JUYA GE Sept.-2009 Shri Ganesha is covered with lead osxide.. With a red lead oxide.. Which is extremely cold. Lead oxide is a very cool thing... That lead oxide is used to cover all His body... To balance the heat that He has.. Or the effects of heat He has. Sowe call it in Sanskrit langnage, is called as Sindur.. And in Marathi as Sindura... So Heis always covered with that colour, Sindur colour... (900831) INSIDE THIS ISSUE I found thee.. - 2 सहस्रार चक्र - 4 AND MORE अजमेर की दरगाह शरीफ - 6 Behaviour in Public - 8 Count Your Blessings - 12 1st Power.... - 14 2nd Power... - 15 Shri Ganesha's Colouring Page - 16 The Country - Mouse Story - 17 Sarcasm - 18 Limes - 19 Establishing Shri Ganesh Principle - 22 I found thee.. I ип I woke up to a beautiful morning dream.. Dew sparkling the Sun's bounty reflected an image That in infinitude spectrum, I found thee gazing in stillnes... Whilst a beautiful meadow shuttered my vision In the moment of lost identity, In an universe of solitude and bliss, I found thee breezing in my ears, legends of secret wisdom... AsI journeyed long and long I rested for a moment's shadow under a banyan tree Those strong shoots bend in reverence and deeply grounded in humility, tettwery I found thee, teaching them the lessons of eternal quest. 2. And I wanted to see thee Read thousand scriptures, travelled mountains and forests; Attempted self-annibilation, thro' thousand postures and concepts I found thee sitting well within my heart with a lotus smile asking, Where do thou search for me, my dear child? Filled with awe, I gazed at thy lotus feet and got lost with it... When I fell asleep, you carried me in your lap and cradled with sweet lullabies which even Gods bave unheard I saw me present amidst million constellations glittering and pleasant breeze venerating pure light all over! And my eye lids balf open, I saw thee cradling me by thy eternally blissful glances, As if telling "I am there with you always; sleep in joy, My Child!".. By a Sabaj Yogi ल कि ा ০ श्री चक्र दायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है और ललिता चक्र बायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है । आ. ज में आपको अन्तिम चक्र, सहसार के बारे में बताऊँगी। यह सहस्रार अन्तिम चक्र, जो है तो मस्तिष्क के तालू क्षेत्र (लिम्बिक एटिया) 'आंगिळ क्षेत्र' के अन्दर होता है। हमारा सिर एक नारियल जैसा है । नाटियल के ऊपर जटाएं होती हैं फिर उसका एक सरदत पोल ( नट ) होता है, फिर एक काला खोल और उसके अन्दर सफेद गिरी और उसके अन्दर रिक्त स्थान (स्पेस) और पानी होता है। हमारा मस्तिष्क भी इसी प्रकार खना होता है। इसलिए नाटियल को 'श्रीपफल' कहा जाता है। यह श्री शक्ति जो है उसका फल है । श्री शक्ति दायीं तरफ की शक्ति है, और बाीं तरफ की थक्ति ललिता शक्ति है। तो हमारे अन्दर दो चक्र हैं-बायें कंधे के जरा नीचे श्री चक्र ये दो चक्र, दायीं तरफ महासरस्वती शक्ति और बा्ीं तरफ महाकाली शक्ति को चलाते हैं । कृण्डलिनी थक्ति दोनों के मध्य खीचोबीच है। उसे उलकर अलग -अलग चक्रों को भेदकर लिम्बिक एटिया में प्रवेश करना होता है और वहाँ सात चक्रों को प्रकाशित करना होता है। तो भी वह छः चक्रों को भेदकर लिস্তिक एरिया में प्रवेश ढरती है और मस्तिष्क में स्थित सात पीठों को, जो लिम्बिक एरिया की मध्य रेखा पर रखे गये हैं, प्रकाशित करती है। तो अगर हम पीछे से शुरू करें तो सबसे पीछे मूलाधार चक्र है, उसके चारों तरफ स्वाधिष्ठान, फिर नाभि, फिर अनहत, फिर विथुद्धि और उसके बाढ आज्ञा चक्र होता है। इस तरह यह छ: चक्र मिलकर सातवाँ च़ सहसार बनता है। यह बहुत ही महल्वपूर्ण बात है जो हमें पता होनी चाहिए। श्री चक्र दायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है और ललिता चक्र बायीं ओर ढी कार्य शक्ति है। अत: जब कुण्डलिनी नहीं जागृत होती, तो हम दायी ओट की धक्ति से शारीरिक और मानसिक कार्य करते हैं, इसलिये हमारा मस्तिष्क दायीं ओर की क्रिया करता है। अत: हमारा मस्तिष्क श्रीफल की तरह है सहसार, वास्तव में छः चक्रों का समूह है, और यह एक खाली स्थान है, जिसके दोनों तरफ एक हजार नाड़ियाँ होती हैं और जब प्रकाश लिम्छिढ एटिया में आता है, तब इन नाड़ियों का प्रज्चलन होता है और वे लौ (उयाला के समान दिखाई देती हैं, खहुत ही सौम्य लौ के समान दिवाई देती हैं और इन सबकी लौ में वो सभी सात रंग होते हैं, जो इन्द्रधनुष में दिखाई देते हैं। परन्तु अन्तिम लौ अन्त में समग्र लौ बन जाती है, यह बिलकूल (क्रिस्टल क्लिअर) स्वच्छ लौ होती है । अत: ये सब सात तरह के प्रकाश अन्त में एक स्वच्छ (क्रिस्टल क्लिअर) प्रकाश खन जाते हैं । क सहस्रार चक्र नि नई दिल्ली, ४ फरवरी १९८३ प्रभ शाथ १ ए के नी स का अजमेर की दरगाह शरीफ Kagove द .ाग अजमेर शरीफ का भारत में बड़ा महत्व है। खास बात यह भी है कि रगाह ख्वाजा पर हर धर्म के लोगों का विश्वास है। यहाँ आने वाले जायरीन चाहे वे किसी भी मजहब के क्यों न हों, ख्वाजा के दर पर दस्तक देने के बाद उनके जहन में सिर्फ अकीदा ही बाकी रहता है। दरगाह अजमेर डॉट काम चलाने वाले हमीद साहब कहते हैं कि गरीब नवाज का आकर्षण ही कुछ ऐसा है कि लोग यहाँ खिंचे चले आते हैं। यहाँ आकर लोगों को रूहानी सुकून मिलता है। भारत में इस्लाम के साथ ही सूफी मत की शुरुआत हुई थी। सूफी संत एक ईश्वरवाद पर विश्वास रखते थे... ये सभी धार्मिक आडंबरों से ऊपर अल्लाह को अपना सब कुछ समर्पित कर देते थे ये धार्मिक सहिष्णुता, उदारवाद, प्रेम और भाईचारे पर बल देते थे। इन्हीं में से एक थे हज़रत ख्वाज़ा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती रहमतुल्ला अलैह। ख्वाज़ा साहब का जन्म ईरान में हुआ था अपने जीवन के कुछ पड़ाव वहाँ बिताने के बाद वे हिन्दुस्तान आ गए। एक बार बादशाह अकबर ने इनकी दरगाह पर पुत्र प्राप्ति के लिए मन्नत माँगी थी। ख्वाज़ा साहब की दुआ से बादशाह अकबर को पुत्र की प्राप्ति हुई खुशी के मंके पर ख्वाज़ा साहब का शुक्रिया अदा करने के लिए अकबर बादशाह आमेर से अजमेर शरीफ तक पैदल ख्वाज़ा के दर पर दस्तक दी थी.... तारागढ़ पहाड़ी की तलहटी में स्थित दरगाह शरीफ वास्तुकला की दृष्टि से भी बेजोड़ है... यहाँ ईरानी और हिन्दुस्तानी वास्तुकला का का प्रवेश द्वार और गुंबद बेहद खुबसूरत है। इसका कुछ भाग अकबर ने तो कुछ जहाँगीर सुन्दर संगम दिखता है। दरगाह ने पूरा करवाया था। माना जाता है कि दरगाह को पक्का करवाने का काम माण्डू के सुलतान ग्यासुद्दीन खिलजी ने करवाया था। दरगाह के अन्दर बेहतरीन नक्काशी किया हुआ एक चाँदी का कटघरा है। इस कटघरे के अन्दर ख्वाज़ा साहब की मजार है। यह का कटघरा जयपुर के महाराजा राजा जयसिंह ने बनवाया था। दरगाह में एक खूबसूरत महफिल खाना भी है, जहाँ कव्वाल ख्वाज़ा की शान में कव्वाली गाते हैं। दरगाह के आस-पास कई अन्य ऐतिहासिक इमारतें भी स्थित हैं । धार्मिक सद्भावना की मिसाल धर्म के नाम पर नफरत फैलाने वाले लोगों को गरीब नवाज की दरगाह से सबक लेना चाहिए...ख्वाज़ा के दर पर हिन्दू हों या मुस्लिम या किसी अन्य धर्म को मानने व ाले सभी जियारत करने आते हैं। यहाँ का मुख्य पर्व उ्स कहलाता है जो इस्लाम कैलेंडर के रजब माह की पहली छठी तारीख तक मनाया जाता है। उर्स की शुरुआत बाबा की मजार पर हिन्दू परिवार द्वारा चादर चढ़ाने के बाद होती है। इन देगों को बादशाह अकबर और जहाँगीर ने चढ़ाया था। तब से लेकर आज तक इन देगों में काजू, देग का इतिहास : दरगाह के बरामदें में दो बड़ी देग रखी हुई है बादाम, पिस्ता, इलायची, केसर के साथ चावल पकाया जाता है और गरीबों में बाँटा जाता है। कैसे जाएं : दरगाह अजमेर शरीफ राजस्थान के अजमेर शहर में स्थित है। यह शहर सड़क, रेल, वायु परिवहन द्वारा शेष देश से जुड़ा हुआ है। यदि आप विदेश में रहते हैं या फिर यहाँ से जुड़ी ज्यादा जानकारी चाहते हैं तो दरगाह डॉट कॉम या राजस्थान पर्यटन विभाग से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। Questions and answers related to Public Programs. Bebaviour in Public Eor Lven if you are silent you do very much, you don't know your powers. You really don't know your power. You can even stop the Sun. You have got such powers you can't believe it. I have made you after the pattern of Christ, after the pattern of Ganesha. You are very powerful people. On your hands the Kundalini moves. What more powers do you want? How many saints there are who have been blessed with such great powers? You have no self-esteem as it should be. If you really develop your self-esteem you see the whole balance will come to your Spirit. Self-esteem is the only way really you are going to be Self-realized. And then one should not pass sarcastic remarks about each other, you must respect, all of you must respect each other. Somebody is like this, somebody is like that, I don't like it at all, passing remarks about anyone. I don't like it at all. And you not also pass remarks. And a person who might be considered selfish or something like that, it will stand out. It will be corrected. I myself will find out, so you just don't pass remarks. Even in the public we can not do that. It's very bad. Anything, I mean any gesture or anything. Should not do in the public. I mean we are all one in the public... should When we are formal, we are respected. We have to be formal because we are respected. We are very formal. As to what thing we give what whisky and what gin. we are not formal when we present ourselves to others. But 25th Mar' 1981 You have to be formal when you are with the public. Very formal. In every respect and that helps because you respect them. They know. They respect. You go to church properly dressed because you respect God. In India when women go to temples they will wear their best dresses, their best saris and they wear all their ornaments and they go to temples, because you respect, out of respect. And now we go to church. You take out your hat. Out of respect, and women put on a hat to respect. In the same way, in Sahaja Yoga you have to respect the public because there may be many seekers among them. Talk to them with great respect. Know that they are seekers. They may be horribly funny sometimes. Then do not try to be harsh with them. You should say. "If you are seekers you will come. If you are a true seeker you will find it here. No use arguing with you. So many of us were like you. For nothing at all, why are you quarrelling? What have you found so far? Please find it out. Don't delay," like that in a very cajoling, very patronizing manner you should talk to them. They should feel that, these people are concerned with their well being and also their respect. Respect is the fitst thing that we must give to these people. Talk to them in a very respectful way. Make them sit down. Because now you are much higher. So this consciousness is also there you see, so you have to be more compassionate and more congenial to them when you are so high. This is the problem with all the human beings. You can even stop the Sun. You have got such powers you can't believe it. All pay complete disregard for others when they evolve. Has been with all the great saints I have seen so far now those who are, they throw stones at them, they hit them, they abuse them, they beat them. They do all kinds of things, can you imagine? Because you see they are not yet evolved. You must understand it much more. That they are not yet evolved. So how you must treat them like children. And once they are treated like that you'll see they'll be very happy with you because they'll sce what change has come into you. Arrogance and all these things are horrible things which should not be done in Sahaja Yoga at all. You should never combine in fighting. If somebody's fighting, forget it, forget it, forget it! If someone is arguing should "No! No! No arguing can do it." You cannot argue a flower into a fruit. You are losing your you time. It is better to not argue. Like that you see. Be at a higher pedestal and pull them out, very delicately. Not to push them down. They will go down much more.... I would say that this yogi here is quite good at talking to people. But otherwise as a person I would say she is more left-handed so she should be a little more right-handed. It's sort of indulging sometimes into a little left-sided stuff sometimes. But she's more appreciated than a person who's aggressive because people say with ontsiders yon bave to become extremely subdned, very humble. like sometimes a little [gentleness]. So in the room I will tell her "you should be more right handed, now don't try to get into things where you'll be dominated." That's nonsense, can never be dominated. But as far as the dealing with others is concerned such a person is more appreciated who takes you see others aggressions upon oneself you see. That's the way it should be. That how she has been quite successful organizing things and talking to pcople nicely. So it's a different thing what we do here among ourselves but with outsiders you have to become extremely subdued, very humble. They don't expect a saint even to say anything you see. They expect what Christ has said if they slap one face turn the other face. They forget the other one "Don't throw pearls before swine" and also that he took a handle in his hands and started beating all those. You are on that level, but still take to another style.... Question : Some people ask "What do you do at Sahaja Yoga Centre?" Shri Mataji : Should say that we have: One is collective meditation, where we sit down and meditate and be thoughtlessly aware. And vibrations. We put on Mothers tapes and listen to it and understand what She has to say because She has talked about all the chakras. There are 300 tapes like that, every tape gives so much knowledge about ourselves. Because now we have got the power, but we must learn how to maneuver it how to take it round. Like once you have got the electricity then you have to know how to use it. What to do about it, all these things we work it out, learn and master it. And you don't pay anything for it. And then we sing songs and things and enjoy ourselves. And when you come closer and closer to us we will let you know what we do. Because there are certain things, we do not tell to people, because if you tell them, they can't bear the 10 truth about Mother, then you find out about Mother and who She is. What is Her incarnation and what is She doing. You come there gradually because you should be able to bear the truth. You see where as people could not bear the truth, what Christ was, and crucified him, but now you are going to crucify yourself if you can't bear the truth, not Mother. Is other way round, all right. Firstly, I'll make them thoughtless so they won't ask anyone questions. The little bees (Laugh). I'll make your task very simple (laughter). But you give a good presentation, that's all. .... Question: Mother, somebody asked me last night if it would be dangerous for them to come and get their Realization and then leave it. After they are Realized is it dangerous to leave it to them? Shri Mataji : As you say, it would be like asking if it was raining outside, would it be dangerous to be inside the room. You see? There isn't. If you are inside the room you enjoy the protection of the room. If like. you are outside you get all the problems there. There is nothing dangerous, yougo ahead whatever way you But then feel more getting out, because what happens is that you have felt the security and the you beauty of yourself and to be without it you feel bad. Supposing a rich man becomes poor, it's difficult, but a man becomes rich, and it's not difficult for him. But for a rich man to become poor it's very difficult, he poor cannot adjust. And the same way when you are enriched, you find it difficult to live like a That's the point. You see? pauper. Question : A very common egoistical trick though, Mother, if they get their realization, then they take it away and they think they can establish it in their own way, using their old methods. will Shri Mataji : you see, you should say that, "Just now you are, when you come to Sahaja Yoga you know that you are still at the foothill. Absolutely, just now, this is just the beginning, and you don't know how to handle it, really. This is the fact. So you come at the foothill of it.' Now, to learn how to go further, you have to know about it. Like somebody with electricity and the Sun or fire. You also know how to handle it. It's better to know through the experienced people how to handle it, what to do. Because you come into mistakes and this advice is available. Of course you may learn gradually, but very slow and steady. But with this it starts, it can move. That's all. Question : In relation to our development in Sahaja Yoga, I noticed that in two of your recent lectures, You've mentioned the flames of the chakras, and You have said, you can see the flames. Now, if someone was to ask me, if they would come to see this in Sahaja Yoga, what should I say? Shri Mataji : Well, you don't, you don't say anything in Sahaja Yoga. You should say, people have seen it from outside, we don't want to see flames, we want to become flames ourselves. All right? Sahaja Yogi : Right. Shri Mataji : You should say, you see it from outside. These people use to see from outside. They were not realized souls, some of them. And Christ has said it because he himself was there. You see? It is a position that he said so. But you see. Sometimes, flames around me, auras and things. Question : When you give somebody realization, like when we were in Melbourne we gave realization to a friend and we were not able to follow it up with her, and now she's become quite confused about it. Should we give realization to everybody if we can't follow it up with them? Because they can. Warren : If you give realization to somebody but you don't have the opportunity to follow it up, and in this case it's created confusion in the mind of this person, should we therefore, give realization to people even if we can't follow it up? Shri Mataji : I'll manage, leave it to me, it's all-pervading, it's all-pervading, despite that so many get it and so many retain it, develop it, they come back. We have to go on giving realization, that's very important, sprout it, let's see. You see, even if out of ten only two came out, ir's all right. Let's first start giving realization, it's very important, otherwise nothing they can see. Some are slow, some are fast. It's all right. Count Your O. nly about an hour back I was telling that perhaps the Sahaja Yogis don't realize even materially how Divine is looking after them. And what are they doing about it? They have so many, still many identifications and they are not fully identified with the Divine, that Divine is so much identified with you. This is definitely such a great miracle that should happen. Can you see this clearly now, so many miracles happen to you, but what about our sincerity? The sincerity of the Divine is there, but are we sincere to that Divine? There are so many miracles like this, not one but thousand and one have happened and in individual life, in collective life, one has to write it down, it is remarkable. But either, sometimes we are identified with ego, sometimes we are identified with the conditionings of the things that we do not identify and sometimes we are attached to a very petty, nonsensical thing - that's not proper. And there should not be little bit hint of any ego to think that "God is so kind to us so we are something great. It's very wrong. So many people do like that, I have seen. Not only in Europe, England, also in India they do like this, that "this is Mother's job, this Mother is doing" or if you tell them something they will say "it is Mother. You said so I did it." It is Switzerland all wrong. You must say that "It is I who is doing 18th Sep' 1984 12 Blessings ... it," then you are identified with Me. Unless and until you take up upon yourself the glory of Sahaja Yoga that that is your job to establish and be identified with it. Even with a flag people are identified in this world, to a little piece of cloth, people are identified. They have given lives for just a piece of flag, just imagine! So many have given lives only to climb up this Ganesha's thing (Swayambhu Matterhorn mountain). People have given their lives for silly, stupid things, given up their families, given up everything. And what are we doing? You must think about it. So, God is very blissful, extremely blissful. We should not develop at all a feeling, that we are special people, that is why God has blessed us, so let Mother do all the job and we sit down and take the blessings. How much the Divine has worked so far and is working, so delicately, so choosingly. And how much have we given? We have enjoyed. All right, we are here everybody is enjoying, nice. Are we going back home and thinking that, that whatever we have enjoyed, we have to give something to Sahaja Yoga. What have we given? You don't have to give up anything as money and all nonsensical things, but you have to give your heart to it. Is your heart there or you have other considerations? So be careful. Many people also believe that if you have become Sahaja yogis, now you have a right to enjoy and not to do anything for Sahaja Yoga. And some of them, if they do something, they think that now they are above board, nothing can happen to them. But every moment you have to remember that you have to go further and further and further in your spiritual life. How much time you give for Sahaja Yoga and how much time you give for collective work of Sahaja Yoga should be found out. How much harm you are doing to Sahaja Yoga also should be seen. Those who are not fully identified, can not have joy in life. They are neither here nor there. And the greatest blessing you should feel, when you realize that you are doing nothing for Sahaja Yoga. What have I done ? Nothing. Count your blessings. Even yesterday when I talked to my husband, I said: "Thanks to Sahaja Yoga, I am going to Zermatt, otherwise I would never have gone there." My daughter told me that: "You don't wear any nylons, what will happen to You? In Your lifetime You will have to wear, because now they wouldn't be producing silk sarees." I said, "Thanks to Sahaja Yoga. I have no problem all my life!" So every moment count your blessings. Count your blessings. That is how you are going to have the Joy of Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise joy will be lost, even if you have blessings, the joy wouldn't be there. May God bless you! 13 1st Power.... W. e must get our own powers, and not rely on those of our guru (830129)..for example, the ability to penetrate into a subject and see immediately what is to be done; We can feel what can be done to help so many people..but also, we should not determine ourselves what we should do-the Spirit uses us and if something does not work out, then we should not be upset about it (960505); We have the power to transform ourselves, as well as others (811103)3B You are so very powerful... in colective and also individually...whatever you want...you can have it (920229); Whatever you think or want, you can do-your relation with the Divine is not imaginery, but is actual and the Divine is dynamic (811103); God's Poweris the integrated Power of all the powers (800609) You can cure others, you can give speeches on Sahaja Yoga. You can know your own problems, you can cure your own parents, yourown surroundings.. you can clean yourself and others (800518): You can raise the Kundalini of people and can give Realisation-even your thought is powerful, your attention is powerful (890423); Each person can give Realisation to thousands of people...if he gets out of his 'own ideas', and this can do such a lot of good to the whole world (980705) You can feel the vibrations of others...there are some who can control the Rain, Sun, Moon, everything. Some have tremendous powers of prayers...just by praying they have saved the lives of many peoples. Your powers are based on love and compassion, and you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people (920621); The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, are to work for Sahaja Yoga - we have to do it (890423). We have certain powers...and these powers increase, when we humble down - they do not increase with arrogance...with arrogance one can only become stupid...that's the only end of arrogance (880921); If you start telling others, talking about it too much, then the powers that you have got will be all disappearing gradually, and you will come down to absolutely lowest level - so don't try to show-off (830113) The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest power on Earth... this is the power of Shri Ganesha.. it is only he can do this job, that you people are doing today...and that power is Raising the Kundalini'. No one so far in the history of spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time, as you people are doing.. it moves under your fingers... it is absolutely Shri Ganesha's power which is given to you. At the time when you are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up in any one of your chakras, or you have any problem...even if you are a little bit possessed...even if you are not such a good Sahaja Yogi.even if about Sahaja Yoga..still the Kundalini rises under your fingers. This Ganesha Shakti is given to you by Shri Ganesha himself, within you..to give you the confidence...that you can raise the Kundalini..but not the feeling that 'you'are raising the kundalini - if you go on, without surrendering yourself to Sahaja Yoga..after some time... you will lose this power...very fast (800127.2.2) you are not that much surrendered to Mataji...even if you don't have much sense of obligation 14 b 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Power.... Another power which you have got.you may notice it...that at that time when the Kundalini kind...whatever may rises...there will be no obstruction of be the obstructions around.say there's a any possessed person next door, he would not obstruct you at "that' time... In your family there may be a person who is a negative person, but if you are raising the Kundalini, then at that moment he will be kept quiet. At that time, when you are moving your hand on the Kundalini, is the greatest power you are using...at that time there will be no obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever..even by mistake (800127.2) Then another power you have got...when you are raising the Kundalini, that at that time..you will be completely attracting the attention of the other person within...like a magnet...by which you should understand that you can raise the Kundalini whenever you feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going on..all sorts of problems going on.or any such thing happening..at that time your attention will not be distracted.and the attention of the person who is taking the Realisation from you will not be attracted by outside things.. at that time, when you are raising the Kundalini. That means you can give Realisaion at any time (800127.2) Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti.that no baser feelings will rise within you.. no impure feeling. about the person whom you are giving realisation.. even if you are a possessed maybe before and after.. but not during..these dirty feelings will not come to you...automatically. person... Also you will be absolutely satisfied... even if you are hungry, you will not feel the hunge...or any physical need at the time when you are giving Realisation...there will be no distraction of any kind. You won't do anything that is undignified...because you are being blessed with dignity.. you will never joke.. you'll never make fun... you'll not be frivolous... automatically. These are your supporting powers... all these five powers I have described.. are very few of the thousands of others. but they are the five powers of Shri Ganesha (800127.2) Ganesha's fifth power is the power of wisdom... and that whatever he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down - even that power, you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini, you talk to the person in such a manner..only that which is wisdom... and also you write or show him figures, automatically, which right... even if you don't remember your figures, they'll come out right (800127.2) are Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother... a complete dedication and complete obedience to Mother.. I mean sort of, he is made out of that obedience..complete love and affection for the Mother... he doesn't argue... he doesn't question... he doesn't do anything. and that's how these powers are in him the maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you are sadly mistaken. you have to keep me pleased... is a fact... so please don't try to displease me.. I may not say anything, because outwardly I don't say anything.. but your powers will be reduccd (800127.2) 15 KIDSHAKT 16 PAGE Colour Shri Ganesha's sketch 000 It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's womb.. He selects the face... the colour... Everything... with his magnetic power he manages to attract the right type of genes.. He does all such important things for you.. he never rests.. so full of joy and hard work.. 16 The Country - Mouse A town-mouse paid a visit to his friend who lived in the cOuntryside. The country-mouse was happy to see his friend. Sobe prepared a fine feast for him. The town-mouse looked at the fruit and the car of corn with hatred. "Is this hon you live ?" he asked, "life in the country does not offer mnch." He persuaded the Country-mo use to accompany him to the town and see all the good things there. So, the country- mouse packed all his belongings and off they went to the city. The country-mouse was really surprised to see the things there. But as soon as they settled down to enjoy a fine meal of cheese and fruit, a big cat leapt in through the window. Seeing the cat, both the mice ran into their bole to save themselves, so the cat ate up all the cheese and fruit. When the cat had gone away, the mice came out of their hole. "I am going," cried the country-mouse, "I like my simple fare in safety than this grand feast in such a danger." MORAL:SAFETY IS THE FIRST IMPORTANCE. 17 Sarcasm T: he most gruesome of behaviors, which is the essence of the English character and comes from left Vishuddhi (850806)..those who never talk straight forwardly. Who think that to talk straight forwardly is stupid is unintelligent..who never appreciate another person (850901); It's not a sign of good breeding..that you talk sarcastically to others...in a sharp way...but if you talk sweetly, what's the harm (970823.1); Some people will not say straight forwardly. Tm sorry.. they'll say in sarcasm...in a sarcastic way. so that 'sorry' has no meaning (800927)3B sarcasm can be cured...by being straight forward and speaking sweetly..with no more harshness towards others (850806) Chillies N. ormally people get constipation if you don't take chillies... Indians never suffer from this disease, because they have always a little chillies in their food. A little chillies is alright... you can develop a little taste for chillies... it's alright. It cleanses you, and it has vitamin Calso in it, so it's quite good for colds and things (881207) A bull if it sits anywhere, it's impossible to raise it. In India they have some very drastic measures for that they burn some chillies, red chillies and put that smoke into the nose of the bull... otherwise you try anything, it won't rise... it will just settle itself nicely on the ground. (791111) 18 W e use something very simple. which is the living lime, and we put our vibrations into that. Then we put them near the head of the patient, and they suck the negativity of the person. You have seen one little boy... who would run all over the place, and would not sit down even for a minute.. he was possessed... he was horrid... now he's a sensible boy, he's started going to school.. he's started speaking... so all these things happen with the lime. So you vibrate these limes... and you put them under the pillow (781002) These limes have a speciality... to suck in the vibrations and to contain them... because they are living and they have a coefficient- by which they suck in these vibrations... and they throw these vibrations whenever it is necessary. It's not the limes that do it, but it is the vibrations that are contained in them, that do it (781002) Just like you create a battery. the battery cannot do anything.. but if you put the battery near some point, then it starts working. because it is inside. In the same way, we really make it into a battery.. then when they are near the heads of the people, these limes you see, they are doing nothing... but these vibrations come out... and they start working it out... you don't have to tell them... they understand much more than you do... and they know how to find ways to extract the negativity (781002) imes 19 Shri Ganesh Principle Establishing I wor I would say for Sahaja yogis, I will give some instructions with people - how they should respect their privacy of life, specially the women of America. If they have to be the Shaktis, they have to respect themselves, their chastity. But so surprising that when we see outside all these things happening, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, some of us try to be one of them who are going to hell. If you have to save them, then try to fix your positions properly. Shri Ganesha has four hands and the hand that carries the destructive weapon of Parasha-is the one you vehemently that despite your realization you may not be able to save yourself. Do not take your realization for granted. Unless and until your Ganesha is settled, your realization has no meaning at all. Watch yourself, have you got adulterous eyes? Have you got an adulterous mind? What is your expectation about Sahaja Yoga? So many think that in Sahaja Yoga God blesses you, then you must get a good amount of health, money and position, power. The first thing you must ask for is the pure Ganesha Nirmal Ganesha within you. "O, Mother, please give us the blessings of establishment of purity in our Ganesh principle." In relationships, in attitudes, in behavior- try to judge yourself, are you innocent? Christ has said, anything against Him may be tolerated but nothing against the Adishakti. But I must tell you as your Mother, it's not true. Maybe against Me some things may be tolerated, but nothing against Christ - The Lord, nothing against Lord Ganesha. Everything that is done against Him after realization will tell upon you and you'll be thrown out of the realm of God, as absolutely degraded people. That is one thing that will not be tolerated, will not be forgiven, will never be acceptable. Whatever you have done in the past is finished now because you are a new bird. But after becoming this if you try to take to these wrong ideas or to indulge into them, I cannot help you at all.After all Shri Ganesha is My son because He is pure... have to be careful about. That is His job and if you neglect Him, that force will act and act so 07th Sep' 1986 That Journey You bave to be ready for (oи раve to be reаау for Ihad to go through very, very bazardous times and sometimes I felt that I may have to take another birth, the way things are so difficult for Me. But now, for you, it has been very easy, as if the one who makes the road has to work very hard, but those who walk on that, they don't realize how easily they have got it. And if they realize this, then they will realize also, Let many walk on this road, which was created with such patience, understanding and love." Shri Adi Shakti Puja 2001 Publisbed & Printed by Wirmal Transformation Pet. Iid. No. 8, Chandru Housing Socien Paud Rond, Kothrud, Pun. Maharashtra, India - 41 038 o15286337, 1 o.in webaite uw.nl.ca in Eur qutrea ding artide iitnt un uhne guptu Co-op 5286032 emailratenniti Wd.ca 25286332 If there is no thoug ht, like a rippleless lake, the whole joy of that creation a reflected in it ... 21st Mari 1994 ---------------------- 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-0.txt JUYA GE Sept.-2009 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-1.txt Shri Ganesha is covered with lead osxide.. With a red lead oxide.. Which is extremely cold. Lead oxide is a very cool thing... That lead oxide is used to cover all His body... To balance the heat that He has.. Or the effects of heat He has. Sowe call it in Sanskrit langnage, is called as Sindur.. And in Marathi as Sindura... So Heis always covered with that colour, Sindur colour... (900831) 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-2.txt INSIDE THIS ISSUE I found thee.. - 2 सहस्रार चक्र - 4 AND MORE अजमेर की दरगाह शरीफ - 6 Behaviour in Public - 8 Count Your Blessings - 12 1st Power.... - 14 2nd Power... - 15 Shri Ganesha's Colouring Page - 16 The Country - Mouse Story - 17 Sarcasm - 18 Limes - 19 Establishing Shri Ganesh Principle - 22 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-3.txt I found thee.. I ип I woke up to a beautiful morning dream.. Dew sparkling the Sun's bounty reflected an image That in infinitude spectrum, I found thee gazing in stillnes... Whilst a beautiful meadow shuttered my vision In the moment of lost identity, In an universe of solitude and bliss, I found thee breezing in my ears, legends of secret wisdom... AsI journeyed long and long I rested for a moment's shadow under a banyan tree Those strong shoots bend in reverence and deeply grounded in humility, tettwery I found thee, teaching them the lessons of eternal quest. 2. 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-4.txt And I wanted to see thee Read thousand scriptures, travelled mountains and forests; Attempted self-annibilation, thro' thousand postures and concepts I found thee sitting well within my heart with a lotus smile asking, Where do thou search for me, my dear child? Filled with awe, I gazed at thy lotus feet and got lost with it... When I fell asleep, you carried me in your lap and cradled with sweet lullabies which even Gods bave unheard I saw me present amidst million constellations glittering and pleasant breeze venerating pure light all over! And my eye lids balf open, I saw thee cradling me by thy eternally blissful glances, As if telling "I am there with you always; sleep in joy, My Child!".. By a Sabaj Yogi 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-5.txt ल कि ा ০ श्री चक्र दायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है और ललिता चक्र बायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है । आ. ज में आपको अन्तिम चक्र, सहसार के बारे में बताऊँगी। यह सहस्रार अन्तिम चक्र, जो है तो मस्तिष्क के तालू क्षेत्र (लिम्बिक एटिया) 'आंगिळ क्षेत्र' के अन्दर होता है। हमारा सिर एक नारियल जैसा है । नाटियल के ऊपर जटाएं होती हैं फिर उसका एक सरदत पोल ( नट ) होता है, फिर एक काला खोल और उसके अन्दर सफेद गिरी और उसके अन्दर रिक्त स्थान (स्पेस) और पानी होता है। हमारा मस्तिष्क भी इसी प्रकार खना होता है। इसलिए नाटियल को 'श्रीपफल' कहा जाता है। यह श्री शक्ति जो है उसका फल है । श्री शक्ति दायीं तरफ की शक्ति है, और बाीं तरफ की थक्ति ललिता शक्ति है। तो हमारे अन्दर दो चक्र हैं-बायें कंधे के जरा नीचे श्री चक्र ये दो चक्र, दायीं तरफ महासरस्वती शक्ति और बा्ीं तरफ महाकाली शक्ति को चलाते हैं । कृण्डलिनी थक्ति दोनों के मध्य खीचोबीच है। उसे उलकर अलग -अलग चक्रों को भेदकर लिम्बिक एटिया में प्रवेश करना होता है और वहाँ सात चक्रों को प्रकाशित करना होता है। तो भी वह छः चक्रों को भेदकर लिস্তिक एरिया में प्रवेश ढरती है और मस्तिष्क में स्थित सात पीठों को, जो लिम्बिक एरिया की मध्य रेखा पर रखे गये हैं, प्रकाशित करती है। तो अगर हम पीछे से शुरू करें तो सबसे पीछे मूलाधार चक्र है, उसके चारों तरफ स्वाधिष्ठान, फिर नाभि, फिर अनहत, फिर विथुद्धि और उसके बाढ आज्ञा चक्र होता है। इस तरह यह छ: चक्र मिलकर सातवाँ च़ सहसार बनता है। यह बहुत ही महल्वपूर्ण बात है जो हमें पता होनी चाहिए। श्री चक्र दायीं ओर की कार्य शक्ति है और ललिता चक्र बायीं ओर ढी कार्य शक्ति है। अत: जब कुण्डलिनी नहीं जागृत होती, तो हम दायी ओट की धक्ति से शारीरिक और मानसिक कार्य करते हैं, इसलिये हमारा मस्तिष्क दायीं ओर की क्रिया करता है। अत: हमारा मस्तिष्क श्रीफल की तरह है सहसार, वास्तव में छः चक्रों का समूह है, और यह एक खाली स्थान है, जिसके दोनों तरफ एक हजार नाड़ियाँ होती हैं और जब प्रकाश लिम्छिढ एटिया में आता है, तब इन नाड़ियों का प्रज्चलन होता है और वे लौ (उयाला के समान दिखाई देती हैं, खहुत ही सौम्य लौ के समान दिवाई देती हैं और इन सबकी लौ में वो सभी सात रंग होते हैं, जो इन्द्रधनुष में दिखाई देते हैं। परन्तु अन्तिम लौ अन्त में समग्र लौ बन जाती है, यह बिलकूल (क्रिस्टल क्लिअर) स्वच्छ लौ होती है । अत: ये सब सात तरह के प्रकाश अन्त में एक स्वच्छ (क्रिस्टल क्लिअर) प्रकाश खन जाते हैं । क 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-6.txt सहस्रार चक्र नि नई दिल्ली, ४ फरवरी १९८३ प्रभ शाथ १ ए के नी स का 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-7.txt अजमेर की दरगाह शरीफ Kagove 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-8.txt द .ाग अजमेर शरीफ का भारत में बड़ा महत्व है। खास बात यह भी है कि रगाह ख्वाजा पर हर धर्म के लोगों का विश्वास है। यहाँ आने वाले जायरीन चाहे वे किसी भी मजहब के क्यों न हों, ख्वाजा के दर पर दस्तक देने के बाद उनके जहन में सिर्फ अकीदा ही बाकी रहता है। दरगाह अजमेर डॉट काम चलाने वाले हमीद साहब कहते हैं कि गरीब नवाज का आकर्षण ही कुछ ऐसा है कि लोग यहाँ खिंचे चले आते हैं। यहाँ आकर लोगों को रूहानी सुकून मिलता है। भारत में इस्लाम के साथ ही सूफी मत की शुरुआत हुई थी। सूफी संत एक ईश्वरवाद पर विश्वास रखते थे... ये सभी धार्मिक आडंबरों से ऊपर अल्लाह को अपना सब कुछ समर्पित कर देते थे ये धार्मिक सहिष्णुता, उदारवाद, प्रेम और भाईचारे पर बल देते थे। इन्हीं में से एक थे हज़रत ख्वाज़ा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती रहमतुल्ला अलैह। ख्वाज़ा साहब का जन्म ईरान में हुआ था अपने जीवन के कुछ पड़ाव वहाँ बिताने के बाद वे हिन्दुस्तान आ गए। एक बार बादशाह अकबर ने इनकी दरगाह पर पुत्र प्राप्ति के लिए मन्नत माँगी थी। ख्वाज़ा साहब की दुआ से बादशाह अकबर को पुत्र की प्राप्ति हुई खुशी के मंके पर ख्वाज़ा साहब का शुक्रिया अदा करने के लिए अकबर बादशाह आमेर से अजमेर शरीफ तक पैदल ख्वाज़ा के दर पर दस्तक दी थी.... तारागढ़ पहाड़ी की तलहटी में स्थित दरगाह शरीफ वास्तुकला की दृष्टि से भी बेजोड़ है... यहाँ ईरानी और हिन्दुस्तानी वास्तुकला का का प्रवेश द्वार और गुंबद बेहद खुबसूरत है। इसका कुछ भाग अकबर ने तो कुछ जहाँगीर सुन्दर संगम दिखता है। दरगाह ने पूरा करवाया था। माना जाता है कि दरगाह को पक्का करवाने का काम माण्डू के सुलतान ग्यासुद्दीन खिलजी ने करवाया था। दरगाह के अन्दर बेहतरीन नक्काशी किया हुआ एक चाँदी का कटघरा है। इस कटघरे के अन्दर ख्वाज़ा साहब की मजार है। यह का कटघरा जयपुर के महाराजा राजा जयसिंह ने बनवाया था। दरगाह में एक खूबसूरत महफिल खाना भी है, जहाँ कव्वाल ख्वाज़ा की शान में कव्वाली गाते हैं। दरगाह के आस-पास कई अन्य ऐतिहासिक इमारतें भी स्थित हैं । धार्मिक सद्भावना की मिसाल धर्म के नाम पर नफरत फैलाने वाले लोगों को गरीब नवाज की दरगाह से सबक लेना चाहिए...ख्वाज़ा के दर पर हिन्दू हों या मुस्लिम या किसी अन्य धर्म को मानने व ाले सभी जियारत करने आते हैं। यहाँ का मुख्य पर्व उ्स कहलाता है जो इस्लाम कैलेंडर के रजब माह की पहली छठी तारीख तक मनाया जाता है। उर्स की शुरुआत बाबा की मजार पर हिन्दू परिवार द्वारा चादर चढ़ाने के बाद होती है। इन देगों को बादशाह अकबर और जहाँगीर ने चढ़ाया था। तब से लेकर आज तक इन देगों में काजू, देग का इतिहास : दरगाह के बरामदें में दो बड़ी देग रखी हुई है बादाम, पिस्ता, इलायची, केसर के साथ चावल पकाया जाता है और गरीबों में बाँटा जाता है। कैसे जाएं : दरगाह अजमेर शरीफ राजस्थान के अजमेर शहर में स्थित है। यह शहर सड़क, रेल, वायु परिवहन द्वारा शेष देश से जुड़ा हुआ है। यदि आप विदेश में रहते हैं या फिर यहाँ से जुड़ी ज्यादा जानकारी चाहते हैं तो दरगाह डॉट कॉम या राजस्थान पर्यटन विभाग से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-9.txt Questions and answers related to Public Programs. Bebaviour in Public Eor Lven if you are silent you do very much, you don't know your powers. You really don't know your power. You can even stop the Sun. You have got such powers you can't believe it. I have made you after the pattern of Christ, after the pattern of Ganesha. You are very powerful people. On your hands the Kundalini moves. What more powers do you want? How many saints there are who have been blessed with such great powers? You have no self-esteem as it should be. If you really develop your self-esteem you see the whole balance will come to your Spirit. Self-esteem is the only way really you are going to be Self-realized. And then one should not pass sarcastic remarks about each other, you must respect, all of you must respect each other. Somebody is like this, somebody is like that, I don't like it at all, passing remarks about anyone. I don't like it at all. And you not also pass remarks. And a person who might be considered selfish or something like that, it will stand out. It will be corrected. I myself will find out, so you just don't pass remarks. Even in the public we can not do that. It's very bad. Anything, I mean any gesture or anything. Should not do in the public. I mean we are all one in the public... should When we are formal, we are respected. We have to be formal because we are respected. We are very formal. As to what thing we give what whisky and what gin. we are not formal when we present ourselves to others. But 25th Mar' 1981 You have to be formal when you are with the public. Very formal. In every respect and that helps because you respect them. They know. They respect. You go to church properly dressed because you respect God. In India when women go to temples they will wear their best dresses, their best saris and they wear all their ornaments and they go to temples, because you respect, out of respect. And now we go to church. You take out your hat. Out of respect, and women put on a hat to respect. In the same way, in Sahaja Yoga you have to respect the public because there may be many seekers among them. Talk to them with great respect. Know that they are seekers. They may be horribly funny sometimes. Then do not try to be harsh with them. You should say. "If you are seekers you will come. If you are a true seeker you will find it here. No use arguing with you. So many of us were like you. For nothing at all, why are you quarrelling? What have you found so far? Please find it out. Don't delay," like that in a very cajoling, very patronizing manner you should talk to them. They should feel that, these people are concerned with their well being and also their respect. Respect is the fitst thing that we must give to these people. Talk to them in a very respectful way. Make them sit down. Because now you are much higher. So this consciousness is also there you see, so you have to be more compassionate and more congenial to them when you are so high. This is the problem with all the human beings. 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-10.txt You can even stop the Sun. You have got such powers you can't believe it. All pay complete disregard for others when they evolve. Has been with all the great saints I have seen so far now those who are, they throw stones at them, they hit them, they abuse them, they beat them. They do all kinds of things, can you imagine? Because you see they are not yet evolved. You must understand it much more. That they are not yet evolved. So how you must treat them like children. And once they are treated like that you'll see they'll be very happy with you because they'll sce what change has come into you. Arrogance and all these things are horrible things which should not be done in Sahaja Yoga at all. You should never combine in fighting. If somebody's fighting, forget it, forget it, forget it! If someone is arguing should "No! No! No arguing can do it." You cannot argue a flower into a fruit. You are losing your you time. It is better to not argue. Like that you see. Be at a higher pedestal and pull them out, very delicately. Not to push them down. They will go down much more.... I would say that this yogi here is quite good at talking to people. But otherwise as a person I would say she is more left-handed so she should be a little more right-handed. It's sort of indulging sometimes into a little left-sided stuff sometimes. But she's more appreciated than a person who's aggressive because people say 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-11.txt with ontsiders yon bave to become extremely subdned, very humble. like sometimes a little [gentleness]. So in the room I will tell her "you should be more right handed, now don't try to get into things where you'll be dominated." That's nonsense, can never be dominated. But as far as the dealing with others is concerned such a person is more appreciated who takes you see others aggressions upon oneself you see. That's the way it should be. That how she has been quite successful organizing things and talking to pcople nicely. So it's a different thing what we do here among ourselves but with outsiders you have to become extremely subdued, very humble. They don't expect a saint even to say anything you see. They expect what Christ has said if they slap one face turn the other face. They forget the other one "Don't throw pearls before swine" and also that he took a handle in his hands and started beating all those. You are on that level, but still take to another style.... Question : Some people ask "What do you do at Sahaja Yoga Centre?" Shri Mataji : Should say that we have: One is collective meditation, where we sit down and meditate and be thoughtlessly aware. And vibrations. We put on Mothers tapes and listen to it and understand what She has to say because She has talked about all the chakras. There are 300 tapes like that, every tape gives so much knowledge about ourselves. Because now we have got the power, but we must learn how to maneuver it how to take it round. Like once you have got the electricity then you have to know how to use it. What to do about it, all these things we work it out, learn and master it. And you don't pay anything for it. And then we sing songs and things and enjoy ourselves. And when you come closer and closer to us we will let you know what we do. Because there are certain things, we do not tell to people, because if you tell them, they can't bear the 10 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-12.txt truth about Mother, then you find out about Mother and who She is. What is Her incarnation and what is She doing. You come there gradually because you should be able to bear the truth. You see where as people could not bear the truth, what Christ was, and crucified him, but now you are going to crucify yourself if you can't bear the truth, not Mother. Is other way round, all right. Firstly, I'll make them thoughtless so they won't ask anyone questions. The little bees (Laugh). I'll make your task very simple (laughter). But you give a good presentation, that's all. .... Question: Mother, somebody asked me last night if it would be dangerous for them to come and get their Realization and then leave it. After they are Realized is it dangerous to leave it to them? Shri Mataji : As you say, it would be like asking if it was raining outside, would it be dangerous to be inside the room. You see? There isn't. If you are inside the room you enjoy the protection of the room. If like. you are outside you get all the problems there. There is nothing dangerous, yougo ahead whatever way you But then feel more getting out, because what happens is that you have felt the security and the you beauty of yourself and to be without it you feel bad. Supposing a rich man becomes poor, it's difficult, but a man becomes rich, and it's not difficult for him. But for a rich man to become poor it's very difficult, he poor cannot adjust. And the same way when you are enriched, you find it difficult to live like a That's the point. You see? pauper. Question : A very common egoistical trick though, Mother, if they get their realization, then they take it away and they think they can establish it in their own way, using their old methods. will Shri Mataji : you see, you should say that, "Just now you are, when you come to Sahaja Yoga you know that you are still at the foothill. Absolutely, just now, this is just the beginning, and you don't know how to handle it, really. This is the fact. So you come at the foothill of it.' Now, to learn how to go further, you have to know about it. Like somebody with electricity and the Sun or fire. You also know how to handle it. It's better to know through the experienced people how to handle it, what to do. Because you come into mistakes and this advice is available. Of course you may learn gradually, but very slow and steady. But with this it starts, it can move. That's all. Question : In relation to our development in Sahaja Yoga, I noticed that in two of your recent lectures, You've mentioned the flames of the chakras, and You have said, you can see the flames. Now, if someone was to ask me, if they would come to see this in Sahaja Yoga, what should I say? Shri Mataji : Well, you don't, you don't say anything in Sahaja Yoga. You should say, people have seen it from outside, we don't want to see flames, we want to become flames ourselves. All right? Sahaja Yogi : Right. Shri Mataji : You should say, you see it from outside. These people use to see from outside. They were not realized souls, some of them. And Christ has said it because he himself was there. You see? It is a position that he said so. But you see. Sometimes, flames around me, auras and things. Question : When you give somebody realization, like when we were in Melbourne we gave realization to a friend and we were not able to follow it up with her, and now she's become quite confused about it. Should we give realization to everybody if we can't follow it up with them? Because they can. Warren : If you give realization to somebody but you don't have the opportunity to follow it up, and in this case it's created confusion in the mind of this person, should we therefore, give realization to people even if we can't follow it up? Shri Mataji : I'll manage, leave it to me, it's all-pervading, it's all-pervading, despite that so many get it and so many retain it, develop it, they come back. We have to go on giving realization, that's very important, sprout it, let's see. You see, even if out of ten only two came out, ir's all right. Let's first start giving realization, it's very important, otherwise nothing they can see. Some are slow, some are fast. It's all right. 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-13.txt Count Your O. nly about an hour back I was telling that perhaps the Sahaja Yogis don't realize even materially how Divine is looking after them. And what are they doing about it? They have so many, still many identifications and they are not fully identified with the Divine, that Divine is so much identified with you. This is definitely such a great miracle that should happen. Can you see this clearly now, so many miracles happen to you, but what about our sincerity? The sincerity of the Divine is there, but are we sincere to that Divine? There are so many miracles like this, not one but thousand and one have happened and in individual life, in collective life, one has to write it down, it is remarkable. But either, sometimes we are identified with ego, sometimes we are identified with the conditionings of the things that we do not identify and sometimes we are attached to a very petty, nonsensical thing - that's not proper. And there should not be little bit hint of any ego to think that "God is so kind to us so we are something great. It's very wrong. So many people do like that, I have seen. Not only in Europe, England, also in India they do like this, that "this is Mother's job, this Mother is doing" or if you tell them something they will say "it is Mother. You said so I did it." It is Switzerland all wrong. You must say that "It is I who is doing 18th Sep' 1984 12 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-14.txt Blessings ... it," then you are identified with Me. Unless and until you take up upon yourself the glory of Sahaja Yoga that that is your job to establish and be identified with it. Even with a flag people are identified in this world, to a little piece of cloth, people are identified. They have given lives for just a piece of flag, just imagine! So many have given lives only to climb up this Ganesha's thing (Swayambhu Matterhorn mountain). People have given their lives for silly, stupid things, given up their families, given up everything. And what are we doing? You must think about it. So, God is very blissful, extremely blissful. We should not develop at all a feeling, that we are special people, that is why God has blessed us, so let Mother do all the job and we sit down and take the blessings. How much the Divine has worked so far and is working, so delicately, so choosingly. And how much have we given? We have enjoyed. All right, we are here everybody is enjoying, nice. Are we going back home and thinking that, that whatever we have enjoyed, we have to give something to Sahaja Yoga. What have we given? You don't have to give up anything as money and all nonsensical things, but you have to give your heart to it. Is your heart there or you have other considerations? So be careful. Many people also believe that if you have become Sahaja yogis, now you have a right to enjoy and not to do anything for Sahaja Yoga. And some of them, if they do something, they think that now they are above board, nothing can happen to them. But every moment you have to remember that you have to go further and further and further in your spiritual life. How much time you give for Sahaja Yoga and how much time you give for collective work of Sahaja Yoga should be found out. How much harm you are doing to Sahaja Yoga also should be seen. Those who are not fully identified, can not have joy in life. They are neither here nor there. And the greatest blessing you should feel, when you realize that you are doing nothing for Sahaja Yoga. What have I done ? Nothing. Count your blessings. Even yesterday when I talked to my husband, I said: "Thanks to Sahaja Yoga, I am going to Zermatt, otherwise I would never have gone there." My daughter told me that: "You don't wear any nylons, what will happen to You? In Your lifetime You will have to wear, because now they wouldn't be producing silk sarees." I said, "Thanks to Sahaja Yoga. I have no problem all my life!" So every moment count your blessings. Count your blessings. That is how you are going to have the Joy of Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise joy will be lost, even if you have blessings, the joy wouldn't be there. May God bless you! 13 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-15.txt 1st Power.... W. e must get our own powers, and not rely on those of our guru (830129)..for example, the ability to penetrate into a subject and see immediately what is to be done; We can feel what can be done to help so many people..but also, we should not determine ourselves what we should do-the Spirit uses us and if something does not work out, then we should not be upset about it (960505); We have the power to transform ourselves, as well as others (811103)3B You are so very powerful... in colective and also individually...whatever you want...you can have it (920229); Whatever you think or want, you can do-your relation with the Divine is not imaginery, but is actual and the Divine is dynamic (811103); God's Poweris the integrated Power of all the powers (800609) You can cure others, you can give speeches on Sahaja Yoga. You can know your own problems, you can cure your own parents, yourown surroundings.. you can clean yourself and others (800518): You can raise the Kundalini of people and can give Realisation-even your thought is powerful, your attention is powerful (890423); Each person can give Realisation to thousands of people...if he gets out of his 'own ideas', and this can do such a lot of good to the whole world (980705) You can feel the vibrations of others...there are some who can control the Rain, Sun, Moon, everything. Some have tremendous powers of prayers...just by praying they have saved the lives of many peoples. Your powers are based on love and compassion, and you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people (920621); The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, are to work for Sahaja Yoga - we have to do it (890423). We have certain powers...and these powers increase, when we humble down - they do not increase with arrogance...with arrogance one can only become stupid...that's the only end of arrogance (880921); If you start telling others, talking about it too much, then the powers that you have got will be all disappearing gradually, and you will come down to absolutely lowest level - so don't try to show-off (830113) The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest power on Earth... this is the power of Shri Ganesha.. it is only he can do this job, that you people are doing today...and that power is Raising the Kundalini'. No one so far in the history of spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time, as you people are doing.. it moves under your fingers... it is absolutely Shri Ganesha's power which is given to you. At the time when you are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up in any one of your chakras, or you have any problem...even if you are a little bit possessed...even if you are not such a good Sahaja Yogi.even if about Sahaja Yoga..still the Kundalini rises under your fingers. This Ganesha Shakti is given to you by Shri Ganesha himself, within you..to give you the confidence...that you can raise the Kundalini..but not the feeling that 'you'are raising the kundalini - if you go on, without surrendering yourself to Sahaja Yoga..after some time... you will lose this power...very fast (800127.2.2) you are not that much surrendered to Mataji...even if you don't have much sense of obligation 14 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-16.txt b 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Power.... Another power which you have got.you may notice it...that at that time when the Kundalini kind...whatever may rises...there will be no obstruction of be the obstructions around.say there's a any possessed person next door, he would not obstruct you at "that' time... In your family there may be a person who is a negative person, but if you are raising the Kundalini, then at that moment he will be kept quiet. At that time, when you are moving your hand on the Kundalini, is the greatest power you are using...at that time there will be no obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever..even by mistake (800127.2) Then another power you have got...when you are raising the Kundalini, that at that time..you will be completely attracting the attention of the other person within...like a magnet...by which you should understand that you can raise the Kundalini whenever you feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going on..all sorts of problems going on.or any such thing happening..at that time your attention will not be distracted.and the attention of the person who is taking the Realisation from you will not be attracted by outside things.. at that time, when you are raising the Kundalini. That means you can give Realisaion at any time (800127.2) Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti.that no baser feelings will rise within you.. no impure feeling. about the person whom you are giving realisation.. even if you are a possessed maybe before and after.. but not during..these dirty feelings will not come to you...automatically. person... Also you will be absolutely satisfied... even if you are hungry, you will not feel the hunge...or any physical need at the time when you are giving Realisation...there will be no distraction of any kind. You won't do anything that is undignified...because you are being blessed with dignity.. you will never joke.. you'll never make fun... you'll not be frivolous... automatically. These are your supporting powers... all these five powers I have described.. are very few of the thousands of others. but they are the five powers of Shri Ganesha (800127.2) Ganesha's fifth power is the power of wisdom... and that whatever he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down - even that power, you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini, you talk to the person in such a manner..only that which is wisdom... and also you write or show him figures, automatically, which right... even if you don't remember your figures, they'll come out right (800127.2) are Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother... a complete dedication and complete obedience to Mother.. I mean sort of, he is made out of that obedience..complete love and affection for the Mother... he doesn't argue... he doesn't question... he doesn't do anything. and that's how these powers are in him the maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you are sadly mistaken. you have to keep me pleased... is a fact... so please don't try to displease me.. I may not say anything, because outwardly I don't say anything.. but your powers will be reduccd (800127.2) 15 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-17.txt KIDSHAKT 16 PAGE Colour Shri Ganesha's sketch 000 It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's womb.. He selects the face... the colour... Everything... with his magnetic power he manages to attract the right type of genes.. He does all such important things for you.. he never rests.. so full of joy and hard work.. 16 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-18.txt The Country - Mouse A town-mouse paid a visit to his friend who lived in the cOuntryside. The country-mouse was happy to see his friend. Sobe prepared a fine feast for him. The town-mouse looked at the fruit and the car of corn with hatred. "Is this hon you live ?" he asked, "life in the country does not offer mnch." He persuaded the Country-mo use to accompany him to the town and see all the good things there. So, the country- mouse packed all his belongings and off they went to the city. The country-mouse was really surprised to see the things there. But as soon as they settled down to enjoy a fine meal of cheese and fruit, a big cat leapt in through the window. Seeing the cat, both the mice ran into their bole to save themselves, so the cat ate up all the cheese and fruit. When the cat had gone away, the mice came out of their hole. "I am going," cried the country-mouse, "I like my simple fare in safety than this grand feast in such a danger." MORAL:SAFETY IS THE FIRST IMPORTANCE. 17 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-19.txt Sarcasm T: he most gruesome of behaviors, which is the essence of the English character and comes from left Vishuddhi (850806)..those who never talk straight forwardly. Who think that to talk straight forwardly is stupid is unintelligent..who never appreciate another person (850901); It's not a sign of good breeding..that you talk sarcastically to others...in a sharp way...but if you talk sweetly, what's the harm (970823.1); Some people will not say straight forwardly. Tm sorry.. they'll say in sarcasm...in a sarcastic way. so that 'sorry' has no meaning (800927)3B sarcasm can be cured...by being straight forward and speaking sweetly..with no more harshness towards others (850806) Chillies N. ormally people get constipation if you don't take chillies... Indians never suffer from this disease, because they have always a little chillies in their food. A little chillies is alright... you can develop a little taste for chillies... it's alright. It cleanses you, and it has vitamin Calso in it, so it's quite good for colds and things (881207) A bull if it sits anywhere, it's impossible to raise it. In India they have some very drastic measures for that they burn some chillies, red chillies and put that smoke into the nose of the bull... otherwise you try anything, it won't rise... it will just settle itself nicely on the ground. (791111) 18 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-20.txt W e use something very simple. which is the living lime, and we put our vibrations into that. Then we put them near the head of the patient, and they suck the negativity of the person. You have seen one little boy... who would run all over the place, and would not sit down even for a minute.. he was possessed... he was horrid... now he's a sensible boy, he's started going to school.. he's started speaking... so all these things happen with the lime. So you vibrate these limes... and you put them under the pillow (781002) These limes have a speciality... to suck in the vibrations and to contain them... because they are living and they have a coefficient- by which they suck in these vibrations... and they throw these vibrations whenever it is necessary. It's not the limes that do it, but it is the vibrations that are contained in them, that do it (781002) Just like you create a battery. the battery cannot do anything.. but if you put the battery near some point, then it starts working. because it is inside. In the same way, we really make it into a battery.. then when they are near the heads of the people, these limes you see, they are doing nothing... but these vibrations come out... and they start working it out... you don't have to tell them... they understand much more than you do... and they know how to find ways to extract the negativity (781002) imes 19 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-21.txt Shri Ganesh Principle Establishing I wor I would say for Sahaja yogis, I will give some instructions with people - how they should respect their privacy of life, specially the women of America. If they have to be the Shaktis, they have to respect themselves, their chastity. But so surprising that when we see outside all these things happening, even after coming to Sahaja Yoga, some of us try to be one of them who are going to hell. If you have to save them, then try to fix your positions properly. Shri Ganesha has four hands and the hand that carries the destructive weapon of Parasha-is the one you vehemently that despite your realization you may not be able to save yourself. Do not take your realization for granted. Unless and until your Ganesha is settled, your realization has no meaning at all. Watch yourself, have you got adulterous eyes? Have you got an adulterous mind? What is your expectation about Sahaja Yoga? So many think that in Sahaja Yoga God blesses you, then you must get a good amount of health, money and position, power. The first thing you must ask for is the pure Ganesha Nirmal Ganesha within you. "O, Mother, please give us the blessings of establishment of purity in our Ganesh principle." In relationships, in attitudes, in behavior- try to judge yourself, are you innocent? Christ has said, anything against Him may be tolerated but nothing against the Adishakti. But I must tell you as your Mother, it's not true. Maybe against Me some things may be tolerated, but nothing against Christ - The Lord, nothing against Lord Ganesha. Everything that is done against Him after realization will tell upon you and you'll be thrown out of the realm of God, as absolutely degraded people. That is one thing that will not be tolerated, will not be forgiven, will never be acceptable. Whatever you have done in the past is finished now because you are a new bird. But after becoming this if you try to take to these wrong ideas or to indulge into them, I cannot help you at all.After all Shri Ganesha is My son because He is pure... have to be careful about. That is His job and if you neglect Him, that force will act and act so 07th Sep' 1986 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-22.txt That Journey You bave to be ready for (oи раve to be reаау for Ihad to go through very, very bazardous times and sometimes I felt that I may have to take another birth, the way things are so difficult for Me. But now, for you, it has been very easy, as if the one who makes the road has to work very hard, but those who walk on that, they don't realize how easily they have got it. And if they realize this, then they will realize also, Let many walk on this road, which was created with such patience, understanding and love." Shri Adi Shakti Puja 2001 Publisbed & Printed by Wirmal Transformation Pet. Iid. No. 8, Chandru Housing Socien Paud Rond, Kothrud, Pun. Maharashtra, India - 41 038 o15286337, 1 o.in webaite uw.nl.ca in Eur qutrea ding artide iitnt un uhne guptu Co-op 5286032 emailratenniti Wd.ca 25286332 2009_Yuvadrishti_Mx_(Scan)_III.pdf-page-23.txt If there is no thoug ht, like a rippleless lake, the whole joy of that creation a reflected in it ... 21st Mari 1994