YUVADRISHTI Volume 5 December An offering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother by the Yuvashakti Issue 4 2004 Contents स्वाधिष्ठान AYAS A SAHAJA INSIGHT HIMAL Sahaja Yoga - Discovery Knowledge अब्राहन लिकन एक सत राट्टरजायक १ Muhammad Saheb The Messenger Of God 15 It is our desire to deliver this magazine to as many Sahaja Yogis as possible. To facilitate this distribution, a coordinator in each center is needed. Currently, there are Yuva Shakti who acts as representatives collecting registration, content for magazine and distributing the magazine. Roles and Responsibility: > Doing registration for Sahaja Yogis who desire to subscribe to this magazine and forward the same to us. Distribution of the magazine for those subscribers who wish to avail the magazines from center. - Sharing news and requests with local Yuva Shakti. > Collecting and contributing material for the magazine from local Sahaja Yogis. Required Actions: The volunteer will be Yuvadrishti's representative for his/her local center for complete year. Please send us the following information: Address Email Age Collective/ Center Name Phone/ Mobile No.. It is preferred that the representative has access to the Internet and regularly attending his/her center. Email or mail us at yuvadrishti@yahoo.com Mail: 'Nirmal Infosystems and Technologies Ltd.', Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Soc., Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune 411029. Phone : 020 25286537. YUVA SHAKTI "The purpose of the Yuva Shakti is the development of the personality in order to make much more complete, so that such developed individuals will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as Shining ideals for others to emulate and derive inspiration." -Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Yuva Shakti 1987 सिर में स्थान सूक्ष्म शरीर में स्थान हाथों में स्थान भी नि र पैसों में थान कु स्वाधिष्टान देवता श्री द्रम्हदेव सरस्वती स्थूल शारीरिक पहलू : एऑर्टीक प्लेकस्स प्रादुर्भाव (कार्य): लिवर, किडनी, प्लीहा, पैक्रीयाज गुण : सूजनशीलता , प्रेरणा ,सौंदर्य , तथा कला गुण, बौद्धिक आकलन शक्ति , शुद्द विद्या या सत्य पन्खुड़िया: ६ दिन: बुधवार पंच तत्व: अग्नि सम्बन्धित रंग: पीला ग्रह : बुध हाथो पर स्थान : अंगूठा स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र चक्र पकडने के कारण वाया भाग: ्मान्धिता और जादु-टोना, अगुरूतथा अविद्या, नशा तथा मद्यपान, अतिदास्यता ढाहिना भाग : बहुत ज्यादा विचार तधा पुर्वनियोजन , अति राजकारण, गलत खानपान की आदतें, अहन्कार से भरा तथा औरों पर अधिपत्य जमाने वाला जीवन रीढ की हड्डी में अभिव्यक्ति पल परिचय : स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र एक उपग्रह की तरह नाभी चक्र से जुडा भवसागर के चारो तरफ घूमता है तथा उसके दस पन्खुडियों को (जो दस गुरुओं के उपदेश के प्रतीक है ) आधार देता है। जब कुन्डलिनी शक्ति जागृत होती है तो पहले नाभी चक्र से गुजरती है और बाद में स्वाधिष्ठान से गुजरती है और वहाँ से वापस नाभी चक्र से होकर अपना सफर सहस्त्रार तक तंय करती है। उत्क्रान्ति के दौरान मानव ने शरणस्थल की इच्छा को घर बनाने मे परिवर्तित किया। मानव की सौन्दर्य शक्ति निरन्तर बढ़ती रही है और अपने शरणस्थल (घर) को अधिकाधिक आधुनिक स्वरुप देने लगा | फलस्वरूप सौभाग्य से वास्तुकला शास्त्र का निर्माण हुआ। उसकी यही सृजनशीलता (creativity) बढकर अमूर्त स्वरुप लेने लगी, जहाँ वह सोचने लगा, उसे प्रकाशित करने लगा और उसकी छवि बनाने लगा जिसका इससे पहले वस्तुस्वरुप मे कोई भी मेल नहीं मिलता था। इसी उगते हुए सौन्दर्य शासत्र से रचनात्मक कला की उत्पति हुई। में D गुण : स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र का मूलभूत गुण है सृजनशीलता । यही से सृजनशीलता के लिए उज्जा उत्पन्न होती है। अपने आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद हम जानने लगते है कि सृजनशीलता को पाने का सच्चा मार्ग हैं अपने ध्यान में निर्विचार समाधी प्राप्त करना। इसी से हम जानने लगते है कि सृजनशीलता का सौदर्य हमारे अन्दर एक स्तब्ध तथा शान्त तालाब की तरह है। जब हम उस तालाब को खोज निकालते हैं तो हम उसका माध्यम बन जाते हैं। हम इस सामूहिक अन्त: मन का सृजन साधन बन जाते है जिसमे अहंकार नहीं होता जो इस कला के शुध्दता को प्रदूषित करे। कवि वर्डवर्थ के अनुसार, "यह एक हृदय, जो देखता है और ग्रहण करता है"। सृजनशीलता की हर एक विधि स्वाधिष्ठान के गुणों से ही संचालित होती है। अगर यह क्रिया संतुलन मे प्राप्त की गयी (सूक्ष्म यन्त्रना के सुषुम्ना मार्ग से) तो फलस्वरुप अध्यात्मिक उन्लति होती है और हम कह सकते है कि यह हृदय से बनी थी। आत्म-साक्षात्कार के बाद इस बातपर जोर दिया जाता है और फलस्वरुप एक सृजनप्रेरित कार्य हो जाता है। पुराने कलाकार जैसे मोझार्ट और माइकेल अन्जोलो जो की जन्म से आत्मसाक्षात्कारी थे, उनका सौन्दर्य अभिरुचिपूर्ण कार्य हमे यही चीज दर्शाता है । इस गुनवत्ता का कार्य अमर होता है जो हमे आनंद तथा सौन्द्रर्य प्रदान करता है जो कि सम्पूर्ण युग को दर्शाता है । लेकिन इस आधुनिक कार्यपद्धति मे यह अकसर देखा गया है की जो कलाकार शुरू मे हदय से कार्य करते है, उनकी प्रवृत्ति कुछ इस तरह बन जाती है कि वो आगे चलकर निर्जीव, उथला तथा शोषण करने वाला कार्य करते हैं। इस प्रवृत्ति का मूलभूत कारण है, कलाकार का अहंकार। जैसे जैसे कलाकर यशस्वी होने लगता है वो अधिक परिश्वम करता है जिससे उसकी यशस्विता बरकरार रहे। इसके लिये उसे बाईने नाडी का (पिंगला नाडी या कार्य नाडी) बहुत ज्यादा इस्तेमाल आवश्यक हो जाता है। फलस्वरुप इस नाडी के अत्याधिक तनावपूर्ण उपयोग से कलाकार के अहंकार का गुब्बारा बहुत फूल जाता है। ध्यान दीजीए कि मानव के सूक्ष्म यन्त्र में अहंकार पिंगला नाडी या कार्यशक्ति के अन्त मे सिर के दाहिने बाजू मे एक गुब्बारे के आकार मे स्थित है। जैसे जैसे कलाकारयह सोचने लगता है कि वही संपूर्णत: कला का निर्माता है (दैवी प्रेरणा को भूला देता है) तो यह प्रक्रिया बढने लगती है, अहंकार बढ़ता जाता है, और अन्तता उस के कला से अध्याति्मिकता का अंश संपूर्णत : नष्ट हो जाता है। आत्मा जो हमारे हृदय में विराजमान है, वही सृजनता का वास्तविक स्त्रीत है और कलाकार और अन्य लोग जो बहुत सोचते हैं, नाम तथा शोहरत के पीछे भागते है, उनका स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र कमजोर पड जाता है और वे एक असन्तुलित व्यक्ति बन जाते है। दुसरो की अपेक्षा श्रेष्ठ बनने की अभिलाषा दूसरो से अपने गुण की प्रशंसा की महत्वाकांक्षा उनके अहंकार से आती है जो कि पिंगला नाडी व्हारा स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र के दाहिने तरफ से जुडा हुआ है । इस महत्वाकांक्षी तथा स्पर्धात्मक सृजनशीलता के कारण उनकी सहजता लुप्त हो जाती है। इसी से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि आधुनिक कलाकृतियाँ मे चेतना, हृदयता तथा अत्मिक पहलूओ की कमी क्यो होती है। "The function of the liver is to absorb all the poison of the body and convert it into heat, which passes through the blood stream when you start thinking, too much you neglect your liver and then the poor thing does not know how to do this job. So the whole is saturated in the stomach. The person has heat here, then the heat starts passing upwards through the right heart. It creates problem and that problem is called Asthma. Then this heat passes into the throat, which creates a 2 kind of a cold where you will sneeze twenty times in the morning. There are two types of liver. One is lethargic liver and the other is overactive liver. I am talking of the over active liver, where a person develops cold, sneezing, temper, anger, acidity and tension. Then this heat passes over and can go to the heart at a very young age. Supposing there are boys who are playing tennis or exercise of a vigorous nature and drinking this might affect and can cause a massive heart attack at a very young age. The same heat when it passes to the throat we develop throat trouble, hoarseness etc. when it moves down to your pancreas then the poor pancreas is also suffering because it has no energy from the center. Then a person develops diabetes. Too much of thinking gives diabetes. People think too much, sugar gives diabetes. In Maharashtra people drink tea where sugar is so much that the spoon stand up. Nobody gets diabetes because they are villagers, living simple lives, not thinking of tomorrow, how to do this or that. Only the people lives simple, not thinking of tomorrow, how to do this or that. Only the people who are sitting on their seats, planning thinking, worrying gets diabetes..." (Doctor's Conference, Meridian Hotel, Delhi, 25.03.93) परम्परा: स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र पर साक्षात श्री ब्रम्हाजी विराजमान है । वे मूलभुत निर्माता को दर्शाते है तथा उनकी शक्ति श्री सरस्वती जो कला तथा संगीत की देवी कहलाती है। स्थूल भौतिक पहलू : इस चक्र का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है अपने पेट के चरबी को मस्तिष्क के भूरे तथा सफेद कोशिकओं मे परिवर्तित करना जो हमारे विचारो में लगने वाले शक्ति के लिये ईन्धन का कार्यकरता है। अति वैचारिक्ता और अति पूर्वयोजना इस क्रिया को अतिकार्यशील करते हैं जिससे यह चक्र का जरूरत से ज्यादा उपयोग होता है। स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र यकृत (लिवर) का भी कार्य नियमन (नाभी चक्र के साथ मिलकर) करता है। अगर इस चक्र को अति विचारों के लिए कार्य करना पड़े तो दूसरे अंग जो इसके द्वारा नियन्त्रित है उपेक्षित हो जाते है । इस उपेक्षा का प्रभाव यक्ृत पर सबसे ज्यादा पडता है । इस चक्र की बाधाए हमारे दाहिने हाथ के अगूठे तथा बीच के उंगुली पर फडकन, झनझनाहट और हाथ पर चुभन के रूप मे महसूश होती है। हमारे यकृत का इसमे अलग महत्व है क्योकि यही हमारे चित्त का पीठ है। चित्त और विचारो के भेद मे भ्रमित नही होना चाहिए । विचार तो हमारे अहंकार से और प्रतिअहंकार (हमारे पुराने संसकार तथा परिस्थितियों) से आते है। और चित्त शुध्द एकाग्रता है जो विचार तथा मस्तिष्क के कार्योके बिना है, उदाहरण के तौर पर जब हम फूल की तरफ देखते है तो अपना चित्त उस पर डालते है (साक्षी स्वरुप मे) लेकिन हम उसके बारे मे विचार नहीं करते हैं। चित्त विचारों से संलग्नित नहीं होता, वह शुद्ध एकाग्रता और साक्षीभाव से देखना मात्र है । एक संतुलित यकृत हमारे चित्त को सम्भालता तथा पोषित करता है। वह बाहरी बाधाओं और अशुध्दयों को छान कर उसे शुद्ध रखता है और इसी शुध्दित चित्त से शान्ति तथा स्थिरता हमारे ध्यान के दौरान हमें प्राप्त होती है। हमारा यकृत अतितापित होने पर ( मद्यपान , उत्तेजक पदार्थ सेवन से) बहुत संवेदनशील बनता है जिसका विपरीत प्रभाव हमारे चित्त पर होता है और हमारा ध्यान कमजोर हो जाता है। "The third thing which is even more dangerous is the speed. Nowadays life is so funny that it cannot be congenial to the working of the Spirit. What happens in the morning is that one reads the newspapers, horrible news, Bombay blast, etc., the spleen start wobbling. Then you don't eat your breakfast properly. You rush to work, cursing the people on the way because of the traffic jam. This craziness makes it vulnerable to blood cancer. The spleen does not know how to react to this craziness. Then a shock will happen on the left side because you are working on the right side and then it fails. The connection with the whole is lost. The brain cannot control anymore. Then this trouble of leukemia comes in. Then it goes to kidney. You cannot pass urine. Then he is put on dialysis and poor man dies bankrupt. Dialysis has not cured anyone so far. It just makes them live longer and longer. Sometimnes you don't feel hungry because of the liver plus you feel constipated. Constipation can be of the worst kind where all their lives they have to take enemas. These are the common diseases faced by the over active people. (Doctor's Conference, Meridian Hotel, Delhi, 25.03.93) अलग तरह से दिखाई देता है जैसे मधुमेह (diabetes), स्वाधिष्ठान की स्थिति : कमजोर स्वाधिष्ठान अलग हृदयविकार और उससे संलब्नित समस्या, ध्यान मे तकलीफ होना, रुखापन। काली विद्या और धरमान्धता का विपरीत प्रभाव हमारे चक्रों पर होता है । हम खबुद को अतिसुस्तता के सम्मुख पाएगें तथा ऐसा भी हो सकता है कि हम भय तथा नकारात्मक्ता में खुद को पायेंगे। वक्त अपने पैर ध्यान के पन्चत्वो का इस्तेमालः स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र की शुद्धीकरण: दाहिनास्वाधिष्ठान चक्र: नमक के ठंडे या (बर्फीले ) पानी मेरखे । बर्फ कि थैली अपने दाहिने स्वधिष्ठान चक्र पर रखे (कमर तथा दहिने पैर के जोड़ के उपर) विचार ले लीजिये। प्रार्थना:- श्री माताजी कृषा करके हमारे विचारो से हमे मुक्तता दे दीजिये या हमारे साधारण उपदेश:- बाया हाथ चक्र पर रखे, दहिना हाथ श्री माताजी के तस्वीर की ओर करें। बायां बाजू (इडा नाड़ी) को उपर उठाकर ढहिने बाजू को नीचे लायें यह क्रिया एक सौ आठ (९०८) बार करे। यकृत के मर्यादा के अनुरुप अन्नग्रहण करें। बाया स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र की शुद्धीकरण: पंचत्त्वों का उपयोग:- ध्यान के वक्त पैरों को नमकीन गुनगुने पानी मेरखे । प्रार्थना:- श्री माताजी, कृपा करके हमे शुद्ध विद्या (निर्मल विद्या) प्रदान करें । साधारण उपदेश:- दवाया हाथ चक्र पर रखे ता बाया हाथ श्री माताजी की ओर करे। ढाया बाजू उठाकर बाया बाजू नीचे लायें। यह क्रिया १0८ बार कीजिए । मोमबत्ती का इस्तेमाल बांए स्वाधिष्ठान के लिए कीजिए । ८ तल र ८) णि WELCOM CE THE HOLY বा ८ ०MF ৮ AC FHl THỊ FREICH JUICE BAR ONSONITA Sु श्र ८० ०o RT- KOKUM & BADLOH LEAVES चि / ৫E RES LIVERS CHILLING OUT IN THE HIMALAYAS अ YAS HIMALAY A SAHAJA INSIGHT It is said that meditating on the Himalayas brings liberation in the form of true knowledge dispelling the darkness of ignorance and helps attain a pure state of the ultimate and not just the seat of the wise and source of waters that keep life, but the very fountainhead of 'Sumati' and 'Smriti' or knowledge and cognitive memory, As a proverb it is said, just as dew disappears with the morning sun, all sins get washed away at the very sight of the magnificent Himalayas. The whole of the Himalayas are viewed as the abode of Lord Shiva. He rests in different forms on these mountains with Mount Kailash being his permanent residence. He even married the daughter of the king of the Himalayan Mountains, 'Sati' or 'Himavati' or the Daughter of Snow. There are innumerable stories related and buried deep into these mystic snow white peaks of divine creation of Divine the Himalayas. It is said once the Pandavas, the five heroic brothers of the epic, Mahabharata, visited the Lord here in these recesses of mountain. When Lord Shiva saw them coming he, however, changed his form into one of a buffalo and tried to run away. The five brothers managed to get hold of him, but only his posterior. It is believed that in Kedaradesa only the posterior part of the Lord remains. His body was separated into five parts and spread all over the Himalayas and these five sites are together known as "Pancha Kendaras". The path to heaven is said to run up the Himalayas. Yudhishtra, of the Mahabharata, is said to have climbed these peaks in his progress towards heaven the one leading to the heavens is called "Swargarohini", where Swarga means heaven "Arohini" means ascent. Chomolungma is the "Goddess Mother of the earth" in Tibetan. Romel Verma, Shri Mataji's SonIn law, once narrating his experience of his trek to the Himalayas referred Arjuna, who had to travel to northern part of India as separate entity (separate from his other four great brothers, who traveled out in other three directions). So he traveled across the Himalayas and met Lord Shiva in Form of Kirata (Hunter) who in turn bestowed upon Arjuna His special powerful energy. Eventually, in the pages of history this made Arjuna the great and powerful man on Earth. Later, we learn how he fought and defeated the Kauravas with great ease. Relating to this encounter of Arjuna and the blessings of Lord Shiva with His special powers, Romelji said that we could also absorb this special energy of Shri Shiva, and possess qualities of like Arjuna and counteract any negativity in our path with full powers of Shri Shiva. The Himalayas, Abode of Lord Shiva is like a living dynamite of power, (14th February 2004 on the Eve of Shiv Puja 2004) Since ancient times, the Himalayan peaks have always held an attraction for seekers of knowledge and meditate in the solitude of the mountain vastnesses. The gorgeous beauty of the Himalayan Mountains embellished with silver snow marks a magnificent paradise on earth. Where else on Earth do two of the massive tectonic plates that form the surface of the Earth overlap to form a wide, sky-high plain than in the spectacular Himalayan region? These majestic Himalayan ranges are located in the sub continent of Asia. Himalayas are erected as a protector for the countries like Nepal, Tibet (China), India, Pakistan and Bhutan. Himalayas are the world's highest mountain chain crowning the snow-capped peaks of 26,000 feet. (8000m). The Himalayan range forms a curvature of 1,500 miles through Southern Asia. The curved shaped Himalayas stretch out ahead the unbroken northern boundary of India and chisel across the Indian subcontinent as they carve intensely into the life encircling them. The Indian pilgrims who wander in these mountains in ancient times fabricated the term "Himalayas" from a Sanskrit word 'him' (snow) and 'alaya' (home) also means "the Abode of Snow". For centuries, the Himalayas have a strong impact on the inhabitants of India; their emotions were guarded by the blend of esteem, wonderment and apprehension. Indian Himalayan range stretches from west India to east India include 5 Indian states Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.. With double thick continental plates as a base, the peaks of the Himavat raise up yet another two and a half vertical miles culminating in the tallest of the Himalayan peaks - the 29,028- foot peak of the Lapchi Kang (Everest). The great Himalayan peaks that ring the Tibetan plateau to the south catch the snow and form the rivers that water the plains below. Tibet itself is a magical place, the Land of the Gods and the location of the fabled Shangri La. Most of the Himalayan ranges are raised up to more then 3 miles above sea level. Ganges, Indus and the Brahmaputra the most sacred rivers of India flow from the snow clad mountains from the foothills of Himalayas that are the major rhizome. It also treasures the adventurous trekking excursion, lush green meadows and exhibits the imperial power, splendor and zest of Nature. In Rig-Veda and Atharvaveda, the Himalayas is mentioned by the name Haimavata., No wonder then that a mountain of so many aspects is viewed in Indian mythology as having a 'divine soul'. It is called "Devatatma" in a Sanskrit poet Kalidasa's works. That divinity is an all-pervading idea can be seen by the fact that there is a reference to a situation where a sage catches sight of the mountain ranges in Krishna's stomach! As the 5th century AD famous Indian poet ranges to be the center of the earth. Kalidasa writes in his poem Kumarsambhava: To the sage's description may be added that these Astyurasyam Dishi Devatama Himalayo Nam ranges are the youngest in India and one of the Nagadhirajah Purvaparo Toyanidho Vagahaya youngest mountain systems of the world with Sthita Prathivya Iva Mandandah Means, in the many peaks yet to be christened. Northern Part there is a mighty mountain by the The Geological significance speaks of collision name Himalayas- the abode of perpetual snow fittingly called the king of mountains, continent, which started in Paleogene time and enlightened by the divine presence. These continues even today, produced the Himalayas awesome heights spanning the wide landscape of and Tibetan Plateau, spectacular modern Indian Peninsula from eastern sea to the western examples of the effects of plate tectonics. Tibetan sea stand as if it were the measuring rod of the Plateau itself is a collage of micro plates or earth. Thus the Himalayas are a continuous continental fragments that were successively source of inspiration between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasian added to the Eurasian plate during the Paleozoic and as well as life itself. These mountains defy Mesozoic eras. description, not only Paleomagnetic because of their analysis indicates that these older micro grandeur and expansiveness, but also because of the plates were in the southern hemisphere during the Paleozoic overpowering role played by them in the story of the world. Once upon a time, there lived a king era. Each older fragment, like the larger Indian Plate, made a long called "Milinda". He asked a sage called "Nagasena" about the northward journey. As the intervening ocean Himalayas. The sage replied in a single verse (Tethyan regime) was sub ducted, and was which when translated reads: accreted to the Eurasian continent. The resulting "The Himalayas, the king of the mountairns, five sutures are marked by scattered occurrences of and thousand league in extent at the ophiolite, ocean floor material that was caught up circumference, with its ranges or eight hundred between the crusted blocks during accretion. The and forty thousand peaks, the source of five collision that produced the Himalayas was only hundred rivers, the dwelling place of multitudes the latest, albeit climactic, episode in this long of mighty creatures, the producer of manifold series of collisions. perfumes, enriched with hundreds of magical drugs, it is seen to rise aloft like a cloud in the center of the earth." In fact, a text called the Sama Veda (Sam Veda) does describe the mountain The Indian plate continues to move northward relative to Asia about 5 cm per year. Given the great magnitudes of the blocks of the Earth's crust involved this is a remarkable rate, about twice the speed at which your fingernails grow. This movement caused the rocks along the leading edge of the Indian plate to deform and fracture. Immense slices of Indian crust were pushed southward and stacked up to produce the Himalayas orogeny. Himalayas epitomizes the nature's creation on the Earth. As Shri Mataji once said," India had to move to the north so that Kailasa could rise to complete the seventh chakra of the universe". (Informal talk, Dehradun, March 1979) What the Himalayas reveal is interesting while, what it conceals is enigmatic. Shri Mataji reveals the riddle wrapped in enigma enveloped in mystery regarding evolution of Nepal and the position of the majesticheights of the Himalayas. "Nepal was named after a Rishi called Ne-Pal. Christ also came to Nepal. It is a special country created till it by Mother Earth. It was only a sea, after the Amrut -Manthan, the Himalayas started pushing up reached a certain point called the Everest. It was created to shield India, the Kundalini of the Universe. It was necessary to protect the Kundalini, It is the brain of the Virata. They had to fence some country to preserve the ancient culture. Shri Ganesha had to be placed in India. That is why I had to take my birth in this country, at the Tropicof Cancer." (Kathmandu Puja, At the Ashram, 30th March 1989) ...To be continued in next issue (March 2005) Kaushik Panchal A Prayer to Our Divine Mother Ratilal& Sons I live alone, Dear Lord, Yet have, o fear, Ilive alone, Dear Lord, All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. Stay by my side, In all my daily needs, Be thou my guide. Grant me good health, Because I feel your presence Ever near. C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Roud, Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (0) 2748183. For that indeed, I pray, To carry on my work From day to day. Keep pure my mind, My thoughts, my every deed, Amen By Sumi Sharma Let me be kind, unselfish In my neighbor's need. Spare me from fire, from flood, Malicious tongues, From thieves, from fear, And evil ones. With Best Compliments from M/s M. R. Construction Civil Engineer & Contractors If sickness or an accident befall, Then humbly, Lord, I pray, Hear thou mny And when I'm feeling low, Or in despair, Lift up my heart, And help me in my prayer. call. Prop. M.R. Patkar B.E. Civil Mother said that one shouldn'e chant any Mantra. If a particular chakra/Nadi is catching then the respective mnantra should be said with Shri Mataji's name. If the stomach is paining then the mantra for the stomach should be said and not of the head. A Sahaja Yogi had discussed about Mantras with Shri Mataji and the experience is given below An Indian Sahaja Yogi, Mr. Phadke, published a magazine called 'Bhakti Sangam' on the occasion of Mother's 60th birthday (2 -03- 83). Mother asked him to translate this Magazine from Marathi into English. Therefore an Indian Yogini translates the notes of Mr. Phadake. ahaja Yoga - Discovery Knowledge In every sphere, self-experience is the knowledge of a seeker. A Sahaja Yogi who may be a teacher, a doctor or a scientist feels that Sahaja Yoga is 'the mother of invention'. It is interesting when a teacher at a deaf and dumb school, who has complete faith, wants to lead those deaf and dumb boys into Sahaja Yoga. In those days, H.H. Shri Mataji was staying at Prabhadevi in Bombay and one got a chance, quite often, to visit that place. There, experimental realisation was given and Shri Mataji satisfied whatever questions arose. With pleasure, She would satisfy all the questions and discuss them all. Regular meditation and experiments were done at home. The Chakras (seven of them) can be felt on both the hands. When the awakened Kundalini climbs towards Brahmarandra and pierces it, then the vibrations start flowing, the Spirit is then awakened. This is called self-realisation. Thoughtlessness is achieved in this stage. Since Shri Mataji has closed the Agnya Chakra, The Gods and Goddesses cannot be seen on reaching this Chakra, only the sensation is felt on the tips of the fingers. That's when the question arises, Is there God?" Whether to believe it because Shri Mataji says so? Then, how could the saints see God earlier? And so all sorts of questions may arise. Within a few days of meditation, colors were seen in the Agnya Chakra. It was rather surprising. Time would simply dissolve away while meditating, Two to three hours of meditation felt like 10-15 minutes only. Regarding colors, it was confirmed by referring to the Dyaneswari. This was told to Shri Mataji one day at Bharati Vidya Bhavan. Mother said, "Mr. Phadake, Chakras and their colors don't mean everything. You have to go further ahead than that. These colors mean only a particle of the sea or sand. We have to reach to the complete sand as a whole. These colors are like the scenes we pass while traveling by train. We don't remember the scenes and get involved in them. Wejust have a destination to reach. We forget all that we pass on the way, in between. In the same way attention should not go to the colors you pass on the way to Sahastrara. How the thoughtless awareness comes, how it should be established for long time, these should be observed. Only looking at the colors will reduce the attention at Agnya and it will be spoiled." After hearing this I was aware and realised. Eight to nine years have passed. After that so many experiments were done and people have been cured and negativities been removed. I am a teacher at a school for deaf and dumb boys. So, what will be the advantage of Sahaja Yoga to these deaf and dumb boys? One day, I asked inquired about this to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji said, "Boys will also get advantage of this, because the ear is also one of the five organs. These organs convey messages to the brain. The main power is different. If any disturbance occurs in the working of conveying the message, we can work it out through Sahastrara, but a lot of effort needs to be applied for that because the Sahastrara should be completely open. The Vishuddhi and Agnya Chakras of the deaf and dumb boys are already spoiled by their previous births. They should be purified and cleared, only then they can hear through Sahastrara instead of their ears. As our auditory center is in the brain, this center receives the hearing vibrations through the ears. If this message is received through the Sahastrara, then the work is done. The message, which is received by the auditory center, is connected to the speech center, by the way of answer. When it reaches the speech center. Then only we can answer properly. This happens in no time. Itstruck us that we could experiment with becoming artificially deaf ourselves. We blocked our ears and went into meditation. Thoughtlessness came as soon as the Kundalini reached Sahastrara. It took quite some time for this to happen. The experiment started by plugging the ears with small cotton balls and further blocking the ears completely by putting the index finger into the ear until no sound was heard. As we went into deeper meditation, cool breeze started flowing on the Sahastrara and both the hands. Then slowly, sound started coming from the Sahastrara. One could define the words in the beginning, and later on, after putting on the radio, songs could be identified. That time it was a wonderful surprise: complete, deepmeditation is required to clean these Chakras thoroughly. After some consideration, it was discovered that in the deaf boys, the two organs i.e. of hearing and talking don't work like those of a normal person, so their energy is saved, whereas normal people use quite a lot of power in doing these. Such people have special powers. The blind have special powers touch, which make them recognize better. of Ibrought 7 to 8 boys home and gave them realisation. I sat with them in the chain style with closed eyes. When I left the chain I asked them how they felt. From their answers it was known that some of them felt numbness in their legs, some had a tickling sensation in their backbone, all had got special, Divine Vibrations, which were flowing from one hand to another. Insome way, all could see Shri Radha and Shri Krishna, but I could not. I wondered if my progress was less. I asked Shri Mataji about it. Shri Mataji smiled and said, "Their Agnya Chakra is spoiled so they see God. It is good that you cannot see anything as such because I have elosed your Agnya Chakra and taken you to Sahastrara. So why do you come to Agnya? This type of vision is not required. Everything should be felt by the media of Divine Vibrations." Then later the question was whether they were real deities that were seen by these boys? How could one be sure of that? Within 15 minutes we got the answers, through the thought that came into the mind. Once Shri Mataji had said in a lecture, "When you are in complete thoughtless awareness, and the Continued on Page 20 G 10 e सवा एवम सांता आन्राकय अतार मुझे एक पेडको काटने को ८ घंटे मिले हो, तो नैं ६ घंटे कुल्हाडी को तेज करने में लगा ढुँगा | "- लिंकन में सारे बच्चे इतिहास नें अपने १६वें अनेरिका राष्ट्रपति अब्राहम लिंकन की कहानिया पढते हैं । उनके जीवन से पता चलता है की उनक कमा में श्री कृष्ण के सिधान्त झलकते हैं। उनके जीवन का अध्यान करने पर , प्रतीत होता है कि उनमे श्री कृष्ण तत्व काटान्वित था । इन्ही सिद्धांन्तो और अबधिता से उन्होंने एक टूटे राष्ट्र को एकात्रा किया और नये अमेरिका की स्थापना की । अमेरिका ने मानवाधिकार दविलाने मे उनका बहुत बडा अफ्रीका देशो से लाए वाए लौगं को हि हाथथा। लिरखित्त एक १२८० मे श्री माताजी ने डेल कानजी द्वारा पुस्तक का नाम बतलाटी था : लिकन: ह अननोन (लिंकन के जीवन का अव्णीट पहलू) । टाह पुस्तक साधारण पुस्तकालया में उपल्बंध नहीं धी । एक लम्बी वीज के बाद वह हाथ लती ती यह पुस्तक एक बहुत बडी उपल्बधि का वर्णण करती है कि किस प्रकार परमात्मा की शक्ति अविरत काम से लिंकन की नहात्मा तक ले गयी । कौীन चाहेंगा औवल ओफिस (अमेरिका काराष्ट्रभवन का काटलिय) का दबाव और अकेलापन और निर्णय का भार जो अमेरिका के सबसे कठीन समट पर लिंकन को झेलना था ? लिकन का जीवन जो की वेदनापुर्णऔर निराशामट था, उन्हे एक ऐसे निटाति मे ले वाया जो उनके व्यक्तित्व के सीमाओं के पार थी । इस पुस्तक में लिंकन के जीवन का ऐसा सुंदर वर्णण किया वया है, जो किसी ने नहीं किया था। एक साधारण मनुष्ट हनि पर भी जब उनके कंधा पर एक बहुत बडी जिक्मेंदारी थी, किस तरह निराकार परनेश्वर की शक्ति से इस देश के कार्य कार्यान्वित हुए। ओवल ओफिस की सुविधाओं और ऐशी आरामों से विमुक्त होकर वे अपना कार्य करते थे अपने निजी जीवन के वैदनाओ के कारण भी, संसारिक बंधनो से ऊपर उठकर एक महापुरुष बन ताए | । एक यांी के नजर से दरवं लिकन के माता - पिता वारीब थे लिकन अमैरिका के इन्डियानाराज्य ें पले-बढ़ ।उनका घर एक त्रिकोणाकार कुटीटा थी, जिसकी छप्पर घास-फूस की बनी थी। अनेरिका के इस भावा में बहुत ही जोरी से शीत ऋतु महसुस की जा सकती है और इन असाधारण और दयनीटा परिस्थितीयो मे उनको रहना पड़ा। वारीबी ने इतना जोर पकड़ा की वे आलू, दुध वनौरह भी O 11 2 े जुटा नही पासकते थे । रवाने के स्रोत भी बहुत कम थे : जंगालो मे शिकार करना और जड़ी- बुटियों को बटोरना। बचपन में ही उनकी अतिप्रिय माताजी , नैन्सी हैन्कस का देहांत हो गया था। बचपन में वे मातृप्रेम के लिए तरसते थे । उनकी सारी बचपन की पढाई कुल मिलाकर सिर्फ एक साल थी । किताबे वे खरीद नहीं सकते थे इस लिए अपने हाथी से कोर कागज पर विद्यालय के जरुरत के किताबी, निर्बंध, भाषण और कविताओ को लिखकर वाजारा किया। पुर्वराष्ट्रपतिओं (वोरशिंगटन, जेफ्फरसन) की लिखावटसे उनकी लिखावट प्रेरित प्रतीत होती है । बचपन से ही उनकी अपनी कल्पनाओं का व्टाक्त करने की आतुरता थी । वे सहज ही अपने कल्पनाओं को कविताओं में हाल देते थे । इस तरह, अमेरिका के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पुरुष, ठारीबी ने भी कमल की तरह रिवल उठे | शुरू में उन्होने कई तरह के कार्टा किटो, लेकिन अपनी बुद्धी और सामान्य ज्ञान के बलबूते पर उन्होने वकालत करनी शुरू कर दी । किया और ८ साल तक राज्टासेवा की और आखिखर मे वे राष्ट्रपति भी बने। राष्ट्रपति पद का एक कार्टकाल पूर्ण करने के बाद वे वापस इलिन्यॉइस जाकर वकालत करने लगे। इस दौरान उन्होने अपने जीवन का सबसे मश|हर मुकदना लड़ा। एक निरव्हष व्यक्ति को हत्या की सजा दी जारही थी । वह लड़का लिकन के गांव मे मैला देखने आटा था। हत्या मेले में पूर्णिमा की रात की हुआ था । इस घटना के पहले , दिन में इस लडके और मारे वाटो आदमी के बीच खुले आम झगड़ा हुआ था। इस लिए लोों को टाकीन था की मुकादमा लोकाचार धा, उसे तो सूली पें चढ़ाया जायेता । मुरव्टा तावाह ने वावाही दी धी की उस रात उसन खुद आरोपी को हत्या करते हुए देरवा था । कुछ दिनो तक लिंकन उलडे रहे । फिर उन्होने पंचांग देरवा । मुकादमें की काया पलटने वाली थी । उन्होंने मुर्टी तावाह को कोर्ट में फिर से बुलवाटा । गवाही फिर से कहलवाटी और उसमे वावाह ने कहा की वह पुर्णिमा की रात थी तब लिंकन ने पंचांग निकालकर न्यायालय मे दिखाते हुए कहा की उस दिन चाँद एक पातलीसी कोर के रुप मे था। इससे पताचलाकी तावाह, जो की असली खूनी था , झूठ बोल रहा था । उनके कई किस्से उनकी प्यारी छवि को दषाति है, जैसे की दिन मे मुकदने लडते थे और शाम ार १८५२ में उन्होने इलिन्योंइस की विधाटका मे प्रवेश नै उसी न्टायाधीश और बैरी वकील दल का चुटकुले सुनाकर लोटपोट कर देते थे। अपनी जिंदती के बारे में उन्होंने से सदा ही कहा, "कै जन्म के बाद जीवन में सबसे साधारण श्रेणी में ही रहा।" उन्हे साहित्य से , और सही और वालत क्या है इुन विषयों पर बातकरने मे रुचि थी। व्यक्तिवात वलानि ने उनका सारी उम्र पीछा किया दायफॉड्ड के बिमारी से चल बसी । । उनकी काठेतर की इस हानि से वे कभी पुर्णतः उभर नही पाटे। बाद में उनकी मंतानी मैरी टोड नामक औरत से हुई, किंतु शादी के बाद उसने उन्हे कष्ट और वेदना ही दिटो । लालची और जिद्दी स्वभाव वश उसने उनकी जीवन में हुमशा कष्ट ही दिटा। एक बार सन १८६० मे वह बाजार जाकर २०,0 0 0 डालर का समान रवरीद्हकर व्हाइट हाउस (अमेरिका काराष्ट्रभवन) के नाम बिल ले कर आटी। सारी रखरीदी उसने खूद के लिए और घर सजाने के लिए की धी । आज के समय ने भी यह एक बडी रकम है। लिंकन ने सारेपैसे खुद की आमदनी से चुकाया। उनकी मृत्यु के बाद, उस औरत को पाठाल घोषित कर दिया गाया। लिंकन उसे शुरु मे ही पहचान वाटो थे लिकिन उनको दियो गाये नाम, ओनेस्टअब्बे (इमानदार अब्बे), के अनुरुप उन्होने अपना दिया वाटा शब्द ररवा । उनकी विशुद्धी की शुद्धता उनके सदा सच बोलने , अपने शब्द का पालन करने और सारे कर्ज चुकाने ने पक्के विश्वास से प्रदर्शित होती है । किंन्तु अपने शब्द निभाने की कीमत बहुत मंहगी थी और उनको शांती और आत्मविश्वास उनको अपने कार्टों टा उनके बेटे टोड के साथ बिताये गटो कुछ अनूल्टा क्षणी मे ही मिलती थी। टोड उनके चार बच्चों ने एकमात्रऐसाबच्चा थाजिसके जीवन में दु:रवदाटाक घटना नहीं घटी। प्रारंभिक दिनों के अत्यंत सुज्ञानी, तेज और विनोदी अब्बे अधिकाधिक आत्मनिरी क्षण में रत और क्रियाशील व्यक्ति बन वाटी । उन्होने व्यक्तिगत जिंदगी की धोडी भी परवाह किये बिना अपने देश के लिया सब कुछ अपर्ण कर दिया । ४९ साल की उ्र से पहले ही वे एक दुःखदाटी विवाह, अस्थिरराजनैतिक जीवन और धंधे मे असफलताझेल चुके थे । उन्होने राष्ट्रीटा कार्टालट में काम किटा और २ ही वर्ष के बाद, ५१ साल कि उम्र मे राष्ट्रपति चुने ताटो । दवास-प्रथा का मुद्ा इतना कड़वा हो चला था, कि उद््घाटन समारोह मे उनके हत्या की साजीशरची वाई थी। लिंकन प्रारंभ से ही मानते थे की अनेरिकासंघ के बचाने से दास प्रथा बहुत ज्टादा समय तक जीवित नही रह पाटौवी कॉब्रोस (अनेरिकी संसद) को १८६४ मे, उनके भाषण के बाद, चे प्रेरणा की मूर्ती बन वाए । उन्होने कहा , "हम संयुक्त राज्य की वारिमा को पुर्ण ढंग से बचाटेंगा, वरना पृथ्वी की एकमात्र और सर्वात्तम उम्मीद् खो जाौची"। और जब अनेरिकी वृहटुद्ध शुरु हो ताया तो थक-हारे सैनिको के बीच घूमकर, उनसे हाथ मिलाकर और उन्हे आशिर्वाद देते हुए वह आशा की एक शक्तिशाली प्रतिमाबने । । संघ को बचाना उनका हुढ निश्चटा धा। राजनैतिज्ञो से लिंकन ने कहा "नेरा शासक केवल मेरा अंतरात्मा और मेरा भवावान ही है।" SHRI NIRANANDA MARKETING ALL ITEMS OF NIRMAL INFOSYS AND VANADEVI HEALTH PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. 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WRITE FOR FREE DETAILED CATALOGUE OF ITEMS. क 13 उस वर्ष अमेरिकी चुनाच में उनके सीधे इरादे, कार्य को पुर्णत्व तक ले जाने और सत्या पर अडिवा रहने के तुणा के कारण चुनाव जीत ताए। जब वे राष्ट्रपति बने तो उनके मंत्रीमंडल सहित सभी ने उन्हें कम आंका धथा। कोई कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता धा कि साइगी और अबोधितासे लिंकन एक विभाजित देश को गृह युद्ध क समटा संभाल पाटौो। राष्ट्रपत्ति जोर्ज बुश की स्टथिती उनसे मिलती जुलती है। चे Shri Matajl in front of Lincoln Memorial क बार १९८3 ने अनेरिका जाने से पहले दिटो ताटों में श्री नाताजी ने विशुद्धी चक्र के गुणी और लिंकन के विषय में बात की । उस साढात्कार साकात्कारका कुछ अंशइस तरहसेथाः ब्रहमांड के शारीरिक तत्र में, उत्तरी अनेरिका विशुद्धी का स्थान है। ऑस्टेलिया सबसे निचे वाला अर्थात मुलाधार है। भारत में कुण्डिलनी स्थित है, जो की सब चक्रो को एक धागो में पिरो सकती है।" ऐसे कहते हुए श्री माताजी ने उनकी रीढ़की हड्डी के आधार से सिर के ऊपर तक एक लकीर बनायी और कहा:"पर अनेरिका तो विशुद्धी है, इतना महत्वपुर्ण चक्र .....विशुद्धी चक्र के देवता श्री कृष्ण है। विशुद्धी माधुर्ट, स्वाभिमान, व्याच्हार और सामूहित्ता का चक्र है: जैसे आपके अब्राहम लिंकन । वे सामूहिक्ता के लिटे खड़े रहे। अब्राहम लिंकन एक सन्त थे क्टा आप जानते है? एक आत्जसाज्षात्कारी । आपके याहाँ कडई महान लोगा हुए । स्ूसवैल्ट को देिखिटो, उन्होने कहा,"गरिबी , कही भी हो, हर जगह की सम्पन्नता के लिटे वतरा है इतना स्पष्ट! अमरिका बहुत महान स्थान है। भतावान श्री कृष्ण का सुदशनि चक्र इसकी र्षाकरता है।" उनकी मृत्यु के ३६साल बाद, उनके शरीर को उस स्थान ले जाया या, जो अब वीशिन्ठटन शहर में लिंकन मेमोरिअल (लिंकन स्मारक) के नाम से जाना जाता है। उनके अवशेश पहले जी १६ बार एक जताह से दूसरी जगाह भेजे गाटों थे , और अक्सर उन्हे अच्छे से कभी नहीरखा वाटा। ऐसा लगाता है, कि शाटाद उनके चैतन्टा कि शुद्धता के कारण ही उनका दंह अखन्ड बना रहा । जब उनके दह के लिये एक स्थान तटा हो ताया, उस समय जिन लोगों ने उनकी देह को देखा, वे उन्हे अत्यान्त प्राकृतिक रूप में देख कर चकितरह गटो। "Divinity is not a fashion. It is the way of life. It is WITH ALL OUR LOVE, the need of your being. You have to become that." The UK Yuvashakti - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Best Compliments Dr. Mitesh Gandhi, Banglore Yuvashakti BSC (Hons) MCOPTOM పాత్రాజ్) 14 Muhammad Saheb The Messenger Of God Sayings of Muhammad o The wisdom of the believer is to get up in the Muhammad Saheb was born of the esteemed Qoreish tribes in Mecca on the 20th of April. His father was Abdullah and Mother was Aamina. night and his honour is to be needless from others. Once an angel appeared before Aamina and told that she will have son who should be named as Muhammad (means "praiseworthy"). Abdulla OPeople asked Mohammed sahib, "whom should went to Syria on business work; fell ill on his return and died at Medina. He never saw his little son. When Muhammad was born, Aamina was sick and hence she left the child with nurse named Halima. Halima had three sons and Muhammad spent his early childhood with Halima's family. Halima was OThe word, which comes from the heart, will sit in poor and after Muhammad came to house, they became prosperous. When Muhammad was oThe beginning of the prayer is silence around five years, Halima left the child with his mother Aamina. Aamina was heartbroken after OMake cool your food until it gets blessed her husband's death and had become very weak. When Muhammad was seven years old, She went oDon't hesitate to bow towards God because to graveyard of her husband in medina and died there. After Muhammad's mother died, his grandfather"Abdul Mutalib" and uncle "Abu we worship after Allah", and he replied The Mother. Twice they repeated the same question and twice they got the same answer. This showed that he very clearly meant the Divine Mother. the heart. (thoughtlessness). (vibrate it). every bow will take one level higher and purify your sins (clearing out). God orders you to do the namahs (prayer) so Talib" brought him up. The chief occupation of his tribe was trade. From his childhood, he led a life of when you do the namahs, don't look to the left or right. When you pray to God, He is in front of you. (When you meditate, you are not in the past or the future, but in the present). O Those people who say God is only one and they believe and establish themselves will have no fear and they will not feel sadness. simplicity and poverty. His house, built of mud walls and thatched with date-palm leaves, often remained dark for want of oil for the lamp. At times he did not even have the flour with which to prepare bread. Muhammad was an illiterate but from an early age he showed a remarkable aptitude for OOn your hand is God's hand. concentration. He was a serious child and never OWhen your belief is pure, then a little took part in pranks or frolic. As he grew up he earned a great reputation for his commitment, OWhenever you want to do something, hesitate honesty and integrity. He always fulfilled his promises. One day, a man with whom he did OWhen you get your resurrection, then in your meditation is enough for you. one second until God will show you what to do business asked him to meet at the corner of a street. hand there is a seed. If you can, sprout it in others. (When you get your self-realization, then you have the power to give to others). 2 Muhammad went there but the man forgot. After three days, the man went there and was taken N 15 2 15 Medina aback to see Muhammad waiting for him for three days. The man said, when I didn't tuIrn up you should have gone away. Muhammad replied, "Since he had promised to meet, I had to wait to keep my word". Because he was extremely trustworthy, he became knownas Al-Amin. One day, Muhammad accompanied his uncle to Syria on business. On the journey he met Bahera, a Christian monk, who immediately recognized in the young boy a future prophet. That time Bahera told him that He was sent by God to be his messenger. In all his teachings, Muhammad openly praises both Judaism (Abraham is deeply respected within the Koran) and Christianity (Muhammad frequently praises Jesus and Mary in the Koran). When Muhammad was twenty-five years old he married Khadija, a widow of Mecca. She was a gentle woman of spotless character. She was also the first to follow Muhammad is considered as first Mohammedan (Muslim). Every year during Ramzan, Muhammad went to a cave on a hill called Hira and meditates. When he was forty years old, one day he heard a voice say, "Read". He replied, "I cannot read", Again the voice commanded, "Read in the name of your Lord who created man from a clot". Muhammad got confused and came out of the cave but stood thinking on the voice he heard. Again, he heard the voice saying, "O Muhammad, you are the messenger of God and I am Gabriel". The voice continued saying, "Rise, for thou art the Prophet of God. Go forth and preach in the name of thy Lord. Your God is merciful". When he returned from the cave, Muhammad was filled with divine majesty. After going to house, He narrated the whole thing to his wife and then she said, "You are faithful and never utter an untruth. Therefore, you may obey the call and follow the voice". She also takes him to her cousin, Waraga who knew all the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. He listened carefully on the whole narration and said, "Yes, I believe you are the promised prophet". Waraqa said all the prophets got their revelation in the similar way like the experience of Moses on Mount Sinai. He believes in himself to be the prophet and goes all out to preach the divine knowledge. Khadija was the first disciple to profess faith in the Prophet. She became his disciple and the first follower of Islam. "This is the only solution is to give them Self Realization. This Realization was called as miraj in the Koran. But they have said that nobody can get miraj. Muhammed-sahib gotit, butnobody else like they have banned people from getting Self Realization, which is not true -Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi After the revelation, Muhammad was commanded by God to tell his relatives about Islam. Islam means "Submission or Surrender" Surrender to the Will of God. Muhammad delivered public sermons on his faith to a large number of people, proclaiming the unity of God and denouncing the evil of drunkenness and impurity. He preached that they should worship only one God, they should respect women, and they should not lie, cheat and misappropriate money belonging to the poor. He said there are three types of Prayers to God, one is when you want something, second is because you are afraid of hell and the third is because you love God. He preached that everyone should pray God because you love God and for 16 2e nothing else. Though some ridiculed and turned away, others were converted by the power of his words. Once, he went to the Kaaba and proclaimed that there was no God but Allah. The worshipper of idols looked upon this as a great insult and attacked him, but was rescued by his disciples. He was abused and insulted frequently in public. The Prophet of Islam did not hold any debates nor did he challenge anyone to controversies and discussions. He silently converted people to his faith through his strong personality, charming demeanor and force of divine virtues. He bore with patience the persecution of his tormentors. His characteristics as well as the power of the verses of the Koran captivated the hearts of people. Since Qoreish tribe were against accepting his faith and also planned to take his life, Muhammad fled from Mecca to Yaathrib (now known as Medina) in 622 A.D. The Muslim calendar begins on the day of this flight, known as the Hijrat. The people of Yaathrib were anxiously waiting for the prophet and when they got this news of Muhammad coming to Yaathrib, they all came happily and eagerly to receive him. The people of Medina accepted Muhammad's faith readily because it was plain, simple and direct. With their help and with an army of men the Prophet later returned to Mecca, where he succeeded in converting his relatives and fellowmen. He then sent missionaries to other parts of Arabia in order to convert the entire peninsula to the new faith. In Medina, He constructed the first mosque for people to worship and offer prayers. Around the mosque, he constructed the houses for His followers to live ad also school where he taught divine laws to the people. Muhammad was himself a living example of the Divine's infinite capacity for forgiveness: many times he forgave enemies who had committed unspeakable atrocities against him and his brethren. He stood on divine truth and never compromised anything for this truth. In administering justice, he made no distinction between believers and nonbelievers, friends and foes, high and low. Sakhar, a chief of a tribe, had helped Muhammad greatly in the siege of Taif, for which he was naturally obliged to him. When two charges were brought against Sakhar, he decided against Sakhar and made him undo the wrong. He preached what was told by divine and made people imbibe these qualities by his own living. "So to get rid of this ego, we have a very simple method which Muhammad Saheb has suggested, which works very well, which is that you just have to take a shoe and beat yourself nicely everytime to get rid of ego." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The teaching of Muhammad attracted numerous followers because it was very simple and came from an honest man who never posed as a world teacher. He often told his disciples that he was an ordinary man as they were, teaching them to believe in Allah and His revelations. He emphasized the principle of brotherhood and equality of man, and is based on austere, simple living and complete surrender to Allah. Hence the religion based on his faith came to be known as Islam that means "Surrender". When the Quoerish tribe in Mecca learnt that Muhammad has influenced many people with his faith in Yaathrib, the chief of Mecca rage the battle to kill Muhammad. Till this time, Muhammad and his followers were silent and suffered the insult of Meccans. At this time God commanded Muhammad to fight against Meccans for seif-defence. Since, lot of family had homes in Yaathrib, Muhammad chose a place called as Badr, which was eighty miles away from Yaathrib. This battle is also known as Battle of Badr. This battle ended with followers of Muhammad defeating the Meccans. The Meccans fled and Medinites came with the news of Victory to the prophet. Muhammad's peak defining experience, called the Meraj, saw him elevated through the seven heavens to the realm of God Almighty at the resplendent Sidrath where he communed with God, received his 17 divine visions and instructions and was placed on the inexorable course of his life-mission to establish Islam. Muhammad was escorted by the archangel Gabriel.(a masculine force) but the vehicle upon Muhammad rode was the beautiful "Buraq". The Buraq was a white horse with wings and the face of a woman! Clearly suggesting that the great power by which Muhammad was elevated to the level of supreme consciousness was ultimately feminine in nature! Some scholars say that the Buraq is an Islamic symbol of the Kundalini, a force that Eastern Yogis describe as the Goddess or Divine Mother. Even though, Fathima was daughter of Muhammad, He treated Her with great respect because He knew that She was a Kaaba, The Black Stone (Meccashwar Shiv) in Mecca incarnation. which divine Finally, in 632 A.D., lot of people in Mecca accepted Muhammad's preaching and embraced his new religion, Islam. Muhammad went to Mecca, went round the Kaaba (the holy black stone) and delivered his last sermon there and forgave all the cruelties committed against him and exhorted his followers to look after their women and treat all human beings equally. On 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awal (632 A.D), he passes away and was buried in Medina, the city that had loved him and welcomed him dearly. Even now, all people who go to Mecca then go to Medina after the pilgrimage is over to visit his grave. like all the manifestations of the past, assured his followers that a great messenger would come after him. He said that the religion of God, which had come down from heaven through Him, would go back to God after the passing of thousand years. Finally He said, when no trace of God's religion was left on earth, the people would behold the face of God himself. After Muhammad passed away, His daughter Fathimaji who was also an incarnation laid down some rules for women to protect their chastity. She was the one who started the Burkhs system. Fathima was very beautiful to look at and was in the midst of very aggressive Arabic people who never respected women. She covered her face with a cloth so that people never look at her and can maintain Her chastity. This is the way; She also protected the attention of men not to get distracted. Now at this time of Kaliyuga, when no religion exists in its true form, the people have no option other than hold the face of God whom Muhammad, The main injunctions of Islam are Namaz (prayer), pilgrimage, charity and firm belief in the oneness of God and His prophets, particularly Muhammad. The holy Koran, divided into more than one hundred chapters, opens and ends with the subject of the unity of God. The religion of Islam is essentially a religion of peace, for Muhammad was a lover of peace and non-violence. Selflessness and service to suffering humanity are the watchwords of Islam. In all his preaching, He had high esteem for women and regards Mary, Mother of Christ, as the most marvelous women and considers her as a high adept and living example of the pure and holy life. Later Koranic commentaries describe Mary as an intervening force between God (Allah) and humanity. This intervening force is characterized by Allah's mercy, forgiveness, sweetness and humility-the embodiment of Allah's love for creation. In Sahaja yoga, we know that this power is nothing but Kundalini, which is responsible for union with God. In Sahaja yoga, we all know that Muhammad was none other than the incarnation of Adi Guru Dattatreya himself. He came on this earth to teach the people about divine laws in a very simple way that even a common man can understand. Also, we consider Fathimaji as the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Sheis the beholder of purity in one's attention. 18 In the busy schedule of daily integration forgiven life do we have slert time to introspect? In meditation do we actually sustain our thoughtless state? Let us look witness deshbhakt dove peace detachment rdiscretion inward and find all Psnoou we should have and that we generous the qualities that humility creativity sweetnesS should maintain. Wisdom These qualities will not originate dignified Compassion outside therefore look beyond the busy city. confidence & dynamism Innocance Example: If we are not silent from within then how can we have ------ outside. Ans: Find Peace' in the busy city. * If we love our country we won't be corrupt so we should have (10) The meek shall inherit the kingdom of God. Lets have (11) * Communicate with (12)-- Watch your attention and be (13)- A man becomes a great man only with (1)-- Shri Ganesha obeys his Mother without + questioning because he has (2)--. Stop running after material desires and find (3) Let our behaviour and appearance be (14)- The quality that transforms is (15)- The flower represents beauty but its fragrance represents (16)- The painting of Mona Lisa gives joy because the artist had enlightened (17)-- Are we ascending or descending? Lets find (4)------ and surrender it to vibrations. * . By not reacting we become a (5)-- To imbibe one of the qualities of Shri Lakshmi be (6)-- * Lets spread Sahaja Yogi with (7)- & (8)--- Lets bring all our qualities in (18)- , 15. Love 16. Innocence 17. Creativity 18. Integration 10. Deshbhakt 11, Humility 12. Sweetness 13. Alert 14. Dignified 5. Witness 6. Generous 7 Confidence 8. Dynamism 9. Forgiven Answer :1. Compassion 2. Wisdom 3. Detachment 4. Discretion -? Are we in anger or have we (9)--------- C 19 Continued from Page 10 1|Jai Shri Mataji|| Kundalini is on the Sahastrara, if you ask any question to yourself then Thank You Shri Mataji for you get your answer in thoughtless awareness and that is 100% correct, because that is the answer of God, that means through the Spirit. your attention on everyone and everywhere. In thoughtlessness, it occurred to me that seven Chakras are Ritu Mehra, Chandigarh represented on our hands, e.g. the Shri Ganesha principle is in the middle of the wrist of the left hand on the heel of the palm. We ||Jai Shri Mataji|| meditated on this principle and were thoughtless and got divine vibrations. These children were realised souls and could see Shri WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS Ganesha at the same time, which was seen in the color red. The children were joyous that they had actually seen Lord Ganesha. I was amazed with this experiment. I was glad that Shri Mataji has discovered Sahaja Yoga and that it is so great. Malvika Agarwal Gurgaon Now these deaf boys could understand Sahaja Yoga. If we get experience, then how can we not understand it? Shri Mataji has shown us everything that has never happened before. The direct experience is WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS given through Chaitanya Sakshatkar; so one should take its experience | Jai Shri Mataji|| M. Ravindra and have one's life blessed in this world and in the same way that one Bangalore light can enlighten others. However how much one may say about Shri Mataji's greatness it is never enough. 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Tel - 020 25286537 NG 20 A८ तIR पभज ১৯ ॐ कार प्रधान रूप गणेशाचें। जे तिन्हीं देवांचे जन्मस्थान॥ अकार तो ब्रह्मा उकार तो विष्णु। मकार महेश जाणियेला ॥ ऐसे तिन्ही देव जेथोनी उत्पन्न। तो हा गानन मायबाप।। तुका म्हणे ऐसी आहे वेदवाणी। पहावी पुराणी व्यासाचीया ॥ Cover page : Nitya Sapte Ganeshji : Pallavi Nene क PRATISHTHAN SRIVASTA ---------------------- 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-0.txt YUVADRISHTI Volume 5 December An offering at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother by the Yuvashakti Issue 4 2004 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-1.txt Contents स्वाधिष्ठान AYAS A SAHAJA INSIGHT HIMAL Sahaja Yoga - Discovery Knowledge अब्राहन लिकन एक सत राट्टरजायक १ Muhammad Saheb The Messenger Of God 15 It is our desire to deliver this magazine to as many Sahaja Yogis as possible. To facilitate this distribution, a coordinator in each center is needed. Currently, there are Yuva Shakti who acts as representatives collecting registration, content for magazine and distributing the magazine. 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YUVA SHAKTI "The purpose of the Yuva Shakti is the development of the personality in order to make much more complete, so that such developed individuals will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as Shining ideals for others to emulate and derive inspiration." -Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Yuva Shakti 1987 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-2.txt सिर में स्थान सूक्ष्म शरीर में स्थान हाथों में स्थान भी नि र पैसों में थान कु स्वाधिष्टान देवता श्री द्रम्हदेव सरस्वती स्थूल शारीरिक पहलू : एऑर्टीक प्लेकस्स प्रादुर्भाव (कार्य): लिवर, किडनी, प्लीहा, पैक्रीयाज गुण : सूजनशीलता , प्रेरणा ,सौंदर्य , तथा कला गुण, बौद्धिक आकलन शक्ति , शुद्द विद्या या सत्य पन्खुड़िया: ६ दिन: बुधवार पंच तत्व: अग्नि सम्बन्धित रंग: पीला ग्रह : बुध हाथो पर स्थान : अंगूठा स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र चक्र पकडने के कारण वाया भाग: ्मान्धिता और जादु-टोना, अगुरूतथा अविद्या, नशा तथा मद्यपान, अतिदास्यता ढाहिना भाग : बहुत ज्यादा विचार तधा पुर्वनियोजन , अति राजकारण, गलत खानपान की आदतें, अहन्कार से भरा तथा औरों पर अधिपत्य जमाने वाला जीवन रीढ की हड्डी में अभिव्यक्ति पल 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-3.txt परिचय : स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र एक उपग्रह की तरह नाभी चक्र से जुडा भवसागर के चारो तरफ घूमता है तथा उसके दस पन्खुडियों को (जो दस गुरुओं के उपदेश के प्रतीक है ) आधार देता है। जब कुन्डलिनी शक्ति जागृत होती है तो पहले नाभी चक्र से गुजरती है और बाद में स्वाधिष्ठान से गुजरती है और वहाँ से वापस नाभी चक्र से होकर अपना सफर सहस्त्रार तक तंय करती है। उत्क्रान्ति के दौरान मानव ने शरणस्थल की इच्छा को घर बनाने मे परिवर्तित किया। मानव की सौन्दर्य शक्ति निरन्तर बढ़ती रही है और अपने शरणस्थल (घर) को अधिकाधिक आधुनिक स्वरुप देने लगा | फलस्वरूप सौभाग्य से वास्तुकला शास्त्र का निर्माण हुआ। उसकी यही सृजनशीलता (creativity) बढकर अमूर्त स्वरुप लेने लगी, जहाँ वह सोचने लगा, उसे प्रकाशित करने लगा और उसकी छवि बनाने लगा जिसका इससे पहले वस्तुस्वरुप मे कोई भी मेल नहीं मिलता था। इसी उगते हुए सौन्दर्य शासत्र से रचनात्मक कला की उत्पति हुई। में D गुण : स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र का मूलभूत गुण है सृजनशीलता । यही से सृजनशीलता के लिए उज्जा उत्पन्न होती है। अपने आत्मसाक्षात्कार के बाद हम जानने लगते है कि सृजनशीलता को पाने का सच्चा मार्ग हैं अपने ध्यान में निर्विचार समाधी प्राप्त करना। इसी से हम जानने लगते है कि सृजनशीलता का सौदर्य हमारे अन्दर एक स्तब्ध तथा शान्त तालाब की तरह है। जब हम उस तालाब को खोज निकालते हैं तो हम उसका माध्यम बन जाते हैं। हम इस सामूहिक अन्त: मन का सृजन साधन बन जाते है जिसमे अहंकार नहीं होता जो इस कला के शुध्दता को प्रदूषित करे। कवि वर्डवर्थ के अनुसार, "यह एक हृदय, जो देखता है और ग्रहण करता है"। सृजनशीलता की हर एक विधि स्वाधिष्ठान के गुणों से ही संचालित होती है। अगर यह क्रिया संतुलन मे प्राप्त की गयी (सूक्ष्म यन्त्रना के सुषुम्ना मार्ग से) तो फलस्वरुप अध्यात्मिक उन्लति होती है और हम कह सकते है कि यह हृदय से बनी थी। आत्म-साक्षात्कार के बाद इस बातपर जोर दिया जाता है और फलस्वरुप एक सृजनप्रेरित कार्य हो जाता है। पुराने कलाकार जैसे मोझार्ट और माइकेल अन्जोलो जो की जन्म से आत्मसाक्षात्कारी थे, उनका सौन्दर्य अभिरुचिपूर्ण कार्य हमे यही चीज दर्शाता है । इस गुनवत्ता का कार्य अमर होता है जो हमे आनंद तथा सौन्द्रर्य प्रदान करता है जो कि सम्पूर्ण युग को दर्शाता है । लेकिन इस आधुनिक कार्यपद्धति मे यह अकसर देखा गया है की जो कलाकार शुरू मे हदय से कार्य करते है, उनकी प्रवृत्ति कुछ इस तरह बन जाती है कि वो आगे चलकर निर्जीव, उथला तथा शोषण करने वाला कार्य करते हैं। इस प्रवृत्ति का मूलभूत कारण है, कलाकार का अहंकार। जैसे जैसे कलाकर यशस्वी होने लगता है वो अधिक परिश्वम करता है जिससे उसकी यशस्विता बरकरार रहे। इसके लिये उसे बाईने नाडी का (पिंगला नाडी या कार्य नाडी) बहुत ज्यादा इस्तेमाल आवश्यक हो जाता है। फलस्वरुप इस नाडी के अत्याधिक तनावपूर्ण उपयोग से कलाकार के अहंकार का गुब्बारा बहुत फूल जाता है। ध्यान दीजीए कि मानव के सूक्ष्म यन्त्र में अहंकार पिंगला नाडी या कार्यशक्ति के अन्त मे सिर के दाहिने बाजू मे एक गुब्बारे के आकार मे स्थित है। जैसे जैसे कलाकारयह सोचने लगता है कि वही संपूर्णत: कला का निर्माता है (दैवी प्रेरणा को भूला देता है) तो यह प्रक्रिया बढने लगती है, अहंकार बढ़ता जाता है, और अन्तता उस के कला से अध्याति्मिकता का अंश संपूर्णत : नष्ट हो जाता है। आत्मा जो हमारे हृदय में विराजमान है, वही सृजनता का वास्तविक स्त्रीत है और कलाकार और अन्य लोग जो बहुत सोचते हैं, नाम तथा शोहरत के पीछे भागते है, उनका स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र कमजोर पड जाता है और वे एक असन्तुलित व्यक्ति बन जाते है। दुसरो की अपेक्षा श्रेष्ठ बनने की अभिलाषा दूसरो से अपने गुण की प्रशंसा की महत्वाकांक्षा उनके अहंकार से आती है जो कि पिंगला नाडी व्हारा स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र के दाहिने तरफ से जुडा हुआ है । इस महत्वाकांक्षी तथा स्पर्धात्मक सृजनशीलता के कारण उनकी सहजता लुप्त हो जाती है। इसी से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि आधुनिक कलाकृतियाँ मे चेतना, हृदयता तथा अत्मिक पहलूओ की कमी क्यो होती है। "The function of the liver is to absorb all the poison of the body and convert it into heat, which passes through the blood stream when you start thinking, too much you neglect your liver and then the poor thing does not know how to do this job. So the whole is saturated in the stomach. The person has heat here, then the heat starts passing upwards through the right heart. It creates problem and that problem is called Asthma. Then this heat passes into the throat, which creates a 2 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-4.txt kind of a cold where you will sneeze twenty times in the morning. There are two types of liver. One is lethargic liver and the other is overactive liver. I am talking of the over active liver, where a person develops cold, sneezing, temper, anger, acidity and tension. Then this heat passes over and can go to the heart at a very young age. Supposing there are boys who are playing tennis or exercise of a vigorous nature and drinking this might affect and can cause a massive heart attack at a very young age. The same heat when it passes to the throat we develop throat trouble, hoarseness etc. when it moves down to your pancreas then the poor pancreas is also suffering because it has no energy from the center. Then a person develops diabetes. Too much of thinking gives diabetes. People think too much, sugar gives diabetes. In Maharashtra people drink tea where sugar is so much that the spoon stand up. Nobody gets diabetes because they are villagers, living simple lives, not thinking of tomorrow, how to do this or that. Only the people lives simple, not thinking of tomorrow, how to do this or that. Only the people who are sitting on their seats, planning thinking, worrying gets diabetes..." (Doctor's Conference, Meridian Hotel, Delhi, 25.03.93) परम्परा: स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र पर साक्षात श्री ब्रम्हाजी विराजमान है । वे मूलभुत निर्माता को दर्शाते है तथा उनकी शक्ति श्री सरस्वती जो कला तथा संगीत की देवी कहलाती है। स्थूल भौतिक पहलू : इस चक्र का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है अपने पेट के चरबी को मस्तिष्क के भूरे तथा सफेद कोशिकओं मे परिवर्तित करना जो हमारे विचारो में लगने वाले शक्ति के लिये ईन्धन का कार्यकरता है। अति वैचारिक्ता और अति पूर्वयोजना इस क्रिया को अतिकार्यशील करते हैं जिससे यह चक्र का जरूरत से ज्यादा उपयोग होता है। स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र यकृत (लिवर) का भी कार्य नियमन (नाभी चक्र के साथ मिलकर) करता है। अगर इस चक्र को अति विचारों के लिए कार्य करना पड़े तो दूसरे अंग जो इसके द्वारा नियन्त्रित है उपेक्षित हो जाते है । इस उपेक्षा का प्रभाव यक्ृत पर सबसे ज्यादा पडता है । इस चक्र की बाधाए हमारे दाहिने हाथ के अगूठे तथा बीच के उंगुली पर फडकन, झनझनाहट और हाथ पर चुभन के रूप मे महसूश होती है। हमारे यकृत का इसमे अलग महत्व है क्योकि यही हमारे चित्त का पीठ है। चित्त और विचारो के भेद मे भ्रमित नही होना चाहिए । विचार तो हमारे अहंकार से और प्रतिअहंकार (हमारे पुराने संसकार तथा परिस्थितियों) से आते है। और चित्त शुध्द एकाग्रता है जो विचार तथा मस्तिष्क के कार्योके बिना है, उदाहरण के तौर पर जब हम फूल की तरफ देखते है तो अपना चित्त उस पर डालते है (साक्षी स्वरुप मे) लेकिन हम उसके बारे मे विचार नहीं करते हैं। चित्त विचारों से संलग्नित नहीं होता, वह शुद्ध एकाग्रता और साक्षीभाव से देखना मात्र है । एक संतुलित यकृत हमारे चित्त को सम्भालता तथा पोषित करता है। वह बाहरी बाधाओं और अशुध्दयों को छान कर उसे शुद्ध रखता है और इसी शुध्दित चित्त से शान्ति तथा स्थिरता हमारे ध्यान के दौरान हमें प्राप्त होती है। हमारा यकृत अतितापित होने पर ( मद्यपान , उत्तेजक पदार्थ सेवन से) बहुत संवेदनशील बनता है जिसका विपरीत प्रभाव हमारे चित्त पर होता है और हमारा ध्यान कमजोर हो जाता है। "The third thing which is even more dangerous is the speed. Nowadays life is so funny that it cannot be congenial to the working of the Spirit. What happens in the morning is that one reads the newspapers, horrible news, Bombay blast, etc., the spleen start wobbling. Then you don't eat your breakfast properly. You rush to work, cursing the people on the way because of the traffic jam. This craziness makes it vulnerable to blood cancer. The spleen does not know how to react to this craziness. Then a shock will happen on the left side because you are working on the right side and then it fails. The connection with the whole is lost. The brain cannot control anymore. Then this trouble of leukemia comes in. Then it goes to kidney. You cannot pass urine. Then he is put on dialysis and poor man dies bankrupt. Dialysis has not cured anyone so far. It just makes them live 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-5.txt longer and longer. Sometimnes you don't feel hungry because of the liver plus you feel constipated. Constipation can be of the worst kind where all their lives they have to take enemas. These are the common diseases faced by the over active people. (Doctor's Conference, Meridian Hotel, Delhi, 25.03.93) अलग तरह से दिखाई देता है जैसे मधुमेह (diabetes), स्वाधिष्ठान की स्थिति : कमजोर स्वाधिष्ठान अलग हृदयविकार और उससे संलब्नित समस्या, ध्यान मे तकलीफ होना, रुखापन। काली विद्या और धरमान्धता का विपरीत प्रभाव हमारे चक्रों पर होता है । हम खबुद को अतिसुस्तता के सम्मुख पाएगें तथा ऐसा भी हो सकता है कि हम भय तथा नकारात्मक्ता में खुद को पायेंगे। वक्त अपने पैर ध्यान के पन्चत्वो का इस्तेमालः स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र की शुद्धीकरण: दाहिनास्वाधिष्ठान चक्र: नमक के ठंडे या (बर्फीले ) पानी मेरखे । बर्फ कि थैली अपने दाहिने स्वधिष्ठान चक्र पर रखे (कमर तथा दहिने पैर के जोड़ के उपर) विचार ले लीजिये। प्रार्थना:- श्री माताजी कृषा करके हमारे विचारो से हमे मुक्तता दे दीजिये या हमारे साधारण उपदेश:- बाया हाथ चक्र पर रखे, दहिना हाथ श्री माताजी के तस्वीर की ओर करें। बायां बाजू (इडा नाड़ी) को उपर उठाकर ढहिने बाजू को नीचे लायें यह क्रिया एक सौ आठ (९०८) बार करे। यकृत के मर्यादा के अनुरुप अन्नग्रहण करें। बाया स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र की शुद्धीकरण: पंचत्त्वों का उपयोग:- ध्यान के वक्त पैरों को नमकीन गुनगुने पानी मेरखे । प्रार्थना:- श्री माताजी, कृपा करके हमे शुद्ध विद्या (निर्मल विद्या) प्रदान करें । साधारण उपदेश:- दवाया हाथ चक्र पर रखे ता बाया हाथ श्री माताजी की ओर करे। ढाया बाजू उठाकर बाया बाजू नीचे लायें। यह क्रिया १0८ बार कीजिए । मोमबत्ती का इस्तेमाल बांए स्वाधिष्ठान के लिए कीजिए । ८ तल र ८) णि WELCOM CE THE HOLY বा ८ ०MF ৮ AC FHl THỊ FREICH JUICE BAR ONSONITA Sु श्र ८० ०o RT- KOKUM & BADLOH LEAVES चि / ৫E RES LIVERS CHILLING OUT IN THE HIMALAYAS अ 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-6.txt YAS HIMALAY A SAHAJA INSIGHT It is said that meditating on the Himalayas brings liberation in the form of true knowledge dispelling the darkness of ignorance and helps attain a pure state of the ultimate and not just the seat of the wise and source of waters that keep life, but the very fountainhead of 'Sumati' and 'Smriti' or knowledge and cognitive memory, As a proverb it is said, just as dew disappears with the morning sun, all sins get washed away at the very sight of the magnificent Himalayas. The whole of the Himalayas are viewed as the abode of Lord Shiva. He rests in different forms on these mountains with Mount Kailash being his permanent residence. He even married the daughter of the king of the Himalayan Mountains, 'Sati' or 'Himavati' or the Daughter of Snow. There are innumerable stories related and buried deep into these mystic snow white peaks of divine creation of Divine the Himalayas. It is said once the Pandavas, the five heroic brothers of the epic, Mahabharata, visited the Lord here in these recesses of mountain. When Lord Shiva saw them coming he, however, changed his form into one of a buffalo and tried to run away. The five brothers managed to get hold of him, but only his posterior. It is believed that in Kedaradesa only the posterior part of the Lord remains. His body was separated into five parts and spread all over the Himalayas and these five sites are together known as "Pancha Kendaras". The path to heaven is said to run up the Himalayas. Yudhishtra, of the Mahabharata, is said to have climbed these peaks in his progress towards heaven the one leading to the heavens is called "Swargarohini", where Swarga means heaven "Arohini" means ascent. Chomolungma is the "Goddess Mother of the earth" in Tibetan. Romel Verma, Shri Mataji's SonIn law, once narrating his experience of his trek to the Himalayas referred Arjuna, who had to travel to northern part of India as separate entity (separate from his other four great brothers, who traveled out in other three directions). So he traveled across the Himalayas and met Lord Shiva in Form of Kirata (Hunter) who in turn bestowed upon Arjuna His special powerful energy. Eventually, in the pages of history this made Arjuna the great and powerful man on Earth. Later, we learn how he fought and defeated the Kauravas with great ease. Relating to this encounter of Arjuna and the blessings of Lord Shiva with His special powers, Romelji said that we could also absorb this special energy of Shri Shiva, and possess qualities of like Arjuna and counteract any negativity in our path with full 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-7.txt powers of Shri Shiva. The Himalayas, Abode of Lord Shiva is like a living dynamite of power, (14th February 2004 on the Eve of Shiv Puja 2004) Since ancient times, the Himalayan peaks have always held an attraction for seekers of knowledge and meditate in the solitude of the mountain vastnesses. The gorgeous beauty of the Himalayan Mountains embellished with silver snow marks a magnificent paradise on earth. Where else on Earth do two of the massive tectonic plates that form the surface of the Earth overlap to form a wide, sky-high plain than in the spectacular Himalayan region? These majestic Himalayan ranges are located in the sub continent of Asia. Himalayas are erected as a protector for the countries like Nepal, Tibet (China), India, Pakistan and Bhutan. Himalayas are the world's highest mountain chain crowning the snow-capped peaks of 26,000 feet. (8000m). The Himalayan range forms a curvature of 1,500 miles through Southern Asia. The curved shaped Himalayas stretch out ahead the unbroken northern boundary of India and chisel across the Indian subcontinent as they carve intensely into the life encircling them. The Indian pilgrims who wander in these mountains in ancient times fabricated the term "Himalayas" from a Sanskrit word 'him' (snow) and 'alaya' (home) also means "the Abode of Snow". For centuries, the Himalayas have a strong impact on the inhabitants of India; their emotions were guarded by the blend of esteem, wonderment and apprehension. Indian Himalayan range stretches from west India to east India include 5 Indian states Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.. With double thick continental plates as a base, the peaks of the Himavat raise up yet another two and a half vertical miles culminating in the tallest of the Himalayan peaks - the 29,028- foot peak of the Lapchi Kang (Everest). The great Himalayan peaks that ring the Tibetan plateau to the south catch the snow and form the rivers that water the plains below. Tibet itself is a magical place, the Land of the Gods and the location of the fabled Shangri La. Most of the Himalayan ranges are raised up to more then 3 miles above sea level. Ganges, Indus and the Brahmaputra the most sacred rivers of India flow from the snow clad mountains from the foothills of Himalayas that are the major rhizome. It also treasures the adventurous trekking excursion, lush green meadows and exhibits the imperial power, splendor and zest of Nature. In Rig-Veda and Atharvaveda, the Himalayas is mentioned by the name Haimavata., No wonder then that a mountain of so many aspects is viewed in Indian mythology as having a 'divine soul'. It is called "Devatatma" in a Sanskrit poet Kalidasa's works. That divinity is an all-pervading idea can be seen by the fact that there is a reference to a situation where a sage catches sight of the mountain ranges in Krishna's stomach! 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-8.txt As the 5th century AD famous Indian poet ranges to be the center of the earth. Kalidasa writes in his poem Kumarsambhava: To the sage's description may be added that these Astyurasyam Dishi Devatama Himalayo Nam ranges are the youngest in India and one of the Nagadhirajah Purvaparo Toyanidho Vagahaya youngest mountain systems of the world with Sthita Prathivya Iva Mandandah Means, in the many peaks yet to be christened. Northern Part there is a mighty mountain by the The Geological significance speaks of collision name Himalayas- the abode of perpetual snow fittingly called the king of mountains, continent, which started in Paleogene time and enlightened by the divine presence. These continues even today, produced the Himalayas awesome heights spanning the wide landscape of and Tibetan Plateau, spectacular modern Indian Peninsula from eastern sea to the western examples of the effects of plate tectonics. Tibetan sea stand as if it were the measuring rod of the Plateau itself is a collage of micro plates or earth. Thus the Himalayas are a continuous continental fragments that were successively source of inspiration between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasian added to the Eurasian plate during the Paleozoic and as well as life itself. These mountains defy Mesozoic eras. description, not only Paleomagnetic because of their analysis indicates that these older micro grandeur and expansiveness, but also because of the plates were in the southern hemisphere during the Paleozoic overpowering role played by them in the story of the world. Once upon a time, there lived a king era. Each older fragment, like the larger Indian Plate, made a long called "Milinda". He asked a sage called "Nagasena" about the northward journey. As the intervening ocean Himalayas. The sage replied in a single verse (Tethyan regime) was sub ducted, and was which when translated reads: accreted to the Eurasian continent. The resulting "The Himalayas, the king of the mountairns, five sutures are marked by scattered occurrences of and thousand league in extent at the ophiolite, ocean floor material that was caught up circumference, with its ranges or eight hundred between the crusted blocks during accretion. The and forty thousand peaks, the source of five collision that produced the Himalayas was only hundred rivers, the dwelling place of multitudes the latest, albeit climactic, episode in this long of mighty creatures, the producer of manifold series of collisions. perfumes, enriched with hundreds of magical drugs, it is seen to rise aloft like a cloud in the center of the earth." In fact, a text called the Sama Veda (Sam Veda) does describe the mountain The Indian plate continues to move northward relative to Asia about 5 cm per year. Given the great magnitudes of the blocks of the Earth's crust 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-9.txt involved this is a remarkable rate, about twice the speed at which your fingernails grow. This movement caused the rocks along the leading edge of the Indian plate to deform and fracture. Immense slices of Indian crust were pushed southward and stacked up to produce the Himalayas orogeny. Himalayas epitomizes the nature's creation on the Earth. As Shri Mataji once said," India had to move to the north so that Kailasa could rise to complete the seventh chakra of the universe". (Informal talk, Dehradun, March 1979) What the Himalayas reveal is interesting while, what it conceals is enigmatic. Shri Mataji reveals the riddle wrapped in enigma enveloped in mystery regarding evolution of Nepal and the position of the majesticheights of the Himalayas. "Nepal was named after a Rishi called Ne-Pal. Christ also came to Nepal. It is a special country created till it by Mother Earth. It was only a sea, after the Amrut -Manthan, the Himalayas started pushing up reached a certain point called the Everest. It was created to shield India, the Kundalini of the Universe. It was necessary to protect the Kundalini, It is the brain of the Virata. They had to fence some country to preserve the ancient culture. Shri Ganesha had to be placed in India. That is why I had to take my birth in this country, at the Tropicof Cancer." (Kathmandu Puja, At the Ashram, 30th March 1989) ...To be continued in next issue (March 2005) Kaushik Panchal A Prayer to Our Divine Mother Ratilal& Sons I live alone, Dear Lord, Yet have, o fear, Ilive alone, Dear Lord, All kind of textile Accessories, Ruti'C', Fibre, Nylon Parts, UHMWP Sheet, Rods & Sulzer Parts. Stay by my side, In all my daily needs, Be thou my guide. Grant me good health, Because I feel your presence Ever near. C/54, Tirupati Estate, Nr. Manchhani Masjid, Millan Everest Cinema Roud, Saraspur, Ahmedabad-380018. Ph. (0) 2748183. For that indeed, I pray, To carry on my work From day to day. Keep pure my mind, My thoughts, my every deed, Amen By Sumi Sharma Let me be kind, unselfish In my neighbor's need. Spare me from fire, from flood, Malicious tongues, From thieves, from fear, And evil ones. With Best Compliments from M/s M. R. Construction Civil Engineer & Contractors If sickness or an accident befall, Then humbly, Lord, I pray, Hear thou mny And when I'm feeling low, Or in despair, Lift up my heart, And help me in my prayer. call. Prop. M.R. Patkar B.E. Civil 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-10.txt Mother said that one shouldn'e chant any Mantra. If a particular chakra/Nadi is catching then the respective mnantra should be said with Shri Mataji's name. If the stomach is paining then the mantra for the stomach should be said and not of the head. A Sahaja Yogi had discussed about Mantras with Shri Mataji and the experience is given below An Indian Sahaja Yogi, Mr. Phadke, published a magazine called 'Bhakti Sangam' on the occasion of Mother's 60th birthday (2 -03- 83). Mother asked him to translate this Magazine from Marathi into English. Therefore an Indian Yogini translates the notes of Mr. Phadake. ahaja Yoga - Discovery Knowledge In every sphere, self-experience is the knowledge of a seeker. A Sahaja Yogi who may be a teacher, a doctor or a scientist feels that Sahaja Yoga is 'the mother of invention'. It is interesting when a teacher at a deaf and dumb school, who has complete faith, wants to lead those deaf and dumb boys into Sahaja Yoga. In those days, H.H. Shri Mataji was staying at Prabhadevi in Bombay and one got a chance, quite often, to visit that place. There, experimental realisation was given and Shri Mataji satisfied whatever questions arose. With pleasure, She would satisfy all the questions and discuss them all. Regular meditation and experiments were done at home. The Chakras (seven of them) can be felt on both the hands. When the awakened Kundalini climbs towards Brahmarandra and pierces it, then the vibrations start flowing, the Spirit is then awakened. This is called self-realisation. Thoughtlessness is achieved in this stage. Since Shri Mataji has closed the Agnya Chakra, The Gods and Goddesses cannot be seen on reaching this Chakra, only the sensation is felt on the tips of the fingers. That's when the question arises, Is there God?" Whether to believe it because Shri Mataji says so? Then, how could the saints see God earlier? And so all sorts of questions may arise. Within a few days of meditation, colors were seen in the Agnya Chakra. It was rather surprising. Time would simply dissolve away while meditating, Two to three hours of meditation felt like 10-15 minutes only. Regarding colors, it was confirmed by referring to the Dyaneswari. This was told to Shri Mataji one day at Bharati Vidya Bhavan. Mother said, "Mr. Phadake, Chakras and their colors don't mean everything. You have to go further ahead than that. These colors mean only a particle of the sea or sand. We have to reach to the complete sand as a whole. These colors are like the scenes we pass while traveling by train. We don't remember the scenes and get involved in them. Wejust have a destination to reach. We forget all that we pass on the way, in between. In the same way attention should not go to the colors you pass on the way to Sahastrara. How the thoughtless awareness comes, how it should be established for long time, 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-11.txt these should be observed. Only looking at the colors will reduce the attention at Agnya and it will be spoiled." After hearing this I was aware and realised. Eight to nine years have passed. After that so many experiments were done and people have been cured and negativities been removed. I am a teacher at a school for deaf and dumb boys. So, what will be the advantage of Sahaja Yoga to these deaf and dumb boys? One day, I asked inquired about this to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji said, "Boys will also get advantage of this, because the ear is also one of the five organs. These organs convey messages to the brain. The main power is different. If any disturbance occurs in the working of conveying the message, we can work it out through Sahastrara, but a lot of effort needs to be applied for that because the Sahastrara should be completely open. The Vishuddhi and Agnya Chakras of the deaf and dumb boys are already spoiled by their previous births. They should be purified and cleared, only then they can hear through Sahastrara instead of their ears. As our auditory center is in the brain, this center receives the hearing vibrations through the ears. If this message is received through the Sahastrara, then the work is done. The message, which is received by the auditory center, is connected to the speech center, by the way of answer. When it reaches the speech center. Then only we can answer properly. This happens in no time. Itstruck us that we could experiment with becoming artificially deaf ourselves. We blocked our ears and went into meditation. Thoughtlessness came as soon as the Kundalini reached Sahastrara. It took quite some time for this to happen. The experiment started by plugging the ears with small cotton balls and further blocking the ears completely by putting the index finger into the ear until no sound was heard. As we went into deeper meditation, cool breeze started flowing on the Sahastrara and both the hands. Then slowly, sound started coming from the Sahastrara. One could define the words in the beginning, and later on, after putting on the radio, songs could be identified. That time it was a wonderful surprise: complete, deepmeditation is required to clean these Chakras thoroughly. After some consideration, it was discovered that in the deaf boys, the two organs i.e. of hearing and talking don't work like those of a normal person, so their energy is saved, whereas normal people use quite a lot of power in doing these. Such people have special powers. The blind have special powers touch, which make them recognize better. of Ibrought 7 to 8 boys home and gave them realisation. I sat with them in the chain style with closed eyes. When I left the chain I asked them how they felt. From their answers it was known that some of them felt numbness in their legs, some had a tickling sensation in their backbone, all had got special, Divine Vibrations, which were flowing from one hand to another. Insome way, all could see Shri Radha and Shri Krishna, but I could not. I wondered if my progress was less. I asked Shri Mataji about it. Shri Mataji smiled and said, "Their Agnya Chakra is spoiled so they see God. It is good that you cannot see anything as such because I have elosed your Agnya Chakra and taken you to Sahastrara. So why do you come to Agnya? This type of vision is not required. Everything should be felt by the media of Divine Vibrations." Then later the question was whether they were real deities that were seen by these boys? How could one be sure of that? Within 15 minutes we got the answers, through the thought that came into the mind. Once Shri Mataji had said in a lecture, "When you are in complete thoughtless awareness, and the Continued on Page 20 G 10 e 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-12.txt सवा एवम सांता आन्राकय अतार मुझे एक पेडको काटने को ८ घंटे मिले हो, तो नैं ६ घंटे कुल्हाडी को तेज करने में लगा ढुँगा | "- लिंकन में सारे बच्चे इतिहास नें अपने १६वें अनेरिका राष्ट्रपति अब्राहम लिंकन की कहानिया पढते हैं । उनके जीवन से पता चलता है की उनक कमा में श्री कृष्ण के सिधान्त झलकते हैं। उनके जीवन का अध्यान करने पर , प्रतीत होता है कि उनमे श्री कृष्ण तत्व काटान्वित था । इन्ही सिद्धांन्तो और अबधिता से उन्होंने एक टूटे राष्ट्र को एकात्रा किया और नये अमेरिका की स्थापना की । अमेरिका ने मानवाधिकार दविलाने मे उनका बहुत बडा अफ्रीका देशो से लाए वाए लौगं को हि हाथथा। लिरखित्त एक १२८० मे श्री माताजी ने डेल कानजी द्वारा पुस्तक का नाम बतलाटी था : लिकन: ह अननोन (लिंकन के जीवन का अव्णीट पहलू) । टाह पुस्तक साधारण पुस्तकालया में उपल्बंध नहीं धी । एक लम्बी वीज के बाद वह हाथ लती ती यह पुस्तक एक बहुत बडी उपल्बधि का वर्णण करती है कि किस प्रकार परमात्मा की शक्ति अविरत काम से लिंकन की नहात्मा तक ले गयी । कौীन चाहेंगा औवल ओफिस (अमेरिका काराष्ट्रभवन का काटलिय) का दबाव और अकेलापन और निर्णय का भार जो अमेरिका के सबसे कठीन समट पर लिंकन को झेलना था ? लिकन का जीवन जो की वेदनापुर्णऔर निराशामट था, उन्हे एक ऐसे निटाति मे ले वाया जो उनके व्यक्तित्व के सीमाओं के पार थी । इस पुस्तक में लिंकन के जीवन का ऐसा सुंदर वर्णण किया वया है, जो किसी ने नहीं किया था। एक साधारण मनुष्ट हनि पर भी जब उनके कंधा पर एक बहुत बडी जिक्मेंदारी थी, किस तरह निराकार परनेश्वर की शक्ति से इस देश के कार्य कार्यान्वित हुए। ओवल ओफिस की सुविधाओं और ऐशी आरामों से विमुक्त होकर वे अपना कार्य करते थे अपने निजी जीवन के वैदनाओ के कारण भी, संसारिक बंधनो से ऊपर उठकर एक महापुरुष बन ताए | । एक यांी के नजर से दरवं लिकन के माता - पिता वारीब थे लिकन अमैरिका के इन्डियानाराज्य ें पले-बढ़ ।उनका घर एक त्रिकोणाकार कुटीटा थी, जिसकी छप्पर घास-फूस की बनी थी। अनेरिका के इस भावा में बहुत ही जोरी से शीत ऋतु महसुस की जा सकती है और इन असाधारण और दयनीटा परिस्थितीयो मे उनको रहना पड़ा। वारीबी ने इतना जोर पकड़ा की वे आलू, दुध वनौरह भी O 11 2 े 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-13.txt जुटा नही पासकते थे । रवाने के स्रोत भी बहुत कम थे : जंगालो मे शिकार करना और जड़ी- बुटियों को बटोरना। बचपन में ही उनकी अतिप्रिय माताजी , नैन्सी हैन्कस का देहांत हो गया था। बचपन में वे मातृप्रेम के लिए तरसते थे । उनकी सारी बचपन की पढाई कुल मिलाकर सिर्फ एक साल थी । किताबे वे खरीद नहीं सकते थे इस लिए अपने हाथी से कोर कागज पर विद्यालय के जरुरत के किताबी, निर्बंध, भाषण और कविताओ को लिखकर वाजारा किया। पुर्वराष्ट्रपतिओं (वोरशिंगटन, जेफ्फरसन) की लिखावटसे उनकी लिखावट प्रेरित प्रतीत होती है । बचपन से ही उनकी अपनी कल्पनाओं का व्टाक्त करने की आतुरता थी । वे सहज ही अपने कल्पनाओं को कविताओं में हाल देते थे । इस तरह, अमेरिका के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पुरुष, ठारीबी ने भी कमल की तरह रिवल उठे | शुरू में उन्होने कई तरह के कार्टा किटो, लेकिन अपनी बुद्धी और सामान्य ज्ञान के बलबूते पर उन्होने वकालत करनी शुरू कर दी । किया और ८ साल तक राज्टासेवा की और आखिखर मे वे राष्ट्रपति भी बने। राष्ट्रपति पद का एक कार्टकाल पूर्ण करने के बाद वे वापस इलिन्यॉइस जाकर वकालत करने लगे। इस दौरान उन्होने अपने जीवन का सबसे मश|हर मुकदना लड़ा। एक निरव्हष व्यक्ति को हत्या की सजा दी जारही थी । वह लड़का लिकन के गांव मे मैला देखने आटा था। हत्या मेले में पूर्णिमा की रात की हुआ था । इस घटना के पहले , दिन में इस लडके और मारे वाटो आदमी के बीच खुले आम झगड़ा हुआ था। इस लिए लोों को टाकीन था की मुकादमा लोकाचार धा, उसे तो सूली पें चढ़ाया जायेता । मुरव्टा तावाह ने वावाही दी धी की उस रात उसन खुद आरोपी को हत्या करते हुए देरवा था । कुछ दिनो तक लिंकन उलडे रहे । फिर उन्होने पंचांग देरवा । मुकादमें की काया पलटने वाली थी । उन्होंने मुर्टी तावाह को कोर्ट में फिर से बुलवाटा । गवाही फिर से कहलवाटी और उसमे वावाह ने कहा की वह पुर्णिमा की रात थी तब लिंकन ने पंचांग निकालकर न्यायालय मे दिखाते हुए कहा की उस दिन चाँद एक पातलीसी कोर के रुप मे था। इससे पताचलाकी तावाह, जो की असली खूनी था , झूठ बोल रहा था । उनके कई किस्से उनकी प्यारी छवि को दषाति है, जैसे की दिन मे मुकदने लडते थे और शाम ार १८५२ में उन्होने इलिन्योंइस की विधाटका मे प्रवेश नै उसी न्टायाधीश और बैरी वकील दल का चुटकुले सुनाकर लोटपोट कर देते थे। अपनी जिंदती के बारे में उन्होंने से सदा ही कहा, "कै जन्म के बाद जीवन में सबसे साधारण श्रेणी में ही रहा।" उन्हे साहित्य से , और सही और वालत क्या है इुन विषयों पर बातकरने मे रुचि थी। व्यक्तिवात वलानि ने उनका सारी उम्र पीछा किया दायफॉड्ड के बिमारी से चल बसी । । उनकी काठेतर की 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-14.txt इस हानि से वे कभी पुर्णतः उभर नही पाटे। बाद में उनकी मंतानी मैरी टोड नामक औरत से हुई, किंतु शादी के बाद उसने उन्हे कष्ट और वेदना ही दिटो । लालची और जिद्दी स्वभाव वश उसने उनकी जीवन में हुमशा कष्ट ही दिटा। एक बार सन १८६० मे वह बाजार जाकर २०,0 0 0 डालर का समान रवरीद्हकर व्हाइट हाउस (अमेरिका काराष्ट्रभवन) के नाम बिल ले कर आटी। सारी रखरीदी उसने खूद के लिए और घर सजाने के लिए की धी । आज के समय ने भी यह एक बडी रकम है। लिंकन ने सारेपैसे खुद की आमदनी से चुकाया। उनकी मृत्यु के बाद, उस औरत को पाठाल घोषित कर दिया गाया। लिंकन उसे शुरु मे ही पहचान वाटो थे लिकिन उनको दियो गाये नाम, ओनेस्टअब्बे (इमानदार अब्बे), के अनुरुप उन्होने अपना दिया वाटा शब्द ररवा । उनकी विशुद्धी की शुद्धता उनके सदा सच बोलने , अपने शब्द का पालन करने और सारे कर्ज चुकाने ने पक्के विश्वास से प्रदर्शित होती है । किंन्तु अपने शब्द निभाने की कीमत बहुत मंहगी थी और उनको शांती और आत्मविश्वास उनको अपने कार्टों टा उनके बेटे टोड के साथ बिताये गटो कुछ अनूल्टा क्षणी मे ही मिलती थी। टोड उनके चार बच्चों ने एकमात्रऐसाबच्चा थाजिसके जीवन में दु:रवदाटाक घटना नहीं घटी। प्रारंभिक दिनों के अत्यंत सुज्ञानी, तेज और विनोदी अब्बे अधिकाधिक आत्मनिरी क्षण में रत और क्रियाशील व्यक्ति बन वाटी । उन्होने व्यक्तिगत जिंदगी की धोडी भी परवाह किये बिना अपने देश के लिया सब कुछ अपर्ण कर दिया । ४९ साल की उ्र से पहले ही वे एक दुःखदाटी विवाह, अस्थिरराजनैतिक जीवन और धंधे मे असफलताझेल चुके थे । उन्होने राष्ट्रीटा कार्टालट में काम किटा और २ ही वर्ष के बाद, ५१ साल कि उम्र मे राष्ट्रपति चुने ताटो । दवास-प्रथा का मुद्ा इतना कड़वा हो चला था, कि उद््घाटन समारोह मे उनके हत्या की साजीशरची वाई थी। लिंकन प्रारंभ से ही मानते थे की अनेरिकासंघ के बचाने से दास प्रथा बहुत ज्टादा समय तक जीवित नही रह पाटौवी कॉब्रोस (अनेरिकी संसद) को १८६४ मे, उनके भाषण के बाद, चे प्रेरणा की मूर्ती बन वाए । उन्होने कहा , "हम संयुक्त राज्य की वारिमा को पुर्ण ढंग से बचाटेंगा, वरना पृथ्वी की एकमात्र और सर्वात्तम उम्मीद् खो जाौची"। और जब अनेरिकी वृहटुद्ध शुरु हो ताया तो थक-हारे सैनिको के बीच घूमकर, उनसे हाथ मिलाकर और उन्हे आशिर्वाद देते हुए वह आशा की एक शक्तिशाली प्रतिमाबने । । संघ को बचाना उनका हुढ निश्चटा धा। राजनैतिज्ञो से लिंकन ने कहा "नेरा शासक केवल मेरा अंतरात्मा और मेरा भवावान ही है।" SHRI NIRANANDA MARKETING ALL ITEMS OF NIRMAL INFOSYS AND VANADEVI HEALTH PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. 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WRITE FOR FREE DETAILED CATALOGUE OF ITEMS. क 13 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-15.txt उस वर्ष अमेरिकी चुनाच में उनके सीधे इरादे, कार्य को पुर्णत्व तक ले जाने और सत्या पर अडिवा रहने के तुणा के कारण चुनाव जीत ताए। जब वे राष्ट्रपति बने तो उनके मंत्रीमंडल सहित सभी ने उन्हें कम आंका धथा। कोई कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकता धा कि साइगी और अबोधितासे लिंकन एक विभाजित देश को गृह युद्ध क समटा संभाल पाटौो। राष्ट्रपत्ति जोर्ज बुश की स्टथिती उनसे मिलती जुलती है। चे Shri Matajl in front of Lincoln Memorial क बार १९८3 ने अनेरिका जाने से पहले दिटो ताटों में श्री नाताजी ने विशुद्धी चक्र के गुणी और लिंकन के विषय में बात की । उस साढात्कार साकात्कारका कुछ अंशइस तरहसेथाः ब्रहमांड के शारीरिक तत्र में, उत्तरी अनेरिका विशुद्धी का स्थान है। ऑस्टेलिया सबसे निचे वाला अर्थात मुलाधार है। भारत में कुण्डिलनी स्थित है, जो की सब चक्रो को एक धागो में पिरो सकती है।" ऐसे कहते हुए श्री माताजी ने उनकी रीढ़की हड्डी के आधार से सिर के ऊपर तक एक लकीर बनायी और कहा:"पर अनेरिका तो विशुद्धी है, इतना महत्वपुर्ण चक्र .....विशुद्धी चक्र के देवता श्री कृष्ण है। विशुद्धी माधुर्ट, स्वाभिमान, व्याच्हार और सामूहित्ता का चक्र है: जैसे आपके अब्राहम लिंकन । वे सामूहिक्ता के लिटे खड़े रहे। अब्राहम लिंकन एक सन्त थे क्टा आप जानते है? एक आत्जसाज्षात्कारी । आपके याहाँ कडई महान लोगा हुए । स्ूसवैल्ट को देिखिटो, उन्होने कहा,"गरिबी , कही भी हो, हर जगह की सम्पन्नता के लिटे वतरा है इतना स्पष्ट! अमरिका बहुत महान स्थान है। भतावान श्री कृष्ण का सुदशनि चक्र इसकी र्षाकरता है।" उनकी मृत्यु के ३६साल बाद, उनके शरीर को उस स्थान ले जाया या, जो अब वीशिन्ठटन शहर में लिंकन मेमोरिअल (लिंकन स्मारक) के नाम से जाना जाता है। उनके अवशेश पहले जी १६ बार एक जताह से दूसरी जगाह भेजे गाटों थे , और अक्सर उन्हे अच्छे से कभी नहीरखा वाटा। ऐसा लगाता है, कि शाटाद उनके चैतन्टा कि शुद्धता के कारण ही उनका दंह अखन्ड बना रहा । जब उनके दह के लिये एक स्थान तटा हो ताया, उस समय जिन लोगों ने उनकी देह को देखा, वे उन्हे अत्यान्त प्राकृतिक रूप में देख कर चकितरह गटो। "Divinity is not a fashion. It is the way of life. It is WITH ALL OUR LOVE, the need of your being. You have to become that." The UK Yuvashakti - H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Best Compliments Dr. Mitesh Gandhi, Banglore Yuvashakti BSC (Hons) MCOPTOM పాత్రాజ్) 14 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-16.txt Muhammad Saheb The Messenger Of God Sayings of Muhammad o The wisdom of the believer is to get up in the Muhammad Saheb was born of the esteemed Qoreish tribes in Mecca on the 20th of April. His father was Abdullah and Mother was Aamina. night and his honour is to be needless from others. Once an angel appeared before Aamina and told that she will have son who should be named as Muhammad (means "praiseworthy"). Abdulla OPeople asked Mohammed sahib, "whom should went to Syria on business work; fell ill on his return and died at Medina. He never saw his little son. When Muhammad was born, Aamina was sick and hence she left the child with nurse named Halima. Halima had three sons and Muhammad spent his early childhood with Halima's family. Halima was OThe word, which comes from the heart, will sit in poor and after Muhammad came to house, they became prosperous. When Muhammad was oThe beginning of the prayer is silence around five years, Halima left the child with his mother Aamina. Aamina was heartbroken after OMake cool your food until it gets blessed her husband's death and had become very weak. When Muhammad was seven years old, She went oDon't hesitate to bow towards God because to graveyard of her husband in medina and died there. After Muhammad's mother died, his grandfather"Abdul Mutalib" and uncle "Abu we worship after Allah", and he replied The Mother. Twice they repeated the same question and twice they got the same answer. This showed that he very clearly meant the Divine Mother. the heart. (thoughtlessness). (vibrate it). every bow will take one level higher and purify your sins (clearing out). God orders you to do the namahs (prayer) so Talib" brought him up. The chief occupation of his tribe was trade. From his childhood, he led a life of when you do the namahs, don't look to the left or right. When you pray to God, He is in front of you. (When you meditate, you are not in the past or the future, but in the present). O Those people who say God is only one and they believe and establish themselves will have no fear and they will not feel sadness. simplicity and poverty. His house, built of mud walls and thatched with date-palm leaves, often remained dark for want of oil for the lamp. At times he did not even have the flour with which to prepare bread. Muhammad was an illiterate but from an early age he showed a remarkable aptitude for OOn your hand is God's hand. concentration. He was a serious child and never OWhen your belief is pure, then a little took part in pranks or frolic. As he grew up he earned a great reputation for his commitment, OWhenever you want to do something, hesitate honesty and integrity. He always fulfilled his promises. One day, a man with whom he did OWhen you get your resurrection, then in your meditation is enough for you. one second until God will show you what to do business asked him to meet at the corner of a street. hand there is a seed. If you can, sprout it in others. (When you get your self-realization, then you have the power to give to others). 2 Muhammad went there but the man forgot. After three days, the man went there and was taken N 15 2 15 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-17.txt Medina aback to see Muhammad waiting for him for three days. The man said, when I didn't tuIrn up you should have gone away. Muhammad replied, "Since he had promised to meet, I had to wait to keep my word". Because he was extremely trustworthy, he became knownas Al-Amin. One day, Muhammad accompanied his uncle to Syria on business. On the journey he met Bahera, a Christian monk, who immediately recognized in the young boy a future prophet. That time Bahera told him that He was sent by God to be his messenger. In all his teachings, Muhammad openly praises both Judaism (Abraham is deeply respected within the Koran) and Christianity (Muhammad frequently praises Jesus and Mary in the Koran). When Muhammad was twenty-five years old he married Khadija, a widow of Mecca. She was a gentle woman of spotless character. She was also the first to follow Muhammad is considered as first Mohammedan (Muslim). Every year during Ramzan, Muhammad went to a cave on a hill called Hira and meditates. When he was forty years old, one day he heard a voice say, "Read". He replied, "I cannot read", Again the voice commanded, "Read in the name of your Lord who created man from a clot". Muhammad got confused and came out of the cave but stood thinking on the voice he heard. Again, he heard the voice saying, "O Muhammad, you are the messenger of God and I am Gabriel". The voice continued saying, "Rise, for thou art the Prophet of God. Go forth and preach in the name of thy Lord. Your God is merciful". When he returned from the cave, Muhammad was filled with divine majesty. After going to house, He narrated the whole thing to his wife and then she said, "You are faithful and never utter an untruth. Therefore, you may obey the call and follow the voice". She also takes him to her cousin, Waraga who knew all the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. He listened carefully on the whole narration and said, "Yes, I believe you are the promised prophet". Waraqa said all the prophets got their revelation in the similar way like the experience of Moses on Mount Sinai. He believes in himself to be the prophet and goes all out to preach the divine knowledge. Khadija was the first disciple to profess faith in the Prophet. She became his disciple and the first follower of Islam. "This is the only solution is to give them Self Realization. This Realization was called as miraj in the Koran. But they have said that nobody can get miraj. Muhammed-sahib gotit, butnobody else like they have banned people from getting Self Realization, which is not true -Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi After the revelation, Muhammad was commanded by God to tell his relatives about Islam. Islam means "Submission or Surrender" Surrender to the Will of God. Muhammad delivered public sermons on his faith to a large number of people, proclaiming the unity of God and denouncing the evil of drunkenness and impurity. He preached that they should worship only one God, they should respect women, and they should not lie, cheat and misappropriate money belonging to the poor. He said there are three types of Prayers to God, one is when you want something, second is because you are afraid of hell and the third is because you love God. He preached that everyone should pray God because you love God and for 16 2e 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-18.txt nothing else. Though some ridiculed and turned away, others were converted by the power of his words. Once, he went to the Kaaba and proclaimed that there was no God but Allah. The worshipper of idols looked upon this as a great insult and attacked him, but was rescued by his disciples. He was abused and insulted frequently in public. The Prophet of Islam did not hold any debates nor did he challenge anyone to controversies and discussions. He silently converted people to his faith through his strong personality, charming demeanor and force of divine virtues. He bore with patience the persecution of his tormentors. His characteristics as well as the power of the verses of the Koran captivated the hearts of people. Since Qoreish tribe were against accepting his faith and also planned to take his life, Muhammad fled from Mecca to Yaathrib (now known as Medina) in 622 A.D. The Muslim calendar begins on the day of this flight, known as the Hijrat. The people of Yaathrib were anxiously waiting for the prophet and when they got this news of Muhammad coming to Yaathrib, they all came happily and eagerly to receive him. The people of Medina accepted Muhammad's faith readily because it was plain, simple and direct. With their help and with an army of men the Prophet later returned to Mecca, where he succeeded in converting his relatives and fellowmen. He then sent missionaries to other parts of Arabia in order to convert the entire peninsula to the new faith. In Medina, He constructed the first mosque for people to worship and offer prayers. Around the mosque, he constructed the houses for His followers to live ad also school where he taught divine laws to the people. Muhammad was himself a living example of the Divine's infinite capacity for forgiveness: many times he forgave enemies who had committed unspeakable atrocities against him and his brethren. He stood on divine truth and never compromised anything for this truth. In administering justice, he made no distinction between believers and nonbelievers, friends and foes, high and low. Sakhar, a chief of a tribe, had helped Muhammad greatly in the siege of Taif, for which he was naturally obliged to him. When two charges were brought against Sakhar, he decided against Sakhar and made him undo the wrong. He preached what was told by divine and made people imbibe these qualities by his own living. "So to get rid of this ego, we have a very simple method which Muhammad Saheb has suggested, which works very well, which is that you just have to take a shoe and beat yourself nicely everytime to get rid of ego." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The teaching of Muhammad attracted numerous followers because it was very simple and came from an honest man who never posed as a world teacher. He often told his disciples that he was an ordinary man as they were, teaching them to believe in Allah and His revelations. He emphasized the principle of brotherhood and equality of man, and is based on austere, simple living and complete surrender to Allah. Hence the religion based on his faith came to be known as Islam that means "Surrender". When the Quoerish tribe in Mecca learnt that Muhammad has influenced many people with his faith in Yaathrib, the chief of Mecca rage the battle to kill Muhammad. Till this time, Muhammad and his followers were silent and suffered the insult of Meccans. At this time God commanded Muhammad to fight against Meccans for seif-defence. Since, lot of family had homes in Yaathrib, Muhammad chose a place called as Badr, which was eighty miles away from Yaathrib. This battle is also known as Battle of Badr. This battle ended with followers of Muhammad defeating the Meccans. The Meccans fled and Medinites came with the news of Victory to the prophet. Muhammad's peak defining experience, called the Meraj, saw him elevated through the seven heavens to the realm of God Almighty at the resplendent Sidrath where he communed with God, received his 17 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-19.txt divine visions and instructions and was placed on the inexorable course of his life-mission to establish Islam. Muhammad was escorted by the archangel Gabriel.(a masculine force) but the vehicle upon Muhammad rode was the beautiful "Buraq". The Buraq was a white horse with wings and the face of a woman! Clearly suggesting that the great power by which Muhammad was elevated to the level of supreme consciousness was ultimately feminine in nature! Some scholars say that the Buraq is an Islamic symbol of the Kundalini, a force that Eastern Yogis describe as the Goddess or Divine Mother. Even though, Fathima was daughter of Muhammad, He treated Her with great respect because He knew that She was a Kaaba, The Black Stone (Meccashwar Shiv) in Mecca incarnation. which divine Finally, in 632 A.D., lot of people in Mecca accepted Muhammad's preaching and embraced his new religion, Islam. Muhammad went to Mecca, went round the Kaaba (the holy black stone) and delivered his last sermon there and forgave all the cruelties committed against him and exhorted his followers to look after their women and treat all human beings equally. On 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awal (632 A.D), he passes away and was buried in Medina, the city that had loved him and welcomed him dearly. Even now, all people who go to Mecca then go to Medina after the pilgrimage is over to visit his grave. like all the manifestations of the past, assured his followers that a great messenger would come after him. He said that the religion of God, which had come down from heaven through Him, would go back to God after the passing of thousand years. Finally He said, when no trace of God's religion was left on earth, the people would behold the face of God himself. After Muhammad passed away, His daughter Fathimaji who was also an incarnation laid down some rules for women to protect their chastity. She was the one who started the Burkhs system. Fathima was very beautiful to look at and was in the midst of very aggressive Arabic people who never respected women. She covered her face with a cloth so that people never look at her and can maintain Her chastity. This is the way; She also protected the attention of men not to get distracted. Now at this time of Kaliyuga, when no religion exists in its true form, the people have no option other than hold the face of God whom Muhammad, The main injunctions of Islam are Namaz (prayer), pilgrimage, charity and firm belief in the oneness of God and His prophets, particularly Muhammad. The holy Koran, divided into more than one hundred chapters, opens and ends with the subject of the unity of God. The religion of Islam is essentially a religion of peace, for Muhammad was a lover of peace and non-violence. Selflessness and service to suffering humanity are the watchwords of Islam. In all his preaching, He had high esteem for women and regards Mary, Mother of Christ, as the most marvelous women and considers her as a high adept and living example of the pure and holy life. Later Koranic commentaries describe Mary as an intervening force between God (Allah) and humanity. This intervening force is characterized by Allah's mercy, forgiveness, sweetness and humility-the embodiment of Allah's love for creation. In Sahaja yoga, we know that this power is nothing but Kundalini, which is responsible for union with God. In Sahaja yoga, we all know that Muhammad was none other than the incarnation of Adi Guru Dattatreya himself. He came on this earth to teach the people about divine laws in a very simple way that even a common man can understand. Also, we consider Fathimaji as the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. Sheis the beholder of purity in one's attention. 18 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-20.txt In the busy schedule of daily integration forgiven life do we have slert time to introspect? In meditation do we actually sustain our thoughtless state? Let us look witness deshbhakt dove peace detachment rdiscretion inward and find all Psnoou we should have and that we generous the qualities that humility creativity sweetnesS should maintain. Wisdom These qualities will not originate dignified Compassion outside therefore look beyond the busy city. confidence & dynamism Innocance Example: If we are not silent from within then how can we have ------ outside. Ans: Find Peace' in the busy city. * If we love our country we won't be corrupt so we should have (10) The meek shall inherit the kingdom of God. Lets have (11) * Communicate with (12)-- Watch your attention and be (13)- A man becomes a great man only with (1)-- Shri Ganesha obeys his Mother without + questioning because he has (2)--. Stop running after material desires and find (3) Let our behaviour and appearance be (14)- The quality that transforms is (15)- The flower represents beauty but its fragrance represents (16)- The painting of Mona Lisa gives joy because the artist had enlightened (17)-- Are we ascending or descending? Lets find (4)------ and surrender it to vibrations. * . By not reacting we become a (5)-- To imbibe one of the qualities of Shri Lakshmi be (6)-- * Lets spread Sahaja Yogi with (7)- & (8)--- Lets bring all our qualities in (18)- , 15. Love 16. Innocence 17. Creativity 18. Integration 10. Deshbhakt 11, Humility 12. Sweetness 13. Alert 14. Dignified 5. Witness 6. Generous 7 Confidence 8. Dynamism 9. Forgiven Answer :1. Compassion 2. Wisdom 3. Detachment 4. Discretion -? Are we in anger or have we (9)--------- C 19 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-21.txt Continued from Page 10 1|Jai Shri Mataji|| Kundalini is on the Sahastrara, if you ask any question to yourself then Thank You Shri Mataji for you get your answer in thoughtless awareness and that is 100% correct, because that is the answer of God, that means through the Spirit. your attention on everyone and everywhere. In thoughtlessness, it occurred to me that seven Chakras are Ritu Mehra, Chandigarh represented on our hands, e.g. the Shri Ganesha principle is in the middle of the wrist of the left hand on the heel of the palm. We ||Jai Shri Mataji|| meditated on this principle and were thoughtless and got divine vibrations. These children were realised souls and could see Shri WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS Ganesha at the same time, which was seen in the color red. The children were joyous that they had actually seen Lord Ganesha. I was amazed with this experiment. I was glad that Shri Mataji has discovered Sahaja Yoga and that it is so great. Malvika Agarwal Gurgaon Now these deaf boys could understand Sahaja Yoga. If we get experience, then how can we not understand it? Shri Mataji has shown us everything that has never happened before. The direct experience is WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS given through Chaitanya Sakshatkar; so one should take its experience | Jai Shri Mataji|| M. Ravindra and have one's life blessed in this world and in the same way that one Bangalore light can enlighten others. However how much one may say about Shri Mataji's greatness it is never enough. YUVADRISHTI SUBSCRIPTION FORM Please fill in Capitals Name Address City PIN COUNTRY State Phone E-mail Cheque/DD no. Drawn on Dt. Of Rs. Signature DD should be sent in the favour of Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd." Address for correspondence : Nirmal Infosystems Pvt. Ltd., Bldg No. 8, Chandragupt Hsg. Soc. Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411029. Tel - 020 25286537 NG 20 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-22.txt A८ तIR पभज ১৯ ॐ कार प्रधान रूप गणेशाचें। जे तिन्हीं देवांचे जन्मस्थान॥ अकार तो ब्रह्मा उकार तो विष्णु। मकार महेश जाणियेला ॥ ऐसे तिन्ही देव जेथोनी उत्पन्न। तो हा गानन मायबाप।। तुका म्हणे ऐसी आहे वेदवाणी। पहावी पुराणी व्यासाचीया ॥ Cover page : Nitya Sapte Ganeshji : Pallavi Nene क 2004_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_IV.pdf-page-23.txt PRATISHTHAN SRIVASTA