Yuva Ge Dec.2013 EGO INSIDE THIS ISSUE Diwali - Rows of Lights ...6 Diwali ...7 The Symbol of Lakshmi ...8 Two Aspects of Shri Lakshmi ...9 The Second Day of Diwali ...9 Agni ...10 Compassion ...12 Bliss ...12 Prabodh ...15 सहजयोगी, उठो, चारों ओर फैल जाओ...18 DIWALI DIWALI-ROWS OF LIGHTS Diwali word comes from two words: dipa and awali. Dipa means, you know, lights, and awali means rows, rows and rows of lights. Seems it's a very, very ancient idea and all over in the world, you see, whenever they have to celebrate something then they put lights and lights because light gives joy, gives happiness. So to overcome the darkness of ignorance also we have to enlighten ourselves. And that it is why is important that everybody should get Self- realization to feel the light within themselves. And you must have noticed that after realization the eyes also sparkle. There's light in the eyes of every Sahaja yogi. Today is the day when we worship the Lakshmi, Lakshmi principle which is in our Nabhi. Lakshmi principle that is understood, I've told you many a time, described Lakshmi to you that She stands on a lotus and She has two lotuses in Her hands. That means She's so benevolent, so kind that She doesn't pressurize anyone. But normally you don't find that. Anybody who has money, he just try to pressurize or try to push down. Even in Sahaja Yoga I've seen people like that. If they're little better off, they try to push people, organize them, to control them as if they think this is a power they have got out of the money that they have. But She Herself stands on a lotus – that means on the beauty. The beauty of Her being is shown that She doesn't trouble anyone. She can stand on a flower. So the first thing, those who have to worship Lakshmi have to remember one thing that they are not to pressurize anyone, to push anyone, to control anyone or destroy. But She with Her feet on the lotuses nourishes the lotus. In Her two hands She has got lotuses. Lotus is a sign of beauty and they being pink, is love. So what does it symbolize? That a person who has Lakshmi, who has money, who has wealth should be extremely generous. Like a lotus which allows a horrible gnat-like, black, porky, porking type, little beetle also to come into it and to sleep. And She provides in the lotus a beautiful bed of comfort to such a person. He is black, he has got thorns in it, but he is coming to rest, surrendered. And then She covers it with Her petals and makes it comfortable and protected. So for a person who has money that should be the temperament, otherwise he loses his money very fast. Or he is always insecure about his money; he doesn't know what to do. He wants to put money here, hide there, hide there, and hide there. And there's no grace about such a person. And the house is such that you never feel comfortable because all the time they're worried the carpet will be spoiled, this will be spoiled, that will be spoiled, and that should not be so. What's the use of having such a house which gives you a headache? By common sense a house should be such where you can live freely, at least the house should be that. But the soon we become materialistic we get out of our Lakshmi principle. All the beauty of our wealth is finished. So, Lakshmi principle means love. This very few people understand. To them Lakshmi means money in the bank. No, doesn't mean that. It means money or anything like that to express your love. 6. DIWALI This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India. I already told in My previous lectures what are these five days are. After killing Narakasura. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor Kali Yuga – Ghor Kali Yug, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you'll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that's why there are all kinds of crisis. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth. In the dark age of ignorance, people have no knowledge as to what they should do, why they are on this Earth. As you know very well, that thousands and thousands of real seekers who are born at this time, that is why this job was given to Me is to create Diwali in this dark ages of ignorance. It's not an easy job because, on one side, we have all the dark forces acting against the truth. Also, on the other side, we have to fight the false people who are taking advantage of your seeking. Firstly, people don't know what to seek, so all these false people have been money-oriented and they tried to work out marketing of their falsehood and they have the expertise to do it. Somebody asked Me about that, television lady, what about the cults who are killing people and doing all sorts of things that they did in Switzerland. So I said it's true, they are crooks, they are horrible, they are criminals who call themselves as spiritual, but the mistake lies with the people who follow them. So a person who is absolutely immoral, absolutely dishonest, who launders money to Swiss banks, cannot be a guru. He used to buy these drugs and sell them. He used to buy weapons and sell them. He was worse than his disciples, much worse. They have used a kind of a suggestion from some books or something where it is said you should surrender everything to your guru. That means it was to suggest that a disciple should be willing to surrender everything to the guru. So, it was not only for the disciple, but for the guru, he should not grab anything, he shouldn't ask for anything, he should not be greedy. All these things are already written down. But nobody reads what is required of a guru and only they see that you have to surrender everything to the guru. Why I'm telling you all this, because how the darkness is so deep and so dangerous. Moreover, the other day I read an article which said that in Milan there is a very, very big organisation, a global organisation of Satanism. Many politicians and many people in the government, very highly placed ministers, prime ministers are involved in it. Many people who are bank managers or bank owners and also the people who call themselves social workers and also those who have got peace award and this award, that award. So this is what is the worst times of Kali Yuga, modern times. 05.11.1994 THE SYMIBOL OF LAKSHMI Shri Lakshmi is the symbol of the completeness of womanhood, she brings wealth, prosperity, auspiciousness, she brings in understanding, generosity, peace and joy, she is the giver of all the blessings. The symbol of Lakshmi is that she stands on the lotus which is pink in colour. Pink colour is the warmth of her Motherhood. In India even a small girl is called as Mother. So in the various aspects of Lakshmi, the symbol is that first she is a very warm person, also in one hand she has the lotus which is also pink in colour, that also is suggestive ofher warmth. Even a funny type of a moth with all kinds of thorns attached to his body enters into a lotus, he finds a place where he can rest, she makes all the guests to come in her house and have the best bed and the best food. Normally the men bring in a guest and the wife receives him and looks after him. So it is suggestive that we have to look after any type of a guest who comes to our house and should completely devote ourselves to the looking after of the guest who is from outside. She is standing on the lotus and wearing also a pink sari, that is you have to have balance to stand on a thing like lotus because she is surrounded by water, and there are many animals around it, beast like people who try to entice her so she has to have a complete balance, also she has two hands with a lotus and with two other hands she is giving and with another hand she is blessing. This one means that she should be generous, she should be giving always to others not for herself. She should not spend all the money on herself and nothing for the children or for the guests or for others. So it is the Lakshmi who has to give, who has to be generous. I have seen those people in Sahaja Yoga are generous, their wives may not be and then they suffer a lot but if the wife is generous she's rewarded, the whole family is rewarded hundred times. Generosity is like this that you have one door open through which everything is coming in and you open another door by giving, so there's a very good circulation. I enjoy my generosity the most, if it is generosity, and you all should enjoy this generosity, and generosity is so rewarding, so rewarding that it is unbelievable how the Divine forces help a person who is generous. Everything comes back to you when you are kind to others or if you are generous to others. You will find later on yourself and so many have already found that just money flows to them. They can't understand from where the money is coming. Just it works out that you get money, whenever you want. You should not worry about money, just forget it and it comes to you. People who are meticulously counting their money all the time, every morning, are never satisfied and also they haven't got the blessings of any kind but if you just keep the worry of money to God everything works out. So what do we understand that it is all in the hands of God almighty. After coming to Sahaja Yoga you don't have to worry about anything, leave it in the hands of God and everything will work out. There is no need for you to go on telling people that oh I am so much worried, I have no money, I have no money. That shows that you are not yet Sahaja Yogis. So if you have to improve those who are your neighbours or your friends or your country, first of all you have to be very mature Sahaja Yoginis. So the Lakshmi is already awakened within you. She resides in your Nabhi chakra. So with your Lakshmi awakened why should you worry about money. So then this last symbolic hand says that those who are under your protection you must look after them. That means you have to bless everyone who comes in contact with you and you have to worry about all the people who are under your control. So the Lakshmi symbol is not only for the ladies but more for the men. 25.10.1992 TWO ASPECTS OF SHRI LAKSHMI A man who is in the business has to respect his wife and his wife should be respectable, if she is not then auspiciousness will not come in that family. So you get all these blessings of Lakshmi if your housewife is a good person. This symbol of Lakshmi is expressing a kind of a personality that is expected of a woman or a man who have got the blessings of money. So that is the, I was telling you about the first day what is it, second day what is it, but main thing is that on a Diwali day we have to worship the Lakshmi. So today when we are worshipping Lakshmi the men also have to know that they have to have a complete balance in life, that they should be generous and look after the people who are under their control. So there are, as I said many aspects, but one of them very important is that Shri Rama killed Ravana on ten days before they say and was crowned on the.., I mean today he was crowned today. So his wife was Sita, she was also made the Queen and in their life it is shown how she remained absolutely dedicated to him. So in Sahaj culture we have to be special people, we cannot be like other people who are just running after money and doing everything just to ruin themselves. So that in Sahaj culture we have to meditate, get our satisfaction about everything within ourselves and also we have to be like the Lakshmi children, the children of Lakshmi. So there are two aspects of this thing we have understood is that Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. If all the people from eastern countries could worship the Lakshmi or you can say worship their own Kundalini then whole of this problem of money will be solved and such a change will come that those countries which today appear to be poorer than the rest of the European world will become quite rich by the blessings of Shri Lakshmi. Now I have to take you to a very subtler side of life and that subtler side is that with the blessings of Shri Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi now you have achieved your self realisation. The Mahalakshmi principle has given you this ascent and the Mahalakshmi principle is that you rise much above your mundane life into the realm of self-realisation. So by her blessings you become like lotuses yourselves. Now you become another aspect of Diwali which means the rows of lights. THE SECOND DAY OF DIWALI Now, the second day of Diwali, last day, is where a brother and sisters celebrate together for relationship which is so pure and protective. That is to show that, after putting the lights, morality must be the first priority for the society. I need not tell you today immoral side of modern times. It's horrible. Immorality is the greatest darkness of modern times where do not know how they relate to each other for which, as I told you before, Christ has suggested that you take out the eyes of a man who looks at a woman twice because He found, at that time, people 9. people were horrid. Who can follow Christ in these modern times? Both the eyes, both the hands will be cut off. On the whole, if you see, I haven't seen any Christian like that, so far. Mohammed-sahib was even more strict. He thought nothing has been done for the women, so he passed through some regulations about women also. So he said that any woman who looks at a man with bad eyes should be killed by stoning. I don't know what would have happened to the American ladies if they follow this. So when I came to this Earth I discovered that these two are very difficult, specially in Kali Yuga. These laws are actually meant for not normal human beings, but for angels. So modern man is even worse than a normal human being because they want something destructive all the time, like the Spanish ask the bull to hit them. Now the description of modern times is there to show you in what times we are living and I realised it's not an easy thing to talk to them about anything that is good without giving them realisation. Unless and until you give them realisation, nothing can penetrate into their minds on just mental level. And also giving only lectures and sermons, the whole thing will be at a mental level only. And also the religions which are so-called are really very harmful for the spiritual growth of human beings. I felt that enlightenment is the only way one can save this world. In this darkness of ignorance, the darkest night of the whole history of this world, we needed light and lights, many lights. AGNI Agni, yes, Agni means fire in Sanskrit language. All right. So the world divided into so many countries, so many races, so many languages and also their own thinking – think of a global religion was only possible when people got their realisation. So, I had to tell you, human beings, what are their problems. So, in a light, in India, we have the pot or the container which is made of clay, then the oil, and then the wick. Now, this body, this mind, you can call all that is visible and is within, is all the pot and the oil is the compassion, the love and the wick is the Kundalini, the pure desire, and the spark is the spirit. So, first of all, the container has to be all right. It should be all right. It should be able to contain the oil properly and should not allow it to ooze out. Now there are two holes that cause problem. One is your ego. Another is your conditionings. So, if a Sahaja Yogi thinks of his conditionings, that "I am a Christian or, you can say, that I come from this race, I'm this community," so all these limitations with which we build ourselves are so flimsy that they break out because there is no reality in them. There's no substance so they fizzle out. They all act like possessions and a person becomes absolutely blind. 99 After coming to Sahaja Yoga, I've seen Christians will adhere to Christ, Muslims will 10 adhere to Mohammed-sahib or to Ali and others will adhere to the conditionings from which they have come, but they don't adhere to Me, so they cannot see the integration of all these personalities in one person. One has to know, on this point, that you have got the light. You are enlightened. You are not an egg. You have become a bird. So you have to give up all that is falsehood. If you are fully enlightened you will give up automatically, you don't have to be told. When the light is enlightened, it automatically feels responsible that it has to give light. Nobody has to tell that "You please give light" because it is light. Because it is eternal light, nothing can kill it. I will say a Sanskrit Shloka - means it cannot be killed by any, nor air can blow it away, nothing can destroy it. Even if you want to suck it, you cannot. It's such a powerful light you have got within yourself. You can verify whether it is eternal or not. You should introspect and see for yourself. You've got such a unique light within you. Not in the history of this world of spirituality so many have got realisation, such light within them.. So how could these stupid, flimsy, useless conditionings dominate you now when you are the carrier of eternal light? But if you don't respect this eternal light, then the conditionings will put it out. This is the only problem, that you have the freedom. You want to have the eternal light, you'll have it, otherwise this light can be damaged completely. So, the another hole is that of ego. One side, conditioning can be resolved by the sense of responsibility. The same sense of responsibility, when asserted through ego, could be very dangerous. This light can become fire and it can burn the house of Sahaja Yoga. A normal life, we know that light is for giving us light, not for burning houses, but when you get to ego in Sahaja Yoga, you can think that you are responsible for Sahaja Yoga, but this responsibility should not give you an idea that you are in charge of Sahaj Yoga. So, gradually then, you right-sided and people are surprised that how this man who was normal has become become like a bull in the china shop. So you are not in charge of Sahaj Yoga. It's like government servants. They are supposed to be servants, but they are the bosses. They become bosses. So, the whole understanding should be of complete wisdom in Sahaj Yoga. The second part is the oil, which is compassion, which is natural, innate and joy-giving. This oil has to be pure. The compassion has to be pure. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis try to trouble the leaders. They oppose the leader and try to hinder the work of Sahaja Yoga. Now, these are supposed to be Sahaja Yogis and they don't understand if their compassion is pure they will appreciate their leader because the leader is doing such a compassionate work. Of course, pure compassion, one must understand, has nothing to do with greed, with temptations, nothing to do. One has to feel such nearness with the leader and appreciativeness of the work that he or she is putting in. So Compassion cannot be impure. There cannot be lust in it. More over this compassion should be expressed in such a descent manner that nobody should doubt your compassion. Thank God, this one good thing has happened, people don't kiss you. First time when I went to western countries, I was just bombarded with kisses. I didn't know what to say –I mean horrible. There may not be anything wrong in the mind, but it's so indecent and stupid. Long time back I was told that it was written on Indian airports, “Please don't kiss the custom officers." In modern times a man can kiss a woman, but he can't kiss a man. I mean, it's 99 11 absurd. Even if they make a goal in the match of football, now they don't hug, poor things, they just touch with hands, each other.... So, and now I've seen many who make a goal and they're excited, so they run out of the field. They don't know what to do.... 25.10.1992 COMPASSION So, for compassion, it has to have decency as fragrance in the oil. So how do we express our compassion? We have Rakhi sisters, Rakhi brothers, but I know of a lady who became friendly with rich boys as Rakhi brothers. Or the other way round also, that many boys became Rakhi brothers of rich women. So one has to understand that it is not for money that you should become Rakhi brothers and sisters and to exploit, but for compassion. You have to express your Rakhi relationship just for the protection of each other. The compassion is so joy-giving that you should have not such conditions of money or any other stupid conditions which will kill your joy. But another thing also is that you express your love you use some things as presents that gives you joy. That doesn't mean, by any chance, that you just give it to your Rakhi sister and not even to your wife, some present. So, the sap, as I always say, of compassion has to rise in the plant, giving love to different parts, indifferent ways, whatever is required and that then evaporates or go back to roots ???. Attachment is the killer of pure love and compassion. So always try to find out, introspect. Are you attached to your children, to your wife or to your Rakhi sister or to anything? Attached? Then there's a danger that you may get into a kind of a stagnation. You'll be amazed, when you are absolutely detached and nourishing the different relationships that you have in a proper way, your joy is perfect. Ambition is another killer of joy. So, if you have to be ambitious, you have to be only ambitious only about Sahaja Yoga, so that you humble down. One promise in Sahaja Yoga is that your life will be full of joy. There is no need to take out your eyes, cut your hands, no punishments. If you have too many holes, need not come to Sahaj Yoga. You have to become real holy person, not full of holes. I must say that you are all "your holinesses." I am not because I've not become. You have become. Supposing, somebody has to call you as a man, will they say, "Oh, man, such and such"? No, because you are a man. Whatever you achieve is attached to you, whatever you have achieved. 99 BLISS All right, so now the another thing that is promised is bliss. What is bliss is the experience of joy. It can come from anything. Maybe you find you were in an accident and you were 12 suddenly saved, protected. You are amazed and everybody feels the bliss. You also feel the bliss. Now, it is the Kundalini, which is a pure desire, is already existing, you don't have to do anything. Maybe the cotton is not clean. It has some problems because it has passed through dirty hands, but it can be cleaned. The cotton of the wick may not be clean, but it can be cleaned. Cotton wool, I mean. Kabira has said something very beautiful about it. He says that when the intestine of a goat are inside the stomach, they say, “May, may, may," means "I, I, I." But when they are pulled out and made into strings and put on an instrument for cleaning the cotton wool – put on the instrument that cleans the cotton wool. You know, in India we call it "Doona. And when it is being strung, it says, "Tuh, tuh, tuh," means “You, you are, you are, you are. 99 99 99 99 All right, whatever it is. So, it means that when your Kundalini is not working out well because there are problems in your chakras, what you have to say, “You are, you are." You say that. “You are Sakshat this. You are Sakshat that." Sakshat means "in reality." In reality. You don't say, "You are Her Holiness something." You say, "You are Ganesha. You are this." That is how you cleanse all the dirt or all the problems of your chakras. By this, you also correct your conditionings and your ego. Then you do not take the credit for anything. You do not feel you are doing something and the whole personality changes into a complete instrument like the flute in the hands of Shri Krishna. Then you see your work, everything as the work of the Divine. That is how you become enlightened. That is how you become the light of joy, of peace. That is how, see, is whatever is described about, you become that. If there is a light you don't have to say that it is a light, it is. It is not a stamp that you have to use. 99 99 So, today we are celebrating a Diwali of the lights of Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what to in what state of bliss I am. All the ripples you have created of joy are overwhelming for it. No words can describe. I cannot compose poetry. Keep this light burning beautifully through meditation and you can become very strong because of light. say, May God bless you, Happy Diwali to all of you. 5.11.1994 13 PRABODH Today it's a great day for Me to celebrate the Christmas Eve in Poona. Poona is called as Punya Patanam in our ancient books. That means this is the place which is very holy, place of, we can say, it is the city of holiness, and here to celebrate the birthday of Jesus is something so sensible, so correct, so proper because He was nothing but punya. He was nothing but holiness, and that His birthday should be celebrated here is absolutely so sahaja that I started feeling, going back in the history, if Christ was born in Poona, what would have happened? But then I thought, supposing He was born here, then people all over the world would not have accepted Him because He had to be crucified. If He was not crucified, the sadist won't be happy. If they are not happy, they won't allow Christianity to spread, in the real sense of the word, I mean the Christianity. 6. With all understanding, He was born in Jerusalem. A humble place Jerusalem, very humble place, and He was born in a very humble place, in a, as you know, in the company of the cattle, around him. And the whole birth took place in such a miraculous way that Mother didn't have to suffer for that, didn't have to go to any doctor or to any physician or anything. It was so spontaneous, so beautiful. He gave no trouble to Mother throughout. His birth is one of the signs that He never gave any trouble to His mother. When we are in Sahaja Yoga, when we have to have our realization, perhaps people do not realize how much Mother has to go through to raise the Kundalini, to achieve the Realization. It's not an easy thing. He never argued with His Mother and He never troubled Her; always obeyed Her because He knew who She was and He knew what He was. He knew the relationship very well, knew in the sense that it was a part and parcel of His understanding. In His nervous system He knew it. As we say, He had the Prabodh. And so from the very beginning when He was born He was no trouble to His Mother at all. Extremely obedient, kind, never pressing, always looking after Her, very protective. Such a great soul was born in Jerusalem. And there what happened? Bethlehem He was born, near Jerusalem, but there what happened? As you know the three kings came from far off. Nobody knew about His birth in the surroundings, say in Jerusalem area or Bethlehem area. Nobody bothered. But from very far off, three great kings came to see Him. It's very symbolic that to the people who were nearer, closer to Him, it was nothing. They were so gross. They had no sensitivity. And from miles away, they started walking, coming on the camel, sometimes resting in the night. Days in and days out they traveled with the help of the star and came to that little abode which was in Bethlehem. In a small little place to arrive with that humility, how sensitive they must be. They forgot their position in life. They forgot their own wealth and all those things they have been enjoying. To them it was the greatest thing, the greatest pilgrimage to go all the way to see the little child who was not talking. He was not doing anything. They felt it's a privilege to honor Him, just to honor Him, just to pay Him honor. What was the need? A little child would not even recognize. He did; that's a different point. But just to pay the honor they must have gone through very great difficulties to go down to Bethlehem. It was not a city. It was a village, where there was no place for them to rest. God knows where they stayed. There had no hotels like this in those days. God knows where they stayed. They dressed up very well because they have to see the King of kings. They were properly dressed. With great humility they bowed before the little child. That's only 15 possible if you are that sensitive, at that distance to know that there is a great soul born. Thank God that it was not Kaliyuga of that kind, but that is today, that the sensitivities in the Kaliyuga is so finished that people can't feel the Divinity. They cannot see the Divinity. They have no sense of beauty. They have no sense of anything that is pure, holy or auspicious. Spontaneously sahaja, they all came down to see the great child born. Because it was the work of the Divine to create such a great child just out of the punyas, nothing but punyas, nothing but holiness that this child was created, and that they knew about it, they came all the way. Today is such a great day for Me, that in that place where people were so gross, nobody knew what Christ was, child was born in a manger. And today in this great holy place we are celebrating His birthday. This is a real honor. We are praying to Him. By that we are honored. It's a great privilege that in this holy place we are giving Him that honor. It's our privilege. By that He doesn't become great; He doesn't become great. It's you who are honoring Him because you see the greatness in that personality. Thank God human beings have at least this much, little bit left in them that they appreciate the greatness of others, little bit. So you all have come from so many countries here from all over, not with those difficulties, of course – they have been all put right – not with ordeals or anything, but you are here to celebrate His birthday in this holy place which should have been the right place for Him to be born and not that horrible place where He was crucified later. It's doubly glorifying that we are celebrating His birthday here, though even this city is very much spoilt in the Kaliyuga, very much ruined, but is surrounded by vibrations of many saints who have built up this city. That's why it is called as a punya nagari. And anybody who tries to spoil the vibrations of this place is thrown out. This you have seen in many cases. Though we can see lots of negative forces have tried to penetrate inside this place, your presence here should clear this city also and create that atmosphere that Christ would like to see on this earth. It's said that Christ is to be born within us. What sort of a place we have in our heart for Christ to be born? Is it the same gross place where He took His birth or is it the place of holiness in our heart? If He is being born in the same sort of a place, are we going to again crucify Him? Or we are going to make our heart clean, holy, auspicious, like a lotus, so that when He is born in that heart, He resides in that is behoving His own personality. When we respect ourselves, we respect Him. Let us have a way a heart of that kind. It's very easy to give a lecture on this, very easy to give lecture, but it's difficult to establish that heart. And that heart which is of that level and that quality can only make Christ happy. Otherwise, He cannot be happy. We still indulge into gross processes, and gross understanding, gross relationships, gross procedures. We still do not take to the holy procedures. In the holy procedure, there is no sacrifice, is a sacrifice. Everything is enjoyment. No duty is without joy. Everything you do has to be from the heart. Because you are doing from the heart, it has to be a beautiful thing. It's very easy to say that we follow Christ. What do you follow? Are you going to follow Him up to the cross? Where are you following Him? Which part of His life you are following? You are all realized souls. You are born again. As Christ has said, "You are to be born again." All right, now you are born again. Then what are you doing about it? Cleanse your heart; cleanse your heart. Then I still find there are jealousies. There is a problem of temperaments between different people. Still groups are formed. We live in little, little groups of, say, this country, that country, this group, that group. 99 16 Then I find also people just fighting for little, little things, missing all the points of joy. This has to change. I do not want at this happier occasion to tell you the hazardous life Christ had to lead. He lived only for such a short time. The kind of life He led with all that, that He had is remarkable, and what a pure life He led, what a pure heart He had, and one single desire in His heart was to bring down the kingdom of God. That should be our desire. In our collective we have to understand, we have to bring down the kingdom of God. Are we sufficiently supporting that? Have we got the foundations within us? Can we withstand all that upon our shoulders? It is said in Marathi that forgiveness is the decoration of a Veera. Veera is the brave. Only the brave could forgive. Now, how many of us really know how to forgive others and to love others? So many write that, “Mother, my heart is like a stone." So now you jump in the sea. What are you doing here? Stones must go to the sea. Or they say, "My heart is not open." I say, "Why do you write like this?" “Because I'm very, very frank and honest." With whom are you honest? For such people there is no Sahaja Yoga. They should really leave Sahaja Yoga and go away. Sahaja Yoga is meant for people who have a very large heart where Christ could be [adorned/adored]. He's to be restored upon that great heart of yours. 99 99 In every way one has to enlarge the heart. That's why I think William Blake very clearly said that, "England should be the Jerusalem." But only by saying that William Blake said so, one should know that it's complete [darkness], complete [darkness]. He is hoping against hopes. Large heartedness is missing among Christians. Italians, who have so-called Christianity, have the worst pictures; so licentious, so horrible, so much against Christ. It's very surprising. How we can do such things to bring bad name to Him and to the whole world where you represent Him? People think Christianity means licentiousness, permissiveness, drunkenness, abandonment of all the values, while Christ was just the opposite of. Absolutely, He did not need any values. He was gunatit. He is dharmatit, everything. But how He lived on this earth, such an ideal! So before us we have got a great ideal. We don't have to follow the ideals of these horrible kings who lived there. But we have to follow the ideal of Christ and those kings who followed the ideal of Christ. Because if you are following Him, the path that you are following has to be, the essence of Christ's life is a pure life of love and sacrifice. This is what one has to follow. the people who live on the heart. As you know about the French, they call themselves Throughout His life, He has been using this essence just to establish Himself in our Agnya Chakra and that's what He's worked very, very hard to do that. Let us not do anything to let Him down in our character. You just put a test to yourself. Do you think Christ [would/could]have done this? Do you think Christ was, would have accepted this? A simple test can tell you that Christ is the measuring rod for all our qualities. That is how we move. That's the standard. Not that He's only the light, that He is the Nirakara, He is Omkara, He is Shri Ganesha, but all that has come to life. He lived like us, like a human being. And in His life, what He would never have done, would never have compromised, would never have accepted, would never have digested, we cannot have it. This is what today on this holy land of Punya Patanam we have to say that, sitting down here, we have to feel it. Let's have that decision within ourselves. Let our hearts open out. Let's have Christ blossoming in our lotuses, in the fragrance of our heart. We all have it. Let that Spirit be awakened in this beautiful place which is built by the saints, the ancient saints of this country. Let that Ganesha awaken within ourselves, that holiness, that auspiciousness. May God bless you all. 5.11.1994 17 सहजयोगी, उठो, चारों ओर फैल जाओ 3. १ १ (इस पृथ्वी पर मानव सृजन की पराकाष्ठा है, "सहजयोग" ज्ञान की पराकाष्ठा है और सहजयोगी विकास की पराकाष्ठा है। परम पूज्या श्रीमाताजी ने आपको हर प्रकार से शक्तिशाली बना दिया है अब आपको अपना उत्तरदायित्व पूरा करने के लिए आगे बढ़ना है।) 1. परमात्मा के माध्यम बनो, आप पूर्णतया समर्थ हैं - हैं। आप लोग एक नए आयाम में उतर गए आपने परमात्मा को पा लिया है। ...आपने सत्य पर अपने पैर जमा लिए हैं। ... आप मानव से ... ... महामानव बन गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 29-3-75, मुंबई आप अत्यन्त उच्च चेतना के क्षेत्र में प्रवेश कर गए हैं, जहाँ अब आप परमात्मा से जुड़े हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 5-5-83 श्री गणेश जी आपके अन्दर इतने सुंदर ढंग से स्थापित हो गए हैं और इस प्रकार जाग्रत हो चुके हैं कि अपनी स्वतंत्रता में भी आप श्री गणेश विरोधी कोई कार्य नहीं कर सकते । आपके अन्दर उनकी अभिव्यक्ति पूर्णतया स्पष्ट हो चुकी है। आपके चेहरों पर सुन्दर चमक है, अन्य लोगों से आप बहुत भिन्न लगते हैं। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के पूर्व आपका जीवन पूर्णतया भिन्न था, अब आपका पूर्णतया कायाकल्प हो गया है और पराविज्ञान के नए युग में आप प्रवेश कर गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10 सितम्बर 1995, कबेला आप योगी जन हैं । ऋषी और महान लोगों को जो नहीं मिला वो आपको आज सर्वसाधारण तौर पर मिला है।.. आप पूरी तरह से बदलकर एक नए मानव हो गए हैं... आप सहजयोगी हैं, आपके अंदर सृजन शक्ति है, विचार शक्ति है, आपके अंदर वो शक्ति है जिससे आप दुनियाँ को चमका सकते हैं.. परमात्मा का माध्यम बनने के लिए आपके अंदर सारी शक्तियाँ हैं । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 18.9.88, बंबई अब सहजयोगी को कहना है कि मैं आदिशक्ति का पुत्र या पुत्री हूँ। यह बहुत बड़ी पदवी है, बहुत बड़ा आशीर्वादित पद। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 27-12-94, गणपति पुले अब आप लोग जीवन्त कार्य के स्वामी हैं, मृत कार्य के नहीं। आप जीवन शक्ति को संचालित कर 19 सकते हैं, इसे अपने हिसाब से ढाल सकते हैं और अपने उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं ... अब आप में कर्ताभाव नहीं है... अब आप अकर्म कर रहे हैं। सारा जीवन्त कार्य अकर्म है, जैसे पृथ्वी माँ बीजों को अंकुरित करती है परन्तु उसमें कर्ताभाव नहीं होता।... अब आप भी बस कार्य आरम्भ करते हैं और कुंडलिनी उठा देते हैं। अब आप यह नहीं सोचते कि आपने इतना महान जीवन्त कार्य किया है कि उनकी कुंडलिनी उठा दी है जो उन्हें परिवर्तित कर देगी और उन्हें एक नया जीवन प्रदान करेगी और वे भी आपकी तरह विशिष्ट लोग बन जाएँगे... आपमें यह भावना इसलिए आई है कि अब आपमें अहं नहीं बचा है । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 8-10-87, म्यूनिच कुंडलिनी के उद्दीपन से हृदय में जो शक्त प्राण स्वरुप है वह प्रेम हो जाती है। पेट में जो धर्म है वह सारे संसार की जाग्रति हो जाती है और सर में जो चेतना है वो सारे संसार का ज्ञान हो जाता है।...अब हमने इस शक्ति को पा लिया है... हमारे ही इशारों से कुण्डलिनी उठ रही है, हमारे ही बंधनों से ये अधर्म चरमरा रहे हैं। ...इस सर्वव्यापी शक्ति को अपने अंदर पाकर हम सर्वशक्तिमान हो गए हैं। ...हम उस सर्वव्यापी परमात्मा के प्रेम की शक्ति के अंग हो गए हैं, जो हम इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। . पू.श्रीमाताजी, 30-3-75, मुंबई हम किसी एक देश के न होकर पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड के हैं-" विश्व निर्मल धर्म" के। हम ब्रह्माण्ड के ११ अंग-प्रत्यंग हैं, अब हम शाश्वत जीवन में असीम में प्रवेश कर गए हैं, एक नन्हें कमल की तरह जो कीचड़ में से निकलता है और कीचड़ जिस पर चिपका हुआ होता है पर अंत में अति स्वच्छ रुप में वही कीचड़ से बाहर आ जाता है, तब वह चारों ओर अपनी सुगन्ध देता है, यहाँ तक कि कीचड़ को भी वह सुगंधित कर देता है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 20-2-92 , आस्ट्रेलिया आप सभी संत बन चुके हैं। आप संत हैं क्योंकि आपके अंदर आपके कमल की सुंदर सुगंध है, उस कमल को महसूस कीजिए, यह कितना सुंदर तथा कोमल है। यह गुलाबी रंग का है- उदारता एवं नियंत्रण का प्रतीक। आप भी यही हैं। जहाँ भी आप होंगे , इस सौन्दर्य की सृष्टि कर सकेंगे, लोग देख सकेंगे कितना आध्यात्मिक जीवन है। आप लोग ही सहजयोग को प्रतिबिम्बित करने वाले हैं मैं नहीं। आप ही को सहजयोग दर्शाना है। ण्ण्ण्ण्ण्ण्आप लोग सदा आनन्दमय और विवेकशील रहेंगे ...अपने विवेक को नेतृत्व सँभालने दीजिए । कबैला प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10-11-91, 2 . आपको इस पृथ्वी पर दिव्य स्वर्ग का सृजन करके, आदिशक्ति का स्वप्न साकार करना है - आदिशक्ति का स्वप्न साकार करने के लिए हम विश्व को एक सुंदर विश्व में परिवर्तित कर सकते 20 हैं। आदिशक्ति ने आपकी सृष्टि इसी कार्य के लिए की है और इसीलिए आपको मानव स्तर से उठाकर वे महामानव स्तर तक लाई हैं... परमात्मा आपका उपयोग महान कार्य के लिए करेंग... आपको ढालकर इस अवस्था तक इसीलिए लाया गया है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 27-9-92, कबैला सभी अवतरण इस समय की भविष्यवाणी कर रहे थे, वह समय आ गया है, इसीलिए मैं इस काल को बसन्त ऋतु कहती हूँ और आप लोग इसके फल हैं। भिन्न ऋतुओं के ब्रह्माण्डीय चक्र की तरह यह सुन्दर समय आया है और कालचक्र की तरह इसे घूमकर आगे जाना है। सहजयोग पहले तो अत्यन्त छोटे स्तर पर शुरु हुआ परन्तु अब पूरे विश्व में फैलकर यह बहुत बड़ा हो गया है .. इस सामूहिक आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ज्ञान की कल्पना तो मैंने भी न की थी... हमें कहना चाहिए कि संतो, पीर पैगम्बरों तथा अवतरणों ने जो कार्य किया , सहस्रार का खुलना इसकी पराकाष्ठा है। विश्व के कोने-कोने में जन - जन तक इसे पहुँचाना हमारे आध्यात्मिक उत्थान का अन्तिम लक्ष्य है। कबैला प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 9-5-93, अब मुझे आशा है कि मेरा अवतरण व्यर्थ नहीं हुआ है। परमात्मा ने आपको अपने पदों पर आरुढ़ कर दिया है, और अब आप जि़िम्मेदार हैं। इसीलिए परमात्मा ने आपको पृथ्वी पर जन्म दिया है। मैं तो मात्र एक गृहिणी हूँ। विश्व आपके नेतृत्व की ओर देख रहा है । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी यह देखकर मुझे बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई कि अब विश्व भर में बहुत लोग सहजयोगी हैं। सर्वत्र फैला यह सार्वभौमिक आंदोलन है। तथाकथित धर्मों के सीमित विचारों से इसे कुछ नहीं लेना-देना।...पुनर्जन्म केवल आपके उत्थान के लिए ही नहीं , यह परमेश्वरी कृपा आपको इसलिए मिली है ताकि आप पूरे विश्व को जहाँ तक हो सके दिव्य बना सकें।...आपको इस पृथ्वी पर दिव्य स्वर्ग का सृजन करना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 23-4-2000, टक्की है आपको इतना दृढ़ बनाया गया कि मात्र दृष्टिपात से आप लोगों को आत्मसाक्षात्कार दे सकते हैं। ... आप आत्मलीन हैं और सदा सुरक्षित ...पूरे विश्व को बचाने के लिए आप सहजयोगी बने हैं। परमात्मा की सेवा के लिए विश्व में हैं और आपकी सेवा का लक्ष्य इस विश्व को बचाना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 4.7.93, कबैला हमें जो नया जीवन मिला है वह सिफ्फ सहजयोग के कार्य में संलग्न रहने के लिए, हर समय सहजयोग के बारे में सोचना है।.. सहजयोग व्यक्तिगत नहीं, समाज के लिए नहीं, यह तो संसार के लिए है । 21 .. आपको अपना पूरा चित्त अब सहजयोग में देना चाहिए । देखो। मेरा तो सब कुछ ये सारा विश्व है ...अब उसके लिए आप कुछ कीजिए। ...ध्यान देना है . ...यह समय आपात काल का है। ...अब आपको ध्यान में रखना है कि हम श्रीमाता जी के हाथ के ऐसे साधन बनेंगे, ऐसे सूत्र बनेंगे कि माता जी को लगेगा कि हम ये सारा विश्व जीत लेंगे। ...अब हर एक को है। कमर कसकर तैयारी में जुट जाना है, इसके आगे युद्ध है।, बहुत बड़ा युद्ध है, उसे लड़ना अब आपमें इतनी शक्ति है कि जहाँ आप बैठोगे वहाँ बंधन पड़ेंगे... जहाँ नज़र जाएगी वही बंधन पड़ेंगे... तलवार नहीं है, ऐसी बात नहीं है, सब कुछ आपके पास है, बस केवल इच्छा चाहिए।.. सहजयोग का एक प्रतिष्ठावान व्यक्ति बनकर मैं आचरण करुँगा ऐसा एक निश्चय मन में रख कर अब चलना है।...ये सहजयोग बहुत बड़ी चीज है... सारे विश्व के स्वतंत्रता की ये बात है। .. विश्व-धर्म की मर्यादा, परमात्मा की मर्यादा है । अब आप गुजराती, मराठी कुछ नहीं रहे, आप हिन्दू अंग्रेज़ कुछ नहीं हैं। आप विश्वव्यापी विश्व- धर्म के अनुयायी बहुत शक्तिशाली हो गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 2.4.85, मुंबई 3. दीप से दीप पज्वलित कर सारे विश्व को प्रकाशित करो - इस अँधेरी दुनियाँ में तुम लोग दीपक हो और तुम्हें प्रकाश देना है ।... बड़ी जिम्मेदारी है आपकी। आप कलियुग में पैदा हुए हैं इसलिए इस कलियुग को बदलना है।...तुम सच्चाई पर खड़े रहो, मैं तुम्हारे साथ हूँ और परमात्मा भी तुम्हारे साथ हैं।...इस प्रकाश में आपने क्या पाया? हिम्मत। और हिम्मत से लड़ो। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10-11-2007, नोएडा आप पूरे विश्व के लिए दीपक सम हैं| आपका अपना ज्योतिर्मय होना ही काफी नहीं है, आपको अन्य लोगों को भी प्रकाश देना है, दीपकों की तरह आपको अन्य लोगों को भी प्रज्ज्वलित करना है। आपको किसी भी प्रकार की तैयारी की आवश्यकता नहीं है, यह शक्ति आपके पास है और यह शक्ति ही कार्य करती है। प्रकाश के लिए आप क्या करते हैं?आप केवल देखते हैं। दीपक को प्रज्न्वलित करें और प्रकाश हो जाता है। इसी प्रकार से आप अपने साक्षात्कार से भी विश्वभर के हजारों लोगों को प्रकाशवान कर सकते हैं।...अपने प्रकाश से अपनी ज्योति से आप पूरे विश्व के अंधकार को दूर कर दं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 3-11-2002, लास एंजिलिस आप यदि विश्व को परिवर्तित करना चाहते हैं और जीवन के दु:ख और तकलीफों से बचना चाहते हैं, तो आपको लोगों की रक्षा करनी होगी, आपको उनका उद्धार करना होगा आपका यही कार्य है । सहजयोग का यह ऋण आपने चुकाना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 25-12-2001, गणपति पुले 22 Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. 25.10.1992 Published & Printed by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. 10, Bhagyachintamani Co-op. Housing Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, India 411 038. Ph.: 020 - 65226031, 65226032, 25286537 email:sale@nitl.oc.in, website:www.nitl.co.in (For queries contact on above address) You have all the powers within you, you have to just manifest it. You have to just feel yourself, understand yourself what is your responsibility. You have been asking for light now you've got the light, you have become the light, now give light to others. 25/10/1992 ---------------------- 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-0.txt Yuva Ge Dec.2013 EGO 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-1.txt INSIDE THIS ISSUE Diwali - Rows of Lights ...6 Diwali ...7 The Symbol of Lakshmi ...8 Two Aspects of Shri Lakshmi ...9 The Second Day of Diwali ...9 Agni ...10 Compassion ...12 Bliss ...12 Prabodh ...15 सहजयोगी, उठो, चारों ओर फैल जाओ...18 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-3.txt DIWALI 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-5.txt DIWALI-ROWS OF LIGHTS Diwali word comes from two words: dipa and awali. Dipa means, you know, lights, and awali means rows, rows and rows of lights. Seems it's a very, very ancient idea and all over in the world, you see, whenever they have to celebrate something then they put lights and lights because light gives joy, gives happiness. So to overcome the darkness of ignorance also we have to enlighten ourselves. And that it is why is important that everybody should get Self- realization to feel the light within themselves. And you must have noticed that after realization the eyes also sparkle. There's light in the eyes of every Sahaja yogi. Today is the day when we worship the Lakshmi, Lakshmi principle which is in our Nabhi. Lakshmi principle that is understood, I've told you many a time, described Lakshmi to you that She stands on a lotus and She has two lotuses in Her hands. That means She's so benevolent, so kind that She doesn't pressurize anyone. But normally you don't find that. Anybody who has money, he just try to pressurize or try to push down. Even in Sahaja Yoga I've seen people like that. If they're little better off, they try to push people, organize them, to control them as if they think this is a power they have got out of the money that they have. But She Herself stands on a lotus – that means on the beauty. The beauty of Her being is shown that She doesn't trouble anyone. She can stand on a flower. So the first thing, those who have to worship Lakshmi have to remember one thing that they are not to pressurize anyone, to push anyone, to control anyone or destroy. But She with Her feet on the lotuses nourishes the lotus. In Her two hands She has got lotuses. Lotus is a sign of beauty and they being pink, is love. So what does it symbolize? That a person who has Lakshmi, who has money, who has wealth should be extremely generous. Like a lotus which allows a horrible gnat-like, black, porky, porking type, little beetle also to come into it and to sleep. And She provides in the lotus a beautiful bed of comfort to such a person. He is black, he has got thorns in it, but he is coming to rest, surrendered. And then She covers it with Her petals and makes it comfortable and protected. So for a person who has money that should be the temperament, otherwise he loses his money very fast. Or he is always insecure about his money; he doesn't know what to do. He wants to put money here, hide there, hide there, and hide there. And there's no grace about such a person. And the house is such that you never feel comfortable because all the time they're worried the carpet will be spoiled, this will be spoiled, that will be spoiled, and that should not be so. What's the use of having such a house which gives you a headache? By common sense a house should be such where you can live freely, at least the house should be that. But the soon we become materialistic we get out of our Lakshmi principle. All the beauty of our wealth is finished. So, Lakshmi principle means love. This very few people understand. To them Lakshmi means money in the bank. No, doesn't mean that. It means money or anything like that to express your love. 6. 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-6.txt DIWALI This Diwali has been a festival of very ancient times in India. I already told in My previous lectures what are these five days are. After killing Narakasura. Diwali was celebrated when it was the darkest night of the year. So now, it is very symbolic of these modern times because the worst time, as far as morality is concerned has been in these modern times. We call it the Ghor Kali Yuga – Ghor Kali Yug, the worst modern times. That means a complete darkness and, as you see around, you'll find out that there is complete darkness as far as morality is concerned, but that's why there are all kinds of crisis. Because of that, also, there are many who are seeking the light, the truth. In the dark age of ignorance, people have no knowledge as to what they should do, why they are on this Earth. As you know very well, that thousands and thousands of real seekers who are born at this time, that is why this job was given to Me is to create Diwali in this dark ages of ignorance. It's not an easy job because, on one side, we have all the dark forces acting against the truth. Also, on the other side, we have to fight the false people who are taking advantage of your seeking. Firstly, people don't know what to seek, so all these false people have been money-oriented and they tried to work out marketing of their falsehood and they have the expertise to do it. Somebody asked Me about that, television lady, what about the cults who are killing people and doing all sorts of things that they did in Switzerland. So I said it's true, they are crooks, they are horrible, they are criminals who call themselves as spiritual, but the mistake lies with the people who follow them. So a person who is absolutely immoral, absolutely dishonest, who launders money to Swiss banks, cannot be a guru. He used to buy these drugs and sell them. He used to buy weapons and sell them. He was worse than his disciples, much worse. They have used a kind of a suggestion from some books or something where it is said you should surrender everything to your guru. That means it was to suggest that a disciple should be willing to surrender everything to the guru. So, it was not only for the disciple, but for the guru, he should not grab anything, he shouldn't ask for anything, he should not be greedy. All these things are already written down. But nobody reads what is required of a guru and only they see that you have to surrender everything to the guru. Why I'm telling you all this, because how the darkness is so deep and so dangerous. Moreover, the other day I read an article which said that in Milan there is a very, very big organisation, a global organisation of Satanism. Many politicians and many people in the government, very highly placed ministers, prime ministers are involved in it. Many people who are bank managers or bank owners and also the people who call themselves social workers and also those who have got peace award and this award, that award. So this is what is the worst times of Kali Yuga, modern times. 05.11.1994 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-7.txt THE SYMIBOL OF LAKSHMI Shri Lakshmi is the symbol of the completeness of womanhood, she brings wealth, prosperity, auspiciousness, she brings in understanding, generosity, peace and joy, she is the giver of all the blessings. The symbol of Lakshmi is that she stands on the lotus which is pink in colour. Pink colour is the warmth of her Motherhood. In India even a small girl is called as Mother. So in the various aspects of Lakshmi, the symbol is that first she is a very warm person, also in one hand she has the lotus which is also pink in colour, that also is suggestive ofher warmth. Even a funny type of a moth with all kinds of thorns attached to his body enters into a lotus, he finds a place where he can rest, she makes all the guests to come in her house and have the best bed and the best food. Normally the men bring in a guest and the wife receives him and looks after him. So it is suggestive that we have to look after any type of a guest who comes to our house and should completely devote ourselves to the looking after of the guest who is from outside. She is standing on the lotus and wearing also a pink sari, that is you have to have balance to stand on a thing like lotus because she is surrounded by water, and there are many animals around it, beast like people who try to entice her so she has to have a complete balance, also she has two hands with a lotus and with two other hands she is giving and with another hand she is blessing. This one means that she should be generous, she should be giving always to others not for herself. She should not spend all the money on herself and nothing for the children or for the guests or for others. So it is the Lakshmi who has to give, who has to be generous. I have seen those people in Sahaja Yoga are generous, their wives may not be and then they suffer a lot but if the wife is generous she's rewarded, the whole family is rewarded hundred times. Generosity is like this that you have one door open through which everything is coming in and you open another door by giving, so there's a very good circulation. I enjoy my generosity the most, if it is generosity, and you all should enjoy this generosity, and generosity is so rewarding, so rewarding that it is unbelievable how the Divine forces help a person who is generous. Everything comes back to you when you are kind to others or if you are generous to others. You will find later on yourself and so many have already found that just money flows to them. They can't understand from where the money is coming. Just it works out that you get money, whenever you want. You should not worry about money, just forget it and it comes to you. People who are meticulously counting their money all the time, every morning, are never satisfied and also they haven't got the blessings of any kind but if you just keep the worry of money to God everything works out. So what do we understand that it is all in the hands of God almighty. After coming to Sahaja Yoga you don't have to worry about anything, leave it in the hands of God and everything will work out. There is no need for you to go on telling people that oh I am so much worried, I have no money, I have no money. That shows that you are not yet Sahaja Yogis. So if you have to improve those who are your neighbours or your friends or your country, first of all you have to be very mature Sahaja Yoginis. So the Lakshmi is already awakened within you. She resides in your Nabhi chakra. So with your Lakshmi awakened why should you worry about money. So then this last symbolic hand says that those who are under your protection you must look after them. That means you have to bless everyone who comes in contact with you and you have to worry about all the people who are under your control. So the Lakshmi symbol is not only for the ladies but more for the men. 25.10.1992 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-8.txt TWO ASPECTS OF SHRI LAKSHMI A man who is in the business has to respect his wife and his wife should be respectable, if she is not then auspiciousness will not come in that family. So you get all these blessings of Lakshmi if your housewife is a good person. This symbol of Lakshmi is expressing a kind of a personality that is expected of a woman or a man who have got the blessings of money. So that is the, I was telling you about the first day what is it, second day what is it, but main thing is that on a Diwali day we have to worship the Lakshmi. So today when we are worshipping Lakshmi the men also have to know that they have to have a complete balance in life, that they should be generous and look after the people who are under their control. So there are, as I said many aspects, but one of them very important is that Shri Rama killed Ravana on ten days before they say and was crowned on the.., I mean today he was crowned today. So his wife was Sita, she was also made the Queen and in their life it is shown how she remained absolutely dedicated to him. So in Sahaj culture we have to be special people, we cannot be like other people who are just running after money and doing everything just to ruin themselves. So that in Sahaj culture we have to meditate, get our satisfaction about everything within ourselves and also we have to be like the Lakshmi children, the children of Lakshmi. So there are two aspects of this thing we have understood is that Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. If all the people from eastern countries could worship the Lakshmi or you can say worship their own Kundalini then whole of this problem of money will be solved and such a change will come that those countries which today appear to be poorer than the rest of the European world will become quite rich by the blessings of Shri Lakshmi. Now I have to take you to a very subtler side of life and that subtler side is that with the blessings of Shri Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi now you have achieved your self realisation. The Mahalakshmi principle has given you this ascent and the Mahalakshmi principle is that you rise much above your mundane life into the realm of self-realisation. So by her blessings you become like lotuses yourselves. Now you become another aspect of Diwali which means the rows of lights. THE SECOND DAY OF DIWALI Now, the second day of Diwali, last day, is where a brother and sisters celebrate together for relationship which is so pure and protective. That is to show that, after putting the lights, morality must be the first priority for the society. I need not tell you today immoral side of modern times. It's horrible. Immorality is the greatest darkness of modern times where do not know how they relate to each other for which, as I told you before, Christ has suggested that you take out the eyes of a man who looks at a woman twice because He found, at that time, people 9. 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-9.txt people were horrid. Who can follow Christ in these modern times? Both the eyes, both the hands will be cut off. On the whole, if you see, I haven't seen any Christian like that, so far. Mohammed-sahib was even more strict. He thought nothing has been done for the women, so he passed through some regulations about women also. So he said that any woman who looks at a man with bad eyes should be killed by stoning. I don't know what would have happened to the American ladies if they follow this. So when I came to this Earth I discovered that these two are very difficult, specially in Kali Yuga. These laws are actually meant for not normal human beings, but for angels. So modern man is even worse than a normal human being because they want something destructive all the time, like the Spanish ask the bull to hit them. Now the description of modern times is there to show you in what times we are living and I realised it's not an easy thing to talk to them about anything that is good without giving them realisation. Unless and until you give them realisation, nothing can penetrate into their minds on just mental level. And also giving only lectures and sermons, the whole thing will be at a mental level only. And also the religions which are so-called are really very harmful for the spiritual growth of human beings. I felt that enlightenment is the only way one can save this world. In this darkness of ignorance, the darkest night of the whole history of this world, we needed light and lights, many lights. AGNI Agni, yes, Agni means fire in Sanskrit language. All right. So the world divided into so many countries, so many races, so many languages and also their own thinking – think of a global religion was only possible when people got their realisation. So, I had to tell you, human beings, what are their problems. So, in a light, in India, we have the pot or the container which is made of clay, then the oil, and then the wick. Now, this body, this mind, you can call all that is visible and is within, is all the pot and the oil is the compassion, the love and the wick is the Kundalini, the pure desire, and the spark is the spirit. So, first of all, the container has to be all right. It should be all right. It should be able to contain the oil properly and should not allow it to ooze out. Now there are two holes that cause problem. One is your ego. Another is your conditionings. So, if a Sahaja Yogi thinks of his conditionings, that "I am a Christian or, you can say, that I come from this race, I'm this community," so all these limitations with which we build ourselves are so flimsy that they break out because there is no reality in them. There's no substance so they fizzle out. They all act like possessions and a person becomes absolutely blind. 99 After coming to Sahaja Yoga, I've seen Christians will adhere to Christ, Muslims will 10 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-10.txt adhere to Mohammed-sahib or to Ali and others will adhere to the conditionings from which they have come, but they don't adhere to Me, so they cannot see the integration of all these personalities in one person. One has to know, on this point, that you have got the light. You are enlightened. You are not an egg. You have become a bird. So you have to give up all that is falsehood. If you are fully enlightened you will give up automatically, you don't have to be told. When the light is enlightened, it automatically feels responsible that it has to give light. Nobody has to tell that "You please give light" because it is light. Because it is eternal light, nothing can kill it. I will say a Sanskrit Shloka - means it cannot be killed by any, nor air can blow it away, nothing can destroy it. Even if you want to suck it, you cannot. It's such a powerful light you have got within yourself. You can verify whether it is eternal or not. You should introspect and see for yourself. You've got such a unique light within you. Not in the history of this world of spirituality so many have got realisation, such light within them.. So how could these stupid, flimsy, useless conditionings dominate you now when you are the carrier of eternal light? But if you don't respect this eternal light, then the conditionings will put it out. This is the only problem, that you have the freedom. You want to have the eternal light, you'll have it, otherwise this light can be damaged completely. So, the another hole is that of ego. One side, conditioning can be resolved by the sense of responsibility. The same sense of responsibility, when asserted through ego, could be very dangerous. This light can become fire and it can burn the house of Sahaja Yoga. A normal life, we know that light is for giving us light, not for burning houses, but when you get to ego in Sahaja Yoga, you can think that you are responsible for Sahaja Yoga, but this responsibility should not give you an idea that you are in charge of Sahaj Yoga. So, gradually then, you right-sided and people are surprised that how this man who was normal has become become like a bull in the china shop. So you are not in charge of Sahaj Yoga. It's like government servants. They are supposed to be servants, but they are the bosses. They become bosses. So, the whole understanding should be of complete wisdom in Sahaj Yoga. The second part is the oil, which is compassion, which is natural, innate and joy-giving. This oil has to be pure. The compassion has to be pure. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis try to trouble the leaders. They oppose the leader and try to hinder the work of Sahaja Yoga. Now, these are supposed to be Sahaja Yogis and they don't understand if their compassion is pure they will appreciate their leader because the leader is doing such a compassionate work. Of course, pure compassion, one must understand, has nothing to do with greed, with temptations, nothing to do. One has to feel such nearness with the leader and appreciativeness of the work that he or she is putting in. So Compassion cannot be impure. There cannot be lust in it. More over this compassion should be expressed in such a descent manner that nobody should doubt your compassion. Thank God, this one good thing has happened, people don't kiss you. First time when I went to western countries, I was just bombarded with kisses. I didn't know what to say –I mean horrible. There may not be anything wrong in the mind, but it's so indecent and stupid. Long time back I was told that it was written on Indian airports, “Please don't kiss the custom officers." In modern times a man can kiss a woman, but he can't kiss a man. I mean, it's 99 11 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-11.txt absurd. Even if they make a goal in the match of football, now they don't hug, poor things, they just touch with hands, each other.... So, and now I've seen many who make a goal and they're excited, so they run out of the field. They don't know what to do.... 25.10.1992 COMPASSION So, for compassion, it has to have decency as fragrance in the oil. So how do we express our compassion? We have Rakhi sisters, Rakhi brothers, but I know of a lady who became friendly with rich boys as Rakhi brothers. Or the other way round also, that many boys became Rakhi brothers of rich women. So one has to understand that it is not for money that you should become Rakhi brothers and sisters and to exploit, but for compassion. You have to express your Rakhi relationship just for the protection of each other. The compassion is so joy-giving that you should have not such conditions of money or any other stupid conditions which will kill your joy. But another thing also is that you express your love you use some things as presents that gives you joy. That doesn't mean, by any chance, that you just give it to your Rakhi sister and not even to your wife, some present. So, the sap, as I always say, of compassion has to rise in the plant, giving love to different parts, indifferent ways, whatever is required and that then evaporates or go back to roots ???. Attachment is the killer of pure love and compassion. So always try to find out, introspect. Are you attached to your children, to your wife or to your Rakhi sister or to anything? Attached? Then there's a danger that you may get into a kind of a stagnation. You'll be amazed, when you are absolutely detached and nourishing the different relationships that you have in a proper way, your joy is perfect. Ambition is another killer of joy. So, if you have to be ambitious, you have to be only ambitious only about Sahaja Yoga, so that you humble down. One promise in Sahaja Yoga is that your life will be full of joy. There is no need to take out your eyes, cut your hands, no punishments. If you have too many holes, need not come to Sahaj Yoga. You have to become real holy person, not full of holes. I must say that you are all "your holinesses." I am not because I've not become. You have become. Supposing, somebody has to call you as a man, will they say, "Oh, man, such and such"? No, because you are a man. Whatever you achieve is attached to you, whatever you have achieved. 99 BLISS All right, so now the another thing that is promised is bliss. What is bliss is the experience of joy. It can come from anything. Maybe you find you were in an accident and you were 12 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-12.txt suddenly saved, protected. You are amazed and everybody feels the bliss. You also feel the bliss. Now, it is the Kundalini, which is a pure desire, is already existing, you don't have to do anything. Maybe the cotton is not clean. It has some problems because it has passed through dirty hands, but it can be cleaned. The cotton of the wick may not be clean, but it can be cleaned. Cotton wool, I mean. Kabira has said something very beautiful about it. He says that when the intestine of a goat are inside the stomach, they say, “May, may, may," means "I, I, I." But when they are pulled out and made into strings and put on an instrument for cleaning the cotton wool – put on the instrument that cleans the cotton wool. You know, in India we call it "Doona. And when it is being strung, it says, "Tuh, tuh, tuh," means “You, you are, you are, you are. 99 99 99 99 All right, whatever it is. So, it means that when your Kundalini is not working out well because there are problems in your chakras, what you have to say, “You are, you are." You say that. “You are Sakshat this. You are Sakshat that." Sakshat means "in reality." In reality. You don't say, "You are Her Holiness something." You say, "You are Ganesha. You are this." That is how you cleanse all the dirt or all the problems of your chakras. By this, you also correct your conditionings and your ego. Then you do not take the credit for anything. You do not feel you are doing something and the whole personality changes into a complete instrument like the flute in the hands of Shri Krishna. Then you see your work, everything as the work of the Divine. That is how you become enlightened. That is how you become the light of joy, of peace. That is how, see, is whatever is described about, you become that. If there is a light you don't have to say that it is a light, it is. It is not a stamp that you have to use. 99 99 So, today we are celebrating a Diwali of the lights of Sahaja Yoga. I don't know what to in what state of bliss I am. All the ripples you have created of joy are overwhelming for it. No words can describe. I cannot compose poetry. Keep this light burning beautifully through meditation and you can become very strong because of light. say, May God bless you, Happy Diwali to all of you. 5.11.1994 13 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-14.txt PRABODH Today it's a great day for Me to celebrate the Christmas Eve in Poona. Poona is called as Punya Patanam in our ancient books. That means this is the place which is very holy, place of, we can say, it is the city of holiness, and here to celebrate the birthday of Jesus is something so sensible, so correct, so proper because He was nothing but punya. He was nothing but holiness, and that His birthday should be celebrated here is absolutely so sahaja that I started feeling, going back in the history, if Christ was born in Poona, what would have happened? But then I thought, supposing He was born here, then people all over the world would not have accepted Him because He had to be crucified. If He was not crucified, the sadist won't be happy. If they are not happy, they won't allow Christianity to spread, in the real sense of the word, I mean the Christianity. 6. With all understanding, He was born in Jerusalem. A humble place Jerusalem, very humble place, and He was born in a very humble place, in a, as you know, in the company of the cattle, around him. And the whole birth took place in such a miraculous way that Mother didn't have to suffer for that, didn't have to go to any doctor or to any physician or anything. It was so spontaneous, so beautiful. He gave no trouble to Mother throughout. His birth is one of the signs that He never gave any trouble to His mother. When we are in Sahaja Yoga, when we have to have our realization, perhaps people do not realize how much Mother has to go through to raise the Kundalini, to achieve the Realization. It's not an easy thing. He never argued with His Mother and He never troubled Her; always obeyed Her because He knew who She was and He knew what He was. He knew the relationship very well, knew in the sense that it was a part and parcel of His understanding. In His nervous system He knew it. As we say, He had the Prabodh. And so from the very beginning when He was born He was no trouble to His Mother at all. Extremely obedient, kind, never pressing, always looking after Her, very protective. Such a great soul was born in Jerusalem. And there what happened? Bethlehem He was born, near Jerusalem, but there what happened? As you know the three kings came from far off. Nobody knew about His birth in the surroundings, say in Jerusalem area or Bethlehem area. Nobody bothered. But from very far off, three great kings came to see Him. It's very symbolic that to the people who were nearer, closer to Him, it was nothing. They were so gross. They had no sensitivity. And from miles away, they started walking, coming on the camel, sometimes resting in the night. Days in and days out they traveled with the help of the star and came to that little abode which was in Bethlehem. In a small little place to arrive with that humility, how sensitive they must be. They forgot their position in life. They forgot their own wealth and all those things they have been enjoying. To them it was the greatest thing, the greatest pilgrimage to go all the way to see the little child who was not talking. He was not doing anything. They felt it's a privilege to honor Him, just to honor Him, just to pay Him honor. What was the need? A little child would not even recognize. He did; that's a different point. But just to pay the honor they must have gone through very great difficulties to go down to Bethlehem. It was not a city. It was a village, where there was no place for them to rest. God knows where they stayed. There had no hotels like this in those days. God knows where they stayed. They dressed up very well because they have to see the King of kings. They were properly dressed. With great humility they bowed before the little child. That's only 15 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-15.txt possible if you are that sensitive, at that distance to know that there is a great soul born. Thank God that it was not Kaliyuga of that kind, but that is today, that the sensitivities in the Kaliyuga is so finished that people can't feel the Divinity. They cannot see the Divinity. They have no sense of beauty. They have no sense of anything that is pure, holy or auspicious. Spontaneously sahaja, they all came down to see the great child born. Because it was the work of the Divine to create such a great child just out of the punyas, nothing but punyas, nothing but holiness that this child was created, and that they knew about it, they came all the way. Today is such a great day for Me, that in that place where people were so gross, nobody knew what Christ was, child was born in a manger. And today in this great holy place we are celebrating His birthday. This is a real honor. We are praying to Him. By that we are honored. It's a great privilege that in this holy place we are giving Him that honor. It's our privilege. By that He doesn't become great; He doesn't become great. It's you who are honoring Him because you see the greatness in that personality. Thank God human beings have at least this much, little bit left in them that they appreciate the greatness of others, little bit. So you all have come from so many countries here from all over, not with those difficulties, of course – they have been all put right – not with ordeals or anything, but you are here to celebrate His birthday in this holy place which should have been the right place for Him to be born and not that horrible place where He was crucified later. It's doubly glorifying that we are celebrating His birthday here, though even this city is very much spoilt in the Kaliyuga, very much ruined, but is surrounded by vibrations of many saints who have built up this city. That's why it is called as a punya nagari. And anybody who tries to spoil the vibrations of this place is thrown out. This you have seen in many cases. Though we can see lots of negative forces have tried to penetrate inside this place, your presence here should clear this city also and create that atmosphere that Christ would like to see on this earth. It's said that Christ is to be born within us. What sort of a place we have in our heart for Christ to be born? Is it the same gross place where He took His birth or is it the place of holiness in our heart? If He is being born in the same sort of a place, are we going to again crucify Him? Or we are going to make our heart clean, holy, auspicious, like a lotus, so that when He is born in that heart, He resides in that is behoving His own personality. When we respect ourselves, we respect Him. Let us have a way a heart of that kind. It's very easy to give a lecture on this, very easy to give lecture, but it's difficult to establish that heart. And that heart which is of that level and that quality can only make Christ happy. Otherwise, He cannot be happy. We still indulge into gross processes, and gross understanding, gross relationships, gross procedures. We still do not take to the holy procedures. In the holy procedure, there is no sacrifice, is a sacrifice. Everything is enjoyment. No duty is without joy. Everything you do has to be from the heart. Because you are doing from the heart, it has to be a beautiful thing. It's very easy to say that we follow Christ. What do you follow? Are you going to follow Him up to the cross? Where are you following Him? Which part of His life you are following? You are all realized souls. You are born again. As Christ has said, "You are to be born again." All right, now you are born again. Then what are you doing about it? Cleanse your heart; cleanse your heart. Then I still find there are jealousies. There is a problem of temperaments between different people. Still groups are formed. We live in little, little groups of, say, this country, that country, this group, that group. 99 16 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-16.txt Then I find also people just fighting for little, little things, missing all the points of joy. This has to change. I do not want at this happier occasion to tell you the hazardous life Christ had to lead. He lived only for such a short time. The kind of life He led with all that, that He had is remarkable, and what a pure life He led, what a pure heart He had, and one single desire in His heart was to bring down the kingdom of God. That should be our desire. In our collective we have to understand, we have to bring down the kingdom of God. Are we sufficiently supporting that? Have we got the foundations within us? Can we withstand all that upon our shoulders? It is said in Marathi that forgiveness is the decoration of a Veera. Veera is the brave. Only the brave could forgive. Now, how many of us really know how to forgive others and to love others? So many write that, “Mother, my heart is like a stone." So now you jump in the sea. What are you doing here? Stones must go to the sea. Or they say, "My heart is not open." I say, "Why do you write like this?" “Because I'm very, very frank and honest." With whom are you honest? For such people there is no Sahaja Yoga. They should really leave Sahaja Yoga and go away. Sahaja Yoga is meant for people who have a very large heart where Christ could be [adorned/adored]. He's to be restored upon that great heart of yours. 99 99 In every way one has to enlarge the heart. That's why I think William Blake very clearly said that, "England should be the Jerusalem." But only by saying that William Blake said so, one should know that it's complete [darkness], complete [darkness]. He is hoping against hopes. Large heartedness is missing among Christians. Italians, who have so-called Christianity, have the worst pictures; so licentious, so horrible, so much against Christ. It's very surprising. How we can do such things to bring bad name to Him and to the whole world where you represent Him? People think Christianity means licentiousness, permissiveness, drunkenness, abandonment of all the values, while Christ was just the opposite of. Absolutely, He did not need any values. He was gunatit. He is dharmatit, everything. But how He lived on this earth, such an ideal! So before us we have got a great ideal. We don't have to follow the ideals of these horrible kings who lived there. But we have to follow the ideal of Christ and those kings who followed the ideal of Christ. Because if you are following Him, the path that you are following has to be, the essence of Christ's life is a pure life of love and sacrifice. This is what one has to follow. the people who live on the heart. As you know about the French, they call themselves Throughout His life, He has been using this essence just to establish Himself in our Agnya Chakra and that's what He's worked very, very hard to do that. Let us not do anything to let Him down in our character. You just put a test to yourself. Do you think Christ [would/could]have done this? Do you think Christ was, would have accepted this? A simple test can tell you that Christ is the measuring rod for all our qualities. That is how we move. That's the standard. Not that He's only the light, that He is the Nirakara, He is Omkara, He is Shri Ganesha, but all that has come to life. He lived like us, like a human being. And in His life, what He would never have done, would never have compromised, would never have accepted, would never have digested, we cannot have it. This is what today on this holy land of Punya Patanam we have to say that, sitting down here, we have to feel it. Let's have that decision within ourselves. Let our hearts open out. Let's have Christ blossoming in our lotuses, in the fragrance of our heart. We all have it. Let that Spirit be awakened in this beautiful place which is built by the saints, the ancient saints of this country. Let that Ganesha awaken within ourselves, that holiness, that auspiciousness. May God bless you all. 5.11.1994 17 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-17.txt सहजयोगी, उठो, चारों ओर फैल जाओ 3. १ १ 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-18.txt (इस पृथ्वी पर मानव सृजन की पराकाष्ठा है, "सहजयोग" ज्ञान की पराकाष्ठा है और सहजयोगी विकास की पराकाष्ठा है। परम पूज्या श्रीमाताजी ने आपको हर प्रकार से शक्तिशाली बना दिया है अब आपको अपना उत्तरदायित्व पूरा करने के लिए आगे बढ़ना है।) 1. परमात्मा के माध्यम बनो, आप पूर्णतया समर्थ हैं - हैं। आप लोग एक नए आयाम में उतर गए आपने परमात्मा को पा लिया है। ...आपने सत्य पर अपने पैर जमा लिए हैं। ... आप मानव से ... ... महामानव बन गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 29-3-75, मुंबई आप अत्यन्त उच्च चेतना के क्षेत्र में प्रवेश कर गए हैं, जहाँ अब आप परमात्मा से जुड़े हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 5-5-83 श्री गणेश जी आपके अन्दर इतने सुंदर ढंग से स्थापित हो गए हैं और इस प्रकार जाग्रत हो चुके हैं कि अपनी स्वतंत्रता में भी आप श्री गणेश विरोधी कोई कार्य नहीं कर सकते । आपके अन्दर उनकी अभिव्यक्ति पूर्णतया स्पष्ट हो चुकी है। आपके चेहरों पर सुन्दर चमक है, अन्य लोगों से आप बहुत भिन्न लगते हैं। आत्मसाक्षात्कार के पूर्व आपका जीवन पूर्णतया भिन्न था, अब आपका पूर्णतया कायाकल्प हो गया है और पराविज्ञान के नए युग में आप प्रवेश कर गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10 सितम्बर 1995, कबेला आप योगी जन हैं । ऋषी और महान लोगों को जो नहीं मिला वो आपको आज सर्वसाधारण तौर पर मिला है।.. आप पूरी तरह से बदलकर एक नए मानव हो गए हैं... आप सहजयोगी हैं, आपके अंदर सृजन शक्ति है, विचार शक्ति है, आपके अंदर वो शक्ति है जिससे आप दुनियाँ को चमका सकते हैं.. परमात्मा का माध्यम बनने के लिए आपके अंदर सारी शक्तियाँ हैं । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 18.9.88, बंबई अब सहजयोगी को कहना है कि मैं आदिशक्ति का पुत्र या पुत्री हूँ। यह बहुत बड़ी पदवी है, बहुत बड़ा आशीर्वादित पद। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 27-12-94, गणपति पुले अब आप लोग जीवन्त कार्य के स्वामी हैं, मृत कार्य के नहीं। आप जीवन शक्ति को संचालित कर 19 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-19.txt सकते हैं, इसे अपने हिसाब से ढाल सकते हैं और अपने उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं ... अब आप में कर्ताभाव नहीं है... अब आप अकर्म कर रहे हैं। सारा जीवन्त कार्य अकर्म है, जैसे पृथ्वी माँ बीजों को अंकुरित करती है परन्तु उसमें कर्ताभाव नहीं होता।... अब आप भी बस कार्य आरम्भ करते हैं और कुंडलिनी उठा देते हैं। अब आप यह नहीं सोचते कि आपने इतना महान जीवन्त कार्य किया है कि उनकी कुंडलिनी उठा दी है जो उन्हें परिवर्तित कर देगी और उन्हें एक नया जीवन प्रदान करेगी और वे भी आपकी तरह विशिष्ट लोग बन जाएँगे... आपमें यह भावना इसलिए आई है कि अब आपमें अहं नहीं बचा है । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 8-10-87, म्यूनिच कुंडलिनी के उद्दीपन से हृदय में जो शक्त प्राण स्वरुप है वह प्रेम हो जाती है। पेट में जो धर्म है वह सारे संसार की जाग्रति हो जाती है और सर में जो चेतना है वो सारे संसार का ज्ञान हो जाता है।...अब हमने इस शक्ति को पा लिया है... हमारे ही इशारों से कुण्डलिनी उठ रही है, हमारे ही बंधनों से ये अधर्म चरमरा रहे हैं। ...इस सर्वव्यापी शक्ति को अपने अंदर पाकर हम सर्वशक्तिमान हो गए हैं। ...हम उस सर्वव्यापी परमात्मा के प्रेम की शक्ति के अंग हो गए हैं, जो हम इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। . पू.श्रीमाताजी, 30-3-75, मुंबई हम किसी एक देश के न होकर पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड के हैं-" विश्व निर्मल धर्म" के। हम ब्रह्माण्ड के ११ अंग-प्रत्यंग हैं, अब हम शाश्वत जीवन में असीम में प्रवेश कर गए हैं, एक नन्हें कमल की तरह जो कीचड़ में से निकलता है और कीचड़ जिस पर चिपका हुआ होता है पर अंत में अति स्वच्छ रुप में वही कीचड़ से बाहर आ जाता है, तब वह चारों ओर अपनी सुगन्ध देता है, यहाँ तक कि कीचड़ को भी वह सुगंधित कर देता है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 20-2-92 , आस्ट्रेलिया आप सभी संत बन चुके हैं। आप संत हैं क्योंकि आपके अंदर आपके कमल की सुंदर सुगंध है, उस कमल को महसूस कीजिए, यह कितना सुंदर तथा कोमल है। यह गुलाबी रंग का है- उदारता एवं नियंत्रण का प्रतीक। आप भी यही हैं। जहाँ भी आप होंगे , इस सौन्दर्य की सृष्टि कर सकेंगे, लोग देख सकेंगे कितना आध्यात्मिक जीवन है। आप लोग ही सहजयोग को प्रतिबिम्बित करने वाले हैं मैं नहीं। आप ही को सहजयोग दर्शाना है। ण्ण्ण्ण्ण्ण्आप लोग सदा आनन्दमय और विवेकशील रहेंगे ...अपने विवेक को नेतृत्व सँभालने दीजिए । कबैला प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10-11-91, 2 . आपको इस पृथ्वी पर दिव्य स्वर्ग का सृजन करके, आदिशक्ति का स्वप्न साकार करना है - आदिशक्ति का स्वप्न साकार करने के लिए हम विश्व को एक सुंदर विश्व में परिवर्तित कर सकते 20 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-20.txt हैं। आदिशक्ति ने आपकी सृष्टि इसी कार्य के लिए की है और इसीलिए आपको मानव स्तर से उठाकर वे महामानव स्तर तक लाई हैं... परमात्मा आपका उपयोग महान कार्य के लिए करेंग... आपको ढालकर इस अवस्था तक इसीलिए लाया गया है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 27-9-92, कबैला सभी अवतरण इस समय की भविष्यवाणी कर रहे थे, वह समय आ गया है, इसीलिए मैं इस काल को बसन्त ऋतु कहती हूँ और आप लोग इसके फल हैं। भिन्न ऋतुओं के ब्रह्माण्डीय चक्र की तरह यह सुन्दर समय आया है और कालचक्र की तरह इसे घूमकर आगे जाना है। सहजयोग पहले तो अत्यन्त छोटे स्तर पर शुरु हुआ परन्तु अब पूरे विश्व में फैलकर यह बहुत बड़ा हो गया है .. इस सामूहिक आत्मसाक्षात्कार के ज्ञान की कल्पना तो मैंने भी न की थी... हमें कहना चाहिए कि संतो, पीर पैगम्बरों तथा अवतरणों ने जो कार्य किया , सहस्रार का खुलना इसकी पराकाष्ठा है। विश्व के कोने-कोने में जन - जन तक इसे पहुँचाना हमारे आध्यात्मिक उत्थान का अन्तिम लक्ष्य है। कबैला प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 9-5-93, अब मुझे आशा है कि मेरा अवतरण व्यर्थ नहीं हुआ है। परमात्मा ने आपको अपने पदों पर आरुढ़ कर दिया है, और अब आप जि़िम्मेदार हैं। इसीलिए परमात्मा ने आपको पृथ्वी पर जन्म दिया है। मैं तो मात्र एक गृहिणी हूँ। विश्व आपके नेतृत्व की ओर देख रहा है । प.पू.श्रीमाताजी यह देखकर मुझे बहुत प्रसन्नता हुई कि अब विश्व भर में बहुत लोग सहजयोगी हैं। सर्वत्र फैला यह सार्वभौमिक आंदोलन है। तथाकथित धर्मों के सीमित विचारों से इसे कुछ नहीं लेना-देना।...पुनर्जन्म केवल आपके उत्थान के लिए ही नहीं , यह परमेश्वरी कृपा आपको इसलिए मिली है ताकि आप पूरे विश्व को जहाँ तक हो सके दिव्य बना सकें।...आपको इस पृथ्वी पर दिव्य स्वर्ग का सृजन करना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 23-4-2000, टक्की है आपको इतना दृढ़ बनाया गया कि मात्र दृष्टिपात से आप लोगों को आत्मसाक्षात्कार दे सकते हैं। ... आप आत्मलीन हैं और सदा सुरक्षित ...पूरे विश्व को बचाने के लिए आप सहजयोगी बने हैं। परमात्मा की सेवा के लिए विश्व में हैं और आपकी सेवा का लक्ष्य इस विश्व को बचाना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 4.7.93, कबैला हमें जो नया जीवन मिला है वह सिफ्फ सहजयोग के कार्य में संलग्न रहने के लिए, हर समय सहजयोग के बारे में सोचना है।.. सहजयोग व्यक्तिगत नहीं, समाज के लिए नहीं, यह तो संसार के लिए है । 21 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-21.txt .. आपको अपना पूरा चित्त अब सहजयोग में देना चाहिए । देखो। मेरा तो सब कुछ ये सारा विश्व है ...अब उसके लिए आप कुछ कीजिए। ...ध्यान देना है . ...यह समय आपात काल का है। ...अब आपको ध्यान में रखना है कि हम श्रीमाता जी के हाथ के ऐसे साधन बनेंगे, ऐसे सूत्र बनेंगे कि माता जी को लगेगा कि हम ये सारा विश्व जीत लेंगे। ...अब हर एक को है। कमर कसकर तैयारी में जुट जाना है, इसके आगे युद्ध है।, बहुत बड़ा युद्ध है, उसे लड़ना अब आपमें इतनी शक्ति है कि जहाँ आप बैठोगे वहाँ बंधन पड़ेंगे... जहाँ नज़र जाएगी वही बंधन पड़ेंगे... तलवार नहीं है, ऐसी बात नहीं है, सब कुछ आपके पास है, बस केवल इच्छा चाहिए।.. सहजयोग का एक प्रतिष्ठावान व्यक्ति बनकर मैं आचरण करुँगा ऐसा एक निश्चय मन में रख कर अब चलना है।...ये सहजयोग बहुत बड़ी चीज है... सारे विश्व के स्वतंत्रता की ये बात है। .. विश्व-धर्म की मर्यादा, परमात्मा की मर्यादा है । अब आप गुजराती, मराठी कुछ नहीं रहे, आप हिन्दू अंग्रेज़ कुछ नहीं हैं। आप विश्वव्यापी विश्व- धर्म के अनुयायी बहुत शक्तिशाली हो गए हैं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 2.4.85, मुंबई 3. दीप से दीप पज्वलित कर सारे विश्व को प्रकाशित करो - इस अँधेरी दुनियाँ में तुम लोग दीपक हो और तुम्हें प्रकाश देना है ।... बड़ी जिम्मेदारी है आपकी। आप कलियुग में पैदा हुए हैं इसलिए इस कलियुग को बदलना है।...तुम सच्चाई पर खड़े रहो, मैं तुम्हारे साथ हूँ और परमात्मा भी तुम्हारे साथ हैं।...इस प्रकाश में आपने क्या पाया? हिम्मत। और हिम्मत से लड़ो। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 10-11-2007, नोएडा आप पूरे विश्व के लिए दीपक सम हैं| आपका अपना ज्योतिर्मय होना ही काफी नहीं है, आपको अन्य लोगों को भी प्रकाश देना है, दीपकों की तरह आपको अन्य लोगों को भी प्रज्ज्वलित करना है। आपको किसी भी प्रकार की तैयारी की आवश्यकता नहीं है, यह शक्ति आपके पास है और यह शक्ति ही कार्य करती है। प्रकाश के लिए आप क्या करते हैं?आप केवल देखते हैं। दीपक को प्रज्न्वलित करें और प्रकाश हो जाता है। इसी प्रकार से आप अपने साक्षात्कार से भी विश्वभर के हजारों लोगों को प्रकाशवान कर सकते हैं।...अपने प्रकाश से अपनी ज्योति से आप पूरे विश्व के अंधकार को दूर कर दं। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 3-11-2002, लास एंजिलिस आप यदि विश्व को परिवर्तित करना चाहते हैं और जीवन के दु:ख और तकलीफों से बचना चाहते हैं, तो आपको लोगों की रक्षा करनी होगी, आपको उनका उद्धार करना होगा आपका यही कार्य है । सहजयोग का यह ऋण आपने चुकाना है। प.पू.श्रीमाताजी, 25-12-2001, गणपति पुले 22 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-22.txt Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. 25.10.1992 Published & Printed by Nirmal Transformation Pvt. Ltd. 10, Bhagyachintamani Co-op. Housing Society, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra, India 411 038. Ph.: 020 - 65226031, 65226032, 25286537 email:sale@nitl.oc.in, website:www.nitl.co.in (For queries contact on above address) 2013_Yuvadrishti_Mx_IV.pdf-page-23.txt You have all the powers within you, you have to just manifest it. You have to just feel yourself, understand yourself what is your responsibility. You have been asking for light now you've got the light, you have become the light, now give light to others. 25/10/1992