YUVADRISHTI An offering by the Yuva Shakti at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother Volume 2 Issue 2 June 2001 SELL REALISATION IS TIE IRST ENCOUNTER WILH REALIIY । जय श्री माताजी ।। is the 4th issue of the NSYS newsletter and it is time to take stock of what has been the growth of this nascent venture. The newsletter was started as a mouthpiece of the Yuva Shakti in India with a view to becoming global in the future. Despite the expected teething problems, Shri Mataji's Divine Attention ensured that the fledgling has survived and is now reaching over 500 Sahaji families all across India. Sahaja families lapped up subscriptions at Ganapatipule, Shiv Puja(Pune), Birthday Puja(Delhi) and at other major events. The team wishes to render apologies to all those who have any complaints regarding delivery of new issues or any other discrepancy. We are in the process of making the processes much more collective in the future and we hope to improve with each issue. Sahajis are only too familiar with the many little miracles that remove all obstacles to Sahaja ventures and the team behind this newsletter has watched in wonder as minor little hurdles have been swept away in the torrent of Divine energy that is gradually working a quiet revolution on that our world. We hope and pray every day that we, as the Yuva Shakti, can be worthy of the praise Shri Mataji has showered upon us. Jai Shri Mataji Yuvadrishti Tem yuvadrishti@yahoo.com CONTENTS 2. MANAV RATNA AWARD PUA TALK Sahasrara Puja - Cabella 2001 ....3 THEME : Sar-RIALISATION 6. पसायदान ...... How Realisation should be allowed to develop 9. आत्म-साक्षात्कारी की विशेषताएँ. 11 Gita on Self-Realisation 13 Rituals and Riots... SAHAJI's DESTINATION 14 श्री सप्तश्रृंगी देवी एक अर्थपीठ, HEAL THE WORLD 15 Diabetes the cure lies within 15 NEws FLASH RATNA WARD MANAV The Indian Council of Managem ent Executives has awarded Shri Mataji witk the MANAV RATNA AWARD for Her work for hum anity and education The award was conferred on the eve of Shiv Puja at Pune Puja Talk SAHASRARA PUJA TALK - EXCERPTS 6th May 2001,Cabella ,Itlay they just said "Now, this is the Truth!" They felt the cool breeze in their hands. All the symptoms told about a Realised Soul started. But I didn't was thinking "How will it grow? How will it work out? want to say everything at that time because there were many others saying "I am this .. I am that...". We had about 25 people who were Realised Souls by then, in India. But they realised what they had got by Realisation. They realised that they had become very good people. They had given all bad habits, and they were wanting to worship me. I said "No, no don't worship me because people will not understand", But one day they forced me. So on the terrace of the house they came and worshipped me, because somebody had told them "This Is the Goddess. So, what had happened was that after the So I didn't want to expose it all together. But gradually I found that people got attracted and they used to come to my programme. And then the Sahaja Yoga started spreading all over, in a very interesting manner. HEN So this Sahasrara Day, or we can say on the day the Sahasrara was opened out, it is very important, It is very subtle, We just know about the Kundalini, that she is coiled up in three and a half, and she is lying in the triangular bone kmown as Saerum. But we don't know what she works how she works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh centre I should say she breaks the sixth centre because Ganesha's centre doesn't play any role - so when she breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahasrara, then she connects you to the all- pervading power of Divine Love. programme, one maidservant came up who was possessed. And she came and she started calling me by the name of 'Goddess. So people said "What are you saying?" She was a woman but talking like a man. So she said "I am telling you the truth, She is the Goddess who has come to save us." Her language was not that of a maidservant, but of a very well-educated Brahmin who would say all Adi-Shankaracharya's stotras. It was very surprising. So they asked her several questions and then she just fainted. So I told them "Just don't listen to her, it's no use". But they would not agree, and they said "Mother, we have to worship you". So somehow I agreed to that and they got hold of seven Brahmins to do that. But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother, we can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti; which is all over - (it) works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It is a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahasrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahasrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, They were afraid because to do that Puja, it is very dangerous and it could harm you if it is not the Truth. But on the contrary, when they were doing the Puja, they got their Realisation and throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are. I mean (the more) Puja Talk of you who have got realisation can also work out your own energies.How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting. Of course, Sahaja Yoga has spread because of you only. You are the people that have brought people to Sahaja Yoga. But that's not the end of it. We have to save this world. For that at least I feel 40% of the people should get their realisation. Whatever may be their nationality, whatever may be their education, anything. They are to be given self realisation. In our Indian scriptures it is clearly written: Without Athmasakshatkar your life is useless. But what is Athmasakshatkar? It's the knowledge about yourself. How can you have that knowledge unless and until you become one with this all pervading power? your attention is on the Sahasrara, the more it works faster. Now in the science I have read that they have discovered an energy that they call quantum energy'. Quantum', I don't know why they call it quantum, because quantum is four. So it might be meaning the energy of Ganesha, maybe, I don't know. Because scientists are blind people, I don't know what they call what. So they are saying there is a quantum energy. Now this quantum energy, according to them, flows in a subtle manner and it is normally not visible, very but it has light. You have seen that in so many photographs of mine this light of all kinds, This energy moves in a light. So this is the energy I think; again, I am not very sure because I have always found seientists a little bit vague But this Quantum energy they are talking about is something like the spiritual energy, the energy of love, which flows around. And this quantum energy, they do not know what it does, but they have seen (that) it has got light. They call it quantum because according to them it flows in bundles, and every bundle is a quanta, according to them.Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in my presence just in my presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That's also, I must say, my connection with the Divine. And that tells me what's wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time. Because that also comes quantum Sa it was a very great thing I felt that this Sahasrara I could open in 1970. I realised I was overwhelmed because I knew this is the only trouble, it is the only obstacle that human beings are having- because their Sahasraras are not open, that's why they are going in the darkness, that's why they are having wars, that's why they are having all kinds of problems. But if their Sahasrara opens and if they become one with the Divine Power, all there problems will be solved, every type of problem will be solved and they will be very happy people. I realised it and I was very happy, I was over joyous. But nobody understood me, I don't know, they thought that I must be talking something rionsensical. Nobody understood it, what it is. Because even in the shastras it's not written about Kundalini so clearly. Only one great saint called Gyaneshwara wrote it in his book in the sixth chapter about the Kundalini. It's not so elear, only to me just like that'. I mean, I don't ask any questions, I don't try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says "Do like this!". It also doesn't 'say', it just does. It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works.But all he said that with the Kundalini you can get your IT 4. Puja Talk awakening, Also you sing that song always, I've heard, he says that 'Oh, Kundalini Mother, please be awakened! But nobody knows what this Kundalini is and why are you singing that song. It was all in our country people used to sing in the village. So clearly, but nobody understood the meaning of it. Just they used to sing as some sort of a bhajan, or could be some sort of a music concert. But nobody knew what it was talking about. It was such a misunderstanding about everything. Ad all these poets, also, who have written elearly about awakening, about Realisation, everything was jast in the books. They would read one line of the book, then stop there. फरमान मा के दरबार से आया एक फरमान, श्री मा ने कहला भेजा सब के लिए एक काम, 'सहजी सहज बढ़ाये जा अंधेरे में दीप जलाये जा' माँ का है एक स्वप्न, सारी जम हो सहज में मु, हम सही भाई और बहुन, को करना होगा एक प्रण, सच कर दिखायेंगे हम, H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. श्री माँ का वह स्व्न । अगर सच कर दिखाना है वह स्वष्न, तो लगा दे हम अपना तन, मन, धन। सहजी सहन बढ़ाये जा दिलों में दीप जलाये जा With best compliments Sarveshwara Softech & Printers Pvt. Ltd. Printing house of stationery and publicity material. Regd. off. : A-410, Nilgiri aprtments, Alaknanda, New Delhi - 110 019 Telefax: 11 646 2943, 648 4268 E-mail : sarveshwara@vsnl.com MIE Self Realisation द का 5 ल पसायदान आतां विश्वात्मकें देवे। येणें वागयजञं तोषावे। तोषोनि मज घ्यावें। पसायंद्ान है। जे खळांची व्युक्रडी सांडो ।तया सत्कर्मी रती वाढो। भूतां परस्पर पड़ी। मैत्र जीवांचे ॥ दूरितांचे तिमिर जावो । विश स्वधर्मसूर्य पाहो। जो जें वांछिल तो ते लाहो। प्राणिजात वर्षत सकळमंगळी ईश्वरनिष्ठांची मंदियाळी। अनवरत भूमंडळी। भेदतु भूतां॥ नचितामणीचे गांव। चलां कल्पतरूंचे आर चैत बोलते जे,अर्णव । पीयूषाचे ॥ चंद्रमे जें अतांछन। मार्तड ते तापहीन। ते सर्वाही संदा संजजन सोयरे होतु ।। किंबहुना सर्वसुखीं। पूर्ण होउनि तिहीं लोकीं। भजिजो आदिपुरूखी ।अखंडेत आणि ग्रंथोपूंजीवियें। विशेषीं लोकीं इयें। दृष्टादृष्टविजये । हो वें जीध॥ येथ म्हणेविश्वेशरावो। हा होईल वानपसावी । येणें वें ज्ञानदेवो। सुखिया झाला । ० नेश्व्ररी ने बहुत सुंदर कविता लिखी उन्हीं सहजयोगियों का कणन करते है कि आप चलिये । उसा नाम है पसायदान, उसमें ाल्ठी ह ज् सहजयोग पूरी तरह से वर्णिते किया है और पूरी तरह से यह कहा ह कि ध्यूकलिये । आप कौन.. है आप जगल के जंगल हैं कल्पतरू हैं। कल्पुतरू तो आप जानतें हैं, कलपत की आप जंगल के जंगल हैं। आप लोग चलिये फिर वे कहतें हैं आप लोग (योजि सहजयोगि लोग) अमृत के भरे ऐसे महासागर हों जोकि बोलतें हैं, चंद्रमा जैसी आपकी शकल जिसपे कोई हुए लाछन न हो ओर सूर्य जैसे आप दैवित्यमान लेकिन उसमें ताप न हो, ऐसे आप सहजयोगी चलिये चलके ये पसायदान ये अमृतदान सबको दीजिये।" प. पू. माताजी श्री निर्मला देवी ह भुम े० 9. Self Realisation HOW REALISATION SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DEVELOP 15 October 1979, Caxton Hall, London understanding that it is a crocodile and it is going to eat you off doesn't come up so easily. ow those who have got realisation, those who have felt the vibrations must know that they are now developing into another being. The germination has started and you must allow the germination to workout its own way. But normally when we get realisation also we do not realise that it is tremendous thing that has happened within us, that this triggering which is an impossibility has taken place within us and it has to work out slowly. It has to develop and evolve us into that and because we do not feel it we do not take it that seriously as we should our realisation. Moreover they are surrounded by people who have not felt the vibrations, they do not know this area they have never seen it. As Guru Nanak has called it, it is Alakh (aTEU they have not seen it. They dont know about it. They don't kmow that there is a power of God that exists which understands,coordinates, cooperates with you, which is working in the collective being, which makes you aware of that collective being and of others also. This Alakh ( SERU) or we can call it Aparoksh (3ra) which So this one doesn't realise that the triggering which is the most difficult thing, has happened to you, it is difficult. But it has happened to you, know why it has happened. You take that one for granted and also you take the Devils for granted. At least don't take the devils for granted. Run away from them as soon as possible. Meditate Meditate and try to establish yourselfin the realm of divine love. I say it is divine love, you cannot understand what this divine love is. You cannot undestand human being who loves you only for loves any sake, Just because that person loves on loving because he enjoys that loving. In Sanskrit it is called as Avyaj (stt) that there is no interest Avyaj. Its just flowing. Even when it corrects you it corrects you in love, and the protection of the divine love is the only way you are germinating. That love gives you that warmth needed, that strength needed, that confidence needed. Everything is given to you by that divine love. you he goes is not seen by any one which no one kmows about. They talk about it, they talk about the Kingdom of God, they talk about God's powers divine So one has to realise that it is Love and Love and Love is the basis of all creation. God has created this world this universe only because he loved, and he wants to bestow the blessings on you because he loves you. But how far you love yourself is the problem. You do not evaluate yourself. And that is the reason why though the kundalini has risen and you have got realisation your vibrations are flowing your growth is very slow. Because the attention has been outside because attention is outside and even after powers. Its you are triggered into it, you have to grow into it. Unless and until you grow into it, you will be dwarfed, specially for people who have come from fake Gurus and false things that they have been following. They don't know how terrible these things are. Like you are on a crocodile and suddenly you discover it is a crocodile, how fast would run from that? But even the you Self Realisation you who have to raise the people you who have to enlighten the people. Sahaja yogis must realise what is their value. Are you not seeking your spirit? Are you not worried about the salvation of your spirit? If so what are you doing about it? That's the most important thing, I think everybody realises this that only achieving self- realisation is not the end of it, because it is just the sprouting that has started. You have to have compassion for others who haven't got it as yet. You have to think about them you have to give it to them work it out put all your minds to it. But still I find people are busy with other things. They realisation it is outside. Sometimes it is sucked in again it goes outside, then we do not change our old habits at all, we go out sticking to those old habits. Our structure of life our styles of thinking continue to be the same, again we find ourselves lost into the same shambles. Now Sahaja Yoga gives you realisation alright, but it also gives you a long rope to hang yourself. If you do not pay heed to yourself and to your being. If you dont love yourself, and understand that you're the instrument of God, by which for the first time you are going to give realisation to people. You are going to save people from getting drowned and this the first time you are made go back to the same circle. You should be busy I like that. This capability you never had and no human beings have now got today. Very few people had this capability very very few people. But now you have got that capacity and do not want to evaluate yourself. How important it is, if you could realise then work it out allow the blossoming to come up. I find that you cannot see the movements of your kundalini. If you try to understand and she is the one who loves you the most. So she is your individual motherand if you try to follow her you will see that she is suggesting that where is the problem with you what you have to correct, what you have to do because she wants to perfect you. So if start watching it carefully with love with understanding she is very playful extremely sweet and full of beautiful plays like a little child. She will tickle you here and there call for attention, she doesn't trouble you, you have to be just alert about her and she really matures you. You have seen people with time now they have matured. But you have to pay attention to her and to yourself. Otherwise what is your value without enlightenment. What is the use of having human beings if they are not enlightened? What is the use of the instrument if it is not put to the mains? The rest is all useless, isn't it? and it is dont say you should not do something for a living, you have to do it. This is one thing very important for us to know that we have to work it out and we have to allow it to grow within ourselves... May God Bless You. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi With best compliments From your Sharad Tambe 8. Self Realisation की विशेषताएँ १ ८ आत्म-साक्षात्कारी होता कि मुझे यह चाहिए, अब उसके लिए प्राण लगा रहें है। लोग जो आत्म-साक्षात्कारी हैं, आत्मा के प्रकाश में अपने को सारी 1 है कि कोई न कोई चीज के लिए इस तरह से दौडते हैं कि उनके चीजो की ओर दृष्टी डालते वक्त एक व्यापकता से देखते है और लिए वही सब कुछ जिंदगी है, और जब मिल जाती है तो तृप्त होने दूसरी बात की उनमे यह कभी धारणा नही होती - ये कार्य करने की जगह दूसरी चीज की ओर दौड़ने लगते हैं। अगर वोनही मिलती से मेरा नाम बढ जायेगा या मेरा यश बढ़े। लोग उन्हे मार भी डाले, है तो उन्हे इतना दुःख होता है, दारून दुःख होता हैं,सोचते है सताए, कोई उनकी बुराई करे, वो कभी भी इस चीज का बुरा नही कि मेरी जिन्दगी का सब कुछ खत्म हो गया। मानते। जैसे की आप देख सकते हैं की ईसा मसिह को सूली पर चढाया गया, सूली पे चढ़ने पर उन्होंने ये प्रार्थना की कि "हे फिर ऐसे मनुष्य का चित्त होता है, वो बहुल का और हर चीज को जगदीश, यह लोग जानते नही है कि यह क्या गलती कर रहें है जानता हुआ चलता है। कि उसके चित्त में यह शक्ति होती है कि इसलिए इनको तुम माफ कर दोक्योंकि यही इनको फिक्र थी कि जहा भी उसका चित्त पहुँचें वो चित्त स्वयं ही कार्यमित हो जाता है। मुझे इन्होंने ऐसा सताया तो जाने क्या इनका हाल होगा। तो ऐसा अब चित्त है जो ब्रम्ह देव की देन है। लेकिन जब ब्रम्ह देव या ब्रम्ह जो आत्म-साक्षात्कारी होता है वो निष्क्रिय होता है, उनके अन्दर देव का सिर्फ भ्रम ही रह जाता है तो ऐसा चित्त इतना प्रभावशाली किसी चीज की खिचाव नही रहती की यह होना ही चाहिए, बनना होता है, इतना प्रेममय होता है, इतना सूझ-बूझ वाला होता है, ही चाहिए। वो संकल्प नही करता, वो हो जाएगा तो अच्छा, नहीं और इतना होशियार होता है कि वो अपने कार्य को बड़े ही शुभम हो जाएगा तो भी अच्छा। और अब वो किसी यश और जय वो तरीके से कर लेता है। मतलब ऐसा आदमी का चित्त परम चैतन्य वरन नही करता है, उनकी अपेक्षा ही नही करता है, तो उसको से एकाकारिता प्राप्त कर लेता है और जब परमचैतन्य से सुख और दुःख का चक्कर समझ आता है। सुख और दुःख में वह एकाकारिता हो तो परमचैतन्य तो सारे कार्य करते ही रहता है। तो समान रहता है, कोई दु:ख आया तो उसे भी देख सकता है और जितने भी कर्म हैं दुनिया के, वो सिर्फ एक ब्रम्ह शक्ति या परम सुख आया तो उसे भी देख सकता है और वो समझता है यह रात चैतन्य करते है। और यह जो भी कर्म मनुष्य कर रहा है वो उस और दिन का मामला है। खुद वो स्वयं आनंद मे विभोर है क्योंकि वक्त यह नही सोचता कि मै कर रहा हूँ। सोचता माने उसको इसकी आत्मा आनंद का स्त्रोत्र है। आनंद के स्तोत्र से विभोर है, वो किसी अनुभूति ही नही होती वो तो यह सोचता है कि, हो रहा है, यह चीज की लालसा नहीं करता। उसे कभी किसी चीज की लालसा घटित हो रहा है, यह बन रहा है। असल में जिसे कहते है कि होती ही नही कि मै उसकी चीज ले लँ, कि खसोट लँ, कि उस को उतरना क्योकिं परम चैतन्य ही सारे कार्य कर रहें है, तो मै एक यह कर लेँ, उसका दिमाग ही नही बात करता । उसको कभी अपने मध्य मात्र, बीच में हूँ। आत्मा के प्रकाश से ही यह हो सकता है, मन को कन्ट्रोल नही करना पडता, वो कहते है कि अपने मन को नहीं तो कभी नहीं हो सकता, मनुष्य जब यह कहे कि मै सारा कार्य आप कन्ट्रोल करें, अपने इन्द्रियों को कन्ट्रोल करें। वो कन्ट्रोल में करता हूँ, परमात्मा पे छोड देता हूँ, छोड़ नहीं सकता, झूठ बात, आ जाती हैं। पूरा कन्ट्रोल हो जाता है। उनको यह इच्छा ही नही होती कि वो किसी चीज को कन्ट्रोल करे, कोई टेम्पटेशन ही नहीं इस तरह की बात को जो सोचता है, वह अपने को दबा देता है Self Realisation और झूठ पे खडा है। सच बात यह है कि परम चैतन्य सब कार्य कर रहा है। बहुत शुभम् तरीके से, इतना सुन्दर उनका कौशल है, इतनी युक्तियाँ है कि आश्चर्य मे मनुष्य पड जाता है कि किस तरह से बो कार्य को करता है, बहुत से लोग मुझे बताते है कि माँ। चमत्कार हो गया, मैने तो सिर्फ प्रार्थना की और कार्य हो गया। कर्म छपी म तो हम नही करते। कर्म परम चैतन्य कर रहा है। सारे कर्म वही करते हैं, हम तो विरण्या सोचते है कि समझ लीजिए कुछ चाँदी मिल गई जो मरी हुई चीज थी उसे कुछ बना दिया, सोचा बड़ा बना दिया। हम तो मरे से मरा ही बनाते हैं। लेकिन सारा जीवन कार्य ल जो है वो परम चैतन्य करता है। और यह जो परम चैतन्य की देन मिली हुई है, और उसका जो अनुभव हुआ है बो सारा आत्मसाक्षात्कार से हुआ है। क्यों कि परम चैतन्य जी है वो आदि शक्ति जो कि शिव की इच्छा शक्ति है, उसी का प्रकाश है। इस FOREVER FLOWERING परमचैतन्य के आशीर्वाद से ही आप लोग सारे कर्म करेंगे या घटित हो जाए अद्भुत लोग हो सकते है, लेकीन, मैं यह कर रहा हूँ यह There is such a light भावना जहाँ आई, और मै ने यह किया और मै यह करना चाहता हूँ या कोई जोर जबरदस्ती किसी भी चीज की कि तो इसका मतलब Which cast no shadow No shadow in sight यह है कि आत्मा का प्रकाश पूरी तरीके से अभी नही आया। सो कर्म ही यह परम चैतन्य ही कर रहा है। आपके अन्दर वही To venture beyond पूरा परमचैतन्य कार्य कर रहा है । जो लोग आत्म साक्षात्कारी है जिसने The confines of the mind आपको बढ़ाया, आपका शरीर जो सब चीज बनी है वो उसी परम This is where you will find चैतन्य की कृपा से बनी है। और उसके बाद आज जो मनुष्य-पन The sun has risen की देन आप आत्मसाक्षात्कारी बन गए वो भी उसी परमचैतन्य का The light spreads and fills the land आशीर्वाद हैं। तो ऐसे मनुष्य मे अहंकार कैसे आ सकता है। जब वो The flower spread open and starts to expand जानता है कि मैं कुछ भी नही कर सकता हूँ, जैसे एक आरटिस्ट है, Their fragrance fills the land उसके हाथ मे खुसाली है, वह खुसाली जानती है कि मै कुछ नही To those that this will happen कर सकती हैं। यह तो एक आरटिस्ट है जैसे मै आपको कृष्ण की Will be blessed बात बताती हूँ, कि कृष्ण की मुरली ने कहा, मुझे लोग क्यों कहते है कि मै बजती हूँ, बजाने वाला तो कृष्ण है, मैं तो खोखली हैं, सो वह Will be blessed with nothing less Than the spirit, than the soul खोखलापन जिसको ईगोलेस्नेस कहते हैं पुरी तरह से हमारे अन्दर स्थापित हो जाता है। Nothing less than the whole द कर 10 ४ े पि Self Realisation GITA ON SELF-REALISATION knower, creator, and the unmanifest state. Prakriti and Purusha are not two independent identities but the two aspects of Brahman, the Absolute Reality. he Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, listen now you shall know Me completely without any doubt, with your mind absorbed in Me, taking refuge in Me, and performing yogic practices. Know that all ereatures have evolved from this two fold energy, and Brahman is the origin as well as the dissolution of the entire universe. I shall fully explain to you the Self-knowledge together with Self-realisation after knowing that nothing more remains to be known in this world. OArjuna, there is nothing higher than Brahman. Everything in the universe is strung on Brahman like jewels on the thread of a necklace. Scarcely one out of thousands of persons strives for perfection of Self-realisation. Scarcely any one of the striving, or even the perfected persons, truly understands Me. O Arjuna, I am the sapidity in the water, I am the radiance in the sun and the moon, the sacred syllable OM in all the Vedas, the sound in the ether, and the manhood in men. The mind, intellect, ego, ether, air, fire, water, and earth are the eightfold transformation of My Prakriti. I am the sweet fragrance in the earth. I am the heat in the fire, the life in all living beings, and the austerity in the ascetics. That which creates diversity, and all that can be seen or known is called Prakriti. Prakriti is also the material cause or the material out of which everything is made. Prakriti is the original source of the material world consisting of three Gunas, and eight basic elements out of which everything in this universe has evolved according to Saamkhya doctrine. Prakriti is also referred to as Asat, perishable, body, matter, nature, material nature, Maya, Mahat Brahma, field, creation, and manifest state. O Arjuna, know Me to be the eternal seed of all creatures. I am the intelligence of the intelligent, and the brilliance of the brilliant. I am the strength, that is devoid of lust and attachment, of the strong. I am the lust (or Kaama) in human beings that is in accord with Dharma (for procreation), O Arjuna. Know that the three Gunas, Saattvika, Raajasika, and Taamasika, also emanate from Me. I am not in (or dependent on) the Gunas, but the Gunas are in (or dependent on) Me This Prakriti is My lower energy. My other higher energy is the Purusha by which this entire universe is sustained, O Arjuna. (Purusha is the consciousness that observes, witnesses, watches, and supervises Prakrti. It is the spiritual energy or the efficient cause of the universe. This is also referred to as Sat, imperishable, Atma, consciousness, spirit, self, soul, energy, field Human beings are deluded by these three Gunas of nature; therefore, they do not know Me who is above these Gunas and eternal. My divine Maya consisting of three Gunas or 11 Self Realisation states of mind is difficult to overcome. Only they who surrender unto Me cross over this Maya. having no form or personality and I can take (any physical) form; because (these) people are not being able to comprehend My supreme imperishable and incomparable existence. The evil doers, the ignorant, the lowest persons who are attached to demonic nature, and whose intellect has been taken away by Maya do not worship or seek Me. The word 'Avyakta' has been used. It takes different meaning according to the cotext. Avyakta does not mean formless; it means unmanifest or a transcendental form that is invisible to our physical eyes. It is used in the sense of unmanifest Prakriti, and also in the sense of Para-Brahman. The Para-Brahman or absolute consciousness is higher than both Brahman and the unmanifest Prakriti. Para-Brahman is imperishable, without any origin and end. Para- Brahman is not formless. It has Divya Roopa, a transcendental form and Supreme Personality. The ignorant think of the Lord as formless because He is not visible. Because: Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna. They are: the distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seeker of wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. 56 Among them the wise one, who is ever united with Me and whose devotion is single minded, is the best. Because, I am very dear to the wise, and the wise is very dear to Me. All these (seekers) are indeed noble, but I regard the wise as My very Self, because the one who is steadfast becomes one with the Supreme Being. Veiled by My divine Maya, I am not known by all. Therefore, the ignorant one does not know Me as the unborn and eternal Brahman. After many births the wise ones resort (or surrender) to Me by realizing that everything is (a manifestation of) Brahman indeed, Such a great soul is very rare. I know, O Arjuma, the beings of the past, of the present, and those of the future, but no one really knows Me. All beings in this world are in utter ignorance due to the delusion of dualities born of likes and dislikes, O Arjuna. They, whose wisdom has been carried away by various desires impelled by their own Sanskaara, resort to other gods (or deities) and practice various religious rites. Whosoever desires to worship whatever deity (using whatever name, form, and method) with faith, I make their faith steady in that very deity. Persons of virtuous (or unselfish) deeds, whose Karma has come to an end, become free from the delusion of dualities and worship Me with firm resolve. Those who strive for freedom from (the cycles of birth) old age and death by taking refuge in Me know Brahman, the individual self, and Karma in its entirety. Endowed with steady faith they worship that deity, and fulfill their wishes through that deity. Those wishes are, indeed, granted only by Me. Such (material) gains of these less intelligent human beings are temporary. The worshipers of Devas go to Devas, but My devotees come to Me. The steadfast persons, who know that Brahman is everything, the Adhibhoota, the Adhidaiva, and the Adhiyajna, remember Me even at the time of death (and attain Me) The ignorant think of Me, the Para-Brahman, as || 35 Twameva Sakshat Shri Krishna Sakshat Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah || 12 Self Realisation RITUALS AND RIOTS : IS THE RELIGION WE FOLLOW he word religion has been abused. Over wants us to enjoy and this is what truly brings out the reflection of the spirit within us. Our hundreds of years it has been used to symbolize Mother loves all and wants us to love all; all our rituals that have ranged from the ridiculous to Sahaji brothers and sisters, all those who have the downright cruel. Religion became a synonym not seen the light of realization and ourselves. for segregationm; without even knowing why they were doing so, people began to proclaim the superiority of their religion overall other without True devotion starts to build once we start loving ourselves. realizing that one of the basic tenets of all Hundreds and thousands have killed each other religions is tolerance. People began to kill and in the name of God' and as Indians we are maim for religion without realizing that all the deities wanted us to love. Religion kept taking the devotee away from the first requirement- to painfully aware of the violence that 'religious fanatics are capable of. 'Religion' has been abused by all those who have no idea of religion. discover one's own soul. Let us hope that we, as the instruments of the Divine, can be guided by Shri Mataji in awakening them. Our Mother reminds us that Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is that perfect combination of all that is good about all religions realization is the first step. We have to develop and Sahaja Yogis have been granted all the qualifications to perform Sahaja Yoga. Self ourselves in this kingdom and Love is the route that She shows us. Realization is now granted effortlessly to thousands gathered at public programmes by our Divine Mother Shri Nirmala Devi. In all her Divine abilities, she has struck upon that perfect combination of the most fundamental truths of With best compliments all religions and kundalini awakening allows the Sahaja Yogi to see these truths in the light of enlightenment. Shri Mataji in her speeches on the methods to develop Self-Realization has always reminded us of the supreme virtue of detached, unconditional Love. This love for all Rajendra Pawar human beings and ourselves is what the Divine 13 Sahaji's Destination - एक अर्धपीठ श्री सप्तश्रृंगी देवी ताि आप लोंगो ने इसके पहले अंक में आदिशक्ति के एक पीठ कोल्हापुर म की महालक्ष्मी के बारे में पढ़ा। इस अंक में हम लोग अर्धपीठ की े० श्री. सप्तश्रृंगी देवी के बारे में जानेंगे। श्री सप्तश्रृंगडवासी। सद्भावे नमि तुजसी ॥ महादेवी तू महामंगला। महाशक्ति तू काळचि काळा। १० महिषमर्दिनी माता प्रबला। तू वंदय सकल देवासी। सद्भावे नमि तुजसि ॥ महाराष्ट्र के नासिक जिले में वरणी नामक गड पर यह देवी स्थित हैं। इसलिए देवी को वर्णी की सप्तश्रृंगी कहा जाता है। भी रामायण के युद्ध में जब लक्ष्मणजी मूच्छित हुए तब संजीवनी बूटी लाने के लिये श्री हनुमान द्रोणागिरी नामक पर्वत को उठाकर लाए थे। उस पर्वत के टुकडे जो रास्ते मे गिरे, उन्हीं से ही साप्तश्रृंगी नामक पर्वत बना। सप्त याने सात और श्रृंगी याने शिखर। बहुत सालों पहले, पृथ्वी पर राक्षसों का राज्य चलता था। वे देवताओं को खूब सताते थे। इन राक्षसों का संहार करने के लिए, श्री ब्रम्हा, श्री विष्णु और श्री महेश ने एक महान शक्ति का निर्माण किया। ये देवी चार स्थानों पर प्रकट हुई-सप्तश्रृंगी, सा कोल्हापुर, तुलजापुर और माहुर। सप्तश्रृंगी में महिषासुर नामक राक्षस अपने दो भाईयों के साथ आया था । वे तीनों सबको बहुत सताते थे। देवी ने महिषासुर के दोनों भाईयो को लडकर मार डाला, पर महिषासुर बहुत ही शक्तिशाली था। देवी और महिषासुर के बीच में घमासान युद्ध हुआ। अंतत: देवी ने अपनी तलवार से महिषासुर का वध कर दिया। सारे देवी देवताओं और ऋषी मुनियों ने देवी की जयजय कार की "अंबे उद्योस्तु"। उससे देवी प्रसन्न हुई और उन्होने वरदान दिया कि वह सब लोगो की रक्षा करेंगी और उनका संकट हरेंगी। इस घटना के कुछ सालों बाद भीमासुर नामक राक्षस ने देवलोक और पृथ्वीलोक के वासियों को सताना शुरू किया। मार्कडेय ऋषि की सूचना से देवों ने सप्तश्रृंगी देवी की आराधना की और उन्हें प्रसन्न किया। तत्पश्चात देवी ने भीमासुर का वध करके दूसरीबार सबका संरक्षण किया। सप्तश्रृंगी एक बहुत ही सुंदर तथा विलोभनीय स्थान है जहाँ मन को बहुत शान्ति मिलती है। वहाँ जाने के बाद ठंडी ठंडी चैतन्य लहरियों की अनुमूति होती है। वहाँ सहजयोगियोंने कार्यक्रम भी कियें है और कई लोगों ने आत्मसाक्षात्कार भी 1 पाया है। श्री माताजी ने भी इसका वर्णन अपने एक भाषण में किया है और ऐसा कहा है की सहजयोगियों को वहाँ अवश्य जाना चाहिये । 14 Heal the World Diabetes the cure lies within asare, D If diet and exercise fail to control blood sugar, one must switch on hypoglycemic drugs. In extreme cases where the drugs fail, insulin is the only alternative. One must be very grateful to Shri Mataji for bringing us ll the knowledge about chakras, channels, organs and diseases. Meditation remains the best treatment as it iabetes, we learn in our biology courses, is a metabolic disorder that reduces the patient's capacity to digest sugar and causes a number of other complications. It is a disease that affects many in India and all over the world. Unlike other diseases diabetes slowly but steadily reduces the patient's vitality by affecting routine habits, eye sight and body weight. Interestingly, the credit of discovering the diabetes goes to Charak and Sushruta who observed that urine of diabetic patients was sweet. (This urine was.collecting ants). Diabetes is diagnosed when the blood sugar level is 200 regulates metabolic reactions. The efficiency of a drug can be increased if one follows Sahaja Yoga. In case of diabetes, it is of great importance to take care of the liver and the right swadishthan. One should try to reduce excess mental activity. By thinking and planning too much, we spoil our liver because this organ has to supply lots of energy to the brain instead of taking care of the panereas and many other organs located in the abdomen. Asa result, some heat will be created by the liver. It can be easily detected by comparing the temperature of the right part with the one of the left side of the abdomen. Taking cold footsoaks and putting ice on the liver have been advised by Shri Mataji. Oneshould use Shri Raja Lakshmi, Shri Himalaya and Shri Hazrat Ali Fatima mäntras. And last but not least Shri Mataji's blessings take over when the advances of medicine cease to be effective. A complete surrender to Shri Mataji by putting the attention at the Sahasrara, abode of Her lotus feet, is the panacea that takes the 'chronic' out of chronic disorder and the 'incurable' out of incurable diseases. mg/ dl. There are two types of diabetes viz. Type I is due to an insufficiency of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. This type of disease appears at a very young age amongst teenagers and young adults: The main problem resides in the pancreas itself. Due to lack of insulin, sugar remains in the blood, The doors of the cells are closed for glucose. (Insulin is the key that triggers glucose absorption in cells.) The second and most frequent type of diabetes is due to resistance of cell receptors. Insulin receptors do not work well and sugar can not enter the cells. As a consequence the sugar level increases. The biggest danger of diabetes is that it has serious complications upon many organs. It affects heart, blood vessels, feet, eyes, kidneys and nervous system. Some weakness can erop up in muscles and healing of wounds may be difficult. A special type of diabetes can temporarily occur during pregnancy; this pathology is called as gestational diabetes. To avoid such complications, it is advisable not to be exposed to any kind of stress and to maintain liver and right Swadishthan Chakra cleared. CE reans NEWSFLASH Shri Krishna Puja 10, 11, 12 Aug - Canajouhrie Shri Ganesh Puja 31 Aug, 1, 2 Sept-Cabella Navaratri Puja 19, 20, 21 Oct- Greece The treatment of diabetes starts with proper balanced diet consisting of 70% of carbohydrates, 20% of proteins and 10% of lipids. Green leafy vegetables, fibers, vitamins and minerals are very useful as they help the insulin producing cells. Exercise is also very useful as we have to burn our calories; in some cases, the weight should be reduced. Diwali Puja 16, 17, 18 Nov - LosAngeles Source: Sahaja News. 100 15 Knowledge & fun 18. The element of the Nabhi Chala is 20. Lord is also called as Pashupati 21. The gemstone of Sahasrara Chakra is 23. Italy represents the 25. in the Virata. Nadi starts frin the Mooladhar Chakra. is the energy of Shri Ganesh.(Ref. Page 4) petals. 26 27. Swadishthan Chakra has 30. Shri Mataji has been confered with the 32 Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara of the Universe here. 33. The symbal of the Swadishthan Chakra is Star 34. The technique to protect oneself from negativities 35. award. David. is the Symbol of the Agya Chakra. D. DOWN Mouladhar Chakra is the seut of Shri Ganesha. 1 One of the ten Gurus is Lan The bane through which the Kundalini enters the body of a human child it the clemen kra? Where is Shri Mainjis Castle in Italy located. 6 Shrr Mataji Blesses us with our 7. Which was the first sound created in the universe? 13. Which organ is the seat of our Attention? 17. Shri Mataji opened the Salhusrara of the uiiverse in the year nine- 23 A. tof the Heart Chn Icen 19. Saptshringhi is located In which district? 21. This planet corresponds to the Sahasrara Chakra. ACROSS 1. Mahabharat are the great epics of Indian Mythology drgan secretes Insulin Easter Puja 2001 was held here. This country represents right swadhishthun Which direction was Shri Mataji facing when she opened the 24. 28. Saptslıringhl represeuts the 29 Which Saint has deseribed the Kundalini as Surti? 30 Ida Nadi represeuts 31. Mares recuived the coil of the Kunduliti. 5. Sahasrara of the Universe? channel? Commandments from God. channel. The Pingala Nudi is also called us the 9. 8. is the gemstone of the Heart Chnkra is beej mantra of Mooladhar Chulru is the deity of the Ida Nadi is the day of the Sahasrara Chakra. 10. 19.Nask 21.Pto 22 Ramayan 24 Pancres 28 Hall 29 Kahir 30 Moon 31 Ten DOWN: 1Tze 2Fontanel 3.Air 4.Cabela 6.SelIReaisation FAum 13Ler 17.Sevent 30 Manavratna 32 Nargol 33.01 34.Bandhan 35.Cross 15.Cenvical 16.Ten 18.Water 20.Shiva 21.Paari 23.Soul 25,ida 26Quanitum 27 S ACROSS LTukey 2Ftance 5.East 8.Sun 9Ruby 10 Lum 11 Kali 12 Monday 14Cam 11. Maha 12 13. After meditution one becomes happy and poacehil Plexus is the Vishudhi Chakra. 16 Number of petals in the Nabhi Chakra. 1. SUBSCRIPTION FORM Name Address State Pin City Date of Birth Ph. E-mail Cash/DD of Rs.80/- DD No. Drawee Bank DD should be sent in the name of 'National Sahaja Yuva Shakti' payable at Pune. 16 For Internal Circulation Only Editors : NSYS Team Publishers : NSYS. Plot No. 9. Survey No. 98. Bhusari Colony Kothrud. Pune - 38. ---------------------- 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-0.txt YUVADRISHTI An offering by the Yuva Shakti at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother Volume 2 Issue 2 June 2001 SELL REALISATION IS TIE IRST ENCOUNTER WILH REALIIY 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-1.txt । जय श्री माताजी ।। is the 4th issue of the NSYS newsletter and it is time to take stock of what has been the growth of this nascent venture. The newsletter was started as a mouthpiece of the Yuva Shakti in India with a view to becoming global in the future. Despite the expected teething problems, Shri Mataji's Divine Attention ensured that the fledgling has survived and is now reaching over 500 Sahaji families all across India. Sahaja families lapped up subscriptions at Ganapatipule, Shiv Puja(Pune), Birthday Puja(Delhi) and at other major events. The team wishes to render apologies to all those who have any complaints regarding delivery of new issues or any other discrepancy. We are in the process of making the processes much more collective in the future and we hope to improve with each issue. Sahajis are only too familiar with the many little miracles that remove all obstacles to Sahaja ventures and the team behind this newsletter has watched in wonder as minor little hurdles have been swept away in the torrent of Divine energy that is gradually working a quiet revolution on that our world. We hope and pray every day that we, as the Yuva Shakti, can be worthy of the praise Shri Mataji has showered upon us. Jai Shri Mataji Yuvadrishti Tem yuvadrishti@yahoo.com CONTENTS 2. MANAV RATNA AWARD PUA TALK Sahasrara Puja - Cabella 2001 ....3 THEME : Sar-RIALISATION 6. पसायदान ...... How Realisation should be allowed to develop 9. आत्म-साक्षात्कारी की विशेषताएँ. 11 Gita on Self-Realisation 13 Rituals and Riots... SAHAJI's DESTINATION 14 श्री सप्तश्रृंगी देवी एक अर्थपीठ, HEAL THE WORLD 15 Diabetes the cure lies within 15 NEws FLASH 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-2.txt RATNA WARD MANAV The Indian Council of Managem ent Executives has awarded Shri Mataji witk the MANAV RATNA AWARD for Her work for hum anity and education The award was conferred on the eve of Shiv Puja at Pune 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-3.txt Puja Talk SAHASRARA PUJA TALK - EXCERPTS 6th May 2001,Cabella ,Itlay they just said "Now, this is the Truth!" They felt the cool breeze in their hands. All the symptoms told about a Realised Soul started. But I didn't was thinking "How will it grow? How will it work out? want to say everything at that time because there were many others saying "I am this .. I am that...". We had about 25 people who were Realised Souls by then, in India. But they realised what they had got by Realisation. They realised that they had become very good people. They had given all bad habits, and they were wanting to worship me. I said "No, no don't worship me because people will not understand", But one day they forced me. So on the terrace of the house they came and worshipped me, because somebody had told them "This Is the Goddess. So, what had happened was that after the So I didn't want to expose it all together. But gradually I found that people got attracted and they used to come to my programme. And then the Sahaja Yoga started spreading all over, in a very interesting manner. HEN So this Sahasrara Day, or we can say on the day the Sahasrara was opened out, it is very important, It is very subtle, We just know about the Kundalini, that she is coiled up in three and a half, and she is lying in the triangular bone kmown as Saerum. But we don't know what she works how she works, what happens to us. She rises in six centres and breaks the seventh centre I should say she breaks the sixth centre because Ganesha's centre doesn't play any role - so when she breaks the sixth centre, which is the Sahasrara, then she connects you to the all- pervading power of Divine Love. programme, one maidservant came up who was possessed. And she came and she started calling me by the name of 'Goddess. So people said "What are you saying?" She was a woman but talking like a man. So she said "I am telling you the truth, She is the Goddess who has come to save us." Her language was not that of a maidservant, but of a very well-educated Brahmin who would say all Adi-Shankaracharya's stotras. It was very surprising. So they asked her several questions and then she just fainted. So I told them "Just don't listen to her, it's no use". But they would not agree, and they said "Mother, we have to worship you". So somehow I agreed to that and they got hold of seven Brahmins to do that. But what is this Divine Love? What does this do? It is the energy of the Mother, we can say it is the energy of Adi Shakti; which is all over - (it) works through vibrations. But what are these vibrations? It is a very subtle energy that starts flowing through your Sahasrara. All the thousand petals of the Sahasrara get slowly enlightened and it starts flowing throughout your body, They were afraid because to do that Puja, it is very dangerous and it could harm you if it is not the Truth. But on the contrary, when they were doing the Puja, they got their Realisation and throughout your hands, feet, throughout your body. And the more you are. I mean (the more) 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-4.txt Puja Talk of you who have got realisation can also work out your own energies.How? By releasing it, by feeling it, by giving it to others, by experimenting. Of course, Sahaja Yoga has spread because of you only. You are the people that have brought people to Sahaja Yoga. But that's not the end of it. We have to save this world. For that at least I feel 40% of the people should get their realisation. Whatever may be their nationality, whatever may be their education, anything. They are to be given self realisation. In our Indian scriptures it is clearly written: Without Athmasakshatkar your life is useless. But what is Athmasakshatkar? It's the knowledge about yourself. How can you have that knowledge unless and until you become one with this all pervading power? your attention is on the Sahasrara, the more it works faster. Now in the science I have read that they have discovered an energy that they call quantum energy'. Quantum', I don't know why they call it quantum, because quantum is four. So it might be meaning the energy of Ganesha, maybe, I don't know. Because scientists are blind people, I don't know what they call what. So they are saying there is a quantum energy. Now this quantum energy, according to them, flows in a subtle manner and it is normally not visible, very but it has light. You have seen that in so many photographs of mine this light of all kinds, This energy moves in a light. So this is the energy I think; again, I am not very sure because I have always found seientists a little bit vague But this Quantum energy they are talking about is something like the spiritual energy, the energy of love, which flows around. And this quantum energy, they do not know what it does, but they have seen (that) it has got light. They call it quantum because according to them it flows in bundles, and every bundle is a quanta, according to them.Now this energy, when it flows, as you have seen yourself, it works. It works in every direction, in every dimension. For example it works physically. Supposing you have some physical ailment, you have seen many people get cured in my presence just in my presence. I need not do anything to them. Or also, as soon as I see somebody, I know what he is suffering from. That's also, I must say, my connection with the Divine. And that tells me what's wrong with what person and what should be done. And it can be cured in no time. Because that also comes quantum Sa it was a very great thing I felt that this Sahasrara I could open in 1970. I realised I was overwhelmed because I knew this is the only trouble, it is the only obstacle that human beings are having- because their Sahasraras are not open, that's why they are going in the darkness, that's why they are having wars, that's why they are having all kinds of problems. But if their Sahasrara opens and if they become one with the Divine Power, all there problems will be solved, every type of problem will be solved and they will be very happy people. I realised it and I was very happy, I was over joyous. But nobody understood me, I don't know, they thought that I must be talking something rionsensical. Nobody understood it, what it is. Because even in the shastras it's not written about Kundalini so clearly. Only one great saint called Gyaneshwara wrote it in his book in the sixth chapter about the Kundalini. It's not so elear, only to me just like that'. I mean, I don't ask any questions, I don't try to find out, I do not analyse, but it just says "Do like this!". It also doesn't 'say', it just does. It just works automatically. It is very difficult to explain how this energy works.But all he said that with the Kundalini you can get your IT 4. 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-5.txt Puja Talk awakening, Also you sing that song always, I've heard, he says that 'Oh, Kundalini Mother, please be awakened! But nobody knows what this Kundalini is and why are you singing that song. It was all in our country people used to sing in the village. So clearly, but nobody understood the meaning of it. Just they used to sing as some sort of a bhajan, or could be some sort of a music concert. But nobody knew what it was talking about. It was such a misunderstanding about everything. Ad all these poets, also, who have written elearly about awakening, about Realisation, everything was jast in the books. They would read one line of the book, then stop there. फरमान मा के दरबार से आया एक फरमान, श्री मा ने कहला भेजा सब के लिए एक काम, 'सहजी सहज बढ़ाये जा अंधेरे में दीप जलाये जा' माँ का है एक स्वप्न, सारी जम हो सहज में मु, हम सही भाई और बहुन, को करना होगा एक प्रण, सच कर दिखायेंगे हम, H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. श्री माँ का वह स्व्न । अगर सच कर दिखाना है वह स्वष्न, तो लगा दे हम अपना तन, मन, धन। सहजी सहन बढ़ाये जा दिलों में दीप जलाये जा With best compliments Sarveshwara Softech & Printers Pvt. Ltd. Printing house of stationery and publicity material. Regd. off. : A-410, Nilgiri aprtments, Alaknanda, New Delhi - 110 019 Telefax: 11 646 2943, 648 4268 E-mail : sarveshwara@vsnl.com MIE 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-6.txt Self Realisation द का 5 ल पसायदान आतां विश्वात्मकें देवे। येणें वागयजञं तोषावे। तोषोनि मज घ्यावें। पसायंद्ान है। जे खळांची व्युक्रडी सांडो ।तया सत्कर्मी रती वाढो। भूतां परस्पर पड़ी। मैत्र जीवांचे ॥ दूरितांचे तिमिर जावो । विश स्वधर्मसूर्य पाहो। जो जें वांछिल तो ते लाहो। प्राणिजात वर्षत सकळमंगळी ईश्वरनिष्ठांची मंदियाळी। अनवरत भूमंडळी। भेदतु भूतां॥ नचितामणीचे गांव। चलां कल्पतरूंचे आर चैत बोलते जे,अर्णव । पीयूषाचे ॥ चंद्रमे जें अतांछन। मार्तड ते तापहीन। ते सर्वाही संदा संजजन सोयरे होतु ।। किंबहुना सर्वसुखीं। पूर्ण होउनि तिहीं लोकीं। भजिजो आदिपुरूखी ।अखंडेत आणि ग्रंथोपूंजीवियें। विशेषीं लोकीं इयें। दृष्टादृष्टविजये । हो वें जीध॥ येथ म्हणेविश्वेशरावो। हा होईल वानपसावी । येणें वें ज्ञानदेवो। सुखिया झाला । ० नेश्व्ररी ने बहुत सुंदर कविता लिखी उन्हीं सहजयोगियों का कणन करते है कि आप चलिये । उसा नाम है पसायदान, उसमें ाल्ठी ह ज् सहजयोग पूरी तरह से वर्णिते किया है और पूरी तरह से यह कहा ह कि ध्यूकलिये । आप कौन.. है आप जगल के जंगल हैं कल्पतरू हैं। कल्पुतरू तो आप जानतें हैं, कलपत की आप जंगल के जंगल हैं। आप लोग चलिये फिर वे कहतें हैं आप लोग (योजि सहजयोगि लोग) अमृत के भरे ऐसे महासागर हों जोकि बोलतें हैं, चंद्रमा जैसी आपकी शकल जिसपे कोई हुए लाछन न हो ओर सूर्य जैसे आप दैवित्यमान लेकिन उसमें ताप न हो, ऐसे आप सहजयोगी चलिये चलके ये पसायदान ये अमृतदान सबको दीजिये।" प. पू. माताजी श्री निर्मला देवी ह भुम े० 9. 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-7.txt Self Realisation HOW REALISATION SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DEVELOP 15 October 1979, Caxton Hall, London understanding that it is a crocodile and it is going to eat you off doesn't come up so easily. ow those who have got realisation, those who have felt the vibrations must know that they are now developing into another being. The germination has started and you must allow the germination to workout its own way. But normally when we get realisation also we do not realise that it is tremendous thing that has happened within us, that this triggering which is an impossibility has taken place within us and it has to work out slowly. It has to develop and evolve us into that and because we do not feel it we do not take it that seriously as we should our realisation. Moreover they are surrounded by people who have not felt the vibrations, they do not know this area they have never seen it. As Guru Nanak has called it, it is Alakh (aTEU they have not seen it. They dont know about it. They don't kmow that there is a power of God that exists which understands,coordinates, cooperates with you, which is working in the collective being, which makes you aware of that collective being and of others also. This Alakh ( SERU) or we can call it Aparoksh (3ra) which So this one doesn't realise that the triggering which is the most difficult thing, has happened to you, it is difficult. But it has happened to you, know why it has happened. You take that one for granted and also you take the Devils for granted. At least don't take the devils for granted. Run away from them as soon as possible. Meditate Meditate and try to establish yourselfin the realm of divine love. I say it is divine love, you cannot understand what this divine love is. You cannot undestand human being who loves you only for loves any sake, Just because that person loves on loving because he enjoys that loving. In Sanskrit it is called as Avyaj (stt) that there is no interest Avyaj. Its just flowing. Even when it corrects you it corrects you in love, and the protection of the divine love is the only way you are germinating. That love gives you that warmth needed, that strength needed, that confidence needed. Everything is given to you by that divine love. you he goes is not seen by any one which no one kmows about. They talk about it, they talk about the Kingdom of God, they talk about God's powers divine So one has to realise that it is Love and Love and Love is the basis of all creation. God has created this world this universe only because he loved, and he wants to bestow the blessings on you because he loves you. But how far you love yourself is the problem. You do not evaluate yourself. And that is the reason why though the kundalini has risen and you have got realisation your vibrations are flowing your growth is very slow. Because the attention has been outside because attention is outside and even after powers. Its you are triggered into it, you have to grow into it. Unless and until you grow into it, you will be dwarfed, specially for people who have come from fake Gurus and false things that they have been following. They don't know how terrible these things are. Like you are on a crocodile and suddenly you discover it is a crocodile, how fast would run from that? But even the you 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-8.txt Self Realisation you who have to raise the people you who have to enlighten the people. Sahaja yogis must realise what is their value. Are you not seeking your spirit? Are you not worried about the salvation of your spirit? If so what are you doing about it? That's the most important thing, I think everybody realises this that only achieving self- realisation is not the end of it, because it is just the sprouting that has started. You have to have compassion for others who haven't got it as yet. You have to think about them you have to give it to them work it out put all your minds to it. But still I find people are busy with other things. They realisation it is outside. Sometimes it is sucked in again it goes outside, then we do not change our old habits at all, we go out sticking to those old habits. Our structure of life our styles of thinking continue to be the same, again we find ourselves lost into the same shambles. Now Sahaja Yoga gives you realisation alright, but it also gives you a long rope to hang yourself. If you do not pay heed to yourself and to your being. If you dont love yourself, and understand that you're the instrument of God, by which for the first time you are going to give realisation to people. You are going to save people from getting drowned and this the first time you are made go back to the same circle. You should be busy I like that. This capability you never had and no human beings have now got today. Very few people had this capability very very few people. But now you have got that capacity and do not want to evaluate yourself. How important it is, if you could realise then work it out allow the blossoming to come up. I find that you cannot see the movements of your kundalini. If you try to understand and she is the one who loves you the most. So she is your individual motherand if you try to follow her you will see that she is suggesting that where is the problem with you what you have to correct, what you have to do because she wants to perfect you. So if start watching it carefully with love with understanding she is very playful extremely sweet and full of beautiful plays like a little child. She will tickle you here and there call for attention, she doesn't trouble you, you have to be just alert about her and she really matures you. You have seen people with time now they have matured. But you have to pay attention to her and to yourself. Otherwise what is your value without enlightenment. What is the use of having human beings if they are not enlightened? What is the use of the instrument if it is not put to the mains? The rest is all useless, isn't it? and it is dont say you should not do something for a living, you have to do it. This is one thing very important for us to know that we have to work it out and we have to allow it to grow within ourselves... May God Bless You. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi With best compliments From your Sharad Tambe 8. 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-9.txt Self Realisation की विशेषताएँ १ ८ आत्म-साक्षात्कारी होता कि मुझे यह चाहिए, अब उसके लिए प्राण लगा रहें है। लोग जो आत्म-साक्षात्कारी हैं, आत्मा के प्रकाश में अपने को सारी 1 है कि कोई न कोई चीज के लिए इस तरह से दौडते हैं कि उनके चीजो की ओर दृष्टी डालते वक्त एक व्यापकता से देखते है और लिए वही सब कुछ जिंदगी है, और जब मिल जाती है तो तृप्त होने दूसरी बात की उनमे यह कभी धारणा नही होती - ये कार्य करने की जगह दूसरी चीज की ओर दौड़ने लगते हैं। अगर वोनही मिलती से मेरा नाम बढ जायेगा या मेरा यश बढ़े। लोग उन्हे मार भी डाले, है तो उन्हे इतना दुःख होता है, दारून दुःख होता हैं,सोचते है सताए, कोई उनकी बुराई करे, वो कभी भी इस चीज का बुरा नही कि मेरी जिन्दगी का सब कुछ खत्म हो गया। मानते। जैसे की आप देख सकते हैं की ईसा मसिह को सूली पर चढाया गया, सूली पे चढ़ने पर उन्होंने ये प्रार्थना की कि "हे फिर ऐसे मनुष्य का चित्त होता है, वो बहुल का और हर चीज को जगदीश, यह लोग जानते नही है कि यह क्या गलती कर रहें है जानता हुआ चलता है। कि उसके चित्त में यह शक्ति होती है कि इसलिए इनको तुम माफ कर दोक्योंकि यही इनको फिक्र थी कि जहा भी उसका चित्त पहुँचें वो चित्त स्वयं ही कार्यमित हो जाता है। मुझे इन्होंने ऐसा सताया तो जाने क्या इनका हाल होगा। तो ऐसा अब चित्त है जो ब्रम्ह देव की देन है। लेकिन जब ब्रम्ह देव या ब्रम्ह जो आत्म-साक्षात्कारी होता है वो निष्क्रिय होता है, उनके अन्दर देव का सिर्फ भ्रम ही रह जाता है तो ऐसा चित्त इतना प्रभावशाली किसी चीज की खिचाव नही रहती की यह होना ही चाहिए, बनना होता है, इतना प्रेममय होता है, इतना सूझ-बूझ वाला होता है, ही चाहिए। वो संकल्प नही करता, वो हो जाएगा तो अच्छा, नहीं और इतना होशियार होता है कि वो अपने कार्य को बड़े ही शुभम हो जाएगा तो भी अच्छा। और अब वो किसी यश और जय वो तरीके से कर लेता है। मतलब ऐसा आदमी का चित्त परम चैतन्य वरन नही करता है, उनकी अपेक्षा ही नही करता है, तो उसको से एकाकारिता प्राप्त कर लेता है और जब परमचैतन्य से सुख और दुःख का चक्कर समझ आता है। सुख और दुःख में वह एकाकारिता हो तो परमचैतन्य तो सारे कार्य करते ही रहता है। तो समान रहता है, कोई दु:ख आया तो उसे भी देख सकता है और जितने भी कर्म हैं दुनिया के, वो सिर्फ एक ब्रम्ह शक्ति या परम सुख आया तो उसे भी देख सकता है और वो समझता है यह रात चैतन्य करते है। और यह जो भी कर्म मनुष्य कर रहा है वो उस और दिन का मामला है। खुद वो स्वयं आनंद मे विभोर है क्योंकि वक्त यह नही सोचता कि मै कर रहा हूँ। सोचता माने उसको इसकी आत्मा आनंद का स्त्रोत्र है। आनंद के स्तोत्र से विभोर है, वो किसी अनुभूति ही नही होती वो तो यह सोचता है कि, हो रहा है, यह चीज की लालसा नहीं करता। उसे कभी किसी चीज की लालसा घटित हो रहा है, यह बन रहा है। असल में जिसे कहते है कि होती ही नही कि मै उसकी चीज ले लँ, कि खसोट लँ, कि उस को उतरना क्योकिं परम चैतन्य ही सारे कार्य कर रहें है, तो मै एक यह कर लेँ, उसका दिमाग ही नही बात करता । उसको कभी अपने मध्य मात्र, बीच में हूँ। आत्मा के प्रकाश से ही यह हो सकता है, मन को कन्ट्रोल नही करना पडता, वो कहते है कि अपने मन को नहीं तो कभी नहीं हो सकता, मनुष्य जब यह कहे कि मै सारा कार्य आप कन्ट्रोल करें, अपने इन्द्रियों को कन्ट्रोल करें। वो कन्ट्रोल में करता हूँ, परमात्मा पे छोड देता हूँ, छोड़ नहीं सकता, झूठ बात, आ जाती हैं। पूरा कन्ट्रोल हो जाता है। उनको यह इच्छा ही नही होती कि वो किसी चीज को कन्ट्रोल करे, कोई टेम्पटेशन ही नहीं इस तरह की बात को जो सोचता है, वह अपने को दबा देता है 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-10.txt Self Realisation और झूठ पे खडा है। सच बात यह है कि परम चैतन्य सब कार्य कर रहा है। बहुत शुभम् तरीके से, इतना सुन्दर उनका कौशल है, इतनी युक्तियाँ है कि आश्चर्य मे मनुष्य पड जाता है कि किस तरह से बो कार्य को करता है, बहुत से लोग मुझे बताते है कि माँ। चमत्कार हो गया, मैने तो सिर्फ प्रार्थना की और कार्य हो गया। कर्म छपी म तो हम नही करते। कर्म परम चैतन्य कर रहा है। सारे कर्म वही करते हैं, हम तो विरण्या सोचते है कि समझ लीजिए कुछ चाँदी मिल गई जो मरी हुई चीज थी उसे कुछ बना दिया, सोचा बड़ा बना दिया। हम तो मरे से मरा ही बनाते हैं। लेकिन सारा जीवन कार्य ल जो है वो परम चैतन्य करता है। और यह जो परम चैतन्य की देन मिली हुई है, और उसका जो अनुभव हुआ है बो सारा आत्मसाक्षात्कार से हुआ है। क्यों कि परम चैतन्य जी है वो आदि शक्ति जो कि शिव की इच्छा शक्ति है, उसी का प्रकाश है। इस FOREVER FLOWERING परमचैतन्य के आशीर्वाद से ही आप लोग सारे कर्म करेंगे या घटित हो जाए अद्भुत लोग हो सकते है, लेकीन, मैं यह कर रहा हूँ यह There is such a light भावना जहाँ आई, और मै ने यह किया और मै यह करना चाहता हूँ या कोई जोर जबरदस्ती किसी भी चीज की कि तो इसका मतलब Which cast no shadow No shadow in sight यह है कि आत्मा का प्रकाश पूरी तरीके से अभी नही आया। सो कर्म ही यह परम चैतन्य ही कर रहा है। आपके अन्दर वही To venture beyond पूरा परमचैतन्य कार्य कर रहा है । जो लोग आत्म साक्षात्कारी है जिसने The confines of the mind आपको बढ़ाया, आपका शरीर जो सब चीज बनी है वो उसी परम This is where you will find चैतन्य की कृपा से बनी है। और उसके बाद आज जो मनुष्य-पन The sun has risen की देन आप आत्मसाक्षात्कारी बन गए वो भी उसी परमचैतन्य का The light spreads and fills the land आशीर्वाद हैं। तो ऐसे मनुष्य मे अहंकार कैसे आ सकता है। जब वो The flower spread open and starts to expand जानता है कि मैं कुछ भी नही कर सकता हूँ, जैसे एक आरटिस्ट है, Their fragrance fills the land उसके हाथ मे खुसाली है, वह खुसाली जानती है कि मै कुछ नही To those that this will happen कर सकती हैं। यह तो एक आरटिस्ट है जैसे मै आपको कृष्ण की Will be blessed बात बताती हूँ, कि कृष्ण की मुरली ने कहा, मुझे लोग क्यों कहते है कि मै बजती हूँ, बजाने वाला तो कृष्ण है, मैं तो खोखली हैं, सो वह Will be blessed with nothing less Than the spirit, than the soul खोखलापन जिसको ईगोलेस्नेस कहते हैं पुरी तरह से हमारे अन्दर स्थापित हो जाता है। Nothing less than the whole द कर 10 ४ े पि 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-11.txt Self Realisation GITA ON SELF-REALISATION knower, creator, and the unmanifest state. Prakriti and Purusha are not two independent identities but the two aspects of Brahman, the Absolute Reality. he Supreme Lord said: O Arjuna, listen now you shall know Me completely without any doubt, with your mind absorbed in Me, taking refuge in Me, and performing yogic practices. Know that all ereatures have evolved from this two fold energy, and Brahman is the origin as well as the dissolution of the entire universe. I shall fully explain to you the Self-knowledge together with Self-realisation after knowing that nothing more remains to be known in this world. OArjuna, there is nothing higher than Brahman. Everything in the universe is strung on Brahman like jewels on the thread of a necklace. Scarcely one out of thousands of persons strives for perfection of Self-realisation. Scarcely any one of the striving, or even the perfected persons, truly understands Me. O Arjuna, I am the sapidity in the water, I am the radiance in the sun and the moon, the sacred syllable OM in all the Vedas, the sound in the ether, and the manhood in men. The mind, intellect, ego, ether, air, fire, water, and earth are the eightfold transformation of My Prakriti. I am the sweet fragrance in the earth. I am the heat in the fire, the life in all living beings, and the austerity in the ascetics. That which creates diversity, and all that can be seen or known is called Prakriti. Prakriti is also the material cause or the material out of which everything is made. Prakriti is the original source of the material world consisting of three Gunas, and eight basic elements out of which everything in this universe has evolved according to Saamkhya doctrine. Prakriti is also referred to as Asat, perishable, body, matter, nature, material nature, Maya, Mahat Brahma, field, creation, and manifest state. O Arjuna, know Me to be the eternal seed of all creatures. I am the intelligence of the intelligent, and the brilliance of the brilliant. I am the strength, that is devoid of lust and attachment, of the strong. I am the lust (or Kaama) in human beings that is in accord with Dharma (for procreation), O Arjuna. Know that the three Gunas, Saattvika, Raajasika, and Taamasika, also emanate from Me. I am not in (or dependent on) the Gunas, but the Gunas are in (or dependent on) Me This Prakriti is My lower energy. My other higher energy is the Purusha by which this entire universe is sustained, O Arjuna. (Purusha is the consciousness that observes, witnesses, watches, and supervises Prakrti. It is the spiritual energy or the efficient cause of the universe. This is also referred to as Sat, imperishable, Atma, consciousness, spirit, self, soul, energy, field Human beings are deluded by these three Gunas of nature; therefore, they do not know Me who is above these Gunas and eternal. My divine Maya consisting of three Gunas or 11 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-12.txt Self Realisation states of mind is difficult to overcome. Only they who surrender unto Me cross over this Maya. having no form or personality and I can take (any physical) form; because (these) people are not being able to comprehend My supreme imperishable and incomparable existence. The evil doers, the ignorant, the lowest persons who are attached to demonic nature, and whose intellect has been taken away by Maya do not worship or seek Me. The word 'Avyakta' has been used. It takes different meaning according to the cotext. Avyakta does not mean formless; it means unmanifest or a transcendental form that is invisible to our physical eyes. It is used in the sense of unmanifest Prakriti, and also in the sense of Para-Brahman. The Para-Brahman or absolute consciousness is higher than both Brahman and the unmanifest Prakriti. Para-Brahman is imperishable, without any origin and end. Para- Brahman is not formless. It has Divya Roopa, a transcendental form and Supreme Personality. The ignorant think of the Lord as formless because He is not visible. Because: Four types of virtuous ones worship or seek Me, O Arjuna. They are: the distressed, the seeker of Self-knowledge, the seeker of wealth, and the wise one who knows the Supreme. 56 Among them the wise one, who is ever united with Me and whose devotion is single minded, is the best. Because, I am very dear to the wise, and the wise is very dear to Me. All these (seekers) are indeed noble, but I regard the wise as My very Self, because the one who is steadfast becomes one with the Supreme Being. Veiled by My divine Maya, I am not known by all. Therefore, the ignorant one does not know Me as the unborn and eternal Brahman. After many births the wise ones resort (or surrender) to Me by realizing that everything is (a manifestation of) Brahman indeed, Such a great soul is very rare. I know, O Arjuma, the beings of the past, of the present, and those of the future, but no one really knows Me. All beings in this world are in utter ignorance due to the delusion of dualities born of likes and dislikes, O Arjuna. They, whose wisdom has been carried away by various desires impelled by their own Sanskaara, resort to other gods (or deities) and practice various religious rites. Whosoever desires to worship whatever deity (using whatever name, form, and method) with faith, I make their faith steady in that very deity. Persons of virtuous (or unselfish) deeds, whose Karma has come to an end, become free from the delusion of dualities and worship Me with firm resolve. Those who strive for freedom from (the cycles of birth) old age and death by taking refuge in Me know Brahman, the individual self, and Karma in its entirety. Endowed with steady faith they worship that deity, and fulfill their wishes through that deity. Those wishes are, indeed, granted only by Me. Such (material) gains of these less intelligent human beings are temporary. The worshipers of Devas go to Devas, but My devotees come to Me. The steadfast persons, who know that Brahman is everything, the Adhibhoota, the Adhidaiva, and the Adhiyajna, remember Me even at the time of death (and attain Me) The ignorant think of Me, the Para-Brahman, as || 35 Twameva Sakshat Shri Krishna Sakshat Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah || 12 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-13.txt Self Realisation RITUALS AND RIOTS : IS THE RELIGION WE FOLLOW he word religion has been abused. Over wants us to enjoy and this is what truly brings out the reflection of the spirit within us. Our hundreds of years it has been used to symbolize Mother loves all and wants us to love all; all our rituals that have ranged from the ridiculous to Sahaji brothers and sisters, all those who have the downright cruel. Religion became a synonym not seen the light of realization and ourselves. for segregationm; without even knowing why they were doing so, people began to proclaim the superiority of their religion overall other without True devotion starts to build once we start loving ourselves. realizing that one of the basic tenets of all Hundreds and thousands have killed each other religions is tolerance. People began to kill and in the name of God' and as Indians we are maim for religion without realizing that all the deities wanted us to love. Religion kept taking the devotee away from the first requirement- to painfully aware of the violence that 'religious fanatics are capable of. 'Religion' has been abused by all those who have no idea of religion. discover one's own soul. Let us hope that we, as the instruments of the Divine, can be guided by Shri Mataji in awakening them. Our Mother reminds us that Vishwa Nirmal Dharma is that perfect combination of all that is good about all religions realization is the first step. We have to develop and Sahaja Yogis have been granted all the qualifications to perform Sahaja Yoga. Self ourselves in this kingdom and Love is the route that She shows us. Realization is now granted effortlessly to thousands gathered at public programmes by our Divine Mother Shri Nirmala Devi. In all her Divine abilities, she has struck upon that perfect combination of the most fundamental truths of With best compliments all religions and kundalini awakening allows the Sahaja Yogi to see these truths in the light of enlightenment. Shri Mataji in her speeches on the methods to develop Self-Realization has always reminded us of the supreme virtue of detached, unconditional Love. This love for all Rajendra Pawar human beings and ourselves is what the Divine 13 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-14.txt Sahaji's Destination - एक अर्धपीठ श्री सप्तश्रृंगी देवी ताि आप लोंगो ने इसके पहले अंक में आदिशक्ति के एक पीठ कोल्हापुर म की महालक्ष्मी के बारे में पढ़ा। इस अंक में हम लोग अर्धपीठ की े० श्री. सप्तश्रृंगी देवी के बारे में जानेंगे। श्री सप्तश्रृंगडवासी। सद्भावे नमि तुजसी ॥ महादेवी तू महामंगला। महाशक्ति तू काळचि काळा। १० महिषमर्दिनी माता प्रबला। तू वंदय सकल देवासी। सद्भावे नमि तुजसि ॥ महाराष्ट्र के नासिक जिले में वरणी नामक गड पर यह देवी स्थित हैं। इसलिए देवी को वर्णी की सप्तश्रृंगी कहा जाता है। भी रामायण के युद्ध में जब लक्ष्मणजी मूच्छित हुए तब संजीवनी बूटी लाने के लिये श्री हनुमान द्रोणागिरी नामक पर्वत को उठाकर लाए थे। उस पर्वत के टुकडे जो रास्ते मे गिरे, उन्हीं से ही साप्तश्रृंगी नामक पर्वत बना। सप्त याने सात और श्रृंगी याने शिखर। बहुत सालों पहले, पृथ्वी पर राक्षसों का राज्य चलता था। वे देवताओं को खूब सताते थे। इन राक्षसों का संहार करने के लिए, श्री ब्रम्हा, श्री विष्णु और श्री महेश ने एक महान शक्ति का निर्माण किया। ये देवी चार स्थानों पर प्रकट हुई-सप्तश्रृंगी, सा कोल्हापुर, तुलजापुर और माहुर। सप्तश्रृंगी में महिषासुर नामक राक्षस अपने दो भाईयों के साथ आया था । वे तीनों सबको बहुत सताते थे। देवी ने महिषासुर के दोनों भाईयो को लडकर मार डाला, पर महिषासुर बहुत ही शक्तिशाली था। देवी और महिषासुर के बीच में घमासान युद्ध हुआ। अंतत: देवी ने अपनी तलवार से महिषासुर का वध कर दिया। सारे देवी देवताओं और ऋषी मुनियों ने देवी की जयजय कार की "अंबे उद्योस्तु"। उससे देवी प्रसन्न हुई और उन्होने वरदान दिया कि वह सब लोगो की रक्षा करेंगी और उनका संकट हरेंगी। इस घटना के कुछ सालों बाद भीमासुर नामक राक्षस ने देवलोक और पृथ्वीलोक के वासियों को सताना शुरू किया। मार्कडेय ऋषि की सूचना से देवों ने सप्तश्रृंगी देवी की आराधना की और उन्हें प्रसन्न किया। तत्पश्चात देवी ने भीमासुर का वध करके दूसरीबार सबका संरक्षण किया। सप्तश्रृंगी एक बहुत ही सुंदर तथा विलोभनीय स्थान है जहाँ मन को बहुत शान्ति मिलती है। वहाँ जाने के बाद ठंडी ठंडी चैतन्य लहरियों की अनुमूति होती है। वहाँ सहजयोगियोंने कार्यक्रम भी कियें है और कई लोगों ने आत्मसाक्षात्कार भी 1 पाया है। श्री माताजी ने भी इसका वर्णन अपने एक भाषण में किया है और ऐसा कहा है की सहजयोगियों को वहाँ अवश्य जाना चाहिये । 14 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-15.txt Heal the World Diabetes the cure lies within asare, D If diet and exercise fail to control blood sugar, one must switch on hypoglycemic drugs. In extreme cases where the drugs fail, insulin is the only alternative. One must be very grateful to Shri Mataji for bringing us ll the knowledge about chakras, channels, organs and diseases. Meditation remains the best treatment as it iabetes, we learn in our biology courses, is a metabolic disorder that reduces the patient's capacity to digest sugar and causes a number of other complications. It is a disease that affects many in India and all over the world. Unlike other diseases diabetes slowly but steadily reduces the patient's vitality by affecting routine habits, eye sight and body weight. Interestingly, the credit of discovering the diabetes goes to Charak and Sushruta who observed that urine of diabetic patients was sweet. (This urine was.collecting ants). Diabetes is diagnosed when the blood sugar level is 200 regulates metabolic reactions. The efficiency of a drug can be increased if one follows Sahaja Yoga. In case of diabetes, it is of great importance to take care of the liver and the right swadishthan. One should try to reduce excess mental activity. By thinking and planning too much, we spoil our liver because this organ has to supply lots of energy to the brain instead of taking care of the panereas and many other organs located in the abdomen. Asa result, some heat will be created by the liver. It can be easily detected by comparing the temperature of the right part with the one of the left side of the abdomen. Taking cold footsoaks and putting ice on the liver have been advised by Shri Mataji. Oneshould use Shri Raja Lakshmi, Shri Himalaya and Shri Hazrat Ali Fatima mäntras. And last but not least Shri Mataji's blessings take over when the advances of medicine cease to be effective. A complete surrender to Shri Mataji by putting the attention at the Sahasrara, abode of Her lotus feet, is the panacea that takes the 'chronic' out of chronic disorder and the 'incurable' out of incurable diseases. mg/ dl. There are two types of diabetes viz. Type I is due to an insufficiency of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. This type of disease appears at a very young age amongst teenagers and young adults: The main problem resides in the pancreas itself. Due to lack of insulin, sugar remains in the blood, The doors of the cells are closed for glucose. (Insulin is the key that triggers glucose absorption in cells.) The second and most frequent type of diabetes is due to resistance of cell receptors. Insulin receptors do not work well and sugar can not enter the cells. As a consequence the sugar level increases. The biggest danger of diabetes is that it has serious complications upon many organs. It affects heart, blood vessels, feet, eyes, kidneys and nervous system. Some weakness can erop up in muscles and healing of wounds may be difficult. A special type of diabetes can temporarily occur during pregnancy; this pathology is called as gestational diabetes. To avoid such complications, it is advisable not to be exposed to any kind of stress and to maintain liver and right Swadishthan Chakra cleared. CE reans NEWSFLASH Shri Krishna Puja 10, 11, 12 Aug - Canajouhrie Shri Ganesh Puja 31 Aug, 1, 2 Sept-Cabella Navaratri Puja 19, 20, 21 Oct- Greece The treatment of diabetes starts with proper balanced diet consisting of 70% of carbohydrates, 20% of proteins and 10% of lipids. Green leafy vegetables, fibers, vitamins and minerals are very useful as they help the insulin producing cells. Exercise is also very useful as we have to burn our calories; in some cases, the weight should be reduced. Diwali Puja 16, 17, 18 Nov - LosAngeles Source: Sahaja News. 100 15 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-16.txt Knowledge & fun 18. The element of the Nabhi Chala is 20. Lord is also called as Pashupati 21. The gemstone of Sahasrara Chakra is 23. Italy represents the 25. in the Virata. Nadi starts frin the Mooladhar Chakra. is the energy of Shri Ganesh.(Ref. Page 4) petals. 26 27. Swadishthan Chakra has 30. Shri Mataji has been confered with the 32 Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara of the Universe here. 33. The symbal of the Swadishthan Chakra is Star 34. The technique to protect oneself from negativities 35. award. David. is the Symbol of the Agya Chakra. D. DOWN Mouladhar Chakra is the seut of Shri Ganesha. 1 One of the ten Gurus is Lan The bane through which the Kundalini enters the body of a human child it the clemen kra? Where is Shri Mainjis Castle in Italy located. 6 Shrr Mataji Blesses us with our 7. Which was the first sound created in the universe? 13. Which organ is the seat of our Attention? 17. Shri Mataji opened the Salhusrara of the uiiverse in the year nine- 23 A. tof the Heart Chn Icen 19. Saptshringhi is located In which district? 21. This planet corresponds to the Sahasrara Chakra. ACROSS 1. Mahabharat are the great epics of Indian Mythology drgan secretes Insulin Easter Puja 2001 was held here. This country represents right swadhishthun Which direction was Shri Mataji facing when she opened the 24. 28. Saptslıringhl represeuts the 29 Which Saint has deseribed the Kundalini as Surti? 30 Ida Nadi represeuts 31. Mares recuived the coil of the Kunduliti. 5. Sahasrara of the Universe? channel? Commandments from God. channel. The Pingala Nudi is also called us the 9. 8. is the gemstone of the Heart Chnkra is beej mantra of Mooladhar Chulru is the deity of the Ida Nadi is the day of the Sahasrara Chakra. 10. 19.Nask 21.Pto 22 Ramayan 24 Pancres 28 Hall 29 Kahir 30 Moon 31 Ten DOWN: 1Tze 2Fontanel 3.Air 4.Cabela 6.SelIReaisation FAum 13Ler 17.Sevent 30 Manavratna 32 Nargol 33.01 34.Bandhan 35.Cross 15.Cenvical 16.Ten 18.Water 20.Shiva 21.Paari 23.Soul 25,ida 26Quanitum 27 S ACROSS LTukey 2Ftance 5.East 8.Sun 9Ruby 10 Lum 11 Kali 12 Monday 14Cam 11. Maha 12 13. After meditution one becomes happy and poacehil Plexus is the Vishudhi Chakra. 16 Number of petals in the Nabhi Chakra. 1. SUBSCRIPTION FORM Name Address State Pin City Date of Birth Ph. E-mail Cash/DD of Rs.80/- DD No. Drawee Bank DD should be sent in the name of 'National Sahaja Yuva Shakti' payable at Pune. 16 2001_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-17.txt For Internal Circulation Only Editors : NSYS Team Publishers : NSYS. Plot No. 9. Survey No. 98. Bhusari Colony Kothrud. Pune - 38.