YUVADRISHTI Volime 5 Issde 3 Septemier 2004 Index मूलाधार CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ.. .... 5 Beyond... . 10 o 000 000 The Lord of the Rings . 16 0.0.0 Designed by Cover page: Nitya Sapte Back cover: Pallavi Nene Index : Nisha Bahuguna सूक्ष्म शटीर में स्थान सिर में स्थान हाथों में स्थान भी ल पा पैरों में स्थान ॐ अबोधिता Tध मूलाघांर अनुदपता : श्री गणेश : पेलविक प्लेक्सेस, प्रोस्ट्रेट ग्रंथि : विसर्जन, कामुकता अवोधिता, बुध्दि, पवित्रता, शाश्वत बाल्यावस्था देवताः स्थूल प्रकटन ( भौतिक) प्रादु्भाव (कार्य) गुण पंखुडियोंकी संख्या ४ मंगलवार लाल (मूंगे जैसा) मुंगल पृथ्वीतत्व / कार्बन मूगा हथेली की एडी घड़ी की दिशाकार स्वस्तिक सयुक्त दिन. संयुक्त रंग संयुक्त ग्रह मूलाधार चक्र सयुकत तत्व संयुक्त नग हथेली पर जगह संयुक्त चिन्ह रीढ़ की हड्डी में अभिव्यक्ति क करु परिचय ः : उत्पत्ति के शुरूआत में, प्रथम अमीबा कोष जीव की उत्पत्ति हुई । इसके बाद वे ज्यादा से ज्यादा जटिल-करोणों कोष जीव और अंत में मानव की उत्पत्ति हुई। मूलाधार चक्र पृथ्वी तत्व से बना है और जीव की उत्पत्ति को दर्शाता है । जब इसे जागृत करके पोषित किया जाता है तो पृथ्वी तत्व की संयुक्ति से मनुष्य के अन्दर एक चुंबकीय शक्ति का प्रादुर्भाव होता है, उदाहरणार्थ, एक व्यक्ति जिसका मूलाधार चक्र बहुत शक्तिशाली होता है उसे बहुत अच्छा दिशा ज्ञान होता है । यह चक्र सूक्ष्म तंत्र का मूल अर्थात आधार है और सूक्ष्म शरीर के तह पर कुंडलिनी निवास के नीचे स्थित है । संस्कृत में ' मूल ' का अर्थ है जड़ (जो कि कुंडलिनी है) और ' आधार' का अर्थ है सहारा" अतः मूलाधार का अर्थ है "कुंडलिनी का सहारा. गुणः इस चक्र का मूलभूत गुण है अबोधिता जो कि हर धार्मिक (उचित) पात्र का आधार बनाता है । यह गुण है जो शिशुओं तथा छोटे बच्चों में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से दिखता है । यह व्यक्तिगत लाभ की इच्छा विहीनता के कार्य को दर्शाता है । अबोधिता बच्चों के अंतरिक (जन्मान्कित) बुध्दि से पूर्णित होता है । एक शिशु अपने अन्तर्जात प्रवृति से प्रकृतिके मूल भाव को जानता है - चिल्लाकर अपने तकलीफ को दर्शाता है तथा खाना (ढूध) पाने के लिए चूसता है । यह मूल बुध्दि अगर अबोधित रहने दी जाय तो युवा में एक संतुलित प्रधानताओं के समूह के रूप मे विकसित होगी। ढुर्भाग्यवश मनुष्य समाज का प्रभाव अक्सर इस अबोधिता को ढूषित कर देता है और इसके साथ साथ विवेक बुध्दि भी इसी के साथ कुंठित हो जाती है । अपने ध्यानधारणा के द्वारा मूलाधार के गुणों को जागृत कर हम पुनः अवोधित आत्मा बनना सीखते हैं जिससे हम अपने कार्य कलापों में निमित्त मात्र बने तथा जीवन में सही निर्णय लें । बम मनुष्य जब जब विचारों में डूबा जाता है; पैसे किसमें लगाऊ, चलाकी, जब अपना चित्त बाहयरूप पर जाता है तो यह शक्ति घटती जाती है। Income घटता जाता है। पहले लडकियाँ कभी भी जीचे देख कर चलती थी मगर अब वह भी पुरूषो की तरह सभी पुरूषो को देखती है । जितने आप बोलते है और देखते है उतना चित्त आपका बाहर जाएगा। इसका संबंध अपने मूलाधार चक्र से है । इससे अलग अलग विचित्र बिमारियां होती है। अपना चित्त भी स्थिर नही रहता। गणेशतत्व के खराब होने से सारा मनुष्य का अस्तित्व ही खराब हो जाता हैं । इसपे चंद्रमा का वास है । और इससे आदमी पागल हो जाता है। अपना चित्त अपने काबू में नहीं रहता और कोई भी भ्रूत बाधा अपने उपर पकड़ लेता है । परमात्मा का उस व्यक्ति पर ध्यान नहीं रहता जिस का औरत पर बुरी नजर होती है।" पौराणिक कथाः मूलाधार चक्र के अधिकृत देवता श्री गणेश हैं जिनका सिर हाथी का है । वह अबोधिता की मूर्ति हैं और अपनी माँ कुंडलिनी (गौरी) और उनके यंत्र की बहुत ही तन्मयता तथा उत्साह से रक्षा करते हैं । यह श्री गणेश ही है जो कुंडलिनी को सूचित करते है कि अब जागरण का समय आ गया है और जब कोई अनाधिकृत व्यक्ति जागरण करने की कोशिश करता है तो उनका गुस्सा । कुंडलिनी जागरण तथा आत्मासाक्षात की प्रगति में आने वाली सभी बाधाओं को वह दूर करते है, अतःविघ्न विनाशक के रूप में उनकी पूजा होती है । श्री गणेश की बुदध्दिमता हमारे हढय की बुध्दि अर्थात हमारे हृदय मे विचार या कार्य करनी की वास्तविक इच्छा को परखने की है । अक्सर बच्चो में भी प्रत्यक्ष बात के बजाय उनके सूक्ष्म भाव को जानने की स्वाभाविक क्षमता होती है । श्री गणेश चिरदैवी बालक भी है इसलिए क्रीडा और आनन्द प्रसन्न करते हैं। वह उत्साह, प्यार से बहुत आनन्दित होते हैं। सेम्परथटिक नाडी-मंडल मे गर्मी पैदा करता है। | Mount Uluru, Australia ै- अब Unimited में जब तक आप नहीं जायेंगे, कि जब तक आप असीम में नहीं उतरेंगें, आप इस चीज का जबाब नहीं दे सकते हैं कि मां आप सच कह रही हो या झूठ कह रही हो । अब मैं आप से एक-दो सवाल पूछु कि ये बताइये कि पक्षी आते हैं, साईबेरिया से आते हैं, हमारे यहां मध्य-प्रदेश में जगदलपूर में आप पाइयेगा साईबेरिया के पक्षी, सीधे । और हर बार वही पक्षी वहां चले आते हैं। वो कैसे आते हैं ? इसका जबाब दे सकते हैं ? उनके अन्दर कौन सी शक्ति है जिसकी वजह से वो बराबर साइवेरिया से उडकर वहां चले आते हैं ? वही गणेश शक्ति । और वही गणेश शक्ति पृथ्वी के अन्दर गुरूत्वाकर्षण शक्ति है जिसे कि आप कहते है Gravity और जो इन्सान के अन्दर Gravity है, जब वह छाराब हो जाती है, उसका वजन जब खराब हो जाता है, उसकी जब Gravity खराब हो जाती है, जब उसका Self-esteem (आत्म-सम्मान) जब वो Frivolous (कमजोर) हो जाता है, जब उस की आँखें इधर-उधर दौडने लग जाती है, उसका मन खराब हो जाता है और उसका चित्त बिखर जाता है तब उसकी Gravity खत्म हो जाती है । जब वह Gravity खत्म हो जाती है तो क्या हो जाता है ? आपका गणेश चक्र पकड़ जाता है । और जब ये गणेशचक्र पकड़ जाता है तो आपका Innocence जो है, वो खत्म हो जाता है | आप चालाक हो जाते हैं। अब, चालाकी से बढकर महाबेवकूफी संसार में कोई नहीं है । महाबेवकूफ होता है, वही चालाकी करता है और अकलमन्द जो होते हैं कभी नहीं । क्योंकि चालाकी से आप पा भी क्या सकते हैं? चालाकी से आप आपने Innocence को तो पा नहीं सकते जो आपकी गणेश शक्ति जो आपके अन्दर Present है, बसी है। इस गणेश शक्ति से ही आप पैदा हुए है ।" स्थूल भौतिक रूपः मूलाधार चक्र हमारे प्रजनन तथा विसर्जन अंगों को नियंत्रित करता है अतः मनुष्य की कामौर्य क्रियाओं से सीधे संबंधित है । पूर्व समय में कामुक क्रियायों द्वारा कुंडलिनी जागरण के प्रयत्न किये गये है (तांत्रिकों की कामुक पध्दतियाँ जैसे जादूटोना आदि) । वास्तव में ये बहुत खतरनाक है और मूलाधार चक्र को बहुत नुकसान पहुँचा सकती हैं । मनुष्या के वैवाहिक जीवन के परिधि के अन्दर यौन संबंध, प्यार प्रकट करने का सबसे उत्कृष्ट भौतिक कार्यशैली है । इसी के द्वारा जन्म तथा सृष्टि का चलन होता है, परंतु अपने जीवन में कामुकता को महत्व देने से संतुलन बिगड़ जाता है। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद हम अपने तथा ढूसरों के यौनशुध्दता के आदर तथा सम्मान का विकास करना सीखते हैं । हमारी अपनी गरिमा तथा शक्ति के विकास के लिए इस तरह के उचित व्योहार की चेतना होना जरूरी है । यह हमारे मानवता, शाश्वत अबोधिता के नीव का पत्थरहै । मूलाधार चक्र काशुध्दीकरणः कमजोर मूलाधार चक्र के अनेक लक्षण हैं - दिशा के ज्ञान का अभाव, कमजोर स्मृति, संतुलन (गरिमा) की चेतना का अभाव, कुछअसाध्य बिमारियाँ या मासिक समस्यायें । तत्वो (पंचमहाभूतों ) का प्रयोग: १. जितना अधिक संभव हो जमीन पर बैठें २.श्रीमाता जी के फोटो (सामने जली हुई मोमबती हो ) की तरफ बाईं हथेली खोलके रखें और दाई हथेली जमीनपर रखें । ३.बांया मूलाधार स्वच्छ करने के लिए बांया हाथ चक्र पर (पेट,जांघ के जोड ) रखें और ढांया जमीन पर रखें । ४. गर्म गुनगुने तथा नमकीन पानी मे पॉँव डालकर ध्यान करने (पानी क्रिया) से इस चक्र की Ganesh Swayambhu, Delphi, Greece शुध्दि होती हैं । 80 3 08 प्रार्थना: हृढय से कहें - १. श्री.माता जी कृपया मुझे अबोध बनाइये । श्री.माता जी कृपया मेश मूलाधार चक्र स्वच्छ कर दे । २. श्री माता जी व्वारा दी गई सलाहे १ अपने चित को प्राकृतिक चीजों, जैसे पृथ्वी, घास, आसमान पर रखें न कि भौतिक चीजों पर जो कि चित्त को खराब करती है । बचें क्योकि यह चक्र को उग्रित करता है । लाल मांस ज्यादा सेवन २. अपने विपरीत लिंग वालों को भाई या बहनकी तरह देखें, न कि कामुक वस्तु के रूप में । अबोधिता के गुण पर ध्यान-धारणा करे जिससे इसका विकास हो । ३. ४. "Mahalakshmi, the power of Vishnu is an incarnation of the Lakshmi. When in human beings the desire to rise higher comes in, the Lakshmi principle becomes the Mahalakshmi principle. Lakshmi incarnated as Mahalakshmi for the first time when Shri Rama came on this earth. She incarnated as Radha, when Shri Krishna came and then as Mother Mary to bear Lord Jesus Christ who was a great power of Maha Vishnu. Mahalakshmi also incarnated relationship with Gurus. She was Raja Janaka's daughter, Janaki, which also means Sita. The daughter of Mohammed Sahib was also Her incarnation and also as the sister of Nanaka, Nanaki. as pure She is the power of our evolution. She guides our Vishnu- tattwa to its culmination, to its completion. Only through Her, the Sushumna is covered by Kundalini. Thus She is the giver of Dharma and truth. She exposes the knowledge as truth to us on our Central Nervous System. Platinum is the color of the Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi is also Annapurna, She supplies food to people. Thus we can say that Mahalakshmi is the grandest Gruhalakshmi." H.H. Shri Mataji, Mahalakshmi Puja, Munich 1983 80 4 08 CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ (1627-1680) appear in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Puranas. As Shivaji listened to these tales of A small boy is seated on the heroism and Dharmic deeds, he grew more and throne. In front more eager to be like Rama or Krishna, Bheema or Arjuna. He was further blessed in that he had for his teacher and guide such a great man as Dadaji Kondadev. He was also inspired by the memories of the glorious empire of the Vijayanagara Kings in Karnataka. of him, with hands bound is the village Patil (chief). He had dishonored a helpless widow; it was his duty to protect such persons. Indeed he was a wicked Patil. In his limitless pride he did not even think that a small boy would have the courage to hold an inquiry. Yet the young prince subjected this Patil, who proudly sported a thick moustache, to a proper judicial trial. It was clear that the Patil had done A FORTRESS OF FORTRESSES FOR THE GODDESS OF INDEPENDENCE Shivaji was born in the fort of Shivneri in 1630. At the young age of sixteen he captured the fort of wrong. Toranagadh. Torana! Shivaji ordered his soldiers In a stern and majestic tone the young prince to strengthen the fort, this first fort that was to announced the judgment: both the hands and the lead to independence. When the ground was feet of the Patil were to be cut off.All present were being dug in the fort, the diggers saw hidden stunned at the firm devotion of the prince to treasures. That was the first gift of the Goddess of justice. Not only were they wonder struck but Fortune to the Goddess of Independence. also pleased beyond measure. After Toranagadh, Shivaji and his fighters began to capture one fort after another. The news that Shivaji was capturing forts reached the Sultan of Bijapur. In order to crush Shivaji the Sultan hit Don't wish to know who this young prince was? He was none other than Shivaji. At the time of this incident he was just fourteen. His father Shahaji was also aware of the fearless nature of his son .Shahaji had to been fortunate enough to you upon a treacherous plan. He got Shahaji captured by deceitful means; then Shahaji was brought to be an independent ruler. He sent his son to Poona, blessing him that at least he might prison. A rumor spread that Shahaji would be become an independent ruler. the Sultan's presence and was thrown into tortured and executed. We may think, how did Shivaji acquire all these noble virtues, courage, heroism, love for the motherland and love of dharma? Even when he was a little child his mother Jijabai used to tell him stories of heroes, of saints and sages who This news was like a thunderbolt to Shivaji who was rejoicing in the birth of an era of independence. His mother Jijabai was heart- broken. On the heels of this news came two other he is released father my and I will willingly serve you. We are very eager". The Sultan of items of Bijapur came to know of this. He knew well that frightening news: one the Emperor of Delhi was waiting for an that Fateh Khan, the valiant Sardar of Bijapur, opportunity to attack him. So with all due honor was proceeding against Shivaji with a large he released Shahaji. With his valor and his army; another, that Farrad Khan and his army diplomacy, Shivaji thus overcame the first great were attacking Sambhaji, the elder brother of danger to freedom. Shivaji. It was clear the Sultan was posing Shivaji was twenty-eight. By then Kondana, threats only to ensure that Shivaji gave up Purandara, Kalyan, Raigadh and other forts fighting and surrendered to him. If he did not numbering forty were flying the flag of freedom. surrender, if he continued to fight, his father's life It was also at this time that on the west coast the would be in danger. Shivaji was worried, not English, the Portuguese and other foreigners had knowing what he should do. At this juncture his set foot. Shivaji was apprehensive that some day fourteen year old wife, Saibai, encouraged him to these foreign armies might occupy the whole fight. The soldiers of Shivaji fought against Fateh land. Intent on containing them he began Khan's men who attacked the fort. This was the building fortresses by the sea. He began to equip first test of the battle for independence. So valiant himself with warships and trained the navy. these were the men of Shivaji that Fateh Khan had to Shivaji was the first among those who in their retreat and run away. Elsewhere Sambhaji and farsighted vision saw the lurking dangers of his fighters broke the back of the attack of Farrad foreign domination, and acted to check such Khan's army. aggression. All this was victory. But how was Shivaji to save his father? He was deeply troubled by this thought. Suddenly, a plan occurred to him. His intellect was as sharp as his arms were supple. Shahajehan was the Emperor in Delhi at that time. So he wrote to the Emperor: "My father is kept captive by the Sultan of Bijapur. As soon as Shivaji used to offer his devotion to Goddess Bhavani. Every day after taking bath he used to offer his pujas to Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhavani and meditate for sometime. Even when Afzal Khan came to invade, Goddess Bhavani appeared in his dreams and told that he would be victorious. Shivaji then trickily called Afzal Khan to the fort and killed him. Shivaji's fame as the slayer of Afzal Khan spread everywhere in to our own country and abroad. In the same way, by using various tricks and his intelligence, Shivaji bow was able to defeat many strong and violent down to enemies like Siddhi Jauhar, Shaista Khan, Siddhi the Badshah? All were baffled. Many Masood, and many more. And soon Shivaji was thought that there lay behind this known as the 'Mountain rat' to his enemies. some secret plan. It is possible that This was the limit of Aurangzeb's patience and he Shivaji had planned to go to Delhi on the was in a great fit of rage. But he checked himself pretext of serving the Badshah as a from leading an army against Shivaji. He had dependent and then to put an end to the life of known well how sharp the tearing nails of this Aurangzeb in a direct encounter. This was 'mountain rat' were. So he thought of a plan. He perhaps a venture of greater heroism and sharper decided that he should send a Lion' to strategy than ever before in his life. Accordingly, overpower this lion. He chose for task the king. Shivaji proceeded to meet the Emperor, Raja Jayasimha. (Incidentally, 'Simha' means a lion.) Jayasimha was a great warrior and a hero. him. Shivaji reached Agra in order to meet He was also a clever general. What a shame that a Aurangzeb. The latter too was equally tactful. He man like him should be subservient to a foreigner never let Shivaji approach him. He bid him stay at who was ruling the land! Jayasimha proceeded south with his large army. He won over the disappointment to Shivaji's hopes. Aurangzeb Sultan of Bijapur to his side. The battle against also acted in a manner that insulted Shivaji. Shivaji began. All of a sudden Shivaji wrote a Aurangzeb did not keep the promise that he letter to Jayasimha informing him that he would Aurangzeb. His son Sambhaji also accompanied a distance in the court. This was a great would treat Shivaji with respect. Naturally Shivaji was greatly enraged. Ignoring Aurangazeb he left the court. agree to a friendly compromise. What was more, he met Jayasimha and told him that he would remain loyal to the Badshah at Delhi. Shivaji was now in great danger. For Aurangazeb was not such a fool as to let an enemy who had Shivaji was a lion that had grown up independently in the mountain ranges of Sahyadri. How then did he all of a sudden agree come within his reach escape easily. He ordered Shivaji to be imprisoned and to be executed also. In spite of the gravity of the situation Shivaji did next day Hiroji also ran in order to get some not lose heart. At these critical hours his intellect and his courage shone more brightly. Suddenly medicine for Shivaji. when the news of Shivaji's escape from Agra reached the ears of his enemies in the south, they begged of Aurangazeb that his Maratha soldiers might be allowed to return. Aurangazeb felt relieved 'and permitted them to go. Shivaji began distributing sweets to the Fakirs, mendicants and ascetics of the town hoping that his illness may be cured. He began sending gifts, also to the wealthy were all speechless and helpless. Shivaji had thrown dust into the eyes of the greatest schemer and politician, Aurangazeb, and had escaped from the latter's capital where all the twenty-four hours of the day sentries stood with drawn swords. The world had never before heard of in the town. Aurangazeb permitted all these. Even, such a very clever man as Aurangazeb had such daring and cleverness. Shivaji The Emperor The Protector Of The Land no doubts. No Vaidya or Hakim could improve Shivaji's 'condition'. The day of Shivaji's execution had been fixed. On the previous day Shivaji's 'illness' grew very serious, and he lost And Its Dharma Shivaji established an independent empire that was a source of inspiration to all the Hindus. Yet he had not been crowned in accordance with the 'consciousness'. As usual the baskets that would carry the sweets rites of the Shastras. Many, therefore, did not feel were brought in. Shivaji who was lying on his that he was truly the King. So a great pundit from 'sickbed' suddenly jumped into one of the Kashi came down south to remedy this baskets and so did his son Sambhaji. shortcoming in the life of Shivaji. This great Immediately servants put on the lids and carried pundit, Gagabhatta, crowned Shivaji King by the baskets away. name, in accordance with the rites of the Shastras. The sentries who had been examining the baskets This great event took place in 1674. Shivaji was were convinced by long custom that they then 44 years of age. The towering fort of Raigadh contained nothing but sweets. Even on that day became the capital. After touching his mother's the chief of the sentries, Polad Khan, examined a feet, obtaining her blessings, Shivaji sat on a few of the baskets. They contained merely golden throne in the fort. sweets. Luckily the Khan did not chance upon the Samarth Ramdas sang in praise of this great baskets in which Shivaji and Sambhaji were hidden. That was by the grace of Goddess and its Dharma Bhavani, coupled with the forgetfulness of the have be en Khan. He musthave meant 'Let him live' when he uplifted. A said, 'Let the baskets go'. event: "The land Kaushik Panchal Ratilal & Sons All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. kingdom of bliss has arisen." Inside the prison where Shivaji had been lying a little while before, a friend of Shivaji by name Shivaji did not Hiroji lay down. He put on the royal ring, which just content Shivaji had given him. He lay down, with his himself with hand, which showed this ring thrust out. The establishing an C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Road Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (O) 2748183. independent kingdom by defeating his enemies. He also undertook reforms to make his people happy and contented. To him the people were the gods and he would let no one harm them. His soldiers had Shivaji was very angry with people who were corrupt or who worked against their country. He hated those who betrayed the land. He would have punished even his own son if the son had turned against his country. Shivaji was an embodiment of justice. He never showed any to go far to defeat the enemies. To these soldiers he had laid down a firm rule "No harm should come to the people whom you meet on the way. special favours to his relatives. He always Their standing crops should not be touched." encouraged those who were virtuous and Shivaji would always meet out severe meritorious. This enabled those who were virtuous to progress and occupy high places. punishment to those who disobeyed his orders. He had all affection for the poor farmer of There was no scope for selfish contrivers in his kingdom. In this manner Shivaji revolutionized villages. They were all, at that time, groaning under injustice of wealthy Zamindars (landowners). Shivaji took over the lands of such Zamindars and distributed them among the tillers of the soil. every department of life. As we read this, should we feel that we too should follow the example of Shivaji? Why is this so? Because he was a realized soul. Shri Mataji has said that Shivaji had known what is called as Untouchability too was rampant, among the Hindus at that time. Society had branded some 'Swartha- the meaning of self or 'self realization'. Apart from this, Shivaji underwent all hardships for the sake of his country, for the sake of the amongst its own members untouchables and had kept them at a distance from the others. Shivaii loved them also. He invited them to join his army and promoted them, to high positions and offices in it. Shivaji set an example to all Hindus that they belonged to the same faith and should not hate Dharma. He had deep respect for all the women. This can be seen from an example: when soldiers of Shivaji brought the queen of some muslim king in front of Shivaji, he ordered them to release her. Shivaji said that if his mother would have been so beautiful as the queen then even he would have been so much beautiful. one another. Shivaji was also greatly interested in the education of the people. The Sanskrit language had lost its glorious position. Everywhere Persian was being held up to esteem. Shivaji saw to it that Sanskrit words were substituted for He never cared for his own life and quite often entered the very jaws of death. Till his last breath he lived for his country and for With Best Compliments from the Dharma of the Hindus. It is nearly 300 years since he died but Civil Engineer & Contractors Persian words. Sometimes, Hindus who had been forced to become Muslims wished to come back. But the M/s M. R. Construction Hindus refused to take back such converts. the memory of this great man Shivaji felt that this was not right. So he reconverted all those who wished to return to Prop. M.R. Patkar B.E. Civil the 1ights up torch of their old faith. He also cast aside the foolish belief that it was sinful to undertake a journey on the seas. He undertook expeditions on the sea and inspiration. established forts. Beyond.. On the 14th Sahasrara Day in 1983, in Her discourse before puja, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi enumerated fourteen chakras, namely the seven chakras (Mooladhara, Swadisthana, Nabhi, Heart, Vishuddhi, Agnya, Sahasrara) and three sub-chakras (Lalita, Sri, Hamsa) associated with the physical body; and the four chakras beyond the physical body, described in the following terms: "After coming to Sahaja Yoga and after your Sahasrara has opened, you have to pass through these four chakras: Ardha-Bindu, Bindu, Valaya and Pradakshina. After passing through these four chakras only, can you say that you have become a Sahaja Yogi." On the 9th Day of Navaratri 1988, in Pune, H.H.Shri Mataji commented: Within us, as you know, there are seven chakras for your ascent and two above it. So all these nine chakras are to be crossed in this life time. That should be your destiny. Many of us have experienced that enlightened awareness that is beyond the Sahasrara, often in India, particularly in Ganapatipule. But how to describe this state? The legendary Nath yogi, Matsyendranath (probably 11th century CE), in the third chapter of the Kaulajnananirnaya Tantra, puts it like this: Dearest, (in the pinda exist) the chakras of five lines, 16 lines, sixty four petals, the truly beautiful 100 petal (lotus)[Agnya?] and the beautiful thousand petal lotus [Sahasrara] and above this is a very brilliant 10,000,000 petal lotus. Above the 10 million petal lotus is a 30,000,000 petal lotus, each pericarp of which is similar to a flame. Above this is the all encompassing, eternal, undivided, independent, steady lotus pervading all, stainless. By its will (sveccha) it causes creation and dissolution. Both the animate and inaminate are dissolved in this linga. All these states, or samadhi, involve thoughtless awareness, and this was best described by Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) in answer to a question from a visiting swami: Holding on to Reality is samadhi. Holding on to samadhi with effort is savikalpa samadhi. 1. 2. 80 10 8 Merging in Reality and remaining unaware of the world is nirvikalpa samadhi. Merging in ignorance and remaining unaware of the world is sleep. Remaining in the primal, pure, natural state without effort is sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi. 4. On another occasion in reply to the question "What is samadhi?", Shri Ramana Maharshi stated: In yoga the term is used to indicate some kind of trance and there are various kinds of samadhi. But the samadhi I speak to you about is different. It is sahaja samadhi. In this state you remain calm and composed during activity. You realise that you are moved by the deeper self within and are unaffected by what you do or say or think.You have no worries, anxieties or cares, for you realise that there is nothing that belongs to you as ego and thateverything is being done by something with which you are in conscious union. Now this Sahaja samadhihas been known since ancient times. It is a state that transcends everything. The earliest description, and for this writer still the best, is by Saraha, a Buddhist monk of the 8th century CE who became a wandering yogi, and, some say, was the founder of the Sahajiya Buddhists: In Sahaja there is no duality; it is perfect like the sky. The intuition of this ultimate truth destroys all attachment and it shines through the darkness of attachment like a full moon in the night. Sahaja cannot be heard with the ears, neither can it be seen with the eyes; It is not affected by air nor burnt by fire; It is not wet in intense rain, it neither increases nor decreases, It neither exists nor does it die out with the decay of the body3; The Sahaja bliss is only oneness of emotions it is oneness in all. Our mind and the vital wind are unsteady like the horse%3; But in the Sahaja-nature both of them remain steady. When the mind thus ceases to function and all other ties are torn aside, All the differences in the nature of things vanish; and at that time there is neither the Brahman nor the Sudra. Sahaja cannot be realized in any of its particular aspects it is an intuition of the whole, the one underlying reality pervading and permeating all diversity. As the truth of the lotus can never be found either in the stalk or in the leaves, or in the petals or in the smell of the lotus, or in 8011 08 3. 5. the filament, - it lies rather in the totality of all these parts, so also Sahaja is the totality which can only be realized in a perfectly non-dual state of mind. From it originate all, in it all merge again, - but it itself is free from all existence and non-existence it never originates at all. So far our texts have come from the mystics and saints who took their birth in India, the Kundalini of the world. But others, elsewhere on the globe, also experienced these samadhi states. The Spanish Christian mystic, Juan de la Cruz, (John of the Cross)(1542-1591), perhaps best known for his introspection technique known as 'the dark night of the soul', has left a description of his entry into nirvikalpa-samadhi: With this knowledge of not knowing, Will always go beyond all science knowing. I was so far beyond, I entered not knowing where. And I remained not knowing. Beyond all science knowing. So lost and absorbed, I lost all my senses I was of all sensing dispossessed3; And my spirit was filled With knowledge not knowing, Beyond all science knowing. I did not know where I entered, But when I saw myself there, Not knowing where I entered, Many things I suddenly learned3B -I will not say what these things were, For I remained not knowing, Beyond all science knowing. Whoever truly reaches there, To himself he is lost; All he knew before It was peace, it was love, It was the perfect knowledge, In deep loneliness I saw with wisdom3; It was a thing so secret I was left babbling and trembling, Beyond all science knowing. Now appears very base; But his knowledge grows, And he remains not knowing Beyond all science knowing. This knowing by not knowing, Is of such high power, That the arguments of the wise Are unable to grasp it; For their knowledge does not explain Not to know knowing, "We belong to this great religion of Truth. Now you have to be responsible for this Maha Yoga" - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Beyond all science knowing. And this exalted wisdom Mumbai Yuvashakti Is of such excellence, That no faculty of science Can hope to reach it; But he who learns to conquer himself "There should be, all the time, compelling desire that we have to find out methods by which we can spread Sahaja Yoga." - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Banglore Yuvashakti 8012 08 When we are in that thoughtless and doubtless state (nirvikalpa samadhi) brought about by our yoga, or union, with the all pervading, we are receptive to the divine blessings. This union has also been described by mystics outside of India. Here is a verse from the Dharmasunya, written in 1418 on the island of Java in what is now Indonesia: There is a river, ancient and remote, which penetrating through the mountain's centre, emerges at its summit; On that summit there is a pearl, glittering like crystal, its pureness constantly radiating forth, Within it is the nectar of immortality he who finds it is able to achieve the highest bliss of firm union, the recognition of concepts ceases and one experiences supreme pleasure, beyond the power of words to describe. This Divine blessing, known to yogis as the Paramchaitanya, has also been described in other cultures. The Persian Sufi, Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273): There is a Water that flows down from Heaven To cleanse the world of sin by grace Divine. At last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone, Dark with pollution not its own, it speeds Back to the Fountain of all purities; Whence, freshly bathed, earthward it sweeps again, Trailing a role of glory bright and pure. Consider also the following passage, from the Jewish mystical text, the Zohar (the founding text of the Kabbala, written in the 1280s in the northern Spanish town of Avila where Juan de la Cruz and his contemporary, Theresa (1515-1581), were later to live): There are seven lights, which split up into seven seas, and one sea contains them. This one sea is the supernal sea in which all the seven seas are contained. These seven lights enter the sea, and smite the sea on seven sides, and each side splits up into seven rivers, as it is written "and He will smite it into seven rivers" (Isaiah into 11:15) and each river splits up into seven streams, and each stream splits up seven roads, and each road splits up into seven paths, and all the waters of the sea enter them. The seven supernal lights enter the sea they are really six emerging from the uppermost one. As the sea receives them so it distributes its waters to all the seas, to all the rivers. In this passage "the one sea" (the Shekhina, the divine daughter) receives from "the topmost one", the Divine Mother (Binah) the Divine blessings which then flow on to the whole world. And so we return, as always, to our source, our sustenance, or as the Swiss spiritual alchemist, Paracelsus (1490-1541) described it: The primary matter of all things is the "great mystery" ... Like children are born to the mother, from the "great mystery" issues all things, with or without feelings, as well as the other things, all in the same manner. The "Great mystery" is the only mother of all mortal things. John Noyce, Australia Email: johnnoyceau@rediffmail.com 013 8 SAHAJA PROJECT The International Sahaja Yoga Book Project There is an opportunity to provide assistance for a major international Sahaja Project. Grégoire de Kalbermatten has had the brilliant idea ofus producing a series of some 12 books on Sahaja subjects by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, to be published in different languages around the world by professional publishing houses such as Penguin and on subjects such as: 1. An Introduction to Shri Mataji & Her Sahaja Yoga - DS/DL 2. Spontaneous Union: An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga 3. The Keeper of the Gate (innocence, wisdom, Shri Ganesha/Jesus) 4. How to Be your Own Guru (Adi Gurudattatreya) 5. The Cool Fire (Kundalini and Self-realization) 6. The Inner World (subtle system, and chakras) 7. The Praxis of Transformation (clearing techniques, balance, how to meditate) 8. The Enlightened Mind (talks on Buddhism, hamsa) 9. The Pantheon of Light (the Deities) 10. Fortune and Misfortune of Religions (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism) 11. The Day Book from Above (a random selection of quotations from Mother) These books will be complied from the vast body of talks that Shri Mataji has given us. Work is underway on the first title in the list, by David Spiro and Derek Lee. Grégoire has asked me to be the director of the project and Shri Mataji has personally and enthusiastically given her blessings. The first phase is to accurately transcribe as many of the talks as we can. There are already many transcriptions of talks circulating but nearly all of these have errors in them and we need to have perfect transcriptions for the compilers to use. To this end, we currently have some 25 teams of transcribers from all over the world working on the talks, and in 9 months have completed just over 100 talks. This phase of the project is being managed by Ken Williams from the UK as Managing Editor of this phase of the project and, if you volunteer he will write to you when he's able to recruit more people, which hopefully will be quite soon. He will COI SHRI NIRANANDA MARKETING ALL ITEMS OF NIRMAL INFOSYS AND VANADEVI HEALTH PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. DISTRIBUTER FOR DELHI STATE. Add.: Outram Lines, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110009. Ph-0-9212054040, 011-55152266, 27422120 Email: shriniranandamarketing@yahoo.co.in OPEN ALL 7 DAYS, CAN MEET AFTER APPOINTMENT. WRITE FOR FREE DETAILED CATALOGUE OF ITEMS. 8014 08 send a handbook to tell you the methodology and standards we are working to and it will be a big help that you have precious experience of transcribing talks from the 1980s. Currently we have over 50 yogis, working in pairs, from all over the world, and we are asking that each team completes, as a minimum, one talk "Angels, angels come down! the mother calls them to dawn The existence is flourishing with joy now there is no one to cry per month. We have a number of husband-and- wife teams, which works really well as they have There is an era of innocence access to the same talks by Mother. Each pair, bestowed the human race upon have registered a nickname for their team with Ken, and you might be thinking of your favorite. So that we don't have duplication of effort, the team registers talks with Ken who then registers the talks that are currently being worked on. The first stage has the talk being transcribed by one team member, then checked by the other, the second stage has another yogi, independently verify the work of the team, so to avoid errors, The whole world is drowned in love this compassion has finally done The nature plays bamboo flute in harmony with the blooming shoot The 'omkara' has finally reached each talk is therefore checked three times to ensure absolute accuracy. It would be really nice to have more people from Australia on the team, your particular experience will be invaluable. Please consider if you wish to help, you need to be a dedicated yogi, fluent in English and familiar with Sahaja Yoga terms, and who, above all, if you say they will do something, then to follow through to completion. We only ask each team that they transcribe one talk per month, so it is not a huge commitment of time and it is actually a wonderful job, and for the right people, a blessing rather than a chore. So if anyone from collective wishes to be involved, it would be a huge help, for the transcription phase, at the present rate of to the level of touching mother's feet This great day is dawn Angels, Angels Come Down The Mother calls them to dawn Angels, Angels Come Down" WITH ALL OUR LOVE, progress, will take some years and we want to shorten it as much as we can. Interested Yogis can The UK Yuvashakti contact at: Best Compliments Dr. Mitesh Gandhi, alanwherry@mac.com Alan Wherry BSC (Hons) MCOPTOM 0 15 08 The Lord of the Rings "One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." "The Lord of the Rings' is a fiction novel and now movie depicting the age- old battle between good and evil. It is one the most popularly read novels in the world. Some distinguish it for its adventurous spirit or perhaps some identity it to their inner conflicts of the higher and lower self. Whatever it may be, let us, as realized beings, take an in-depth journey of its spiritual whose Characters Frodo- Good He is the ring bearer it is to task aspects. destroy the ring before it Now the journey begins into the middle earth of JRR Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings. In times gone by, Sauron, the Lord of Mordor, (the bad gets into evil hands. guy) long ago created a magical ring to make him powerful beyond all Sam- Good belief. However, long ago it was stolen from him and passed through hands of various races such as elves, dwarves, hobbits and humans. Frodo's faithful servant who protects and obeys The ring, however, which could be best described as having its own evil intellect, moved itself from owner to owner through the years, corrupting each owner and making them fanatically obsessed with it. It is interesting to note that Tolkien started to write The Lord of the Rings during World War II where the rise of an evil dictator in Germany was spreading a dark cloud of his master and stays loyal till the end. Gandalf- Good The wise wizard who suppression over Europe similar to the cloud Sauron sets over Mordor. The story begins with Frodo being given a ring as a gift from his cousin which provides vital information about the can make him invisible when he wears it. ring and also in fighting One day an old wizard Gandalf tells Frodo of an evil being named Sauron who wants to capture the Ring for himself so that he gains more power in enforcing his evil plans. Frodo is also warned of the evil nature of the ring and that it should not be used. Soon Frodo is told to go to a place called Sauron- Bad. Rivendell where a Council would be held to determine the fate of the Ring. It is discovered that the only way to keep Sauron from recovering the Ring, the evil. He is the evil Lord of the dark land of Mordor who is to throw it into the volcano of Mount Doom at Mordor where it will be destroyed. So a company of people also known as 'The fellowship of the tries to obtain the ring in ring' is made to set out on the mission of destroying the evil ring by going to the dark land of Mordor to Mount Doom. Meanwhile the evil servants of order to make himself Sauron pursue Frodo and company for the ring. Most of the company falls more powerful and apart as many are overpowered by evil but Frodo and his faithful servant expand his evil kingdom Sam stay loyal to their mission despite all odds and move on. At last Frodo and Sam are reaching Mount Doom and The Dark Lord Sauron becomes aware of them, so he leaves his Dark Tower to come forth and destroy them and armies. 8016 8 lo but it is too late. The Ring is destroyed, and withoutit Sauron and all evil is destroyed by the sunlight! Thus good prevails over evil! Let us now witness situations relating these 'fictional' characters to factual. Temptation : In essence, the power of the Ring is the exact opposite of freedom. The Ring, with its allure, is very attractive and like many evil things it tempts man and possesses those who succumb to it. Thus instead of bringing freedom it brings slavery. In the same way temptation works in mans life. Drug addiction, smoking and gambling are some examples of extreme forms of addiction showing how evil prevails over man and how we can become slaves of our weaknesses. Laws of Nature : Tolkien also depicts how the evil lord Saruman, in order to gain domination destroys everything around him. He works against the created order by recklessly tearing up the environment. Tolkien was an environmentalist. Seeing the impact of the industrial revolution on modern society, he had disdain for anything that took us further from the natural world. The 'Shire' that Tolkien describes is home to some of his good characters thus he places them in an ideal environment that is peaceful, slow-paced and close to the earth. He saw the impending danger when we become disconnected from God's creation. Another depiction of going against the order of nature was how Saruman would mutilate and manipulate beings in such a manner that they become monsters called 'orcs' thus adding to his evil force. Tolkien shows that there are some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and that there is an order to creation. But today there are many situations where these boundaries are in fact crossed. One sees so many beings hiding their true identity beneath the artificial garb of materialism. Entrepreneurs feed our greed more and more distorting the true image of our spirit thus making us monsters who don't know where to stop once possessed by the temptation. Are we not then playing into the hands ofevil? "Live and let live?" The 'Lord of the Rings' presents a world where evil is very real and where compromise with it only leads to danger. It may be tempting today to seek comfort and to just be a good person but Tolkien doesn't leave us that option. In the Middle Earth of Tolkien one is either fighting for good or being influenced by evil. Tolkien was quite aware of evil and its power he started writing his fantasy on scraps of paper in foxholes in World Warl-and warns us of the danger of ignoring it. The famous English writer C.S. Lewis comments "There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan." In the Modern times externally we may have to fight terror, as Bush said, "You are either for us or against us". So can we really 'live and let live'? To let evil just live we allow ourselves to be ruled by its dominating character. We have to fight it whether outward or inward. Isn't that what we learn in meditation? To introspect; see where we are going wrong and CORRECT it thus not letting negativity live in us. We are lucky that we can fight evil at its roots and not give in to its temptations by the grace of the Divine, but there are mány who do not feel the evil claw gripping their being and suffocating their spirit every moment. It is our duty to mankind, to enforce the Divine will. And so it is said, "Thy will be done, on earth asit is in heaven". As one Sahaja yogi has putit very sweetly- "One Mantra to rule them all, One Mantra to find them, One Mantra to bring them all and in the Light to bind them." 2017 08 Sahaja Yoga in Corporations Experience at Synopsys Inc. As all of us know how important it is to spread the message of love of our Divine Mother in the corporate world. Thousands of people working in companies are in the search of truth. Initially we may feel it may be a little difficult to approach these companies to conduct Self Realization programmes3; but soon we start realizing the blessings of Shri Mataji on such occasions. One such event was held in Synopsys(I) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India. A stress management programme was conducted here on the 10th of September, 2004. Synopsys is one of the large Multi-national EDI (Electronic Data Integration) companies in the world. A Sahaja Yoga programme was conducted here as part of cultural activities. A brief presentation on "How Sahaja Yoga Helps To Relieve Stress" was presented followed by the actual experience of Self Realizationw. Many charts explaining research that proves the medical benefits of Sahaja Yoga were displayed at the venue. How to approach the corporates? The best way to approach corporates is through their Human Resources Department, and give a small presentation about the benefits of Sahaja Yoga. Go on to explain the discovery of Sahaja Yoga by Shri Mataji, aspects of the subtle system etc. If time permits, we can present the scientific research based on Sahaja Yoga. Also a letter can be served asking for convenient dates to conduct public program. Titles of such programmes can be "Stress Management through Sahaja Yoga" or "Stress Management through Meditation" or "Stress Management through Self Realizaion" etc. Most important thing is to have the confidence in the Divine power, which works out such events very spontaneously. For any such event, we need to put the desire to Shri Mataji and pray for the success and watch the whole event. Is Regular Meditation possible? Yes, it's possible to have the regular meditation in companies. We have experienced this in Synospys Inc., where we first had a Self Realization programme. We have proposed a regular meditation on every Wednesday on company premises. The management has accepted this proposal and every week, half a hour time period is set aside for meditation. For twenty minutes meditation is conducted and the remaining ten minutes are used to explain the chakras, treatments etc). Synopsys Inc. had accepted the meditation as a regular corporate activity. Initially we haven't distributed the photographs of Shri Mataji. We have continued conducting the meditation to instrumental music. During one of the meditation sessions, the Vega Machine video was shown. Watching this video, most of the employees realized the importance of meditating on Shri Mataji's photograph. All of them were then presented the Shri Mataji's photograph. By the grace of Shri Mataji, this meditation activity has continued for several weeks. It can be claimed as a successful attemp being actively appreciated by the employees. Let us all humbly pray to the Divine Mother to shower her blessings on spreading of Sahaja Yoga in the corporate world & to successfully deploy meditation in corporate environments as a part of regular activity. 801808 Hababurg Landa Knowledge & Fun Identify the Adi Gurus assiciatedwith these places Hungary "Rusan Lands spiry urder Mongolla 10 Noeh China Synia Masahotamia 4 Tibet (South China Egyp Lands Perskan Arabia Annam India 7 CHA A 8 E. Africa He is the Guru Principle. As Primordial Master Adi Guru Dattatrey has incarnated many times to guide mankind. Let us locate the places where he incarnated on this world map. 1. Athens, Greece ------ Socrates 2. Egypt 3. Arabia 4. Persia (Now Iran) 5. Mesopotamia 6. Punjab, India 7. Central India 8. Western India Answers (Confucius) Nath of Shirdi 9. Lao Tse 10. K'ung Fu Tzu 5. Abraham 6. Guru Nanak 7. Raja Janaka 8. Sai 2. Moses 3. Mohammad Sahab 4. Zarathushtra 9. LouYang, China 10. State of Lu, China 19 08 ATTENTION ||Jai Shri Mataji || Nothing can be alright unless and until you develop the subtleties of your attention; and they develop by receding your attention from all WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS that is gross. Recede your attention whenever it goes too much into a thought, like that 'Oh, forget it'. But into vibrations you pay full attention, seeing vibrations you pay full attention, seeing your own vibrations pay full attention, other things you need not worry they Malvika Agarwal Gurgaon ||Jai Shri Mataji|| will be all looked after. Your attention should be on me and you should make the following WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya "How fortunate we are to have been realised! We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak? Adi Shakti has given us the power to redeem the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it." (Old Marathi Letter 2) M. Ravindra Bangalore ||Jai Shri Mataji|| Compassion today is to transform human beings into Sahajis, into WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS good people. That is the love of Adi Shakti. Because those who are born have to die in any case. We should not be unkind, of course, but Noida Collectivity many people we are giving Realisation. our attention should be how YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yahoo.com Please fill in Capitals SUBSCRIPTION FORM Name Address City PIN COUNTRY State Phone E-mail Cheque/DD no. Dt. Drawn on Of Rs. Signature DD should be sent in the favour of' Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Address for correspondence: Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd., Bldg No. 8, Chandragupt Hsg. Soc. Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411029. Tel - 020 25286537 WNNN ---------------------- 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-0.txt YUVADRISHTI Volime 5 Issde 3 Septemier 2004 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-1.txt Index मूलाधार CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ.. .... 5 Beyond... . 10 o 000 000 The Lord of the Rings . 16 0.0.0 Designed by Cover page: Nitya Sapte Back cover: Pallavi Nene Index : Nisha Bahuguna 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-2.txt सूक्ष्म शटीर में स्थान सिर में स्थान हाथों में स्थान भी ल पा पैरों में स्थान ॐ अबोधिता Tध मूलाघांर अनुदपता : श्री गणेश : पेलविक प्लेक्सेस, प्रोस्ट्रेट ग्रंथि : विसर्जन, कामुकता अवोधिता, बुध्दि, पवित्रता, शाश्वत बाल्यावस्था देवताः स्थूल प्रकटन ( भौतिक) प्रादु्भाव (कार्य) गुण पंखुडियोंकी संख्या ४ मंगलवार लाल (मूंगे जैसा) मुंगल पृथ्वीतत्व / कार्बन मूगा हथेली की एडी घड़ी की दिशाकार स्वस्तिक सयुक्त दिन. संयुक्त रंग संयुक्त ग्रह मूलाधार चक्र सयुकत तत्व संयुक्त नग हथेली पर जगह संयुक्त चिन्ह रीढ़ की हड्डी में अभिव्यक्ति क करु 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-3.txt परिचय ः : उत्पत्ति के शुरूआत में, प्रथम अमीबा कोष जीव की उत्पत्ति हुई । इसके बाद वे ज्यादा से ज्यादा जटिल-करोणों कोष जीव और अंत में मानव की उत्पत्ति हुई। मूलाधार चक्र पृथ्वी तत्व से बना है और जीव की उत्पत्ति को दर्शाता है । जब इसे जागृत करके पोषित किया जाता है तो पृथ्वी तत्व की संयुक्ति से मनुष्य के अन्दर एक चुंबकीय शक्ति का प्रादुर्भाव होता है, उदाहरणार्थ, एक व्यक्ति जिसका मूलाधार चक्र बहुत शक्तिशाली होता है उसे बहुत अच्छा दिशा ज्ञान होता है । यह चक्र सूक्ष्म तंत्र का मूल अर्थात आधार है और सूक्ष्म शरीर के तह पर कुंडलिनी निवास के नीचे स्थित है । संस्कृत में ' मूल ' का अर्थ है जड़ (जो कि कुंडलिनी है) और ' आधार' का अर्थ है सहारा" अतः मूलाधार का अर्थ है "कुंडलिनी का सहारा. गुणः इस चक्र का मूलभूत गुण है अबोधिता जो कि हर धार्मिक (उचित) पात्र का आधार बनाता है । यह गुण है जो शिशुओं तथा छोटे बच्चों में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से दिखता है । यह व्यक्तिगत लाभ की इच्छा विहीनता के कार्य को दर्शाता है । अबोधिता बच्चों के अंतरिक (जन्मान्कित) बुध्दि से पूर्णित होता है । एक शिशु अपने अन्तर्जात प्रवृति से प्रकृतिके मूल भाव को जानता है - चिल्लाकर अपने तकलीफ को दर्शाता है तथा खाना (ढूध) पाने के लिए चूसता है । यह मूल बुध्दि अगर अबोधित रहने दी जाय तो युवा में एक संतुलित प्रधानताओं के समूह के रूप मे विकसित होगी। ढुर्भाग्यवश मनुष्य समाज का प्रभाव अक्सर इस अबोधिता को ढूषित कर देता है और इसके साथ साथ विवेक बुध्दि भी इसी के साथ कुंठित हो जाती है । अपने ध्यानधारणा के द्वारा मूलाधार के गुणों को जागृत कर हम पुनः अवोधित आत्मा बनना सीखते हैं जिससे हम अपने कार्य कलापों में निमित्त मात्र बने तथा जीवन में सही निर्णय लें । बम मनुष्य जब जब विचारों में डूबा जाता है; पैसे किसमें लगाऊ, चलाकी, जब अपना चित्त बाहयरूप पर जाता है तो यह शक्ति घटती जाती है। Income घटता जाता है। पहले लडकियाँ कभी भी जीचे देख कर चलती थी मगर अब वह भी पुरूषो की तरह सभी पुरूषो को देखती है । जितने आप बोलते है और देखते है उतना चित्त आपका बाहर जाएगा। इसका संबंध अपने मूलाधार चक्र से है । इससे अलग अलग विचित्र बिमारियां होती है। अपना चित्त भी स्थिर नही रहता। गणेशतत्व के खराब होने से सारा मनुष्य का अस्तित्व ही खराब हो जाता हैं । इसपे चंद्रमा का वास है । और इससे आदमी पागल हो जाता है। अपना चित्त अपने काबू में नहीं रहता और कोई भी भ्रूत बाधा अपने उपर पकड़ लेता है । परमात्मा का उस व्यक्ति पर ध्यान नहीं रहता जिस का औरत पर बुरी नजर होती है।" पौराणिक कथाः मूलाधार चक्र के अधिकृत देवता श्री गणेश हैं जिनका सिर हाथी का है । वह अबोधिता की मूर्ति हैं और अपनी माँ कुंडलिनी (गौरी) और उनके यंत्र की बहुत ही तन्मयता तथा उत्साह से रक्षा करते हैं । यह श्री गणेश ही है जो कुंडलिनी को सूचित करते है कि अब जागरण का समय आ गया है और जब कोई अनाधिकृत व्यक्ति जागरण करने की कोशिश करता है तो उनका गुस्सा । कुंडलिनी जागरण तथा आत्मासाक्षात की प्रगति में आने वाली सभी बाधाओं को वह दूर करते है, अतःविघ्न विनाशक के रूप में उनकी पूजा होती है । श्री गणेश की बुदध्दिमता हमारे हढय की बुध्दि अर्थात हमारे हृदय मे विचार या कार्य करनी की वास्तविक इच्छा को परखने की है । अक्सर बच्चो में भी प्रत्यक्ष बात के बजाय उनके सूक्ष्म भाव को जानने की स्वाभाविक क्षमता होती है । श्री गणेश चिरदैवी बालक भी है इसलिए क्रीडा और आनन्द प्रसन्न करते हैं। वह उत्साह, प्यार से बहुत आनन्दित होते हैं। सेम्परथटिक नाडी-मंडल मे गर्मी पैदा करता है। | Mount Uluru, Australia ै- 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-4.txt अब Unimited में जब तक आप नहीं जायेंगे, कि जब तक आप असीम में नहीं उतरेंगें, आप इस चीज का जबाब नहीं दे सकते हैं कि मां आप सच कह रही हो या झूठ कह रही हो । अब मैं आप से एक-दो सवाल पूछु कि ये बताइये कि पक्षी आते हैं, साईबेरिया से आते हैं, हमारे यहां मध्य-प्रदेश में जगदलपूर में आप पाइयेगा साईबेरिया के पक्षी, सीधे । और हर बार वही पक्षी वहां चले आते हैं। वो कैसे आते हैं ? इसका जबाब दे सकते हैं ? उनके अन्दर कौन सी शक्ति है जिसकी वजह से वो बराबर साइवेरिया से उडकर वहां चले आते हैं ? वही गणेश शक्ति । और वही गणेश शक्ति पृथ्वी के अन्दर गुरूत्वाकर्षण शक्ति है जिसे कि आप कहते है Gravity और जो इन्सान के अन्दर Gravity है, जब वह छाराब हो जाती है, उसका वजन जब खराब हो जाता है, उसकी जब Gravity खराब हो जाती है, जब उसका Self-esteem (आत्म-सम्मान) जब वो Frivolous (कमजोर) हो जाता है, जब उस की आँखें इधर-उधर दौडने लग जाती है, उसका मन खराब हो जाता है और उसका चित्त बिखर जाता है तब उसकी Gravity खत्म हो जाती है । जब वह Gravity खत्म हो जाती है तो क्या हो जाता है ? आपका गणेश चक्र पकड़ जाता है । और जब ये गणेशचक्र पकड़ जाता है तो आपका Innocence जो है, वो खत्म हो जाता है | आप चालाक हो जाते हैं। अब, चालाकी से बढकर महाबेवकूफी संसार में कोई नहीं है । महाबेवकूफ होता है, वही चालाकी करता है और अकलमन्द जो होते हैं कभी नहीं । क्योंकि चालाकी से आप पा भी क्या सकते हैं? चालाकी से आप आपने Innocence को तो पा नहीं सकते जो आपकी गणेश शक्ति जो आपके अन्दर Present है, बसी है। इस गणेश शक्ति से ही आप पैदा हुए है ।" स्थूल भौतिक रूपः मूलाधार चक्र हमारे प्रजनन तथा विसर्जन अंगों को नियंत्रित करता है अतः मनुष्य की कामौर्य क्रियाओं से सीधे संबंधित है । पूर्व समय में कामुक क्रियायों द्वारा कुंडलिनी जागरण के प्रयत्न किये गये है (तांत्रिकों की कामुक पध्दतियाँ जैसे जादूटोना आदि) । वास्तव में ये बहुत खतरनाक है और मूलाधार चक्र को बहुत नुकसान पहुँचा सकती हैं । मनुष्या के वैवाहिक जीवन के परिधि के अन्दर यौन संबंध, प्यार प्रकट करने का सबसे उत्कृष्ट भौतिक कार्यशैली है । इसी के द्वारा जन्म तथा सृष्टि का चलन होता है, परंतु अपने जीवन में कामुकता को महत्व देने से संतुलन बिगड़ जाता है। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद हम अपने तथा ढूसरों के यौनशुध्दता के आदर तथा सम्मान का विकास करना सीखते हैं । हमारी अपनी गरिमा तथा शक्ति के विकास के लिए इस तरह के उचित व्योहार की चेतना होना जरूरी है । यह हमारे मानवता, शाश्वत अबोधिता के नीव का पत्थरहै । मूलाधार चक्र काशुध्दीकरणः कमजोर मूलाधार चक्र के अनेक लक्षण हैं - दिशा के ज्ञान का अभाव, कमजोर स्मृति, संतुलन (गरिमा) की चेतना का अभाव, कुछअसाध्य बिमारियाँ या मासिक समस्यायें । तत्वो (पंचमहाभूतों ) का प्रयोग: १. जितना अधिक संभव हो जमीन पर बैठें २.श्रीमाता जी के फोटो (सामने जली हुई मोमबती हो ) की तरफ बाईं हथेली खोलके रखें और दाई हथेली जमीनपर रखें । ३.बांया मूलाधार स्वच्छ करने के लिए बांया हाथ चक्र पर (पेट,जांघ के जोड ) रखें और ढांया जमीन पर रखें । ४. गर्म गुनगुने तथा नमकीन पानी मे पॉँव डालकर ध्यान करने (पानी क्रिया) से इस चक्र की Ganesh Swayambhu, Delphi, Greece शुध्दि होती हैं । 80 3 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-5.txt प्रार्थना: हृढय से कहें - १. श्री.माता जी कृपया मुझे अबोध बनाइये । श्री.माता जी कृपया मेश मूलाधार चक्र स्वच्छ कर दे । २. श्री माता जी व्वारा दी गई सलाहे १ अपने चित को प्राकृतिक चीजों, जैसे पृथ्वी, घास, आसमान पर रखें न कि भौतिक चीजों पर जो कि चित्त को खराब करती है । बचें क्योकि यह चक्र को उग्रित करता है । लाल मांस ज्यादा सेवन २. अपने विपरीत लिंग वालों को भाई या बहनकी तरह देखें, न कि कामुक वस्तु के रूप में । अबोधिता के गुण पर ध्यान-धारणा करे जिससे इसका विकास हो । ३. ४. "Mahalakshmi, the power of Vishnu is an incarnation of the Lakshmi. When in human beings the desire to rise higher comes in, the Lakshmi principle becomes the Mahalakshmi principle. Lakshmi incarnated as Mahalakshmi for the first time when Shri Rama came on this earth. She incarnated as Radha, when Shri Krishna came and then as Mother Mary to bear Lord Jesus Christ who was a great power of Maha Vishnu. Mahalakshmi also incarnated relationship with Gurus. She was Raja Janaka's daughter, Janaki, which also means Sita. The daughter of Mohammed Sahib was also Her incarnation and also as the sister of Nanaka, Nanaki. as pure She is the power of our evolution. She guides our Vishnu- tattwa to its culmination, to its completion. Only through Her, the Sushumna is covered by Kundalini. Thus She is the giver of Dharma and truth. She exposes the knowledge as truth to us on our Central Nervous System. Platinum is the color of the Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi is also Annapurna, She supplies food to people. Thus we can say that Mahalakshmi is the grandest Gruhalakshmi." H.H. Shri Mataji, Mahalakshmi Puja, Munich 1983 80 4 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-6.txt CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ (1627-1680) appear in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Puranas. As Shivaji listened to these tales of A small boy is seated on the heroism and Dharmic deeds, he grew more and throne. In front more eager to be like Rama or Krishna, Bheema or Arjuna. He was further blessed in that he had for his teacher and guide such a great man as Dadaji Kondadev. He was also inspired by the memories of the glorious empire of the Vijayanagara Kings in Karnataka. of him, with hands bound is the village Patil (chief). He had dishonored a helpless widow; it was his duty to protect such persons. Indeed he was a wicked Patil. In his limitless pride he did not even think that a small boy would have the courage to hold an inquiry. Yet the young prince subjected this Patil, who proudly sported a thick moustache, to a proper judicial trial. It was clear that the Patil had done A FORTRESS OF FORTRESSES FOR THE GODDESS OF INDEPENDENCE Shivaji was born in the fort of Shivneri in 1630. At the young age of sixteen he captured the fort of wrong. Toranagadh. Torana! Shivaji ordered his soldiers In a stern and majestic tone the young prince to strengthen the fort, this first fort that was to announced the judgment: both the hands and the lead to independence. When the ground was feet of the Patil were to be cut off.All present were being dug in the fort, the diggers saw hidden stunned at the firm devotion of the prince to treasures. That was the first gift of the Goddess of justice. Not only were they wonder struck but Fortune to the Goddess of Independence. also pleased beyond measure. After Toranagadh, Shivaji and his fighters began to capture one fort after another. The news that Shivaji was capturing forts reached the Sultan of Bijapur. In order to crush Shivaji the Sultan hit Don't wish to know who this young prince was? He was none other than Shivaji. At the time of this incident he was just fourteen. His father Shahaji was also aware of the fearless nature of his son .Shahaji had to been fortunate enough to you upon a treacherous plan. He got Shahaji captured by deceitful means; then Shahaji was brought to be an independent ruler. He sent his son to Poona, blessing him that at least he might prison. A rumor spread that Shahaji would be become an independent ruler. the Sultan's presence and was thrown into tortured and executed. We may think, how did Shivaji acquire all these noble virtues, courage, heroism, love for the motherland and love of dharma? Even when he was a little child his mother Jijabai used to tell him stories of heroes, of saints and sages who This news was like a thunderbolt to Shivaji who was rejoicing in the birth of an era of independence. His mother Jijabai was heart- broken. On the heels of this news came two other 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-7.txt he is released father my and I will willingly serve you. We are very eager". The Sultan of items of Bijapur came to know of this. He knew well that frightening news: one the Emperor of Delhi was waiting for an that Fateh Khan, the valiant Sardar of Bijapur, opportunity to attack him. So with all due honor was proceeding against Shivaji with a large he released Shahaji. With his valor and his army; another, that Farrad Khan and his army diplomacy, Shivaji thus overcame the first great were attacking Sambhaji, the elder brother of danger to freedom. Shivaji. It was clear the Sultan was posing Shivaji was twenty-eight. By then Kondana, threats only to ensure that Shivaji gave up Purandara, Kalyan, Raigadh and other forts fighting and surrendered to him. If he did not numbering forty were flying the flag of freedom. surrender, if he continued to fight, his father's life It was also at this time that on the west coast the would be in danger. Shivaji was worried, not English, the Portuguese and other foreigners had knowing what he should do. At this juncture his set foot. Shivaji was apprehensive that some day fourteen year old wife, Saibai, encouraged him to these foreign armies might occupy the whole fight. The soldiers of Shivaji fought against Fateh land. Intent on containing them he began Khan's men who attacked the fort. This was the building fortresses by the sea. He began to equip first test of the battle for independence. So valiant himself with warships and trained the navy. these were the men of Shivaji that Fateh Khan had to Shivaji was the first among those who in their retreat and run away. Elsewhere Sambhaji and farsighted vision saw the lurking dangers of his fighters broke the back of the attack of Farrad foreign domination, and acted to check such Khan's army. aggression. All this was victory. But how was Shivaji to save his father? He was deeply troubled by this thought. Suddenly, a plan occurred to him. His intellect was as sharp as his arms were supple. Shahajehan was the Emperor in Delhi at that time. So he wrote to the Emperor: "My father is kept captive by the Sultan of Bijapur. As soon as Shivaji used to offer his devotion to Goddess Bhavani. Every day after taking bath he used to offer his pujas to Lord Shiva and Goddess Bhavani and meditate for sometime. Even when Afzal Khan came to invade, Goddess Bhavani appeared in his dreams and told that he would be victorious. Shivaji then trickily called Afzal Khan 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-8.txt to the fort and killed him. Shivaji's fame as the slayer of Afzal Khan spread everywhere in to our own country and abroad. In the same way, by using various tricks and his intelligence, Shivaji bow was able to defeat many strong and violent down to enemies like Siddhi Jauhar, Shaista Khan, Siddhi the Badshah? All were baffled. Many Masood, and many more. And soon Shivaji was thought that there lay behind this known as the 'Mountain rat' to his enemies. some secret plan. It is possible that This was the limit of Aurangzeb's patience and he Shivaji had planned to go to Delhi on the was in a great fit of rage. But he checked himself pretext of serving the Badshah as a from leading an army against Shivaji. He had dependent and then to put an end to the life of known well how sharp the tearing nails of this Aurangzeb in a direct encounter. This was 'mountain rat' were. So he thought of a plan. He perhaps a venture of greater heroism and sharper decided that he should send a Lion' to strategy than ever before in his life. Accordingly, overpower this lion. He chose for task the king. Shivaji proceeded to meet the Emperor, Raja Jayasimha. (Incidentally, 'Simha' means a lion.) Jayasimha was a great warrior and a hero. him. Shivaji reached Agra in order to meet He was also a clever general. What a shame that a Aurangzeb. The latter too was equally tactful. He man like him should be subservient to a foreigner never let Shivaji approach him. He bid him stay at who was ruling the land! Jayasimha proceeded south with his large army. He won over the disappointment to Shivaji's hopes. Aurangzeb Sultan of Bijapur to his side. The battle against also acted in a manner that insulted Shivaji. Shivaji began. All of a sudden Shivaji wrote a Aurangzeb did not keep the promise that he letter to Jayasimha informing him that he would Aurangzeb. His son Sambhaji also accompanied a distance in the court. This was a great would treat Shivaji with respect. Naturally Shivaji was greatly enraged. Ignoring Aurangazeb he left the court. agree to a friendly compromise. What was more, he met Jayasimha and told him that he would remain loyal to the Badshah at Delhi. Shivaji was now in great danger. For Aurangazeb was not such a fool as to let an enemy who had Shivaji was a lion that had grown up independently in the mountain ranges of Sahyadri. How then did he all of a sudden agree come within his reach escape easily. He ordered Shivaji to be imprisoned and to be executed also. 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-9.txt In spite of the gravity of the situation Shivaji did next day Hiroji also ran in order to get some not lose heart. At these critical hours his intellect and his courage shone more brightly. Suddenly medicine for Shivaji. when the news of Shivaji's escape from Agra reached the ears of his enemies in the south, they begged of Aurangazeb that his Maratha soldiers might be allowed to return. Aurangazeb felt relieved 'and permitted them to go. Shivaji began distributing sweets to the Fakirs, mendicants and ascetics of the town hoping that his illness may be cured. He began sending gifts, also to the wealthy were all speechless and helpless. Shivaji had thrown dust into the eyes of the greatest schemer and politician, Aurangazeb, and had escaped from the latter's capital where all the twenty-four hours of the day sentries stood with drawn swords. The world had never before heard of in the town. Aurangazeb permitted all these. Even, such a very clever man as Aurangazeb had such daring and cleverness. Shivaji The Emperor The Protector Of The Land no doubts. No Vaidya or Hakim could improve Shivaji's 'condition'. The day of Shivaji's execution had been fixed. On the previous day Shivaji's 'illness' grew very serious, and he lost And Its Dharma Shivaji established an independent empire that was a source of inspiration to all the Hindus. Yet he had not been crowned in accordance with the 'consciousness'. As usual the baskets that would carry the sweets rites of the Shastras. Many, therefore, did not feel were brought in. Shivaji who was lying on his that he was truly the King. So a great pundit from 'sickbed' suddenly jumped into one of the Kashi came down south to remedy this baskets and so did his son Sambhaji. shortcoming in the life of Shivaji. This great Immediately servants put on the lids and carried pundit, Gagabhatta, crowned Shivaji King by the baskets away. name, in accordance with the rites of the Shastras. The sentries who had been examining the baskets This great event took place in 1674. Shivaji was were convinced by long custom that they then 44 years of age. The towering fort of Raigadh contained nothing but sweets. Even on that day became the capital. After touching his mother's the chief of the sentries, Polad Khan, examined a feet, obtaining her blessings, Shivaji sat on a few of the baskets. They contained merely golden throne in the fort. sweets. Luckily the Khan did not chance upon the Samarth Ramdas sang in praise of this great baskets in which Shivaji and Sambhaji were hidden. That was by the grace of Goddess and its Dharma Bhavani, coupled with the forgetfulness of the have be en Khan. He musthave meant 'Let him live' when he uplifted. A said, 'Let the baskets go'. event: "The land Kaushik Panchal Ratilal & Sons All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. kingdom of bliss has arisen." Inside the prison where Shivaji had been lying a little while before, a friend of Shivaji by name Shivaji did not Hiroji lay down. He put on the royal ring, which just content Shivaji had given him. He lay down, with his himself with hand, which showed this ring thrust out. The establishing an C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Road Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (O) 2748183. independent 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-10.txt kingdom by defeating his enemies. He also undertook reforms to make his people happy and contented. To him the people were the gods and he would let no one harm them. His soldiers had Shivaji was very angry with people who were corrupt or who worked against their country. He hated those who betrayed the land. He would have punished even his own son if the son had turned against his country. Shivaji was an embodiment of justice. He never showed any to go far to defeat the enemies. To these soldiers he had laid down a firm rule "No harm should come to the people whom you meet on the way. special favours to his relatives. He always Their standing crops should not be touched." encouraged those who were virtuous and Shivaji would always meet out severe meritorious. This enabled those who were virtuous to progress and occupy high places. punishment to those who disobeyed his orders. He had all affection for the poor farmer of There was no scope for selfish contrivers in his kingdom. In this manner Shivaji revolutionized villages. They were all, at that time, groaning under injustice of wealthy Zamindars (landowners). Shivaji took over the lands of such Zamindars and distributed them among the tillers of the soil. every department of life. As we read this, should we feel that we too should follow the example of Shivaji? Why is this so? Because he was a realized soul. Shri Mataji has said that Shivaji had known what is called as Untouchability too was rampant, among the Hindus at that time. Society had branded some 'Swartha- the meaning of self or 'self realization'. Apart from this, Shivaji underwent all hardships for the sake of his country, for the sake of the amongst its own members untouchables and had kept them at a distance from the others. Shivaii loved them also. He invited them to join his army and promoted them, to high positions and offices in it. Shivaji set an example to all Hindus that they belonged to the same faith and should not hate Dharma. He had deep respect for all the women. This can be seen from an example: when soldiers of Shivaji brought the queen of some muslim king in front of Shivaji, he ordered them to release her. Shivaji said that if his mother would have been so beautiful as the queen then even he would have been so much beautiful. one another. Shivaji was also greatly interested in the education of the people. The Sanskrit language had lost its glorious position. Everywhere Persian was being held up to esteem. Shivaji saw to it that Sanskrit words were substituted for He never cared for his own life and quite often entered the very jaws of death. Till his last breath he lived for his country and for With Best Compliments from the Dharma of the Hindus. It is nearly 300 years since he died but Civil Engineer & Contractors Persian words. Sometimes, Hindus who had been forced to become Muslims wished to come back. But the M/s M. R. Construction Hindus refused to take back such converts. the memory of this great man Shivaji felt that this was not right. So he reconverted all those who wished to return to Prop. M.R. Patkar B.E. Civil the 1ights up torch of their old faith. He also cast aside the foolish belief that it was sinful to undertake a journey on the seas. He undertook expeditions on the sea and inspiration. established forts. 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-11.txt Beyond.. On the 14th Sahasrara Day in 1983, in Her discourse before puja, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi enumerated fourteen chakras, namely the seven chakras (Mooladhara, Swadisthana, Nabhi, Heart, Vishuddhi, Agnya, Sahasrara) and three sub-chakras (Lalita, Sri, Hamsa) associated with the physical body; and the four chakras beyond the physical body, described in the following terms: "After coming to Sahaja Yoga and after your Sahasrara has opened, you have to pass through these four chakras: Ardha-Bindu, Bindu, Valaya and Pradakshina. After passing through these four chakras only, can you say that you have become a Sahaja Yogi." On the 9th Day of Navaratri 1988, in Pune, H.H.Shri Mataji commented: Within us, as you know, there are seven chakras for your ascent and two above it. So all these nine chakras are to be crossed in this life time. That should be your destiny. Many of us have experienced that enlightened awareness that is beyond the Sahasrara, often in India, particularly in Ganapatipule. But how to describe this state? The legendary Nath yogi, Matsyendranath (probably 11th century CE), in the third chapter of the Kaulajnananirnaya Tantra, puts it like this: Dearest, (in the pinda exist) the chakras of five lines, 16 lines, sixty four petals, the truly beautiful 100 petal (lotus)[Agnya?] and the beautiful thousand petal lotus [Sahasrara] and above this is a very brilliant 10,000,000 petal lotus. Above the 10 million petal lotus is a 30,000,000 petal lotus, each pericarp of which is similar to a flame. Above this is the all encompassing, eternal, undivided, independent, steady lotus pervading all, stainless. By its will (sveccha) it causes creation and dissolution. Both the animate and inaminate are dissolved in this linga. All these states, or samadhi, involve thoughtless awareness, and this was best described by Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950) in answer to a question from a visiting swami: Holding on to Reality is samadhi. Holding on to samadhi with effort is savikalpa samadhi. 1. 2. 80 10 8 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-12.txt Merging in Reality and remaining unaware of the world is nirvikalpa samadhi. Merging in ignorance and remaining unaware of the world is sleep. Remaining in the primal, pure, natural state without effort is sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi. 4. On another occasion in reply to the question "What is samadhi?", Shri Ramana Maharshi stated: In yoga the term is used to indicate some kind of trance and there are various kinds of samadhi. But the samadhi I speak to you about is different. It is sahaja samadhi. In this state you remain calm and composed during activity. You realise that you are moved by the deeper self within and are unaffected by what you do or say or think.You have no worries, anxieties or cares, for you realise that there is nothing that belongs to you as ego and thateverything is being done by something with which you are in conscious union. Now this Sahaja samadhihas been known since ancient times. It is a state that transcends everything. The earliest description, and for this writer still the best, is by Saraha, a Buddhist monk of the 8th century CE who became a wandering yogi, and, some say, was the founder of the Sahajiya Buddhists: In Sahaja there is no duality; it is perfect like the sky. The intuition of this ultimate truth destroys all attachment and it shines through the darkness of attachment like a full moon in the night. Sahaja cannot be heard with the ears, neither can it be seen with the eyes; It is not affected by air nor burnt by fire; It is not wet in intense rain, it neither increases nor decreases, It neither exists nor does it die out with the decay of the body3; The Sahaja bliss is only oneness of emotions it is oneness in all. Our mind and the vital wind are unsteady like the horse%3; But in the Sahaja-nature both of them remain steady. When the mind thus ceases to function and all other ties are torn aside, All the differences in the nature of things vanish; and at that time there is neither the Brahman nor the Sudra. Sahaja cannot be realized in any of its particular aspects it is an intuition of the whole, the one underlying reality pervading and permeating all diversity. As the truth of the lotus can never be found either in the stalk or in the leaves, or in the petals or in the smell of the lotus, or in 8011 08 3. 5. 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-13.txt the filament, - it lies rather in the totality of all these parts, so also Sahaja is the totality which can only be realized in a perfectly non-dual state of mind. From it originate all, in it all merge again, - but it itself is free from all existence and non-existence it never originates at all. So far our texts have come from the mystics and saints who took their birth in India, the Kundalini of the world. But others, elsewhere on the globe, also experienced these samadhi states. The Spanish Christian mystic, Juan de la Cruz, (John of the Cross)(1542-1591), perhaps best known for his introspection technique known as 'the dark night of the soul', has left a description of his entry into nirvikalpa-samadhi: With this knowledge of not knowing, Will always go beyond all science knowing. I was so far beyond, I entered not knowing where. And I remained not knowing. Beyond all science knowing. So lost and absorbed, I lost all my senses I was of all sensing dispossessed3; And my spirit was filled With knowledge not knowing, Beyond all science knowing. I did not know where I entered, But when I saw myself there, Not knowing where I entered, Many things I suddenly learned3B -I will not say what these things were, For I remained not knowing, Beyond all science knowing. Whoever truly reaches there, To himself he is lost; All he knew before It was peace, it was love, It was the perfect knowledge, In deep loneliness I saw with wisdom3; It was a thing so secret I was left babbling and trembling, Beyond all science knowing. Now appears very base; But his knowledge grows, And he remains not knowing Beyond all science knowing. This knowing by not knowing, Is of such high power, That the arguments of the wise Are unable to grasp it; For their knowledge does not explain Not to know knowing, "We belong to this great religion of Truth. Now you have to be responsible for this Maha Yoga" - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Beyond all science knowing. And this exalted wisdom Mumbai Yuvashakti Is of such excellence, That no faculty of science Can hope to reach it; But he who learns to conquer himself "There should be, all the time, compelling desire that we have to find out methods by which we can spread Sahaja Yoga." - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Banglore Yuvashakti 8012 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-14.txt When we are in that thoughtless and doubtless state (nirvikalpa samadhi) brought about by our yoga, or union, with the all pervading, we are receptive to the divine blessings. This union has also been described by mystics outside of India. Here is a verse from the Dharmasunya, written in 1418 on the island of Java in what is now Indonesia: There is a river, ancient and remote, which penetrating through the mountain's centre, emerges at its summit; On that summit there is a pearl, glittering like crystal, its pureness constantly radiating forth, Within it is the nectar of immortality he who finds it is able to achieve the highest bliss of firm union, the recognition of concepts ceases and one experiences supreme pleasure, beyond the power of words to describe. This Divine blessing, known to yogis as the Paramchaitanya, has also been described in other cultures. The Persian Sufi, Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273): There is a Water that flows down from Heaven To cleanse the world of sin by grace Divine. At last, its whole stock spent, its virtue gone, Dark with pollution not its own, it speeds Back to the Fountain of all purities; Whence, freshly bathed, earthward it sweeps again, Trailing a role of glory bright and pure. Consider also the following passage, from the Jewish mystical text, the Zohar (the founding text of the Kabbala, written in the 1280s in the northern Spanish town of Avila where Juan de la Cruz and his contemporary, Theresa (1515-1581), were later to live): There are seven lights, which split up into seven seas, and one sea contains them. This one sea is the supernal sea in which all the seven seas are contained. These seven lights enter the sea, and smite the sea on seven sides, and each side splits up into seven rivers, as it is written "and He will smite it into seven rivers" (Isaiah into 11:15) and each river splits up into seven streams, and each stream splits up seven roads, and each road splits up into seven paths, and all the waters of the sea enter them. The seven supernal lights enter the sea they are really six emerging from the uppermost one. As the sea receives them so it distributes its waters to all the seas, to all the rivers. In this passage "the one sea" (the Shekhina, the divine daughter) receives from "the topmost one", the Divine Mother (Binah) the Divine blessings which then flow on to the whole world. And so we return, as always, to our source, our sustenance, or as the Swiss spiritual alchemist, Paracelsus (1490-1541) described it: The primary matter of all things is the "great mystery" ... Like children are born to the mother, from the "great mystery" issues all things, with or without feelings, as well as the other things, all in the same manner. The "Great mystery" is the only mother of all mortal things. John Noyce, Australia Email: johnnoyceau@rediffmail.com 013 8 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-15.txt SAHAJA PROJECT The International Sahaja Yoga Book Project There is an opportunity to provide assistance for a major international Sahaja Project. Grégoire de Kalbermatten has had the brilliant idea ofus producing a series of some 12 books on Sahaja subjects by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, to be published in different languages around the world by professional publishing houses such as Penguin and on subjects such as: 1. An Introduction to Shri Mataji & Her Sahaja Yoga - DS/DL 2. Spontaneous Union: An Introduction to Sahaja Yoga 3. The Keeper of the Gate (innocence, wisdom, Shri Ganesha/Jesus) 4. How to Be your Own Guru (Adi Gurudattatreya) 5. The Cool Fire (Kundalini and Self-realization) 6. The Inner World (subtle system, and chakras) 7. The Praxis of Transformation (clearing techniques, balance, how to meditate) 8. The Enlightened Mind (talks on Buddhism, hamsa) 9. The Pantheon of Light (the Deities) 10. Fortune and Misfortune of Religions (Islam, Christianity, Hinduism) 11. The Day Book from Above (a random selection of quotations from Mother) These books will be complied from the vast body of talks that Shri Mataji has given us. Work is underway on the first title in the list, by David Spiro and Derek Lee. Grégoire has asked me to be the director of the project and Shri Mataji has personally and enthusiastically given her blessings. The first phase is to accurately transcribe as many of the talks as we can. There are already many transcriptions of talks circulating but nearly all of these have errors in them and we need to have perfect transcriptions for the compilers to use. To this end, we currently have some 25 teams of transcribers from all over the world working on the talks, and in 9 months have completed just over 100 talks. This phase of the project is being managed by Ken Williams from the UK as Managing Editor of this phase of the project and, if you volunteer he will write to you when he's able to recruit more people, which hopefully will be quite soon. He will COI SHRI NIRANANDA MARKETING ALL ITEMS OF NIRMAL INFOSYS AND VANADEVI HEALTH PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. DISTRIBUTER FOR DELHI STATE. Add.: Outram Lines, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110009. Ph-0-9212054040, 011-55152266, 27422120 Email: shriniranandamarketing@yahoo.co.in OPEN ALL 7 DAYS, CAN MEET AFTER APPOINTMENT. WRITE FOR FREE DETAILED CATALOGUE OF ITEMS. 8014 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-16.txt send a handbook to tell you the methodology and standards we are working to and it will be a big help that you have precious experience of transcribing talks from the 1980s. Currently we have over 50 yogis, working in pairs, from all over the world, and we are asking that each team completes, as a minimum, one talk "Angels, angels come down! the mother calls them to dawn The existence is flourishing with joy now there is no one to cry per month. We have a number of husband-and- wife teams, which works really well as they have There is an era of innocence access to the same talks by Mother. Each pair, bestowed the human race upon have registered a nickname for their team with Ken, and you might be thinking of your favorite. So that we don't have duplication of effort, the team registers talks with Ken who then registers the talks that are currently being worked on. The first stage has the talk being transcribed by one team member, then checked by the other, the second stage has another yogi, independently verify the work of the team, so to avoid errors, The whole world is drowned in love this compassion has finally done The nature plays bamboo flute in harmony with the blooming shoot The 'omkara' has finally reached each talk is therefore checked three times to ensure absolute accuracy. It would be really nice to have more people from Australia on the team, your particular experience will be invaluable. Please consider if you wish to help, you need to be a dedicated yogi, fluent in English and familiar with Sahaja Yoga terms, and who, above all, if you say they will do something, then to follow through to completion. We only ask each team that they transcribe one talk per month, so it is not a huge commitment of time and it is actually a wonderful job, and for the right people, a blessing rather than a chore. So if anyone from collective wishes to be involved, it would be a huge help, for the transcription phase, at the present rate of to the level of touching mother's feet This great day is dawn Angels, Angels Come Down The Mother calls them to dawn Angels, Angels Come Down" WITH ALL OUR LOVE, progress, will take some years and we want to shorten it as much as we can. Interested Yogis can The UK Yuvashakti contact at: Best Compliments Dr. Mitesh Gandhi, alanwherry@mac.com Alan Wherry BSC (Hons) MCOPTOM 0 15 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-17.txt The Lord of the Rings "One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them." "The Lord of the Rings' is a fiction novel and now movie depicting the age- old battle between good and evil. It is one the most popularly read novels in the world. Some distinguish it for its adventurous spirit or perhaps some identity it to their inner conflicts of the higher and lower self. Whatever it may be, let us, as realized beings, take an in-depth journey of its spiritual whose Characters Frodo- Good He is the ring bearer it is to task aspects. destroy the ring before it Now the journey begins into the middle earth of JRR Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings. In times gone by, Sauron, the Lord of Mordor, (the bad gets into evil hands. guy) long ago created a magical ring to make him powerful beyond all Sam- Good belief. However, long ago it was stolen from him and passed through hands of various races such as elves, dwarves, hobbits and humans. Frodo's faithful servant who protects and obeys The ring, however, which could be best described as having its own evil intellect, moved itself from owner to owner through the years, corrupting each owner and making them fanatically obsessed with it. It is interesting to note that Tolkien started to write The Lord of the Rings during World War II where the rise of an evil dictator in Germany was spreading a dark cloud of his master and stays loyal till the end. Gandalf- Good The wise wizard who suppression over Europe similar to the cloud Sauron sets over Mordor. The story begins with Frodo being given a ring as a gift from his cousin which provides vital information about the can make him invisible when he wears it. ring and also in fighting One day an old wizard Gandalf tells Frodo of an evil being named Sauron who wants to capture the Ring for himself so that he gains more power in enforcing his evil plans. Frodo is also warned of the evil nature of the ring and that it should not be used. Soon Frodo is told to go to a place called Sauron- Bad. Rivendell where a Council would be held to determine the fate of the Ring. It is discovered that the only way to keep Sauron from recovering the Ring, the evil. He is the evil Lord of the dark land of Mordor who is to throw it into the volcano of Mount Doom at Mordor where it will be destroyed. So a company of people also known as 'The fellowship of the tries to obtain the ring in ring' is made to set out on the mission of destroying the evil ring by going to the dark land of Mordor to Mount Doom. Meanwhile the evil servants of order to make himself Sauron pursue Frodo and company for the ring. Most of the company falls more powerful and apart as many are overpowered by evil but Frodo and his faithful servant expand his evil kingdom Sam stay loyal to their mission despite all odds and move on. At last Frodo and Sam are reaching Mount Doom and The Dark Lord Sauron becomes aware of them, so he leaves his Dark Tower to come forth and destroy them and armies. 8016 8 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-18.txt lo but it is too late. The Ring is destroyed, and withoutit Sauron and all evil is destroyed by the sunlight! Thus good prevails over evil! Let us now witness situations relating these 'fictional' characters to factual. Temptation : In essence, the power of the Ring is the exact opposite of freedom. The Ring, with its allure, is very attractive and like many evil things it tempts man and possesses those who succumb to it. Thus instead of bringing freedom it brings slavery. In the same way temptation works in mans life. Drug addiction, smoking and gambling are some examples of extreme forms of addiction showing how evil prevails over man and how we can become slaves of our weaknesses. Laws of Nature : Tolkien also depicts how the evil lord Saruman, in order to gain domination destroys everything around him. He works against the created order by recklessly tearing up the environment. Tolkien was an environmentalist. Seeing the impact of the industrial revolution on modern society, he had disdain for anything that took us further from the natural world. The 'Shire' that Tolkien describes is home to some of his good characters thus he places them in an ideal environment that is peaceful, slow-paced and close to the earth. He saw the impending danger when we become disconnected from God's creation. Another depiction of going against the order of nature was how Saruman would mutilate and manipulate beings in such a manner that they become monsters called 'orcs' thus adding to his evil force. Tolkien shows that there are some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed and that there is an order to creation. But today there are many situations where these boundaries are in fact crossed. One sees so many beings hiding their true identity beneath the artificial garb of materialism. Entrepreneurs feed our greed more and more distorting the true image of our spirit thus making us monsters who don't know where to stop once possessed by the temptation. Are we not then playing into the hands ofevil? "Live and let live?" The 'Lord of the Rings' presents a world where evil is very real and where compromise with it only leads to danger. It may be tempting today to seek comfort and to just be a good person but Tolkien doesn't leave us that option. In the Middle Earth of Tolkien one is either fighting for good or being influenced by evil. Tolkien was quite aware of evil and its power he started writing his fantasy on scraps of paper in foxholes in World Warl-and warns us of the danger of ignoring it. The famous English writer C.S. Lewis comments "There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satan." In the Modern times externally we may have to fight terror, as Bush said, "You are either for us or against us". So can we really 'live and let live'? To let evil just live we allow ourselves to be ruled by its dominating character. We have to fight it whether outward or inward. Isn't that what we learn in meditation? To introspect; see where we are going wrong and CORRECT it thus not letting negativity live in us. We are lucky that we can fight evil at its roots and not give in to its temptations by the grace of the Divine, but there are mány who do not feel the evil claw gripping their being and suffocating their spirit every moment. It is our duty to mankind, to enforce the Divine will. And so it is said, "Thy will be done, on earth asit is in heaven". As one Sahaja yogi has putit very sweetly- "One Mantra to rule them all, One Mantra to find them, One Mantra to bring them all and in the Light to bind them." 2017 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-19.txt Sahaja Yoga in Corporations Experience at Synopsys Inc. As all of us know how important it is to spread the message of love of our Divine Mother in the corporate world. Thousands of people working in companies are in the search of truth. Initially we may feel it may be a little difficult to approach these companies to conduct Self Realization programmes3; but soon we start realizing the blessings of Shri Mataji on such occasions. One such event was held in Synopsys(I) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India. A stress management programme was conducted here on the 10th of September, 2004. Synopsys is one of the large Multi-national EDI (Electronic Data Integration) companies in the world. A Sahaja Yoga programme was conducted here as part of cultural activities. A brief presentation on "How Sahaja Yoga Helps To Relieve Stress" was presented followed by the actual experience of Self Realizationw. Many charts explaining research that proves the medical benefits of Sahaja Yoga were displayed at the venue. How to approach the corporates? The best way to approach corporates is through their Human Resources Department, and give a small presentation about the benefits of Sahaja Yoga. Go on to explain the discovery of Sahaja Yoga by Shri Mataji, aspects of the subtle system etc. If time permits, we can present the scientific research based on Sahaja Yoga. Also a letter can be served asking for convenient dates to conduct public program. Titles of such programmes can be "Stress Management through Sahaja Yoga" or "Stress Management through Meditation" or "Stress Management through Self Realizaion" etc. Most important thing is to have the confidence in the Divine power, which works out such events very spontaneously. For any such event, we need to put the desire to Shri Mataji and pray for the success and watch the whole event. Is Regular Meditation possible? Yes, it's possible to have the regular meditation in companies. We have experienced this in Synospys Inc., where we first had a Self Realization programme. We have proposed a regular meditation on every Wednesday on company premises. The management has accepted this proposal and every week, half a hour time period is set aside for meditation. For twenty minutes meditation is conducted and the remaining ten minutes are used to explain the chakras, treatments etc). Synopsys Inc. had accepted the meditation as a regular corporate activity. Initially we haven't distributed the photographs of Shri Mataji. We have continued conducting the meditation to instrumental music. During one of the meditation sessions, the Vega Machine video was shown. Watching this video, most of the employees realized the importance of meditating on Shri Mataji's photograph. All of them were then presented the Shri Mataji's photograph. By the grace of Shri Mataji, this meditation activity has continued for several weeks. It can be claimed as a successful attemp being actively appreciated by the employees. Let us all humbly pray to the Divine Mother to shower her blessings on spreading of Sahaja Yoga in the corporate world & to successfully deploy meditation in corporate environments as a part of regular activity. 801808 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-20.txt Hababurg Landa Knowledge & Fun Identify the Adi Gurus assiciatedwith these places Hungary "Rusan Lands spiry urder Mongolla 10 Noeh China Synia Masahotamia 4 Tibet (South China Egyp Lands Perskan Arabia Annam India 7 CHA A 8 E. Africa He is the Guru Principle. As Primordial Master Adi Guru Dattatrey has incarnated many times to guide mankind. Let us locate the places where he incarnated on this world map. 1. Athens, Greece ------ Socrates 2. Egypt 3. Arabia 4. Persia (Now Iran) 5. Mesopotamia 6. Punjab, India 7. Central India 8. Western India Answers (Confucius) Nath of Shirdi 9. Lao Tse 10. K'ung Fu Tzu 5. Abraham 6. Guru Nanak 7. Raja Janaka 8. Sai 2. Moses 3. Mohammad Sahab 4. Zarathushtra 9. LouYang, China 10. State of Lu, China 19 08 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-21.txt ATTENTION ||Jai Shri Mataji || Nothing can be alright unless and until you develop the subtleties of your attention; and they develop by receding your attention from all WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS that is gross. Recede your attention whenever it goes too much into a thought, like that 'Oh, forget it'. But into vibrations you pay full attention, seeing vibrations you pay full attention, seeing your own vibrations pay full attention, other things you need not worry they Malvika Agarwal Gurgaon ||Jai Shri Mataji|| will be all looked after. Your attention should be on me and you should make the following WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS conditioning of thoughts on your Agnya "How fortunate we are to have been realised! We are Sahaja Yogis. God has chosen us. How can we work if we remain weak? Adi Shakti has given us the power to redeem the whole mankind. We can do it and we will do it." (Old Marathi Letter 2) M. Ravindra Bangalore ||Jai Shri Mataji|| Compassion today is to transform human beings into Sahajis, into WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS good people. That is the love of Adi Shakti. Because those who are born have to die in any case. We should not be unkind, of course, but Noida Collectivity many people we are giving Realisation. our attention should be how YUVADRISHTI yuvadrishti@yahoo.com Please fill in Capitals SUBSCRIPTION FORM Name Address City PIN COUNTRY State Phone E-mail Cheque/DD no. Dt. Drawn on Of Rs. Signature DD should be sent in the favour of' Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. Address for correspondence: Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd., Bldg No. 8, Chandragupt Hsg. Soc. Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411029. Tel - 020 25286537 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-23.txt WNNN