Yuva E Mar.2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical...4 Diseases ...16 Cleansing Clearing Out Chaitanya साक्षात आदिशक्ति ही मानव को दिव्य बनाने का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर रही हैं ...18 About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical 13.1.1986 About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical Clay is good... I said, "Clay is good for them, they'll like it, there's ..." And I see your skin, it's so much better, I see your skin, you see all this you have suffered the sun burnt, whatever you overdid in Ganapatipule, is now being cleared out by this clay because the clay is the one that soothes you. Even if you can put some clay on your stomach, it will take out all the heat from your stomach, very good for liver this clay is. So, I told them that you don't understand that this natural naturopathy that they can have here, 99 they cannot have it. The bridle... The bridle is not there. There's no bridle, in our behavior. We go to extremes in everything. Whatever we do, we go to extremes. There's no bridle in our hands and this is what, one has to get to the bridle. It is not that, it's like a kite which is just moving here and there, it's not that. It's a complete thrust, complete movement with all will power, with all effort, to go to something that is dangerous. I personally think it's a self-destructive character which is built within us as a result of our movement too much outward. Because whatever moves in one direction has to recoil back, it has a reaction. Like the science has developed atomic bomb. Ultimately you do develop a destructive temperament and that is why I think in the west people have no idea how to control the speed backwards. It's more the speed outward to dangerous places they like it. Uterus represents your kundalini Women will never do horse riding because it affects the uterus. The women don't swim after sometime because it affects the uterus and if it affects the uterus, it affects the whole system because uterus represents your Kundalini. Preserve your skin All wrong ideas you have got. That's why I see that in the West everybody is sick. They have this trouble or that trouble or this or that. Certain principles are to be borne in our mind because we are saints and we are precious things. We are not like other Westerners, that we can waster our life like this for some sort of a stupid venture that we think of. Can you imagine all Indians have much better skin than you have. All right. Don't they? Do they ever go in the sun? Never. Have you seen any Indian sitting outside here taking sunbath? I mean the proof of the pudding is that despite all that your skins are so bad. Now how can your skin be good with the sun, let us see. Let us say, Let us take absolutely a chemical reaction. Now what happens that when the, the thing falls upon our skin or upon our head, this head has got a brain and the brain is made of fat. All right? Now if you put the fat in the sun, what will happen? It will melt. And that's how people have melted brains. The brains are not normal, they behave in a way which I don't understand why they behave like this. So first of all if your brain goes out, how can your skin be all right? Because the brain controls the 6. skin. It controls everything. If your brain goes off, I've not met one person who looks beautiful because he has been in the sun. On the contrary, you stay at home. Preserve your skin by staying at home. We are all Gruhasthas The second point is that a Sahaja Yogi should not behave like other Westerners do that at every holiday, they're out. They never sit in the house. Gruhastha. The one who stays in the house. We are all Gruhasthas, householders, we are married people. As soon as you get a holiday you're out. Now you might give an explanation, "Because you see our houses are like this and, we think that our houses are just suffocating us." Have you seen the houses of the poor people here? Have you seen the houses of the labor in Bombay? Nobody goes out for a holiday. All My life I don't think I've been ever out for a holiday with My husband. Only once we tried for two days and we were back from Scotland all the way. We just go for a wedding or a festival or something like that. If there's some collective happening or else you can go for a picnic, all of you together. But you must sit down in the house and talk to each other nicely, there should be some rapport. There's no rapport between the children and the parents, there's no rapport between the husband and the wife, no rapport between the in-laws, other people, no rapport at all. So you become people who are absolutely secluded, shooting off this way, that way, that way. Sit down and talk. Children should be disciplined Now you see our children, now we talk that our children should be disciplined. The best way to discipline your child is to make the child sit down for a while and talk to the child properly. Tell the child what he's supposed to do. You'll find an Indian child goes to somebody's house just keeps quite. But let an English child come. He will break this, he'll break that, give me chocolates, give me this, I want this. You take an Indian child, maybe a poor child to a market, he'll never ask for anything, demand for anything. Never. Even if you give, he'll say, "No, I won't have." He has that self-respect. But if you take a child, any other child, he'll say, "Please buy me this, please buy me that, please buy me that." Without any self-respect, without any discipline. 99 Now where does the discipline come up? Now what we do, supposing a child is there, we are going out, we tell the child, "Now we are going out, and you have to be a self-respecting child because," supposing now you are talking you can say, “You are a realized soul, you are a Sahaja Yogi and you can't behave like a stupid fellow asking for this and that," and sit down quietly, make them sit down. To begin with, you have to do lot of massaging on their body. Lots of massaging, everyday massage, massage, massage the body so the nerves are all right. Then, when you take them out or do anything, before hand, tell them properly, build up their personality of self-respect, of discipline. But you yourself should be disciplined, now you are sitting in the sun, say, for the whole day and you tell your son, "Get inside the house," how will he? A Sahaja Yogi should never go in the sun. Take it from Me. Never, never go in the sun. Because this brain requires complete quietitude and no sun activity is needed. You've already too much sun within yourself. You should not even, when you sleep, there should not be even a ray of sun. Even I, when I sleep I want complete darkness. Even a slightest ray of light is coming, which people know very well, I cannot sleep, because I must act. So the reaction to this light is so much in Me, maybe that I'm very sensitive to all the elements but what about you? You must avoid the sun's light as much as you can when you sleep and also should not sit in the sun for such a long time. Of course sitting in the sun helps you because it gives you Vitamin D, by which, Vitamin D if you take it you build up your bones better but now I think your bones are quite built, there's no need to build your bones anymore. But now by God's grace you are getting soluble calciums which you can eat and you can also have Vitamin D andAif you want to. What is the need of scorching this head? 6. Now, if you sit in the sun, then either you will have a bald head or you will have a jungle in the head. One of the two thing's depending on the personality as you are. Because your brain cannot bear it, your also, he never sits in the sun. It's only somebody has cooked it in your head that you must sit in the sun. If you go and see Eskimos who live in the ice houses, they never bathe in the sun. Have you ever seen them sunbathing? Have you ever seen them? Any picture, anywhere? Then why this special type of stupidity is there among other people because you have lost that sense to know that you are skin cannot bear it. After all we are not jungle people are we? But you ask any jungle person maneuvered. You see, how to befool you. Now you must create some weaknesses for people, if create a weakness how will they prosper with their machineries? So now, let's befool them. If you go to the seashore and you tan your body, you look very beautiful? First of all, you never, you look horrid, horrid you look and secondly they will say that your health will be all right so everybody is going to the seashore, ending up with a skin cancer. Because your body revolts against it that's why you get skin cancer. You get liver troubles, already you are liverish. You are already thinking too much, why do you want to have sun? You've already too much sun within yourself. So what is the reasoning for it? I just don't understand. You must know that today we have the work of the Sahasrara and the Sahasrara is the brain. We have to work on the brain and if you people do not know how to use your brain properly, I don't know what am I going to do. don't you Brains go off with drugs. But we are very destructive, I must tell you. Drugs, now we started taking to drugs, in the name of God. I mean Indians, you make them take drugs, they'll say tell another, I know what it is. And then our brains go off with drugs. Brains are not normal, why we behave like this I can only explain that they have taken drugs, I've seen people who have taken drugs I just don't understand why, there's no logic into their behavior. Just no logic, they just, like the brains of a bullock, they behave the same way. You just can't explain why they behave. They have taken drugs. Now what is drug taking? Is again self-destructive. Because you want to destroy yourself that's why you've taken drugs. Otherwise how many Indians you have known who take drugs? I've never even seen them. 8 Put oil in the head The other day I also said that I don't know why you people don't put any oil whatsoever. Why not put oil in the head, poor head needs the oil always, at least on a Saturday, put so much oil, rub it nicely and have a bath. But people just don't put any oil in their head. I mean you must oil, gear up your brain, don't you think so? If you don't put oil in any machine, it will crack. For this brain which is your special machine after Sahaja Yoga is really a very special one, you must try to put lot of oil in it. Put some oil in the ears, put some oil in the nose. Now the modern theory of the doctors is don't put any oil or anything into the ears and the noses of the children. Rajesh's brother had a child and they went to of course to a latest Doctor from America. And the child was crying, weeping, feeling so horrible and his Brahmarandra, what you call, the fontanel bone area was not filled at all, it was all open. I said, "What's the matter with you people?" They said the doctor has said, “Don't touch the oil." I said, "What?" They said, "He'll have allergy". I said, “Nothing of the kind, you bring the oil." I got one full katori [KATORI MEANS BOWL IN HINDI] of oil, rubbed it on his head, pushed back that thing and I put it in nose, in ears, the child slept like a log of wood. Imagine how much the child must have suffered? These stupid ideas come from where? I don't know, they don't have any oil these days, so what is their idea is to do, some business must be behind it, I don't know what is going on. I don't know what they are going to run by not giving any oil to the children. They must be having some business with that also. Otherwise it is absolutely a stupid idea. I just don't understand that the child has an allergy. But how presumptuous to think like that! Treating Allergies Now why the child has an allergy. Now let Me ask a question. Why a child will have an allergy? The doctors have to answer. Or, of course you are all doctors so you should say. Can I have the answer? Yogi: It could be an imbalance of heat and cold in the body? Shri Mataji: But why? Say on the chakras. You say on the chakras what will be catching. If somebody has allergies, what does it catch? Yogi: The Left Nabhi. Shri Mataji: Correct. Left Nabhi. Left Nabhi will catch. Now that means the mother. Because the child is not yet married so it's the mother. That means mother must be having a left Nabhi herself and that's why the child must catching with that allergy, so instead of punishing the child, why not cure the left Nabhi of the mother and left Nabhi of the child? Now what will you do if there's a left Nabhi of the child? What we can do to help the child to get rid of it? About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical Ah, very simple. Anything that is left can be taken out on the little flame. Put your right hand on the left Nabhi of the child and put your left hand to the flame and finished. Now in diagnosis you are easy but now for medicines, now remember the certain principles of medicines. Very certain principles are there. If it is left side, you have take it to the fire or to the sun or to the flames, all right? If it is a left side [could Shri Mataji have meant "right"?] you have take it to the water in general. Any body suffering from right side, put him in the water, finished. Done. Not in the sun of course. Psoriasis (Clearing) Psoriasis is nothing else but left side problem. Is a lethargic liver. And gives you allergies. For psoriasis, left hand towards the photograph and right hand on the Mother Earth. Putting hot water bottle on the stomach. Or even giving bandhan to your liver with the light is all right. You must see, because psoriasis, now people might think psoriasis means active liver or inactive liver, you see it comes to that point. But we have only two types: active or inactive. Now whether psoriasis is inactive or active you will know from one point that when the liver is inactive you get the allergies, and when it is active you get other problems like what you call that in English, I don't know, nausea and also you get biliousness. You don't eat much, you thin down all these problems are there. Eczema For eczema same thing. Eczema is the same thing, is just like allergy, eczema same thing. But for eczema because it's outward you can use certain things like neem ka pata and all that I've told you and so many things can be used on top. Fungus (Clearing) Is one of the worst thing is fungus. Same thing, but it's the worst thing I should say that it's the left side again is the attack is the left side fungus is all dead and you have to use the left side towards the photograph and right hand on the places wherever you have the fungus, you may take it out that way but don't eat cheese, and the fungousy cheese you are not supposed to eat at all. All the Sahaja Yogis should not eat any fungousy cheese. That blue one, with a crust one, all fungus must to avoided, and also mushrooms if possible. 6. Cow's milk make allergies and eczema worse Cow's milk always give you the left side because she's the mother, and you should not have her milk, because it's left sided. Whether it is cow's milk or buffalo's milk, all will give allergies but if you have animals which are smaller than you like if you can drink like Mahatma Gandhi the goat's milk then you might not have the problem. Bronchial Asthma Bronchial asthma is caused by the combination of the right heart and the left heart. If the parents have been quarreling too much, if they are divorced, if you never had the security of the parent's love, then you get bronchial asthma, but if it is another one just superficial one then it could be from the 10 father's death or from the fatherhood suffering but if father and motherhood both have made you insecure or ifboth of them have died then you get bronchial asthma. Is a combination. Low blood level. Hypo-glycemia I know. Low blood level. That comes from over activity. You should not think so much. Agnya. Too much of Agyna. Agnya chakra. Too much of agnya. Surrender yourself to Christ, absolutely surrender yourselfto Christ, it will work out. Spondylitis Spondylitis is left Vishuddhi. And right Vishuddhi could be also. But mostly left Vishuddhi Spondylitis. Combination also could be. Multiple Sclerosis Shri Mataji : Multiple Sclerosis is comes from Mooladhara. Mooladhara and Nabhi. Left Nabhi and Mooladhara. It's more left sided. Give the treatment of the left side. Saying the name of Ganesha and of Gauri. It will work out. Varicose veins. (Clearing) Shri Mataji : It comes from the people who stand too much all the time and they work very hard. As soon as it starts it's better to cure them, you have to lie down everyday. Those who stand everyday for more than say three-four hours should lie down on bed and do cycling. [SHRI MATAJI MAKES CYCLING MOVEMENTS WITH HER HANDS]. Everyday, that will help reduce the weight maybe due to weight also. Some people have weight, but those who stand, I've seen those who stand for a long time without the heels, if you use the heels you might be better off. With the heels the pressure is not so much then it is distributed more to the lower of those five chakras down below that might help. But, best is to do exercise after you have stood for a long time just lie down in the bed and do cycling, and also massaging, slowly massaging it downward. Also it can work out with the ice treatment, you can put some ice before massaging you can put the ice on them and use very cold oil and rub it, it will work out. Yogi : You recommended heels, what height? Shri Mataji : No, no I didn't say for all of you. I said for varicose veins. Or specially for people who develop problems on the heels. There's no height you just try whatever you can say about one inch will do from one inch onward, anything, not too much one inch or lower, but you see if you develop some sort of a bone on your heels or something like that for that the heels are always better. Little heels are better. Flu Shri Mataji : That's one thing is difficult. Flu. Now for flu, first of all this is again left-sided. But we have got a very good medicine in India I don't know if you have that there is what you call is the basil [IN HINDI IT IS CALLED TULSI]. Basil leaves, you take lots of basil leaves make a concoction, it's called? 11 Yogi : Infusion. Shri Mataji : Huh? Yogi : Infusion. Shri Mataji : No. Yogi : Boil it up in a pot. Shri Mataji : Boil it up in a pot, make it absolutely, the essence take it out quite thick put tea in it or wateror just like the way you want to make it like a tea and put milk or whichever way you want but less milk and sugar because the taste may not be so good. And then you drink it, before that you have to prepare some what you call for dhuni? You all know ajwain ka dhuni. You see you know that. So you take ajwain ka dhuni after that, that's all. You do it three days you'll be all right, cleared out. Psychosomatic is nervousness Shri Mataji: Nehi, nehi. Psychosomatic is nervousness you see. Nervousness can be caused by bad habits. How? Like if you are an air hostess you form a bad habit, as soon as you see the airport [SHRI MATAJI MOVES HER HAND AROUND HER STOMACH INDICATING NERVOUSNESS]. Now those who travel too much. As soon as they have to travel they go off their heads. Over doing anything, you see, you get nervous feeling, it's a matter of habit, you form that habit so it happens. So, I will not say it is due to some bhadha or anything, but your nerves are too much used in a particular way. Then they just give in, they cannot work it out anymore. So then you must change that habit. Supposing you are traveling too much by plane, then travel by a ship, or travel by a train, or by a bullock cart. Or don't travel, something like that, anything that you over do too much that forms a kind of a strain on your nerves. So try to reduce that strain on your nerves. Baldness It's not a disease. But it comes out of many habits. One of them is wearing the hat. If you wear the hat too tight then the circulation of the brain is spoiled and that's when you might get one. Then also with the left Nabhi you might develop a back bald head here if you have a left Nabhi then their's no circulation, it works out that way. And they say that if somebody has a bald head he will get some money, he's a moneyed man, in India. I don't know why we believe in such a thing, but we believe that if you have a bald head means he's a moneyed man, you see, the one who does not have a bald head is not a moneyed man, who doesn't have a belly is not a dignified man, according to Indian standards. But bald head is caused by not using oil. Or, by not using proper oil. Oil should be used properly and the skull must be actually the skull must be rubbed not the skin so that if you rub it the skin must move on the skull and then you won't have this problem. Another is that if you use funny type of oils with lots of fragrance and essences in it then you might get grey hair. And also ghee should never be used for rubbing in the head but you can use it for the body is good ghee or even the butter is good if you are overactive, then, otherwise not, but ghee should never be used or butter should never be used for the hair. 12 Now you have two types of bald heads, as I told you. Some who start from here and some who start from there. [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE FRONT OF HER HEAD AND THEN TO THE BACK]. It's a very interesting subject. [YOGIS LAUGH TOO]. And, those who have both, could be. Now I would say the one which starts from here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE FRONT OF THE HEAD] are the people who are the ones who have got an Ekadesha problem also possibly. With the Ekadesha problem it starts or who are not very collective or something, it will start receding back. All right, those who start from here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD] are the people who may not be good husbands, maybe something wrong with their wives, maybe bad wives, the husband-wife relationship is upsetting then also this starts at the back or maybe there's some incompatibility between the two or too much attachment to the wife or too much attachment to the husband also you start developing like that. All these things are left Nabhi, so the left Nabhi relationship you know is the Gruha Lakshmi relationship, where you adore your wife so much that she's no more a Gruha Lakshmi also is a wrong thing, these things start with that. And also could be, also could be with your hectic life, if you are very hectic in your life running up and down doing too much work also it may start, you don't listen to your wife about it and you think you have to do this work then also it might start it there are so many reasons for the left Nabhi to start, but the one that starts here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO HER FOREHEAD AREA] starts with the right Nabhi or we can say with the Ekadesha more on this side. So I don't know in your case, Johan, what should I blame. I would say is a complete neglect, complete neglect of your hair, no oiling at all that's what it is, I mean if you do not give water to the plant it will die and then if you say why is it caused, I mean if you don't give it water it's the one that it eats, drinks and lives on so oil is the one on which the hair reside. Pain in the knees In the west we get pain in the knees when we sit on the ground, is there anyway of avoiding it? Shri Mataji : You see it is due to the Nabhi you have. Right or the left and no practice of sitting down. Now what you have to do that you have to learn a certain what you call an exercise. I've told people what is the exercise needed for it then you'll get used to it you'll start sitting on the ground all right without feeling the pain on the knees. It will help you in the long run very much. There are certain exercises to be done. But at least your children you make them sit on the ground from now so that there's no problem for them. Why are diseases through generations limited to seven generations? Yogi : Why are diseases through generations limited to seven generations? Or any trouble, Mother, that comes through the generations? Shri Mataji : The problems are like this. There's only one center which covers all the seven centers which is the Mooladhara. Because it is the Omkara. It is the Chaitanya. If Mooladhara is insulted, say I said that if there's an incest relationship and the family grows then it is seven generations. But, if it is between a very holy relationship like a mother and a son or something like that then it is fourteen generations. It's complete insult of Shri Ganesh and so many of these can come 13 About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical from there most of it comes because Shri Ganesha gives you the real strength. Those who have insulted Shri Ganesha are always delicate people physically, so you have to reestablish your Shri Ganesh. To keep the body cool in summer To keep the body cool in summer first of all you have to do is to take some ice and rub it on your liver, keep the liver cool, don't think too much, don't take hot things like in the summer time so many people eat those watermelons and things like that. They should be cooled down properly, like even mangos in India must be cooled down and then taken. All such fruits should be cooled down and then eaten. Some people eat the mangos just from the tree, that's very wrong. You have to cool it down for twenty-four hours and then eat it. This we knew all of us, but in modern times I don't know if people don't know. All these things add up. Then reduce on meats and fish specially, you should not eat fish in the summertime at all. First of all it is spoiled, something wrong with it or else it has phosphorous which ignites you. So avoid all these things, eat things which are cool. Now specially for India it is very easy because we have got something called gool khand which is made out of rose petals which is a very good thing for cooling the liver, then cardamom, then the candy sugar, sugar itself. All these things will cool down your liver and you'll feel very good. It's the change in your diet is very important during the summertime. Hemorrhoids Right side. Right side Mooladhara. Right side. For that you have to keep yourself cool, again get the cooling effects, all the cooling things to be done and also a very good thing is to eat the black dried grapes. What do you call them? Yogi : Raisins. Shri Mataji : Raisins. Black raisins, soak them in the night with some orange juice and eat them, I mean soak them in the morning eat them in the night before sleeping. That will cool down, that's very, very cooling [HINDI] I've forgotten the name. [MARATHI] For allergy the best is gheru, you take all of you, you should take gheru those who suffer from allergy and we get little stone pieces round ones rub it on that and take it with some water about seven times and then eat it, is good for allergies, but everybody should not only those who have allergies, gheru is not good for people who have overactive liver. Leprosy India has the biggest problem of leprosy particularly Bihar and U.P., what is the reason? Shri Mataji : It's a kind of a, you know it's an infectious disease and now they have found some sort of a thing for that leprosy, is not only in India it was everywhere, but you know the [HINDI] the ones what you call them the parasites which create this leprosy drink kerosene oil, petrol, they prosper in petrol, do you know that? Yogi : What is the treatment in Sahaja for that? Shri Mataji : For leprosy, you see, for any infection as such it's all left-sided. One can work it out but as far as possible keep out of it. Infectious diseases you better not treat. This is very dangerous, I 14 will never advise you because you shouldn't waste your energy on lepers now, leave them to Me. Which is the easiest way to cure yourself? Epilepsy Oh, epilepsy is curable, hundred percent curable, it's a left-sided problem, epilepsy whether born or anything can be cured, can be cured. Tooth decay Tooth decay? You see for tooth decay the thing is you must use your fingers to rub on your teeth you see that's the thing and also on your gums. So what you have because you have got vibrations, your right Vishuddhi's quite all right, it is due to right Vishuddhi, so what you have to do is deficiency in Right Vishuddhi gives you, rub it nicely with olive oil and little salt, very good finely thinned out salt and it will stop it everyday, everyday, brushing is not sufficient. Ulcerative colitis Shri Mataji : Ulcerative colitis comes by people who have amebiosis maybe one of them could be, is it there? Hmm. Yogi: Is there amebiosis? Shri Mataji : Yeah, yes. Could be due to that. Or could be due to very hot food if you eat, or if you drink too much and all these things you see can be affecting, but mostly it is due to amebiosis I've seen it and hot food, you shouldn't eat hot food, like some people like very hot food and they get this trouble. Yogi : Does anyone have a question that's a little more visionary? A little less medical. What about Hailey's Comet appearing later this year? What is the proper attitude when we take darshan from You? Shri Mataji : Oh, it's rather embarrassing. All right I'll close My eyes and My face and I'll tell you [MARATHI]. Now. Your question is nice. Now supposing Christ appears before you and you know He's Christ, what will happen? That should be the attitude at least minimum, though Christ had to manage only one chakra I have to manage seven. If that attitude develops even thinking of Me is sufficient, you have to just think of Me your diseases will be cured. That depth has to be there. This is just one chakra seven times raised to the power seven. That's what it is. You have seen the miracles, you have seen the photographs, you have seen thousands getting Realization, none of them did it. But also I'm Mahamaya. But in your heart you should know whom you are facing. But mostly people get into the web of Mahamaya very much that awe is so fulfilling, so penetrating, so deep that one lives with that idea only all the time, you don't need anything with that. It's a very great fortune, if I were you I would have called Myself the most fortunate person, but it's the other way round, I don't know what to say then, though I must say that I'm very fortunate compared to all of them I have so many of you here who are Sahaja Yogis, so I'm very fortunate, because very happy about it, very happy, but still to grow in that you have to know what it is. Indians have senses, it goes easily into their heads, they are very sensitive. In the same way I hope you develop it in that way, in that fashion, then life would be very enjoyable. 15 Diseases Cleansing To cleanse yourself and to put yourself right is of course a very important duty of every Sahaja Yogi. You should not be identified with those problems that you have, but try to face them and cure them. It is creditable for all of you very much, that despite all the complications, and all the kinds of brain washing, all the book reading, all the so called seeking and all that nonsense that one has gone through, that you have come out of it (871213) But you do not understand your responsibility what you are doing by not paying attention to your cleaning by not paying attention to your spiritual growth, you are not helping me at all because these vibrations do not flow out they have to flow through you you are the channels. If you do not keep yourselves clean and humble and meek about it, it doesn't work out (800927); How much it is necessary for you to rise above your lower self one should understand that and not to indulge into nonsense that you are doing you have to work hard for that even if you have to get up in the morning, you have to get up and do it. You should understand your responsibility that's the main point is (800927) This is our way of life is to keep ourselves cleansed this is bathing ourselves. All those things which are filthy within us take them out. All those who have to be Sahaja Yogis, and have to live in ashrams, have to soak their feet every night, and have to meditate - because your egos pass from each other it's contamination complete contamination try to humble down (800907) Some people don't do anything and they're supposed to be Sahaja Yogis. Some people do not even soak their feet in water do not even meditate I do not know how they are Sahaja Yogis I just cannot understand. Everyday you must soak your feet in water every morning you must beat yourself with shoes if you have the chance, you should do it that's how you cleanse that's a part (800907); Use water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times is very essential to get your vibrations alright you must wash your hands (800927) Clearing Out You are not to use your thinking for correcting your chakras - you cannot think about it and sort it out. What you can do is put bandhans, or you can give yourself a balance with your hands you have to move your hands and not your brains alright. In your hand it is flowing whether you are catching or not catching, it is flowing from your hand it is there the flow from your hand is there little bit is always there (800907) Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the Spiritual level, which is much higher than the mental level. Some people still live on the mental level, and try to solve problems on that level, and that's why all these problems start coming up. If you have certain chakras catching, try to improve your chakras with the photograph with all due respect to the photograph it is only the photograph that is going to work it out (830121) 16 You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort of an authority which you can use, and every mantra that you will say will be awakened even if you are not yet out of your possessions, will work it out still you can raise the Kundalini of others and nothing will go wrong with the still you person whose Kundalini you are raising to that purity it is (791111) One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most western people is the heart you have to purify your heart by looking at the photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart the heart has to be clean absolutely surrendered and we must try to put the Mother before everything else. You have to work it through your heart, and not your brain (830121) Now we have got different mantras for different chakras if one chakra is catching, then you work on that chakra only, and develop your mantras on that. For example, if you want to say something for your heart, first of all you must ask forgiveness from God, because your attention has not been so much as it should have been, on the Spirit. Or if you have done any mistakes, ask for forgiveness. Now you have to ask from your heart whatever you have to say, say it from your heart (800907) Chaitanya Chaitanya Lahari Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost (830128); Vibrations (790616); The term used by Adi Shankaracharya (791203); The cool breeze coming out of your head that's called as Chaitanya Lahari. (821008) Appears like small commas, and which change into either small Swastikas (symbols of Innocence, nourishing our left side), or Omkara (symbol of our doing, or awareness, and nourishing our right side) (910505; 840718) which knows everything (900807); The Chaitanya, contains emotional, physical, mental andevolutionary elements, and when it flows through Sahaja Yogis, and is applied to a faulty chakra, it causes it to return to normal (840313) Solve all problems with one bandhan - it works but, you should be in full connection with the Divine (951224) a bandhan puts the Chaitanya into action (890808); For left side problems, give a bandhan, or burn your name (870408); In the morning time, you have to give yourself a bandhan and when you are going out don't go out without giving yourselfa bandhan (880921); When you put on a bandhan, how long it will last depends on your intensity after some time you don't need any bandhan (.0011) The very first thing God created on this Earth was Shri Ganesha, because he could emit Holiness. He exists as Chaitanya in the atoms and molecules, as vibrations, symmetric and asymmetric. These vibrations later on start expressing themselves in the plant kingdom as 'life force', and you see how they are kept under a bondage it's all under control. And then it is expressed in the animals, where it binds them that's why they are called as 'Pashus', meaning 'under bondage'. But in human beings, it is expressed as auspiciousness, and ultimately as Holiness (870114) 17 साक्षात आदिशक्ति ही मानव को दिव्य সৌ द बनाने का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर हैं रहा इस कलियुग में बहुत से लोग ईश्वरत्व को अपना रहे हैं, ऐसा करने का यही ठीक समय है। आधुनिक युग में जो भिन्न चीजें आप देखते हैं, इनसे आपको बहुत परेशान नहीं होना चाहिए, क्योंकि यह सब तो ऐसे ही होना था। यह सब एक नाटक है, एक लीला है और इस नाटक में आपको समझ लेना चाहिए, सभी कुछ इतने सुन्दर रूप में कार्यान्वित होगा कि कुछ समय पश्चात आपको परमात्मा ये सभी व्यर्थ की चीज़़ों जैसे हमारे बंधन और अहं को विघटित करते हुए मिलेंगे। इसके अतिरिक्त कुछ न होगा। सहजयोग में बहुत से लोग होंगे। ...... जितने अधिक लोग सहजयोग में आयेंगे उतनी ही अधिक दिव्य शक्ति अपनी अभिव्यक्ति करेगी। यह अभिव्यक्ति अभी भी हो रही है, परन्तु जितने भी अधिक लोग होंगे उतना ही अधिक दिव्य शक्ति का प्रगटीकरण होगा। परमात्मा को परिवर्तन पसन्द है और वह हृदय को परिवर्तित कर देते हैं और आप समझ भी नहीं पाते हैं कि यह किस प्रकार घटित हो गया? .... आपको तो केवल इस लीला का आनन्द लेना है। आप सर्वशक्तिमान परमात्मा के साम्राज्य में बैठे हैं। आदिशक्ति की करुणा और चित्त आप पर है। ...... आपको तो बस अपनी माँ के प्रति पूर्णत: समर्पित होना है। ... आप अपने अन्दर के पथभ्रष्ट, विनाशी अवगुणों, अपने अहम् तथा बंधनों को समर्पित करते हैं और ये समर्पण आप स्वयं को पवित्र करने, अपना आनन्द लेने एवं सर्वशक्तिमान परमात्मा को समझने के लिए करते हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, कबैला, १९९६ ... जब तक मानव दिव्य अवस्था को नहीं पा लेता, परमात्मा स्वयं भी चैन से नहीं बैठेंगे, क्योंकि कौन चाहेगा कि अपनी ही सृष्टि को नष्ट कर दे ? ...... यह कार्य अब मेरे (आदिशक्ति) द्वारा ही होना है, मैंने ही आपकी कुण्डलिनी को उठाना है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, फरवरी, १९९६ 19 जिस प्रकार हमारे चहूँ ओर अपराध वृत्ति फैली हुई है, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि शिव के ताण्डव नृत्य .बहुत सी घटनाओं के माध्यम से सर्वत्र यह विनाश शुरू हो चुका है। भयंकर तूफान, भूचाल एवं दुर्घटनायें तथा प्राकृतिक प्रकोप इस कार्य को कर रहे हैं। यह सब कल्कि अवतार के परिणाम स्वरूप का यही समय है। .. है। परन्तु यह अवतार एक अन्य कार्य भी कर रहा है, वह है लोगों को आत्मसाक्षात्कार देना। आत्मसाक्षात्कारी लोगों की सदैव रक्षा होगी क्योंकि ये अपनी माँ की सुरक्षा में हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, पुणे, ५.३.२००० आज तक आपने जिस परमात्मा को माना है, उसका साक्षात करें और आप उसे लें, यही मेरी आपसे विनती है और मैं माँ के रूप में आपको समझाती हूँ। आपको अपनी शक्ति पानी है, आपको समर्थ होना है, और आपको अपनी आत्मा को जानना है। आपने पढ़ा-लिखा होगा , उसको एक तरफ रख दीजिए । सारे पढ़ने -लिखने से भी ऊँची चीज़ है आत्मा को पढ़ लेना। 'एक ही अक्षर प्रेम का पढ़े सो पंडित होय'| यह प्रेम वो नहीं है, अपने बच्चों को प्यार करो , ... यह प्रेम नहीं है। यह परमात्मा का प्रेम है, जो ब्रह्मशक्ति के रूप में आपमें से बहना शुरु हो जाता है इसे आप प्राप्त करें और स्वयं को जाने। प.पू.श्री माताजी, दिल्ली, १७.२.१९८१ (II) अज्ञात सूक्ष्म सत्तायें ( भूत -प्रेत) सत्तायें व जीवात्मायें हैं जो अतृप्त अवस्था में भटक रही हैं। ये वे मृत आत्मायें हैं जिनकी (सूक्ष्म इच्छायें उनके जीवनकाल में अधूरी रह गयीं और जिन्हें अभी तक दूसरा जन्म नहीं मिला है। ये सूक्ष्म सत्तायें ही -प्रेत हैं। ये मृत-आत्मायें जीवित मानव शरीर में प्रवेश कर उस पर अधिकार कर लेती हैं, अपनी शक्ति से भूत- अनेक प्रकार की बाधायें उत्पन्न करती हैं, मनुष्यों को अपने वश में करके उन्हें तरह-तरह से मानसिक व शारीरिक कष्ट देती हैं।) मृत आत्मायें होती हैं। ये आत्मायें जीवित मानव शरीर के ग्राही क्षेत्र (receptor area) में प्रतिबिम्बित होती हैं। ......जब व्यक्ति पर कोई अन्य आत्मा बैठती है तो वह कोषाणु (cell) पर प्रतिबिम्बित होती है। यह ग्राही क्षेत्र को प्रभावित करती है। ये मृत आत्मायें किसी भी एक चक्र से जुड़ सकती हैं या फिर सभी चक्रों से । 20 প ये मृत आत्मायें कोषाणु को भी प्रभावित करती हैं और परिणाम स्वरूप व्यक्ति अचेतना की ओर जाता है। और ये मादकता, मिगी तथा कैन्सर आदि रोगों का कारण बनती है। इन मृत-आत्माओं की पकड़ (जिसे भूत-बाधा भी कहते हैं) यदि होगी तो व्यक्ति को बहुत कठिनाई होती है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, चिकित्सा सम्मेलन, रूस, २९.६.१९९० मृत लोग अपने सूक्ष्म शरीर में हमारे अन्दर प्रवेश कर सकते हैं और तत्वों की रचना कर सकते हैं। ये तत्व हमें काबू कर सकते हैं और हमें बाधित कर सकते हैं। इस प्रकार के भूत -बाधित लोग बिल्कुल सामान्य प्रतीत होते हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, विएना, ८.१०.१९८८ भूत-ग्रस्त लोग आज्ञा चक्र में भूत-बाधाओं को ग्रहण कर लेते हैं और इन भयानक शक्तियों के आज्ञा के कार्य करने लगते हैं और हम लोग यह भी नहीं समझ पाते कि यह व्यक्ति इस प्रकार क्यों व्यवहार कर अनुरुप रहा है? प.पू.श्री माताजी, गणपति पूले, २७.१२.१९९४ जीवात्माओं का देह जो होता है उस पर यह जड़ (पृथ्वी तत्व) नहीं होता इसलिये वे बहुत कुछ देख सकती है। बनिस्बत हमारे जिसको कि आप पैरा साइकोलोजी कहते हैं ..... जो कूदना होता है, जो चीख़ना होता है, चिल्लाना होता है और सम्मोहन करना होता है, सारा मृत आत्माओं का कार्य है। इसमें कुछ अच्छी आत्मायें होती है। कुछ बहुत ही बुरी जैसे हम हैं वैसे जीवात्मायें है, इसमें राक्षस भी होते हैं, महादूष्ट भी। आप इन्हें देख नहीं ....ये निगेटिव चीज़ रहे हैं .......पर इनका वास्तव्य आप देख सकते हैं। हर एक धर्म में इनके बारे में लिखा है। है, इसको समझ लेना चाहिये। निगेटिव का मतलब मरी हुई, Dead, Sympathetic में बैठी हुई। वो हैं और उनका असर उस जगह बहुत होता है जहाँ पर मनुष्य जड़ होता है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, १.६.१९७२ लोगों में दर्बलता होती है, इसलिये वे आसानी से भूत - बाधित हो जाते हैं। यदि व्यक्ति का मस्तिष्क दुर्बल है और उसके अन्दर ऐसी चीज़ की दु्बलता है तो मृत आत्मायें उस व्यक्ति को पकड़ सकती हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, लंदन, २४.५.१९८१ दायीं तरफ के से लोग होते हैं, ऐसे लोग अत्यन्त महत्वाकांक्षी होते हैं। (डाक्टर, वकील, वैज्ञानिक, इंजीनियर आदि) ऐसे महत्वाकांक्षी लोग जब मरते हैं तो उनकी आत्मा अतृप्त रहती है। उन्हें लगता है कि करके वे फिर से संसार में आ जायें । वे मरने के लिये तैयार नहीं होते इसलिये वे किसी मनुष्य घुसकर बहुत में कुछ 21 कुछ करते रहते हैं। उनका एक गुण है लोगों को ठीक करना। ये सब भूत बाधा है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, २३.९.१९७९ कुछ मृत आत्मायें बहुत धूर्त होती हैं ......ये मरना नहीं चाहतीं, पृथ्वी चाहती हैं .......ये अत्यन्त चापलूस होते हैं। कोड़े खाना, पिटाई और दुर्व्यवहार इन्हें अच्छा लगता है। ये वीभत्स के आस-पास बने रहना जीवन का आनन्द लेते हैं। काम क्रूर होते हैं। ऐसे सब मृत व्यक्ति हमारे आस-पास हैं और ये वाम पक्षी भूत हैं। मांत्रिक लोग ऐसी मृत आत्माओं को पकड़ लेते हैं और उनसे अपने सारे कार्य करवाते हैं। यहाँ वहाँ भेजते हैं और इनसे वशीकरण का काम करवाते हैं। अपनी चाट्कारिता से ये भूत बहुत प्रसन्न होते हैं। किसी को यदि मानसिक रोग है, उदाहरण के रूप में किसी प्रियजन की मृत्यु के कारण मानसिक सदमें से कोई यदि सामूहिक अवचेतन में चला जाए तो वह भूत बाधित हो सकता है। भूतबाधित लोग मांत्रिकों के पास जाते हैं तो ये मांत्रिक मृत आत्माओं से कहते हैं कि तुम इस व्यक्ति को इतने सता रहे हो अब इसे छोड़ दो। एक मृत आत्मा को तो वे उस व्यक्ति से हटा देते हैं परन्तु कोई अन्य आत्मा उसमें बिठा देते हैं। पहली आत्मा से ये कहते हैं कि किसी अन्य शरीर में जा कर बैठ जाओ। ये मांत्रिक एक प्रकार से बिचौलिए होते हैं। इन मृत आत्माओं को वश में करके इन्हें एक व्यक्ति से निकालते हैं और अन्य में बिठा देते हैं। इस प्रकार पहला व्यक्ति रोग मुक्त हो जाता है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, २४.५.१९८१ ये (मांत्रिक) मृत आत्माओं को वश में करके आपको कहते हैं यह नाम ले लो और आप वह नाम लेना शुरू कर देते हैं। ये आपको कहेंगे कि राम का नाम लो। अब राम का नाम लेने के लिए इसके पूर्व 'श्री' लगाना आवश्यक है, जैसे श्री राम, श्री कृष्ण, परन्तु ये लोग नाम से पूर्व श्री नहीं लगाते, आपको केवल नाम लेने के लिये कहते हैं और ये नाम लेकर आप बायीं ओर चले जाते हैं क्योंकि ये मृत आत्मायें जो हैं वे आपको पकड़ लेती हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, कबैला, ८.१०.२००० आपके गुरु ही आपके अन्दर भूत लगा देते हैं। अब गुरुओं के भूत ऐसे होते हैं कि या तो गुरु का कहना मानो और बिल्कुल उनके जैसे हो जाओ। वो कहें तुमसे कि जाकर उनके घर में डाका डालो, तो डाका डालो, उसको मार डालो, तो उसको मार डालो, ये करो , तो वो करो । एकदम से गुरु के हाथ में आप शीश नवा करके तो ठीक है नहीं तो गुरु लग जायेगा आपके पीछे। आपसे कहा किसी को मारो उसको नहीं मार सके तो दूसरे से कहेगा इसी को मार डालो। प.पू.श्री माताजी, जयपुर, ११.१२.१९९४ 22 Meditation and listening to the enlightened talks, are two of the ways that one can use to steady the attention, which has a very transitory nature 21/12/1986 Published & Printed by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. No. 8, Chandragupta Co-op Housing Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411 038. © : 25286537, 25286032 email:sale@nitl.co.in website: www.nitl.co.in (For queries & sending articles contact on above address) After listening to my lectures you just go into meditation... actually all my lectures are not to be understood by your brains kundalini and through your heart.. and so it doesn't matter if you something... its alright...but it will come handy when you want to use it... some words or sentences... you will not know from where it is coming.it is all recorded ( 880921). but by don't remember ---------------------- 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-0.txt Yuva E Mar.2013 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-2.txt INSIDE THIS ISSUE About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical...4 Diseases ...16 Cleansing Clearing Out Chaitanya साक्षात आदिशक्ति ही मानव को दिव्य बनाने का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर रही हैं ...18 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-4.txt About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical 13.1.1986 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-5.txt About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical Clay is good... I said, "Clay is good for them, they'll like it, there's ..." And I see your skin, it's so much better, I see your skin, you see all this you have suffered the sun burnt, whatever you overdid in Ganapatipule, is now being cleared out by this clay because the clay is the one that soothes you. Even if you can put some clay on your stomach, it will take out all the heat from your stomach, very good for liver this clay is. So, I told them that you don't understand that this natural naturopathy that they can have here, 99 they cannot have it. The bridle... The bridle is not there. There's no bridle, in our behavior. We go to extremes in everything. Whatever we do, we go to extremes. There's no bridle in our hands and this is what, one has to get to the bridle. It is not that, it's like a kite which is just moving here and there, it's not that. It's a complete thrust, complete movement with all will power, with all effort, to go to something that is dangerous. I personally think it's a self-destructive character which is built within us as a result of our movement too much outward. Because whatever moves in one direction has to recoil back, it has a reaction. Like the science has developed atomic bomb. Ultimately you do develop a destructive temperament and that is why I think in the west people have no idea how to control the speed backwards. It's more the speed outward to dangerous places they like it. Uterus represents your kundalini Women will never do horse riding because it affects the uterus. The women don't swim after sometime because it affects the uterus and if it affects the uterus, it affects the whole system because uterus represents your Kundalini. Preserve your skin All wrong ideas you have got. That's why I see that in the West everybody is sick. They have this trouble or that trouble or this or that. Certain principles are to be borne in our mind because we are saints and we are precious things. We are not like other Westerners, that we can waster our life like this for some sort of a stupid venture that we think of. Can you imagine all Indians have much better skin than you have. All right. Don't they? Do they ever go in the sun? Never. Have you seen any Indian sitting outside here taking sunbath? I mean the proof of the pudding is that despite all that your skins are so bad. Now how can your skin be good with the sun, let us see. Let us say, Let us take absolutely a chemical reaction. Now what happens that when the, the thing falls upon our skin or upon our head, this head has got a brain and the brain is made of fat. All right? Now if you put the fat in the sun, what will happen? It will melt. And that's how people have melted brains. The brains are not normal, they behave in a way which I don't understand why they behave like this. So first of all if your brain goes out, how can your skin be all right? Because the brain controls the 6. 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-6.txt skin. It controls everything. If your brain goes off, I've not met one person who looks beautiful because he has been in the sun. On the contrary, you stay at home. Preserve your skin by staying at home. We are all Gruhasthas The second point is that a Sahaja Yogi should not behave like other Westerners do that at every holiday, they're out. They never sit in the house. Gruhastha. The one who stays in the house. We are all Gruhasthas, householders, we are married people. As soon as you get a holiday you're out. Now you might give an explanation, "Because you see our houses are like this and, we think that our houses are just suffocating us." Have you seen the houses of the poor people here? Have you seen the houses of the labor in Bombay? Nobody goes out for a holiday. All My life I don't think I've been ever out for a holiday with My husband. Only once we tried for two days and we were back from Scotland all the way. We just go for a wedding or a festival or something like that. If there's some collective happening or else you can go for a picnic, all of you together. But you must sit down in the house and talk to each other nicely, there should be some rapport. There's no rapport between the children and the parents, there's no rapport between the husband and the wife, no rapport between the in-laws, other people, no rapport at all. So you become people who are absolutely secluded, shooting off this way, that way, that way. Sit down and talk. Children should be disciplined Now you see our children, now we talk that our children should be disciplined. The best way to discipline your child is to make the child sit down for a while and talk to the child properly. Tell the child what he's supposed to do. You'll find an Indian child goes to somebody's house just keeps quite. But let an English child come. He will break this, he'll break that, give me chocolates, give me this, I want this. You take an Indian child, maybe a poor child to a market, he'll never ask for anything, demand for anything. Never. Even if you give, he'll say, "No, I won't have." He has that self-respect. But if you take a child, any other child, he'll say, "Please buy me this, please buy me that, please buy me that." Without any self-respect, without any discipline. 99 Now where does the discipline come up? Now what we do, supposing a child is there, we are going out, we tell the child, "Now we are going out, and you have to be a self-respecting child because," supposing now you are talking you can say, “You are a realized soul, you are a Sahaja Yogi and you can't behave like a stupid fellow asking for this and that," and sit down quietly, make them sit down. To begin with, you have to do lot of massaging on their body. Lots of massaging, everyday massage, massage, massage the body so the nerves are all right. Then, when you take them out or do anything, before hand, tell them properly, build up their personality of self-respect, of discipline. But you yourself should be disciplined, now you are sitting in the sun, say, for the whole day and you tell your son, "Get inside the house," how will he? A Sahaja Yogi should never go in the sun. Take it from Me. Never, never go in the sun. Because this brain requires complete quietitude and no sun activity is 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-7.txt needed. You've already too much sun within yourself. You should not even, when you sleep, there should not be even a ray of sun. Even I, when I sleep I want complete darkness. Even a slightest ray of light is coming, which people know very well, I cannot sleep, because I must act. So the reaction to this light is so much in Me, maybe that I'm very sensitive to all the elements but what about you? You must avoid the sun's light as much as you can when you sleep and also should not sit in the sun for such a long time. Of course sitting in the sun helps you because it gives you Vitamin D, by which, Vitamin D if you take it you build up your bones better but now I think your bones are quite built, there's no need to build your bones anymore. But now by God's grace you are getting soluble calciums which you can eat and you can also have Vitamin D andAif you want to. What is the need of scorching this head? 6. Now, if you sit in the sun, then either you will have a bald head or you will have a jungle in the head. One of the two thing's depending on the personality as you are. Because your brain cannot bear it, your also, he never sits in the sun. It's only somebody has cooked it in your head that you must sit in the sun. If you go and see Eskimos who live in the ice houses, they never bathe in the sun. Have you ever seen them sunbathing? Have you ever seen them? Any picture, anywhere? Then why this special type of stupidity is there among other people because you have lost that sense to know that you are skin cannot bear it. After all we are not jungle people are we? But you ask any jungle person maneuvered. You see, how to befool you. Now you must create some weaknesses for people, if create a weakness how will they prosper with their machineries? So now, let's befool them. If you go to the seashore and you tan your body, you look very beautiful? First of all, you never, you look horrid, horrid you look and secondly they will say that your health will be all right so everybody is going to the seashore, ending up with a skin cancer. Because your body revolts against it that's why you get skin cancer. You get liver troubles, already you are liverish. You are already thinking too much, why do you want to have sun? You've already too much sun within yourself. So what is the reasoning for it? I just don't understand. You must know that today we have the work of the Sahasrara and the Sahasrara is the brain. We have to work on the brain and if you people do not know how to use your brain properly, I don't know what am I going to do. don't you Brains go off with drugs. But we are very destructive, I must tell you. Drugs, now we started taking to drugs, in the name of God. I mean Indians, you make them take drugs, they'll say tell another, I know what it is. And then our brains go off with drugs. Brains are not normal, why we behave like this I can only explain that they have taken drugs, I've seen people who have taken drugs I just don't understand why, there's no logic into their behavior. Just no logic, they just, like the brains of a bullock, they behave the same way. You just can't explain why they behave. They have taken drugs. Now what is drug taking? Is again self-destructive. Because you want to destroy yourself that's why you've taken drugs. Otherwise how many Indians you have known who take drugs? I've never even seen them. 8 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-8.txt Put oil in the head The other day I also said that I don't know why you people don't put any oil whatsoever. Why not put oil in the head, poor head needs the oil always, at least on a Saturday, put so much oil, rub it nicely and have a bath. But people just don't put any oil in their head. I mean you must oil, gear up your brain, don't you think so? If you don't put oil in any machine, it will crack. For this brain which is your special machine after Sahaja Yoga is really a very special one, you must try to put lot of oil in it. Put some oil in the ears, put some oil in the nose. Now the modern theory of the doctors is don't put any oil or anything into the ears and the noses of the children. Rajesh's brother had a child and they went to of course to a latest Doctor from America. And the child was crying, weeping, feeling so horrible and his Brahmarandra, what you call, the fontanel bone area was not filled at all, it was all open. I said, "What's the matter with you people?" They said the doctor has said, “Don't touch the oil." I said, "What?" They said, "He'll have allergy". I said, “Nothing of the kind, you bring the oil." I got one full katori [KATORI MEANS BOWL IN HINDI] of oil, rubbed it on his head, pushed back that thing and I put it in nose, in ears, the child slept like a log of wood. Imagine how much the child must have suffered? These stupid ideas come from where? I don't know, they don't have any oil these days, so what is their idea is to do, some business must be behind it, I don't know what is going on. I don't know what they are going to run by not giving any oil to the children. They must be having some business with that also. Otherwise it is absolutely a stupid idea. I just don't understand that the child has an allergy. But how presumptuous to think like that! Treating Allergies Now why the child has an allergy. Now let Me ask a question. Why a child will have an allergy? The doctors have to answer. Or, of course you are all doctors so you should say. Can I have the answer? Yogi: It could be an imbalance of heat and cold in the body? Shri Mataji: But why? Say on the chakras. You say on the chakras what will be catching. If somebody has allergies, what does it catch? Yogi: The Left Nabhi. Shri Mataji: Correct. Left Nabhi. Left Nabhi will catch. Now that means the mother. Because the child is not yet married so it's the mother. That means mother must be having a left Nabhi herself and that's why the child must catching with that allergy, so instead of punishing the child, why not cure the left Nabhi of the mother and left Nabhi of the child? Now what will you do if there's a left Nabhi of the child? What we can do to help the child to get rid of it? 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-9.txt About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical Ah, very simple. Anything that is left can be taken out on the little flame. Put your right hand on the left Nabhi of the child and put your left hand to the flame and finished. Now in diagnosis you are easy but now for medicines, now remember the certain principles of medicines. Very certain principles are there. If it is left side, you have take it to the fire or to the sun or to the flames, all right? If it is a left side [could Shri Mataji have meant "right"?] you have take it to the water in general. Any body suffering from right side, put him in the water, finished. Done. Not in the sun of course. Psoriasis (Clearing) Psoriasis is nothing else but left side problem. Is a lethargic liver. And gives you allergies. For psoriasis, left hand towards the photograph and right hand on the Mother Earth. Putting hot water bottle on the stomach. Or even giving bandhan to your liver with the light is all right. You must see, because psoriasis, now people might think psoriasis means active liver or inactive liver, you see it comes to that point. But we have only two types: active or inactive. Now whether psoriasis is inactive or active you will know from one point that when the liver is inactive you get the allergies, and when it is active you get other problems like what you call that in English, I don't know, nausea and also you get biliousness. You don't eat much, you thin down all these problems are there. Eczema For eczema same thing. Eczema is the same thing, is just like allergy, eczema same thing. But for eczema because it's outward you can use certain things like neem ka pata and all that I've told you and so many things can be used on top. Fungus (Clearing) Is one of the worst thing is fungus. Same thing, but it's the worst thing I should say that it's the left side again is the attack is the left side fungus is all dead and you have to use the left side towards the photograph and right hand on the places wherever you have the fungus, you may take it out that way but don't eat cheese, and the fungousy cheese you are not supposed to eat at all. All the Sahaja Yogis should not eat any fungousy cheese. That blue one, with a crust one, all fungus must to avoided, and also mushrooms if possible. 6. Cow's milk make allergies and eczema worse Cow's milk always give you the left side because she's the mother, and you should not have her milk, because it's left sided. Whether it is cow's milk or buffalo's milk, all will give allergies but if you have animals which are smaller than you like if you can drink like Mahatma Gandhi the goat's milk then you might not have the problem. Bronchial Asthma Bronchial asthma is caused by the combination of the right heart and the left heart. If the parents have been quarreling too much, if they are divorced, if you never had the security of the parent's love, then you get bronchial asthma, but if it is another one just superficial one then it could be from the 10 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-10.txt father's death or from the fatherhood suffering but if father and motherhood both have made you insecure or ifboth of them have died then you get bronchial asthma. Is a combination. Low blood level. Hypo-glycemia I know. Low blood level. That comes from over activity. You should not think so much. Agnya. Too much of Agyna. Agnya chakra. Too much of agnya. Surrender yourself to Christ, absolutely surrender yourselfto Christ, it will work out. Spondylitis Spondylitis is left Vishuddhi. And right Vishuddhi could be also. But mostly left Vishuddhi Spondylitis. Combination also could be. Multiple Sclerosis Shri Mataji : Multiple Sclerosis is comes from Mooladhara. Mooladhara and Nabhi. Left Nabhi and Mooladhara. It's more left sided. Give the treatment of the left side. Saying the name of Ganesha and of Gauri. It will work out. Varicose veins. (Clearing) Shri Mataji : It comes from the people who stand too much all the time and they work very hard. As soon as it starts it's better to cure them, you have to lie down everyday. Those who stand everyday for more than say three-four hours should lie down on bed and do cycling. [SHRI MATAJI MAKES CYCLING MOVEMENTS WITH HER HANDS]. Everyday, that will help reduce the weight maybe due to weight also. Some people have weight, but those who stand, I've seen those who stand for a long time without the heels, if you use the heels you might be better off. With the heels the pressure is not so much then it is distributed more to the lower of those five chakras down below that might help. But, best is to do exercise after you have stood for a long time just lie down in the bed and do cycling, and also massaging, slowly massaging it downward. Also it can work out with the ice treatment, you can put some ice before massaging you can put the ice on them and use very cold oil and rub it, it will work out. Yogi : You recommended heels, what height? Shri Mataji : No, no I didn't say for all of you. I said for varicose veins. Or specially for people who develop problems on the heels. There's no height you just try whatever you can say about one inch will do from one inch onward, anything, not too much one inch or lower, but you see if you develop some sort of a bone on your heels or something like that for that the heels are always better. Little heels are better. Flu Shri Mataji : That's one thing is difficult. Flu. Now for flu, first of all this is again left-sided. But we have got a very good medicine in India I don't know if you have that there is what you call is the basil [IN HINDI IT IS CALLED TULSI]. Basil leaves, you take lots of basil leaves make a concoction, it's called? 11 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-11.txt Yogi : Infusion. Shri Mataji : Huh? Yogi : Infusion. Shri Mataji : No. Yogi : Boil it up in a pot. Shri Mataji : Boil it up in a pot, make it absolutely, the essence take it out quite thick put tea in it or wateror just like the way you want to make it like a tea and put milk or whichever way you want but less milk and sugar because the taste may not be so good. And then you drink it, before that you have to prepare some what you call for dhuni? You all know ajwain ka dhuni. You see you know that. So you take ajwain ka dhuni after that, that's all. You do it three days you'll be all right, cleared out. Psychosomatic is nervousness Shri Mataji: Nehi, nehi. Psychosomatic is nervousness you see. Nervousness can be caused by bad habits. How? Like if you are an air hostess you form a bad habit, as soon as you see the airport [SHRI MATAJI MOVES HER HAND AROUND HER STOMACH INDICATING NERVOUSNESS]. Now those who travel too much. As soon as they have to travel they go off their heads. Over doing anything, you see, you get nervous feeling, it's a matter of habit, you form that habit so it happens. So, I will not say it is due to some bhadha or anything, but your nerves are too much used in a particular way. Then they just give in, they cannot work it out anymore. So then you must change that habit. Supposing you are traveling too much by plane, then travel by a ship, or travel by a train, or by a bullock cart. Or don't travel, something like that, anything that you over do too much that forms a kind of a strain on your nerves. So try to reduce that strain on your nerves. Baldness It's not a disease. But it comes out of many habits. One of them is wearing the hat. If you wear the hat too tight then the circulation of the brain is spoiled and that's when you might get one. Then also with the left Nabhi you might develop a back bald head here if you have a left Nabhi then their's no circulation, it works out that way. And they say that if somebody has a bald head he will get some money, he's a moneyed man, in India. I don't know why we believe in such a thing, but we believe that if you have a bald head means he's a moneyed man, you see, the one who does not have a bald head is not a moneyed man, who doesn't have a belly is not a dignified man, according to Indian standards. But bald head is caused by not using oil. Or, by not using proper oil. Oil should be used properly and the skull must be actually the skull must be rubbed not the skin so that if you rub it the skin must move on the skull and then you won't have this problem. Another is that if you use funny type of oils with lots of fragrance and essences in it then you might get grey hair. And also ghee should never be used for rubbing in the head but you can use it for the body is good ghee or even the butter is good if you are overactive, then, otherwise not, but ghee should never be used or butter should never be used for the hair. 12 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-12.txt Now you have two types of bald heads, as I told you. Some who start from here and some who start from there. [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE FRONT OF HER HEAD AND THEN TO THE BACK]. It's a very interesting subject. [YOGIS LAUGH TOO]. And, those who have both, could be. Now I would say the one which starts from here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE FRONT OF THE HEAD] are the people who are the ones who have got an Ekadesha problem also possibly. With the Ekadesha problem it starts or who are not very collective or something, it will start receding back. All right, those who start from here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD] are the people who may not be good husbands, maybe something wrong with their wives, maybe bad wives, the husband-wife relationship is upsetting then also this starts at the back or maybe there's some incompatibility between the two or too much attachment to the wife or too much attachment to the husband also you start developing like that. All these things are left Nabhi, so the left Nabhi relationship you know is the Gruha Lakshmi relationship, where you adore your wife so much that she's no more a Gruha Lakshmi also is a wrong thing, these things start with that. And also could be, also could be with your hectic life, if you are very hectic in your life running up and down doing too much work also it may start, you don't listen to your wife about it and you think you have to do this work then also it might start it there are so many reasons for the left Nabhi to start, but the one that starts here [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO HER FOREHEAD AREA] starts with the right Nabhi or we can say with the Ekadesha more on this side. So I don't know in your case, Johan, what should I blame. I would say is a complete neglect, complete neglect of your hair, no oiling at all that's what it is, I mean if you do not give water to the plant it will die and then if you say why is it caused, I mean if you don't give it water it's the one that it eats, drinks and lives on so oil is the one on which the hair reside. Pain in the knees In the west we get pain in the knees when we sit on the ground, is there anyway of avoiding it? Shri Mataji : You see it is due to the Nabhi you have. Right or the left and no practice of sitting down. Now what you have to do that you have to learn a certain what you call an exercise. I've told people what is the exercise needed for it then you'll get used to it you'll start sitting on the ground all right without feeling the pain on the knees. It will help you in the long run very much. There are certain exercises to be done. But at least your children you make them sit on the ground from now so that there's no problem for them. Why are diseases through generations limited to seven generations? Yogi : Why are diseases through generations limited to seven generations? Or any trouble, Mother, that comes through the generations? Shri Mataji : The problems are like this. There's only one center which covers all the seven centers which is the Mooladhara. Because it is the Omkara. It is the Chaitanya. If Mooladhara is insulted, say I said that if there's an incest relationship and the family grows then it is seven generations. But, if it is between a very holy relationship like a mother and a son or something like that then it is fourteen generations. It's complete insult of Shri Ganesh and so many of these can come 13 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-13.txt About the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain & Medical from there most of it comes because Shri Ganesha gives you the real strength. Those who have insulted Shri Ganesha are always delicate people physically, so you have to reestablish your Shri Ganesh. To keep the body cool in summer To keep the body cool in summer first of all you have to do is to take some ice and rub it on your liver, keep the liver cool, don't think too much, don't take hot things like in the summer time so many people eat those watermelons and things like that. They should be cooled down properly, like even mangos in India must be cooled down and then taken. All such fruits should be cooled down and then eaten. Some people eat the mangos just from the tree, that's very wrong. You have to cool it down for twenty-four hours and then eat it. This we knew all of us, but in modern times I don't know if people don't know. All these things add up. Then reduce on meats and fish specially, you should not eat fish in the summertime at all. First of all it is spoiled, something wrong with it or else it has phosphorous which ignites you. So avoid all these things, eat things which are cool. Now specially for India it is very easy because we have got something called gool khand which is made out of rose petals which is a very good thing for cooling the liver, then cardamom, then the candy sugar, sugar itself. All these things will cool down your liver and you'll feel very good. It's the change in your diet is very important during the summertime. Hemorrhoids Right side. Right side Mooladhara. Right side. For that you have to keep yourself cool, again get the cooling effects, all the cooling things to be done and also a very good thing is to eat the black dried grapes. What do you call them? Yogi : Raisins. Shri Mataji : Raisins. Black raisins, soak them in the night with some orange juice and eat them, I mean soak them in the morning eat them in the night before sleeping. That will cool down, that's very, very cooling [HINDI] I've forgotten the name. [MARATHI] For allergy the best is gheru, you take all of you, you should take gheru those who suffer from allergy and we get little stone pieces round ones rub it on that and take it with some water about seven times and then eat it, is good for allergies, but everybody should not only those who have allergies, gheru is not good for people who have overactive liver. Leprosy India has the biggest problem of leprosy particularly Bihar and U.P., what is the reason? Shri Mataji : It's a kind of a, you know it's an infectious disease and now they have found some sort of a thing for that leprosy, is not only in India it was everywhere, but you know the [HINDI] the ones what you call them the parasites which create this leprosy drink kerosene oil, petrol, they prosper in petrol, do you know that? Yogi : What is the treatment in Sahaja for that? Shri Mataji : For leprosy, you see, for any infection as such it's all left-sided. One can work it out but as far as possible keep out of it. Infectious diseases you better not treat. This is very dangerous, I 14 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-14.txt will never advise you because you shouldn't waste your energy on lepers now, leave them to Me. Which is the easiest way to cure yourself? Epilepsy Oh, epilepsy is curable, hundred percent curable, it's a left-sided problem, epilepsy whether born or anything can be cured, can be cured. Tooth decay Tooth decay? You see for tooth decay the thing is you must use your fingers to rub on your teeth you see that's the thing and also on your gums. So what you have because you have got vibrations, your right Vishuddhi's quite all right, it is due to right Vishuddhi, so what you have to do is deficiency in Right Vishuddhi gives you, rub it nicely with olive oil and little salt, very good finely thinned out salt and it will stop it everyday, everyday, brushing is not sufficient. Ulcerative colitis Shri Mataji : Ulcerative colitis comes by people who have amebiosis maybe one of them could be, is it there? Hmm. Yogi: Is there amebiosis? Shri Mataji : Yeah, yes. Could be due to that. Or could be due to very hot food if you eat, or if you drink too much and all these things you see can be affecting, but mostly it is due to amebiosis I've seen it and hot food, you shouldn't eat hot food, like some people like very hot food and they get this trouble. Yogi : Does anyone have a question that's a little more visionary? A little less medical. What about Hailey's Comet appearing later this year? What is the proper attitude when we take darshan from You? Shri Mataji : Oh, it's rather embarrassing. All right I'll close My eyes and My face and I'll tell you [MARATHI]. Now. Your question is nice. Now supposing Christ appears before you and you know He's Christ, what will happen? That should be the attitude at least minimum, though Christ had to manage only one chakra I have to manage seven. If that attitude develops even thinking of Me is sufficient, you have to just think of Me your diseases will be cured. That depth has to be there. This is just one chakra seven times raised to the power seven. That's what it is. You have seen the miracles, you have seen the photographs, you have seen thousands getting Realization, none of them did it. But also I'm Mahamaya. But in your heart you should know whom you are facing. But mostly people get into the web of Mahamaya very much that awe is so fulfilling, so penetrating, so deep that one lives with that idea only all the time, you don't need anything with that. It's a very great fortune, if I were you I would have called Myself the most fortunate person, but it's the other way round, I don't know what to say then, though I must say that I'm very fortunate compared to all of them I have so many of you here who are Sahaja Yogis, so I'm very fortunate, because very happy about it, very happy, but still to grow in that you have to know what it is. Indians have senses, it goes easily into their heads, they are very sensitive. In the same way I hope you develop it in that way, in that fashion, then life would be very enjoyable. 15 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-15.txt Diseases Cleansing To cleanse yourself and to put yourself right is of course a very important duty of every Sahaja Yogi. You should not be identified with those problems that you have, but try to face them and cure them. It is creditable for all of you very much, that despite all the complications, and all the kinds of brain washing, all the book reading, all the so called seeking and all that nonsense that one has gone through, that you have come out of it (871213) But you do not understand your responsibility what you are doing by not paying attention to your cleaning by not paying attention to your spiritual growth, you are not helping me at all because these vibrations do not flow out they have to flow through you you are the channels. If you do not keep yourselves clean and humble and meek about it, it doesn't work out (800927); How much it is necessary for you to rise above your lower self one should understand that and not to indulge into nonsense that you are doing you have to work hard for that even if you have to get up in the morning, you have to get up and do it. You should understand your responsibility that's the main point is (800927) This is our way of life is to keep ourselves cleansed this is bathing ourselves. All those things which are filthy within us take them out. All those who have to be Sahaja Yogis, and have to live in ashrams, have to soak their feet every night, and have to meditate - because your egos pass from each other it's contamination complete contamination try to humble down (800907) Some people don't do anything and they're supposed to be Sahaja Yogis. Some people do not even soak their feet in water do not even meditate I do not know how they are Sahaja Yogis I just cannot understand. Everyday you must soak your feet in water every morning you must beat yourself with shoes if you have the chance, you should do it that's how you cleanse that's a part (800907); Use water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times is very essential to get your vibrations alright you must wash your hands (800927) Clearing Out You are not to use your thinking for correcting your chakras - you cannot think about it and sort it out. What you can do is put bandhans, or you can give yourself a balance with your hands you have to move your hands and not your brains alright. In your hand it is flowing whether you are catching or not catching, it is flowing from your hand it is there the flow from your hand is there little bit is always there (800907) Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the Spiritual level, which is much higher than the mental level. Some people still live on the mental level, and try to solve problems on that level, and that's why all these problems start coming up. If you have certain chakras catching, try to improve your chakras with the photograph with all due respect to the photograph it is only the photograph that is going to work it out (830121) 16 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-16.txt You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort of an authority which you can use, and every mantra that you will say will be awakened even if you are not yet out of your possessions, will work it out still you can raise the Kundalini of others and nothing will go wrong with the still you person whose Kundalini you are raising to that purity it is (791111) One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most western people is the heart you have to purify your heart by looking at the photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart the heart has to be clean absolutely surrendered and we must try to put the Mother before everything else. You have to work it through your heart, and not your brain (830121) Now we have got different mantras for different chakras if one chakra is catching, then you work on that chakra only, and develop your mantras on that. For example, if you want to say something for your heart, first of all you must ask forgiveness from God, because your attention has not been so much as it should have been, on the Spirit. Or if you have done any mistakes, ask for forgiveness. Now you have to ask from your heart whatever you have to say, say it from your heart (800907) Chaitanya Chaitanya Lahari Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost (830128); Vibrations (790616); The term used by Adi Shankaracharya (791203); The cool breeze coming out of your head that's called as Chaitanya Lahari. (821008) Appears like small commas, and which change into either small Swastikas (symbols of Innocence, nourishing our left side), or Omkara (symbol of our doing, or awareness, and nourishing our right side) (910505; 840718) which knows everything (900807); The Chaitanya, contains emotional, physical, mental andevolutionary elements, and when it flows through Sahaja Yogis, and is applied to a faulty chakra, it causes it to return to normal (840313) Solve all problems with one bandhan - it works but, you should be in full connection with the Divine (951224) a bandhan puts the Chaitanya into action (890808); For left side problems, give a bandhan, or burn your name (870408); In the morning time, you have to give yourself a bandhan and when you are going out don't go out without giving yourselfa bandhan (880921); When you put on a bandhan, how long it will last depends on your intensity after some time you don't need any bandhan (.0011) The very first thing God created on this Earth was Shri Ganesha, because he could emit Holiness. He exists as Chaitanya in the atoms and molecules, as vibrations, symmetric and asymmetric. These vibrations later on start expressing themselves in the plant kingdom as 'life force', and you see how they are kept under a bondage it's all under control. And then it is expressed in the animals, where it binds them that's why they are called as 'Pashus', meaning 'under bondage'. But in human beings, it is expressed as auspiciousness, and ultimately as Holiness (870114) 17 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-17.txt साक्षात आदिशक्ति ही मानव को दिव्य সৌ द 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-18.txt बनाने का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर हैं रहा इस कलियुग में बहुत से लोग ईश्वरत्व को अपना रहे हैं, ऐसा करने का यही ठीक समय है। आधुनिक युग में जो भिन्न चीजें आप देखते हैं, इनसे आपको बहुत परेशान नहीं होना चाहिए, क्योंकि यह सब तो ऐसे ही होना था। यह सब एक नाटक है, एक लीला है और इस नाटक में आपको समझ लेना चाहिए, सभी कुछ इतने सुन्दर रूप में कार्यान्वित होगा कि कुछ समय पश्चात आपको परमात्मा ये सभी व्यर्थ की चीज़़ों जैसे हमारे बंधन और अहं को विघटित करते हुए मिलेंगे। इसके अतिरिक्त कुछ न होगा। सहजयोग में बहुत से लोग होंगे। ...... जितने अधिक लोग सहजयोग में आयेंगे उतनी ही अधिक दिव्य शक्ति अपनी अभिव्यक्ति करेगी। यह अभिव्यक्ति अभी भी हो रही है, परन्तु जितने भी अधिक लोग होंगे उतना ही अधिक दिव्य शक्ति का प्रगटीकरण होगा। परमात्मा को परिवर्तन पसन्द है और वह हृदय को परिवर्तित कर देते हैं और आप समझ भी नहीं पाते हैं कि यह किस प्रकार घटित हो गया? .... आपको तो केवल इस लीला का आनन्द लेना है। आप सर्वशक्तिमान परमात्मा के साम्राज्य में बैठे हैं। आदिशक्ति की करुणा और चित्त आप पर है। ...... आपको तो बस अपनी माँ के प्रति पूर्णत: समर्पित होना है। ... आप अपने अन्दर के पथभ्रष्ट, विनाशी अवगुणों, अपने अहम् तथा बंधनों को समर्पित करते हैं और ये समर्पण आप स्वयं को पवित्र करने, अपना आनन्द लेने एवं सर्वशक्तिमान परमात्मा को समझने के लिए करते हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, कबैला, १९९६ ... जब तक मानव दिव्य अवस्था को नहीं पा लेता, परमात्मा स्वयं भी चैन से नहीं बैठेंगे, क्योंकि कौन चाहेगा कि अपनी ही सृष्टि को नष्ट कर दे ? ...... यह कार्य अब मेरे (आदिशक्ति) द्वारा ही होना है, मैंने ही आपकी कुण्डलिनी को उठाना है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, फरवरी, १९९६ 19 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-19.txt जिस प्रकार हमारे चहूँ ओर अपराध वृत्ति फैली हुई है, ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि शिव के ताण्डव नृत्य .बहुत सी घटनाओं के माध्यम से सर्वत्र यह विनाश शुरू हो चुका है। भयंकर तूफान, भूचाल एवं दुर्घटनायें तथा प्राकृतिक प्रकोप इस कार्य को कर रहे हैं। यह सब कल्कि अवतार के परिणाम स्वरूप का यही समय है। .. है। परन्तु यह अवतार एक अन्य कार्य भी कर रहा है, वह है लोगों को आत्मसाक्षात्कार देना। आत्मसाक्षात्कारी लोगों की सदैव रक्षा होगी क्योंकि ये अपनी माँ की सुरक्षा में हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, पुणे, ५.३.२००० आज तक आपने जिस परमात्मा को माना है, उसका साक्षात करें और आप उसे लें, यही मेरी आपसे विनती है और मैं माँ के रूप में आपको समझाती हूँ। आपको अपनी शक्ति पानी है, आपको समर्थ होना है, और आपको अपनी आत्मा को जानना है। आपने पढ़ा-लिखा होगा , उसको एक तरफ रख दीजिए । सारे पढ़ने -लिखने से भी ऊँची चीज़ है आत्मा को पढ़ लेना। 'एक ही अक्षर प्रेम का पढ़े सो पंडित होय'| यह प्रेम वो नहीं है, अपने बच्चों को प्यार करो , ... यह प्रेम नहीं है। यह परमात्मा का प्रेम है, जो ब्रह्मशक्ति के रूप में आपमें से बहना शुरु हो जाता है इसे आप प्राप्त करें और स्वयं को जाने। प.पू.श्री माताजी, दिल्ली, १७.२.१९८१ (II) अज्ञात सूक्ष्म सत्तायें ( भूत -प्रेत) सत्तायें व जीवात्मायें हैं जो अतृप्त अवस्था में भटक रही हैं। ये वे मृत आत्मायें हैं जिनकी (सूक्ष्म इच्छायें उनके जीवनकाल में अधूरी रह गयीं और जिन्हें अभी तक दूसरा जन्म नहीं मिला है। ये सूक्ष्म सत्तायें ही -प्रेत हैं। ये मृत-आत्मायें जीवित मानव शरीर में प्रवेश कर उस पर अधिकार कर लेती हैं, अपनी शक्ति से भूत- अनेक प्रकार की बाधायें उत्पन्न करती हैं, मनुष्यों को अपने वश में करके उन्हें तरह-तरह से मानसिक व शारीरिक कष्ट देती हैं।) मृत आत्मायें होती हैं। ये आत्मायें जीवित मानव शरीर के ग्राही क्षेत्र (receptor area) में प्रतिबिम्बित होती हैं। ......जब व्यक्ति पर कोई अन्य आत्मा बैठती है तो वह कोषाणु (cell) पर प्रतिबिम्बित होती है। यह ग्राही क्षेत्र को प्रभावित करती है। ये मृत आत्मायें किसी भी एक चक्र से जुड़ सकती हैं या फिर सभी चक्रों से । 20 প 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-20.txt ये मृत आत्मायें कोषाणु को भी प्रभावित करती हैं और परिणाम स्वरूप व्यक्ति अचेतना की ओर जाता है। और ये मादकता, मिगी तथा कैन्सर आदि रोगों का कारण बनती है। इन मृत-आत्माओं की पकड़ (जिसे भूत-बाधा भी कहते हैं) यदि होगी तो व्यक्ति को बहुत कठिनाई होती है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, चिकित्सा सम्मेलन, रूस, २९.६.१९९० मृत लोग अपने सूक्ष्म शरीर में हमारे अन्दर प्रवेश कर सकते हैं और तत्वों की रचना कर सकते हैं। ये तत्व हमें काबू कर सकते हैं और हमें बाधित कर सकते हैं। इस प्रकार के भूत -बाधित लोग बिल्कुल सामान्य प्रतीत होते हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, विएना, ८.१०.१९८८ भूत-ग्रस्त लोग आज्ञा चक्र में भूत-बाधाओं को ग्रहण कर लेते हैं और इन भयानक शक्तियों के आज्ञा के कार्य करने लगते हैं और हम लोग यह भी नहीं समझ पाते कि यह व्यक्ति इस प्रकार क्यों व्यवहार कर अनुरुप रहा है? प.पू.श्री माताजी, गणपति पूले, २७.१२.१९९४ जीवात्माओं का देह जो होता है उस पर यह जड़ (पृथ्वी तत्व) नहीं होता इसलिये वे बहुत कुछ देख सकती है। बनिस्बत हमारे जिसको कि आप पैरा साइकोलोजी कहते हैं ..... जो कूदना होता है, जो चीख़ना होता है, चिल्लाना होता है और सम्मोहन करना होता है, सारा मृत आत्माओं का कार्य है। इसमें कुछ अच्छी आत्मायें होती है। कुछ बहुत ही बुरी जैसे हम हैं वैसे जीवात्मायें है, इसमें राक्षस भी होते हैं, महादूष्ट भी। आप इन्हें देख नहीं ....ये निगेटिव चीज़ रहे हैं .......पर इनका वास्तव्य आप देख सकते हैं। हर एक धर्म में इनके बारे में लिखा है। है, इसको समझ लेना चाहिये। निगेटिव का मतलब मरी हुई, Dead, Sympathetic में बैठी हुई। वो हैं और उनका असर उस जगह बहुत होता है जहाँ पर मनुष्य जड़ होता है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, १.६.१९७२ लोगों में दर्बलता होती है, इसलिये वे आसानी से भूत - बाधित हो जाते हैं। यदि व्यक्ति का मस्तिष्क दुर्बल है और उसके अन्दर ऐसी चीज़ की दु्बलता है तो मृत आत्मायें उस व्यक्ति को पकड़ सकती हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, लंदन, २४.५.१९८१ दायीं तरफ के से लोग होते हैं, ऐसे लोग अत्यन्त महत्वाकांक्षी होते हैं। (डाक्टर, वकील, वैज्ञानिक, इंजीनियर आदि) ऐसे महत्वाकांक्षी लोग जब मरते हैं तो उनकी आत्मा अतृप्त रहती है। उन्हें लगता है कि करके वे फिर से संसार में आ जायें । वे मरने के लिये तैयार नहीं होते इसलिये वे किसी मनुष्य घुसकर बहुत में कुछ 21 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-21.txt कुछ करते रहते हैं। उनका एक गुण है लोगों को ठीक करना। ये सब भूत बाधा है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, २३.९.१९७९ कुछ मृत आत्मायें बहुत धूर्त होती हैं ......ये मरना नहीं चाहतीं, पृथ्वी चाहती हैं .......ये अत्यन्त चापलूस होते हैं। कोड़े खाना, पिटाई और दुर्व्यवहार इन्हें अच्छा लगता है। ये वीभत्स के आस-पास बने रहना जीवन का आनन्द लेते हैं। काम क्रूर होते हैं। ऐसे सब मृत व्यक्ति हमारे आस-पास हैं और ये वाम पक्षी भूत हैं। मांत्रिक लोग ऐसी मृत आत्माओं को पकड़ लेते हैं और उनसे अपने सारे कार्य करवाते हैं। यहाँ वहाँ भेजते हैं और इनसे वशीकरण का काम करवाते हैं। अपनी चाट्कारिता से ये भूत बहुत प्रसन्न होते हैं। किसी को यदि मानसिक रोग है, उदाहरण के रूप में किसी प्रियजन की मृत्यु के कारण मानसिक सदमें से कोई यदि सामूहिक अवचेतन में चला जाए तो वह भूत बाधित हो सकता है। भूतबाधित लोग मांत्रिकों के पास जाते हैं तो ये मांत्रिक मृत आत्माओं से कहते हैं कि तुम इस व्यक्ति को इतने सता रहे हो अब इसे छोड़ दो। एक मृत आत्मा को तो वे उस व्यक्ति से हटा देते हैं परन्तु कोई अन्य आत्मा उसमें बिठा देते हैं। पहली आत्मा से ये कहते हैं कि किसी अन्य शरीर में जा कर बैठ जाओ। ये मांत्रिक एक प्रकार से बिचौलिए होते हैं। इन मृत आत्माओं को वश में करके इन्हें एक व्यक्ति से निकालते हैं और अन्य में बिठा देते हैं। इस प्रकार पहला व्यक्ति रोग मुक्त हो जाता है। प.पू.श्री माताजी, २४.५.१९८१ ये (मांत्रिक) मृत आत्माओं को वश में करके आपको कहते हैं यह नाम ले लो और आप वह नाम लेना शुरू कर देते हैं। ये आपको कहेंगे कि राम का नाम लो। अब राम का नाम लेने के लिए इसके पूर्व 'श्री' लगाना आवश्यक है, जैसे श्री राम, श्री कृष्ण, परन्तु ये लोग नाम से पूर्व श्री नहीं लगाते, आपको केवल नाम लेने के लिये कहते हैं और ये नाम लेकर आप बायीं ओर चले जाते हैं क्योंकि ये मृत आत्मायें जो हैं वे आपको पकड़ लेती हैं। प.पू.श्री माताजी, कबैला, ८.१०.२००० आपके गुरु ही आपके अन्दर भूत लगा देते हैं। अब गुरुओं के भूत ऐसे होते हैं कि या तो गुरु का कहना मानो और बिल्कुल उनके जैसे हो जाओ। वो कहें तुमसे कि जाकर उनके घर में डाका डालो, तो डाका डालो, उसको मार डालो, तो उसको मार डालो, ये करो , तो वो करो । एकदम से गुरु के हाथ में आप शीश नवा करके तो ठीक है नहीं तो गुरु लग जायेगा आपके पीछे। आपसे कहा किसी को मारो उसको नहीं मार सके तो दूसरे से कहेगा इसी को मार डालो। प.पू.श्री माताजी, जयपुर, ११.१२.१९९४ 22 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-22.txt Meditation and listening to the enlightened talks, are two of the ways that one can use to steady the attention, which has a very transitory nature 21/12/1986 Published & Printed by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. No. 8, Chandragupta Co-op Housing Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411 038. © : 25286537, 25286032 email:sale@nitl.co.in website: www.nitl.co.in (For queries & sending articles contact on above address) 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_I.pdf-page-23.txt After listening to my lectures you just go into meditation... actually all my lectures are not to be understood by your brains kundalini and through your heart.. and so it doesn't matter if you something... its alright...but it will come handy when you want to use it... some words or sentences... you will not know from where it is coming.it is all recorded ( 880921). but by don't remember