Evening Program, 2nd of January, 1988 TC06:10 Hindi mumblingShri Mataji: (Hindi) (Musician?):Absolutely (Hindi)They must be receiving the music on vibrations. Shri Mataji:(Hindi or Marathi) Yogis and musicians:( ) Shri Mataji: Musican:(speeks the words of the song Hindi or Marathi))Tucet tulata manava...Anand sinduru... TC 21:12Shri Mataji:(inaudible)(Hindi?) TC 37:20 Shri Mataji:This is not my wordingI am not used to this oneBut see how he is a masterMaster is a master, whatever may be the wording(?)Nagpur Baba Mama:I want him to come to Nagpur.I want so many of you to come to Nagpur