The DivineCool Breeze 2010 iss ue 6 – volume twenty-three number six eighteen essential photographs number two THE FOUNDATION STONE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE is Shri Ganesha. That is why I have been very anxious that we should find proper schools for our children. They should have a proper education and they should be looked after because their Ganesh Tattva is already there. The only thing we have to do is nourish it. We have to look after it and make it grow. Once that happens, then the children are safe. Then nothing can harm them, nothing they will absorb which is wrong. They will never be again in the wrong path. But if from very childhood, if you have never had this kind of training or this kind of understanding about Kundalini or about the wisdom part of it, you can never, later on, easily assimilate it. For that, you really require a great effort and understanding that you have to have this. It is so beautiful. You must get this attention and you must get this innocence within. With Sahaja Yoga, it is working out very fast . and I can see the wisdom writ large on their faces. | can see wisdom writ large on their faces SHRI GANESHA PUJA 1991 eiahteen essential photogranhs number three THE MOTHER EARTH IS SUSTENANCE ITSELF She sustains us. On Her we live. As know, this Mother you Earth is revolving with a tremendous speed and, but for Her gravity, we would not have existed here. Apart from that, there is so much atmospheric pressure on Her. She understands, thinks, coordinates and creates. This only you can find out when you are a realized soul. You have seen how She sucks in your negativity when you are standing on Her in bare feet, respecting Her, requesting Her to suck your negativity – with a light in front of you, in front of My photograph. She knows Me because She is My Mother. She is your grandmother, we can say. That is why She nourishes you. She looks after you. She understands, thinks, coordinates and creates SHRI BHOOMI DEVI PUJA 1986 eiahteen essentialnhotographs 44 number four ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS THE RESURRECTED people, as the realized souls, as the Sahaja Yogis. And this is going to be very easy. Now everything is made easy for you. Your Realization, then your powers, everything has beautifully settled within you. It has worked out so beautifully, slowly and steadily. I do not think I have ever tried to force you to do something or have compelled you to do something. But through your own ascent, you can see what is wrong with you or with the people about whom we are talking. And then you can also know, through all these powers, whatever is to be known. All that is unknown can be your own - everything. But the attention should be towards your ascent, towards the state. Now ascent is not some sort of a physical process. It is not that you ascend some staircase. It is a state. It is a state of your personality. Attention should be tow ards your ascent EASTER PUJA 1988 eighteen essential photogranhs Shri Krishna Puja 1985 Nasik India number five MANY PEOPLE MEDITATE BUT THEIR thought process is going on. They are not thoughtlessly silent. Now this is the one point which is very important. If you have to grow, you should be absolutely in connection with the Divine through thoughtless awareness. You do not have to pray, you do not have to call anyone – nothing. It just works because it is within you. If all these thoughts are bombarding you from both the sides in your mind, these thoughts that are coming to you have no meaning with you. They do not substantiate. Yourself, you are an ocean and you have to get into that state of thoughtless awareness. It is always described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling you. When you look at something you will become thoughtlessly aware. And then the mind reflects to the depth of what you see. That is how you all will become really very creative Sahaja Yogis You are an ocean DIWALI PUJA 2002 eiahteen essential photographs number six THERE IS NO NEED TO USE TEMPER in Sahaja Yoga. That is because I have not given you, imparted any knowledge to you, with temper. Perhaps there could be hardly anyone who has seen Me in a temper. So that is not the way we Sahaja Yogis are going to impart knowledge to others. We have to be very mild and sweet because, in the pattern of your own guru, She is sweet. She is very mild and She is very persuasive and kind... Do not take to that kind of a pattern where people are in a big temper and they come out with a big temper. It does not behoove a Sahaja Yogi to be like that.. I am going to retire as a guru. It is all right to be a Mother to you people. Now you have to be gurus of other people and for that you should achieve.... Chisel out yourself in must know what you that fashion, that as soon as people see you they should say, "Here is somebody with that gravity!." 1ו Here is somebody with gravity GURU PUJA 1979 eighteen essential photographs A6 Shri Adi Shakti Puja June 2001 number seven IF YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE FULL RESULTS of your ascent and if you want to really transform the world, then you must know you have to be ideal people. You cannot be problematic people.. To go further, you have to have full determination and understanding that this is a tremendous work and a tremendous task. And for all your powers to be awakened within yourself, you have to be first of all fully equipped with readiness, readiness to serve the Divine. Unless and until have that readiness – that you "I don't want anything, I don't want, I just want to serve the Divine" – as long as you are striving for it and asking for it with full heart, with full sincerity, then I am sure this | Kundalini will be strengthened and She will cleanse you completely and you will be one day mahayogis. We must have complete faith in ourselves GURU PUJA 1992 eighteen essential photogranhs number eight WEARE QUITE SATISFIED WITH A LITTLE of the Kundalini coming out of our head. There is so much to come up. So much divinity is there which has to come up. And if you have to ascend and if you are the foundation of that new age which is going to transform the whole world, we will have to work hard... I agree that I opened the last chakra, but there is further to go. To grow, you have to get to a meditation where you become silent and your tree of life will grow in silence, not in a turmoil. If you understand that, please work it out in such a manner that you all become completely aware of your divinity, by which you can see. If you have to see the image, you have to have a very good mirror. In the same way, if you have to feel the Mahamaya, you have to have a complete, pure divinity manifesting in you. Your tree of life will in silence grow SAHASRARA PUJA 1991 eighteen essential photogranhs Devi Puja 1983 Paris number nine FIRST AND FOREMOST IS YOUR SAHASRARA. Only your Sahasrara can reflect the light of the Divine. So your Sahasrara is extremely important. You must meditate to enrich your Sahasrara, to cure it, to make it completely nourished by the Kundalini. There is no need to do many rituals.... Those who want to grow should meditate every day, whatever time you may come home, maybe in the morning, maybe in the evening, any time. But you will know that you are meditating when you can get into thoughtless will know. Your reaction will be zero... awareness. Then you Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are one with the Divine – so much so that the Divine takes over every activity, every moment of your life, and looks after you. And you feel completely secured, one with the Divine and you enjoy the blessings of the Divine. Those who want to should meditate grow SAHASRARA PUJA 1998 eiahteen essential photogranhs Sahasrara Puja 1994 Cabella number ten IE YOU HUMBLE DOWN, THEN YOU WILL BE amazed to see that you are absolutely in contact with this Paramchaitanya. Not only that, but you have become the Paramchaitanya. With this Paramchaitanya, you can do anything. I need not tell you what you can do because some of you may not believe. But My own experience is that if you are the Paramchaitanya, if you know you are the Paramchaitanya, then it keeps your dignity, it keeps your position, it keeps your word and looks after you. If you see something and you are stunned by that, immediately the Paramchaitanya will take over and you will have no problems because the way we react to all these difficulties and to the so-called odds in life becomes a play, just a play. You are amazed. You looked at it – and finished... The darkness is finished and our problems are finished also. So this is what is our awareness has to become: the Paramchaitanya. You have become the Paramchaitanya SAHASRARA PUJA 1999 eiahteen essential photogranhs number eleven ALL THESE THINGS CAN HAPPEN, no doubt about it. All miraculous things can happen, but the greatest of greatest miracle is this: that a man becomes transformed. A man gets his transformation. The Kundalini transforms him completely. This is the biggest thing that can happen, that people become self-realized. It means they become saints, so they cannot do anything wrong. They become people who become one with the Divine. They start using the divine power, understanding it. For the first time, we can balance the ecological imbalance by giving back what we have taken out of this Mother Earth and from the sky. Everything – we can give it back. The Kundalini transforms him completely 14 MARCH 1983 DELHI eiahteen essential nhotographs 12 May 2007 Serravalle Italy number twelve YOUR JOB IS TO LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE I have nothing to gain from you. I do not ask for anything. What I want is that you all should get all My powers. You may not become what I am, agreed. But please try to get all the powers that I have, which is not a difficult thing. This is what is God's Realization. That is what it is to know Shiva and Sadashiva. Through the Shiva you know Sadashiva. You see the reflection and from reflection you know who is the original. From the reflection you learn. Thus, you reach that state where you think you are now definitely settled in the Kingdom of God and that you can see God, you can feel God, you can understand God. And you can love God. You can understand God and you can love God SHIVARATRI PUJA 1996 eighteen essential photogranhs number thirteen WE ARE NOT GOING TO LOOK AT THE STARS or the moon, but we are going to look at the Mother Earth. In the universe, She represents the Kundalini, who is nothing but chastity.. Purity is again the fragrance of chastity. Goodness, compassion, everything comes from chastity – a sense of chastity, which is not mental.... Chastity is innate, built into the Kundalini within you, which acts because it understands Me. She understands Me. She knows Me. She is part and parcel of Me. It is My reflection. So make your Kundalini strong by being chaste. People try to do things to look very attractive and this and that. Do not waste your energy like this. You are saints. Live like saints... Chastity is the fragrance in the flower which attracts the bees. It is the honey of the flower. It is the essence of our existence Chastity is the essence of our existence SHRI GANESHA PUJA 1985 eighteen essential photographs number fourteen WHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS TO DEVELOP ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper, so that on the horizontal plane also we are effective. Sahaja Yoga, first of all, is for personal improvement. It is for the inner improvement as far as the personal side is concerned. That means your intelligence must improve, your temperament must improve, your heart must clear out, your feelings must be all right. Then your health should be all right. Then your relationship with others should be all right. Your ego should go away. Your superego should go away. All these things are there. But this only helps a personality, just a personality that is very limited, that is yourself. But now this personality can become an instrument, if you can develop that depth within yourself. That depth is possible and you can really cure many problems of your country if you could just meditate on them. This personality can become an instrument 6 MAY 1987 SYDNEY AUSTRALIA eiahteen essential photogranhs number fifteen ARE YOUR DIVINE OR ARE YOU GROSS? Just think about it every moment. Every moment you are in meditation, just think of the moment and the dynamism of that moment. The complete power that is feeding every moment is just to go inside you. It will flow through your Sahasrara, inside your being and completely revolve around your whole being and transform the inside into a complete Chaitanya Shakti, a complete Divine Power. Allow it to come in. Accept it. Accept it without any fear. Let it get in. Every moment keep awake. It is a very precarious time that we are up to.... He is the artist, but you are the instruments. And the harmonious music from so many souls can fill the ears of these evil people and can penetrate into their heart and put love into them. And it may be that they themselves will give up their evil ways and fall at the feet of love. The dynamism of the moment SHRI KRISHNA PUJA 1973 eiahteen essential photographs number sixteen THE GURUS SHOULD NOT HAVE JEALOUSIES for each other.. When each other's company they fully appreciate much more than anybody else ... then they should know that they have become a guru. In Sahaja Yoga we have freedom. But freedom is not abandonment. It is the freedom with the complete rules and regulations of the Divine within us and we have to know them, that this is the divine law. All of us are now sitting like in a big vimana, like an airplane, and we all have to land into the beautiful area. But first of all, you have to develop that humility in your heart. Complete humility and surrender, that is very important. Unless and until you have that humility and surrender in your heart, the guru principle cannot be awakened. First have to be you the disciple and then the guru. So you have to develop that humility. And that humility comes very easily if you love Me, respect Me. It is not only love, but respect. That respect has to be there and then people will respect you. First the disciple and then the guru GURU PUJA 1990 eighteen essential photogranhs number seventeen T WAS A VERY HARD LIFE ACCORDING TO others' standards. But what is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding I could achieve it. If I could have achieved it on My own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. You are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes and I need you very much because without you I cannot do it. It is like channelizing. Unless and until you have channels, what is the use of being the Adi Shakti or anything? How will you channelize it? If there is electrical movement you need channels, otherwise it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels and when it worked out I was really, really in a very great spirit. Most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis SAHASRARA PUJA 2000 eiahteen essential photogranhs Sydney Australia 19 March 1983 number eighteen ONCE YOU START ENJOYING OTHER Sahaja Yogis and their company, then you have achieved it. Imagine enjoying every human being who is a Sahaja Yogi and their company, then it is more than sufficient... There is nothing like it. It becomes doubly enjoyable and every moment becomes an experience. Every person becomes an experience. Like a wave of joy, every person you meet, every collectivity you meet, every ashram you go to, it creates a beautiful wave in your heart of joy. My joy is silent, but when I meet somebody, then it shows itself. So beautiful is the relationship and you just watch it as a witness and see the joy. Then everything melts away, all your knowledge, all your pains, all your troubles, all your past, all your future. But you remain in the present in meditation, watching all this beautiful happening. May God bless all of you to understand. May God, in all of you as spirit, emit that experience all the time to all of you. May God bless you. May God bless you SHRI DEVI PUJA ISTANBUL 1989 eiahteen essential photogranhs WE ARE IN FOR A NEW WORLD and in that new world, a new race of Sahaja Yogis have to show their presence. They have to show their powers and their courage and their understanding. It is not serious. It is not frivolous. But it is joyous. It is just joy that you have to feel about yourself. I am telling you all this because this is within you, within your power. It is all the time residing within you... You people have a new birth and a new understanding and a new personality. Try to accept that personality. Try to respect it. That is the personality. It is your Self. BIRTHDAY PUJA 2001 It is not serious. It is not frivolous. But it is joyous. THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOLUME 23 NUMBER 6 • WWW.DIVINECOOLBREEZE.ORG• · ---------------------- 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-0.txt The DivineCool Breeze 2010 iss ue 6 – volume twenty-three number six eighteen essential photographs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-1.txt number two THE FOUNDATION STONE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE is Shri Ganesha. That is why I have been very anxious that we should find proper schools for our children. They should have a proper education and they should be looked after because their Ganesh Tattva is already there. The only thing we have to do is nourish it. We have to look after it and make it grow. Once that happens, then the children are safe. Then nothing can harm them, nothing they will absorb which is wrong. They will never be again in the wrong path. But if from very childhood, if you have never had this kind of training or this kind of understanding about Kundalini or about the wisdom part of it, you can never, later on, easily assimilate it. For that, you really require a great effort and understanding that you have to have this. It is so beautiful. You must get this attention and you must get this innocence within. With Sahaja Yoga, it is working out very fast . and I can see the wisdom writ large on their faces. | can see wisdom writ large on their faces SHRI GANESHA PUJA 1991 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-2.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-3.txt number three THE MOTHER EARTH IS SUSTENANCE ITSELF She sustains us. On Her we live. As know, this Mother you Earth is revolving with a tremendous speed and, but for Her gravity, we would not have existed here. Apart from that, there is so much atmospheric pressure on Her. She understands, thinks, coordinates and creates. This only you can find out when you are a realized soul. You have seen how She sucks in your negativity when you are standing on Her in bare feet, respecting Her, requesting Her to suck your negativity – with a light in front of you, in front of My photograph. She knows Me because She is My Mother. She is your grandmother, we can say. That is why She nourishes you. She looks after you. She understands, thinks, coordinates and creates SHRI BHOOMI DEVI PUJA 1986 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-4.txt eiahteen essentialnhotographs 44 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-5.txt number four ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS THE RESURRECTED people, as the realized souls, as the Sahaja Yogis. And this is going to be very easy. Now everything is made easy for you. Your Realization, then your powers, everything has beautifully settled within you. It has worked out so beautifully, slowly and steadily. I do not think I have ever tried to force you to do something or have compelled you to do something. But through your own ascent, you can see what is wrong with you or with the people about whom we are talking. And then you can also know, through all these powers, whatever is to be known. All that is unknown can be your own - everything. But the attention should be towards your ascent, towards the state. Now ascent is not some sort of a physical process. It is not that you ascend some staircase. It is a state. It is a state of your personality. Attention should be tow ards your ascent EASTER PUJA 1988 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-6.txt eighteen essential photogranhs Shri Krishna Puja 1985 Nasik India 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-7.txt number five MANY PEOPLE MEDITATE BUT THEIR thought process is going on. They are not thoughtlessly silent. Now this is the one point which is very important. If you have to grow, you should be absolutely in connection with the Divine through thoughtless awareness. You do not have to pray, you do not have to call anyone – nothing. It just works because it is within you. If all these thoughts are bombarding you from both the sides in your mind, these thoughts that are coming to you have no meaning with you. They do not substantiate. Yourself, you are an ocean and you have to get into that state of thoughtless awareness. It is always described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling you. When you look at something you will become thoughtlessly aware. And then the mind reflects to the depth of what you see. That is how you all will become really very creative Sahaja Yogis You are an ocean DIWALI PUJA 2002 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-8.txt eiahteen essential photographs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-9.txt number six THERE IS NO NEED TO USE TEMPER in Sahaja Yoga. That is because I have not given you, imparted any knowledge to you, with temper. Perhaps there could be hardly anyone who has seen Me in a temper. So that is not the way we Sahaja Yogis are going to impart knowledge to others. We have to be very mild and sweet because, in the pattern of your own guru, She is sweet. She is very mild and She is very persuasive and kind... Do not take to that kind of a pattern where people are in a big temper and they come out with a big temper. It does not behoove a Sahaja Yogi to be like that.. I am going to retire as a guru. It is all right to be a Mother to you people. Now you have to be gurus of other people and for that you should achieve.... Chisel out yourself in must know what you that fashion, that as soon as people see you they should say, "Here is somebody with that gravity!." 1ו Here is somebody with gravity GURU PUJA 1979 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-10.txt eighteen essential photographs A6 Shri Adi Shakti Puja June 2001 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-11.txt number seven IF YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE FULL RESULTS of your ascent and if you want to really transform the world, then you must know you have to be ideal people. You cannot be problematic people.. To go further, you have to have full determination and understanding that this is a tremendous work and a tremendous task. And for all your powers to be awakened within yourself, you have to be first of all fully equipped with readiness, readiness to serve the Divine. Unless and until have that readiness – that you "I don't want anything, I don't want, I just want to serve the Divine" – as long as you are striving for it and asking for it with full heart, with full sincerity, then I am sure this | Kundalini will be strengthened and She will cleanse you completely and you will be one day mahayogis. We must have complete faith in ourselves GURU PUJA 1992 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-12.txt eighteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-13.txt number eight WEARE QUITE SATISFIED WITH A LITTLE of the Kundalini coming out of our head. There is so much to come up. So much divinity is there which has to come up. And if you have to ascend and if you are the foundation of that new age which is going to transform the whole world, we will have to work hard... I agree that I opened the last chakra, but there is further to go. To grow, you have to get to a meditation where you become silent and your tree of life will grow in silence, not in a turmoil. If you understand that, please work it out in such a manner that you all become completely aware of your divinity, by which you can see. If you have to see the image, you have to have a very good mirror. In the same way, if you have to feel the Mahamaya, you have to have a complete, pure divinity manifesting in you. Your tree of life will in silence grow SAHASRARA PUJA 1991 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-14.txt eighteen essential photogranhs Devi Puja 1983 Paris 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-15.txt number nine FIRST AND FOREMOST IS YOUR SAHASRARA. Only your Sahasrara can reflect the light of the Divine. So your Sahasrara is extremely important. You must meditate to enrich your Sahasrara, to cure it, to make it completely nourished by the Kundalini. There is no need to do many rituals.... Those who want to grow should meditate every day, whatever time you may come home, maybe in the morning, maybe in the evening, any time. But you will know that you are meditating when you can get into thoughtless will know. Your reaction will be zero... awareness. Then you Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are one with the Divine – so much so that the Divine takes over every activity, every moment of your life, and looks after you. And you feel completely secured, one with the Divine and you enjoy the blessings of the Divine. Those who want to should meditate grow SAHASRARA PUJA 1998 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-16.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs Sahasrara Puja 1994 Cabella 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-17.txt number ten IE YOU HUMBLE DOWN, THEN YOU WILL BE amazed to see that you are absolutely in contact with this Paramchaitanya. Not only that, but you have become the Paramchaitanya. With this Paramchaitanya, you can do anything. I need not tell you what you can do because some of you may not believe. But My own experience is that if you are the Paramchaitanya, if you know you are the Paramchaitanya, then it keeps your dignity, it keeps your position, it keeps your word and looks after you. If you see something and you are stunned by that, immediately the Paramchaitanya will take over and you will have no problems because the way we react to all these difficulties and to the so-called odds in life becomes a play, just a play. You are amazed. You looked at it – and finished... The darkness is finished and our problems are finished also. So this is what is our awareness has to become: the Paramchaitanya. You have become the Paramchaitanya SAHASRARA PUJA 1999 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-18.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-19.txt number eleven ALL THESE THINGS CAN HAPPEN, no doubt about it. All miraculous things can happen, but the greatest of greatest miracle is this: that a man becomes transformed. A man gets his transformation. The Kundalini transforms him completely. This is the biggest thing that can happen, that people become self-realized. It means they become saints, so they cannot do anything wrong. They become people who become one with the Divine. They start using the divine power, understanding it. For the first time, we can balance the ecological imbalance by giving back what we have taken out of this Mother Earth and from the sky. Everything – we can give it back. The Kundalini transforms him completely 14 MARCH 1983 DELHI 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-20.txt eiahteen essential nhotographs 12 May 2007 Serravalle Italy 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-21.txt number twelve YOUR JOB IS TO LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE I have nothing to gain from you. I do not ask for anything. What I want is that you all should get all My powers. You may not become what I am, agreed. But please try to get all the powers that I have, which is not a difficult thing. This is what is God's Realization. That is what it is to know Shiva and Sadashiva. Through the Shiva you know Sadashiva. You see the reflection and from reflection you know who is the original. From the reflection you learn. Thus, you reach that state where you think you are now definitely settled in the Kingdom of God and that you can see God, you can feel God, you can understand God. And you can love God. You can understand God and you can love God SHIVARATRI PUJA 1996 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-22.txt eighteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-23.txt number thirteen WE ARE NOT GOING TO LOOK AT THE STARS or the moon, but we are going to look at the Mother Earth. In the universe, She represents the Kundalini, who is nothing but chastity.. Purity is again the fragrance of chastity. Goodness, compassion, everything comes from chastity – a sense of chastity, which is not mental.... Chastity is innate, built into the Kundalini within you, which acts because it understands Me. She understands Me. She knows Me. She is part and parcel of Me. It is My reflection. So make your Kundalini strong by being chaste. People try to do things to look very attractive and this and that. Do not waste your energy like this. You are saints. Live like saints... Chastity is the fragrance in the flower which attracts the bees. It is the honey of the flower. It is the essence of our existence Chastity is the essence of our existence SHRI GANESHA PUJA 1985 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-24.txt eighteen essential photographs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-25.txt number fourteen WHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS TO DEVELOP ourselves deeper and deeper and deeper, so that on the horizontal plane also we are effective. Sahaja Yoga, first of all, is for personal improvement. It is for the inner improvement as far as the personal side is concerned. That means your intelligence must improve, your temperament must improve, your heart must clear out, your feelings must be all right. Then your health should be all right. Then your relationship with others should be all right. Your ego should go away. Your superego should go away. All these things are there. But this only helps a personality, just a personality that is very limited, that is yourself. But now this personality can become an instrument, if you can develop that depth within yourself. That depth is possible and you can really cure many problems of your country if you could just meditate on them. This personality can become an instrument 6 MAY 1987 SYDNEY AUSTRALIA 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-26.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-27.txt number fifteen ARE YOUR DIVINE OR ARE YOU GROSS? Just think about it every moment. Every moment you are in meditation, just think of the moment and the dynamism of that moment. The complete power that is feeding every moment is just to go inside you. It will flow through your Sahasrara, inside your being and completely revolve around your whole being and transform the inside into a complete Chaitanya Shakti, a complete Divine Power. Allow it to come in. Accept it. Accept it without any fear. Let it get in. Every moment keep awake. It is a very precarious time that we are up to.... He is the artist, but you are the instruments. And the harmonious music from so many souls can fill the ears of these evil people and can penetrate into their heart and put love into them. And it may be that they themselves will give up their evil ways and fall at the feet of love. The dynamism of the moment SHRI KRISHNA PUJA 1973 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-28.txt eiahteen essential photographs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-29.txt number sixteen THE GURUS SHOULD NOT HAVE JEALOUSIES for each other.. When each other's company they fully appreciate much more than anybody else ... then they should know that they have become a guru. In Sahaja Yoga we have freedom. But freedom is not abandonment. It is the freedom with the complete rules and regulations of the Divine within us and we have to know them, that this is the divine law. All of us are now sitting like in a big vimana, like an airplane, and we all have to land into the beautiful area. But first of all, you have to develop that humility in your heart. Complete humility and surrender, that is very important. Unless and until you have that humility and surrender in your heart, the guru principle cannot be awakened. First have to be you the disciple and then the guru. So you have to develop that humility. And that humility comes very easily if you love Me, respect Me. It is not only love, but respect. That respect has to be there and then people will respect you. First the disciple and then the guru GURU PUJA 1990 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-30.txt eighteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-31.txt number seventeen T WAS A VERY HARD LIFE ACCORDING TO others' standards. But what is most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis and listening to them and talking to them, the way they were so sweet and so kind and so respectful. All this has helped Me so much and I must thank you for that. With your support, with your help, with your understanding I could achieve it. If I could have achieved it on My own, I would never have asked for this help of yours. You are just like My hands, you are just like My eyes and I need you very much because without you I cannot do it. It is like channelizing. Unless and until you have channels, what is the use of being the Adi Shakti or anything? How will you channelize it? If there is electrical movement you need channels, otherwise it is a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I needed more and more channels and when it worked out I was really, really in a very great spirit. Most joy-giving to Me was creating Sahaja Yogis SAHASRARA PUJA 2000 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-32.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs Sydney Australia 19 March 1983 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-33.txt number eighteen ONCE YOU START ENJOYING OTHER Sahaja Yogis and their company, then you have achieved it. Imagine enjoying every human being who is a Sahaja Yogi and their company, then it is more than sufficient... There is nothing like it. It becomes doubly enjoyable and every moment becomes an experience. Every person becomes an experience. Like a wave of joy, every person you meet, every collectivity you meet, every ashram you go to, it creates a beautiful wave in your heart of joy. My joy is silent, but when I meet somebody, then it shows itself. So beautiful is the relationship and you just watch it as a witness and see the joy. Then everything melts away, all your knowledge, all your pains, all your troubles, all your past, all your future. But you remain in the present in meditation, watching all this beautiful happening. May God bless all of you to understand. May God, in all of you as spirit, emit that experience all the time to all of you. May God bless you. May God bless you SHRI DEVI PUJA ISTANBUL 1989 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-34.txt eiahteen essential photogranhs 2010_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_VI.pdf-page-35.txt WE ARE IN FOR A NEW WORLD and in that new world, a new race of Sahaja Yogis have to show their presence. They have to show their powers and their courage and their understanding. It is not serious. It is not frivolous. But it is joyous. It is just joy that you have to feel about yourself. I am telling you all this because this is within you, within your power. It is all the time residing within you... You people have a new birth and a new understanding and a new personality. Try to accept that personality. Try to respect it. That is the personality. It is your Self. BIRTHDAY PUJA 2001 It is not serious. It is not frivolous. But it is joyous. THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE VOLUME 23 NUMBER 6 • WWW.DIVINECOOLBREEZE.ORG• ·