Yuvadrishti An offering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother by the Yuvashakti Volume 5 Issue 1 March 2004 पत र Contents सत्-चि-द त- आनन्द जय श्री माताजी कितना कुछ बढल गया है, शहज योग मे! एक छोटा सा परिवािर, अब पूर्ण गरिमा के शाथ पूरे विश्व मे फैत गया हैं। श्री मIताजी I पयाराशंदेशसभी के हदय में बशता जा रहा है। १९८७ गें जब निर्मत शक्ति युता संघ की स्थापना हुई, उस समय श्री माताजी ने बताया कि युताओं को सहज योग आगे बढाने के लिए कैसा होना ताहिए, तथा सहज योग में उनकी क्या भूमिका होगी। आज हमशहज योग में जो कुछ शीखहे है, विशेष तौर पर पूर्ण समर्पण में हम जो कुछ शीखते हैं, वो अनमोल है। यह बहत जरुरी है कि हम सागुहिकता में काम करें, ताहे हम कही भी रह रहे हों। 3ज हम जहँ भी स्थित है, तहाँ श्री मIताजी ने ही हमे बशाया हैं, वहाँ हमारी जरुरत है। राह बहुत जरूरी है कि हमें एक दूसरे की जानकारी मिलती रहे। श्री माताजी के आशीर्वाद से युवाह्टी पत्रिका सन २००० मे जब शुरू की गई, तो कोशिश यह ही कि हम इशके माध्यम शे सभी को एक जुट रपाएँ। फी हद तक इसमें सफलता मिली भी हैं, लेकिन अभी और सफर बाकि है । हम चाहते हैं कि आप जहाँ भी हों, सहज से संबंधित ITAPLOUL DASHAVATAR OF SHRI VISHNU 3 ध्यों डोलना है? 5 है) 5 य [डालत | बढाने के लिए कै सा होना चाहिए, तथा सहज योग में उगकी इ्दा atma shining Sushumna Nadi : "THE AXIS IS LONE" प हम ताहते हैं कि आप जहाँ भी हों, शहज से संबंधित | 10 REPORT घटनाओं के विषय में हमें तिखें, जिससे युवाशक्ति एक दूसरे के बारे में जानकारहसके । शहरों से गॉँवो तृकू E-mail द्वारा आप yuvadrishti@yahoo.com पर हमसे सम्पर्क करसकते हैं। अथवा, अपने पत्र निम्न लिखित पते परेजशकते है। युवाEष्टी, सहज योग केंद्र,प्लॉट क्र. 79, सर्ेक्र. 98, भूसारी कॉली, कोथरूड, पुणे-411038 माँ का अशीवाद सदैव हमारे साथ है और उनI प्यार ही सारा निर्माण कार्य करहा है। 12 ZARTHUSHTRA 18 & ZORASHTRIAN RELIGION Youth Power "The purpose of the Yuvashakti is the development of the personality in order to make it much more complete, so that such developed individuals will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as shining ideals for others to emulate and derive inspiration" Shri Mataji on Yuvashakti, 1987. ा Cover design: Laura Cortini, Italy Sketches, back cover. Nitya Sapte, Pune चित्त - आनन्द नई दिल्ली, १९७७ निर्विकल्प अवस्था में सामूहिक चेतना सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्म हो जाती है। पं ६ उस अवस्था में, जब वास्तविकता स्पष्ट होने लगती है, तब आप गहन महत्व की चीजों को समझ सकते हैं। उदाहरण के रूप में आप कुण्डलिनी की कार्यशैली को समझने लगते हैं। आप समझ सकते हैं कि यह किस प्रकार भेदन करती है, किस प्रकार कार्यान्वयन करती है, अपने हाथों से आप इससे प्रयोग कर सकते हैं और इच्छानुसार इसे चला सकते हैं। निर्विकल्प अवस्था में किसी भी व्यक्ति की ओर हाथ करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती, बैठने मात्र से ही आप जान जाते हैं। कि वो कहाँ है और क्या घटित हो रहा है और कहाँ पकड रहा है, समस्या क्या है, सामूहिक समस्याएं क्या हैं? सहजयोग और कुण्डलिनी के विषय में आपको कोई संदेह नहीं रहता, संदेह बिल्कुल समाप्त हो जाते हैं तब आप इस पर प्रयोग करने लगते हैं और इसका उपयोग करते हैं। कुण्डलिनी पर स्वामित्व होने लगता है। इस अवस्था में 'चित"-चेतना सूक्ष्म हो जाती है। कोई व्यक्ति मेरे पास बैठा हुआ था और बाहर बैठे सहजयोगी जानते थे कि उस भद्र पुरूष को आत्म-साक्षात्कार मिलने वाला है। वे जानते थे कि श्री माताजी आत्मसाक्षात्कार देने वाली हैं। सहजयोगी ऐसे समय पर अत्यन्त प्रसन्न होते हैं तथा छोटी-छोटी चीजों के विषय में शिकवे नहीं करते। वे मस्त होते हैं और शान से रहते हैं। वे तुनकमिजाज नहीं होते उनका चित्त सूक्ष्म में होता है। बाहर के दुनियावी मामलों के लिए उनके पास समय नहीं होता। यहीं कारण है कि उनका चित्त सदैव सूक्ष्म पर होता है। वो चिंतित नहीं होते, ऐसे लोग संतुष्ट आत्माएं होते हैं। यही लोग सहज के स्तम्भ बनेंगे। कोई जब ऐसे लोगों को देखता है, ऐसे परिवर्तित व्यक्ति को तो उन्हें चोट पहुँचती है।"इस व्यक्ति को देखो ये कितना महान है। पहले तो यह बहुत खराब था किस प्रकार यह परिवर्तित हुआ है, देखो किस प्रकार इसका कायापलट हुआ है।" इस अवस्था में, निर्विकल्प अवस्था में चैतन्य लहरियाँ बहुती हैं और बिल्कुल प्रश्न नहीं रह जाता। परन्तु ऐसा व्यक्ति यदि किसी को दुर्व्यवहार करता देख ले तो वह क्रोध से भर जाता है और इसे सहन नहीं कर पाता। ईसामसीह ने कड़ा है," इन सबको क्षमा कर दो क्योंकि ये नहीं जानते कि ये क्या कर रहे हैं"। परन्तु मान लो कि उनकी (ईसामसीह) माँ की शान में कोई अपराध किया होता तो वो उन्हें बिल्कुल क्षमा न कर पाते। बाइबल में लिखा है कि आदिशक्ति (Holy Ghost) के विरूद्ध कुछ भी सहन नहीं किया जाएगा। और Holy host उनकी माँ थी और वो आदिशक्ति हैं। इसलिए आप अपनी श्री माताजी और सहजयोग के विरूद्ध कुछ भी सहन नहीं कर सकते और आपको एकदम भयंकर क्रोध आता है। ऐसे लोगों में संहार शक्ति पनप जाती है। कहा जाता है कि ऐसे व्यक्ति को जब कोई हानि पहुँचाने का प्रयत्न करता है तो वह उसे माँ के प्रति अपनी भक्ति से धराशाही कर देता है। हमारी एक धारणा है कि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी लोगों को कभी क्रोधित नहीं होना चाहिए। यह बिल्कुल गलत धारणा है। तब आप कहेंगे, "श्रीकृष्ण ने जरासंध का वध क्यों किया, कंस का वध क्यों किया। कृष्ण की हिंसा को आप कैसे उचित ठहराते हैं। देवी, जिन्होंने अवतरित होकर क्रोध में बेशुमार राक्षसों का वध किया उसका स्पष्टीकरण आप कैसे करते हैं। भयंकर क्रोध में आकर वे राक्षसों का वध किया करती थीं। शिव का क्रोध उसका स्पष्टीकरण आप कैसे देते हैं? ये मूर्खतापूर्ण धारणा है कि उन्हें कभी क्रोधित नहीं होना चाहिए, चाहे कोई उनकी हत्या 1 करने का ही प्रयत्न क्यों न करे। ईसामसीह को भी अपने हाथ में हंटर उठाकर लोगों को भगाना पड़ा। यदि आप निर्विकल्प अवस्था में हैं तो आपको क्रोध करने का अधिकार है क्योंकि अावश्यकता पडने पर आपको आवाज उठाने का अधिकार प्रदान किया गया है। मैं सारे आयुध उपयोग करती हूँ, ये सब आयुध होते हैं और मुझे उनका उपयोग करना पडता है, उनका उपयोग करने से आप मुझे रोक नहीं सकते। मैं यही बात कहती हूँ कि पढने मात्र से लोग चीजों को समझ नहीं पाते। शांतिपूर्वक बैठा हुआ, सब लगों द्वारा सताया जाने वाला व्यक्ति ही आत्मसाक्षात्कारी कहलाता है-ऐसा समझना निहायत मूर्खता है। किस प्रकार आप ऐसे व्यक्ति से ईष्य्या करने का साहस कर सकते हैं। क्या आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति को देवी का देष सहन करना होगा । ये कहना बिलकुल गलत है कि आत्म - आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति को कतई क्रोध नहीं करना चाहिए। जिन ऋषियों के बारे में मैंने बताया है या वो सब जिन्होंने मेरे बारे में वर्णन किया है तथा जिनके नाम मैंने आपको बताए हैं, वे सब निर्विकल्प स्थिति से उपर थे। परन्तु वे भी उग स्वभाव के थे। ये सन्त पाखण्ड सहन नहींं कर सकते लेकिन मैं सहन कर सकती हूँ, मुझे सहन करना पडता है। कोई राक्षस उनके समीप नहीं फटक सकता और यदि कोई चला जाए तो वे उन्हें फंदा डालकर पेड से लटका देते हैं। इसीलिए मैं किसी बाबाजी के पास जाने के लिए कभी नहीं कहती। निःसंदेह वो बड़े ऊँचे लोग हैं आप लोगों से बेहतर हैं। मुझे भली-भांति जानते हैं और मेरे चरण कमलों में नतमस्तक होते हैं। मेरे लिए वे बच्चों की तरह से अबोध हैं और सहज हैं। श्री गणेश सबसे अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं यदि वे (श्री गणेश) नाराज हो जाएं तो उन्हें संभालना आसान नहीं है। श्री शिव के क्रोध को संभालना श्रीगणेश के क्रोध को संभालने से कहीं आसान है। उनसे सावधान रहें। यही कारण है कि कुण्डलिनी जागृति प्राप्त करते हुए आपको जलन महसूस होती है और आप उछल-कूद करने लगते हैं। यह सब श्रीगणेश के क्रोध के कारण होता है। किसी भी प्रकार से यदि आपने उनका अपमान किया है, या उनकी माँ (आदिशक्ति) का अपमान किया है तो उन्हें भयंकर क्रोध आ जाता है। यह बात सत्य है कि निर्विकल्प स्थिति प्राप्त कर लेने पर श्री गणेश वास्तव में जागृत हो जाते हैं। ऐसा व्यक्ति किसी महिला से सम्मोहित नहीं होता। अपनी पत्नी के अतिरिक्त किसी अन्य महिला के लिए उसमें कोई प्रलोभन नहीं रहेगा। अपनी पत्नी के साथ वह सम्मानमय पति की तरह से जीवन-यापन करेगा क्योंकि पति-पत्नी विवाह के सूत्र में बंधे होते हैं। अन्यथा वह एक पावन गृहस्थ होता है। वह तो प्रलोभनों से उपर होता है। निर्विकल्प व्यक्ति में कोई प्रलोभन नहीं हो सकता। एक व्यक्ति मेरे पास आया और उसने मुझे बताया कि वह आत्मसाक्षात्कारी था। मैंने कहा, "ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है? आप यदि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी हैं तो क्यों आपको इन चीजों की आदत है? आप ऐसा कर ही नहीं सकते।" वस्र पहनने में उनकी कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं रहती जो अन्य पुरूषों या महिलाओं को बहुत आकर्षित करें। अत्यन्त सहज व्यक्ति की तरह से वे आचरण करते हैं। वे गरिमामय सहजता में चले जाते हैं। अचानक वे अत्यन्त सृजनात्मक हो जाते हैं। आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति में सौन्दर्यबोध (Aesthetic Sense) जगृत हो जाता है । हर चीज में वह सौन्दर्य देखने लगता है। बातचीत करने की कला सुधर जातीहै। आपके हाथों की गति तथा आपकी शैली सुधर जाती है। आप अत्यन्त सुन्दर हो जाते हैं। आपमें सौन्दर्य बोध आ जाता हैं। उस अवस्था में आत्मा हर चीज को परखने लगती है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को यदि आप नाटक या चित्रकारी का निर्णायक बना दें तो वह बिल्कुल सही-सही निर्णय देगा कि अच्छा क्या है और बुरा क्या है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को आप यदि किसी देवी-देवता की मूर्ति दें और उससे पूछे कि क्या ये मूर्ति ठीक है या गलत तो वह कह सकता है कि यह ठीक नहीं है। आप सूक्ष्म चैतन्य लहरियाँ महसूस कर सकते हैं चाहे वह धर्म में हों या कहीं और। क्या हम कह सकते हैं कि अष्टविनायक जीवन्त देवता है? आपने कैसे जाना? ज्योतिर्लिंग जीवन्त हैं ये बात आप कैसे जानेंगे? जब तक आप सारी महान आत्माओं की एकरूपता को जान नहीं लेंगे किस प्रकार आप उन्हें परखेंगे? अतः आत्म साक्षात्कार प्राप्त कर लेना आवश्यक है। जब आप निर्विकल्प अवस्था में जाते हैं तो आनन्द आपके अन्दर स्थापित होते लगता है। समझ जाते हैं कि अभी-तक हमने 'सर्वव्यापी शक्ति' को जाना ही न था परन्तु अब हमें उसका ज्ञान हो गया है। इससे ऊपर परमात्म-साक्षात्कार है। इसकी भी तीन अवस्थाएं हैं। अभी-अभी मैंने इसके विषय में बताया था, सत्-चित-आनन्द अवस्था। परमात्म साक्षात्कार वह अवस्था है जो गौतम बुद्ध तथा श्री महावीर ने प्राप्त की थी तथा वे हमारे मस्तिष्क में स्थापित हो गए। ईसा मसीह भी वहाँ हैं। ये दोनो अवतरण नहीं हैं। मनाव रूप में उन्होंने जन्म लिया। श्री सीताजी की कोख से लव-कुश के रूप में उन्होनें जन्म लिया तत्पश्चात् वे बुध्द और महावीर के रुप में जन्में तथा एक बार फिर आदिशक्ति ही उनकी माँ थीं। इसके बाद हसन, हसैन के रूप में फातिमा बी की कोख से जन्में। ये दोनों ऐसे मील के पत्थर हैं जिनके माध्यम से आप जान सकते हैं कि मानव कितनी उँचाई तक जा सकता है। आज वो अवतरणों सम हैं। ि में वास्तव आप 1. 2 DASHAVATAR OF SHRI VISHNU As Shri Adi Shakti created the universe, all the Gods and Goddesses took form. Different forms manifested in different aspects like Shri Brahma as God's aspect of creation, Shri Vishnu God's aspect of evolution and Shri Shiva God's aspect of existence and completion of the purpose of creating the universe. Shri Vishnu maintains the cohesion of the universal drama and prevents the triumph of the evil forces. He represents the aspect of God almighty, who sustains and guides the cosmic evolution. To this effect He incarnates in different forms to trigger on this planet Earth, the successive steps of consciousness. He incarnated many times starting from Dolphin, Tortoise, Quadruped, Short man, Big man, Shri Ram Shri Krishna and so on. The steps of evolution of life on earth started from Water as fishes to Amphibians (creatures living on both land and water) then to Terrestrial (creatures on land) and finally to Human beings. In His incarnation as Shri Krishna He came in complete form, and for the first time His avatar showed the 'Virat Swarup' to Human beings. In this issue and the forthcoming issues, we will look at the different steps in this evolutionary process. As we look at these giant leaps in the cycle of creation, we as Sahaja Yogis will be able to realize our responsibilities towards the completion of this cycle, and how we are also part of this giant leap in the next step of consciousness. Matsyavatar It so happened that once Shri Brahma was resting. At that leisurly moment Somaka also called Hayagreeva a rakshasa stole the Vedas from Brahma and ran away, He decided to hide them from the devas so that the asuras could use the knowledge of Vedas to their advantage. Brahma complained to Vishnu about the theft. The Vedas in the wrong hands could be very catastrophic. Hence Vishnu decided to retrieve them from the asuras. Sathyavrath a King in the Southern region of India was a great devotee is Vishnu. He was a benevolent king and cared for the welfare of his subjects. Every morning he would go to the Kruthamala River to perform puja and meditation. One morning as he was about to start his prayer, he took some water in his hands, to his surprise he felt some movement on his palm. It was a fish, afraid that he would hurt it he gently let it go back into the river. But instead of swimming away, it started talking to the king "Oh king don't leave me here, I am growing." The King arranged for a big lake, soon the lake also became too small for it. Then he took it to a nearby ocean. Satyavrath had started feeling that there was something divine about this incident. 3 As he was leaving the fish in the ocean Satyavrath asked the fish, "You are certainly not an ordinary fish, please tell me what is the divine plan." Looking at his discretion, the fish immediately took the form of Shri Vishnu and told him "I am happy that you have dedicated your life to me and have always done everything righteously. That is why I have chosen you for a great deed please listen carefully. Seven days from today there will be a great deluge and darkness. Giant waves will dislodge the entire Earth, and will destroy all life forms. All will be in chaos and floating aimlessly in the never-ending waters. Within seven days you have to collect all the species of life and vegetation along with their seeds. You also have to request the Saptarishi(the seven sages) to board the ship. The light emanating from them will guide you. Vasuki the divine serpent will also help you. After you finish the job and get onboard the ship, Vasuki will tie the ship around me with its body and I will take you to the safe waters and land where life will begin all over again." Satyavrath was happy and nervous at the same time, looking at the enormity of the task. He followed the agya (command) of God almighty and with complete surrender, started his work. After he collected all the species and the sages he boarded them on the ship. As prophesised the great deluge occurred. Hayagreeva the wicked asura in his form as a horse became unstable due to the fiercely mighty waves. He was tossed to and fro and finally came out of his hiding with the Vedas. As he drifted near, Vishnu caught hold of him and killed him. The Vedas were recovered and handed them over to Brahma. Shri Vishnu in the form of fish guided the Boat to the shores as the deluge ended. The Vishnu told Satyavrath "You have done a splendid job and now you will be the king of this new era." Thus the Avatarkarya (work in this incarnation) was complete and Satyavrath became the king of the new world. Satyavrath is said to have taken birth again as King Manu one of the oldest reigning kings of India as a whole. The events from this incident are closely comparable to mythological incident "The Noah's Ark' from the Old Testament. Shri Vishnu had said in his incarnation as Shri Krishna, that whenever in this world the evil forces will try to dominate and there will be adharmic practices, He will take birth and will destroy the evil forces taking the whole world into the next step. After The Matsyavatar Shri Vishnu came into this world as a tortoise in Kurmavatar, we will continue this article in the forth coming issue. 4 डुज्द्रासज कयों डोलना है ? मता इन्द्र का परिचय हमें सबसे पहले श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष में मिलता है। उसके अलावा श्रीमद् देवी माहात्यम् मे इन्द् के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी मिलती है। लेकिन अधिकतर लोग इज्द् को टी.व्ही, पर प्रसारित आध्यात्मिक धारावाहिकों के माध्यम से ही जानते हैं। किन्तु इनमें इन्द्र के माहात्म्य का बहुत छोटा सा अंश मात्र प्रस्तुत किया जाता है। इन्द्र के बारे में हमें जितना मालूम है, शायद काफी नहीं है; कारण सूक्ष्मतंत्र तथा उत्थान में श्री इन्द्र का योगढाল बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण दिखाई देता है। लेवक ने कई अन्य सहज योगियों से भी इन्द्र के सूक्ष्म तंत्र में माहात्म्य के विषय में बात की, किन्तु कोई जानकारी नही मिली। तब लेखक ने अनुसंधान कर यह लेख लिखा है। लेखक को आशा है कि पाठक लेखक के विचारों पर सुझाव तथा अपने विचार, युवाहृष्टि के माध्यम से उन्हें अवश्य बताएंगे। कुछ इससे पहले कि हम इन्द्र के जीवन से कुछ सीख सके, देखते हैं कि इन्द्र के बारे में हम क्या जानते हैं: वे देवों के साजा हैं। उनकी नगरी इन्द्रलोक कहलाती है। उनका शर्त्र वजर है तथा उनका वाहन ऐरावत नामक एक सफेद हाथी है। उनके (तथा अन्य देवताओं) के गुरू श्री बृहस्पती हैं। उनकी पत्नी का नाम इन्द्रायणी (या शची) है, तथा उनकी सन्तानों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ अर्जुन। ये सारी बातें तो धारावाहिकों में भी दिखाई जाती हैं। इन्द्र के विषय में कुछ ऐसी बातें हैं, जो हमे प्रहले कभी ज्ञात नहीं थी। हमारी कुण्डलिनी के माध्यम से ही इन्द्र का सूक्ष्म महत्त्व समझा जा सकता है। उनसे सबसे अधिक फायदा होता है नए सहज योगियों को, जो अपने आत्मसाक्षत्कार में स्थापित हो रहे हैं। ये इसलिए, कि इन्द्र (या अन्य किसी देवता) को आत्म-साक्षात्कार नही मिल सकता। लेकिन वे महामाया श्री आदिशक्ति की पूजा करते हैं और उन्हीं का आसरा मांगते हैं। इन्द्र कुछ हृद तक माया को प्रवाहित करते हैं, इसलिये जब कोई ध्यान धारणा करता है तो इन्द्रासन डोलता है और इन्द्र अपना मायाजाल फैलाते हैं। मानो किसी भी प्रकार से साधक की तपस्या भग करना चाहते हों। इन्द्र का ऐसा करना स्वाभाविक है, क्योंकि महिषासुर, शुम्भ-निशुम्भ, आदी राक्षसों ने घोर तपस्या कर वरदान प्राप्त किये और समस्त जगत को बहुत कष्ट तथा दुःख दिए। इसीलिये, साधक की असली नीयत को पहचानना आवश्यक होता है। तपस्या में आने वाली रूकावटों से उभरने के पश्चात असली साधक और भी मजबूत हो जाता है। इसी संदर्भ में नर-नारायण का उदाहरण बड़ा सुन्दर है। विराट की विशुद्धि के रहस्य इस कहानी में हैं। नर तथा जारायण श्री विष्णु के स्वरूप है। महाभारत काल मे यही दोनो श्रीकृष्ण (नारायण) तथा अर्जुन (जर) के नाम से अवतरित हुए। महाभारत के युग से बहुत पहले नर और नारायण महामाया श्री आदिशक्ति का ध्यान लगाए बैठे थे। इन्द्र उन्हे पहचानते नही थे। इन्द्रासन बचाने के लिए, इन्द्र ने उनकी तपर्या में बाधाएँ डालना शुरू किया। अपनी मायावी शक्ति से उन्होंने आग, बारिश तथा खूंखार जानवर नर और नारायण पर छोड़े। किन्तु इसका नर-जारायण पर कोई प्रभाव ना हुआ। तब इन्द्र ने सोलह हजार (१६000) अप्सराओं को उनकी तपस्या भंग करने के लिए भेजा। तथा तपस्या के उस कठोर स्थान को अत्यन्त मोहक बगीचे में परिवर्तित कर दिया। नर तथा नारायण पर सुन्दर. वातावरण या अप्सराओं का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पडा। पर नारायण ने अपने अंग से १६000 अप्सराओं का सृजन कर उन्हें स्वर्ग में इन्द्र के पास भेज दिया। तो इन्द्र की अप्सराएँ रु थ Contd. on pg 13 5- कण This then. This might alma article talks about shining Sound very the Yuva Shakti poetic, but it really is like the cool and various issues that might come up when we identify ourselves as a Sahaja Yogi. Before we deal with any issues from the non- smiling at the idol of Shri Ganesha and feeling Him Sahaja yogi world, we need to introspect ourselves smile back at you. Like finding everything you to see how deep-rooted our belief in the Param ever dreamed of having strewn along your path by Chaitanya and ourselves. Are we still identifying God knows whom! ourselves as some individual or have we started Then you realize that you no longer have any seeing ourselves as mediums of Mother's personal desires remaining, no races to win and no work.When we realize that we are no longer the jobs left undone. You become a Prince of your own, ordinary people but are now fore runners of a glorious era, most of the problems disappear. It is quite easy to get entangled in the web of Mother's Kingdom and you know that the battle college, homework, friends, jobs and ambition. has already been won, though the scene has to still But once we surrender to Shri Mataji, we free ourselves from all these burdens and then (Those of us who are already in this state need not onwards it's all smooth sailing. But the question read further; their kingdoms have been lies in the meaning of surrender. feeling breeze on your head e ven though you're standing under the hot sun. Like the horizons fade out and you know you have dissolved. Then you're the valiant warrior of unfold. established. But the ones who are still battling fear We can all just say that we have notand read on.) this may be omitted surrendered and pray that "Oh Mother, I have To establish this state of surrender, there is only exams coming up or I have this job interview and I technique and that is morning and evening surrender to you, please take care of it and help me meditation and listening to Mother's talks. Then to succeed."... But do we really surrender? After praying does the thought bother us again or do we no question seems unanswerable. We do not need forget about the results and perform our duties? to worry about what our friends might think about The feeling of surrender is the most beautiful us, whether they might leave us or they might thing. In this state of surrender everything just think that we're "not cool or primitive", when they works out. Its like you're sitting in the driver's seat get to know that we meditate,. But when you've not knowing the route and at times not even the settled firmly in Sahaja Yoga, just the opposite destination but somehow when you get there, happens. People around you have a certain your heart tells you " this is exactly where I had to for you. You will find your friends, wondering reach!" respect why you're so intelligent, how come you achieve All of us can recall of some incidences when the much more than them, or why your skin glows Param Chaitanya worked it all out for us. But if when they're all having sun tan problems! You someone had to write down the steps to surrender yourself will see that once you might have been it wouldn't be easy because there aren't any rules dumb, and find given. It just happens, and when it does, its bliss. you're bright in This happens If we meditate regularly every the class. That morning and evening and touch this state of maybe once n thoughtless awareness. The most important thing for us as the Yuva Shakti seemed to have is to be in that state of surrender. Life is really great ?? everybody else something against you, but now you're the most popular one. People are happy to have you around and you're smiling more than ever. Everything feels splendid...we could call it "Atma Shining soaked in Pure Love. And that's what is going to change the world. The good news is that we the Yuva Shakti are going to be the forbearers of this transform ation. A lot also depends on how happy you keep Shri Ganesha. He's like the Armed with our ultra logical, super technology weapons of endless love we will monitor in our class or like the right hand man for our Boss. Mother always knows what you are, but if Shri Ganesha is happy with you, His reference works like double magic. Then you don't need to worry about anything; it's all taker care of, only one desire remains to be Mother's establish the new world. So if you still haven't realized your importance and the altar on which Mother has placed you, its time to wake up. Begin medium for Her work. The by loving yourself and shortcomings. Also, question of how to introduce people to Sahaja Yoga also disappears. People see facing your the pendant in your neck and ask you about Sahaja. know that with meditation, introspection and If you're connected to Mother at all times, the cleansing, you will improve. Then let's go ahead seeker gets his realization just by looking at you. and love everybody else, Sahaja yogi or not. About Sometimes people realize that there is something different about you, they themselves come up and the cunning ones, you don't need to bother, as Shri ask, why is that you're so gifted or that you are so Ganesha's guards will handle them. Our work much better and the answer is quite simple... It's really is to just spread Her love and as its effect we Mother's blessings and Her meditation. Spreading are all going to be beautiful, joyful people. the message of Sahaja Yoga is quite simple then. It just happens. You could just tell your friends that Love" and lets pray that we all become Her perfect it's this super fun, free of charge, personality development course. Everybody wants to join that! instruments and bask in the Joy and Glory of Her Also, when you pour your heart out and tell Attention. someone about Sahaja Yoga and how it will benefit P.S: While in the middle of this article, I glarnced them, there is no need to feel bad if those people at the time...and remembered that I had meeting then go away and ridicule you or Sahaja Yoga or with some one but had to complete the article. So "Happy Sailing in the skies of Mother's even practice it for sometime and then never come back. It's ok not everybody is selected for the The phone rang, the person with whom I had Divine Work. You know you are, and that while meeting- called to say that an emergency had others crawl you're being carried in the arms of come up and the meeting had to be cancelled. So angels. It's really beautiful, the feeling of being everything and never allows any obstacles cunning ones, you don't need to bother, as Shri hinder the flow of our work. well that's how the Param Chaitanya, works out Sushumna Nadi : "THE AXIS IS LOVE" 11 "The Vibrations we talk about in Sahaja Yoga are the Vibrations of Love. Yoga we can create a world of positive vibrations." Through Sahaja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SELECTED POINTS FROM THE PUJA TALK FOR MAHA SANKRANTI SHRI SURYA PUJA, BOMBAY 1988 Shri Surya Puja is Puja to the Sun during the time when the Sun is moving from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer. It is always held on January 14, the only fixed date of the Indian calendar. January 14 is considered to be the coldest day, and after this, warmth and sun begin to return, later bringing Spring and Summer. Personal Axis Sushumna In this unique talk, Shri Mataji speaks about "standing on your own axis", the Sushumna (the Central Channel). Our individual Sushumna nadis are a fraction of the unified Sushumna of the Mother Earth. The power of the Earth is "connected to human beings through their Sushumna after Self-realization." "What is best in a human being is his axis. The depth on the axis is more important than anything else." This depth is held in the Brahma Nadi, the "hair-like" threads inside of the three and a half coils in the sacrum. When the person is realized, this "paper-like thing" rises to Sahasrara. The "foldings outside" become larger inside as one deepens. Balance comes from our depth. Inside attitude becomes beautiful, joy giving, an expansion of the Brahma Nadi. To retain the expansion of the "axis" or Sushumna, meditate at home, do devoted tasks, have a sense of reverence. "Use your hands, giving of some labor, so you can be very collective." Plant a garden, cook, build, etc. In the life of the householder, the home is the axis between the man and the woman "Stand on your axis", your central channel. Destruction (illness, etc.) comes from too much left or right. It is important to keep the head held properly, not down or thrown back. Domination/submission needs to be eliminated among all the world's people. Moon/Desire, Right = Sun/Action) (Left %3D The axis senses what is to be done. Thinking too mnuch is desire without action. Desire without action can be destructive. "Abalanceneeds to be struck." We must desire and act. Shri Mataji knows how deep you are by your axis. You cannot fool Her by talking big about Sahaja Yoga without the depth. B. Planetary Axis "It (the Axis) loves us. Because of it we have seasons; Moon is created by the heat of the Sun; Shri Surya is Shri Jesus. The Sun's light is distributed by the axis." The Sushumna keeps all the distances necessary for the Mother Earth from planets and moving bodies in the cosmos. Our view of the stars is determined by the Earth's movements. "Ours is a Gyanmarg. That is the knowledge, the path of knowledge in which you have to The creation of life began in the movements of the ocean; the many amino acids gave "permutations" or possibilities Carbon formed by the heat of the axis, carbon is essential for carbohydrates and all organic matter. know all the knowledge." Nitrogen formed by the movement of the axis amino acids necessary for earliest life. The intelligence and fragrance of Mother Earth comes from the planet's axis. Axis/Sushumna Heena Pandya, Mumbai Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Mother kindly bless Chandigarh with your There is no physical axis as such. It is an energy force. divine attention for The Earth is spinning at a tremendous speed. The seasons, hemispheres, climate all are influenced by the axis. Sushumna acts to give balance (nightand day). more and more pure and deep Sahaja Yogis should evolve here. "With the Sun you get the heart which is a very open heart, a kind of an inviting heart.' Comparison of countries warm versus cold; also, countries that are too warm can have problems. The darkness in jungles is like the extreme cold in the north. Ritu Mehra Yogis are not asked to worship nature as the native peoples did. We only worship the vibrated parts of nature. Swayambus, the word Swayambu means "born out of itself" special stones, mountains and other natural formations (for example, ice) that were born, naturally, out of Mother Earth and emit vibrations. Kaushik Panchal Ratilal & Sons All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. Volcanoes and earthquakes are born by/through the Sushumna Nadi. -Karen Denitto, New York C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Road, Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (O) 2748183. 6. DROJECIREPORT SITA Collective desire of using the Internet, Email contributed for this project. This project was information technologies like Internet and mainly to outshinesurpass all other websites, Email, for the spreading of Sahaja Yoga has been which are spreading the negativity in Internet. fulfilled when SITA Team was formed in the year With the Blessings of our Holy Mother, this of 2000 with the Blessings of H.H. Shri Mataji. project was a great success. Thousands of SITA stands for Sahaja Internet Team Administration. This team contains theis comprised of young energetic & enlightened Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters who had decided to dedicate their knowledge in Internet, Email & other Electronic media to spread the message of websites explaining the Blossom time of Sahaja Yoga, Benefits of Sahaja experiences of Sahaja Yogis across the globe had Yoga & various popped up in the internetInternet. Any new seeker in Internet try to search for Sahaja Yoga becomes easy to reach out any Sahaja Yoga Sahaja Yoga. website. As all of us are aware of the importance of using the technology for the spreading of the message of the Love of Shri Mataji, SITA Team enthusiasm in various means & ways by involving every one in the team to participating participate in various activities. Many of the members in this Team are working with multinational companies in IT & other sectors. Various projects undertaken by SITA Team utilize the experience & skills of this team to spread SAHAJA YOGA. b) National India Website www.sahajayoga.org.in This project was carried out to develop the National website for Sahaja Yoga ,- India. The site was named www.sahajayoga.org.in and was inaugurated by H. H. Shri Mataji during her Birthday in on March 21" 2003, in Delhi. explores SAHAJA YOGA INDIA Projects Few projects that are undertaken by the SITA Team is narrated below... a) Project 2800 Project to develop 2800 websites This project is to develop 2800 websites related to Sahaja Yoga. SITA members across the world had dedicatedly hich bilg ilew may hing mirji 10 Holi Puja 2004, Pratishthan, Pune The development of this website was carried out Those who would like to join this team and is in various phases involving every member of SITA actively. It was a collective effort in willing contribute for the SITA Project can be gathering contents, designing & implementing contacted by sending a mail to sita@sahaji.net the whole website. This also provides you with with your details. templates and easy making instructions for developing website for a particular city/state. e) Preparing Electronic presentations For more information contact: manoj@sahaji.net. This is mainly aiming to develop various presentations, which can be used for spreading of Sahaja Yoga. Team had developed various presentations related to various aspects of Sahaja Yoga to introduce to corporate etc. This is under progress. c) Automated referral system & SMS This is an automated system to send a mail to any of your friend or a truth seeker from Internet easily. This automated process allows any Sahaja Yogi to visit the following URL or link and send a message of Sahaja Yoga to any email ID. Please visit the link for more details. f) Global Data Management System (GDMS) The Global Data Management System (named as GDMS) is a complex collection of large data whichdata that is integrated to a http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/ReferTo.asp SMS facility provided at the following link single database to manage the data for the provides a Sahaja Yogi to communicate Sahaja spreading of Sahaja Yoga. This database will Yoga messages through SMS to mobile phones contain the addresses of new seekers, which are freely. Visit the link for more details. collected from various public programmes & other campaigns. The leaders or the corresponding authorized persons from various Http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/sms/ D) E-group & Email-ID's SITA Team has developed a group communication facility in India. This E-group is named as Sitalndia@sahaji.net. Around 80 Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters are subscribed to this group. This helps the team to discuss & communicate between the team members "Think of that dream, fastlyquickly. Also SITA has launched recently a facility to provide Email-ID's in the domain of sahaji.net. Email Id will look 1ike yourname@sahaji.net This. This facility is currently restricted to SITAmembers & in India. that we have to transform each and every individual into good people" This Email facility is much faster & secure Ms. Malavika Agarwal against viruses. Each mails send through this Email ID's will contains the message of Sahaja Yoga & Shri Mataji 11 गाँवों से शहरों तक पूुणे के आसपास के ग्रामों में सहज योग के प्रचार-प्रसार में रत एक टीम अब तक ८२००0 लोगों के आत्म-साक्षात्कार में माध्यम बनी है। ये संख्या पिछले मात्र २.५ साल के कार्य का परिणाम है। इस कार्य पर अधिक प्रकाश डालने के लिये टीम की एक स्थायी सदस्या (योगिनी) द्वारा लिखा वर्णन प्रस्तुत है। पुणे के आसपास के गाँवों में सहज योग के प्रचार-प्रसार का कार्य नियमित रूप से 1 जनवरी २००२ से शुरू किया गया। उस दिन से प्रत्येक रविवार और अन्य छुट्टी के दिनों मे हम लोग सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम करने के उद्देश्य से प्रात: ६ बजे पूर्व निधारित गाँवों की ओर निकल पडते हैं। गाँत पहुँच कर कार्यक्रम कि लिये उपयुक्त कोई मन्दिर या और कोई अच्छी जगह ढूँढ कर वहाँ श्री माताजी का फोटो तथा चक्रों का चार्ट लगा कर रखते हैं। अगर किसी गाँव में माईक की व्यवस्था हो, तो घोषणा करने तथा भजन गाने के लिये उसका भी उपयोग कर लेते हैं । सारे सहज योगी घर-घर जाकर लोगों को कार्यक्रम की सूचना देते हैं। कई गाँव ऐसे होते हैं, जहाँ लोग श्री माताजी और सहज योग के बारे में नहीं जानते हैं; वहाँ देवी का कार्यक्रम, ध्यान धारणा तथा ज्ञानेश्वरी पर आधारित कार्यक्रम बताकर लोगों को आमंत्रित करते हैं। हमारा अब तक का अनुभव ये है, कि जब हम पूर्ण समर्पण हढ़ विश्वास से कार्य करते हैं तो कोई भी समस्या नही आती है। लेकिन जब हम बुधि से कार्य करने की कोशिश करते हैं तो कोई ना कोई समस्या खडी हो जाती है। इसलिये, इस कार्य की घटना होने के लिये हमे अबोध, शुद्ध तथा श्री माताजी के प्रति समर्पित होना आवश्यक होता है। तभी यह कार्य ठीक से हो पाता है। एक दिन में ६-७ गाँवों में कार्यक्रम होते हैं। जहाँ लोग रूचि दिखाते हैं, वहाँ फॉलो-अप के लिये दिन निर्धारित कर लेते हैं | जहाँ जहाँ लोगों ने इसे अच्छे से ग्रहण किया, वहाँ वहाँ सहज योग के केन्द्र स्थापित हैं तथा अच्छे से कार्यन्वित हैं यही नहीं, स्थानीय लोग जो सहज मे स्थापित हो जाते हैं, वे भी प्रचार के कार्य मे जुट जाते हैं। हमारी गाडी पर लाऊड स्पीकर भी लगा है, ताकि जो गाँव बड़े हैं, उनमें घोषणा के माध्यम से सारे लोगों को कार्यक्रम की जानकारी हो सके। इस कार्य संलग्न सहज योगियों में आपस में जो शुद्ध प्रेम होता है, वो किसी भी रिश्ते से उच्च है। रिश्तेदारी में एक दूसरे से कोई ना कोई इच्छा, मांग या अपेक्षाएँ होती हैं। किंन्तु यह प्यार निर्वाज्य, निरपेक्ष है, जिसमे केवल आनन्द का समावेश है। कुछ लेना नही सिर्फ देना ही होता है। हफ्ते मे हम सभी लोग रविवार का ही इन्तज़ार करते हं, क्योंकि इस दिन हम सारी चिन्ताएँ, समस्याएँ, आदी छोड कर श्री माताजी के छैतन्य-सागर में डूबते हैं, और वहीं आनन्द की मस्ती में दंग रहते हैं। हर व्यक्ति की श्री माताजी के प्रति श्रद्धा बढी है, और भक्ति भाव में हढता आई है। साथ ही ध्यान की, छक्रों की शुद्धता की तथा स्वयं की उल्नति के प्रति सजगता व सतर्कता में भी वृद्धी हुई है। 1. साल में अब तक ३५० कार्यक्रम हुए हैं तथा इनमें ८२००० लोगों को आत्म-साक्षात्कार प्राप्त हुआ है। पुरन्दर, बारामती, और इनके क्षेत्र के सभी गाँवों में सहज योग पहुँच चुका है, तथा अब भोर, जुन्लर, खेड तहसीलों (तालुकाओं) मे कार्य चल रहा है। श्र , मुरली, खालिद, प्रवीण, राहुल, तुषार, मन्दार, सौ. पठारे, कु. खांडकर, महेश मोकाशी इस कर्य में नियमित तौर पर माध्यम बने हुए सहज योगियों में से कुछ है। अजिंक्य २० खालिद तीरन्दाज़ : सहज का कार्य करते समय श्री माताजी का पूरा चित्त हम पर होता है। प्रचार करते समय आने वाली सभी रुकावटें आसानी से हो जाती है। दूर मुरलीधर महादेव कहडि: सहज योग के प्रचार प्रसार से जो आनंद प्राप्त होता है, वो गगन में भी ना समा पाए, ऐसा आनंद है। 12 प्रवीण लांडगे; मै रोज श्री माताजी से एक ही प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि सहज योग का कार्य करने का अवसर दीजिये, मुझे अपना एक माध्यम बना लीजिये, और अधिक से अधिक लोगों को सहज़ योग बताने का व सेवा करने का अवसर प्रदान कीजिये। आशा अनंतराव वाबले: अब मेरा और मेरे बेटों का सहज के इस कार्य में पीछे मुड कर देखने का प्रश्ण ही नही उठता । अनीता खंडकर सब जगहों पर घूमकर अधिकतर लोग बीमारियों, दुःख, आभाव, पानी की कमी, बैंकारी आदी परेशानियों से ग्रस्त दिखाई देते हैं; तो सब लोगों को बताने की इच्छा होती है कि इन सब परेशानियों को मात करने वाला और हर हष्टि से योग्य एकमेव उपाय सहज योग ही है। तुषार अनंतराव वाबले: अब प्रत्येक रविवार को कार्यक्रम में जाने की इचछा होती है; अगर कभी कार्यक्रम ना हो, तो एक अपूर्णता महसूस होती रहती है। महेश मोकाशी : जिस दिन सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम में मेरा सहभाग होता है, उस सत को मुधे सबसे अच्छी और गहरी नींद आती है। अत: मै श्री माताजी से प्रार्थना करता हूँ, कि श्री माताजी, कृपया मुझे अपना एक शुद्ध और शक्तिशाली माध्यम बना लीजिये। "Your spirit should shine in your character, in your behaviour and in Continued from pg. 5 बेघर हो गई । तब उन्होंने श्री नारायण से उनसे विवाह कर के उन्हे अपना आश्रय प्रदान करने की विनति की। उस पर नारायण ने उन्हे सूचित किया कि तपस्वी होने के कारण इस जन्म में यह सम्भव नहीं है, किन्तु महाभारत काल में जब वे श्री कृष्ण के नाम से अवतार लेंगे तब यह सम्भव होगा। सहज योग में हम जानते हैं कि श्री कृष्ण की सोलह हजार पत्नियाँ (रानीयाँ) उनकी १६००० शक्तियाँ थीं। इस कहानी से हमें पता चलता है कि इन्द्र श्री आदिशक्ति के कार्य-समुद्यता हैं। फर्क ये है, कि सहज योगी आत्म-साक्षात्कार में स्थापित हो, श्री माताजी के निराकार रूप को पहुचानते हैं और इन्द्र, श्री महामाया का माया सम्बन्धित कार्य निष्पादित करते हैं। इनंद्र के कार्योसे पता चलता है कि सूक्ष्म स्तर पर इन्द्रियों के माध्यम से वे साधक की तपर्या को परखते रहते हैं। ये इन्द्रियाँ हमें पता है, जैसे सुगंध, स्वाद आदी। अगर कोई साधक कुण्डलिनी जागृति के पश्चात स्वयं का गुरू नही बनता तो वो आत्म- साक्षात्कार में स्थापित नही हो पाता.और वो भूख, लोभ, मोह, इत्यादी में फंसा रहता है। लेकिन अगर इन्द्र उसके जीवन में माया ना डाले तो साधक को पता ही नही चलेगा, कि उसे ऊपर उठना है। इन्द्र के जाल में फसकर ही साधक को पता चलता है कि मेरा उत्थान ही बाकि सब वस्तुओं से अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है । अन्यथा, कुण्डलिनी जागृति के बाद भी माया में पडना आसान है। तभी कुण्डलिनी जागृति के बाद कुछ साधक सहज योग में नही आते; कृछ आकर भी नित्य ध्यान नही करते। कुछ साधक गहनता में उतरने की इच्छा नही करते: और कुछ सामुहिकता में नही आते। लेकिन इन्द्र की शक्ति से ऐसे साधकों के अधूरेपन का पद्दाफाश हो जाता है। इसके बाद ही वे ध्यान धारणा, सामुहिकता और आत्मा के मूल्यों को खोजते हैं, उसमे रूची लेते हैं, और ये समझते हैं, कि खुद पर मेहनत करना अत्यावश्यक है। लेखक का मानना है, कि इन्द्र हर नए सहज योगी का दोस्त है। ध्यान में व्यवधान डालकर इन्द्र साधक को सूचित करते हैं कि कुण्डलिनी जागृती के पश्चात ध्यान करना भी जरूरी है। तथा आत्म- साक्षात्कार पाने के बाद जागृति को स्थापित करना और श्री माताजी को पहचानना आवश्यक है। आशा है कि इस लेख के माध्यम से हम इन्द्र का माहात्म्य थोडा और समझ सके हैं। our personality" Gaziabad Yuvashakti ७® With Best Compliments from M/s M. R. Construction Civil Engineer & Contractors Prop. M.R. Patkar ४ B.E. Civil 13 o B0 Yuvadrishti Asksœc. How would you introduce Sahaja Yoga to your friends? Sahaja yoga is the path that leads to self-content. I practice this because I feel,it is both scientific and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga gives you the ability to control yourselves and to have secured feeling. These are the few lines, which Iwould use to introduce Sahaja Yoga to my friends. -Dr. Samarth Borade, samarth15@yahoo.com Some of the following lines are the ones that we can use to introduce Sahaja Yoga: • Have you heard about Sahaja Yoga? It is amazing. I have been practicing it for some time now and have been benefited tremendously in terms of health, business, peace of mind and great sleep..a A and then slowly I continue into persuading the person to experience self realization then and there... and then make him or her attend the center... and then follow-up. Oh I see you are tremendously stressed up. What's the problem? Shall I suggest you some therapy. It is great and moreover free and simple to follow... The person takes interest and then I introduce Sahaja yoga and slowly and gradually develop his interest which takes him to the -Mahesh Khatri, maheshkhatri@yahoo.com center. Many of my friends are very different and so I would use a đifferent approach for each one. Mostly, I would mention that Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that helps you be in balance and clears your attention and stress. Also it allows you to understand yourself and learn about what made of and how to overcome and get rid of many problems. -Elena Michael, michaelelena@hotmail.com First of all, if we are good Sahaja yogi then we can easily explain about Sahaja yoga. The introduction can vary according to the nature of person and his/her interest. First I will pray to Mother then I will explain it very sweetly and humbly as Ican. Whenever I happen to meet a friend or an acquaintance, I ask, "Whether you would like to know about the Divine's Energy in our body which is part of the Virata, about which Sri Krishna talked in Mahabharata and everybody tells us that God's power resides in our body, but nobody never showed or made us feel that energy. you want to feel that power of God right now in next 2-3 minutes?" - Shilpa Agarwal, agarwal_shilps@yahoo.co.in I tell friends about SY by saying that are you - Nisha Bahuguna, nisha108mataji@yahoo.co.in Do my this is very simple meditation method, which brings balance in you. Usually everyone agrees that state of our mood (mind) is like a pendulum, sometimes excited and sometimes depressed. So on these lines I tell them about the channels and how do they work, and how we can keep ourselves balanced by clearing the channels. The other point is about thinking process which is continuously going on for many of them; sensible people understand that continuous thinking is not okay, so I tell them about state of meditation and thoughtless awareness. Virendra Summanwar, virendransys@yahoo.com 14 Sahaja yoga is a process of knowing and improving oneself. It gives immense peace from within. Everything is taken care by the almighty. Meditation is a process of NEWS& ACTIVITIES "Kundalini awakening is the only way you are going to know your spirit. This is the most important happening in the history of creation. This gives me an immense pleasure to share improving oneself... with you all that our collective from Kanpur om - Geddam Srilaks hmi, geddam.srilakshmi@india.birlasoft.c In these modern times, our (U.P.) was blessed and bestowed with daily life is often filled with to organize a Sahaja Yoga dissatisf action. Any exhibition camp in a trade fair (Swadeshi Mela). It was a miraculous happening and during the last two decades is again Mother taught us that not able to solve these opportunity stress, tension, fear and Banglore Yuvashakti stupendous technological developments witnessed we are not the doers but problems. In this tumultuous time, slowly, the consciousness those instruments who put and human of Spirituality their desires on Lotus feet of awareness is emerging in the people. Spirituality means It was a single non- knowing one's own spirit that commercialised stall and solves all the problems whatsoever. Sahaja yoga has helped me in realizing this and I am sure even you can on their faces compelled us experience this by practicing to think that whole world is Sahaja Yoga regularly. It is very Mother. "Your Beautiful being, which is enlightened by everyone was just sliding to visit this stall and curiosity the Spirit will prove to the world that Sahaja Yoga is the Truth" waiting for us to tell about divine yoga. common now days that everyone says "I want peace". The answer is in the question M. Ravindra It was like a seminar itself, Removing I (EGO) and for us from 29th Jan to 3rd Feb. Some Muslims seekers also felt Rooh on their palmns want (DESIRE) from this phrase gives peace. The same holds good in reality, we are not having peace because our and invited us to take a We are one personality and these are all the hands of one programme for their attention is loaded with lot of desires and ego. Desires come from the left channel and EGO comes from the right channel, Sahaja yoga is a form of meditation that balances our community. A public programme was also done in the fair on personality, one God" 2nd Feb. and more than 3000 seekers took their right and left channels, thereby achieving balance and peace Mumbai Yuvashakti realization. through one's attention getting cleared from desire and EGO. - Kanpur Yuvashakti -G. Ravi, G.Ravi@delphi.com 15 Yuvashakti : An Insight GHAZIABAD YUVASHAKTI Ghaziabad is situated in National Capital Region and is on the outskirts of Delhi. Further I would like to give you a brief overview of Sahaja Yoga in Ghaziabad. Ghaziabad Center was established on 15th August 1987 by the blessings of Her Holiness Shri Mataji. It has grown from a center in small room to an Ashram, which has been named as SAHAJA YOGA MANDIR by our Holy Mother. There are about 9 sub centers in Ghaziabad. Yuva Shakti is involved in almost all the activities at Ghaziabad center from regular arrangements of weekly meditation to arrangements at seminars and public programmes. e During the past year Yuva Shakti has been involved in conducting the following programs. Cultural program on the occasion of Republic day which was almost of about three hours and the main attraction being play called "Surrender by angulimar to lord Buddha". A Yuva Shakti seminar was conducted on Id, in which almost all the topics were covered from studies to marriage and main speakers were Sh. R.D. Bhardwaj (center leader) and Dr. Lal. * Yuva Shakti also celebrated Independence Day though drenched by rain. Yuva Shakti was actively involved in organizing seminar at Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad that was attended almost by around 2500 Sahaja yogi on 2nd October 2003. We have been actively attending workshops and seminars, which includes workshop at Delhi center and Yuva Shakti seminar at Chandigarh. In the month of December 2003 a program has been conducted for almost 70 students of B. Ed at Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad followed by a realization program at institute conducting classes for English, German and personality development. Yuva Shakti at Ghaziabad has also played a very active role in construction of Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad. In the current year special emphasis has been laid for development of Yuva Shakti as a whole. We are organising Yuva Shakti meetings frequently and are in contact with each other. Public programme have been conducted in the villages namely Shahpur & Morta and we are looking for a spiritually fulfilling year. GUJARAT YUVA SHAKTI * By the divine blessings of Shri Mataji, on 13th & 14th of December 03 a Gujarat Yuva Shakti seminar war arranged at Baroda through the collective efforts of all Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters. Yuva from the various parts of the Gujarat participated in the seminar. Various aspects of Yuva Shakti e.g Yuva Shakti importance in Sahaja, why, how & when it formed, about Shri Mataji, Yuva Shakti & Sahaja culture, Meditation, Treatments were discussed followed by Vande Matram, Sahaja music etc. Whole seminar was organized & arranged in unbelievable way & within short span of time..really Divine management is beyond the all managerial concepts of human. One more Yuva Shakti seminar was conducted at PALANPUR on 17-18 Jan. 2004. In the month of February Ahmedabad Yuva Shakti performed the postering within the different areas of city, near center as a part of Sahaja Yoga public programmes. Now same will be repeated periodically within the year. We also had one public programme at ISRO-Ahmedabad which was also the success of Yuvas' positive & Sahaja effort. 16 Know the names of 11 Ekadasha Rudra, the 11 destructive powers of Shiva by filling up the spaces in the 32 coils. The following clues will make it easier for you. 6. 10 Ganapatipule is a very important place where He becomes 1. ***********, and where he is surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle... the sea, the Ocean, the Indian Ocean. He is 9. the one who is our 11 Guru, our Spirit. His Shakti has Her reflection in us Kundalini. Together they are as ****** is the mantra for back 2. ****** known as 8. ********** Agnya... as is also MahaGanesha. 9. ********, brother of Ganapati, also MahaBrahmadeva and MahaSaraswati, incarnated as Gyaneshwara. He has peacock as his Vahana. known as collective Brahmadeva. 3.************is the causal of Brahmadeva... first the causal is created, then the Deity. 4. ****** who together with 5. ******** were the Disciple principles, born also to Goddess Sita as Luv and Kush and later as Adi 10. *********** provides us necessary guidance in our futuristic planning or in our mental activities. And who runs all the way from Swadisthan to our brain. 11. ********************** who together Shankaracharya and Kabira, and also to Fatimahbi as Hassan and Hussein. took incarnation as Hazrat Ali and Fatimahbi. ***** also known as MahaVishnu and 6. who is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. 7. ***********, deity and His Shakti who takes incarnation again and again in the path of ascent. 11. MAHABRAHMADEVSARASWATI 9. KARTIKEYA 10. MAHAHANUMAN 6. JESUS 7. LAXMINARAYANA 8. SHIVSHAKTI 3. HIRENYAGARBHA 4. BUDDHA 5. MAHAVIRA I. MAHAGANESHA 2 MAHABHAIRAVA. 17 ZARTHUSHTRA & ZORASHTRIAN RELIGION Zarthushtra is one of the earliest prophets in the recorded history of mankind and his teachings and revelations are being practiced today in the form of a religion known as "Zorashtrianism" or "Zoroastrianism". He incarnated in Persia and there is a controversy regarding the date of his incarnation. The dates defer and are putis anywhere between 3000 B.C. to 8000 B.C. Shri Mataji told me that Shri Zarthushtra (who is one of the Adi Gurus stationed on our left void) incarnated not once, but several times in Persia and hence the confusion about the dates of his incarnation. He was a seeker since birth, born to Pourushasp and Dogdo of Spitmaan clan, who practiced the ancient Mazdayasani faith. He retreated to the mountains early in life to find answers to several spiritual issues and it is said that the Lord "Ahura Mazda" Himself revealed to him the truths, which he later taught among the people who accepted his teachings. "The Gathas", five in number are the celestial songs intact in the words of Zarthushtra himself, and they form the core of the religion. They arecomposed in "Avesta" language which is extinct today and is a sister language of Sanskrit. The basic tenets of the religion in a nutshell are "Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds" and the pursuit of righteousness (the path of Asha) for the sake of righteousness itself in every walk of life is the main aim and purpose of life. It is mandatory to regulate one's life by the highest standard of uprightness, truth and purity. Zarthushtra taught that spiritual life and material or worldly life are two aspects of the same basic truth, corresponding to man's higher and lower natures. Life is not a struggle but an opportunity to overcome the base within us and slowly reach out and establish one's higher nature. His viewpoint differs thus from religious teachingsreligious teachings of many other religions, in being optimistic , rather than taking a pessimistic view as to why human beings have to suffer. For his explanation regarding the presence of evil, Zarthushtra showed it with the help of a lantern at the court of King Vistasp, by pointing to the shadow cast by the lamp. According to him, evil (or negativity or demon or devil whatever one wants to call it) does not have a separate identity, but it exists wherever there is no light, the absence of it, is what it is. Hence, one should wage ceaseless war against the Satan and all evil temptations and after surmounting all handicaps get empowered and strengthened when victory is attained over our weakneses. At all times, one must have unquestioning faith in the Divine Justice, so that in weal and woe, one has absolute trust in the Divine Plan which knows what is good for us. There is to be neither doubt nor grievance against God's governance, but humbly submit to His will and honour His orders. This is a very remarkable teaching in the fact that it explains in a new way, the presence of contradictions that we encounter within ourselves and in the universe around us. Till today, they continue to baffle human beings and Zarthushtra's teachings so early in the history of man's consciousness, are truly remarkable. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains the same thing in Her talks when She talks about the negațivity which we experience, as we get cut off from reality - the truth, when we get caught between the folds of a cloth or sari and experience the contradictions. Zarthushtra's religion is very forward thinking and does not ask its followers to get caught in a guilt trap or to give up living in life or torture the body for attaining the truth and higher life. If a man does wrong and realizes it, he can simply repent from his heart and get on his life. Zarthushtrian religion, not being an 18 organized religion like Hinduism, gives ample freedom to an individual to understand and live his life according to its principles. Man is not a helpless being, tossed around by circumstances beyond his control, but he gets a chance to realize and learn from his past mistakes, grow in understanding and slowly become worthy of lending a helping hand in the plan of God. We see actualization of this in Sahaja Yoga today. However, today we find that just like any other religion, in the practice of Zarthshtrian religion also, much needs to be desired. The "Parsis" are a set of people from "Pars" district in Persia (now Iran), who came to India sometime about 1400 years ago, seeking shelter in Gujarat on the west coat of India, in the kingdom of King Jadav Rana. In order to preserve their religion from Arab invaders, they decided to sail out from their homeland. It is this single most majority group who made India their home and now reside mainly in Mumbai, which they helped to build up. More recently, a lot of them have emigrated to the West, mainly in U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Australia and New Zealand and it is jokingly said that there is hardly a place on earth, where you won't find a stray Parsi. This is a tribute to their adaptability, hard working and honest nature and a gift of assimilation, which makes them equally at ease with all and be acceptable by them in return. It is to be understood that "Zorashtrianism" is a religion and "Parsi" is a race and today, most of the Parsis are Zorashtrians. However, you also find Zorashtrians in present day Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kurdistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Achaemenia. Except "The Gathas" in Avesta language, which are direct expressions from the Prophet himself, most of our scriptures are mainly in Pahlavi and Pazand languages, which are also not spoken today. These are later-day additions. Besides, many of our scriptures are lost to posterity, when Emperor Alexander burnt down libraries housing them, during one of his conquests. The deeper core of teachings of any religion are is couched in metaphors and allegories and this is the reason, why most of it is open to wrong interpretations and controversies. Since none of the languages in which the Zorashtrian Scriptures are written are languages in use today, the problem is further compounded. The priests, who are supposed to interpret teachings to people are thus themselves at a losslost, going more by the letter meaning of the words rather than by its spirit, and hence try to make up for it by their adamancy and strong-arm tactics. In all thisthese, the main purpose of any religion is lost and that is to keep the human- being on the right path, ultimately leading to self-realization or enlightenment, is lost. Religion becomes something very small and rituals, customs and traditions take the place of something much loftier, which is neither understood norrealized. Many people have a false notion that "Parsis"are fire-worshippers, as their temples are called fire-temples. It is true that the fire is kept burning day and night in a receptacle in the innermost sanctum, but this is simply symbolic to remind them constantly of a spiritual fire burning within. My single-most argument is that no religion is made by God, but that it is a man-made thing, created to encompass the truths and teachings, made at a certain point of time in history, suitable to the time and circumstances, which are revealed directly by an incarnation or through a prophet. When I say, I am a 19 Zorashtrian, or a Hindu or a Muslim or a Sikh; it simply means that I am bon in a family which professes to follow that particular religion. However, experience often shows that those practicing a certain religion hardly know much about it, or at best know these only superficially. The only point on which all adherents seem to agree is that "My religion is the best, although I respect all religions"! Hence, the jig-saw puzzle remains very much incomplete, due to a limited lop-sided view. Like most other religions, the Zorashtrian religion also points to a day of judgment known as "Fresho Kareti" (Farsho- Karaiti), when absolute truth will be revealed and everyone will get their due according to their past and present deeds. We Sahaja Yogis know that this time is already upon us now and we as human-beings are all one belonging to the same collective and that the vibrations give us an access to the absolute truth Today, Collective Consciousness is the true religion --or spiritualism, as some prefer to call it. This is true religion from within, not something which is forced from outside. Sahaja Yoga is the culmination, actualizing the promise made by all the religions, interpreting the spirit behind each of them and integrating them into al unified whole. Mazdayasani faith: it's the ancient religion that was followed when Zarthushtra borned. Ahura Mazda : Ahura is Shri Sadashiwa & Mazda is the Shakti, the feminine part.. Gathas: These are the songs / poetry that Zarathustra wrote. We can take them just like the poetry that Sant Tukaram wrote which are called Tukaram's Gatha. YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yahoo.com SUBSCRIPTION FORM Reg. No. (FOR YUVADRISHTI USE) (PLEASE FILL IN CAPITALS) Name (IN BLOCKS) Address PIN City State Phone Email Dt. Cash/DD No. Drawn on Of Rs. DD should be sent in the favour of "Yuvadrishti' payable at Pune. Address for correspondence: Yuvadrishti, C/o Sahaja Yoga Kendra Plot No. 79, Survey No.98, Bhusari Colony, Kothrud, Pune-38, Maharashtra, Phone : 020-5286105 Signature 20 दन्दिता चिश्व वन्छिता विश्व वन्दिता....निर्मला माता, Oh Mother Nirmala, You are the one whom the whole world offers prayers सर्वपूजिता.....निर्मला माता Oh Mother Nirmala, You are the one who is worshipped everywhere ब्रह्म स्वरूपिणी, योग निरुपिणी, The one who is in the form of Brahma, the giver of Yoga शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः Giver of auspiciousness, benevolence and boons, we bow to you विश्व वन्दिता....निर्मला माता, सर्वपूजिता.....निर्मला माता जगत जननी निर्मला, Mother of the whole world, giver of birth to everybody, मूल प्रकृति अखिलेश्वर की, You are behind the whole Nature created by God नित्या सत्या सनातना You are all the time everywhere everfresh, You are the truth पराशक्ति परमेश्चर की, You are from the beginning to the end, the power of god almighty. विश्वधारिणी, मंगल कारिणी, You are the one who gives support to the whole world and takes care of the benevolence of Her devotees शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः विश्व वन्दिता.... सहजयोगिनी निर्मला, Oh Mother Nirmala, giver of Sahaja Yoga निराश्रया सर्वेश्वरी, The one who gives refuge to everybody and the Goddess of all प्रेम मूर्ति भक्त वत्सला The one who is in the form of love, affectionate and loving to Her devotees स्नेहमयी मातेश्वरी, Our loving Mother, भक्ति प्रदायनी, मुक्ति प्रदायनी, You are the giver of bhakti (devotion), You are the giver of salvation शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः विश्व वन्दिता.... प्रगट सगुणा निर्गुणा You are in the form of Sagun (with all the gunas), You are in the form of Nirguna (Beyond gunas) रिद्धि सिद्धि की दात्री हैं, You are the giver of right rituals and siddhis (powers) सीम्या सरला महामना You are soft, simple, natural always in balance and You are Mahamaya (the Supreme Illusion) पातांजलि गुण पात्री है, You are the One described in Patanjali (Yoga) घट घट वासिनी, आत्मविकासिनी, Living in every particle, nourishing our Atma and Kundalini शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः LKATA ---------------------- 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-0.txt Yuvadrishti An offering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother by the Yuvashakti Volume 5 Issue 1 March 2004 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-1.txt पत र Contents सत्-चि-द त- आनन्द जय श्री माताजी कितना कुछ बढल गया है, शहज योग मे! एक छोटा सा परिवािर, अब पूर्ण गरिमा के शाथ पूरे विश्व मे फैत गया हैं। श्री मIताजी I पयाराशंदेशसभी के हदय में बशता जा रहा है। १९८७ गें जब निर्मत शक्ति युता संघ की स्थापना हुई, उस समय श्री माताजी ने बताया कि युताओं को सहज योग आगे बढाने के लिए कैसा होना ताहिए, तथा सहज योग में उनकी क्या भूमिका होगी। आज हमशहज योग में जो कुछ शीखहे है, विशेष तौर पर पूर्ण समर्पण में हम जो कुछ शीखते हैं, वो अनमोल है। यह बहत जरुरी है कि हम सागुहिकता में काम करें, ताहे हम कही भी रह रहे हों। 3ज हम जहँ भी स्थित है, तहाँ श्री मIताजी ने ही हमे बशाया हैं, वहाँ हमारी जरुरत है। राह बहुत जरूरी है कि हमें एक दूसरे की जानकारी मिलती रहे। श्री माताजी के आशीर्वाद से युवाह्टी पत्रिका सन २००० मे जब शुरू की गई, तो कोशिश यह ही कि हम इशके माध्यम शे सभी को एक जुट रपाएँ। फी हद तक इसमें सफलता मिली भी हैं, लेकिन अभी और सफर बाकि है । हम चाहते हैं कि आप जहाँ भी हों, सहज से संबंधित ITAPLOUL DASHAVATAR OF SHRI VISHNU 3 ध्यों डोलना है? 5 है) 5 य [डालत | बढाने के लिए कै सा होना चाहिए, तथा सहज योग में उगकी इ्दा atma shining Sushumna Nadi : "THE AXIS IS LONE" प हम ताहते हैं कि आप जहाँ भी हों, शहज से संबंधित | 10 REPORT घटनाओं के विषय में हमें तिखें, जिससे युवाशक्ति एक दूसरे के बारे में जानकारहसके । शहरों से गॉँवो तृकू E-mail द्वारा आप yuvadrishti@yahoo.com पर हमसे सम्पर्क करसकते हैं। अथवा, अपने पत्र निम्न लिखित पते परेजशकते है। युवाEष्टी, सहज योग केंद्र,प्लॉट क्र. 79, सर्ेक्र. 98, भूसारी कॉली, कोथरूड, पुणे-411038 माँ का अशीवाद सदैव हमारे साथ है और उनI प्यार ही सारा निर्माण कार्य करहा है। 12 ZARTHUSHTRA 18 & ZORASHTRIAN RELIGION Youth Power "The purpose of the Yuvashakti is the development of the personality in order to make it much more complete, so that such developed individuals will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as shining ideals for others to emulate and derive inspiration" Shri Mataji on Yuvashakti, 1987. ा Cover design: Laura Cortini, Italy Sketches, back cover. Nitya Sapte, Pune 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-2.txt चित्त - आनन्द नई दिल्ली, १९७७ निर्विकल्प अवस्था में सामूहिक चेतना सूक्ष्मातिसूक्ष्म हो जाती है। पं ६ उस अवस्था में, जब वास्तविकता स्पष्ट होने लगती है, तब आप गहन महत्व की चीजों को समझ सकते हैं। उदाहरण के रूप में आप कुण्डलिनी की कार्यशैली को समझने लगते हैं। आप समझ सकते हैं कि यह किस प्रकार भेदन करती है, किस प्रकार कार्यान्वयन करती है, अपने हाथों से आप इससे प्रयोग कर सकते हैं और इच्छानुसार इसे चला सकते हैं। निर्विकल्प अवस्था में किसी भी व्यक्ति की ओर हाथ करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती, बैठने मात्र से ही आप जान जाते हैं। कि वो कहाँ है और क्या घटित हो रहा है और कहाँ पकड रहा है, समस्या क्या है, सामूहिक समस्याएं क्या हैं? सहजयोग और कुण्डलिनी के विषय में आपको कोई संदेह नहीं रहता, संदेह बिल्कुल समाप्त हो जाते हैं तब आप इस पर प्रयोग करने लगते हैं और इसका उपयोग करते हैं। कुण्डलिनी पर स्वामित्व होने लगता है। इस अवस्था में 'चित"-चेतना सूक्ष्म हो जाती है। कोई व्यक्ति मेरे पास बैठा हुआ था और बाहर बैठे सहजयोगी जानते थे कि उस भद्र पुरूष को आत्म-साक्षात्कार मिलने वाला है। वे जानते थे कि श्री माताजी आत्मसाक्षात्कार देने वाली हैं। सहजयोगी ऐसे समय पर अत्यन्त प्रसन्न होते हैं तथा छोटी-छोटी चीजों के विषय में शिकवे नहीं करते। वे मस्त होते हैं और शान से रहते हैं। वे तुनकमिजाज नहीं होते उनका चित्त सूक्ष्म में होता है। बाहर के दुनियावी मामलों के लिए उनके पास समय नहीं होता। यहीं कारण है कि उनका चित्त सदैव सूक्ष्म पर होता है। वो चिंतित नहीं होते, ऐसे लोग संतुष्ट आत्माएं होते हैं। यही लोग सहज के स्तम्भ बनेंगे। कोई जब ऐसे लोगों को देखता है, ऐसे परिवर्तित व्यक्ति को तो उन्हें चोट पहुँचती है।"इस व्यक्ति को देखो ये कितना महान है। पहले तो यह बहुत खराब था किस प्रकार यह परिवर्तित हुआ है, देखो किस प्रकार इसका कायापलट हुआ है।" इस अवस्था में, निर्विकल्प अवस्था में चैतन्य लहरियाँ बहुती हैं और बिल्कुल प्रश्न नहीं रह जाता। परन्तु ऐसा व्यक्ति यदि किसी को दुर्व्यवहार करता देख ले तो वह क्रोध से भर जाता है और इसे सहन नहीं कर पाता। ईसामसीह ने कड़ा है," इन सबको क्षमा कर दो क्योंकि ये नहीं जानते कि ये क्या कर रहे हैं"। परन्तु मान लो कि उनकी (ईसामसीह) माँ की शान में कोई अपराध किया होता तो वो उन्हें बिल्कुल क्षमा न कर पाते। बाइबल में लिखा है कि आदिशक्ति (Holy Ghost) के विरूद्ध कुछ भी सहन नहीं किया जाएगा। और Holy host उनकी माँ थी और वो आदिशक्ति हैं। इसलिए आप अपनी श्री माताजी और सहजयोग के विरूद्ध कुछ भी सहन नहीं कर सकते और आपको एकदम भयंकर क्रोध आता है। ऐसे लोगों में संहार शक्ति पनप जाती है। कहा जाता है कि ऐसे व्यक्ति को जब कोई हानि पहुँचाने का प्रयत्न करता है तो वह उसे माँ के प्रति अपनी भक्ति से धराशाही कर देता है। हमारी एक धारणा है कि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी लोगों को कभी क्रोधित नहीं होना चाहिए। यह बिल्कुल गलत धारणा है। तब आप कहेंगे, "श्रीकृष्ण ने जरासंध का वध क्यों किया, कंस का वध क्यों किया। कृष्ण की हिंसा को आप कैसे उचित ठहराते हैं। देवी, जिन्होंने अवतरित होकर क्रोध में बेशुमार राक्षसों का वध किया उसका स्पष्टीकरण आप कैसे करते हैं। भयंकर क्रोध में आकर वे राक्षसों का वध किया करती थीं। शिव का क्रोध उसका स्पष्टीकरण आप कैसे देते हैं? ये मूर्खतापूर्ण धारणा है कि उन्हें कभी क्रोधित नहीं होना चाहिए, चाहे कोई उनकी हत्या 1 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-3.txt करने का ही प्रयत्न क्यों न करे। ईसामसीह को भी अपने हाथ में हंटर उठाकर लोगों को भगाना पड़ा। यदि आप निर्विकल्प अवस्था में हैं तो आपको क्रोध करने का अधिकार है क्योंकि अावश्यकता पडने पर आपको आवाज उठाने का अधिकार प्रदान किया गया है। मैं सारे आयुध उपयोग करती हूँ, ये सब आयुध होते हैं और मुझे उनका उपयोग करना पडता है, उनका उपयोग करने से आप मुझे रोक नहीं सकते। मैं यही बात कहती हूँ कि पढने मात्र से लोग चीजों को समझ नहीं पाते। शांतिपूर्वक बैठा हुआ, सब लगों द्वारा सताया जाने वाला व्यक्ति ही आत्मसाक्षात्कारी कहलाता है-ऐसा समझना निहायत मूर्खता है। किस प्रकार आप ऐसे व्यक्ति से ईष्य्या करने का साहस कर सकते हैं। क्या आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति को देवी का देष सहन करना होगा । ये कहना बिलकुल गलत है कि आत्म - आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति को कतई क्रोध नहीं करना चाहिए। जिन ऋषियों के बारे में मैंने बताया है या वो सब जिन्होंने मेरे बारे में वर्णन किया है तथा जिनके नाम मैंने आपको बताए हैं, वे सब निर्विकल्प स्थिति से उपर थे। परन्तु वे भी उग स्वभाव के थे। ये सन्त पाखण्ड सहन नहींं कर सकते लेकिन मैं सहन कर सकती हूँ, मुझे सहन करना पडता है। कोई राक्षस उनके समीप नहीं फटक सकता और यदि कोई चला जाए तो वे उन्हें फंदा डालकर पेड से लटका देते हैं। इसीलिए मैं किसी बाबाजी के पास जाने के लिए कभी नहीं कहती। निःसंदेह वो बड़े ऊँचे लोग हैं आप लोगों से बेहतर हैं। मुझे भली-भांति जानते हैं और मेरे चरण कमलों में नतमस्तक होते हैं। मेरे लिए वे बच्चों की तरह से अबोध हैं और सहज हैं। श्री गणेश सबसे अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण हैं यदि वे (श्री गणेश) नाराज हो जाएं तो उन्हें संभालना आसान नहीं है। श्री शिव के क्रोध को संभालना श्रीगणेश के क्रोध को संभालने से कहीं आसान है। उनसे सावधान रहें। यही कारण है कि कुण्डलिनी जागृति प्राप्त करते हुए आपको जलन महसूस होती है और आप उछल-कूद करने लगते हैं। यह सब श्रीगणेश के क्रोध के कारण होता है। किसी भी प्रकार से यदि आपने उनका अपमान किया है, या उनकी माँ (आदिशक्ति) का अपमान किया है तो उन्हें भयंकर क्रोध आ जाता है। यह बात सत्य है कि निर्विकल्प स्थिति प्राप्त कर लेने पर श्री गणेश वास्तव में जागृत हो जाते हैं। ऐसा व्यक्ति किसी महिला से सम्मोहित नहीं होता। अपनी पत्नी के अतिरिक्त किसी अन्य महिला के लिए उसमें कोई प्रलोभन नहीं रहेगा। अपनी पत्नी के साथ वह सम्मानमय पति की तरह से जीवन-यापन करेगा क्योंकि पति-पत्नी विवाह के सूत्र में बंधे होते हैं। अन्यथा वह एक पावन गृहस्थ होता है। वह तो प्रलोभनों से उपर होता है। निर्विकल्प व्यक्ति में कोई प्रलोभन नहीं हो सकता। एक व्यक्ति मेरे पास आया और उसने मुझे बताया कि वह आत्मसाक्षात्कारी था। मैंने कहा, "ऐसा कैसे हो सकता है? आप यदि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी हैं तो क्यों आपको इन चीजों की आदत है? आप ऐसा कर ही नहीं सकते।" वस्र पहनने में उनकी कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं रहती जो अन्य पुरूषों या महिलाओं को बहुत आकर्षित करें। अत्यन्त सहज व्यक्ति की तरह से वे आचरण करते हैं। वे गरिमामय सहजता में चले जाते हैं। अचानक वे अत्यन्त सृजनात्मक हो जाते हैं। आत्मसाक्षात्कारी व्यक्ति में सौन्दर्यबोध (Aesthetic Sense) जगृत हो जाता है । हर चीज में वह सौन्दर्य देखने लगता है। बातचीत करने की कला सुधर जातीहै। आपके हाथों की गति तथा आपकी शैली सुधर जाती है। आप अत्यन्त सुन्दर हो जाते हैं। आपमें सौन्दर्य बोध आ जाता हैं। उस अवस्था में आत्मा हर चीज को परखने लगती है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को यदि आप नाटक या चित्रकारी का निर्णायक बना दें तो वह बिल्कुल सही-सही निर्णय देगा कि अच्छा क्या है और बुरा क्या है। ऐसे व्यक्ति को आप यदि किसी देवी-देवता की मूर्ति दें और उससे पूछे कि क्या ये मूर्ति ठीक है या गलत तो वह कह सकता है कि यह ठीक नहीं है। आप सूक्ष्म चैतन्य लहरियाँ महसूस कर सकते हैं चाहे वह धर्म में हों या कहीं और। क्या हम कह सकते हैं कि अष्टविनायक जीवन्त देवता है? आपने कैसे जाना? ज्योतिर्लिंग जीवन्त हैं ये बात आप कैसे जानेंगे? जब तक आप सारी महान आत्माओं की एकरूपता को जान नहीं लेंगे किस प्रकार आप उन्हें परखेंगे? अतः आत्म साक्षात्कार प्राप्त कर लेना आवश्यक है। जब आप निर्विकल्प अवस्था में जाते हैं तो आनन्द आपके अन्दर स्थापित होते लगता है। समझ जाते हैं कि अभी-तक हमने 'सर्वव्यापी शक्ति' को जाना ही न था परन्तु अब हमें उसका ज्ञान हो गया है। इससे ऊपर परमात्म-साक्षात्कार है। इसकी भी तीन अवस्थाएं हैं। अभी-अभी मैंने इसके विषय में बताया था, सत्-चित-आनन्द अवस्था। परमात्म साक्षात्कार वह अवस्था है जो गौतम बुद्ध तथा श्री महावीर ने प्राप्त की थी तथा वे हमारे मस्तिष्क में स्थापित हो गए। ईसा मसीह भी वहाँ हैं। ये दोनो अवतरण नहीं हैं। मनाव रूप में उन्होंने जन्म लिया। श्री सीताजी की कोख से लव-कुश के रूप में उन्होनें जन्म लिया तत्पश्चात् वे बुध्द और महावीर के रुप में जन्में तथा एक बार फिर आदिशक्ति ही उनकी माँ थीं। इसके बाद हसन, हसैन के रूप में फातिमा बी की कोख से जन्में। ये दोनों ऐसे मील के पत्थर हैं जिनके माध्यम से आप जान सकते हैं कि मानव कितनी उँचाई तक जा सकता है। आज वो अवतरणों सम हैं। ि में वास्तव आप 1. 2 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-4.txt DASHAVATAR OF SHRI VISHNU As Shri Adi Shakti created the universe, all the Gods and Goddesses took form. Different forms manifested in different aspects like Shri Brahma as God's aspect of creation, Shri Vishnu God's aspect of evolution and Shri Shiva God's aspect of existence and completion of the purpose of creating the universe. Shri Vishnu maintains the cohesion of the universal drama and prevents the triumph of the evil forces. He represents the aspect of God almighty, who sustains and guides the cosmic evolution. To this effect He incarnates in different forms to trigger on this planet Earth, the successive steps of consciousness. He incarnated many times starting from Dolphin, Tortoise, Quadruped, Short man, Big man, Shri Ram Shri Krishna and so on. The steps of evolution of life on earth started from Water as fishes to Amphibians (creatures living on both land and water) then to Terrestrial (creatures on land) and finally to Human beings. In His incarnation as Shri Krishna He came in complete form, and for the first time His avatar showed the 'Virat Swarup' to Human beings. In this issue and the forthcoming issues, we will look at the different steps in this evolutionary process. As we look at these giant leaps in the cycle of creation, we as Sahaja Yogis will be able to realize our responsibilities towards the completion of this cycle, and how we are also part of this giant leap in the next step of consciousness. Matsyavatar It so happened that once Shri Brahma was resting. At that leisurly moment Somaka also called Hayagreeva a rakshasa stole the Vedas from Brahma and ran away, He decided to hide them from the devas so that the asuras could use the knowledge of Vedas to their advantage. Brahma complained to Vishnu about the theft. The Vedas in the wrong hands could be very catastrophic. Hence Vishnu decided to retrieve them from the asuras. Sathyavrath a King in the Southern region of India was a great devotee is Vishnu. He was a benevolent king and cared for the welfare of his subjects. Every morning he would go to the Kruthamala River to perform puja and meditation. One morning as he was about to start his prayer, he took some water in his hands, to his surprise he felt some movement on his palm. It was a fish, afraid that he would hurt it he gently let it go back into the river. But instead of swimming away, it started talking to the king "Oh king don't leave me here, I am growing." The King arranged for a big lake, soon the lake also became too small for it. Then he took it to a nearby ocean. Satyavrath had started feeling that there was something divine about this incident. 3 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-5.txt As he was leaving the fish in the ocean Satyavrath asked the fish, "You are certainly not an ordinary fish, please tell me what is the divine plan." Looking at his discretion, the fish immediately took the form of Shri Vishnu and told him "I am happy that you have dedicated your life to me and have always done everything righteously. That is why I have chosen you for a great deed please listen carefully. Seven days from today there will be a great deluge and darkness. Giant waves will dislodge the entire Earth, and will destroy all life forms. All will be in chaos and floating aimlessly in the never-ending waters. Within seven days you have to collect all the species of life and vegetation along with their seeds. You also have to request the Saptarishi(the seven sages) to board the ship. The light emanating from them will guide you. Vasuki the divine serpent will also help you. After you finish the job and get onboard the ship, Vasuki will tie the ship around me with its body and I will take you to the safe waters and land where life will begin all over again." Satyavrath was happy and nervous at the same time, looking at the enormity of the task. He followed the agya (command) of God almighty and with complete surrender, started his work. After he collected all the species and the sages he boarded them on the ship. As prophesised the great deluge occurred. Hayagreeva the wicked asura in his form as a horse became unstable due to the fiercely mighty waves. He was tossed to and fro and finally came out of his hiding with the Vedas. As he drifted near, Vishnu caught hold of him and killed him. The Vedas were recovered and handed them over to Brahma. Shri Vishnu in the form of fish guided the Boat to the shores as the deluge ended. The Vishnu told Satyavrath "You have done a splendid job and now you will be the king of this new era." Thus the Avatarkarya (work in this incarnation) was complete and Satyavrath became the king of the new world. Satyavrath is said to have taken birth again as King Manu one of the oldest reigning kings of India as a whole. The events from this incident are closely comparable to mythological incident "The Noah's Ark' from the Old Testament. Shri Vishnu had said in his incarnation as Shri Krishna, that whenever in this world the evil forces will try to dominate and there will be adharmic practices, He will take birth and will destroy the evil forces taking the whole world into the next step. After The Matsyavatar Shri Vishnu came into this world as a tortoise in Kurmavatar, we will continue this article in the forth coming issue. 4 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-6.txt डुज्द्रासज कयों डोलना है ? मता इन्द्र का परिचय हमें सबसे पहले श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष में मिलता है। उसके अलावा श्रीमद् देवी माहात्यम् मे इन्द् के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी मिलती है। लेकिन अधिकतर लोग इज्द् को टी.व्ही, पर प्रसारित आध्यात्मिक धारावाहिकों के माध्यम से ही जानते हैं। किन्तु इनमें इन्द्र के माहात्म्य का बहुत छोटा सा अंश मात्र प्रस्तुत किया जाता है। इन्द्र के बारे में हमें जितना मालूम है, शायद काफी नहीं है; कारण सूक्ष्मतंत्र तथा उत्थान में श्री इन्द्र का योगढाল बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण दिखाई देता है। लेवक ने कई अन्य सहज योगियों से भी इन्द्र के सूक्ष्म तंत्र में माहात्म्य के विषय में बात की, किन्तु कोई जानकारी नही मिली। तब लेखक ने अनुसंधान कर यह लेख लिखा है। लेखक को आशा है कि पाठक लेखक के विचारों पर सुझाव तथा अपने विचार, युवाहृष्टि के माध्यम से उन्हें अवश्य बताएंगे। कुछ इससे पहले कि हम इन्द्र के जीवन से कुछ सीख सके, देखते हैं कि इन्द्र के बारे में हम क्या जानते हैं: वे देवों के साजा हैं। उनकी नगरी इन्द्रलोक कहलाती है। उनका शर्त्र वजर है तथा उनका वाहन ऐरावत नामक एक सफेद हाथी है। उनके (तथा अन्य देवताओं) के गुरू श्री बृहस्पती हैं। उनकी पत्नी का नाम इन्द्रायणी (या शची) है, तथा उनकी सन्तानों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ अर्जुन। ये सारी बातें तो धारावाहिकों में भी दिखाई जाती हैं। इन्द्र के विषय में कुछ ऐसी बातें हैं, जो हमे प्रहले कभी ज्ञात नहीं थी। हमारी कुण्डलिनी के माध्यम से ही इन्द्र का सूक्ष्म महत्त्व समझा जा सकता है। उनसे सबसे अधिक फायदा होता है नए सहज योगियों को, जो अपने आत्मसाक्षत्कार में स्थापित हो रहे हैं। ये इसलिए, कि इन्द्र (या अन्य किसी देवता) को आत्म-साक्षात्कार नही मिल सकता। लेकिन वे महामाया श्री आदिशक्ति की पूजा करते हैं और उन्हीं का आसरा मांगते हैं। इन्द्र कुछ हृद तक माया को प्रवाहित करते हैं, इसलिये जब कोई ध्यान धारणा करता है तो इन्द्रासन डोलता है और इन्द्र अपना मायाजाल फैलाते हैं। मानो किसी भी प्रकार से साधक की तपस्या भग करना चाहते हों। इन्द्र का ऐसा करना स्वाभाविक है, क्योंकि महिषासुर, शुम्भ-निशुम्भ, आदी राक्षसों ने घोर तपस्या कर वरदान प्राप्त किये और समस्त जगत को बहुत कष्ट तथा दुःख दिए। इसीलिये, साधक की असली नीयत को पहचानना आवश्यक होता है। तपस्या में आने वाली रूकावटों से उभरने के पश्चात असली साधक और भी मजबूत हो जाता है। इसी संदर्भ में नर-नारायण का उदाहरण बड़ा सुन्दर है। विराट की विशुद्धि के रहस्य इस कहानी में हैं। नर तथा जारायण श्री विष्णु के स्वरूप है। महाभारत काल मे यही दोनो श्रीकृष्ण (नारायण) तथा अर्जुन (जर) के नाम से अवतरित हुए। महाभारत के युग से बहुत पहले नर और नारायण महामाया श्री आदिशक्ति का ध्यान लगाए बैठे थे। इन्द्र उन्हे पहचानते नही थे। इन्द्रासन बचाने के लिए, इन्द्र ने उनकी तपर्या में बाधाएँ डालना शुरू किया। अपनी मायावी शक्ति से उन्होंने आग, बारिश तथा खूंखार जानवर नर और नारायण पर छोड़े। किन्तु इसका नर-जारायण पर कोई प्रभाव ना हुआ। तब इन्द्र ने सोलह हजार (१६000) अप्सराओं को उनकी तपस्या भंग करने के लिए भेजा। तथा तपस्या के उस कठोर स्थान को अत्यन्त मोहक बगीचे में परिवर्तित कर दिया। नर तथा नारायण पर सुन्दर. वातावरण या अप्सराओं का कोई प्रभाव नहीं पडा। पर नारायण ने अपने अंग से १६000 अप्सराओं का सृजन कर उन्हें स्वर्ग में इन्द्र के पास भेज दिया। तो इन्द्र की अप्सराएँ रु थ Contd. on pg 13 5- कण 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-7.txt This then. This might alma article talks about shining Sound very the Yuva Shakti poetic, but it really is like the cool and various issues that might come up when we identify ourselves as a Sahaja Yogi. Before we deal with any issues from the non- smiling at the idol of Shri Ganesha and feeling Him Sahaja yogi world, we need to introspect ourselves smile back at you. Like finding everything you to see how deep-rooted our belief in the Param ever dreamed of having strewn along your path by Chaitanya and ourselves. Are we still identifying God knows whom! ourselves as some individual or have we started Then you realize that you no longer have any seeing ourselves as mediums of Mother's personal desires remaining, no races to win and no work.When we realize that we are no longer the jobs left undone. You become a Prince of your own, ordinary people but are now fore runners of a glorious era, most of the problems disappear. It is quite easy to get entangled in the web of Mother's Kingdom and you know that the battle college, homework, friends, jobs and ambition. has already been won, though the scene has to still But once we surrender to Shri Mataji, we free ourselves from all these burdens and then (Those of us who are already in this state need not onwards it's all smooth sailing. But the question read further; their kingdoms have been lies in the meaning of surrender. feeling breeze on your head e ven though you're standing under the hot sun. Like the horizons fade out and you know you have dissolved. Then you're the valiant warrior of unfold. established. But the ones who are still battling fear We can all just say that we have notand read on.) this may be omitted surrendered and pray that "Oh Mother, I have To establish this state of surrender, there is only exams coming up or I have this job interview and I technique and that is morning and evening surrender to you, please take care of it and help me meditation and listening to Mother's talks. Then to succeed."... But do we really surrender? After praying does the thought bother us again or do we no question seems unanswerable. We do not need forget about the results and perform our duties? to worry about what our friends might think about The feeling of surrender is the most beautiful us, whether they might leave us or they might thing. In this state of surrender everything just think that we're "not cool or primitive", when they works out. Its like you're sitting in the driver's seat get to know that we meditate,. But when you've not knowing the route and at times not even the settled firmly in Sahaja Yoga, just the opposite destination but somehow when you get there, happens. People around you have a certain your heart tells you " this is exactly where I had to for you. You will find your friends, wondering reach!" respect why you're so intelligent, how come you achieve All of us can recall of some incidences when the much more than them, or why your skin glows Param Chaitanya worked it all out for us. But if when they're all having sun tan problems! You someone had to write down the steps to surrender yourself will see that once you might have been it wouldn't be easy because there aren't any rules dumb, and find given. It just happens, and when it does, its bliss. you're bright in This happens If we meditate regularly every the class. That morning and evening and touch this state of maybe once n thoughtless awareness. The most important thing for us as the Yuva Shakti seemed to have is to be in that state of surrender. Life is really great ?? everybody else 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-8.txt something against you, but now you're the most popular one. People are happy to have you around and you're smiling more than ever. Everything feels splendid...we could call it "Atma Shining soaked in Pure Love. And that's what is going to change the world. The good news is that we the Yuva Shakti are going to be the forbearers of this transform ation. A lot also depends on how happy you keep Shri Ganesha. He's like the Armed with our ultra logical, super technology weapons of endless love we will monitor in our class or like the right hand man for our Boss. Mother always knows what you are, but if Shri Ganesha is happy with you, His reference works like double magic. Then you don't need to worry about anything; it's all taker care of, only one desire remains to be Mother's establish the new world. So if you still haven't realized your importance and the altar on which Mother has placed you, its time to wake up. Begin medium for Her work. The by loving yourself and shortcomings. Also, question of how to introduce people to Sahaja Yoga also disappears. People see facing your the pendant in your neck and ask you about Sahaja. know that with meditation, introspection and If you're connected to Mother at all times, the cleansing, you will improve. Then let's go ahead seeker gets his realization just by looking at you. and love everybody else, Sahaja yogi or not. About Sometimes people realize that there is something different about you, they themselves come up and the cunning ones, you don't need to bother, as Shri ask, why is that you're so gifted or that you are so Ganesha's guards will handle them. Our work much better and the answer is quite simple... It's really is to just spread Her love and as its effect we Mother's blessings and Her meditation. Spreading are all going to be beautiful, joyful people. the message of Sahaja Yoga is quite simple then. It just happens. You could just tell your friends that Love" and lets pray that we all become Her perfect it's this super fun, free of charge, personality development course. Everybody wants to join that! instruments and bask in the Joy and Glory of Her Also, when you pour your heart out and tell Attention. someone about Sahaja Yoga and how it will benefit P.S: While in the middle of this article, I glarnced them, there is no need to feel bad if those people at the time...and remembered that I had meeting then go away and ridicule you or Sahaja Yoga or with some one but had to complete the article. So "Happy Sailing in the skies of Mother's even practice it for sometime and then never come back. It's ok not everybody is selected for the The phone rang, the person with whom I had Divine Work. You know you are, and that while meeting- called to say that an emergency had others crawl you're being carried in the arms of come up and the meeting had to be cancelled. So angels. It's really beautiful, the feeling of being everything and never allows any obstacles cunning ones, you don't need to bother, as Shri hinder the flow of our work. well that's how the Param Chaitanya, works out 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-9.txt Sushumna Nadi : "THE AXIS IS LOVE" 11 "The Vibrations we talk about in Sahaja Yoga are the Vibrations of Love. Yoga we can create a world of positive vibrations." Through Sahaja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SELECTED POINTS FROM THE PUJA TALK FOR MAHA SANKRANTI SHRI SURYA PUJA, BOMBAY 1988 Shri Surya Puja is Puja to the Sun during the time when the Sun is moving from the Tropic of Capricorn to the Tropic of Cancer. It is always held on January 14, the only fixed date of the Indian calendar. January 14 is considered to be the coldest day, and after this, warmth and sun begin to return, later bringing Spring and Summer. Personal Axis Sushumna In this unique talk, Shri Mataji speaks about "standing on your own axis", the Sushumna (the Central Channel). Our individual Sushumna nadis are a fraction of the unified Sushumna of the Mother Earth. The power of the Earth is "connected to human beings through their Sushumna after Self-realization." "What is best in a human being is his axis. The depth on the axis is more important than anything else." This depth is held in the Brahma Nadi, the "hair-like" threads inside of the three and a half coils in the sacrum. When the person is realized, this "paper-like thing" rises to Sahasrara. The "foldings outside" become larger inside as one deepens. Balance comes from our depth. Inside attitude becomes beautiful, joy giving, an expansion of the Brahma Nadi. To retain the expansion of the "axis" or Sushumna, meditate at home, do devoted tasks, have a sense of reverence. "Use your hands, giving of some labor, so you can be very collective." Plant a garden, cook, build, etc. In the life of the householder, the home is the axis between the man and the woman "Stand on your axis", your central channel. Destruction (illness, etc.) comes from too much left or right. It is important to keep the head held properly, not down or thrown back. Domination/submission needs to be eliminated among all the world's people. Moon/Desire, Right = Sun/Action) (Left %3D The axis senses what is to be done. Thinking too mnuch is desire without action. Desire without action can be destructive. "Abalanceneeds to be struck." We must desire and act. Shri Mataji knows how deep you are by your axis. You cannot fool Her by talking big about Sahaja Yoga without the depth. B. Planetary Axis "It (the Axis) loves us. Because of it we have seasons; Moon is created by the heat of the Sun; Shri Surya is Shri Jesus. The Sun's light is distributed by the axis." The Sushumna keeps all the distances necessary for the Mother Earth from planets and moving 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-10.txt bodies in the cosmos. Our view of the stars is determined by the Earth's movements. "Ours is a Gyanmarg. That is the knowledge, the path of knowledge in which you have to The creation of life began in the movements of the ocean; the many amino acids gave "permutations" or possibilities Carbon formed by the heat of the axis, carbon is essential for carbohydrates and all organic matter. know all the knowledge." Nitrogen formed by the movement of the axis amino acids necessary for earliest life. The intelligence and fragrance of Mother Earth comes from the planet's axis. Axis/Sushumna Heena Pandya, Mumbai Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Mother kindly bless Chandigarh with your There is no physical axis as such. It is an energy force. divine attention for The Earth is spinning at a tremendous speed. The seasons, hemispheres, climate all are influenced by the axis. Sushumna acts to give balance (nightand day). more and more pure and deep Sahaja Yogis should evolve here. "With the Sun you get the heart which is a very open heart, a kind of an inviting heart.' Comparison of countries warm versus cold; also, countries that are too warm can have problems. The darkness in jungles is like the extreme cold in the north. Ritu Mehra Yogis are not asked to worship nature as the native peoples did. We only worship the vibrated parts of nature. Swayambus, the word Swayambu means "born out of itself" special stones, mountains and other natural formations (for example, ice) that were born, naturally, out of Mother Earth and emit vibrations. Kaushik Panchal Ratilal & Sons All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. Volcanoes and earthquakes are born by/through the Sushumna Nadi. -Karen Denitto, New York C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Road, Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (O) 2748183. 6. 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-11.txt DROJECIREPORT SITA Collective desire of using the Internet, Email contributed for this project. This project was information technologies like Internet and mainly to outshinesurpass all other websites, Email, for the spreading of Sahaja Yoga has been which are spreading the negativity in Internet. fulfilled when SITA Team was formed in the year With the Blessings of our Holy Mother, this of 2000 with the Blessings of H.H. Shri Mataji. project was a great success. Thousands of SITA stands for Sahaja Internet Team Administration. This team contains theis comprised of young energetic & enlightened Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters who had decided to dedicate their knowledge in Internet, Email & other Electronic media to spread the message of websites explaining the Blossom time of Sahaja Yoga, Benefits of Sahaja experiences of Sahaja Yogis across the globe had Yoga & various popped up in the internetInternet. Any new seeker in Internet try to search for Sahaja Yoga becomes easy to reach out any Sahaja Yoga Sahaja Yoga. website. As all of us are aware of the importance of using the technology for the spreading of the message of the Love of Shri Mataji, SITA Team enthusiasm in various means & ways by involving every one in the team to participating participate in various activities. Many of the members in this Team are working with multinational companies in IT & other sectors. Various projects undertaken by SITA Team utilize the experience & skills of this team to spread SAHAJA YOGA. b) National India Website www.sahajayoga.org.in This project was carried out to develop the National website for Sahaja Yoga ,- India. The site was named www.sahajayoga.org.in and was inaugurated by H. H. Shri Mataji during her Birthday in on March 21" 2003, in Delhi. explores SAHAJA YOGA INDIA Projects Few projects that are undertaken by the SITA Team is narrated below... a) Project 2800 Project to develop 2800 websites This project is to develop 2800 websites related to Sahaja Yoga. SITA members across the world had dedicatedly hich bilg ilew may hing mirji 10 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-12.txt Holi Puja 2004, Pratishthan, Pune 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-13.txt The development of this website was carried out Those who would like to join this team and is in various phases involving every member of SITA actively. It was a collective effort in willing contribute for the SITA Project can be gathering contents, designing & implementing contacted by sending a mail to sita@sahaji.net the whole website. This also provides you with with your details. templates and easy making instructions for developing website for a particular city/state. e) Preparing Electronic presentations For more information contact: manoj@sahaji.net. This is mainly aiming to develop various presentations, which can be used for spreading of Sahaja Yoga. Team had developed various presentations related to various aspects of Sahaja Yoga to introduce to corporate etc. This is under progress. c) Automated referral system & SMS This is an automated system to send a mail to any of your friend or a truth seeker from Internet easily. This automated process allows any Sahaja Yogi to visit the following URL or link and send a message of Sahaja Yoga to any email ID. Please visit the link for more details. f) Global Data Management System (GDMS) The Global Data Management System (named as GDMS) is a complex collection of large data whichdata that is integrated to a http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/ReferTo.asp SMS facility provided at the following link single database to manage the data for the provides a Sahaja Yogi to communicate Sahaja spreading of Sahaja Yoga. This database will Yoga messages through SMS to mobile phones contain the addresses of new seekers, which are freely. Visit the link for more details. collected from various public programmes & other campaigns. The leaders or the corresponding authorized persons from various Http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/sms/ D) E-group & Email-ID's SITA Team has developed a group communication facility in India. This E-group is named as Sitalndia@sahaji.net. Around 80 Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters are subscribed to this group. This helps the team to discuss & communicate between the team members "Think of that dream, fastlyquickly. Also SITA has launched recently a facility to provide Email-ID's in the domain of sahaji.net. Email Id will look 1ike yourname@sahaji.net This. This facility is currently restricted to SITAmembers & in India. that we have to transform each and every individual into good people" This Email facility is much faster & secure Ms. Malavika Agarwal against viruses. Each mails send through this Email ID's will contains the message of Sahaja Yoga & Shri Mataji 11 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-14.txt गाँवों से शहरों तक पूुणे के आसपास के ग्रामों में सहज योग के प्रचार-प्रसार में रत एक टीम अब तक ८२००0 लोगों के आत्म-साक्षात्कार में माध्यम बनी है। ये संख्या पिछले मात्र २.५ साल के कार्य का परिणाम है। इस कार्य पर अधिक प्रकाश डालने के लिये टीम की एक स्थायी सदस्या (योगिनी) द्वारा लिखा वर्णन प्रस्तुत है। पुणे के आसपास के गाँवों में सहज योग के प्रचार-प्रसार का कार्य नियमित रूप से 1 जनवरी २००२ से शुरू किया गया। उस दिन से प्रत्येक रविवार और अन्य छुट्टी के दिनों मे हम लोग सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम करने के उद्देश्य से प्रात: ६ बजे पूर्व निधारित गाँवों की ओर निकल पडते हैं। गाँत पहुँच कर कार्यक्रम कि लिये उपयुक्त कोई मन्दिर या और कोई अच्छी जगह ढूँढ कर वहाँ श्री माताजी का फोटो तथा चक्रों का चार्ट लगा कर रखते हैं। अगर किसी गाँव में माईक की व्यवस्था हो, तो घोषणा करने तथा भजन गाने के लिये उसका भी उपयोग कर लेते हैं । सारे सहज योगी घर-घर जाकर लोगों को कार्यक्रम की सूचना देते हैं। कई गाँव ऐसे होते हैं, जहाँ लोग श्री माताजी और सहज योग के बारे में नहीं जानते हैं; वहाँ देवी का कार्यक्रम, ध्यान धारणा तथा ज्ञानेश्वरी पर आधारित कार्यक्रम बताकर लोगों को आमंत्रित करते हैं। हमारा अब तक का अनुभव ये है, कि जब हम पूर्ण समर्पण हढ़ विश्वास से कार्य करते हैं तो कोई भी समस्या नही आती है। लेकिन जब हम बुधि से कार्य करने की कोशिश करते हैं तो कोई ना कोई समस्या खडी हो जाती है। इसलिये, इस कार्य की घटना होने के लिये हमे अबोध, शुद्ध तथा श्री माताजी के प्रति समर्पित होना आवश्यक होता है। तभी यह कार्य ठीक से हो पाता है। एक दिन में ६-७ गाँवों में कार्यक्रम होते हैं। जहाँ लोग रूचि दिखाते हैं, वहाँ फॉलो-अप के लिये दिन निर्धारित कर लेते हैं | जहाँ जहाँ लोगों ने इसे अच्छे से ग्रहण किया, वहाँ वहाँ सहज योग के केन्द्र स्थापित हैं तथा अच्छे से कार्यन्वित हैं यही नहीं, स्थानीय लोग जो सहज मे स्थापित हो जाते हैं, वे भी प्रचार के कार्य मे जुट जाते हैं। हमारी गाडी पर लाऊड स्पीकर भी लगा है, ताकि जो गाँव बड़े हैं, उनमें घोषणा के माध्यम से सारे लोगों को कार्यक्रम की जानकारी हो सके। इस कार्य संलग्न सहज योगियों में आपस में जो शुद्ध प्रेम होता है, वो किसी भी रिश्ते से उच्च है। रिश्तेदारी में एक दूसरे से कोई ना कोई इच्छा, मांग या अपेक्षाएँ होती हैं। किंन्तु यह प्यार निर्वाज्य, निरपेक्ष है, जिसमे केवल आनन्द का समावेश है। कुछ लेना नही सिर्फ देना ही होता है। हफ्ते मे हम सभी लोग रविवार का ही इन्तज़ार करते हं, क्योंकि इस दिन हम सारी चिन्ताएँ, समस्याएँ, आदी छोड कर श्री माताजी के छैतन्य-सागर में डूबते हैं, और वहीं आनन्द की मस्ती में दंग रहते हैं। हर व्यक्ति की श्री माताजी के प्रति श्रद्धा बढी है, और भक्ति भाव में हढता आई है। साथ ही ध्यान की, छक्रों की शुद्धता की तथा स्वयं की उल्नति के प्रति सजगता व सतर्कता में भी वृद्धी हुई है। 1. साल में अब तक ३५० कार्यक्रम हुए हैं तथा इनमें ८२००० लोगों को आत्म-साक्षात्कार प्राप्त हुआ है। पुरन्दर, बारामती, और इनके क्षेत्र के सभी गाँवों में सहज योग पहुँच चुका है, तथा अब भोर, जुन्लर, खेड तहसीलों (तालुकाओं) मे कार्य चल रहा है। श्र , मुरली, खालिद, प्रवीण, राहुल, तुषार, मन्दार, सौ. पठारे, कु. खांडकर, महेश मोकाशी इस कर्य में नियमित तौर पर माध्यम बने हुए सहज योगियों में से कुछ है। अजिंक्य २० खालिद तीरन्दाज़ : सहज का कार्य करते समय श्री माताजी का पूरा चित्त हम पर होता है। प्रचार करते समय आने वाली सभी रुकावटें आसानी से हो जाती है। दूर मुरलीधर महादेव कहडि: सहज योग के प्रचार प्रसार से जो आनंद प्राप्त होता है, वो गगन में भी ना समा पाए, ऐसा आनंद है। 12 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-15.txt प्रवीण लांडगे; मै रोज श्री माताजी से एक ही प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि सहज योग का कार्य करने का अवसर दीजिये, मुझे अपना एक माध्यम बना लीजिये, और अधिक से अधिक लोगों को सहज़ योग बताने का व सेवा करने का अवसर प्रदान कीजिये। आशा अनंतराव वाबले: अब मेरा और मेरे बेटों का सहज के इस कार्य में पीछे मुड कर देखने का प्रश्ण ही नही उठता । अनीता खंडकर सब जगहों पर घूमकर अधिकतर लोग बीमारियों, दुःख, आभाव, पानी की कमी, बैंकारी आदी परेशानियों से ग्रस्त दिखाई देते हैं; तो सब लोगों को बताने की इच्छा होती है कि इन सब परेशानियों को मात करने वाला और हर हष्टि से योग्य एकमेव उपाय सहज योग ही है। तुषार अनंतराव वाबले: अब प्रत्येक रविवार को कार्यक्रम में जाने की इचछा होती है; अगर कभी कार्यक्रम ना हो, तो एक अपूर्णता महसूस होती रहती है। महेश मोकाशी : जिस दिन सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम में मेरा सहभाग होता है, उस सत को मुधे सबसे अच्छी और गहरी नींद आती है। अत: मै श्री माताजी से प्रार्थना करता हूँ, कि श्री माताजी, कृपया मुझे अपना एक शुद्ध और शक्तिशाली माध्यम बना लीजिये। "Your spirit should shine in your character, in your behaviour and in Continued from pg. 5 बेघर हो गई । तब उन्होंने श्री नारायण से उनसे विवाह कर के उन्हे अपना आश्रय प्रदान करने की विनति की। उस पर नारायण ने उन्हे सूचित किया कि तपस्वी होने के कारण इस जन्म में यह सम्भव नहीं है, किन्तु महाभारत काल में जब वे श्री कृष्ण के नाम से अवतार लेंगे तब यह सम्भव होगा। सहज योग में हम जानते हैं कि श्री कृष्ण की सोलह हजार पत्नियाँ (रानीयाँ) उनकी १६००० शक्तियाँ थीं। इस कहानी से हमें पता चलता है कि इन्द्र श्री आदिशक्ति के कार्य-समुद्यता हैं। फर्क ये है, कि सहज योगी आत्म-साक्षात्कार में स्थापित हो, श्री माताजी के निराकार रूप को पहुचानते हैं और इन्द्र, श्री महामाया का माया सम्बन्धित कार्य निष्पादित करते हैं। इनंद्र के कार्योसे पता चलता है कि सूक्ष्म स्तर पर इन्द्रियों के माध्यम से वे साधक की तपर्या को परखते रहते हैं। ये इन्द्रियाँ हमें पता है, जैसे सुगंध, स्वाद आदी। अगर कोई साधक कुण्डलिनी जागृति के पश्चात स्वयं का गुरू नही बनता तो वो आत्म- साक्षात्कार में स्थापित नही हो पाता.और वो भूख, लोभ, मोह, इत्यादी में फंसा रहता है। लेकिन अगर इन्द्र उसके जीवन में माया ना डाले तो साधक को पता ही नही चलेगा, कि उसे ऊपर उठना है। इन्द्र के जाल में फसकर ही साधक को पता चलता है कि मेरा उत्थान ही बाकि सब वस्तुओं से अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है । अन्यथा, कुण्डलिनी जागृति के बाद भी माया में पडना आसान है। तभी कुण्डलिनी जागृति के बाद कुछ साधक सहज योग में नही आते; कृछ आकर भी नित्य ध्यान नही करते। कुछ साधक गहनता में उतरने की इच्छा नही करते: और कुछ सामुहिकता में नही आते। लेकिन इन्द्र की शक्ति से ऐसे साधकों के अधूरेपन का पद्दाफाश हो जाता है। इसके बाद ही वे ध्यान धारणा, सामुहिकता और आत्मा के मूल्यों को खोजते हैं, उसमे रूची लेते हैं, और ये समझते हैं, कि खुद पर मेहनत करना अत्यावश्यक है। लेखक का मानना है, कि इन्द्र हर नए सहज योगी का दोस्त है। ध्यान में व्यवधान डालकर इन्द्र साधक को सूचित करते हैं कि कुण्डलिनी जागृती के पश्चात ध्यान करना भी जरूरी है। तथा आत्म- साक्षात्कार पाने के बाद जागृति को स्थापित करना और श्री माताजी को पहचानना आवश्यक है। आशा है कि इस लेख के माध्यम से हम इन्द्र का माहात्म्य थोडा और समझ सके हैं। our personality" Gaziabad Yuvashakti ७® With Best Compliments from M/s M. R. Construction Civil Engineer & Contractors Prop. M.R. Patkar ४ B.E. Civil 13 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-16.txt o B0 Yuvadrishti Asksœc. How would you introduce Sahaja Yoga to your friends? Sahaja yoga is the path that leads to self-content. I practice this because I feel,it is both scientific and spiritual. Sahaja Yoga gives you the ability to control yourselves and to have secured feeling. These are the few lines, which Iwould use to introduce Sahaja Yoga to my friends. -Dr. Samarth Borade, samarth15@yahoo.com Some of the following lines are the ones that we can use to introduce Sahaja Yoga: • Have you heard about Sahaja Yoga? It is amazing. I have been practicing it for some time now and have been benefited tremendously in terms of health, business, peace of mind and great sleep..a A and then slowly I continue into persuading the person to experience self realization then and there... and then make him or her attend the center... and then follow-up. Oh I see you are tremendously stressed up. What's the problem? Shall I suggest you some therapy. It is great and moreover free and simple to follow... The person takes interest and then I introduce Sahaja yoga and slowly and gradually develop his interest which takes him to the -Mahesh Khatri, maheshkhatri@yahoo.com center. Many of my friends are very different and so I would use a đifferent approach for each one. Mostly, I would mention that Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that helps you be in balance and clears your attention and stress. Also it allows you to understand yourself and learn about what made of and how to overcome and get rid of many problems. -Elena Michael, michaelelena@hotmail.com First of all, if we are good Sahaja yogi then we can easily explain about Sahaja yoga. The introduction can vary according to the nature of person and his/her interest. First I will pray to Mother then I will explain it very sweetly and humbly as Ican. Whenever I happen to meet a friend or an acquaintance, I ask, "Whether you would like to know about the Divine's Energy in our body which is part of the Virata, about which Sri Krishna talked in Mahabharata and everybody tells us that God's power resides in our body, but nobody never showed or made us feel that energy. you want to feel that power of God right now in next 2-3 minutes?" - Shilpa Agarwal, agarwal_shilps@yahoo.co.in I tell friends about SY by saying that are you - Nisha Bahuguna, nisha108mataji@yahoo.co.in Do my this is very simple meditation method, which brings balance in you. Usually everyone agrees that state of our mood (mind) is like a pendulum, sometimes excited and sometimes depressed. So on these lines I tell them about the channels and how do they work, and how we can keep ourselves balanced by clearing the channels. The other point is about thinking process which is continuously going on for many of them; sensible people understand that continuous thinking is not okay, so I tell them about state of meditation and thoughtless awareness. Virendra Summanwar, virendransys@yahoo.com 14 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-17.txt Sahaja yoga is a process of knowing and improving oneself. It gives immense peace from within. Everything is taken care by the almighty. Meditation is a process of NEWS& ACTIVITIES "Kundalini awakening is the only way you are going to know your spirit. This is the most important happening in the history of creation. This gives me an immense pleasure to share improving oneself... with you all that our collective from Kanpur om - Geddam Srilaks hmi, geddam.srilakshmi@india.birlasoft.c In these modern times, our (U.P.) was blessed and bestowed with daily life is often filled with to organize a Sahaja Yoga dissatisf action. Any exhibition camp in a trade fair (Swadeshi Mela). It was a miraculous happening and during the last two decades is again Mother taught us that not able to solve these opportunity stress, tension, fear and Banglore Yuvashakti stupendous technological developments witnessed we are not the doers but problems. In this tumultuous time, slowly, the consciousness those instruments who put and human of Spirituality their desires on Lotus feet of awareness is emerging in the people. Spirituality means It was a single non- knowing one's own spirit that commercialised stall and solves all the problems whatsoever. Sahaja yoga has helped me in realizing this and I am sure even you can on their faces compelled us experience this by practicing to think that whole world is Sahaja Yoga regularly. It is very Mother. "Your Beautiful being, which is enlightened by everyone was just sliding to visit this stall and curiosity the Spirit will prove to the world that Sahaja Yoga is the Truth" waiting for us to tell about divine yoga. common now days that everyone says "I want peace". The answer is in the question M. Ravindra It was like a seminar itself, Removing I (EGO) and for us from 29th Jan to 3rd Feb. Some Muslims seekers also felt Rooh on their palmns want (DESIRE) from this phrase gives peace. The same holds good in reality, we are not having peace because our and invited us to take a We are one personality and these are all the hands of one programme for their attention is loaded with lot of desires and ego. Desires come from the left channel and EGO comes from the right channel, Sahaja yoga is a form of meditation that balances our community. A public programme was also done in the fair on personality, one God" 2nd Feb. and more than 3000 seekers took their right and left channels, thereby achieving balance and peace Mumbai Yuvashakti realization. through one's attention getting cleared from desire and EGO. - Kanpur Yuvashakti -G. Ravi, G.Ravi@delphi.com 15 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-18.txt Yuvashakti : An Insight GHAZIABAD YUVASHAKTI Ghaziabad is situated in National Capital Region and is on the outskirts of Delhi. Further I would like to give you a brief overview of Sahaja Yoga in Ghaziabad. Ghaziabad Center was established on 15th August 1987 by the blessings of Her Holiness Shri Mataji. It has grown from a center in small room to an Ashram, which has been named as SAHAJA YOGA MANDIR by our Holy Mother. There are about 9 sub centers in Ghaziabad. Yuva Shakti is involved in almost all the activities at Ghaziabad center from regular arrangements of weekly meditation to arrangements at seminars and public programmes. e During the past year Yuva Shakti has been involved in conducting the following programs. Cultural program on the occasion of Republic day which was almost of about three hours and the main attraction being play called "Surrender by angulimar to lord Buddha". A Yuva Shakti seminar was conducted on Id, in which almost all the topics were covered from studies to marriage and main speakers were Sh. R.D. Bhardwaj (center leader) and Dr. Lal. * Yuva Shakti also celebrated Independence Day though drenched by rain. Yuva Shakti was actively involved in organizing seminar at Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad that was attended almost by around 2500 Sahaja yogi on 2nd October 2003. We have been actively attending workshops and seminars, which includes workshop at Delhi center and Yuva Shakti seminar at Chandigarh. In the month of December 2003 a program has been conducted for almost 70 students of B. Ed at Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad followed by a realization program at institute conducting classes for English, German and personality development. Yuva Shakti at Ghaziabad has also played a very active role in construction of Sahaja yoga Mandir Ghaziabad. In the current year special emphasis has been laid for development of Yuva Shakti as a whole. We are organising Yuva Shakti meetings frequently and are in contact with each other. Public programme have been conducted in the villages namely Shahpur & Morta and we are looking for a spiritually fulfilling year. GUJARAT YUVA SHAKTI * By the divine blessings of Shri Mataji, on 13th & 14th of December 03 a Gujarat Yuva Shakti seminar war arranged at Baroda through the collective efforts of all Yuva Shakti brothers & sisters. Yuva from the various parts of the Gujarat participated in the seminar. Various aspects of Yuva Shakti e.g Yuva Shakti importance in Sahaja, why, how & when it formed, about Shri Mataji, Yuva Shakti & Sahaja culture, Meditation, Treatments were discussed followed by Vande Matram, Sahaja music etc. Whole seminar was organized & arranged in unbelievable way & within short span of time..really Divine management is beyond the all managerial concepts of human. One more Yuva Shakti seminar was conducted at PALANPUR on 17-18 Jan. 2004. In the month of February Ahmedabad Yuva Shakti performed the postering within the different areas of city, near center as a part of Sahaja Yoga public programmes. Now same will be repeated periodically within the year. We also had one public programme at ISRO-Ahmedabad which was also the success of Yuvas' positive & Sahaja effort. 16 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-19.txt Know the names of 11 Ekadasha Rudra, the 11 destructive powers of Shiva by filling up the spaces in the 32 coils. The following clues will make it easier for you. 6. 10 Ganapatipule is a very important place where He becomes 1. ***********, and where he is surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle... the sea, the Ocean, the Indian Ocean. He is 9. the one who is our 11 Guru, our Spirit. His Shakti has Her reflection in us Kundalini. Together they are as ****** is the mantra for back 2. ****** known as 8. ********** Agnya... as is also MahaGanesha. 9. ********, brother of Ganapati, also MahaBrahmadeva and MahaSaraswati, incarnated as Gyaneshwara. He has peacock as his Vahana. known as collective Brahmadeva. 3.************is the causal of Brahmadeva... first the causal is created, then the Deity. 4. ****** who together with 5. ******** were the Disciple principles, born also to Goddess Sita as Luv and Kush and later as Adi 10. *********** provides us necessary guidance in our futuristic planning or in our mental activities. And who runs all the way from Swadisthan to our brain. 11. ********************** who together Shankaracharya and Kabira, and also to Fatimahbi as Hassan and Hussein. took incarnation as Hazrat Ali and Fatimahbi. ***** also known as MahaVishnu and 6. who is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. 7. ***********, deity and His Shakti who takes incarnation again and again in the path of ascent. 11. MAHABRAHMADEVSARASWATI 9. KARTIKEYA 10. MAHAHANUMAN 6. JESUS 7. LAXMINARAYANA 8. SHIVSHAKTI 3. HIRENYAGARBHA 4. BUDDHA 5. MAHAVIRA I. MAHAGANESHA 2 MAHABHAIRAVA. 17 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-20.txt ZARTHUSHTRA & ZORASHTRIAN RELIGION Zarthushtra is one of the earliest prophets in the recorded history of mankind and his teachings and revelations are being practiced today in the form of a religion known as "Zorashtrianism" or "Zoroastrianism". He incarnated in Persia and there is a controversy regarding the date of his incarnation. The dates defer and are putis anywhere between 3000 B.C. to 8000 B.C. Shri Mataji told me that Shri Zarthushtra (who is one of the Adi Gurus stationed on our left void) incarnated not once, but several times in Persia and hence the confusion about the dates of his incarnation. He was a seeker since birth, born to Pourushasp and Dogdo of Spitmaan clan, who practiced the ancient Mazdayasani faith. He retreated to the mountains early in life to find answers to several spiritual issues and it is said that the Lord "Ahura Mazda" Himself revealed to him the truths, which he later taught among the people who accepted his teachings. "The Gathas", five in number are the celestial songs intact in the words of Zarthushtra himself, and they form the core of the religion. They arecomposed in "Avesta" language which is extinct today and is a sister language of Sanskrit. The basic tenets of the religion in a nutshell are "Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds" and the pursuit of righteousness (the path of Asha) for the sake of righteousness itself in every walk of life is the main aim and purpose of life. It is mandatory to regulate one's life by the highest standard of uprightness, truth and purity. Zarthushtra taught that spiritual life and material or worldly life are two aspects of the same basic truth, corresponding to man's higher and lower natures. Life is not a struggle but an opportunity to overcome the base within us and slowly reach out and establish one's higher nature. His viewpoint differs thus from religious teachingsreligious teachings of many other religions, in being optimistic , rather than taking a pessimistic view as to why human beings have to suffer. For his explanation regarding the presence of evil, Zarthushtra showed it with the help of a lantern at the court of King Vistasp, by pointing to the shadow cast by the lamp. According to him, evil (or negativity or demon or devil whatever one wants to call it) does not have a separate identity, but it exists wherever there is no light, the absence of it, is what it is. Hence, one should wage ceaseless war against the Satan and all evil temptations and after surmounting all handicaps get empowered and strengthened when victory is attained over our weakneses. At all times, one must have unquestioning faith in the Divine Justice, so that in weal and woe, one has absolute trust in the Divine Plan which knows what is good for us. There is to be neither doubt nor grievance against God's governance, but humbly submit to His will and honour His orders. This is a very remarkable teaching in the fact that it explains in a new way, the presence of contradictions that we encounter within ourselves and in the universe around us. Till today, they continue to baffle human beings and Zarthushtra's teachings so early in the history of man's consciousness, are truly remarkable. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains the same thing in Her talks when She talks about the negațivity which we experience, as we get cut off from reality - the truth, when we get caught between the folds of a cloth or sari and experience the contradictions. Zarthushtra's religion is very forward thinking and does not ask its followers to get caught in a guilt trap or to give up living in life or torture the body for attaining the truth and higher life. If a man does wrong and realizes it, he can simply repent from his heart and get on his life. Zarthushtrian religion, not being an 18 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-21.txt organized religion like Hinduism, gives ample freedom to an individual to understand and live his life according to its principles. Man is not a helpless being, tossed around by circumstances beyond his control, but he gets a chance to realize and learn from his past mistakes, grow in understanding and slowly become worthy of lending a helping hand in the plan of God. We see actualization of this in Sahaja Yoga today. However, today we find that just like any other religion, in the practice of Zarthshtrian religion also, much needs to be desired. The "Parsis" are a set of people from "Pars" district in Persia (now Iran), who came to India sometime about 1400 years ago, seeking shelter in Gujarat on the west coat of India, in the kingdom of King Jadav Rana. In order to preserve their religion from Arab invaders, they decided to sail out from their homeland. It is this single most majority group who made India their home and now reside mainly in Mumbai, which they helped to build up. More recently, a lot of them have emigrated to the West, mainly in U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Australia and New Zealand and it is jokingly said that there is hardly a place on earth, where you won't find a stray Parsi. This is a tribute to their adaptability, hard working and honest nature and a gift of assimilation, which makes them equally at ease with all and be acceptable by them in return. It is to be understood that "Zorashtrianism" is a religion and "Parsi" is a race and today, most of the Parsis are Zorashtrians. However, you also find Zorashtrians in present day Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kurdistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Achaemenia. Except "The Gathas" in Avesta language, which are direct expressions from the Prophet himself, most of our scriptures are mainly in Pahlavi and Pazand languages, which are also not spoken today. These are later-day additions. Besides, many of our scriptures are lost to posterity, when Emperor Alexander burnt down libraries housing them, during one of his conquests. The deeper core of teachings of any religion are is couched in metaphors and allegories and this is the reason, why most of it is open to wrong interpretations and controversies. Since none of the languages in which the Zorashtrian Scriptures are written are languages in use today, the problem is further compounded. The priests, who are supposed to interpret teachings to people are thus themselves at a losslost, going more by the letter meaning of the words rather than by its spirit, and hence try to make up for it by their adamancy and strong-arm tactics. In all thisthese, the main purpose of any religion is lost and that is to keep the human- being on the right path, ultimately leading to self-realization or enlightenment, is lost. Religion becomes something very small and rituals, customs and traditions take the place of something much loftier, which is neither understood norrealized. Many people have a false notion that "Parsis"are fire-worshippers, as their temples are called fire-temples. It is true that the fire is kept burning day and night in a receptacle in the innermost sanctum, but this is simply symbolic to remind them constantly of a spiritual fire burning within. My single-most argument is that no religion is made by God, but that it is a man-made thing, created to encompass the truths and teachings, made at a certain point of time in history, suitable to the time and circumstances, which are revealed directly by an incarnation or through a prophet. When I say, I am a 19 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-22.txt Zorashtrian, or a Hindu or a Muslim or a Sikh; it simply means that I am bon in a family which professes to follow that particular religion. However, experience often shows that those practicing a certain religion hardly know much about it, or at best know these only superficially. The only point on which all adherents seem to agree is that "My religion is the best, although I respect all religions"! Hence, the jig-saw puzzle remains very much incomplete, due to a limited lop-sided view. Like most other religions, the Zorashtrian religion also points to a day of judgment known as "Fresho Kareti" (Farsho- Karaiti), when absolute truth will be revealed and everyone will get their due according to their past and present deeds. We Sahaja Yogis know that this time is already upon us now and we as human-beings are all one belonging to the same collective and that the vibrations give us an access to the absolute truth Today, Collective Consciousness is the true religion --or spiritualism, as some prefer to call it. This is true religion from within, not something which is forced from outside. Sahaja Yoga is the culmination, actualizing the promise made by all the religions, interpreting the spirit behind each of them and integrating them into al unified whole. Mazdayasani faith: it's the ancient religion that was followed when Zarthushtra borned. Ahura Mazda : Ahura is Shri Sadashiwa & Mazda is the Shakti, the feminine part.. Gathas: These are the songs / poetry that Zarathustra wrote. We can take them just like the poetry that Sant Tukaram wrote which are called Tukaram's Gatha. YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yahoo.com SUBSCRIPTION FORM Reg. No. (FOR YUVADRISHTI USE) (PLEASE FILL IN CAPITALS) Name (IN BLOCKS) Address PIN City State Phone Email Dt. Cash/DD No. Drawn on Of Rs. DD should be sent in the favour of "Yuvadrishti' payable at Pune. Address for correspondence: Yuvadrishti, C/o Sahaja Yoga Kendra Plot No. 79, Survey No.98, Bhusari Colony, Kothrud, Pune-38, Maharashtra, Phone : 020-5286105 Signature 20 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-23.txt दन्दिता चिश्व वन्छिता विश्व वन्दिता....निर्मला माता, Oh Mother Nirmala, You are the one whom the whole world offers prayers सर्वपूजिता.....निर्मला माता Oh Mother Nirmala, You are the one who is worshipped everywhere ब्रह्म स्वरूपिणी, योग निरुपिणी, The one who is in the form of Brahma, the giver of Yoga शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः Giver of auspiciousness, benevolence and boons, we bow to you विश्व वन्दिता....निर्मला माता, सर्वपूजिता.....निर्मला माता जगत जननी निर्मला, Mother of the whole world, giver of birth to everybody, मूल प्रकृति अखिलेश्वर की, You are behind the whole Nature created by God नित्या सत्या सनातना You are all the time everywhere everfresh, You are the truth पराशक्ति परमेश्चर की, You are from the beginning to the end, the power of god almighty. विश्वधारिणी, मंगल कारिणी, You are the one who gives support to the whole world and takes care of the benevolence of Her devotees शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः विश्व वन्दिता.... सहजयोगिनी निर्मला, Oh Mother Nirmala, giver of Sahaja Yoga निराश्रया सर्वेश्वरी, The one who gives refuge to everybody and the Goddess of all प्रेम मूर्ति भक्त वत्सला The one who is in the form of love, affectionate and loving to Her devotees स्नेहमयी मातेश्वरी, Our loving Mother, भक्ति प्रदायनी, मुक्ति प्रदायनी, You are the giver of bhakti (devotion), You are the giver of salvation शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः विश्व वन्दिता.... प्रगट सगुणा निर्गुणा You are in the form of Sagun (with all the gunas), You are in the form of Nirguna (Beyond gunas) रिद्धि सिद्धि की दात्री हैं, You are the giver of right rituals and siddhis (powers) सीम्या सरला महामना You are soft, simple, natural always in balance and You are Mahamaya (the Supreme Illusion) पातांजलि गुण पात्री है, You are the One described in Patanjali (Yoga) घट घट वासिनी, आत्मविकासिनी, Living in every particle, nourishing our Atma and Kundalini शुभदाम् वरदाम् नमो नमः 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_I.pdf-page-24.txt LKATA