The Divine Cool Breeze 2011 issue 3 – volume twenty-four number three HUMOUR laughter I will adorn your life with beautiful blossoms and fill your moments with joyful fragrance. See the humbleness of the Divine, how It is trying to please you and amuse you and make you happy – in the nature, also in the lectures. THERE IS JOY 667 A SAHAJA YOGI shoulD NOT BE A SERIOUS PERSON. That is one thing that does not behoove a Sahaja Yogi, to be serious. You should be smiling, laughing, enjoying. If he is a serious person then he is not a Sahaja Yogi. I cannot keep serious for more than five minutes – at the most five minutes. Even if I have to scold somebody, I prepare Myself. Then I come down and I shout. And then after five minutes, if I don't run away, then you will find Me again laughing. I can't. It is all a joke. So nobody should be serious. That is one thing. Nobody should be serious. You should be always smiling and happy people because there is joy within you. HUMOUR IS A TOOL In all humour, we should understand what this stupid thing called ego is. In all humour, not in seriousness, for I don't want you to again feel guilty.... This is the art of living. This is the art of living a Sahaja Yogi life. It is the art of living it, how with little few things you see how to manage. Now you must have seen how in My lectures I say quite serious things. But in your bubbles of laughter, it just settles down in your mind. That is how you should do it because humour is one of the greatest things that push the thing through, makes the person understand and it does not harm anyone. That is how things improve. WITHIN YOU 14 INCA If you do not have the blessings of Shri Ganesha, you will be a completely useless fellow as a Sahaja Yogi because all the time you are seeing the bad points of others. All the time you are devoiding, I should You are getting into a problem by say. which you cannot enjoy anything By temperament, you think you are very serious, you are very mature, you are very developed – but you are not innocent. Such a person gives such a headache to everyone and, if there is one like that in the family, people want to get rid of him. So you should have the quality of Shri Ganesha, which is of giving joy to others. It depends on how much joy you can give to others. It does not want anything. Such a person won't say that "I must get this, I must have this position, I should be a leader, I should be this and that" no. He just enjoys giving joy – joy to others – and being humourous and kind and never, never tries to insult anyone and hurt anyone. ENJOYS GIVING JOY HUMOUR BEHIND If such a person hurts by mistake, also he goes on repenting about it and a hundred times he will beg your pardon if he has hurt you. Such a happy person is a real Sahaja Yogi. That is the one we want to have around those who have no hatred for anyone, no malice for anyone and not finding faults with another, but trying to find what is the good point of that person, what is so special about that person. He is not bothered as to what colour you are, whether you are black or white, whether you are tall or short. It makes no difference because it is absolute joy. And for this absolute joy, you do not criti- cize and you do not try to find faults with others. Now the problem is that people are getting very much advanced in this modern era – very advanced and they are very much more advanced in criticizing others. That is the maxim they have. It is to criticize others. And also they have another very bad quality, to identify themselves with the country in which they live or with the family with whom they are. I have seen it creates such a problem. Also they identify themselves with the different religions they follow. Or imagine from this how many problems have come up, that you start differentiating between one and another. For example now, supposing he who is born in one place, so he says he is the best, his country is the best, his people are the best and there is nothing wrong with them. EVERYTHING On the contrary, if a person is a real Sahaja Yogi, who has Ganesha within him now enlightened, then he sees it and enjoys the humour behind it, the humour of all these people, what they are mad after, how they behave. I mean the way he understands the jokes behind it, jokes which are avoiding reality. Reality is only possible if you are in the realm of joy. Otherwise, all the time you find something wrong, something upsetting, so something disturbing. But if you see the humour behind everything, then you are perfectly all right... SEEING THE JOY LY IN EVERY PERSON IN The essence of joy is in seeing in everything the source of joy. Supposing you see something here. Now if it is odd, it should give you also a great sense of humour. If it is beauti- ful, it should give you another sense of appreciation... I would say My father had a great capacity to do that. Once I went home, so I said this: "My brother was praising this man for his music. What do you think? He is great?" He said, "He is a musician, no doubt, but he is very cou- rageous." I said, "Why?" "Because he may go on singing anything. He never feels bad about it. Everybody might be nervous or everybody might be laughing at it, but he is not at all bothered. He goes on singing in his own ways." So that is the beauty of understanding. Every defect in a person can be enjoyed. It is very much a very subtle sense by which you can enjoy every person. If he has defects, then you enjoy them as a humourous thing. And if he has some- thing very good, then also you can enjoy... Sahaja Yoga is a global thing, absolutely global. It has nothing to do with one country or with one person. It is such a global thing that, if you see the subtle side of it, it is very joy-giving. God Almighty has created this world as one. They might have United Nations, they might have this, they might have that, but still they are so much identified with their country that they also cannot correct that country... SEEING The best thing is to see the joke behind being identified with one country. There is a joy-giving personality a big joke about it. I enjoy it very much. Amongst Sahaja Yogis also I have seen OS. it is very common that they are identified with one country. If you are identified, then you should try to correct that country. You should try to correct those countrymen who are following a particular type of ide- ologies... Once you become global, all your prob- lems of provinces and things are finished. But that does not come into their head, that we have to be global. We are Sahaja Yogis. We cannot identify ourselves with one country or another country. If we do that, then we are still lacking in our uni- versal personality." And this universal personality comes to us from Shri Ganesha. He is a universal personality, whether He is in India, whether He is in Italy or in England. What that per- very innocent, very much innocent. And not only that, sonality is is innocence but He is a joy-giving personality... THE JOKE 11 ΤΟ ΕNIΟΥ TO ENJOY To enjoy your Self and enjoy the chastity of another person is such a great blessing of Shri Ganesha, such a great blessing that you enjoy your own chas- tity. You are not bothered about the other person, if he is chaste or not, if he is doing bad things, if he is a ruined person. It doesn't matter. You do not get spoiled with that. You have your own chastity, chaste moments... your own life of very Just before creating the whole universe, the Mother created Shri Ganesha. If He is there, then life is very easy. Such a society is very easy to live. Such a friendship also is so easy because there is nothing that is possessiveness or any kind of a perversity. When you have bad eyes for women, bad eyes for money, bad eyes for possessions, Ganesha is spoiled. He just knows how to enjoy everything. If it belongs to you, it doesn't matter. If it belongs to Me, it doesn't matter. But you should know how to enjoy the beauty of it. And that is enjoyment. When you have it within yourself, you do not grow old because all the time you are enjoying. What is there to grow old? Normally it doesn't happen. You are very critical. You are very selfish and stupid sometimes – very much stupid. All that you lose, all that grip over your Self which is joy.... 886 Self is nothing but joy. A joyous person is definitely a person who has got his Self expressing through his joy. Such a person is so joy-giving, so humourous and never degrading anyone. In every small thing, it sees a beauty. And the nature of every cre- ation is so beautiful... If you have that problem of unhappiness, just be on the watch- out and see why. Why have you developed this kind of a funny attitude towards everything? Why can't you enjoy everything? You go on watching this person, that person. You never enjoy. While if you watch the children, it is very interesting.... There was a joke about a child. They had a guest in their house for food and he was eating. So this child saw that man eating. He said, "Mama, he doesn't eat like a horse. You said he eats like a horse." So that is what they are, very simple, very simple-hearted and that is how they correct people. 13 BUT FOR MY SENSE OF HUMOUR, I would not have existed or allowed Myself to live. The amount of things I have to tolerate ... the way they behave, it's fine, finding it out sometimes. And sometimes it is the way they question Me. Then the only thing I can do is to just laugh it out and use My sense of humour and be there and work it out. THE WHOLE THING BECOMES A VERY BEAUTIFUL UNDERSTANDING Oof the PEEP IN YOUR reality about yourself and you laugh at yourself all the time. All the time you laugh at yourself and you laugh at everything and you find the whole joke going around, how people are seriously indulging HEART AND YOU WILL FIND into nonsensical things and how it is such a big joke. You have been THE SOURCE OF yourself worrying about things which have no meaning, which have no significance. I went first to Paris and people told Me, "Mother, they are not YOUR JOY. going to like You very much because they believe a person who is so happy is ignorant. You should not be a happy person. You should be a crying baby so they will believe You. They are all Les Miserables, very unhappy people, extremely unhappy. And if You tell them You are a happy person, so they are going to be shocked at such a thing." I said, "Really? This Les Miserables, let Me do something about them." And I made them laugh so much at their miseries that they got all right and they understood that the joy is just there. You have to just peep in your heart and you will find the source of your joy and then the whole thing vanishes into thin air. But it has to work. It has to happen. ACHIEVE A KIND OF A CONTROL OVER YOUR TONGUE to talk sweetly. Some people have to go through penance for that. For them to talk sweetly is like taking rhubarb again. They just cannot talk sweetly... In that sarcasm, they have a special pleasure. Try to say something sweetly. You can be humourous without being sarcastic. Humour is the best What is the need to be sarcastic? There is no need at way. all. It is a sign of cowardliness, sarcasm. It is a sign that you want to hurt others, that you are not straightforward. So try to avoid sarcastic talking. If you are sarcastic, better tell your tongue to behave itself. 14 28-8 THE WAY YOU TALK TO A PERSON you can suggest to him what is so special about that person or the defects of that person. But you need not say directly something to him if you say indirectly, in such a humourous manner that the person will understand. So in communication with others you have to be a very humourous person. But mostly I have seen people have humour if somebody cannot walk straight. If a physical problem is there they will laugh. If he has not properly made his hair, then they will laugh. On some sort of a very superficial thing they laugh. This is not humourous. This is some sort of a criticism in laughter. Or some people have a humour like this, that they say sarcastic things. That is no good. You say one word to somebody, sarcastic. You think you are brilliant, but you are lost forever for that person. MANY THINGS CAN BE SAID IN HUMOUR that do not give such a sting to people.... You will learn what is love, which is detached. You will learn what is humour which tickles, but does not hurt. You will learn also what to say in your lectures, what to listen to. And of all things, you will| know how to fulfill the visions of God Almighty. EVERY HUMAN BEING LAUGHS THE SAME WAY. Does he laugh in a different way...? When you get realized, you start seeing what the drama and the play and the whole thing is. You must have seen that most of the Sahaja Yogis are always laughing because they see the way things are happen- ing. Even when they see a guru misbehaving or something, they just feel like laughing at how absurd it is. SAHAJA YOGA MUST BE WwORKED OUT ON YOURSELF. The one who does not feel happy in Sahaja Yoga must know that there is something wrong. You have to feel joyous and happy. If you do not feel happy, if you cannot laugh out, then there is something wrong with you and that should be corrected. The first sign of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has a glow on his face and that he is always joyous and happy. So this is one point we have to remember, that we have to be joyous people, happy people. At the same time, we should be responsible. 17 LAUGH AT YOURSELF As LAo TSE SAID ... when a wise man sees the way, he respects it and says this is the way. That is the sign of a wise man. And a mediocre man, who is half way this way and that way, when he sees the way, way, he laughs. But when the wise sees the stupid in himself, he laughs. the he waits for others to go into it. And when the stupid sees A LAUGH OF APPRECIATION, a laugh of enjoyment – it is so pure and creates such a beautiful atmosphere. I think the whole ecological problem is in our brains.... I is not outside. It is inside us, which is reflected outside.... You are all grown-up children of Mine and I want you to know all the beauties that are within you that you have to enjoy. First of all, learn to laugh at yourself. That is the best way to enjoy yourself. And not to spend much time in the mirror, that is another way. If you spend too much on the mirror, then something is wrong with you. I think, personally, that it is a kind of a possession maybe. So what you should see inside is "Are we Sahaj Dharmis? Mother has established Sahaj Dharma, much more than what Krishna wanted to establish." He wanted to establish the dharma of love, which of course we have. But apart from that, we have so many other beautiful facets and such beautiful things within our personality that we have forgotten to enjoy. ONE OF THE BASIC THINGS we should avoid is to criticize others. It is better to criticize yourself. Criticize yourself, criticize your brothers and sisters, criticize your country, criticize all the habits you have and laugh at yourself is the best way. If you know how to laugh at yourself, then you will not object or will not stand in the way of any creativity of another person. 18 LAUGHTER This is just a drama going on. And you are involved into it. And the drama breaks through. And when this drama breaks, you start seeing it. You start laughing at it, at yourself also, that "Why was I worried? This is just a drama." And then, when the Kundalini rises even higher at that point and crosses it, you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought in your mind. You do not think any more. You become silent. Normally the right-sided people are extremely serious, very serious. Even if you tickle them, they won't laugh. But Buddha is laughing all the time with both His hands like this, enjoying Himself. See the contrast. So when you are working without any desire, only then, this state can be achieved that you will be all the time laughing.... This is how our ego can be dis- solved. When you say, "Mother, we surrender to You," that just means that you give that horrible ego a complete holiday.... Then you will laugh at everything. You will make fun of yourself, just enjoy everything. Try that your ego does not react. That can be achieved very easily if you try in the mirror. Look at yourself and laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself. You think of yourself. Who are you? What do you have? Nothing. As Sahaja Yogis, you have to realize that you are not that stupid. You are crowned with your Self. Now you are not going to behave like these stupid people and their fashions. Give it up. They laugh at you. You laugh at them. In a lunatic asylum, if you go, all the lunatics will say, “Oh, so you have also come here to join us." Isn't it? They all think they are the wisest and you get lost with them. You start thinking, “Am I a lunatic myself?" So you all, when you see such a person, you should just laugh at them. When you become part and parcel of the Virata, then you do not have to even think. You just see it and you laugh. You just see and you know it is wrong. It is all absurdity. 0000 JOY IS A WITNESS. It is a kind of a power of a witness which sees a drama. By seeing the drama, whether tragedy or comedy, it is at a point where it is just a witness and you are enjoying it. In the same way, you will see so-called comedies and tragedies of your life and the futility of your nonsensical endeavours and you will laugh at it. "Oh that's it, that's me." For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare has tried to show the futility of all those egos. According to Indian standards, he was avadhuta, as they call it, a person who was realized and was a very evolved personality. And if you want to see how Romeo should get his Realization and how he should feel that, after all, that happened. He should laugh loudly. He gets Realization. "Oh, what a fool, a stupid thing I was." Shakespeare did not show him getting Realization. He kept it for us Sahaja Yogis to see it, but he should have seen to it that Romeo laughs at himself and makes fun of himself. "Oh, stupid Mr. Romeo, now you better settle down...." Once you are realized, you laugh at yourself. "Oh God, I was so stupid,." That is what should happen. If that does not happen, your Self Realization has no meaning. It has no meaning. 22 WILLIAM BLAKE When I read him I am amazed at His sense of humour, how He openly comes out with such remarks. I feel He is like Markandeya in India or Kabir Das in India, who slashed the whole society with their sword all the time to see that they are brought to the proper shape, without fear, but so gentle. If you read the song he came as a poet, a remarkable poet, the way he rhymes it and the sense of humour he has and the way he unfolds of the Thel, it is so gentle.... That is how the beauty of words as any poet should do. In Sanskrit, it is said "vakyam rasatmakam kavyam" – poetry is full of rasats. Rasats means the essences, the explosion of essences through words. If it cOuld be done, then the magic of it is called as poetry and that is what you find in Blake, such a great poet. Poetry is only great when it talks of the Divine. Just laugh at yourself for feeling guilty. That is the best way. Do not condemn yourself. You start laughing at yourself and nothing but compassion and love flows from your heart. This is what exactly happens to you. And when that happens, you really enjoy yourself and you enjoy others. You are so much filled with joy that you become enthralled with it. The man who is one with God is always in joy, laughing, very peaceful, extremely compassionate and very powerful too. Such a person, with one glance, can cure you. With one glance, he can take out all kinds of devils from you. But when such a person meets the children, he is love. At how many things you can laugh, that is one of the biggest qualities. 25 LAUGHTER IF YOU WANT TO BE POSITIVE, it is very easy. And for that you should see, "Where is your attention?" Are you only seeing problems or are you seeing some fun in it? There are people who cannot make fun out of anything. If it is a sunny day, they will cry, "Oh God, what a sunny day!" And if it is a day with clouds, they will say, "Oh, what a day!" Nothing can please them. But to enjoy the positivity in every nega- tivity is the capacity of a Sahaja Yogi. The negativity does not exist. It is an ignorance. Also, it is not ignorance because ignorance also does not exist. If everything is the All-Pervading Power, then how can there be ignorance? But supposing, in the folds of this power, if you hide, run away, you will say that there is negativity. It is like, you hide yourself in a cave, close it properly and say that there is no sun. // BUT WITH ATTENTION As GURU NANAKA HAS SAID, a little boy is playing with his kite. The kite is going all over and he is talking to his friends, joking... But see, the attention is on the kite. There is a lady who is cleaning her house with a little child on her waist and she is cleaning the house and brooming it. She is doing everything, but her attention is on her child. Then there are ladies in India. They have three, four pitchers filled with water and they walk with both the hands like this. They know how to balance it. They are talking to each other, laughing, making fun, pulling legs, but the attention is on the pitchers. My attention is always on your Kundalini. 27 THE GREATEST CORRRECTION THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LAUGHING. Laughing is the greatest cor- rection. You will laugh at yourself. You will laugh at others. Do not make others look ridiculous, but just enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful people, very beautiful. It is like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance of another beautiful flower. That is what it should be. One should not feel that "Oh, look at this flower, it's so beautiful." Look at yourself. You are so beautiful too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of another flower, you cannot know what you are because you are all just the same inside. You are all people whose spirit have come into their attention, wonderful people, certified yogis. UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU DEVELOP THAT AWE, a complete awe within you, your Guru Principle won't develop. No liberty is to be taken. I am telling you Myself, but I am extremely elusive. Next moment I will make you laugh and forget about it because I am testing your freedom to do it – complete freedom. I will play with you in such a manner that you will be forgetting every moment that I am your guru – every moment. So first of all, you must find out about your own guru. Establish Her in your heart. I mean you have a wonderful guru otherwise. I must say, I wish I had one like that. 71 YOU ARE IN JOY ALL THE TIME You cannot be serious for more than two minutes. It is very difficult to keep serious. The sense of humour is so beautiful. You will never use vulgarity or hurting things or coarser remarks, but the whole thing is so beautiful. When you speak, people feel the flowers throwing their fragrance at you. Every action that you do creates joy, a ripple of joy. Every movement you create, every rhythm you speak, it gives you joy. At that time you feel perfected. When you see a picture which is beautiful, immediately you go into thoughtless awareness and the complete joy of that creation starts blossoming. You just feel the joy. When you become silent, you do not think much. You do not think. You become the joy – anand. That is the perfect state in which you feel peace. It is so beautiful that you want to be there all the time. This joy is the movement of your ocean of love. It is the beautiful movement of the clouds that you see. 30 It is fantastic. You just get drenched into it and you do everything for love's sake and you don't think you are doing it for love's sake. You do not see that way. You just do it because it is so joy-giving. That it is the greatest thing. You may have anything in the world. It will not be that much joy-giving as this joy of the spirit. You will never feel lonely. You are never bored. Whether you are alone or with anyone, you are in joy... The whole system changes. I just pray that all of you should achieve that state of joy.... I hope you grow in it by taking up a stand on the truth. Grow into it. You progress into it. It is so wonderful and so beautiful and that is what your Father wants you to have. He is the most generous Father. He can't enjoy His kingdom unless and until He has given it to you, that He has made you sit on His throne. That is the greatest joy that He wants to have and that is what you should achieve. That is what you should have. That is your right to have. THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE SUBSCRIPTIONS: CONTENT: PRINTED BY King Printing Company Inc. Lowell Massachusetts USA and Nirmal Transformation Pvt Ltd. Pune Maharashtra India PHOTOGRAPHS: Place and date unknown, except: Front cover: Pratishthan India 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Page 6: India 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Page 7: Shri Adi Shakti Puja 1995 Page 8: Leningrad 1994 Page 10 and 11: 1982 Pages 12 and 13: London 1981 Page 16 and 17: Guru Puja 1983 Page 22: Sahasrara Puja, 1991 (C. Heinsen) Page 27: Guru Puja 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Back cover: morning sun through a drop of water, Vancouver Canada SHRI MATAJI'S WORDS: First page: To My Flower Children, 1971 Page 1: 7 February 1985 Page 3: Devi Puja 1985 Page 3: Birthday Puja 1985 Pages 4 to 13: Shri Ganesha Puja 2002 Page 14: 5 June 1979 Page 14: 20 March 1981 Page 14: Easter Puja 1984 Page 16: 2 February 1983 Page 16: 17 August 1990 Page 17: Shri Krishna Puja 1991 Page 17: Hamsa Puja 1991 Page 18: 8 July 1984 Page 18: Shri Krishna Puja 1997 Page 18: Sahasrara Puja 1989 Page 21: Virat Viratangana Puja 1993 Page 21: 19 July 1980 Page 21: Shri Buddha Puja 1991 Page 21: 4 May 1995 Page 22: 8 July 1984 Page 23: 28 November 1985 Page 24: 1 November 1983 Page 24: 9 November 1999 Page 25: 9 July 1986 Page 25: 2 August 1981 Page 26: Shri Bhairavanath Puja 1989 Page 27: Navaratri Puja 1990 Page 28: Hamsa Puja 1988 Page 28: Guru Puja 1980 Page 30 and 32: 7 October 1981 Back cover: 25 September 1995 Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. Everything you see gives you joy. ---------------------- 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-0.txt The Divine Cool Breeze 2011 issue 3 – volume twenty-four number three 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-1.txt HUMOUR laughter I will adorn your life with beautiful blossoms and fill your moments with joyful fragrance. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-2.txt See the humbleness of the Divine, how It is trying to please you and amuse you and make you happy – in the nature, also in the lectures. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-3.txt THERE IS JOY 667 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-4.txt A SAHAJA YOGI shoulD NOT BE A SERIOUS PERSON. That is one thing that does not behoove a Sahaja Yogi, to be serious. You should be smiling, laughing, enjoying. If he is a serious person then he is not a Sahaja Yogi. I cannot keep serious for more than five minutes – at the most five minutes. Even if I have to scold somebody, I prepare Myself. Then I come down and I shout. And then after five minutes, if I don't run away, then you will find Me again laughing. I can't. It is all a joke. So nobody should be serious. That is one thing. Nobody should be serious. You should be always smiling and happy people because there is joy within you. HUMOUR IS A TOOL In all humour, we should understand what this stupid thing called ego is. In all humour, not in seriousness, for I don't want you to again feel guilty.... This is the art of living. This is the art of living a Sahaja Yogi life. It is the art of living it, how with little few things you see how to manage. Now you must have seen how in My lectures I say quite serious things. But in your bubbles of laughter, it just settles down in your mind. That is how you should do it because humour is one of the greatest things that push the thing through, makes the person understand and it does not harm anyone. That is how things improve. WITHIN YOU 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-5.txt 14 INCA If you do not have the blessings of Shri Ganesha, you will be a completely useless fellow as a Sahaja Yogi because all the time you are seeing the bad points of others. All the time you are devoiding, I should You are getting into a problem by say. which you cannot enjoy anything 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-6.txt By temperament, you think you are very serious, you are very mature, you are very developed – but you are not innocent. Such a person gives such a headache to everyone and, if there is one like that in the family, people want to get rid of him. So you should have the quality of Shri Ganesha, which is of giving joy to others. It depends on how much joy you can give to others. It does not want anything. Such a person won't say that "I must get this, I must have this position, I should be a leader, I should be this and that" no. He just enjoys giving joy – joy to others – and being humourous and kind and never, never tries to insult anyone and hurt anyone. ENJOYS GIVING JOY 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-7.txt HUMOUR BEHIND If such a person hurts by mistake, also he goes on repenting about it and a hundred times he will beg your pardon if he has hurt you. Such a happy person is a real Sahaja Yogi. That is the one we want to have around those who have no hatred for anyone, no malice for anyone and not finding faults with another, but trying to find what is the good point of that person, what is so special about that person. He is not bothered as to what colour you are, whether you are black or white, whether you are tall or short. It makes no difference because it is absolute joy. And for this absolute joy, you do not criti- cize and you do not try to find faults with others. Now the problem is that people are getting very much advanced in this modern era – very advanced and they are very much more advanced in criticizing others. That is the maxim they have. It is to criticize others. And also they have another very bad quality, to identify themselves with the country in which they live or with the family with whom they are. I have seen it creates such a problem. Also they identify themselves with the different religions they follow. Or imagine from this how many problems have come up, that you start differentiating between one and another. For example now, supposing he who is born in one place, so he says he is the best, his country is the best, his people are the best and there is nothing wrong with them. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-8.txt EVERYTHING On the contrary, if a person is a real Sahaja Yogi, who has Ganesha within him now enlightened, then he sees it and enjoys the humour behind it, the humour of all these people, what they are mad after, how they behave. I mean the way he understands the jokes behind it, jokes which are avoiding reality. Reality is only possible if you are in the realm of joy. Otherwise, all the time you find something wrong, something upsetting, so something disturbing. But if you see the humour behind everything, then you are perfectly all right... 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-9.txt SEEING THE JOY LY 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-10.txt IN EVERY PERSON IN The essence of joy is in seeing in everything the source of joy. Supposing you see something here. Now if it is odd, it should give you also a great sense of humour. If it is beauti- ful, it should give you another sense of appreciation... I would say My father had a great capacity to do that. Once I went home, so I said this: "My brother was praising this man for his music. What do you think? He is great?" He said, "He is a musician, no doubt, but he is very cou- rageous." I said, "Why?" "Because he may go on singing anything. He never feels bad about it. Everybody might be nervous or everybody might be laughing at it, but he is not at all bothered. He goes on singing in his own ways." So that is the beauty of understanding. Every defect in a person can be enjoyed. It is very much a very subtle sense by which you can enjoy every person. If he has defects, then you enjoy them as a humourous thing. And if he has some- thing very good, then also you can enjoy... Sahaja Yoga is a global thing, absolutely global. It has nothing to do with one country or with one person. It is such a global thing that, if you see the subtle side of it, it is very joy-giving. God Almighty has created this world as one. They might have United Nations, they might have this, they might have that, but still they are so much identified with their country that they also cannot correct that country... 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-11.txt SEEING The best thing is to see the joke behind being identified with one country. There is a joy-giving personality a big joke about it. I enjoy it very much. Amongst Sahaja Yogis also I have seen OS. it is very common that they are identified with one country. If you are identified, then you should try to correct that country. You should try to correct those countrymen who are following a particular type of ide- ologies... Once you become global, all your prob- lems of provinces and things are finished. But that does not come into their head, that we have to be global. We are Sahaja Yogis. We cannot identify ourselves with one country or another country. If we do that, then we are still lacking in our uni- versal personality." And this universal personality comes to us from Shri Ganesha. He is a universal personality, whether He is in India, whether He is in Italy or in England. What that per- very innocent, very much innocent. And not only that, sonality is is innocence but He is a joy-giving personality... 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-12.txt THE JOKE 11 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-13.txt ΤΟ ΕNIΟΥ TO ENJOY To enjoy your Self and enjoy the chastity of another person is such a great blessing of Shri Ganesha, such a great blessing that you enjoy your own chas- tity. You are not bothered about the other person, if he is chaste or not, if he is doing bad things, if he is a ruined person. It doesn't matter. You do not get spoiled with that. You have your own chastity, chaste moments... your own life of very Just before creating the whole universe, the Mother created Shri Ganesha. If He is there, then life is very easy. Such a society is very easy to live. Such a friendship also is so easy because there is nothing that is possessiveness or any kind of a perversity. When you have bad eyes for women, bad eyes for money, bad eyes for possessions, Ganesha is spoiled. He just knows how to enjoy everything. If it belongs to you, it doesn't matter. If it belongs to Me, it doesn't matter. But you should know how to enjoy the beauty of it. And that is enjoyment. When you have it within yourself, you do not grow old because all the time you are enjoying. What is there to grow old? Normally it doesn't happen. You are very critical. You are very selfish and stupid sometimes – very much stupid. All that you lose, all that grip over your Self which is joy.... 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-14.txt 886 Self is nothing but joy. A joyous person is definitely a person who has got his Self expressing through his joy. Such a person is so joy-giving, so humourous and never degrading anyone. In every small thing, it sees a beauty. And the nature of every cre- ation is so beautiful... If you have that problem of unhappiness, just be on the watch- out and see why. Why have you developed this kind of a funny attitude towards everything? Why can't you enjoy everything? You go on watching this person, that person. You never enjoy. While if you watch the children, it is very interesting.... There was a joke about a child. They had a guest in their house for food and he was eating. So this child saw that man eating. He said, "Mama, he doesn't eat like a horse. You said he eats like a horse." So that is what they are, very simple, very simple-hearted and that is how they correct people. 13 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-15.txt BUT FOR MY SENSE OF HUMOUR, I would not have existed or allowed Myself to live. The amount of things I have to tolerate ... the way they behave, it's fine, finding it out sometimes. And sometimes it is the way they question Me. Then the only thing I can do is to just laugh it out and use My sense of humour and be there and work it out. THE WHOLE THING BECOMES A VERY BEAUTIFUL UNDERSTANDING Oof the PEEP IN YOUR reality about yourself and you laugh at yourself all the time. All the time you laugh at yourself and you laugh at everything and you find the whole joke going around, how people are seriously indulging HEART AND YOU WILL FIND into nonsensical things and how it is such a big joke. You have been THE SOURCE OF yourself worrying about things which have no meaning, which have no significance. I went first to Paris and people told Me, "Mother, they are not YOUR JOY. going to like You very much because they believe a person who is so happy is ignorant. You should not be a happy person. You should be a crying baby so they will believe You. They are all Les Miserables, very unhappy people, extremely unhappy. And if You tell them You are a happy person, so they are going to be shocked at such a thing." I said, "Really? This Les Miserables, let Me do something about them." And I made them laugh so much at their miseries that they got all right and they understood that the joy is just there. You have to just peep in your heart and you will find the source of your joy and then the whole thing vanishes into thin air. But it has to work. It has to happen. ACHIEVE A KIND OF A CONTROL OVER YOUR TONGUE to talk sweetly. Some people have to go through penance for that. For them to talk sweetly is like taking rhubarb again. They just cannot talk sweetly... In that sarcasm, they have a special pleasure. Try to say something sweetly. You can be humourous without being sarcastic. Humour is the best What is the need to be sarcastic? There is no need at way. all. It is a sign of cowardliness, sarcasm. It is a sign that you want to hurt others, that you are not straightforward. So try to avoid sarcastic talking. If you are sarcastic, better tell your tongue to behave itself. 14 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-16.txt 28-8 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-17.txt THE WAY YOU TALK TO A PERSON you can suggest to him what is so special about that person or the defects of that person. But you need not say directly something to him if you say indirectly, in such a humourous manner that the person will understand. So in communication with others you have to be a very humourous person. But mostly I have seen people have humour if somebody cannot walk straight. If a physical problem is there they will laugh. If he has not properly made his hair, then they will laugh. On some sort of a very superficial thing they laugh. This is not humourous. This is some sort of a criticism in laughter. Or some people have a humour like this, that they say sarcastic things. That is no good. You say one word to somebody, sarcastic. You think you are brilliant, but you are lost forever for that person. MANY THINGS CAN BE SAID IN HUMOUR that do not give such a sting to people.... You will learn what is love, which is detached. You will learn what is humour which tickles, but does not hurt. You will learn also what to say in your lectures, what to listen to. And of all things, you will| know how to fulfill the visions of God Almighty. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-18.txt EVERY HUMAN BEING LAUGHS THE SAME WAY. Does he laugh in a different way...? When you get realized, you start seeing what the drama and the play and the whole thing is. You must have seen that most of the Sahaja Yogis are always laughing because they see the way things are happen- ing. Even when they see a guru misbehaving or something, they just feel like laughing at how absurd it is. SAHAJA YOGA MUST BE WwORKED OUT ON YOURSELF. The one who does not feel happy in Sahaja Yoga must know that there is something wrong. You have to feel joyous and happy. If you do not feel happy, if you cannot laugh out, then there is something wrong with you and that should be corrected. The first sign of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has a glow on his face and that he is always joyous and happy. So this is one point we have to remember, that we have to be joyous people, happy people. At the same time, we should be responsible. 17 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-19.txt LAUGH AT YOURSELF As LAo TSE SAID ... when a wise man sees the way, he respects it and says this is the way. That is the sign of a wise man. And a mediocre man, who is half way this way and that way, when he sees the way, way, he laughs. But when the wise sees the stupid in himself, he laughs. the he waits for others to go into it. And when the stupid sees A LAUGH OF APPRECIATION, a laugh of enjoyment – it is so pure and creates such a beautiful atmosphere. I think the whole ecological problem is in our brains.... I is not outside. It is inside us, which is reflected outside.... You are all grown-up children of Mine and I want you to know all the beauties that are within you that you have to enjoy. First of all, learn to laugh at yourself. That is the best way to enjoy yourself. And not to spend much time in the mirror, that is another way. If you spend too much on the mirror, then something is wrong with you. I think, personally, that it is a kind of a possession maybe. So what you should see inside is "Are we Sahaj Dharmis? Mother has established Sahaj Dharma, much more than what Krishna wanted to establish." He wanted to establish the dharma of love, which of course we have. But apart from that, we have so many other beautiful facets and such beautiful things within our personality that we have forgotten to enjoy. ONE OF THE BASIC THINGS we should avoid is to criticize others. It is better to criticize yourself. Criticize yourself, criticize your brothers and sisters, criticize your country, criticize all the habits you have and laugh at yourself is the best way. If you know how to laugh at yourself, then you will not object or will not stand in the way of any creativity of another person. 18 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-21.txt LAUGHTER This is just a drama going on. And you are involved into it. And the drama breaks through. And when this drama breaks, you start seeing it. You start laughing at it, at yourself also, that "Why was I worried? This is just a drama." And then, when the Kundalini rises even higher at that point and crosses it, you become thoughtlessly aware. There is no thought in your mind. You do not think any more. You become silent. Normally the right-sided people are extremely serious, very serious. Even if you tickle them, they won't laugh. But Buddha is laughing all the time with both His hands like this, enjoying Himself. See the contrast. So when you are working without any desire, only then, this state can be achieved that you will be all the time laughing.... This is how our ego can be dis- solved. When you say, "Mother, we surrender to You," that just means that you give that horrible ego a complete holiday.... Then you will laugh at everything. You will make fun of yourself, just enjoy everything. Try that your ego does not react. That can be achieved very easily if you try in the mirror. Look at yourself and laugh at yourself. Make fun of yourself. You think of yourself. Who are you? What do you have? Nothing. As Sahaja Yogis, you have to realize that you are not that stupid. You are crowned with your Self. Now you are not going to behave like these stupid people and their fashions. Give it up. They laugh at you. You laugh at them. In a lunatic asylum, if you go, all the lunatics will say, “Oh, so you have also come here to join us." Isn't it? They all think they are the wisest and you get lost with them. You start thinking, “Am I a lunatic myself?" So you all, when you see such a person, you should just laugh at them. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-22.txt When you become part and parcel of the Virata, then you do not have to even think. You just see it and you laugh. You just see and you know it is wrong. It is all absurdity. 0000 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-23.txt JOY IS A WITNESS. It is a kind of a power of a witness which sees a drama. By seeing the drama, whether tragedy or comedy, it is at a point where it is just a witness and you are enjoying it. In the same way, you will see so-called comedies and tragedies of your life and the futility of your nonsensical endeavours and you will laugh at it. "Oh that's it, that's me." For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare has tried to show the futility of all those egos. According to Indian standards, he was avadhuta, as they call it, a person who was realized and was a very evolved personality. And if you want to see how Romeo should get his Realization and how he should feel that, after all, that happened. He should laugh loudly. He gets Realization. "Oh, what a fool, a stupid thing I was." Shakespeare did not show him getting Realization. He kept it for us Sahaja Yogis to see it, but he should have seen to it that Romeo laughs at himself and makes fun of himself. "Oh, stupid Mr. Romeo, now you better settle down...." Once you are realized, you laugh at yourself. "Oh God, I was so stupid,." That is what should happen. If that does not happen, your Self Realization has no meaning. It has no meaning. 22 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-24.txt WILLIAM BLAKE When I read him I am amazed at His sense of humour, how He openly comes out with such remarks. I feel He is like Markandeya in India or Kabir Das in India, who slashed the whole society with their sword all the time to see that they are brought to the proper shape, without fear, but so gentle. If you read the song he came as a poet, a remarkable poet, the way he rhymes it and the sense of humour he has and the way he unfolds of the Thel, it is so gentle.... That is how the beauty of words as any poet should do. In Sanskrit, it is said "vakyam rasatmakam kavyam" – poetry is full of rasats. Rasats means the essences, the explosion of essences through words. If it cOuld be done, then the magic of it is called as poetry and that is what you find in Blake, such a great poet. Poetry is only great when it talks of the Divine. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-25.txt Just laugh at yourself for feeling guilty. That is the best way. Do not condemn yourself. You start laughing at yourself and nothing but compassion and love flows from your heart. This is what exactly happens to you. And when that happens, you really enjoy yourself and you enjoy others. You are so much filled with joy that you become enthralled with it. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-26.txt The man who is one with God is always in joy, laughing, very peaceful, extremely compassionate and very powerful too. Such a person, with one glance, can cure you. With one glance, he can take out all kinds of devils from you. But when such a person meets the children, he is love. At how many things you can laugh, that is one of the biggest qualities. 25 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-27.txt LAUGHTER IF YOU WANT TO BE POSITIVE, it is very easy. And for that you should see, "Where is your attention?" Are you only seeing problems or are you seeing some fun in it? There are people who cannot make fun out of anything. If it is a sunny day, they will cry, "Oh God, what a sunny day!" And if it is a day with clouds, they will say, "Oh, what a day!" Nothing can please them. But to enjoy the positivity in every nega- tivity is the capacity of a Sahaja Yogi. The negativity does not exist. It is an ignorance. Also, it is not ignorance because ignorance also does not exist. If everything is the All-Pervading Power, then how can there be ignorance? But supposing, in the folds of this power, if you hide, run away, you will say that there is negativity. It is like, you hide yourself in a cave, close it properly and say that there is no sun. // 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-28.txt BUT WITH ATTENTION As GURU NANAKA HAS SAID, a little boy is playing with his kite. The kite is going all over and he is talking to his friends, joking... But see, the attention is on the kite. There is a lady who is cleaning her house with a little child on her waist and she is cleaning the house and brooming it. She is doing everything, but her attention is on her child. Then there are ladies in India. They have three, four pitchers filled with water and they walk with both the hands like this. They know how to balance it. They are talking to each other, laughing, making fun, pulling legs, but the attention is on the pitchers. My attention is always on your Kundalini. 27 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-29.txt THE GREATEST CORRRECTION THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LAUGHING. Laughing is the greatest cor- rection. You will laugh at yourself. You will laugh at others. Do not make others look ridiculous, but just enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful people, very beautiful. It is like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance of another beautiful flower. That is what it should be. One should not feel that "Oh, look at this flower, it's so beautiful." Look at yourself. You are so beautiful too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of another flower, you cannot know what you are because you are all just the same inside. You are all people whose spirit have come into their attention, wonderful people, certified yogis. UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU DEVELOP THAT AWE, a complete awe within you, your Guru Principle won't develop. No liberty is to be taken. I am telling you Myself, but I am extremely elusive. Next moment I will make you laugh and forget about it because I am testing your freedom to do it – complete freedom. I will play with you in such a manner that you will be forgetting every moment that I am your guru – every moment. So first of all, you must find out about your own guru. Establish Her in your heart. I mean you have a wonderful guru otherwise. I must say, I wish I had one like that. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-30.txt 71 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-31.txt YOU ARE IN JOY ALL THE TIME You cannot be serious for more than two minutes. It is very difficult to keep serious. The sense of humour is so beautiful. You will never use vulgarity or hurting things or coarser remarks, but the whole thing is so beautiful. When you speak, people feel the flowers throwing their fragrance at you. Every action that you do creates joy, a ripple of joy. Every movement you create, every rhythm you speak, it gives you joy. At that time you feel perfected. When you see a picture which is beautiful, immediately you go into thoughtless awareness and the complete joy of that creation starts blossoming. You just feel the joy. When you become silent, you do not think much. You do not think. You become the joy – anand. That is the perfect state in which you feel peace. It is so beautiful that you want to be there all the time. This joy is the movement of your ocean of love. It is the beautiful movement of the clouds that you see. 30 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-33.txt It is fantastic. You just get drenched into it and you do everything for love's sake and you don't think you are doing it for love's sake. You do not see that way. You just do it because it is so joy-giving. That it is the greatest thing. You may have anything in the world. It will not be that much joy-giving as this joy of the spirit. You will never feel lonely. You are never bored. Whether you are alone or with anyone, you are in joy... The whole system changes. I just pray that all of you should achieve that state of joy.... I hope you grow in it by taking up a stand on the truth. Grow into it. You progress into it. It is so wonderful and so beautiful and that is what your Father wants you to have. He is the most generous Father. He can't enjoy His kingdom unless and until He has given it to you, that He has made you sit on His throne. That is the greatest joy that He wants to have and that is what you should achieve. That is what you should have. That is your right to have. 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-34.txt THE DIVINE COOL BREEZE SUBSCRIPTIONS: CONTENT: PRINTED BY King Printing Company Inc. Lowell Massachusetts USA and Nirmal Transformation Pvt Ltd. Pune Maharashtra India PHOTOGRAPHS: Place and date unknown, except: Front cover: Pratishthan India 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Page 6: India 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Page 7: Shri Adi Shakti Puja 1995 Page 8: Leningrad 1994 Page 10 and 11: 1982 Pages 12 and 13: London 1981 Page 16 and 17: Guru Puja 1983 Page 22: Sahasrara Puja, 1991 (C. Heinsen) Page 27: Guru Puja 1990 (Colin Heinsen) Back cover: morning sun through a drop of water, Vancouver Canada SHRI MATAJI'S WORDS: First page: To My Flower Children, 1971 Page 1: 7 February 1985 Page 3: Devi Puja 1985 Page 3: Birthday Puja 1985 Pages 4 to 13: Shri Ganesha Puja 2002 Page 14: 5 June 1979 Page 14: 20 March 1981 Page 14: Easter Puja 1984 Page 16: 2 February 1983 Page 16: 17 August 1990 Page 17: Shri Krishna Puja 1991 Page 17: Hamsa Puja 1991 Page 18: 8 July 1984 Page 18: Shri Krishna Puja 1997 Page 18: Sahasrara Puja 1989 Page 21: Virat Viratangana Puja 1993 Page 21: 19 July 1980 Page 21: Shri Buddha Puja 1991 Page 21: 4 May 1995 Page 22: 8 July 1984 Page 23: 28 November 1985 Page 24: 1 November 1983 Page 24: 9 November 1999 Page 25: 9 July 1986 Page 25: 2 August 1981 Page 26: Shri Bhairavanath Puja 1989 Page 27: Navaratri Puja 1990 Page 28: Hamsa Puja 1988 Page 28: Guru Puja 1980 Page 30 and 32: 7 October 1981 Back cover: 25 September 1995 2011_Divine_Cool_Breeze_E_III.pdf-page-35.txt Joy is not like happiness or unhappiness. It is singular. Everything you see gives you joy.