Yuvadrishti June 200 Issue 2 This is our mother's lavourate ohotograph RATHATA TANAKAKAHAAHARATANA Index 1. Nirmal Vani: Chastity 2. Santon Ne Kaha Hai: Kabir 3. Shabadanjali: Aiye Giri Nandini 4. This happened 5. Find The Word 10 6. Vishva Nirmal Prem Ashram Se 11 7. The Great Indian Saga 12 8. Memories of Divine 9. Vande Mataram 14 15 10. Introspection and Surrender 11. Papaji's words of wisdom 16 17 19 12. Sa Re Ga Ma... 13. Yuva Shakti Update 21 15. Astvinayaka ki yatra 23 EHMMMM MMAMMMR WAANAAHAAHAKAHAAAA AALAA 135O8 EMMMMEVEMME VIMMMMMMMMMMS "Nirmal Vani" Some priceless jewels on selected topics, extracted from the treasure trove of our Mother's eternal words of wisdom, have been strung into exquisite necklace called "Nirmal Vani". This issue, lets focus on mother's advice on how to establish the eternal child within us. Chastity: The Fragrance of Innocence Chastity is the ornament made Chastity. Moral chastity comes first, that's very important, from our innocence. If because il is innate. And if your moral chastity is perfectly innocence is the mool, the nourished, then automatically the material chastity comes core of a Sahaja Yogi's In. But the effect is the same. Whether you do money personality, then chastity is cheating in Sahaja Yoga or whether you cheat morally, your the ornament that adorns his Teft Vishuddhi will be caught. And the whole problem will personality so that people start from left Vishuddhi. [1985-0901: Shri Vishnumaya marvel at his beauty. Chastity puja, UK] is the quality of our Left Qualities of a Chaste person Vishuddhi Chakra and the Arrogance is a sign of unchaste personality. And such a power of Shri Vishnumaya. person also becomes insular Guilty feeling, that disturbs our because he's ashamed Left Vishuddhi, is also caused because of an unchaste ashamed to face others. attitude or behavior. And because of that we are unable or Chastity is never aggressive, tongue-tied to announce the Advent of the Divine Mother. is never harsh, because From the kalpavriksha of Mother's words, here are some there's no need, you know. No fruits that She has endowed us with on importance of need, you are so powerful, Chastity and ways to establish chastity. you are so powerful, that there's no need to aggress Significance of Chastity So what is your power? Where does your power lie? It lies in anyone. Chastity is the the Spirit. But even before the Spirit is achieved, what is consolidation of your faith. your power? Is Kundalini? She's sleeping. Then what is your When you have faith in God, you are chaste. When you have faith in yourself you are power? Is your chastity. If a man is chaste, chaste temperament he has and he stands up in his chastity, it acts, it works. But first of all chastity pays dividend in your good chaste. Your faith in your wife, you are chaste. Actually like health. From the face of a person you can say that this the camphor, which, you see, is volatile and evaporates into person is a chaste man. Like in our Shastra's used to say a the fragrance, in the same way we can say chastity acts into saint or a brahrmachari, the one who has never had sex in Taith. If you don't have chastity you cannot have faith in life, always shining on his face. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, England] anything. People try to do things to look very attractive and this and that. Don't waste your energy like this; you are saints, live ike saints. Traditionally as we live, we have to live that way. And evolve out of the tradition, don't do something new, Now to understand the significance of chastity within us, we have to know that chastity is the foundation of all dharma's, Unless and until you have sense of chastity you cannot have something absurd, nonsensical. We don't have to attract anyone. Chastity is the fragrance in the flower, which attracts the bees, is the honey of the flower, is the essence dharma. Dharma is not possible because that's the foundation. It will be a house of cards. If you do not have the foundation of chastity it will just collapse i no time. [1985- 0901: Shri Vishnumaya puja, UKĮ of our existence. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, England] Those who have moral chastity may not have material Importance of Chastity for men and women children. Because she is the one, really, who is the Shakti. And if she starts frittering away her Shakti like this, then the Shakti of the whole community, the whole country In some countries, of course, they think that disappears. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, chastity is only meant England] for women and not for men. But it's not true, Establishing our Chastity [1993-0721: Shri Ganesha Puja, It's all made very easy. But change your priorities now. The whole attention once goes to your own Spirit you'll be surprised the whole chart will change. So from today we are notgoing to look at the stars or the Moon, but going to look at the Mother Earth. In the Universe She represents. The Kundalini is nothing, but chastity. She's just chastity. [1980- 0808: Opening Address, evening beforeShri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, USA] Berlin] Chastity is not only for the women, it is more for the men to observe. [1998-0905: Chastity & Collective nature, Shri ..for the establishment of our chastity. Now, whatever you have done so far, forget it, forget the past. That is very important also to forget the past, because is a very good Ganesha Puja, Cabella] Now, it's important for men to understand the value of way of explaining. women. Those men in this country, all right they Ibok like Another way is meditation. With your left hand towards the cabbages but they can be horrid, absolutely horrid people, photograph, like that (Shri Mataji shows Her left hand because they have no sense of purity of their character. If stretched with the palm up), right hand on the Mother Earth. the man is not all right, how can he have a sister who is pure? If the man doesn't believe in the chastity of life for to Her Left Vishuddhi then gives a bandhan there with Her some men, I mean most of the men, there's nothing like right hand), give a bandhan to your left Vishuddhi, you can chastity. They never believed in anything like chastity in thne work it out But this become rituals if you do not do it with modern times. That is what we lack, and in Sahaja Yoga from your heart. So first of all face it, mentally face it fully, when I think of My children, of My sons, they should be brilliant with chastity. The whole presence must shine with the emotions you have should have no guilt in it. So for all you can work it out. Put the light over here (Shri Mataji points then do it with this thing. Emotionally understand it also; that chastity. When people look at them they should say, "Oh, that's innocence going. See the innocence and the chastity which shows our quilt. but humility. [1985-0901: Shri moving together!" [1980-0808: Opening Address, Vishnumaya Puja, UK] our practical purposes you are not to use all such words evening before Shri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, USA] And this is the sense of chastity the women must have first. We cannot put the responsibility on men. The way women " Meditation is nothing but move about, the way they behave, the way they are all the time...As Sahaja Yogis, I would request you to pay attention to this side of your society which is very important that how women in their foolishness are becoming slaves to the caprices of men. So please understand that you have t respect your chastity, and men have to respect women as sisters, and not as every woman is for them for their use. the state of remaining in the constant company of the Every-loving Bhagawati." How much a chastity of a woman is important and graceful and energy-giving to her and to the whole society, to her own brother, to her own father, mother andeveryone, to her 2. "संतों ने कहा है... " जैसे कि हम जानते हैं कि इस धरती पर समय समय पर कई आत्मसक्षात्कारियों ने जन्म लिया। इन सब ने अपने - अपने तरीके से सहज की बात कहीं। आईए जानें, कि वो सब क्या है जो संतों ने कहा है.... सो ले पांडे जेवन बैठे मटियहि छूति लगाया। । कवीरा ते धन संचिये जो आगे को होये।। सीस चढाए गाठरी जात ना देखा कोए।। अर्थात हे पंडित किसी के आचरण को पवित्र देखते हुए भी तुम उससे जाति पूछकर उसके हाथ का पानी पीने या न पीने का निर्णय लेते हो परतु क्या तुम्हें यह नहीं पता है कि जिस मिट्टी के घर में तुम बैठे हो उसमें सुष्टि के सारे प्राणी मरकर समाए हुए है। इसी मिट्टी में छप्पन करोड़ यादव और अटासी हज़ार श्रृषि मरकर मिल चुके हैं । इसी मिट्टी से धड़ा बनता है जिसमें तुम पानी भरकर पीते हो डूध कहाँ से आता है क्या इस बात को नही जानते हो। हड़ियों के झरनों और मॉस की गलियाँ तथा नालियों से पिहले अंक में हमने कबीर के जीवन और उनके काव्य के विभिन्न स्वरूपों तथा उनके व्यक्तित्व के विभिन्न आयामों की चर्चा की। कबीर के जीवन चरित्र और उनके लेखन की सभी विद्याओं को पढ़कर उन्हें हम तीन स्पष्ट दृष्टिकोणो से देख सकते है। यानी एक भक्त कवि के रूप में, एक समाजिक चिन्तक सुधारक रूप में और एक योगी आत्मसाक्षात्कारी स्वरूप में। पिद्दले अंक में हमने उनके भक्तकवि स्वरूप की चर्चा की धी। इस अंक मे हम उनके बाकी दो स्वरूपों पर चर्चा करेंगे। समाजिक चिन्तक सधारक ही दूध झर झर कर आता है। कबीर के जीवन काल के दौरान समाज में ईश्वर और ईश्वर भक्ति के नाम पर अंधबिश्वास भरम एवं पाखंड फैलाकर मानव समाज का पतन तो किया ही जा रहा था वल्कि मानव मानव के राम के कठै जगत गति पाव खॉड कहै मीटा। मुख पाबक कह पावें जो डाहै जल कहै तृषा बुझाई।। भोजन कहै भूक जो भाजै तो दुनिया तरि जाई। । विनु देखे विनु अर्स पर्स बिनु नाम लिए क्या होई।। धन के कहै धनिक जो होवे निधन रहै न कोई। सॉँची पीति विषय माया सो हरि की फांसी ।। कहहि कबीर एक राम भजे बिनु वंधे यमपुर जासी।। हब बीच ईष््या घृणा एवं सापदायिक भेदभाव की दीवार खड़ी की जा रही थी। अदृश्य ईश्वर के नाम पर प्रत्यक्ष इन्सान के खून की होली खेली जा रही थी और निर्जीव यानी पत्थर के सामने सजीव प्राणियों की बलि दी जा रही थी। कबीर की आत्मा ये सव देखकर तिलमला उठी। उन्होंने धर्म के ठेकेदारों को आड़े हाथों लिया। कवीर ने व्यथित होकर ऐसे तथाकथित उच्चवर्ग पर करारा प्रहार अपने शब्दो से किया। भक्ति के नाम पर कर्म कांड और पाखंड करनें वाले पंडितों पर भी उन्होंने अनेक तरह से कुठाराधात किया। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर मात्र राम राम जपने से ही मोक्ष मिल जाता तो शक्कर शक्कर कहने से मुख अवश्य मीठा हो जाता। विना देखे विना अनुभव किये केवल नाम लेने से क्या होता है। यदि केवल धन धन कहने से लोग धनी हो जाते तो संसार में कोई निर्धन नहीं रहता। हमें राम का परिचय पाना होगा कि राम क्या हैं। वस्तुतः सबका राम अपनी अपनी चेतना है। व्यक्ति का आत्म स्वरूप ही राम स्वरूप है। उसमें तभी स्थिति होती है जब जीवन से विषय वासनाओं का त्याग हो। यदि ये ना हुआ तो जीव को बाँधकर पांडे बूझि पियहू तुम पानी।। जेहि मटिया के घर मा वैठे तामें सृष्टि समानी।। यमपुर जाना पड़ेगा। छप्पन कोटि यादव जहीँ भीज मुनि जन सहस्त्र अटासी।। पेग पैग पैगाम्बर गाड़े सो सब सरि भी भाटी ।। हाथ झरि झरि गुद गली गली दूध कहाँ से आया । ईश्वर को अलग अलग रूपों और नामों से पूजकर अलग अलग धर्मो और पतों को बनाकर आपस में झगड़ा बैर करनें वाले धर्म के ठेकेदारों को भी उन्होंने आड़े हाथों लिया। ত 9 चम ब्रद माला कहे है काठ की तू क्यूँ फैरे है मोऐ मन का मनका फेर दे तो तुरत मिला देँ तोए।। रम साहेब मेरा एक है दूजा कहा ना जाए जो साहेब दूजा कहे साहेब खड़ा रसाएं। । टर र भमी अर्थात ईश्वर सभी का एक है।उसे अलग अलग नामों से नहीं बाट सकते । जो ऐसा कहते हैं उन मूर्ख अज्ञानियों पर ईशवर हॅसते हैं । अर्थात्त उनकी अज्ञानता हेंसी की पात्र है। ्ट ए सा .... योगी आत्मसाक्षात्कारी स्वरूप भली भाँति परिचित थे। सहज ध्यान और श्री कवीर के वचन दोनो का भाव एक ही है कि हम अपने आलतत्व में लीन रहे। सद्गुरू के बचन सहज ध्यान में रहने ही का आदेश है। उन्होंने अपने दोहो में कहा है कि मन का निबिचार हो जाना ही ध्यान है। जब तक हम संकल्प में रहते हैं तब तक हमारा मन संसार में रहता है और जब सारे संकल्प समाप्त हो जाते हैं तो शेष रह जाति है केवल शुद्ध चेतना। इसलिए व्यवहारिक्ता में भी साधक मन का पारखी बना जाता है और हर समय सभी संकलपों का दुष्टा रहता है। फिर जब बह निज चेतना में रमता है तो मानो हर समय सहज समाधि लीन रहता है। जब मैं था तय हरि नहीं अब हरि हैं ैं नाही सब अंधियारा मिट गया दीपक देह समाही।। इन सुंदर और सरल शब्दों से उनका परमात्मा से एकाकार होने का वर्णन मिलता है। उन्होंने वो मार्ग बता दिया जो हमे उस परम ज्योति से मिला देता है। एकाकार होकर केवल एक ही सत्ता और रोशनी रह जाती है। जब परमात्मा के प्रेम का प्रकाश रूपी दीपक जिवात्मा में प्रकाशित होता है तव जीव और उसकी ' जाती है । में समाप्त होकर उसी परम ज्योति में लीन हो उनके लेखन और जीवन में सहजयोग ही झलकता है। कबीर हम सहजयोगियों के पूर्वज सहजयोगी थे। अत्यंत सरल भाषा में उन्होंने संपूर्ण सत्य का सार बताया कि जब उस परमेशवर से एकीकरण हो जाता है तो बाकि कुछ भी शेष नहीं रह जाता। सब खोकर विलीन हो जाता है एक ही परम चेतना के प्रकाश में । चाह गई चिंता मिटी मनवा वेपरवाह जिनको कछु ना चाहिए वो ही शहंशाह ।। मैं लागा उस एक से एक भया सब माहि सब मेरा मैं सबन का तिहा दूसरा नाहि।। लिखा ळिखी की नहीं देखा देखी बात । जियेँ तिल माहि तेल है जियू चमक मैं आग तेरा सॉई तुझमें बसे जाग सके तो जाग।। दुल्हा दुल्हन मिल गए फीकी पड़ी बारात।। ऐसे आत्मसाक्षात्कारी को नमन।। कुछ किया नाही मांहि। । जो कुछ किया सौं तुम किया में कहो कही जो मैं किया तुम ही थे मुझ शमाप्त । ये सभी उद्गार जो उनकी बाणी में स्पष्ट होकर वताते हैं कि कबीर सहज समाधी में लीन व्यक्ति थे। परम पूज्य श्रीमाताजी ने भी अपने कई प्रबचनों में अत्यंत प्रेमपूर्वक चर्चा की है कि कबीर उस सहज समावि से ত क "शब्दांजली" विभिन्न भाषाओं में समाए सहज ज्ञान, जिसे हम चैतन्य द्वारा महसूस करते हैं। आईए. हम उसे शब्दों के माध्यम से जानें। Shankaracharya's praise of the divine Mother: ऐ गिरी नंदिनी नंदित मेदिनी , विथ्वविनोदिनी नंदनुते by giving us self realization. Yet, for those who are the enemies of the Gods and your children, you are always a ferocious expression that says "BEWARE". Oh beloved daughter of the mountains, the one दुर्मुद शोषिणी सिंधुसुते who brings out great joy to the Earth, the one who brings joy to the whole universe, prostrate myself before you, who are the from of complete bliss. दनुज निरोशिनी क्षित सुतरोशिणी You show to the Gods that you are pleased with them, Yet, to the sons of Diti ( Different from Aditi = the Mother of the Gods )who are the demons, you always . विष्णु विलासिनी विष्णु नुते गिरीवर विंध्य शिरोधी निवासिनी show your displeasure, even though there may be demons who have great strength, you Your holy abode is in the kings of the mountains, the Vindhyas. Shri Vishnu is filled with joy when he meditates on you, I can take their evil strength away. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी , पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। १ ।। रम्यक seek refuge at your lotus feet. भगवती हे शिती कंठ कुटुबिनी , भूरी कुटुंबिनी भूरी कृते Victory to you. Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Oh great creator of this universe, the great Goddess who is Mahishasura. You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife the wife of Lord Shiva, the blue throated one, and the family of Lord Shiva. You belong to the universal of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati ). family and the whole universe is your अयि शत खंड विखंडित रुंड , वितुंडित शुंड गजाधिपते family. You are the one who does greatest of great actions namely giving self realization. Oh Goddess, you cut the demons into जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी , रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। १ ।। 100 parts, and then cut them again and scatter the pieces, and pulverize the remaining parts into less than Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible dust, even those demons that could be described as powerful as the kings demon Mahishasura. You are the of elephants. one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one रिपुगज गंड विदारण चंड, पराकम शुंड मृगाधिपते who has matted Iocks(Lord Shiva ). Daughter of the king (Shri Parvati) of mountains The demons who are as strong as elephants or सुरवर वर्षिनी दुर्धर दर्शिणी, दुरमुख मर्शिणी हर्षरते as ferocious as Lions, You alone Oh great Goddess cut them and smash them into nothing. On the Gods you shower auspicious blessings, enemies of Gods are so powerful yet you are able to keep them away You are the destroyer of the evil faced ones tedemons. You are the giver of uninterrupted happiness. निजभुज दंड निपातितचंड , विभातीत मुंड मठाधिपते All this you do using your own powerful arms i.e without the help of anyone else. And after having destroyed them completely if any thing remains there. You scatter that also away. You cut off their heads in त्रिभुवन पोशिणी शंकरतोषिणी, किल्मिष मोशिणी घोषरते You are the one who looks after and sustains all the three worlds. The one who is the ultimate joy of Lord Shankara. You alone can destroy all our sins which you do one sweep and toss them away like ball . G) झन झन झिंझीत झिंकृत नूपुर , झिंजित मोहित भूतपते जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।।१|| Lord Shiva, who is though beyond sound and Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura. You are the one with the language, when he hears the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted sound of your wondrous locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri ornaments moving against one another, when you are in battle or in dance and making sounds like Jhana Jhana Jhinjita and In the battle field you are so absorbed in the battle Jhinkruta, he becomes totally that your arm moves continuously shooting arrows, Your filled with joyand leaving his entire body shakes as if you are dancing and your bangles meditation desires to hear his make musical sounds (All these denotes that even when heavenly sounds again and Parvati ). धनुरणुसंग रणक्षणसंग, परिस्फुटदंग नटत्कटके she is vanquishing the force of Gods, She does it with total concentration, with grace and beauty). again. नटित नटार्थ नटिन् नट नायक नाटित नाटय युगानुरते कनक पिशंग पुषत्क निषंग, रसद् भट शृंग हता बटुके Oh great Goddess who destroyed the demon Batuke, when you shoot your arrows in the battle field they look like flashes of gold yellow and light shining from your bow ( Kanak =Gold, Pishanga= Yellow, Ninshanga rasad bhat shrang= Making sounds that are pleasing to the ear's). Oh great Goddess, who took the form of Ardha Narishwara, when you dance in the company of other great dancers, You put them all to shame and for Your divine cosmic dance, You always have the greatest musicians and singers to accompany you. कृत चतुरंग बलक्षिते रंग, घटद् बहुरंग रटद् बटुके जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पदिदिनी शैलसुते 11५।। And your very presence makes the army of Gods filled with enthusiasm, joy and valor, and even their Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the arrows which are in the quiver on their backs, shine forth with new colors and seeing all this Lord Bhairava dances in front of you in great ecstasy, repeating over and over again " Jai Mataji Jai Mataji " beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati) अयि सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनोहर कांतिळते जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते |9|| In this line the poet uses the word "Sumanas" four times and each time he uses it to denote a different aspect of Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted the Devi.)With the beautiful mind, you are also a soft flower. Though we are seeking you in the form of Shri Durga, Your locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati ). mind is as that of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Your being so beautiful, and seeing You in this beautiful form our minds become as beautiful as pure as those of the gods, and we जय जय जप्य जय जय शब्द , परस्तुती तत्पर विश्वनुते worship You even more because. You are the One who is totally effulgent and all kinds of lights emanate from You. श्रीत् रजनी रजनी रजनी रजनी, रजनी कर वक्वृते Oh great Goddess, who bring salvation to the world. our complete prostration before You; constant incarnation of your Holy name is the most supreme prayer that a devotee can take for his own meditation, and when (Here he word Rajani, has four different meanings) he gets absorbed in saying Your name, need for other sounds and languages falls away. Oh Goddess who have The night takes Your protection, Beautiful, You are the One whose arti we do. You are the One who has no birth. You are eternal, in Your hand You hold lotus ; Your noble brought salvation to this world, we constantly prostrate ourselves before you. face shines like a full moon. 6. विभ्रम रभ्रम रभ्रम रभ्रम र्रम अमराधिपते सुनयन And we see Your beautiful eyes under the lovely dark eye-brows that look like cluster of bees. And Your name is also Shri Bhramahri Devi, that when You raise Your eye-brows, the three lines that are formed on Your forehead are the three worlds themselves and simply by the movement of Your eye-brows You create and dissolve the three worlds. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, र्म्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते।। ६ ।। Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati). सहित महावर्ण मल्ल मतल्लिक, यल्लिक रल्लिक मल्लरते In the battlefield when You are faced with great fighters, You do battle with them in the way in which they fight. विरचीत वल्लिक पल्लिक मल्लिक, झिल्लक भिल्लक वर्गव्रते When You are confronted with such powerful demons who use no weapons. You become totally केलि चलतकल हंस कुले सकल विलास कला निलयकम absorbed in the battle, and make plans to destroy them after , Heavenly swans have the power to discriminate, are filled with complete joy and move around in exited manner.and You have tired them and all this brings joy to the Bhil tribals who were being harassed by these Mallas. when they recognize all Your great work they are filled with complete joy and move around in exited manner. सितव्रत फुल्लि समुल्ल सितारुण, तल्लज पल्लव सल्ललित Your actions are so beautiful, like the rays of the अलिकुल संकुल कुवलय मंडल, मौलि मिलद बकुलालि कुले rising sun, and become apparent to us as if fiowers are suddenly blossoming on creepers and seeing all these beautiful actions Lord Shiva becomes pleased. Just as clusters of bees are attracted to groups of fragrant lotuses, the stars come in clusters attracted to Your forehead. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी रम्यक पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। ७ ।। जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी रम्यक पर्दिनी शैलसुते 1। ७ ।। Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the Victory to you. Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted beautiful luminous face, the wife of the ane who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati) locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati). कला कलि कामल भाललते कमलदलामल कोमल कांति, Those beautiful pure clusters of lotuses that emit very gently and sweetly beautiful light. You have made these flowers blossom by Your own powers and have kept them in your hair. "This Happened!" Some pearis extracted from the ocean of memoirs about the Divine Incarnation "Our Beloved Mother" woven together so that our knowledge enhances through sharing with our brothers and sisters. Miraculous Escape from Tsunami said, "Your daughter is joyously ready to accept Her desire -Jaisse Rakho Vaise Raho". While none dared to enter their houses, I confident that nothing could happen to us being Sahaja Yogis. Everybody is aware of the tsunami episode, which shook and shaltered several places including the group of islands of Andaman and Nicobar in Indian Ocean. Nobody knew to went to cook, to serve. others outside. I was One Sahaja Yogi was in his brother's place near sea-shore. He saw tsunami's dragonian 30 ft-high waves. He realized the savior role of Shri Mataji and rushed to the centre for refuge. He spent there next 3 months peacefully. Witnessing the continuous roaring ocean, next day t worshipped the acean with vibrated kumkum, haldi, water, flower etc. uttering the 'Samudra-Shant' and 'Bhumikamp- Shant mantras arising from my inner-self and then the ocean there calmed down. When I joined my office after 3 days. my disturbed colleagues asked me, "Aap Kiss Chakki ka atta Khati Hai?" | escape from the tyranny of the tsunami waves devastating replied. " The chakki is beyond description as it is the Adi lives and properties, but during it the Divine saved all the Shakti Herself, my Guru Shri Mataj Nirmala Devi." Sahaja Yogis in that island area. In the tsunami tragedy about 30-40 thousands were lost in In a village Gyarra Charma of Port Blair, Andaman, where Andaman area. We all Sahaja yogis with our belongings the main center of Sahaja Yoga is held every Friday remained safe. evening, Mrs. Puspa Samaddar who conducts the center has witnessed the disaster and she narrates her experience When Mother's photo frame cracked Once in Udhampur, two ladies named Mrs. Cheema and Santosh went to a small village to spread Sahaja Yoga. Abig as follows:- "It was Sunday, 26/12/04 morning. I was meditating with my son at the lotus feet of H H Shri Mataji, I felt a swinging photo of frame of Shree Mataji was placed on the chair. movement and initially mistook it as Divine vibrations. But Many villagers were interested in learning after opening my eyes I found a pipe of our asbestos roof rattling on, and sol shook my son. We were in the process of reading Devi Kavach, my son said, "Mummy, don't worry, Shri Mataji is with us", and we completed reading it. After that, we took the holy photograph of Shri Mataji and set an altar in our lawn, lit the candle and started playing the this new techgnique. At the back, three men wearing black chogas who were. actually tantrikas were sitting on chairs. They were cassette where Shri Mataji explains 7 chakras with intermittent songs at full volume. Afury of the tsunami waves was at its peak, aiready swallowing the area of Port Blair, but miraculously no storm or earthquake could affect the fiame of the candle. I realized, the reading of Devi Kavach everyday was a must as told by Shri Mataji. I was quite calm and quite. In front of Her photograph, asked to sit down but they refused. As the realisation started and everyone went into meditation, strong dusty wind started blowing and Shree 8. Dhania Mataji photo's frame cracked. Soon people realised that the three men were not present on their chairs anymore. When the villagers asked the Sahaja Yoginis the reason behind it, they replied that they were trying to concentrate on their Agya Chakra and therefore trying to harm the collectivity. But when they realised that in front of "DEVI'S photo" it was impossible to do so, they ran away. Shree Mataji not only saves the lives of her children but also ensures that her children (sahajayogis) do not face evena minute of a probiem. Once a lady was preparing food. She was chopping 'dhania', while also thinking of H.H.Shri Mataji. Soon 'dhania' got finished. To her amazement, "dhania' seller came from where it had never come before and gave 'dhania' to the lady free of cost Divinity on the highway Once in Germany, a lady was driving her car at a very high speed. Suddenly she realised that the brakes of the car were not working. She closed her eyes and put down her head onthe steering and prayed to Shreemataji to help her. When she opened her eyes, to her surprise her car was in parking space and she was "safe". चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं। श्री माँ ध्यान से निर्मल हो गये हैं चैतन्या धार आ वहनें लगे हैं जब से आए माँ हम तुम्हारी शरण में मुरझाए फूल हम खिल उठे हैं यह्मचैतन्य के इस सागर में डूवें पाया है प्रेम माँ की भूक्ति से खुशियों का दिन आया है जो खोजा बो पाया है आदिशक्ति के चरणों में हम उतरने ळगे हैं चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं प्रकट ना होती अगर माँ निर्मल ज्याति कैसे पाते हम आत्मतत्व को निर्मल के ध्यान में करूणामयी के प्यार में माँ हम कुछ पाने लगे हैं देखा है माँ को गगन के तारों में पाया है माँ को चादे और सूरज Goreh jt 7Oresh अब तो माँ को जान लिया अव तो पहचान लिया ऐसी शक्ति को हम पनि लगे हैं चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं। अनिता कुमारी (यू पी) (g) 9. "Find the words" 1 2. 10 6. 6. QUESTIONS ACROSS: said "in the house of God, Justice is sure, its only a matter of time. The arrow of humility and patience on the part of innocence and peaceful never fail in their aim." He was Guru... 1) He was the first Sikh Guru and he believed God is in all, regardless of caste, creed, sex and religion. 4) Guru..established the city "Amritsar" means pool of nector. He gave the message that one could fullfill one's life not merely by medidation, but in actively participation in the joys and sorrow of others. This is how one could also get rid of prime malady of EGO and end their spiritual loneliness. 6) He used to carry a Hawk, two swords one is Shakti (Power) called Miri and other Bhakti (Meditation) called the Piri.His name was Guru... 7) Guru...said "Guruship is like the milk of Tigress which can only be contained in the cup of Gold." 5)Guru .was the fifth Guru and he first compiled the Guru Granth Sahib. 10) He started the 5K's (Kesh=Hair, Kangha=Comb, Kachcha-Underwear, Kada-A metal bracelet, Kripaan = A mini sword). He was the last (tenth) guru ,he was Guru 8) At very small age Guru...sucked all the negativity of the surroundings and passed away at the tender age of 8 years. ****** 9) "SisGanj" Gurudwara is buillt in the memory of Guru DOWN: 2). Guru...was a great disciple of LehanaJi. He put the beautifull songs of Guru Nanaka Deva into a script called Gurumukhi. 10 Gobind Singh. Down 2 Angaddev, 3 Amardas, 6 Hargobind,7 Harrai, 8 Harkrishan, 9 Tegbahadur Across 1 Nanakdev, 4 Ramdas, 5 Arjandev, ANSWERS 3) He tried to foster the idea of women's equality. He 10 "विश्व निर्मल प्रेम आश्रम से... " H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI İnaugurated an NGO (Non Government Organisation) called VISHWA NIRMALA PREM ASHRAM at Greater Noida, UP. This is a Home for destitute women and orphan children with a focus on girls. The Ashram provides them education and vocational training to help them become self-dependent citizens of the country and lead their life with dignity. Apart from becoming responsible citizens, they have also blossomed into beautiful Sahaja Yogis. Below are some pictures of their participation in various seminars. National Seminar 2005 (Chamba) National Seminar 2006 (Yamkeshwar) 11 "The Great Indian Saga" The deep-rooted glory of Indian heritage encompasses volumes of mysteries behind our present establishment with truth. Shri Mataji tells us that we must know our roots. Thus, lets acknowledge the Indian treasures like the deep ocean of music. And carry forth our Great Indian Saga... India's greatest rock-cut architectural treasure Ajanta & Ellora Shree Mataji has blessed India with rich architectural British officers on a tiger hunt. treasures. Indian architecture showcases the country's rich The artisans responsible for Ajanta did not just hack holes in the cliff, though. They carefully excavated, carving stairs, heritage and splendid culture. India is the home of one of the Seven Wonders of the world - Taj Mahal. India has greater variety and quantity of rock-cut architecture than any other benches, screens, columns, sculptures, and other country in the world. One of the most talked about Indian rurnishings and decorations as they went, so that these treasure in Mother's lectures is The Ajanta & Ellora caves. The most elaborate and varied example of great artisans of Indian architecture, the handcrafted caves scattered employing pigments derived from natural, water soluble elements remained attached to the resulting floors, ceilings and walls. They also painted patterns and pictures. substances. Their achievements would seem incredible even if they had been executed under ideal circumstances, yet they worked only by the light of ail lamps and whatever little sunshine penetrated cave entrances.: Located about 30 Kilometres from Aurangabad, extending more than 1.6 km an a hill, the 34 rock and cave temples of Ellora (5th-13th century) are known for the genius of their sculptors, It is generally believed that these caves were constructed by the sculptors who moved on from Ajanta. This cave complex is multicultural, as the caves here provide a mix of three different religions.. Although all of the caves at Elora are stunning architectural feats, the Kailasa Tempie is the jewel in the crown. Carved to represent Mt. Kailasa, the home of the throughout India's western state of Maharashtra, The Ajanta and nearby Ellora are two of the most amazing archaeological sites in India, They are man-made temples cut out of massive granite hillside, The caves were built by generations who lived, worked, and worshipped in the caves, slowly carving out elaborate statues, pillars, and meditation rooms. The Ajanta (more property known as Ajujnthi), a village in the erstwhile dominions of the Nizam of Hyderabad in India and now in Buldhana district in the state of Maharashtra is celebrated for its cave hermitages and halls. Located 99-km from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, the Ajanta encompasses 29 rock-cut rooms created between 200 BC and AD 650 using rudimentary hand tools. Most are viharas (living (The gigantic, 8th century Kailasa Temple,Ellora, Cave 1) quarters), while four are chaityas (temples). The Ajanta caves were discovered in the 19th century by a group of 12 Tubicde Viio alone the Eufher God Shiva in the Himalayas, it is the largest monolithic structure in the world, carved top-down from a single rock. It contains the largest cantilevered rock ceiling in the world. The Kailasa Temple is considered the pinnacie of Indian rock-cut architecture. The Kailasa temple was chiselled from a solid stone, It consists of a gateway, antechamber, assembly hall, sanctuary and tower. Virtually every surface is lavishly embellished with symbols and figures from the puranas (sacred Sanskrit scriptures). The temple is connected to the gallery wall by a bridge. The Kailasa temple is an illustration of one of those rare occasions when aupproerfed 3FS firsi ali 5 aratat men's minds, hearts, and hands work in unison towards the Drawing By Shri Mataji consummation of all Supreme idea, Shri Mataji: The Greatest Architect Mother herself has planned the architectural themes for various Sahaja Ashrams around all over the world. Few With the Blessings of Our Divine Mother, the holy Birthplace of our Mother at Chhindwara was acquired by H. H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SAHAJA YOGA TRUST, India, on 14th July, 2005. To preserve the examples are the Pratishthan in Pune, Nirmal Prem Ashram in Noida, Qutub Ashram in Delhi etc. (Nirmal Prem Ashram, Noida) historic birthplace of our Divine Mother, renovation and reinforcement of the existing building structure has been ensured keeping in mind its perpetuity as a Shrine. A conservation architect from the Indian National Trust for Culture and Heritage has been commissioned to reinforce and renovate the Birthplace while maintaining the Birthplace in its original facade and form. We as Yuvashakti make an appeal to all the Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis from all over the world to contibute for this momentous occasion and support this historic project by making financial contributions. Once a Sahaji was sharing a book on Indian palaces. Shree Mataji asked everyone to feel the range of vibrations coming out of each palace. All felt cool vibrations from an old palace in Badoda. Mother told "it was because of the fact that the architect of that palace was a realized soul." "The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you." 13 “Memories of Divine" This is to recollect experience of a Yogini, Auriol Williams who had her own vision on what dedication meant or how the surrender may come. This comes as a series of beautiful memories of our Divine Mother to share with everyone.a part of which gets reflected through the poem she composed... Sahaja Yogis from London. My parents had come back before and told me that Shri Mataji was coming. When She arrived, Her car pulled up and it was a Mercedes. I remember Her getting out of the car and She was wearing exactly the same sari as She had been wearing in the dream, so I knewexactly who She was. The Queen of Heaven When I was but a child I first saw the Queen of Heaven She stood swathed in silken garb with golden hue Her face it shone towards me with love and light will come and I will protect you is what She said to me The second verse is based on this experience: And She did come and She did protect me. I am the fire When I was still a child I saw the Queen of Once in Shri Mataji's house in Brompton Square, London, which was being redecorated, Mother was walking around and directing people. She would tell us where paintings and other decorations were to go and what colour this door or that window frame was to be painted. Heaven once more She stood upon the Earth ringed in fiery glow My fear was for my heavenly Mother but She turned and said I am your Mother I will allow no harm to It was a mess to begin with. One always has to make a mess to create a house. One day. Mother was wearing a synthetic nylon sari and walking around amid the rubble and dust. 1 was in a room where some come to you or me I fell at Her Feet and prayed I never had to leave I am older now and the world intrudes My Mother still protects me and loves me more people were making plaster moldings to go on cornices. Some other people had been working in the room too and But what of me, am I still at my Mother's Feet I may not be constant and I may not be perfect but She is within my heart and She is the soul of me. someone had left a blowtorch burning. It was pointing into the middle of the room and Mother walked in. Shri Mataji, wearing a highly inflammable nylon sari, walked towards the blowtorch and, as She AuriolWilliams The first verse is based on this experience: She was wearing the same sari as in my dream passed very close to it, the flame leapt right out of the nozzle and went completely around Shri Mataji two or three times, forming a ring a few centimetres away from the sari. Before I met Shri Mataji, my parents and I were going through a very rough patch in our lives. I was five at the time. I had a dream that an Indian lady, who I later discovered was Shri Mataji, was standing at the prow of this barge and She was looking towards me. I was not in the barge., 'Don't worry, I'll come and get you soon,' She said with great love in Her eyes, in the dream. She was wearinga sari which had spots on it and I remembered it very clearly. She appeared not to see the torch and walked straight in front of it. A flame leapt out of the torch, then went.round Her synthetic sari below knee height in a blue ring, then back into the torch. While all this was happening, I was horrified and took a dive across the room to move the torch. I landed in an undignified heap at Mother's Feet. When we realized what had happened, we looked up in amazement to find Shri Mataji smiling down at us. My parents went to meet Shri Mataji down in London. I didn't go down because we were living in Scotland at the time. However, Mother came up to our house with a lot of 1 am the fire, how could it hurt Me?' Shri Mataji said, and She went on Hler way to supervise putting in some pipes in the next room. 14 "Vande Mataram" As Indians it becomes very imperative to know some true fascinating and interesting facts about our amazing INDIA: * The game of snakes & ladders was created by the * INDIA is caRed Bharat in Satya yuga (Golden Age), The official Sanskrit name for India is "Bharat." 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game * India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history. * When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization). represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices. The game was played with cowrie shells and dices. Later through time, the game underwent several modifications but the meaning is the same i.e good deeds take us to heaven and evil to a cycle of re-birthis. India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest country in the world and one of the most ancient and living civilizations (at least 10, 000 years old). Takshila holds distinction of being world's first university. It was established in 700 BC. More than 10,000 The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is students some of them from far-off countries like China also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'. and Japan enrolled in about 60 subjects. It was one of the * The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra. during Chandragupta Maurya's time. greatest achievements of The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system, employing over a million people. India has the most post offices in the world. Ancient India. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and one of the greatest achievements of ancient India Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by in the field of education. the Indian Army in August 1982. Sanskrit is the oldest literary language of India, it is considered the mother of all higher languages. It forms the basis of many modern Indian & European languages. It is also known as the language of God's. 'Sanskrit' is the most precise language, and therefore is very suitable language for computer software. India is very rich in natural resources coal (fourth- largest reserves in the world), iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite, titanium ore, chromite, natural gas, diamonds, petroleum, limestone, arable land. * India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World. India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. * India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously. Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies "which originated in India. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC. Albert Einstein quotes "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been The value of pi was first calculated by Indians (this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians) and also the concept of Pythagorean made." Theorem. 15 "Introspection & Surrender" A Sahaj Yogini shares her Sahaj journey from one of ritualistic fanaticism to that of introspection and complete surrender. In an age where life is as fast as a metro and people have less time even for themselves, I This reminds me of a verse by Shri Shankracharya (8th century AD) thought taking out 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening would be too much Through the insight of self surrender Let my prattle become the recitation of Your name for me. But when that sweet The movements of my limbs, white bearded gentleman told me it is worth a trial, my heart unknowingly gave consent to it. Also the miracle of my fingers trying to give me new indications was a new thing for me. And thus gestures of worship to You My footsteps, perambulation around you My food, sacrificial offering to You My laying down, prostration to You Shri Mataji chose me. Whatever I do for my pleasure Years went by, believing that I had got my path. But then sometimes I felt something lacking... the eternal light was amiss. I started following Sahaja Yoga as a ritual. Doing the morning and evening meditation, sometimes some shoe beating, other techniques... Then one day I met a Turkish Sahaja Yogini who also happened to be my friend. We started talking about the general problems in life. And then she said that whatever one does or feels in one's life, if one is not surrendered fully to Mother, then there is no reason why we should feel that we are not getting total benefits of Sahaja Yoga. It was then that I realized that through the years I have been missing the most important essence of it all. Shri Mataji has been clearly saying that she would be looking after all our needs, But we have been short - sighted to see that once we take realization, it is all that is expected out of us. We Let it become transformed Into an act of Worship to You. I feel after trying to follow the given path, I feel I have tried to come closer to my spirit. For this thought also I thought that following the regular clearance routine and doing meditation was enough. But what I had been simply forgetting was the fact that Shri Krishna also asked for one simple thing and that is the "Ananya Bhakti."; which precisely means that whatever we do, should only and only be an ode to Shri Mataji. It has to be done with complete faith, complete surrender, and unconditional love. The benefits would be far reaching. That is to say that whatever is done as an ode to the Mother, cannot go wrong. So if our deeds are always right, their results would be also right and thus we would be peaceful with ourselves. And surely we would have no reasons to regret. am thankful to our Holy Mother.... But the bliss is all mine. Jai Shri Mataji. Ameeta Dara "It is God who rules, it is He who does, it is He who has created everything and it is He who Enjoys everything." 16 "Papaji's Words of Wisdom" On their 59th wedding anniversary, Papaji shares his and Mother's experience of stay in Australia and how Australian Sahaja Yogis have set an example for all of us to follow. People talk of heaven which is somewhere, I don't know where. But if there is heaven anywhere, it is here; if there are April 7, 2006 It is difficult to express oneself when one is moved by angels anywhere, they are sitting here; and I really admire emotions. Allow me first to thank you, Sir Mr. Michael you, I love you and I want to worship you as Her creation, as Fogarty, for your very kind words of congratulations, and angels created by the Goddess. It is a perfect heavenly may I reciprocate by congratulating you on having gathering where She is residing and you are all here, and it is celebrated your own 45th Wedding Anniversary.And I wish a model, and wherever I go l'll preach this. It's the kind of relationship that you have, the kind of commitment that you have, the kind of devotion you have to the highest values of many, many more; many more than fifty-nine. For me these fifty-nine years have been heavenly. life, is truly, truly astounding, and if I hadn't seen it I would Everything that I have done, I owe and charge it to one person, the person who is sitting next to me here. And also have found it difficult to believe, but there it is. So, it's a great, great experience, very elevating experience which I have had wherever. going, and I want to express, I can't thank I am probably the most you will agrée, all of you, that fortunate human being on Earth!... you, thank you is not the word. I can only express my admiration and my love, and my deepest gratitude for all that you have done. ButI do want to say that coming to Australia has been an absolutely wonderful experience, wonderful. I do not say anything that I don't feel in my heart. I can tell you honestly that I have been a great admirer of your Mother's Sahaja Yoga. But when I came here and saw the Sahaja Yoga as practised in Imagine, the Sahaja Yogis had no more than six weeks' notice of our coming here, and in six weeks they remodelled this whole house. Who on earth could have done it, and done it so beautifully? But it is, it is Australia, I realised how heaven on earth! What else is glorious the concept was, because I have seen Sahaja Yoga here at its best; and please believe me, that is true. It is every moment, every day has been absolutely wonderful just wonderful to see how all of you constitute one loving. and olorious. I can go on and on about this, but I want to tell caring family, the kind of family that She wanted to create, something a little more, and it is that I am deeply grateful to and She has successfully created here. Your devotion to Australia and Australian Sahaja Yogis, your collective, for Sahaja Yoga is unparalleled. Your commitment to each having provided the medical team which has looked after other is unparalleled. Here you see real brothers and your Mother, and I want to express my very, very deep sisters, Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis, they are at their gratitude to Dr. Bohdan and Dr. Ramesh Manocha, and the best, Yuva Shakti are at their best, .. Shakti are at their nurses, sisters who are here. They have done a marvellous best, everything. How you do it, I don't understand, I don't job and Australia, Australian Sahaja Yogis, Australian know; but I want to tell you thatI am profoundly grateful, that climate, hospitality, and the medical team, they have all had when you and your friends extended invitation to your awonderful effect on Her. heaven? So in six weeks' time! And ever since we have come, Mother which is right, you included me also in that and and I announced... t life would have been incomplete if I had not had this show you, She is much, much better. She is feeling happier, experience. I have been noticing ever since I have come, and I want to that I may accept it. Well I have..., my She is much better than She was, and for me there could be nothing better than that, that She should be better. And assure you thatit is because of 17 Australia, because of your love, and because of the doctors and the nurses who have given of their best, everything possible. And 1 have also been the recipient of great, kindness. I can't thank them enough. I owe my life to these doctors. I would not probably have been here, but for them. So this was something in my heart that I wanted to mention, that we have had wonderful programs, we have wonderful food from the kitchen, everything has been perfect. I dan't know that there could be anything better than what we have experienced. So I want to conclude now, but I conclude by expressing a beautiful exampie. So I congratulate Chris again, for whatever; and you know he is behind everything, I know that. Sitting here, I know what he is doing, which is never in the forefront. He is pushing everybody else: "You come, and you come, and you come." It's marvellous, and I admire him, and he is setting a new example, I will cite it, wherever ! go. And thank you all very much: you are all the same. Nobody is the leader here, everyone is together. This is the real meaning of collective leadership, and this is what She wanted. She wants this kind of leadership. And I assure you Thave seen this only here so far. But this is Her dream, and I'll carry this message everywhere. This is how Sahaja Yoga will... collectively on behalf of your Mother, Her love for you, and Her warm appreciation. I am sure She is extremely happy that Her children have done so beautifully here. I carry with me wonderful memories, carry them always, and I told them in a gathering, you have asked for trouble, and trouble will So thank you again very, very much; thank you. And now, to the music team: very beautiful music, always. come: we will come back. Thank you. There is one thing more that I want to say: if you go to another country, you know immediately who is the leader and who the followers. Here you come, you look around, you don't know who the leader is; because the leader here is a wonderful person, he does not lead, he invites every other person to lead. And that is how a collective should work. It is also a very, very good example of how Her idea of collective leadership should be implemented. I want to congratulate Chris and Michael Fogarty and all of you, on the wonderful way in which you are implementing Her view of Sahaja Yoga. It is difficult to find Chris, because he is... there, not here even. This is really, this is leadership. This is what She wants, She wants everyone to participate in the same way. That is the meaning of collective leadership and I assure, I tell you really, this is a glorious example, "God is infinite. You don't have to count His aspects. You want to enjoy Him. The wise simply eat the fruit, They do not count the leaves, roots and branches.' (G) 18 "SA RE GA MA..." Music helps us establish our connection with the all pervading power of God. The seven basic notes (sa, re, ga...) correspond to our seven chakras and encompass in them the pure knowledge which gets manifested in various forms like ragas, bhajans, ghazals, etc. Sa Re Ga Mais the bridge that helps connect our physical to the subtle, Genesis and Evolution of Indian Music The earliest existent work that provides considerable extended their patronage to music. Music flourished in India information on music theory is Bharata's Natyashastra, under Muslim rule and was subject to a number of new which is primarily a treatise on the dramatic arts, including infiuences, including those of the mystic Sufi sect. As a music. This work was probably written in the period consequence new elements, forms, and instruments came between the 3rd century B.C. And the 5th century A.D. In to be introduced into Indian Music. Among the vocal forms, the beginning, it is believed that music was known only to were the Qual which gave rise to the Qawwali and the Tarana, both of which are heard today. The sitar and the tabla also belong to this period. The Persian poet Amir Khusrau (1253AD-1325 AD) is believed to have made a major contribution in the development of the Qawwali as well as the Sitar (which was also called Sahatara). Rulers such as Mohammed bin Tughlaq and the sultan of Jaunpur, Ibrahim Shah Shariq were known to have encouraged music and maintained several musicians in their courts during the 14th and 15th centuries. Among the later 15th and 16th century patrons were Raja Man Singh Tomar of Gwalior and Hussain Shah Sharqi of Jaunpur. Musical patronage reached its zenith under the Mughal Lord Shiva, Lord Brahmadeva and the goddess Saraswati, emperors Akbar (1555-1605AD), Jahangir (1605-1627AD), This art was later taught to the Gandharvas and Apsaras and Shahjahan (1628-1658AD). The legendary composer (celestial's musicians). It was Bharata, Narada and Lord Hanuman who brought it to the earth. According to the scriptures, sage Narada practiced great austerities for several years and was honored by Lord Shiva who taught him the great art of music. It is said that from the sleeping position (Shayanmudra) of his wife, goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva created the Rudravina (an instrument with a form similar to the sitar). From his five mouths, five ragas emerged while a sixth was created by the goddess Parvati. These ragas were named according to Lord Shiva's movements to east, west, north, and south and toward the sky, and were called Bhairav, Hindol, Megh, Deepak, and Shri. Raga Kaushik was created by the goddess Parvati Tansen (1492-1589AD) is believed to have been a member herself. of the court of Akbar. His enchanting music is believed to have had the powerto bring rains and light lamps. Indian Music as we know it today evolved during medieval period. In the 13th century, Sarangadeva authored a large work called Sangitaratnakara, which listed 264 ragas. By this time, the Islamic presence was beginning to be felt in Music was also becoming more popular and was no longer the preserve of the upper classes. Most compositions had initially been in Sanskrit but by the India and it heralded a new era in Indian music. Muslim 19 sixteenth century they were being composed in the various dialects of Hindi - Braj Bhasa and Bhojpuri among them as well as Persian and Urdu. A key role in this regard was played by the great poet-salnts who chose to communicate in the vernacular tongues. Their compositions created a great upheaval in north India and led to the bhakti (devotional) movement. The Ilyrics of Surdas (1483- 1563AD), Tulsidas (1532-1623AD), Kabir (1440-1518AD) and Mirabai (1450-1547AD) were set to music, and Bhajans (devotional songs) became immensely popular. Music & Sahaj The 7 notes correspond to our 7 chakras in the ascending order, More specifically, komal note specially relate to the left side of the corresponding Chakra, and shuddha/tivra to the center and right side. Bilawal, Shyam Kalyan Mooladhara: It was during this phase that two separate systems emerged as a result of the Islamic influence on the existing Swadhisthana: Yaman, Todi, Gun kali, Lalit, Nabhi: Heart: Bhairav, Durga, Bhairavi, Vishuddhi: Jayjayvanti, Bhup, Bageshri, Agnya: Sahasrara: Bhairavi, Darbari, system in northern and central India while the south remained free from this domination. This led to emergence of two forms of Indian Music-Hindustani (North Indian) and Carnatic (South Indian). "Kundalini is our Mother, The arrival of British rule saw the violin entering the repertoire of South Indian music in the mid-eighteenth century. However, the British had no time for musicians who had received patronage under the Mughal emperors and the development of music in this period was limited. A significant development was the use of music to promote nationalism during the Indian freedom struggle. The period since independence has also seen the emergence of a new we are her only children and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the generation of artistes who uphold the finest traditions of Indian music. These include the likes of Amjad Ali Khan, Moment of fulfilment." Gangubai Hangal, Bismillah Khan and many others. Film music is however, the most popular music in India today. Popular Indian films are seldom without songs. Ghazals (poetic compositions in Urdu set to music), Bhajans and Qawwalis also retain their popularity. 20 "YUVASHAKTI UPDATE" NSYS holds a realization session for Department of IT, Andhra Pradesh Nirakar Puja in Jalandhar Dear Family, Dear Family, We had collective Puja for whole of Punjab at Jalandhar City. The Venue was at Gita Mandir. The collectivity was around 150. The vibrations were very strong. In the This is to share with you all that, by the Grace of our Divine Mother, the Yuvashakti here got an opportunity to address the staff of the Department of IT, Andhra Pradesh (AP) at the Secretariat on the 6th of May (Saturday evening). A stress management workshop based on Sahajayoga meditation was arranged by the Principal Secretary to the Ministry of IT, AP, for the benefit of their evening we hada Public Program and by Mother's grace it was a grand success. In Jalandhar, our staff in two batches. More than 30 staff members collectivity is around 50 , and in Public participated in the first batch. The second batch was exclusively for IAS, IPS and IFS ranked officers of the AP government, in which 15 people participated. The sessions started with a documentary on Stress and the Program around 250 people got their Realisation. Mother was so happy that most of people felt either hot or cold on their role of Sahaja Yoga in tackling it. This was followed by the Self Realization session. The vibrations were very strong, We request our FAMILY to put your attention on Jalandhar and everyone felt the cool breeze and the thoughtless Sahastrara or hands. so that our collectivity could multiply soon. state. A Q & A session followed, where the doubts of the seekers were cleared by the Yuvashakti who participated in this workshop (mainly from the IT field). The following. topics were mainly covered in the corporate presentation: Jai Shri Mata ji. Umesh Mahajan a) Managing stress in the Corporate work environment "Nirmal Bagh" at Nargol b) Achieving physical, mental and emotional balance in Jai Shri Mata ji. the work environment By Mother's grace, we were invited to Nargol Sahastrara puja this year i.e. 7th May 2006. When we asked for permission from the forest manager and the Collector of Nargol for the puja, they both came to see the place and the Nirmal tree. As they touched the tree they could feel the vibrations and they said "we can't give you the permission to construct here but make a garden here that will be called "NIRMAL BAGH". The work will start there c) Emotional Intelligence and its role in the team-work d) Meditation technique e) Subtle system f) Multiple dimensions of the inner human personality g) Work-Life balance Talks are under way to conduct weekly meditation sessions for the benefit of the staff. very soon we all pray mother to make a beautiful NIRMAL BAGH there and even a centre. Let's pray that Mother's Grace showers upon the Secretariat of AP, so that people of AP are blessed with a I enjoyed the real bliss there and as I touched the bark of the tree I felt something going in the tree from all my chakras and clearing my self. I request u all to visit that place next year for Sahastrara Puja 2007. better administrative force. Regards, Jitesh With lots of love Jyoti 21 minutes, the whole sky changed and there was a heavy downpour particularly in and around the area where the seminar was taking Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh Seminar in Delhi on 24-25 June, 2006 With the blessings from our beloved Param Pujya Shri Mataji, a seminar for Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh (mostly referred to as Yuva Shakti) was held in Delhi. place. Shri Mataji's deeply caring and all- Young Sahaja Yogis from Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad and knowing Love, ensured Ghaziabad also participated in the Seminar. Around 700 enthusiastic young Sahaja Yogis had very enjoyable 2 days at Nirmal Darbar, on 24th and 25th June 2006. The seminar was held with the aim of instilling and developing further, the feeling of devotion and dedication towards our Guru Sakshat Adi Shakti Param Pujya Shri Mataji. With these objectives, each session started with Dhyan. Many of the participants were introduced to sharing of vibrations. The importance of taking bandhan was also experienced by all not to do it mechanically, but with that throughout the seminar the weather was extremely cool and pleasant. Another miracle was, that while arrangements had been made for about 250 participants, the actual number at the time of lunch was just about three times of that. Besides, just then there was heavy rain and storm. But Shri Mataji's Love again managed everything. By Goddess Annapurna's grace, spontaneous-ly, arrangements were made, and food was ready for all the participants. We all deeply thanked our Mother for showering Her Love. attention on Shri Mataji and on the flow of vibrations from our hands covering us with Shri Mataji's Power of Love. The participants were told about the aims of forming Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh as desired by Shri Mataji. It was also explained how one can be benefited in studies with the Blessings of Sahaja Yoga. After the seminar, parents have reported that their children are meditating and doing foot-soak at home, of their own, and are enjoying the thoughtless awareness and vibrations and the feeling of devotion towards our In the Seminar, time was earmarked to enjoy and encourage the feeling of "Sangha -the collectivity" amongst the youngsters. All the participants were divided into 25 teams and each team was given a project related to understanding, promotion and publicity of Sahaja Yoga: through talks/ music/ posters and banners/skits and playsi On the whole, it was a memorable Seminar full of dance drama/ Sahaj New channe / Backdrop of the stage blessings from our Divine Mother. We offer our pranams for pujas/ public programmes/ Facts about Shri Mataji's life,/about deities & chakras etc. It was so arranged that all 700 were involved in one or the other collective activity. collectively enjoying her Love. All presentations were prepared spontaneously and collectively, within 1 hour, and were appreciated and Divine Mother. (Also watching TV much less.) and gratitude at the Lotus Feet of the Adi Shakti and pray that Almighty Mother grants us more such opportunities of Jai Shri Mataji Delhi Collectivity enjoyed by the audience. On the second day morning everyone joined in the morning weekly meditation in which around 100 new seekers had come. This time the young Sahaja Yogis "The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti were enthusiastically involved in raising Kundalinis of, and attending to the new comers, and enjoyed the experience along with elder Sahaja Yogis. in us are the A miracle that took place. The weather of Delhi that had been unbearably hot and sunny with high temperature, Atma and the Kundalini." but as soon as the seminar commenced, within 22 "अष्टविनायक की यात्रा" सभी "निर्मल शक्ति" के हृदय में माँ ने एक इच्छा को जन्म दिया की अपने जन्मदिवस के शुभ अवसर पर उन्हें महाराष्ट्र में स्थित अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के गणपति भेट किये जाएं और अष्टविनायक जाने का यह अवसर हम पति-पत्नी को प्राप्त हुआ चेतन्य लहरियों का बहुत तेज अनुभव हुआ और हम वहीं मन्दिर प्रागण में बैठ गये । श्री चिन्तामणी की सुंड बाई ओर है और यह एक नन्हें बालक के समान लगते हैं। इसके बाद हम नन्दिर के चारों ओर निट्टी के लिए घूमने लगे लेकिन मन्दिर पक्का बना होने के कारण मिट्टी कहाँ मिलती ?तभी बस के एक यात्री ने सुझाव दिया की प्रांगण के पेड़ की मिट्टी ले लो । इसके बाद हम श्री मपूरेश्वर जी की यात्रा पर पहुँचे । इसी प्रकार बारी-बारी से हमने श्री सिद्धटेक श्री राजणगाव गणपती, श्री ओझर श्री गिरिजात्मज लोण्याद्री, श्री बल्लेश्वर और महट् की यात्रा की । इस प्रकार हमारी अप्टविनायक की यात्रा पूर्ण हुई। इस यात्रा में हमने देखा कि हम दोनों तो नन्दिर के प्रांगण में चेतन्य लहरियों का आनन्द लेने श्री भाताजी के परम आ्शीवाद और प्रेम के कारण हमें अष्टविनायक ाम की यात्रा का अचसर प्राप्त हुआ । हमने सुना पा कि इस समय सभी गण श्री माता जी के इस अवतरण में उनकी अराधना करने व उनके सभी कार्यों को करने के लिए तत्पर रहते हैं, लेकिन अपनी अराधना का सीभाग्य माँ ने केवल हम सहजयोगियों को बैठते ये और सभी बस को यात्री हमारी मिट्टी के लिए प्रयत्न करते था कोई आस-पास के खेत दूढता, तो कई पेड़ की मिट्टी उठाता और कोई उसे स्वोदने के लिए लकड़ी दुंढ कर ले आता । हृदय एक अदभुत दृश्य को खुली ऑखों से देख रहा था कि किस प्रकार गण कूप में आकर नीं की इच्छा को पूरा कर रहे हैं। प्रदान किया है, उसी का जीवन्त उदाहरण यह यात्रा रही । हमारी एयरटिकट से 1. ा लेकर हमारी पूरी यात्रा में हर क्षण हम उन सभी गणों के प्रबन्ध व संचालन व्यवस्था को सुली आँखों से देख रहे थे। 17.02.2006 को अचानक मेरे पति ने कहा कि इस शुभ कार्य के लिए अष्टविनायक जाना है । किसी ट्रेन की टिकट नही हो पाई और सभी गढ़ियाँ व्यस्त पाई गई फिर उन्होंने एवरटिकट बुक कर दी जो बहुत ही कम दामों में हमें मिल गई हमें एक घन्टा पहले एयरपोर्ट पहुँचना था लेकिन अचानक प्रोग्रान बनने के कारण हमें देर पर देर होती जा रही थी । इमें लगा कि फ्लाईट छूट जायेगी, लेकिन जब हम देर से एपरपोर्ट पहुँचे तो रास्ते में एक जगह शाम के समय मेरी तबीयत खराब हो गई और हमारे पास काई दवाई बगैरा नहीं था। बस के लगभग सभी याविरयों ने बारी-बारी मुझे अपनी चिन्ता व प्यार जताया और कुछ-कुछ मुझे रवाने को देते रहें, उनके प्रेम के कारण मुझे रात तक एकदम ठीक लगने लगा । इस यात्रा में बस वाले ने हमारे लिए खाने की जो व्यवस्था की थी बो किसी राजभोग से कम नहीं थी केवल 900 पता लगा कि फ्लाइट एक घन्टा लेट है । हमने मां को पूर्ण हृदय से धन्यवाद दिया और बस तभी से हमें लगा की सभी गण हमारे लाथ अपना कार्य शुक् कर रूपये में दो दिन की यात्रा, रहने की बहुत बढ़िया व्यवस्या और इतना स्पेशल चुके हैं। पूना पहुँच कर हमें पता चला कि सुबह 6 बजे सूर्य होटल के पास शनिवार बाड़ा नामक स्थान से इस यात्रा के लिए बसें चलती हैं हमें सूबह 6 बजे निश्चित स्थान पर पहुँच गये लेकिन सभी बसे भरी हुई थी और हमें पता चला कि इसके लिए 15 दिन की बुकिंग चल रही है । एक बस चालक ने हमें बताया कि हमें बुकिंग लेकर आना चाहिए था, अब काई भी बस आपको नहीं मिल पायेगी" सभी यात्री 15 दिन पहले बुकिंग करवा कर जाते हैं। धीरे धीरे सभी गाड़ियोँ चली गई और इम बहुत निराश हो कर सड़क के किनारे खड़े हो गये । स्वाना इस प्रकार का प्रबन्ध केवल माँ डी करवा सकती हैं और उससे भी अधिक माँ का प्रेम और गणों के साथ की गई अपनी इस यात्रा का अनुभव अदभूद है । इस प्रकार हमारी अष्टविनायक की यात्रा पूर्ण हुई। अष्टविनायक से लायी गयी भिट्टी को दिल्ली युया शक्ति ने एक बहुत ही सुंदर गणेश स्वकूप में दाला । श्री मालाजी के जन्म दिवस के ठीक एक महीने। बाद यानी 21 अप्रेल 2006 को श्री माताजी के युवाशक्ति की तरफ से ये भेट प्रस्तुत करी गयी। श्री माताजी युकवा शक्ति के इस तोहफे से बहुत हमें लगा कि ज्ञायद हम इस यात्रा के योग्य नही हैं। इतने में पता नहीं कहाँ से एक बस कंडक्टर आया और कहने लगा कि इस जगह से लगभग 2 किमी. दूर एक बत में केवल दो यात्रियों की जगह स्वाली है। हम तुरन्त ओटो करके वहाँ पहुँचे और हमें उस बस में जगह मिल गई सचगुच मेरे पास शब्द नहीं कि वो क्षण और उसमें घटती हर एक घटना को शब्दों में कैसे लिखखा जाए । ऐसा लगा सुदर प्रसन्न हुए " कि पूरी बस गणों ने अलग से खास हमारे लिए तैयार की और हम दोंनो कुछ विशेष है जो पूरी सुरक्षा व प्रेम के साथ परमेश्वरी के कार्य के लिए ले जाऐ जा रहे हैं। बस के सभी यात्रियों से जल्दी ही हमारी दोस्ती हो गई और सभी को हमने श्री माता जी, सहजयोग और अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के विषय में बताया । सबसे पहले हम श्री चिन्तानणी प्रसन्ना के मन्दिर पहुँचे । यह पूना से 25 किमी. दूर स्थित है । सभी जगह अराधना के लिए दूर्वाघास, लाल गुड़ल का फूल और गोदक भा हमने मन्दिर में प्रवेश किया और चैतन्य व नारियल का प्रसाद उपलब्ध लहरियों द्वारा अनुभव प्राप्त करने की इच्छा की । लेकिन शुरू में हमें पकड़ का आहसास हुआ । हमने श्री माता जी से प्रार्थना की "नौं कृप्या हनें स्वयभू श्री चिन्तामणी गणेश के दर्शन प्रदान करे। तीन बार प्रार्थना करने पर हमें ठण्डी अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के गणपति ত 23 ---------------------- 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-0.txt Yuvadrishti June 200 Issue 2 This is our mother's lavourate ohotograph 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-1.txt RATHATA TANAKAKAHAAHARATANA Index 1. Nirmal Vani: Chastity 2. Santon Ne Kaha Hai: Kabir 3. Shabadanjali: Aiye Giri Nandini 4. This happened 5. Find The Word 10 6. Vishva Nirmal Prem Ashram Se 11 7. The Great Indian Saga 12 8. Memories of Divine 9. Vande Mataram 14 15 10. Introspection and Surrender 11. Papaji's words of wisdom 16 17 19 12. Sa Re Ga Ma... 13. Yuva Shakti Update 21 15. Astvinayaka ki yatra 23 EHMMMM MMAMMMR WAANAAHAAHAKAHAAAA AALAA 135O8 EMMMMEVEMME VIMMMMMMMMMMS 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-2.txt "Nirmal Vani" Some priceless jewels on selected topics, extracted from the treasure trove of our Mother's eternal words of wisdom, have been strung into exquisite necklace called "Nirmal Vani". This issue, lets focus on mother's advice on how to establish the eternal child within us. Chastity: The Fragrance of Innocence Chastity is the ornament made Chastity. Moral chastity comes first, that's very important, from our innocence. If because il is innate. And if your moral chastity is perfectly innocence is the mool, the nourished, then automatically the material chastity comes core of a Sahaja Yogi's In. But the effect is the same. Whether you do money personality, then chastity is cheating in Sahaja Yoga or whether you cheat morally, your the ornament that adorns his Teft Vishuddhi will be caught. And the whole problem will personality so that people start from left Vishuddhi. [1985-0901: Shri Vishnumaya marvel at his beauty. Chastity puja, UK] is the quality of our Left Qualities of a Chaste person Vishuddhi Chakra and the Arrogance is a sign of unchaste personality. And such a power of Shri Vishnumaya. person also becomes insular Guilty feeling, that disturbs our because he's ashamed Left Vishuddhi, is also caused because of an unchaste ashamed to face others. attitude or behavior. And because of that we are unable or Chastity is never aggressive, tongue-tied to announce the Advent of the Divine Mother. is never harsh, because From the kalpavriksha of Mother's words, here are some there's no need, you know. No fruits that She has endowed us with on importance of need, you are so powerful, Chastity and ways to establish chastity. you are so powerful, that there's no need to aggress Significance of Chastity So what is your power? Where does your power lie? It lies in anyone. Chastity is the the Spirit. But even before the Spirit is achieved, what is consolidation of your faith. your power? Is Kundalini? She's sleeping. Then what is your When you have faith in God, you are chaste. When you have faith in yourself you are power? Is your chastity. If a man is chaste, chaste temperament he has and he stands up in his chastity, it acts, it works. But first of all chastity pays dividend in your good chaste. Your faith in your wife, you are chaste. Actually like health. From the face of a person you can say that this the camphor, which, you see, is volatile and evaporates into person is a chaste man. Like in our Shastra's used to say a the fragrance, in the same way we can say chastity acts into saint or a brahrmachari, the one who has never had sex in Taith. If you don't have chastity you cannot have faith in life, always shining on his face. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, England] anything. People try to do things to look very attractive and this and that. Don't waste your energy like this; you are saints, live ike saints. Traditionally as we live, we have to live that way. And evolve out of the tradition, don't do something new, Now to understand the significance of chastity within us, we have to know that chastity is the foundation of all dharma's, Unless and until you have sense of chastity you cannot have something absurd, nonsensical. We don't have to attract anyone. Chastity is the fragrance in the flower, which attracts the bees, is the honey of the flower, is the essence dharma. Dharma is not possible because that's the foundation. It will be a house of cards. If you do not have the foundation of chastity it will just collapse i no time. [1985- 0901: Shri Vishnumaya puja, UKĮ of our existence. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, England] Those who have moral chastity may not have material 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-3.txt Importance of Chastity for men and women children. Because she is the one, really, who is the Shakti. And if she starts frittering away her Shakti like this, then the Shakti of the whole community, the whole country In some countries, of course, they think that disappears. [1984: Talk on Chastity, Shri Ganesha Puja, chastity is only meant England] for women and not for men. But it's not true, Establishing our Chastity [1993-0721: Shri Ganesha Puja, It's all made very easy. But change your priorities now. The whole attention once goes to your own Spirit you'll be surprised the whole chart will change. So from today we are notgoing to look at the stars or the Moon, but going to look at the Mother Earth. In the Universe She represents. The Kundalini is nothing, but chastity. She's just chastity. [1980- 0808: Opening Address, evening beforeShri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, USA] Berlin] Chastity is not only for the women, it is more for the men to observe. [1998-0905: Chastity & Collective nature, Shri ..for the establishment of our chastity. Now, whatever you have done so far, forget it, forget the past. That is very important also to forget the past, because is a very good Ganesha Puja, Cabella] Now, it's important for men to understand the value of way of explaining. women. Those men in this country, all right they Ibok like Another way is meditation. With your left hand towards the cabbages but they can be horrid, absolutely horrid people, photograph, like that (Shri Mataji shows Her left hand because they have no sense of purity of their character. If stretched with the palm up), right hand on the Mother Earth. the man is not all right, how can he have a sister who is pure? If the man doesn't believe in the chastity of life for to Her Left Vishuddhi then gives a bandhan there with Her some men, I mean most of the men, there's nothing like right hand), give a bandhan to your left Vishuddhi, you can chastity. They never believed in anything like chastity in thne work it out But this become rituals if you do not do it with modern times. That is what we lack, and in Sahaja Yoga from your heart. So first of all face it, mentally face it fully, when I think of My children, of My sons, they should be brilliant with chastity. The whole presence must shine with the emotions you have should have no guilt in it. So for all you can work it out. Put the light over here (Shri Mataji points then do it with this thing. Emotionally understand it also; that chastity. When people look at them they should say, "Oh, that's innocence going. See the innocence and the chastity which shows our quilt. but humility. [1985-0901: Shri moving together!" [1980-0808: Opening Address, Vishnumaya Puja, UK] our practical purposes you are not to use all such words evening before Shri Vishnumaya Puja, New York, USA] And this is the sense of chastity the women must have first. We cannot put the responsibility on men. The way women " Meditation is nothing but move about, the way they behave, the way they are all the time...As Sahaja Yogis, I would request you to pay attention to this side of your society which is very important that how women in their foolishness are becoming slaves to the caprices of men. So please understand that you have t respect your chastity, and men have to respect women as sisters, and not as every woman is for them for their use. the state of remaining in the constant company of the Every-loving Bhagawati." How much a chastity of a woman is important and graceful and energy-giving to her and to the whole society, to her own brother, to her own father, mother andeveryone, to her 2. 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-4.txt "संतों ने कहा है... " जैसे कि हम जानते हैं कि इस धरती पर समय समय पर कई आत्मसक्षात्कारियों ने जन्म लिया। इन सब ने अपने - अपने तरीके से सहज की बात कहीं। आईए जानें, कि वो सब क्या है जो संतों ने कहा है.... सो ले पांडे जेवन बैठे मटियहि छूति लगाया। । कवीरा ते धन संचिये जो आगे को होये।। सीस चढाए गाठरी जात ना देखा कोए।। अर्थात हे पंडित किसी के आचरण को पवित्र देखते हुए भी तुम उससे जाति पूछकर उसके हाथ का पानी पीने या न पीने का निर्णय लेते हो परतु क्या तुम्हें यह नहीं पता है कि जिस मिट्टी के घर में तुम बैठे हो उसमें सुष्टि के सारे प्राणी मरकर समाए हुए है। इसी मिट्टी में छप्पन करोड़ यादव और अटासी हज़ार श्रृषि मरकर मिल चुके हैं । इसी मिट्टी से धड़ा बनता है जिसमें तुम पानी भरकर पीते हो डूध कहाँ से आता है क्या इस बात को नही जानते हो। हड़ियों के झरनों और मॉस की गलियाँ तथा नालियों से पिहले अंक में हमने कबीर के जीवन और उनके काव्य के विभिन्न स्वरूपों तथा उनके व्यक्तित्व के विभिन्न आयामों की चर्चा की। कबीर के जीवन चरित्र और उनके लेखन की सभी विद्याओं को पढ़कर उन्हें हम तीन स्पष्ट दृष्टिकोणो से देख सकते है। यानी एक भक्त कवि के रूप में, एक समाजिक चिन्तक सुधारक रूप में और एक योगी आत्मसाक्षात्कारी स्वरूप में। पिद्दले अंक में हमने उनके भक्तकवि स्वरूप की चर्चा की धी। इस अंक मे हम उनके बाकी दो स्वरूपों पर चर्चा करेंगे। समाजिक चिन्तक सधारक ही दूध झर झर कर आता है। कबीर के जीवन काल के दौरान समाज में ईश्वर और ईश्वर भक्ति के नाम पर अंधबिश्वास भरम एवं पाखंड फैलाकर मानव समाज का पतन तो किया ही जा रहा था वल्कि मानव मानव के राम के कठै जगत गति पाव खॉड कहै मीटा। मुख पाबक कह पावें जो डाहै जल कहै तृषा बुझाई।। भोजन कहै भूक जो भाजै तो दुनिया तरि जाई। । विनु देखे विनु अर्स पर्स बिनु नाम लिए क्या होई।। धन के कहै धनिक जो होवे निधन रहै न कोई। सॉँची पीति विषय माया सो हरि की फांसी ।। कहहि कबीर एक राम भजे बिनु वंधे यमपुर जासी।। हब बीच ईष््या घृणा एवं सापदायिक भेदभाव की दीवार खड़ी की जा रही थी। अदृश्य ईश्वर के नाम पर प्रत्यक्ष इन्सान के खून की होली खेली जा रही थी और निर्जीव यानी पत्थर के सामने सजीव प्राणियों की बलि दी जा रही थी। कबीर की आत्मा ये सव देखकर तिलमला उठी। उन्होंने धर्म के ठेकेदारों को आड़े हाथों लिया। कवीर ने व्यथित होकर ऐसे तथाकथित उच्चवर्ग पर करारा प्रहार अपने शब्दो से किया। भक्ति के नाम पर कर्म कांड और पाखंड करनें वाले पंडितों पर भी उन्होंने अनेक तरह से कुठाराधात किया। उन्होंने कहा कि अगर मात्र राम राम जपने से ही मोक्ष मिल जाता तो शक्कर शक्कर कहने से मुख अवश्य मीठा हो जाता। विना देखे विना अनुभव किये केवल नाम लेने से क्या होता है। यदि केवल धन धन कहने से लोग धनी हो जाते तो संसार में कोई निर्धन नहीं रहता। हमें राम का परिचय पाना होगा कि राम क्या हैं। वस्तुतः सबका राम अपनी अपनी चेतना है। व्यक्ति का आत्म स्वरूप ही राम स्वरूप है। उसमें तभी स्थिति होती है जब जीवन से विषय वासनाओं का त्याग हो। यदि ये ना हुआ तो जीव को बाँधकर पांडे बूझि पियहू तुम पानी।। जेहि मटिया के घर मा वैठे तामें सृष्टि समानी।। यमपुर जाना पड़ेगा। छप्पन कोटि यादव जहीँ भीज मुनि जन सहस्त्र अटासी।। पेग पैग पैगाम्बर गाड़े सो सब सरि भी भाटी ।। हाथ झरि झरि गुद गली गली दूध कहाँ से आया । ईश्वर को अलग अलग रूपों और नामों से पूजकर अलग अलग धर्मो और पतों को बनाकर आपस में झगड़ा बैर करनें वाले धर्म के ठेकेदारों को भी उन्होंने आड़े हाथों लिया। ত 9 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-5.txt चम ब्रद माला कहे है काठ की तू क्यूँ फैरे है मोऐ मन का मनका फेर दे तो तुरत मिला देँ तोए।। रम साहेब मेरा एक है दूजा कहा ना जाए जो साहेब दूजा कहे साहेब खड़ा रसाएं। । टर र भमी अर्थात ईश्वर सभी का एक है।उसे अलग अलग नामों से नहीं बाट सकते । जो ऐसा कहते हैं उन मूर्ख अज्ञानियों पर ईशवर हॅसते हैं । अर्थात्त उनकी अज्ञानता हेंसी की पात्र है। ्ट ए सा .... योगी आत्मसाक्षात्कारी स्वरूप भली भाँति परिचित थे। सहज ध्यान और श्री कवीर के वचन दोनो का भाव एक ही है कि हम अपने आलतत्व में लीन रहे। सद्गुरू के बचन सहज ध्यान में रहने ही का आदेश है। उन्होंने अपने दोहो में कहा है कि मन का निबिचार हो जाना ही ध्यान है। जब तक हम संकल्प में रहते हैं तब तक हमारा मन संसार में रहता है और जब सारे संकल्प समाप्त हो जाते हैं तो शेष रह जाति है केवल शुद्ध चेतना। इसलिए व्यवहारिक्ता में भी साधक मन का पारखी बना जाता है और हर समय सभी संकलपों का दुष्टा रहता है। फिर जब बह निज चेतना में रमता है तो मानो हर समय सहज समाधि लीन रहता है। जब मैं था तय हरि नहीं अब हरि हैं ैं नाही सब अंधियारा मिट गया दीपक देह समाही।। इन सुंदर और सरल शब्दों से उनका परमात्मा से एकाकार होने का वर्णन मिलता है। उन्होंने वो मार्ग बता दिया जो हमे उस परम ज्योति से मिला देता है। एकाकार होकर केवल एक ही सत्ता और रोशनी रह जाती है। जब परमात्मा के प्रेम का प्रकाश रूपी दीपक जिवात्मा में प्रकाशित होता है तव जीव और उसकी ' जाती है । में समाप्त होकर उसी परम ज्योति में लीन हो उनके लेखन और जीवन में सहजयोग ही झलकता है। कबीर हम सहजयोगियों के पूर्वज सहजयोगी थे। अत्यंत सरल भाषा में उन्होंने संपूर्ण सत्य का सार बताया कि जब उस परमेशवर से एकीकरण हो जाता है तो बाकि कुछ भी शेष नहीं रह जाता। सब खोकर विलीन हो जाता है एक ही परम चेतना के प्रकाश में । चाह गई चिंता मिटी मनवा वेपरवाह जिनको कछु ना चाहिए वो ही शहंशाह ।। मैं लागा उस एक से एक भया सब माहि सब मेरा मैं सबन का तिहा दूसरा नाहि।। लिखा ळिखी की नहीं देखा देखी बात । जियेँ तिल माहि तेल है जियू चमक मैं आग तेरा सॉई तुझमें बसे जाग सके तो जाग।। दुल्हा दुल्हन मिल गए फीकी पड़ी बारात।। ऐसे आत्मसाक्षात्कारी को नमन।। कुछ किया नाही मांहि। । जो कुछ किया सौं तुम किया में कहो कही जो मैं किया तुम ही थे मुझ शमाप्त । ये सभी उद्गार जो उनकी बाणी में स्पष्ट होकर वताते हैं कि कबीर सहज समाधी में लीन व्यक्ति थे। परम पूज्य श्रीमाताजी ने भी अपने कई प्रबचनों में अत्यंत प्रेमपूर्वक चर्चा की है कि कबीर उस सहज समावि से ত क 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-6.txt "शब्दांजली" विभिन्न भाषाओं में समाए सहज ज्ञान, जिसे हम चैतन्य द्वारा महसूस करते हैं। आईए. हम उसे शब्दों के माध्यम से जानें। Shankaracharya's praise of the divine Mother: ऐ गिरी नंदिनी नंदित मेदिनी , विथ्वविनोदिनी नंदनुते by giving us self realization. Yet, for those who are the enemies of the Gods and your children, you are always a ferocious expression that says "BEWARE". Oh beloved daughter of the mountains, the one दुर्मुद शोषिणी सिंधुसुते who brings out great joy to the Earth, the one who brings joy to the whole universe, prostrate myself before you, who are the from of complete bliss. दनुज निरोशिनी क्षित सुतरोशिणी You show to the Gods that you are pleased with them, Yet, to the sons of Diti ( Different from Aditi = the Mother of the Gods )who are the demons, you always . विष्णु विलासिनी विष्णु नुते गिरीवर विंध्य शिरोधी निवासिनी show your displeasure, even though there may be demons who have great strength, you Your holy abode is in the kings of the mountains, the Vindhyas. Shri Vishnu is filled with joy when he meditates on you, I can take their evil strength away. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी , पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। १ ।। रम्यक seek refuge at your lotus feet. भगवती हे शिती कंठ कुटुबिनी , भूरी कुटुंबिनी भूरी कृते Victory to you. Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Oh great creator of this universe, the great Goddess who is Mahishasura. You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife the wife of Lord Shiva, the blue throated one, and the family of Lord Shiva. You belong to the universal of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati ). family and the whole universe is your अयि शत खंड विखंडित रुंड , वितुंडित शुंड गजाधिपते family. You are the one who does greatest of great actions namely giving self realization. Oh Goddess, you cut the demons into जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी , रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। १ ।। 100 parts, and then cut them again and scatter the pieces, and pulverize the remaining parts into less than Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible dust, even those demons that could be described as powerful as the kings demon Mahishasura. You are the of elephants. one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one रिपुगज गंड विदारण चंड, पराकम शुंड मृगाधिपते who has matted Iocks(Lord Shiva ). Daughter of the king (Shri Parvati) of mountains The demons who are as strong as elephants or सुरवर वर्षिनी दुर्धर दर्शिणी, दुरमुख मर्शिणी हर्षरते as ferocious as Lions, You alone Oh great Goddess cut them and smash them into nothing. On the Gods you shower auspicious blessings, enemies of Gods are so powerful yet you are able to keep them away You are the destroyer of the evil faced ones tedemons. You are the giver of uninterrupted happiness. निजभुज दंड निपातितचंड , विभातीत मुंड मठाधिपते All this you do using your own powerful arms i.e without the help of anyone else. And after having destroyed them completely if any thing remains there. You scatter that also away. You cut off their heads in त्रिभुवन पोशिणी शंकरतोषिणी, किल्मिष मोशिणी घोषरते You are the one who looks after and sustains all the three worlds. The one who is the ultimate joy of Lord Shankara. You alone can destroy all our sins which you do one sweep and toss them away like ball . G) 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-7.txt झन झन झिंझीत झिंकृत नूपुर , झिंजित मोहित भूतपते जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।।१|| Lord Shiva, who is though beyond sound and Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura. You are the one with the language, when he hears the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted sound of your wondrous locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri ornaments moving against one another, when you are in battle or in dance and making sounds like Jhana Jhana Jhinjita and In the battle field you are so absorbed in the battle Jhinkruta, he becomes totally that your arm moves continuously shooting arrows, Your filled with joyand leaving his entire body shakes as if you are dancing and your bangles meditation desires to hear his make musical sounds (All these denotes that even when heavenly sounds again and Parvati ). धनुरणुसंग रणक्षणसंग, परिस्फुटदंग नटत्कटके she is vanquishing the force of Gods, She does it with total concentration, with grace and beauty). again. नटित नटार्थ नटिन् नट नायक नाटित नाटय युगानुरते कनक पिशंग पुषत्क निषंग, रसद् भट शृंग हता बटुके Oh great Goddess who destroyed the demon Batuke, when you shoot your arrows in the battle field they look like flashes of gold yellow and light shining from your bow ( Kanak =Gold, Pishanga= Yellow, Ninshanga rasad bhat shrang= Making sounds that are pleasing to the ear's). Oh great Goddess, who took the form of Ardha Narishwara, when you dance in the company of other great dancers, You put them all to shame and for Your divine cosmic dance, You always have the greatest musicians and singers to accompany you. कृत चतुरंग बलक्षिते रंग, घटद् बहुरंग रटद् बटुके जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पदिदिनी शैलसुते 11५।। And your very presence makes the army of Gods filled with enthusiasm, joy and valor, and even their Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the arrows which are in the quiver on their backs, shine forth with new colors and seeing all this Lord Bhairava dances in front of you in great ecstasy, repeating over and over again " Jai Mataji Jai Mataji " beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati) अयि सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनस् सुमनोहर कांतिळते जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, रम्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते |9|| In this line the poet uses the word "Sumanas" four times and each time he uses it to denote a different aspect of Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted the Devi.)With the beautiful mind, you are also a soft flower. Though we are seeking you in the form of Shri Durga, Your locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati ). mind is as that of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Your being so beautiful, and seeing You in this beautiful form our minds become as beautiful as pure as those of the gods, and we जय जय जप्य जय जय शब्द , परस्तुती तत्पर विश्वनुते worship You even more because. You are the One who is totally effulgent and all kinds of lights emanate from You. श्रीत् रजनी रजनी रजनी रजनी, रजनी कर वक्वृते Oh great Goddess, who bring salvation to the world. our complete prostration before You; constant incarnation of your Holy name is the most supreme prayer that a devotee can take for his own meditation, and when (Here he word Rajani, has four different meanings) he gets absorbed in saying Your name, need for other sounds and languages falls away. Oh Goddess who have The night takes Your protection, Beautiful, You are the One whose arti we do. You are the One who has no birth. You are eternal, in Your hand You hold lotus ; Your noble brought salvation to this world, we constantly prostrate ourselves before you. face shines like a full moon. 6. 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-8.txt विभ्रम रभ्रम रभ्रम रभ्रम र्रम अमराधिपते सुनयन And we see Your beautiful eyes under the lovely dark eye-brows that look like cluster of bees. And Your name is also Shri Bhramahri Devi, that when You raise Your eye-brows, the three lines that are formed on Your forehead are the three worlds themselves and simply by the movement of Your eye-brows You create and dissolve the three worlds. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी, र्म्यक् पर्दिनी शैलसुते।। ६ ।। Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati). सहित महावर्ण मल्ल मतल्लिक, यल्लिक रल्लिक मल्लरते In the battlefield when You are faced with great fighters, You do battle with them in the way in which they fight. विरचीत वल्लिक पल्लिक मल्लिक, झिल्लक भिल्लक वर्गव्रते When You are confronted with such powerful demons who use no weapons. You become totally केलि चलतकल हंस कुले सकल विलास कला निलयकम absorbed in the battle, and make plans to destroy them after , Heavenly swans have the power to discriminate, are filled with complete joy and move around in exited manner.and You have tired them and all this brings joy to the Bhil tribals who were being harassed by these Mallas. when they recognize all Your great work they are filled with complete joy and move around in exited manner. सितव्रत फुल्लि समुल्ल सितारुण, तल्लज पल्लव सल्ललित Your actions are so beautiful, like the rays of the अलिकुल संकुल कुवलय मंडल, मौलि मिलद बकुलालि कुले rising sun, and become apparent to us as if fiowers are suddenly blossoming on creepers and seeing all these beautiful actions Lord Shiva becomes pleased. Just as clusters of bees are attracted to groups of fragrant lotuses, the stars come in clusters attracted to Your forehead. जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी रम्यक पर्दिनी शैलसुते ।। ७ ।। जय जय हे महिषासुर मर्दिनी रम्यक पर्दिनी शैलसुते 1। ७ ।। Victory to you, Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the Victory to you. Oh great Goddess who killed the terrible demon Mahishasura, You are the one with the beautiful luminous face, the wife of the one who has matted beautiful luminous face, the wife of the ane who has matted locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati) locks(Lord Shiva ), Daughter of the king of mountains( Shri Parvati). कला कलि कामल भाललते कमलदलामल कोमल कांति, Those beautiful pure clusters of lotuses that emit very gently and sweetly beautiful light. You have made these flowers blossom by Your own powers and have kept them in your hair. 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-9.txt "This Happened!" Some pearis extracted from the ocean of memoirs about the Divine Incarnation "Our Beloved Mother" woven together so that our knowledge enhances through sharing with our brothers and sisters. Miraculous Escape from Tsunami said, "Your daughter is joyously ready to accept Her desire -Jaisse Rakho Vaise Raho". While none dared to enter their houses, I confident that nothing could happen to us being Sahaja Yogis. Everybody is aware of the tsunami episode, which shook and shaltered several places including the group of islands of Andaman and Nicobar in Indian Ocean. Nobody knew to went to cook, to serve. others outside. I was One Sahaja Yogi was in his brother's place near sea-shore. He saw tsunami's dragonian 30 ft-high waves. He realized the savior role of Shri Mataji and rushed to the centre for refuge. He spent there next 3 months peacefully. Witnessing the continuous roaring ocean, next day t worshipped the acean with vibrated kumkum, haldi, water, flower etc. uttering the 'Samudra-Shant' and 'Bhumikamp- Shant mantras arising from my inner-self and then the ocean there calmed down. When I joined my office after 3 days. my disturbed colleagues asked me, "Aap Kiss Chakki ka atta Khati Hai?" | escape from the tyranny of the tsunami waves devastating replied. " The chakki is beyond description as it is the Adi lives and properties, but during it the Divine saved all the Shakti Herself, my Guru Shri Mataj Nirmala Devi." Sahaja Yogis in that island area. In the tsunami tragedy about 30-40 thousands were lost in In a village Gyarra Charma of Port Blair, Andaman, where Andaman area. We all Sahaja yogis with our belongings the main center of Sahaja Yoga is held every Friday remained safe. evening, Mrs. Puspa Samaddar who conducts the center has witnessed the disaster and she narrates her experience When Mother's photo frame cracked Once in Udhampur, two ladies named Mrs. Cheema and Santosh went to a small village to spread Sahaja Yoga. Abig as follows:- "It was Sunday, 26/12/04 morning. I was meditating with my son at the lotus feet of H H Shri Mataji, I felt a swinging photo of frame of Shree Mataji was placed on the chair. movement and initially mistook it as Divine vibrations. But Many villagers were interested in learning after opening my eyes I found a pipe of our asbestos roof rattling on, and sol shook my son. We were in the process of reading Devi Kavach, my son said, "Mummy, don't worry, Shri Mataji is with us", and we completed reading it. After that, we took the holy photograph of Shri Mataji and set an altar in our lawn, lit the candle and started playing the this new techgnique. At the back, three men wearing black chogas who were. actually tantrikas were sitting on chairs. They were cassette where Shri Mataji explains 7 chakras with intermittent songs at full volume. Afury of the tsunami waves was at its peak, aiready swallowing the area of Port Blair, but miraculously no storm or earthquake could affect the fiame of the candle. I realized, the reading of Devi Kavach everyday was a must as told by Shri Mataji. I was quite calm and quite. In front of Her photograph, asked to sit down but they refused. As the realisation started and everyone went into meditation, strong dusty wind started blowing and Shree 8. 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-10.txt Dhania Mataji photo's frame cracked. Soon people realised that the three men were not present on their chairs anymore. When the villagers asked the Sahaja Yoginis the reason behind it, they replied that they were trying to concentrate on their Agya Chakra and therefore trying to harm the collectivity. But when they realised that in front of "DEVI'S photo" it was impossible to do so, they ran away. Shree Mataji not only saves the lives of her children but also ensures that her children (sahajayogis) do not face evena minute of a probiem. Once a lady was preparing food. She was chopping 'dhania', while also thinking of H.H.Shri Mataji. Soon 'dhania' got finished. To her amazement, "dhania' seller came from where it had never come before and gave 'dhania' to the lady free of cost Divinity on the highway Once in Germany, a lady was driving her car at a very high speed. Suddenly she realised that the brakes of the car were not working. She closed her eyes and put down her head onthe steering and prayed to Shreemataji to help her. When she opened her eyes, to her surprise her car was in parking space and she was "safe". चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं। श्री माँ ध्यान से निर्मल हो गये हैं चैतन्या धार आ वहनें लगे हैं जब से आए माँ हम तुम्हारी शरण में मुरझाए फूल हम खिल उठे हैं यह्मचैतन्य के इस सागर में डूवें पाया है प्रेम माँ की भूक्ति से खुशियों का दिन आया है जो खोजा बो पाया है आदिशक्ति के चरणों में हम उतरने ळगे हैं चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं प्रकट ना होती अगर माँ निर्मल ज्याति कैसे पाते हम आत्मतत्व को निर्मल के ध्यान में करूणामयी के प्यार में माँ हम कुछ पाने लगे हैं देखा है माँ को गगन के तारों में पाया है माँ को चादे और सूरज Goreh jt 7Oresh अब तो माँ को जान लिया अव तो पहचान लिया ऐसी शक्ति को हम पनि लगे हैं चैतन्या धार आ बहनें लगे हैं। अनिता कुमारी (यू पी) (g) 9. 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-11.txt "Find the words" 1 2. 10 6. 6. QUESTIONS ACROSS: said "in the house of God, Justice is sure, its only a matter of time. The arrow of humility and patience on the part of innocence and peaceful never fail in their aim." He was Guru... 1) He was the first Sikh Guru and he believed God is in all, regardless of caste, creed, sex and religion. 4) Guru..established the city "Amritsar" means pool of nector. He gave the message that one could fullfill one's life not merely by medidation, but in actively participation in the joys and sorrow of others. This is how one could also get rid of prime malady of EGO and end their spiritual loneliness. 6) He used to carry a Hawk, two swords one is Shakti (Power) called Miri and other Bhakti (Meditation) called the Piri.His name was Guru... 7) Guru...said "Guruship is like the milk of Tigress which can only be contained in the cup of Gold." 5)Guru .was the fifth Guru and he first compiled the Guru Granth Sahib. 10) He started the 5K's (Kesh=Hair, Kangha=Comb, Kachcha-Underwear, Kada-A metal bracelet, Kripaan = A mini sword). He was the last (tenth) guru ,he was Guru 8) At very small age Guru...sucked all the negativity of the surroundings and passed away at the tender age of 8 years. ****** 9) "SisGanj" Gurudwara is buillt in the memory of Guru DOWN: 2). Guru...was a great disciple of LehanaJi. He put the beautifull songs of Guru Nanaka Deva into a script called Gurumukhi. 10 Gobind Singh. Down 2 Angaddev, 3 Amardas, 6 Hargobind,7 Harrai, 8 Harkrishan, 9 Tegbahadur Across 1 Nanakdev, 4 Ramdas, 5 Arjandev, ANSWERS 3) He tried to foster the idea of women's equality. He 10 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-12.txt "विश्व निर्मल प्रेम आश्रम से... " H.H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI İnaugurated an NGO (Non Government Organisation) called VISHWA NIRMALA PREM ASHRAM at Greater Noida, UP. This is a Home for destitute women and orphan children with a focus on girls. The Ashram provides them education and vocational training to help them become self-dependent citizens of the country and lead their life with dignity. Apart from becoming responsible citizens, they have also blossomed into beautiful Sahaja Yogis. Below are some pictures of their participation in various seminars. National Seminar 2005 (Chamba) National Seminar 2006 (Yamkeshwar) 11 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-13.txt "The Great Indian Saga" The deep-rooted glory of Indian heritage encompasses volumes of mysteries behind our present establishment with truth. Shri Mataji tells us that we must know our roots. Thus, lets acknowledge the Indian treasures like the deep ocean of music. And carry forth our Great Indian Saga... India's greatest rock-cut architectural treasure Ajanta & Ellora Shree Mataji has blessed India with rich architectural British officers on a tiger hunt. treasures. Indian architecture showcases the country's rich The artisans responsible for Ajanta did not just hack holes in the cliff, though. They carefully excavated, carving stairs, heritage and splendid culture. India is the home of one of the Seven Wonders of the world - Taj Mahal. India has greater variety and quantity of rock-cut architecture than any other benches, screens, columns, sculptures, and other country in the world. One of the most talked about Indian rurnishings and decorations as they went, so that these treasure in Mother's lectures is The Ajanta & Ellora caves. The most elaborate and varied example of great artisans of Indian architecture, the handcrafted caves scattered employing pigments derived from natural, water soluble elements remained attached to the resulting floors, ceilings and walls. They also painted patterns and pictures. substances. Their achievements would seem incredible even if they had been executed under ideal circumstances, yet they worked only by the light of ail lamps and whatever little sunshine penetrated cave entrances.: Located about 30 Kilometres from Aurangabad, extending more than 1.6 km an a hill, the 34 rock and cave temples of Ellora (5th-13th century) are known for the genius of their sculptors, It is generally believed that these caves were constructed by the sculptors who moved on from Ajanta. This cave complex is multicultural, as the caves here provide a mix of three different religions.. Although all of the caves at Elora are stunning architectural feats, the Kailasa Tempie is the jewel in the crown. Carved to represent Mt. Kailasa, the home of the throughout India's western state of Maharashtra, The Ajanta and nearby Ellora are two of the most amazing archaeological sites in India, They are man-made temples cut out of massive granite hillside, The caves were built by generations who lived, worked, and worshipped in the caves, slowly carving out elaborate statues, pillars, and meditation rooms. The Ajanta (more property known as Ajujnthi), a village in the erstwhile dominions of the Nizam of Hyderabad in India and now in Buldhana district in the state of Maharashtra is celebrated for its cave hermitages and halls. Located 99-km from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, the Ajanta encompasses 29 rock-cut rooms created between 200 BC and AD 650 using rudimentary hand tools. Most are viharas (living (The gigantic, 8th century Kailasa Temple,Ellora, Cave 1) quarters), while four are chaityas (temples). The Ajanta caves were discovered in the 19th century by a group of 12 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-14.txt Tubicde Viio alone the Eufher God Shiva in the Himalayas, it is the largest monolithic structure in the world, carved top-down from a single rock. It contains the largest cantilevered rock ceiling in the world. The Kailasa Temple is considered the pinnacie of Indian rock-cut architecture. The Kailasa temple was chiselled from a solid stone, It consists of a gateway, antechamber, assembly hall, sanctuary and tower. Virtually every surface is lavishly embellished with symbols and figures from the puranas (sacred Sanskrit scriptures). The temple is connected to the gallery wall by a bridge. The Kailasa temple is an illustration of one of those rare occasions when aupproerfed 3FS firsi ali 5 aratat men's minds, hearts, and hands work in unison towards the Drawing By Shri Mataji consummation of all Supreme idea, Shri Mataji: The Greatest Architect Mother herself has planned the architectural themes for various Sahaja Ashrams around all over the world. Few With the Blessings of Our Divine Mother, the holy Birthplace of our Mother at Chhindwara was acquired by H. H. SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI SAHAJA YOGA TRUST, India, on 14th July, 2005. To preserve the examples are the Pratishthan in Pune, Nirmal Prem Ashram in Noida, Qutub Ashram in Delhi etc. (Nirmal Prem Ashram, Noida) historic birthplace of our Divine Mother, renovation and reinforcement of the existing building structure has been ensured keeping in mind its perpetuity as a Shrine. A conservation architect from the Indian National Trust for Culture and Heritage has been commissioned to reinforce and renovate the Birthplace while maintaining the Birthplace in its original facade and form. We as Yuvashakti make an appeal to all the Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis from all over the world to contibute for this momentous occasion and support this historic project by making financial contributions. Once a Sahaji was sharing a book on Indian palaces. Shree Mataji asked everyone to feel the range of vibrations coming out of each palace. All felt cool vibrations from an old palace in Badoda. Mother told "it was because of the fact that the architect of that palace was a realized soul." "The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you." 13 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-15.txt “Memories of Divine" This is to recollect experience of a Yogini, Auriol Williams who had her own vision on what dedication meant or how the surrender may come. This comes as a series of beautiful memories of our Divine Mother to share with everyone.a part of which gets reflected through the poem she composed... Sahaja Yogis from London. My parents had come back before and told me that Shri Mataji was coming. When She arrived, Her car pulled up and it was a Mercedes. I remember Her getting out of the car and She was wearing exactly the same sari as She had been wearing in the dream, so I knewexactly who She was. The Queen of Heaven When I was but a child I first saw the Queen of Heaven She stood swathed in silken garb with golden hue Her face it shone towards me with love and light will come and I will protect you is what She said to me The second verse is based on this experience: And She did come and She did protect me. I am the fire When I was still a child I saw the Queen of Once in Shri Mataji's house in Brompton Square, London, which was being redecorated, Mother was walking around and directing people. She would tell us where paintings and other decorations were to go and what colour this door or that window frame was to be painted. Heaven once more She stood upon the Earth ringed in fiery glow My fear was for my heavenly Mother but She turned and said I am your Mother I will allow no harm to It was a mess to begin with. One always has to make a mess to create a house. One day. Mother was wearing a synthetic nylon sari and walking around amid the rubble and dust. 1 was in a room where some come to you or me I fell at Her Feet and prayed I never had to leave I am older now and the world intrudes My Mother still protects me and loves me more people were making plaster moldings to go on cornices. Some other people had been working in the room too and But what of me, am I still at my Mother's Feet I may not be constant and I may not be perfect but She is within my heart and She is the soul of me. someone had left a blowtorch burning. It was pointing into the middle of the room and Mother walked in. Shri Mataji, wearing a highly inflammable nylon sari, walked towards the blowtorch and, as She AuriolWilliams The first verse is based on this experience: She was wearing the same sari as in my dream passed very close to it, the flame leapt right out of the nozzle and went completely around Shri Mataji two or three times, forming a ring a few centimetres away from the sari. Before I met Shri Mataji, my parents and I were going through a very rough patch in our lives. I was five at the time. I had a dream that an Indian lady, who I later discovered was Shri Mataji, was standing at the prow of this barge and She was looking towards me. I was not in the barge., 'Don't worry, I'll come and get you soon,' She said with great love in Her eyes, in the dream. She was wearinga sari which had spots on it and I remembered it very clearly. She appeared not to see the torch and walked straight in front of it. A flame leapt out of the torch, then went.round Her synthetic sari below knee height in a blue ring, then back into the torch. While all this was happening, I was horrified and took a dive across the room to move the torch. I landed in an undignified heap at Mother's Feet. When we realized what had happened, we looked up in amazement to find Shri Mataji smiling down at us. My parents went to meet Shri Mataji down in London. I didn't go down because we were living in Scotland at the time. However, Mother came up to our house with a lot of 1 am the fire, how could it hurt Me?' Shri Mataji said, and She went on Hler way to supervise putting in some pipes in the next room. 14 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-16.txt "Vande Mataram" As Indians it becomes very imperative to know some true fascinating and interesting facts about our amazing INDIA: * The game of snakes & ladders was created by the * INDIA is caRed Bharat in Satya yuga (Golden Age), The official Sanskrit name for India is "Bharat." 13th century poet saint Gyandev. It was originally called 'Mokshapat.' The ladders in the game * India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history. * When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization). represented virtues and the snakes indicated vices. The game was played with cowrie shells and dices. Later through time, the game underwent several modifications but the meaning is the same i.e good deeds take us to heaven and evil to a cycle of re-birthis. India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest country in the world and one of the most ancient and living civilizations (at least 10, 000 years old). Takshila holds distinction of being world's first university. It was established in 700 BC. More than 10,000 The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is students some of them from far-off countries like China also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'. and Japan enrolled in about 60 subjects. It was one of the * The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra. during Chandragupta Maurya's time. greatest achievements of The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system, employing over a million people. India has the most post offices in the world. Ancient India. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century was The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and one of the greatest achievements of ancient India Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by in the field of education. the Indian Army in August 1982. Sanskrit is the oldest literary language of India, it is considered the mother of all higher languages. It forms the basis of many modern Indian & European languages. It is also known as the language of God's. 'Sanskrit' is the most precise language, and therefore is very suitable language for computer software. India is very rich in natural resources coal (fourth- largest reserves in the world), iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite, titanium ore, chromite, natural gas, diamonds, petroleum, limestone, arable land. * India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World. India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. * India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously. Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies "which originated in India. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC. Albert Einstein quotes "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been The value of pi was first calculated by Indians (this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians) and also the concept of Pythagorean made." Theorem. 15 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-17.txt "Introspection & Surrender" A Sahaj Yogini shares her Sahaj journey from one of ritualistic fanaticism to that of introspection and complete surrender. In an age where life is as fast as a metro and people have less time even for themselves, I This reminds me of a verse by Shri Shankracharya (8th century AD) thought taking out 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening would be too much Through the insight of self surrender Let my prattle become the recitation of Your name for me. But when that sweet The movements of my limbs, white bearded gentleman told me it is worth a trial, my heart unknowingly gave consent to it. Also the miracle of my fingers trying to give me new indications was a new thing for me. And thus gestures of worship to You My footsteps, perambulation around you My food, sacrificial offering to You My laying down, prostration to You Shri Mataji chose me. Whatever I do for my pleasure Years went by, believing that I had got my path. But then sometimes I felt something lacking... the eternal light was amiss. I started following Sahaja Yoga as a ritual. Doing the morning and evening meditation, sometimes some shoe beating, other techniques... Then one day I met a Turkish Sahaja Yogini who also happened to be my friend. We started talking about the general problems in life. And then she said that whatever one does or feels in one's life, if one is not surrendered fully to Mother, then there is no reason why we should feel that we are not getting total benefits of Sahaja Yoga. It was then that I realized that through the years I have been missing the most important essence of it all. Shri Mataji has been clearly saying that she would be looking after all our needs, But we have been short - sighted to see that once we take realization, it is all that is expected out of us. We Let it become transformed Into an act of Worship to You. I feel after trying to follow the given path, I feel I have tried to come closer to my spirit. For this thought also I thought that following the regular clearance routine and doing meditation was enough. But what I had been simply forgetting was the fact that Shri Krishna also asked for one simple thing and that is the "Ananya Bhakti."; which precisely means that whatever we do, should only and only be an ode to Shri Mataji. It has to be done with complete faith, complete surrender, and unconditional love. The benefits would be far reaching. That is to say that whatever is done as an ode to the Mother, cannot go wrong. So if our deeds are always right, their results would be also right and thus we would be peaceful with ourselves. And surely we would have no reasons to regret. am thankful to our Holy Mother.... But the bliss is all mine. Jai Shri Mataji. Ameeta Dara "It is God who rules, it is He who does, it is He who has created everything and it is He who Enjoys everything." 16 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-18.txt "Papaji's Words of Wisdom" On their 59th wedding anniversary, Papaji shares his and Mother's experience of stay in Australia and how Australian Sahaja Yogis have set an example for all of us to follow. People talk of heaven which is somewhere, I don't know where. But if there is heaven anywhere, it is here; if there are April 7, 2006 It is difficult to express oneself when one is moved by angels anywhere, they are sitting here; and I really admire emotions. Allow me first to thank you, Sir Mr. Michael you, I love you and I want to worship you as Her creation, as Fogarty, for your very kind words of congratulations, and angels created by the Goddess. It is a perfect heavenly may I reciprocate by congratulating you on having gathering where She is residing and you are all here, and it is celebrated your own 45th Wedding Anniversary.And I wish a model, and wherever I go l'll preach this. It's the kind of relationship that you have, the kind of commitment that you have, the kind of devotion you have to the highest values of many, many more; many more than fifty-nine. For me these fifty-nine years have been heavenly. life, is truly, truly astounding, and if I hadn't seen it I would Everything that I have done, I owe and charge it to one person, the person who is sitting next to me here. And also have found it difficult to believe, but there it is. So, it's a great, great experience, very elevating experience which I have had wherever. going, and I want to express, I can't thank I am probably the most you will agrée, all of you, that fortunate human being on Earth!... you, thank you is not the word. I can only express my admiration and my love, and my deepest gratitude for all that you have done. ButI do want to say that coming to Australia has been an absolutely wonderful experience, wonderful. I do not say anything that I don't feel in my heart. I can tell you honestly that I have been a great admirer of your Mother's Sahaja Yoga. But when I came here and saw the Sahaja Yoga as practised in Imagine, the Sahaja Yogis had no more than six weeks' notice of our coming here, and in six weeks they remodelled this whole house. Who on earth could have done it, and done it so beautifully? But it is, it is Australia, I realised how heaven on earth! What else is glorious the concept was, because I have seen Sahaja Yoga here at its best; and please believe me, that is true. It is every moment, every day has been absolutely wonderful just wonderful to see how all of you constitute one loving. and olorious. I can go on and on about this, but I want to tell caring family, the kind of family that She wanted to create, something a little more, and it is that I am deeply grateful to and She has successfully created here. Your devotion to Australia and Australian Sahaja Yogis, your collective, for Sahaja Yoga is unparalleled. Your commitment to each having provided the medical team which has looked after other is unparalleled. Here you see real brothers and your Mother, and I want to express my very, very deep sisters, Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis, they are at their gratitude to Dr. Bohdan and Dr. Ramesh Manocha, and the best, Yuva Shakti are at their best, .. Shakti are at their nurses, sisters who are here. They have done a marvellous best, everything. How you do it, I don't understand, I don't job and Australia, Australian Sahaja Yogis, Australian know; but I want to tell you thatI am profoundly grateful, that climate, hospitality, and the medical team, they have all had when you and your friends extended invitation to your awonderful effect on Her. heaven? So in six weeks' time! And ever since we have come, Mother which is right, you included me also in that and and I announced... t life would have been incomplete if I had not had this show you, She is much, much better. She is feeling happier, experience. I have been noticing ever since I have come, and I want to that I may accept it. Well I have..., my She is much better than She was, and for me there could be nothing better than that, that She should be better. And assure you thatit is because of 17 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-19.txt Australia, because of your love, and because of the doctors and the nurses who have given of their best, everything possible. And 1 have also been the recipient of great, kindness. I can't thank them enough. I owe my life to these doctors. I would not probably have been here, but for them. So this was something in my heart that I wanted to mention, that we have had wonderful programs, we have wonderful food from the kitchen, everything has been perfect. I dan't know that there could be anything better than what we have experienced. So I want to conclude now, but I conclude by expressing a beautiful exampie. So I congratulate Chris again, for whatever; and you know he is behind everything, I know that. Sitting here, I know what he is doing, which is never in the forefront. He is pushing everybody else: "You come, and you come, and you come." It's marvellous, and I admire him, and he is setting a new example, I will cite it, wherever ! go. And thank you all very much: you are all the same. Nobody is the leader here, everyone is together. This is the real meaning of collective leadership, and this is what She wanted. She wants this kind of leadership. And I assure you Thave seen this only here so far. But this is Her dream, and I'll carry this message everywhere. This is how Sahaja Yoga will... collectively on behalf of your Mother, Her love for you, and Her warm appreciation. I am sure She is extremely happy that Her children have done so beautifully here. I carry with me wonderful memories, carry them always, and I told them in a gathering, you have asked for trouble, and trouble will So thank you again very, very much; thank you. And now, to the music team: very beautiful music, always. come: we will come back. Thank you. There is one thing more that I want to say: if you go to another country, you know immediately who is the leader and who the followers. Here you come, you look around, you don't know who the leader is; because the leader here is a wonderful person, he does not lead, he invites every other person to lead. And that is how a collective should work. It is also a very, very good example of how Her idea of collective leadership should be implemented. I want to congratulate Chris and Michael Fogarty and all of you, on the wonderful way in which you are implementing Her view of Sahaja Yoga. It is difficult to find Chris, because he is... there, not here even. This is really, this is leadership. This is what She wants, She wants everyone to participate in the same way. That is the meaning of collective leadership and I assure, I tell you really, this is a glorious example, "God is infinite. You don't have to count His aspects. You want to enjoy Him. The wise simply eat the fruit, They do not count the leaves, roots and branches.' (G) 18 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-20.txt "SA RE GA MA..." Music helps us establish our connection with the all pervading power of God. The seven basic notes (sa, re, ga...) correspond to our seven chakras and encompass in them the pure knowledge which gets manifested in various forms like ragas, bhajans, ghazals, etc. Sa Re Ga Mais the bridge that helps connect our physical to the subtle, Genesis and Evolution of Indian Music The earliest existent work that provides considerable extended their patronage to music. Music flourished in India information on music theory is Bharata's Natyashastra, under Muslim rule and was subject to a number of new which is primarily a treatise on the dramatic arts, including infiuences, including those of the mystic Sufi sect. As a music. This work was probably written in the period consequence new elements, forms, and instruments came between the 3rd century B.C. And the 5th century A.D. In to be introduced into Indian Music. Among the vocal forms, the beginning, it is believed that music was known only to were the Qual which gave rise to the Qawwali and the Tarana, both of which are heard today. The sitar and the tabla also belong to this period. The Persian poet Amir Khusrau (1253AD-1325 AD) is believed to have made a major contribution in the development of the Qawwali as well as the Sitar (which was also called Sahatara). Rulers such as Mohammed bin Tughlaq and the sultan of Jaunpur, Ibrahim Shah Shariq were known to have encouraged music and maintained several musicians in their courts during the 14th and 15th centuries. Among the later 15th and 16th century patrons were Raja Man Singh Tomar of Gwalior and Hussain Shah Sharqi of Jaunpur. Musical patronage reached its zenith under the Mughal Lord Shiva, Lord Brahmadeva and the goddess Saraswati, emperors Akbar (1555-1605AD), Jahangir (1605-1627AD), This art was later taught to the Gandharvas and Apsaras and Shahjahan (1628-1658AD). The legendary composer (celestial's musicians). It was Bharata, Narada and Lord Hanuman who brought it to the earth. According to the scriptures, sage Narada practiced great austerities for several years and was honored by Lord Shiva who taught him the great art of music. It is said that from the sleeping position (Shayanmudra) of his wife, goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva created the Rudravina (an instrument with a form similar to the sitar). From his five mouths, five ragas emerged while a sixth was created by the goddess Parvati. These ragas were named according to Lord Shiva's movements to east, west, north, and south and toward the sky, and were called Bhairav, Hindol, Megh, Deepak, and Shri. Raga Kaushik was created by the goddess Parvati Tansen (1492-1589AD) is believed to have been a member herself. of the court of Akbar. His enchanting music is believed to have had the powerto bring rains and light lamps. Indian Music as we know it today evolved during medieval period. In the 13th century, Sarangadeva authored a large work called Sangitaratnakara, which listed 264 ragas. By this time, the Islamic presence was beginning to be felt in Music was also becoming more popular and was no longer the preserve of the upper classes. Most compositions had initially been in Sanskrit but by the India and it heralded a new era in Indian music. Muslim 19 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-21.txt sixteenth century they were being composed in the various dialects of Hindi - Braj Bhasa and Bhojpuri among them as well as Persian and Urdu. A key role in this regard was played by the great poet-salnts who chose to communicate in the vernacular tongues. Their compositions created a great upheaval in north India and led to the bhakti (devotional) movement. The Ilyrics of Surdas (1483- 1563AD), Tulsidas (1532-1623AD), Kabir (1440-1518AD) and Mirabai (1450-1547AD) were set to music, and Bhajans (devotional songs) became immensely popular. Music & Sahaj The 7 notes correspond to our 7 chakras in the ascending order, More specifically, komal note specially relate to the left side of the corresponding Chakra, and shuddha/tivra to the center and right side. Bilawal, Shyam Kalyan Mooladhara: It was during this phase that two separate systems emerged as a result of the Islamic influence on the existing Swadhisthana: Yaman, Todi, Gun kali, Lalit, Nabhi: Heart: Bhairav, Durga, Bhairavi, Vishuddhi: Jayjayvanti, Bhup, Bageshri, Agnya: Sahasrara: Bhairavi, Darbari, system in northern and central India while the south remained free from this domination. This led to emergence of two forms of Indian Music-Hindustani (North Indian) and Carnatic (South Indian). "Kundalini is our Mother, The arrival of British rule saw the violin entering the repertoire of South Indian music in the mid-eighteenth century. However, the British had no time for musicians who had received patronage under the Mughal emperors and the development of music in this period was limited. A significant development was the use of music to promote nationalism during the Indian freedom struggle. The period since independence has also seen the emergence of a new we are her only children and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the generation of artistes who uphold the finest traditions of Indian music. These include the likes of Amjad Ali Khan, Moment of fulfilment." Gangubai Hangal, Bismillah Khan and many others. Film music is however, the most popular music in India today. Popular Indian films are seldom without songs. Ghazals (poetic compositions in Urdu set to music), Bhajans and Qawwalis also retain their popularity. 20 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-22.txt "YUVASHAKTI UPDATE" NSYS holds a realization session for Department of IT, Andhra Pradesh Nirakar Puja in Jalandhar Dear Family, Dear Family, We had collective Puja for whole of Punjab at Jalandhar City. The Venue was at Gita Mandir. The collectivity was around 150. The vibrations were very strong. In the This is to share with you all that, by the Grace of our Divine Mother, the Yuvashakti here got an opportunity to address the staff of the Department of IT, Andhra Pradesh (AP) at the Secretariat on the 6th of May (Saturday evening). A stress management workshop based on Sahajayoga meditation was arranged by the Principal Secretary to the Ministry of IT, AP, for the benefit of their evening we hada Public Program and by Mother's grace it was a grand success. In Jalandhar, our staff in two batches. More than 30 staff members collectivity is around 50 , and in Public participated in the first batch. The second batch was exclusively for IAS, IPS and IFS ranked officers of the AP government, in which 15 people participated. The sessions started with a documentary on Stress and the Program around 250 people got their Realisation. Mother was so happy that most of people felt either hot or cold on their role of Sahaja Yoga in tackling it. This was followed by the Self Realization session. The vibrations were very strong, We request our FAMILY to put your attention on Jalandhar and everyone felt the cool breeze and the thoughtless Sahastrara or hands. so that our collectivity could multiply soon. state. A Q & A session followed, where the doubts of the seekers were cleared by the Yuvashakti who participated in this workshop (mainly from the IT field). The following. topics were mainly covered in the corporate presentation: Jai Shri Mata ji. Umesh Mahajan a) Managing stress in the Corporate work environment "Nirmal Bagh" at Nargol b) Achieving physical, mental and emotional balance in Jai Shri Mata ji. the work environment By Mother's grace, we were invited to Nargol Sahastrara puja this year i.e. 7th May 2006. When we asked for permission from the forest manager and the Collector of Nargol for the puja, they both came to see the place and the Nirmal tree. As they touched the tree they could feel the vibrations and they said "we can't give you the permission to construct here but make a garden here that will be called "NIRMAL BAGH". The work will start there c) Emotional Intelligence and its role in the team-work d) Meditation technique e) Subtle system f) Multiple dimensions of the inner human personality g) Work-Life balance Talks are under way to conduct weekly meditation sessions for the benefit of the staff. very soon we all pray mother to make a beautiful NIRMAL BAGH there and even a centre. Let's pray that Mother's Grace showers upon the Secretariat of AP, so that people of AP are blessed with a I enjoyed the real bliss there and as I touched the bark of the tree I felt something going in the tree from all my chakras and clearing my self. I request u all to visit that place next year for Sahastrara Puja 2007. better administrative force. Regards, Jitesh With lots of love Jyoti 21 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-23.txt minutes, the whole sky changed and there was a heavy downpour particularly in and around the area where the seminar was taking Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh Seminar in Delhi on 24-25 June, 2006 With the blessings from our beloved Param Pujya Shri Mataji, a seminar for Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh (mostly referred to as Yuva Shakti) was held in Delhi. place. Shri Mataji's deeply caring and all- Young Sahaja Yogis from Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad and knowing Love, ensured Ghaziabad also participated in the Seminar. Around 700 enthusiastic young Sahaja Yogis had very enjoyable 2 days at Nirmal Darbar, on 24th and 25th June 2006. The seminar was held with the aim of instilling and developing further, the feeling of devotion and dedication towards our Guru Sakshat Adi Shakti Param Pujya Shri Mataji. With these objectives, each session started with Dhyan. Many of the participants were introduced to sharing of vibrations. The importance of taking bandhan was also experienced by all not to do it mechanically, but with that throughout the seminar the weather was extremely cool and pleasant. Another miracle was, that while arrangements had been made for about 250 participants, the actual number at the time of lunch was just about three times of that. Besides, just then there was heavy rain and storm. But Shri Mataji's Love again managed everything. By Goddess Annapurna's grace, spontaneous-ly, arrangements were made, and food was ready for all the participants. We all deeply thanked our Mother for showering Her Love. attention on Shri Mataji and on the flow of vibrations from our hands covering us with Shri Mataji's Power of Love. The participants were told about the aims of forming Nirmal Shakti Yuva Sangh as desired by Shri Mataji. It was also explained how one can be benefited in studies with the Blessings of Sahaja Yoga. After the seminar, parents have reported that their children are meditating and doing foot-soak at home, of their own, and are enjoying the thoughtless awareness and vibrations and the feeling of devotion towards our In the Seminar, time was earmarked to enjoy and encourage the feeling of "Sangha -the collectivity" amongst the youngsters. All the participants were divided into 25 teams and each team was given a project related to understanding, promotion and publicity of Sahaja Yoga: through talks/ music/ posters and banners/skits and playsi On the whole, it was a memorable Seminar full of dance drama/ Sahaj New channe / Backdrop of the stage blessings from our Divine Mother. We offer our pranams for pujas/ public programmes/ Facts about Shri Mataji's life,/about deities & chakras etc. It was so arranged that all 700 were involved in one or the other collective activity. collectively enjoying her Love. All presentations were prepared spontaneously and collectively, within 1 hour, and were appreciated and Divine Mother. (Also watching TV much less.) and gratitude at the Lotus Feet of the Adi Shakti and pray that Almighty Mother grants us more such opportunities of Jai Shri Mataji Delhi Collectivity enjoyed by the audience. On the second day morning everyone joined in the morning weekly meditation in which around 100 new seekers had come. This time the young Sahaja Yogis "The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti were enthusiastically involved in raising Kundalinis of, and attending to the new comers, and enjoyed the experience along with elder Sahaja Yogis. in us are the A miracle that took place. The weather of Delhi that had been unbearably hot and sunny with high temperature, Atma and the Kundalini." but as soon as the seminar commenced, within 22 2006_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_II.pdf-page-24.txt "अष्टविनायक की यात्रा" सभी "निर्मल शक्ति" के हृदय में माँ ने एक इच्छा को जन्म दिया की अपने जन्मदिवस के शुभ अवसर पर उन्हें महाराष्ट्र में स्थित अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के गणपति भेट किये जाएं और अष्टविनायक जाने का यह अवसर हम पति-पत्नी को प्राप्त हुआ चेतन्य लहरियों का बहुत तेज अनुभव हुआ और हम वहीं मन्दिर प्रागण में बैठ गये । श्री चिन्तामणी की सुंड बाई ओर है और यह एक नन्हें बालक के समान लगते हैं। इसके बाद हम नन्दिर के चारों ओर निट्टी के लिए घूमने लगे लेकिन मन्दिर पक्का बना होने के कारण मिट्टी कहाँ मिलती ?तभी बस के एक यात्री ने सुझाव दिया की प्रांगण के पेड़ की मिट्टी ले लो । इसके बाद हम श्री मपूरेश्वर जी की यात्रा पर पहुँचे । इसी प्रकार बारी-बारी से हमने श्री सिद्धटेक श्री राजणगाव गणपती, श्री ओझर श्री गिरिजात्मज लोण्याद्री, श्री बल्लेश्वर और महट् की यात्रा की । इस प्रकार हमारी अप्टविनायक की यात्रा पूर्ण हुई। इस यात्रा में हमने देखा कि हम दोनों तो नन्दिर के प्रांगण में चेतन्य लहरियों का आनन्द लेने श्री भाताजी के परम आ्शीवाद और प्रेम के कारण हमें अष्टविनायक ाम की यात्रा का अचसर प्राप्त हुआ । हमने सुना पा कि इस समय सभी गण श्री माता जी के इस अवतरण में उनकी अराधना करने व उनके सभी कार्यों को करने के लिए तत्पर रहते हैं, लेकिन अपनी अराधना का सीभाग्य माँ ने केवल हम सहजयोगियों को बैठते ये और सभी बस को यात्री हमारी मिट्टी के लिए प्रयत्न करते था कोई आस-पास के खेत दूढता, तो कई पेड़ की मिट्टी उठाता और कोई उसे स्वोदने के लिए लकड़ी दुंढ कर ले आता । हृदय एक अदभुत दृश्य को खुली ऑखों से देख रहा था कि किस प्रकार गण कूप में आकर नीं की इच्छा को पूरा कर रहे हैं। प्रदान किया है, उसी का जीवन्त उदाहरण यह यात्रा रही । हमारी एयरटिकट से 1. ा लेकर हमारी पूरी यात्रा में हर क्षण हम उन सभी गणों के प्रबन्ध व संचालन व्यवस्था को सुली आँखों से देख रहे थे। 17.02.2006 को अचानक मेरे पति ने कहा कि इस शुभ कार्य के लिए अष्टविनायक जाना है । किसी ट्रेन की टिकट नही हो पाई और सभी गढ़ियाँ व्यस्त पाई गई फिर उन्होंने एवरटिकट बुक कर दी जो बहुत ही कम दामों में हमें मिल गई हमें एक घन्टा पहले एयरपोर्ट पहुँचना था लेकिन अचानक प्रोग्रान बनने के कारण हमें देर पर देर होती जा रही थी । इमें लगा कि फ्लाईट छूट जायेगी, लेकिन जब हम देर से एपरपोर्ट पहुँचे तो रास्ते में एक जगह शाम के समय मेरी तबीयत खराब हो गई और हमारे पास काई दवाई बगैरा नहीं था। बस के लगभग सभी याविरयों ने बारी-बारी मुझे अपनी चिन्ता व प्यार जताया और कुछ-कुछ मुझे रवाने को देते रहें, उनके प्रेम के कारण मुझे रात तक एकदम ठीक लगने लगा । इस यात्रा में बस वाले ने हमारे लिए खाने की जो व्यवस्था की थी बो किसी राजभोग से कम नहीं थी केवल 900 पता लगा कि फ्लाइट एक घन्टा लेट है । हमने मां को पूर्ण हृदय से धन्यवाद दिया और बस तभी से हमें लगा की सभी गण हमारे लाथ अपना कार्य शुक् कर रूपये में दो दिन की यात्रा, रहने की बहुत बढ़िया व्यवस्या और इतना स्पेशल चुके हैं। पूना पहुँच कर हमें पता चला कि सुबह 6 बजे सूर्य होटल के पास शनिवार बाड़ा नामक स्थान से इस यात्रा के लिए बसें चलती हैं हमें सूबह 6 बजे निश्चित स्थान पर पहुँच गये लेकिन सभी बसे भरी हुई थी और हमें पता चला कि इसके लिए 15 दिन की बुकिंग चल रही है । एक बस चालक ने हमें बताया कि हमें बुकिंग लेकर आना चाहिए था, अब काई भी बस आपको नहीं मिल पायेगी" सभी यात्री 15 दिन पहले बुकिंग करवा कर जाते हैं। धीरे धीरे सभी गाड़ियोँ चली गई और इम बहुत निराश हो कर सड़क के किनारे खड़े हो गये । स्वाना इस प्रकार का प्रबन्ध केवल माँ डी करवा सकती हैं और उससे भी अधिक माँ का प्रेम और गणों के साथ की गई अपनी इस यात्रा का अनुभव अदभूद है । इस प्रकार हमारी अष्टविनायक की यात्रा पूर्ण हुई। अष्टविनायक से लायी गयी भिट्टी को दिल्ली युया शक्ति ने एक बहुत ही सुंदर गणेश स्वकूप में दाला । श्री मालाजी के जन्म दिवस के ठीक एक महीने। बाद यानी 21 अप्रेल 2006 को श्री माताजी के युवाशक्ति की तरफ से ये भेट प्रस्तुत करी गयी। श्री माताजी युकवा शक्ति के इस तोहफे से बहुत हमें लगा कि ज्ञायद हम इस यात्रा के योग्य नही हैं। इतने में पता नहीं कहाँ से एक बस कंडक्टर आया और कहने लगा कि इस जगह से लगभग 2 किमी. दूर एक बत में केवल दो यात्रियों की जगह स्वाली है। हम तुरन्त ओटो करके वहाँ पहुँचे और हमें उस बस में जगह मिल गई सचगुच मेरे पास शब्द नहीं कि वो क्षण और उसमें घटती हर एक घटना को शब्दों में कैसे लिखखा जाए । ऐसा लगा सुदर प्रसन्न हुए " कि पूरी बस गणों ने अलग से खास हमारे लिए तैयार की और हम दोंनो कुछ विशेष है जो पूरी सुरक्षा व प्रेम के साथ परमेश्वरी के कार्य के लिए ले जाऐ जा रहे हैं। बस के सभी यात्रियों से जल्दी ही हमारी दोस्ती हो गई और सभी को हमने श्री माता जी, सहजयोग और अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के विषय में बताया । सबसे पहले हम श्री चिन्तानणी प्रसन्ना के मन्दिर पहुँचे । यह पूना से 25 किमी. दूर स्थित है । सभी जगह अराधना के लिए दूर्वाघास, लाल गुड़ल का फूल और गोदक भा हमने मन्दिर में प्रवेश किया और चैतन्य व नारियल का प्रसाद उपलब्ध लहरियों द्वारा अनुभव प्राप्त करने की इच्छा की । लेकिन शुरू में हमें पकड़ का आहसास हुआ । हमने श्री माता जी से प्रार्थना की "नौं कृप्या हनें स्वयभू श्री चिन्तामणी गणेश के दर्शन प्रदान करे। तीन बार प्रार्थना करने पर हमें ठण्डी अष्टविनायक की मिट्टी के गणपति ত 23