the greatest protected you. I have seen people who are very hot joy is when you see that you have raised the tempered, who are angry type and who are all the time making other's life miserable, become realization. That light of your faces I have seen many extremely beautiful, nice people. With this Light of times. Let this Love grow more and more! Love you love yourself in the right way and give up They asked me, why of all the places I came to all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This Love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence houses you have but for my children who are here. in the collectivity of human beings. Because it's the Spirit which enlightens all your power. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the wworld. When your attention goes to all and to have Love for others, and this cnlightened very cloudy, it Kundalini of another person and given him self- Togliatti. Not for Volga, not for these beautiful May God bless you! Divine Cool Breeze Voluma: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Public Programme TOGLIATTI August 4, 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to end the miseries of this world. We cannot avoid wars. know that Truth is what it is- we cannot We can not avoid poverty and all kinds of diseases. change it and also we cannot think about it. Now this power about which I'm talking to you is Unfortunately we cannot know it also. Something within you. For example this instrument, if it is not has to happen, that we have to go inward. And this happening is Sahaja. Sahaja means spontancous. It means born with you, It is born with you It is a right same way unless and until we are connected to this every human being has a right. connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the Now what is this all pervading Divine power? You see there are so many beautiful flowers. Who gives us these beautiful flowers? Who runs our heart? Who does all the living work? The science cannot answer this question. The science cannot answer why are we on this Earth. So we have to find the answers. And for these answers we have to be connected to So something has to happen by which we can turn our attention inside. Everyone of you has the right to become the Spirit by which we become the citizens of God's Kingdom. Unless and until we become the Spirit, our attention remains outside. We say: our body, my body, my hands, my nose, my emotions, intelligence, my ego, my conditioning. But who this All pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed the power which we call as Kundalini. It is the power which is placed in the triangular bone called sacrum. That means the my is this "my", to whom does that belong? That is the Spirit. It owns all these things. It watches everything. Whatever we are doing it's just a spectator of that. But unless and until we have wisdom, we start doing Greeks knew that sacrum is the sacred bone, that's things which are destructive to our lives. Thus we why they called it sacrum. harm ourselves. We suffer physically by getting into So all of you have got this power. And all of you diseases, mentally by becoming disturbed or sometimes even mad. And also spiritually we suffer power. Now this Divine power is the ocean of when we go to wrong places. So for this we have to knowledge. Whatever we know is just a tip of an become the Spirit because we're in the darkness. We iceberg, as they say. But after getting this connection are in ignorance and we don't know what is right through the light of our spirit, we can find out about and what is wrong. The other day somebody told me everything. At that time we feel our fingers get have the full right to hecome one with this Divine that there's some false guru who is saying that this world is going to come to end. Without even asking: enlightened. And they start informing us about "How do you know?", people just jump in it. They everything we want to find out. As whatever accept it and get so frightened that they become mad. We should find out: "How do you say? What is the enlightened, they don't have to dispute it. It is just way to know the Truth, the Absolute Truth?" For the same. So there cannot be any argument. Then example, we say that Christ was the Son of God. He was. No doubt. But there is no proof, So all the enlightenment. It enlightens our attention. By that churches are weakened, nobody goes to church. How our attention becomes absolutely innocent. Our to prove that Christ was the son of God? Many people innocence is never lost. It is all there. Some clouds don't even believe in God. Because it can not be might have come over. But they just get removed proved. We have to prove it. Now the time has come and our eyes and our mind become innocent. Our for us to prove everything. information comes to these people whose fingers are one has to understand that the Spirit is the source of attention becomes devoid of all lust and greed. If Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth we should Moreover when this power of Kundalini passes get to the Spirit. If in ignorance we remain, we cannot through your 6 centres, it nourishes them. It Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & B 1998 integrates. By that you feel integrated. By the Why should we suffer? God Almighty is your Father. nourishment you solve your health problems and He is the ocean of compassion. Which father would your mental problems and your emotional problems. When the Kundalini rises she passes through the six the name of God. But just enter into the Kingdom of centres, above this is actually the seventh centre God. There you become so joyous, so happy. You through which she comes out and gives you the have got your brothers and sisters all over the world. actualization of baptism. It is not just a ceremony or Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 55 countries. Anywhere a lecture, but it's a happening, it's an actualization. you go, they will recognize you. They will And when it happens you yourself can feel the Cool immediately know that you are Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Yogi means a person who has got enlightenment and Primordial Mother. Unfortunately in the Bible there's the one who knows how to give enlightenment to no mention about it. Even the Mother of Christ is others and to raise Kundalini. But he should be the not mentioned with respect. The reason may be that grown up person. Then he should have all the Paul who edited the Bible didn't like women. By knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. There's no mystery showing no respect for women, women in the West in Sahaja Yoga. There's no compulsion in Sahaja have become extremely insecured. And they take to Yoga. But freedom with wisdom. When freedom is áll kind of things, make themselves so cheap, there and no wisdom, people go amok, they go nad. sometimes it's so surprising. They're all the time This is what is happening in the West. I don't know trying to compete with men and want to get out of how they are going to get out of their shocks, unless their houses. But it is not so. Woman is the potential and until they come to Sahaja Yoga. like this Mother Earth. She is the power. But if you I'm very happy that I'm in Togliaätti because there like his children to suffer?You shouldn't suffer in don't respect the women, they don't become respectable. are so many Sahaja Yogis here. This must be some special place that people are so sensitive to So this is the Primordial Mother. You have Father, spirituality, that the people are so sensitive to Sahaja the God Almighty, and you have got the Son. But Yoga, that they have taken to spirituality so fast. who is the Mother? There has to be a Mother. And wonder how Togliatti himself when he came from this Mother is the Primordial Mother. Thus by Italy to this place to start this factory here, he must showing the dove you cannot say She is the Holy have felt the vibrations, perhaps. Now you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga, in collective. I know you all will get your realization, those who have not got. But you must grow. And growth is only ascends. But it doesn't explain that it is the Primordial Mother. So refleetion of the Primordial Mother is the Kundalini. And reflection of the God Almighty nossible if vou come to the collective. Like one nail is the Spirit. So when they meet you become an evolved person. Then you become a person who is organism. And that is how you grow in collective. an enlightened person. This is a very easy thing to But those who have grown and who are realized souls happen. You don't have to do anything about it. It's absolutely the living process of evolution for which now, very well know about Sahaja Yoga, must go all you cannot pay. You cannot pay for God, He doesn't person is capable of giving realization to thousands. understand mIoney. He doesn't understand banks. It's the headache of the human beings. And God has no interest in money at all. So those people who are telling you that you must pay because this world is help others to gain in their health. And it's very which is cut out cannot grow. Sahaja Yoga is a living out, out of Togliatti and spread Sahaja Yoga. One You have the power. You have got it now. So as you are enjoying it, you should make others also enjoy it. As you have gained in your health you must also ending or all that, be careful. simple. So I leave it to you now to spread Sahaja Yoga all over the places near Togliatti as far as you could go. And there's nothing to argue about it. Just give them realization. And even the mafia people will come round. You try. It is, as I told you, your right to have this realization. This is your own power. This is your own Spirit. And then you'll be amazed that the same Spirit is the source of joy. You don't have to suffer. It's a wrong idea that you must suffer. Christ has already suffered for you and we are going to suffer more than He? May God bless you Volume X Issue:7 & B 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Sankt Petersburg Public Programme July 31, 1993. FIRST DAY So, this happening has to take place. Unless and until this happening takes place whatever we believe into is not going to convince us ultimately. So, there is a power, is your own power in your sacrum bone which is awakened and that gives you the actualization of your baptism. It is the actualization that is important, it is the becoming that is important. bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very beginning we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it or we cannot also feel it at this human awareness. The time has come for all of us to know the Absolute Truth. Unless and until we know the Absolute Truth we cannot understand the different kinds of problems that are existing on this Earth. Whatever I am going to tell you, you have to listen to me with an open mind of a scientist. You need not blindly accept whatever I say. But if it is proved then you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. We believe in many things, but we have not yet established it as Truth. For example, Christ was the Son of God, but it is not proved. So, some people can say: "How do you say, he was Son of Now the second Truth means that there is All pervading power of Divine Love which does all this living work like these flowers You see these flowers They are all miracles, aren't they? Who runs your heart? The doctors will say it is Autonomous nervous System. But who is this "Auto"? So, even science cannot answer this question. Science cannot say why are you on this Earth. It cannot give you a purpose of life. So, we have to turn inward. But if I say that you put your attention inside, you cannot So, this happening takes place where this Kundalini awakens and passes through six centres. It nourishes all your centres. By which so many of your physical, mental, God?" So, the time has come to prove everything that is described in the scriptures and to understand that all emotional and spiritual problems are solved. the scriptures were written by great prophets, seers I was at Kiev and I met many Sahaja Yogis and and incarnations. They said the same things. And Sahaja Yoginis. Some of them told me that they have once we know it as the truth, when we understand it been taking medicines for twenty five years but they perfectly well, then there is no difference at all. So have not touched it after this happening. They are at human awareness we still have not known the here. And they also were so happy about it. Some of Absolute Truth as a fact. But our Creator, our Father, them have cured other people. It is not only physical the God Almighty has made all arrangements within problems that trouble us. also there are so many ourselves. There is a subtle system which is created incurable discases which no one can cure. They are within us in our evolutionary process. And this system is the one which gives us the absolute disturbed who are mental patients, who are lunatics. knowledge. The truth is that you are not this body, There are many who suffer from epilepsy. In India mind, ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. But you are to be born again. Like a bird, it's Sahaja Yoga cures patients. So, you also know first an egg and then it becomes a bird. You cannot everything as to what is the problem with you, also certify yourself as "born again" or something that "you are great" because we are all the same. When to cure yourself and cure another person. And also you are born again then you develop a new you know who is a real person and who is not. awareness, you develop a different state of existence. Everything is open in Sahaja Yoga, which is Divine Like, an egg is nothing and the bird can fly science. And you start working it out very well everywhere. also cured. Then there are people who are mentally three doctors have got their MD in showing how what is the problem with others. Also you know how knowing everything that you are doing. Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 10 The other day a boy came from somewhere and started shouting at me. And he was completely mesmerized. He did not know what he was doing. Somebody has just mesmerised him and he was just shouting at me. I didn't understand what he was saying also. He was very violent. Then some people go on saying mantras. It's all madness. They have no powers, they have no understanding, they are just like people who have been told to say things like a parrot. What a waste of human being! Actually human beings are the epitomes of evolution. They are the most precious thing that God has created. But they have not known their own value. So they go to such people. give them money and get mesmerised. in every person it is the same reflection. In the light of the Spirit everybody sees the same thing. They feel the same thing. On their finger tips they can feel this All pervading power as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, Also they can feel the centres, their own centres and the centres of others. So, they can also feel the Absolute knowledge. Supposing you want to ask about Christ now: "Was Christ the Son of God?" Immediately you start getting cool breeze in your hands. You ask about some satanic person, and immediately you start feeling the tingling or may also sometimes blisters might come. Even you can find out about the diseases others have or the problems others have on their centres. be In the light of the Spirit your attention gets enlightened. When you see sommeone, normally you don't understand the relationship between that person. But when the Kundalini rises she manifests When this Kundalini rises, she connects you to this All pervading power of Divine Love. Yoga means this connection. And Sahaja, "Saha" means "with", "ja" is "born". Means she is born with you with the right to be united to this Divine power. As soon as it innocence within you. Innocence within us is never lost. it is eternal. But there are some Spirit is the source of absolute happens your Spirit comes into your attention. clouds created over the knowledge. innocence by our mistakes. But So, the first thing that happens to you is that you stand in your present. Generally you live in the past or in the future. But when this Kundalini rises, she creates a after the manifestation of the It is the reflection Spirit's light your attention becomes innocent. You don't have lust and greed in your attention. Your temper subdues, of God Almighty. your attachments, nonsensical attachments all drop out. All the bad habits which are destroying space in between these thoughts and there are no thoughts. You are fully awarc but there are no thoughts. This is what we call as thoughtless you also drop out. Example is like this: Supposing awareness. When you become thoughtlessly aware then you find peace within your heart. You become halding a snake in my hand. If you tell me that there absolutely peaceful and witness the whole world as a drama. You are out of problems. So, you can see them and you are no more frightened. And with the blessing of the Divinity you solve your problems. If Same way we understand through our wisdom that you ask the Sahaja Yogis, they will tell you how these are all destructive things and we also have many blessings they have. They used to write to me: "Mother, I have this blessing, that blessing". So, I Thus a human being starts transforming. His told one gentleman to write about these blessings. awareness widens into collective consciousness, like He told me after a month that he has already got up to his head, so many papers. "Which ane should I say the drop becomes the ocean. We all feel we write?" I said: "Forget it". there is darkness and I am an obstinate person is a snake, I may not believe you till the snake bites Imie, But if there is a little light I can see the snake. And nobody has to tell me, I just drop it out. In the power to throw it away. So. 1 the microcosm becoming the macrocosm. Or we can belong to one living organism. living body. If one finger is touched or is hurt then the whole body pays attention to it. So, you feel the whole world is your But the Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge. It is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart. And Voelume: X Issue : 7 & B 1998 11 Divine Cool Breeze Own. When I first came here, twenty five Germans collective consciousness. All this you feel on your Sahaja Yogis came. I've never ealled them, they came Central Nervous System. In Sanskrit we call it as on their own. They said: "Mother, we have to do this for Russians because our forefathers have harmed So the person who is realized soul is Buddha. them so much". So you have brothers and sisters in So today I think I'll tell you actually how it works love everywhere. And the relationship between each other also becomes very pure. In Sahaja Yoga we red one as you see it. And this first center is don't have people who run away with somebody's responsible for our innocence. So, yesterday I told Boddha. From where the world Buddha has come. on our centers. The first center that we have is the wife or somebody's husband. They become like angels. The greatest thing is that you become the source of joy but also everyone who gets realization penetrates into our attention. Thus we become becomes a source of joy. And so the ocean of joy is there is no lust. We become like children. Christ has created, And everybody swims in the ocean of joy. said that vou have to become like children to enter Then you don't have to suffer for this. You have not to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. You don't have to pay for it. How much did we pay to the Mother Earth for giving us these flowers? There is no obligation. Because it is your own power and is built in within you and you get your realization. Once you are enlightened you can enlighten so many. You get the powers yourself. The whole thing looks fantastic! If this instrument you that our innocence is never destroyed. And it innocent and in our attention there is no greed and into the Kingdom of God. So all the cunningness that we have picked up through our mental activities just drops off. And our innocence then protects us. It guides us. And it looks after us in such a way that we know what is right, what is wrong. In no way we try to do anything that will harm us or destroy us. We Christ has said that you have to become like children to enter respect our chastity. And we become very powerful and self- respected, The another side that it works in a very beautiful into the is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. Unless and until Kingdom of God manner is that our whole attitude towards life becomes extremely innocent. We have child like joy. we are connected to the mains we have no meaning, we have no identity. The second center that we have So, why have we come on the Earth? To enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy all His blessings, His protection and His love. I am sure this will happen here tonight. You all will get is called as Swadhisthana. This is the centre of our creativity, I see now in Russia a lot of artists, painters, sculptors, and they produce beautiful paintings out of their own creativity. But your realization. those paintings or those art works may not be of universal nature. Whatever is done by Germans may not be liked by Italians, whatever is done by Italians may not be liked by Russians. But whatever art is Yesterday I told you how we find Absolute Truth. existing today after so many years, is the art created And there is already a very subtle system within us by the realized souls. So, say, Mona Liza, which you which works it out and we jump into the awareness know of, everybody appreciates, because it has of the Spirit. Also I told you that Spirit is the source vibrations. If you go to Sistine Chapel you will find there a very beautiful Kundalini and Christ standing attention, makes us innocent and our attention there beautifully and the whole thing is just becomes active. And it is the source of joy within absolutely fantastic. Because Michaelangelo did it, he was a realized soul. But he suffered a lot. People new awareness of thoughtless awareness. And didn't understand him. Here you have 26 paintings another dimension in your awareness is that of of Rembrandt and from all over the world people SECOND DAY August 1, 1993. of Absolute Truth. It, when manifested in our oursclves. Also with this happening you develop a Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 12 7 & 8 1998 come to see him. That's how we have also very great So when this center is awakened a person becomes musicians like Mozart. Like Strauss, he had written a satisfied soul. And then he starts going into new very beautiful thing "Good bye, Petersburg". So direction of seeking. He now doesn't care so much all these musicians were realized souls. Thus there for money or worldly things. He starts thinking there were also great writers in your country. So many of must be something beyond. Then a new category of them have written beautiful books that you can make human beings are born, which are called as seekers out. In Russia we had lots of people who wrote such of truth, as you people are. So a new kind of channel spiritual books where they showed the introspection what you call as the central channel gets awakened of the different characters. They have told that there and people start seeking. is the big celebration day of a great saint, who was All over the world people are secking. But in Russia in your country. They also said it looked like me. It was nice to hear that today is that day. So these saints and all these people really got the Divine Creativity in their lives. And they became great prophets and people are evolved and they know what is to be sought or they are sensitive to Truth. The same way in Ukraine, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland and also Hungary, everywhere I found people are very seers, There are many great seers who have written about Sahaja Yoga, that this would happen. There is William Blake in England. In India we had many people, who have predicted about Sahaja Yoga Rabindranath Tagore also has written about Sahaja Yoga. In the ancient times there have been very clear predictions as to when Sahaja Yoga will start, when people will get their realizations, in a book called "Nadi Grantha. sensitive to Truth. Now somebody asked me a question yesterday: "What do you think about these people singing: Hare Rama, hare Krishna?" I mean only stupid people can become that. You see, by saying: "Hare Rama, Hare Krishna", how can you reach a new dimension of human awareness? Innocence 1 within us THI is never lost. Krishna in his Gita never said $0. All stupid ideas or by reading Gita, by reading Koran, by reading do you think you will ascend? It is like this that " It is eternal. This is a center which we use very much when we think. And this thinking becomes minimum when this centre is enlightened. Physically also it helps us a lot to cure so many diseases that we have. If this center is enlightened, then liver trouble, pancreas with diabetes, leukemia, constipation, kidney – all these problems are solved. supposing a doctor says that you take anacin for your headache, a prescription he gives you. And you go on reading: "Take Anacin, take Anacin". Will your headache be over? You are to take the medicine. There is no logic in just reading, reading, reading and knowing Then we have the third center or we can call it the everything by heart. Any wise person can understand second, because from the second the Swadhistana this. Then Krishna never said that you should live comes out. So the center which I'm talking about is called as Nabhi Chakra which is working out on the wealth, Kubera. And his one friend was very poor, physical side on the solar piexus. This Nabhia chakra when it is in problem gives you all kinds of stomach anyone take the name of Shri Krishna and behave problems, up to, we can say, the stomach cancer. But like beggars? This is just the opposite of what when it is enlightened, then you get rid of the physical problems of this chakra. Now the problems So there are many others like that, but I think, they caused by taking too much of alcohol or too much of drugs which has spoiled this chakra also get all lot of money in America to them and they are right. Some of the people suffer from too much greed spending money here. So people started going to of eating. And some of them just don't want to eat. like a beggar. Actually he is regarded as God of so he made a house for him out of gold. How can Krishna is. came here, brought some food and somebody gave a them. But they don't know anything about Kundalini, Divine Cool Breeze # Volume: X Issue: 7 & B 1998 13 they don't know anything about chakras, they don't know how to raise the chakras, nothing. Also they were caught for keeping drugs and taking away small children in America. I really feel ashamed the way they beg on the streets in the name of Shri Krishna, who is the Lord of Wealth. After that, is the center what you call as a Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem of Russians and Ukrainians. So much so that I also got this problem from the collective. As a result we develop angina, spondylitis and so many lethargic organs. We become very depressed and also then we become sly. On the right side we become very agressive. We talk very loudly and shout at people, get very angry and annoyed. Even some children could be very rude and arrogant. And they may go and ask me question after question. All these things come from your right Vishuddhi. But when it is awakened then you become a very sweet person . You become very collective. You see other Sahaja Yogis as your own. And you want to give what you have got to others. You want to communicate. You are not satisfied only by getting your self-realization, but you think, that you should spread now. We have got such a precious thing, we must spread it. So in the west many are lost like this. And I don't know what to say about them because they have become bankrupt giving money to all these people, and absolutely like lunatics. There is another horrible thing called TM (Transcendental Meditation), which has not come here I hope. There they took 6 thousand pounds to make people raise their body about 3 feet over the ground. In Russia nobody would accept such a nonsense. What is the need? But by jumping like that their bottoms were broken and TM people have to compensate. So from your innocence you develop your wisdom. And you understand who is sensible and non-sensible. Then the most important center, Agnya, is the sixth center. It is placed on the Optic Chiasma where the optic nerves cross each other, Now when we are on the left Agnya we are affected very much on our eyes. Our eyes can become big and may be our eyes might have a short sight. But left Agnya is crossed in the people, who are lunätics, who are mad. So this left Agnya is a suggestion that there is some sort of a possession on the person. It might be somebody through eyes can mesmerize, or may be through Swadhistana can mesmerize, and may make you really mad. Like the other day I saw a disciple of this lady Mariya Devi Christos. The disciple was completely possessed. Very aggressive and he was saying just something which nobody understood. He ended up as mad man, that's all. So one has to be very careful as to what guru you have been going, Then you have another center here, which we call as the center heart, which has also got left and right side. When the center heart is in trouble, one develops insecurity, specially ladies if their center heart is in trouble, if they are insecure they develop breast cancer. If the right heart is in trouble, then you develop diseases like Asthma. And the left side when it is in trouble you develop heart troubles. But when the center heart is enlightened then you develop your security. The antibodies in your body, which fight the diseases, become very alert. Till the age of twelve years the antibodies are created below sternum, and after that they are spread in the whole body. And this sternum, like a remote control, acts to inform the antibodies to fight the attack. Because when we are frightened, suddenly our heart starts beating speedily and your sternum starts moving. what books you have been reading, because this all can cause this left Agnya and left Swadhistana. So this sense of security is built up within us when this center is enlightened. You don't have any fear any more. You don't aggress any one, but you become dynamic without any fear. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. Your concern moves from yourselves to others and you just feel the love for other people.And other people who were once upon a time your enemy, may be frightened of you, may be afraid of you, become great friends. Suddenly you find that all your enemies become friends. If you are aggressive, you become extremely gentle and But if the left Agnya is enlightened then you start seeing the vibrations with the naked eyes. You also see the light on a person who is a realized soul. They have shown you the film. I think the cameras have their left Agnya enlightened. There was one man in India who was producing diamonds this, that. And the stupid people thought him to be God. He used to mesmerize people and nobody could see. About few months back very big people from the government went there. And there were four cameras. He mild. Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 mesmerized these big people, but he could not correcting everybody, controlling everybody and you mesmerize the cameras. So the cameras caught him how he took the gold necklace from another man, how he brought it and how he gave it. And we have imbalance in anyone of these chakras is extremely a tápe of that, I have a tape. So this is how the dangerous. cameras are wonderful! The films mostly I've seen Now the last center which we call as Sahasrara. are taken by very ordinary people, some are by There are thousand petals as they say. In the Bible it children. And it cannot be explained. So with the left Agnya you start seeing a person whether he is a of flames. So in Sahasrara when it is enlightened saint or not. You can make out if a person is false or real, And your behaviour becomes extremely majestic and decent. You don't behave like a mad never enjoy anything. And nothing goes into your head, Ultimately what we find is that any kind of is written that I will appear before you like tongues these nerves which are one thousand (doctors say it is nine-hundred and eighty eight, but they are one thousand) get enlightened and just like, we can say, person. Your talk, everything becomes very decent. the flames. They shine in many colours of the Even your music, even your jumping, even your rainbow. But they are very soothing, they are very dance, everything becomes very decent. There is no cooling Just the opposite of these flames. And shouting, there is no acrobats, but just expression of then it starts that Kundalini enters inside it, the brain your enjoyment. What is very penetrating is left opens up like this at the fontanelle. Agnya. Small children specially know it better. I know of a child who just went to one lama and told Sothe knowledge that we have is relative knowledge. him, "You äre not a realized soul, you have no business to sit here and ask everybody to bow to you." So immediately one can find out who is a your Sahasrara, you become extremely hypocrite. Also we have very little and limited knowledge. But when this happens, because the Grace also falls on knowledgeable. You start grasping subtle things very fast. Normally you cannot grasm subtle things. Of course you become very peaceful and joyous, your nerves start emitting vibrations and you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. Sahasrara was Now front Agnya is also very important. When we don't forgive people it goes into problems. When we think too much also it brings problems. When we think too much it attacks our conscious mind. You the main problem. Now it has opened. And that's why think like mad. Over-activity of the mind. Such this work of our enmasse realization is taking place. people feel the apathy. And now new diseases have cCome, where people become just reptiles, like fishes. 1 have tried to tell you in short about these different big fishes. They can't move their hands, they can't centers. The quality of Sahasrara is that you know move their legs, only the brain is working. They ean't The Absolute Truth on your finger tips. And this is walk, they are carried like big reptiles. It is very the great, I should say, an event in your life, that you common now in America. So too much thinking, too get your self-realization, a second birth, actually. It much futuristic attitude spoils your Agnya. Then you is not just a sermon or a lecture. You get it and you create a very aggressive temperament. Hitler had a very bad right Agnya and right side. They say that of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God and Dalai Lama was his guru. They are very much right 10 enjoy His blessings without thinking about it. sided and aggressive. So when you have the right side especially the Agnya, then you become extremely rude, arrogant and egoistic. You start can feel it and you can work it out. So the purpose May God bless you! Divine Cool Breeze Volurne: X Issue:7&8 1998 15 Public Programme Moscow August 6, 1993. bow to all seekers of Truth. At the very outset people who are just mad and want you to be mad. Like there is some lady, I am told who says that on we cannot change it, we cannot transform the 24th November everybody is going to be it. Unfortunately we cannot know it also at human destroyed; this world is going to be destroyed. One awareness. If we had known the Absolute Truth, then would really laugh at such a nonsense. But you do there would not have been any problems, whatsoever, not know this is a big danger. Because some sort of a position in the head of a person comes and says that we all would be destroyed. We too had one with the All pervading power of Love. Without doing gentleman in India about 40 years back or may be more who has been saying this. He is dead, and still a happening, spontancous happening. We can call it they are saying but nothing is destroyed. In America a living process of our evolution. So there is there was one gentleman who started this kind of something more that has to happen to us to reach nonsense and mesmerized many people who joined that state. And this is the special time that this is him, specially young people, and he told them that going to happen to all of you. By this happening we everybody would be destroyed on such and such date. should know that the first thing that happens to you. But nobody was destroyed. So he put the whole place I we haye to understand that Truth is what it is for us. You have only heard that there is a very subtle instrument within us which works out our connection that we cannot know what is the Truth.Actually it is is that you improve in your health and your health into fire, put the fire there and he saw to it that problems are solved. There are many people sitting children, women, all of them were killed, just to here whose health problems were solved after prove his own prophecy, so called. So what is the coming to Sahaja Yoga. This is the first reason why gain of these people I don't understand. They want Sahaja Yoga came to Russia. to make money, or they want to kill people? Is it For this you don't have to pay. These people don't that Hitler has gone into their heads, or some sort of understand that God doesn't know anything about funny idea which is working in their head that they money. They also think that they can purchase God. It is absolutely a wrong idea. To be very truthful I must tell you that God doesn't know what money is compassion and love. He has created this world with and bank is. Like these flowers you see here, they are just miracles from the Mother Earth. How much world to be destroyed and you people to be do we pay to the Mother Earth? This is a living want this world to be destroyed? I assure you that your Father, the God Almighty is the ocean of great care. And he has creaäted you also with very great care and delicate love. How will He allow this destroyed? How can any father do that to his own process. And all of you as human beings have a full right to achieve this state. There are also mental cases which have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. This is children? One has to understand that there is some sort of a madness about it or some sort of a maniac who is doing all thee horrible things. So please try to protect your children. There have been so many like this. From 1970 I've been telling about these horrible people, how they are trying to use simple All these happenings have been predicted in most of faithful people for their own purposes. Now most of the scriptures. We, human beings, have been fighting them have been exposed, luckily. But still there are with each other, not understanding each other some like mushrooms coming out here and there. creating problems with each other, because we do Anybody who tells you stories like this, don't believe not know the Absolute Truth. And we start believing such a person. Or else who asks money and takes your own power. It's your own, work it out. This is within you. This is just to be awakened. And once you are awakened, you can awake other people. Issue 7 Divine Cool Breeze Voluma: X Issue: 7 & 8 199s 16 money from you for the God's work, please know that he is a cheat. How much money did you give to Christ? On the contrary he was sold for 30 roubles. So all such stupid people who go on saying things like these should not be followed. Use your wisdom mesmerize them. For example, in India there was one gentleman who used to mesmerize people and give them gold diamond, this, that. Some important people went to see that fellow. And there were four cameras, you see, just like this. And it's very So what the real Guru should tell you? The real $urprising that he mesmerized these important person will say that you have to know the Truth, that people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. And you have to become one with the All pervading in the cameras they found out how he was playing Divine Power of Love, that real one will put complete these tricks. And of course everybody knows about confidence in you and love. So that you can be saved and all your problems could be solved. The first thing careful, because you have all the properties, all the that should happen is that you should get your peace qualities and all the powers within yourself. Now of mind. If your guru is telling you that you'll be finished on such and such date, how can you have peace of mind. Sometimes they are cxtremely dangerous. But if you read about any real saints the y will tell you that it is your goal in life to be one with Đeings are much more evolved than any animal the Divine. If they are real saints and truthful they whatsoever. This power that is within you when it will always tell you that you have to become the germinates or when it is awakened then you are Spirit. They'll never tell you that you'll be destroyed amazed how it transforms your whole life style. but will say you'll be resurrected. We are here in this Apart from your health, from your mental conditions, world to be resurrected. The message of Christ's life it is a blissful state, where you are completely aware, is that we have to be resurrected. So these ideas you are not mesmerized by any chance. Not only which are being given to you, please be very careful aware but you know how powerful you are within. about them. From 1970, I've been telling their names. You have to only know how to grow in your I've been telling about them, each one of them. I've spirituality and how to use this power. This power been telling who they are. Some of them are like that is within you was known to many people before. Rasputin, some of them are devils, some of them But there was no such mass resurrection. But this is satanic people, some are sadists. They have nothing aspecial time, I call it a blossom time, when you get to do with God. One has to see that once you your self-realization. There is no religion in it. We understand what is their value, what is their role, don't say: "Don't do this, don't do that"-nothing what is their identity, then only such a person should of the kind. There is no ritual. It's absolutely a be accepted as a master. Not the guru that goes on seientific thing that is within you. This power you taking out somebody's posters and like a mad can sometimes see also with your naked eyes violently running all, making everybody run all over pulsating. And you can verify it because it comes the places. Or on the road you see some people saying out of your fontanelle bone area, you can feel the some mantras or singing some mad like songs or cool breeze coming out of your head. You can feel it wearing funny dresses. By changing your dress you on your finger tips. And once you start using it you are not changing inside. Unless this transformation are amazed: you can feel another person's centers comes through, you cannot get over your weakness. because you develop a new dimension in our Your problems cannot be solved. You can never understand why you are on this Earth. What is the you have got a new dimension called "collective purpose of your life? Why have you come here? conscienceness". Moreover then you start feeling as Because you are seekers, because you are secking if we are all part and parcel of one. It is not just a something higher you might be jumping into some mental or emotional idea but it actually is that a nonsense. And I'm quite worried because it is a threat microcosm becomes macrocosm. to you people especially Moscow people who are In the whole world, now, there are 55 nations who very simple. They are very wise, but still they might are doing Sahaja Yoga. In Russia only one place be deluded by people who are just trying to it now. So all this kind of nonsense you have to be the main understanding is that we are not created to be wasted. You are human beings, epitome of the evolution. Sometimes people think that animals are better than human beings. That means that hunan awareness. You can feel it and the person because Togliatti we have 22 thousands Sahaja Yogis, They Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X lssue: 7& 8 1998 17 percent is a divorce. They become very soft, kind, gentle with each other. Moreover they enjoy each other's company, Now as you drop out all your bad habits of drinking, smoking, drugs, you save moncy. You save money also otherwise because so much money of the government is wasted in looking after people for there is mafia controlling them; but all this can be corrected with Sahaja Yoga. Even mafia people can be mellowed down. It's such a power, are not only realized souls but they know what it is, they know the power. It's all tangible, can be explained medically, scientifically. It is Metascience. But it is so simple, so easy because it deals with fundamentals within us. I have to just tell you that this happening is absolutely without any problem. For Russians specially, I think it's very creditable because they are very evolved people. Western people are that way not so wise. power of compassion and love. So national money is also not wasted because people become very good I went to America specially to Boston and the television people asked me how many Rolls Royces I have. Such stupid things they asked me that I gave Citizens. Even politicians become nice. They not only up. I just said: "What they are seeking Rolls Royces become wise but they drop selfishness. And or they are seeking their spirit?" It's very difficult everything seems to be a sort of Kingdom of Heaven. to deal with stupid people. That's why my heart is in There was something good about communism, that Russia and in Ukraine. It's the greatest pleasure to because of anti-rationalism and anti-fundamentalism. come to these countries of Russia and Ukraine and And Democracy has good thing that one has freedom. to meet the people who are so wise. And who are so All these three things happen to you. You transcend loving. You still have maintained such values. Thank above your race, transcend above any God, that there are people here who can understand fundamentalism and you become a free bird, their own preciousness. These promises to you: good absolutely a free bird. But then you use your freedom health, and also work and prosperity. How? Now only for your good, for your construction, never for will tell you that if you become a realized soul these your destruction. But normally people use their énergies start flowing through your hands. Now if Ireedom only for destruction. In the west that is you use these vibrations which are coming out of nappening. It is the darkness, it is the ignorance your hands and vibrate water you'll be surprised that WHich has brought all these problems to us. But once your agriculture will grow ten times more. And Indian cows start giving milk as much as mad cows of Australia. Australia has mad cows because they are all high breed. And those who drink high breed milk also become mad I think. It's an experimental we get our self-realization in the light of your spirit, you know what you are doing, what is good for you. All the fears drop out. All the insecurities drops out. And you become dynamic. But at the same time you become extremely compassionate and forgiving. That is happening and it will happen in such a way thing now and we have proof of it. that this world will become a beautiful garden of Then you are gifted with children who are realized God's Love. Believe me, nothing is going to be souls, who are very talented, who are very intelligent, destroyed. No harm will come to you. who are very obedient. Your family relations improve. Your husband -wife's relations improve. In Sahaja Yoga we have practically hundred international marriages every year. But only one I'm sure next year again I'Ilcome here and we'll have more people whom you have to give realization. Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue 18 7 & 8 1998 Russia is a Narrow Gate very country on our Planet is a certain chakra or its part, for example, Australia is Mooladhara, Africa is Swadhistana, Austria is Nabhi, England is Heart, USA is Vishuddhi, Russia is Front Agnya, China is Back Agnya, Nepal is Sahasrara. There are also chakras within each country. Like, in Russia Togliatti is Mooladhara, Sankt Petersburg is Heart, Moscow is Agnya. As for Togliatti, here even the Volga Matushka (the Volga-Mother) takes the shape of the corresponding deity, means Shri Ganesha. This area where now there is the greatest number of mediating people is destined to become the second Mecca, where Sahaja Yogis from the entire Planet will pilgrimage to. To Togliatti, as to many other areas, Sahaja Yoga came from the Heart of Russia, that is from Sankt Petersburg. The first Puja allowed by Shri Mataji in Russia was consecrated to Agnya Chakra and was done in Sankt Petersburg. This city was not, of course, chosen by chance, for to overcome ego and to cross the limited mind is only possible through heart's love. Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, who was a realized soul, used to say: "So that the life might have sense, its goal should cross the limits of human mind." Christ, to overcome ego and to open Agnya, this narrow gate into Eternal, even allowed to crucify himself. What a great responsibility should lie on the Moscovites staying both in Agnya of the Planet and Agnya of their country now that Moscow is a focus of ego! Here every undertaking takes longer time. However the Moscow Sahaja Yogis seem to have some progress if they were blessed with the first international Diwali Puja and marriages last November. Now the Primordial Kundalini is performing unification of the chakras of our Planet using Sahasrara and Sahaja Yoga as an instrument. This integration is expected to lead to the balance between: heart and mind, emotions and actions, materialism and spirituality. Russian Sahaja Yogis who live in the Planet Agnya being geographically a sort of the bridge between East and West are supposed to play an appropriate role in this mission of Adi Shakti. That is why they particularly should keep firm and continuous connection with the Counselor, the Holy Ghost, for whose advent was the narow gate opened by Christ. Jai Shri Mataji Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 19 Medical Conference MOSCOW August 7, 1993. am sorry, I am rather late, we've lost our way and couldn't find the place. I thank you very much for all of you to be here to listen to this new dimension in science. I call Sahaja Yoga as Meta-science because the method of science is not I put the patients into the horrible hell of diagnosis. All has been searched, has been found out, people know what it is. Also there is no specialization. For example, nowadays there is a doctor for one eye, another doctor for another eye. And sometimes you employed in Sahaja Yoga. For example in the medical have to empty all your purse and you get a certificate science when we want to search something then we that you are the healthiest person ever known, In the get into a kind of imagination. I would say, or a meanwhile might be that they remove all your hypothesis and we think that possibly this might be organs, teeth, eyes, nose, ears, whatever they feel the solution of a particular disease or a particular like. This kind of a blindness in medical science problem. On the other side there's a search going on attracted me to medical science also. I thought, I have every direction like finding out about the to talk to doctors, I should know their terminology, mieroscopie structures and also other things like also their methodology and also their problems. guinea-pigs. All these new sciences have developed. Now one has to realize this world is full of diseases. It is so diverse and so specialized that for a person And there are many people in this world who cannot to start even research, he has to be studyıng at least afford to take allopathic treatment. Most of the for fifteen years. And even then we do not have the doctors in the West don't want to take to Sahaja Yoga, full information as to what is happening, where, in the whole globe. Supposing you say that "I have found something new" then others might inform you that they had already found it in Australia. So all your effort is wasted. And you are known by the medical is a very noble profession and only noble discoveries you make. Also the application of it is people take to this profession normally. Later on they another research. First you try on rats and then on might be getting lost, with a kind of allurement they monkeys, then on pigs and then when you fry on have, a kind of attractions they have for money and human beings you find it's fatal. So it's very might be making a business out of it. But in countries dangerous sometimes. To some people some where there are so many people who cannot get any medicines may act just like poison. Because every medical help, or if they have no money, then I would person is made differently and has different like to challenge your nobility, your greatess and combinations of problems: So unless and until we know what are we made of, what is our inner being, how these diseases are caused, we will not be able to do something accurately. Especially allopathic tell that they have to understand Sahaja Yoga, as medicines are very heat creating, So you have to take something to neutralize the heat. That's also another blind alley. because they are thinking they may not be able to get enough money. Because if patients are cured without medicine then they will have no carnings. I, of course, sympathize on that point, but I think your human health. Especially I find Russians and Ukrainians extremely humanistic. Even the Chinese are very humanistic people. To them I would like to scientists with open mind you must know what is Sahaja Yoga. You may treat it as a hypothesis, but it's very, vey important for a country like yours which is now coming out of some problems or a country like India or all the Eastern block people, Egypt you can say also, all the African countries like Somalia, All these places, you see this humanity just being ill treated I would say, that is cruelty, Sahaja Yoga is a Metascience. Here you do not have to research anything. It is already researched and all is there. You don't have to go on working hard for it, for years together to study and to do research with monkeys and rats and pigs. You don't even have to Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 20 completely crumpled by these money oriented people. now you verify what I am saying. And now if it is true, then you have to accept it". He was so So I call it a Metascience, because all the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is before you. Also we canclaim that many incurable diseases: psychosomatic, physical, mental can be sure by Sahaja Yoga. I'm sorry to say, for four years I've been coming and addressing the doctors here. Nothing substantial has been done. It's very surprising. Especially the people who are so collective by nature should understand that as doctors amazed. His child was running about in three days' time. Now the child is grown up, married, has children. So it eame into his mind: "Why not we do research on Sahaja Yoga?" I told him to take three-four subjects which you think is incurable and I tell you how you can cure it and how it has worked out medically! Three doctors were then MBBS became MDs. Three you can do so much for your fellowmnen. That means all the rich people are there to pay for you. But if there is something that you can do for the people your blood pressure, normalizing your heart beats, who are just dying because there's no solution, don't normalizing the body. All these things were worked you think it is the responsibility of the doctors? On on hundred patients and they found out how these the contrary, in India you should know that we had patients were cured. Then I asked Doctor Rai to write about two hundred doctors for my lecture hecause we didn't have a big hall. But afterwards they took nice book which was inaugurated in the presence of over and they are learning what Sahaja Yoga is and many doctors and now that book is ready, we're they are working it out because India also is a very thinking of translating it in Russian language. But poor country. But if there is no compassion, there is there is no need to read that book. You all can start no feeling for your fellowmnen, it won't work out. doctors: one on epilepsy, another on asthma and the third one a book on this subject and he really wrote a very doing research to find out whatever I'm saying and There is one doctor Rai whose grand-daughter was start. If what I say is a simple treatment just have cured with Sahaja Yoga. While they were told that some faith in what I'm saying and start. Also in the this child is going to die. So he felt that as my grand- medical science somebody says: "This is a medicine children, there must be many grand-children, who good for this", we have faith in that. I mean there's are dying because they cannot be cured by allopathy. no committee that says: "This is perfectly all right He is academically very, very high, God knows, how many degrees he has, like a big long tale, like a experiment, a sort of thing and says: "No, no, this is Kangaroo, but when his grand-daughter could not the best". Nobody says. But we believe that, all right. be cured, all his degrees came down and he came to this thing has come in the market, because they are Sahaja Yoga. Still he was full of ego. And he could not believe that this child could be cured. He told medicine business has become a big industry. So with me; "First you scientifically tell me what you are that marketing people believe in it and take to it. I going to do". I said: "Doctor, you have already had do not want to market anything. Nor do I expect so much of academic scientific knowledge. You want anything from you. But I would just like to awaken your grand-child to live or you want to have scientifie the nobility of a medical profession where we have knowledge?" I said: "I'm not going to do anything to serve our fellowmen not always for money, also to that child. I assure you that the child is curable. I out of compassion. I find people who come to me, will raise the Kundalini of this child and the child they can be easily cured by any Sahaja Yogi. I'll give will be cured. And you don't have to pay anything to you the example of a very noble person of doctor me". He couldn't believe it still. But the mother of Bogdan. He started his practice in Sahaja yoga the child said: "Baba, I want my child to live". And openly in London. And the English doctors think, the child was cured. Then I told him: "Now, sit down. they are the topmost people in every field I will tell what was the problem of the child and how whatsoever. There is a very big street, Harley Street it was cured. Now 'll tell you". And when I told and the hospital there. I don't know, how much one him, he was amazed, because he said: "This is not in has to pay there in hard currency. All the people from our medical science". I said: "You cannot reach that point because science has its own limitations. But and this is definitely". Nobody has a sort of very good marketing people now and the whole Arab countrics are there. You cannot get an appointment, it's very difficult. All the money from Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 21 bankrupt". I said: "In any way you have made so many people bankrupt already". But he did not give up. So this is the mentality. Now, it's very easy to cure a patient suffering from kidney failure if he is. not gone on the dialysis. Also we have seen one person cured even after dialysis. Patients also do not give up dialysis because of psychological fear. They have no faith in themselves. But supposing a doctor tells him that "now you are cured and nothing can happen to you", they will never go away from Sahaja Yoga, they'll never go for dialysis. Arabia is coming down there in Harley Street. Some doctors are practicing for one month, continuously, some one hour in a week, sometimes only for fifteen minutes in that Harley Street. If you are fifteen minutes late, there is another doctor sitting there. It's well organized. This is what has become that medical science has become a business. And that's why people do not want to find out ways and methods by which it could be much easier and cheaper to help your fellowmen. Now here is the picture of your inside structure. It is the fundamentals within you. Now there are seven I'll give you another example. There's a very, very chakras and there are three channels. So seven into rich man in India and I don't treat rich people myself. three means twenty one problems could be there, But his father was like a brother to me, so I agreed: basically. But could be a combination. The diagnosis "All right, I will treat you". He had a massive heart is on your finger tips. In Koran, Mohammad Sahib attack. And every doctor told him: "This is wrong has written that your hands will speak and give with you, that is wrong with you. You have to go to witness about truth. But the Arabs will not come to Huston, in any case". There are two doctors, one Sahaja Yoga, they will go to Harley Street. Because removes the heart, another, doctor Cooley, is not so also when they pay for something, they think it's good at removing but still he thinks he can improve or he can treat. So he went to doctor, he was asked to go to doctor Cooley, Now, he came to me, I told him: "You are all right now, you are perfectly all better. That's a psychology. But I think Russians are wiser people, So there are only twenty one problems basically we have and the permutations and combinations of these are minor things. But basically there are three types of people. The problems comie from the left or from the right or from the centre. So if a Sahaja Yogi, if you ask him what is the problem, he says: "Left side" or "Right side". That's all. Now simple thing to do is just to nourish the left or the right. right, what have you done? Your heart is absolutely normal!"He could not believe it. So he went to his doctor, who had asked him to go to doctor Cooley. So his doctor said: "You are perfectly all right, what have you done? Your heart is absolutely normal. He says: "How can it be, I examined you only ten days back and vou were so sick and now howw are you all right?". He didn't tell him my name because he felt For example, if there is kidney failure, so you take it älso shy, you know, such rich people going to for dialysis. Everyone knows that you cannot save someone for Sahaja Yoga is a bit too much. So he the patient, all his life he has to be on dialysis. went to another doctor, three-four doctors, very Unfortunately a doctor who is very famous, head of famous, they said: "You are perfectly all right, your the department of a hospital for dialysis got kidney heart is perfectly all right". But still, he had money, failure. He said: "I don't want to go on dialysis so he went to Huston. On his way he came to see me in London. I said: "You are all right, nothing wrong". He said: "Yes, I've been playing tennis also, all right, because they have no money left. So I asked this but I must see this doctor Cooley". "All right, I said, doctor: "Doctor, I tell you Sahaja Yoga will cure it, you have money, so better go". This doctor Cooley, hundred per cent, but you promise me that you will I know him very well, he is a very nice man. So he not use dialysis again and you will use Sahaja Yoga went. They examined his heart, this, that. all kinds to cure people". He promised me. Well, he was cured. of tests, you see, putting him upside down, But he is still using dialysis. I said: "Why are you everything they did for him. Poor fellow was using dialysis now?" "Because, he says, we have put absolutely finished with the examinations, x-rays, a lot of money in buying these machines. We have this that, everything. Then a report went to doctor invested so much money and if we do not earn that Cooley. So this gentleman told me the whole story what happened. Doctor Cooley started at him first. becatuse I know that life long I can't afford it". And people die with bankruptcy. Their will is of no use money, what will happen to us, we'Il become Volume: X Issue : 7& 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 22 and totality. Just have confidence, you can do so much good to your people. But tomorrow in the history how will the doctors of modern times of Russia will go, that they didn't care for their people. They didn't bother at all to take this Sahaja Yoga to people. Because one day it will be spread if not in your time, it will be later definitely. Already we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis in Russia and Ukraine, they themselves can cure. But because there are no doctors, you see, it has no good ideas. Why don't you also just try to form a research and find out what we say is true or not. If you, doctors, are not going to take any step, tomorrow people will say: "What was wrong with them?" If the whole thing is brought to you, completely open, much more effective than medical science, why should you not take to it? Still I can't understand doctors. Especially He said: "You better go to some lunatic asylum and get yourself tested. There's nothing wrong with you. You have the healthiest heart". And he shouted at him: *"You have come here to waste my time, waste the hospital's time. People, poor things, are waiting on waiting list and what do you mean by yourself? Which stupid doctor has sent you here, which hospital, they send all kinds of healthy people here to make money. And don't show me your face again if you are even dead". He came, you see, because I knew his father very well. So he came and he told me the whole story and he was rolling with laughter on the ground. But then still he said: "But Mother, one must have luck, See, I could meet you, but mny uncle could not meet you. See, my luck". So this is the story of a man who got cured of heart trouble. I have no hospital, I don't even have a secretary. So I told them "Baba, you go to the Sahaja Yoga center. when I was studying, in our college we were only they'll cure it". But his friends, they are rich like him, how could they go to a simple place like a ideas about doing something for the country. But till Sahaja Yoga center. You know, it's not very prestigious. So. Mother must cure. And some of them were following me when I was in London, in Spain. older than me, they were even older, some of them they were after my life, all the way. But they missed are no more and some of them are very old. That me all the time. I said: "You'd better go to the Sahaia generation we have lost, which had idealism, which Yoga centre". - "But the Sahaja yogis are not doctors. has compassion, which has higher value, human So we don't want to take trealment from people who are not doctors". That's why I am requesting you. they trust you, they think you are noble people, they are manifesting in you. You will become extremely have faith in your degrees, they think you are dynamic and extremely compassionate. I'm sorry I compassionate, you are honest. That's why I've been have to say these things to you, but you must feel talking to doctors. Now, at least, my hope here, in my concern for Russian people and Ukrainian Russia. Some of you will really get to the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Some hospital is going to give us a wing for Sahaja Yoga. But last four years nothing Americans are idiotic compared to you people. has happened. Before this I've been telling you all Others are egoistically. But I again appeal to your about Sahaja Yoga. But today I must tell you about sense because I know, since long time I've been doctors. I have told you why I'm very anxious that visiting Russia, that Russians are extremely wise doctors should take to Sahaja Yoga knowledge. Why people and with very large hearts. I also studied medicine, because I had to talk to doctors. Just open your mind. It is Metaseience, it is miraculous. You enter into another realm of reality six girls. They were all very noble, they had great then I had not found out Sahaja Yoga on a collective basis. And now I am seventy one. And they are even values. But if you get your Kundalini awakened, I'm sure you all will find thät all these great qualities people. They are wonderful people. I can't expect American doctors to come round. As it is I think Thank you very much. Volume: X lssue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 23 Diwali Puja MOSCOW November 12, 1993. t's so very gratifying to see so many people But she has patienee, and she has love, compassion. from all over the world have come to Russia So a man who has money cannot be happy unless to worship the Goddess Lakshmi. When you and until he is compassionate, he uses this money cannot explain everything intellectually then you for giving it to others. But what has happened today take course to arts to express yourself. And then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say They have gone all out to destroy themselves with verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what the money that they have. Also they have used money an artist does, also a poet does, that he extends his to express their anger and their lust, their greed. Also imagination to such an extent that he creates a they have wasted their money in trying to show off symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only go that they are something very individualistic. in the countries which are supposed to be affluent? up to a point. And when it is not substantiated by truth and reality after sometime it falls the whole linear movement, falls down and there isa decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined. This decline takes place and people start accepting it. Like in America, I have met a very rich man. And when I got to his car he told me that my handles of the door open the other way round. So I said: "Why? What is the use of this kind of a thing, anybody can get locked up in your car?" So he said: "It's my individuality, is my genius which has created this something not so common". And then I went into his house and he told me: "Be careful this bathroom is very special". Then he said; "If you press this misrepresented drop out. And you touch the reality button, you will just jump into the swimming poor of the symbols. This is exactly what has happened And then he took me to his bed and said: "This bed everywhere. For example we had in India the is special, if you press this button your legs will go Goddess of wealth as Lakshmi. And this symbol of up, if vou press this button your head will go up". I Lakshmi was described by saints and seers in reality. SHid: "I don't want to do these acrobats the whole But after self-realization when you have become the Spirit your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted, which were But later on people did not understand the symbol night. I'll sleep on the ground". and reality behind it. And they thought that the symbol of Lakshmi is money, is wealth, gold, silver. Now the Eastern block people sometimes think that diamonds, riches. And they started worshipping Americans or the Europeans or the people who are money. This is how the symbol of wealth, Goddess so called affluent are very happy people. They are Lakshmi, was perverted. People don't understand that not, because they have no wisdom. They go on when they have money, why they start doing wrong wasting money like this, they are bankrupts, good for nothing. One day they will be moving in Rolls things. Even in India nowadays people are so perverted that if you give hundred rupees to a poor Royce, tomorrow they will be on the street begging. man he will to a pub. He will only think of self- Because there's no Lakshmi in them, it is just money, indulgence and not of others, not his family, not his So the symbol of Lakshmi we should try to children, not his country but himself. But the symbol understand, it's very important. Because if the of Lakshmi is very different. Firstly the one who has Lakshmi resides in your Nabhi and if She is satisfied, Lakshmi has to be a mother, like a mother must have they only the Mahalakshmi principle rises means the love of a mother who loves her children. She has then you start seeing beyond. All these people had to be a woman. And woman stands for something so much money that they did not know what to do very sublime. Mother is the source of all the energies. and they thought: "No, this is not sufficient, we have Divine Cool Breeze Volume X Issue 7 & 8 1998 24 to seek for it". They took drugs and all kinds of For us if the Christ is the symbol of higher things. personality then what were his qualities? He was the noblest man you could think of, greatest personality Now the Lakshmi principle is like this, that, as I said, She is a Mother and in two hands, She has got pink lotuses. Now the pink lotus means a flower which is coming out of the pond and allows even thorny insect to come inside it. That means a rich man or man with Lakshmi must have a house or whole household or estate which is very beautiful like the lotus pink in colour means inviting, welcoming everyone, all kinds of guests. Now this inseet with all the thorns in it comes in and sleeps on the corona of that lotus very beautifully and in the night the lotus covers it so it doesn't feel the cold. as far as morals are concerned. And such forgiveness, such glory! He was the one who was blessed with Lakshmi. He was the satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, whatever money you might give him, nobody could purchase Him. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga it's important to know that you are blessed by Lakshmi. With one hand She gives, she gives to others, that is her nature to give. Like if one door is open the air won't come in. But if you open the other door then only it will cireulate. So to be satisfied is one of the qualities of Sahaja Yoği. Some of them do ask for money miracles. So the man with the money or man with the wealth is not a Lakshmipathy, is not the one who has the blessings of the Lakshmi. But the man with wisdom That's not the way your attitude should be. You are now the spirits. And Spirit doesn't care for the and who has money we can call has got the blessings comfort of body, mind but for the comfort of the of the Lakshmi. So they are like the lotus is, so Spirit. Many of you have become spirits, no doubt. hospitable, so anxious to get guest in his own being But you are not aware, some of you, of your own and to look after. In the same way a person who has money, who is supposed to be blessed by Lakshmi hand She gives protection. Protection to all those who should be of the same hospitable personality. status. You have to be aware about it. With the other worship Her, all those who work for Her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him, or working for But the surprising thing is all those nations today who looked to be affluent have been parasites. They looted all the countries. They formed empires. Like in India now as you know we had for three hundred years the English, the British as our guests. Without any visa without any emigration they came, But now if an Indian has to got to England, it is an impossible situation. And those who go there also are treated not on the same level as they treat their own people. him. We have now transcended it into an area where you have no fundamentalism in your head. But you worship all the great incarnations, all the great seers and all the prophets. Most of them did not have any money but they were blessed by Lakshmi. Because they were satisfied souls. So this is the quality of a Lakshmi that She should satisfy. You know that in economics, desires are not satiable Same with America. Thank God, Columbus was in general. So what is the desire which is satiable? It's a pure desire, which is the Kundalini. When you are absolutely satisfied and you know that there's no sense in hankering after money, power and all non- Senscial things, then the Mahalakshmi principle is coming to India and I think Shri Hanumana took him down to Ameriea, thank God. Otherwise all the Indians could have been finished and I wouldn't have been here. They killed all the Indians there, all the Indians. And took away all their lands. And now they are supposed to be rich. And the sins they have committed have to come back on them, isn't it? And you can't go to America easily as if that is their own land. All of them do not belong to that land. awakened within you. And this Mahalakshmi principle gives you seeking. Then you become a Special category of people, whom William Blake has described "a man of God". Then you don't have these conditionings of your childhood, of our nationality or of your so called outside religion, no conditionings. But you rise higher. And you become the Spirit. That is the time when you understand the Lakshmi principle within you. The Lakshmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. In eollective Then we can see about the people who think they are higher races because they can make more money, I mean, they have killed people in gas chambers, did all kinds of things, how were they the higher races? I can't understand. Is that the sign of being higher? Volume : X Issue : 7 & B 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 25 consciousness you want o do for others. If you are still worried about yourself only, about your own comfort, about your own earnings, about your own glory, then you go into imbalance. Lakshmi is now all your clothes will be burnt". Still he was standing on a lotus, completely balanced. Moreover meditating. But Nachikita ran out and picked up his She doesn't assert, just standing on a lotus, she clothes. Then he realized how detached this man is doesn't assert her power that She is money, or She is about his money, about his wealth, about his family, a Goddess of money. She is absolutely contented with herself. If you are not contented that means you don't know yourself. Sahaja Yogi is person who is absolutely contented within himself, because his self, his Spirit, is the source of all the absolute knowledge, is the source of enlightenment for your attention and is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness which depends on ego. But it is absolute. So such fun after realization you feel that you don't care for money, you don't care for anything, If you have it- well and good, if you don't have it - well and good. You are completely detached. from there, all your relations, all your family". Still he was meditating and this Nachikita was looking at him. Then they said: "All the fire is coming here and look at me. I'm worried about these small things like this. He has to dress up like that because he is a king. So he surrended himself to him and got his self-realization. In those days it was very difficult to get self- realization, even to give self- realization. But these are special times, the blossom times. They call it, the Last Judgment, you I am always yours. Whenever you want, wherever you want can call it, the resurrection time, you can call it, the Kiyamat, as they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of the graves and will get their resurrection. And what is left to Me to come, I will come. the graves? There is nothing but few bones. No, all these souls which are dead will take their Lastly I'll tell the story of Raja Janaka who was the birth, take human body and take their realization in father of Shri Sita, the wife of Shri Rama. He must have existed six thousands years back.. And he was a king. So he had to wear all the ornaments and all the So now, you have got your realization because of dresses that a king had to wear. But all the saints of your good deeds you did, in your last previous lives, those days used to touch his feet. So one disciple of aS we say, punyas. But you must respect it. And you our guru said: "Why do you touch his feet after all must understand what you have got is so great. You he lives like a king and dresses up like a king?" So have to know you are the Spirit now. You are special he said: "You have no idea as who he is, if he has people. You are going to solve the problems of your mercy on you he might give you self-realization". country, of your community, of your society, of your So this disciple Nachikita went to the king and said families. You'll be solving the problems of the whole that: "Sir, I've come to get my self-realization". He world. You are the ones who are going to bring peace said: "I'm sorry. I can't give you self-realization. You on this Earth. You are the ones who are going to can take all my property, everything but I cannot give create a new world of beautiful divine people. So you self-realization because yet you have not got that have faith in yourself. This faith works very fast. personality". So the Nachikita was disappointed and said: "All right, sir, I'll wait till you are ready to test in Sahaja Yoga. Don't be a dwarf. me and see if I could get realization". So he said: I'm happy to see the collectivity now in the Eastern "All right, let's go and have a bath in the river". And block and also Russia, other countries which are here when they were having a bath, the people from the today. So now you are asking for the blessings of palace came and told the king: "Sir, your palace is Likshmi. So the first thing you should ask is the on fire". But still he was meditating, Then again they satisfaction, then the generosity. A person who has came and said: "Now all the people are runn these special time. It is a sensible thing to say and is also happening. Because it is not a false faith, it is a fact. And grow ing away the blessings of Lakshmi cannot he miserly. Cannot Divine Cool Breeze # Volume: X issue: 7 & 8 1998 26 be! He is a diseased person, business". Finished. trying to save money here, trying to save money there. This doesn't exist in the mind of a person who is evolved. So now we have to rise into the realm of super-consciousness. I can go on speaking about everything which is so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures which I have giyen. But lectures are nothing but words. They are the web of words. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That's what is my own A person who has I'm very happy I could come to Russia and at this juncture we will be able to create the the blessings of atmosphere which is very good for your country. And all other people who have come from other countries also will carry Lakshmi cannot be miserly. vision. And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours. Whenever you want, wherever you want Me to come, I will come. That My Love is more then My own will. But you also must love yourself and love your self-realization. this atmosphere to their own countries. Now you know that you have no karmas left. It's all finished. And now you are beautiful new people. The blossoming time brought you as fruits now. So don't pay attention to yoursell, to your My God bless you! maladies, to your troubles and things will improve definitely. Somebody was telling me, they have got There's one thing we have to know that in the Nabhi pain in the knee. I just felt, I get so many times pain resides the Lakshmi and you have reached the state in the knee and pain here because I absorb from you. where She is the reality within you, she is not a But I never think about it. I never bother. Because I symbol anymore. So today after the Puja this see my Body, all right. Like this machine, if it is Lakshmi principle must be awakened within you and spoiled, we should cure it, finished. But all the time should spread all its light in the Nabhi center. you're thinking. "This is paining here, this is wrong, I haven't got money, I have to do this business, that My God bless you! Volume: X Isue : 7 &8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 27 pd Honarary Membership n the 13th of November, that is the Sahaja Yoga but to the relations between two great following day of Diwali Puja, a very remarkable event took place. Shri Mataji Now I am supposed to read the Document states, Russia and India, as well. was handed over the Diploma of an Honorary unanimously adopted by the Presidium of the Peter member of the Peter Academy of Sciences and Arts Academy of Sciences and Arts. (PASA), PASA, according to its membership, is the largest Russian Association of scientists and arts Diplama Text workers. The Academy pride are its working Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, Doctor of Philosophıy and members as follows: writers Vasiliy Belov, Valentin Medicine, being master of the comprehensive Rasputtin; composer Georgiy Swiridov; poet Rassul subjects of religion, philosaphy and science spares Gamzatov: painters headed by Ilya Glazunov; physicians F.G. Uglov; V.P. Kaznacheev; scientists benevolences of the Indian and Russian nations and headed by L.N. Gumiljov and many others. Nimala friendship between them, at benevolence of the entire Shrivastava is the only woman elected as an no efforts doing an elevated work aimed at world, taking our Motherland as a center of the world spirituality and morality, a center of the world spirituality and morality, a center of drawing West Honorary member of the Academy. The Diploma was handed over by Academician Yuriy Voronov. Vice President of the above Academy. Prorector of the Peasant Academic University. Academician Yuriy Voronov who got his self-realization from Shri Mataji in 1991 found Sahaja Yoga propagating love of mankind and high moral standards to be close to and East nearer, a center of reviving the principles of high moral standards which our Motherland used to study in the person of its many nations under the guidance of the Russian people. Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, being the founder of Sahaja Yoga teaching of high nmoral standard, relates with good reason, the psychophysiological processes of physical and mental health to the life style and morality. the Russian Soul. Opening Address of Yuriy Voronov Dear fellow-citizens, compatriots, foreign guests! The Presidium of the Peter Academy of Sciences and Arts considers as its pleasant duty to notify the eminent daughter of the great Indian people that she is elected as an Honorary Member of the Academy! Distinguished Shri Mataji! It is on my duty and honour did fall the responsibility to make you familiarized with the Document which is of great importance not only to personal life of Volume: X Issue :7 & 8 1998 28 Divine Cool Breeze Shri Mataji about Marriages anoh in Sahaja Yoga ith a marriage you become even a are not married in a way the others are married, and better person, or you develop a Ihat's why one nust love each other, must give better personality. Now, why time to each other, be sweet to each other, very kind, considerate. Be conscious and aware that you marriage is necessary for Sahaja Yogis? First and foremost thing, it is the most normal thing to do, is to marry. God has given you this desire to be married for some purpose, but this same desire if you do not use it for the purpose it is given, it can become a perversion, it can become a nasty thing, it can be very detrimental to your growth; so one should understand this desire within us to have a marriage. have a wife or a husband, but first thing is collectivity." " in a normal marriage, man is the person who is the head of the family, as you say. Now he has to be the head, man has to be the head, for eertain reasons. There is nothing wrong in man becoming the head, it's all right, you become the heart. Heart is more important than the head is. Perhaps we do not realize that, how the heart is important; you see even if the "Marriage gives you now a reason to be dharmic, to be normal. This teaches you how to respect the chastity of others and your own chastity." head fails the heart can go on. We can always go on till the heart is going on. but if the heart fails, the head fails too. So you are the heart, as a woman and he is the head of the family. Let him have that feeling that he is the head; it is a feeling, just a feeling. Like the head always feels he decides, but the brain also knows that it is the heart, one has to cater, it is the heart which is all pervading, is the real source of everything. So the woman's position, if she understands how important it is, she would never feel let down or dominated, if she is the heart." "The Chastity is faith. Chastity is the consolidation of your faith. When you have faith inward you are chaste, when you have faith in yourself, you are chaste. When you have faith in your wife, you are chaste. When you have faith inward, you are chaste. Why should you have faith in your wife? Because you are a chaste person. How can she be unchaste? You have faith in your child." *.. Motherhood, everything is chastity. Fatherhood, any relationship is chastity. Purity is again the fragrance of chastity. Goodness, compassion, everything comes from chastity. A sense of chastity which is not mental, if you are mentally chaste you Now domination should never come in Sahaja Yoga at all. . You see, how can you be dominated? You are the Spirit. Your ego can be hurt; you are the Spirit, it cannot be dominated. But you are the Spirit? can be horrid. Like some of the nuns are, or some of these people who are austere, not that. Chastity is the innate, built in Kundalini within you, which acts, because it understands Me. Is My reflection So make your Kundalini strong by being chaste." Are you feeling your Spirit? If you are feeling your Spirit you can never be dominated, no one can dominate you. But if you feel that way all the time. that you are dominated, you will become a very very nervous person, you can be a horrible person, youI cannot face people. So it is time that you realize you are Spirit and your husband is also Spirit; or if you are the husband you must know the wife also is Spirit. And a mutual respect must grow in that level because both of you are Saints, you are Sahaja Yogis. A person who is married in Sahaja Yoga, who are Sahaja Yogis, you are sharing their love equally with the Sahaja Yogis and the society that is Sahaja Yoga then only great people will be born. So first test of a Sahaja Yogi marriage is how much you have been able to share by this marriage other people." Why dominate? I mean I don't understand the word domination. When there are two wheels do they ".. Now you are married under Sahaja Yoga. You Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue : 7 & B 1998 29 dominate each other? Can they? If one dominates, say one becomes bigger than the other, it will go round and round. Won't it? There's no question of domination in this, but it is a question of integration and understanding and complete cooperation with own child. Expand your love. Nobody can have respect for any woman who is not like that. You have to be just a mother to everyone." One has to remember that motherhood is very important. It is the Mother who created this universe, themselves which must permeate into the society, into the family. the Father was just a witness. This heart centre is caught up by various emotional problems in human beings. Husband and wife, if they all the time quarrel, there is always quarreling in the house, specially if the mother is very dominating, the child develops this centre. And if the father is very dominating, the child develops this centre. And if the father is very dominating, the child develops this - the heart itself. So it is very important that the husband and wife should ... Marriage is meant to give you cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that you can think of achieving through your One has to remember that motherhood is very combinations with two human beings you can say. mportant. It is the "... a Sahaja Yogi must know that the child within him is born - the Spirit. Spirit is the child which has been born within him now he has Mother who created this universe, the Father was to nourish it, through the Kundalini. He has to water it, he has to look after it. He has to make just a witness. it grow. Now where is the time for other nonsensical things? You have a child in hand. You are all mothers looking after the child - that's your Spirit. by vou, they are looked after by God. You are just So where do you have time for all these things? The attention should be: What can I do to make this child the better are vour children. You know how to handle happy, to make this child grow to make this child them, you are kinder to them, you know how to solve completely manifest myself." never quarrel in the presence of their children." Children are not looked after instrument of God. The more you are with God, their problems. You are looking after them better if you are getting your love from God. But if you are not interested in God, He is not either interested in you. That's the thing we do no understand, we think if we are interested in God, we do oblige in Him." ". So we have to realize that husband and wife relationship is extremely important for Sahaja Yogis. You are the complements of each other. If the relationship is not all right, Sahaja Yoga doesn't work out. It is not that a woman becomes so dominant but it is the complement, the love between the two, the beauty of love. And the understanding". MARRIAGE VOWS The women is known by the amount of sacrifices she makes. It's a challenge, I tell you, for all of you Bride says : I will help to keep your Mooladhara women who are realized souls to see to it that you Chakra in order. You hand over all wealth which is humble down yourself. Your quality cannot improve in your possession, I will take care of all those things. unless and until you humble down. On everything You should only eat the food that is cooked by me you assert. For what? It's impossible to workship the or your brothers and sisters and if it is taken outside Virgin when we are so arrogant and so strangling the home, you will vibrate it. I will be loyal to you type." and you will be loyal to me. . You have got a child. The love that you get for your child or feel for your child you should feel for all of them. You have to be mothers for all of them. Bride says: I will do all household work with my physical and spiritual powers. I will live with love and affection and will obey you. You should help me in my work and I will help you in the work of You have to be mothers of all the people, not of your 30 Divine Cool Breeze Volume X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Sahaja Yoga. Groom says: If I commit any mistake while doing Sahaja Yoga you should excuse me and I will excuse you. Bride says: I will keep my Lakshmi Chakra in order and you will respect my Lakshmi tattwa, this will keep your Lakshmi tattwa in order. You should give account of all you bring home, nothing will be hidden. Both say: Sri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi has put us in Holy Bandhan by our marriage and this is a very great fortune by this act of Mataji as Mahayagnya. Groom says: I will give you happiness and peace with love and affection but you will also have to think We will offer everything to Her Feet that is our about my happiness and peace. You should not go health, wealth, mind and heart. outside without my permission and I will tell you when I go outside. I will not discuss or think about the We will take an oath that we will be loyal to each other. past and you will not discuss or think about the past. We will work to increase Sahaja Yoga. Groom says: you should take care of nme and my children and you should respect and welcome other Sahaja brothers and sisters when they come to our We will bring our children up in Sahaja Yoga and that is our duty. house. Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X issue: 7& 8 1998 31 A very remarkable event took place at the Workshop - ceremony of laying a stone for the future ashram which is assumed to be a Training Center mainly for those who are leading the Programmes. An architectural design of the ashram will soon be sent to Shri Mataji for Her approval. NEWS-LETTER I n. the 9th of June, 1994 Anna and Anatholiy, Moscow Sahaja Yogis had a baby girl O named Nastya, whose birth was blessed by There was virtually not a single moment at the Workshop when the participants' attention was not in any way occupied with Sahaja Yoga. Every day Shri Mataji last year. early in the morning and in thie evening as well as in the course of different activities the collective mmeditations were carried out. The theoretical classes #*** were devoted to a particular chakra depending on A Workshop of Sahaja Yogis was held near the city the week day. For example on Monday, means on of Kingisepp from 9 to 17 July, 1994. It was attended the day of Shri Ganesha, Sahaja Yogis were speaking by 230 participants, including 20 children, from about Mooladhara Chakra and its deities. It is on this Russia, Ukraine, Beloruss and Tatarstan. It is day that Shri Ganesha appeared in the sky for the pleasant to note that young people made up a rather first time during the Workshop. As for the big proportion of the participants. For nine days Programmes for children, they were arranged Sahaja Yogis were living in the tents in the separately. Acollective shoebeating and two Havans picturesque coner, in the forest beside the lake "Glubokoe" (Deep). The Workshop was conducted bhajans and ragas. Everybody enjoyed very much a in the lap of Prakriti (Nature), Primoridial Mother, seene of Shri Krishna's life played by Sahaja Yogis. were done. Not a single day did pass without songs, that is under favourable conditions for the manifestation of five human elements and their Prolonged Workshops have many advantages. They, interaction with the same five elements of the like ashrams, give an opportunity to manifest, for environment. example, love and colleetivity and not only to talk During the first few days useful talks were delivered Of how important these qualities are. That is by Yuriy Alexandrovich Voronov, Vice-President, something which fully took place at this Workshop. Peter Academy of Science and Arts, who handed over Here, also, as it is in ashram, some camera is keeping the Diploma of an Honorary member of this Academy its gaze fixed on everyone. That is why we should to Shri Mataji last year. Yuriy Alexandrovich made be very particular about the purity of our a great emphasis in his talks on how necessary is it Mooladhara. It is not only our merits which get for Russia, today particularly, to keep good, amicable quickly manifested and exposed, but our demerits relations with India, the country of ancient true as well. At the Kingisepp workshop it has been knowledge and culture. America is doing its best to revealed that certain centers unfortunately appeared impose on Russia its anticulture promoting crimes to have fanatic and heavily possessed people, and immorality, It is high time for us to achieve including those with a history of admissions to proper vision at Hamsa Chakra level, for it is mental hospitals. Some of them are even allowed to extremely important that we, while forgiving lead the Programmes. We accept them because of everybody and "loving our enemies", should not injure our dignity and not compromise. And also while overcoming our ego we should not loose faith having come to Center, is to direct us and to dictate in ourselves without which we cannot have faith in our Holy Mother either and in our Motherland, the benevolence either. Shri Mataji very clearly tells us Land of Russia, bringing forth so many great people how people with such conditions should be treated and saints. our compassion, while the first thing they start doing, us. This kind of compassion is in no way for their (see the previous collection of "Nirmala" Volume: X issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 32 ourselves, not about the mad people who came to Sahaja Yoga because its door is open to everybody. magazines). It is hopeful that we shall manifest vision and turn our compassion from false into true We should also get rid of two enemies: anger and fear. Angry person is always afraid and insecure because he sees himself in others. Agression makes us frightened. Then we also should develop a state of alert to see that we have such feeling: "I am one with the Divine", Shri Mataji also advised us to be not just generous but to enjoy our generosity, for then one. Impeceable were all the arrangements for which huspitable hosts of the Workshop, that is the inhabitants of Kingisepp, were mainly responsible. They are those who take Sahaja Yoga not by the way. That seems to be the reason for which we used to recognize them by smiling, kind, shining faces. we are pouring our love on others. A Guru is Supposed to have a state of maturity which gives self- confidence, confidence in the powers transferred by We were having hot and sunny weather, all the workshop running. And only on the last day but one, affer Shri Krishna Puja, a very heavy rain started (of Shri Mataji. Now we have found the Truth we had course, not by chance) followed by thunderstorms been looking for so many lives and must identify ourselves with it, must become spiritually convinced that we are really spiritual people chosen by the Divine, as the instruments, for spreading Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, we are like seeds fallen on the rock, A Workshop participant of which Christ had parabled. It is high time for us and wonderfully frequent lightnings. Jai Shri Mataji! to use the powers obtained - to become responsible for Sahaja Yoga. Having assumed this kind of position, we should support our leaders but not find faults with them and not complain of them to Shri Mataji, perhaps because of jealosy. Shri Mataji completed Her talk as follows: "So, what is needed now is to raise your awakening, to raise your spirituality, to go into a realm of complete support and surrender to this spontaneous movement of Sahaja Yoga". **** A Guru Puja was done in Italy on the 24th of July, 1994. Shri Mataji delivered a long lecture. She said that She was a Mother, not an austere, stern guru as all the previous and contemporary masters were. So far we have remained Her babies. Now, She for the first time did not hesitate to tell us that we should grow, should mature and that at that Guru Puja we had to achieve a Guru state. She started Her lecture with saying that we should first of all become a witness to ourselves, not to others, worry about Without meditation you don't understand what is best for you. ---------------------- 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-0.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume : X Issue: 7&8 1998 Wins Russtan Hearts Mother s Love "Your beautiful being which is enlightened by the spirit will prove to the world that Sahaja Yoga is the Truth." (Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, Navratri Puja, Cabella Ligure, October 5, 1997) 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-1.txt In this Issue: KIEV Public Proaramme 1 Mitacles in the Sky TOGLIATTI Shaktl Puja Publle Progriamme 7. SANKT PETERSBURG Public Programme MOSCOW Public Programme 15 Russia is a Narrow Gate 18 Medical Conterence 19 Diwal Puje 23 Honorary Membership 27 Shri Mataji about Marriages in Sahaja Yoga 28 News-Letter 31 Edited by :Yogi Mahajan Publishod by: VUI Nalgirkar T62, Munirka Vihar New Delhi-110 067 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-2.txt Volume X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Public Programme KIEV July 28, 1993. bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very And if it is proved then you have to accept it. If you outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. are honest you will accept. Because it is for your We cannot think about it, we cannot change it individual benevolence. It is the benevolence of your and at this human awareness we cannot know it. We country and of the whole world. Because most of all have to know what is the Truth. The Truth is that problems come to us when our centres are out of actually we are not this body, this mind, this ego. order. If some how we can manage to correct these these conditioning but we are pure Spirit. We say: centres then all the problems are solved. So when my body, my conditioning, my ego but who is this "my"? You see all these beautiful flowers. We do bone, triangular bone, is awakened, it passes through not understand or not even think that this is a great six centres ultimnately through the fontanelle bone miracle. It is a miracle that from a small seed these area and connects you to this all pervading power flowers have come out! And the different flowers which does all the living work. from different seeds are so beautiful. Who has Thus your physical problems are cured. Definitely organized this? Who runs our heart? The doctors will say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this there are many doctors who are following Sahaja auto? All these questions start coming into your Yoga. There is a scientific explanation of everything. mind. So we take to various things and try to find an I this Kundalini power, which is resting in the sacrum Sahaja Yoga has cured many inctirable diseases and In Russia we have about two hundred doctors following Sahaja Yoga. answer. Science also has its limitations. And we should understand that it cannot answer many questions. One of them is why are we on this earth? What is our purpose? If science could answer that question it There are other problems within us which are mental. And these are coming out of our overworries and also too much thinking, we get into stress and strain. And many people are also trying to do things which they should not do and they get into lots of mental problems. People become schizophrenic or they become lunatic. All kinds of mental could talk about the Absolute Truth also. But it cannot give these answers. Christ had said that So now we have to look into ourselves and see for ourselves you have to be born how are we here as human beings. We have come they say through evolutionary process. But this is the end of our evolutionary process. Christ said that you have to be born again. All the religions have said the same. But it has to happen. It cannot be just a lecture from me but it is a happening that should take place. So now, today you are all here to know about the are trying to mesmerize people. This morning a subtle centres, the subtle system that is within you. young boy came in my room and he started talking But you have to keep your mind open like scientists. like a mad man. I was really surprised how this young again. problems are there which can be solved through Kundalini awakening. The third problem that comes to us is spiritual because we are seeking, whether we know or not, our spirit. So there are many people nowadays who have come as false and they 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-3.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7& 8 1998 man is so mesmerized. But there are people who try to mesmerize because they want to earn money out of you. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? How much money is required to run this body? To whom are we going to pay? It is spontaneous. Sahaja means born with you. It is built in these flowers that they should sprout, and built in this Mother Earth that they should sprout. So it is built in you. It is your power. This is your right to become the spirit, to solve your physical problems, mental problems and spiritual problems. That's not the only thing that happens. We are human beings and we always try to get to habits which destroy us. All these habits drop out. Because we get wisdom within ourselves And this wisdom cures us. Like if I have a snake in my hand and there is darkness I can't see, and I am obstinate and if somebody says there is a snake I'll not give up. that snake bites me I may not give up. Somehow or other if there is some light and in the light I see it's a snake then I'll throw it away myself, nobody has to tell me. Because you become your own guide. you become your own master. This is enlightenment. As we call in Sanskrit Bodha from where Buddha has come. That don't know how many brothers and sisters you have! There are fifty five nations where Sahaja Yoga is working. And you have brothers and sisters all over the world. It's like anything if it happens to your one finger the whole body reacts. So if anything happens to a gentleman in Ukraine, people may come from America or Germany or from India, from anywhere. Because you know the Absolute Truth. Even small children can tell what's wrong with you. They can also give realization. They are more suited, I think. But we have to know that our innocence is never lost. It is eternal. Only by our mistakes we might have covered it with some clouds. But after you have established your connection with this Divine. power then you are amazed you become an innocent person. You develop your own sensitivity inside to your own peace. You become extremely peaceful. And that peaceful nature of yours will bring forth the future of a new age where there will be no wars. Family is improved, improved everywhere wwe find people like angels. Your attention becomes innocent and very effective. Wherever you pay your attention, it works. Your powers are great which you do not know, and also the knowledge which is the pure knowledge within you that starts manifesting. The whole thing looks fantastic. But you are fantastic. It's like if you take a television in a very remote everything. They know how to raise the Kundalini, village of India and say that you can see films in they know when chakras are in problem, they know this, they say, box, they'll say: "How can we see in This is the Till time of enlightenment of the children are Last Judgement. means you have to feel this Reality. this all pervading power on your Central Nervous System; that you should know everything about it. It is not something secret. There is no secrecy in Sahaja Yoga. Everyone knows everything. That is how a person can give realization, enlightenment to thousand people. This is the time of enlightenment, of the Last Judgement, They call it Kayama in Koran, where it is said that your hands will speak and tell you all about you and about others. This is exactly what happens; on your finger this box all the films?" In the same way we also think we are just boxes. But we are not, you'll be amazed how dynamic we'll become, how compassionate we'll become. So all this is for you and tonight you can have this ascent. Of course you can't pay for it and you don't have to do anything tips you can feel your centres and yoOu can feel the centres of others, about it. It is just all there. After getting realization then, of course, you will have to spend little time in the collective and know all about it. And you have to master it. Anybody can do it. Whether you are educated or uneducated makes no difference. But it's not meant for idiotic people or stupid people, or Thus you develop self-knowledge and also you become collectively conscious. That means a microcosm becomes a macrocosm, means a drop becomes theocean. Then in the whole world you 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-4.txt Volume : X Issue: 7& 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze for people who are very arrogant, or for people who are mesmerized, or who are involved in some stupid organizations. SoI have to tell you that this will take hardly about ten minutes but I cannot force it on you. You should have a pure desire about it. Because I respect your freedom. Those who don't want to have should really leave this place. don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You play into the hands of people who want to trouble you while they are quite happy. You are torturing, yourself for nothing at all. But if you forgive then you feel much lighter. So please, forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Just forgive in general. I tell people that tell all flowers, all the trees that Now there is such a lot of knowledge which Ieannot You are forgiving everyone. tell you in one lecture. But like these lights you have Now the third conditions is that you are to have to just put one switch and they are on. If I have to full confidence in you. Please, do not condemn tell you the history of eleetricity that how it was brought here to Kiev, it will be boring stuff. It's better yourself. Don't believe people who tell you, you are to put the lights on. Because it is built in. There are three conditions which you have to fulfil which confidence in yourself. And that confidence you will are very simple. The first one is that you are not get today, your enlightenment today, your self- to feel guilty at all. After all you are human beings realization today. First, it will happen that you will and only human beings can commit mistakes. You are not God. If you have committed mistakes you state when you will be in the present. We cannot be should face them. But don't put it as a guilt. in the present, we are always in the future or in the Because it spoils this centre (Vishuddhi) here. And past. There you will be in the state of peace, and the centre is very dangerous because it gives you present is the reality. The past is finished, the future disease called Angina. Also it gives you doesn't exist. So you have to be in present. So first spondylitis and lethargic organs. So it is a myth to thing becomes is thoughtless awareness, a new feel guilty. You are human beings, the epitome of dimension in your awareness. Secondly I've told you evolution. So please, do not in any way condemn that you become collectively conscious. You can feel yourself but forgive yourself. Because if this centre is not all right the Kundalini won't rise. yourself. Please, be very pleasantly placed towards sinners. We'll prove that you are not. So have full be aware but there will be no thoughts. That is the this All pervading subtle power on your finger tips. And you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head or the Kundalini coming out of you. Everything can be verified, is absolutely tangible in Sahaja Yoga after realization. The second condition is very simple, you have to forgive everyone. Logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-5.txt Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Miracles in the Sky ome Sahaja Yogis were blessed to see miracles in the sky before the Public Programme in Kiev. They are described by a Kiev Sahaja Yogi as follows: The last preparations for Shri Mataji's arrival were in progress. The musicians performed the first few songs when I heard: "Look, what a nice Kundalini is seen in the sky!" The scene we saw is unlikely to reappear some day. Over the seat prepared for our Mother there appeared at first a beautiful snow-white spiral, that is Kundalini, and then the image of Shri Ganesha (exactly the same we had seen on the slides) and a little bit below Him Shri Hanumana. Shri Hanumana would disappear and quickly here and there, On the right side there was seen a clear cut white cross reappear which soon was replaced by Shri Ganesha, a small cross being on the tip of His trunk. In the middle there was an image of Swastika with one little line missing. Shri Ganesha reappeared for the third time next to the Swastika but this time not in profile. It was not windy but different permutations were taking place in the sky as if it were an animated cartoon film only at a slow rate. Then many images unknown to us started replacing one another. Ultimately we saw a clear-cut circle of the size of a big Moon. Soon inside that circle there appeared a noble male face. "This is Jesus Christ", somebody exclaimed. The image dissolved immediately. Disappointed, I dropped my eyes. Suddenly I heared: "This is Garudra!"" The bird's wings were covered with wavy grey feathers. This image remained longer time than the previous ones. At first the bird was seen in profile, then it turned to the audience and spread its majestic wings in a gesture of welcoming the people. Afterwards there appeared channels, spine, paths and aITOWS which subsequently joined together her to form a sort of Aura over Sahasrara. Then this Sahasrara Iransformed into a white lotus, a gorgeous snow-white lotus pierced through with sunny sparkles. I bent my head for meditation... but at that moment I heard: "Look, there's Shri Lakshmi!" The white lotus was replaced for a female figure having few arms and crown on the head. The image dissolved quickly. All of a sudden we felt strong vibrations on our hands. A thunder of applause was heard, everybody stood up. Our Holy Mother was coming into the stadium. All miraculous permutations and transformations we saw got immediately forgotten by Us. In the sky there was nöt a single cloud, only a mere blueness. AIl attention was on the Mother! 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-6.txt Divine Cool Breeze w Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Shakti Puja TOGLIATTI August 3, 1993. oday it is such a great day for Me to be with you, all again this year. It's so very joyous and full of fragrance. Today we have a human being can be extremely selfish and could only bother about himself and first of all him and then the rest. Also he may spoil his children or spoil her husband or his wife in any way just to pamper their ego. Some people might indulge into alcoholism or drugs or all kinds of things. Also to help their families they may draw other people because they are very self-centered and their vision is very narrow. Sometimes they discover that for those people for whom they are doing wrong things, do not actually bother about them. decided to have a Puja of Shakti that is the power, that is the Devi. You know within us there are many powers of Maha Kali, Maha Sarasvati, Maha Lakshmi, Kundalini. All these powers are there for us to ascent. If these powers are properly used and, understood then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the Kingdom of God, all these powers get enlightened. And these powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with Love. Enlightenment, we have to understand Then there's enlightenment and they see for that we get completely enlightened by Love, So after themselves that whatever I'm doing is neither good enlightenment, after realization we use only one for me nor for my family, nor my relations. After power which is of Love. enlightenment you think collectively Also when you think about your wife and your children, your family, you think what is the right thing for them to do. Immediately you become attentive to their problems and to their destructiveness. Then this power of love changes the whole atmosphere. In the family people see how sacrificing you are and how noble you are. This nobility is seen very clearly among Sahaja Yogis. In that noble understanding of life they try to be extremely patient, sweet in the family and try to bring them to the right path. Shri Rama had two sons : one was Lav and one was Kush, One of them, Lav, came to Russia. That's why you are called as Slavs, means "with love". So Russian people are already are quite full of their heart with love. But once you get your enlightenment you realize that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself. This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment, It's transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: Because of the enlightenment there's detachment. to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, And the power of detached love is the greatest. It's to your intellect, to your ego. And that is how you like the sap in the trees which rises from the Mother develop darkness of many horrible things within yourself. If you are too much attached to your body then you may eat too much or you may not eat at all Or you may exercise toO much or you may workit out for a particular form of your figure. But when one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of you become enlightened and you understand that your body is the temple of God, then you keep your body clean and also you try to avoid all that is destructive for your body. Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn't stay in one flower because it likes it or in the tree, whatever is need, and is not attached. But supPposing il gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf or that flower will also die. So detached love only gives, doesn't expect anything. It is complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything The another attachment we have is very limited, say for your own family, for your children, for your wife, for your husband, something like that. Despite that 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-7.txt Valume: X Issue : 7&8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the the people who are in trouble, who are suffering, who politics, especially, one country believes that they need help and with this attention, which is so must hate another country, they are born for that. enlightened, you can solve their problems sitting Because hundred years back some quarrel took pace down here. With such pcople there's no need to have or a war took place, so the children are still fighting any wars, no need to have any weapons, no needs to among themselves. You'll be amazed that when I first have any boundaries. If Russians go to India, they came to Russia, 25 German Sahaja Yogis rushed to fel India as their country, if Indians come to Russia help me here. Instead of bearing that malice in their they think Russia their own country. So who will hearts, as their forefathers had killed so many of fight? There's no one to whom you can really say: Russians, they felt it was their greatest duty to go "He is my enemy", because everybody is part and and do some service for the Russians. So all the parcel of your being. These are the special times, I hatred changes into this powerful Love. This power call them the Blossom time when too many of Love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga are there who are seeking the Truth. And their we have to use only our power of Love. It's the most fragrance is their love. And they have all to become powerful, effective weapon that we have. Because fruits now. And this is what is going to happen as this is Divine Love. We are getting the source of these times are very, very important. In all the Divine Love from the all pervading power of God's religions they are described. We don't hate anyone Love. They say that God is Almighty. Then who can because we believe in one religion or another be more powerful than God? And if we are connected religion. On the contrary, we believe in all the with God Almighty, who could be mightier than us? religions. This is the power by which a drop becomes In His Love He protects us, He gives us whatever the ocean and individual becomes the collective. we want, He blesses us and He makes us enjoy So all vour powers that are there are enlightened by ourselves. His government is the most efficient one the all pervading power. It transforms you and it has and is very quick and very fast. flowers such a beautiful, delicate way of handling everything. Today only when I was coming, one of the Sahaja The only thing that is needed is faith in this power Yogis eame and said, "Mother it is t may rain." And when I came out after five minutes I Love is going to give you whatever you want. And found the whole sky is cleared out. So all these five there is such a power, All pervading power! There is elements also are at the disposal of the children no doubt about it! And we have to just accept it with of God. Even the cruellest of the cruel person our open heart that it fills it and makes us a great melts down and comes to the humble personality. So there's no competition, there's no understanding of this power. No one can harm ambition, there's no jealousy, nothing of the kind you. And anybody who tries to harm you becomes The only desire then left is that I am enjoying myself, melted away. There are so many miracles that in let others also enjoy. People go out of the way to this short speech I won't be able to tell you all of spread Sahaja Yoga. They work very hard, travel with them. But you'll find it in your life itself, how this very little money, they try to convince people, do all power of Love, that you have within your heart, has kinds of things for no monetary gain. But the greatest protected you. I have seen people who are very hot joy is when you see that you have raised the tempered, who are angry type and who are all the time making other's life miserable, become realization. That light of your faces I have seen many extremely beautiful, nice people. With this Light of times. Let this Love grow more and more! Love you love yourself in the right way and give up They asked me, why of all the places I came to all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This Love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence houses you have but for my children who are here. in the collectivity of human beings. Because it's the Spirit which enlightens all your power. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the wworld. When your attention goes to all and to have Love for others, and this cnlightened very cloudy, it Kundalini of another person and given him self- Togliatti. Not for Volga, not for these beautiful May God bless you! 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-8.txt Divine Cool Breeze Voluma: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Public Programme TOGLIATTI August 4, 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to end the miseries of this world. We cannot avoid wars. know that Truth is what it is- we cannot We can not avoid poverty and all kinds of diseases. change it and also we cannot think about it. Now this power about which I'm talking to you is Unfortunately we cannot know it also. Something within you. For example this instrument, if it is not has to happen, that we have to go inward. And this happening is Sahaja. Sahaja means spontancous. It means born with you, It is born with you It is a right same way unless and until we are connected to this every human being has a right. connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the Now what is this all pervading Divine power? You see there are so many beautiful flowers. Who gives us these beautiful flowers? Who runs our heart? Who does all the living work? The science cannot answer this question. The science cannot answer why are we on this Earth. So we have to find the answers. And for these answers we have to be connected to So something has to happen by which we can turn our attention inside. Everyone of you has the right to become the Spirit by which we become the citizens of God's Kingdom. Unless and until we become the Spirit, our attention remains outside. We say: our body, my body, my hands, my nose, my emotions, intelligence, my ego, my conditioning. But who this All pervading power of Divine Love. For that within us is placed the power which we call as Kundalini. It is the power which is placed in the triangular bone called sacrum. That means the my is this "my", to whom does that belong? That is the Spirit. It owns all these things. It watches everything. Whatever we are doing it's just a spectator of that. But unless and until we have wisdom, we start doing Greeks knew that sacrum is the sacred bone, that's things which are destructive to our lives. Thus we why they called it sacrum. harm ourselves. We suffer physically by getting into So all of you have got this power. And all of you diseases, mentally by becoming disturbed or sometimes even mad. And also spiritually we suffer power. Now this Divine power is the ocean of when we go to wrong places. So for this we have to knowledge. Whatever we know is just a tip of an become the Spirit because we're in the darkness. We iceberg, as they say. But after getting this connection are in ignorance and we don't know what is right through the light of our spirit, we can find out about and what is wrong. The other day somebody told me everything. At that time we feel our fingers get have the full right to hecome one with this Divine that there's some false guru who is saying that this world is going to come to end. Without even asking: enlightened. And they start informing us about "How do you know?", people just jump in it. They everything we want to find out. As whatever accept it and get so frightened that they become mad. We should find out: "How do you say? What is the enlightened, they don't have to dispute it. It is just way to know the Truth, the Absolute Truth?" For the same. So there cannot be any argument. Then example, we say that Christ was the Son of God. He was. No doubt. But there is no proof, So all the enlightenment. It enlightens our attention. By that churches are weakened, nobody goes to church. How our attention becomes absolutely innocent. Our to prove that Christ was the son of God? Many people innocence is never lost. It is all there. Some clouds don't even believe in God. Because it can not be might have come over. But they just get removed proved. We have to prove it. Now the time has come and our eyes and our mind become innocent. Our for us to prove everything. information comes to these people whose fingers are one has to understand that the Spirit is the source of attention becomes devoid of all lust and greed. If Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth we should Moreover when this power of Kundalini passes get to the Spirit. If in ignorance we remain, we cannot through your 6 centres, it nourishes them. It 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-9.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & B 1998 integrates. By that you feel integrated. By the Why should we suffer? God Almighty is your Father. nourishment you solve your health problems and He is the ocean of compassion. Which father would your mental problems and your emotional problems. When the Kundalini rises she passes through the six the name of God. But just enter into the Kingdom of centres, above this is actually the seventh centre God. There you become so joyous, so happy. You through which she comes out and gives you the have got your brothers and sisters all over the world. actualization of baptism. It is not just a ceremony or Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 55 countries. Anywhere a lecture, but it's a happening, it's an actualization. you go, they will recognize you. They will And when it happens you yourself can feel the Cool immediately know that you are Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Yogi means a person who has got enlightenment and Primordial Mother. Unfortunately in the Bible there's the one who knows how to give enlightenment to no mention about it. Even the Mother of Christ is others and to raise Kundalini. But he should be the not mentioned with respect. The reason may be that grown up person. Then he should have all the Paul who edited the Bible didn't like women. By knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. There's no mystery showing no respect for women, women in the West in Sahaja Yoga. There's no compulsion in Sahaja have become extremely insecured. And they take to Yoga. But freedom with wisdom. When freedom is áll kind of things, make themselves so cheap, there and no wisdom, people go amok, they go nad. sometimes it's so surprising. They're all the time This is what is happening in the West. I don't know trying to compete with men and want to get out of how they are going to get out of their shocks, unless their houses. But it is not so. Woman is the potential and until they come to Sahaja Yoga. like this Mother Earth. She is the power. But if you I'm very happy that I'm in Togliaätti because there like his children to suffer?You shouldn't suffer in don't respect the women, they don't become respectable. are so many Sahaja Yogis here. This must be some special place that people are so sensitive to So this is the Primordial Mother. You have Father, spirituality, that the people are so sensitive to Sahaja the God Almighty, and you have got the Son. But Yoga, that they have taken to spirituality so fast. who is the Mother? There has to be a Mother. And wonder how Togliatti himself when he came from this Mother is the Primordial Mother. Thus by Italy to this place to start this factory here, he must showing the dove you cannot say She is the Holy have felt the vibrations, perhaps. Now you have to grow in Sahaja Yoga, in collective. I know you all will get your realization, those who have not got. But you must grow. And growth is only ascends. But it doesn't explain that it is the Primordial Mother. So refleetion of the Primordial Mother is the Kundalini. And reflection of the God Almighty nossible if vou come to the collective. Like one nail is the Spirit. So when they meet you become an evolved person. Then you become a person who is organism. And that is how you grow in collective. an enlightened person. This is a very easy thing to But those who have grown and who are realized souls happen. You don't have to do anything about it. It's absolutely the living process of evolution for which now, very well know about Sahaja Yoga, must go all you cannot pay. You cannot pay for God, He doesn't person is capable of giving realization to thousands. understand mIoney. He doesn't understand banks. It's the headache of the human beings. And God has no interest in money at all. So those people who are telling you that you must pay because this world is help others to gain in their health. And it's very which is cut out cannot grow. Sahaja Yoga is a living out, out of Togliatti and spread Sahaja Yoga. One You have the power. You have got it now. So as you are enjoying it, you should make others also enjoy it. As you have gained in your health you must also ending or all that, be careful. simple. So I leave it to you now to spread Sahaja Yoga all over the places near Togliatti as far as you could go. And there's nothing to argue about it. Just give them realization. And even the mafia people will come round. You try. It is, as I told you, your right to have this realization. This is your own power. This is your own Spirit. And then you'll be amazed that the same Spirit is the source of joy. You don't have to suffer. It's a wrong idea that you must suffer. Christ has already suffered for you and we are going to suffer more than He? May God bless you 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-10.txt Volume X Issue:7 & B 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Sankt Petersburg Public Programme July 31, 1993. FIRST DAY So, this happening has to take place. Unless and until this happening takes place whatever we believe into is not going to convince us ultimately. So, there is a power, is your own power in your sacrum bone which is awakened and that gives you the actualization of your baptism. It is the actualization that is important, it is the becoming that is important. bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very beginning we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it or we cannot also feel it at this human awareness. The time has come for all of us to know the Absolute Truth. Unless and until we know the Absolute Truth we cannot understand the different kinds of problems that are existing on this Earth. Whatever I am going to tell you, you have to listen to me with an open mind of a scientist. You need not blindly accept whatever I say. But if it is proved then you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence. It is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. We believe in many things, but we have not yet established it as Truth. For example, Christ was the Son of God, but it is not proved. So, some people can say: "How do you say, he was Son of Now the second Truth means that there is All pervading power of Divine Love which does all this living work like these flowers You see these flowers They are all miracles, aren't they? Who runs your heart? The doctors will say it is Autonomous nervous System. But who is this "Auto"? So, even science cannot answer this question. Science cannot say why are you on this Earth. It cannot give you a purpose of life. So, we have to turn inward. But if I say that you put your attention inside, you cannot So, this happening takes place where this Kundalini awakens and passes through six centres. It nourishes all your centres. By which so many of your physical, mental, God?" So, the time has come to prove everything that is described in the scriptures and to understand that all emotional and spiritual problems are solved. the scriptures were written by great prophets, seers I was at Kiev and I met many Sahaja Yogis and and incarnations. They said the same things. And Sahaja Yoginis. Some of them told me that they have once we know it as the truth, when we understand it been taking medicines for twenty five years but they perfectly well, then there is no difference at all. So have not touched it after this happening. They are at human awareness we still have not known the here. And they also were so happy about it. Some of Absolute Truth as a fact. But our Creator, our Father, them have cured other people. It is not only physical the God Almighty has made all arrangements within problems that trouble us. also there are so many ourselves. There is a subtle system which is created incurable discases which no one can cure. They are within us in our evolutionary process. And this system is the one which gives us the absolute disturbed who are mental patients, who are lunatics. knowledge. The truth is that you are not this body, There are many who suffer from epilepsy. In India mind, ego or your conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. But you are to be born again. Like a bird, it's Sahaja Yoga cures patients. So, you also know first an egg and then it becomes a bird. You cannot everything as to what is the problem with you, also certify yourself as "born again" or something that "you are great" because we are all the same. When to cure yourself and cure another person. And also you are born again then you develop a new you know who is a real person and who is not. awareness, you develop a different state of existence. Everything is open in Sahaja Yoga, which is Divine Like, an egg is nothing and the bird can fly science. And you start working it out very well everywhere. also cured. Then there are people who are mentally three doctors have got their MD in showing how what is the problem with others. Also you know how knowing everything that you are doing. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-11.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 10 The other day a boy came from somewhere and started shouting at me. And he was completely mesmerized. He did not know what he was doing. Somebody has just mesmerised him and he was just shouting at me. I didn't understand what he was saying also. He was very violent. Then some people go on saying mantras. It's all madness. They have no powers, they have no understanding, they are just like people who have been told to say things like a parrot. What a waste of human being! Actually human beings are the epitomes of evolution. They are the most precious thing that God has created. But they have not known their own value. So they go to such people. give them money and get mesmerised. in every person it is the same reflection. In the light of the Spirit everybody sees the same thing. They feel the same thing. On their finger tips they can feel this All pervading power as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, Also they can feel the centres, their own centres and the centres of others. So, they can also feel the Absolute knowledge. Supposing you want to ask about Christ now: "Was Christ the Son of God?" Immediately you start getting cool breeze in your hands. You ask about some satanic person, and immediately you start feeling the tingling or may also sometimes blisters might come. Even you can find out about the diseases others have or the problems others have on their centres. be In the light of the Spirit your attention gets enlightened. When you see sommeone, normally you don't understand the relationship between that person. But when the Kundalini rises she manifests When this Kundalini rises, she connects you to this All pervading power of Divine Love. Yoga means this connection. And Sahaja, "Saha" means "with", "ja" is "born". Means she is born with you with the right to be united to this Divine power. As soon as it innocence within you. Innocence within us is never lost. it is eternal. But there are some Spirit is the source of absolute happens your Spirit comes into your attention. clouds created over the knowledge. innocence by our mistakes. But So, the first thing that happens to you is that you stand in your present. Generally you live in the past or in the future. But when this Kundalini rises, she creates a after the manifestation of the It is the reflection Spirit's light your attention becomes innocent. You don't have lust and greed in your attention. Your temper subdues, of God Almighty. your attachments, nonsensical attachments all drop out. All the bad habits which are destroying space in between these thoughts and there are no thoughts. You are fully awarc but there are no thoughts. This is what we call as thoughtless you also drop out. Example is like this: Supposing awareness. When you become thoughtlessly aware then you find peace within your heart. You become halding a snake in my hand. If you tell me that there absolutely peaceful and witness the whole world as a drama. You are out of problems. So, you can see them and you are no more frightened. And with the blessing of the Divinity you solve your problems. If Same way we understand through our wisdom that you ask the Sahaja Yogis, they will tell you how these are all destructive things and we also have many blessings they have. They used to write to me: "Mother, I have this blessing, that blessing". So, I Thus a human being starts transforming. His told one gentleman to write about these blessings. awareness widens into collective consciousness, like He told me after a month that he has already got up to his head, so many papers. "Which ane should I say the drop becomes the ocean. We all feel we write?" I said: "Forget it". there is darkness and I am an obstinate person is a snake, I may not believe you till the snake bites Imie, But if there is a little light I can see the snake. And nobody has to tell me, I just drop it out. In the power to throw it away. So. 1 the microcosm becoming the macrocosm. Or we can belong to one living organism. living body. If one finger is touched or is hurt then the whole body pays attention to it. So, you feel the whole world is your But the Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge. It is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart. And 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-12.txt Voelume: X Issue : 7 & B 1998 11 Divine Cool Breeze Own. When I first came here, twenty five Germans collective consciousness. All this you feel on your Sahaja Yogis came. I've never ealled them, they came Central Nervous System. In Sanskrit we call it as on their own. They said: "Mother, we have to do this for Russians because our forefathers have harmed So the person who is realized soul is Buddha. them so much". So you have brothers and sisters in So today I think I'll tell you actually how it works love everywhere. And the relationship between each other also becomes very pure. In Sahaja Yoga we red one as you see it. And this first center is don't have people who run away with somebody's responsible for our innocence. So, yesterday I told Boddha. From where the world Buddha has come. on our centers. The first center that we have is the wife or somebody's husband. They become like angels. The greatest thing is that you become the source of joy but also everyone who gets realization penetrates into our attention. Thus we become becomes a source of joy. And so the ocean of joy is there is no lust. We become like children. Christ has created, And everybody swims in the ocean of joy. said that vou have to become like children to enter Then you don't have to suffer for this. You have not to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. You don't have to pay for it. How much did we pay to the Mother Earth for giving us these flowers? There is no obligation. Because it is your own power and is built in within you and you get your realization. Once you are enlightened you can enlighten so many. You get the powers yourself. The whole thing looks fantastic! If this instrument you that our innocence is never destroyed. And it innocent and in our attention there is no greed and into the Kingdom of God. So all the cunningness that we have picked up through our mental activities just drops off. And our innocence then protects us. It guides us. And it looks after us in such a way that we know what is right, what is wrong. In no way we try to do anything that will harm us or destroy us. We Christ has said that you have to become like children to enter respect our chastity. And we become very powerful and self- respected, The another side that it works in a very beautiful into the is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. Unless and until Kingdom of God manner is that our whole attitude towards life becomes extremely innocent. We have child like joy. we are connected to the mains we have no meaning, we have no identity. The second center that we have So, why have we come on the Earth? To enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy all His blessings, His protection and His love. I am sure this will happen here tonight. You all will get is called as Swadhisthana. This is the centre of our creativity, I see now in Russia a lot of artists, painters, sculptors, and they produce beautiful paintings out of their own creativity. But your realization. those paintings or those art works may not be of universal nature. Whatever is done by Germans may not be liked by Italians, whatever is done by Italians may not be liked by Russians. But whatever art is Yesterday I told you how we find Absolute Truth. existing today after so many years, is the art created And there is already a very subtle system within us by the realized souls. So, say, Mona Liza, which you which works it out and we jump into the awareness know of, everybody appreciates, because it has of the Spirit. Also I told you that Spirit is the source vibrations. If you go to Sistine Chapel you will find there a very beautiful Kundalini and Christ standing attention, makes us innocent and our attention there beautifully and the whole thing is just becomes active. And it is the source of joy within absolutely fantastic. Because Michaelangelo did it, he was a realized soul. But he suffered a lot. People new awareness of thoughtless awareness. And didn't understand him. Here you have 26 paintings another dimension in your awareness is that of of Rembrandt and from all over the world people SECOND DAY August 1, 1993. of Absolute Truth. It, when manifested in our oursclves. Also with this happening you develop a 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-13.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 12 7 & 8 1998 come to see him. That's how we have also very great So when this center is awakened a person becomes musicians like Mozart. Like Strauss, he had written a satisfied soul. And then he starts going into new very beautiful thing "Good bye, Petersburg". So direction of seeking. He now doesn't care so much all these musicians were realized souls. Thus there for money or worldly things. He starts thinking there were also great writers in your country. So many of must be something beyond. Then a new category of them have written beautiful books that you can make human beings are born, which are called as seekers out. In Russia we had lots of people who wrote such of truth, as you people are. So a new kind of channel spiritual books where they showed the introspection what you call as the central channel gets awakened of the different characters. They have told that there and people start seeking. is the big celebration day of a great saint, who was All over the world people are secking. But in Russia in your country. They also said it looked like me. It was nice to hear that today is that day. So these saints and all these people really got the Divine Creativity in their lives. And they became great prophets and people are evolved and they know what is to be sought or they are sensitive to Truth. The same way in Ukraine, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland and also Hungary, everywhere I found people are very seers, There are many great seers who have written about Sahaja Yoga, that this would happen. There is William Blake in England. In India we had many people, who have predicted about Sahaja Yoga Rabindranath Tagore also has written about Sahaja Yoga. In the ancient times there have been very clear predictions as to when Sahaja Yoga will start, when people will get their realizations, in a book called "Nadi Grantha. sensitive to Truth. Now somebody asked me a question yesterday: "What do you think about these people singing: Hare Rama, hare Krishna?" I mean only stupid people can become that. You see, by saying: "Hare Rama, Hare Krishna", how can you reach a new dimension of human awareness? Innocence 1 within us THI is never lost. Krishna in his Gita never said $0. All stupid ideas or by reading Gita, by reading Koran, by reading do you think you will ascend? It is like this that " It is eternal. This is a center which we use very much when we think. And this thinking becomes minimum when this centre is enlightened. Physically also it helps us a lot to cure so many diseases that we have. If this center is enlightened, then liver trouble, pancreas with diabetes, leukemia, constipation, kidney – all these problems are solved. supposing a doctor says that you take anacin for your headache, a prescription he gives you. And you go on reading: "Take Anacin, take Anacin". Will your headache be over? You are to take the medicine. There is no logic in just reading, reading, reading and knowing Then we have the third center or we can call it the everything by heart. Any wise person can understand second, because from the second the Swadhistana this. Then Krishna never said that you should live comes out. So the center which I'm talking about is called as Nabhi Chakra which is working out on the wealth, Kubera. And his one friend was very poor, physical side on the solar piexus. This Nabhia chakra when it is in problem gives you all kinds of stomach anyone take the name of Shri Krishna and behave problems, up to, we can say, the stomach cancer. But like beggars? This is just the opposite of what when it is enlightened, then you get rid of the physical problems of this chakra. Now the problems So there are many others like that, but I think, they caused by taking too much of alcohol or too much of drugs which has spoiled this chakra also get all lot of money in America to them and they are right. Some of the people suffer from too much greed spending money here. So people started going to of eating. And some of them just don't want to eat. like a beggar. Actually he is regarded as God of so he made a house for him out of gold. How can Krishna is. came here, brought some food and somebody gave a them. But they don't know anything about Kundalini, 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-14.txt Divine Cool Breeze # Volume: X Issue: 7 & B 1998 13 they don't know anything about chakras, they don't know how to raise the chakras, nothing. Also they were caught for keeping drugs and taking away small children in America. I really feel ashamed the way they beg on the streets in the name of Shri Krishna, who is the Lord of Wealth. After that, is the center what you call as a Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem of Russians and Ukrainians. So much so that I also got this problem from the collective. As a result we develop angina, spondylitis and so many lethargic organs. We become very depressed and also then we become sly. On the right side we become very agressive. We talk very loudly and shout at people, get very angry and annoyed. Even some children could be very rude and arrogant. And they may go and ask me question after question. All these things come from your right Vishuddhi. But when it is awakened then you become a very sweet person . You become very collective. You see other Sahaja Yogis as your own. And you want to give what you have got to others. You want to communicate. You are not satisfied only by getting your self-realization, but you think, that you should spread now. We have got such a precious thing, we must spread it. So in the west many are lost like this. And I don't know what to say about them because they have become bankrupt giving money to all these people, and absolutely like lunatics. There is another horrible thing called TM (Transcendental Meditation), which has not come here I hope. There they took 6 thousand pounds to make people raise their body about 3 feet over the ground. In Russia nobody would accept such a nonsense. What is the need? But by jumping like that their bottoms were broken and TM people have to compensate. So from your innocence you develop your wisdom. And you understand who is sensible and non-sensible. Then the most important center, Agnya, is the sixth center. It is placed on the Optic Chiasma where the optic nerves cross each other, Now when we are on the left Agnya we are affected very much on our eyes. Our eyes can become big and may be our eyes might have a short sight. But left Agnya is crossed in the people, who are lunätics, who are mad. So this left Agnya is a suggestion that there is some sort of a possession on the person. It might be somebody through eyes can mesmerize, or may be through Swadhistana can mesmerize, and may make you really mad. Like the other day I saw a disciple of this lady Mariya Devi Christos. The disciple was completely possessed. Very aggressive and he was saying just something which nobody understood. He ended up as mad man, that's all. So one has to be very careful as to what guru you have been going, Then you have another center here, which we call as the center heart, which has also got left and right side. When the center heart is in trouble, one develops insecurity, specially ladies if their center heart is in trouble, if they are insecure they develop breast cancer. If the right heart is in trouble, then you develop diseases like Asthma. And the left side when it is in trouble you develop heart troubles. But when the center heart is enlightened then you develop your security. The antibodies in your body, which fight the diseases, become very alert. Till the age of twelve years the antibodies are created below sternum, and after that they are spread in the whole body. And this sternum, like a remote control, acts to inform the antibodies to fight the attack. Because when we are frightened, suddenly our heart starts beating speedily and your sternum starts moving. what books you have been reading, because this all can cause this left Agnya and left Swadhistana. So this sense of security is built up within us when this center is enlightened. You don't have any fear any more. You don't aggress any one, but you become dynamic without any fear. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. Your concern moves from yourselves to others and you just feel the love for other people.And other people who were once upon a time your enemy, may be frightened of you, may be afraid of you, become great friends. Suddenly you find that all your enemies become friends. If you are aggressive, you become extremely gentle and But if the left Agnya is enlightened then you start seeing the vibrations with the naked eyes. You also see the light on a person who is a realized soul. They have shown you the film. I think the cameras have their left Agnya enlightened. There was one man in India who was producing diamonds this, that. And the stupid people thought him to be God. He used to mesmerize people and nobody could see. About few months back very big people from the government went there. And there were four cameras. He mild. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-15.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 mesmerized these big people, but he could not correcting everybody, controlling everybody and you mesmerize the cameras. So the cameras caught him how he took the gold necklace from another man, how he brought it and how he gave it. And we have imbalance in anyone of these chakras is extremely a tápe of that, I have a tape. So this is how the dangerous. cameras are wonderful! The films mostly I've seen Now the last center which we call as Sahasrara. are taken by very ordinary people, some are by There are thousand petals as they say. In the Bible it children. And it cannot be explained. So with the left Agnya you start seeing a person whether he is a of flames. So in Sahasrara when it is enlightened saint or not. You can make out if a person is false or real, And your behaviour becomes extremely majestic and decent. You don't behave like a mad never enjoy anything. And nothing goes into your head, Ultimately what we find is that any kind of is written that I will appear before you like tongues these nerves which are one thousand (doctors say it is nine-hundred and eighty eight, but they are one thousand) get enlightened and just like, we can say, person. Your talk, everything becomes very decent. the flames. They shine in many colours of the Even your music, even your jumping, even your rainbow. But they are very soothing, they are very dance, everything becomes very decent. There is no cooling Just the opposite of these flames. And shouting, there is no acrobats, but just expression of then it starts that Kundalini enters inside it, the brain your enjoyment. What is very penetrating is left opens up like this at the fontanelle. Agnya. Small children specially know it better. I know of a child who just went to one lama and told Sothe knowledge that we have is relative knowledge. him, "You äre not a realized soul, you have no business to sit here and ask everybody to bow to you." So immediately one can find out who is a your Sahasrara, you become extremely hypocrite. Also we have very little and limited knowledge. But when this happens, because the Grace also falls on knowledgeable. You start grasping subtle things very fast. Normally you cannot grasm subtle things. Of course you become very peaceful and joyous, your nerves start emitting vibrations and you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. Sahasrara was Now front Agnya is also very important. When we don't forgive people it goes into problems. When we think too much also it brings problems. When we think too much it attacks our conscious mind. You the main problem. Now it has opened. And that's why think like mad. Over-activity of the mind. Such this work of our enmasse realization is taking place. people feel the apathy. And now new diseases have cCome, where people become just reptiles, like fishes. 1 have tried to tell you in short about these different big fishes. They can't move their hands, they can't centers. The quality of Sahasrara is that you know move their legs, only the brain is working. They ean't The Absolute Truth on your finger tips. And this is walk, they are carried like big reptiles. It is very the great, I should say, an event in your life, that you common now in America. So too much thinking, too get your self-realization, a second birth, actually. It much futuristic attitude spoils your Agnya. Then you is not just a sermon or a lecture. You get it and you create a very aggressive temperament. Hitler had a very bad right Agnya and right side. They say that of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God and Dalai Lama was his guru. They are very much right 10 enjoy His blessings without thinking about it. sided and aggressive. So when you have the right side especially the Agnya, then you become extremely rude, arrogant and egoistic. You start can feel it and you can work it out. So the purpose May God bless you! 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-16.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volurne: X Issue:7&8 1998 15 Public Programme Moscow August 6, 1993. bow to all seekers of Truth. At the very outset people who are just mad and want you to be mad. Like there is some lady, I am told who says that on we cannot change it, we cannot transform the 24th November everybody is going to be it. Unfortunately we cannot know it also at human destroyed; this world is going to be destroyed. One awareness. If we had known the Absolute Truth, then would really laugh at such a nonsense. But you do there would not have been any problems, whatsoever, not know this is a big danger. Because some sort of a position in the head of a person comes and says that we all would be destroyed. We too had one with the All pervading power of Love. Without doing gentleman in India about 40 years back or may be more who has been saying this. He is dead, and still a happening, spontancous happening. We can call it they are saying but nothing is destroyed. In America a living process of our evolution. So there is there was one gentleman who started this kind of something more that has to happen to us to reach nonsense and mesmerized many people who joined that state. And this is the special time that this is him, specially young people, and he told them that going to happen to all of you. By this happening we everybody would be destroyed on such and such date. should know that the first thing that happens to you. But nobody was destroyed. So he put the whole place I we haye to understand that Truth is what it is for us. You have only heard that there is a very subtle instrument within us which works out our connection that we cannot know what is the Truth.Actually it is is that you improve in your health and your health into fire, put the fire there and he saw to it that problems are solved. There are many people sitting children, women, all of them were killed, just to here whose health problems were solved after prove his own prophecy, so called. So what is the coming to Sahaja Yoga. This is the first reason why gain of these people I don't understand. They want Sahaja Yoga came to Russia. to make money, or they want to kill people? Is it For this you don't have to pay. These people don't that Hitler has gone into their heads, or some sort of understand that God doesn't know anything about funny idea which is working in their head that they money. They also think that they can purchase God. It is absolutely a wrong idea. To be very truthful I must tell you that God doesn't know what money is compassion and love. He has created this world with and bank is. Like these flowers you see here, they are just miracles from the Mother Earth. How much world to be destroyed and you people to be do we pay to the Mother Earth? This is a living want this world to be destroyed? I assure you that your Father, the God Almighty is the ocean of great care. And he has creaäted you also with very great care and delicate love. How will He allow this destroyed? How can any father do that to his own process. And all of you as human beings have a full right to achieve this state. There are also mental cases which have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. This is children? One has to understand that there is some sort of a madness about it or some sort of a maniac who is doing all thee horrible things. So please try to protect your children. There have been so many like this. From 1970 I've been telling about these horrible people, how they are trying to use simple All these happenings have been predicted in most of faithful people for their own purposes. Now most of the scriptures. We, human beings, have been fighting them have been exposed, luckily. But still there are with each other, not understanding each other some like mushrooms coming out here and there. creating problems with each other, because we do Anybody who tells you stories like this, don't believe not know the Absolute Truth. And we start believing such a person. Or else who asks money and takes your own power. It's your own, work it out. This is within you. This is just to be awakened. And once you are awakened, you can awake other people. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-17.txt Issue 7 Divine Cool Breeze Voluma: X Issue: 7 & 8 199s 16 money from you for the God's work, please know that he is a cheat. How much money did you give to Christ? On the contrary he was sold for 30 roubles. So all such stupid people who go on saying things like these should not be followed. Use your wisdom mesmerize them. For example, in India there was one gentleman who used to mesmerize people and give them gold diamond, this, that. Some important people went to see that fellow. And there were four cameras, you see, just like this. And it's very So what the real Guru should tell you? The real $urprising that he mesmerized these important person will say that you have to know the Truth, that people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. And you have to become one with the All pervading in the cameras they found out how he was playing Divine Power of Love, that real one will put complete these tricks. And of course everybody knows about confidence in you and love. So that you can be saved and all your problems could be solved. The first thing careful, because you have all the properties, all the that should happen is that you should get your peace qualities and all the powers within yourself. Now of mind. If your guru is telling you that you'll be finished on such and such date, how can you have peace of mind. Sometimes they are cxtremely dangerous. But if you read about any real saints the y will tell you that it is your goal in life to be one with Đeings are much more evolved than any animal the Divine. If they are real saints and truthful they whatsoever. This power that is within you when it will always tell you that you have to become the germinates or when it is awakened then you are Spirit. They'll never tell you that you'll be destroyed amazed how it transforms your whole life style. but will say you'll be resurrected. We are here in this Apart from your health, from your mental conditions, world to be resurrected. The message of Christ's life it is a blissful state, where you are completely aware, is that we have to be resurrected. So these ideas you are not mesmerized by any chance. Not only which are being given to you, please be very careful aware but you know how powerful you are within. about them. From 1970, I've been telling their names. You have to only know how to grow in your I've been telling about them, each one of them. I've spirituality and how to use this power. This power been telling who they are. Some of them are like that is within you was known to many people before. Rasputin, some of them are devils, some of them But there was no such mass resurrection. But this is satanic people, some are sadists. They have nothing aspecial time, I call it a blossom time, when you get to do with God. One has to see that once you your self-realization. There is no religion in it. We understand what is their value, what is their role, don't say: "Don't do this, don't do that"-nothing what is their identity, then only such a person should of the kind. There is no ritual. It's absolutely a be accepted as a master. Not the guru that goes on seientific thing that is within you. This power you taking out somebody's posters and like a mad can sometimes see also with your naked eyes violently running all, making everybody run all over pulsating. And you can verify it because it comes the places. Or on the road you see some people saying out of your fontanelle bone area, you can feel the some mantras or singing some mad like songs or cool breeze coming out of your head. You can feel it wearing funny dresses. By changing your dress you on your finger tips. And once you start using it you are not changing inside. Unless this transformation are amazed: you can feel another person's centers comes through, you cannot get over your weakness. because you develop a new dimension in our Your problems cannot be solved. You can never understand why you are on this Earth. What is the you have got a new dimension called "collective purpose of your life? Why have you come here? conscienceness". Moreover then you start feeling as Because you are seekers, because you are secking if we are all part and parcel of one. It is not just a something higher you might be jumping into some mental or emotional idea but it actually is that a nonsense. And I'm quite worried because it is a threat microcosm becomes macrocosm. to you people especially Moscow people who are In the whole world, now, there are 55 nations who very simple. They are very wise, but still they might are doing Sahaja Yoga. In Russia only one place be deluded by people who are just trying to it now. So all this kind of nonsense you have to be the main understanding is that we are not created to be wasted. You are human beings, epitome of the evolution. Sometimes people think that animals are better than human beings. That means that hunan awareness. You can feel it and the person because Togliatti we have 22 thousands Sahaja Yogis, They 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-18.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X lssue: 7& 8 1998 17 percent is a divorce. They become very soft, kind, gentle with each other. Moreover they enjoy each other's company, Now as you drop out all your bad habits of drinking, smoking, drugs, you save moncy. You save money also otherwise because so much money of the government is wasted in looking after people for there is mafia controlling them; but all this can be corrected with Sahaja Yoga. Even mafia people can be mellowed down. It's such a power, are not only realized souls but they know what it is, they know the power. It's all tangible, can be explained medically, scientifically. It is Metascience. But it is so simple, so easy because it deals with fundamentals within us. I have to just tell you that this happening is absolutely without any problem. For Russians specially, I think it's very creditable because they are very evolved people. Western people are that way not so wise. power of compassion and love. So national money is also not wasted because people become very good I went to America specially to Boston and the television people asked me how many Rolls Royces I have. Such stupid things they asked me that I gave Citizens. Even politicians become nice. They not only up. I just said: "What they are seeking Rolls Royces become wise but they drop selfishness. And or they are seeking their spirit?" It's very difficult everything seems to be a sort of Kingdom of Heaven. to deal with stupid people. That's why my heart is in There was something good about communism, that Russia and in Ukraine. It's the greatest pleasure to because of anti-rationalism and anti-fundamentalism. come to these countries of Russia and Ukraine and And Democracy has good thing that one has freedom. to meet the people who are so wise. And who are so All these three things happen to you. You transcend loving. You still have maintained such values. Thank above your race, transcend above any God, that there are people here who can understand fundamentalism and you become a free bird, their own preciousness. These promises to you: good absolutely a free bird. But then you use your freedom health, and also work and prosperity. How? Now only for your good, for your construction, never for will tell you that if you become a realized soul these your destruction. But normally people use their énergies start flowing through your hands. Now if Ireedom only for destruction. In the west that is you use these vibrations which are coming out of nappening. It is the darkness, it is the ignorance your hands and vibrate water you'll be surprised that WHich has brought all these problems to us. But once your agriculture will grow ten times more. And Indian cows start giving milk as much as mad cows of Australia. Australia has mad cows because they are all high breed. And those who drink high breed milk also become mad I think. It's an experimental we get our self-realization in the light of your spirit, you know what you are doing, what is good for you. All the fears drop out. All the insecurities drops out. And you become dynamic. But at the same time you become extremely compassionate and forgiving. That is happening and it will happen in such a way thing now and we have proof of it. that this world will become a beautiful garden of Then you are gifted with children who are realized God's Love. Believe me, nothing is going to be souls, who are very talented, who are very intelligent, destroyed. No harm will come to you. who are very obedient. Your family relations improve. Your husband -wife's relations improve. In Sahaja Yoga we have practically hundred international marriages every year. But only one I'm sure next year again I'Ilcome here and we'll have more people whom you have to give realization. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-19.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue 18 7 & 8 1998 Russia is a Narrow Gate very country on our Planet is a certain chakra or its part, for example, Australia is Mooladhara, Africa is Swadhistana, Austria is Nabhi, England is Heart, USA is Vishuddhi, Russia is Front Agnya, China is Back Agnya, Nepal is Sahasrara. There are also chakras within each country. Like, in Russia Togliatti is Mooladhara, Sankt Petersburg is Heart, Moscow is Agnya. As for Togliatti, here even the Volga Matushka (the Volga-Mother) takes the shape of the corresponding deity, means Shri Ganesha. This area where now there is the greatest number of mediating people is destined to become the second Mecca, where Sahaja Yogis from the entire Planet will pilgrimage to. To Togliatti, as to many other areas, Sahaja Yoga came from the Heart of Russia, that is from Sankt Petersburg. The first Puja allowed by Shri Mataji in Russia was consecrated to Agnya Chakra and was done in Sankt Petersburg. This city was not, of course, chosen by chance, for to overcome ego and to cross the limited mind is only possible through heart's love. Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, who was a realized soul, used to say: "So that the life might have sense, its goal should cross the limits of human mind." Christ, to overcome ego and to open Agnya, this narrow gate into Eternal, even allowed to crucify himself. What a great responsibility should lie on the Moscovites staying both in Agnya of the Planet and Agnya of their country now that Moscow is a focus of ego! Here every undertaking takes longer time. However the Moscow Sahaja Yogis seem to have some progress if they were blessed with the first international Diwali Puja and marriages last November. Now the Primordial Kundalini is performing unification of the chakras of our Planet using Sahasrara and Sahaja Yoga as an instrument. This integration is expected to lead to the balance between: heart and mind, emotions and actions, materialism and spirituality. Russian Sahaja Yogis who live in the Planet Agnya being geographically a sort of the bridge between East and West are supposed to play an appropriate role in this mission of Adi Shakti. That is why they particularly should keep firm and continuous connection with the Counselor, the Holy Ghost, for whose advent was the narow gate opened by Christ. Jai Shri Mataji 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-20.txt Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 19 Medical Conference MOSCOW August 7, 1993. am sorry, I am rather late, we've lost our way and couldn't find the place. I thank you very much for all of you to be here to listen to this new dimension in science. I call Sahaja Yoga as Meta-science because the method of science is not I put the patients into the horrible hell of diagnosis. All has been searched, has been found out, people know what it is. Also there is no specialization. For example, nowadays there is a doctor for one eye, another doctor for another eye. And sometimes you employed in Sahaja Yoga. For example in the medical have to empty all your purse and you get a certificate science when we want to search something then we that you are the healthiest person ever known, In the get into a kind of imagination. I would say, or a meanwhile might be that they remove all your hypothesis and we think that possibly this might be organs, teeth, eyes, nose, ears, whatever they feel the solution of a particular disease or a particular like. This kind of a blindness in medical science problem. On the other side there's a search going on attracted me to medical science also. I thought, I have every direction like finding out about the to talk to doctors, I should know their terminology, mieroscopie structures and also other things like also their methodology and also their problems. guinea-pigs. All these new sciences have developed. Now one has to realize this world is full of diseases. It is so diverse and so specialized that for a person And there are many people in this world who cannot to start even research, he has to be studyıng at least afford to take allopathic treatment. Most of the for fifteen years. And even then we do not have the doctors in the West don't want to take to Sahaja Yoga, full information as to what is happening, where, in the whole globe. Supposing you say that "I have found something new" then others might inform you that they had already found it in Australia. So all your effort is wasted. And you are known by the medical is a very noble profession and only noble discoveries you make. Also the application of it is people take to this profession normally. Later on they another research. First you try on rats and then on might be getting lost, with a kind of allurement they monkeys, then on pigs and then when you fry on have, a kind of attractions they have for money and human beings you find it's fatal. So it's very might be making a business out of it. But in countries dangerous sometimes. To some people some where there are so many people who cannot get any medicines may act just like poison. Because every medical help, or if they have no money, then I would person is made differently and has different like to challenge your nobility, your greatess and combinations of problems: So unless and until we know what are we made of, what is our inner being, how these diseases are caused, we will not be able to do something accurately. Especially allopathic tell that they have to understand Sahaja Yoga, as medicines are very heat creating, So you have to take something to neutralize the heat. That's also another blind alley. because they are thinking they may not be able to get enough money. Because if patients are cured without medicine then they will have no carnings. I, of course, sympathize on that point, but I think your human health. Especially I find Russians and Ukrainians extremely humanistic. Even the Chinese are very humanistic people. To them I would like to scientists with open mind you must know what is Sahaja Yoga. You may treat it as a hypothesis, but it's very, vey important for a country like yours which is now coming out of some problems or a country like India or all the Eastern block people, Egypt you can say also, all the African countries like Somalia, All these places, you see this humanity just being ill treated I would say, that is cruelty, Sahaja Yoga is a Metascience. Here you do not have to research anything. It is already researched and all is there. You don't have to go on working hard for it, for years together to study and to do research with monkeys and rats and pigs. You don't even have to 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-21.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 20 completely crumpled by these money oriented people. now you verify what I am saying. And now if it is true, then you have to accept it". He was so So I call it a Metascience, because all the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is before you. Also we canclaim that many incurable diseases: psychosomatic, physical, mental can be sure by Sahaja Yoga. I'm sorry to say, for four years I've been coming and addressing the doctors here. Nothing substantial has been done. It's very surprising. Especially the people who are so collective by nature should understand that as doctors amazed. His child was running about in three days' time. Now the child is grown up, married, has children. So it eame into his mind: "Why not we do research on Sahaja Yoga?" I told him to take three-four subjects which you think is incurable and I tell you how you can cure it and how it has worked out medically! Three doctors were then MBBS became MDs. Three you can do so much for your fellowmnen. That means all the rich people are there to pay for you. But if there is something that you can do for the people your blood pressure, normalizing your heart beats, who are just dying because there's no solution, don't normalizing the body. All these things were worked you think it is the responsibility of the doctors? On on hundred patients and they found out how these the contrary, in India you should know that we had patients were cured. Then I asked Doctor Rai to write about two hundred doctors for my lecture hecause we didn't have a big hall. But afterwards they took nice book which was inaugurated in the presence of over and they are learning what Sahaja Yoga is and many doctors and now that book is ready, we're they are working it out because India also is a very thinking of translating it in Russian language. But poor country. But if there is no compassion, there is there is no need to read that book. You all can start no feeling for your fellowmnen, it won't work out. doctors: one on epilepsy, another on asthma and the third one a book on this subject and he really wrote a very doing research to find out whatever I'm saying and There is one doctor Rai whose grand-daughter was start. If what I say is a simple treatment just have cured with Sahaja Yoga. While they were told that some faith in what I'm saying and start. Also in the this child is going to die. So he felt that as my grand- medical science somebody says: "This is a medicine children, there must be many grand-children, who good for this", we have faith in that. I mean there's are dying because they cannot be cured by allopathy. no committee that says: "This is perfectly all right He is academically very, very high, God knows, how many degrees he has, like a big long tale, like a experiment, a sort of thing and says: "No, no, this is Kangaroo, but when his grand-daughter could not the best". Nobody says. But we believe that, all right. be cured, all his degrees came down and he came to this thing has come in the market, because they are Sahaja Yoga. Still he was full of ego. And he could not believe that this child could be cured. He told medicine business has become a big industry. So with me; "First you scientifically tell me what you are that marketing people believe in it and take to it. I going to do". I said: "Doctor, you have already had do not want to market anything. Nor do I expect so much of academic scientific knowledge. You want anything from you. But I would just like to awaken your grand-child to live or you want to have scientifie the nobility of a medical profession where we have knowledge?" I said: "I'm not going to do anything to serve our fellowmen not always for money, also to that child. I assure you that the child is curable. I out of compassion. I find people who come to me, will raise the Kundalini of this child and the child they can be easily cured by any Sahaja Yogi. I'll give will be cured. And you don't have to pay anything to you the example of a very noble person of doctor me". He couldn't believe it still. But the mother of Bogdan. He started his practice in Sahaja yoga the child said: "Baba, I want my child to live". And openly in London. And the English doctors think, the child was cured. Then I told him: "Now, sit down. they are the topmost people in every field I will tell what was the problem of the child and how whatsoever. There is a very big street, Harley Street it was cured. Now 'll tell you". And when I told and the hospital there. I don't know, how much one him, he was amazed, because he said: "This is not in has to pay there in hard currency. All the people from our medical science". I said: "You cannot reach that point because science has its own limitations. But and this is definitely". Nobody has a sort of very good marketing people now and the whole Arab countrics are there. You cannot get an appointment, it's very difficult. All the money from 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-22.txt Volume: X Issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 21 bankrupt". I said: "In any way you have made so many people bankrupt already". But he did not give up. So this is the mentality. Now, it's very easy to cure a patient suffering from kidney failure if he is. not gone on the dialysis. Also we have seen one person cured even after dialysis. Patients also do not give up dialysis because of psychological fear. They have no faith in themselves. But supposing a doctor tells him that "now you are cured and nothing can happen to you", they will never go away from Sahaja Yoga, they'll never go for dialysis. Arabia is coming down there in Harley Street. Some doctors are practicing for one month, continuously, some one hour in a week, sometimes only for fifteen minutes in that Harley Street. If you are fifteen minutes late, there is another doctor sitting there. It's well organized. This is what has become that medical science has become a business. And that's why people do not want to find out ways and methods by which it could be much easier and cheaper to help your fellowmen. Now here is the picture of your inside structure. It is the fundamentals within you. Now there are seven I'll give you another example. There's a very, very chakras and there are three channels. So seven into rich man in India and I don't treat rich people myself. three means twenty one problems could be there, But his father was like a brother to me, so I agreed: basically. But could be a combination. The diagnosis "All right, I will treat you". He had a massive heart is on your finger tips. In Koran, Mohammad Sahib attack. And every doctor told him: "This is wrong has written that your hands will speak and give with you, that is wrong with you. You have to go to witness about truth. But the Arabs will not come to Huston, in any case". There are two doctors, one Sahaja Yoga, they will go to Harley Street. Because removes the heart, another, doctor Cooley, is not so also when they pay for something, they think it's good at removing but still he thinks he can improve or he can treat. So he went to doctor, he was asked to go to doctor Cooley, Now, he came to me, I told him: "You are all right now, you are perfectly all better. That's a psychology. But I think Russians are wiser people, So there are only twenty one problems basically we have and the permutations and combinations of these are minor things. But basically there are three types of people. The problems comie from the left or from the right or from the centre. So if a Sahaja Yogi, if you ask him what is the problem, he says: "Left side" or "Right side". That's all. Now simple thing to do is just to nourish the left or the right. right, what have you done? Your heart is absolutely normal!"He could not believe it. So he went to his doctor, who had asked him to go to doctor Cooley. So his doctor said: "You are perfectly all right, what have you done? Your heart is absolutely normal. He says: "How can it be, I examined you only ten days back and vou were so sick and now howw are you all right?". He didn't tell him my name because he felt For example, if there is kidney failure, so you take it älso shy, you know, such rich people going to for dialysis. Everyone knows that you cannot save someone for Sahaja Yoga is a bit too much. So he the patient, all his life he has to be on dialysis. went to another doctor, three-four doctors, very Unfortunately a doctor who is very famous, head of famous, they said: "You are perfectly all right, your the department of a hospital for dialysis got kidney heart is perfectly all right". But still, he had money, failure. He said: "I don't want to go on dialysis so he went to Huston. On his way he came to see me in London. I said: "You are all right, nothing wrong". He said: "Yes, I've been playing tennis also, all right, because they have no money left. So I asked this but I must see this doctor Cooley". "All right, I said, doctor: "Doctor, I tell you Sahaja Yoga will cure it, you have money, so better go". This doctor Cooley, hundred per cent, but you promise me that you will I know him very well, he is a very nice man. So he not use dialysis again and you will use Sahaja Yoga went. They examined his heart, this, that. all kinds to cure people". He promised me. Well, he was cured. of tests, you see, putting him upside down, But he is still using dialysis. I said: "Why are you everything they did for him. Poor fellow was using dialysis now?" "Because, he says, we have put absolutely finished with the examinations, x-rays, a lot of money in buying these machines. We have this that, everything. Then a report went to doctor invested so much money and if we do not earn that Cooley. So this gentleman told me the whole story what happened. Doctor Cooley started at him first. becatuse I know that life long I can't afford it". And people die with bankruptcy. Their will is of no use money, what will happen to us, we'Il become 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-23.txt Volume: X Issue : 7& 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 22 and totality. Just have confidence, you can do so much good to your people. But tomorrow in the history how will the doctors of modern times of Russia will go, that they didn't care for their people. They didn't bother at all to take this Sahaja Yoga to people. Because one day it will be spread if not in your time, it will be later definitely. Already we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis in Russia and Ukraine, they themselves can cure. But because there are no doctors, you see, it has no good ideas. Why don't you also just try to form a research and find out what we say is true or not. If you, doctors, are not going to take any step, tomorrow people will say: "What was wrong with them?" If the whole thing is brought to you, completely open, much more effective than medical science, why should you not take to it? Still I can't understand doctors. Especially He said: "You better go to some lunatic asylum and get yourself tested. There's nothing wrong with you. You have the healthiest heart". And he shouted at him: *"You have come here to waste my time, waste the hospital's time. People, poor things, are waiting on waiting list and what do you mean by yourself? Which stupid doctor has sent you here, which hospital, they send all kinds of healthy people here to make money. And don't show me your face again if you are even dead". He came, you see, because I knew his father very well. So he came and he told me the whole story and he was rolling with laughter on the ground. But then still he said: "But Mother, one must have luck, See, I could meet you, but mny uncle could not meet you. See, my luck". So this is the story of a man who got cured of heart trouble. I have no hospital, I don't even have a secretary. So I told them "Baba, you go to the Sahaja Yoga center. when I was studying, in our college we were only they'll cure it". But his friends, they are rich like him, how could they go to a simple place like a ideas about doing something for the country. But till Sahaja Yoga center. You know, it's not very prestigious. So. Mother must cure. And some of them were following me when I was in London, in Spain. older than me, they were even older, some of them they were after my life, all the way. But they missed are no more and some of them are very old. That me all the time. I said: "You'd better go to the Sahaia generation we have lost, which had idealism, which Yoga centre". - "But the Sahaja yogis are not doctors. has compassion, which has higher value, human So we don't want to take trealment from people who are not doctors". That's why I am requesting you. they trust you, they think you are noble people, they are manifesting in you. You will become extremely have faith in your degrees, they think you are dynamic and extremely compassionate. I'm sorry I compassionate, you are honest. That's why I've been have to say these things to you, but you must feel talking to doctors. Now, at least, my hope here, in my concern for Russian people and Ukrainian Russia. Some of you will really get to the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Some hospital is going to give us a wing for Sahaja Yoga. But last four years nothing Americans are idiotic compared to you people. has happened. Before this I've been telling you all Others are egoistically. But I again appeal to your about Sahaja Yoga. But today I must tell you about sense because I know, since long time I've been doctors. I have told you why I'm very anxious that visiting Russia, that Russians are extremely wise doctors should take to Sahaja Yoga knowledge. Why people and with very large hearts. I also studied medicine, because I had to talk to doctors. Just open your mind. It is Metaseience, it is miraculous. You enter into another realm of reality six girls. They were all very noble, they had great then I had not found out Sahaja Yoga on a collective basis. And now I am seventy one. And they are even values. But if you get your Kundalini awakened, I'm sure you all will find thät all these great qualities people. They are wonderful people. I can't expect American doctors to come round. As it is I think Thank you very much. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-24.txt Volume: X lssue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 23 Diwali Puja MOSCOW November 12, 1993. t's so very gratifying to see so many people But she has patienee, and she has love, compassion. from all over the world have come to Russia So a man who has money cannot be happy unless to worship the Goddess Lakshmi. When you and until he is compassionate, he uses this money cannot explain everything intellectually then you for giving it to others. But what has happened today take course to arts to express yourself. And then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say They have gone all out to destroy themselves with verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what the money that they have. Also they have used money an artist does, also a poet does, that he extends his to express their anger and their lust, their greed. Also imagination to such an extent that he creates a they have wasted their money in trying to show off symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only go that they are something very individualistic. in the countries which are supposed to be affluent? up to a point. And when it is not substantiated by truth and reality after sometime it falls the whole linear movement, falls down and there isa decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined. This decline takes place and people start accepting it. Like in America, I have met a very rich man. And when I got to his car he told me that my handles of the door open the other way round. So I said: "Why? What is the use of this kind of a thing, anybody can get locked up in your car?" So he said: "It's my individuality, is my genius which has created this something not so common". And then I went into his house and he told me: "Be careful this bathroom is very special". Then he said; "If you press this misrepresented drop out. And you touch the reality button, you will just jump into the swimming poor of the symbols. This is exactly what has happened And then he took me to his bed and said: "This bed everywhere. For example we had in India the is special, if you press this button your legs will go Goddess of wealth as Lakshmi. And this symbol of up, if vou press this button your head will go up". I Lakshmi was described by saints and seers in reality. SHid: "I don't want to do these acrobats the whole But after self-realization when you have become the Spirit your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted, which were But later on people did not understand the symbol night. I'll sleep on the ground". and reality behind it. And they thought that the symbol of Lakshmi is money, is wealth, gold, silver. Now the Eastern block people sometimes think that diamonds, riches. And they started worshipping Americans or the Europeans or the people who are money. This is how the symbol of wealth, Goddess so called affluent are very happy people. They are Lakshmi, was perverted. People don't understand that not, because they have no wisdom. They go on when they have money, why they start doing wrong wasting money like this, they are bankrupts, good for nothing. One day they will be moving in Rolls things. Even in India nowadays people are so perverted that if you give hundred rupees to a poor Royce, tomorrow they will be on the street begging. man he will to a pub. He will only think of self- Because there's no Lakshmi in them, it is just money, indulgence and not of others, not his family, not his So the symbol of Lakshmi we should try to children, not his country but himself. But the symbol understand, it's very important. Because if the of Lakshmi is very different. Firstly the one who has Lakshmi resides in your Nabhi and if She is satisfied, Lakshmi has to be a mother, like a mother must have they only the Mahalakshmi principle rises means the love of a mother who loves her children. She has then you start seeing beyond. All these people had to be a woman. And woman stands for something so much money that they did not know what to do very sublime. Mother is the source of all the energies. and they thought: "No, this is not sufficient, we have 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-25.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume X Issue 7 & 8 1998 24 to seek for it". They took drugs and all kinds of For us if the Christ is the symbol of higher things. personality then what were his qualities? He was the noblest man you could think of, greatest personality Now the Lakshmi principle is like this, that, as I said, She is a Mother and in two hands, She has got pink lotuses. Now the pink lotus means a flower which is coming out of the pond and allows even thorny insect to come inside it. That means a rich man or man with Lakshmi must have a house or whole household or estate which is very beautiful like the lotus pink in colour means inviting, welcoming everyone, all kinds of guests. Now this inseet with all the thorns in it comes in and sleeps on the corona of that lotus very beautifully and in the night the lotus covers it so it doesn't feel the cold. as far as morals are concerned. And such forgiveness, such glory! He was the one who was blessed with Lakshmi. He was the satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, whatever money you might give him, nobody could purchase Him. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga it's important to know that you are blessed by Lakshmi. With one hand She gives, she gives to others, that is her nature to give. Like if one door is open the air won't come in. But if you open the other door then only it will cireulate. So to be satisfied is one of the qualities of Sahaja Yoği. Some of them do ask for money miracles. So the man with the money or man with the wealth is not a Lakshmipathy, is not the one who has the blessings of the Lakshmi. But the man with wisdom That's not the way your attitude should be. You are now the spirits. And Spirit doesn't care for the and who has money we can call has got the blessings comfort of body, mind but for the comfort of the of the Lakshmi. So they are like the lotus is, so Spirit. Many of you have become spirits, no doubt. hospitable, so anxious to get guest in his own being But you are not aware, some of you, of your own and to look after. In the same way a person who has money, who is supposed to be blessed by Lakshmi hand She gives protection. Protection to all those who should be of the same hospitable personality. status. You have to be aware about it. With the other worship Her, all those who work for Her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him, or working for But the surprising thing is all those nations today who looked to be affluent have been parasites. They looted all the countries. They formed empires. Like in India now as you know we had for three hundred years the English, the British as our guests. Without any visa without any emigration they came, But now if an Indian has to got to England, it is an impossible situation. And those who go there also are treated not on the same level as they treat their own people. him. We have now transcended it into an area where you have no fundamentalism in your head. But you worship all the great incarnations, all the great seers and all the prophets. Most of them did not have any money but they were blessed by Lakshmi. Because they were satisfied souls. So this is the quality of a Lakshmi that She should satisfy. You know that in economics, desires are not satiable Same with America. Thank God, Columbus was in general. So what is the desire which is satiable? It's a pure desire, which is the Kundalini. When you are absolutely satisfied and you know that there's no sense in hankering after money, power and all non- Senscial things, then the Mahalakshmi principle is coming to India and I think Shri Hanumana took him down to Ameriea, thank God. Otherwise all the Indians could have been finished and I wouldn't have been here. They killed all the Indians there, all the Indians. And took away all their lands. And now they are supposed to be rich. And the sins they have committed have to come back on them, isn't it? And you can't go to America easily as if that is their own land. All of them do not belong to that land. awakened within you. And this Mahalakshmi principle gives you seeking. Then you become a Special category of people, whom William Blake has described "a man of God". Then you don't have these conditionings of your childhood, of our nationality or of your so called outside religion, no conditionings. But you rise higher. And you become the Spirit. That is the time when you understand the Lakshmi principle within you. The Lakshmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. In eollective Then we can see about the people who think they are higher races because they can make more money, I mean, they have killed people in gas chambers, did all kinds of things, how were they the higher races? I can't understand. Is that the sign of being higher? 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-26.txt Volume : X Issue : 7 & B 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 25 consciousness you want o do for others. If you are still worried about yourself only, about your own comfort, about your own earnings, about your own glory, then you go into imbalance. Lakshmi is now all your clothes will be burnt". Still he was standing on a lotus, completely balanced. Moreover meditating. But Nachikita ran out and picked up his She doesn't assert, just standing on a lotus, she clothes. Then he realized how detached this man is doesn't assert her power that She is money, or She is about his money, about his wealth, about his family, a Goddess of money. She is absolutely contented with herself. If you are not contented that means you don't know yourself. Sahaja Yogi is person who is absolutely contented within himself, because his self, his Spirit, is the source of all the absolute knowledge, is the source of enlightenment for your attention and is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness which depends on ego. But it is absolute. So such fun after realization you feel that you don't care for money, you don't care for anything, If you have it- well and good, if you don't have it - well and good. You are completely detached. from there, all your relations, all your family". Still he was meditating and this Nachikita was looking at him. Then they said: "All the fire is coming here and look at me. I'm worried about these small things like this. He has to dress up like that because he is a king. So he surrended himself to him and got his self-realization. In those days it was very difficult to get self- realization, even to give self- realization. But these are special times, the blossom times. They call it, the Last Judgment, you I am always yours. Whenever you want, wherever you want can call it, the resurrection time, you can call it, the Kiyamat, as they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of the graves and will get their resurrection. And what is left to Me to come, I will come. the graves? There is nothing but few bones. No, all these souls which are dead will take their Lastly I'll tell the story of Raja Janaka who was the birth, take human body and take their realization in father of Shri Sita, the wife of Shri Rama. He must have existed six thousands years back.. And he was a king. So he had to wear all the ornaments and all the So now, you have got your realization because of dresses that a king had to wear. But all the saints of your good deeds you did, in your last previous lives, those days used to touch his feet. So one disciple of aS we say, punyas. But you must respect it. And you our guru said: "Why do you touch his feet after all must understand what you have got is so great. You he lives like a king and dresses up like a king?" So have to know you are the Spirit now. You are special he said: "You have no idea as who he is, if he has people. You are going to solve the problems of your mercy on you he might give you self-realization". country, of your community, of your society, of your So this disciple Nachikita went to the king and said families. You'll be solving the problems of the whole that: "Sir, I've come to get my self-realization". He world. You are the ones who are going to bring peace said: "I'm sorry. I can't give you self-realization. You on this Earth. You are the ones who are going to can take all my property, everything but I cannot give create a new world of beautiful divine people. So you self-realization because yet you have not got that have faith in yourself. This faith works very fast. personality". So the Nachikita was disappointed and said: "All right, sir, I'll wait till you are ready to test in Sahaja Yoga. Don't be a dwarf. me and see if I could get realization". So he said: I'm happy to see the collectivity now in the Eastern "All right, let's go and have a bath in the river". And block and also Russia, other countries which are here when they were having a bath, the people from the today. So now you are asking for the blessings of palace came and told the king: "Sir, your palace is Likshmi. So the first thing you should ask is the on fire". But still he was meditating, Then again they satisfaction, then the generosity. A person who has came and said: "Now all the people are runn these special time. It is a sensible thing to say and is also happening. Because it is not a false faith, it is a fact. And grow ing away the blessings of Lakshmi cannot he miserly. Cannot 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-27.txt Divine Cool Breeze # Volume: X issue: 7 & 8 1998 26 be! He is a diseased person, business". Finished. trying to save money here, trying to save money there. This doesn't exist in the mind of a person who is evolved. So now we have to rise into the realm of super-consciousness. I can go on speaking about everything which is so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures which I have giyen. But lectures are nothing but words. They are the web of words. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That's what is my own A person who has I'm very happy I could come to Russia and at this juncture we will be able to create the the blessings of atmosphere which is very good for your country. And all other people who have come from other countries also will carry Lakshmi cannot be miserly. vision. And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours. Whenever you want, wherever you want Me to come, I will come. That My Love is more then My own will. But you also must love yourself and love your self-realization. this atmosphere to their own countries. Now you know that you have no karmas left. It's all finished. And now you are beautiful new people. The blossoming time brought you as fruits now. So don't pay attention to yoursell, to your My God bless you! maladies, to your troubles and things will improve definitely. Somebody was telling me, they have got There's one thing we have to know that in the Nabhi pain in the knee. I just felt, I get so many times pain resides the Lakshmi and you have reached the state in the knee and pain here because I absorb from you. where She is the reality within you, she is not a But I never think about it. I never bother. Because I symbol anymore. So today after the Puja this see my Body, all right. Like this machine, if it is Lakshmi principle must be awakened within you and spoiled, we should cure it, finished. But all the time should spread all its light in the Nabhi center. you're thinking. "This is paining here, this is wrong, I haven't got money, I have to do this business, that My God bless you! 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-28.txt Volume: X Isue : 7 &8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze 27 pd Honarary Membership n the 13th of November, that is the Sahaja Yoga but to the relations between two great following day of Diwali Puja, a very remarkable event took place. Shri Mataji Now I am supposed to read the Document states, Russia and India, as well. was handed over the Diploma of an Honorary unanimously adopted by the Presidium of the Peter member of the Peter Academy of Sciences and Arts Academy of Sciences and Arts. (PASA), PASA, according to its membership, is the largest Russian Association of scientists and arts Diplama Text workers. The Academy pride are its working Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, Doctor of Philosophıy and members as follows: writers Vasiliy Belov, Valentin Medicine, being master of the comprehensive Rasputtin; composer Georgiy Swiridov; poet Rassul subjects of religion, philosaphy and science spares Gamzatov: painters headed by Ilya Glazunov; physicians F.G. Uglov; V.P. Kaznacheev; scientists benevolences of the Indian and Russian nations and headed by L.N. Gumiljov and many others. Nimala friendship between them, at benevolence of the entire Shrivastava is the only woman elected as an no efforts doing an elevated work aimed at world, taking our Motherland as a center of the world spirituality and morality, a center of the world spirituality and morality, a center of drawing West Honorary member of the Academy. The Diploma was handed over by Academician Yuriy Voronov. Vice President of the above Academy. Prorector of the Peasant Academic University. Academician Yuriy Voronov who got his self-realization from Shri Mataji in 1991 found Sahaja Yoga propagating love of mankind and high moral standards to be close to and East nearer, a center of reviving the principles of high moral standards which our Motherland used to study in the person of its many nations under the guidance of the Russian people. Mrs. Nirmala Shrivastava, being the founder of Sahaja Yoga teaching of high nmoral standard, relates with good reason, the psychophysiological processes of physical and mental health to the life style and morality. the Russian Soul. Opening Address of Yuriy Voronov Dear fellow-citizens, compatriots, foreign guests! The Presidium of the Peter Academy of Sciences and Arts considers as its pleasant duty to notify the eminent daughter of the great Indian people that she is elected as an Honorary Member of the Academy! Distinguished Shri Mataji! It is on my duty and honour did fall the responsibility to make you familiarized with the Document which is of great importance not only to personal life of 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-29.txt Volume: X Issue :7 & 8 1998 28 Divine Cool Breeze Shri Mataji about Marriages anoh in Sahaja Yoga ith a marriage you become even a are not married in a way the others are married, and better person, or you develop a Ihat's why one nust love each other, must give better personality. Now, why time to each other, be sweet to each other, very kind, considerate. Be conscious and aware that you marriage is necessary for Sahaja Yogis? First and foremost thing, it is the most normal thing to do, is to marry. God has given you this desire to be married for some purpose, but this same desire if you do not use it for the purpose it is given, it can become a perversion, it can become a nasty thing, it can be very detrimental to your growth; so one should understand this desire within us to have a marriage. have a wife or a husband, but first thing is collectivity." " in a normal marriage, man is the person who is the head of the family, as you say. Now he has to be the head, man has to be the head, for eertain reasons. There is nothing wrong in man becoming the head, it's all right, you become the heart. Heart is more important than the head is. Perhaps we do not realize that, how the heart is important; you see even if the "Marriage gives you now a reason to be dharmic, to be normal. This teaches you how to respect the chastity of others and your own chastity." head fails the heart can go on. We can always go on till the heart is going on. but if the heart fails, the head fails too. So you are the heart, as a woman and he is the head of the family. Let him have that feeling that he is the head; it is a feeling, just a feeling. Like the head always feels he decides, but the brain also knows that it is the heart, one has to cater, it is the heart which is all pervading, is the real source of everything. So the woman's position, if she understands how important it is, she would never feel let down or dominated, if she is the heart." "The Chastity is faith. Chastity is the consolidation of your faith. When you have faith inward you are chaste, when you have faith in yourself, you are chaste. When you have faith in your wife, you are chaste. When you have faith inward, you are chaste. Why should you have faith in your wife? Because you are a chaste person. How can she be unchaste? You have faith in your child." *.. Motherhood, everything is chastity. Fatherhood, any relationship is chastity. Purity is again the fragrance of chastity. Goodness, compassion, everything comes from chastity. A sense of chastity which is not mental, if you are mentally chaste you Now domination should never come in Sahaja Yoga at all. . You see, how can you be dominated? You are the Spirit. Your ego can be hurt; you are the Spirit, it cannot be dominated. But you are the Spirit? can be horrid. Like some of the nuns are, or some of these people who are austere, not that. Chastity is the innate, built in Kundalini within you, which acts, because it understands Me. Is My reflection So make your Kundalini strong by being chaste." Are you feeling your Spirit? If you are feeling your Spirit you can never be dominated, no one can dominate you. But if you feel that way all the time. that you are dominated, you will become a very very nervous person, you can be a horrible person, youI cannot face people. So it is time that you realize you are Spirit and your husband is also Spirit; or if you are the husband you must know the wife also is Spirit. And a mutual respect must grow in that level because both of you are Saints, you are Sahaja Yogis. A person who is married in Sahaja Yoga, who are Sahaja Yogis, you are sharing their love equally with the Sahaja Yogis and the society that is Sahaja Yoga then only great people will be born. So first test of a Sahaja Yogi marriage is how much you have been able to share by this marriage other people." Why dominate? I mean I don't understand the word domination. When there are two wheels do they ".. Now you are married under Sahaja Yoga. You 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-30.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X Issue : 7 & B 1998 29 dominate each other? Can they? If one dominates, say one becomes bigger than the other, it will go round and round. Won't it? There's no question of domination in this, but it is a question of integration and understanding and complete cooperation with own child. Expand your love. Nobody can have respect for any woman who is not like that. You have to be just a mother to everyone." One has to remember that motherhood is very important. It is the Mother who created this universe, themselves which must permeate into the society, into the family. the Father was just a witness. This heart centre is caught up by various emotional problems in human beings. Husband and wife, if they all the time quarrel, there is always quarreling in the house, specially if the mother is very dominating, the child develops this centre. And if the father is very dominating, the child develops this centre. And if the father is very dominating, the child develops this - the heart itself. So it is very important that the husband and wife should ... Marriage is meant to give you cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that you can think of achieving through your One has to remember that motherhood is very combinations with two human beings you can say. mportant. It is the "... a Sahaja Yogi must know that the child within him is born - the Spirit. Spirit is the child which has been born within him now he has Mother who created this universe, the Father was to nourish it, through the Kundalini. He has to water it, he has to look after it. He has to make just a witness. it grow. Now where is the time for other nonsensical things? You have a child in hand. You are all mothers looking after the child - that's your Spirit. by vou, they are looked after by God. You are just So where do you have time for all these things? The attention should be: What can I do to make this child the better are vour children. You know how to handle happy, to make this child grow to make this child them, you are kinder to them, you know how to solve completely manifest myself." never quarrel in the presence of their children." Children are not looked after instrument of God. The more you are with God, their problems. You are looking after them better if you are getting your love from God. But if you are not interested in God, He is not either interested in you. That's the thing we do no understand, we think if we are interested in God, we do oblige in Him." ". So we have to realize that husband and wife relationship is extremely important for Sahaja Yogis. You are the complements of each other. If the relationship is not all right, Sahaja Yoga doesn't work out. It is not that a woman becomes so dominant but it is the complement, the love between the two, the beauty of love. And the understanding". MARRIAGE VOWS The women is known by the amount of sacrifices she makes. It's a challenge, I tell you, for all of you Bride says : I will help to keep your Mooladhara women who are realized souls to see to it that you Chakra in order. You hand over all wealth which is humble down yourself. Your quality cannot improve in your possession, I will take care of all those things. unless and until you humble down. On everything You should only eat the food that is cooked by me you assert. For what? It's impossible to workship the or your brothers and sisters and if it is taken outside Virgin when we are so arrogant and so strangling the home, you will vibrate it. I will be loyal to you type." and you will be loyal to me. . You have got a child. The love that you get for your child or feel for your child you should feel for all of them. You have to be mothers for all of them. Bride says: I will do all household work with my physical and spiritual powers. I will live with love and affection and will obey you. You should help me in my work and I will help you in the work of You have to be mothers of all the people, not of your 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-31.txt 30 Divine Cool Breeze Volume X Issue: 7 & 8 1998 Sahaja Yoga. Groom says: If I commit any mistake while doing Sahaja Yoga you should excuse me and I will excuse you. Bride says: I will keep my Lakshmi Chakra in order and you will respect my Lakshmi tattwa, this will keep your Lakshmi tattwa in order. You should give account of all you bring home, nothing will be hidden. Both say: Sri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi has put us in Holy Bandhan by our marriage and this is a very great fortune by this act of Mataji as Mahayagnya. Groom says: I will give you happiness and peace with love and affection but you will also have to think We will offer everything to Her Feet that is our about my happiness and peace. You should not go health, wealth, mind and heart. outside without my permission and I will tell you when I go outside. I will not discuss or think about the We will take an oath that we will be loyal to each other. past and you will not discuss or think about the past. We will work to increase Sahaja Yoga. Groom says: you should take care of nme and my children and you should respect and welcome other Sahaja brothers and sisters when they come to our We will bring our children up in Sahaja Yoga and that is our duty. house. 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-32.txt Divine Cool Breeze Volume: X issue: 7& 8 1998 31 A very remarkable event took place at the Workshop - ceremony of laying a stone for the future ashram which is assumed to be a Training Center mainly for those who are leading the Programmes. An architectural design of the ashram will soon be sent to Shri Mataji for Her approval. NEWS-LETTER I n. the 9th of June, 1994 Anna and Anatholiy, Moscow Sahaja Yogis had a baby girl O named Nastya, whose birth was blessed by There was virtually not a single moment at the Workshop when the participants' attention was not in any way occupied with Sahaja Yoga. Every day Shri Mataji last year. early in the morning and in thie evening as well as in the course of different activities the collective mmeditations were carried out. The theoretical classes #*** were devoted to a particular chakra depending on A Workshop of Sahaja Yogis was held near the city the week day. For example on Monday, means on of Kingisepp from 9 to 17 July, 1994. It was attended the day of Shri Ganesha, Sahaja Yogis were speaking by 230 participants, including 20 children, from about Mooladhara Chakra and its deities. It is on this Russia, Ukraine, Beloruss and Tatarstan. It is day that Shri Ganesha appeared in the sky for the pleasant to note that young people made up a rather first time during the Workshop. As for the big proportion of the participants. For nine days Programmes for children, they were arranged Sahaja Yogis were living in the tents in the separately. Acollective shoebeating and two Havans picturesque coner, in the forest beside the lake "Glubokoe" (Deep). The Workshop was conducted bhajans and ragas. Everybody enjoyed very much a in the lap of Prakriti (Nature), Primoridial Mother, seene of Shri Krishna's life played by Sahaja Yogis. were done. Not a single day did pass without songs, that is under favourable conditions for the manifestation of five human elements and their Prolonged Workshops have many advantages. They, interaction with the same five elements of the like ashrams, give an opportunity to manifest, for environment. example, love and colleetivity and not only to talk During the first few days useful talks were delivered Of how important these qualities are. That is by Yuriy Alexandrovich Voronov, Vice-President, something which fully took place at this Workshop. Peter Academy of Science and Arts, who handed over Here, also, as it is in ashram, some camera is keeping the Diploma of an Honorary member of this Academy its gaze fixed on everyone. That is why we should to Shri Mataji last year. Yuriy Alexandrovich made be very particular about the purity of our a great emphasis in his talks on how necessary is it Mooladhara. It is not only our merits which get for Russia, today particularly, to keep good, amicable quickly manifested and exposed, but our demerits relations with India, the country of ancient true as well. At the Kingisepp workshop it has been knowledge and culture. America is doing its best to revealed that certain centers unfortunately appeared impose on Russia its anticulture promoting crimes to have fanatic and heavily possessed people, and immorality, It is high time for us to achieve including those with a history of admissions to proper vision at Hamsa Chakra level, for it is mental hospitals. Some of them are even allowed to extremely important that we, while forgiving lead the Programmes. We accept them because of everybody and "loving our enemies", should not injure our dignity and not compromise. And also while overcoming our ego we should not loose faith having come to Center, is to direct us and to dictate in ourselves without which we cannot have faith in our Holy Mother either and in our Motherland, the benevolence either. Shri Mataji very clearly tells us Land of Russia, bringing forth so many great people how people with such conditions should be treated and saints. our compassion, while the first thing they start doing, us. This kind of compassion is in no way for their (see the previous collection of "Nirmala" 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-33.txt Volume: X issue : 7 & 8 1998 Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 32 ourselves, not about the mad people who came to Sahaja Yoga because its door is open to everybody. magazines). It is hopeful that we shall manifest vision and turn our compassion from false into true We should also get rid of two enemies: anger and fear. Angry person is always afraid and insecure because he sees himself in others. Agression makes us frightened. Then we also should develop a state of alert to see that we have such feeling: "I am one with the Divine", Shri Mataji also advised us to be not just generous but to enjoy our generosity, for then one. Impeceable were all the arrangements for which huspitable hosts of the Workshop, that is the inhabitants of Kingisepp, were mainly responsible. They are those who take Sahaja Yoga not by the way. That seems to be the reason for which we used to recognize them by smiling, kind, shining faces. we are pouring our love on others. A Guru is Supposed to have a state of maturity which gives self- confidence, confidence in the powers transferred by We were having hot and sunny weather, all the workshop running. And only on the last day but one, affer Shri Krishna Puja, a very heavy rain started (of Shri Mataji. Now we have found the Truth we had course, not by chance) followed by thunderstorms been looking for so many lives and must identify ourselves with it, must become spiritually convinced that we are really spiritual people chosen by the Divine, as the instruments, for spreading Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise, we are like seeds fallen on the rock, A Workshop participant of which Christ had parabled. It is high time for us and wonderfully frequent lightnings. Jai Shri Mataji! to use the powers obtained - to become responsible for Sahaja Yoga. Having assumed this kind of position, we should support our leaders but not find faults with them and not complain of them to Shri Mataji, perhaps because of jealosy. Shri Mataji completed Her talk as follows: "So, what is needed now is to raise your awakening, to raise your spirituality, to go into a realm of complete support and surrender to this spontaneous movement of Sahaja Yoga". **** A Guru Puja was done in Italy on the 24th of July, 1994. Shri Mataji delivered a long lecture. She said that She was a Mother, not an austere, stern guru as all the previous and contemporary masters were. So far we have remained Her babies. Now, She for the first time did not hesitate to tell us that we should grow, should mature and that at that Guru Puja we had to achieve a Guru state. She started Her lecture with saying that we should first of all become a witness to ourselves, not to others, worry about 1998_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_7,8.pdf-page-34.txt Without meditation you don't understand what is best for you.