YUVADRISHTI by the Yuva shakti Anoffering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother Volume 4 March 2003 Issue 1 ॥ जय श्री माताजी. ॥ CONTENTS देश प्रेम 1 लाल बहादुर शास्त्री - एक सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन Origin of Music Bhumija संत कवि श्री कबीर 8 William Blake 11 'परम् चैतन्य के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूप अंतः धर्म Karnataka NSYS - An Insight 13 14 16 Yuvadristi Asks 17 Time line 19 Socrates 20 Greetings to our readers on the occosion of Shivratri. What better way to pay tribute to the ultimate Principle in our beings by dedicating this issue to the Lord of Dance Himself. One cannot farget the necessary and sufficient condition to worship the Shiva Tattwa in us: having a pure heart. A pure heart is a peacetul lake of pure desire and nothing else. The following holy words describe the relevance and role of Shiva Tattwa, the guiding theme of this issue of our beloved newsletter Yuvadrishti: "Now Vishnu is there.. his power is there for you to rise up to the Shiva Principle.. one is supplementary for another.. you cannot reach Shiva without Vishnu.. and you cannat stick to Shiva's principle if you have not understood Vishnu's Principle. Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi. and she is the Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva... and she rises through the channel thot is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So how con you one of them... one is the road... other is the destination. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Shivaratri Puja Another aspect of becoming the spirit is losing our identity as an ordinary human being struggling against unknown to a stable and refined entity, beautifully described by our Holy Mother: "You have to do only one thing, is to become the spirit, thats all... is a simple thing. Then to substontiate your purity, your attention should be on the other side - now you are nol facing the Mother, you are sitting with the Mother facing the whole world... the whole attitude will change. The attitude should be, what can I give, how can I give, what is my mistake in giving... I have to be more alert, where is my attention, what am I doing, what is my responsibility. - Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mahakali & Mahalaxmi Puja, Lonavala / Kolhapur op away with देश प्रे the view that we all will have one world one day. It is important that if any country, if any country is not equipped with that love for their own (country) they will be like SHRI MATAJI ON PATRIOTISM "I saw the Union Jack coming down and I a cancer if they join one world, saw the tricolor going up, that was the moment is impossible, so the pure love for your country is so beyond me. Even now I remember those days. Many of you who are Indians here may not have seen days that's why you are so careless, that's why some of you do not understand out of what sacrifice we opening of your awareness, now you see that what have got this freedom. Its not an easy freedom, it is wrong what is injurious whatever is destructive was very very difficult one and Shastriji was one of for your country and you want to improve it. them who gave up everything to join and he had mother to look after. He was another one who just gave up all those things any young man would have ambitions to do this do that, nothing. he gave up everything just to join Congress. Those were the days he was a very highly evolved soul and to have such when people were charmed with it. Gandhiji was a person in the politics itself was a great vision for also a very short man. This gentleman had really me" charmed all the young people. So many young people "Shastriji was already in office when I saw him first gave up their studies, gave up everything not for and I think he recognized me very well, no doubt something wrong but for fight for your country about that. He showed tremendous respect for me. they sacrificed their lives, So many of them they Tremendous respect." good." those It is very surprising how with this subtle SHRI MATAJI ON SHASTRIJI "The first dayI saw him (Lal Bahadur Shastri) I knew and were extremely honest pure.. love for their country itself made them so beautiful I tell you. There were young girls, there were young boys, there were old man, old women, we never had any such a thing which we call as corruption or any kind of bad feelings. All working together day and night. "His whole attention, you see was holistic I would say, and he would always see how we can create beautiful relationship between people of different races, different religions, different ideologies and he had a knack of improving them." He could transform a person into something else. His style was so collective; so collective, that in the garden he would stand there and everybody who would come there he would meet. He had a tremendous memory. To him, it (good memory) was such a blessing I should say for people because he would ask them for such small things. How is mother now? Or how did you get your house? See, Continued On Pg. 12.. In life of these great people is their pure love for their country. Pure love for their country. There is a difference between love for your country for country's sake. Not because you can mnake get into positions, higher positions you will have all those. Not for that, purely, purely very purely just an innate dharma to love your country. In the same way all of you should love your country, but with money, your लाल बहादुर शास्त्री - एक सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन (संक्षिप्त में वह सोचते थे। दनिया के एक नागरिक के रूप में वह নहत ही सामान्य परिस्थिति में पला-बढ़ा लाल बहादुर एक अर्थात भाईचारे के समर्थक शे अतरष्ट्रिय शांति और छोटे से बॉव में पैढा हुआ एक गरीब घर का लडका था । पर व्यक्तिगत गुणों के बल पर हेश के सर्वोच्च पढ पर जा पहुँचा | अमज-चैन तो हो पर उसमें स्वाभिमान की रक्षा भी हो; यह उनका आग्यह था। जब भारत पर हमला हुआ तब अमन-चैन उसी तरह राष्ट्रीय और विश्व स्तर पर जो Eड़नाएँ हुई उनमें ा परंढ शस्त्रीजी ने देश की संप्रभुता तथा प्राढेशिक अखंडता भी उसने अभूतपूर्व सफलता प्रार् की। कन्प्यूकियस ने का बडी ही हढ़तापूर्वक रक्षण किया और लडाई को आक्रमणक्ताकि क्षेत्र में ले जाकर খुरू किया। हेश कीसीमा- परिपूर्ण सज्जन व्यक्ति की परिआाषा की है। जब शास्त्रीजी के নारे मे सोचा जाए तब यह परिभाषा याढ हो आती है। रक्षा का उद्देश्य सफल हुआ. तब उसी शत्रु के साथ शांति और कनपयूशियस का कहना है कि एक सज्जन व्यक्ती की जी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध बजाने के लिए उन्होंने जी-जान लगा दी। एक विशेषताएँ होती है- ऑखों का इस्तेमाल करते समय बहुत उदात और अनुकरणीय राजपुरूष के रूप में सारा विश्व स््ट रप से हेखता है; कानों का इस्तेमाल करते समय उनकी ओर ढेखने लगा। शाख्तरीजी का निधन हुआ; तब बहुत एकात-चित्त होकर सुनता है; किसी पर ढया हुष्टी उनका जीवन-पट एकळम जिष्कलंक था; उस पर एक भी धळबा जहीं था। पीछे ज धन था, न जमीन थी, न मकान। करनी हो तो बहुत ही नेक दिल से सोच-विचार करता है; उसका आचरण बहुत आदरणीयरहता है; बोलते समयबहुत सच्वाई और ईमाजहारी को समर्पित जीवन ही राष्ट्रीय जीवन ही सच्चा रहता है; अपना कर्तव्य निभाते समय उसका का मूलाधार होता है, ऐसी मान्यतारखनेवाले सभी समुळायों व्यवहार आढर आवना से परिपूर्ण होता है; सांदेह होने पर वह के लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने वाला, प्रेरणा देने वाला शास्त्रीजी का जीवन था। अर्तिरंजित विशेषणों द्वारा खुढ की सलाह-मशविरा करता है; क्रोध करते समय इसका विचार कता है कि हसका परिणाम तया होगा; और लाभ के रामय तारीफ़ की जाटो ऐसी उनकी कभी इच्छा नही रही। उनकी समाधि पर यदि जिम्नलिखित शब्द लिखे गये होते तो विच्ार करता है, इस समय उचित क्या है। एक व्यक्ति के सूप मे शारीजी की ओर देखें तो उनमें ये लक्षण विदचयमान थे। म शायद उन्हें बहुत अच्छा लगता - इसके अलावा, सच्चाई का रास्ता उन्होंने कभी छीड़ा नहीं; शास्त्री - १६ जनवरी ल "लाल बहादुर २ अकतूकर १90४ व्यक्तिवत तथा व्यावसायिक संबंधों में बह हमेशा बड़े ही १ 9६६सत्यनिष्ठराजनैतिकजीवन की स्मृती में।" विनयशील, स्वाभिमानी, ढूसरों का खयाल रखनेवाले. आालीज. उळार, निःस्वार्थी, अत्यंत सुसंस्कृत और मृदुभाषी स्त्रोत : राजनीति में सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन : लाल बहादुर शास्त्री थे। सरकार के प्रमुख और देश के नेता की हैसियत से उनकी लेखक : तरफ़ हेखा जाये तो वह बुद्धिमान, दूरळ्शी, निर्णय लेने के श्री सी. पी. श्रीवास्तव बारे में बहुत हळ और प्रखर इचछাशक्तिवाले व्यक्ति थे। आम With Best Compliments from: जनता की भलाई के लिए उन्होंने अपने आपको समर्पित कर Deepak Malaviya छियाथा; लेकिन वे सपने में विचरण करने वाले नहीं थे। सत्ता उन्हें भष्ट नही कर सकती थी। क्षणिक भावनावश वह कभी 6, Vigyan Vihar, Delhi- 110 092. निर्णय नहीं लेते थे; बल्कि उनके सब निर्णय गहराई से सोच-विचार करने के बाळ ही लिये हुए होते थे उन पर कोई With Best Compliments from: किसी तरह का ळबाव नहीं ला सकता था। वह उच्चकोटि के Ritu Mehra तेशभक्त थे. अपनी जिंगी उन्होंने मुल्क के नाम करळी थी। Thank You Shri Mataji for your blessings & attention all the time and everywhere. दुनिया के सारे मज़हबों की मूलभूत एकता पर उनकी अद्ा थी। ळेश के अंढर सारे लोग एक-राष्ट्र की भावना से रहें ऐसा 2 music in any sense. Our elders regarded this Naad only as a means of spiritual liberation. Origin of Miusic Struck sound which is musical and pleasing to the सा रे ज च प थ ears is called Naad. Naad has three special features, pitch magnitude and timbre. PITCH ....continued from last issue NAAD (SOUND) Each note is higher or lower than the note next to it. This depends upon the umber of the vibrations in that particular note. That is to say, greater the vibrations in a note, higher is the note and lesser the vibrations, lower is the note. For example, in the ascending scale each note is higher 'NAAD' is a combination of 'NAKAR meaning life breathe (air) and 'DAKAR' fire or energy. Thus the breath when energized gives rise to a musical sound and hence a musical sound is called a 'NAAD'. This definition ought to be looked vibrations increase in each note. In the descending scale it is just the opposite. voice, which in India at least is considered to be the prime source, the origin of music. TIMBRE The spirit wishing to express itself This quality of Naad helps in differentiating and recognizing the various sounds produced by different instruments or voices. For example, without seeing a person or instrument, the ability to recognize a particular sound is, because of prompts the mind or the will, the mind on its part awakens the heat or energy and this 'NAAD' is of two types: One is "AHAT NAAD" and the other is "ANAHAT NAAD". Timbre. AHAT NAAD MAGNITUDE This Naad is heard by our ears and it is created by the stroke of friction of any two things. This Naad is directly connected with music, the relation is special. The elders in the field had regarded this Naad as a Musical vehicle for the journey from this world to the Heaven. This depends upon how the sound is being produced, softly or loudly i.e. the intensity of sound decides its magnitude. Swar as that which shines itself, the Naad which manifests itself, charms the listener and is intelligible. Naad is first heard as a Shruti or internal then the resonance that follows ANAHAT NAAD immediately manifests itself and conveys an expression to the listener is Swar or Note. This Naad is not created by any stroke or friction. Naturally this is also not heard by the ears. The listener only knows this Naad by its knowledge. Anahat Naad is the exact opposite of Ahat Naad. If we close our ears with our hands we will hear a sound like, 'Su, Su' and this sound is called Out of the twenty two Shrutis, seven shrutis have been selected and placed at varied intervals in an octave: These seven Shrutis are called Swar. Because of the difference in interval between them, they are more distinctly audible and they can resonate for a longer period without disturbing the balance of vibrations for a particular note. This quality make the notes melodious, which is an Anahat Naad. In olden times our Rishis and Munis used to cultivate this sound. This Naad indicated spiritual liberation and not the energy of the spirit. This is not used in music. It has nothing to do with inherent and desired quality of music. Swar is the alphabet of music. This chart will show the division and placing of notes. NAAD AHAT ANAHAT NAAD NAAD There are twelve notes in Indian music. Shadja सा MUSICAL NON-MUSICAL Rishabh Gandhar SHRUTI NOISE Madhyam SWARA Pancham Dhaivat ET नी Nishad TIWRA SHUDDHA KOMAL Notes are of two types रे ग ध सा प 1. MOVABLE Immovable notes 2. IMMOVABLE 2. Movable notes: 1. AT and are immovable notes. They invariably remain Normal. रे ग * aT E aft are movable notes. This In this way the twelve notes are- movement is of two types. * aT E att are normal notes, in the notation system they do not take any AT U symbol. When these four notes leave their place, a & oft they are always placed lower than their respective 3a er oft normal notes. These notes are called flat Notes. In Stable notes Normal notes Flat notes Normal note the notation system they take the symbol of a small horizontal bar underneath the note. For example रे ग ध नी Sharp note SAPTAK OR OCTAVE There are three voice registers recognized by our musicologists namely the "Mandra Sthan" or is a movable note. In the notation Also system it doesn't take any symbol, for example H. When this note leaves its place it is placed higher chest register. The "Madhya Sthan" which produces than its normal form, because of its sharp tone. This the normal voice and the "Taar Sthan" which note is called Sharp Note. While writing the Produces the top or head notes. These are actually notation of Sharp H it is indicated by a small vertical the "OCTAVES" each consisting of seven Swaras. line above the note. For example i. When the set of seven notes are sung or played in an order it is called a SAPTAK. For example - सा रे ग म प ध नी sung or played in this order is a SAPTAK or OCTAVE. The division of Octave is based on the normal and natural range of human voice. So music develops mainly within three octaves- LOWER or MANDRA, MIDDLE or MADHYA, HIGHER or TAAR. Continued on Page 7 ... BHUMDA died, because when, at the end of the Ramayana, Shri Rama asked her to go back in Ayodhya and to prove to everybody her absolute fidelity to her husband, she invoked the Mother Earth to witness her chastity: Human Beings are worshipping Adishakti as Mother Goddess from ages and know Her by different names and forms, in different times and places. But her main identification in the Neolithic Era was with the Mother Earth. In the Sanskrit literature Shri Sita is depieted as Rama's wife but there is a previous tradition, reaching the vedic time, that describes her as Fertility's Goddess. We can find her name invoked to obtain prosperity and many times in the Rig Vedic hymn to Kshetrapati, the lord of the fields: If, in thought, I have never dwelt on any but Rama, may the Goddess Madhavi receive me! (Ramayana, 7.97) As she finished this act of truth, a throne rose from the ground supported by serpents. Earth embraced her, seated her on the throne and then the throne and Sita sank back into the ground, while a mighty tremor was passing through the entire earth. (R. 7. 97). Auspicious Sita, come thou near: We venerate and worship thee That thou mayst bless and prosper us And bring us fruits abundantly. May Indra press the furrow down, May Pushan guide its course alright. May she, as rich in milk, be drained for us Through each succeeding year. (R.V. 4.57.6, 7) That the Sita of the Ramayana is the same of that of the vedic hymns, seems out of any doubt. Throughout the epic, Nature consistently echoes Sita's actions and moods as if she was the divine mistress of the plants and animals, For example, Then, in the Kaushika Sutra, Sita is called when she leaves Ayodhya, along with Rama and wife of Parjanya, god of the rain" and "mother of Lakshmana, all of nature is disordered: gods, mortals and creatures" and she is invoked for produce: No sacred fires were ordered; the sun was hidden; elephants spat out their food and cows refused to suckle their calves. Constellations You are intelligence; you are growth; Among the Prajapatis, you are increase! Desiring prosperity for myself, I cry out Swahal dimmed; planets lost their luster and, leaving their customary path, stood in the sky shrouded in mist...Crushed by the burden of fear, earth quaked violently while herds of elephants, warriors and horses roared aloud. (R. 2.36.9, 11, 17b.) Moreover, the name "Sita" means "furrow", "the line made by the plow" and in the Ramayana it is written that she sprang from the ground while her adoptive father, Raja Janaka, was ploughing. This is the meaning of the name "bhumija", "born from the earth". And when Ravana kidnaps her: Struck by the rising wind, trees filled with flocks of birds of different kinds tossed their tops as if to say, "Fear not!" Ponds with blown lotuses, with waterfowl and quivering fish mourned for Maithili as for a joyless friend. Gathering together from all Actually, she was not really born (and this is the cause for her another name: "ayonija", "born without benefit of human womb") and she never sides, lions, tigers, deer and birds, running after in fury, followed Sita's shadow. Chakra of the human beings and if we observe the structure of Carbon atom, we'll see on one side the shape of Omkara, on another side the shape of the Swastika and,on the last side, the Alpha and the Omega (symbols of Shri Ganesha). (R. 50.32-35.) Besides, Sita is intimately related both to the trees and plants and to the forest animals; they protect and help her in the forest, which she finds a congenial, not a terrifying place to live. In fact, as the earth is the basement for everything in the world, at the same manner the So many are the passages that point out this closed Mooladhara Chakra is at the base of the Subtle relationship between Sita and the entire nature (we System and sustains the ascend of the Kundalini. can say "the Mother Earth") in the Ramayana. But As the earth has the capacity to purify the nature before we put our attention on the manner through from all the poisons (for example, the earth element which Shri Sita and Shri Bhoomi Devi relate, let us filters out the water in water table), the innocent spend few words to describe the qualities of the power of Shri Ganesha makes us completely purified from our sins or negative attitudes and, if our Mooladhara is clean, we can obtain not only our Self Realization but also awake the Kundalini of other Mother Earth. At the gross level, the earth element is the one that gives nourishment and creates the habitat for all the living beings; It is the basement for all the others elements and it supports everything. Its main chemical component, the Carbon, is people, even only by looking at them. Therefore Shri Bhoomi Devi is the Shakti that creates, supports and reabsorbs all the creation in herself. She is the one who purifies us from all the negativities (we can experiment this in our meditation on the ground or with the shoe-beating) and She is absolute innocence; She is the humblest element and present in all the organic compounds and it is at the base of the life. In the Atharva Veda we read: TE E We invoke all-supporting Earth On which trees, lords of forests, stand the most compassionate, because she accepts everything without reaction (sometime Shri Ganesha punishes those who offends her). For this Shri Mataji always ever firm. (Atharva, 12.1.27) "The most powerful thing is the Mother Earth because She has says that she is the Patience and the the power to bear" -Shri Rama Puja, 1987, Tolerance. Switzerland Coming back to Shri Sita, the qualities that Valmiki attributes her in the According to Ayurvedic Medicine, the earth the Ramayana are that of the perfect woman: she is the ideal element exists in us, contented in our bones. daughter, devoute and Felosity wife and loving and dedicated mother. Further, at one subtler level, the Mother Earth dwells in the Mooladhara Shri Sita came in this world to show us the As Shakti of Shri Rama, she manifests the woman's "swa-dharma". That's how the women ideal of womanhood and, for this, she sprang out should behave and live in the respect of the from the Mother Earth, bringing all her powers maryadas. Even Shri Rama, that is Maryada and qualities within herself. Purushottama, can do nothing without Shri Sita, his Shakti: She is the earth's daughter, but she is also the earth-itself. Sita is to me what light is to the sun. Before the three worlds, Janaka's daughter is pure; therefore I can no more forsake her than an honorable man can renounce his honor. (R6.106.17b) O Shri Mataji, we worship You in the formn of Shri Bhoomi Devi; please awaken in us the humbleness of the Goddess that supports everything; awaken in us the purity of the Goddess that purifies everything; awaken in us the innocence of the Goddess that is absolute Spontaneity. In the Ramayana she is the one who desired, she that allowed to Ravana to kidnap her, sending Lakshmana to help Rama even if, as Adishakti, she could avoid this. Also, she could kill Ravana by herself but she didn't, because that was Shri Rama's duty. - Contributed by : Elena Onesta, Italy She was always thinking of him, to his glory and honor. M. Continued from page 4 Now, in the advice to the brides, in 1984, Shri Mataji says:"You are the people who represents While singing the lower octave it's place is in the this Mother Earth, who has special wisdom". And C hest, middle in the throat and higher octave in try to understand that you are the Mother Earth the head. and you have to give and because of your powers you can give, because you have so many shaktis within you, you have to give. In the notation system, lower octave notes are indicated by a small dot underneath the note. For example- In this manner the woman that has सा रे ग म प ध नी awakened in herself the bhumi tattva is always patient and sweet, generous and peaceful. She has the There are no symbols for the middle octave power to transform people and ambiences. notes in the notation system. For example- It is clear that the Mother Earth is the source for all the powers of the wives and mothers and that we can enlighten these powers within us after the Self Realization, through the ascend of the सा रे ग म प ध नी In the notation system notes of the Taar Saptak or Higher Octave.recognized by a dot on Kundalini. the top of the note. For example - To conclude, Shri Sita and Shri Bhoomi Devi are two different aspects of the Adi Shakti, the Primordial Power of Creation and Love. सा रे ग म प ध नी -Contributed by Shri Arun Apte to be Continued... संत कवि श्री कबीर नही सकते थे। रामानंद स्वामी के शिष्ट उन्हे उनके समीप ी नही जाने देते। एक दिन कर्बीर गंगा नढी लगभग छःह सौ बर्ष पूर्व महात्मा कबीर का न्म हुआ। उनकी जम व्विनांक व जनम स्थान का टीक ठीक पता नहीं है। के घाटकी सीढियों पररामानंद स्वामी की प्रतीक्षा में रातभर ठंड में सोए रहे, क्योंकि वे जानते थे कि काशी के एक मुसलमान जुलाहे नीरू तथा उली पत्नी जीमा को लहरतारा तालाब के किनारे स्वामीजी हमेशा उसी राह से गुजरते है। प्रात: काल उानियों में एक अत्यंत तेजस्वी नवजात शिशु पौ फटने से पहले स्वामीजी का पैर कबीर पर पड़ा इ उसकी आखों का नूर अलग ही था। प्रकाश और वो बोले बेटे, तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो?' तब । था कि उनकी ऑखें चीध गई। लोक लाज कि कीर उठे और कहा कि 'स्वामीजी आपने आज मुझे पर्वा न करते हुए जीरू व नीमा उसे घर ले आए । मुस्लिम रिवाज़ के अनुसार के लिये काज़ी को बुलाया गया। क्राजी ने नाम देखने रामानंद स्वामी ने कबीरदासजी को अपना शिष्टय के लिये कुरान खोली तो उसमे हर जगह कबीर, स्वीकार किया। कुब्रा, अक़बर आढी; लिये कहे जाते हैं वही निकले। साधारण जुलाहे के बच्चे को परमात्मा का नाम कैसे ढिया जाए, यह सोचकर उसने कई बार कुरान खोली किंतु हर बार अपना शिष्य स्वीकार कर लिया है।" और इस प्रकार बच्चे के जामकरण ऐसे शब्द जो परमात्मा के कबीर परम वैरागी थे सांसारिक माया- मोह, धन संपत्ती से उनका ८ कोई वास्ता न था। वे वही शब्द मिले। यह समाचारपाकर वहाँ कई काज़ी इका हो गए। अज्ञान के अंधकार में उन्होने नीख को सालाह दे ढी कि इस बच्चे को कल्ल कर हें वन कोई बड़ी आफ़त आएगी। नीरू-नीमा ने यह क्रूर सलाह मानने से इन्कार कर दिंया। और इस हस्थ सज्यासी के रूप में जीवन-निर्वाह करते रहे। जुलाहे का कार्य उनकी जीविका का साधन था। वे कपडा बुन कर उसे बाजार में बेचने जाते और उस से ार बे का नाम कबीर पड गया। आगे चलकर यही बच्चासांत कबीर हुआ। हुई आमदजी से अपना क बीर ब डे । अपनी तथा अपने परिवार का होने लगे निर्वाह करते। अयु के बालकों से वे भिन्न थे। अ य एक दिन एक घटना घटी। एक गरीब ब्राह्मण धन के आभाव में वे कभी कि पाठशाला या बाजार मे कबीरढासजी के पास आया तथा ळीन भाव से तन ढॉकने के लिये कपडा मांगने लगा। उसकी ढरिद्र स्थिति को देखते हुए कबीर ने उससे कहा, 'मै मदरसे जाकर किताबी विद्या प्राप्त नही कर सके। उन्होंने इस विषय में कहा: गही नहिं हाथ। तो भी कबीर जञान का भण्डार थे। मसि कागद छूयो नहीं, कलम तुम्हे आधा थान हे सकता हूँ। आज आधे थान से ही परिवार का खर्च चला लूंगा।' किंतु ब्राह्मण ने पूरा थान देने की विजती की तो करूणावश कबीर ने उसे सारा ही वस्त्र छान कर दिया। अब कबीर के पास कबीर ने अनुभव किया कि ज्ञान की परिपववता के लिए गुरू आवश्यक है। वे रामानंद स्वामी के शिष्य बनना चाहते थे किंतु मुसलमान व परिवार के भोजन के लिए कुछ भी नहीं था। शर्म के जीची जाती के होने के कारण वे उज तक पहुंच भी कारण वे घर वापस जाने का साहरा न जुटा पाए। घर ৪ खडेहोने के बावजूद भी उन्हें हाथ-पैर बांध कर गंगा में फेक कर मौत ढेने की सज़ा का हुक्म दिया गया। किंतु पानी में फेकते हीं कबीर की जंजीरे टूट गई और वे अपने अाप पानी के ऊपर तैरने लगे। लोगों ने कहा कि ये कोई जाढू-टोना जानता है । ढूसरी बार उनके हाथ-पैर बांध कर घर में बंढ कर दिया और घर के के लोग भूखे थे। तभी एक आढमी बैलगाडी परखाद्य सामगी ले कर आया और कबीर के घर उतार गया। उनकी माता (नीमा) चकित थी। अपने परिश्रम के अतिरिक्त अन्य कुछ भी न स्वीकारने के कबीर के स्वभाव को वो अच्छी तरह जानती थी। पूछने पर उस आढमी ने बताया की 'विश्वनाथ जी के ढर्शन करने चारों तरफ़ से आग लगा ढी गई। मकान जल कर पुत्र को आए हुए एक राजा ने प्रसन्भ होकर अपके राख हो गया, राख तक हवा में उड़ गई; पर कबीर का बहुत साधन पेश किया, परंतु आपके पुत्र ने कुछ भी बाल भी बॉका नहीं हुआ। बाढशाह ने कबीर को लेने से इन्कार कर ढिया। तब राजा ने बड़ी विनती कर, यह खाद्य सामी भेजी है; कृपया इसका मदमस्त हाथीके सामने डालने का नया हक्म छिया। स्वीकार करें।' इतना बताकर वह आढमी चला ठाथी ने थोडी देर तक कबीर की ओर देखा और जैसे कोई शेर खड़ा हो, इस तरह चिंघाडता हुआ वहाँ से वाया। नीमा ने उसकी बात पर विश्वास कर लिया। वे भग खड़ा हुआ। गंगा में फेके जाने के किस्से के बारे मे कबीर कहते हैं: जबकबीर की यह ज्ञात हुआ तो समझ गए कि यह ा ढयालु परमात्मा का ही कार्य है, उनके सिवाय यह कोई और नही है। मन न डिगै तनु काहे को डेराइ चरन-कमल चितु रहाी समाझ गंग गुसाइनि गहिर गंभीर जनसामान्य में कबीर के प्रति आढर बढ़ रहा था। इससे काज़ी व ब्राह्मण दोनों उनसे ईष्ष्या करने लगे। ब्राह्मणों की सभा नेनिर्णय लिया कि कबीर को काशी से निष्कारित कर दिया जाए। निर्णय कर जंजीर बॉधि करि खरे कबीर कहे कबीर कोई संग न साथ जल थल में राखे रघुनाथ | ब्राह्मण कबीर के घर पहुँचे और कहा कि क्षूद्रों को खाना खिलाने के प्रायश्चित के रूप में वे उन्हें हाथी के सामने की घटना के संबंध में कहते हु: आहि मेरे ठाकुर तुम्हराजोर | भोजन कराएँ, अन्यथा अभी नगर छोड़ कर चले काजी बाकिबो हस्ती तोर । जाएँ। यह घोर अन्याय था। कबीर के घर में अन्न का भुजाबॉधि मिला करि डायों । हस्ती कोपि मूँड प्रहि माय्यो । ढाना तक न था। उन्होंने सब कुछ गरीबों मे बाट दिया था। वे ब्राह्मणों को अन्न की व्यवस्था करने का भाग्यौ हस्ती चीसा मारी आश्वासन ढे कर वहाँ से चले ाए। ब्राह्मण कर्बीर की या मूरती की हौं बलिहारी । पराकाष्ा देखने वहीं पर डॅंटे रहे। अचानक एक इसे प्रकार परमात्मा ने प्रत्यक्ष, तीन बार श्री कबीर कीरक्षा की। आदमी मजदूरों के साथ बहुत सी खाध सामवी ले. कर वहाँ आया और खाद्य सामग्री रख कर चला कस्तूरी कुंडल बसै, मृग ढूँढै वन मांहि । ऐसे घट-घट राम हैं, दुनिया देखैं नाहि। परमात्मा की सर्वव्यापकता के विषय में लोगों के अज्ञान को कबीर ने कस्तुरी मृग के समान बताया। कस्तुरी मृण अपनी ही नाभी में बसी कस्तुरी के सुगंध से आकर्षित, उसके स्त्रोत को ढूँढता जंगल- जंगल भटकतारहताहै। गया। ब्राह्मणों में यह सामगरी बॉँट दी गई। उधर इस घटनाक्रम से अंनभिज्ञ कबीरढासजी को जब किसी ने इस विषय में बताया तो वे पुनः परमात्मा के चमत्कार के आगे नतमस्तक हो गए। वे जाने गए कि इसके कर्ता परमात्मा ही हैं। कबीर के ईष्टालुओं ने अब तत्कालीन बाढ़शाह सिकं ढर लोही को उनके विरूधद जो पहिरा सो फाटिसी, नाम धरा सो जाई। जो कपडा भडकाया। उन्हें दरबार में बूुलाया गया। सत्य पर पहना जाता है, वह कभी-ना-कभी फटता जरूर है। ও उसी प्रकार, आत्माजोशरीररूपी व्त्र धारण करता है, वह भी किसी न किसी समय पंचतत्त्व में विलीन हो ....Her Divine Rainbow... (Ghait the Kunitaloni mathe und chskrae) ५w ARainkaw af lade has galten within जाता है। Inside Har farm thelifenow begin Wakthe eyes and loea and fistastill clenched Theselan take farm in her lareall drenched ... जब कबीर का अवसान काल समीप आ गया, तो वे काशी से मगहर चले गए। अंधविश्वास था, कि काशी में मरने से मुक्ति मिल जाती है और मगहर मे मृत्यु पाने वाले को कभी मुक्ति नहीं Raundalinona৯panta-theaedensdaos doar Each neiw Chakra taking awns course 8andd.yhavdbineintewantian Filling the Sactus with lifes lore potion .. Ganisha's wisdam fills the Masladhar And rach life unit with innocence मिलती। इसी कारण हर व्याक्ति कामना करता था मृत्यु के समय वह काशी में हो। श्री कबीर नें मगहर में ढेह त्याग कर इन ंधविश्वासों को पूरी तरह से तोड़ा। उन्होने लोगों से कहाः लोगा तुम हौ मति के भोरा। जउ कासी तनु तजहि कबीर तौ रामहि कौन निहोरा। जो जन भाउ भगति कछु जानै ताको अचरजु काहो । जैसे जल जलहीं दुरी मिलियौ त्यौं मिल्यौ जुलाहो । की न afar Oursaullul eyes, now brimmed with chaste Beaming at the arld far that dirine taste ... To the Asus, Holy Breath ar Kandalini they pray They all aresame aa the Sahajis say Hersacral dwellingweell haw to For naw shes got enaugh to do Lard Ganesha'sigrant sheseeks ta asend Lnden wiltheenaugh lare for cach chakra ta lend ... Awartisterebara with ita diine grace कहे कबीर सुनहुरे लोई मरमि न भूलौ कोई। रजो होई। वया कासी क्या मगाहर ऊरवर हि अथात, लोगों तुम बुद्धि के भोले हो। अगर कबीर Ahode of Bramha where the Swadishthan lays Creative is what il Elesses usto be Asingens breath ari ai paets eye to see . .. काशी छोड़ कर चला जाए, तो परमात्मा को क्या फर्क पडता है। जो कोई भाव-आअक्ति समझता है, उसे 8fadaaegatale agaalinpanting 9hauma Cusping the Nakki for lifes good Karma Lazmi and Narayana pauring wealth wwiadom Far all they want us to hara is satisfaction ... Laveis all what ita all ' bout hare Atthe Anahatha wihereishe wipes all fear Sadashiva himself plays life'snale Presiding the heart as the immartalsaul ... Sheascends hen way touching Oirata's lotus feet Imparting vibratians at the Vishudhis meet A feeling of callective love, Afeeling of tagetherness Shree Krishna's divina flute paurs us loreta hernuss... इस बात का कोई अचरज नही होगा। जैसे पानी, पानी से मिलकर एक हो जाता है, यह जुलाहा भी परमात्मा में मिल जाएगा। श्री कबीर कहते हैं, कि बात का म्म यह है कि जब हढय (आत्मा) को निकल कर परमात्मा से ही एकाकार होना है, तो क्याकाशी औरक्यामगहर। कहा जाता है कि लोगों नें श्री कबीर के शरीर से एक ज्योत को निकल कर आकाश में विलीन होते देखा और तब उन्हें कबीर के मोक्ष (महाप्रयाग) का विश्वास हो गया। उनके देह त्याग के पश्चात हिन्दुओं व मुसलमानों में उनके अंतिम संस्कार को ले कर विवाढ खंडा हो गया। जिस कुटिया में उनका ढेह रखा गया था, जब किसी ने उसके पट खोत कर देखा तो सब आश्चर्यचकित रह गए। शरीर के स्थान परवहाँ केवल फूल थे। 3asbaatingetoastopest Cigryos tTak Where in ego and eondilianing waall get caught But far the compassionaf Christ unid Mary For wham else ta saade ua alsa aur thaughts make na waay... And what to lace of the Whereshe destinesta Her Holiness feet Satoing asaltvah.Savamehailannge. श्री कबीर परमात्मा के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण कि स्थिति मे स्थित थे। उसी स्थिति मे उन्होने कहा था मेरा मुझमें कुछ नही, जो कुछ है सो तोर। तेरा तुझको सौंपते, क्या लागत है मोर। Show ring us all with aramehaitannya Wares of kliss making feel Dhannya The epitome af lare as-Shree Motaji tells This is the place whera The Disine Haraelf dwelle .. ৫& ( 10 8र -Rahul R Shinde, MUMBAI WHTam Blake (1757-1827) The one best way to appreciate a realized soul, is to have a realized soul as a critic. Blake's Whether in Heav'n ye wander fair. Or the green corners of the earth, Or the blue regions of the air Where the melodious winds have birth: work might have been shrouded in the shadows of misconceptions and mystery but for Shri Mataji's revelations that brought forth the relevance of Blake as the realized soul who prophesized the first Sahaja Ashram of England. Here is what Linda Williams, a Sahaja Yogini from UK has to say about Blake's divinity: "To the muses"-Lines I to 6 Blake's life was no different than tha of a realized soul. Public hatred, open criticism and societal discrimination. But his realization remained unblemished, as seen from his own words: "T do not "Much later (after Her Holiness laid the foundation stone of the New Jerusalem in the back behold the outward creation... it is a hindrance and garden of Chelsham Road] someone else remarked not action. "This indicates that his attention was that this was the first temple ever built to a living completely at the subtle level when he deity. Before people only built temples after the his visions in various artistic forms paintings, incarnation had departed. By this time someone from poetries and engravings. The following painting is Brighton who had been reading Blake had showed remarkable as it incorporates the concepts of the some parts to Mother about Lambeth and Mother coiled Kundalini and the Trigunatmika principle: had explained that a lot of what Blake prophesied was about Sahaja Yoga expressed Blake's Yoga." of style poetry is classified as There is a Grain of Sand in Lambeth that Satan cannot find Nor can his Watch Fiends find it: tis translucent & "Ramarticism", stands for has many Angles, We builded Jerusalem as a City & a Temple; from Lambeth rejection of standard norms and rituals for We began our Foundations; lovely Lambeth! William Blake (Jerusalem) the search the of A few noteworthy works of Blake that reflect his divine connection are reproduced for our readers. These lines probably point to the Ida and Sun Channel and about origination of the divine cool subtle essence behind everything. Essentially defined as art that stresses strong emotion, imagination, freedom from classical correctness in art forms, and rebellion against social conventions. The most famous poem (also one of the most breeze. Whether on lda's shady brow, Or in the chambers of the East, The chambers of the sun, that now From ancient melody have ceas'd; 3 11 forwarded items on email) is "Auguries of Innocence", which opens with the stirring stanza: Subtle love... To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Fower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. The subtle love of divine in mme, had left no ion space, for else to define Turning me to the shores of realization to reveal life on routes of happiness and had left back. the tumultuous journey of upteenth time what more could I ask. with compassion and divine's love. was filled in my but I only prayj to Thee to be in your lotus feet till I remain.... Blake's life is no less ordinary. The following is an extract from the iBiblio public internet library: Blake was born on Nov. 28, 1757, in London. His father ran a hosiery shop. William, the third of five children, went to school only long enough to learn to read and write, and then he worked in the shop until he was 14. When he saw the boy's talent for drawing, Blake's father apprenticed him to an heart... engraver. Rachana K Nagpur At 25 Blake married Catherine Boucher. He taught her to read and write and to help him in his work. They had no children. They worked together to produce an edition of Blake's poems and drawings, called Songs of Innocence. Blake engraved both words and pictures on copper printing plates. Catherine made the printing impressions, hand- colored the pictures, and bound the books. The books sold slowly, for a few shillings each. Today a single copy is worth many thousands of dollars. Continued From Pg. .. so much subtle it was, I tell you, Motherly type of jove." He used to live in the last part of the house, so humble. So very humble. Whatever you gave hir he would eat. His ordinary, what you say khatia' our language; he used to sleep on that. I said why are you such a saint? Why can't you sleep on a proper bed, after all we need you; for our sake you have to. So he would say I feel more comfortable in this, se it's just a man who is so detached." Blake's fame as an artist and engraver rests largely on a set of 21 copperplate etchings to illustrate the Book of Job in the Old Testament. However, he did much work for which other artists "He never carried any money. You'll be very and engravers got the credit. Blake was a poor businessman, and he preferred to work on subjects surprised he dint know what were the new coins of his own choice rather than on those that are, "So detached about things; so detached, at the same time; at the same time he was so diligently working publishers assigned him. A follower of Emanuel Swedenborg, who out." offered a gentle and mystic interpretation of Christianity, Blake wrote poetry that largely reflects "Shastriji was a Shastriji you see and so learned in Swedenborgian views. Songs of Innocence (1789) shows life as it seems to innocent children. Songs of studied bible, every sort of thing he had studied Experience (1794) tells of a mature person's His own capacity to convince others was something realization of pain and terror in the universe. This book contains his famous "Tiger! Tiger! Burning a benevolent king and Shri Bright'. Milton (1804-08) and Jerusalem (1804-20) Rama was a benevolent king once upon a time. all our scriptures. He had studied Koran. He had very special, very subtle." "Socrates talked about are longer and more obscure works. Blake died on Aug. 12, 1827. When I saw Lal Bahadur Shastri, I said here is a berievolent king who has come. 08 12 C परम् चैतन्य के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूप ३ व्द्वारा दिखाये गये हैं कुछ मशहूर उदाहरण जो हमारे दिमाग मे आते Judgement) की माईकलएन्जेलो की हृष्टरी, विलियम ब्लेक की तमाम चित्रकारियाँ हुत्यादि| और अब ऐसी तस्वीरें अक्सर फोटोग्राफ मे दिखने लगी हैं। हैं; 'अंतिम निर्णय (Last सामान्य लोज अपने सामान्य कैमरो से जिकले इन चमत्कारी चित्रों के साक्षी हुए हैं। यह चित्र श्री माताजी द्दवारा प्रदत्त, अपनी शंकाओ पर विजय पाने तथा विश्वास को हृढ करने के कारगर माध्यम है। ईश्वरीय चमत्कार सृष्टि के नि्माणि काल से ही होते रहे हैं और अब भी हर दिन कहीं न कही होते रहते है। जो कोई उन्हे देखता है वह ज़िन्दगी के सुन्दरपुरस्कार से पुरस्कृत होता है । अब से करीब ६०00 वर्ष पूर्व श्री विष्णु के अवतरण श्री कृष्ण ने कहास प्ररित्यज्य मार्मक शरणं गतः अर्थात, आत्म- साक्षात्कार के पश्चात योगीजन समझते है कि जिस समर्पण की श्री ने बात की बह तभी सम्भव है जब कोई अपने आत्म साक्षात्कार में स्थापित हो जाता है। परमात्मा के साम्राज्य की तरफ हमारी यात्रा में, हम मे से अधिकतर किसी न किसी समय शंकाओ से घिर जाते है और विश्वास डगमगाने लगता है। इस यात्रा में समय-समय पर चमत्कारीक चित्र (इस) विश्वास को स्शिर करते में सहायक होते हैं। श्री माताजी नें कहा है, "परन्तु आपके पास मेरीऔर आपकी स्वयं की दिव्यता की तथा चराचर में फैली इस शक्ति की सिद्धता है। आपने फोटो देखे हैं, जिसमें परम-चैतन्य कार्यान्वित होता हुआ दिखाई देता है। इसे औखे नही देख पाती पर कैमेरा पकड सकता है ; यह कोई अंधश्रद्धा नही है। आप वह विशेष व्यक्तित्व हैं जिन्हे परमात्मा ने आशिर्वाद दिया है। आपको पहचानकर, तथा यह महान कार्य (परमात्माकी दैवीययोजना का कार्यान्वन) करने के सक्षम पाकर परम-चैतन्य ने कसण से यह तोहफे प्रदान किये है।" एक अति अक्सर एक चमत्कार' एक ऐसी घटना है जो रूप से जाने वैज्ञानिक नियमों का सर्व धमाणाम् प्रत्यक्ष हुए विरोधाभास करती है। परेंन्तु सहजयोग के अनुभव और ज्ञान से इन असाधारण चित्रों की व्याख्याँ की कृष्ण जा सकती है। अब वैज्ञानिक समुढाय में स्थापित हो चुका है कि मनुष्य की अदष्टीगोचर "औरा" (Aura) का फोटोग्राफिक फिल्म पर अविश्वसनीय अपूर्ववरत्ती प्रभाव पडता है। नियंत्रित ढशा मे किये गय प्रयोगों से पता चला है कि अनेक प्रकाश और जा ढखाई देते हैं, एक व्यक्ति के भआव तथा स्वास्थ्य की ढशा के द्योतक होते है। और ये ही प्रभावी चमत्कार जैसे किये जाते हैं। इन्हे प्रस्तुत साधारणतः 'लहरियों के नाम से जाना जाता है। या विशेष रूप से 'परम चैतन्य शक्ति' का प्रकट होना कहाजाताहै। श्रीमाताजी निर्मला देवी के सभी फोटोग्राफ वास्तव मे प्रभावशाली और चमत्कारिक हैं। क्योंकि ईथर (Ether) सहित सभी तत्त्व इनमें मोजूद होते हैं । इस तरह से वे वास्तविक और जीवित हैं। यह दूसरे अन्य चित्रों में भिल्ल है, जिनके बनने में ईथर तत्त्व नही है। श्री माताजी के चित्र चैतन्य लहरियाँ है और ऊर्जा को प्रसारित करते है। इसलिए इन फोटो से किसी को भी आत्म साक्षातकार दिया जा सकता है। अतः सारांश में कह सकते हैं, कि यह चमत्कारिक फोटो प्रकटित है क्योंकि समय उचित है, श्री माताजी अभी मौजूद है, मानव चेतना उच्च है और हम सब उसके लिएपरिपक्व है। यह चित्र, कुशल फोटोग्राफरों की तरकीब या कारनामे जही है, बल्कि इनका उदभव तब से होता रहा है, जब आज के समय के समान तकनीकी कौशल उपलब्ध नहीं था। "परम् चैतन्य मेरे चित्रों को कई तरह के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूपों में दिखाता है। ऐसा पहले कभी नही हुआ। मै स्वयं आश्चर्य चकित हूँ । मुझे पता नही इस तरह से अनायास कार्य करते हुए परम चैतन्य कहा तक जाएगा, पर थे एक बात स्पष्ट जताता है कि वह चाहता है कि आप अपने विश्वास में पूर्णतः स्थापित हो जाएँ।' कभी तो ये प्राकृतिक पत्थरों में प्रतिबिम्बित पाये गये हैं जैसे कैलाश पर्वत शिख में श्री झिव की मूर्ती, या श्री गणेश की मुर्ति चेशायर इंग्लैन्ड में। कभी-कभी वे आकाश में भी दिखे हैं जैसे ईसा की मुर्ति ससेक्स, इग्लैंड मे। अक्सर वे देखे गये है या चित्रकारों द्हारा विविध रूप के सांकेतिक स्पष्टता " 3 13 8 अंत: धर्म धर्म क्या है? आधुनिक संसार में हमारे लियी धर्म का महत्त्व क्यों है? क्यों सभी पुरानी सभ्यताओं के संतों ने हढता पूर्वक कहा कि पूर्णता प्रापति का सच्चा मार्ग धर्म ही है ? धर्म एक दिव्य सिद्धांत है जिसे परिभाषित स्त्री की निर्मलता धर्म की रक्षा का सिद्धांत है, जैसे यहाँ श्री सीता जो कि देवी हैं: परम का दैवीय ्त्री रूप। रावण की एक ही रजत बाण से मृत्यु श्री राम की धार्मिक पवित्रता की दैवीय शक्तिको दर्शाती है। श्री कृष्ण भी धर्म के विरोध में खड़े ढानवों का नाश करने के लिये अवतरीत हुए। श्री राम के युग से करना अगर असम्भव नहीं, तो कठिन अवश्य है। हमारा धर्म दैवीय प्रक्रिया में हमारा असल स्थान है: समय, जगह, चेतना, विचार, कार्य तथा इच्छाओं में। धर्म का सनातन सिद्धांत दिव्य यंत्र का कार्य निर्धारित करता है। दि्य जाट्य में अपनी भूमिका बाे भिन्ल अधर्म अब सिर्फ राक्षसों की संपत्ती न रहकर के मन में भी घुस गया था। श्री कृष्ण का मनुष्य जीवन महाभारत के युद्ध के समय चरम पर था। पूर्ण करने हेतू हमे अपने धर्म मे ही व्यवहार करना चाहिए। अथात हमे सही समय पर सही कारण से, सही पद्धती से सही कार्य करना होगा इस प्रकार महाभारतदोन राज परिवारों के बीच कुरक्षेत्र (दिल्ली के उत्तर में) नामक रण भूमि में लढ़ा गया सबसे हम संतुलन प्रापत करते हैं। अपने अन्दर संतुलन महत्वपूर्ण युद्ध था, जिसमें २० लाख से अधिक योद्धा स्थापित करना, हमारे स्वयं तथा समाज का मारे गए । कल्याण सुनिश्चित करता है। और परम चैतन्य ब्वारा हमारे लिये निर्मित पथ कोखोल देता है। भारत वर्ष में मान्यता है कि धर्म में जीने वालों आज कुखक्षेत्र मानव का मन है और महाभारत हमारी उन्नत आकांक्षाओं (सत्य, सौंदर्य व चेतना) तथा हमारी स्थूल इच्छाओं (सुरक्षा, इन्द्रिय जनित ज्ञान व सत्ता) के बीच है। एक व्यक्ति की, ढानवी शक्तियों (अधर्म) से सुरक्षा के लिये श्री विष्णु ने नौसे भी अधिक अवतार लिए। योद्ाराजकुमार श्री राम के रूपमें श्री विष्णु ने देवी श्री सीता को लंका के दानव राजा दस सिरधारी रावण के अनैतिक इराढों से छुडाया। रावण एक हिंसक, भौतिकतावाढी और अहंकारी अक्रमणकर्ता था जिसने दैवीय इच्छा का तिरस्कार किया। के रूप में हम सिर्फ किसी पक्ष का चुनाव करते है। जब हम पांडव चुनते है, तब हम धर्म तथा अध्यात्मिक उत्क्रांती को चुनते है । संपूर्ण दिव्य (श्री कृष्ण) हमारे जीवन युद्ध का पथ प्रद्शन करता है और अंत में हम हवीपढी (दिव्य स्त्रीत्व) कि पवित्रता कि रक्षा करते है। क जो हमारे अंदर सत्य की फुहार है। जब हम अपने में कौरव चुनते है, तो हमपराजय के लिए सुनिश्चित हो जाते हैं क्योंकि हम हैवी विधान के खिलाफ चलना पवित्र और अबोध श्री राम ने उस दानव राजा व उसकी अंधकार की सेना से एक शक्तिशाली उ चुनते है। धर्म स्वयं हमें नष्ट कर देगा और आध्यात्मिक चेतना का अंतिम पुरस्कार खों किया और अंत मे एक रजत बाण से उसका वध कर दिया। श्री राम की वानरों तथा भआलुओं की सेना जिनके शर्त्र पेड के तने या चह्टाने ही थे सीता माता के वापस मिलने व दैवीय नियम पुनस्थापित होने पर बहुत आनंदित थे। जाएगा। जब मूसा, सिनाई पर्वत से १0 उपदेश लेकर आए तो उन्होने इसराईलियो को सिखाया कि धर्म दैवी नियम है, जिससे वे (जिन्हे सत्य प्रिय है ) अपने ॐ हहे ॥ ह C* বL ३ 8 14 बुद्धि के लक्षण है जिनका विकास सम्पूर्ण से संबंध के बिना हुआ है। यह हमारे चेतना पर हावी होता है. तथा हमारे अंतः धर्म को भूल जाने को उचित ठहराता पराधीनक मिस मालिको (स्थूल इच्छाओं) से छु ट कारा पा सकते हैं और तांछित स्थल (आध्यात्मिक मुक्ति) प्राप्त करसकते है । ईसा मसीह ने हमें सिखाया कि क्षमा हमें हमारे छोटे-छोटे अहंकारों (और इसके अनेक रूपो घमंड, आक्रामकता, घृणा, दुर्भाव, इरषा) से सुरक्षा है। यह उन बिगडे हुए बच्चों जैसा है, जो अपनी तुच्छ इच्छाओं के रूपमे बुद्धिमान माता-पिता पर हावी होते हैं। वास्तविक आध्यात्म विज्ञान को प्रकाशित प्रदान करता है। जिससे हम धर्म के मार्ग पर स्थिर रहें ईसा का संदेश इस वाक्य में निहित है कि जो एक की दृष्टी से देखता है वह पहले कर सकता है। जिससे वह मानव को पराधीन बनाने के बजाय, सेवाकरने के योग्य हो तथा विश्वधर्म की आत्मा का, जो हमारे अन्दर स्थित है, पुनरूत्थान औरत को कामुकता से व्यभिचार कर चुका है। ढूसरे शब्दो में, बाहरी जैतिकता या आचारनीति काफी नही है। क्यों कि सच्चा धर्म दिल और दिमाग की शुद्धता है। वास्तविक आध्यात्म विज्ञान को ऐसे कर सके। हमारा साधारण ज्ञान, प्राचीन धर्म ग्रंथ, भविष्यवक्ता, पृथ्वी माँ संकेत तथा वैज्ञानिक भविष्य व लेख भी भविष्यवाणी करते है कि अधर्म का मार्ग विनाश की ओर ले जाएगा। प्रकाशित कर सकता है कि वह सेवा करे, ळास न बनायें। विनाश के इस मार्ग से हमारी सभ्यता का आधुनिक समाज के पास एक नया धर्म है, जिसने तर्कहीन विश्वास को उखाड फेंका है। यह अपनी संकीर्ण परन्तु खुढ ही खुढ को गौरवान्वित करने वाली नई जात, तार्किंकता को कम दिखाता जा रहा है। यह नया विश्वास विज्ञान है। तकोसे परे अध्यात्मिक तक नापे नही जा सके) तथा ढैविय इच्छा (जा बु पुनरुत्थान करने के लिए हमारे अंतःधर्म को जागृत करना होगा। अतः हमे अपनी आत्मा की ओर ध्यान देना होगा, जो कि जीवित धर्म का सोत है। ( Rationaity) रसे धर्म आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ्ारा आत्मा का ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है। सहज तथा अंतः धर्म वास्तविक ध्यान अनुभव ( जो अब से हम सब के अन्ढर जागृत तथा प्रकटित धारणा कियाजासकता है। से परे है) कि धारणाओं का त्क व कारण के पक्ष में बहिष्कार किया गया। आध्यात्मिक अनुभव (जो आज तक नापा नही जा सका) के अतार्किक विचार और दैवी इच्छा (जो बुद्धि से परे है ) तर्क और कारण की दृष्टी से बहिष्कृत किये गये है। औद्योगिक क्रांति ने KAY CEE ENTERPRISES (Manufacturer of Eigen Invertors, Elgen Stabilizers and Elgen UPS) े मजुष्य को सिखाया कि उसका विज्ञान व तकनीकी, प्रकृति, जिसके नियमों का वह अभी तक 30-A, Dasna Rd., Maliwara Chowk, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Ph. - 4793982, 4796894, 9810064139 पालन करता आया, पर हावी होसकते है। विज्ञान और तार्किकता का धर्म, संस्कृतियों को आकार देजे वाली प्रमुख शक्तिया बन गयी। क्योंकि वैज्ञानिको ने कहा कि ईश्वर का अस्तित्व ही नही है, ना कोई अच्छाई है न बुराई ना सही है गालत। नैतिक अंतः प्रेरणा, बुद्धि, अंतःधर्म अतार्किक बताये गये। आध्यात्मिक चेतना, जो एक Kaushik Panchal RATILAL & SONS All kind of Textile Accessories Ahmedabad. Ph. 2748183 (O), 3739017 (R) सभ्यता को धर्म के मार्ग पर पकड कररखती है, को वैज्ञानिक रंग मे रंग दिया गया और उसकी जगह तकनीकी विकास, अनुमोढकता, उपभोक्तावाद जैसी भीतिक नीतियों को स्थापित कर दिया गया। Sh. Ganesh Kumar Mahesh Kumar Singhania Kolkata विज्ञान और तार्किकता हमारे अहंकार और ্ 15 ७४ চি Karnataka NSYS T. -An insight 4. 7. Yuva-Shaktis are Dharwad, Sirsi, etc. Yuva- Shaktis have been visiting these places on a very lessed are those who are conducting music classes for born in these modern the younger generation. times and got their realization from Shri Mataji. Fortunate are those who have been given an opportunity to do the divine 8. Yuva-Shaktis, mainly the yoginis actively participate in puja decorations. regular basis and the divine message. spreading 3. Regular public programmes are conducted to strengthen 9. Sahaja Yoga is spreading an already existing sub- centers and also in new work. And we at N.S.Y.S, educational through Karnataka, think that we are institutions and also at blessed by our Guru that we residential colonies. have been given tremendous places. opportunity to do the divine work, thereby contributing to 4. A notable mention here 10. The Yuva-Shaktis maintain would be that the and update the Sahaja Yoga our spiritual growth. The collective strength, even though less in number, the web site for Karnataka. This pamphlets are distributed by Yuva-Shaktis and elderly Yogis alike by walking door to door, thereby involving wider participation and also saving a lot of precious website has information about Shri Mataji, Sahaja amount of work that has been Yoga and information to happening consistently in co- ordination with the elderly Sahaja Yogis has been very good. There have been numerable activities and steps 5. Yuva-Shaktis participate in taken for the spread of the guide the seekers to the nearest meditation center. The meditation centers in money. Bangalore have been highlighted in the map regular workshops. The activities available at the website. It these divine message of our Mother. The following are the few to in has been really good to workshops include listening to Mother's message, receive lot of responses on mention: enquiry about Sahaja yoga after looking at the site. cleansing, exchange of views on ascent and spread of Sahaja Yoga, etc., 1. Steady spread of Sahaja Yoga has been happening outside Bangalore, which was the only main place so The N.S.Y.S, Karnataka again 6. Yuva-Shaktis attend the says that blessed are those who sub-centers on a rotation do the work given to us by our basis, thereby interacting far. with new-comers and Guru. 2. Sahaja Yoga has been taking firm roots in Mysore, Jai Shri Mataji! strengthening them. N.S.Y.S, Karnataka. 63 16 S Yuvadrishti Asks.... వివైన WHAT DOES DHARMA MEAN TO YOU? indulging and, in a way, reflecting a character that allows others to see the right way to live. Dharma is one of the aspects of Satwic Tatwa, the Eternal purity within. It symbolizes the way of life to lead after realizing the self within and enjoying the happiness of Atma. It coexists with Purity, Benevolence, Righteousness, Simple Lifestyle, Balanceful Behaviour and expression. It creates in an individual: - Mitesh Gandhi, UK, miteshgandhi_uk@yahoo.co.uk Dharma The code of conduct that makes a yogi balanced in all actions and encourages his/her spiritual ascent. It's the interface that makes the subtle extra-ordinary powers of a yogi into ordinary actions for extra-ordinary effects. Ruthvick Divecha, ruthvickd@hotmail.com The feeling of belongingness to work in and for collective thing. • Generosity only to give and not desires to get in return. The desire to transform the one, which is untruth and evil. Dharma is the beautiful bank of the river called Kundalini ... It allows us to enjoy the cool wind and also guides to the himalayas; the place of heavenly bliss...kingdom of god. Dharma will be the epitome/direction to the generations ahead to achieve the ultimate goal, the Self-Realization by the grace of Shri.Mataji Nirmala - Ishprateek Singh, ishprateek@yahoo.com Devi. -G.S. Vasu, New Delhi The passage where Shri Vishnu is taking care of the Divine powers to be given to Sahaja Yogis and Shri Shiva showing the light so that pure Atma can be submerged into the Nirakara to become "Ekmev Shivoham'. D-Dharan Karana. H- Hamesha sacchayi ki rah par chalna. A Atmasamman karna. R - Raksha karna. M - Maryada main rehna. A - Abadhit rehna. Meenakshy Sharma, Delhi Hemant Patil, hemantdl1@yahoo.co.in CONSULTANTS PHR It is the origin of our duties, the roadmap of our actions, the pivot of our balance. Management Consultants for ISO-9001, TQM, HACCP Summeer Bajpai, New Delhi Delhi. Ph. - 20050896, 9868107292 DHARMA is the righteousness within us which gets awakened with Self-Realisation. Our DHARMA is E-mail: pktaluja@hotmail.com to spread Sahaja Yoga by giving Realisation to people. CENTRE FOR TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Training for ISO-9001, TOM & Management Development Smyta, smyta@indiatimes.com Delhi. Ph. - 20050896, 9868107292 Dharma is, having a balanced act of conduct in everyday life, trying to have moral boundaries at work, at home and with friends and not over- 8 17 E-mail: pktaluja@hotmail.com Would you like to try Sahoja Yoga Meditation. It has helped me a lot. Hey, would you No thenka, I hovG to go for Sahaja Yoga Meditation lika to con to a porty fonight. am feoling lot of stres these days. Some other doy Three friends (Ram, Mac, Max) walking on a Saturday evening... అఎల Experiencing lot of Joy, Max started doing Meditation regularly. So Mox gets his realisation... Moc, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is Wonderful, you too must experience it. Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre himm. O.K. And Sahaja Yoga continues to spread.... Contributed by Sharmila Saha, Pune After few weeks... Himanshu Rastogi CLASSIC GIFT HOUSE Sanjiv Sondhi SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SERVICES PVT. LTD. Chandigarh. Whole seller & Retailers of Archies Cards & Gifts, Toys & Novelties Items. Moradabad Ph. - 0172 - 721772, 721186 Ph. - 0591-2472374, 9412245304 818 Time Line 1933-47 1970 1990 2000 1960 1980 1950 1930 1940 1920 Shri Mataji used to walk every morning to go to a secluded temple known as the temple of Mother Lodrus, there Shri Mataji would sit and contemplate how to help the people of the world to get rid of their problems by raising kundalini collectively. Baba Mama, who was her constant companion to the temple, writes that the statue of Mother Lodrus bore a very close resemblance to Shri Mataji, the sculptor mnust have had Shri Mataji in his inagination while sculpting the statue. 122 Another event of those times : One day Shri Mataji decided to picket in front of St. Ursula High School. Shri Mataji holding an Indian flag in her hand, stood in front of the gate, and in protest pleaded the students to go home. When she saw a bus, that was to bring students from far away places, approaching she lay herself on the ground right in front of the gate so that bus could not go into the school compound. The bus, however took another gate to enter the premises. Shri Mataji stood there, holding the flag, and shouted slogans asking the British to leave India. Police took Shri Mataji to a police station and tortured her physically by putting her on ice slabs. They also gave her electric shocks. They let her go after warning that if she raised any slogans against the British or picketed before any institution, she would be put in jail. Her immediate reaction was that the Indians were already in jail since they did not have their freedom, so for her it did not make any difference whether she was outside or inside the jail. r a YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yalino.com SUBSCRIPTION FORM Reg. No. (FOR YUVADRISHTI USE) (PLEASE FILL IN CAPITALS) Name (IN BLOoCKS), Address PIN City- State Phone Email Drawn on Dt. Cash/DD No. Of Rs. DD should be sent in the favour of 'Yuvadrishti' payable at Pune. Address for correspondence: Yuvadrishti Plot No. 79, Survey No.98, Bhusari Colony, Kothrud, Pune-38, Maharashtra, Phone : 020-5286105 Signature S 19 & 3 S.O·C·R·A•T·E-S O O O DO The Primordial Master the scale was the good of the body, health, strength. At the top of the scale was the good of the soul, wisdom and moral integrity, He viewed each man as being part of a universal family and dedicated his life to raising the awareness of human beings. The simple illustration Socrates used in leading people towards a logical conclusion was an important step in the advancement of mankind. Socrates He is the Guru Principle. As the Primordial Master, he has incarnated many times to guide mankind. Socrates was born in Athens in 469 BC. He grew up to be sculptor by profession, but he never worked at it much. From early childhood he was guided by an inner voice from god, which warned him if he were about to undertake a wrong course of action. A more conspicuous trait was his habit of preoccupations were with the spheres of ethical standing in thoughtless awareness for hours in one place. Amidst the corruption and immorality of Athens he was an example ofDharma. characterand conduct in private and public life with the practical use of reason. In Socrates time there were anti-god forces at In 431 BC when war broke between Athens work in the guise of the sophist Philosophers, who and Sparta, Socrates served in the Athenian army and gained a reputation for bravery in battle. can be likened to the false gurus of Kali Yuga. They charged for their services and pushed the Greeks further in the right side and away from the central evolutionary channel. Socrates highlighted this in his teachings and thus was gaining popularity among the youth and the intellectuals much to the envy of the sophist. He held open discussion with any citizen who was willing to converse with him. The topics included Love, Politics, War, friendship, Poetry, Religion, Science and Government, but all centered around a central theme of "How should a man live his Life?" In these discussions Socrates would call After Socrates who came here in such a upon one of his disciples to explain their view point and then he would correct them and add to the discussion. The goal was not to teach his students what he thought of the various subjects but rather to teach them to think critically about the subjects for condition when people were really absolutely ignorant, in the complete darkness of ignorance. They couldn't understand him. They couldn't understand Socrates at all, and so like any other primordia! master was treated by the people who were surrounding him. He was also very much ill treated and nobody listened to him. But of course as you know he was the primordial master and his wisdom is well known. He created out of him disciples, but none of them could go anywhere near his wisdom, and they started their own theories, own styles, and that's how we find the accent from themselves. Because he felt that he had no special wisdom or knowledge of his own, Socrates did not write any of his work or charge for his services, all that is written about him was done much later by Plato and Xenophon. At the core of his philosophy, Socrates believed that no one did wrong willingly and that those who do wrong do it out of ignorance. He offered the maxim "Virtue = Knowledge". the philosophy that was Socratesism which gradually came into Political and then on economic side. The attention was moved from Philosophy to Eeonomics today, not towards the Philosophy which was established by Socrates. Socrates had established a sort of moral scale by which to measure the inherent good of things. At the bottom of this scale was external good, money. possessions and material wealth. Near the middle of -Athena Puja, Athens Greece, 24/05/89 20 In 399BC Socrates was brought to trial in the city of Athens. He was charged with not believing in the gods of the city and with corrupting the youth. During the trial Socrates was found guilty by the jury and ultimately sentenced to death. During his stay in the jail awaiting his execution he continued to teach and enlighten those who came to see him. They marveled at his detachment at the prospect of his execution and he explained to the people about continuance of the soul after death, which wasa novel concept at that time. During the time Socrates lived in the jail, he was advised by his friends and followers to flee Athens to escape his sentence. Socrates explained to them that it is Wrong to break agreements and that the city or country is like a parent or teacher to all its citizens and it should be respected and obeyed. He convinced his followers that staying was the right thing as his moral integrity was more precious than his life. The sentence was carried out when he was 70 years of age. On the appointed day he was given Hemlock to drink and as the poison acted he passed away in a calm and dignified manner. Socrates contribution to philosophy is immeasurable. His practice of philosophy is a turning point in the history of the subject. To this day Socrates is used as a 15 Sketch by Nitya Sapte dividing line when discussing the history of philosophy. A few Quotes of Socrates as menitioned in Apology and 'Last days of Socrates 'by Plato Every seeker of wisdom knowrs that up to the time when philosophy takes it over his soul is a prisoner chained hand and foot to the body compelled to view reality not direcily but only through its prison bars. and wallowing utter ignorunce." "..he who enters the next world uninitiated and unenlightened shall be in the myre but he who arrives there purified and enlightened shall dwell among the gods. 000g ---------------------- 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-0.txt YUVADRISHTI by the Yuva shakti Anoffering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother Volume 4 March 2003 Issue 1 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-1.txt ॥ जय श्री माताजी. ॥ CONTENTS देश प्रेम 1 लाल बहादुर शास्त्री - एक सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन Origin of Music Bhumija संत कवि श्री कबीर 8 William Blake 11 'परम् चैतन्य के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूप अंतः धर्म Karnataka NSYS - An Insight 13 14 16 Yuvadristi Asks 17 Time line 19 Socrates 20 Greetings to our readers on the occosion of Shivratri. What better way to pay tribute to the ultimate Principle in our beings by dedicating this issue to the Lord of Dance Himself. One cannot farget the necessary and sufficient condition to worship the Shiva Tattwa in us: having a pure heart. A pure heart is a peacetul lake of pure desire and nothing else. The following holy words describe the relevance and role of Shiva Tattwa, the guiding theme of this issue of our beloved newsletter Yuvadrishti: "Now Vishnu is there.. his power is there for you to rise up to the Shiva Principle.. one is supplementary for another.. you cannot reach Shiva without Vishnu.. and you cannat stick to Shiva's principle if you have not understood Vishnu's Principle. Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi. and she is the Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva... and she rises through the channel thot is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So how con you one of them... one is the road... other is the destination. H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Shivaratri Puja Another aspect of becoming the spirit is losing our identity as an ordinary human being struggling against unknown to a stable and refined entity, beautifully described by our Holy Mother: "You have to do only one thing, is to become the spirit, thats all... is a simple thing. Then to substontiate your purity, your attention should be on the other side - now you are nol facing the Mother, you are sitting with the Mother facing the whole world... the whole attitude will change. The attitude should be, what can I give, how can I give, what is my mistake in giving... I have to be more alert, where is my attention, what am I doing, what is my responsibility. - Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Mahakali & Mahalaxmi Puja, Lonavala / Kolhapur op away with 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-2.txt देश प्रे the view that we all will have one world one day. It is important that if any country, if any country is not equipped with that love for their own (country) they will be like SHRI MATAJI ON PATRIOTISM "I saw the Union Jack coming down and I a cancer if they join one world, saw the tricolor going up, that was the moment is impossible, so the pure love for your country is so beyond me. Even now I remember those days. Many of you who are Indians here may not have seen days that's why you are so careless, that's why some of you do not understand out of what sacrifice we opening of your awareness, now you see that what have got this freedom. Its not an easy freedom, it is wrong what is injurious whatever is destructive was very very difficult one and Shastriji was one of for your country and you want to improve it. them who gave up everything to join and he had mother to look after. He was another one who just gave up all those things any young man would have ambitions to do this do that, nothing. he gave up everything just to join Congress. Those were the days he was a very highly evolved soul and to have such when people were charmed with it. Gandhiji was a person in the politics itself was a great vision for also a very short man. This gentleman had really me" charmed all the young people. So many young people "Shastriji was already in office when I saw him first gave up their studies, gave up everything not for and I think he recognized me very well, no doubt something wrong but for fight for your country about that. He showed tremendous respect for me. they sacrificed their lives, So many of them they Tremendous respect." good." those It is very surprising how with this subtle SHRI MATAJI ON SHASTRIJI "The first dayI saw him (Lal Bahadur Shastri) I knew and were extremely honest pure.. love for their country itself made them so beautiful I tell you. There were young girls, there were young boys, there were old man, old women, we never had any such a thing which we call as corruption or any kind of bad feelings. All working together day and night. "His whole attention, you see was holistic I would say, and he would always see how we can create beautiful relationship between people of different races, different religions, different ideologies and he had a knack of improving them." He could transform a person into something else. His style was so collective; so collective, that in the garden he would stand there and everybody who would come there he would meet. He had a tremendous memory. To him, it (good memory) was such a blessing I should say for people because he would ask them for such small things. How is mother now? Or how did you get your house? See, Continued On Pg. 12.. In life of these great people is their pure love for their country. Pure love for their country. There is a difference between love for your country for country's sake. Not because you can mnake get into positions, higher positions you will have all those. Not for that, purely, purely very purely just an innate dharma to love your country. In the same way all of you should love your country, but with money, your 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-3.txt लाल बहादुर शास्त्री - एक सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन (संक्षिप्त में वह सोचते थे। दनिया के एक नागरिक के रूप में वह নहत ही सामान्य परिस्थिति में पला-बढ़ा लाल बहादुर एक अर्थात भाईचारे के समर्थक शे अतरष्ट्रिय शांति और छोटे से बॉव में पैढा हुआ एक गरीब घर का लडका था । पर व्यक्तिगत गुणों के बल पर हेश के सर्वोच्च पढ पर जा पहुँचा | अमज-चैन तो हो पर उसमें स्वाभिमान की रक्षा भी हो; यह उनका आग्यह था। जब भारत पर हमला हुआ तब अमन-चैन उसी तरह राष्ट्रीय और विश्व स्तर पर जो Eड़नाएँ हुई उनमें ा परंढ शस्त्रीजी ने देश की संप्रभुता तथा प्राढेशिक अखंडता भी उसने अभूतपूर्व सफलता प्रार् की। कन्प्यूकियस ने का बडी ही हढ़तापूर्वक रक्षण किया और लडाई को आक्रमणक्ताकि क्षेत्र में ले जाकर খुरू किया। हेश कीसीमा- परिपूर्ण सज्जन व्यक्ति की परिआाषा की है। जब शास्त्रीजी के নारे मे सोचा जाए तब यह परिभाषा याढ हो आती है। रक्षा का उद्देश्य सफल हुआ. तब उसी शत्रु के साथ शांति और कनपयूशियस का कहना है कि एक सज्जन व्यक्ती की जी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध बजाने के लिए उन्होंने जी-जान लगा दी। एक विशेषताएँ होती है- ऑखों का इस्तेमाल करते समय बहुत उदात और अनुकरणीय राजपुरूष के रूप में सारा विश्व स््ट रप से हेखता है; कानों का इस्तेमाल करते समय उनकी ओर ढेखने लगा। शाख्तरीजी का निधन हुआ; तब बहुत एकात-चित्त होकर सुनता है; किसी पर ढया हुष्टी उनका जीवन-पट एकळम जिष्कलंक था; उस पर एक भी धळबा जहीं था। पीछे ज धन था, न जमीन थी, न मकान। करनी हो तो बहुत ही नेक दिल से सोच-विचार करता है; उसका आचरण बहुत आदरणीयरहता है; बोलते समयबहुत सच्वाई और ईमाजहारी को समर्पित जीवन ही राष्ट्रीय जीवन ही सच्चा रहता है; अपना कर्तव्य निभाते समय उसका का मूलाधार होता है, ऐसी मान्यतारखनेवाले सभी समुळायों व्यवहार आढर आवना से परिपूर्ण होता है; सांदेह होने पर वह के लोगों को प्रोत्साहित करने वाला, प्रेरणा देने वाला शास्त्रीजी का जीवन था। अर्तिरंजित विशेषणों द्वारा खुढ की सलाह-मशविरा करता है; क्रोध करते समय इसका विचार कता है कि हसका परिणाम तया होगा; और लाभ के रामय तारीफ़ की जाटो ऐसी उनकी कभी इच्छा नही रही। उनकी समाधि पर यदि जिम्नलिखित शब्द लिखे गये होते तो विच्ार करता है, इस समय उचित क्या है। एक व्यक्ति के सूप मे शारीजी की ओर देखें तो उनमें ये लक्षण विदचयमान थे। म शायद उन्हें बहुत अच्छा लगता - इसके अलावा, सच्चाई का रास्ता उन्होंने कभी छीड़ा नहीं; शास्त्री - १६ जनवरी ल "लाल बहादुर २ अकतूकर १90४ व्यक्तिवत तथा व्यावसायिक संबंधों में बह हमेशा बड़े ही १ 9६६सत्यनिष्ठराजनैतिकजीवन की स्मृती में।" विनयशील, स्वाभिमानी, ढूसरों का खयाल रखनेवाले. आालीज. उळार, निःस्वार्थी, अत्यंत सुसंस्कृत और मृदुभाषी स्त्रोत : राजनीति में सत्यनिष्ठ जीवन : लाल बहादुर शास्त्री थे। सरकार के प्रमुख और देश के नेता की हैसियत से उनकी लेखक : तरफ़ हेखा जाये तो वह बुद्धिमान, दूरळ्शी, निर्णय लेने के श्री सी. पी. श्रीवास्तव बारे में बहुत हळ और प्रखर इचछাशक्तिवाले व्यक्ति थे। आम With Best Compliments from: जनता की भलाई के लिए उन्होंने अपने आपको समर्पित कर Deepak Malaviya छियाथा; लेकिन वे सपने में विचरण करने वाले नहीं थे। सत्ता उन्हें भष्ट नही कर सकती थी। क्षणिक भावनावश वह कभी 6, Vigyan Vihar, Delhi- 110 092. निर्णय नहीं लेते थे; बल्कि उनके सब निर्णय गहराई से सोच-विचार करने के बाळ ही लिये हुए होते थे उन पर कोई With Best Compliments from: किसी तरह का ळबाव नहीं ला सकता था। वह उच्चकोटि के Ritu Mehra तेशभक्त थे. अपनी जिंगी उन्होंने मुल्क के नाम करळी थी। Thank You Shri Mataji for your blessings & attention all the time and everywhere. दुनिया के सारे मज़हबों की मूलभूत एकता पर उनकी अद्ा थी। ळेश के अंढर सारे लोग एक-राष्ट्र की भावना से रहें ऐसा 2 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-4.txt music in any sense. Our elders regarded this Naad only as a means of spiritual liberation. Origin of Miusic Struck sound which is musical and pleasing to the सा रे ज च प थ ears is called Naad. Naad has three special features, pitch magnitude and timbre. PITCH ....continued from last issue NAAD (SOUND) Each note is higher or lower than the note next to it. This depends upon the umber of the vibrations in that particular note. That is to say, greater the vibrations in a note, higher is the note and lesser the vibrations, lower is the note. For example, in the ascending scale each note is higher 'NAAD' is a combination of 'NAKAR meaning life breathe (air) and 'DAKAR' fire or energy. Thus the breath when energized gives rise to a musical sound and hence a musical sound is called a 'NAAD'. This definition ought to be looked vibrations increase in each note. In the descending scale it is just the opposite. voice, which in India at least is considered to be the prime source, the origin of music. TIMBRE The spirit wishing to express itself This quality of Naad helps in differentiating and recognizing the various sounds produced by different instruments or voices. For example, without seeing a person or instrument, the ability to recognize a particular sound is, because of prompts the mind or the will, the mind on its part awakens the heat or energy and this 'NAAD' is of two types: One is "AHAT NAAD" and the other is "ANAHAT NAAD". Timbre. AHAT NAAD MAGNITUDE This Naad is heard by our ears and it is created by the stroke of friction of any two things. This Naad is directly connected with music, the relation is special. The elders in the field had regarded this Naad as a Musical vehicle for the journey from this world to the Heaven. This depends upon how the sound is being produced, softly or loudly i.e. the intensity of sound decides its magnitude. Swar as that which shines itself, the Naad which manifests itself, charms the listener and is intelligible. Naad is first heard as a Shruti or internal then the resonance that follows ANAHAT NAAD immediately manifests itself and conveys an expression to the listener is Swar or Note. This Naad is not created by any stroke or friction. Naturally this is also not heard by the ears. The listener only knows this Naad by its knowledge. Anahat Naad is the exact opposite of Ahat Naad. If we close our ears with our hands we will hear a sound like, 'Su, Su' and this sound is called Out of the twenty two Shrutis, seven shrutis have been selected and placed at varied intervals in an octave: These seven Shrutis are called Swar. Because of the difference in interval between them, they are more distinctly audible and they can resonate for a longer period without disturbing the balance of vibrations for a particular note. This quality make the notes melodious, which is an Anahat Naad. In olden times our Rishis and Munis used to cultivate this sound. This Naad indicated spiritual liberation and not the energy of the spirit. This is not used in music. It has nothing to do with 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-5.txt inherent and desired quality of music. Swar is the alphabet of music. This chart will show the division and placing of notes. NAAD AHAT ANAHAT NAAD NAAD There are twelve notes in Indian music. Shadja सा MUSICAL NON-MUSICAL Rishabh Gandhar SHRUTI NOISE Madhyam SWARA Pancham Dhaivat ET नी Nishad TIWRA SHUDDHA KOMAL Notes are of two types रे ग ध सा प 1. MOVABLE Immovable notes 2. IMMOVABLE 2. Movable notes: 1. AT and are immovable notes. They invariably remain Normal. रे ग * aT E aft are movable notes. This In this way the twelve notes are- movement is of two types. * aT E att are normal notes, in the notation system they do not take any AT U symbol. When these four notes leave their place, a & oft they are always placed lower than their respective 3a er oft normal notes. These notes are called flat Notes. In Stable notes Normal notes Flat notes Normal note the notation system they take the symbol of a small horizontal bar underneath the note. For example रे ग ध नी Sharp note SAPTAK OR OCTAVE There are three voice registers recognized by our musicologists namely the "Mandra Sthan" or is a movable note. In the notation Also system it doesn't take any symbol, for example H. When this note leaves its place it is placed higher chest register. The "Madhya Sthan" which produces than its normal form, because of its sharp tone. This the normal voice and the "Taar Sthan" which note is called Sharp Note. While writing the Produces the top or head notes. These are actually notation of Sharp H it is indicated by a small vertical the "OCTAVES" each consisting of seven Swaras. line above the note. For example i. When the set of seven notes are sung or played in an order it is called a SAPTAK. For example - सा रे ग म प ध नी sung or played in this order is a SAPTAK or OCTAVE. The division of Octave is based on the normal and natural range of human voice. So music develops mainly within three octaves- LOWER or MANDRA, MIDDLE or MADHYA, HIGHER or TAAR. Continued on Page 7 ... 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-6.txt BHUMDA died, because when, at the end of the Ramayana, Shri Rama asked her to go back in Ayodhya and to prove to everybody her absolute fidelity to her husband, she invoked the Mother Earth to witness her chastity: Human Beings are worshipping Adishakti as Mother Goddess from ages and know Her by different names and forms, in different times and places. But her main identification in the Neolithic Era was with the Mother Earth. In the Sanskrit literature Shri Sita is depieted as Rama's wife but there is a previous tradition, reaching the vedic time, that describes her as Fertility's Goddess. We can find her name invoked to obtain prosperity and many times in the Rig Vedic hymn to Kshetrapati, the lord of the fields: If, in thought, I have never dwelt on any but Rama, may the Goddess Madhavi receive me! (Ramayana, 7.97) As she finished this act of truth, a throne rose from the ground supported by serpents. Earth embraced her, seated her on the throne and then the throne and Sita sank back into the ground, while a mighty tremor was passing through the entire earth. (R. 7. 97). Auspicious Sita, come thou near: We venerate and worship thee That thou mayst bless and prosper us And bring us fruits abundantly. May Indra press the furrow down, May Pushan guide its course alright. May she, as rich in milk, be drained for us Through each succeeding year. (R.V. 4.57.6, 7) That the Sita of the Ramayana is the same of that of the vedic hymns, seems out of any doubt. Throughout the epic, Nature consistently echoes Sita's actions and moods as if she was the divine mistress of the plants and animals, For example, Then, in the Kaushika Sutra, Sita is called when she leaves Ayodhya, along with Rama and wife of Parjanya, god of the rain" and "mother of Lakshmana, all of nature is disordered: gods, mortals and creatures" and she is invoked for produce: No sacred fires were ordered; the sun was hidden; elephants spat out their food and cows refused to suckle their calves. Constellations You are intelligence; you are growth; Among the Prajapatis, you are increase! Desiring prosperity for myself, I cry out Swahal dimmed; planets lost their luster and, leaving their customary path, stood in the sky shrouded in mist...Crushed by the burden of fear, earth quaked violently while herds of elephants, warriors and horses roared aloud. (R. 2.36.9, 11, 17b.) Moreover, the name "Sita" means "furrow", "the line made by the plow" and in the Ramayana it is written that she sprang from the ground while her adoptive father, Raja Janaka, was ploughing. This is the meaning of the name "bhumija", "born from the earth". And when Ravana kidnaps her: Struck by the rising wind, trees filled with flocks of birds of different kinds tossed their tops as if to say, "Fear not!" Ponds with blown lotuses, with waterfowl and quivering fish mourned for Maithili as for a joyless friend. Gathering together from all Actually, she was not really born (and this is the cause for her another name: "ayonija", "born without benefit of human womb") and she never 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-7.txt sides, lions, tigers, deer and birds, running after in fury, followed Sita's shadow. Chakra of the human beings and if we observe the structure of Carbon atom, we'll see on one side the shape of Omkara, on another side the shape of the Swastika and,on the last side, the Alpha and the Omega (symbols of Shri Ganesha). (R. 50.32-35.) Besides, Sita is intimately related both to the trees and plants and to the forest animals; they protect and help her in the forest, which she finds a congenial, not a terrifying place to live. In fact, as the earth is the basement for everything in the world, at the same manner the So many are the passages that point out this closed Mooladhara Chakra is at the base of the Subtle relationship between Sita and the entire nature (we System and sustains the ascend of the Kundalini. can say "the Mother Earth") in the Ramayana. But As the earth has the capacity to purify the nature before we put our attention on the manner through from all the poisons (for example, the earth element which Shri Sita and Shri Bhoomi Devi relate, let us filters out the water in water table), the innocent spend few words to describe the qualities of the power of Shri Ganesha makes us completely purified from our sins or negative attitudes and, if our Mooladhara is clean, we can obtain not only our Self Realization but also awake the Kundalini of other Mother Earth. At the gross level, the earth element is the one that gives nourishment and creates the habitat for all the living beings; It is the basement for all the others elements and it supports everything. Its main chemical component, the Carbon, is people, even only by looking at them. Therefore Shri Bhoomi Devi is the Shakti that creates, supports and reabsorbs all the creation in herself. She is the one who purifies us from all the negativities (we can experiment this in our meditation on the ground or with the shoe-beating) and She is absolute innocence; She is the humblest element and present in all the organic compounds and it is at the base of the life. In the Atharva Veda we read: TE E We invoke all-supporting Earth On which trees, lords of forests, stand the most compassionate, because she accepts everything without reaction (sometime Shri Ganesha punishes those who offends her). For this Shri Mataji always ever firm. (Atharva, 12.1.27) "The most powerful thing is the Mother Earth because She has says that she is the Patience and the the power to bear" -Shri Rama Puja, 1987, Tolerance. Switzerland Coming back to Shri Sita, the qualities that Valmiki attributes her in the According to Ayurvedic Medicine, the earth the Ramayana are that of the perfect woman: she is the ideal element exists in us, contented in our bones. daughter, devoute and Felosity wife and loving and dedicated mother. Further, at one subtler level, the Mother Earth dwells in the Mooladhara 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-8.txt Shri Sita came in this world to show us the As Shakti of Shri Rama, she manifests the woman's "swa-dharma". That's how the women ideal of womanhood and, for this, she sprang out should behave and live in the respect of the from the Mother Earth, bringing all her powers maryadas. Even Shri Rama, that is Maryada and qualities within herself. Purushottama, can do nothing without Shri Sita, his Shakti: She is the earth's daughter, but she is also the earth-itself. Sita is to me what light is to the sun. Before the three worlds, Janaka's daughter is pure; therefore I can no more forsake her than an honorable man can renounce his honor. (R6.106.17b) O Shri Mataji, we worship You in the formn of Shri Bhoomi Devi; please awaken in us the humbleness of the Goddess that supports everything; awaken in us the purity of the Goddess that purifies everything; awaken in us the innocence of the Goddess that is absolute Spontaneity. In the Ramayana she is the one who desired, she that allowed to Ravana to kidnap her, sending Lakshmana to help Rama even if, as Adishakti, she could avoid this. Also, she could kill Ravana by herself but she didn't, because that was Shri Rama's duty. - Contributed by : Elena Onesta, Italy She was always thinking of him, to his glory and honor. M. Continued from page 4 Now, in the advice to the brides, in 1984, Shri Mataji says:"You are the people who represents While singing the lower octave it's place is in the this Mother Earth, who has special wisdom". And C hest, middle in the throat and higher octave in try to understand that you are the Mother Earth the head. and you have to give and because of your powers you can give, because you have so many shaktis within you, you have to give. In the notation system, lower octave notes are indicated by a small dot underneath the note. For example- In this manner the woman that has सा रे ग म प ध नी awakened in herself the bhumi tattva is always patient and sweet, generous and peaceful. She has the There are no symbols for the middle octave power to transform people and ambiences. notes in the notation system. For example- It is clear that the Mother Earth is the source for all the powers of the wives and mothers and that we can enlighten these powers within us after the Self Realization, through the ascend of the सा रे ग म प ध नी In the notation system notes of the Taar Saptak or Higher Octave.recognized by a dot on Kundalini. the top of the note. For example - To conclude, Shri Sita and Shri Bhoomi Devi are two different aspects of the Adi Shakti, the Primordial Power of Creation and Love. सा रे ग म प ध नी -Contributed by Shri Arun Apte to be Continued... 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-9.txt संत कवि श्री कबीर नही सकते थे। रामानंद स्वामी के शिष्ट उन्हे उनके समीप ी नही जाने देते। एक दिन कर्बीर गंगा नढी लगभग छःह सौ बर्ष पूर्व महात्मा कबीर का न्म हुआ। उनकी जम व्विनांक व जनम स्थान का टीक ठीक पता नहीं है। के घाटकी सीढियों पररामानंद स्वामी की प्रतीक्षा में रातभर ठंड में सोए रहे, क्योंकि वे जानते थे कि काशी के एक मुसलमान जुलाहे नीरू तथा उली पत्नी जीमा को लहरतारा तालाब के किनारे स्वामीजी हमेशा उसी राह से गुजरते है। प्रात: काल उानियों में एक अत्यंत तेजस्वी नवजात शिशु पौ फटने से पहले स्वामीजी का पैर कबीर पर पड़ा इ उसकी आखों का नूर अलग ही था। प्रकाश और वो बोले बेटे, तुम यहाँ क्या कर रहे हो?' तब । था कि उनकी ऑखें चीध गई। लोक लाज कि कीर उठे और कहा कि 'स्वामीजी आपने आज मुझे पर्वा न करते हुए जीरू व नीमा उसे घर ले आए । मुस्लिम रिवाज़ के अनुसार के लिये काज़ी को बुलाया गया। क्राजी ने नाम देखने रामानंद स्वामी ने कबीरदासजी को अपना शिष्टय के लिये कुरान खोली तो उसमे हर जगह कबीर, स्वीकार किया। कुब्रा, अक़बर आढी; लिये कहे जाते हैं वही निकले। साधारण जुलाहे के बच्चे को परमात्मा का नाम कैसे ढिया जाए, यह सोचकर उसने कई बार कुरान खोली किंतु हर बार अपना शिष्य स्वीकार कर लिया है।" और इस प्रकार बच्चे के जामकरण ऐसे शब्द जो परमात्मा के कबीर परम वैरागी थे सांसारिक माया- मोह, धन संपत्ती से उनका ८ कोई वास्ता न था। वे वही शब्द मिले। यह समाचारपाकर वहाँ कई काज़ी इका हो गए। अज्ञान के अंधकार में उन्होने नीख को सालाह दे ढी कि इस बच्चे को कल्ल कर हें वन कोई बड़ी आफ़त आएगी। नीरू-नीमा ने यह क्रूर सलाह मानने से इन्कार कर दिंया। और इस हस्थ सज्यासी के रूप में जीवन-निर्वाह करते रहे। जुलाहे का कार्य उनकी जीविका का साधन था। वे कपडा बुन कर उसे बाजार में बेचने जाते और उस से ार बे का नाम कबीर पड गया। आगे चलकर यही बच्चासांत कबीर हुआ। हुई आमदजी से अपना क बीर ब डे । अपनी तथा अपने परिवार का होने लगे निर्वाह करते। अयु के बालकों से वे भिन्न थे। अ य एक दिन एक घटना घटी। एक गरीब ब्राह्मण धन के आभाव में वे कभी कि पाठशाला या बाजार मे कबीरढासजी के पास आया तथा ळीन भाव से तन ढॉकने के लिये कपडा मांगने लगा। उसकी ढरिद्र स्थिति को देखते हुए कबीर ने उससे कहा, 'मै मदरसे जाकर किताबी विद्या प्राप्त नही कर सके। उन्होंने इस विषय में कहा: गही नहिं हाथ। तो भी कबीर जञान का भण्डार थे। मसि कागद छूयो नहीं, कलम तुम्हे आधा थान हे सकता हूँ। आज आधे थान से ही परिवार का खर्च चला लूंगा।' किंतु ब्राह्मण ने पूरा थान देने की विजती की तो करूणावश कबीर ने उसे सारा ही वस्त्र छान कर दिया। अब कबीर के पास कबीर ने अनुभव किया कि ज्ञान की परिपववता के लिए गुरू आवश्यक है। वे रामानंद स्वामी के शिष्य बनना चाहते थे किंतु मुसलमान व परिवार के भोजन के लिए कुछ भी नहीं था। शर्म के जीची जाती के होने के कारण वे उज तक पहुंच भी कारण वे घर वापस जाने का साहरा न जुटा पाए। घर ৪ 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-10.txt खडेहोने के बावजूद भी उन्हें हाथ-पैर बांध कर गंगा में फेक कर मौत ढेने की सज़ा का हुक्म दिया गया। किंतु पानी में फेकते हीं कबीर की जंजीरे टूट गई और वे अपने अाप पानी के ऊपर तैरने लगे। लोगों ने कहा कि ये कोई जाढू-टोना जानता है । ढूसरी बार उनके हाथ-पैर बांध कर घर में बंढ कर दिया और घर के के लोग भूखे थे। तभी एक आढमी बैलगाडी परखाद्य सामगी ले कर आया और कबीर के घर उतार गया। उनकी माता (नीमा) चकित थी। अपने परिश्रम के अतिरिक्त अन्य कुछ भी न स्वीकारने के कबीर के स्वभाव को वो अच्छी तरह जानती थी। पूछने पर उस आढमी ने बताया की 'विश्वनाथ जी के ढर्शन करने चारों तरफ़ से आग लगा ढी गई। मकान जल कर पुत्र को आए हुए एक राजा ने प्रसन्भ होकर अपके राख हो गया, राख तक हवा में उड़ गई; पर कबीर का बहुत साधन पेश किया, परंतु आपके पुत्र ने कुछ भी बाल भी बॉका नहीं हुआ। बाढशाह ने कबीर को लेने से इन्कार कर ढिया। तब राजा ने बड़ी विनती कर, यह खाद्य सामी भेजी है; कृपया इसका मदमस्त हाथीके सामने डालने का नया हक्म छिया। स्वीकार करें।' इतना बताकर वह आढमी चला ठाथी ने थोडी देर तक कबीर की ओर देखा और जैसे कोई शेर खड़ा हो, इस तरह चिंघाडता हुआ वहाँ से वाया। नीमा ने उसकी बात पर विश्वास कर लिया। वे भग खड़ा हुआ। गंगा में फेके जाने के किस्से के बारे मे कबीर कहते हैं: जबकबीर की यह ज्ञात हुआ तो समझ गए कि यह ा ढयालु परमात्मा का ही कार्य है, उनके सिवाय यह कोई और नही है। मन न डिगै तनु काहे को डेराइ चरन-कमल चितु रहाी समाझ गंग गुसाइनि गहिर गंभीर जनसामान्य में कबीर के प्रति आढर बढ़ रहा था। इससे काज़ी व ब्राह्मण दोनों उनसे ईष्ष्या करने लगे। ब्राह्मणों की सभा नेनिर्णय लिया कि कबीर को काशी से निष्कारित कर दिया जाए। निर्णय कर जंजीर बॉधि करि खरे कबीर कहे कबीर कोई संग न साथ जल थल में राखे रघुनाथ | ब्राह्मण कबीर के घर पहुँचे और कहा कि क्षूद्रों को खाना खिलाने के प्रायश्चित के रूप में वे उन्हें हाथी के सामने की घटना के संबंध में कहते हु: आहि मेरे ठाकुर तुम्हराजोर | भोजन कराएँ, अन्यथा अभी नगर छोड़ कर चले काजी बाकिबो हस्ती तोर । जाएँ। यह घोर अन्याय था। कबीर के घर में अन्न का भुजाबॉधि मिला करि डायों । हस्ती कोपि मूँड प्रहि माय्यो । ढाना तक न था। उन्होंने सब कुछ गरीबों मे बाट दिया था। वे ब्राह्मणों को अन्न की व्यवस्था करने का भाग्यौ हस्ती चीसा मारी आश्वासन ढे कर वहाँ से चले ाए। ब्राह्मण कर्बीर की या मूरती की हौं बलिहारी । पराकाष्ा देखने वहीं पर डॅंटे रहे। अचानक एक इसे प्रकार परमात्मा ने प्रत्यक्ष, तीन बार श्री कबीर कीरक्षा की। आदमी मजदूरों के साथ बहुत सी खाध सामवी ले. कर वहाँ आया और खाद्य सामग्री रख कर चला कस्तूरी कुंडल बसै, मृग ढूँढै वन मांहि । ऐसे घट-घट राम हैं, दुनिया देखैं नाहि। परमात्मा की सर्वव्यापकता के विषय में लोगों के अज्ञान को कबीर ने कस्तुरी मृग के समान बताया। कस्तुरी मृण अपनी ही नाभी में बसी कस्तुरी के सुगंध से आकर्षित, उसके स्त्रोत को ढूँढता जंगल- जंगल भटकतारहताहै। गया। ब्राह्मणों में यह सामगरी बॉँट दी गई। उधर इस घटनाक्रम से अंनभिज्ञ कबीरढासजी को जब किसी ने इस विषय में बताया तो वे पुनः परमात्मा के चमत्कार के आगे नतमस्तक हो गए। वे जाने गए कि इसके कर्ता परमात्मा ही हैं। कबीर के ईष्टालुओं ने अब तत्कालीन बाढ़शाह सिकं ढर लोही को उनके विरूधद जो पहिरा सो फाटिसी, नाम धरा सो जाई। जो कपडा भडकाया। उन्हें दरबार में बूुलाया गया। सत्य पर पहना जाता है, वह कभी-ना-कभी फटता जरूर है। ও 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-11.txt उसी प्रकार, आत्माजोशरीररूपी व्त्र धारण करता है, वह भी किसी न किसी समय पंचतत्त्व में विलीन हो ....Her Divine Rainbow... (Ghait the Kunitaloni mathe und chskrae) ५w ARainkaw af lade has galten within जाता है। Inside Har farm thelifenow begin Wakthe eyes and loea and fistastill clenched Theselan take farm in her lareall drenched ... जब कबीर का अवसान काल समीप आ गया, तो वे काशी से मगहर चले गए। अंधविश्वास था, कि काशी में मरने से मुक्ति मिल जाती है और मगहर मे मृत्यु पाने वाले को कभी मुक्ति नहीं Raundalinona৯panta-theaedensdaos doar Each neiw Chakra taking awns course 8andd.yhavdbineintewantian Filling the Sactus with lifes lore potion .. Ganisha's wisdam fills the Masladhar And rach life unit with innocence मिलती। इसी कारण हर व्याक्ति कामना करता था मृत्यु के समय वह काशी में हो। श्री कबीर नें मगहर में ढेह त्याग कर इन ंधविश्वासों को पूरी तरह से तोड़ा। उन्होने लोगों से कहाः लोगा तुम हौ मति के भोरा। जउ कासी तनु तजहि कबीर तौ रामहि कौन निहोरा। जो जन भाउ भगति कछु जानै ताको अचरजु काहो । जैसे जल जलहीं दुरी मिलियौ त्यौं मिल्यौ जुलाहो । की न afar Oursaullul eyes, now brimmed with chaste Beaming at the arld far that dirine taste ... To the Asus, Holy Breath ar Kandalini they pray They all aresame aa the Sahajis say Hersacral dwellingweell haw to For naw shes got enaugh to do Lard Ganesha'sigrant sheseeks ta asend Lnden wiltheenaugh lare for cach chakra ta lend ... Awartisterebara with ita diine grace कहे कबीर सुनहुरे लोई मरमि न भूलौ कोई। रजो होई। वया कासी क्या मगाहर ऊरवर हि अथात, लोगों तुम बुद्धि के भोले हो। अगर कबीर Ahode of Bramha where the Swadishthan lays Creative is what il Elesses usto be Asingens breath ari ai paets eye to see . .. काशी छोड़ कर चला जाए, तो परमात्मा को क्या फर्क पडता है। जो कोई भाव-आअक्ति समझता है, उसे 8fadaaegatale agaalinpanting 9hauma Cusping the Nakki for lifes good Karma Lazmi and Narayana pauring wealth wwiadom Far all they want us to hara is satisfaction ... Laveis all what ita all ' bout hare Atthe Anahatha wihereishe wipes all fear Sadashiva himself plays life'snale Presiding the heart as the immartalsaul ... Sheascends hen way touching Oirata's lotus feet Imparting vibratians at the Vishudhis meet A feeling of callective love, Afeeling of tagetherness Shree Krishna's divina flute paurs us loreta hernuss... इस बात का कोई अचरज नही होगा। जैसे पानी, पानी से मिलकर एक हो जाता है, यह जुलाहा भी परमात्मा में मिल जाएगा। श्री कबीर कहते हैं, कि बात का म्म यह है कि जब हढय (आत्मा) को निकल कर परमात्मा से ही एकाकार होना है, तो क्याकाशी औरक्यामगहर। कहा जाता है कि लोगों नें श्री कबीर के शरीर से एक ज्योत को निकल कर आकाश में विलीन होते देखा और तब उन्हें कबीर के मोक्ष (महाप्रयाग) का विश्वास हो गया। उनके देह त्याग के पश्चात हिन्दुओं व मुसलमानों में उनके अंतिम संस्कार को ले कर विवाढ खंडा हो गया। जिस कुटिया में उनका ढेह रखा गया था, जब किसी ने उसके पट खोत कर देखा तो सब आश्चर्यचकित रह गए। शरीर के स्थान परवहाँ केवल फूल थे। 3asbaatingetoastopest Cigryos tTak Where in ego and eondilianing waall get caught But far the compassionaf Christ unid Mary For wham else ta saade ua alsa aur thaughts make na waay... And what to lace of the Whereshe destinesta Her Holiness feet Satoing asaltvah.Savamehailannge. श्री कबीर परमात्मा के प्रति पूर्ण समर्पण कि स्थिति मे स्थित थे। उसी स्थिति मे उन्होने कहा था मेरा मुझमें कुछ नही, जो कुछ है सो तोर। तेरा तुझको सौंपते, क्या लागत है मोर। Show ring us all with aramehaitannya Wares of kliss making feel Dhannya The epitome af lare as-Shree Motaji tells This is the place whera The Disine Haraelf dwelle .. ৫& ( 10 8र -Rahul R Shinde, MUMBAI 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-12.txt WHTam Blake (1757-1827) The one best way to appreciate a realized soul, is to have a realized soul as a critic. Blake's Whether in Heav'n ye wander fair. Or the green corners of the earth, Or the blue regions of the air Where the melodious winds have birth: work might have been shrouded in the shadows of misconceptions and mystery but for Shri Mataji's revelations that brought forth the relevance of Blake as the realized soul who prophesized the first Sahaja Ashram of England. Here is what Linda Williams, a Sahaja Yogini from UK has to say about Blake's divinity: "To the muses"-Lines I to 6 Blake's life was no different than tha of a realized soul. Public hatred, open criticism and societal discrimination. But his realization remained unblemished, as seen from his own words: "T do not "Much later (after Her Holiness laid the foundation stone of the New Jerusalem in the back behold the outward creation... it is a hindrance and garden of Chelsham Road] someone else remarked not action. "This indicates that his attention was that this was the first temple ever built to a living completely at the subtle level when he deity. Before people only built temples after the his visions in various artistic forms paintings, incarnation had departed. By this time someone from poetries and engravings. The following painting is Brighton who had been reading Blake had showed remarkable as it incorporates the concepts of the some parts to Mother about Lambeth and Mother coiled Kundalini and the Trigunatmika principle: had explained that a lot of what Blake prophesied was about Sahaja Yoga expressed Blake's Yoga." of style poetry is classified as There is a Grain of Sand in Lambeth that Satan cannot find Nor can his Watch Fiends find it: tis translucent & "Ramarticism", stands for has many Angles, We builded Jerusalem as a City & a Temple; from Lambeth rejection of standard norms and rituals for We began our Foundations; lovely Lambeth! William Blake (Jerusalem) the search the of A few noteworthy works of Blake that reflect his divine connection are reproduced for our readers. These lines probably point to the Ida and Sun Channel and about origination of the divine cool subtle essence behind everything. Essentially defined as art that stresses strong emotion, imagination, freedom from classical correctness in art forms, and rebellion against social conventions. The most famous poem (also one of the most breeze. Whether on lda's shady brow, Or in the chambers of the East, The chambers of the sun, that now From ancient melody have ceas'd; 3 11 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-13.txt forwarded items on email) is "Auguries of Innocence", which opens with the stirring stanza: Subtle love... To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Fower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour. The subtle love of divine in mme, had left no ion space, for else to define Turning me to the shores of realization to reveal life on routes of happiness and had left back. the tumultuous journey of upteenth time what more could I ask. with compassion and divine's love. was filled in my but I only prayj to Thee to be in your lotus feet till I remain.... Blake's life is no less ordinary. The following is an extract from the iBiblio public internet library: Blake was born on Nov. 28, 1757, in London. His father ran a hosiery shop. William, the third of five children, went to school only long enough to learn to read and write, and then he worked in the shop until he was 14. When he saw the boy's talent for drawing, Blake's father apprenticed him to an heart... engraver. Rachana K Nagpur At 25 Blake married Catherine Boucher. He taught her to read and write and to help him in his work. They had no children. They worked together to produce an edition of Blake's poems and drawings, called Songs of Innocence. Blake engraved both words and pictures on copper printing plates. Catherine made the printing impressions, hand- colored the pictures, and bound the books. The books sold slowly, for a few shillings each. Today a single copy is worth many thousands of dollars. Continued From Pg. .. so much subtle it was, I tell you, Motherly type of jove." He used to live in the last part of the house, so humble. So very humble. Whatever you gave hir he would eat. His ordinary, what you say khatia' our language; he used to sleep on that. I said why are you such a saint? Why can't you sleep on a proper bed, after all we need you; for our sake you have to. So he would say I feel more comfortable in this, se it's just a man who is so detached." Blake's fame as an artist and engraver rests largely on a set of 21 copperplate etchings to illustrate the Book of Job in the Old Testament. However, he did much work for which other artists "He never carried any money. You'll be very and engravers got the credit. Blake was a poor businessman, and he preferred to work on subjects surprised he dint know what were the new coins of his own choice rather than on those that are, "So detached about things; so detached, at the same time; at the same time he was so diligently working publishers assigned him. A follower of Emanuel Swedenborg, who out." offered a gentle and mystic interpretation of Christianity, Blake wrote poetry that largely reflects "Shastriji was a Shastriji you see and so learned in Swedenborgian views. Songs of Innocence (1789) shows life as it seems to innocent children. Songs of studied bible, every sort of thing he had studied Experience (1794) tells of a mature person's His own capacity to convince others was something realization of pain and terror in the universe. This book contains his famous "Tiger! Tiger! Burning a benevolent king and Shri Bright'. Milton (1804-08) and Jerusalem (1804-20) Rama was a benevolent king once upon a time. all our scriptures. He had studied Koran. He had very special, very subtle." "Socrates talked about are longer and more obscure works. Blake died on Aug. 12, 1827. When I saw Lal Bahadur Shastri, I said here is a berievolent king who has come. 08 12 C 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-14.txt परम् चैतन्य के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूप ३ व्द्वारा दिखाये गये हैं कुछ मशहूर उदाहरण जो हमारे दिमाग मे आते Judgement) की माईकलएन्जेलो की हृष्टरी, विलियम ब्लेक की तमाम चित्रकारियाँ हुत्यादि| और अब ऐसी तस्वीरें अक्सर फोटोग्राफ मे दिखने लगी हैं। हैं; 'अंतिम निर्णय (Last सामान्य लोज अपने सामान्य कैमरो से जिकले इन चमत्कारी चित्रों के साक्षी हुए हैं। यह चित्र श्री माताजी द्दवारा प्रदत्त, अपनी शंकाओ पर विजय पाने तथा विश्वास को हृढ करने के कारगर माध्यम है। ईश्वरीय चमत्कार सृष्टि के नि्माणि काल से ही होते रहे हैं और अब भी हर दिन कहीं न कही होते रहते है। जो कोई उन्हे देखता है वह ज़िन्दगी के सुन्दरपुरस्कार से पुरस्कृत होता है । अब से करीब ६०00 वर्ष पूर्व श्री विष्णु के अवतरण श्री कृष्ण ने कहास प्ररित्यज्य मार्मक शरणं गतः अर्थात, आत्म- साक्षात्कार के पश्चात योगीजन समझते है कि जिस समर्पण की श्री ने बात की बह तभी सम्भव है जब कोई अपने आत्म साक्षात्कार में स्थापित हो जाता है। परमात्मा के साम्राज्य की तरफ हमारी यात्रा में, हम मे से अधिकतर किसी न किसी समय शंकाओ से घिर जाते है और विश्वास डगमगाने लगता है। इस यात्रा में समय-समय पर चमत्कारीक चित्र (इस) विश्वास को स्शिर करते में सहायक होते हैं। श्री माताजी नें कहा है, "परन्तु आपके पास मेरीऔर आपकी स्वयं की दिव्यता की तथा चराचर में फैली इस शक्ति की सिद्धता है। आपने फोटो देखे हैं, जिसमें परम-चैतन्य कार्यान्वित होता हुआ दिखाई देता है। इसे औखे नही देख पाती पर कैमेरा पकड सकता है ; यह कोई अंधश्रद्धा नही है। आप वह विशेष व्यक्तित्व हैं जिन्हे परमात्मा ने आशिर्वाद दिया है। आपको पहचानकर, तथा यह महान कार्य (परमात्माकी दैवीययोजना का कार्यान्वन) करने के सक्षम पाकर परम-चैतन्य ने कसण से यह तोहफे प्रदान किये है।" एक अति अक्सर एक चमत्कार' एक ऐसी घटना है जो रूप से जाने वैज्ञानिक नियमों का सर्व धमाणाम् प्रत्यक्ष हुए विरोधाभास करती है। परेंन्तु सहजयोग के अनुभव और ज्ञान से इन असाधारण चित्रों की व्याख्याँ की कृष्ण जा सकती है। अब वैज्ञानिक समुढाय में स्थापित हो चुका है कि मनुष्य की अदष्टीगोचर "औरा" (Aura) का फोटोग्राफिक फिल्म पर अविश्वसनीय अपूर्ववरत्ती प्रभाव पडता है। नियंत्रित ढशा मे किये गय प्रयोगों से पता चला है कि अनेक प्रकाश और जा ढखाई देते हैं, एक व्यक्ति के भआव तथा स्वास्थ्य की ढशा के द्योतक होते है। और ये ही प्रभावी चमत्कार जैसे किये जाते हैं। इन्हे प्रस्तुत साधारणतः 'लहरियों के नाम से जाना जाता है। या विशेष रूप से 'परम चैतन्य शक्ति' का प्रकट होना कहाजाताहै। श्रीमाताजी निर्मला देवी के सभी फोटोग्राफ वास्तव मे प्रभावशाली और चमत्कारिक हैं। क्योंकि ईथर (Ether) सहित सभी तत्त्व इनमें मोजूद होते हैं । इस तरह से वे वास्तविक और जीवित हैं। यह दूसरे अन्य चित्रों में भिल्ल है, जिनके बनने में ईथर तत्त्व नही है। श्री माताजी के चित्र चैतन्य लहरियाँ है और ऊर्जा को प्रसारित करते है। इसलिए इन फोटो से किसी को भी आत्म साक्षातकार दिया जा सकता है। अतः सारांश में कह सकते हैं, कि यह चमत्कारिक फोटो प्रकटित है क्योंकि समय उचित है, श्री माताजी अभी मौजूद है, मानव चेतना उच्च है और हम सब उसके लिएपरिपक्व है। यह चित्र, कुशल फोटोग्राफरों की तरकीब या कारनामे जही है, बल्कि इनका उदभव तब से होता रहा है, जब आज के समय के समान तकनीकी कौशल उपलब्ध नहीं था। "परम् चैतन्य मेरे चित्रों को कई तरह के अविश्वसनीय स्वरूपों में दिखाता है। ऐसा पहले कभी नही हुआ। मै स्वयं आश्चर्य चकित हूँ । मुझे पता नही इस तरह से अनायास कार्य करते हुए परम चैतन्य कहा तक जाएगा, पर थे एक बात स्पष्ट जताता है कि वह चाहता है कि आप अपने विश्वास में पूर्णतः स्थापित हो जाएँ।' कभी तो ये प्राकृतिक पत्थरों में प्रतिबिम्बित पाये गये हैं जैसे कैलाश पर्वत शिख में श्री झिव की मूर्ती, या श्री गणेश की मुर्ति चेशायर इंग्लैन्ड में। कभी-कभी वे आकाश में भी दिखे हैं जैसे ईसा की मुर्ति ससेक्स, इग्लैंड मे। अक्सर वे देखे गये है या चित्रकारों द्हारा विविध रूप के सांकेतिक स्पष्टता " 3 13 8 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-15.txt अंत: धर्म धर्म क्या है? आधुनिक संसार में हमारे लियी धर्म का महत्त्व क्यों है? क्यों सभी पुरानी सभ्यताओं के संतों ने हढता पूर्वक कहा कि पूर्णता प्रापति का सच्चा मार्ग धर्म ही है ? धर्म एक दिव्य सिद्धांत है जिसे परिभाषित स्त्री की निर्मलता धर्म की रक्षा का सिद्धांत है, जैसे यहाँ श्री सीता जो कि देवी हैं: परम का दैवीय ्त्री रूप। रावण की एक ही रजत बाण से मृत्यु श्री राम की धार्मिक पवित्रता की दैवीय शक्तिको दर्शाती है। श्री कृष्ण भी धर्म के विरोध में खड़े ढानवों का नाश करने के लिये अवतरीत हुए। श्री राम के युग से करना अगर असम्भव नहीं, तो कठिन अवश्य है। हमारा धर्म दैवीय प्रक्रिया में हमारा असल स्थान है: समय, जगह, चेतना, विचार, कार्य तथा इच्छाओं में। धर्म का सनातन सिद्धांत दिव्य यंत्र का कार्य निर्धारित करता है। दि्य जाट्य में अपनी भूमिका बाे भिन्ल अधर्म अब सिर्फ राक्षसों की संपत्ती न रहकर के मन में भी घुस गया था। श्री कृष्ण का मनुष्य जीवन महाभारत के युद्ध के समय चरम पर था। पूर्ण करने हेतू हमे अपने धर्म मे ही व्यवहार करना चाहिए। अथात हमे सही समय पर सही कारण से, सही पद्धती से सही कार्य करना होगा इस प्रकार महाभारतदोन राज परिवारों के बीच कुरक्षेत्र (दिल्ली के उत्तर में) नामक रण भूमि में लढ़ा गया सबसे हम संतुलन प्रापत करते हैं। अपने अन्दर संतुलन महत्वपूर्ण युद्ध था, जिसमें २० लाख से अधिक योद्धा स्थापित करना, हमारे स्वयं तथा समाज का मारे गए । कल्याण सुनिश्चित करता है। और परम चैतन्य ब्वारा हमारे लिये निर्मित पथ कोखोल देता है। भारत वर्ष में मान्यता है कि धर्म में जीने वालों आज कुखक्षेत्र मानव का मन है और महाभारत हमारी उन्नत आकांक्षाओं (सत्य, सौंदर्य व चेतना) तथा हमारी स्थूल इच्छाओं (सुरक्षा, इन्द्रिय जनित ज्ञान व सत्ता) के बीच है। एक व्यक्ति की, ढानवी शक्तियों (अधर्म) से सुरक्षा के लिये श्री विष्णु ने नौसे भी अधिक अवतार लिए। योद्ाराजकुमार श्री राम के रूपमें श्री विष्णु ने देवी श्री सीता को लंका के दानव राजा दस सिरधारी रावण के अनैतिक इराढों से छुडाया। रावण एक हिंसक, भौतिकतावाढी और अहंकारी अक्रमणकर्ता था जिसने दैवीय इच्छा का तिरस्कार किया। के रूप में हम सिर्फ किसी पक्ष का चुनाव करते है। जब हम पांडव चुनते है, तब हम धर्म तथा अध्यात्मिक उत्क्रांती को चुनते है । संपूर्ण दिव्य (श्री कृष्ण) हमारे जीवन युद्ध का पथ प्रद्शन करता है और अंत में हम हवीपढी (दिव्य स्त्रीत्व) कि पवित्रता कि रक्षा करते है। क जो हमारे अंदर सत्य की फुहार है। जब हम अपने में कौरव चुनते है, तो हमपराजय के लिए सुनिश्चित हो जाते हैं क्योंकि हम हैवी विधान के खिलाफ चलना पवित्र और अबोध श्री राम ने उस दानव राजा व उसकी अंधकार की सेना से एक शक्तिशाली उ चुनते है। धर्म स्वयं हमें नष्ट कर देगा और आध्यात्मिक चेतना का अंतिम पुरस्कार खों किया और अंत मे एक रजत बाण से उसका वध कर दिया। श्री राम की वानरों तथा भआलुओं की सेना जिनके शर्त्र पेड के तने या चह्टाने ही थे सीता माता के वापस मिलने व दैवीय नियम पुनस्थापित होने पर बहुत आनंदित थे। जाएगा। जब मूसा, सिनाई पर्वत से १0 उपदेश लेकर आए तो उन्होने इसराईलियो को सिखाया कि धर्म दैवी नियम है, जिससे वे (जिन्हे सत्य प्रिय है ) अपने ॐ हहे ॥ ह C* বL ३ 8 14 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-16.txt बुद्धि के लक्षण है जिनका विकास सम्पूर्ण से संबंध के बिना हुआ है। यह हमारे चेतना पर हावी होता है. तथा हमारे अंतः धर्म को भूल जाने को उचित ठहराता पराधीनक मिस मालिको (स्थूल इच्छाओं) से छु ट कारा पा सकते हैं और तांछित स्थल (आध्यात्मिक मुक्ति) प्राप्त करसकते है । ईसा मसीह ने हमें सिखाया कि क्षमा हमें हमारे छोटे-छोटे अहंकारों (और इसके अनेक रूपो घमंड, आक्रामकता, घृणा, दुर्भाव, इरषा) से सुरक्षा है। यह उन बिगडे हुए बच्चों जैसा है, जो अपनी तुच्छ इच्छाओं के रूपमे बुद्धिमान माता-पिता पर हावी होते हैं। वास्तविक आध्यात्म विज्ञान को प्रकाशित प्रदान करता है। जिससे हम धर्म के मार्ग पर स्थिर रहें ईसा का संदेश इस वाक्य में निहित है कि जो एक की दृष्टी से देखता है वह पहले कर सकता है। जिससे वह मानव को पराधीन बनाने के बजाय, सेवाकरने के योग्य हो तथा विश्वधर्म की आत्मा का, जो हमारे अन्दर स्थित है, पुनरूत्थान औरत को कामुकता से व्यभिचार कर चुका है। ढूसरे शब्दो में, बाहरी जैतिकता या आचारनीति काफी नही है। क्यों कि सच्चा धर्म दिल और दिमाग की शुद्धता है। वास्तविक आध्यात्म विज्ञान को ऐसे कर सके। हमारा साधारण ज्ञान, प्राचीन धर्म ग्रंथ, भविष्यवक्ता, पृथ्वी माँ संकेत तथा वैज्ञानिक भविष्य व लेख भी भविष्यवाणी करते है कि अधर्म का मार्ग विनाश की ओर ले जाएगा। प्रकाशित कर सकता है कि वह सेवा करे, ळास न बनायें। विनाश के इस मार्ग से हमारी सभ्यता का आधुनिक समाज के पास एक नया धर्म है, जिसने तर्कहीन विश्वास को उखाड फेंका है। यह अपनी संकीर्ण परन्तु खुढ ही खुढ को गौरवान्वित करने वाली नई जात, तार्किंकता को कम दिखाता जा रहा है। यह नया विश्वास विज्ञान है। तकोसे परे अध्यात्मिक तक नापे नही जा सके) तथा ढैविय इच्छा (जा बु पुनरुत्थान करने के लिए हमारे अंतःधर्म को जागृत करना होगा। अतः हमे अपनी आत्मा की ओर ध्यान देना होगा, जो कि जीवित धर्म का सोत है। ( Rationaity) रसे धर्म आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ्ारा आत्मा का ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है। सहज तथा अंतः धर्म वास्तविक ध्यान अनुभव ( जो अब से हम सब के अन्ढर जागृत तथा प्रकटित धारणा कियाजासकता है। से परे है) कि धारणाओं का त्क व कारण के पक्ष में बहिष्कार किया गया। आध्यात्मिक अनुभव (जो आज तक नापा नही जा सका) के अतार्किक विचार और दैवी इच्छा (जो बुद्धि से परे है ) तर्क और कारण की दृष्टी से बहिष्कृत किये गये है। औद्योगिक क्रांति ने KAY CEE ENTERPRISES (Manufacturer of Eigen Invertors, Elgen Stabilizers and Elgen UPS) े मजुष्य को सिखाया कि उसका विज्ञान व तकनीकी, प्रकृति, जिसके नियमों का वह अभी तक 30-A, Dasna Rd., Maliwara Chowk, Ghaziabad (U.P.) Ph. - 4793982, 4796894, 9810064139 पालन करता आया, पर हावी होसकते है। विज्ञान और तार्किकता का धर्म, संस्कृतियों को आकार देजे वाली प्रमुख शक्तिया बन गयी। क्योंकि वैज्ञानिको ने कहा कि ईश्वर का अस्तित्व ही नही है, ना कोई अच्छाई है न बुराई ना सही है गालत। नैतिक अंतः प्रेरणा, बुद्धि, अंतःधर्म अतार्किक बताये गये। आध्यात्मिक चेतना, जो एक Kaushik Panchal RATILAL & SONS All kind of Textile Accessories Ahmedabad. Ph. 2748183 (O), 3739017 (R) सभ्यता को धर्म के मार्ग पर पकड कररखती है, को वैज्ञानिक रंग मे रंग दिया गया और उसकी जगह तकनीकी विकास, अनुमोढकता, उपभोक्तावाद जैसी भीतिक नीतियों को स्थापित कर दिया गया। Sh. Ganesh Kumar Mahesh Kumar Singhania Kolkata विज्ञान और तार्किकता हमारे अहंकार और ্ 15 ७४ চি 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-17.txt Karnataka NSYS T. -An insight 4. 7. Yuva-Shaktis are Dharwad, Sirsi, etc. Yuva- Shaktis have been visiting these places on a very lessed are those who are conducting music classes for born in these modern the younger generation. times and got their realization from Shri Mataji. Fortunate are those who have been given an opportunity to do the divine 8. Yuva-Shaktis, mainly the yoginis actively participate in puja decorations. regular basis and the divine message. spreading 3. Regular public programmes are conducted to strengthen 9. Sahaja Yoga is spreading an already existing sub- centers and also in new work. And we at N.S.Y.S, educational through Karnataka, think that we are institutions and also at blessed by our Guru that we residential colonies. have been given tremendous places. opportunity to do the divine work, thereby contributing to 4. A notable mention here 10. The Yuva-Shaktis maintain would be that the and update the Sahaja Yoga our spiritual growth. The collective strength, even though less in number, the web site for Karnataka. This pamphlets are distributed by Yuva-Shaktis and elderly Yogis alike by walking door to door, thereby involving wider participation and also saving a lot of precious website has information about Shri Mataji, Sahaja amount of work that has been Yoga and information to happening consistently in co- ordination with the elderly Sahaja Yogis has been very good. There have been numerable activities and steps 5. Yuva-Shaktis participate in taken for the spread of the guide the seekers to the nearest meditation center. The meditation centers in money. Bangalore have been highlighted in the map regular workshops. The activities available at the website. It these divine message of our Mother. The following are the few to in has been really good to workshops include listening to Mother's message, receive lot of responses on mention: enquiry about Sahaja yoga after looking at the site. cleansing, exchange of views on ascent and spread of Sahaja Yoga, etc., 1. Steady spread of Sahaja Yoga has been happening outside Bangalore, which was the only main place so The N.S.Y.S, Karnataka again 6. Yuva-Shaktis attend the says that blessed are those who sub-centers on a rotation do the work given to us by our basis, thereby interacting far. with new-comers and Guru. 2. Sahaja Yoga has been taking firm roots in Mysore, Jai Shri Mataji! strengthening them. N.S.Y.S, Karnataka. 63 16 S 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-18.txt Yuvadrishti Asks.... వివైన WHAT DOES DHARMA MEAN TO YOU? indulging and, in a way, reflecting a character that allows others to see the right way to live. Dharma is one of the aspects of Satwic Tatwa, the Eternal purity within. It symbolizes the way of life to lead after realizing the self within and enjoying the happiness of Atma. It coexists with Purity, Benevolence, Righteousness, Simple Lifestyle, Balanceful Behaviour and expression. It creates in an individual: - Mitesh Gandhi, UK, miteshgandhi_uk@yahoo.co.uk Dharma The code of conduct that makes a yogi balanced in all actions and encourages his/her spiritual ascent. It's the interface that makes the subtle extra-ordinary powers of a yogi into ordinary actions for extra-ordinary effects. Ruthvick Divecha, ruthvickd@hotmail.com The feeling of belongingness to work in and for collective thing. • Generosity only to give and not desires to get in return. The desire to transform the one, which is untruth and evil. Dharma is the beautiful bank of the river called Kundalini ... It allows us to enjoy the cool wind and also guides to the himalayas; the place of heavenly bliss...kingdom of god. Dharma will be the epitome/direction to the generations ahead to achieve the ultimate goal, the Self-Realization by the grace of Shri.Mataji Nirmala - Ishprateek Singh, ishprateek@yahoo.com Devi. -G.S. Vasu, New Delhi The passage where Shri Vishnu is taking care of the Divine powers to be given to Sahaja Yogis and Shri Shiva showing the light so that pure Atma can be submerged into the Nirakara to become "Ekmev Shivoham'. D-Dharan Karana. H- Hamesha sacchayi ki rah par chalna. A Atmasamman karna. R - Raksha karna. M - Maryada main rehna. A - Abadhit rehna. Meenakshy Sharma, Delhi Hemant Patil, hemantdl1@yahoo.co.in CONSULTANTS PHR It is the origin of our duties, the roadmap of our actions, the pivot of our balance. Management Consultants for ISO-9001, TQM, HACCP Summeer Bajpai, New Delhi Delhi. Ph. - 20050896, 9868107292 DHARMA is the righteousness within us which gets awakened with Self-Realisation. Our DHARMA is E-mail: pktaluja@hotmail.com to spread Sahaja Yoga by giving Realisation to people. CENTRE FOR TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT Training for ISO-9001, TOM & Management Development Smyta, smyta@indiatimes.com Delhi. Ph. - 20050896, 9868107292 Dharma is, having a balanced act of conduct in everyday life, trying to have moral boundaries at work, at home and with friends and not over- 8 17 E-mail: pktaluja@hotmail.com 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-19.txt Would you like to try Sahoja Yoga Meditation. It has helped me a lot. Hey, would you No thenka, I hovG to go for Sahaja Yoga Meditation lika to con to a porty fonight. am feoling lot of stres these days. Some other doy Three friends (Ram, Mac, Max) walking on a Saturday evening... అఎల Experiencing lot of Joy, Max started doing Meditation regularly. So Mox gets his realisation... Moc, Sahaja Yoga Meditation is Wonderful, you too must experience it. Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre himm. O.K. And Sahaja Yoga continues to spread.... Contributed by Sharmila Saha, Pune After few weeks... Himanshu Rastogi CLASSIC GIFT HOUSE Sanjiv Sondhi SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SERVICES PVT. LTD. Chandigarh. Whole seller & Retailers of Archies Cards & Gifts, Toys & Novelties Items. Moradabad Ph. - 0172 - 721772, 721186 Ph. - 0591-2472374, 9412245304 818 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-20.txt Time Line 1933-47 1970 1990 2000 1960 1980 1950 1930 1940 1920 Shri Mataji used to walk every morning to go to a secluded temple known as the temple of Mother Lodrus, there Shri Mataji would sit and contemplate how to help the people of the world to get rid of their problems by raising kundalini collectively. Baba Mama, who was her constant companion to the temple, writes that the statue of Mother Lodrus bore a very close resemblance to Shri Mataji, the sculptor mnust have had Shri Mataji in his inagination while sculpting the statue. 122 Another event of those times : One day Shri Mataji decided to picket in front of St. Ursula High School. Shri Mataji holding an Indian flag in her hand, stood in front of the gate, and in protest pleaded the students to go home. When she saw a bus, that was to bring students from far away places, approaching she lay herself on the ground right in front of the gate so that bus could not go into the school compound. The bus, however took another gate to enter the premises. Shri Mataji stood there, holding the flag, and shouted slogans asking the British to leave India. Police took Shri Mataji to a police station and tortured her physically by putting her on ice slabs. They also gave her electric shocks. They let her go after warning that if she raised any slogans against the British or picketed before any institution, she would be put in jail. Her immediate reaction was that the Indians were already in jail since they did not have their freedom, so for her it did not make any difference whether she was outside or inside the jail. r a YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yalino.com SUBSCRIPTION FORM Reg. No. (FOR YUVADRISHTI USE) (PLEASE FILL IN CAPITALS) Name (IN BLOoCKS), Address PIN City- State Phone Email Drawn on Dt. Cash/DD No. Of Rs. DD should be sent in the favour of 'Yuvadrishti' payable at Pune. Address for correspondence: Yuvadrishti Plot No. 79, Survey No.98, Bhusari Colony, Kothrud, Pune-38, Maharashtra, Phone : 020-5286105 Signature S 19 & 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-21.txt 3 S.O·C·R·A•T·E-S O O O DO The Primordial Master the scale was the good of the body, health, strength. At the top of the scale was the good of the soul, wisdom and moral integrity, He viewed each man as being part of a universal family and dedicated his life to raising the awareness of human beings. The simple illustration Socrates used in leading people towards a logical conclusion was an important step in the advancement of mankind. Socrates He is the Guru Principle. As the Primordial Master, he has incarnated many times to guide mankind. Socrates was born in Athens in 469 BC. He grew up to be sculptor by profession, but he never worked at it much. From early childhood he was guided by an inner voice from god, which warned him if he were about to undertake a wrong course of action. A more conspicuous trait was his habit of preoccupations were with the spheres of ethical standing in thoughtless awareness for hours in one place. Amidst the corruption and immorality of Athens he was an example ofDharma. characterand conduct in private and public life with the practical use of reason. In Socrates time there were anti-god forces at In 431 BC when war broke between Athens work in the guise of the sophist Philosophers, who and Sparta, Socrates served in the Athenian army and gained a reputation for bravery in battle. can be likened to the false gurus of Kali Yuga. They charged for their services and pushed the Greeks further in the right side and away from the central evolutionary channel. Socrates highlighted this in his teachings and thus was gaining popularity among the youth and the intellectuals much to the envy of the sophist. He held open discussion with any citizen who was willing to converse with him. The topics included Love, Politics, War, friendship, Poetry, Religion, Science and Government, but all centered around a central theme of "How should a man live his Life?" In these discussions Socrates would call After Socrates who came here in such a upon one of his disciples to explain their view point and then he would correct them and add to the discussion. The goal was not to teach his students what he thought of the various subjects but rather to teach them to think critically about the subjects for condition when people were really absolutely ignorant, in the complete darkness of ignorance. They couldn't understand him. They couldn't understand Socrates at all, and so like any other primordia! master was treated by the people who were surrounding him. He was also very much ill treated and nobody listened to him. But of course as you know he was the primordial master and his wisdom is well known. He created out of him disciples, but none of them could go anywhere near his wisdom, and they started their own theories, own styles, and that's how we find the accent from themselves. Because he felt that he had no special wisdom or knowledge of his own, Socrates did not write any of his work or charge for his services, all that is written about him was done much later by Plato and Xenophon. At the core of his philosophy, Socrates believed that no one did wrong willingly and that those who do wrong do it out of ignorance. He offered the maxim "Virtue = Knowledge". the philosophy that was Socratesism which gradually came into Political and then on economic side. The attention was moved from Philosophy to Eeonomics today, not towards the Philosophy which was established by Socrates. Socrates had established a sort of moral scale by which to measure the inherent good of things. At the bottom of this scale was external good, money. possessions and material wealth. Near the middle of -Athena Puja, Athens Greece, 24/05/89 20 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-22.txt In 399BC Socrates was brought to trial in the city of Athens. He was charged with not believing in the gods of the city and with corrupting the youth. During the trial Socrates was found guilty by the jury and ultimately sentenced to death. During his stay in the jail awaiting his execution he continued to teach and enlighten those who came to see him. They marveled at his detachment at the prospect of his execution and he explained to the people about continuance of the soul after death, which wasa novel concept at that time. During the time Socrates lived in the jail, he was advised by his friends and followers to flee Athens to escape his sentence. Socrates explained to them that it is Wrong to break agreements and that the city or country is like a parent or teacher to all its citizens and it should be respected and obeyed. He convinced his followers that staying was the right thing as his moral integrity was more precious than his life. The sentence was carried out when he was 70 years of age. On the appointed day he was given Hemlock to drink and as the poison acted he passed away in a calm and dignified manner. Socrates contribution to philosophy is immeasurable. His practice of philosophy is a turning point in the history of the subject. To this day Socrates is used as a 15 Sketch by Nitya Sapte dividing line when discussing the history of philosophy. A few Quotes of Socrates as menitioned in Apology and 'Last days of Socrates 'by Plato Every seeker of wisdom knowrs that up to the time when philosophy takes it over his soul is a prisoner chained hand and foot to the body compelled to view reality not direcily but only through its prison bars. and wallowing utter ignorunce." "..he who enters the next world uninitiated and unenlightened shall be in the myre but he who arrives there purified and enlightened shall dwell among the gods. 2003_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-23.txt 000g