Yuvadrishti Sept 2008 Vul9 Esue 3 Swayambhu Pratima of Mother Parvati Banyan tree where Maharshi Markandeya meditated 14000 Banyan, Olive and Pipal altogether as one tree year ago Swayambhu Pratima of Lord Shiva The boundries of three states Hariyana, Uttar pradesh and Himachal pradesh meet at this point The only place on earth where river Yamuna, Sushumna & Sarswati appear together on surface 500000 years old shila of lord shiva Vibrated Locations near Yamunagar (Haryana) ® ి NOsasasssasNssadsANsaNsas ss ******r ***** అా INDEX NIRMAL VANI : Stithpragnya श्री माताजी पधारे म्हारे देस 4 (यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी) हरियाणा में सहजयोग हृदयाभिव्यक्ति नाभी चक्र RENDEZVOUS Discussions with Sahaj Yogi Brother 10 KIDSHAKTI : Little Divine Instruments 13 आत्मसाक्षात्कारी कवयित्री ललद 14 Living Honestly 15 We Must Surrender Our Problems To Shri Mataji 16 YuvaShakti Reporter 17 Colds 18 Awaken Your Creativity 20 ***********r****** kr*********u YUVADRISHTI Published by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411 038 Tel : 020-25286537, Fax : 020-25286722 For queries regarding delay in receiving the magazine, please call: Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd., Tel : 020-25286537, E-Mail: sale@nitl.co.in Please mail your experiences, poems, articles, suggestions, comments, etc. to: Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411 038 yuvadrishti@gmail.com Printed by Re-Prints Pune We solemnly thank our article writers, editors, designers/professionals etc. for their help in making this issue. Yuvadrishti September 2008 NIRMAL VANI : Stithpragnya Achieving the state of Witnessing As Yuvashaktis, our minds are continuously bombarded with new ideas & impulses through various external media and from the society that we live in. They disturb our peace and imbalance us. The trick is to stay in witness while going through our schools, colleges or work. In this Nirmalvani, the Amrutdhara of our Mother's words shall guide us to that State. The Beauty of Witnessing There's this Chinese story about a saint. So one king brought his cock to him and said, "You train my cock in such a way that he should win." He said, "All right." So he kept the cock of the king for one month and when the show started, different cocks came from different places and they all started fighting. This cock just stood up and was watching, just watching. And other cocks got such a fright, they couldn't understand how this fellow is not disturbed, he's just watching, he's standing, he's doing nothing. So all they disappeared from the arena and he was declared as the successful one. It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a witness state. This is very important also because, in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes a very complex conditions to exist. The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation: you reach the state of thoughtless awareness. It's combined together. Now the witness state is such a state where you just donot react. Now if you really become a witness state, if you are in a witness state, ther what will happen? If you watch any such things that are happening, it will subside. If you are in a witness state and if that level, then no accident will take place in your sight. Even if there is an accident, then you can save the person, you can help person very actively. That's in a very small scale, but even in a very large scale you can do it, something wonderful. [Ref# 1] the How Witness state is Spoiled But witness state is not a mental state, it is a state of a spiritual ascent where you become a witness, I've seen people who are all the time criticizing others. They cannot criticize themselves, so they start criticizing others. They don't even see what wrong they have done to others, because they think they have a right to criticize others, and they enjoy this criticism very well. Now one may say, "Mother, how does this ego build up in people?"" Of course, mstly it is due to reactions, also it is due to the conditioning. If the child is told from the childhood that "You should hate these people, they are to be hated. They are wrong people, they are bad people," they just start doing that. When they grow up they start showing that hatred is now like cactus growing very big, and is killing others. Actually there's nothing to be criticized. You just watch and see for yourself. That's all is your right. You have no right to criticize anyone or anything. But some people think if you do not criticize, then it will go on like Yuvadrishti September 2008 this and it will never stop. It's not thatl Once you wvatch the thing yourself, only just watch. Your attention itself is enlightened now, with that enlightened attention you can just watch and stop the nonsense that is there. But we are always conscious that we are something great, and we have to do this and we have to do that. Under these circumstances what happens is that you become another problem. Because what can you do? You can't do anything. But what you can do is to watch. By watching and by just seeing things as they are, you really develop a very differentstate of being. Now you being Sahaja Yogis, your worth is great. You have come here to emancipate human beings from these silly ideas and foolish ways, the way people are behaving. One doesn't know why people react like that, and then why do we worry about what people react? All these things are not only on individual level, but also on a collective level. As a result, you see, new kinds of value system has been created. Now for a mother would think she is a great actress. They are so much engrossed or they are so much standing on the basis that they have to be extremely attractive. Same with the men. You see, if you have something within you, if there is any quality within you, is there anything that can qualify you as a great man, it will be showing. You don't have to advertise. [Ref# 1] In Sahaja Yoga also I have seen people want to show off a lot. [Ref# 2] Everybody seems to be very knowledgeable and start telling what is best and what is not the best, what is not good. And once they start saying something like that, mind becomes reflective. If the mind is not reflective, then you are in thoughtless awareness. While if you react onto everything, your memory becomes horrible. Now a mother's desire is always that children should have nothing but peace and joy, no sufferings, no starvation, no ordeals, nothing. They must just enjoy. Now those days are gone. But even to enjoy this, even to live in that complete peaceful state you have to benon-reflecting. [Ref# 3] The Joy of Witness State Firstly all such people who are just witnessing, what happens to them is very interesting, that their memory loss is much less, because whatever they see becomes like a picture to them. Like you can say, they can tell you even the colour, the folding, everything. Whatever they see is so much in their mind like a photo, and they can tell you exactly what they have seen, and your memory is not lost. While if you react onto everything, your memory becomes horrible. Once you do not react to outside you start reacting to inside, and introspection will start properly. When you see yourself you'll be amazed how admiring you are, how happy you are. Now if you go beyond thata little more, then you don't think of all these things. You just become thoughtless and you just stand up as a person who is respected, whose company is wanted, who is loved and who is cared for. So one should not worry as to what people react, what they say about you, what they think about you, You should justintrospect and see for yourself. After some time you don't need even introspection. will find yourself a very, very powerful person in the sense you'll have no ambitions, you'll have no desires, you'll have no special fondness or anything. But just you are witnessing the drama. [Ref# 2] There's no ripple of thought in your mind. Then you become extremely creative. You become extremely dynamic, you become extremely compassionate. You have no fear. [Ref# 3] you 2, জ Yuvadrishti September 2008 Getting the Witness State So your witness state has to be developed and sometimes I have seen people have to go through little difficulties to develop that witness state. [Ref# 3] This is very important that once the Kundalini starts supplying you from your Sahasrara downward, moving on your chakras and enriching your different chakras, on the Vishuddhi chakra, when it has to stay, it really tries to, little bit, take you through turmoil; and you start thinking that "See now, my life was so blissful, I had so many blessings, and now what has happened?" But this is the time when you should become tatastha, means you should become a witness, if you become a witness everything improves. You have become now walis, you have becomenow realised souls, you have become now atmajas. You have got Brahmachaitanya, you have seen on your heads there was light, you have seen the proof of it. SoI don't have to give you a second certificate. Only thing, you better understand and be aware of your own position, as Shri Krishna has said, "You have to be aware of your Self." First to get self-realisation and then to be aware of your position. Then you'll be surprised how you develop proper attention and proper understanding. Absolutely it is an easy thing to do as soon as you find that you have achieved that witness state. [Ref#2] This sets in, this reflection, sets in waves of thoughts in our mind. I have already, once, described it by drawing. How the energy that falls on the right side goes to the left side and the falls on the left goes to the right. Crosses over because of two types of cells we have. Then out of this energy that goes to the right, the energy that goes to the left it is sucked in partly into the sympathetic, Now whatever is left out is the one that reflects. That is the way it goes on reflecting. Now if you can suck in all that energy and put it on our sympathetic, then all our energies will be thousand fold much more. We'll not be tired, we'll notbe unhappy, we'll be able to stand lots of nonsense. But we'll not call it a nonsense, we'll not think it's a bad thing, so it has no effect on us. To be one with that state you have to be absolutely silent within yourself. For the Goddess, She is silent. There's a fight on, She's silent, because She's so confident. She knows about Her powers. She knows Mahishasura or any asura cannot trouble Her, cannot touch Her. She knows what are their powers are and She knows all Her powers. So She doesn't have to be disturbed by anything. She's not disturbed because She's really the personification of this peace state, where She's so powerful. She doesn'thave to know about Her powers. She doesn't have to ask the powers to exert, they just work, automatically [Ref# 3] Shri Krishna told Arjuna that "I will not fight. So in between Me and the army, My army, you have to select." So Kauravas said, "No, we'll take Your army, Your army. You give us Your army and we'll strengthen our army." But Arjuna said, "I don't want army, I want You. You don't want to fight, it's all right." Because though He will be there in a witness state only, He won't be fighting but His power will act. He doesn't have to fight, He doesn't have to do anything, but His own power which is outwardly is silent but will act, and that is how we will win the war. [Ref# 1] Like thesemountains how they are steadily watching everything and emittingjoy and beauty. I wish you all very great luck for your witness state. [Ref# 2] References: 1998-0816: Stop reacting-Witness, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella 1988-0806: State of witnessing, Shri Krishna Puja, Garlate, Italy 1995-1001: Navaratri Puja, Cabella 1. 2. 3. Yuvadrishti September 2008 श्री माताजी पधारे म्हारे द देस देस खमिध म्हार (यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी) हरियाणा में सबसे पहले श्री माताजी १९9० में करनाल आए। वे यहाँ करण ताल पर ठहरे। श्री माताजी की से यहाँ पर सहजयोग का ह कृपा सार्वजनिक कर्यक्रम आयोजित हुआ। जिसमें बहुत लोग पहुँचे। अगले दिन श्री माताजी करनालसे यमुनानगर के लिए निकले। रास्तें में श्री माताजी ने कहा ये स्थान तो शाकुम्भरा देवी काहै क्योंकि जिसरास्ते से श्री माताजी गुजररहे थेवहाँ ढूर-दूर तक हरियाली थी। न . ... की ं यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी की कृपा से सार्वजनिककर्यक्रम आयोजित हुआ, जिसमें श्री माताजी स्वयं आए। १अप्रेल ?990 के इस सार्वजनिक कर्यक्र म में मंच के सामने श्री माताजी के आने के लिए एक रास्ता बनाया गया। जब श्री माताजी उस रास्ते से मंच पर आए तो पिछे से सभी महिलाओं ने अपने बच्चो का माथा उस रास्ते पर छुआया क्योंकि उनका मानना था कि इस रास्ते पर देवी के श्रीचरण पड़े हैं और यह स्थान पवित्र हो गया। श्री सरस्वती पूजा श्री सरस्वती पूजा यहाँ के मुकुन्छ लाल कॉलेज में हुई। यमुनानगर के सहजयोगियों का मानना है कि इस पूजा के बाळ यमुनानगरमें शिक्षा स्तरपर बहुत तरी हुई। इससे पहलेयहाँकोई अच्छा शिक्षासंस्थान नहीं थे पर अब बहुत है। यहाँ पर बाहुर से प्रतिदिन करीब १०.000विद्यार्थी शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए आते हैं। महिलाओं ने श्री माताजी के सुन्दर रूप की बहुत सराहना की। उनका कहना था कि श्री माताजी का जो रूप वो फोटो में देखकर आई थीं, उससे कई ज्यादवा श्री माताजी सुन्दरलगरहे थे। मंच पर श्री माताजी के लिए बैठने के लिए कोई खास सिंहासन का प्रबन्ध नहीं था पर श्री माताजी ने तखत पर बैठना पसन्द किया। उस समय श्री माताजी तख्त पर जैसे बैठे थे, वो बिल्कुल श्री विष्णु अगवान का रूप दिखा रहे थे। हरियाणा की स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्रीमती कमला वर्मा भी इस कार्यक्रम में पहुँची थीं। फिर श्री माताजी ने अपना प्रवचन दिया और जब प्रवचन खत्म किया तो सभी लोग उठकर जाने लगे। श्री माताजी ने सभी से कहा, 'बस, आप लोग केवल प्रवचन सुनने ही आए थे? जो में तम्हे देने आई े उसे तो लकेर जाओ।'यहसुनकर सब लागे बैठेऔर श्री माताजीब्ारा आत्मसाक्षात्कारका कार्यक्रम हुआ। औ्रीकृष्ण पुजा यह पूजा यमुना नही के किनारे हथनी कुंड जगह पर हुई। २०0 के करीब विदेशी सहजयोगी पूजा लेने के लिए यहाँ पहुँचे पूजा से पहले श्री माताजी की रथयात्रा अग्वाल धर्मशाला से शुरु होकर पेपर मिल ग्राउंड पर समाप्त हुई। जिसमें करीब 900 लोगों ने भाग लिया श्रीकृष्ण पूजा साकार में ढोपहरको समाप्त हुई। जिसमें १०८ बच्चों ने श्री माताजी के श्रीचरण धोये और श्री माताजी द्वारा ५६ ओग चैतन्टयित किया गया। उस समयरात में भयंकर सी में खूले में लकडियाँ जलाई ँ गई और उसके चारों ओर सहजयोगियों ने नृत्य किया। श्री माताजी पूरे समय वाहाँ रहे। कार्यक्रम देर रात के र बजे तक चला। श्री माताजी अपने बच्चों के साथकाफी प्रसन्न लगरहे थे। वह सारा समय स्मरणीय रहा। श्री माताजी ने नीले रंग की सजावट पहनी हुई थी और सजावट भी नीले रंग का ही था। प्रेममयी माँ टाह सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम यमुनानगर के गीता भवन मंदिर में हुआ था। इसके अलावा श्री माताजी की कृपा से यहाँ ढो और सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम पेपर मिल ग्राउंड में हुए। जिनमें श्री माताजी ्दवारा आत्मसाक्षात्कार दिया गया। श्री माताजी की यमुनानगर पर असीम कृपा हुई। यहाँ पर श्री माताजी की दो साक्षात पूजा भी हुई। बहुत सुन्दर लग रही थी और सभी उस आनन्द को महसूस कररहेथे। Continued on pg 7 ১ ৫ Yuvadrishti September 2008 हरियाणा में सहजयोग होरयाणा हरियाणा जैसे कि इसके नाम से विदित है एक हरित प्रदेश के नाम से जाना जाता है और इसके हरित होने के बारे में श्री माताजी भी बता चुकी है कि यहाँ पर शाकुम्भरा देवी की कृपा है। बताया कि वह कभी भी गर्भ धारण नहीं कर पायेगी। उस लड़की ने दो साल अपनी भाभी के लिये ध्यान किया और श्रीमाताजी एक रात उसके स्वपन में आए और उसे कहा, तेरे घर तुम्हारी भाभी को २१ मार्च को बेटा होगा।" फिर २१ मार्च को उनके घर बेटा हुआ! (हम सभी जानते है २१ मार्च को हमारी प्रेममयी माँ का सांसारिक जन्मदिन होता है।) इन सब बातों से ज्यादा उस लड़की ने एक महत्वपूर्ण बात बताई कि लोग उसका मज़ाक बनाते हैं, "बिना फोटो के किसका ध्यान करती हो?तुम किसी से बिना मिले, उसे बिना जाने कैसे उन्हें मान सकती हो ?" तब उसने बताया, "परमात्मा को कितने लोगों ने देखा है पर सारा संसार उनसे प्रेम करता है, मैं तो फिर भी उनकी शक्ति को चारों और महसूस कर सकती हूँ।' हरियाणा राज्य में सहजयोग के प्रचार प्रसार में बहुत प्रयत्न किये जा रहे हैं। २००७ तक हरियाणा के किसी भी गाँव में सहजयोग ध्यान केन्द्र नहीं था। गाँव में ध्यान केन्द्र खोलने के लिए सभी प्रयासरत थे। श्री माताजी की कृपा से २००७ में करनाल के पास इन्द्रों में एक बड़ा सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया और पिछले १८ महीनों से वहाँ पर ध्यान केन्द्र चलाया जा रहा है। इन्द्रों के अच्छे परिणाम देखते हुए पिछले एक साल में हरियाणा के बहुत से गाँवों में ध्यान केन्द्र खोले जा चुके हैं। जिनको प्रारम्भ करने में यमुनानगर सामूहिकया की मुख्य भूमिका रही है। मट् च ंप के टट श नि क डबकौली गाँव में आत्मसाक्षात्कार के दौरान विशुद्धि चक्र शुद्ध करने पर आकाश में बहुत मोटी नीली रेखा देखी गई जिसे सभी गाँव वालों ने भी देखा। हरियाणा में सभी कार्यक्रम से पहले प्रकृति ने भी अपना कार्य किया और भारी बारिश सभी कार्यक्रमों से पहले डबकोली, मुजाफल, बिलासपुर इत्यादि प्रमुख हैं। इन सभी हुई। कार्यक्रम शुरू होने से पहले बारिश रुक जाती थी। स्थानों पर कार्यक्रम करते हुए कुछ चमत्कार भी देखने व सुनने फरीदाबाद में भी सहजयोग के कार्य जोर शोर से किये जा रहे हरियाणा सहजयोग के ग्रामीण राज्य संयोजक श्री जी.के. दत्ता के प्रयासों द्वारा पिछले एक महीने में तीन गाँवों में कार्यक्रम किये जा चुके हैं और वहाँ पर ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किये गये हैं जिन्में बृदढियाँ गाँव, ते में आयें। हैं। फरीदाबाद सामूहिकता द्वारा गाँव में बहुत से कार्यक्रम किऐे बूढियाँ के कार्यक्रम के दौरान एक २० वर्षीय लड़की ने गये हैं और बहुत जगह नये ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किये गये है। बताया कि वह अपने भाई के कहने पर गाँव में ही दो सहज कार्यक्रमों में युवाशक्ति दवारा देखी गई कठिनाईयाँ साल से श्रीमाताजी का ध्यान कर रही है उसने सिर्फ माँ का फोटो देखा था और ध्यान के लिये श्रीमाताजी का गाँवां में अकसर यह देखा गया है कि लोग बहुत रूड़ीवादी होते कोई चित्र नहीं था। उस लड़की की भाभी का नवजात है जो प्रायः कुगुरूओं के प्रभाव में भी होते हैं। गाँव में लोगों के शिशु मर गया था तथा डाक्टर लोगों ने उसकी भाभी को पास समय बहुत कम होता है। वे कुण्डलिनी के बारे में जानते ২ 5 मान Yuvadrishti September 2008 नहीं हैं गाँव के लोग प्रायः अपने जीवन से संतुष्ट होते हैं। वे परमात्मा के विषय में जानने के लिये भी ज्यादा जिज्ञासु नहीं होते। गाँव में लोग अंधविश्वास भी ज्यादा करते हैं और चमत्कार में विश्वास करते हैं। गाँव के लोग अपनी बीमारियाँ, फसलें ठीक करने के बारे में ज्यादा चित्त रखते हें। उन्हें मानव चैतन्य की अमृत वर्षा कर रही थी। माँ की चरण पादुकाएँ जैसे ही बस से उतारी जाती तो सहजयोगियों द्वारा स्वागत आगत स्वागतम् गाकर स्वागत किया जाता। उस समय सभी सहजयोगियों द्वारा अतयन्त शीतल चैतन्य लहरियाँ महसूस की जाती। चक्रों के बारे में जानने में रुचि नहीं होती। गाँव में लोग जमीन जहाँ पर भी यात्रा गई हर सहजयोगी उनको अपने सहस्त्रार पर रखने के लिए ललायित था। चरण पादुकाओं को सहस्त्रार पर से जुड़े होने के कारण सामान्य जीवन के साथ समझौता नहीं कर पाते। रखते ही सहस्त्रार बर्फ की तरह ठण्डा हो जाता। इसलिए गाँवों में प्रचार-प्रसार करते हुए निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए- हरियाणा सहजयोग चेतना यात्रा हरियाणा राज्य सहजयोग संयोजक (State Coordinator) श्री के डी महाजन द्वारा संगठित की गई। इस यात्रा के दो चरण बनाए गए। दोनों यात्राएँ दस दिनों के क्रार्यक्रम के लिए रवाना हुई और दोनों ही चरण एक साथ शुरू हुए। जहाँ-जहाँ यात्रा पहुँची वहाँ पर रथ यात्रा निकाली गई एवं सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम के बाद वहाँ पर अनुवर्ती क्रार्यक्रम भी किए १. गाँवों में कार्यक्रम से पहले दो बार गाँवों में निरीक्षण होना चाहिये। पर्चे कार्यक्रम से पहले जरूर बॉटे जाने चाहिये। ्टट की २. पर्चे बाँटने के दौरान सहजयोग के बारे में जरूर बताना चाहिये कय्योंकि गाँव में लोग कम पढे-लिखे होते हैं। तिए का टट ्ट्ट्टी गए। ३. कार्यक्रम का समय उनकी यात्रा का पहला चरण कालका से शुरू होकर पिजौंर, कुरूक्षेत्र, नरवाणा, पेहवा, कैथल, पानीपत, करनाल, यमुनानगर, अम्बाला होते हुए पचंकुला में यमनिका पार्क में सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम के साथ समाप्त हुआ। धन सुविधा अनुसार तय करना चाहिये। ४. गाँव में लोगों को टीवी का आकर्षण होता है। वे टीवी पर कही गई बात को ध्यान से सुनते हैं। अतः ना स्च मजे े ी गांव में projector का इन्तजाम करना चाहिये। TDT:O_BLURRY इसी प्रकार यात्रा का दूसरा चरण फरीदाबाद से शुरू होकर होडल, सोहना, रेवाड़ी, महेन्द्रगढ़, गुड़गाँव, रोहतक, हिसार, फतियाबाद, सिरसा, डबवाली में समाप्त हुआ। ५. हो सके तो आत्मसाक्षात्कार के लिए श्रीमाताजी की सीडी चलाई जानी चाहिये। का ६. अनुवर्ती कार्यक्रम (Follow up) जरूर रखा जाना चाहिये । यात्रा के लिए दो बसें निर्धारित की गई जिन्में ५५ लोग थे, जिसमें सभी सेन्टर के युवा-शक्ति, वयस्क पुरूष और महिलाएँ शामिल थे दोनों बसों में प्रोजेक्टर का प्रबंध किया गया। हर सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम में आत्मसाक्षात्कार श्री माताजी की C.D. ७. गाँव में ही ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किया जाना चाहिये। हरियाणा चेतना यात्रा चेतना यात्रा श्री माताजी की कृपा से उन्हीं के चित्त में शुरु हुई। चैतना यात्रा में श्री माताजी की चरण पादकाएँ (जो शरी चलाकर दिया गया। म दोनों यात्राओं ने नवरात्री पूजा सामूहिक रूप में गुड़गाँव में माताज़ी द्वारा दुबई से मिज़वाई गई थीं और बाद में भारत आने पर श्री माताजी ने यात्रा की सराहाना की) के साथ रवाना हुई। परम वदनीय माँ की चरण पादुकाएँ विभिन्न स्थानों पर मनाई। चेतना यात्रा का समापन यमनिका पार्क (पंचकुला) में हुआ, उस दिन श्री सिंपल राजा और डा राजेश द्वारा भजन न ২ e 9 ১ Yuvadrishti September 2008 प्रस्तुत किए गए। श्री सिंपल जी द्वारा गाए गए भजन "किवें हरियाणा में सहजयोग जुड़ा। हर जगह यात्रा की अच्छी मुखड़े तो नजारा हटावाँ" गाने पर सारा माहौल चैतन्य की प्रतिक्रिया देखी गई। लोगों नें सहजयोगियों के सभ्य ढंग की वर्षा महसूस कर रहा था। सभी सहजयोगी श्रीमाताजी के प्रशंसा की। सभी समाचार पत्रों व केबल टी.वी. ने इस यात्रा निराकार रूप में दी गई उनकी चैतन्य लहरियों का प्रेम महसूस को दिखाया। सभी ओर प्रेममयी श्री माताजी के बारे में लोग चर्चा कर रहे थे। कर पा रहे थे। हर स्थान पर सहजयोग के बारे में यात्रा के साथ साथ ही यात्रा का हरियाणा में प्रभाव हजारी की तादाद में पचे बॉटे गए। इन सब कार्यों से सहजयोगियों का हृदय बहुत प्रसन्न था। चेतना यात्रा ने सभी जिनमें गुड़गाँव, फरीदाबाद, पंचकुला, अम्बाला, यमुनानगर, को सहजयोग का कार्य करने की प्रेरणा दी। चेतना यात्रा में करनाल प्रमुख थे। चेतना यात्रा का प्रथम उद्देश्य लोगों की सहजयोगियों को कार्य करने के लिए नये मंच प्रदान किए। सहजयोग के बारे में जागरुक करना व हर जिले व कस्बे में कमजोर केन्द्र के लिए भी चेतना यात्रा ने पुनरोद्धार का कार्य हरियाणा में सहजयोग ध्यान केन्द्र कुछ ही ज़िलों में संगठित थे नये घ्यान केन्द्र खोलना था। यह काम काफी हृद तक चेतना करमजार कन्द्र के लिए भी चेतना यात्रा ने पुनरोद्धार का कार्य यात्रा के माध्यम से संभव हो पाया। बहुत से शहरों में ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किए गए। किया। अंत में यह कहा जा सकता है कि चेतना यात्रा ने सारे हरियाणा में चैतन्य प्रसारित कर दिया और सहजयोगियों में सहज कार्य हरियाणा चेतना यात्रा एक ऐतिहासिक यात्रा थी जिसमें पूर करने के लिए नयी जान फूँक दी । हरियाणा में सहजयोग की आँधी चला दी । इस से ज्यादा Continued on pg 4 अनुभव - जब श्री माताजी हथनी कुण्ड (यमुनानगर) मरकहुए हाथ की बनी हुई दो रोटी खाई। उसके बाद श्री मलिक की धर्मपत्नी अपनी सास को घर ले जारही थी, तो श्री खोपड़ी पिलपिली हो गई थी। सिर में कोई हडीनही क्योंकि उनका सारा कैल्शियम खत्म हो गया था। वे देख भी नहीं सकती थी और डॉक्टर ने उन्हे केवल ढो माह का समय दिया था। उनकी इच्छा श्री माताजी को लाहोरीरोटी खिलाने की हुई। उनका बेटा उन्हे वहाँ ले ठाया, पर श्री माताजी उस समय नाश्ता कर चुके थे। जब यह इच्छा श्री माताजी के सामने रखी गयी तो श्री माताजी ने स्वीकृती दे दी और श्री माताजी ने उनके उपस्थित सहजयोगियों ने बताया कि श्री माताजी यह वही औरत है जिसने आपको रोटी खिलाने की हच्छा रखी थी। (अथार्त् श्री माताजी के चित्त में वह औरत आई)। एक सप्ताह के बाद उनका सिर कठोर हो गया। जब उन्होंने डॉव्टर को दिखाया तो डॉक्टर की समझ में कुछ नहीं आया। वह केवल इंतना ही कह पाया कि ये विज्ञान से परे की बात है और वह औरत आज ८६ साल की होगई है और निरंतरध्यान धारणाकरती है। The dedication is very important part of the ascent, why? Because when you are precariously placed, when there is immediate danger to your existence, at this time when the whole world is standing at a precarious position where it is going to be destroyed completely. It is very important that you cling on to things that is going to save you, with complete might and complete faith. Like you are getting drenched in ordinary water doesn't matter, but if you are sinking in the sea, as there is question of this moment of existence and that moment of destruction, that time if a hand comes forward to fetch you out, there is no time to think any more but cling on to it with all your might, with all your faith. 1982-0731:Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England ২০ ১- शि Yuvadrishti September 2008 हृदयाभिव्यक्ति मेरी चूंदड़ी ये बदलै दुनिया सारी सासू बोली बहुअन तै तू के लयाई सै पीहर तै साँची-साँच बतादूरी सांसू मैं यो ल्याई सू पीहर तै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी ।। ये बदलै दुनिया सारी, कटज्यागे दोष बीमारी ये दिल मैं बात बैठाल्यो, सहजयोग प्रचार का ठेका सारे मिलकै ठयाल्यो मेरी चूंदड़ी मै पूजा हो रही गौरी नुंद गणेश की । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै माँ शेरावाली आठ पहर दिश्रआम करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ६ १. धरती खातिर लड़ लड़ मरगे कितने वीर सिपाही कहण लगे ये देश मेरा वो देश तेरा है भाई हाँ भाई हाँ भाई मिट ज्यागें आतंकवादी, ये रुक ज्यागी बरबादी ये मौका ना तुम खोओ, सारे प्रश्न हल होज्या कश्मीर और कोसोबो ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै ब्रह्मदेव और सरस्वति जी वास करै इनकी कृपा होज्या जिन पै, शुद्धज्ञान की प्यास बढे मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी मेरी चूंदड़ी मै लक्ष्मी विष्णु संतुष्टी की बात करै मेरी चूँदड़ी मै गुरू गोविंद जी, सारी दुनिया प्रणाम करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । *** २. W.H.O. रो रो मरग्या मिटया पोलियो नाही डेंगू कैंसर और एडस् की मिलती नहीं दवाई हाँ दवाई (२) ये फिल्मी दुनिया थारी, डूबैगी एक दिन सारी अब कृतयुग की है बारी, नेताओं की पोल खुलै नंगे हो अ्रष्टाचारी ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै गंगा यमुना सरस्वति की धार बहै मेरी चूंदड़ी मै नौ लख तारे, चाँद सूरज का ग्रहण पड़े मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै मां जगदंबे निर्भय शेर बनाती हो इनकी कृपा होज्या जिन पै, चिंता नही सताती हो मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ३. मघपान और नशे पते ये नहीं मिटै्गे ऐसे आत्मा और जमीर बेच दिया मिलने चाहिए पैसे हाँ पैसे (२) मनै फल और फूल बनाये, ये तारे खूब सजाये रुल गये मेरे बच्चों, जगदम्बा तुम्हे बुलाये ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै राम और सीता, शंकर गौरी वास करै उनको आर्शीवादित करते, जो कोई इनके दास रहे मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै राधा-रूक्मणी जगत विधाता वास करै हाथ में शस्त्र लेके राक्षसों का नाश करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ४. दान दहेज के झगडे होते देखे है घर (२) में आज कयामा का टाईम बडा छोटा घणा सफर है हाँ सफर है ये हिन्दू मुस्लिम नारे, भाई नै भाई मारे सब नकली धर्म तुम्हारे, निर्मल धर्म एक रहज्या, मिटै जाती धर्म हमारे ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै लगी किनारी बुद्ध, और महावीर की श्री महाविष्णु दर्शन देते और हनुमान वीर भी मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै मे बरसै, रिमझिम रिमझिम होरी हो ऋषि मुनी जब ध्यान करै, जब सारी दुनिया सो री हो मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । डा सतपाल बोडवाल गुडगाँव मेरी चूंदड़़ी मै मात निर्मला बैठी कति अबौध ही मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंबड़ी । CH आदिशक्ति प्रसन्न होज्या, दर्शन दे सत लोक को मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । Yuvadrishti September 2008 नाभी चक्र ड फ ढ प वायाँ नाभी चक्र गुण शान्ति, शालीनता, उदारता, संतोष, filexibility/adjustability ने० ण न पकड़ के कारण हठी स्वभाव, अत्यधिक दौड भाग, कंजूसी, असंतोष, घर की चिन्ताएँ, भोजन की अधिक लालसा ध युवाशक्ति के लिए हिदायत * जल्द बाजी में कार्य न करें, और न ही दौड भाग में भोजन करें। तत क्षत सभी कार्य करने की आदत छोड़ें। किसी भी बात को लेकर ज़िददी (हठी) नहीं होना चाहिए। विवेक और सूझबूझ से परिस्थिति को समझ कर कदम उठाना चाहिए। * पैसों के मामलों में ढील बरते । * औरों का ख्याल करना सीखें, उनके दृष्टीकोण कों समझें। * जो हमें श्रीमाताजी से चैतन्य मिलता है उसे बाँटे अर्थात चैतन्य का त थ दं मध्य नाभी चक्र गुण उत्थान, sustainance, घर्म, परमात्मा की खीज (seeking) आदान प्रदान करें। * अपने को आराम दें हर समय भागते दौडते न रहें। पकड़ के कारण अथार्मिक व्यवहार सोच परमात्मा (श्रीमाताजी) के प्रति उपकार बुद्धि में कमी दायाँ नाभी चक्रे गुण व्यवस्थित जीवन शैली, आत्मगौरव, ईमानदारी, सांसारिक क्षेम यूवाशक्ति के लिए हिंदायत अपने व्यवहार सोच में विश्व निर्मल धर्म को स्थापित करें श्रीमांताजी ने आज तक हमें जो कुछ भी दिया है उसके प्रति कृतज्ञ रहें। एकड़ के कारण अत्यधिक चिन्तन अंग्रेजी देवाईयों का सेवन अधिक पलेनिंग अपने ऊपर हुए आशीर्वादों को याद रखें (planning), पढ़ाई (studies), टी वी (tv) और कम्पूटर (computer) Correspondences युवाशक्ति के लिए हिदायत * दायाँ नाभी ( और साथ ही दाँयें स्वाधिष्ठोन) की पकड़ से हमारा चित बाह्य में रहता है और आत्मा पर नहीं। जब ऐसा होता है तब हमारा आनन्द लुप्त हो जाता है। अपने थकूत को चैतन्यू दें।ठण्डे, पानी में क्रिया तथा बर्फ क्रिया की जा सकती है | * अपने व्यवहार में आत्म गौरव रखें। कृपया याद रखें आत्मगौरव और अहंकार में अन्तर है। चिन्ताओं को श्रीमाताजी को समर्पित करें। यदि ऐसा होने में कोई बाधा है तो शु बीट करें। * चित्त को श्रीमाताजी पर रखें तथा समर्पण में रहें। Colour Green Element Water Planet Jupiter Thursday Day Stone Emerald Symbol Quality Yin Yang Evolution, generosity, righteousness, sustenance Stomach, spleen, intestines, Organs liver (part), taste. * ध्यान में भजन गायें। f७ Yuvadrishti September 2008 RENDEZVOUS Discussions with Sahaj Yogi Brother When & how you got Realization amd when was Q-1 seeking manifested? And how were these overcome? Sahajayogi Brother: Basically, in Sahaja Yoga for a true seeker, difficulties and problems have lost their meaning. The Divine system is so spontaneous and self responding that such difficulties are mostly taken care of, if one is duly surrendered and is able to get into thoughtless meditation regularly. But in the beginning the following difficulties were generally experienced: Sahajayogi Brother: It was with the Grace of Her Holiness Shri Mataji that I was chosen to get inducted into Sahaja Yoga during May/ June 1988 in Kanpur. A French Sahaja Yogi & his wife raised my Kundalini. During those days Iwas passing through an extremely stressful phase of my life, since suddenly I had to face too many shocking and inevitable challenges in my personal life. Worst being the misery of losing my wife when the two children were only 9 & 14 years old and that too when I had not fully come out of the set back of my father's demise only a couple of months before. Ge Nothoughtlessness & No Vibrations 2 Lack of time for regular meditation or Sahaja work and even the know-how of correctly doing self clearance etc. There were no Sahaja Yogi or Sahaja Centre in & around Kanpur during those days for our follow up a Lack of confidence in talking about Sahaja Yoga guidance. Hence, my vertical growth was very slow. However, by the Grace of Her Holiness, within ca Financial constraints in running the weeks I could experience pleasant joy during evening meditations. Apparently, that might have been the subtle beginning of my seeking, which at that stage I had not been able to distinctly identify as there were no vibrations felt in my palms. a The pressure of fulfilling the assigned role of Gradually, by Her Grace, we started growing horizontally and in a couple of months we were about 10-12 members' collectivity trying to organise As we grew with the limited knowledge and weekly sessions while listening to Shri Mataji's experience, we could gradually appreciate the speech from some editions of 'Anand Lok' importance of humble, truthful and meaningful (Chaitanya Lahiri & speech cassettes were not surrendering and of honest prayers in meditation available). For further guidance we had been with innocence, sanctity and dedication. Eventually, visiting Delhi and attended Public programmes, to our surprise we found that our true desires were Seminars, Pujas etc. I could experience real growth getting automatically fulfilled, problems getting only after about 9-10 months, when I got the great solved and our doubts & queries were being opportunity of getting introduced to our Divine spontaneously answered. We ultimately realized Mother and get Self Realization during a Public through these experiences that the Doer is not I/ we, Program in New Delhi in March 1989. to others inadequately established Sahaja Yoga Centre Ga Lack of Yuva Shaktis for Centre and other Sahaja work running the local Sahaja Centre successfully and competently. but definitely the All Pervading Shri Adishakti, Shri Mataji, Her Holy Self only. Through Her blessings alone all the genuine desires are miraculously accomplished. What difficulties were faced Q-2 i) In meditation ii) In life For overcoming other difficulties we learnt to Yuvadrishti September 2008 practice various cleansing techniques. As we grew strength when things are not in favour? deeper, we started feeling negative catches and Sahajayogi Brother: Repeated opportunities of consequently needed to keep getting rid of them meeting our ever compassionate Divine Mother in through appropriate treatments techniques. the initial phase of Sahaja Yoga (during 1989-'90-91- '92-...) have been extremely important and absorbing events in my life. These everits have got Q-3 Yoga? What unique thing you found about Sahaja Sahajayogi Brother: Sahaja Yoga is a unique system permanently printed in my Attention which not which when practiced properly brings around the only helped me to grow effortlessly in Sahaja but inner transformation in a being which also to silently strengthen me for facing any crisis or comprehensively and spontaneously takes care of adverse situations in my life. Even when I listen to evolving the person into higher style of decent life HerSpeech with full Attention, it appears as though ensuring all virtues, peace, health, enlightenment Her compassionate Self is speaking directly to me and divinely blissful Joy. It forgives all our past sins and I am able to spontaneously imbibe the crux of & misdeeds, protects us from all mishaps & the speech within me. calamities and promotes us into a strong spiritually Q-6 attained personality so important to tide over the yuvashakti for their ascent? difficulties of prevailing times ('Ghor Sahajayogi Brother: Yuva Shakti have to play a vital & Kaliyuga'). What advicelsuggestion would you like to give to hard extremely important role for the propagation of How to balance the Sahaja life and Personal Sahaja Yoga. Hence, they need to be very dedicated, Q-4 and collective. At present even in well deep life? Sahajayogi Brother: The balance between the two may established centres such Yuva Shaktis are not more remain disturbed till the time one is able to merge than 10-15% in strength and perhaps very few in his personal life into Sahaja life. Before Sahaja Yoga, one's personality is influenced by only limited Therefore, need of the times is not only to take care of resources available. Hence he remnains in the ones own ascent but to grow and evolve collectively. darkness of ignorance, away from the Realities of Besides the points covered in the next question some life. But once Yoga (union with Almighty) is of the under mentioned areas could be of established, he comes under the influence of the importance for their ascent:- Unlimited, hernce becomes enlightened and is able to adjust himself so that his personal life is able to get identify the difficulties among less dedicated merged into Sahaja life. In fact it is a spontaneous members. Some of common obstacles faced could be phenomenon. If one feels strongly that he is a Sahaja lack of Sahaja knowledge and clearance techniques, Yogi, he has to only ensure that he is honestly and ignorance about basics of Meditation, some innocently desiring to remain truly surrendered to individual physical, emotional or family badhas or our Holy Mother through Sahaja Yoga preaching. casual attitude, etc. etc. They should try to work out smaller centres. Try to hold yuvashakti meetings frequently to The rest of adjustments are almost effortless and spontaneous, achieved due to Her compassion. accordingly & preferably solve these obstacles through collective ways. Since new seekers keep on Therefore, we have to make sure that we are coming, this should become an almost on-going task maintaining our connection with the Divinity in the centre, through regular meditation, all clearances and Often we are not very clear about the importance of active collective participation for horizontal and collective in Sahaja. Full understanding and vertical growth of Sahaja Yoga across the globe. experience of Callective Consciousness is perhaps Q-5 Any significant learning or experience that gives essential forits realisation. ০ e Yuvadrishti September 2008 meaningfully with full respects as though our Holy Mother is physically present in 'sakaar'. One should achieve thoughtless state every time. One must continuously update the knowledge and skill of practicing Sahaja Yoga by reading/ listening/ watching Shri Mataji's speeches. One can enhance spiritual knowledge also by reading scriptures and works of past incarnations, saints. Inspite of learning that Ego & Super-ego are the worst enemies in our ascent, we are not able to meaningfully practice & keep them out from our life. Consequently, when we do Sahaja activities we forget the fact that Shri Mataji is the only Doer, not we. Hence, all yuvashaktis should take initiative in carrying out Sahaja work with humility & responsibility, with the objective of pleasing Shri Mataji. Cleansing of badhas as indicated should be a routine Need to put attention on smaller centres for the practice. The principle should be to 'Nip in the bud' benefit of immature yuvashaktis. Form teams of rather than to delay it. deep & dedicated yuvashaktis and periodically visit such centres in and around the city with a 2 to 3 To deeply understand the meaning of Spontaneity hours program (Seminar; Workshop, Prachar and Collectivity and follow Sahaja accordingly. prasar etc.). Keep expanding the team so that a wider coverage can be extended and even state/ Spread of Sahaja Yoga through effective and national level programmes can be organised. To actively participate in the propagation and innovative methods. Try and follow up with the responding seekers till their maturity. For Collective Improvement: Q-7 How Yuva Shakti can improve their meditation attention? i. Dedicated yuvashaktis should take initiative to ensure a decent Sahaja environment and a healthy mutual relationship among the collectivity. ii. Matured yuvashaktis should form a team for ensuring vertical growth of collectivity through well planned Structured Programs, Seminars, Workshops etc. Sahajayogi Brother: Our revered Holy Mother has repeatedly been pronouncing that She has blessed us with all the knowledge, experience and power required for spreading Sahaja Yoga across the globe. She expects the Yuva Shaktis in particular to carry the torch with responsibility and enlighten all the seekers who are awaiting. Therefore, one has to become a worthy instrument for such pious divine work. Yuva Shaktis should iii, Some yuvashaktis may help in preparing CDs or aspire to raise their spiritual status through regular deep meditation and become a deserving torchbearer for Sahaja Yoga in days to come. Basically meditation has to be improved at individual level and also at collective levels. Both Iv. For analysing and monitoring the growth of the are usually complementary to each other. To achieve real thoughtlessness one has to ensure the purity of Attention. Enumerated below are some Power point presentations for:- b) Follow up programs a)Seekers c) Growth of yuvashaktis or yogis. collective -a workable Software can be prepared, for recording personal Database as well as various Centre activities. suggestions which may help in attaining the above status:- many people ask me that once we have got realization how is it mother that we go down. The only reason is that the dedication isnot complete. 1982-0731: Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England So Forindividual Improvement: All ritual efforts should be avoided. Meditation, should always be preceded by proper cleansing of Attention, Balancing & Prayers/ Affirmations etc Yuvadrishti September 2008 KIDSHAKTI : Little Divine Instruments Here are two lovely experiences to inspire us. Divine Kid Priya McCairns around the breakfast table we were discussing how we needed to call all the parents of the children, that would be coming today for meditation, and let them It is such a pleasure to see how Sahaja Yoga is working out here in the USA. About 3 months ago, at our kids' school, my wife know that it would be cancelled. When suddenly I Leela was asked by one of the teachers, if she would found myself saying, "Why cancel the class? Priya like to offer a meditation class for any interested kids quickly replied that she would! after school. My kids go to a public school call "Open On the way to school Priya confessed to me that she Class Room". In this school it is required for a parent was starting to get nervous about leading the class. to help every week in the class room. So many Then, at school "Priya" conducted her first Sahaja parents with special knowledge's like science etc. Yoga program today to 13 Kids and it went very help teach a subject. Or parents just help out the well. One girl told Priya that she was amazed that teacher with grading, or arranging assignments etc. she had felt something like a very gentle cool hand After school they offer different activities, and the going up her back and then she felt the cool wind teacher of Priya (our daughter) had noticed that she coming from the top of her head. Priya told me that was somehow more balanced then the other kids. So she never touched this girl. Priya was happy that all this brought about her asking Leela to conduct a the kids liked it so much. meditation class. can do it!" And Priya, our 11 year old daughter, Jai Shri Mataji Mr McCairns The fist class was in November 2007 and the turn out was great- 16 kids and they all loved it! So much so that when the following week came the kids were asking Priya, questions about what they would be doing that day and saying how much they enjoyed it. Then came the second class and Leela again had 16 kids! Some of them were really benefiting from the experience, and they loved it. Also, some of the parents commented on how much calmer their kids Divine Kid Akula Sharma In 2005, we had a Sahaja Yogi family as a neighbor, at that time their daughter, Akula, was in class second, around 7 years old. One day her teacher in her class asked the children how they pray to God. Akula told that we have an energy inside us, which loves us very much and if we pray to that energy that will give all of us lots of love. Then teacher asked her to do the prayer. were after the class. Then it was Christmas break. Then, few weeks after the break, the teacher asked Leela if she wanted to continue with the class. There had been a little bit of a conflict of after-school-activities because one of the other fathers decided to have a chess club on the She made all the children take out their shoes, open Mother Kundalini to give all the Love of God and make them good children. Then she asked other children to check above their head and many of same day. So Leela was not sure if the kids would want to meditate, or to attend the chess club. But the teacher informed her that she had already received them felt cool vibrations. There was a child in her class who had met with an accident, so she told all of them that if we pray for 12 inquires for meditation. So, Leela agreed. him to Mother, She will cure him, so then again all children prayed for this child to help him cure faster. She told us this experience and we were so amazed... She was hardly 7 years old at that time! Everything was great; after all how great it is that we can possibly save these young children from the strife of our world, and the fact that they want such a subtle experience is a wonder. Shilpa & Summeer So that morning Leela was sick, and as we sat Gurgaon তে Yuvadrishti September 2008 के आत्मसाक्षात्कारी करवयित्री ललद अ कश्मीर परमेश्वरी माँ की सुन्दरतम कृतियों में से एक अनुपम कृति है। इसे घरती का स्वर्ग योग भूमि , चैतन्यित भूमि इत्यादि अलंकरणों से सुशोभित किया गया है। श्री सदाशिव-शिवा की अमर कथा का साक्षी कश्मीर क्षेत्र पाण्डवों द्वारा अपने निवास के लिए दुर्योधन से माँगे गये पाँच गाँवों में से एक है। हजरत मौहम्मद साहब ने स्वयं इस सुन्दर प्रदेश की छटा में अपना समय बिताया। श्री माता जी द्वारा भी अपनी कश्मीर यात्रा में यहाँ की फिजा को चैतन्य-पान कराया गया है। आई सीधी राह से, गई न सीधी राह। ३- सुशुम सेतु पर खड़ी थी, बीत गया दिन आह! जेब टटोली, कौड़ी न पाई। माझी को ढूं, क्या उतराई? कवयित्री कहती है मैं आई तो सीधी राह से परन्तु चल पड़ी उलटी राह पर, अर्थात कवयित्री परमात्मा की प्राप्ति के पथ पर ठीक चल पड़ी थी। ललद्द श्री आदिशक्ति द्वारा आशीर्वादित लोकप्रिय सन्त-कवयित्री हैं। ललद्द का जन्म सन् 1320 ई० के लगभग, कश्मीर स्थित पान्पार क्षेत्र के उसने सहज मार्ग न पकड़कर हठयोग का मार्ग पकड़ लिया। वह जीवन सिमपुरा गाँव की चैतन्यित भूमि में हुआ। उन्हें लला, ल्लेवरी, ललयोगेश्वरी, ललारिफा आदि नामों से भी जाना जाता है। वे जाति-धर्म मर सुशुम्ना नाडाी की साधने का प्रयास करती रही, कुण्डलिनी जागरण के बनावटी आडम्बरों का विरोध करती और प्रेम को ईश्वर का सबसे बड़ा उपहार मानती थीं। उन्होंने अपनी वाणी में जीवन की नश्वरता तो वह परमात्मा को पार ले जाने के लिए भी नहीं कह पा रही है।) और ईश्वरता की अमरता का गायन करते हुए जीवन में समभाव अपनाने की प्रेरणा मानव जाति को दी है। उनकी रचनाएँ "वाख" नाम भेद न कर क्या हिंदू मुसलमां। से प्रसिद्ध है। सहजयोग को परिभाषित करते उनके कुछ वाख आनन्दानुभूति हेतु वही है साहिब से पहचान।। की कोशिश करती रही। इसी कोशिश में सारा जीवन बीत गया और अब ४ थल थल में बसता शिव ही, ज्ञानी है तो स्वयं को जान, प्रस्तुत है:- १- रस्सी कच्चे घागे की, खींच रही मैं नाव। जाने कब सुन मेरी पुकार, करें देव भवसागर पार।। पानी टपके कच्चे सकोरे, व्यर्थ प्रयास हो रहे मेरे। जी में उठती रह-रह हुक, घर जाने की चाह है घेरे।। (कवयित्री कहती हैं परमात्मा सवशक्तिमान है। वह कल्याणकारी और सर्वव्यापी है। इसलिए चाहे हिन्दू हो या मुसलमान उसे अपनाने में किसी को भी भेदभाव नहीं करना चाहिए। कवयित्री ज्ञानी मनुष्यों को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहती है हे ज्ञानी! अगर तू सच्चा ज्ञानी है तो पहले स्वयं को जान। अपने आत्म रूप को पहचान। आत्मा से ही परमात्मा को पहचाना जा सकता है।) कवयित्री ने शरीर को 'कच्चे धागे की रस्सी' कहा है। इस रस्सी से पानी की बूंद एक-एक करके रोज टपक रही है अर्थात् समय धीरे-धीरे समाप्त हो रहा है। मृत्यु समीप आती जा रही है। प्रभु-दर्शन के सारे प्रयास व्यर्थ प्रतीत हो रहे हैं। मेरा हृदय रह-रहकर तडप उठता है। मेरी व्याकुलता बढ़ती जा रही है अब मैं परमधाम को जाना चाहती हूँ।) इस प्रकार हम देख सकते हैं, महसूस कर सकते हैं ललद्द जी ने कितनी सहजता से आत्मोन्नति के संदेश को जन साधारण के बीच फैलाकर सहज की भूमिका को सार्थक बनाया है 14 वीं सदी में श्री माँ के जिस संदेश को अपनी मधुर वाणी से गाकर, ललद्द जी ने कश्मीर की वादियों को महकाया आज वही संदेश हमें आनन्दमय अनुभव द्वारा जन जन में फैलाना है। २- खा-खाकर कुछ पाएगा नहीं, न खाकर बनेगा अहंकारी। सम खा तभी होगा समभावी, खुलेगी सॉकल बंद द्वार की। (मनुश्य को बाह्याडम्बरों पर जरा भी विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए। मुक्ति का द्वार तभी खुलता है जब मनुष्य समभावी हो, न तो भोगी हो और न वैरागी।) ১) ১২০ e4 ७ Yuvadrishti September 2008 Living Honestly III Truth is above everything. Highest is truthful living. Guru Nanak Dev was a successful shopkeeper in his village, Talwandi. Because of his honesty and integrity, he was appointed manager of the government stores at Sultanpur Lodhi, in Punjab, on the banks of the river Bayeen. This was a job of great responsibility as large stores and stocks were involved in government dealings. One could easily misappropriate lots of money or stores. Junior officials were usually not very sincere, On the contrary, they were quite often dishonest. All residents of the town were satisfied with the good dealings of Guru Nanak Dev. The employees, however, did not like any strict control over them. They were always on the lookout for an excuse to complain against him. Guru Nanak often gave a lot of money and food to the needy people. Whenever COr mend their ways. They kept spreading rumours any person needed support, Guru Nanak was always ready to help him. The corrupt employees because of his rising popularity. Therefore, after against the "Guru." They became even more jealous did not like the honest conduct of Nanak. Tired of some time, they again raised the same issue and him, they alleged that Nanak was giving away started telling people that Guru Nanak was not government stocks to make a good name for keeping the accounts properly. The second himself. The people knew about the greatness of inspection of stores proved once more that all Nanak and, therefore, refused to believe these complaints by the employees were false and tumours. malicious. The evil intentions of the employees became known to everyone. All the residents of the village appreciated the honest living of Guru Nanak and the sharing of his earnings with other people. Even the Nawab of the town respected him as a holy Finally, the employees lodged a complaint with the Nawab that Guru Nanak Dev was misappropriating stores and stocks. Continued complaints regarding mishandling of the stores forced the Nawab to check the accounts, and stores. To the great embarrassment of the Nawab, everything was in order. There was no shortage at all, as doubted by the authorities. Most employees, who themselves were corrupt and had complained man. After demonstrating the principles of truthful living, he decided to deliver this message to the people of the world. To achieve his mission, he made plans to go on long tours. Guru Nanak Dev to defame Guru Nanak, felt very ashamed. resigned his job even though the Nawab repeatedly requested him to stay there. Even after this incident, the employees did not Yuvadrishti September 2008 We Must Surrender Our Problems To Shri Mataji EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue, any " He held it up for all to see; asked the students,' How much do you think this glass weighs? challenge that comes your way! "50gms!" . answered. '100gms!" .. 125gms' ..the students Remember to 'PUT THE GLASSDOWN TODAY! I really don't know unless I weigh it, 'said the professor, but my question is: What would happen ifIheld it up like this for a few minutes? When we leave our problems like glass of water from hands and put it to Lotus Feet of Our Mother thenall the worries are solved automatically because then they are taken care of by Param Chaitanya. And it knows what is best for us Nothing' the students said. 'Ok what would happen if Iheld it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked. In The Ocean Of Joy "Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the students. Today morning Shree Mataji made me meditate in a different manner and this divine experience can't be put into words. It was so joy giving and soothing that I was feeling myself in the ocean of joy where all chakras and full body was relaxed entirely. I would like to share my process of the "You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day? "Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress; paralysis3; "Have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student; all the students laughed. same- First I bowed down to Shree Mataji with humble "Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?' asked the professor. prayer -"Shree Mataji, please establish myself in peace". Then raised Kundalini and took bandhan as slowly and calmly as possible. I noticed my breathing slowing down gradually. Then I put both my hands towards Mother and heartily prayed (as slowly and calmly as possible)-" Shree Mataji, I don't want any thought, neither from past nor from future. Please make my attention fix on present". Then with my right hand on Sahastrara very softly without putting any 'No' the students said. "Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?" The students were puzzled. "Put the glass down!' said one of the students. "Exactly!' said the professor.' Life's problems are something like this.. pressure and rotated the scalp as slowly and softly as possible. I felt whole system relaxing completely; on Agnya as if Ego & Superego is melting down and found myself in tremendous comfort and relaxation. With small intervals, againI put my hand on Sahastrara & rotated. - Neha Singhal, Kolkata Hold it for a few minutes in your head; they seem OK... Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache... Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything... It's important to think of the challenges problems in your life, but Yuvadrishti September 2008 YuvaShakti Reporter The Mumbai Yuvashakti Seminar-2008 The Mumbai Yuva Shakti gathered in June 2008 in Virar for a Yuva Shakti seminar which was organized by Yuva Shakti collectively. Approximately 140 brothers and sisters attended the seminar. The only motto of this seminar was to share love, know each other and above all make friends that was divine and pure and imnbibes the Divine love and teachings of Shri Mataji. The stage and hall was decorated with balloons and ribbons and a beautiful Rangoli was drawn at the door to welcome everyone. At 12.a.m. the seminar started with the Mahamantras and we meditated for few minutes after collective Balancing. Then we heard the audio speech of Shri Mataji on "Lethargy- The Most Anti-God". The talk on overcoming Lethargy was followed by 2-3 bhajans. Then the program composer, Mahesh Khade of Mumbai a welcome speech elucidating the purpose of the Seminar, and mentioning the events that'll take place during the day. Yuva Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis introduced by their names, the centre they belong to and their hobbies. It was a wonderful event as each of us got to know each other, not only in terms of their name and centre but also in terms of their potential and also bring courage to speak in front of all the Yogis. gave Then, it was time for lunch. During lunch all yuva's were seen talking to each other trying to know each other. Post lunch few bhajarns were sung including the Sufi song "Ali More Angana". Roshni Sheregar then conducted a session on Environment Awareness' to elaborate on the gratitude we should have towards Mother Earth and the Environment, Sarvesh then performed a mimicry of the Indian our responsibility to protect & embellish the Mother actors on how would they react when Sahajayogis Earth with natural beauty. The topics covered approach them to take self-realization and how will included our responsibilities as a Sahajayogi they behave after transformation. An informative towards saving environment from getting polluted session was conducted by Rahul Shinde about the and Shri Mataji's point of view towards global "Birth of Yuvashakti" with the emphasis on the warming, "Global Warming does not exist, but it things Yuvashakti should know. Then everyone only reflects our condition on Mother Earth (too took the Sahaja Yuva Shakti pledge and vowed that much right side). If we are in balance she (Mother the main purpose of Yuva Shakti is the development Earth) herself can take care of Global Warming". of our own personality in order to make it much Eye-opening!! more complete, so that all of us prove to be great Then, there was a session of dumb charades for assets to Sahaja yoga and serve as shining ideals for which we used names on cassettes of Shri Mataji's other to emulate and derive inspiration. Continued on pg 19 Yuvadrishti September 2008 Colds little warm water, or even ordinary water, so the dust will come out. The cold is a disease (also hay fever)... of London and England, due to less resistance... no immunity, because of lack of calcium within us. If proper care is taken in childhood, with adequate vitamins A and D, with massaging with cod liver oil or olive oil, and with proper sunning, then we would get colds less. It is a Vishuddhi problem. Coughs and colds are a left side problem and indicate emotional problems... in girls, crying, whilst in men coughing or sneezing for no reason at all coughing and sneezing to show our pitiable condition. To cure the cold, look into your emotional life. If there is too much attachment to mother or A little chillies is alright... you can develop a little taste for chillies... it's alright. It cleanses you, and it Hhat the child feels hurt, then he may get colds. Any has Vitamin Cal so in it, so it's quite good for colds and things. attachment that makes you foolish, or hankering after someone, creates similar troubles, especially The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing... and with the 'Romeos'. It can be corrected by getting has to be worked on, on a material level only... and proper understanding, that we are just trustees of is where you get troubles like sinus, colds and our children, that we should be detached, and not get coughs, and all that... and can result from the these romantic feelings. On the other side, if we drying up of the nose... because of the use of central move to the right side more, we get dry feelings, a heating. Now... what you are doing actually... is to dry throat-we cannotspeak. neglect certain laws of nature... like...in London, or anywhere... it's all heated up inside the rooms... too much it is... it's very dry... we all know that in England we have to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some water or something, or fill a tub in the The liver gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by bath and keep it open... so there is humidity in the Vishuddhi. Flowing colds, characterised by sneezing, running nose, and hay fever are dueto the liver producing heat. room. Sneezing is nothing but the right Vishuddhi opening Coughing... may be due to drying epithelial cells of out. the throat - ghee may be used to correct this, by Those who have got flowing colds must know that putting a few drops onto hot water or milk, and they are liver patients... they should put some ice on taking it - it will spread over the epithelial cells. The their livers. Also they should put their left hand on ghee can be kept in a small bottle, which may be their liver, and their right hand toward the heated in hot water prior to use. photograph, and in the water, salt... it's a right side. those who are sneezing, or feeling hay fever, or flowing of cold... just try to treat your liver and you'll be alright. May also be due to negativity which can move arbitrarily, and can be cured by... gargling... or by the Mantra "Allah ho Akbar" said 16 times.... by dhooni ... and by care with some foods. Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems... Also... you are not used to the dust, and that's like Angina, Spondylitis... sometimes people lose another reason you get coughing. When you come their voices completely... sometimes they have all out of the processions (in India) you just gargle with the time coughing. Above all is the centre of discrimination, which only comes when you are free Yuvadrishti September 2008 It is important to wear a vest under the shirt, especially in warm weather, to prevent catching colds, particularly after perspiring. people. Till you are biased... till you have your own concepts, you cannot be discrete... and that's the one point where one must understand that to achieve your complete freedom, you your Vishuddhi chakra cleared out. First and foremost is you must speak in a sweet manner, not have to get Radha Krishna... is the mantra for the Vishuddhi.. and is for where there are... problems of ears, nose and throat... or where you get bad colds... or where artificially, but sweetly... speak in a manner that another person likes it... Satyam Vade... Priyam Vade... speak the truth... don't tell the lies. you get your attention diverted. References: www.sahajvidya.org Continued from pg 17 speeches. Yuva's who had mentioned acting as their and for the whole World. There was another speech hobbies were called on the stage and were given from Shri Adishakti Puja 1990 after which we titles like 'Mukti Ki Aur', 'You are the Spirit' etc. to meditated on instrumental music played by Siddesh enact, which were wonderfully done. A classical Vaity and Vivek Bhoite, which was very soothing & dance was performed by Janani as a gesture of nourishing. gratitude to Shri Ganesha. It was a beautiful event- The program was concluded by acknowledging the ineffable & priceless. A play titled "KALYUG SE invaluable contribution of Yuvashaktis all over SATYUG KIAUR", was performed by yuvas which narrated the story of three generations, The first generation showed how people were alcoholic and s.S.C and H.S.C examination were given a token of violent and second generation showed how false appreciation. To recollect the enjoyment and guru ruled the people and the third generation learning at the seminar a souvenir was gifted to showed the current Sahaja Yoga period and everyone, which had extracts from Shri Mataji's behavior of people in Sahaja Yoga. It was a very speeches blended with soft classical music which humorous play but also providing valuable & deep could be used for meditation. Mumbai who had worked to make this seminar a successful event. The students who recently cleared insights of the importance of Sahaja Yoga in this Kaliyuga. Then one final surprise waiting it was announced to the collective that with the blessings of our Divine Mother our very own "Development Center for Yuvashakti" is being opened on second Sunday of every month. It is a step towards Yuva development to fulfill our Mother's vision for yuvas. The seminar concluded 6p.m by giving respect to our Janani by singing Vande Mataram. Pinky Gupta then took through a wonderful presentation of "Shri Mataji as a Yuva Shakti" - as a child, as a family person, as teenager, as a student, as a part of political movement. Various facets of Shri Mataji as yuvashakti were brought out in a very colorful and inspirational manner. Everyone felt got motivated to use their dormant qualities as Shri Mataji has used it for the benevolence of Sahaja Yoga Kindly send us the report/news of yuvashakti events in your collective at yuvadrishti@gmail.com You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja yoga but to me. Sahaja yoga is just one of my aspect. Leaving everything you have to dedicate, complete dedication otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without questioning, without asking, complete dedication is the only way you can achieve it. 1982-0731: Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England Yuvadrishti September 2008 Awaken Your Creativity Hen Salary Universe Hero Saint Star Make a story using these words. Ho to do it? Creative Car Villain Boy Love Fight Once there was a boy Amar who was very creative, every body loved him but Vinay was jealous of Amar because nobody used to talk to him due to his villainous nature. He fights with every body, hurt them, irritates them. It was there drawing exam & Vinay forgot his color box at home so he stole Amar's color box. Amar saw Vinay while doing that but he didn't said anything and gave his exam using his pen and pencil as he was creative enough. After exam got over Vinay was going home and a car came hit & threw him aside. Amar was passing thereby. He stopped his car & took him to his father's hospital. When Vinay got up and asked him, "why do you do so even after knowing that I stole your colour box and ruined your exam"? Amar answered that/'My mother that love and compassion is the key to life and by holding grudges one can never forgive says anybody. Vinay cried and hugged Amar. Dear yuvashakti, quickly send your creative stories to us at yuvadrishti@gmail.com ाद Yuvadrishti September 2008 पिंगला नाडी - क्रिया का नाड़ी When Your Vishuddhi is Established प्र. १ पिंगला नाड़ी मानवीयशरीरमें कैसे तैयार होती है? मूलत: मस्तिष्क ये प्रिज़्म जैसे होता है इसलिए जब किरणें मस्तिष्क की बाँयी तरफ गिरती है, वे दायी तरफ प्रतिम्बिबित होते है. इस तरहसे पिंगलानाड़ी उत्पन्न होती है। प्र. २ सूर्य नाड़ी क्या है? पिंगला जाड़ी को सूर्य नाड़ी भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि सूर्य अपनी आत्मा का पुरूष रूप दशाता है और चन्द्र स्त्री रूप दशाता है। लड प्र. ३ पिंगलानाड़ी के क्या-क्यागुण है? पिंगला नाई़ी अपने कार्य परनियंत्रणरखती है ये मार्गप्लॉमिंग करने के लिए और उसे कार्यान्वित करने के लिए है । When you are having a lot of difficulties, and despite that, you stay in the collective, your Vishuddhi is established. When you can see every event, bad or good, as a प्र. ४ कौनसे देवी / देवता सुर्य नाड़ी के मार्ग को संचलित करते हैं? सर्य नाड़ी के मार्ग को संचलित करनेवाले देवता है - श्री महा सरस्वती और श्री हनुमान। film shot in life, and be a spectator, your Vishuddhi is established. When someone insults you and you stay indifferent and don't react, your Vishuddhi is established. When peopleharm you by their speeches and you respond with silence of bandhan, even if you are right, your Vishuddhi is established. When a Sahaja brother, a Sahaja Sister, or anyore expresses to you his or her problems, and by your advice you relieve him and calm his anxiety, your Vishuddhi is established. प. ५ पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन बिगड़ने से कौनसी समस्या और बीमारियाँउत्पन्न होती है? - युवाशक्ति के दृष्टिकोण से देखें तो बहुत अधिक सोचना, बिना उड्देश्य मस्तिष्क को तेजी से भगाना, एकाग्रता का अभाव, निद्रा का अभाव, बदधकोष्ठता, जिगर समस्या और आक्रमक वृत्ती ये प्रधान समस्या दिखती है। प्र. ६ र्पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन कैसे करें? पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन अनेक प्रकार से कर सकते है, पर इस में सब से अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है सुबह और शाम ध्यान करना और सोने के पहले नमक पानी में पैर सखना। कठोर मेहनत के परिणाम के बारे में मत सोचो, उसे श्री माताजी पर छोड़ दो। परमेश्वर पिता है, उनपर दृढ़ विश्वासरखो और परमेश्वर अपने लिए जो नियोजन करता है, उस में कुछ तर्क होता है। आत्मासाक्षात्कार देने से और सहजयोग का काम करने से दायाँ मार्गसाफ होता है। caWhen you take the floor somewhere and seem to hear a divine melody and relax, your Vishuddhi is established. people When you dress properly without exposing the ultimate parts of your body, your Vishuddhi is established. When opening your mouth you tell only the truth, your Vishuddhi is established. RWhen you have something, and you can share it with your brother, sister or anyone without ego your Vishuddhi is established. When you make people happy by your presence only, your Vishuddhi is established. WVhern you can easily talk to someoneabout Sahaja Yoga, your Vishuddhi is established. प्र. ७ कौनसी नदी पिंगला नाड़ी का प्रतिनिधित्वकरती है? यमूना नदी, भारत प्र. ८ दायें मार्ग पर प्रभाव न पड़ते हुए हम सहज का प्रभावपूर्ण कार्य किस तरह से कर सकते हैं? हम सहज के लिए प्रभावपूर्ण कार्य इस तरह से कर सकते है कि हमें केवल परमात्मा का साधन बनना है और दैवत्व को अपने कार्यों द्वारा प्रकटीत करना है। When people from the America continent, and you have all these qualities... America is established. -Akashwani, July 2001, volumeii, issue vii, Yuvadrishti September 2008 Discipline I do not want to put too much restriction on children in the name of discipline, in the beginning, because children are themselves very disciplined. But discipline has to be there. If you follow the practice of getting up in the moning time, slowly you will find children cannot sleep after that time. All these good habits can be done. To sleep earlier, to get up early, not to talk too much, not become also absolutely deaf and dumb sort, not to talk rubbish, not to be frivolous, not to be sarcastic. All these things can be watched very carefully. Children must know how to behave themselves, they must know how to answer, how much they must talk. Do not spoil them with presents. Give them presents at the right time and tell them how they should behave. This is your duty to discipline them. No child should be allowed to answer back. Teach them to be respectful. If you do not teach them, they will be disrespectful to other people. Sit down with them one hour and talk to them, not in the presence of others. If they break the toys and all that, tell them that "if you are breaking toys you are not going to get them." Keep them properly, arrange them, let them organise. This is how you train. Another habit children must form is to get up early in the morning and wash. The parents must get up in the morning. Give them bath, get them ready. Do not give tea to children, but milk. Tea is not a good habit. You have to tell your children, until they are sixteen years of age, everything that is good, righteous, how to behave and how to live. Otherwise, they become vagabonds. "Oh, we can do whatever we want, what is wrong?" You teach them what is wrong. Do not give them money, Let them do the work. You should never pay for your children's work. Do not run after the children all the time, because once they know they are dominating you, they will sit on your heads. They should know where they stand with you. Gradually they will learn and behave. Either you make them human beings or you make them devils. Itis in your hands. Children should know that you love them. Do little things that show that you care. Express your love. The only fear they have is that they will lose that love. Love must be expressed. This is the main thing that they have to be given all the time. Address them like someone higher. Respect and love, that is the point, rather than beating them. To give a lot of love is the first priority, then the discipline. Children should not be allowed to form habits. They should not get used to too much comfort. They should attend to others, bring things for others and always be busy with someone. We should not make the children work too hard. In India, the whole society trains the attention of the child by continually pointing the attention to the correct things. It is not wise to make the child agitated all the time and enter into a sort of competition. Let the child grow normally. Source-Education Enlightened, HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Kid Shakti Page nакті Vishuddhi Chakra Locate the Vishuddhi Chakra on the body chart. Count the Number of petals in the Vishuddhi Chakra. Ask your parents the color the Vishuddhi Chakra and color it. Shri Radha Krishna is the Deity at Vishuddhi Chakra. This chakra connects us to the Virata. The Left Vishuddhi is controlled by Shri Vishnumaya, sister of Shri Krishna, killed by represents pure brother-sister relationships. She gives us self -confidence and power to announce the incarnation of Shri Mataji. Right Vishuddhi gives us power to communicate with others in sweet manner. If our Vishuddhi is good then we have glow on the face and sparkle in the eyes. rakshasa Kamsa and ww ब हि प- पुः श्रीमाताजो आपन्या चरणी कोटी कोटी पू. जपल्य Pllat प्रणाम ॥ ते ]॥त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ।। ॥त्वमेव बन्धख सखा त्वमेव ।। ॥ त्वमेव विधा द्रविण त्वमेव ॥ ब्वमद] ॥त्वमेव सर्व मम देवदेव [॥ कपि से / चापला यूवा शक्ता ---------------------- 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-0.txt Yuvadrishti Sept 2008 Vul9 Esue 3 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-1.txt Swayambhu Pratima of Mother Parvati Banyan tree where Maharshi Markandeya meditated 14000 Banyan, Olive and Pipal altogether as one tree year ago Swayambhu Pratima of Lord Shiva The boundries of three states Hariyana, Uttar pradesh and Himachal pradesh meet at this point The only place on earth where river Yamuna, Sushumna & Sarswati appear together on surface 500000 years old shila of lord shiva Vibrated Locations near Yamunagar (Haryana) ® ి NOsasasssasNssadsANsaNsas ss 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-2.txt ******r ***** అా INDEX NIRMAL VANI : Stithpragnya श्री माताजी पधारे म्हारे देस 4 (यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी) हरियाणा में सहजयोग हृदयाभिव्यक्ति नाभी चक्र RENDEZVOUS Discussions with Sahaj Yogi Brother 10 KIDSHAKTI : Little Divine Instruments 13 आत्मसाक्षात्कारी कवयित्री ललद 14 Living Honestly 15 We Must Surrender Our Problems To Shri Mataji 16 YuvaShakti Reporter 17 Colds 18 Awaken Your Creativity 20 ***********r****** kr*********u 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-3.txt YUVADRISHTI Published by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411 038 Tel : 020-25286537, Fax : 020-25286722 For queries regarding delay in receiving the magazine, please call: Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd., Tel : 020-25286537, E-Mail: sale@nitl.co.in Please mail your experiences, poems, articles, suggestions, comments, etc. to: Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 8, Chandragupt Housing Society Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411 038 yuvadrishti@gmail.com Printed by Re-Prints Pune We solemnly thank our article writers, editors, designers/professionals etc. for their help in making this issue. 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-4.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 NIRMAL VANI : Stithpragnya Achieving the state of Witnessing As Yuvashaktis, our minds are continuously bombarded with new ideas & impulses through various external media and from the society that we live in. They disturb our peace and imbalance us. The trick is to stay in witness while going through our schools, colleges or work. In this Nirmalvani, the Amrutdhara of our Mother's words shall guide us to that State. The Beauty of Witnessing There's this Chinese story about a saint. So one king brought his cock to him and said, "You train my cock in such a way that he should win." He said, "All right." So he kept the cock of the king for one month and when the show started, different cocks came from different places and they all started fighting. This cock just stood up and was watching, just watching. And other cocks got such a fright, they couldn't understand how this fellow is not disturbed, he's just watching, he's standing, he's doing nothing. So all they disappeared from the arena and he was declared as the successful one. It is a very important thing about the power of Shri Krishna that gives you a witness state. This is very important also because, in these days of Kali Yuga and complete confusion of value system, all kinds of turmoil makes a very complex conditions to exist. The state of witnessing is only possible through meditation: you reach the state of thoughtless awareness. It's combined together. Now the witness state is such a state where you just donot react. Now if you really become a witness state, if you are in a witness state, ther what will happen? If you watch any such things that are happening, it will subside. If you are in a witness state and if that level, then no accident will take place in your sight. Even if there is an accident, then you can save the person, you can help person very actively. That's in a very small scale, but even in a very large scale you can do it, something wonderful. [Ref# 1] the How Witness state is Spoiled But witness state is not a mental state, it is a state of a spiritual ascent where you become a witness, I've seen people who are all the time criticizing others. They cannot criticize themselves, so they start criticizing others. They don't even see what wrong they have done to others, because they think they have a right to criticize others, and they enjoy this criticism very well. Now one may say, "Mother, how does this ego build up in people?"" Of course, mstly it is due to reactions, also it is due to the conditioning. If the child is told from the childhood that "You should hate these people, they are to be hated. They are wrong people, they are bad people," they just start doing that. When they grow up they start showing that hatred is now like cactus growing very big, and is killing others. Actually there's nothing to be criticized. You just watch and see for yourself. That's all is your right. You have no right to criticize anyone or anything. But some people think if you do not criticize, then it will go on like 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-5.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 this and it will never stop. It's not thatl Once you wvatch the thing yourself, only just watch. Your attention itself is enlightened now, with that enlightened attention you can just watch and stop the nonsense that is there. But we are always conscious that we are something great, and we have to do this and we have to do that. Under these circumstances what happens is that you become another problem. Because what can you do? You can't do anything. But what you can do is to watch. By watching and by just seeing things as they are, you really develop a very differentstate of being. Now you being Sahaja Yogis, your worth is great. You have come here to emancipate human beings from these silly ideas and foolish ways, the way people are behaving. One doesn't know why people react like that, and then why do we worry about what people react? All these things are not only on individual level, but also on a collective level. As a result, you see, new kinds of value system has been created. Now for a mother would think she is a great actress. They are so much engrossed or they are so much standing on the basis that they have to be extremely attractive. Same with the men. You see, if you have something within you, if there is any quality within you, is there anything that can qualify you as a great man, it will be showing. You don't have to advertise. [Ref# 1] In Sahaja Yoga also I have seen people want to show off a lot. [Ref# 2] Everybody seems to be very knowledgeable and start telling what is best and what is not the best, what is not good. And once they start saying something like that, mind becomes reflective. If the mind is not reflective, then you are in thoughtless awareness. While if you react onto everything, your memory becomes horrible. Now a mother's desire is always that children should have nothing but peace and joy, no sufferings, no starvation, no ordeals, nothing. They must just enjoy. Now those days are gone. But even to enjoy this, even to live in that complete peaceful state you have to benon-reflecting. [Ref# 3] The Joy of Witness State Firstly all such people who are just witnessing, what happens to them is very interesting, that their memory loss is much less, because whatever they see becomes like a picture to them. Like you can say, they can tell you even the colour, the folding, everything. Whatever they see is so much in their mind like a photo, and they can tell you exactly what they have seen, and your memory is not lost. While if you react onto everything, your memory becomes horrible. Once you do not react to outside you start reacting to inside, and introspection will start properly. When you see yourself you'll be amazed how admiring you are, how happy you are. Now if you go beyond thata little more, then you don't think of all these things. You just become thoughtless and you just stand up as a person who is respected, whose company is wanted, who is loved and who is cared for. So one should not worry as to what people react, what they say about you, what they think about you, You should justintrospect and see for yourself. After some time you don't need even introspection. will find yourself a very, very powerful person in the sense you'll have no ambitions, you'll have no desires, you'll have no special fondness or anything. But just you are witnessing the drama. [Ref# 2] There's no ripple of thought in your mind. Then you become extremely creative. You become extremely dynamic, you become extremely compassionate. You have no fear. [Ref# 3] you 2, জ 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-6.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 Getting the Witness State So your witness state has to be developed and sometimes I have seen people have to go through little difficulties to develop that witness state. [Ref# 3] This is very important that once the Kundalini starts supplying you from your Sahasrara downward, moving on your chakras and enriching your different chakras, on the Vishuddhi chakra, when it has to stay, it really tries to, little bit, take you through turmoil; and you start thinking that "See now, my life was so blissful, I had so many blessings, and now what has happened?" But this is the time when you should become tatastha, means you should become a witness, if you become a witness everything improves. You have become now walis, you have becomenow realised souls, you have become now atmajas. You have got Brahmachaitanya, you have seen on your heads there was light, you have seen the proof of it. SoI don't have to give you a second certificate. Only thing, you better understand and be aware of your own position, as Shri Krishna has said, "You have to be aware of your Self." First to get self-realisation and then to be aware of your position. Then you'll be surprised how you develop proper attention and proper understanding. Absolutely it is an easy thing to do as soon as you find that you have achieved that witness state. [Ref#2] This sets in, this reflection, sets in waves of thoughts in our mind. I have already, once, described it by drawing. How the energy that falls on the right side goes to the left side and the falls on the left goes to the right. Crosses over because of two types of cells we have. Then out of this energy that goes to the right, the energy that goes to the left it is sucked in partly into the sympathetic, Now whatever is left out is the one that reflects. That is the way it goes on reflecting. Now if you can suck in all that energy and put it on our sympathetic, then all our energies will be thousand fold much more. We'll not be tired, we'll notbe unhappy, we'll be able to stand lots of nonsense. But we'll not call it a nonsense, we'll not think it's a bad thing, so it has no effect on us. To be one with that state you have to be absolutely silent within yourself. For the Goddess, She is silent. There's a fight on, She's silent, because She's so confident. She knows about Her powers. She knows Mahishasura or any asura cannot trouble Her, cannot touch Her. She knows what are their powers are and She knows all Her powers. So She doesn't have to be disturbed by anything. She's not disturbed because She's really the personification of this peace state, where She's so powerful. She doesn'thave to know about Her powers. She doesn't have to ask the powers to exert, they just work, automatically [Ref# 3] Shri Krishna told Arjuna that "I will not fight. So in between Me and the army, My army, you have to select." So Kauravas said, "No, we'll take Your army, Your army. You give us Your army and we'll strengthen our army." But Arjuna said, "I don't want army, I want You. You don't want to fight, it's all right." Because though He will be there in a witness state only, He won't be fighting but His power will act. He doesn't have to fight, He doesn't have to do anything, but His own power which is outwardly is silent but will act, and that is how we will win the war. [Ref# 1] Like thesemountains how they are steadily watching everything and emittingjoy and beauty. I wish you all very great luck for your witness state. [Ref# 2] References: 1998-0816: Stop reacting-Witness, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella 1988-0806: State of witnessing, Shri Krishna Puja, Garlate, Italy 1995-1001: Navaratri Puja, Cabella 1. 2. 3. 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-7.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 श्री माताजी पधारे म्हारे द देस देस खमिध म्हार (यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी) हरियाणा में सबसे पहले श्री माताजी १९9० में करनाल आए। वे यहाँ करण ताल पर ठहरे। श्री माताजी की से यहाँ पर सहजयोग का ह कृपा सार्वजनिक कर्यक्रम आयोजित हुआ। जिसमें बहुत लोग पहुँचे। अगले दिन श्री माताजी करनालसे यमुनानगर के लिए निकले। रास्तें में श्री माताजी ने कहा ये स्थान तो शाकुम्भरा देवी काहै क्योंकि जिसरास्ते से श्री माताजी गुजररहे थेवहाँ ढूर-दूर तक हरियाली थी। न . ... की ं यमुनानगर में श्री माताजी की कृपा से सार्वजनिककर्यक्रम आयोजित हुआ, जिसमें श्री माताजी स्वयं आए। १अप्रेल ?990 के इस सार्वजनिक कर्यक्र म में मंच के सामने श्री माताजी के आने के लिए एक रास्ता बनाया गया। जब श्री माताजी उस रास्ते से मंच पर आए तो पिछे से सभी महिलाओं ने अपने बच्चो का माथा उस रास्ते पर छुआया क्योंकि उनका मानना था कि इस रास्ते पर देवी के श्रीचरण पड़े हैं और यह स्थान पवित्र हो गया। श्री सरस्वती पूजा श्री सरस्वती पूजा यहाँ के मुकुन्छ लाल कॉलेज में हुई। यमुनानगर के सहजयोगियों का मानना है कि इस पूजा के बाळ यमुनानगरमें शिक्षा स्तरपर बहुत तरी हुई। इससे पहलेयहाँकोई अच्छा शिक्षासंस्थान नहीं थे पर अब बहुत है। यहाँ पर बाहुर से प्रतिदिन करीब १०.000विद्यार्थी शिक्षा प्राप्त करने के लिए आते हैं। महिलाओं ने श्री माताजी के सुन्दर रूप की बहुत सराहना की। उनका कहना था कि श्री माताजी का जो रूप वो फोटो में देखकर आई थीं, उससे कई ज्यादवा श्री माताजी सुन्दरलगरहे थे। मंच पर श्री माताजी के लिए बैठने के लिए कोई खास सिंहासन का प्रबन्ध नहीं था पर श्री माताजी ने तखत पर बैठना पसन्द किया। उस समय श्री माताजी तख्त पर जैसे बैठे थे, वो बिल्कुल श्री विष्णु अगवान का रूप दिखा रहे थे। हरियाणा की स्वास्थ्य मंत्री श्रीमती कमला वर्मा भी इस कार्यक्रम में पहुँची थीं। फिर श्री माताजी ने अपना प्रवचन दिया और जब प्रवचन खत्म किया तो सभी लोग उठकर जाने लगे। श्री माताजी ने सभी से कहा, 'बस, आप लोग केवल प्रवचन सुनने ही आए थे? जो में तम्हे देने आई े उसे तो लकेर जाओ।'यहसुनकर सब लागे बैठेऔर श्री माताजीब्ारा आत्मसाक्षात्कारका कार्यक्रम हुआ। औ्रीकृष्ण पुजा यह पूजा यमुना नही के किनारे हथनी कुंड जगह पर हुई। २०0 के करीब विदेशी सहजयोगी पूजा लेने के लिए यहाँ पहुँचे पूजा से पहले श्री माताजी की रथयात्रा अग्वाल धर्मशाला से शुरु होकर पेपर मिल ग्राउंड पर समाप्त हुई। जिसमें करीब 900 लोगों ने भाग लिया श्रीकृष्ण पूजा साकार में ढोपहरको समाप्त हुई। जिसमें १०८ बच्चों ने श्री माताजी के श्रीचरण धोये और श्री माताजी द्वारा ५६ ओग चैतन्टयित किया गया। उस समयरात में भयंकर सी में खूले में लकडियाँ जलाई ँ गई और उसके चारों ओर सहजयोगियों ने नृत्य किया। श्री माताजी पूरे समय वाहाँ रहे। कार्यक्रम देर रात के र बजे तक चला। श्री माताजी अपने बच्चों के साथकाफी प्रसन्न लगरहे थे। वह सारा समय स्मरणीय रहा। श्री माताजी ने नीले रंग की सजावट पहनी हुई थी और सजावट भी नीले रंग का ही था। प्रेममयी माँ टाह सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम यमुनानगर के गीता भवन मंदिर में हुआ था। इसके अलावा श्री माताजी की कृपा से यहाँ ढो और सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम पेपर मिल ग्राउंड में हुए। जिनमें श्री माताजी ्दवारा आत्मसाक्षात्कार दिया गया। श्री माताजी की यमुनानगर पर असीम कृपा हुई। यहाँ पर श्री माताजी की दो साक्षात पूजा भी हुई। बहुत सुन्दर लग रही थी और सभी उस आनन्द को महसूस कररहेथे। Continued on pg 7 ১ ৫ 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-8.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 हरियाणा में सहजयोग होरयाणा हरियाणा जैसे कि इसके नाम से विदित है एक हरित प्रदेश के नाम से जाना जाता है और इसके हरित होने के बारे में श्री माताजी भी बता चुकी है कि यहाँ पर शाकुम्भरा देवी की कृपा है। बताया कि वह कभी भी गर्भ धारण नहीं कर पायेगी। उस लड़की ने दो साल अपनी भाभी के लिये ध्यान किया और श्रीमाताजी एक रात उसके स्वपन में आए और उसे कहा, तेरे घर तुम्हारी भाभी को २१ मार्च को बेटा होगा।" फिर २१ मार्च को उनके घर बेटा हुआ! (हम सभी जानते है २१ मार्च को हमारी प्रेममयी माँ का सांसारिक जन्मदिन होता है।) इन सब बातों से ज्यादा उस लड़की ने एक महत्वपूर्ण बात बताई कि लोग उसका मज़ाक बनाते हैं, "बिना फोटो के किसका ध्यान करती हो?तुम किसी से बिना मिले, उसे बिना जाने कैसे उन्हें मान सकती हो ?" तब उसने बताया, "परमात्मा को कितने लोगों ने देखा है पर सारा संसार उनसे प्रेम करता है, मैं तो फिर भी उनकी शक्ति को चारों और महसूस कर सकती हूँ।' हरियाणा राज्य में सहजयोग के प्रचार प्रसार में बहुत प्रयत्न किये जा रहे हैं। २००७ तक हरियाणा के किसी भी गाँव में सहजयोग ध्यान केन्द्र नहीं था। गाँव में ध्यान केन्द्र खोलने के लिए सभी प्रयासरत थे। श्री माताजी की कृपा से २००७ में करनाल के पास इन्द्रों में एक बड़ा सार्वजनिक कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया और पिछले १८ महीनों से वहाँ पर ध्यान केन्द्र चलाया जा रहा है। इन्द्रों के अच्छे परिणाम देखते हुए पिछले एक साल में हरियाणा के बहुत से गाँवों में ध्यान केन्द्र खोले जा चुके हैं। जिनको प्रारम्भ करने में यमुनानगर सामूहिकया की मुख्य भूमिका रही है। मट् च ंप के टट श नि क डबकौली गाँव में आत्मसाक्षात्कार के दौरान विशुद्धि चक्र शुद्ध करने पर आकाश में बहुत मोटी नीली रेखा देखी गई जिसे सभी गाँव वालों ने भी देखा। हरियाणा में सभी कार्यक्रम से पहले प्रकृति ने भी अपना कार्य किया और भारी बारिश सभी कार्यक्रमों से पहले डबकोली, मुजाफल, बिलासपुर इत्यादि प्रमुख हैं। इन सभी हुई। कार्यक्रम शुरू होने से पहले बारिश रुक जाती थी। स्थानों पर कार्यक्रम करते हुए कुछ चमत्कार भी देखने व सुनने फरीदाबाद में भी सहजयोग के कार्य जोर शोर से किये जा रहे हरियाणा सहजयोग के ग्रामीण राज्य संयोजक श्री जी.के. दत्ता के प्रयासों द्वारा पिछले एक महीने में तीन गाँवों में कार्यक्रम किये जा चुके हैं और वहाँ पर ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किये गये हैं जिन्में बृदढियाँ गाँव, ते में आयें। हैं। फरीदाबाद सामूहिकता द्वारा गाँव में बहुत से कार्यक्रम किऐे बूढियाँ के कार्यक्रम के दौरान एक २० वर्षीय लड़की ने गये हैं और बहुत जगह नये ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किये गये है। बताया कि वह अपने भाई के कहने पर गाँव में ही दो सहज कार्यक्रमों में युवाशक्ति दवारा देखी गई कठिनाईयाँ साल से श्रीमाताजी का ध्यान कर रही है उसने सिर्फ माँ का फोटो देखा था और ध्यान के लिये श्रीमाताजी का गाँवां में अकसर यह देखा गया है कि लोग बहुत रूड़ीवादी होते कोई चित्र नहीं था। उस लड़की की भाभी का नवजात है जो प्रायः कुगुरूओं के प्रभाव में भी होते हैं। गाँव में लोगों के शिशु मर गया था तथा डाक्टर लोगों ने उसकी भाभी को पास समय बहुत कम होता है। वे कुण्डलिनी के बारे में जानते ২ 5 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-9.txt मान Yuvadrishti September 2008 नहीं हैं गाँव के लोग प्रायः अपने जीवन से संतुष्ट होते हैं। वे परमात्मा के विषय में जानने के लिये भी ज्यादा जिज्ञासु नहीं होते। गाँव में लोग अंधविश्वास भी ज्यादा करते हैं और चमत्कार में विश्वास करते हैं। गाँव के लोग अपनी बीमारियाँ, फसलें ठीक करने के बारे में ज्यादा चित्त रखते हें। उन्हें मानव चैतन्य की अमृत वर्षा कर रही थी। माँ की चरण पादुकाएँ जैसे ही बस से उतारी जाती तो सहजयोगियों द्वारा स्वागत आगत स्वागतम् गाकर स्वागत किया जाता। उस समय सभी सहजयोगियों द्वारा अतयन्त शीतल चैतन्य लहरियाँ महसूस की जाती। चक्रों के बारे में जानने में रुचि नहीं होती। गाँव में लोग जमीन जहाँ पर भी यात्रा गई हर सहजयोगी उनको अपने सहस्त्रार पर रखने के लिए ललायित था। चरण पादुकाओं को सहस्त्रार पर से जुड़े होने के कारण सामान्य जीवन के साथ समझौता नहीं कर पाते। रखते ही सहस्त्रार बर्फ की तरह ठण्डा हो जाता। इसलिए गाँवों में प्रचार-प्रसार करते हुए निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए- हरियाणा सहजयोग चेतना यात्रा हरियाणा राज्य सहजयोग संयोजक (State Coordinator) श्री के डी महाजन द्वारा संगठित की गई। इस यात्रा के दो चरण बनाए गए। दोनों यात्राएँ दस दिनों के क्रार्यक्रम के लिए रवाना हुई और दोनों ही चरण एक साथ शुरू हुए। जहाँ-जहाँ यात्रा पहुँची वहाँ पर रथ यात्रा निकाली गई एवं सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम के बाद वहाँ पर अनुवर्ती क्रार्यक्रम भी किए १. गाँवों में कार्यक्रम से पहले दो बार गाँवों में निरीक्षण होना चाहिये। पर्चे कार्यक्रम से पहले जरूर बॉटे जाने चाहिये। ्टट की २. पर्चे बाँटने के दौरान सहजयोग के बारे में जरूर बताना चाहिये कय्योंकि गाँव में लोग कम पढे-लिखे होते हैं। तिए का टट ्ट्ट्टी गए। ३. कार्यक्रम का समय उनकी यात्रा का पहला चरण कालका से शुरू होकर पिजौंर, कुरूक्षेत्र, नरवाणा, पेहवा, कैथल, पानीपत, करनाल, यमुनानगर, अम्बाला होते हुए पचंकुला में यमनिका पार्क में सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम के साथ समाप्त हुआ। धन सुविधा अनुसार तय करना चाहिये। ४. गाँव में लोगों को टीवी का आकर्षण होता है। वे टीवी पर कही गई बात को ध्यान से सुनते हैं। अतः ना स्च मजे े ी गांव में projector का इन्तजाम करना चाहिये। TDT:O_BLURRY इसी प्रकार यात्रा का दूसरा चरण फरीदाबाद से शुरू होकर होडल, सोहना, रेवाड़ी, महेन्द्रगढ़, गुड़गाँव, रोहतक, हिसार, फतियाबाद, सिरसा, डबवाली में समाप्त हुआ। ५. हो सके तो आत्मसाक्षात्कार के लिए श्रीमाताजी की सीडी चलाई जानी चाहिये। का ६. अनुवर्ती कार्यक्रम (Follow up) जरूर रखा जाना चाहिये । यात्रा के लिए दो बसें निर्धारित की गई जिन्में ५५ लोग थे, जिसमें सभी सेन्टर के युवा-शक्ति, वयस्क पुरूष और महिलाएँ शामिल थे दोनों बसों में प्रोजेक्टर का प्रबंध किया गया। हर सार्वजनिक क्रार्यक्रम में आत्मसाक्षात्कार श्री माताजी की C.D. ७. गाँव में ही ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किया जाना चाहिये। हरियाणा चेतना यात्रा चेतना यात्रा श्री माताजी की कृपा से उन्हीं के चित्त में शुरु हुई। चैतना यात्रा में श्री माताजी की चरण पादकाएँ (जो शरी चलाकर दिया गया। म दोनों यात्राओं ने नवरात्री पूजा सामूहिक रूप में गुड़गाँव में माताज़ी द्वारा दुबई से मिज़वाई गई थीं और बाद में भारत आने पर श्री माताजी ने यात्रा की सराहाना की) के साथ रवाना हुई। परम वदनीय माँ की चरण पादुकाएँ विभिन्न स्थानों पर मनाई। चेतना यात्रा का समापन यमनिका पार्क (पंचकुला) में हुआ, उस दिन श्री सिंपल राजा और डा राजेश द्वारा भजन न ২ e 9 ১ 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-10.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 प्रस्तुत किए गए। श्री सिंपल जी द्वारा गाए गए भजन "किवें हरियाणा में सहजयोग जुड़ा। हर जगह यात्रा की अच्छी मुखड़े तो नजारा हटावाँ" गाने पर सारा माहौल चैतन्य की प्रतिक्रिया देखी गई। लोगों नें सहजयोगियों के सभ्य ढंग की वर्षा महसूस कर रहा था। सभी सहजयोगी श्रीमाताजी के प्रशंसा की। सभी समाचार पत्रों व केबल टी.वी. ने इस यात्रा निराकार रूप में दी गई उनकी चैतन्य लहरियों का प्रेम महसूस को दिखाया। सभी ओर प्रेममयी श्री माताजी के बारे में लोग चर्चा कर रहे थे। कर पा रहे थे। हर स्थान पर सहजयोग के बारे में यात्रा के साथ साथ ही यात्रा का हरियाणा में प्रभाव हजारी की तादाद में पचे बॉटे गए। इन सब कार्यों से सहजयोगियों का हृदय बहुत प्रसन्न था। चेतना यात्रा ने सभी जिनमें गुड़गाँव, फरीदाबाद, पंचकुला, अम्बाला, यमुनानगर, को सहजयोग का कार्य करने की प्रेरणा दी। चेतना यात्रा में करनाल प्रमुख थे। चेतना यात्रा का प्रथम उद्देश्य लोगों की सहजयोगियों को कार्य करने के लिए नये मंच प्रदान किए। सहजयोग के बारे में जागरुक करना व हर जिले व कस्बे में कमजोर केन्द्र के लिए भी चेतना यात्रा ने पुनरोद्धार का कार्य हरियाणा में सहजयोग ध्यान केन्द्र कुछ ही ज़िलों में संगठित थे नये घ्यान केन्द्र खोलना था। यह काम काफी हृद तक चेतना करमजार कन्द्र के लिए भी चेतना यात्रा ने पुनरोद्धार का कार्य यात्रा के माध्यम से संभव हो पाया। बहुत से शहरों में ध्यान केन्द्र स्थापित किए गए। किया। अंत में यह कहा जा सकता है कि चेतना यात्रा ने सारे हरियाणा में चैतन्य प्रसारित कर दिया और सहजयोगियों में सहज कार्य हरियाणा चेतना यात्रा एक ऐतिहासिक यात्रा थी जिसमें पूर करने के लिए नयी जान फूँक दी । हरियाणा में सहजयोग की आँधी चला दी । इस से ज्यादा Continued on pg 4 अनुभव - जब श्री माताजी हथनी कुण्ड (यमुनानगर) मरकहुए हाथ की बनी हुई दो रोटी खाई। उसके बाद श्री मलिक की धर्मपत्नी अपनी सास को घर ले जारही थी, तो श्री खोपड़ी पिलपिली हो गई थी। सिर में कोई हडीनही क्योंकि उनका सारा कैल्शियम खत्म हो गया था। वे देख भी नहीं सकती थी और डॉक्टर ने उन्हे केवल ढो माह का समय दिया था। उनकी इच्छा श्री माताजी को लाहोरीरोटी खिलाने की हुई। उनका बेटा उन्हे वहाँ ले ठाया, पर श्री माताजी उस समय नाश्ता कर चुके थे। जब यह इच्छा श्री माताजी के सामने रखी गयी तो श्री माताजी ने स्वीकृती दे दी और श्री माताजी ने उनके उपस्थित सहजयोगियों ने बताया कि श्री माताजी यह वही औरत है जिसने आपको रोटी खिलाने की हच्छा रखी थी। (अथार्त् श्री माताजी के चित्त में वह औरत आई)। एक सप्ताह के बाद उनका सिर कठोर हो गया। जब उन्होंने डॉव्टर को दिखाया तो डॉक्टर की समझ में कुछ नहीं आया। वह केवल इंतना ही कह पाया कि ये विज्ञान से परे की बात है और वह औरत आज ८६ साल की होगई है और निरंतरध्यान धारणाकरती है। The dedication is very important part of the ascent, why? Because when you are precariously placed, when there is immediate danger to your existence, at this time when the whole world is standing at a precarious position where it is going to be destroyed completely. It is very important that you cling on to things that is going to save you, with complete might and complete faith. Like you are getting drenched in ordinary water doesn't matter, but if you are sinking in the sea, as there is question of this moment of existence and that moment of destruction, that time if a hand comes forward to fetch you out, there is no time to think any more but cling on to it with all your might, with all your faith. 1982-0731:Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England ২০ ১- 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-11.txt शि Yuvadrishti September 2008 हृदयाभिव्यक्ति मेरी चूंदड़ी ये बदलै दुनिया सारी सासू बोली बहुअन तै तू के लयाई सै पीहर तै साँची-साँच बतादूरी सांसू मैं यो ल्याई सू पीहर तै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी ।। ये बदलै दुनिया सारी, कटज्यागे दोष बीमारी ये दिल मैं बात बैठाल्यो, सहजयोग प्रचार का ठेका सारे मिलकै ठयाल्यो मेरी चूंदड़ी मै पूजा हो रही गौरी नुंद गणेश की । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै माँ शेरावाली आठ पहर दिश्रआम करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ६ १. धरती खातिर लड़ लड़ मरगे कितने वीर सिपाही कहण लगे ये देश मेरा वो देश तेरा है भाई हाँ भाई हाँ भाई मिट ज्यागें आतंकवादी, ये रुक ज्यागी बरबादी ये मौका ना तुम खोओ, सारे प्रश्न हल होज्या कश्मीर और कोसोबो ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै ब्रह्मदेव और सरस्वति जी वास करै इनकी कृपा होज्या जिन पै, शुद्धज्ञान की प्यास बढे मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी मेरी चूंदड़ी मै लक्ष्मी विष्णु संतुष्टी की बात करै मेरी चूँदड़ी मै गुरू गोविंद जी, सारी दुनिया प्रणाम करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । *** २. W.H.O. रो रो मरग्या मिटया पोलियो नाही डेंगू कैंसर और एडस् की मिलती नहीं दवाई हाँ दवाई (२) ये फिल्मी दुनिया थारी, डूबैगी एक दिन सारी अब कृतयुग की है बारी, नेताओं की पोल खुलै नंगे हो अ्रष्टाचारी ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै गंगा यमुना सरस्वति की धार बहै मेरी चूंदड़ी मै नौ लख तारे, चाँद सूरज का ग्रहण पड़े मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै मां जगदंबे निर्भय शेर बनाती हो इनकी कृपा होज्या जिन पै, चिंता नही सताती हो मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ३. मघपान और नशे पते ये नहीं मिटै्गे ऐसे आत्मा और जमीर बेच दिया मिलने चाहिए पैसे हाँ पैसे (२) मनै फल और फूल बनाये, ये तारे खूब सजाये रुल गये मेरे बच्चों, जगदम्बा तुम्हे बुलाये ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै राम और सीता, शंकर गौरी वास करै उनको आर्शीवादित करते, जो कोई इनके दास रहे मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै राधा-रूक्मणी जगत विधाता वास करै हाथ में शस्त्र लेके राक्षसों का नाश करै मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । ४. दान दहेज के झगडे होते देखे है घर (२) में आज कयामा का टाईम बडा छोटा घणा सफर है हाँ सफर है ये हिन्दू मुस्लिम नारे, भाई नै भाई मारे सब नकली धर्म तुम्हारे, निर्मल धर्म एक रहज्या, मिटै जाती धर्म हमारे ये बदलै... मेरी चूंदड़ी मै लगी किनारी बुद्ध, और महावीर की श्री महाविष्णु दर्शन देते और हनुमान वीर भी मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । मेरी चूंदड़ी मै मे बरसै, रिमझिम रिमझिम होरी हो ऋषि मुनी जब ध्यान करै, जब सारी दुनिया सो री हो मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । डा सतपाल बोडवाल गुडगाँव मेरी चूंदड़़ी मै मात निर्मला बैठी कति अबौध ही मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंबड़ी । CH आदिशक्ति प्रसन्न होज्या, दर्शन दे सत लोक को मैं ऐसी ल्याई चूंदड़ी । 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-12.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 नाभी चक्र ड फ ढ प वायाँ नाभी चक्र गुण शान्ति, शालीनता, उदारता, संतोष, filexibility/adjustability ने० ण न पकड़ के कारण हठी स्वभाव, अत्यधिक दौड भाग, कंजूसी, असंतोष, घर की चिन्ताएँ, भोजन की अधिक लालसा ध युवाशक्ति के लिए हिदायत * जल्द बाजी में कार्य न करें, और न ही दौड भाग में भोजन करें। तत क्षत सभी कार्य करने की आदत छोड़ें। किसी भी बात को लेकर ज़िददी (हठी) नहीं होना चाहिए। विवेक और सूझबूझ से परिस्थिति को समझ कर कदम उठाना चाहिए। * पैसों के मामलों में ढील बरते । * औरों का ख्याल करना सीखें, उनके दृष्टीकोण कों समझें। * जो हमें श्रीमाताजी से चैतन्य मिलता है उसे बाँटे अर्थात चैतन्य का त थ दं मध्य नाभी चक्र गुण उत्थान, sustainance, घर्म, परमात्मा की खीज (seeking) आदान प्रदान करें। * अपने को आराम दें हर समय भागते दौडते न रहें। पकड़ के कारण अथार्मिक व्यवहार सोच परमात्मा (श्रीमाताजी) के प्रति उपकार बुद्धि में कमी दायाँ नाभी चक्रे गुण व्यवस्थित जीवन शैली, आत्मगौरव, ईमानदारी, सांसारिक क्षेम यूवाशक्ति के लिए हिंदायत अपने व्यवहार सोच में विश्व निर्मल धर्म को स्थापित करें श्रीमांताजी ने आज तक हमें जो कुछ भी दिया है उसके प्रति कृतज्ञ रहें। एकड़ के कारण अत्यधिक चिन्तन अंग्रेजी देवाईयों का सेवन अधिक पलेनिंग अपने ऊपर हुए आशीर्वादों को याद रखें (planning), पढ़ाई (studies), टी वी (tv) और कम्पूटर (computer) Correspondences युवाशक्ति के लिए हिदायत * दायाँ नाभी ( और साथ ही दाँयें स्वाधिष्ठोन) की पकड़ से हमारा चित बाह्य में रहता है और आत्मा पर नहीं। जब ऐसा होता है तब हमारा आनन्द लुप्त हो जाता है। अपने थकूत को चैतन्यू दें।ठण्डे, पानी में क्रिया तथा बर्फ क्रिया की जा सकती है | * अपने व्यवहार में आत्म गौरव रखें। कृपया याद रखें आत्मगौरव और अहंकार में अन्तर है। चिन्ताओं को श्रीमाताजी को समर्पित करें। यदि ऐसा होने में कोई बाधा है तो शु बीट करें। * चित्त को श्रीमाताजी पर रखें तथा समर्पण में रहें। Colour Green Element Water Planet Jupiter Thursday Day Stone Emerald Symbol Quality Yin Yang Evolution, generosity, righteousness, sustenance Stomach, spleen, intestines, Organs liver (part), taste. * ध्यान में भजन गायें। f७ 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-13.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 RENDEZVOUS Discussions with Sahaj Yogi Brother When & how you got Realization amd when was Q-1 seeking manifested? And how were these overcome? Sahajayogi Brother: Basically, in Sahaja Yoga for a true seeker, difficulties and problems have lost their meaning. The Divine system is so spontaneous and self responding that such difficulties are mostly taken care of, if one is duly surrendered and is able to get into thoughtless meditation regularly. But in the beginning the following difficulties were generally experienced: Sahajayogi Brother: It was with the Grace of Her Holiness Shri Mataji that I was chosen to get inducted into Sahaja Yoga during May/ June 1988 in Kanpur. A French Sahaja Yogi & his wife raised my Kundalini. During those days Iwas passing through an extremely stressful phase of my life, since suddenly I had to face too many shocking and inevitable challenges in my personal life. Worst being the misery of losing my wife when the two children were only 9 & 14 years old and that too when I had not fully come out of the set back of my father's demise only a couple of months before. Ge Nothoughtlessness & No Vibrations 2 Lack of time for regular meditation or Sahaja work and even the know-how of correctly doing self clearance etc. There were no Sahaja Yogi or Sahaja Centre in & around Kanpur during those days for our follow up a Lack of confidence in talking about Sahaja Yoga guidance. Hence, my vertical growth was very slow. However, by the Grace of Her Holiness, within ca Financial constraints in running the weeks I could experience pleasant joy during evening meditations. Apparently, that might have been the subtle beginning of my seeking, which at that stage I had not been able to distinctly identify as there were no vibrations felt in my palms. a The pressure of fulfilling the assigned role of Gradually, by Her Grace, we started growing horizontally and in a couple of months we were about 10-12 members' collectivity trying to organise As we grew with the limited knowledge and weekly sessions while listening to Shri Mataji's experience, we could gradually appreciate the speech from some editions of 'Anand Lok' importance of humble, truthful and meaningful (Chaitanya Lahiri & speech cassettes were not surrendering and of honest prayers in meditation available). For further guidance we had been with innocence, sanctity and dedication. Eventually, visiting Delhi and attended Public programmes, to our surprise we found that our true desires were Seminars, Pujas etc. I could experience real growth getting automatically fulfilled, problems getting only after about 9-10 months, when I got the great solved and our doubts & queries were being opportunity of getting introduced to our Divine spontaneously answered. We ultimately realized Mother and get Self Realization during a Public through these experiences that the Doer is not I/ we, Program in New Delhi in March 1989. to others inadequately established Sahaja Yoga Centre Ga Lack of Yuva Shaktis for Centre and other Sahaja work running the local Sahaja Centre successfully and competently. but definitely the All Pervading Shri Adishakti, Shri Mataji, Her Holy Self only. Through Her blessings alone all the genuine desires are miraculously accomplished. What difficulties were faced Q-2 i) In meditation ii) In life For overcoming other difficulties we learnt to 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-14.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 practice various cleansing techniques. As we grew strength when things are not in favour? deeper, we started feeling negative catches and Sahajayogi Brother: Repeated opportunities of consequently needed to keep getting rid of them meeting our ever compassionate Divine Mother in through appropriate treatments techniques. the initial phase of Sahaja Yoga (during 1989-'90-91- '92-...) have been extremely important and absorbing events in my life. These everits have got Q-3 Yoga? What unique thing you found about Sahaja Sahajayogi Brother: Sahaja Yoga is a unique system permanently printed in my Attention which not which when practiced properly brings around the only helped me to grow effortlessly in Sahaja but inner transformation in a being which also to silently strengthen me for facing any crisis or comprehensively and spontaneously takes care of adverse situations in my life. Even when I listen to evolving the person into higher style of decent life HerSpeech with full Attention, it appears as though ensuring all virtues, peace, health, enlightenment Her compassionate Self is speaking directly to me and divinely blissful Joy. It forgives all our past sins and I am able to spontaneously imbibe the crux of & misdeeds, protects us from all mishaps & the speech within me. calamities and promotes us into a strong spiritually Q-6 attained personality so important to tide over the yuvashakti for their ascent? difficulties of prevailing times ('Ghor Sahajayogi Brother: Yuva Shakti have to play a vital & Kaliyuga'). What advicelsuggestion would you like to give to hard extremely important role for the propagation of How to balance the Sahaja life and Personal Sahaja Yoga. Hence, they need to be very dedicated, Q-4 and collective. At present even in well deep life? Sahajayogi Brother: The balance between the two may established centres such Yuva Shaktis are not more remain disturbed till the time one is able to merge than 10-15% in strength and perhaps very few in his personal life into Sahaja life. Before Sahaja Yoga, one's personality is influenced by only limited Therefore, need of the times is not only to take care of resources available. Hence he remnains in the ones own ascent but to grow and evolve collectively. darkness of ignorance, away from the Realities of Besides the points covered in the next question some life. But once Yoga (union with Almighty) is of the under mentioned areas could be of established, he comes under the influence of the importance for their ascent:- Unlimited, hernce becomes enlightened and is able to adjust himself so that his personal life is able to get identify the difficulties among less dedicated merged into Sahaja life. In fact it is a spontaneous members. Some of common obstacles faced could be phenomenon. If one feels strongly that he is a Sahaja lack of Sahaja knowledge and clearance techniques, Yogi, he has to only ensure that he is honestly and ignorance about basics of Meditation, some innocently desiring to remain truly surrendered to individual physical, emotional or family badhas or our Holy Mother through Sahaja Yoga preaching. casual attitude, etc. etc. They should try to work out smaller centres. Try to hold yuvashakti meetings frequently to The rest of adjustments are almost effortless and spontaneous, achieved due to Her compassion. accordingly & preferably solve these obstacles through collective ways. Since new seekers keep on Therefore, we have to make sure that we are coming, this should become an almost on-going task maintaining our connection with the Divinity in the centre, through regular meditation, all clearances and Often we are not very clear about the importance of active collective participation for horizontal and collective in Sahaja. Full understanding and vertical growth of Sahaja Yoga across the globe. experience of Callective Consciousness is perhaps Q-5 Any significant learning or experience that gives essential forits realisation. ০ e 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-15.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 meaningfully with full respects as though our Holy Mother is physically present in 'sakaar'. One should achieve thoughtless state every time. One must continuously update the knowledge and skill of practicing Sahaja Yoga by reading/ listening/ watching Shri Mataji's speeches. One can enhance spiritual knowledge also by reading scriptures and works of past incarnations, saints. Inspite of learning that Ego & Super-ego are the worst enemies in our ascent, we are not able to meaningfully practice & keep them out from our life. Consequently, when we do Sahaja activities we forget the fact that Shri Mataji is the only Doer, not we. Hence, all yuvashaktis should take initiative in carrying out Sahaja work with humility & responsibility, with the objective of pleasing Shri Mataji. Cleansing of badhas as indicated should be a routine Need to put attention on smaller centres for the practice. The principle should be to 'Nip in the bud' benefit of immature yuvashaktis. Form teams of rather than to delay it. deep & dedicated yuvashaktis and periodically visit such centres in and around the city with a 2 to 3 To deeply understand the meaning of Spontaneity hours program (Seminar; Workshop, Prachar and Collectivity and follow Sahaja accordingly. prasar etc.). Keep expanding the team so that a wider coverage can be extended and even state/ Spread of Sahaja Yoga through effective and national level programmes can be organised. To actively participate in the propagation and innovative methods. Try and follow up with the responding seekers till their maturity. For Collective Improvement: Q-7 How Yuva Shakti can improve their meditation attention? i. Dedicated yuvashaktis should take initiative to ensure a decent Sahaja environment and a healthy mutual relationship among the collectivity. ii. Matured yuvashaktis should form a team for ensuring vertical growth of collectivity through well planned Structured Programs, Seminars, Workshops etc. Sahajayogi Brother: Our revered Holy Mother has repeatedly been pronouncing that She has blessed us with all the knowledge, experience and power required for spreading Sahaja Yoga across the globe. She expects the Yuva Shaktis in particular to carry the torch with responsibility and enlighten all the seekers who are awaiting. Therefore, one has to become a worthy instrument for such pious divine work. Yuva Shaktis should iii, Some yuvashaktis may help in preparing CDs or aspire to raise their spiritual status through regular deep meditation and become a deserving torchbearer for Sahaja Yoga in days to come. Basically meditation has to be improved at individual level and also at collective levels. Both Iv. For analysing and monitoring the growth of the are usually complementary to each other. To achieve real thoughtlessness one has to ensure the purity of Attention. Enumerated below are some Power point presentations for:- b) Follow up programs a)Seekers c) Growth of yuvashaktis or yogis. collective -a workable Software can be prepared, for recording personal Database as well as various Centre activities. suggestions which may help in attaining the above status:- many people ask me that once we have got realization how is it mother that we go down. The only reason is that the dedication isnot complete. 1982-0731: Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England So Forindividual Improvement: All ritual efforts should be avoided. Meditation, should always be preceded by proper cleansing of Attention, Balancing & Prayers/ Affirmations etc 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-16.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 KIDSHAKTI : Little Divine Instruments Here are two lovely experiences to inspire us. Divine Kid Priya McCairns around the breakfast table we were discussing how we needed to call all the parents of the children, that would be coming today for meditation, and let them It is such a pleasure to see how Sahaja Yoga is working out here in the USA. About 3 months ago, at our kids' school, my wife know that it would be cancelled. When suddenly I Leela was asked by one of the teachers, if she would found myself saying, "Why cancel the class? Priya like to offer a meditation class for any interested kids quickly replied that she would! after school. My kids go to a public school call "Open On the way to school Priya confessed to me that she Class Room". In this school it is required for a parent was starting to get nervous about leading the class. to help every week in the class room. So many Then, at school "Priya" conducted her first Sahaja parents with special knowledge's like science etc. Yoga program today to 13 Kids and it went very help teach a subject. Or parents just help out the well. One girl told Priya that she was amazed that teacher with grading, or arranging assignments etc. she had felt something like a very gentle cool hand After school they offer different activities, and the going up her back and then she felt the cool wind teacher of Priya (our daughter) had noticed that she coming from the top of her head. Priya told me that was somehow more balanced then the other kids. So she never touched this girl. Priya was happy that all this brought about her asking Leela to conduct a the kids liked it so much. meditation class. can do it!" And Priya, our 11 year old daughter, Jai Shri Mataji Mr McCairns The fist class was in November 2007 and the turn out was great- 16 kids and they all loved it! So much so that when the following week came the kids were asking Priya, questions about what they would be doing that day and saying how much they enjoyed it. Then came the second class and Leela again had 16 kids! Some of them were really benefiting from the experience, and they loved it. Also, some of the parents commented on how much calmer their kids Divine Kid Akula Sharma In 2005, we had a Sahaja Yogi family as a neighbor, at that time their daughter, Akula, was in class second, around 7 years old. One day her teacher in her class asked the children how they pray to God. Akula told that we have an energy inside us, which loves us very much and if we pray to that energy that will give all of us lots of love. Then teacher asked her to do the prayer. were after the class. Then it was Christmas break. Then, few weeks after the break, the teacher asked Leela if she wanted to continue with the class. There had been a little bit of a conflict of after-school-activities because one of the other fathers decided to have a chess club on the She made all the children take out their shoes, open Mother Kundalini to give all the Love of God and make them good children. Then she asked other children to check above their head and many of same day. So Leela was not sure if the kids would want to meditate, or to attend the chess club. But the teacher informed her that she had already received them felt cool vibrations. There was a child in her class who had met with an accident, so she told all of them that if we pray for 12 inquires for meditation. So, Leela agreed. him to Mother, She will cure him, so then again all children prayed for this child to help him cure faster. She told us this experience and we were so amazed... She was hardly 7 years old at that time! Everything was great; after all how great it is that we can possibly save these young children from the strife of our world, and the fact that they want such a subtle experience is a wonder. Shilpa & Summeer So that morning Leela was sick, and as we sat Gurgaon 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-17.txt তে Yuvadrishti September 2008 के आत्मसाक्षात्कारी करवयित्री ललद अ कश्मीर परमेश्वरी माँ की सुन्दरतम कृतियों में से एक अनुपम कृति है। इसे घरती का स्वर्ग योग भूमि , चैतन्यित भूमि इत्यादि अलंकरणों से सुशोभित किया गया है। श्री सदाशिव-शिवा की अमर कथा का साक्षी कश्मीर क्षेत्र पाण्डवों द्वारा अपने निवास के लिए दुर्योधन से माँगे गये पाँच गाँवों में से एक है। हजरत मौहम्मद साहब ने स्वयं इस सुन्दर प्रदेश की छटा में अपना समय बिताया। श्री माता जी द्वारा भी अपनी कश्मीर यात्रा में यहाँ की फिजा को चैतन्य-पान कराया गया है। आई सीधी राह से, गई न सीधी राह। ३- सुशुम सेतु पर खड़ी थी, बीत गया दिन आह! जेब टटोली, कौड़ी न पाई। माझी को ढूं, क्या उतराई? कवयित्री कहती है मैं आई तो सीधी राह से परन्तु चल पड़ी उलटी राह पर, अर्थात कवयित्री परमात्मा की प्राप्ति के पथ पर ठीक चल पड़ी थी। ललद्द श्री आदिशक्ति द्वारा आशीर्वादित लोकप्रिय सन्त-कवयित्री हैं। ललद्द का जन्म सन् 1320 ई० के लगभग, कश्मीर स्थित पान्पार क्षेत्र के उसने सहज मार्ग न पकड़कर हठयोग का मार्ग पकड़ लिया। वह जीवन सिमपुरा गाँव की चैतन्यित भूमि में हुआ। उन्हें लला, ल्लेवरी, ललयोगेश्वरी, ललारिफा आदि नामों से भी जाना जाता है। वे जाति-धर्म मर सुशुम्ना नाडाी की साधने का प्रयास करती रही, कुण्डलिनी जागरण के बनावटी आडम्बरों का विरोध करती और प्रेम को ईश्वर का सबसे बड़ा उपहार मानती थीं। उन्होंने अपनी वाणी में जीवन की नश्वरता तो वह परमात्मा को पार ले जाने के लिए भी नहीं कह पा रही है।) और ईश्वरता की अमरता का गायन करते हुए जीवन में समभाव अपनाने की प्रेरणा मानव जाति को दी है। उनकी रचनाएँ "वाख" नाम भेद न कर क्या हिंदू मुसलमां। से प्रसिद्ध है। सहजयोग को परिभाषित करते उनके कुछ वाख आनन्दानुभूति हेतु वही है साहिब से पहचान।। की कोशिश करती रही। इसी कोशिश में सारा जीवन बीत गया और अब ४ थल थल में बसता शिव ही, ज्ञानी है तो स्वयं को जान, प्रस्तुत है:- १- रस्सी कच्चे घागे की, खींच रही मैं नाव। जाने कब सुन मेरी पुकार, करें देव भवसागर पार।। पानी टपके कच्चे सकोरे, व्यर्थ प्रयास हो रहे मेरे। जी में उठती रह-रह हुक, घर जाने की चाह है घेरे।। (कवयित्री कहती हैं परमात्मा सवशक्तिमान है। वह कल्याणकारी और सर्वव्यापी है। इसलिए चाहे हिन्दू हो या मुसलमान उसे अपनाने में किसी को भी भेदभाव नहीं करना चाहिए। कवयित्री ज्ञानी मनुष्यों को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहती है हे ज्ञानी! अगर तू सच्चा ज्ञानी है तो पहले स्वयं को जान। अपने आत्म रूप को पहचान। आत्मा से ही परमात्मा को पहचाना जा सकता है।) कवयित्री ने शरीर को 'कच्चे धागे की रस्सी' कहा है। इस रस्सी से पानी की बूंद एक-एक करके रोज टपक रही है अर्थात् समय धीरे-धीरे समाप्त हो रहा है। मृत्यु समीप आती जा रही है। प्रभु-दर्शन के सारे प्रयास व्यर्थ प्रतीत हो रहे हैं। मेरा हृदय रह-रहकर तडप उठता है। मेरी व्याकुलता बढ़ती जा रही है अब मैं परमधाम को जाना चाहती हूँ।) इस प्रकार हम देख सकते हैं, महसूस कर सकते हैं ललद्द जी ने कितनी सहजता से आत्मोन्नति के संदेश को जन साधारण के बीच फैलाकर सहज की भूमिका को सार्थक बनाया है 14 वीं सदी में श्री माँ के जिस संदेश को अपनी मधुर वाणी से गाकर, ललद्द जी ने कश्मीर की वादियों को महकाया आज वही संदेश हमें आनन्दमय अनुभव द्वारा जन जन में फैलाना है। २- खा-खाकर कुछ पाएगा नहीं, न खाकर बनेगा अहंकारी। सम खा तभी होगा समभावी, खुलेगी सॉकल बंद द्वार की। (मनुश्य को बाह्याडम्बरों पर जरा भी विश्वास नहीं करना चाहिए। मुक्ति का द्वार तभी खुलता है जब मनुष्य समभावी हो, न तो भोगी हो और न वैरागी।) ১) ১২০ e4 ७ 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-18.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 Living Honestly III Truth is above everything. Highest is truthful living. Guru Nanak Dev was a successful shopkeeper in his village, Talwandi. Because of his honesty and integrity, he was appointed manager of the government stores at Sultanpur Lodhi, in Punjab, on the banks of the river Bayeen. This was a job of great responsibility as large stores and stocks were involved in government dealings. One could easily misappropriate lots of money or stores. Junior officials were usually not very sincere, On the contrary, they were quite often dishonest. All residents of the town were satisfied with the good dealings of Guru Nanak Dev. The employees, however, did not like any strict control over them. They were always on the lookout for an excuse to complain against him. Guru Nanak often gave a lot of money and food to the needy people. Whenever COr mend their ways. They kept spreading rumours any person needed support, Guru Nanak was always ready to help him. The corrupt employees because of his rising popularity. Therefore, after against the "Guru." They became even more jealous did not like the honest conduct of Nanak. Tired of some time, they again raised the same issue and him, they alleged that Nanak was giving away started telling people that Guru Nanak was not government stocks to make a good name for keeping the accounts properly. The second himself. The people knew about the greatness of inspection of stores proved once more that all Nanak and, therefore, refused to believe these complaints by the employees were false and tumours. malicious. The evil intentions of the employees became known to everyone. All the residents of the village appreciated the honest living of Guru Nanak and the sharing of his earnings with other people. Even the Nawab of the town respected him as a holy Finally, the employees lodged a complaint with the Nawab that Guru Nanak Dev was misappropriating stores and stocks. Continued complaints regarding mishandling of the stores forced the Nawab to check the accounts, and stores. To the great embarrassment of the Nawab, everything was in order. There was no shortage at all, as doubted by the authorities. Most employees, who themselves were corrupt and had complained man. After demonstrating the principles of truthful living, he decided to deliver this message to the people of the world. To achieve his mission, he made plans to go on long tours. Guru Nanak Dev to defame Guru Nanak, felt very ashamed. resigned his job even though the Nawab repeatedly requested him to stay there. Even after this incident, the employees did not 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-19.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 We Must Surrender Our Problems To Shri Mataji EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. A professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh & strong & can handle any issue, any " He held it up for all to see; asked the students,' How much do you think this glass weighs? challenge that comes your way! "50gms!" . answered. '100gms!" .. 125gms' ..the students Remember to 'PUT THE GLASSDOWN TODAY! I really don't know unless I weigh it, 'said the professor, but my question is: What would happen ifIheld it up like this for a few minutes? When we leave our problems like glass of water from hands and put it to Lotus Feet of Our Mother thenall the worries are solved automatically because then they are taken care of by Param Chaitanya. And it knows what is best for us Nothing' the students said. 'Ok what would happen if Iheld it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked. In The Ocean Of Joy "Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the students. Today morning Shree Mataji made me meditate in a different manner and this divine experience can't be put into words. It was so joy giving and soothing that I was feeling myself in the ocean of joy where all chakras and full body was relaxed entirely. I would like to share my process of the "You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day? "Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress; paralysis3; "Have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student; all the students laughed. same- First I bowed down to Shree Mataji with humble "Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?' asked the professor. prayer -"Shree Mataji, please establish myself in peace". Then raised Kundalini and took bandhan as slowly and calmly as possible. I noticed my breathing slowing down gradually. Then I put both my hands towards Mother and heartily prayed (as slowly and calmly as possible)-" Shree Mataji, I don't want any thought, neither from past nor from future. Please make my attention fix on present". Then with my right hand on Sahastrara very softly without putting any 'No' the students said. "Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?" The students were puzzled. "Put the glass down!' said one of the students. "Exactly!' said the professor.' Life's problems are something like this.. pressure and rotated the scalp as slowly and softly as possible. I felt whole system relaxing completely; on Agnya as if Ego & Superego is melting down and found myself in tremendous comfort and relaxation. With small intervals, againI put my hand on Sahastrara & rotated. - Neha Singhal, Kolkata Hold it for a few minutes in your head; they seem OK... Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache... Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything... It's important to think of the challenges problems in your life, but 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-20.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 YuvaShakti Reporter The Mumbai Yuvashakti Seminar-2008 The Mumbai Yuva Shakti gathered in June 2008 in Virar for a Yuva Shakti seminar which was organized by Yuva Shakti collectively. Approximately 140 brothers and sisters attended the seminar. The only motto of this seminar was to share love, know each other and above all make friends that was divine and pure and imnbibes the Divine love and teachings of Shri Mataji. The stage and hall was decorated with balloons and ribbons and a beautiful Rangoli was drawn at the door to welcome everyone. At 12.a.m. the seminar started with the Mahamantras and we meditated for few minutes after collective Balancing. Then we heard the audio speech of Shri Mataji on "Lethargy- The Most Anti-God". The talk on overcoming Lethargy was followed by 2-3 bhajans. Then the program composer, Mahesh Khade of Mumbai a welcome speech elucidating the purpose of the Seminar, and mentioning the events that'll take place during the day. Yuva Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis introduced by their names, the centre they belong to and their hobbies. It was a wonderful event as each of us got to know each other, not only in terms of their name and centre but also in terms of their potential and also bring courage to speak in front of all the Yogis. gave Then, it was time for lunch. During lunch all yuva's were seen talking to each other trying to know each other. Post lunch few bhajarns were sung including the Sufi song "Ali More Angana". Roshni Sheregar then conducted a session on Environment Awareness' to elaborate on the gratitude we should have towards Mother Earth and the Environment, Sarvesh then performed a mimicry of the Indian our responsibility to protect & embellish the Mother actors on how would they react when Sahajayogis Earth with natural beauty. The topics covered approach them to take self-realization and how will included our responsibilities as a Sahajayogi they behave after transformation. An informative towards saving environment from getting polluted session was conducted by Rahul Shinde about the and Shri Mataji's point of view towards global "Birth of Yuvashakti" with the emphasis on the warming, "Global Warming does not exist, but it things Yuvashakti should know. Then everyone only reflects our condition on Mother Earth (too took the Sahaja Yuva Shakti pledge and vowed that much right side). If we are in balance she (Mother the main purpose of Yuva Shakti is the development Earth) herself can take care of Global Warming". of our own personality in order to make it much Eye-opening!! more complete, so that all of us prove to be great Then, there was a session of dumb charades for assets to Sahaja yoga and serve as shining ideals for which we used names on cassettes of Shri Mataji's other to emulate and derive inspiration. Continued on pg 19 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-21.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 Colds little warm water, or even ordinary water, so the dust will come out. The cold is a disease (also hay fever)... of London and England, due to less resistance... no immunity, because of lack of calcium within us. If proper care is taken in childhood, with adequate vitamins A and D, with massaging with cod liver oil or olive oil, and with proper sunning, then we would get colds less. It is a Vishuddhi problem. Coughs and colds are a left side problem and indicate emotional problems... in girls, crying, whilst in men coughing or sneezing for no reason at all coughing and sneezing to show our pitiable condition. To cure the cold, look into your emotional life. If there is too much attachment to mother or A little chillies is alright... you can develop a little taste for chillies... it's alright. It cleanses you, and it Hhat the child feels hurt, then he may get colds. Any has Vitamin Cal so in it, so it's quite good for colds and things. attachment that makes you foolish, or hankering after someone, creates similar troubles, especially The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing... and with the 'Romeos'. It can be corrected by getting has to be worked on, on a material level only... and proper understanding, that we are just trustees of is where you get troubles like sinus, colds and our children, that we should be detached, and not get coughs, and all that... and can result from the these romantic feelings. On the other side, if we drying up of the nose... because of the use of central move to the right side more, we get dry feelings, a heating. Now... what you are doing actually... is to dry throat-we cannotspeak. neglect certain laws of nature... like...in London, or anywhere... it's all heated up inside the rooms... too much it is... it's very dry... we all know that in England we have to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some water or something, or fill a tub in the The liver gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by bath and keep it open... so there is humidity in the Vishuddhi. Flowing colds, characterised by sneezing, running nose, and hay fever are dueto the liver producing heat. room. Sneezing is nothing but the right Vishuddhi opening Coughing... may be due to drying epithelial cells of out. the throat - ghee may be used to correct this, by Those who have got flowing colds must know that putting a few drops onto hot water or milk, and they are liver patients... they should put some ice on taking it - it will spread over the epithelial cells. The their livers. Also they should put their left hand on ghee can be kept in a small bottle, which may be their liver, and their right hand toward the heated in hot water prior to use. photograph, and in the water, salt... it's a right side. those who are sneezing, or feeling hay fever, or flowing of cold... just try to treat your liver and you'll be alright. May also be due to negativity which can move arbitrarily, and can be cured by... gargling... or by the Mantra "Allah ho Akbar" said 16 times.... by dhooni ... and by care with some foods. Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems... Also... you are not used to the dust, and that's like Angina, Spondylitis... sometimes people lose another reason you get coughing. When you come their voices completely... sometimes they have all out of the processions (in India) you just gargle with the time coughing. Above all is the centre of discrimination, which only comes when you are free 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-22.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 It is important to wear a vest under the shirt, especially in warm weather, to prevent catching colds, particularly after perspiring. people. Till you are biased... till you have your own concepts, you cannot be discrete... and that's the one point where one must understand that to achieve your complete freedom, you your Vishuddhi chakra cleared out. First and foremost is you must speak in a sweet manner, not have to get Radha Krishna... is the mantra for the Vishuddhi.. and is for where there are... problems of ears, nose and throat... or where you get bad colds... or where artificially, but sweetly... speak in a manner that another person likes it... Satyam Vade... Priyam Vade... speak the truth... don't tell the lies. you get your attention diverted. References: www.sahajvidya.org Continued from pg 17 speeches. Yuva's who had mentioned acting as their and for the whole World. There was another speech hobbies were called on the stage and were given from Shri Adishakti Puja 1990 after which we titles like 'Mukti Ki Aur', 'You are the Spirit' etc. to meditated on instrumental music played by Siddesh enact, which were wonderfully done. A classical Vaity and Vivek Bhoite, which was very soothing & dance was performed by Janani as a gesture of nourishing. gratitude to Shri Ganesha. It was a beautiful event- The program was concluded by acknowledging the ineffable & priceless. A play titled "KALYUG SE invaluable contribution of Yuvashaktis all over SATYUG KIAUR", was performed by yuvas which narrated the story of three generations, The first generation showed how people were alcoholic and s.S.C and H.S.C examination were given a token of violent and second generation showed how false appreciation. To recollect the enjoyment and guru ruled the people and the third generation learning at the seminar a souvenir was gifted to showed the current Sahaja Yoga period and everyone, which had extracts from Shri Mataji's behavior of people in Sahaja Yoga. It was a very speeches blended with soft classical music which humorous play but also providing valuable & deep could be used for meditation. Mumbai who had worked to make this seminar a successful event. The students who recently cleared insights of the importance of Sahaja Yoga in this Kaliyuga. Then one final surprise waiting it was announced to the collective that with the blessings of our Divine Mother our very own "Development Center for Yuvashakti" is being opened on second Sunday of every month. It is a step towards Yuva development to fulfill our Mother's vision for yuvas. The seminar concluded 6p.m by giving respect to our Janani by singing Vande Mataram. Pinky Gupta then took through a wonderful presentation of "Shri Mataji as a Yuva Shakti" - as a child, as a family person, as teenager, as a student, as a part of political movement. Various facets of Shri Mataji as yuvashakti were brought out in a very colorful and inspirational manner. Everyone felt got motivated to use their dormant qualities as Shri Mataji has used it for the benevolence of Sahaja Yoga Kindly send us the report/news of yuvashakti events in your collective at yuvadrishti@gmail.com You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja yoga but to me. Sahaja yoga is just one of my aspect. Leaving everything you have to dedicate, complete dedication otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without questioning, without asking, complete dedication is the only way you can achieve it. 1982-0731: Dedication through Meditation, Cowley Manor Seminar, England 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-23.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 Awaken Your Creativity Hen Salary Universe Hero Saint Star Make a story using these words. Ho to do it? Creative Car Villain Boy Love Fight Once there was a boy Amar who was very creative, every body loved him but Vinay was jealous of Amar because nobody used to talk to him due to his villainous nature. He fights with every body, hurt them, irritates them. It was there drawing exam & Vinay forgot his color box at home so he stole Amar's color box. Amar saw Vinay while doing that but he didn't said anything and gave his exam using his pen and pencil as he was creative enough. After exam got over Vinay was going home and a car came hit & threw him aside. Amar was passing thereby. He stopped his car & took him to his father's hospital. When Vinay got up and asked him, "why do you do so even after knowing that I stole your colour box and ruined your exam"? Amar answered that/'My mother that love and compassion is the key to life and by holding grudges one can never forgive says anybody. Vinay cried and hugged Amar. Dear yuvashakti, quickly send your creative stories to us at yuvadrishti@gmail.com 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-24.txt ाद Yuvadrishti September 2008 पिंगला नाडी - क्रिया का नाड़ी When Your Vishuddhi is Established प्र. १ पिंगला नाड़ी मानवीयशरीरमें कैसे तैयार होती है? मूलत: मस्तिष्क ये प्रिज़्म जैसे होता है इसलिए जब किरणें मस्तिष्क की बाँयी तरफ गिरती है, वे दायी तरफ प्रतिम्बिबित होते है. इस तरहसे पिंगलानाड़ी उत्पन्न होती है। प्र. २ सूर्य नाड़ी क्या है? पिंगला जाड़ी को सूर्य नाड़ी भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि सूर्य अपनी आत्मा का पुरूष रूप दशाता है और चन्द्र स्त्री रूप दशाता है। लड प्र. ३ पिंगलानाड़ी के क्या-क्यागुण है? पिंगला नाई़ी अपने कार्य परनियंत्रणरखती है ये मार्गप्लॉमिंग करने के लिए और उसे कार्यान्वित करने के लिए है । When you are having a lot of difficulties, and despite that, you stay in the collective, your Vishuddhi is established. When you can see every event, bad or good, as a प्र. ४ कौनसे देवी / देवता सुर्य नाड़ी के मार्ग को संचलित करते हैं? सर्य नाड़ी के मार्ग को संचलित करनेवाले देवता है - श्री महा सरस्वती और श्री हनुमान। film shot in life, and be a spectator, your Vishuddhi is established. When someone insults you and you stay indifferent and don't react, your Vishuddhi is established. When peopleharm you by their speeches and you respond with silence of bandhan, even if you are right, your Vishuddhi is established. When a Sahaja brother, a Sahaja Sister, or anyore expresses to you his or her problems, and by your advice you relieve him and calm his anxiety, your Vishuddhi is established. प. ५ पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन बिगड़ने से कौनसी समस्या और बीमारियाँउत्पन्न होती है? - युवाशक्ति के दृष्टिकोण से देखें तो बहुत अधिक सोचना, बिना उड्देश्य मस्तिष्क को तेजी से भगाना, एकाग्रता का अभाव, निद्रा का अभाव, बदधकोष्ठता, जिगर समस्या और आक्रमक वृत्ती ये प्रधान समस्या दिखती है। प्र. ६ र्पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन कैसे करें? पिंगला नाड़ी का संतुलन अनेक प्रकार से कर सकते है, पर इस में सब से अधिक महत्त्वपूर्ण है सुबह और शाम ध्यान करना और सोने के पहले नमक पानी में पैर सखना। कठोर मेहनत के परिणाम के बारे में मत सोचो, उसे श्री माताजी पर छोड़ दो। परमेश्वर पिता है, उनपर दृढ़ विश्वासरखो और परमेश्वर अपने लिए जो नियोजन करता है, उस में कुछ तर्क होता है। आत्मासाक्षात्कार देने से और सहजयोग का काम करने से दायाँ मार्गसाफ होता है। caWhen you take the floor somewhere and seem to hear a divine melody and relax, your Vishuddhi is established. people When you dress properly without exposing the ultimate parts of your body, your Vishuddhi is established. When opening your mouth you tell only the truth, your Vishuddhi is established. RWhen you have something, and you can share it with your brother, sister or anyone without ego your Vishuddhi is established. When you make people happy by your presence only, your Vishuddhi is established. WVhern you can easily talk to someoneabout Sahaja Yoga, your Vishuddhi is established. प्र. ७ कौनसी नदी पिंगला नाड़ी का प्रतिनिधित्वकरती है? यमूना नदी, भारत प्र. ८ दायें मार्ग पर प्रभाव न पड़ते हुए हम सहज का प्रभावपूर्ण कार्य किस तरह से कर सकते हैं? हम सहज के लिए प्रभावपूर्ण कार्य इस तरह से कर सकते है कि हमें केवल परमात्मा का साधन बनना है और दैवत्व को अपने कार्यों द्वारा प्रकटीत करना है। When people from the America continent, and you have all these qualities... America is established. -Akashwani, July 2001, volumeii, issue vii, 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-25.txt Yuvadrishti September 2008 Discipline I do not want to put too much restriction on children in the name of discipline, in the beginning, because children are themselves very disciplined. But discipline has to be there. If you follow the practice of getting up in the moning time, slowly you will find children cannot sleep after that time. All these good habits can be done. To sleep earlier, to get up early, not to talk too much, not become also absolutely deaf and dumb sort, not to talk rubbish, not to be frivolous, not to be sarcastic. All these things can be watched very carefully. Children must know how to behave themselves, they must know how to answer, how much they must talk. Do not spoil them with presents. Give them presents at the right time and tell them how they should behave. This is your duty to discipline them. No child should be allowed to answer back. Teach them to be respectful. If you do not teach them, they will be disrespectful to other people. Sit down with them one hour and talk to them, not in the presence of others. If they break the toys and all that, tell them that "if you are breaking toys you are not going to get them." Keep them properly, arrange them, let them organise. This is how you train. Another habit children must form is to get up early in the morning and wash. The parents must get up in the morning. Give them bath, get them ready. Do not give tea to children, but milk. Tea is not a good habit. You have to tell your children, until they are sixteen years of age, everything that is good, righteous, how to behave and how to live. Otherwise, they become vagabonds. "Oh, we can do whatever we want, what is wrong?" You teach them what is wrong. Do not give them money, Let them do the work. You should never pay for your children's work. Do not run after the children all the time, because once they know they are dominating you, they will sit on your heads. They should know where they stand with you. Gradually they will learn and behave. Either you make them human beings or you make them devils. Itis in your hands. Children should know that you love them. Do little things that show that you care. Express your love. The only fear they have is that they will lose that love. Love must be expressed. This is the main thing that they have to be given all the time. Address them like someone higher. Respect and love, that is the point, rather than beating them. To give a lot of love is the first priority, then the discipline. Children should not be allowed to form habits. They should not get used to too much comfort. They should attend to others, bring things for others and always be busy with someone. We should not make the children work too hard. In India, the whole society trains the attention of the child by continually pointing the attention to the correct things. It is not wise to make the child agitated all the time and enter into a sort of competition. Let the child grow normally. Source-Education Enlightened, HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-26.txt Kid Shakti Page nакті Vishuddhi Chakra Locate the Vishuddhi Chakra on the body chart. Count the Number of petals in the Vishuddhi Chakra. Ask your parents the color the Vishuddhi Chakra and color it. Shri Radha Krishna is the Deity at Vishuddhi Chakra. This chakra connects us to the Virata. The Left Vishuddhi is controlled by Shri Vishnumaya, sister of Shri Krishna, killed by represents pure brother-sister relationships. She gives us self -confidence and power to announce the incarnation of Shri Mataji. Right Vishuddhi gives us power to communicate with others in sweet manner. If our Vishuddhi is good then we have glow on the face and sparkle in the eyes. rakshasa Kamsa and ww 2008_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-27.txt ब हि प- पुः श्रीमाताजो आपन्या चरणी कोटी कोटी पू. जपल्य Pllat प्रणाम ॥ ते ]॥त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ।। ॥त्वमेव बन्धख सखा त्वमेव ।। ॥ त्वमेव विधा द्रविण त्वमेव ॥ ब्वमद] ॥त्वमेव सर्व मम देवदेव [॥ कपि से / चापला यूवा शक्ता