The Divine Cool Breeze 32 March-April, 2005 The Sun is visible in the photo taken by a Y. Shakti of Bombay on 1st Jan., 2005 Phot taken during a collactive programme at "Vashi Health Centre', New Bambay Ascent of Kundalini from Mooladhara to Vishuddhi Shri Mataji present in the photograph taken after She had left the stage on 25-12-2004 at pune CONTENTS A Letter of Shri Mataji 1. 11.6.1980) The Knowledge within (Kingston 3. 15. The Fight for Collectivity (Part-II) 17. Easter Pravachan - 6.4.1981 Sahaja Yoga The Maha Yoga 23. Our Position in Sahaja Yoga 34. 35. Benefits of Sahaja Yoga Surrender in Sahaja Yoga 36. "Laziness is the worst enemy of Sahaja Yoga" SHRI MATAJI THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE Published by Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411029 Printed by Krishna Printer & Designer Tri Nagar, Delhi-35 Mob.: 9868545679 For Subscription Please Write to: Shri G.L. Agrawal Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 222, Desh Bandhu Apartments Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 Tel. No.: 011-26422054, 26216654 Please Send Your Experiences, Suggestions, Articles, Miracle Photographs etc. to: Shri O.P. Chandna G-11 (463), Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh, Delhi-110 034 Tel. No. 011-55356811 Mor.: 8.00 AM 9.00 AM Eve.: 8.30 PM 10.30 PM A LETTER OF SHRI MATAJI My dear Dr. Raul, I received a very detailed of our autonomous nervous system letter from Damle. It was very wise is our spirit which is the reflection step on your part to have met Shri of God? You can quote the names Gagan Gadh Maharaj. What he of people like Mr. Bose and Mr. says about the miracle of Sahaja Daftary and Mr. Sharma who are Yoga is absolutely true. The miraculously cured of his colour blindness through Sahaja Yoga. In any case I am going to America Adishakti next year. One of my dear Sons descended as incarnation (She) did Dr. Lanjewar has now become the Medical reason why this great sanctuary never manifested in reality was whenever that president not have all the chakras integrated of the through Sahasrara. The complete Practitioners Association of New harmony and unison merged into York and is very anxious to have a an integrated instrument of her conference next year in New York. personality is bringing forth these Due to our slavery for so many fantastic results. So much so that years, doctors in India have lost the capacity to know that we are the people born on the Yoga Bhumi. I think he (Gagan Gadh Their thinking is so slavish that Maharaj) also cannot imagine the they think all our ideas about medicine are stupid while western knowledge is very sensible. I am surprised at myself. dynamics of this Discovery and hence he feels that 'Avdhuts' have to be away in the forest and that Cancer can give you reaction. You have cured the Cancer of Phadke's father. Did it give you any reaction? When you are at a giving end how can you receive anything? You are reborn as Lotus which does not take anything bad from muddy surroundings but transforms its surroundings with its magic of a realised soul. Do you think doctors will accept that there exists the kingdom of God and that it creates us and that the Lord I bless you with all my heart that Dr. Ramlingam has good vibrations. Shri Rama in him would have wisdom to understand the ways of God Almighty. I send you my love and protection so that you can break the barriers of ignorance of our medical men. Let them know that the time has come for them to accept that science is not everything. It only discovers whatever exists and appears before the gross being. Once we become 2. Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze subtle rising in the fourth dimension, we see the subtle being, the spirit and contentment and DIVINE working of this love, cannot be done by argument. One has to be realised. One has to in the water, bring down your hands evolve through Sahaja Yoga across the sympathetic nervous spontaneously as this is a living system towards the water. The process. For Cancer best treatment patient will cool down gradually. is of water i.e. putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the religion (Dharma) of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatraya responsible for the religion (Dharma) of human beings are to be worshipped. They help you to cure and also the local Deity of the Chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the photograph with the candle and his feet being If he gets realisation, then he is cured. More in the next. Your Living Mother Nirmala (Nirmala Yoga) The Knowledge within Kingston U.K., 11.6.1980 Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Today we have gathered here to because it is written long time know something about our Self. If back. Thousands of years back. the knowledge is from the books Christ has said it that you are to or from some person who says that be born again, that you are to be he knows about the Self, how far baptized, not by theological college will it reach us ? It can only go people, but by somebody like John, the Baptist, who had the authority understand it through our mental from the Divine. This power does lie dormant within you but every- understanding comes to us body writes differently about it. thorough our rationality, though our Very few really agree. This is intellect which in itself is a limited another confusion one faces. That there is a power lying within us and some say that it gives you So we enter into another electric shock, some say that you understanding which is still very start jumping like a frog and some say that you start flying in the air. is a Self which resides in our heart Such a confusion, while you are seekers, seekers of ages you have us which is all the time waiting for been seeking. You are genuine seekers and then while seeking you birth, if I tell you that, then you don't know where to go and what will only understand me mentally. to expect; you jump into problems. upto mental level and we can only understanding. The mental thing. limited e.g. if I tell you that there and that there is a power within an occasion to give you your second This has all been said already, what is so new about it ? At the most I The other day when I went can give it in a very modern to Switzerland, one of my children, quite who had arranged the programme, he told me "Mother, here people are very sceptical about Indian gurus." I am very happy about it, really very very happy that they have started thinking about it because they have been deluded doubt, which is called "KUNDALINI" and deceived and now they are disillusioned completely. And they fashion, intellectual which will make you have more mental feats to go round and round. You will sit down and analyse and reach nowhere. something I say there is a power, no within us. So many say that Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze find it impossible to believe anyone that you must keep yourself who talks of God. So the first topic absolutely alert about it that you that he wanted me to discuss are not going to accept anything during my stay there was but real. "Demystification of Gurus". Quite hypnotised, you can be brain- a challenging topic. But this I said washed, because you do not know in 1970 in India, in 1973 in America, all these things. Somebody says but no one would like me for that. They say, "why should you criticize you get so enamoured by that as others". But you can be some words in Sanskrit language, if Sanskrit language is something out of the blue e.g. some of the Falsehood is falsehood and disciples, who went to certain reality is reality. You will now know Gurus, got "Mantras" which if you through some of those people who tell an Indian, he will laugh out are here that how you have been his stomach; like a Mantra given misled, how you have been "AINGA". Now tell any Indian and deceived for money which you he will laugh and people had paid cannot understand because you have gone beyond it now. You are nonsense like that which means seeking beyond money. You know nothing, which cannot be Mantra ? that money is not going to give you Why do you need a Guru for Mantra? joy. You know that very well. But There is a science about it. those who have not yet known that still they are climbing up the cusp, they have not seen the ditch below. jump on to it, because they want Such people try to come up and try you to, because they want money. to give you some sort of a jargon Simple thing. It is an enterprise. and receive lot of money from you. It is a very shameful affair, I feel myself. three hundred pounds for such a Because we do not go into the understanding of it and we just You have given up everything for the sake of vour your seeking. You have seen that the value of these material things will not take you anywhere, you have seen beyond. Your value system But that does not mean that there is no reality. If there is no reality, how can we have copies of that ? If there are no, flowers, how will you create plastic flowers ? So, is different but if the value system if you find somebody so unreal, you must know that you have to find out the Real. And when you are finding the real, you must know of some people is different from you they can exploit you. So the natural reaction, I can understand very well, should be such. Issue: 3 & 4-2005 The Divine Cool Breeze But there it reality and that going into a pub and coming out of it exists within you and that there it all drunk. Others are attracted much more, seeing them drunk like discovered, you find your Absolute. that. Sometimes it is impossible To tell you that you should become to understand human nature and a very quiet and serene person when the Reality stands before you, you crucify that. How do you And the your passions and your lust and acceptance of reality is your your greed that nothing should sort glorification. Are you going to add of dominate you, this is like giving anything to Reality ? Supposing I a big lecture to you. It has no wear a diamond necklace, it is going to adorn me not to the diamond necklace. This is billions You have gripped it yourself and billions of times more brilliant these things and how will you leave than all these things which adorn us. If you accept that, you will be glorious, you will be lustrous. Isn't it? Think about it. Because we are charmed about these outside much more dynamic, much more things, there deceptive ways, their joy giving, establishing your sense cunning ways, and that we are of security, you will give up all these hypnotized. That is the only explanation. That's how they have managed so far. One after another this hypnosis spreads like fire. You ask them what did you find. "Don't ask us, we are very happy people". absolutely pestered and finished After 3 days you find that the by that Guru. He used to deliver person has committed suicide. We only introductory lectures. And he are not aware still that this is the said, "I used to get 300 people for most important, the most and vital introductory lectures in the same time in the history of human is Self within you and once would be absurd. To tell you that you should be such a master over explain all this ? meaning. it, when your grip is so strong. You have to grip something else. It is simple common sense. If you find something, much more valuable, nonsensical things. But see how it works out. A gentleman, who came from a horrible Guru to me, who was hall in which you are giving lecture Mother". What do you say to beings. The last judgment has people there, isn't it queer? He is started. We are facing the last We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come out like the like just as I was watching people wolves in Sheep's clothes. And they well known person who charges you money, who gives you courses; he has ruined so many people. It is judgment today. Issue: 3 & 4 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze are trying to attract you and you Many animals were discarded. He do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the reality. It has Mammoth family He started, it is a fact. It has started. Elephant. He saved many and so saved some animals e.g. from saved many were discarded one by one all these years. In the same way, Now, let us see from God's point of view how He is going to human being who have been very judge you. It is quite easy to say much on the extremes have been that we do not believe in God. Very discarded. You see the history. easy to say that we don't believe Now you won't find anyone killing in this Govt. but if you do anything wrong, then you know there is a Govt. acting. In the same way it is very easy to say that we do not Finished. Anybody who came up believe in God. compassionate, He is so loving, He is so Kind, that He has given us finished. Those ideas die out. our freedom to know ourselves. People are ashamed of them and And we rely on Him, we take Him new ideas come up into human for granted. He has made us beings human beings from amoeba to this tranquility, peace. stage. He has spread out such a beautiful world around us. He has done all that. But there is a People talk about peace, but are judgment which we have to face now and the judgment that is going ourselves ? And if we are really to come from God. It is not going wanting it, what are we doing to be the way that we understand that He sits like a magistrate and has started and to judge you God calls you one by one "come along" and then you have a pleader there, sitting. his seven wives these days. I mean impossible, you cannot do it. Person like Hitler came up. with any extreme ideas of domination or anything, was He is sO accepting balance, We are talking about it. we really wanting peace within about it ? Actually the judgment has already placed the whole magistracy within you. All the magistrates are already sitting down there. Christ has said, "those But in a subtler way, He has already put the judging forces who are not against me are with within you. See in the evolution he has worked it out. evolution, how beautifully He has settled down within you on worked it out. From amoeba to this stage, how have we come? me." These are the magistrates. In the And these magistrates have different Centers in your spinal chord and in your brain. Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze It is very interesting and all these seats are like a panel in your brain and when the light of Kundalini rises through these awakening. Not that some people centres, when these centres are enlightened within you, you start a frog. Now, we must use our enlightenment being manifested brains. Brains have to be intact in on your fingers. The end of your fingers get enlightened, the sensitivity of your fingers tell you human beings ? Are we to become what centres are there affected birds, after becoming human within you. This Kundalini rises and comes upto this point, the fontanel bone area or the Talloo. as they call it, the soft bone here in your childhood, and it breaks it. Actually it breaks it. You can see in a person, who does not have been said by these people. Then much hair here, the thing just going down a little, First it pulsates. You can even see the pulsation of the Kundalini in the triangular bone which is sacrum and when this anybody else is saying it but it has Kundalini rises, you can see even the movement of this Kundalini. Not in all but in some. Because if the person is first class the landing Hampstead, I know what is is first class, its shooting off is first happening with some one. Some class. In such a person, there is no obstruction; you cannot see the they did feel the cool breeze Kundalini pushing up. For example, coming from their hands but some when I canme to this place there was no problem on the traffic, so got it and they just disappeared. we just smoothly came away, nobody noticed us. was a traffic problem, there would yourself and you have to adore your be jamming here and jamming seeking and you have to get your there. In the same way when this Kundalini rises in a person who has a problem on its Centres, it shows. You can see with your naked eyes. sitting This is what is Kundalini say that they started jumping like modern times. Are we going to become frogs now after becoming You sciences, like beings? psychology itself, I mean many of them, believe that you have to jump into your unconscious achieving consciousness. Very clearly it has collective your we must expect something of that nature where we jump into our collective consciousness. It is not that because I am saying it or to happen to you. The other day I was in people did get their vibrations, did not. They said that they have This is not the way you are going to treat yourself, you are to love But if there fulfilment. As your Mother I must tell you this is a very serious matter. There is no Guru Shopping Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze is the time when the confusion will be reigning on this earth that is Kali Yuga (the modern times). Then those great saints and those great people the Seekers, the Sadhakas who have been searching God in the hills and dales and in the caves will come back as ordinary householders and they will get the Reality. In this confusion only, they are going to get the vision of Reality, they are going to become tortured souls by Kali, caught hold the Reality. They are going to get of the Kali. It is said that now is their self realisation". And Nala the rule of Kali. Kali is the sinister forgot all his vindictiveness and his anger and what Kali had done to confusion and confused people. He him, He said, "on this point I confused Nala. By that he got forgive you because I respect them so much. For that collective good Nala got hold of this Kali, he said, I give up all my personal problems. going on here, you have to get your realisation. You have to get it. It is so fortunate that the time has come, when you are living and that you can have it because of that you took your birth during this time because you are seekers of very ancient times as I told you. It is written in one of our scriptures in India-called as "Nala- Akhyan". When Nala, one of the fellow, the one who brings all separated from his wife. So when "Now, I am going to kill you. I am Let this happen." going to kill you once for all, so that you do not create confusion into people anymore". So Kali said That only in Kali-Yuga the sun of Sat-Yuga, the world of Truth, "Alright you can kill me, I will accept the age of enlightenment is going to come and those Saints who were my Mahatmya (importance) I do seeking the reality in the forests are born today in this world. You can see them, they are saintly. They can see the joke of artificial create confusion in the minds of life so clearly. They know it is all people, what importance can you absurd but then they do not know have ? He said that, "when I will what is the Real. But the time has be ruling i.e. when he will as in come and it has to be worked out it but first of all you should know Mahatmya) importance." Nala said, what importance can you have? You have some these modern times ruling means and it will be worked out. creating confusion in our minds. Everything has become relative It has worked out in your now. We talk like that, "yes it may great country and now, say, a thousand people are there very much in it who have understood it. be alright, may not be alright, may be good, may not be good". That Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze There must be about at least 300 That is what She wants. She is people who are actively working it your Mother born again and again with you. She has recorded all your very happy to come to this old city problems you have created for of Kingston, where the stone for yourself for Her ascent. She knows the enthroning of the king was put. everything about you and She Must be something special about judges you on this point, "how much you are sincerely wishing your out at different places and I am it. ascent". That's all. But the people have lost their sensitivity to Reality, not only in this country but every where much more in India, you will be surprised. They are all getting wrong with you. But She is your sophisticated. They are getting own, absolutely your own. There developed. They do not know what She knows you out and out. When She rises, She shows those symptoms, She shows what is is no one greater your own than She. She is your friend and She judges you because you must get the Best; because She knows what have found by you development. If anybody tells them, they think, "you want to enjoy all the fruits of development is the Best for you. For, a child and you are just telling us lies." may like to put his hands in the electric socket but the Mother says, So it is very necessary for you don't do it, Don't do it, But the to understand for definite purposes child does not listen, he gets angry. that the judgment has started. Still She says, "No, No, you cannot And for that Kundalini is placed do it." Because She loves you. within you. But I must say She is a great Judge, you will not find such a Judge anywhere in the the other person. And such a power whole universe, because She is your lies dormant within you, which is own mother. And, She is Nirvyaj, just waiting for an occasion that She is just giving. She does not when She rises, when She sprouts want anything from you, nothing like the germinating power in a whatsoever. She wants that you seed, when She comes up, then must get your property. You must there should be some one who get your Self. You must get all should look after you. There should your powers. She doesn't want be some one who should guide, anything from you. should know your Self. That you should become your Absolute. Loves in the purest form, where you do not expect anything from That you there should be someone who should decode and tell you what you feel on the fingers mean, and Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 10 The Divine Cool Breeze be cured, troubles will be cured, your health will be alright. I mean moorings, you will not know where those who have realisation, are sitting here, had been suffering a trap of ignorance or may be you physically or mentally, some of may be still there not knowing them were even epileptic and had very bad physical problems, there were some who had blood cancer, some of them had other type of what is happening to you. Otherwise you will not know your you are going and you will fall into much. So she wants to use somebody mouthpiece. Unconscious has to speak through someone. And that someone has the physical problems. there It is that the as With all these things you are faced with the Divine - Love of God-His desire. Kundalini is the to be a person of the same nature as the Kundalini is. Those who make money from you and extort you and leave you in the lurch, how compassion and of Love. That He can they be called as Gurus? They are the thieves standing outside you. That He wants to make you the door. They are just waiting for the prince of the kingdom. This is an opportunity to catch hold of you because they have already been judged, discarded and they are going to the Jail and they want more people to go with them. representative of His Desire. Desire of the ocean, of the wants to bestow His kingdom upon a very very serious thing and we have to concentrate upon this point. The judgment has to be done and there is a power within us which is to judge. This power is the desire of God, of that God who is almighty, who has given us our a by product you get your Health, freedom. He is not going to e.g. Cancer cannot be cured challenge it. His might, His without the Kundalini awakening. strength, His powers are not going to stand against our freedom. But his desire is within you, enlightens you but it does not face you existing on the Kundalini and this Cancer, not at all nor any Sahaja desire rises within you, enlightens you but it does not force you, it does not take away your freedom. It enlightens you to see. You have This Kundalini when She rises, She first soothes you physically. That is you can say as This I have been saying. When doctors get cancer, they come to me and they get cured. But I am not sitting down here to cure Yogi is interested in Cancer patients. But if you want to have your Realisation your Cancer will The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 11 freedom to be in this room. It is not forced that you sit here or there or walk away. Nothing is forced upon you. But you are given a room which is enilightened. So you use your freedom in a better way with more understanding, because you are enlightened, you can see and then you know what to accept and what not to accept. And such a thing exists We have to be very thankful to God for what He has done for us. We have no idea. We have taken Him for granted. For everything within us we have taken We have not been able to thank Him for what he has done for us and how kind He has been to us. For a small within us. Him for granted. thing we try to get rid of Him from our hearts. Still He exists, the Kundalini exists within us. First thing is to enlighten you. Unless and until you are enlightened you are in confusion, anything against it, She exists. I you cannot see through. Then it is left to your freedom to decide. So She cures you, She improves you, She bestows all the blissful things anguish and She is just turning Her upon you. She takes you away from the worries of grosser level like after realisation; many people you what She is there for. What a have solved their material blessing ! Where can you find all problems. Not that they have this ? It is all within you which become Mr. Ford or someone like that but the attitude changes and the material! problems get solved. Because there is a Centre for that also within us. Your family disappear, even after realisation. problems get solved. Husband wife problems get solved, so that you are freed. Your grip over these things that worry you, is released and that can see with greater freedom what you have to choose, what course to take. After which is disillusioned by the giving all these concessions and material gains. But when it comes all these advantages and all the possible help, then you are judged. of the lowest type, sometimes, one Can you think of any magistrate cannot understand. Now can these that generous ? Try have seen some people having Kundalini which is beaten up, there has been horrible marks of pain and sides in anguish but still She exists for that moment when She will give has to work out. But even when they get their realisation, I find, they just Can you imagine ? Progress in the West had been like that. You move 3 steps forward and 4 steps backwards. Really you will be amazed. I don't know what has gone wrong with the Western mind to Sahaja Yoga, their caliber is just people have no self-esteem, while Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 12 The Divine Cool Breeze in the villages of India people get intellectual way that you feel guilty it and have it just like that, no rumblings, nothing. They are just sit down here. there. Complications are there, I politicians, thinking about Vietnam agree. But you must have self- esteem. It sometimes, really makes you feel sick. about say Vietnam. Very good idea, Easy chair or file it up. You are the chosen ones who have to receive it and it has to happen. But to take Reality you think hundred times and to get into dirty, filthy circle it just clicks. Whom should I blame for this ? These horrible Gurus or these horrible people, who have put up a are seekers, you are saints born in show for you or it is your knave this country. What has happened attitude towards the morality. I shudder to see the way the things are sometimes and the way the don't you touch it deeply ? Why people are taking things for It is your just fail to understand why don't responsibility today, the ones who are supposed to be the Seekers to see that you bring forth the Reality to the people and tell them that from ages. You are the lost please see and get it. Because children, I know that but I don't you are their fellow beings. You know how to establish that within are their kith and kin. How can you. Sometimes my condition is you leave them even if you get your the same as that of your Kundalini. own realisation? Even if you enter into the Kingdom of Heavens, you You have to be in a great will not forget them, you will think haste to get it. You have to of them and you cannot be happy. Even when you get your realisation blow it out and talk to the people also, unless and until all those that this is the situation and saints who, out of their ignorance, emergency. Can't you see what is are lost, you will think of them. I happening in the World ? Can't have to work out through you. I cannot work it out alone. If I could then there would have been no if it is faced, it is faced in a very difficulty. If God could work out Perhaps you do not know that in this country I have worked on seven or eight people for four years. For four years, can you believe it? Not that there is something wrong with you. You to your saintliness? Why so flippant, why so superficial? Why don't you understand your Self? I granted also. you respect your Self. I respect you and I llove you very much because I know you. I know you become absolutely dynamic and you see the confusion? But the situation is taken for granted. Even The Divine Cool Breeze 13 Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 just like this, give them realisation, they are very satisfied. You do just finished. Establish them alright. But it will not. Because you have the freedom. have the freedom ? Because Stonehenge, Stonehenge is the without your freedom you cannot come to that caliber by which you see the vibrations. You can feel are raised. We do not realise where it. There are so many things done we are today we do not realise. in this country. Kingston itself. is Sometimes I feel, I am talking to walls e.g., you will find that some people are slaves of watches. They have no time. "I have no time, I am so very busy". Why are you down. Some walked in, some got saving time? Why has this idea come to you? Our fore-fathers never did that. Why are you sensitivity towards the Reality. saving time ? For what ? You They cannot feel. May be- may are saving time for the be, it will work out. I am sure it "becoming" not for wasting it in will work out. I am the most the parks or in horrible places optimistic person you can ever see. like races etc. not know how much has been done in this country also by God. For I Why you example, went to see creation of Mother Earth. You can so vibrating, I was amazed. What did you find? At least 100 people went into that carriage and some and came in here walking, going up out. They aren't decided still. Still no proximity to sensitivity. No See, optimism is my nature, I believe. It is going to become. You are saving time for Only thing you so called "freedom" "becoming" because you are a diamond. You are to be chiseled understand that this freedom is out yourself. You are not saving it given to you so that you can for wasting. I mean the best become your Self and not that you advertisement will be "save fifty should become an animal. An pounds to spend three thousand". animal; what is the use of giving Something like that. You are saving realisation to, say, a chicken? Can your time not to waste it. Saving I give also ? That is the point. it for something extremely precious, extremely vital and important, something that you have done lots of good things". I have been seeking. But I do not know how some times to keep you done", I don't eat chicken". Now, I on that level of depth. Of course say, "Why are you saving chickens some of the people are of such high caliber even in this country that So try to comes in the way. Many people say, "mother, I ask, "what good things have you for me, you better save yourself". All sorts of funny ideas they have. Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 14 The Divine Cool Breeze It is you, the Seeker, the buds on this beautiful Tree of Life, they things. All the priorities will are the ones for whom this creation is created. They are the ones who have to get it. They are the ones Sahasrara, the joy starts pouring who have to have it. The whole universe has blossomed into them breeze coming through your hands and they want to become what - - the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost worms ? Just think about it. lose the grip over non-sensical change. The greatest thing is that when Kundalini pierces the and you start feeling that cool and you start feeling every where. You can find out. Now you can By God's grace we start the judge others and yourself. You can programme of realisation, which may take perhaps a split of a second, it might have already have not to get medicines, you worked it out because today I was don't have to get anything. Just little going too much, I think. Kingston is a good place. May be one day it will become a very great mechanism starts working. The place, I feel. But let us see how much you use the power that is you start seeing the whole thing. flowing in the area. something will work out. help others automatically. You have not to go out for that, you you being there, you help others in their salvation as if the whole whole technique starts working and I hope You will be amazed. You have to know how to work it out on your own self and others. It is a great fun. We are all in the Great Fun mood and you should also enjoy with us. And it is wonderful. No time for misery. Only thing one feels is that why Now after realisation you have to take it up seriously. You have to work it out because after finding it also, it is not that you suddenly jump on to the sun or to the moon. Even going to moon what did you get ? You could not these people are doing like this. understand anything. So you have to go into all the areas of your being because the movement will start inside. You have to take your attention to all the areas within you. You have to settle down your attention and now attention will Like grown ups and mature people we look at little children why are they putting their hands in the fire. May god Bless You. (Nirmala Yoga) 1980 FIGHT FOR COLLECTIVITY THE (PART II) Let us have a closer look at the sound of the flute which good old tricky ego. fighting with it, says Shri Mataji, Yamuna, it stores the gopis' but, with Hanumana's inspired humour we can deflate it. The ego will end up looking like the Court's fool whose erratic jokes are meant to entertain the King. Between the king and the fool, the Self and the ego, there according to the Self's nature. The are indeed some very basic Self is Shiva. We are, within the differences. In order not to take any more the fool for the king, let this silent and watchful totality. us now explore one of them. No use enchanted the banks of the a pinch of Shri memory. The Self likes correct elegance and rhythm. question is then: how to behave so as to please the Self? The The answer is : let us behave Creation, the living containers of Now, Totality seeks itself. That means: Shiva's desire is that Virata The ego, by its very nature, should manifest. In other words, seeks individual achievement; the by actualizing our collectivity we Self, by its very nature, rests in are pleasing the Self: the flight for the collective dimension. Why is collectivity is the fight for our own it so? The body of the ego is that sheet of accumulated illusions through which we perceive ourselves as self-sufficient, perception of himself is different individual identities without any from a human being's perception link to the whole. The Self is this very whole within us, but recovered understands growth as the by the sheet. becoming. Hence a Sahaja Yogi's of himself. The human being assertion of his limited identity. The Sahaja Yogi is not motivated as an independent actor aiming at his individual achievement. He is individual a part of the Whole motivated by When a Sahaja Yogi, unconsciously carrying on with old habits, achievements in Sahaja Yoga (I collective achievement. He feels have done this, I have organized the identity between the I' ness that) he is still, may be, dancing on ego's clownish tune. The fool will bore the King, after all; for the Self knows the right tune, it knows seeks of the Self and the 'I' ness of the collective being. He is like an antenna of the formidable cosmic horse of Shri Kalki merged in the Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 16 The Divine Cool Breeze yoga grows it is my true "I" who grows. Bhavsagara, sometimes activated, sometimes put to rest by the power of Shri Mataji. But ever aware and a witness. What does 5. I will rejoice in the forthcoming all this concretely mean in our daily behavior ? manifestation of all higher realised beings because they will decorate our new Jerusalem of which I am a founding stone. Founding stones necessarily decorate. It means this: do not 1. I do not bother about my own salvation because Mother has 6. I will not seek to strengthen my relationship to Shri Mataji by trying to secure some kind of illusory "privileged position" near Her but by dissolving in the collective Being to whom She is giving birth. accepted me and thus I am saved. instrument for others to be saved. But let me be an 2. I do not help anybody; assisting others I work at my own growth. I do not love: it is love which flows through me. I do not act, but through me things may work out; that's all. I am watching it. And I experience joy. 7. I cannot know the Self without becoming collective. I cannot become collective without deflating the ego. And I cannot deflate the ego without surrendering to Mother. 3. I do not belong to any clan, family, group or circle of friends. Those who are committed to Sahaja yoga and devoted to Shri us should take the vow to fight for Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi our Collectivity. There is the glory are automatically my brothers, and the joy; After all, our most sisters and friends. In this winter of 1982, all of amazing Guru the Divine Mother is sakshat Shri Shiva Virata. In 4. I will accept the natural exploring the depth of the Self and leadership of those Sahaja the extent of our collectivity we yogis who can best spread start traveling in the arteries of Sahaja yoga. There will be no jealousy whatsoever. For, their cause is my cause : promoting Sahaja yoga they are promoting me. Her cosmic body to visit the radiant aura of beauty of Her Adi Chakras. by GREGOIRE When Sahaja (NIRMALA YOGA) EASTER London Ashram - 06.04.1981 Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Here; how people are playing realization, but even to talk about around with Christ's life. They call dharma itself, righteousness was themselves Christians and they very difficult. I mean what ignorance must have covered those people, that they crucified Him. Then, even the disciples never things. recognized Christ. When He was Secondly, we show no respect. crucified they said, "Now He's dead." Then, when He rose, He is the One who has created nobody would believe it. They have all kinds of theories. Even about the shroud they have found out. What ego human beings have, like Of course, there was a cloth which was tied onto His face, which was of the Brahman itself, the Divine pulled up, that's why his face looks Love itself, so He could not be slightly disfigured. But, that cloth was just left there. I mean, what is so important about the shroud, I can't understand it. It's the Blood does not die. It is not killed. Just of Christ. The ignorance with which to prove that He took this form; people looked at him, one should be ashamed of oneself. You can't imagine if you see from that angle managing themselves with their ego and to see anything, they know what living in complete darkness and self-certifying that they are the precious cloth is, but they don't people who can judge even God know what a precious thing it was, and hardly they allowed Him to live for three or four years. He did not do any harm whatsoever to anyone. You cannot blame any community for that. If He was born in India, anyone about God, ör about they might have done the same. show no respect to His life at all. He is the becoming He talked about. He didn't talk about all those nonsensical There is no awe in our hearts that Universes after Universes. And what are we compared to Him? bubbles. Of course, He was made killed. Moreover, He had to be born after Krishna; because Krishna has said that this Divine power of God this gross form of Christ. He came on this Earth, but how people are human beings, they have no eyes is a diamond, they know what a that He came onto this earth. Now think of it, the situation was horrible-no question of talking to 18 İssue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze crucified. Otherwise, He could not have shown you, but His actualizing that He died and then resurrected to show that this does not die. What did they do to Mohammed Sahib? The same thing. But why there are so many thieves as shown in His life? Only as a contrast they were allowed to get out. Why this compromise was possible and why it was not with Christ? Do we also do with us the same thing, today? That we compromise ourselves with thieves-who are negative people and we do not mind Christ being crucified. Krishna has said, "It is not killed by any weapon, neither it is burnt by any fires. Nor it is blown by any wind. Nothing can suck it." That Spirit is He. When they saw His being resurrected, they started saying, "Oh, He is the One." Then His disciples believed Him. What ignorance, what darkness. It's like telling an ant about human civilization. Now as you know, He created all the Brahmandas. Brahmanda Now the Universe of the Sun. Out of that Universe has come the Earth. Out of that, you have come out and in your agnaya chakra He created a small Virata as they call it. He exists within your agnaya chakra. This sacrifice is very verY significant and though it is gross, in subtle, it has happened to take the awareness though this centre means a Universe. As this gross happening took place, when in the subtle also the same happening had to take place. Like when you say Moses crossed the river. This was the happening of the Void being crossed by the Primordial Master. So in the subtle whatever is done is expressed in the gross in this manner, and this of agnaya; was done by Christ, by is exactly what happened when Christ, was crucified. But again you cannot crucify Him. Now He has become Ekadasha Rudra as described. The eleven Rudras as His crucifixion. He came as a gross person, just like a gross human being. His body died but did not die, because that body was also made of that imperishable divine vibrations, as you call, the radiations or this Brahma. They Up till now, till He was born, did not die and that's why the body Krishna had given Him his powers did not die and He resurrected with you know very well, these are all the powers of Shiva given to Him. and that He became Maha Virata, he was even placed above Krishna, but now when He will come He will be bestowed with the destructive His body. He had to die to show that the body, though dies, can be saved. That's why he had to be Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 19 The Divine Cool Breeze powers of Shiva-eleven of them. to bow to Him in full understanding One of them is sufficient to finish of how great He is. On the contrary, all the Universes and that's what we always bend towards people is described as the coming of The who are pretentious; who make a Christ. You cannot crucify Him circus out of Him-it's a mockery anymore and the time has come for all of us to be prepared to the cross or any drama, I mean, it receive Him. We are not yet ready was such a miserable thing and to to receive Him. Unless and until you are realized you cannot receive want to do that, I just can't Him because if you remain unrealized till He comes, you'll be mean, if you have feelings, you can finished, you'll be gone, and you'll be destroyed. He has just come to destroy all the nonsensical and to be resurrected. It's the things. So this short time should be used for your emancipation and for your development. But, when we think of Christ, how human satisfied. beings, you see, put up pretences. All kinds of pretensions you see, like, they act, and act, how Christ important to understand the was crucified. They wear all the significance of Christ's life that His beautiful jewels and every thing body was the only body made of and they will enact. It's mockery these radiations. All other bodies going on. If you have to really come to resurrection, then you incarnations, even that of Krishna's must awaken Christ within you, when He came on this earth, were yourself, in the Agnaya Chakra. If having human qualities that Mother you cannot do it, then all this Earth existed in the body. Now enactment even in Spain, they say the Mother Earth exists as a are enacting as crucified, I mean, magnetic force, She's nothing but this is mockery going on in this going on everywhere. This carrying enact it, I don't know why people understand, I can't bear it. But I see within yourself. It cannot be a ceremony, a ritual, to be sacrificed actuality, it's the becoming. It's not any drama, and people want to see a drama like that and be For us, Sahaja Yogis, it is were human bodies. All the a magnetic, is the magnetic force, is the only part of the energy of world3; world; we are living with pretensions and falsehoods, all Christ, then it cannot be destroyed. these things are going to take us nowhere. But we are, as we human beings are, we are very gross and the magnetic force of the Mother Earth also we do not know-we do not We have to face ourselves; we have to awaken We have Christ within ourselves. Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 20 The Divine Cool Breeze we actually go very much away from Him to the negative side. We become very negative. Like when we go to the left side (which you feel it within ourselves. The day we start feeling that magnetic force within us, we'll give up all these nonsensical movements of extremes. We'll settle down into know) we go much away from Him our gravity but we are not even sensitive to that magnetic force as you say, the back side of it. When the birds are. After realization you you go out to your right extremes do become subtle enough to feel that magnetic force. And you can ask the Mother Earth to take away your problems, to take away your sins; She'll suck it. Once you become that subtle, She'll work it out, no doubt. But you have to become that evolved you cannot from Him. Ego is the result of right touch Her subtler side; which is the hand movement because the Christ magnetic force. Whilst Christ's in essence does not create the body was made of the magnetic force itself now, when he was resurrected they celebrate the left. So on one side, He fights the Sunday. Because as you have seen that He has millions and millions and our agnaya gets caught up-as then you disown Him; you cross your limits. You cannot go beyond Him and that is how when you get to the right you cross all sense of decency, decorum and humility. So in both ways, you go in the opposite directions, much away necessary action on people who move to the right and also on the left side, the super ego, on the other He fights the ego in human of suns and He is made of sun. beings. That's why you have seen, He's the essence of sun. The sun has got the force of oxygen within it and this oxygen is responsible for creating Brahmandas after possessions. Lord's Prayer has got Brahmandas. You see, when the all the essence to take away the sun's rays fall on the tree, we take possessions. But not Lord's Prayer everything for granted, the tree said by any Dick, Tom or Harry. He blossoms, yields fruits, the fruits is to be connected with Lord Jesus have seeds and then again they Christ, then only if you say it, it sprout into trees. Without the sun has an effect and such a mantra is nothing would exist on this Earth an awakened mantra. Right hand and that is why we worship Him on side, when you move you have to a Sunday. Because He was sun, actually we can say He resides in Sun. Now when we go to the left if you are possessed you have to take the name of Christ. Only His name can take you away from your be humble in your heart, because He resides in your heart as spirit, because He is The Spirit, and this Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 21 The Divine Cool Breeze spirit get's insulted when you go And, the more you rise, the more too much on the right hand side and that's why ego-oriented people And when you realize that He is get heart trouble. On the left-hand the support of the Universe, He is side in the superego area, Christ our support, then you feel very is a terror. They are frightened of powerful-that nobody can possess His name; they run away from Him because they know the Ekadasha cannot, nobody can, possess Him. Rudra that He is, So on the one side He's mild in the sense He recedes away from people who are egotistical, ego-orientated. He greatness cannot be described in doesn't like buffoons and idiots. words. As a child, and as a Son, Donkeys that He was riding is suggestion of these donkeys who describe how He looked after His are ego-oriented. He tried to control the donkey. But the left hand side are the people, these Christ for His Mother, His love, His horrible negative people, they get gentleness, His care, His devotion frightened of Him, absolutely and dedication cannot frightened, you take Christ's name and they just run away, depart. No. nothing doing, they're not going and at the back He's Sri Ganesh to face Him-"Oh! God." Now, this mark is the sign of His Blood actually. Even if you show this colour they run away, but one has to understand the significance of Christ, with patience, with humility, for us. because He is the One who has created Universes after Universes. you are filled with awe. "Oh! God." you, if He's your support. But you You have to surrender to Him, so that you become His possessions. So that He looks after you. His He is the giver of joy. One cannot Mother, it's impossible. No words can describe the understanding of be described. And you know that He came as an evolved Sri Ganesh, and at the front He's Kartikeya. Very powerful-eleven Rudras, and this has, given Him the highest position. So on this day we have to think how He was resurrected More than Him His Mother Here you cannot just sit on a table had to suffer His crucifixion-it was and say, let's have it out, let's too much; because She knew all discuss this. There's no dogma this was going to happen and She was in human form as a Mother and Her only loving Son, being You have to crucified in Her presence. going on. He's a living God and Living cannot be discussed by human beings. become superhuman beings to discuss Him, to understand Him. We should not glorify the Cross for the one reason of Christ being crucified Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 22 on that, but cross is the sign of resurrection as the disciples saw the agnaya chakra, also because the same swastika, which was being all promised and this must equally distributed, is expressed happen to all of you. as an evolved symbol that is a cross. So when we glorify cross, we are glorifying our agnaya chakra by which we accept the life of dedication and of sacrifice. And if we look forward after the cross, a people - give up our small visions we know that it is the Resurrection and the Resurrection that you are going to actualize in this life time. frogs. Expand yourself and think But now give up all nonsensical that today you are facing the drama ideas about your seekings and of mass resurrection, not only that, useless ramblings. Seeking means not knowing about anything but rejoice and be happy that what becoming something. For that, Christ did 2,000 years back, today Christ crucified Himself. resurrected Himself so that you all Easter is a special day for all of could be resurrected, so you have us. It really is a very special day to, today, thank Him for giving you because in our lives death has died the lead of resurrection and in this and we are resurrected. lifetime only, you are going to be resurrected and you are going to see, with your own eyes, your the resurrection of Christ. This is So we should rejoice and be happy that the time has come for the resurrection and such a great event we are facing. We are such and our petty hankerings, our small little lives in which we live like but you are manoeuvering it. So we are going to do it. That's why He May God Bless You. (Nirmala Yoga) Sahaja Yoga The Maha Yoga (Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi) 'Saha' means with; 'Ja' means born, Sahaja, is something that is born with you, that is innately built in you that sprouts by itself in you, which manifests itself. Like you can see a seed sprouting into a tree. This is what is Sahaja. Now if you want to separate it; that the digestive system is different, the respiratory system is different, and your heart system is different, other brain system or nervous system is different, I mean you cannot take it out like that, you brain hanging on one side and your digestive system hanging on the other. It is one integrated form of Organisation which is a living Organisation, which understands each other, which reacts to the demands. You cannot separate the system, but as it is, our brains are so disintegrated or they are good at that dis-integrating everything within us and without that we want to disintegrate the living thing which is Yoga. Now all other Yogas, which go along with it are part and parcel of Sahaja-Yoga. They cannot be separated from this Yoga. I think the people have misunderstood that there are four limbs of Yoga. That would be a misunderstanding as to think that they are separate or different. When we say that we have eaten this food, it does not mean that like a bolt it has gone inside the body and passed out of the body like a bolt coming out. Does it ? It means that you tasted the food in your mouth; it means that it has secreted some saliva in the Yoga is not a dead organisation. It is a living process. Absolutely a living process. When it is a living process, you cannot do anything about it. So it is Sahaja. At the most you can shift it a little bit and push it here or there, mouth later on, it has passed through the trachea, esophagus, going down into the stomach part and then to the intestines and then to the larger intestines. All this movement along this passage is done though the other kind of the movement which is existing push it around and all that. If a tree is coming up, like in Japan, and they will like to give it a shape, then they will cut branch first and bend it a little more another one and bend it this way, that in the organs itself like the stomach itself pushing it down, coming from your brain. The sympathetic and para sympathetic coming into play and working it out. way and give it a shape. But whatever is living is working out spontaneously within us with many complicated organizations which are living themselves and are aware of what The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 24 they are doing. For example your body is much more aware of me than your rationality. Say, you are a possessed person. You won't accept that you are a possessed person. I won't say myself also because I don't want to get very kind of thing which is in stock there. I know human beings, that if you tell them something like that you could be out for any sort of trouble. So I don't tell you. But the body knows me and when you come before me, the whole body shakes. Because it is a living body, it knows me; it is not a dead body. understands and loves you and knows each and everything about you in this life and lives before. If She is so capable, She knows everything then She is entity by itself. And if it has to come up to your head is it easy ? It is the most difficult thing. If you have a stone lying somewhere, you can pick it up and throw it anywhere you like. Even if there is a little worm it knows how to get out of the way of a big bull coming round. And if a bull, if it sits somewhere, impossible to raise it. You try your level best. There are some very So whatever is living, is so well drastic methods for that in India. You looked after, so well organized and in have to burn some red chillies and put a living way which we don't understand that smoke in the nose of the bull, because we deal with the dead. like that. Then only the bull will rise. Suppose I have to start this Otherwise you try anything it won't instrument then I have to know that there must be a cord that I have to put to the mains. I always say that Sahaja Yoga is like that; you take out your cord and put it to the mains. But do you think it is that simple ? You believe that ? That you just pull out thinks, which understands, is the the Kundalini and put to the mains? individual mother of an individual which No, it is not. When the sprouting of the Kundalini starts, when awakening who knows all about you and who starts it passes through the various loves you most and She is the one centres. How will you explain the Kundalini which is at the base of your She is the one who is going to give spinal cord rising upward? Now, if I you the realisation, your second birth. tell you that this is even more complicated than your digestive Kundalini that exists within us must be system, that the Kundalini which is an energy as we call it and which thinks rise. It will be settling itself nicely on the ground. So you come across such bulls also. Sometimes it happens like that. But to make this Kundalini, which has been born with you all the time, who is going to give you most and She is your mother. The kind of a the most difficult person to rise. Has to be. That is why people say, Kundalini Issue: 3 & 4 2005 25 The Divine Cool Breeze make the bull rise. When they get frustrated, they want to hang themselves by the nearest tree. So, that also is another frustrated Yoga. Then Sadistic Yoga, then beating Yogas, then beating others Yogas then it goes on like that, you see, flowering into better and better things. Then fanaticism, because human beings find it difficult to sit still they get a challenge. "Oh this bull does not rise, I will make it rise." raising is very difficult. So one has to find the methods of how to make the bull rise. Because this Kundalini is "absolute Dharma" righteousness, absolute purity, ideal most personality that you could think of, which does not tolerate any nonsense. She is Nirmala you can call Her. She is Purity personified. She does not accept any nonsense, no compromise She is within you. See how beautiful you are. She is not afraid of anyone, cannot be enticed, enchanted or tempted by anything. She Loves but Her Love is that pure that nothing is higher for Her than her own love. She cannot reconcile to anything. And she is the one who is going to give you your self-realisation Moreover, they haven't got the authority Even those who are self- realised they have no knowledge because Kundalini is not made by them. Like even if I get this machinery, I do not know how to handle it, how to use it? I may try but I may burn my hands instead. Such a hotch potch of endeavour brings forth so many Yogas in this world. And everybody is baffled at it that how it is that there So, for human being who desire are so many Yogas and this Yoga and that Yoga and Buddha or Mahabir or Christ. Then Church Yoga "And what is wrong in witchcraft" somebody said the other day. Nothing wrong but the bull will settle down better, it won't rise then. to raise Kundalini, they have to find out methods of pleasing Her. What makes Her so unhappy ? Why doesn't She rise ? They have to find out the means and methods. And as a result of that probe has brought forth other Yogas, which we call as Raj Yoga or they call it as Hatha Yoga, or the third one they call as Kriya Yoga (I think Kriya and Raj is about the same) and Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga and Karam Yoga. human beings want to employ to Now so they have tried to find out what should we do ? Stand on your heads, bull won't rise, it won't. So what should we do? We should know what is the Kundalini that is within us. All these All these are the methods Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 26 The Divine Cool Breeze There are 16 you see. All these can get affected. But by tickling your nose you do not touch the Vishuddhi Chakra. Isn't it ? Did you see my point ? For example, something goes wrong at the centre from where the electricity is coming here. By tickling it here you cannot correct that one there. You Yogas that have come up, have been depicted from the experience of people. Because some people when they try to raise the Kundalini "so called" say they started jumping. The Kundalini does not rise. Some people started taking off their clothes or may be some such sort of a funny thing. They felt heated up. So people thought let us take off our clothes and we'll find God. Some people felt some sort of grip on the stomach or some of them did see also these things happening within. So they called it a Mool-bandha. The 'bandha' has taken have to go to the roots. Or on a tree you find a fruit. All the fruits are getting rot. So by treating the fruit, can you treat the disease ? You'll have to go to the roots. So these people when they saw things happening to human beings they formed different type of methods. All are wrong and all are right. place, something has gripped there. So the Kriya Yoga is that, you take out your tongue from here. You cut this thread of the tongue from here and you push it back here, touch the tip of the tongue here where normally it is wagging. Push it back here at the Vishuddhi Centre, they think Vishuddhi is here. The problem is that they think the Vishuddhi is here. So they push it back here. They think they will achieve the raising of Kundalini by this. It is just the other way round, we are trying, you see. The effect cannet reach the cause. Try to understand, this is a very simple thing. After realisation all of them are right. Before realisation all of them are wrong. Before your car starts, if you start turning the wheel, or using the brake, you are spoiling the car. When the car has started and you know how to drive and you have beccme a master of driving, then everything is right. Ctherwise the same car which has to drive vou from your house to this Ashram will land to somewhere. In the same way, the same thing before realisation has no meaning. After realisation only you start understanding. You have to go to the root of the cause to come to the effect. Did you see my point ? Supposing the Vishuddhi Chakra which is here, a very subtle centre behind, is spoilt then the effects are felt, say, here. And your tongue gets affected, your nose gets affected, your cheeks get affected, So let us take the casc of.Hatha Yoga. It is based on centres, no doubt. It is based on "Ishwara Pranidhana", no doubt, all the Ashtangas, all the Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 27 The Divine Cool Breeze only realised but who knows. Who human point of view, I'm saying. For has mastered the art of Shakti path is them why Hatha Yoga came into the raising of the Kundalini minimum. Of course Sahaja Yogis just raise it like that. It is different. But no other Yogis It's first that they should fix their can do that. It is only you, because attention on Ishwara Pranidhana you are authorized, that you can raise means they should fix the attention the Kundalini just like that. So what these Hatha Yogis have done? They have boiled it down to only the physical sense. So you have to have Ishwara Pranidhana, Yama and Niyamas and that too before 25 years of age, you a realised soul minimum. Any Tom, have to discipline yourself in a way that Dick and Harry becomes a Guru, is you should understand, what is right and what is wrong. Now those who realised soul and if he is a realised soul have done all the wrongs of the world he will say like that. He does not talk before they are 15 years of age, now of separation, he talks of authority, at the age of 25 are trying to learn because he is there he has that what is Yama and Niyama. How can authority. Those who talk of you do it ? Just tell me now. Supposing you have spoilt the car completely. At the most you can ask for insurance, if you have paid for it. But how can you expect the car to come out absolutely new, as if it has come out from the factory? A house to feel humble about? I mean which is being completely mutilated whatever you are, there is no harm in cannot be renovated. Isn't it? That would be madness. So one has to understand that these Yama and Niyamas and all these things are not arrogance. But when you are there, meant for us. At least for the Western you have to say. That Christ said, 'I people, in any way. Let us accept it am the light, I am the path'. I mean whatever it is in experimentation or he was not trying to be arrogant about whatever it is we have committed lot it. What is there to feel bad about it ? of mistakes or may be we have been experimenting, again I'll say the same word. Whatever we have done we eight sides of Hatha Yoga. See from being. into the existence of God. Not blind faith. But to understand that there is God, so that you humble down yourself. Then you should go to the realised soul as a Guru. Guru means nonsense absolutely. He has to be a separation and crying and weeping and woes and all that are blind like all others. They have no business to be there. There is no humility about it, I mean if I have a red shawl, I should say, 'I have a red shawl.' What is there saying what you are. When you are not that, when you don't have that and you say that you have, it is So Hatha Yoga itself is done under a person who is a realised soul. Not Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 28 have done a lot of harm to ourselves, to our body and to our mind. Because we had nobody to guide us. Alright. We didn't want to harm ourselves but of complete celibacy. Now come to Kriya Yoga. When we take to Kriya Yoga, it is taking out the tongue as I said cutting it out and putting it back here to tickle the Vishuddhi Chakra. I mean I don't know sometimes, your rationality also goes out, I think. By doing like that do you think you can excite this great power within you which is discrimination, which understands each and everything; you cannot be fooled by that. So all these tricks which we have been trying by ourselves of poking yourself here and poking yourself there, nothing at all. But it happens, when the Kundalini rises through the Vishuddhi Chakra, that when the dilation of the chakra takes by mistake it happened. Now what to do? It is a very said affair. People are sick. They cannot do Hatha-Yoga. The atmosphere is sick. The whole place is sick. They want love, they do not want exercise. They do not want scouts. They want somebody to love them, to heal them, to cure them to establish them. There is no word of love in Hatha Yoga these days because you pay for it. One thing you cannot pay for is your love. How can you for love? And that's why this modern Hatha Yoga is just a misnomer. realisation you can do Hatha Yoga because you are purified, you are cleansed, you are healed, your wounds are alright. People are wounded, they are so much hurt. They are extremely unhappy. You touch them and feel it. Why talk about big things when they do not even have energy to sustain themselves? It is a strain on them. And none of them place it happens that your tongue is pulled inside. It happens that your eyes get dilated. I hope they do not put Atropine to dilate their eyes to get their Kundalini awakening. So it happens like that. Bandhas take place, the stomach holds the Kundalini with the Bandhas. It closes down the chakras when the Kundalinį comes up, it closes down automatically so that the energy is kept upwards, it is not allowed. to fall down. All these things happen within us. These Bandhas happen which some supra-conscious people might be seeing and they want to think that if you pull your stomach like this, put your tongue inside, Kundalini is awakened. These things happen as a result of Kundalini awakening but by doing these things you do not awaken But after are realised souls, neither are they masters of Shakti-path. So that's why it was said, "you go to a Guru who is a realised soul. Go into the jungles before 25 years of age you should be there and practice under his guidance in complete celibacy in the atmosphere The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 29 the Kundalini. Now did you follow my point? did you ? It is clear now. most. Then how to keep it there? So they will say, "eat less, do not take away your attention too much, you must eat very little food so that there is not much attention on food. You must be detached." This is before 25 years of age. "Do not starve too much. Eat at regular intervals. Do not pay much attention to anywhere outside" so that the attention is kept there so the Kundalini does not drop down from the little inch of progress it has made in 25 years. That is why these Kriya Yogas have started, this jumping has started. Even the nudity has started. All this as a result of some people who are trying to raise the Kundalini. Even in the centre which it rises all these things happen. When your health is not alright you are sick, your heart is working, labouring very hard to look after your physical being, you try to make it even weaker by taking these strenuous things. And by using the other way round methods, as I told you, you also spoil your instrument like the electricity has to come so the electricity must fiow from there. If I start blowing from here or poking from here, with frustration also breaking this one here, electricity is not going to come, only this will be finished. Do you follow my clear cut idea? It is very clear that if you are going to spoil your own instrument you are not going to get the energy to rise within They are born again and they move at the pace of an ant and they fix your Kundalini by inches there and they say do not lead any adharmic life, your have to lead a very virtuous life, like a horse, you see, when you have to train the horse, you put these two blinds around so they have to train the horse before it starts really running the race. But with this the most important is love of the grand parents who are with them on those days they used to be - to look after the children and the love of the Guru and the you. But one who is a realized soul he would tell you first of all he may raise your Kundalini, minimum, awaken your Kundalini and ask you to make way for the Kundalini to rise gradually. Human beings when they raise their Kundalini, they raise it by every chakra. They bring the Kundalini, say, Mooladhara, of course they cannot touch it. The Kundalini would come upto, say nabhi at the training and the discipline of the own self. The gurus who take money from you what are they going to train you up in? Business management or dubious methods of cheating? Their own lives were so beautifully blended with their love, with their knowledge and their whole understanding that it has a direct affect on the character and the personality of the pupil. While now in India no body can write epic The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 2005 30 like Rama's. We do not have any Ramas now. We won't have perhaps. They only write stories. Now we have poems coming out of India like your horrible Lord Byron, he is born in India now, He has left your country. So like that all the dynamism in literature is also finished because there is no ideal before the people. They cannot think of a perfect personality. So the epics are difference and they say everywhere we go to learn these things to our Guru (so called) we see their lives. The impression that we have within us is also just the same and they cannot teach anything unless and until they themselves have the light. simply run away. If not, I will see to it that you run away. Someone has to understand all these Margas, all these paths, even like Bhakti. I have told you about three types of bhaktas. One who are asking for kama,. So many have come to me for, say, cLures, so many of them. It is a good thing. It is a good chance for me. Then they get cured: then they have that love since they are Mumukshus and they can become very great Sahaja Yogis. In India there are many who have come like that they first come for treatment and become very great Sahaja yogis. So they can pass through all these various stages. Now this Kriya Yoga is also just the same thing. It is described by great saints in India that those Jalunder Bandhas and all these Bandhas take So one has to understand that this is the time of Mahayoga. Where all these Antar Yoga means all these happenings inside take place automatically. I have something to do with your Kundalini very much and She knows me very well too. So much so place, means the bondages take place in the stomach in the heart and all these granthis are broken. Yes, it happens in you also when the kundalini rises. It does happen because I am quite a big master. I do everything myself. I do not leave anything to you, till you have got it. Only this thing you have to do is to freely choosing the path of self realization. That is the only thing you have to do "to be absolutely free". In all your freedom you have to accept Sahaja Yoga. If I find you have not chosen it by your freedom you get out of it, very fast, you would not be there. You will that as soon as She sees me She is up there so happy. And the first impact is so great you feel She has got it. She rises with such thumping joy, you get it, But again you go back to your crutches. Even you have lost all your troubles and everything finished. Now still you want to have your crutches because you are identified with them. So you go back to your crutches and again want to become lame. This is just acting, going on for some time. Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 31 The Divine Cool Breeze it. All things that have happened to you after you have come to Sahaja yoga I am going to give you a list of those and what they are called in Sanskrit language. But if you act for a long period you become lame. Because you have been playing games, you see. And now the game is over. So you have to accept yourself that you are great. And that you have got it now within yourself. It is there, now you are a light now. You are not the same you were before and you are transformed into this flower. You should have faith in yourself and confidence in you because you have been identified with people like that with bad experiences, indifferent experience, you do not want to believe that there can be an experience of that kind. You do not want to accept it. But if you understand it a little bit you will settle down nicely and I am here to make you the master of it, absolutely the complete mastery over all this. Thousands of years people have had to work for it. But you have got it just like that. It is a fact. It is difficult to accept that you have got just like that without doing any hard, any big exercises. Is not it? But just wait and see what you have got. Of course some people do not get it because there is a problem. Some problem is there. But do not bother, it will work out. But those who got it should know that they have got it because of something and that something you have to discover. That is what you have to find out for yourself. There is a reason why you have got it like that. Like mantras also, somebody told me that there is a guru who gives mantras according to the age. It is all nonsense. Complete nonsense it is. You see, even a realized soul would not give you a mantra, that is why it was regarded as a great thing if some body gave you a mantra. Now every Dick, Tom and Harry like a donkey brazes in your ears and you think, "I have got." They are trying to befool you, they do not know they are befooling themselves. Whatever they have done they will have to pay very heavily. When Maha Yoga comes in, you do not have to worry about anything else. All the Yogas are at your feet. You just raise your hands just like this and the Kundalini will rise. It is a fact you just try. Anybody is sick, you put your hands like this the person is going to be alright. Try Yourself. This is Maha Yoga. The culmination point of Sahaja Yoga. Once you achieve it you do not have to do anything else. Then you become that because only everything works. for the Becoming and if there is something that just gives you the whole thing, then why should you do So mantras are never given just 32 Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze are trying to possess you. You are feeling them with one hand that side and with one hand you are raising the Kundalini. Nothing would go wrong with the person whose Kundalini you are raising. To that purity. Otherwise to give mantra and to take mantra a person has to starve for seven days. Not to see a man's face or a woman's face. All sorts of vidhis are there, then only you can get it. There some people tell the discipline to wash their hands 108 times every day. All sorts of these neti kriyas and all that has to be done before a mantra is given. It is a big ritual. Why? Because you are so vulnerable. It is like a phosphorus. And you cannot put phosphorous into some body's hand. You have to make all arrangements till you can do it safely. like that you have to know various points of a person, as to, who is your kula-devata, the worship of your family, what is your horoscope, what are the stars you are catching. At this point giving of the mantras, the time is to be determined, at a particular time of the horoscope what is the time of the horoscope that tallies with the Guru's horoscope. That is why people used to have one or two people. Even a person like Gyaneshwara gave a name to only one person in his Ilife time. Here these Dick, Tom and Harry are giving names like they are distributing, I do not know what! Nothing is more easily available more than these names of horrible things. If I told these Indians they will know (इन लोगों को एक मंत्र दिया-इंगा, एक दिया हिंगा तुमको तो मालूम है) But supposing you become all powerful then what ? Everything becomes a child's play. Everything becomes so simple. You are raising the Kundalini. You know there are You should have some sort of an authority which you can use and every mantra which you say will be awakened. You know that after realization it is such a wonderful thing to see that even if you are not yet out of your possession still you work it out. Still nothing happens to your Kundalini raising system, nothing happens to that, still you can raise the Kundalini. Isn't it? Still you can give realization to people. You may be possessed all this time, fighting with the spirit but here with one hand you are raising Kundalini automatically. centres. You can raise it through the centres. You know how to awaken them. That is why it is Mahayoga. It had to be this way, sometimes, otherwise how are we going to save this world? How this creation is to be justified ? We have to find. I mnean God has to find some method by which all of you who are seeking Him are to be blessed, and that he should be manifested so that There are lots of spirits which Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Coui Breeze His work should be completed IN REPONSE TO A QUESTION MOTHER ANSWERD THUS..... So this is Mahayoga which encompasses all the yogas. There is no need, now to go to stone ages to come back to human stage. It is something like that. Or else you can say that now if I have to go to India, I need not go like Columbus and end up in America. Now this lama business is all wrong; all I must say very frankly. They do some tricks to spoil this instrument. Hypnotize. Do all kinds of things. It has brought about lots of problems. Now everybody has got it. You have not got it so it is a little problem, does not matter. You have to little bit cooperate with me and you will get it. You must get it. It is my desire. That is your desire also. We meet on this point. Somebody who knows the way has come to you, who knows everything, all about it. Somebody who has done all this who knows all the tricks of trade and also knows you very well, though still I am learning. Kundalini is the desire of God. About human beings I have still Is not desire for God- is the desire of to learn a lot. They can be quite queer. God Himself. So it can be only I do not know why they behave like this. Cannot understand, Oh God. It desire of God within you that is being is a great revelation sometimes when you see human beings, how they Shakti. And the desire of God is that behave. Very interesting. Very interesting creature, I must say, they never behave the same way. You cannot predict. Most unpredictable. Do not know, what they will come out with? Very interesting. After Sahaja it rises, His desire is fulfilled. And that Yaga you will also enjoy very much. awakened by that desire. It is the blessed and the desire of God is the He loves you. His desire is to give you all His powers and all His loving capacity. This is His desire. It is placed within you and is dormant. So when is how you get your fulfillment. Unless and until you are God, you cannot This is about so many yogas I have told you. Now if you have any questions ask me sensible ones, again I say. Ask me question because I have told you in a short way but later I will give you the complete idea. command desire of God. But after realisation He gives you, bestows His power that you can manoeuvre His desire. You can raise the Kundalini in the people which is the desire of God. And you can make Him desire. That is the greatest one can achieve. May God Bless You ! OUR POSITION IN SAHAJA YOGA In speaking of the Kingdom of subtle and even pernicious "ego". Heaven, Christ says in the Gospel: No, our position in Sahaja Yoga depends on a completely different type of principle; that of our (Mat 20.16) thoughtless awareness when, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, the Heart, the Self, is truly awakened. Then there is no question of being (Luke 14.11) superior or feeling that one is more advanced, etc. One does not occupy a "position" in the human sense of the term, because the according to their own "ego" are "ego" has vanished. It is replaced by a state of consciousness pervaded by purity, sweetness and a more authentic and profound understanding of a new Reality receive the Divine Grace (The which is delivered from the constraints of the "ego". The the Kingdom; they shall be the "state" sends forth the vibrations of love of Mataji, and one surrenders oneself to its support and its guidance. It will also act categories" if not an hierarchy in on our brain when it is time to Sahaja Yoga. What does this engage in action. That is our These categories or "position" in Sahaja Yoga, which hierarchy can certainly not be will in effect be established by appreciated by our minds. In other deepening this stage through an "The last will be first and the first last" and also "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbled himself will be exalted". Seen in the context of Sahaja Yoga this means that those who, the first are, in fact, outside the Kingdom of Heaven, in which there is no place for the "ego", while those who are humble and willing to Vibrations) shall have a place in first, We know that there are mean? words, the "first" will not necessarily be those who first joined Sahaja Yoga, nor those who ever greater capacity to absorb Mataji's vibrations in order to send them forth, and through the "think" that they have "done" a lot development of ourselves by our for Sahaja Yoga, nor those who "consider" themselves to be better Sahaja Yogis than others because they have no problems. Al these attitudes are generated by a very communion with the Collective Self made up by the other Sahaja Yogis. ANTOINETTE SUSSEX Switzerland (Maha Avtar - 1980) BENEFI ts of SAhaja YoGa the brotherhood of Sahaja Yoga is the recognition of one's self in others and above all in Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Adi Shakti incarnated in person on this earth for our salvation. Blake said that God does not hate sin but He hates unbelief. In this day and age that unbelief is not to recognize Mataji as the Spirit divine in human form. That is the sin which Christ said will not be forgiven at the last judgment. You asked me if I could write about spiritual benefits of Sahaja Yoga. When one sits down to do it, one feels the difficulty as being that even contemplating that phrase one goes thoughtless. The benefits are so many and various because as the chakras get enlightened so all the divine qualities start asserting in one's life in all purity and beauty. Easy to write about material benefits of better job, health improvements, passing exams with flying colours. But all that is a by product of the enlightenment by Mother's grace and one's spiritual instrumentation. It would be an The special spiritual blessings of Sahaja Yoga is to realise that the spiritual path of seeking is not a lonely one even though every soul must seek alone and individually. The sense of loneliness comes from the Ego's sense of specialness and separation. But when ego drops away so does the myth of loneliness. One finds all the brothers and sisters are on the same path, entering the same lovely garden. Separation ceases by merging in joy of recognition. People speak of surrender, which implies effort. But recognition requires no effort, it happens spontaneously when the eyes clear and one see with certainty. Recognition is Sahaja and recognition of Mataji is the greatest joy of all. She impertinence to write about benefits to oneself of a spiritual nature. Because who benefits from Sahaja Yoga in the spiritual sense is actually God Almighty Himself. It is His joy in His creation that makes our Sahaja Yoga such a joyous experience. It is his innocence that protects us and cures our illness. It is His wealth that showers on us material rewards. It is His fearless nature that kills all the negativity in our hearts and opens us to His joy and love for one another. The benefit is not to our self as we used to identify it but to our pure self which is a universal being. The benefit is our Mother since all time, Just to of Sahaja Yoga is that one becomes a Sahaja Yogi one becomess identified with that and not with the myth of one's name, nationality, occupation, family or any limited thing. One becomes a part of the eternal being which is the same in everyone, and recognize that is the greatest reward of all punyas. JAI MATA JI GAVIN BROWN London (Maha Avtar) Surrender IN SAHAJA YOGA Divine means. Besides knowledge of our inner-most fears and subsurfaced anxieties, Ma forgives Sahaja Yoga is ultimately for everyone; the best benefits, however, are derived by those who can surrender voluntarily at the completely because "your story" is lotus feet of the Divine Mother, Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi. Nevertheless, there is needless This is not always easy; while guilt which affects left Vishuddhi. living we develop a code of values and act accordingly - albeit happening automatically as a living is achieved by the Mantra of process in an individual's Vishnumaya, Rahda Krishana. experience. Trust in Ma and Her Cultivating a sweet language helps teachings have to be established. to banish guilt. Why not get Cool vibrations in the hand is the familiar with some pleasing words indication of Divine support of by taking them into our vocabulary Grace; this is the beginning of a need for further investigation. Examine continuously the benefits received in answer to prayer. not quite horrible enough. Clearance of left Vishuddhi and using them ! Guilt feeling is the feeling of inferiority and inhabitation. It creates a chasm between Ma and me, as an unworthy. When I can trust Ma, I can Right side Vishuddhi is affected when the individual dominates or is dominated against trust myself. Am I getting defensive with Ma ? Is there something which I want to conceal from Ma ? We all have our horror his will. It leads to erosion of story in which the individual is the dignity and self respect. A man principal actor. "I wish it was not true", he muses "or could the memory of it giving rise to guilt never plays with the dignity of Her feelings be erased from the psyche?" Ma knows all from the revealed story of the Chakras, a history sheet by itself, and other with insufficient dignity cannot surrender effectively. Since Ma children, the tormenting secret of the past remains between the two the Mother and Her child only. Because She knows us better than Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 37 we know ourselves, She can do Thoughtless awareness State; more for us than we can ourselves. It is a wise intelligence when sees itself fully exposed and vulnerable and knows that the vulnerability is not really hazard in Mother's Nirmal Mun, Nirmal Chitta, Nirmal gentle hands. In any case She can Chaitanya and Nirmal Anand will do whatever she wants to; I hazard help. The utternace is as with a guess that it is the Mother's other Deity Mantras, i.e. invoked nature to forgive. She cannot help in the name of the Great Mother. that part of Herself. She is Nirmala Vidya - the Divine Mechanism by which Mother forgives. Divinity esoteric matters. Do I want goes about its evolutionary way mastery over myself? Then I must regardless understanding. All we are required requires an attitude of humility to do is to let the mystery do whatever it has to do by ritualizing before meditation helps submitting to it. involved misidentification gradually dissolves away. Mantras of Nirmal Hriday, Ma is better than me in all learn. To learn from anybody of our non- towards the teacher; some to establish modesty and humility. A ritual is a symbolic physical Trust and faith will develop action with emotion attached to it. Cleaning hands, taking off in their own time; like all other human relations it takes time for shoes, using the vibrated red trust to develop. And only trust till the Guru is also tested. May lighting incense and candles, be our own instrument is testing cleaning Ma's photograph with a for its own good. Let it do so naturally. To accept Ma now or later is one of our freedoms with undesirable acts as though Ma were which Ma will not interfere. Is my present, there, asking for Her, inner speedometer running too fast Grace etc. are some of the good through old habits of impatience? Why hurry ? Let it happen naturally, praying all the time for Ma to come awareness. The mechanical into our heart and void. Certainly conditions themselves will yield we have to be patient with ourselves knowing that the ego reacts to its own creations; it needs to be brought into the admiration for a person is reflected sindoor (Vermilion).with reverence, clean red cloth, always facing Mataji's photograph, avoiding all ritual practices which give definite rewards of better awakened with time. The greatest form of The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 2005 38 as emulation. But what do you independent of this external force Ma is a mystery, needs surrendering of all misguided unfathomable. One just accepts externally determined values of the mystery and submits allowing one's environment. In any case anything and everything to happen. my aim will be low - not high The living Deity is participating in enough. So, why should I make the Evolutionary Clearance of the demands on Ma, set conditions, or emulate? individual and Collective Nervous resist Her. Instead, I should accept Her in Her totality, avoiding the intellectual Whatever Ma is and does is the most appropriate and ideal. An attitude of total acceptance, obedience and submission to Her System through mastery of the Divine Controlled para- interpretations. sympathetic nervous system. Transformation within is the reality. The force bringing on the change should be venerated and worshipped. An individual's affairs handle it all in the collectivity. The are really governed by so many objective must be sincere, the forces beyond his control. He quest honestly purposeful. Only certainly cannot handle all of these complex variables which shape him and because he cannot, he gets one say, 'Ma I need you; please anxious and tense. All tensions help me, Give me the right are the manifested discomforts of temperamental attitude and inferior feelings. Do I feel inferior because some things are beyond my capacity to do? The equipment Badhas get cleared with prayer and of body, mind and soul is equipped that helps in surrender. What is for just those activities which are within its capability. Pursuit of is of wrong and harmful attitudes, excessive aims like ambition, certain habitual patterns of competition, unrealistic objectives thinking and feelings; inability to gives rise to the well-known ills like anger, fear, gluttony, lust, maturity and ability to forgive. greed, pride, sloth etc. helps in surrender. Let Mataji then absolute honesty will make environment for an effective surrender. I do not know how to." one to surrender? The surrender forgive is one of them. It requires Resentment is immaturity. When due to my human frailty I cannot Recognition of one's worth by forgive I should ask Ma to forgive oneself is right. No other person or social pressure should be able to push us against our will. To be on my behalf, till I can forgive. This helps to clear agnaya; forgiveness restores balance in the personality. Issue: 3 & 4.- 2005 39 The Divine Cool Breeze When Mataji is physically present amidst us, correct protocol demands that the person of Mataji be not touched. All attention should be on Ma; slight distractions from attention on Ma are to be resisted. Attention should be be taken from the Deities invoked in the name of our Mother. When invoking the Deities through specific finger touch of Mataji's photograph, specific quality of these Deities should also be Another novel technique is to ask twice the cause of the disturbance. The first be superficial, humbleness absorbing all that is misleading, not honest really. Then ask gently, "and the other moment. Avoid coughing or real reason." The Badha will reveal itself in most cases. The Badha when once exposed can be easily cease during the physical presence eliminated from the attention. It is important to understand that it courtesy. That our spiritual Master is not what I want it to be nor what is my ideal but as REALITY REALLY requested. focused on the large Bindi of Ma on the Agnaya Chakra. Never interrupt Ma; be attentive in answer will relevant to our being of the clearing of the throat while with Ma. All private Conversations must of Ma. This is an elementary is a lady should always find consideration with us. IS. the There will be interference in Not me but Ma total submission to Ma, whatever Universal Mother - She does is interfering should be ordered to behave. A very slight use of the will, helps. An invaluable aid can everything. Why bother - just enjoy yourself. Let Ma do Her work. Jai Mataji ! *Pronounced as the underlined part of a work. HRIDAY Heart, Heartily (HE R/B THOB CALENDAR) MUN The seeking desire (Rhyme it with Fun, Bun) CHITTA Attention Consciousness (CHASTE THINK FUN YARN) CHAITANYA- ANAND Joy, Bless (ASK NONE THOU) P. K. Puri New Delhi. (Maha Avtar - 1980) Sahaja Yogi's are sitting on the day of Christmas Pooja 2004 jo ojoud Lightings, at Pune Stadium During Christmas Poojs This photo was taken During Marriages at Pune, 2004 ---------------------- 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-0.txt The Divine Cool Breeze 32 March-April, 2005 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-1.txt The Sun is visible in the photo taken by a Y. Shakti of Bombay on 1st Jan., 2005 Phot taken during a collactive programme at "Vashi Health Centre', New Bambay Ascent of Kundalini from Mooladhara to Vishuddhi Shri Mataji present in the photograph taken after She had left the stage on 25-12-2004 at pune 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-2.txt CONTENTS A Letter of Shri Mataji 1. 11.6.1980) The Knowledge within (Kingston 3. 15. The Fight for Collectivity (Part-II) 17. Easter Pravachan - 6.4.1981 Sahaja Yoga The Maha Yoga 23. Our Position in Sahaja Yoga 34. 35. Benefits of Sahaja Yoga Surrender in Sahaja Yoga 36. "Laziness is the worst enemy of Sahaja Yoga" SHRI MATAJI 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-3.txt THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE Published by Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411029 Printed by Krishna Printer & Designer Tri Nagar, Delhi-35 Mob.: 9868545679 For Subscription Please Write to: Shri G.L. Agrawal Nirmal Infosystems & Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 222, Desh Bandhu Apartments Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019 Tel. No.: 011-26422054, 26216654 Please Send Your Experiences, Suggestions, Articles, Miracle Photographs etc. to: Shri O.P. Chandna G-11 (463), Rishi Nagar, Rani Bagh, Delhi-110 034 Tel. No. 011-55356811 Mor.: 8.00 AM 9.00 AM Eve.: 8.30 PM 10.30 PM 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-4.txt A LETTER OF SHRI MATAJI My dear Dr. Raul, I received a very detailed of our autonomous nervous system letter from Damle. It was very wise is our spirit which is the reflection step on your part to have met Shri of God? You can quote the names Gagan Gadh Maharaj. What he of people like Mr. Bose and Mr. says about the miracle of Sahaja Daftary and Mr. Sharma who are Yoga is absolutely true. The miraculously cured of his colour blindness through Sahaja Yoga. In any case I am going to America Adishakti next year. One of my dear Sons descended as incarnation (She) did Dr. Lanjewar has now become the Medical reason why this great sanctuary never manifested in reality was whenever that president not have all the chakras integrated of the through Sahasrara. The complete Practitioners Association of New harmony and unison merged into York and is very anxious to have a an integrated instrument of her conference next year in New York. personality is bringing forth these Due to our slavery for so many fantastic results. So much so that years, doctors in India have lost the capacity to know that we are the people born on the Yoga Bhumi. I think he (Gagan Gadh Their thinking is so slavish that Maharaj) also cannot imagine the they think all our ideas about medicine are stupid while western knowledge is very sensible. I am surprised at myself. dynamics of this Discovery and hence he feels that 'Avdhuts' have to be away in the forest and that Cancer can give you reaction. You have cured the Cancer of Phadke's father. Did it give you any reaction? When you are at a giving end how can you receive anything? You are reborn as Lotus which does not take anything bad from muddy surroundings but transforms its surroundings with its magic of a realised soul. Do you think doctors will accept that there exists the kingdom of God and that it creates us and that the Lord I bless you with all my heart that Dr. Ramlingam has good vibrations. Shri Rama in him would have wisdom to understand the ways of God Almighty. I send you my love and protection so that you can break the barriers of ignorance of our medical men. Let them know that the time has come for them to accept that science is not everything. It only discovers whatever exists and appears before the gross being. Once we become 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-5.txt 2. Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze subtle rising in the fourth dimension, we see the subtle being, the spirit and contentment and DIVINE working of this love, cannot be done by argument. One has to be realised. One has to in the water, bring down your hands evolve through Sahaja Yoga across the sympathetic nervous spontaneously as this is a living system towards the water. The process. For Cancer best treatment patient will cool down gradually. is of water i.e. putting feet in the river, sea or in the water at home with the photograph. Water has the religion (Dharma) of cleansing and hence Shri Vishnu and Dattatraya responsible for the religion (Dharma) of human beings are to be worshipped. They help you to cure and also the local Deity of the Chakra that is attacked. Put the patient before the photograph with the candle and his feet being If he gets realisation, then he is cured. More in the next. Your Living Mother Nirmala (Nirmala Yoga) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-6.txt The Knowledge within Kingston U.K., 11.6.1980 Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Today we have gathered here to because it is written long time know something about our Self. If back. Thousands of years back. the knowledge is from the books Christ has said it that you are to or from some person who says that be born again, that you are to be he knows about the Self, how far baptized, not by theological college will it reach us ? It can only go people, but by somebody like John, the Baptist, who had the authority understand it through our mental from the Divine. This power does lie dormant within you but every- understanding comes to us body writes differently about it. thorough our rationality, though our Very few really agree. This is intellect which in itself is a limited another confusion one faces. That there is a power lying within us and some say that it gives you So we enter into another electric shock, some say that you understanding which is still very start jumping like a frog and some say that you start flying in the air. is a Self which resides in our heart Such a confusion, while you are seekers, seekers of ages you have us which is all the time waiting for been seeking. You are genuine seekers and then while seeking you birth, if I tell you that, then you don't know where to go and what will only understand me mentally. to expect; you jump into problems. upto mental level and we can only understanding. The mental thing. limited e.g. if I tell you that there and that there is a power within an occasion to give you your second This has all been said already, what is so new about it ? At the most I The other day when I went can give it in a very modern to Switzerland, one of my children, quite who had arranged the programme, he told me "Mother, here people are very sceptical about Indian gurus." I am very happy about it, really very very happy that they have started thinking about it because they have been deluded doubt, which is called "KUNDALINI" and deceived and now they are disillusioned completely. And they fashion, intellectual which will make you have more mental feats to go round and round. You will sit down and analyse and reach nowhere. something I say there is a power, no within us. So many say that 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-7.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze find it impossible to believe anyone that you must keep yourself who talks of God. So the first topic absolutely alert about it that you that he wanted me to discuss are not going to accept anything during my stay there was but real. "Demystification of Gurus". Quite hypnotised, you can be brain- a challenging topic. But this I said washed, because you do not know in 1970 in India, in 1973 in America, all these things. Somebody says but no one would like me for that. They say, "why should you criticize you get so enamoured by that as others". But you can be some words in Sanskrit language, if Sanskrit language is something out of the blue e.g. some of the Falsehood is falsehood and disciples, who went to certain reality is reality. You will now know Gurus, got "Mantras" which if you through some of those people who tell an Indian, he will laugh out are here that how you have been his stomach; like a Mantra given misled, how you have been "AINGA". Now tell any Indian and deceived for money which you he will laugh and people had paid cannot understand because you have gone beyond it now. You are nonsense like that which means seeking beyond money. You know nothing, which cannot be Mantra ? that money is not going to give you Why do you need a Guru for Mantra? joy. You know that very well. But There is a science about it. those who have not yet known that still they are climbing up the cusp, they have not seen the ditch below. jump on to it, because they want Such people try to come up and try you to, because they want money. to give you some sort of a jargon Simple thing. It is an enterprise. and receive lot of money from you. It is a very shameful affair, I feel myself. three hundred pounds for such a Because we do not go into the understanding of it and we just You have given up everything for the sake of vour your seeking. You have seen that the value of these material things will not take you anywhere, you have seen beyond. Your value system But that does not mean that there is no reality. If there is no reality, how can we have copies of that ? If there are no, flowers, how will you create plastic flowers ? So, is different but if the value system if you find somebody so unreal, you must know that you have to find out the Real. And when you are finding the real, you must know of some people is different from you they can exploit you. So the natural reaction, I can understand very well, should be such. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-8.txt Issue: 3 & 4-2005 The Divine Cool Breeze But there it reality and that going into a pub and coming out of it exists within you and that there it all drunk. Others are attracted much more, seeing them drunk like discovered, you find your Absolute. that. Sometimes it is impossible To tell you that you should become to understand human nature and a very quiet and serene person when the Reality stands before you, you crucify that. How do you And the your passions and your lust and acceptance of reality is your your greed that nothing should sort glorification. Are you going to add of dominate you, this is like giving anything to Reality ? Supposing I a big lecture to you. It has no wear a diamond necklace, it is going to adorn me not to the diamond necklace. This is billions You have gripped it yourself and billions of times more brilliant these things and how will you leave than all these things which adorn us. If you accept that, you will be glorious, you will be lustrous. Isn't it? Think about it. Because we are charmed about these outside much more dynamic, much more things, there deceptive ways, their joy giving, establishing your sense cunning ways, and that we are of security, you will give up all these hypnotized. That is the only explanation. That's how they have managed so far. One after another this hypnosis spreads like fire. You ask them what did you find. "Don't ask us, we are very happy people". absolutely pestered and finished After 3 days you find that the by that Guru. He used to deliver person has committed suicide. We only introductory lectures. And he are not aware still that this is the said, "I used to get 300 people for most important, the most and vital introductory lectures in the same time in the history of human is Self within you and once would be absurd. To tell you that you should be such a master over explain all this ? meaning. it, when your grip is so strong. You have to grip something else. It is simple common sense. If you find something, much more valuable, nonsensical things. But see how it works out. A gentleman, who came from a horrible Guru to me, who was hall in which you are giving lecture Mother". What do you say to beings. The last judgment has people there, isn't it queer? He is started. We are facing the last We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come out like the like just as I was watching people wolves in Sheep's clothes. And they well known person who charges you money, who gives you courses; he has ruined so many people. It is judgment today. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-9.txt Issue: 3 & 4 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze are trying to attract you and you Many animals were discarded. He do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the reality. It has Mammoth family He started, it is a fact. It has started. Elephant. He saved many and so saved some animals e.g. from saved many were discarded one by one all these years. In the same way, Now, let us see from God's point of view how He is going to human being who have been very judge you. It is quite easy to say much on the extremes have been that we do not believe in God. Very discarded. You see the history. easy to say that we don't believe Now you won't find anyone killing in this Govt. but if you do anything wrong, then you know there is a Govt. acting. In the same way it is very easy to say that we do not Finished. Anybody who came up believe in God. compassionate, He is so loving, He is so Kind, that He has given us finished. Those ideas die out. our freedom to know ourselves. People are ashamed of them and And we rely on Him, we take Him new ideas come up into human for granted. He has made us beings human beings from amoeba to this tranquility, peace. stage. He has spread out such a beautiful world around us. He has done all that. But there is a People talk about peace, but are judgment which we have to face now and the judgment that is going ourselves ? And if we are really to come from God. It is not going wanting it, what are we doing to be the way that we understand that He sits like a magistrate and has started and to judge you God calls you one by one "come along" and then you have a pleader there, sitting. his seven wives these days. I mean impossible, you cannot do it. Person like Hitler came up. with any extreme ideas of domination or anything, was He is sO accepting balance, We are talking about it. we really wanting peace within about it ? Actually the judgment has already placed the whole magistracy within you. All the magistrates are already sitting down there. Christ has said, "those But in a subtler way, He has already put the judging forces who are not against me are with within you. See in the evolution he has worked it out. evolution, how beautifully He has settled down within you on worked it out. From amoeba to this stage, how have we come? me." These are the magistrates. In the And these magistrates have different Centers in your spinal chord and in your brain. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-10.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze It is very interesting and all these seats are like a panel in your brain and when the light of Kundalini rises through these awakening. Not that some people centres, when these centres are enlightened within you, you start a frog. Now, we must use our enlightenment being manifested brains. Brains have to be intact in on your fingers. The end of your fingers get enlightened, the sensitivity of your fingers tell you human beings ? Are we to become what centres are there affected birds, after becoming human within you. This Kundalini rises and comes upto this point, the fontanel bone area or the Talloo. as they call it, the soft bone here in your childhood, and it breaks it. Actually it breaks it. You can see in a person, who does not have been said by these people. Then much hair here, the thing just going down a little, First it pulsates. You can even see the pulsation of the Kundalini in the triangular bone which is sacrum and when this anybody else is saying it but it has Kundalini rises, you can see even the movement of this Kundalini. Not in all but in some. Because if the person is first class the landing Hampstead, I know what is is first class, its shooting off is first happening with some one. Some class. In such a person, there is no obstruction; you cannot see the they did feel the cool breeze Kundalini pushing up. For example, coming from their hands but some when I canme to this place there was no problem on the traffic, so got it and they just disappeared. we just smoothly came away, nobody noticed us. was a traffic problem, there would yourself and you have to adore your be jamming here and jamming seeking and you have to get your there. In the same way when this Kundalini rises in a person who has a problem on its Centres, it shows. You can see with your naked eyes. sitting This is what is Kundalini say that they started jumping like modern times. Are we going to become frogs now after becoming You sciences, like beings? psychology itself, I mean many of them, believe that you have to jump into your unconscious achieving consciousness. Very clearly it has collective your we must expect something of that nature where we jump into our collective consciousness. It is not that because I am saying it or to happen to you. The other day I was in people did get their vibrations, did not. They said that they have This is not the way you are going to treat yourself, you are to love But if there fulfilment. As your Mother I must tell you this is a very serious matter. There is no Guru Shopping 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-11.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze is the time when the confusion will be reigning on this earth that is Kali Yuga (the modern times). Then those great saints and those great people the Seekers, the Sadhakas who have been searching God in the hills and dales and in the caves will come back as ordinary householders and they will get the Reality. In this confusion only, they are going to get the vision of Reality, they are going to become tortured souls by Kali, caught hold the Reality. They are going to get of the Kali. It is said that now is their self realisation". And Nala the rule of Kali. Kali is the sinister forgot all his vindictiveness and his anger and what Kali had done to confusion and confused people. He him, He said, "on this point I confused Nala. By that he got forgive you because I respect them so much. For that collective good Nala got hold of this Kali, he said, I give up all my personal problems. going on here, you have to get your realisation. You have to get it. It is so fortunate that the time has come, when you are living and that you can have it because of that you took your birth during this time because you are seekers of very ancient times as I told you. It is written in one of our scriptures in India-called as "Nala- Akhyan". When Nala, one of the fellow, the one who brings all separated from his wife. So when "Now, I am going to kill you. I am Let this happen." going to kill you once for all, so that you do not create confusion into people anymore". So Kali said That only in Kali-Yuga the sun of Sat-Yuga, the world of Truth, "Alright you can kill me, I will accept the age of enlightenment is going to come and those Saints who were my Mahatmya (importance) I do seeking the reality in the forests are born today in this world. You can see them, they are saintly. They can see the joke of artificial create confusion in the minds of life so clearly. They know it is all people, what importance can you absurd but then they do not know have ? He said that, "when I will what is the Real. But the time has be ruling i.e. when he will as in come and it has to be worked out it but first of all you should know Mahatmya) importance." Nala said, what importance can you have? You have some these modern times ruling means and it will be worked out. creating confusion in our minds. Everything has become relative It has worked out in your now. We talk like that, "yes it may great country and now, say, a thousand people are there very much in it who have understood it. be alright, may not be alright, may be good, may not be good". That 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-12.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze There must be about at least 300 That is what She wants. She is people who are actively working it your Mother born again and again with you. She has recorded all your very happy to come to this old city problems you have created for of Kingston, where the stone for yourself for Her ascent. She knows the enthroning of the king was put. everything about you and She Must be something special about judges you on this point, "how much you are sincerely wishing your out at different places and I am it. ascent". That's all. But the people have lost their sensitivity to Reality, not only in this country but every where much more in India, you will be surprised. They are all getting wrong with you. But She is your sophisticated. They are getting own, absolutely your own. There developed. They do not know what She knows you out and out. When She rises, She shows those symptoms, She shows what is is no one greater your own than She. She is your friend and She judges you because you must get the Best; because She knows what have found by you development. If anybody tells them, they think, "you want to enjoy all the fruits of development is the Best for you. For, a child and you are just telling us lies." may like to put his hands in the electric socket but the Mother says, So it is very necessary for you don't do it, Don't do it, But the to understand for definite purposes child does not listen, he gets angry. that the judgment has started. Still She says, "No, No, you cannot And for that Kundalini is placed do it." Because She loves you. within you. But I must say She is a great Judge, you will not find such a Judge anywhere in the the other person. And such a power whole universe, because She is your lies dormant within you, which is own mother. And, She is Nirvyaj, just waiting for an occasion that She is just giving. She does not when She rises, when She sprouts want anything from you, nothing like the germinating power in a whatsoever. She wants that you seed, when She comes up, then must get your property. You must there should be some one who get your Self. You must get all should look after you. There should your powers. She doesn't want be some one who should guide, anything from you. should know your Self. That you should become your Absolute. Loves in the purest form, where you do not expect anything from That you there should be someone who should decode and tell you what you feel on the fingers mean, and 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-13.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 10 The Divine Cool Breeze be cured, troubles will be cured, your health will be alright. I mean moorings, you will not know where those who have realisation, are sitting here, had been suffering a trap of ignorance or may be you physically or mentally, some of may be still there not knowing them were even epileptic and had very bad physical problems, there were some who had blood cancer, some of them had other type of what is happening to you. Otherwise you will not know your you are going and you will fall into much. So she wants to use somebody mouthpiece. Unconscious has to speak through someone. And that someone has the physical problems. there It is that the as With all these things you are faced with the Divine - Love of God-His desire. Kundalini is the to be a person of the same nature as the Kundalini is. Those who make money from you and extort you and leave you in the lurch, how compassion and of Love. That He can they be called as Gurus? They are the thieves standing outside you. That He wants to make you the door. They are just waiting for the prince of the kingdom. This is an opportunity to catch hold of you because they have already been judged, discarded and they are going to the Jail and they want more people to go with them. representative of His Desire. Desire of the ocean, of the wants to bestow His kingdom upon a very very serious thing and we have to concentrate upon this point. The judgment has to be done and there is a power within us which is to judge. This power is the desire of God, of that God who is almighty, who has given us our a by product you get your Health, freedom. He is not going to e.g. Cancer cannot be cured challenge it. His might, His without the Kundalini awakening. strength, His powers are not going to stand against our freedom. But his desire is within you, enlightens you but it does not face you existing on the Kundalini and this Cancer, not at all nor any Sahaja desire rises within you, enlightens you but it does not force you, it does not take away your freedom. It enlightens you to see. You have This Kundalini when She rises, She first soothes you physically. That is you can say as This I have been saying. When doctors get cancer, they come to me and they get cured. But I am not sitting down here to cure Yogi is interested in Cancer patients. But if you want to have your Realisation your Cancer will 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-14.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 11 freedom to be in this room. It is not forced that you sit here or there or walk away. Nothing is forced upon you. But you are given a room which is enilightened. So you use your freedom in a better way with more understanding, because you are enlightened, you can see and then you know what to accept and what not to accept. And such a thing exists We have to be very thankful to God for what He has done for us. We have no idea. We have taken Him for granted. For everything within us we have taken We have not been able to thank Him for what he has done for us and how kind He has been to us. For a small within us. Him for granted. thing we try to get rid of Him from our hearts. Still He exists, the Kundalini exists within us. First thing is to enlighten you. Unless and until you are enlightened you are in confusion, anything against it, She exists. I you cannot see through. Then it is left to your freedom to decide. So She cures you, She improves you, She bestows all the blissful things anguish and She is just turning Her upon you. She takes you away from the worries of grosser level like after realisation; many people you what She is there for. What a have solved their material blessing ! Where can you find all problems. Not that they have this ? It is all within you which become Mr. Ford or someone like that but the attitude changes and the material! problems get solved. Because there is a Centre for that also within us. Your family disappear, even after realisation. problems get solved. Husband wife problems get solved, so that you are freed. Your grip over these things that worry you, is released and that can see with greater freedom what you have to choose, what course to take. After which is disillusioned by the giving all these concessions and material gains. But when it comes all these advantages and all the possible help, then you are judged. of the lowest type, sometimes, one Can you think of any magistrate cannot understand. Now can these that generous ? Try have seen some people having Kundalini which is beaten up, there has been horrible marks of pain and sides in anguish but still She exists for that moment when She will give has to work out. But even when they get their realisation, I find, they just Can you imagine ? Progress in the West had been like that. You move 3 steps forward and 4 steps backwards. Really you will be amazed. I don't know what has gone wrong with the Western mind to Sahaja Yoga, their caliber is just people have no self-esteem, while 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-15.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 12 The Divine Cool Breeze in the villages of India people get intellectual way that you feel guilty it and have it just like that, no rumblings, nothing. They are just sit down here. there. Complications are there, I politicians, thinking about Vietnam agree. But you must have self- esteem. It sometimes, really makes you feel sick. about say Vietnam. Very good idea, Easy chair or file it up. You are the chosen ones who have to receive it and it has to happen. But to take Reality you think hundred times and to get into dirty, filthy circle it just clicks. Whom should I blame for this ? These horrible Gurus or these horrible people, who have put up a are seekers, you are saints born in show for you or it is your knave this country. What has happened attitude towards the morality. I shudder to see the way the things are sometimes and the way the don't you touch it deeply ? Why people are taking things for It is your just fail to understand why don't responsibility today, the ones who are supposed to be the Seekers to see that you bring forth the Reality to the people and tell them that from ages. You are the lost please see and get it. Because children, I know that but I don't you are their fellow beings. You know how to establish that within are their kith and kin. How can you. Sometimes my condition is you leave them even if you get your the same as that of your Kundalini. own realisation? Even if you enter into the Kingdom of Heavens, you You have to be in a great will not forget them, you will think haste to get it. You have to of them and you cannot be happy. Even when you get your realisation blow it out and talk to the people also, unless and until all those that this is the situation and saints who, out of their ignorance, emergency. Can't you see what is are lost, you will think of them. I happening in the World ? Can't have to work out through you. I cannot work it out alone. If I could then there would have been no if it is faced, it is faced in a very difficulty. If God could work out Perhaps you do not know that in this country I have worked on seven or eight people for four years. For four years, can you believe it? Not that there is something wrong with you. You to your saintliness? Why so flippant, why so superficial? Why don't you understand your Self? I granted also. you respect your Self. I respect you and I llove you very much because I know you. I know you become absolutely dynamic and you see the confusion? But the situation is taken for granted. Even 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-16.txt The Divine Cool Breeze 13 Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 just like this, give them realisation, they are very satisfied. You do just finished. Establish them alright. But it will not. Because you have the freedom. have the freedom ? Because Stonehenge, Stonehenge is the without your freedom you cannot come to that caliber by which you see the vibrations. You can feel are raised. We do not realise where it. There are so many things done we are today we do not realise. in this country. Kingston itself. is Sometimes I feel, I am talking to walls e.g., you will find that some people are slaves of watches. They have no time. "I have no time, I am so very busy". Why are you down. Some walked in, some got saving time? Why has this idea come to you? Our fore-fathers never did that. Why are you sensitivity towards the Reality. saving time ? For what ? You They cannot feel. May be- may are saving time for the be, it will work out. I am sure it "becoming" not for wasting it in will work out. I am the most the parks or in horrible places optimistic person you can ever see. like races etc. not know how much has been done in this country also by God. For I Why you example, went to see creation of Mother Earth. You can so vibrating, I was amazed. What did you find? At least 100 people went into that carriage and some and came in here walking, going up out. They aren't decided still. Still no proximity to sensitivity. No See, optimism is my nature, I believe. It is going to become. You are saving time for Only thing you so called "freedom" "becoming" because you are a diamond. You are to be chiseled understand that this freedom is out yourself. You are not saving it given to you so that you can for wasting. I mean the best become your Self and not that you advertisement will be "save fifty should become an animal. An pounds to spend three thousand". animal; what is the use of giving Something like that. You are saving realisation to, say, a chicken? Can your time not to waste it. Saving I give also ? That is the point. it for something extremely precious, extremely vital and important, something that you have done lots of good things". I have been seeking. But I do not know how some times to keep you done", I don't eat chicken". Now, I on that level of depth. Of course say, "Why are you saving chickens some of the people are of such high caliber even in this country that So try to comes in the way. Many people say, "mother, I ask, "what good things have you for me, you better save yourself". All sorts of funny ideas they have. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-17.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 14 The Divine Cool Breeze It is you, the Seeker, the buds on this beautiful Tree of Life, they things. All the priorities will are the ones for whom this creation is created. They are the ones who have to get it. They are the ones Sahasrara, the joy starts pouring who have to have it. The whole universe has blossomed into them breeze coming through your hands and they want to become what - - the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost worms ? Just think about it. lose the grip over non-sensical change. The greatest thing is that when Kundalini pierces the and you start feeling that cool and you start feeling every where. You can find out. Now you can By God's grace we start the judge others and yourself. You can programme of realisation, which may take perhaps a split of a second, it might have already have not to get medicines, you worked it out because today I was don't have to get anything. Just little going too much, I think. Kingston is a good place. May be one day it will become a very great mechanism starts working. The place, I feel. But let us see how much you use the power that is you start seeing the whole thing. flowing in the area. something will work out. help others automatically. You have not to go out for that, you you being there, you help others in their salvation as if the whole whole technique starts working and I hope You will be amazed. You have to know how to work it out on your own self and others. It is a great fun. We are all in the Great Fun mood and you should also enjoy with us. And it is wonderful. No time for misery. Only thing one feels is that why Now after realisation you have to take it up seriously. You have to work it out because after finding it also, it is not that you suddenly jump on to the sun or to the moon. Even going to moon what did you get ? You could not these people are doing like this. understand anything. So you have to go into all the areas of your being because the movement will start inside. You have to take your attention to all the areas within you. You have to settle down your attention and now attention will Like grown ups and mature people we look at little children why are they putting their hands in the fire. May god Bless You. (Nirmala Yoga) 1980 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-18.txt FIGHT FOR COLLECTIVITY THE (PART II) Let us have a closer look at the sound of the flute which good old tricky ego. fighting with it, says Shri Mataji, Yamuna, it stores the gopis' but, with Hanumana's inspired humour we can deflate it. The ego will end up looking like the Court's fool whose erratic jokes are meant to entertain the King. Between the king and the fool, the Self and the ego, there according to the Self's nature. The are indeed some very basic Self is Shiva. We are, within the differences. In order not to take any more the fool for the king, let this silent and watchful totality. us now explore one of them. No use enchanted the banks of the a pinch of Shri memory. The Self likes correct elegance and rhythm. question is then: how to behave so as to please the Self? The The answer is : let us behave Creation, the living containers of Now, Totality seeks itself. That means: Shiva's desire is that Virata The ego, by its very nature, should manifest. In other words, seeks individual achievement; the by actualizing our collectivity we Self, by its very nature, rests in are pleasing the Self: the flight for the collective dimension. Why is collectivity is the fight for our own it so? The body of the ego is that sheet of accumulated illusions through which we perceive ourselves as self-sufficient, perception of himself is different individual identities without any from a human being's perception link to the whole. The Self is this very whole within us, but recovered understands growth as the by the sheet. becoming. Hence a Sahaja Yogi's of himself. The human being assertion of his limited identity. The Sahaja Yogi is not motivated as an independent actor aiming at his individual achievement. He is individual a part of the Whole motivated by When a Sahaja Yogi, unconsciously carrying on with old habits, achievements in Sahaja Yoga (I collective achievement. He feels have done this, I have organized the identity between the I' ness that) he is still, may be, dancing on ego's clownish tune. The fool will bore the King, after all; for the Self knows the right tune, it knows seeks of the Self and the 'I' ness of the collective being. He is like an antenna of the formidable cosmic horse of Shri Kalki merged in the 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-19.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 16 The Divine Cool Breeze yoga grows it is my true "I" who grows. Bhavsagara, sometimes activated, sometimes put to rest by the power of Shri Mataji. But ever aware and a witness. What does 5. I will rejoice in the forthcoming all this concretely mean in our daily behavior ? manifestation of all higher realised beings because they will decorate our new Jerusalem of which I am a founding stone. Founding stones necessarily decorate. It means this: do not 1. I do not bother about my own salvation because Mother has 6. I will not seek to strengthen my relationship to Shri Mataji by trying to secure some kind of illusory "privileged position" near Her but by dissolving in the collective Being to whom She is giving birth. accepted me and thus I am saved. instrument for others to be saved. But let me be an 2. I do not help anybody; assisting others I work at my own growth. I do not love: it is love which flows through me. I do not act, but through me things may work out; that's all. I am watching it. And I experience joy. 7. I cannot know the Self without becoming collective. I cannot become collective without deflating the ego. And I cannot deflate the ego without surrendering to Mother. 3. I do not belong to any clan, family, group or circle of friends. Those who are committed to Sahaja yoga and devoted to Shri us should take the vow to fight for Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi our Collectivity. There is the glory are automatically my brothers, and the joy; After all, our most sisters and friends. In this winter of 1982, all of amazing Guru the Divine Mother is sakshat Shri Shiva Virata. In 4. I will accept the natural exploring the depth of the Self and leadership of those Sahaja the extent of our collectivity we yogis who can best spread start traveling in the arteries of Sahaja yoga. There will be no jealousy whatsoever. For, their cause is my cause : promoting Sahaja yoga they are promoting me. Her cosmic body to visit the radiant aura of beauty of Her Adi Chakras. by GREGOIRE When Sahaja (NIRMALA YOGA) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-20.txt EASTER London Ashram - 06.04.1981 Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Here; how people are playing realization, but even to talk about around with Christ's life. They call dharma itself, righteousness was themselves Christians and they very difficult. I mean what ignorance must have covered those people, that they crucified Him. Then, even the disciples never things. recognized Christ. When He was Secondly, we show no respect. crucified they said, "Now He's dead." Then, when He rose, He is the One who has created nobody would believe it. They have all kinds of theories. Even about the shroud they have found out. What ego human beings have, like Of course, there was a cloth which was tied onto His face, which was of the Brahman itself, the Divine pulled up, that's why his face looks Love itself, so He could not be slightly disfigured. But, that cloth was just left there. I mean, what is so important about the shroud, I can't understand it. It's the Blood does not die. It is not killed. Just of Christ. The ignorance with which to prove that He took this form; people looked at him, one should be ashamed of oneself. You can't imagine if you see from that angle managing themselves with their ego and to see anything, they know what living in complete darkness and self-certifying that they are the precious cloth is, but they don't people who can judge even God know what a precious thing it was, and hardly they allowed Him to live for three or four years. He did not do any harm whatsoever to anyone. You cannot blame any community for that. If He was born in India, anyone about God, ör about they might have done the same. show no respect to His life at all. He is the becoming He talked about. He didn't talk about all those nonsensical There is no awe in our hearts that Universes after Universes. And what are we compared to Him? bubbles. Of course, He was made killed. Moreover, He had to be born after Krishna; because Krishna has said that this Divine power of God this gross form of Christ. He came on this Earth, but how people are human beings, they have no eyes is a diamond, they know what a that He came onto this earth. Now think of it, the situation was horrible-no question of talking to 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-21.txt 18 İssue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze crucified. Otherwise, He could not have shown you, but His actualizing that He died and then resurrected to show that this does not die. What did they do to Mohammed Sahib? The same thing. But why there are so many thieves as shown in His life? Only as a contrast they were allowed to get out. Why this compromise was possible and why it was not with Christ? Do we also do with us the same thing, today? That we compromise ourselves with thieves-who are negative people and we do not mind Christ being crucified. Krishna has said, "It is not killed by any weapon, neither it is burnt by any fires. Nor it is blown by any wind. Nothing can suck it." That Spirit is He. When they saw His being resurrected, they started saying, "Oh, He is the One." Then His disciples believed Him. What ignorance, what darkness. It's like telling an ant about human civilization. Now as you know, He created all the Brahmandas. Brahmanda Now the Universe of the Sun. Out of that Universe has come the Earth. Out of that, you have come out and in your agnaya chakra He created a small Virata as they call it. He exists within your agnaya chakra. This sacrifice is very verY significant and though it is gross, in subtle, it has happened to take the awareness though this centre means a Universe. As this gross happening took place, when in the subtle also the same happening had to take place. Like when you say Moses crossed the river. This was the happening of the Void being crossed by the Primordial Master. So in the subtle whatever is done is expressed in the gross in this manner, and this of agnaya; was done by Christ, by is exactly what happened when Christ, was crucified. But again you cannot crucify Him. Now He has become Ekadasha Rudra as described. The eleven Rudras as His crucifixion. He came as a gross person, just like a gross human being. His body died but did not die, because that body was also made of that imperishable divine vibrations, as you call, the radiations or this Brahma. They Up till now, till He was born, did not die and that's why the body Krishna had given Him his powers did not die and He resurrected with you know very well, these are all the powers of Shiva given to Him. and that He became Maha Virata, he was even placed above Krishna, but now when He will come He will be bestowed with the destructive His body. He had to die to show that the body, though dies, can be saved. That's why he had to be 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-22.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 19 The Divine Cool Breeze powers of Shiva-eleven of them. to bow to Him in full understanding One of them is sufficient to finish of how great He is. On the contrary, all the Universes and that's what we always bend towards people is described as the coming of The who are pretentious; who make a Christ. You cannot crucify Him circus out of Him-it's a mockery anymore and the time has come for all of us to be prepared to the cross or any drama, I mean, it receive Him. We are not yet ready was such a miserable thing and to to receive Him. Unless and until you are realized you cannot receive want to do that, I just can't Him because if you remain unrealized till He comes, you'll be mean, if you have feelings, you can finished, you'll be gone, and you'll be destroyed. He has just come to destroy all the nonsensical and to be resurrected. It's the things. So this short time should be used for your emancipation and for your development. But, when we think of Christ, how human satisfied. beings, you see, put up pretences. All kinds of pretensions you see, like, they act, and act, how Christ important to understand the was crucified. They wear all the significance of Christ's life that His beautiful jewels and every thing body was the only body made of and they will enact. It's mockery these radiations. All other bodies going on. If you have to really come to resurrection, then you incarnations, even that of Krishna's must awaken Christ within you, when He came on this earth, were yourself, in the Agnaya Chakra. If having human qualities that Mother you cannot do it, then all this Earth existed in the body. Now enactment even in Spain, they say the Mother Earth exists as a are enacting as crucified, I mean, magnetic force, She's nothing but this is mockery going on in this going on everywhere. This carrying enact it, I don't know why people understand, I can't bear it. But I see within yourself. It cannot be a ceremony, a ritual, to be sacrificed actuality, it's the becoming. It's not any drama, and people want to see a drama like that and be For us, Sahaja Yogis, it is were human bodies. All the a magnetic, is the magnetic force, is the only part of the energy of world3; world; we are living with pretensions and falsehoods, all Christ, then it cannot be destroyed. these things are going to take us nowhere. But we are, as we human beings are, we are very gross and the magnetic force of the Mother Earth also we do not know-we do not We have to face ourselves; we have to awaken We have Christ within ourselves. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-23.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 20 The Divine Cool Breeze we actually go very much away from Him to the negative side. We become very negative. Like when we go to the left side (which you feel it within ourselves. The day we start feeling that magnetic force within us, we'll give up all these nonsensical movements of extremes. We'll settle down into know) we go much away from Him our gravity but we are not even sensitive to that magnetic force as you say, the back side of it. When the birds are. After realization you you go out to your right extremes do become subtle enough to feel that magnetic force. And you can ask the Mother Earth to take away your problems, to take away your sins; She'll suck it. Once you become that subtle, She'll work it out, no doubt. But you have to become that evolved you cannot from Him. Ego is the result of right touch Her subtler side; which is the hand movement because the Christ magnetic force. Whilst Christ's in essence does not create the body was made of the magnetic force itself now, when he was resurrected they celebrate the left. So on one side, He fights the Sunday. Because as you have seen that He has millions and millions and our agnaya gets caught up-as then you disown Him; you cross your limits. You cannot go beyond Him and that is how when you get to the right you cross all sense of decency, decorum and humility. So in both ways, you go in the opposite directions, much away necessary action on people who move to the right and also on the left side, the super ego, on the other He fights the ego in human of suns and He is made of sun. beings. That's why you have seen, He's the essence of sun. The sun has got the force of oxygen within it and this oxygen is responsible for creating Brahmandas after possessions. Lord's Prayer has got Brahmandas. You see, when the all the essence to take away the sun's rays fall on the tree, we take possessions. But not Lord's Prayer everything for granted, the tree said by any Dick, Tom or Harry. He blossoms, yields fruits, the fruits is to be connected with Lord Jesus have seeds and then again they Christ, then only if you say it, it sprout into trees. Without the sun has an effect and such a mantra is nothing would exist on this Earth an awakened mantra. Right hand and that is why we worship Him on side, when you move you have to a Sunday. Because He was sun, actually we can say He resides in Sun. Now when we go to the left if you are possessed you have to take the name of Christ. Only His name can take you away from your be humble in your heart, because He resides in your heart as spirit, because He is The Spirit, and this 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-24.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 21 The Divine Cool Breeze spirit get's insulted when you go And, the more you rise, the more too much on the right hand side and that's why ego-oriented people And when you realize that He is get heart trouble. On the left-hand the support of the Universe, He is side in the superego area, Christ our support, then you feel very is a terror. They are frightened of powerful-that nobody can possess His name; they run away from Him because they know the Ekadasha cannot, nobody can, possess Him. Rudra that He is, So on the one side He's mild in the sense He recedes away from people who are egotistical, ego-orientated. He greatness cannot be described in doesn't like buffoons and idiots. words. As a child, and as a Son, Donkeys that He was riding is suggestion of these donkeys who describe how He looked after His are ego-oriented. He tried to control the donkey. But the left hand side are the people, these Christ for His Mother, His love, His horrible negative people, they get gentleness, His care, His devotion frightened of Him, absolutely and dedication cannot frightened, you take Christ's name and they just run away, depart. No. nothing doing, they're not going and at the back He's Sri Ganesh to face Him-"Oh! God." Now, this mark is the sign of His Blood actually. Even if you show this colour they run away, but one has to understand the significance of Christ, with patience, with humility, for us. because He is the One who has created Universes after Universes. you are filled with awe. "Oh! God." you, if He's your support. But you You have to surrender to Him, so that you become His possessions. So that He looks after you. His He is the giver of joy. One cannot Mother, it's impossible. No words can describe the understanding of be described. And you know that He came as an evolved Sri Ganesh, and at the front He's Kartikeya. Very powerful-eleven Rudras, and this has, given Him the highest position. So on this day we have to think how He was resurrected More than Him His Mother Here you cannot just sit on a table had to suffer His crucifixion-it was and say, let's have it out, let's too much; because She knew all discuss this. There's no dogma this was going to happen and She was in human form as a Mother and Her only loving Son, being You have to crucified in Her presence. going on. He's a living God and Living cannot be discussed by human beings. become superhuman beings to discuss Him, to understand Him. We should not glorify the Cross for the one reason of Christ being crucified 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-25.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 22 on that, but cross is the sign of resurrection as the disciples saw the agnaya chakra, also because the same swastika, which was being all promised and this must equally distributed, is expressed happen to all of you. as an evolved symbol that is a cross. So when we glorify cross, we are glorifying our agnaya chakra by which we accept the life of dedication and of sacrifice. And if we look forward after the cross, a people - give up our small visions we know that it is the Resurrection and the Resurrection that you are going to actualize in this life time. frogs. Expand yourself and think But now give up all nonsensical that today you are facing the drama ideas about your seekings and of mass resurrection, not only that, useless ramblings. Seeking means not knowing about anything but rejoice and be happy that what becoming something. For that, Christ did 2,000 years back, today Christ crucified Himself. resurrected Himself so that you all Easter is a special day for all of could be resurrected, so you have us. It really is a very special day to, today, thank Him for giving you because in our lives death has died the lead of resurrection and in this and we are resurrected. lifetime only, you are going to be resurrected and you are going to see, with your own eyes, your the resurrection of Christ. This is So we should rejoice and be happy that the time has come for the resurrection and such a great event we are facing. We are such and our petty hankerings, our small little lives in which we live like but you are manoeuvering it. So we are going to do it. That's why He May God Bless You. (Nirmala Yoga) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-26.txt Sahaja Yoga The Maha Yoga (Parvachan of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi) 'Saha' means with; 'Ja' means born, Sahaja, is something that is born with you, that is innately built in you that sprouts by itself in you, which manifests itself. Like you can see a seed sprouting into a tree. This is what is Sahaja. Now if you want to separate it; that the digestive system is different, the respiratory system is different, and your heart system is different, other brain system or nervous system is different, I mean you cannot take it out like that, you brain hanging on one side and your digestive system hanging on the other. It is one integrated form of Organisation which is a living Organisation, which understands each other, which reacts to the demands. You cannot separate the system, but as it is, our brains are so disintegrated or they are good at that dis-integrating everything within us and without that we want to disintegrate the living thing which is Yoga. Now all other Yogas, which go along with it are part and parcel of Sahaja-Yoga. They cannot be separated from this Yoga. I think the people have misunderstood that there are four limbs of Yoga. That would be a misunderstanding as to think that they are separate or different. When we say that we have eaten this food, it does not mean that like a bolt it has gone inside the body and passed out of the body like a bolt coming out. Does it ? It means that you tasted the food in your mouth; it means that it has secreted some saliva in the Yoga is not a dead organisation. It is a living process. Absolutely a living process. When it is a living process, you cannot do anything about it. So it is Sahaja. At the most you can shift it a little bit and push it here or there, mouth later on, it has passed through the trachea, esophagus, going down into the stomach part and then to the intestines and then to the larger intestines. All this movement along this passage is done though the other kind of the movement which is existing push it around and all that. If a tree is coming up, like in Japan, and they will like to give it a shape, then they will cut branch first and bend it a little more another one and bend it this way, that in the organs itself like the stomach itself pushing it down, coming from your brain. The sympathetic and para sympathetic coming into play and working it out. way and give it a shape. But whatever is living is working out spontaneously within us with many complicated organizations which are living themselves and are aware of what 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-27.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 24 they are doing. For example your body is much more aware of me than your rationality. Say, you are a possessed person. You won't accept that you are a possessed person. I won't say myself also because I don't want to get very kind of thing which is in stock there. I know human beings, that if you tell them something like that you could be out for any sort of trouble. So I don't tell you. But the body knows me and when you come before me, the whole body shakes. Because it is a living body, it knows me; it is not a dead body. understands and loves you and knows each and everything about you in this life and lives before. If She is so capable, She knows everything then She is entity by itself. And if it has to come up to your head is it easy ? It is the most difficult thing. If you have a stone lying somewhere, you can pick it up and throw it anywhere you like. Even if there is a little worm it knows how to get out of the way of a big bull coming round. And if a bull, if it sits somewhere, impossible to raise it. You try your level best. There are some very So whatever is living, is so well drastic methods for that in India. You looked after, so well organized and in have to burn some red chillies and put a living way which we don't understand that smoke in the nose of the bull, because we deal with the dead. like that. Then only the bull will rise. Suppose I have to start this Otherwise you try anything it won't instrument then I have to know that there must be a cord that I have to put to the mains. I always say that Sahaja Yoga is like that; you take out your cord and put it to the mains. But do you think it is that simple ? You believe that ? That you just pull out thinks, which understands, is the the Kundalini and put to the mains? individual mother of an individual which No, it is not. When the sprouting of the Kundalini starts, when awakening who knows all about you and who starts it passes through the various loves you most and She is the one centres. How will you explain the Kundalini which is at the base of your She is the one who is going to give spinal cord rising upward? Now, if I you the realisation, your second birth. tell you that this is even more complicated than your digestive Kundalini that exists within us must be system, that the Kundalini which is an energy as we call it and which thinks rise. It will be settling itself nicely on the ground. So you come across such bulls also. Sometimes it happens like that. But to make this Kundalini, which has been born with you all the time, who is going to give you most and She is your mother. The kind of a the most difficult person to rise. Has to be. That is why people say, Kundalini 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-28.txt Issue: 3 & 4 2005 25 The Divine Cool Breeze make the bull rise. When they get frustrated, they want to hang themselves by the nearest tree. So, that also is another frustrated Yoga. Then Sadistic Yoga, then beating Yogas, then beating others Yogas then it goes on like that, you see, flowering into better and better things. Then fanaticism, because human beings find it difficult to sit still they get a challenge. "Oh this bull does not rise, I will make it rise." raising is very difficult. So one has to find the methods of how to make the bull rise. Because this Kundalini is "absolute Dharma" righteousness, absolute purity, ideal most personality that you could think of, which does not tolerate any nonsense. She is Nirmala you can call Her. She is Purity personified. She does not accept any nonsense, no compromise She is within you. See how beautiful you are. She is not afraid of anyone, cannot be enticed, enchanted or tempted by anything. She Loves but Her Love is that pure that nothing is higher for Her than her own love. She cannot reconcile to anything. And she is the one who is going to give you your self-realisation Moreover, they haven't got the authority Even those who are self- realised they have no knowledge because Kundalini is not made by them. Like even if I get this machinery, I do not know how to handle it, how to use it? I may try but I may burn my hands instead. Such a hotch potch of endeavour brings forth so many Yogas in this world. And everybody is baffled at it that how it is that there So, for human being who desire are so many Yogas and this Yoga and that Yoga and Buddha or Mahabir or Christ. Then Church Yoga "And what is wrong in witchcraft" somebody said the other day. Nothing wrong but the bull will settle down better, it won't rise then. to raise Kundalini, they have to find out methods of pleasing Her. What makes Her so unhappy ? Why doesn't She rise ? They have to find out the means and methods. And as a result of that probe has brought forth other Yogas, which we call as Raj Yoga or they call it as Hatha Yoga, or the third one they call as Kriya Yoga (I think Kriya and Raj is about the same) and Bhakti Yoga and Gyan Yoga and Karam Yoga. human beings want to employ to Now so they have tried to find out what should we do ? Stand on your heads, bull won't rise, it won't. So what should we do? We should know what is the Kundalini that is within us. All these All these are the methods 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-29.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 26 The Divine Cool Breeze There are 16 you see. All these can get affected. But by tickling your nose you do not touch the Vishuddhi Chakra. Isn't it ? Did you see my point ? For example, something goes wrong at the centre from where the electricity is coming here. By tickling it here you cannot correct that one there. You Yogas that have come up, have been depicted from the experience of people. Because some people when they try to raise the Kundalini "so called" say they started jumping. The Kundalini does not rise. Some people started taking off their clothes or may be some such sort of a funny thing. They felt heated up. So people thought let us take off our clothes and we'll find God. Some people felt some sort of grip on the stomach or some of them did see also these things happening within. So they called it a Mool-bandha. The 'bandha' has taken have to go to the roots. Or on a tree you find a fruit. All the fruits are getting rot. So by treating the fruit, can you treat the disease ? You'll have to go to the roots. So these people when they saw things happening to human beings they formed different type of methods. All are wrong and all are right. place, something has gripped there. So the Kriya Yoga is that, you take out your tongue from here. You cut this thread of the tongue from here and you push it back here, touch the tip of the tongue here where normally it is wagging. Push it back here at the Vishuddhi Centre, they think Vishuddhi is here. The problem is that they think the Vishuddhi is here. So they push it back here. They think they will achieve the raising of Kundalini by this. It is just the other way round, we are trying, you see. The effect cannet reach the cause. Try to understand, this is a very simple thing. After realisation all of them are right. Before realisation all of them are wrong. Before your car starts, if you start turning the wheel, or using the brake, you are spoiling the car. When the car has started and you know how to drive and you have beccme a master of driving, then everything is right. Ctherwise the same car which has to drive vou from your house to this Ashram will land to somewhere. In the same way, the same thing before realisation has no meaning. After realisation only you start understanding. You have to go to the root of the cause to come to the effect. Did you see my point ? Supposing the Vishuddhi Chakra which is here, a very subtle centre behind, is spoilt then the effects are felt, say, here. And your tongue gets affected, your nose gets affected, your cheeks get affected, So let us take the casc of.Hatha Yoga. It is based on centres, no doubt. It is based on "Ishwara Pranidhana", no doubt, all the Ashtangas, all the 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-30.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 27 The Divine Cool Breeze only realised but who knows. Who human point of view, I'm saying. For has mastered the art of Shakti path is them why Hatha Yoga came into the raising of the Kundalini minimum. Of course Sahaja Yogis just raise it like that. It is different. But no other Yogis It's first that they should fix their can do that. It is only you, because attention on Ishwara Pranidhana you are authorized, that you can raise means they should fix the attention the Kundalini just like that. So what these Hatha Yogis have done? They have boiled it down to only the physical sense. So you have to have Ishwara Pranidhana, Yama and Niyamas and that too before 25 years of age, you a realised soul minimum. Any Tom, have to discipline yourself in a way that Dick and Harry becomes a Guru, is you should understand, what is right and what is wrong. Now those who realised soul and if he is a realised soul have done all the wrongs of the world he will say like that. He does not talk before they are 15 years of age, now of separation, he talks of authority, at the age of 25 are trying to learn because he is there he has that what is Yama and Niyama. How can authority. Those who talk of you do it ? Just tell me now. Supposing you have spoilt the car completely. At the most you can ask for insurance, if you have paid for it. But how can you expect the car to come out absolutely new, as if it has come out from the factory? A house to feel humble about? I mean which is being completely mutilated whatever you are, there is no harm in cannot be renovated. Isn't it? That would be madness. So one has to understand that these Yama and Niyamas and all these things are not arrogance. But when you are there, meant for us. At least for the Western you have to say. That Christ said, 'I people, in any way. Let us accept it am the light, I am the path'. I mean whatever it is in experimentation or he was not trying to be arrogant about whatever it is we have committed lot it. What is there to feel bad about it ? of mistakes or may be we have been experimenting, again I'll say the same word. Whatever we have done we eight sides of Hatha Yoga. See from being. into the existence of God. Not blind faith. But to understand that there is God, so that you humble down yourself. Then you should go to the realised soul as a Guru. Guru means nonsense absolutely. He has to be a separation and crying and weeping and woes and all that are blind like all others. They have no business to be there. There is no humility about it, I mean if I have a red shawl, I should say, 'I have a red shawl.' What is there saying what you are. When you are not that, when you don't have that and you say that you have, it is So Hatha Yoga itself is done under a person who is a realised soul. Not 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-31.txt Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 28 have done a lot of harm to ourselves, to our body and to our mind. Because we had nobody to guide us. Alright. We didn't want to harm ourselves but of complete celibacy. Now come to Kriya Yoga. When we take to Kriya Yoga, it is taking out the tongue as I said cutting it out and putting it back here to tickle the Vishuddhi Chakra. I mean I don't know sometimes, your rationality also goes out, I think. By doing like that do you think you can excite this great power within you which is discrimination, which understands each and everything; you cannot be fooled by that. So all these tricks which we have been trying by ourselves of poking yourself here and poking yourself there, nothing at all. But it happens, when the Kundalini rises through the Vishuddhi Chakra, that when the dilation of the chakra takes by mistake it happened. Now what to do? It is a very said affair. People are sick. They cannot do Hatha-Yoga. The atmosphere is sick. The whole place is sick. They want love, they do not want exercise. They do not want scouts. They want somebody to love them, to heal them, to cure them to establish them. There is no word of love in Hatha Yoga these days because you pay for it. One thing you cannot pay for is your love. How can you for love? And that's why this modern Hatha Yoga is just a misnomer. realisation you can do Hatha Yoga because you are purified, you are cleansed, you are healed, your wounds are alright. People are wounded, they are so much hurt. They are extremely unhappy. You touch them and feel it. Why talk about big things when they do not even have energy to sustain themselves? It is a strain on them. And none of them place it happens that your tongue is pulled inside. It happens that your eyes get dilated. I hope they do not put Atropine to dilate their eyes to get their Kundalini awakening. So it happens like that. Bandhas take place, the stomach holds the Kundalini with the Bandhas. It closes down the chakras when the Kundalinį comes up, it closes down automatically so that the energy is kept upwards, it is not allowed. to fall down. All these things happen within us. These Bandhas happen which some supra-conscious people might be seeing and they want to think that if you pull your stomach like this, put your tongue inside, Kundalini is awakened. These things happen as a result of Kundalini awakening but by doing these things you do not awaken But after are realised souls, neither are they masters of Shakti-path. So that's why it was said, "you go to a Guru who is a realised soul. Go into the jungles before 25 years of age you should be there and practice under his guidance in complete celibacy in the atmosphere 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-32.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 29 the Kundalini. Now did you follow my point? did you ? It is clear now. most. Then how to keep it there? So they will say, "eat less, do not take away your attention too much, you must eat very little food so that there is not much attention on food. You must be detached." This is before 25 years of age. "Do not starve too much. Eat at regular intervals. Do not pay much attention to anywhere outside" so that the attention is kept there so the Kundalini does not drop down from the little inch of progress it has made in 25 years. That is why these Kriya Yogas have started, this jumping has started. Even the nudity has started. All this as a result of some people who are trying to raise the Kundalini. Even in the centre which it rises all these things happen. When your health is not alright you are sick, your heart is working, labouring very hard to look after your physical being, you try to make it even weaker by taking these strenuous things. And by using the other way round methods, as I told you, you also spoil your instrument like the electricity has to come so the electricity must fiow from there. If I start blowing from here or poking from here, with frustration also breaking this one here, electricity is not going to come, only this will be finished. Do you follow my clear cut idea? It is very clear that if you are going to spoil your own instrument you are not going to get the energy to rise within They are born again and they move at the pace of an ant and they fix your Kundalini by inches there and they say do not lead any adharmic life, your have to lead a very virtuous life, like a horse, you see, when you have to train the horse, you put these two blinds around so they have to train the horse before it starts really running the race. But with this the most important is love of the grand parents who are with them on those days they used to be - to look after the children and the love of the Guru and the you. But one who is a realized soul he would tell you first of all he may raise your Kundalini, minimum, awaken your Kundalini and ask you to make way for the Kundalini to rise gradually. Human beings when they raise their Kundalini, they raise it by every chakra. They bring the Kundalini, say, Mooladhara, of course they cannot touch it. The Kundalini would come upto, say nabhi at the training and the discipline of the own self. The gurus who take money from you what are they going to train you up in? Business management or dubious methods of cheating? Their own lives were so beautifully blended with their love, with their knowledge and their whole understanding that it has a direct affect on the character and the personality of the pupil. While now in India no body can write epic 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-33.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 2005 30 like Rama's. We do not have any Ramas now. We won't have perhaps. They only write stories. Now we have poems coming out of India like your horrible Lord Byron, he is born in India now, He has left your country. So like that all the dynamism in literature is also finished because there is no ideal before the people. They cannot think of a perfect personality. So the epics are difference and they say everywhere we go to learn these things to our Guru (so called) we see their lives. The impression that we have within us is also just the same and they cannot teach anything unless and until they themselves have the light. simply run away. If not, I will see to it that you run away. Someone has to understand all these Margas, all these paths, even like Bhakti. I have told you about three types of bhaktas. One who are asking for kama,. So many have come to me for, say, cLures, so many of them. It is a good thing. It is a good chance for me. Then they get cured: then they have that love since they are Mumukshus and they can become very great Sahaja Yogis. In India there are many who have come like that they first come for treatment and become very great Sahaja yogis. So they can pass through all these various stages. Now this Kriya Yoga is also just the same thing. It is described by great saints in India that those Jalunder Bandhas and all these Bandhas take So one has to understand that this is the time of Mahayoga. Where all these Antar Yoga means all these happenings inside take place automatically. I have something to do with your Kundalini very much and She knows me very well too. So much so place, means the bondages take place in the stomach in the heart and all these granthis are broken. Yes, it happens in you also when the kundalini rises. It does happen because I am quite a big master. I do everything myself. I do not leave anything to you, till you have got it. Only this thing you have to do is to freely choosing the path of self realization. That is the only thing you have to do "to be absolutely free". In all your freedom you have to accept Sahaja Yoga. If I find you have not chosen it by your freedom you get out of it, very fast, you would not be there. You will that as soon as She sees me She is up there so happy. And the first impact is so great you feel She has got it. She rises with such thumping joy, you get it, But again you go back to your crutches. Even you have lost all your troubles and everything finished. Now still you want to have your crutches because you are identified with them. So you go back to your crutches and again want to become lame. This is just acting, going on for some time. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-34.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 31 The Divine Cool Breeze it. All things that have happened to you after you have come to Sahaja yoga I am going to give you a list of those and what they are called in Sanskrit language. But if you act for a long period you become lame. Because you have been playing games, you see. And now the game is over. So you have to accept yourself that you are great. And that you have got it now within yourself. It is there, now you are a light now. You are not the same you were before and you are transformed into this flower. You should have faith in yourself and confidence in you because you have been identified with people like that with bad experiences, indifferent experience, you do not want to believe that there can be an experience of that kind. You do not want to accept it. But if you understand it a little bit you will settle down nicely and I am here to make you the master of it, absolutely the complete mastery over all this. Thousands of years people have had to work for it. But you have got it just like that. It is a fact. It is difficult to accept that you have got just like that without doing any hard, any big exercises. Is not it? But just wait and see what you have got. Of course some people do not get it because there is a problem. Some problem is there. But do not bother, it will work out. But those who got it should know that they have got it because of something and that something you have to discover. That is what you have to find out for yourself. There is a reason why you have got it like that. Like mantras also, somebody told me that there is a guru who gives mantras according to the age. It is all nonsense. Complete nonsense it is. You see, even a realized soul would not give you a mantra, that is why it was regarded as a great thing if some body gave you a mantra. Now every Dick, Tom and Harry like a donkey brazes in your ears and you think, "I have got." They are trying to befool you, they do not know they are befooling themselves. Whatever they have done they will have to pay very heavily. When Maha Yoga comes in, you do not have to worry about anything else. All the Yogas are at your feet. You just raise your hands just like this and the Kundalini will rise. It is a fact you just try. Anybody is sick, you put your hands like this the person is going to be alright. Try Yourself. This is Maha Yoga. The culmination point of Sahaja Yoga. Once you achieve it you do not have to do anything else. Then you become that because only everything works. for the Becoming and if there is something that just gives you the whole thing, then why should you do So mantras are never given just 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-35.txt 32 Issue: 3 & 4 -2005 The Divine Cool Breeze are trying to possess you. You are feeling them with one hand that side and with one hand you are raising the Kundalini. Nothing would go wrong with the person whose Kundalini you are raising. To that purity. Otherwise to give mantra and to take mantra a person has to starve for seven days. Not to see a man's face or a woman's face. All sorts of vidhis are there, then only you can get it. There some people tell the discipline to wash their hands 108 times every day. All sorts of these neti kriyas and all that has to be done before a mantra is given. It is a big ritual. Why? Because you are so vulnerable. It is like a phosphorus. And you cannot put phosphorous into some body's hand. You have to make all arrangements till you can do it safely. like that you have to know various points of a person, as to, who is your kula-devata, the worship of your family, what is your horoscope, what are the stars you are catching. At this point giving of the mantras, the time is to be determined, at a particular time of the horoscope what is the time of the horoscope that tallies with the Guru's horoscope. That is why people used to have one or two people. Even a person like Gyaneshwara gave a name to only one person in his Ilife time. Here these Dick, Tom and Harry are giving names like they are distributing, I do not know what! Nothing is more easily available more than these names of horrible things. If I told these Indians they will know (इन लोगों को एक मंत्र दिया-इंगा, एक दिया हिंगा तुमको तो मालूम है) But supposing you become all powerful then what ? Everything becomes a child's play. Everything becomes so simple. You are raising the Kundalini. You know there are You should have some sort of an authority which you can use and every mantra which you say will be awakened. You know that after realization it is such a wonderful thing to see that even if you are not yet out of your possession still you work it out. Still nothing happens to your Kundalini raising system, nothing happens to that, still you can raise the Kundalini. Isn't it? Still you can give realization to people. You may be possessed all this time, fighting with the spirit but here with one hand you are raising Kundalini automatically. centres. You can raise it through the centres. You know how to awaken them. That is why it is Mahayoga. It had to be this way, sometimes, otherwise how are we going to save this world? How this creation is to be justified ? We have to find. I mnean God has to find some method by which all of you who are seeking Him are to be blessed, and that he should be manifested so that There are lots of spirits which 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-36.txt Issue: 3 & 4 - 2005 The Divine Coui Breeze His work should be completed IN REPONSE TO A QUESTION MOTHER ANSWERD THUS..... So this is Mahayoga which encompasses all the yogas. There is no need, now to go to stone ages to come back to human stage. It is something like that. Or else you can say that now if I have to go to India, I need not go like Columbus and end up in America. Now this lama business is all wrong; all I must say very frankly. They do some tricks to spoil this instrument. Hypnotize. Do all kinds of things. It has brought about lots of problems. Now everybody has got it. You have not got it so it is a little problem, does not matter. You have to little bit cooperate with me and you will get it. You must get it. It is my desire. That is your desire also. We meet on this point. Somebody who knows the way has come to you, who knows everything, all about it. Somebody who has done all this who knows all the tricks of trade and also knows you very well, though still I am learning. Kundalini is the desire of God. About human beings I have still Is not desire for God- is the desire of to learn a lot. They can be quite queer. God Himself. So it can be only I do not know why they behave like this. Cannot understand, Oh God. It desire of God within you that is being is a great revelation sometimes when you see human beings, how they Shakti. And the desire of God is that behave. Very interesting. Very interesting creature, I must say, they never behave the same way. You cannot predict. Most unpredictable. Do not know, what they will come out with? Very interesting. After Sahaja it rises, His desire is fulfilled. And that Yaga you will also enjoy very much. awakened by that desire. It is the blessed and the desire of God is the He loves you. His desire is to give you all His powers and all His loving capacity. This is His desire. It is placed within you and is dormant. So when is how you get your fulfillment. Unless and until you are God, you cannot This is about so many yogas I have told you. Now if you have any questions ask me sensible ones, again I say. Ask me question because I have told you in a short way but later I will give you the complete idea. command desire of God. But after realisation He gives you, bestows His power that you can manoeuvre His desire. You can raise the Kundalini in the people which is the desire of God. And you can make Him desire. That is the greatest one can achieve. May God Bless You ! 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-37.txt OUR POSITION IN SAHAJA YOGA In speaking of the Kingdom of subtle and even pernicious "ego". Heaven, Christ says in the Gospel: No, our position in Sahaja Yoga depends on a completely different type of principle; that of our (Mat 20.16) thoughtless awareness when, by the Grace of the Holy Spirit, the Heart, the Self, is truly awakened. Then there is no question of being (Luke 14.11) superior or feeling that one is more advanced, etc. One does not occupy a "position" in the human sense of the term, because the according to their own "ego" are "ego" has vanished. It is replaced by a state of consciousness pervaded by purity, sweetness and a more authentic and profound understanding of a new Reality receive the Divine Grace (The which is delivered from the constraints of the "ego". The the Kingdom; they shall be the "state" sends forth the vibrations of love of Mataji, and one surrenders oneself to its support and its guidance. It will also act categories" if not an hierarchy in on our brain when it is time to Sahaja Yoga. What does this engage in action. That is our These categories or "position" in Sahaja Yoga, which hierarchy can certainly not be will in effect be established by appreciated by our minds. In other deepening this stage through an "The last will be first and the first last" and also "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbled himself will be exalted". Seen in the context of Sahaja Yoga this means that those who, the first are, in fact, outside the Kingdom of Heaven, in which there is no place for the "ego", while those who are humble and willing to Vibrations) shall have a place in first, We know that there are mean? words, the "first" will not necessarily be those who first joined Sahaja Yoga, nor those who ever greater capacity to absorb Mataji's vibrations in order to send them forth, and through the "think" that they have "done" a lot development of ourselves by our for Sahaja Yoga, nor those who "consider" themselves to be better Sahaja Yogis than others because they have no problems. Al these attitudes are generated by a very communion with the Collective Self made up by the other Sahaja Yogis. ANTOINETTE SUSSEX Switzerland (Maha Avtar - 1980) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-38.txt BENEFI ts of SAhaja YoGa the brotherhood of Sahaja Yoga is the recognition of one's self in others and above all in Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Adi Shakti incarnated in person on this earth for our salvation. Blake said that God does not hate sin but He hates unbelief. In this day and age that unbelief is not to recognize Mataji as the Spirit divine in human form. That is the sin which Christ said will not be forgiven at the last judgment. You asked me if I could write about spiritual benefits of Sahaja Yoga. When one sits down to do it, one feels the difficulty as being that even contemplating that phrase one goes thoughtless. The benefits are so many and various because as the chakras get enlightened so all the divine qualities start asserting in one's life in all purity and beauty. Easy to write about material benefits of better job, health improvements, passing exams with flying colours. But all that is a by product of the enlightenment by Mother's grace and one's spiritual instrumentation. It would be an The special spiritual blessings of Sahaja Yoga is to realise that the spiritual path of seeking is not a lonely one even though every soul must seek alone and individually. The sense of loneliness comes from the Ego's sense of specialness and separation. But when ego drops away so does the myth of loneliness. One finds all the brothers and sisters are on the same path, entering the same lovely garden. Separation ceases by merging in joy of recognition. People speak of surrender, which implies effort. But recognition requires no effort, it happens spontaneously when the eyes clear and one see with certainty. Recognition is Sahaja and recognition of Mataji is the greatest joy of all. She impertinence to write about benefits to oneself of a spiritual nature. Because who benefits from Sahaja Yoga in the spiritual sense is actually God Almighty Himself. It is His joy in His creation that makes our Sahaja Yoga such a joyous experience. It is his innocence that protects us and cures our illness. It is His wealth that showers on us material rewards. It is His fearless nature that kills all the negativity in our hearts and opens us to His joy and love for one another. The benefit is not to our self as we used to identify it but to our pure self which is a universal being. The benefit is our Mother since all time, Just to of Sahaja Yoga is that one becomes a Sahaja Yogi one becomess identified with that and not with the myth of one's name, nationality, occupation, family or any limited thing. One becomes a part of the eternal being which is the same in everyone, and recognize that is the greatest reward of all punyas. JAI MATA JI GAVIN BROWN London (Maha Avtar) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-39.txt Surrender IN SAHAJA YOGA Divine means. Besides knowledge of our inner-most fears and subsurfaced anxieties, Ma forgives Sahaja Yoga is ultimately for everyone; the best benefits, however, are derived by those who can surrender voluntarily at the completely because "your story" is lotus feet of the Divine Mother, Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi. Nevertheless, there is needless This is not always easy; while guilt which affects left Vishuddhi. living we develop a code of values and act accordingly - albeit happening automatically as a living is achieved by the Mantra of process in an individual's Vishnumaya, Rahda Krishana. experience. Trust in Ma and Her Cultivating a sweet language helps teachings have to be established. to banish guilt. Why not get Cool vibrations in the hand is the familiar with some pleasing words indication of Divine support of by taking them into our vocabulary Grace; this is the beginning of a need for further investigation. Examine continuously the benefits received in answer to prayer. not quite horrible enough. Clearance of left Vishuddhi and using them ! Guilt feeling is the feeling of inferiority and inhabitation. It creates a chasm between Ma and me, as an unworthy. When I can trust Ma, I can Right side Vishuddhi is affected when the individual dominates or is dominated against trust myself. Am I getting defensive with Ma ? Is there something which I want to conceal from Ma ? We all have our horror his will. It leads to erosion of story in which the individual is the dignity and self respect. A man principal actor. "I wish it was not true", he muses "or could the memory of it giving rise to guilt never plays with the dignity of Her feelings be erased from the psyche?" Ma knows all from the revealed story of the Chakras, a history sheet by itself, and other with insufficient dignity cannot surrender effectively. Since Ma children, the tormenting secret of the past remains between the two the Mother and Her child only. Because She knows us better than 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-40.txt Issue: 3 & 4- 2005 The Divine Cool Breeze 37 we know ourselves, She can do Thoughtless awareness State; more for us than we can ourselves. It is a wise intelligence when sees itself fully exposed and vulnerable and knows that the vulnerability is not really hazard in Mother's Nirmal Mun, Nirmal Chitta, Nirmal gentle hands. In any case She can Chaitanya and Nirmal Anand will do whatever she wants to; I hazard help. The utternace is as with a guess that it is the Mother's other Deity Mantras, i.e. invoked nature to forgive. She cannot help in the name of the Great Mother. that part of Herself. She is Nirmala Vidya - the Divine Mechanism by which Mother forgives. Divinity esoteric matters. Do I want goes about its evolutionary way mastery over myself? Then I must regardless understanding. All we are required requires an attitude of humility to do is to let the mystery do whatever it has to do by ritualizing before meditation helps submitting to it. involved misidentification gradually dissolves away. Mantras of Nirmal Hriday, Ma is better than me in all learn. To learn from anybody of our non- towards the teacher; some to establish modesty and humility. A ritual is a symbolic physical Trust and faith will develop action with emotion attached to it. Cleaning hands, taking off in their own time; like all other human relations it takes time for shoes, using the vibrated red trust to develop. And only trust till the Guru is also tested. May lighting incense and candles, be our own instrument is testing cleaning Ma's photograph with a for its own good. Let it do so naturally. To accept Ma now or later is one of our freedoms with undesirable acts as though Ma were which Ma will not interfere. Is my present, there, asking for Her, inner speedometer running too fast Grace etc. are some of the good through old habits of impatience? Why hurry ? Let it happen naturally, praying all the time for Ma to come awareness. The mechanical into our heart and void. Certainly conditions themselves will yield we have to be patient with ourselves knowing that the ego reacts to its own creations; it needs to be brought into the admiration for a person is reflected sindoor (Vermilion).with reverence, clean red cloth, always facing Mataji's photograph, avoiding all ritual practices which give definite rewards of better awakened with time. The greatest form of 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-41.txt The Divine Cool Breeze Issue: 3 & 4 2005 38 as emulation. But what do you independent of this external force Ma is a mystery, needs surrendering of all misguided unfathomable. One just accepts externally determined values of the mystery and submits allowing one's environment. In any case anything and everything to happen. my aim will be low - not high The living Deity is participating in enough. So, why should I make the Evolutionary Clearance of the demands on Ma, set conditions, or emulate? individual and Collective Nervous resist Her. Instead, I should accept Her in Her totality, avoiding the intellectual Whatever Ma is and does is the most appropriate and ideal. An attitude of total acceptance, obedience and submission to Her System through mastery of the Divine Controlled para- interpretations. sympathetic nervous system. Transformation within is the reality. The force bringing on the change should be venerated and worshipped. An individual's affairs handle it all in the collectivity. The are really governed by so many objective must be sincere, the forces beyond his control. He quest honestly purposeful. Only certainly cannot handle all of these complex variables which shape him and because he cannot, he gets one say, 'Ma I need you; please anxious and tense. All tensions help me, Give me the right are the manifested discomforts of temperamental attitude and inferior feelings. Do I feel inferior because some things are beyond my capacity to do? The equipment Badhas get cleared with prayer and of body, mind and soul is equipped that helps in surrender. What is for just those activities which are within its capability. Pursuit of is of wrong and harmful attitudes, excessive aims like ambition, certain habitual patterns of competition, unrealistic objectives thinking and feelings; inability to gives rise to the well-known ills like anger, fear, gluttony, lust, maturity and ability to forgive. greed, pride, sloth etc. helps in surrender. Let Mataji then absolute honesty will make environment for an effective surrender. I do not know how to." one to surrender? The surrender forgive is one of them. It requires Resentment is immaturity. When due to my human frailty I cannot Recognition of one's worth by forgive I should ask Ma to forgive oneself is right. No other person or social pressure should be able to push us against our will. To be on my behalf, till I can forgive. This helps to clear agnaya; forgiveness restores balance in the personality. 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-42.txt Issue: 3 & 4.- 2005 39 The Divine Cool Breeze When Mataji is physically present amidst us, correct protocol demands that the person of Mataji be not touched. All attention should be on Ma; slight distractions from attention on Ma are to be resisted. Attention should be be taken from the Deities invoked in the name of our Mother. When invoking the Deities through specific finger touch of Mataji's photograph, specific quality of these Deities should also be Another novel technique is to ask twice the cause of the disturbance. The first be superficial, humbleness absorbing all that is misleading, not honest really. Then ask gently, "and the other moment. Avoid coughing or real reason." The Badha will reveal itself in most cases. The Badha when once exposed can be easily cease during the physical presence eliminated from the attention. It is important to understand that it courtesy. That our spiritual Master is not what I want it to be nor what is my ideal but as REALITY REALLY requested. focused on the large Bindi of Ma on the Agnaya Chakra. Never interrupt Ma; be attentive in answer will relevant to our being of the clearing of the throat while with Ma. All private Conversations must of Ma. This is an elementary is a lady should always find consideration with us. IS. the There will be interference in Not me but Ma total submission to Ma, whatever Universal Mother - She does is interfering should be ordered to behave. A very slight use of the will, helps. An invaluable aid can everything. Why bother - just enjoy yourself. Let Ma do Her work. Jai Mataji ! *Pronounced as the underlined part of a work. HRIDAY Heart, Heartily (HE R/B THOB CALENDAR) MUN The seeking desire (Rhyme it with Fun, Bun) CHITTA Attention Consciousness (CHASTE THINK FUN YARN) CHAITANYA- ANAND Joy, Bless (ASK NONE THOU) P. K. Puri New Delhi. (Maha Avtar - 1980) 2005_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-44.txt Sahaja Yogi's are sitting on the day of Christmas Pooja 2004 jo ojoud Lightings, at Pune Stadium During Christmas Poojs This photo was taken During Marriages at Pune, 2004