Yüva Oe March 2010 Poetry is like moonlight е тоот When it falls upon any matter, It enhances the beauty and gives it a charisma. And the language is so beautiful that it hides all the ugliness, as the moonlight hides all the detailed ugliness and creates an atmosphere so meditative. This is Sahaja Yoga It makes the prose of our life into poetry. Vienna, 1985 Spreading Sahaja Yoga - 2 Shri Mataji - 6 New People - 10 हिमालय का आध्यात्मिक महत्व-16 AND MORE INSIDE THIS ISSUE Kid's Page - 9 Fast facts about your body - 12 Answers on everyday questions - 13 मेरे पुष्प सम बच्चो-14 Those who are humble...who are kind.... will attract more Sahaja Yogis... so it is important to change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you... if you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous... also very joyous. If you are really doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come... no trouble can come... it is a fact... try to understand (001231) You should never go to extremes in anything-only in the middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be worked out (830131); If Sahaja Yoga has to spread collectively... it is only Love that is going to work it out.. no other way we can do it. Love is a source of energy that makes things grow... is a living energy (910728); Sahaja Yoga is not going to work by advertisement, by the Photo... but by your work, your responsibility in shouldering Sahaja Yoga to spread and establish it. Dynamism is going to impress; Running courses, knowledge without love, is not going to work-rather it should be love, with knowledge (890611) What I have seen... that we are very shy... shy about Sahaja Yoga... we are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga-you have to do it... you should start talking openly about it... if I was shy like you, Sahaja Yoga would not have spread. One should not feel shy about Sahaja Yoga... otherwise what happens... that it just melts away with you... don't feel shy... you should talk about it... wear the badge... with the badge people will ask you questions... 'who is this one'... then you talk to them.. any way you like, you should expose yourself... and that will work out better (000507); you should not show interest in people who have no interest in the photograph... if they are not interested in the photograph... just forget that person... you see that's the best way (791202.3); If new people are not coming, maybe there is something wrong with you- we have to be smart people, and spartan. We have to be deep and impressive- change your lifestyles (890611); A great understanding has to be within us, that we are growing within ourselves... but if we do not manifest, if we do not show our 3 qualities, if we do not express it in our life, in our doing, in the meaning of our life, then Sahaja Yoga is not going to spread... nor is it going to help you much. We must behave in a very gentle way-to attract others, have patience; You have to get more and more people-you won't enjoy unless and until you get more people into it. But keep your dignity, your poise; When the magnetism of Shri Ganesha is awakened in you, you will be amazed, that people will start running towards your ashrams, instead of running away; We have all kinds of problems in Sahaja Yoga, especially when we find that people are not so much attracted to Sahaja Yoga, they are few in number... then you feel very bad about it. But have you tried to meditate on this point, and have you tried to put this problem to the Divine Power. You have to do Sahaja Yoga, you have to spread it. You have to venture, without any ear, collectively and individually, forgetting as to what will happen- you won't go to jails... you will not be crucified. This is your work... you have to do this and nothing else... it is important; You'll have to go to churches... to Universities, and to all such congregations, where they have no idea about what they can achieve, and tell them without any fear, without any malice. You can talk to them... you should tell them how we are here to help, for your good... not for our good, but for your good... the Kundalini within you will be very happy to help you, and do the needful for the emancipation of the whole world; But supposing there are people from one family... so you don't discuss Sahaja Yoga with them-either they will fight... or they will combine to be against Sahaja Yoga. The ladies should try... they have to stand up in their own freedom... they have to be independent and should have right ideas about everything... if the ladies come up in that way, Sahaja Yoga will spread very much. Men are working much more for Sahaja Yoga than women are... I can understand, because they have family, they have 4 children... but the most important thing is that once you take to active Sahaja Yoga, then your children also come up well... the family's also looked after. After all there is this Divine Power which looks after all of you... you must believe in this Divine Power. The women have to go about to give Realisation to others... but men are more active that way, and women are not. Men are active, but don't meditate... women meditate and men do outside work... it's not going to work out... so one has to meditate, and one has to go out to spread Sahaja Yoga... both things have to be done. Supposing now you meditate, and you don't spread Sahaja Yoga... you'll never ascend... so if you're not helping to the collective, the Kundalini says 'alright... you are alright as you are'. The main activity should be... have we given Realisation to others; You don't know what joy you get when you give Realisation to somebody... the most joyful moment is when you give realisation to somebody... just try it... try once and you'll enjoy it... and then you'll want more and more and more. A new century is starting, and so many things have to happen, and all of you must decide that you will do this or that... whatever is your understanding is, about spreading Sahaja Yoga, you should try to do... all of you should put your mind to it. If women can't go out, they can write down something... they can write about their spiritual ascent, or about whatever their experiences are. Kelky Shri Mataji Born 21* March 1923(820130), on a Wednesday at 12 O' clock (890524) in the day time (971230), on the cusp of Pisces and Aries (820130): Who on Sunday December 2" 1979, declared Herself to be the One who is the Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother, who has come to save the humanity, who has incarnated on this Earth to give it's meaning to itself(791202.1): Shri Ga nesha worships our Mother (850629) nd Who has come in the Mahamaya form so that the seekers will not be frightened (890524): Who has come to complete the work of all the Incarnations that came before (890801): A very ancient personality, who has no need for any Guru-rather the Primordial Guru, Dattatreya resides within Her (790530); Whose nature is not to receive, but to give (791203); Who is like the Mother Earth who sprouts the seeds (890423); Who came to find out a method, by which en-masse Realisation can be given (MME); Who says... "I did not discover it.... I know it .... There is no discovery at all... I know everything .... Somehow I know... which you should find out.... About me... how I know-it is a discovery for you... but for me it is not ...alright( 831001) Who studied in Lahore Medical College... because she wanted to know, in medicine, what people called such and such thing.... Because she wanted to know, in medicine, what people called such and such thing.... Because She knew all about the body.... About everything.... about the complete Central Nervous System.... but did not know the vocabulary attached to it. So she studied there for two years. studies...and then She married Mr. C P Shrivastava. During all this time... Her only full time time work was to find out about human beings... what were the problems they had.. how they avoided Reality... how they shunned it. Then in 1970, on the 5" may... 'I was a little hesitant at that time... I thought I should wait.... but certain circumstances made me to open the last Centre and when I opened the last Centre... It started working with others, on an en-masse scale'. But first... She gave Realisation to one lady who came to her house (831001) When the war broke out.... She discontinued Her th Who started Her work in 1970 with 1 lady (790616; 980321), and later worked with 6 people in England for 4 years (790616); who came to England in 1973-74 (820711; 851128), and who put the maximum effort into this land of England (821101), until Her farewell, when She left England, following the retirement of Mr C P in 1989 (891203); One of whose homes was on the Twyburn Brook, mentioned by William Blake (830128); Who was tortured by the English (in 6. India -Ed), yet spent so much time in England (860305) where She worked the most... 'because England is the heart, and the heart should not fail' (891203) Who sleeps very little, in fact who even when She is sleeping, She is working (821101); Who is not a vegetarian.... not at all (811006); Whose every movement and everything is nothing but Vibrations (800609); The Vibrations are more at the Feet; ' I am a fixed quantity... you must see how far you move towards Me – that depends on you'; 'Don't worry about Me... I am not an ordinary Human Being. No-one can harm Me... No-one can kill Me '(890527); Every word spoken by the Mother is a Mantra, every word Chosen for it's effect ( 850806); Here, got your Realisation, I conceived you in my heart, and gave you Realisation through my Sahastrara- there must be something special about me... and about the way it is done (811006) when you I was with Mahatma Gandhi as a Child... because he liked me very much... he used to call me Nepali, because I have a 'Nepali face' and he used to talk to me as if he's talking to his grandmother sometimes... he was extremely sweet person to children... strict with himself.... and straight with others... with elderly people (831001; 830128) Who chose Her own earthly father (800517.1); Who had 11 brothers and sisters; Whose mother, who was president of the Congress in Nagpur and went to jail 5 times.... Who was a very correct woman... would not tolerate any nonsense from her children (850421); Until May 1989, She did not have Pujas, and did not normally travel on Wednesdays (890524); Who can't wear any nylon.. or anything artificial ( 971004); Whose interest in money is zero, but who has never had a problem (980320); 'I don't know about money, I should say.... But I am good at mathematics (971004); Who was at one time, chairman of a 'blind school' (980320) We have to be careful, and not say any indecent things to the Mother, nor to use any bad words (790416); Who hates to hear any criticism of anyone from any of us (800927). Underwater Adventure Spot the 12 differences Puzle Pices Pu zle Pixes 2048 2000 ०0 New People For new people, you have to raise the Kundalini, but don't leave it half way... raise the Kundalini so that it pierces the Sahastrara... then, the Kundalini will work it out. One of the reasons that new people don't come back is that you have left it half done... there is... people don't come back ...is that you have left it half done... there is no connection still established; It is no good talking to them... it is not a question of conviction, but is a question of 'happening', of 'becoming'which is important. The simple thing is that we have to make everyone 'feel' the All Pervading Power of God to begin with-unless and until they have felt it, we are not to accept them as Realised Souls-they have to feel it! (830512).... You should not show interest in people who have no interest in the photograph... if they are not interested in the photograph... just forget that person... you see that's the best way. (791202.3) How to approach and explain to new people what has happened, so they appreciate it's true significance: Give them Realisation and confirm that they feel the cool in the hands. Then ask them: You did not get this by thinking or analysis? No... You did not have it before? No... So you cannot explain? No... So something has happened that is beyond your thinking power... is a higher power than your thinking... is a power much higher than you. So if it is a higher power, then you have to put down your thinking. Not to mention thoughtless awareness, which they will think is primitive. Do it with confidence. (791202.2) For people who have come for the first time, to Puja, they don't understand so well... they start analysing. But if they could sit without analysing, as they did when they got their Realisation, all their Deities within them will be strengthened and they will feel better- you don't have to do anything whatsoever... you just have to be quiet, and see it with understanding, so you don't get into analysis of it... just sit and feel the flow of vibrations... you'll be alright. (850421) In the realm of God, those who enter only, can be initiated... not those who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have to be the citizen of God's Kingdom... so unless and until we give them Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled... that's a very subtle thing that we do not understand. (850310) Those who are humble... who are kind... will attract more Sahaja Yogis... so it is important to change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you... if you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous... also very joyous. If you are really doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come... no trouble can come... it is a fact... try to understand. (001231) 11 Fast facts about боdу your body Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 400 million litres (800 million pints) of blood. Your mouth produces 1 litre (1.8 pints) of saliva a day. On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day. Ifthe amount ofwater in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty. It is impossible to sneeze and keep one's eyes open at the same time. 55% of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn. Aperson can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. You'll drink about 75,000 liters (20,000 gallons) of water in your lifetime. The muscle that lets your eye blink is the fastest muscle in your body. It allows you to blink 5 times a second. On average, you blink 15 000 times a day. Women blink twice as much as men. We have four basic tastes. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides. Common bile duct oftoste Unless food is mixed with saliva you cannot it. duct The liver is the largest of the body's internal organs. The skin is the body's largest organ. Not all our taste buds are on our tongue; about 10% are on the palette and the cheeks. About 13% of people are left-handed. Up from 11% in the past. Anewborn baby's head accounts for one-quarter of its weight. Our eyes are always the same size from birth. nunderMt Approximately two-thirds of a person's body weight is water. Blood is 92% water. The brain is 75% water and muscles are 75% water.. We actually do not see with our eyes - we see with our brains. The eyes basically are the cameras of the brain. One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eyes. 12 Answers on everyday questions Why does water not calm the tongue after eating hot spicy food? The spices in most of the hot foods that we eat are oily, and, like your elementary school science teacher taught you, oil and water don't mix. In this case, the water just What can you do to calm your aching tongue? Eat bread. The bread will absorb the oily spices. A second solution is to drink milk. Milk contains a substance called "casein" which will bind to the spices and carry them away. Alcohol also dissolves oily spices. rolls over the oily spices. If blood is red, why are veins blue? Blood is bright red in its oxygenated form and a dark red in de-oxygenated form. In simpler terms, it is bright red when it leaves the lungs full of oxygen and dark red when it returns to the lungs for a refill. Veins appear blue because light penetrating the skin is absorbed and reflected in high energy wavelengths back to the eye. Higher energy wavelengths are blue. Why is the sky blue? When sunlight travels through the atmosphere, it collides with gas molecules. These molecules scatter the light. The shorter the wavelength of light, the more it is scattered by the atmosphere. Because it has a shorter wavelength than the other colours, blue light is scattered more, ten times more than red light, for instance. That is why the sky is blue. Why does the setting sun look reddish orange? When the sun is on the horizon, its light takes a longer path through the atmosphere to reach your eyes than when the sun is directly overhead. By the time the light of the setting sun reaches your eyes, most of the blue light has been scattered out. The light you finally see is reddish orange, the colour of white light minus blue. Why do onions make you cry? Onions, like other plants, are made of cells. The cells are divided into two sections separated by a membrane. One side of the membrane contains an enzyme which helps chemical processes occur in your body. The other side of the membrane contains molecules that contain sulfur. When you cut an onion, the contents on each side of the membrane mix and cause a chemical reaction. This reaction produces molecules such as ethylsufine which make your eyes water. To prevent crying when you cut an onion, cut it under a running tap of cold water. The sulfur compounds dissolve in water and are rinsed down the sink before they reach your eyes. You can also put the onion in the freezer for ten minutes before you cut it. Cold temperatures slow down the reaction between the enzyme and the sulfur compounds so fewer of the burning molecules will reach your eyes. Why are camels called "ships of the desert?" Camels are called "ships of the desert" because of the way they move, not because of their transport capabilities. Camels sway from side to side because they move both legs on one side at the same time, elevating that side. This is called pacing, a ship-like motion which can make the rider feel sick. 13 ा ॐ 23 त। ओ मेरे पुष्प सम बच्चो, आप जीवन से नाराज़ है, नन्हें शिशुओं की तरह, माँ जिनकी अंधेरे में खो गई। यात्रा के निष्फल अन्त की निराशाभिव्यक्ति के कारण रुष्ट हो तुम, सौन्दर्य की खोज में, असौन्दर्य ओढ़े हो तुम। मेरे सत्य के नाम पर पुष्प सम असत्य का नाम लेते हो तुम। बच्चो प्रेम प्याला भरने की खातिर भावनाएं बहाते हो तुम | मेरे मधुर- मधुर बच्चो, स्वयं से, अपने अस्तित्व से, और साक्षात आनन्द से युद्ध-रत हो, किस प्रकार शान्ति प्राप्त कर सकते हो तुम? 14 का शान्ति की बनावटी नकाब और त्याग के प्रयत्न काफी हुए, २ अपनी गरिमामय माँ की गोद में, कमल की पंखुड़ियों पर अब करो विश्राम। सुन्दर पुष्पों से सजाऊँगी जीवन तुम्हारा, आनन्द सुगन्ध से भर दूंगी हर पल तुम्हारा। दिव्य प्रेम से तुम्हारे मस्तक का करूँगी अभिषेक। कष्ट तुम्हारे अब मुझसे सहन होते नहीं, आओ डुबो देँ तुम्हें आनन्द सागर में डुबो दो अपने अस्तित्व को एक महान अस्तित्व में, जो आत्मा के बाह्यदल पुज में मुस्करा रहा, सदा तुम्हें छेड़ने के लिए, रहस्यमय ढंग से छुपा हुआ। चेतन होकर देखो उसे दिव्य आनन्द से तुम्हारे रोम-रोम को चैतन्यित करता हुआ, पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड को प्रकाश से भरता हुआ। (आपकी माँ निर्मला) 15 क् हिमालय का आध्यात्मिक महत्व कहा जाता है कि हिमालय पर तपस्या करने से अज्ञानान्धकार दूर होता है और सत्य ज्ञान प्राप्ति के रूप में मुक्ति मिलती है। यह सर्वोच्च अवस्था प्राप्त करने में भी साधक का सहायक है। हिमालय केवल विवेक की पीठ और प्राणदायी जल का स्रोत मात्र ही नहीं है। यह स्मृति (संज्ञानात्मक स्मरण शक्ति तथा ज्ञान) का भी स्रोत है। जैसे कहा गया है, कि सूर्योदय के साथ ओस लुप्त हो मुख्य जाती है, वैसे ही महान हिमालय के दर्शन मात्र से सारे पाप धुल जाते हैं। पूरे हिमालय को भगवान शिव का निवास माना जाता है। भिन्न पर्वतों पर भिन्न रूपों में वे विश्राम करते हैं और कैलाश पर्वत उनका स्थायी निवास है। उनका विवाह भी हिमालय पुत्री 'सती' या हिमवति (हिम+पुत्री) से हुआ। हिमालय के दिव्य सृजन की असंख्य कथाएं इसकी प्राचीन बर्फ में गहरी दबी हुई हैं। कहा जाता है कि महाभारत के शूरवीर पांडव भगवान शिव के दर्शनों के लिए हिमालय पर आए। भगवान शिव ने जब उन्हें आते हुए देखा तो भैंस का रूप धारण करके उनसे दूर भागने का प्रयत्न किया। पाँचों भाइयों ने उस भैंस को पकड़ तो लिया पर वो केवल उसके पिछले हिस्से को ही पकड़ पाए । आज यह मान्यता है कि केदार देश में भगवान शिव का केवल पीछे का ही हिस्सा है। उनका शरीर पाँच हिस्सों में बंट गया और पूरे हिमालय पर फैल गया। इन पाँचों स्थानों को 'पंच केदार' का नाम दिया गया है। कहते हैं, कि स्वर्ग का मार्ग हिमालय से होकर गुजरता है। युधिष्ठिर इन चोटिं पर चढ़े और स्वर्गरोहिणी चोटी से होकर स्वर्ग की ओर बढ़े। 'स्वर्ग+आरोहिणी' अर्थात उत्थान प्रदान करने वाली। तिब्बत स्थित चोमोलुंगमा देवी, पृथ्वी माँ हैं। श्रीमाताजी के दामाद श्री.रोमेल वर्मा ने अपने हिमालय पथ के अनुभव का वर्णन करते हुए एक बार अर्जुन की बात की। अर्जुन को एक बार अकेले उत्तरी भारत में यात्रा करनी पड़ी थी क्योंकि उसके चारों भाई अन्य तीन दिशाओं की ओर गए थे। हिमालय की यात्रा में अर्जुन का सामना शिकारी के रूप में प्रकट हुए भगवान शिव से हुआ और भगवान शिव ने उन्हें अपनी विशेष शक्तियों का वरदान दिया। परिणामस्वरूप इन शक्तियों के कारण अर्जुन पृथ्वी का सबसे अधिक महान शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति बना और हम सब जानते हैं, कि किस प्रकार उसने कौरवों को आसानी से हरा दिया। अर्जुन के भगवान शिव से इस मिलन के और विशेष शक्तियाँ प्राप्त करने का वर्णन करते हुए श्री वर्मा ने कहा कि हम भी भगवान शिव की विशिष्ट शक्ति को आत्मसात कर सकते हैं, अर्जुन जैसे गुण प्राप्त कर सकते हैं तथा श्री शिव की सम्पूर्ण शक्ति से किसी भी नकारात्मकता का सामना कर सकते हैं। भगवान शिव का निवास, हिमालय पर्वत, शक्ति के जीवन्त डाइनेमाइट की तरह से है। शिवपूजा २००४ की संध्या, १४.२.२००४ 16 ि भा प्राचीन काल से ही हिमालय की चोटियाँ सत्य साधकों के लिए आकर्षण का केन्द्र बनी रही हैं और साधक भौतिक संसार को त्याग कर विशाल पर्वत के एकान्त में तपस्या करने के लिए आते रहे हैं। चाँदी जैसी बर्फ से ढ़की हिमालय पर्वत की आकर्षक सौन्दर्य- पूर्ण चोटियाँ इसे पृथ्वी पर मनमोहक स्वर्ग बनाती हैं । हिमालय क्षेत्र में इस रमणीक आकाश को छूते हुए मैदान के अतिरिक्त पृथ्वी के अन्य कौनसे स्थान पर इस प्रकार की दो वास्तुशिल्पीय प्लेटें ( पर्वत शिखर) देखी जा सकती हैं ? हिमालय की ये शानदार पर्वत मालाएं एशिया उपमहाद्वीप में स्थित हैं। ये पर्वत नेपाल, तिब्बत, भारत, पाकिस्तान, भूटान आदि देशों के लिए प्रहरी का कार्य करते हैं । हिमालय पर्वत श्रृंखलाएं विश्व की सबसे ऊँची २६००० फुट (८००० मीटर) बर्फ से ढकी ऊँची चोटियाँ हैं। दक्षिण एशिया में १५०० मील के क्षेत्र में गोलाकार लिए हुए हिमालय पर्वत फैला हुआ है। गोलीय आकार के हिमालय पर्वत भारत की उत्तरी सीमा तक फैले हुए हैं और भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में तराशी हुई दीवार की तरह से खड़े हैं जिसके चारों ओर जीवन व्याप्त है । इन पर्वतों पर आने वाले प्राचीन भारतीय तीर्थ-यात्रियों ने संस्कृत शब्द 'हिम' (बर्फ) और 'आलय' (घर) से 'हिमालय' शब्द की रचना की, इसका अर्थ है 'बर्फ का घर'। सदियों से भारतवासियों पर हिमालय का बहुत ही गहन प्रभाव रहा है और सम्मान, आश्चर्य एवं भय - बोध के सम्मिश्रण ने उनकी भावनाओं की रक्षा की है। भारतीय हिमालय श्रृंखला पश्चिमी भारत से पूर्वी भारत तक फैली हुई है और इसमें पाँच भारतीय राज्य सम्मिलित हैं-जम्मू और कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रदेश, उत्तरांचल, सिक्किम और अरुणाचल प्रदेश । दोहरी मोटी महाद्वीपीय प्लेटों के आधार पर स्थित हिमावत की चोटियाँ ढाई किलोमीटर ऊपर की ओर चली गई हैं और विश्व की सबसे ऊँची, '२९,०२८ फुट', चोटी एवरेस्ट की रचना की है। तिब्बत के पठार को दक्षिण तक घेरे हुए हिमालय की महान चोटियाँ बर्फ को अपने में समेटे हुए हैं और मैदानी क्षेत्रों के लिए जल के स्रोत के रूप में नदियों का सृजन करती हैं । तिब्बत भी अपने आप में चमत्कारिक स्थान है-देव भूमि , एवं कथाओं में वर्णित शंग्रीला का स्थान। हिमालय की अधिकतर चोटियाँ समुद्र तल से तीन मील से भी अधिक ऊँची हैं। भारत की महानतम पावन नदियाँ गंगा, सिंध और ब्रह्मपुत्र हिमालय की तलहटियों से हिमाच्छादित पर्वतों से बहती हैं जो हरी भरी चरागाहों के भी खजाने हैं और शाही शक्ति, भव्यता एवं उत्साह को भी दर्शाती हैं। मुख्य मूल स्रोत हैं। ये साहसपूर्ण पर्वतारोहण अभियानों, ऋग्वेद और अथर्ववेद में हिमालय को 'हिमावत' नाम से पुकारा गया है। अतः भारतीय पौराणिक कथाओं में यह माना जाता है कि इस स्थान की एक दिव्य आत्मा है, कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है । संस्कृत के कवि कालिदास ने अपनी कविताओं में इसे 'देवात्मा' कहा है। दिव्यता सर्वव्याप्त धारणा है जिसे इस तथ्य में भी देखा जा सकता है कि एक सन्त ने श्री कृष्ण के पेट में पर्वत 17 श्रृंखलाओं के दर्शन किए। पाँचवी शताब्दी ए.डी. के सुप्रसिद्ध भारतीय कवि कालिदास ने अपनी कविता 'कुमारसम्भव' में इस प्रकार लिखा है :- अस्तुरस्यम! दिशिरदेवात्मा, हिमालोनाम नागादिराजा पूर्वपरो तोयानिधो वाग्ह्या स्थिता पृथीव्या इवा, मन्दनदाह। अर्थात उत्तरी भाग में हिमालय नाम का एक विशाल पर्वत है जो सदैव बर्फ से ढका रहता है और पर्वतों का राजा कहलाता है। यह परमेश्वरी प्रकाश से ज्योतिर्मय है। पूर्वी सागर से पश्चिमी सागर तक फैली हुई भारतीय प्रायद्वीप में भय उत्पन्न करने वाली ऊँची चोटियाँ ऐसे प्रतीत होती हैं मानो पृथ्वी की धुरी को नाप रही हों। इस प्रकार हिमालय हमेशा प्रेरणा एवं जीवन के निरन्तर स्रोत बने रहे। इन पर्वतों का वर्णन असम्भव है, इनकी भव्यता और विशालता के कारण नहीं विश्व इतिहास में इनकी सशक्त भूमिका के कारण। प्राचीन काल में 'मिलिन्द' नाम का राजा हुआ करता था। उसने 'नागसेना' नामक सन्त से हिमालय के विषय में पूछा। उस सन्त ने एक अन्तरे की कविता में इसका उत्तर दिया जिसका रूपान्तरण इस प्रकार है : "हिमालय पर्वतों का राजा है।" परिधि पर इसका फैलाव पन्द्रह हजार मील (5,000 Leagues-5000x3) है और इसकी पर्वत मालाएं-८४० हजार चोटियाँ, ५०० नदियों का स्रोत है, अनगिनत विशालकाय जन्तुओं के रहने का स्थान है, अनगिनत सुगन्धियों को जन्म देती हैं और सैकड़ों आश्चर्यजनक जड़ी-बुटियों से सम्पन्न है । पृथ्वी की धुरी पर इन चोटियों को अकेले बादलों की तरह से उठते हुए देखा जा सकता है। वास्तव में सामवेद ने उन पर्वतमालाओं को पृथ्वी का मध्यबिन्दु कहा है। इस सन्त के वर्णन में ये भी जोड़ा जाना आवश्यक है, कि भारतीय हिमालय पर्वत श्रृंखलाएं विश्व के अत्याधिक युवा पहाड़ है, बहुत सी चोटियों का तो अभी तक नामकरण किया जाना बाकी है। हिमालय का भौगोलिक महत्व भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप और यूरेशियन द्वीप के बीच संघर्ष का वर्णन करता है। ये संघर्ष आदि मानव के के समय से आरम्भ हुआ और आज तक चल रहा है और इसी के कारण हिमालय और तिब्बत के पठार बने जो पठारीय वास्तुकला प्रभाव के दर्शनीय आधुनिक उदाहरण हैं। तिब्बत का पठार भी सूक्ष्म पट्टिकाओं या द्वीपीय भागों से बना है जो पैलोजोइक और मैसोजोइक युगों में निरन्तर यूरेशियन पट्टिका में जुड़ते चले गए। चट्टान चुम्बकीय विश्लेषण बताते हैं कि ये प्राचीन सूक्ष्म पट्टिकाएं पैलोजोइक युग में दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में थीं । जिस प्रकार विशाल भारतीय पट्टिका ने प्रभावित करने वाले की तरह से उत्तर की ओर लम्बी यात्रा की और अपने स्थान से हटकर यूरेशियन द्वीप में जुड़ गया वैसे ही सभी प्राचीन पर्वतीय हिस्सों के साथ भी हुआ। परिणामस्वरूप बनी एक-एक सन्धि(चट्टान) पर कहीं-कहीं समुद्री तल तत्व अहिरश्म बने हुए हैं। ये समुद्री तल तत्व वह है जो सहवर्धन के समय पपड़ीदार पिण्डों में फँस गए थे। संघटन की घटनाओं की इस लम्बी श्रृंखला में हिमालय को जन्म देने वाली घटना अन्तिम थी, यद्यपि यह जलवायु के कारण भी घटित हुई। भारतीय पट्टिका लगातार पाँच से. मीं. प्रतिवर्ष की गति से उत्तरी एशिया की ओर बढ़ती चली जा रही है। पृथ्वी के चट्टानी पिण्डों की विशालता को यदि देखें तो यह गति काफी अधिक है, आपकी अंगुलियों के नाखुनों के बढ़ने की गति से लगभग दुगुनी। इस हलचल के कारण भारतीय पट्टिका के किनारों की चट्टानें विकृत होने लगीं और टूटने लगीं। भारतीय चट्टानों के बड़े-बड़े भाग दक्षिण की ओर धकेले गए और हिमालय पर्वत को जन्म देने वाले ढेरों में परिवर्तित हो गए। काठमाँडू आश्रम पूजा, ३०.३.१९८९ 18 NITL खरिद्दारी हेतू मार्गदर्शिका आप अपने सहज साहित्य को उदा. किताबे, ऑडिओ, विडीओ सीडीज और कैसेट (प्रवचन और संगीत ), मैगज़िन्स, पेंडंट इ.नीचे दिये हुए किसी भी तरिके से मंगवा सकते हैं। एनआयटीएल प्रतिनिधी : आप सहज साहित्य को एनआयटीएल के अधिकृत प्रतिनिधिओं से खरीद सकते हैं। एनआयटीएल वेबसाइट - 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PRE सज may joy & lauchteRr O५ Lrichten your every day. रिCA Yehi hai my wish... dil se ! ५० |ा का ा पहले तो यही बात सोचनी चाहिए कि हमने विशुद्धि लाँघी है या नहीं। जब हम है होली खेल रहे हैं तो हम मर्यादा में हैं या नहीं। अभी किसी ने पूछा था कि 'माँ, क्या औरतों के साथ आदमियों ने होली खेलनी चाहिए? मैंने कहा, 'वैसे तो कुछ भी करें लेकिन सहजयोग में नहीं। क्योंकि भाई-बहन में हो ली नहीं खेली जाती।। खेल रहे हैं तो Published & Printed by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. ८ No. 8, Chandragupta Co-op Housing Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411 038 d : 25286537, 25286032 email:sale@nitl.co.in website: www.nitl.co.in (For queries & sending articles contact on above address) The Purpose of the Yuva Shakti '...is the development of the personality in order to make it much more complete, so that such developed individuals will prove to be great assets to Sahaja Yoga and serve as shining ideals for others to emulate and derive inspiration." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, on Yuva Shakti 1987 ---------------------- 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-0.txt Yüva Oe March 2010 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-1.txt Poetry is like moonlight е тоот When it falls upon any matter, It enhances the beauty and gives it a charisma. And the language is so beautiful that it hides all the ugliness, as the moonlight hides all the detailed ugliness and creates an atmosphere so meditative. This is Sahaja Yoga It makes the prose of our life into poetry. Vienna, 1985 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-2.txt Spreading Sahaja Yoga - 2 Shri Mataji - 6 New People - 10 हिमालय का आध्यात्मिक महत्व-16 AND MORE INSIDE THIS ISSUE Kid's Page - 9 Fast facts about your body - 12 Answers on everyday questions - 13 मेरे पुष्प सम बच्चो-14 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-4.txt Those who are humble...who are kind.... will attract more Sahaja Yogis... so it is important to change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you... if you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous... also very joyous. If you are really doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come... no trouble can come... it is a fact... try to understand (001231) You should never go to extremes in anything-only in the middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be worked out (830131); If Sahaja Yoga has to spread collectively... it is only Love that is going to work it out.. no other way we can do it. Love is a source of energy that makes things grow... is a living energy (910728); Sahaja Yoga is not going to work by advertisement, by the Photo... but by your work, your responsibility in shouldering Sahaja Yoga to spread and establish it. Dynamism is going to impress; Running courses, knowledge without love, is not going to work-rather it should be love, with knowledge (890611) What I have seen... that we are very shy... shy about Sahaja Yoga... we are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga-you have to do it... you should start talking openly about it... if I was shy like you, Sahaja Yoga would not have spread. One should not feel shy about Sahaja Yoga... otherwise what happens... that it just melts away with you... don't feel shy... you should talk about it... wear the badge... with the badge people will ask you questions... 'who is this one'... then you talk to them.. any way you like, you should expose yourself... and that will work out better (000507); you should not show interest in people who have no interest in the photograph... if they are not interested in the photograph... just forget that person... you see that's the best way (791202.3); If new people are not coming, maybe there is something wrong with you- we have to be smart people, and spartan. We have to be deep and impressive- change your lifestyles (890611); A great understanding has to be within us, that we are growing within ourselves... but if we do not manifest, if we do not show our 3 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-5.txt qualities, if we do not express it in our life, in our doing, in the meaning of our life, then Sahaja Yoga is not going to spread... nor is it going to help you much. We must behave in a very gentle way-to attract others, have patience; You have to get more and more people-you won't enjoy unless and until you get more people into it. But keep your dignity, your poise; When the magnetism of Shri Ganesha is awakened in you, you will be amazed, that people will start running towards your ashrams, instead of running away; We have all kinds of problems in Sahaja Yoga, especially when we find that people are not so much attracted to Sahaja Yoga, they are few in number... then you feel very bad about it. But have you tried to meditate on this point, and have you tried to put this problem to the Divine Power. You have to do Sahaja Yoga, you have to spread it. You have to venture, without any ear, collectively and individually, forgetting as to what will happen- you won't go to jails... you will not be crucified. This is your work... you have to do this and nothing else... it is important; You'll have to go to churches... to Universities, and to all such congregations, where they have no idea about what they can achieve, and tell them without any fear, without any malice. You can talk to them... you should tell them how we are here to help, for your good... not for our good, but for your good... the Kundalini within you will be very happy to help you, and do the needful for the emancipation of the whole world; But supposing there are people from one family... so you don't discuss Sahaja Yoga with them-either they will fight... or they will combine to be against Sahaja Yoga. The ladies should try... they have to stand up in their own freedom... they have to be independent and should have right ideas about everything... if the ladies come up in that way, Sahaja Yoga will spread very much. Men are working much more for Sahaja Yoga than women are... I can understand, because they have family, they have 4 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-6.txt children... but the most important thing is that once you take to active Sahaja Yoga, then your children also come up well... the family's also looked after. After all there is this Divine Power which looks after all of you... you must believe in this Divine Power. The women have to go about to give Realisation to others... but men are more active that way, and women are not. Men are active, but don't meditate... women meditate and men do outside work... it's not going to work out... so one has to meditate, and one has to go out to spread Sahaja Yoga... both things have to be done. Supposing now you meditate, and you don't spread Sahaja Yoga... you'll never ascend... so if you're not helping to the collective, the Kundalini says 'alright... you are alright as you are'. The main activity should be... have we given Realisation to others; You don't know what joy you get when you give Realisation to somebody... the most joyful moment is when you give realisation to somebody... just try it... try once and you'll enjoy it... and then you'll want more and more and more. A new century is starting, and so many things have to happen, and all of you must decide that you will do this or that... whatever is your understanding is, about spreading Sahaja Yoga, you should try to do... all of you should put your mind to it. If women can't go out, they can write down something... they can write about their spiritual ascent, or about whatever their experiences are. Kelky 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-7.txt Shri Mataji 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-8.txt Born 21* March 1923(820130), on a Wednesday at 12 O' clock (890524) in the day time (971230), on the cusp of Pisces and Aries (820130): Who on Sunday December 2" 1979, declared Herself to be the One who is the Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother, who has come to save the humanity, who has incarnated on this Earth to give it's meaning to itself(791202.1): Shri Ga nesha worships our Mother (850629) nd Who has come in the Mahamaya form so that the seekers will not be frightened (890524): Who has come to complete the work of all the Incarnations that came before (890801): A very ancient personality, who has no need for any Guru-rather the Primordial Guru, Dattatreya resides within Her (790530); Whose nature is not to receive, but to give (791203); Who is like the Mother Earth who sprouts the seeds (890423); Who came to find out a method, by which en-masse Realisation can be given (MME); Who says... "I did not discover it.... I know it .... There is no discovery at all... I know everything .... Somehow I know... which you should find out.... About me... how I know-it is a discovery for you... but for me it is not ...alright( 831001) Who studied in Lahore Medical College... because she wanted to know, in medicine, what people called such and such thing.... Because she wanted to know, in medicine, what people called such and such thing.... Because She knew all about the body.... About everything.... about the complete Central Nervous System.... but did not know the vocabulary attached to it. So she studied there for two years. studies...and then She married Mr. C P Shrivastava. During all this time... Her only full time time work was to find out about human beings... what were the problems they had.. how they avoided Reality... how they shunned it. Then in 1970, on the 5" may... 'I was a little hesitant at that time... I thought I should wait.... but certain circumstances made me to open the last Centre and when I opened the last Centre... It started working with others, on an en-masse scale'. But first... She gave Realisation to one lady who came to her house (831001) When the war broke out.... She discontinued Her th Who started Her work in 1970 with 1 lady (790616; 980321), and later worked with 6 people in England for 4 years (790616); who came to England in 1973-74 (820711; 851128), and who put the maximum effort into this land of England (821101), until Her farewell, when She left England, following the retirement of Mr C P in 1989 (891203); One of whose homes was on the Twyburn Brook, mentioned by William Blake (830128); Who was tortured by the English (in 6. 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-9.txt India -Ed), yet spent so much time in England (860305) where She worked the most... 'because England is the heart, and the heart should not fail' (891203) Who sleeps very little, in fact who even when She is sleeping, She is working (821101); Who is not a vegetarian.... not at all (811006); Whose every movement and everything is nothing but Vibrations (800609); The Vibrations are more at the Feet; ' I am a fixed quantity... you must see how far you move towards Me – that depends on you'; 'Don't worry about Me... I am not an ordinary Human Being. No-one can harm Me... No-one can kill Me '(890527); Every word spoken by the Mother is a Mantra, every word Chosen for it's effect ( 850806); Here, got your Realisation, I conceived you in my heart, and gave you Realisation through my Sahastrara- there must be something special about me... and about the way it is done (811006) when you I was with Mahatma Gandhi as a Child... because he liked me very much... he used to call me Nepali, because I have a 'Nepali face' and he used to talk to me as if he's talking to his grandmother sometimes... he was extremely sweet person to children... strict with himself.... and straight with others... with elderly people (831001; 830128) Who chose Her own earthly father (800517.1); Who had 11 brothers and sisters; Whose mother, who was president of the Congress in Nagpur and went to jail 5 times.... Who was a very correct woman... would not tolerate any nonsense from her children (850421); Until May 1989, She did not have Pujas, and did not normally travel on Wednesdays (890524); Who can't wear any nylon.. or anything artificial ( 971004); Whose interest in money is zero, but who has never had a problem (980320); 'I don't know about money, I should say.... But I am good at mathematics (971004); Who was at one time, chairman of a 'blind school' (980320) We have to be careful, and not say any indecent things to the Mother, nor to use any bad words (790416); Who hates to hear any criticism of anyone from any of us (800927). 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-10.txt Underwater Adventure Spot the 12 differences Puzle Pices Pu zle Pixes 2048 2000 ०0 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-11.txt New People 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-12.txt For new people, you have to raise the Kundalini, but don't leave it half way... raise the Kundalini so that it pierces the Sahastrara... then, the Kundalini will work it out. One of the reasons that new people don't come back is that you have left it half done... there is... people don't come back ...is that you have left it half done... there is no connection still established; It is no good talking to them... it is not a question of conviction, but is a question of 'happening', of 'becoming'which is important. The simple thing is that we have to make everyone 'feel' the All Pervading Power of God to begin with-unless and until they have felt it, we are not to accept them as Realised Souls-they have to feel it! (830512).... You should not show interest in people who have no interest in the photograph... if they are not interested in the photograph... just forget that person... you see that's the best way. (791202.3) How to approach and explain to new people what has happened, so they appreciate it's true significance: Give them Realisation and confirm that they feel the cool in the hands. Then ask them: You did not get this by thinking or analysis? No... You did not have it before? No... So you cannot explain? No... So something has happened that is beyond your thinking power... is a higher power than your thinking... is a power much higher than you. So if it is a higher power, then you have to put down your thinking. Not to mention thoughtless awareness, which they will think is primitive. Do it with confidence. (791202.2) For people who have come for the first time, to Puja, they don't understand so well... they start analysing. But if they could sit without analysing, as they did when they got their Realisation, all their Deities within them will be strengthened and they will feel better- you don't have to do anything whatsoever... you just have to be quiet, and see it with understanding, so you don't get into analysis of it... just sit and feel the flow of vibrations... you'll be alright. (850421) In the realm of God, those who enter only, can be initiated... not those who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have to be the citizen of God's Kingdom... so unless and until we give them Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled... that's a very subtle thing that we do not understand. (850310) Those who are humble... who are kind... will attract more Sahaja Yogis... so it is important to change your temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you... if you think you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous... also very joyous. If you are really doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come... no trouble can come... it is a fact... try to understand. (001231) 11 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-13.txt Fast facts about боdу your body Your heart beats 101,000 times a day. During your lifetime it will beat about 3 billion times and pump about 400 million litres (800 million pints) of blood. Your mouth produces 1 litre (1.8 pints) of saliva a day. On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day. Ifthe amount ofwater in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty. It is impossible to sneeze and keep one's eyes open at the same time. 55% of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn. Aperson can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water. You'll drink about 75,000 liters (20,000 gallons) of water in your lifetime. The muscle that lets your eye blink is the fastest muscle in your body. It allows you to blink 5 times a second. On average, you blink 15 000 times a day. Women blink twice as much as men. We have four basic tastes. The salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter at the base, and sour along the sides. Common bile duct oftoste Unless food is mixed with saliva you cannot it. duct The liver is the largest of the body's internal organs. The skin is the body's largest organ. Not all our taste buds are on our tongue; about 10% are on the palette and the cheeks. About 13% of people are left-handed. Up from 11% in the past. Anewborn baby's head accounts for one-quarter of its weight. Our eyes are always the same size from birth. nunderMt Approximately two-thirds of a person's body weight is water. Blood is 92% water. The brain is 75% water and muscles are 75% water.. We actually do not see with our eyes - we see with our brains. The eyes basically are the cameras of the brain. One-quarter of the brain is used to control the eyes. 12 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-14.txt Answers on everyday questions Why does water not calm the tongue after eating hot spicy food? The spices in most of the hot foods that we eat are oily, and, like your elementary school science teacher taught you, oil and water don't mix. In this case, the water just What can you do to calm your aching tongue? Eat bread. The bread will absorb the oily spices. A second solution is to drink milk. Milk contains a substance called "casein" which will bind to the spices and carry them away. Alcohol also dissolves oily spices. rolls over the oily spices. If blood is red, why are veins blue? Blood is bright red in its oxygenated form and a dark red in de-oxygenated form. In simpler terms, it is bright red when it leaves the lungs full of oxygen and dark red when it returns to the lungs for a refill. Veins appear blue because light penetrating the skin is absorbed and reflected in high energy wavelengths back to the eye. Higher energy wavelengths are blue. Why is the sky blue? When sunlight travels through the atmosphere, it collides with gas molecules. These molecules scatter the light. The shorter the wavelength of light, the more it is scattered by the atmosphere. Because it has a shorter wavelength than the other colours, blue light is scattered more, ten times more than red light, for instance. That is why the sky is blue. Why does the setting sun look reddish orange? When the sun is on the horizon, its light takes a longer path through the atmosphere to reach your eyes than when the sun is directly overhead. By the time the light of the setting sun reaches your eyes, most of the blue light has been scattered out. The light you finally see is reddish orange, the colour of white light minus blue. Why do onions make you cry? Onions, like other plants, are made of cells. The cells are divided into two sections separated by a membrane. One side of the membrane contains an enzyme which helps chemical processes occur in your body. The other side of the membrane contains molecules that contain sulfur. When you cut an onion, the contents on each side of the membrane mix and cause a chemical reaction. This reaction produces molecules such as ethylsufine which make your eyes water. To prevent crying when you cut an onion, cut it under a running tap of cold water. The sulfur compounds dissolve in water and are rinsed down the sink before they reach your eyes. You can also put the onion in the freezer for ten minutes before you cut it. Cold temperatures slow down the reaction between the enzyme and the sulfur compounds so fewer of the burning molecules will reach your eyes. Why are camels called "ships of the desert?" Camels are called "ships of the desert" because of the way they move, not because of their transport capabilities. Camels sway from side to side because they move both legs on one side at the same time, elevating that side. This is called pacing, a ship-like motion which can make the rider feel sick. 13 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-15.txt ा ॐ 23 त। ओ मेरे पुष्प सम बच्चो, आप जीवन से नाराज़ है, नन्हें शिशुओं की तरह, माँ जिनकी अंधेरे में खो गई। यात्रा के निष्फल अन्त की निराशाभिव्यक्ति के कारण रुष्ट हो तुम, सौन्दर्य की खोज में, असौन्दर्य ओढ़े हो तुम। मेरे सत्य के नाम पर पुष्प सम असत्य का नाम लेते हो तुम। बच्चो प्रेम प्याला भरने की खातिर भावनाएं बहाते हो तुम | मेरे मधुर- मधुर बच्चो, स्वयं से, अपने अस्तित्व से, और साक्षात आनन्द से युद्ध-रत हो, किस प्रकार शान्ति प्राप्त कर सकते हो तुम? 14 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-16.txt का शान्ति की बनावटी नकाब और त्याग के प्रयत्न काफी हुए, २ अपनी गरिमामय माँ की गोद में, कमल की पंखुड़ियों पर अब करो विश्राम। सुन्दर पुष्पों से सजाऊँगी जीवन तुम्हारा, आनन्द सुगन्ध से भर दूंगी हर पल तुम्हारा। दिव्य प्रेम से तुम्हारे मस्तक का करूँगी अभिषेक। कष्ट तुम्हारे अब मुझसे सहन होते नहीं, आओ डुबो देँ तुम्हें आनन्द सागर में डुबो दो अपने अस्तित्व को एक महान अस्तित्व में, जो आत्मा के बाह्यदल पुज में मुस्करा रहा, सदा तुम्हें छेड़ने के लिए, रहस्यमय ढंग से छुपा हुआ। चेतन होकर देखो उसे दिव्य आनन्द से तुम्हारे रोम-रोम को चैतन्यित करता हुआ, पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड को प्रकाश से भरता हुआ। (आपकी माँ निर्मला) 15 क् 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-17.txt हिमालय का आध्यात्मिक महत्व कहा जाता है कि हिमालय पर तपस्या करने से अज्ञानान्धकार दूर होता है और सत्य ज्ञान प्राप्ति के रूप में मुक्ति मिलती है। यह सर्वोच्च अवस्था प्राप्त करने में भी साधक का सहायक है। हिमालय केवल विवेक की पीठ और प्राणदायी जल का स्रोत मात्र ही नहीं है। यह स्मृति (संज्ञानात्मक स्मरण शक्ति तथा ज्ञान) का भी स्रोत है। जैसे कहा गया है, कि सूर्योदय के साथ ओस लुप्त हो मुख्य जाती है, वैसे ही महान हिमालय के दर्शन मात्र से सारे पाप धुल जाते हैं। पूरे हिमालय को भगवान शिव का निवास माना जाता है। भिन्न पर्वतों पर भिन्न रूपों में वे विश्राम करते हैं और कैलाश पर्वत उनका स्थायी निवास है। उनका विवाह भी हिमालय पुत्री 'सती' या हिमवति (हिम+पुत्री) से हुआ। हिमालय के दिव्य सृजन की असंख्य कथाएं इसकी प्राचीन बर्फ में गहरी दबी हुई हैं। कहा जाता है कि महाभारत के शूरवीर पांडव भगवान शिव के दर्शनों के लिए हिमालय पर आए। भगवान शिव ने जब उन्हें आते हुए देखा तो भैंस का रूप धारण करके उनसे दूर भागने का प्रयत्न किया। पाँचों भाइयों ने उस भैंस को पकड़ तो लिया पर वो केवल उसके पिछले हिस्से को ही पकड़ पाए । आज यह मान्यता है कि केदार देश में भगवान शिव का केवल पीछे का ही हिस्सा है। उनका शरीर पाँच हिस्सों में बंट गया और पूरे हिमालय पर फैल गया। इन पाँचों स्थानों को 'पंच केदार' का नाम दिया गया है। कहते हैं, कि स्वर्ग का मार्ग हिमालय से होकर गुजरता है। युधिष्ठिर इन चोटिं पर चढ़े और स्वर्गरोहिणी चोटी से होकर स्वर्ग की ओर बढ़े। 'स्वर्ग+आरोहिणी' अर्थात उत्थान प्रदान करने वाली। तिब्बत स्थित चोमोलुंगमा देवी, पृथ्वी माँ हैं। श्रीमाताजी के दामाद श्री.रोमेल वर्मा ने अपने हिमालय पथ के अनुभव का वर्णन करते हुए एक बार अर्जुन की बात की। अर्जुन को एक बार अकेले उत्तरी भारत में यात्रा करनी पड़ी थी क्योंकि उसके चारों भाई अन्य तीन दिशाओं की ओर गए थे। हिमालय की यात्रा में अर्जुन का सामना शिकारी के रूप में प्रकट हुए भगवान शिव से हुआ और भगवान शिव ने उन्हें अपनी विशेष शक्तियों का वरदान दिया। परिणामस्वरूप इन शक्तियों के कारण अर्जुन पृथ्वी का सबसे अधिक महान शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति बना और हम सब जानते हैं, कि किस प्रकार उसने कौरवों को आसानी से हरा दिया। अर्जुन के भगवान शिव से इस मिलन के और विशेष शक्तियाँ प्राप्त करने का वर्णन करते हुए श्री वर्मा ने कहा कि हम भी भगवान शिव की विशिष्ट शक्ति को आत्मसात कर सकते हैं, अर्जुन जैसे गुण प्राप्त कर सकते हैं तथा श्री शिव की सम्पूर्ण शक्ति से किसी भी नकारात्मकता का सामना कर सकते हैं। भगवान शिव का निवास, हिमालय पर्वत, शक्ति के जीवन्त डाइनेमाइट की तरह से है। शिवपूजा २००४ की संध्या, १४.२.२००४ 16 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-18.txt ि भा प्राचीन काल से ही हिमालय की चोटियाँ सत्य साधकों के लिए आकर्षण का केन्द्र बनी रही हैं और साधक भौतिक संसार को त्याग कर विशाल पर्वत के एकान्त में तपस्या करने के लिए आते रहे हैं। चाँदी जैसी बर्फ से ढ़की हिमालय पर्वत की आकर्षक सौन्दर्य- पूर्ण चोटियाँ इसे पृथ्वी पर मनमोहक स्वर्ग बनाती हैं । हिमालय क्षेत्र में इस रमणीक आकाश को छूते हुए मैदान के अतिरिक्त पृथ्वी के अन्य कौनसे स्थान पर इस प्रकार की दो वास्तुशिल्पीय प्लेटें ( पर्वत शिखर) देखी जा सकती हैं ? हिमालय की ये शानदार पर्वत मालाएं एशिया उपमहाद्वीप में स्थित हैं। ये पर्वत नेपाल, तिब्बत, भारत, पाकिस्तान, भूटान आदि देशों के लिए प्रहरी का कार्य करते हैं । हिमालय पर्वत श्रृंखलाएं विश्व की सबसे ऊँची २६००० फुट (८००० मीटर) बर्फ से ढकी ऊँची चोटियाँ हैं। दक्षिण एशिया में १५०० मील के क्षेत्र में गोलाकार लिए हुए हिमालय पर्वत फैला हुआ है। गोलीय आकार के हिमालय पर्वत भारत की उत्तरी सीमा तक फैले हुए हैं और भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में तराशी हुई दीवार की तरह से खड़े हैं जिसके चारों ओर जीवन व्याप्त है । इन पर्वतों पर आने वाले प्राचीन भारतीय तीर्थ-यात्रियों ने संस्कृत शब्द 'हिम' (बर्फ) और 'आलय' (घर) से 'हिमालय' शब्द की रचना की, इसका अर्थ है 'बर्फ का घर'। सदियों से भारतवासियों पर हिमालय का बहुत ही गहन प्रभाव रहा है और सम्मान, आश्चर्य एवं भय - बोध के सम्मिश्रण ने उनकी भावनाओं की रक्षा की है। भारतीय हिमालय श्रृंखला पश्चिमी भारत से पूर्वी भारत तक फैली हुई है और इसमें पाँच भारतीय राज्य सम्मिलित हैं-जम्मू और कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रदेश, उत्तरांचल, सिक्किम और अरुणाचल प्रदेश । दोहरी मोटी महाद्वीपीय प्लेटों के आधार पर स्थित हिमावत की चोटियाँ ढाई किलोमीटर ऊपर की ओर चली गई हैं और विश्व की सबसे ऊँची, '२९,०२८ फुट', चोटी एवरेस्ट की रचना की है। तिब्बत के पठार को दक्षिण तक घेरे हुए हिमालय की महान चोटियाँ बर्फ को अपने में समेटे हुए हैं और मैदानी क्षेत्रों के लिए जल के स्रोत के रूप में नदियों का सृजन करती हैं । तिब्बत भी अपने आप में चमत्कारिक स्थान है-देव भूमि , एवं कथाओं में वर्णित शंग्रीला का स्थान। हिमालय की अधिकतर चोटियाँ समुद्र तल से तीन मील से भी अधिक ऊँची हैं। भारत की महानतम पावन नदियाँ गंगा, सिंध और ब्रह्मपुत्र हिमालय की तलहटियों से हिमाच्छादित पर्वतों से बहती हैं जो हरी भरी चरागाहों के भी खजाने हैं और शाही शक्ति, भव्यता एवं उत्साह को भी दर्शाती हैं। मुख्य मूल स्रोत हैं। ये साहसपूर्ण पर्वतारोहण अभियानों, ऋग्वेद और अथर्ववेद में हिमालय को 'हिमावत' नाम से पुकारा गया है। अतः भारतीय पौराणिक कथाओं में यह माना जाता है कि इस स्थान की एक दिव्य आत्मा है, कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है । संस्कृत के कवि कालिदास ने अपनी कविताओं में इसे 'देवात्मा' कहा है। दिव्यता सर्वव्याप्त धारणा है जिसे इस तथ्य में भी देखा जा सकता है कि एक सन्त ने श्री कृष्ण के पेट में पर्वत 17 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-19.txt श्रृंखलाओं के दर्शन किए। पाँचवी शताब्दी ए.डी. के सुप्रसिद्ध भारतीय कवि कालिदास ने अपनी कविता 'कुमारसम्भव' में इस प्रकार लिखा है :- अस्तुरस्यम! दिशिरदेवात्मा, हिमालोनाम नागादिराजा पूर्वपरो तोयानिधो वाग्ह्या स्थिता पृथीव्या इवा, मन्दनदाह। अर्थात उत्तरी भाग में हिमालय नाम का एक विशाल पर्वत है जो सदैव बर्फ से ढका रहता है और पर्वतों का राजा कहलाता है। यह परमेश्वरी प्रकाश से ज्योतिर्मय है। पूर्वी सागर से पश्चिमी सागर तक फैली हुई भारतीय प्रायद्वीप में भय उत्पन्न करने वाली ऊँची चोटियाँ ऐसे प्रतीत होती हैं मानो पृथ्वी की धुरी को नाप रही हों। इस प्रकार हिमालय हमेशा प्रेरणा एवं जीवन के निरन्तर स्रोत बने रहे। इन पर्वतों का वर्णन असम्भव है, इनकी भव्यता और विशालता के कारण नहीं विश्व इतिहास में इनकी सशक्त भूमिका के कारण। प्राचीन काल में 'मिलिन्द' नाम का राजा हुआ करता था। उसने 'नागसेना' नामक सन्त से हिमालय के विषय में पूछा। उस सन्त ने एक अन्तरे की कविता में इसका उत्तर दिया जिसका रूपान्तरण इस प्रकार है : "हिमालय पर्वतों का राजा है।" परिधि पर इसका फैलाव पन्द्रह हजार मील (5,000 Leagues-5000x3) है और इसकी पर्वत मालाएं-८४० हजार चोटियाँ, ५०० नदियों का स्रोत है, अनगिनत विशालकाय जन्तुओं के रहने का स्थान है, अनगिनत सुगन्धियों को जन्म देती हैं और सैकड़ों आश्चर्यजनक जड़ी-बुटियों से सम्पन्न है । पृथ्वी की धुरी पर इन चोटियों को अकेले बादलों की तरह से उठते हुए देखा जा सकता है। वास्तव में सामवेद ने उन पर्वतमालाओं को पृथ्वी का मध्यबिन्दु कहा है। इस सन्त के वर्णन में ये भी जोड़ा जाना आवश्यक है, कि भारतीय हिमालय पर्वत श्रृंखलाएं विश्व के अत्याधिक युवा पहाड़ है, बहुत सी चोटियों का तो अभी तक नामकरण किया जाना बाकी है। हिमालय का भौगोलिक महत्व भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप और यूरेशियन द्वीप के बीच संघर्ष का वर्णन करता है। ये संघर्ष आदि मानव के के समय से आरम्भ हुआ और आज तक चल रहा है और इसी के कारण हिमालय और तिब्बत के पठार बने जो पठारीय वास्तुकला प्रभाव के दर्शनीय आधुनिक उदाहरण हैं। तिब्बत का पठार भी सूक्ष्म पट्टिकाओं या द्वीपीय भागों से बना है जो पैलोजोइक और मैसोजोइक युगों में निरन्तर यूरेशियन पट्टिका में जुड़ते चले गए। चट्टान चुम्बकीय विश्लेषण बताते हैं कि ये प्राचीन सूक्ष्म पट्टिकाएं पैलोजोइक युग में दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में थीं । जिस प्रकार विशाल भारतीय पट्टिका ने प्रभावित करने वाले की तरह से उत्तर की ओर लम्बी यात्रा की और अपने स्थान से हटकर यूरेशियन द्वीप में जुड़ गया वैसे ही सभी प्राचीन पर्वतीय हिस्सों के साथ भी हुआ। परिणामस्वरूप बनी एक-एक सन्धि(चट्टान) पर कहीं-कहीं समुद्री तल तत्व अहिरश्म बने हुए हैं। ये समुद्री तल तत्व वह है जो सहवर्धन के समय पपड़ीदार पिण्डों में फँस गए थे। संघटन की घटनाओं की इस लम्बी श्रृंखला में हिमालय को जन्म देने वाली घटना अन्तिम थी, यद्यपि यह जलवायु के कारण भी घटित हुई। भारतीय पट्टिका लगातार पाँच से. मीं. प्रतिवर्ष की गति से उत्तरी एशिया की ओर बढ़ती चली जा रही है। पृथ्वी के चट्टानी पिण्डों की विशालता को यदि देखें तो यह गति काफी अधिक है, आपकी अंगुलियों के नाखुनों के बढ़ने की गति से लगभग दुगुनी। इस हलचल के कारण भारतीय पट्टिका के किनारों की चट्टानें विकृत होने लगीं और टूटने लगीं। भारतीय चट्टानों के बड़े-बड़े भाग दक्षिण की ओर धकेले गए और हिमालय पर्वत को जन्म देने वाले ढेरों में परिवर्तित हो गए। काठमाँडू आश्रम पूजा, ३०.३.१९८९ 18 2010_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-20.txt NITL खरिद्दारी हेतू मार्गदर्शिका आप अपने सहज साहित्य को उदा. किताबे, ऑडिओ, विडीओ सीडीज और कैसेट (प्रवचन और संगीत ), मैगज़िन्स, पेंडंट इ.नीचे दिये हुए किसी भी तरिके से मंगवा सकते हैं। एनआयटीएल प्रतिनिधी : आप सहज साहित्य को एनआयटीएल के अधिकृत प्रतिनिधिओं से खरीद सकते हैं। एनआयटीएल वेबसाइट - 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