8 अप्रैल 1978 Public Program Caxton Hall, London (England) Talk Language: English Transcript Of Talk Satya Yuga: The Unconscious Shri Mataji: May God Bless You All! You all can see Me, is it? Or should I stand up? Today is a great day, a very, very great day. I had said about this [UNCLEAR six years] back (?or so). That first day [UNCLEAR, the ninth night] in this year will start the manifestation of the new age. Of course, the new age has come long time back, but the manifestation could not work out that much, [UNCLEAR] start its manifestation. But I find that attitude of human beings towards anything divine working is little straight. It had been very straight. If it was not, they never recognised Christ. They never recognised Rama. They never recognised Krishna. In the same way, they (?) never recognise also Satya Yuga, this new age. When these people came, nobody bothered. Those who bothered were only bothered as to see how they kill or torture them. Nobody could see through their principles, through their lives, their powers that there is something great in these incarnations, and we must make use of it. The reason is, man has his old ways of (?terminology). For example, a man go through a garden. The first thing is (?to find out) who has made this garden. Who is the one who has planned it. Then he will find out who is the person who has been the gardener. Then he finds out from where the water is coming. Then he starts counting the trees. Then he starts counting the fruits. Then he starts counting the roots. I mean, all sorts of funny things. The attitude is so fun that all the effort that is put in to create a garden is lost. Now the garden is created for people to go and rest and enjoy it. But they will take their statistics there. They take out there the computers. They will take there all their books and (?sit), and make it [UNCLEAR], so useless. In the same way, they feel talk the incarnations and even [UNCLEAR]. Now see the other side. The sun rises. Sun is not bothered. It is not bothered as to who comes to bask in his glory. What the sun does is to throw the light. The sun wants to make you happy, wants to give you joy and balance. That’s his job and that is why he was created. It is not counting “how many heads I am enlightening?” It is not counting, “How many doors I’m knocking through? How many windows do I have to open?”. It is not bothered. Now, if somebody wants to get the sunshine, he has to come out and open himself and take the sunshine. On the contrary, people would say, I mean, I as they say for incarnations, that - why if it is the sunshine in my window is darkness? If there is a sunshine, my room must be completely enlightened. Not only, but in the cellar, if I go, it should be enlightened. Even if I go inside the cave, it should be enlightened. If I’m standing in the centre of a tunnel also, it should be enlightened. And even if I cover myself, is completely dark, still I must see the light. This is the demand. Now the poor sun, has/is to be crucified (?) . This is the position of human beings when they look at anybody who has come to give light. That they want, “Once we have got Realisation, we should get everything in a package deal. Why shouldn’t we?”. Actually, that you have got Realisation itself is a very big boon! Itself is a very big happening in your life which has happened out of grace. After all, if you sit down and see, “what have I done after all to get Realisation?”. You know, people have to go to jungles. They have to stay in forests where there are tigers and all kinds of dangers. And their gurus make them go round and round and round and round, and never give them Realisation still [UNCLEAR]. You have to give up your family, live a very celibate life and then get the Realisation [UNCLEAR, there]. And then also it is [UNCLEAR]. So, forget about these horrible fake ones who are in the cities and are just making money and all kinds of things. I am not talking about them. But the real (?ones). If you have got the Realisation, you shouldn’t get it as a matter of pride [UNCLEAR]. But, you have been chosen by God. Definitely, that is why you have got Realisation. There must be some reason for you have been chosen. But if you are chosen, if a candidate is chosen for a job, he has to be worthy of it. On the contrary, what we demand – like every labour union does that. Once we have got the job, whether we do it or not, it is our right to have more pay. Whether the company is making a profit or not, it is our right to have more pay. It is not our duty to work, but it is our right to have the pay. But if is [UNCLEAR, gain], who is the [UNCLEAR, creator]? Because the sun is not the [UNCLEAR]. It is the one who shuns (?) and runs into a tunnel. He will go on shouting, “Oh Sun, if you are there, then I must get light here. If you are really there, this must happen to me”. So the sun will say, “All right, my child, go ahead, with your [UNCLEAR/obstacle/obstinacy]”. So the attitude of a human being had been of this kind. And that is the reason why, so far, incarnations have been failures. Another, another very big problem [UNCLEAR] which perhaps (?is that those who rise and get it) [UNCLEAR]. You don’t realise – that is another very, very big problem, which means, a person [UNCLEAR] . A person, like the sun, [UNCLEAR] And the person who is seeking the sun, who is having [UNCLEAR]. That is/there is a tremendous reason, because when you are searching, you are counting every stone by which you pass, you count every turn you take, you count every tree [UNCLEAR], you write books about what dangers you have had. And that model of yours is not known to the person who is the [UNCLEAR, searching], because he is standing there on top of the hill. For example, I don’t know, supposing tomorrow [UNCLEAR/ if I am an ignorant person] that who is the prime minister of England. What does it matter? An incarnation will not get any marks in your master mind for [UNCLEAR]. Not even a single mark he will get. He may not know the [UNCLEAR] in such and such year who was born, and in such and such year who has died – all this knowledge is avidya. He is not [UNCLEAR] know all this. Because he is [UNCLEAR]. All this knowledge that a master might have– who wrote this book, and who wrote that book – this knowledge has no value for the subtle. Because these are changing every day. Today somebody is a prime minister, tomorrow somebody will be the prime minister, or he will be a prime minister, or she will be the prime minister, or he will be the president – it’s all changing. Has no value at all of eternal nature, no value – just think of it. Just like your clothes, you are changing every day. [UNCLEAR]. So this knowledge, if you go and ask - (? if we say Christ come here, and if you ask Him He will say, - ‘I have no idea what is it.” But there are some people who can just tell you what is the dimensions of this room. Or they can even tell you, masterminds will tell you from where it has come, who has maintained it, who has done it and all that. Or maybe somebody else who can find out something from science, and maybe he (?can explain it). But to an incarnation or to a Sakshi, this is avidya of no value. Like small children counting the pebbles on the shores of knowledge. And they will go and ask their father, “Now tell me how many I have got in my hand?” {UNCLEAR, it’s a silly question],no doubt. But they are innocent. And ignorant. Because what is (?it to the) father whether you have five or ten in your hand? Does it matter? So, for a Sakshi the knowledge that is important is the absolute knowledge! Which never changes, (?which) is eternally [UNCLEAR]. The absolute knowledge, for example, you can say, that the sun has (?) – when the sun shines, the way he soaks, and then (?he) transform the leaves, and they will get chlorophyll. The oxygen which gives them life this is the knowledge of the tree. And he does not go on counting and making a record of how many heads [UNCLEAR] But human (?beings are) such that they will blame the sun for giving them [a] cold. The difference between a human being and [UNCLEAR] is that human beings think that there are many people in the boat, and they are all responsible for the falling of this one person. Like (?) And the (?subtlety is) that he is the only person, nothing else. Everyone in this world, is part and parcel (? of his being), because he is the only one in the boat He doesn’t know of another. He doesn’t know what is the other he just knows (? who is God) . And he is the one, the only one, that is still; the rest are just part and parcel. He doesn’t know the difference between I and you. He doesn’t blame anyone because [if] anything goes wrong with anyone, he is no blaming, but he is a [UNCLEAR/part in one]. If some portion dies out, it dies out. Like My nails, if they fall off, they fall. That is of no importance to an incarnation. He doesn’t try to show off. He doesn’t want to say, that “This is I, this is I, this is I” – no! You make it out yourself! And he doesn’t blame you. He will never hate you, never curse you. Can we hate our own hands? Can we hate our own eyes? Can we hate our own nose? When everything is your own, the word hatred (?goes). He doesn’t impress you by external things, he doesn’t. He’s not bothered as to how you should talk, how you should stand, what quote you should say to say what thing? Because he does not impress you by his outward behaviour. But he affects you through his own height, by his own dignity, by his own personality. Which is within. It’s a very deep understanding. If human beings can (?suck) that, then they will know that God Almighty has done everything under the sun to make you aware of this. He is done everything that can be possible under the (?mind), to make you feel the joy that surrounds you. He has created this (?large ...) for you to enjoy, and He makes every effort, every effort for you to feel. But, [UNCLEAR] that there is only one [UNCLEAR] point that you are free to choose the light or dark. You have been given this freedom which, if you want to have light, you can have. But if you don’t have it, you cannot blame God for it – you have to blame yourself. There is something missing in you. There is something that you have judged. There is something that you have avoided. In the same way, as today, I declared that the new age has started, [UNCLEAR I should declare ... accept it]. But, when I say that, immediately people think you see, you are going to get a shower of blessings. In this new age, after all, you see, we are going to be put on the throne of the kingdom of heaven. And that nothing is going to bother us and everything is going to be worked out. [UNCLEAR]. You have to expose (?yourself) to that new [UNCLEAR, realm]. You have to open out yourself to that [UNCLEAR, realm]. There are so many ways [UNCLEAR], by which you have to open out. You know what are deities are there, how to please them, how to please the organisers within you, how to organise yourself so that you get the maximum benefit from it. I can only tell you that, I can help you to open that. But if you deny, if you don’t want it, nobody is going to beg of you, or neither nobody is going to force you! It has to work out with your full freedom and full asking [UNCLEAR, of it]. Of course, [the] first step means [UNCLEAR] your Sahasrara happened despite that. Like the force of the river Ganges, just flowing [UNCLEAR]. But the same [UNCLEAR] is your own value. But then what happens with this new age coming? You may say, “Mother, what special thing is going to happen?”. (?We/you see, we) have more expectations every time. And like, - a mother used to give you little chocolates and [UNCLEAR ......]. They would like to know, “Mother, what is the special thing we are going to get?” Alright. (?...with the one thing of the new age, no [UNCLEAR] would be tolerated! No [UNCLEAR] would be tolerated. No heartless would be tolerated! Nobody can take away the (?scepticism) of a (?) who is sick, who are the [UNCLEAR]. Nobody can force any more to overpower any religion or a spiritual man! [UNCLEAR] unless and until he himself fall into the trip. That’s a different point. Nobody is going to be overpowered. But any satanic force [UNCLEAR]... you want, but you find out within yourself, - are you not playing into the hands of the satanic forces yourself all the time? Are you not listening to them? And even there is everything that is (?). If you are, then don’t blame Me. But, if you are not, let Satan [UNCLEAR]. All those who are (?) there (?they are not going) to come. But you have to be absolutely that! Everyone [UNCLEAR], who is very arrogant, will always say, “I am a very humble man”. And to please him, praise him, even the people, (?they are) seeing that. [UNCLEAR] but I will tell you about bureaucrats. When they want to please another bureaucrat, they will say, “Sir, I haven’t met another humble men like you”. And they start this absolute (?madness). It’s a common thing that people try to boast and (?say). But, if you are really, if you are really humble in your heart, then nobody can overpower you! That is, what is “Satya Yuga” (the age of truth). But we have to know how many of us are like that. We weep and cry and say, “Oh Lord, we have suffered so much”. We are very good [UNCLEAR] sometimes. And we can go, “How I have suffered in my life”. I mean, even Christ (?) suffered, as people say. And I find a very big balloon of ego inside them, just settled down. And here [UNCLEAR] the drama is coming out. I see that. Very clearly. How much we oppress others. How much we (?) hurt others. How much we make them insecure in life. [UNCLEAR, do we feel (?)] If you really [UNCLEAR] in this new age, no one who is living here will suffer. But [UNCLEAR] must not be your judgement but the judgement of God! Like the saints have really suffered in the past. But how many are saints? Thanks to these horrible gurus also, they have [UNCLEAR]. Thanks to that [UNCLEAR] environment around [UNCLEAR]. And thanks to your own understanding and your own, I would say ignorance about things, that they are still nicely having a very good, jolly time. At [UNCLEAR] expense. They cannot activate without your help. Without your [UNCLEAR]. Without your complete support. For those who want that this new age should help us.This new age should give us something special. Whatever I have promised, and I have said today, that all those who are [UNCLEAR], all the blessed people who are described in the Bible will receive their blessings. And nobody can overpower you, BUT, , you should judge yourself, – are you that!? To expect, even from Realisation people expect, that the whole heaven should fall into their heads, and that all, you see, all the blessings of God should come into them – after all, what have you done? Judge it yourself! I’ve seen in the West, I find ten destroying instruments have been used socially and [UNCLEAR]. Absolutely [UNCLEAR ... ]. Ultimately [UNCLEAR, still you] go to the society. Either you have done it or somebody (?helps/else). One (?of two/or the other). And it is very difficult for you to separate yourself from yourself, which means, there is ego or superego [UNCLEAR] . And to expect everything, you have to know that there is a complete protection from all the angels above you. A complete looking after, “Yogakshemam Vahamyaham” ” and a complete blessing on you, that physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and also financially, it is a reward – (? with which) you will be blessed.Because all these chakras are within us. But if you have no proper (? pots to receive it and [UNCLEAR, transfer], what’s the use of donating [UNCLEAR, anything when all falls down?]. So today, whatever was possible had been done for you to be the human beings and also today is the day when the complete door of the heavens are opened out to you, and at this time, you have to resolve, that, “I will try” or “I will be” that power which is eternal, and not waste my energy in something that is so superficial, superfluous and actually [UNCLEAR, wasting] every moment”. This resolve you have to make too. Only with this resolve will improve the flow of the vibrations. And this is what I would like you to begin with. Those who have got Realisation, it is not difficult. Those who haven’t got it should be [UNCLEAR] destroying themselves [UNCLEAR]. All over the world, all over the universe, the forces are going round and round and round, to finally work out everything (?else), but only your opening, your exposure to them will work. And that exposure is like an exposure of a little drop into the ocean.That’s like a little drop into the ocean. Now, if the drop says, “Oh, that means I have to surrender myself”. These are all human styles of thinking. Do I surrender my ego or my superego? You surrender both. What you should not surrender is your wisdom, if you have! Wisdom is the one that will teach you how to surrender. Neither your ego nor your superego. It’s for you, to understand, that you are a part, of a big part, in the drama of life. That you are going to play a very big role in the drama of God Almighty. But, it is necessary that you have to be prepared to play that role. Now the last thing I want to tell you (?) today, these I’ve seen, and I've felt that everybody is under the impression that heaven is going to open, and that the incarnation is going to come on a horse and is all going to take us to heaven (?). It’s a fact. It will happen. It has to happen. But when? When it will happen, that He will just come here to sort out, just to sort out all the useless ones and take all the rights. Like when I [UNCLEAR sentence]. He will just (be) coming for the last cleansing! There will be no any chance for Realisation, no chance for emancipation, no chance for improvement! Nothing! He will just come and throw away the hopeless people, and take with Him the ones who have improved themselves, who are there! So, don’t expect, Him yet, you are not yet ready! Still, we are very few Sahaja Yogis and out of them, most of them are ... So, let us postpone His (?coming) for the time being, and put attention to our emancipation to a point – where when He will come, He will take (?just us to) [UNCLEAR]. That was said because to frighten you – that you hurry up and get to the point! But, [UNCLEAR, you will hurry up] . ...directly, absolutely, and you took two jumps to hell. And [UNCLEAR] it’s a big problem, how to raise! How to raise you from that. You don’t know, it’s a very big problem. Though, I smile and laugh, inside Me, I weep sometimes, to find (?) people embedded in the mud of hatred. And in the mud of satanic forces. The whole mire! With this new age, a new time has to come. And, if you want your emancipation, you want to be there, it/you will be expedited, subtly improved with that love. And you are going to be helped much more. Because the surroundings will be cleared, you will feel the awareness of the people. People will change their attitude (?as they are). And they will take to the eternal values. The value structure in man will be changed. His priorities will be changed. The value structure in the society will be changed. This truth can happen. And you will be benefitted by it. Actually, the whole value structure of human beings is so badly damaged and so perverted that to put it right itself has been a very big problem. Especially in the darkness is no [UNCLEAR] problem, in the dark is better, but when the sun is on top of your head, you can feel (?even) better and better and better. So, we have [to be] on these changes grateful and for I have to tell you things, which hurt you. But on such a day, I have to tell you the truth. [UNCLEAR for a few statements], ... a mother has to tell them what they should eat, what they should not. You cannot give them sweet things when they are not well. You have to give them insipid, horrid things (?to make them well). [UNCLEAR ...], you cannot give them what you want to give, because they are sick, their stomachs are upset. Their minds are upset. So I request you, all of you, to work everything that is possible to put yourself in proper place, so, that the value structure which had been not used to settled down properly, and that you receive the [UNCLEAR ......] And you have made a lot of mistakes in your seeking. Doesn’t matter. Everything is [UNCLEAR, solved]. I am with you. I am all the time with you. And whatever help you want, we are going to work it out. I am so thankful to you for (?these) all days . But when I see Kalki here, I must tell you, this is a [UNCLEAR, frightening thing]. [UNCLEAR], I love Him very much, no doubt, He is My dearest son, and everything is there, but, He is going to come with eleven Rudras and with His three eyes, you see, He is going to reduce everyone into ashes, and throw away/them into the hell. So, I just now, don’t want Him to come. It is not the time yet. No, no. My children are still very sick; some of them are very unhappy, some of them have been tortured, have been reduced to nothing. Let Me, let Me help them. (?Make them well). And then, when they are all right, then He (?welcome) to come. (?Let them be) all right. Before that, no need. And He is a very obedient child, – He is the most obedient son. [UNCLEAR...]. And He loves Me very much. He is not going to [UNCLEAR], but He has to kill those, who have tried to kill all that is divine. [Possible break in recording]. Shri Mataji: Are you here for the first time? All others are all old people. (Shri Mataji is laughing) Alright. Out of you, those who do not feel the vibrations, did you come before? Did you? You felt the vibrations in the hands? Did you? No, I am asking her. You, you – I am asking her. Did you? You felt them nicely, isn’t it? Now, what about you? Are you feeling now? Cool in the hands? Good! Now, just put your hands towards Me like this, all of you. Hello, is she Realised already, please see. Are you feeling good? Newcomer: [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: There? . What are you feeling? Warm. It will go away. I promise, that’’s My grace, you see? That you have to have a little faith in Me, something, little, not much, all right? You don’t feel I am a crook, do you? It’s all right then. Done? All of them? What is? [UNCLEAR]. What about you? Nothing? Have you been to some guru? No one. Are you keeping all right, health-wise? Are you feeling any, nothing? Put your feet on the ground like that. Just (?) towards Me if you put. You put it off now. [Break in audio, resumes at another point]. Shri Mataji: ...some idea that there is God. And also we know that He is reflected in us, in our heart aspect as Atma as Spirit. Now, when we know about the three channels that are working within us, of Mahakali, Mahalaxmi and Mahasaraswati, the three powers of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, which creates the subconscious, preconscious and the conscious mind are working in our consciousness. That means we are conscious of them. We are conscious of our left and right, that is Ida and Pingala. Sympathetic nervous system. We are not conscious of the parasympathetic. That means that we can increase the rate of our heart, we can increase the rate of our breathing, but we cannot decrease. A decrease or what we call lowering down of the rate is done by parasympathetic. So the parasympathetic is active, but we are not conscious of it in the sense that we have no control over it. The Spirit that is God, which is reflected in us, resides in the heart. The manifestation of Spirit in our heart controls the parasympathetic. But this Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart, as if in a mirror. And Divine Love which is the light of God is reflected in us through the reflection of the Spirit as the unconscious mind. So within us, there is an area about which we are not conscious. That is why it is called as unconscious. That area lies so far away from our conscious mind that we cannot control it. We are not conscious of it. But it acts through parasympathetic activity. How it acts – I will give a simile. Supposing there is a power, works somewhere, and it is acting through this light over here. You don’t see the power work or the factory or wherever the power is seen. But, what you see is the manifestation here. And you see the light. But, suppose you do not see the light, nor the lamp, nor the factory. But you are affected by it. That is the situation of a human being. A normal human being, who is not a Realised soul, is not aware of that factory which is God, or the light he has got. He is not aware of the lamp that he has got in his heart, and he is also not aware of the light that the lamp is emitting. But it is acting. So, the unconscious mind is nothing else but the projection of God’s will through the light of Divine Love. I have given this simile again and again, which is very good and apt. That these two powers that are within us – one on the left and another on the right-hand side, are there, and we are conscious of them, and we use them. Out of them, the right one, we use it in absolute awareness. Left one we know is used as subconscious mind and sometimes if you take drugs or if you do something like that, then you go to your subconscious also. So you can become aware of the subconscious area also. So you become – you are aware of the right-hand side already, and you are aware of the subconscious sometimes when you try to get aware of it. So, these two powers that are within us, are all the time vibrating in a wave. And the points at which they meet, they create the throb, or you can say the centre. The centre is created, a deity is created. But there is no light for us to see or to feel or to be conscious of the deities. Deities are fast asleep. When the Kundalini rises – now Kundalini is the subconscious. You will be surprised that Kundalini is the Mahakali power. She is absolutely pure, in the purest form. Because she is not used. You can say part of It is used in us, our subconscious – sort of we have kept some water separately. Which we have not used so far. So, first of all, we use the subconscious water and the preconscious water. And by, - and we dirty it, we exhausted it. Then this stored up power rises and does the last cleansing. But when she rises, she creates a third current. Still, that third current, when she rises, doesn’t have the light. But when it reaches the Sahasrara and pierces it, then it becomes one with the Universal Consciousness. Because what is God? [He] Is the one who controls the Universal Consciousness. He is the Controller of the Universal Consciousness. He emits the light. And when this Kundalini rises, it gets that frame on it. So, now all the deities get awakened. Now, you may say that it is in the heart, Mataji, or saying, - you are saying it is here. It’s a confusion people take. But actually, it is all-pervading faith, God is a nucleus you can say or a factory. It has the light all over, and is reflected in the heart. So when your Kundalini, a particular individual Kundalini, touches that, then this light takes place, then the heart, in the heart the Spirit is ignited. Or sort of it emits, it manifests, it projects. And its projections are these vibrations. So through this, you know the will of God. Through this, you have a dialogue with God and you understand what He wants. And what does He want you to know? There are three qualities of God which you can feel through this. One, what is the Truth. You ask any question! If you are asking for something and if it is yes, then you get too many vibrations. If it is no, vibrations will lower down. That’s how you can verify what is right, what is wrong. What is the truth, what is not the truth! Now you can know! Nobody has to tell you. You don’t need any clergyman or anybody to certify – is there, through your vibrations – you can feel it; this is the truth or not. Is it the correct place you have come to or to a wrong person. There are also the various combinations and permutations of the diseases. It is true, but still, there’s a little point which is wrong with you. For example, if you say that Christ was resurrected in person – yes, that’s true. You will get more vibrations. But if you feel now, that if you say, “Is it Mataji, the Mother of Christ?”, if you do not accept it – you will not get it any further. You see for yourself. That is how now for you to understand what is the truth. Now, once you understand the truth and if you are identified with it – it is a very difficult thing for a mind; the Western mind -that’s why it, - immediately what you get, the second quality of God is joy. The second quality of the Unconscious is joy. You should hear some of the letters that people write to Me. Those who are writing [UNCLEAR, that’s why], for Indians, it is very easy to recognise Me. You see, because they do not see (Me) only as Christ Mother, but they know Me throughout, you see. Immediately they know the One Who raises the Kundalini, the One, you see, when they fall at My Feet then the Kundalini rises, they see, finished. That’s, that’s the sign! No problem! For them, no problem! So they accept it very fast. But in these ego-oriented societies, it’s very difficult. So they do not accept! The problems are there. But once if you start identifying with that truth and understanding, just think that you are sitting before Me, and Who am I!? Just think of that! Who am I sitting down before!? Just say “I am (Shri Mataji is) that!” Then see the joy. See the waves of joy which just tickle you a little bit. But this truth is not easily identified with. If it is identified, then you get the second thing, known as joy. Now, the third quality of God is attention, Chitta. Means that He is attention. Can you understand that? In English, it’s very difficult. But what I am saying, He is attention. Means, wherever He is, He is attention. Now, how would you explain it? For example, I am sitting down here. I am not paying any attention to Him, but I am attention. In the sense - It flows! Like the water, you see, you put it somewhere, wherever there is a lower area, it will flow to that. The water doesn’t do anything,- its nature is such that it flows to that. In the same way, I am not paying consciously attention, but My nature is attention, if you pray to Me, it will happen. But you should be able to receive My attention, in the sense that My attention it should penetrate into your false wants. If you are false, it will not act. Because it understands. The attention understands everything that you are. It is like a computer. Even faster than that. Supposing My hand is here. And you prick Me with a pin. Immediately, My hand will go away like that. Immediately. Even before you have pricking My hand, if I see. If My attention is there, on My hand, immediately all the muscles will act, and it will take away – the hand from there. In the same way, you can say, even much bigger than that is the attention of God. And it starts acting through you! Anybody you want to think of, you just think of – and it acts. It spreads. It spreads, (?you see). You can attend to your relations. You can think about your mother, you can think about your father; you can attend of that. Then you rise like this. When you grow higher and higher and higher, then the whooole personality becomes nothing but attention. Is the same thing. Is the same thing expressed in three ways, is the same thing. That when your attention is everywhere, you are joy. Because of attention you receive the joy, because you are Truth, that’s why you are joy, because nothing but Truth can give you joy. Falsehood can never give you joy. For the time being, you will be happy and unhappy. But joy is a thing, it’s never changes its quality. It’s not a dual thing, it’s one. Many people say like this, “I am very happy”. That’s not the joy! It is joy! Which cannot be described! Just think, supposing I am that. Because for Me, still “I am a supposing”. Just think of that. If so, (after some second, Shri Mataji says) how He’s acting through within yourself! It’s acting in you, and it’s excited in you. It’s the ocean of Truth, Joy and Attention. And you get that! The way you are joyous, I am also joyous (?). The way you are standing on Truth, I am also standing on the Truth. The way you are paying attention, I am also paying attention. You just, by talking, you take somebody’s name. Immediately you will get the indication on the hands. Without attention, it is not coming there. But the attention, you are not conscious of it, it just works. Because God is giving you [UNCLEAR, attention], Who is Attention Himself. He pays attention to everything. You are talking about somebody, just by the way you are talking, suddenly “Oh, thought this” . Why? “Because that has got this trouble”. Immediately, God indicates because He is so attentive. These are the three qualities of God which have manifested, and that is the nature of the Unconscious within us. Now it is for us to rise, first of all, to know the truth. Now rationally you know. Rationally you know that there is something about Mataji, definitely, there is! But emotionally, you cannot integrate. Some people know Me emotionally, but they rationally they cannot integrate. Try to integrate both. Start thinking by your heart and loving by your brain. Then it acts. Tell your brain to think of all the ways of loving. How do express your love to someone in words? Start off. Just say few words. Just now, he said something – “Hail Mary (?Grace/Face)”. From here and here and here, you see, started going. Only that “Hail” itself works, see. See now, only this word – how much vibrations. It’s so simple. Nothing so complicated as the psychologists make it. Absolutely (? ) very beautiful. But when the Kundalini rises, She does the simple job. She is kept there for that. She knows Her job. She is aware. She knows Me very well. As soon as She sees Me, - She rises of course, She is kept there only for this day when you have to meet Me. She works it out. And She is wondering what’s wrong with these children!? Why don’t they understand!? This is the nature of the Unconscious, about which we say we are not conscious. That (?why/way) I am conscious, but not any more with you people, you are conscious of it. You are conscious of it. Not only that, but you know all the things. What is this, what are these fingers. Now think from the God’s point of view. It’s all right from human point of view, you always [UNCLEAR] – but think from His point of view. He wants to evolve you people, to a higher state. You must realise with all your intelligence that still you have not reached that point, from where, you can say it is completed now! You have not met that power which is described, which says – “Let it be” – and it happens. So there is something transition is still there, you have to achieve that point. That is true! All right. That means you are still unconscious of some things which you have not known so far. You have to evolve. Now, what is the God’s position? Supposing He has been evolving you throughout. Now, at this stage when He has given you all the freedom, and like madcaps, you are trying to do something trivial. For example, a mother who allows her child to be free, and the child is going to put the hands, - fingers in the socket. She just has to come and tell, “No, don’t do that! That will give you burns”. She has to tell! God has to tell you. And how is He going to tell you? He has to have a mouth! He has to learn English! He has to talk to you! He has to have hands like this! Then, otherwise, how is He going to tell? Human minds is so falling that they think that if you are helped monetarily, “Oh, God is with me!” Is He your servant, that He is in your pocket? - “Oh, God was very kind to me, you see, I went there, He was very kind to me, He helped me”. But how do you say it was God, or what has helped you? How do you know? Everybody thinks that God is their servant standing at the door. “Oh God, do this thing, give job to me, give job to another person. Oh, God will look after me. Give me food, everything. Oh God, let us win the war against this, and do this, and protect”, and all sorts of things are done under the name of God. But whether the Gentleman is there or not is not known. (laughter) So the Gentleman has to take a face and a mouth to talk to you. To tell you about these subtleties. They are subtle but not difficult. They are simple. But when He takes the body, it’s a big dilemma for Him. He takes the body, people say, “How can it/you be?”. First of all, they do not believe in themselves that they can face, that He can come, first of all. They themselves are suffering from an inferiority complex. And they cannot think, - how can He be a human being just like us. But if He is clever enough, He can make a drama out of it. He can copy you better than you can copy God. That is what human beings do not understand. That He can do everything, all types of things and whatever you are doing also is done through His help. But depends on His attention, you see! Just now, His attention is on one thing. Throughout in the world, He wants Kundalini awakening, Sahaja Yoga to be established! That what is, - think! First of all, let people feel the vibrations, otherwise, what am I going to talk to them, and what are you going to do with that? So this is the only attention working now. There will no miracles, nothing! You have your Realisation first of all! No resurrections, no crucifixions, nothing any more! You just have, all of you, your vibrations! Correct them! That’s how you keep the lights ready. And that’s how you enlighten the path. Now you may say, “In His light, why should we enlighten our path? . His light (is) for Himself! You see, a potter who makes pots and small little lights also, lamps. He makes lamps. He is light Himself, but He makes lamps. Small, small lamps. Then He fills it with oil. Then He picks a wick of Kundalini. Then He lights them. When such lights, fills His heart, with reflected joy. He wants to see His reflection. [End of tape]. 1978-04-08 Talk on Heart Chakra, London, UK, Opt NORM Transcript from Audio Now this left-hand side of the heart is concerned with your Mother and with Shiva, the existence. You get your existence through your mother. And Shiva and Parvati, they are your parents, both of them are your parents as far as your existence is concerned. And it is such a beautiful centre is your, heart centre. You want somebody to do something for your first, you want that somebody should yield or something, you find somebody very obstinate, well I have told you that you can beat them with shoes, do all those things. But there’s a very simple way if you know how to do it. You see, you just think of their hridaya [center heart], their heart and put a bandhan to that. And you can do it so beautifully, you can melt a person without any difficulties if you know how to handle their heart. You have to appeal to their heart and that’s the best attraction I tell you and the best secret method by which you can bring good in them when you are talking to somebody. Supposing I now, intellectually if I start quarrelling with you, you will give Me up in no time, but I have to use your heart power and I have to enter into your heart and that is how it works. So always when you want to do something like that, just humble down yourself in your heart, that is first. First of all you must humble down yourself in your heart and from there, work on the heart of others, just put a bandhan and you will see, a person will melt away. We melt our intelligence, our ego, everything, even your superego, in your heart. So it’s a very easy thing if you know how to approach people through their heart. And that is only possible if you are genuine because genuineness is something that a heart recognizes. You can befool a person with your cunning methods but the heart will recognize it later on and the person will hate you. Even if you talk to someone: “Oh, very nice, oh, very good, thank you very much, very nice” ... and the heart knows: “Oh he’s trying to befool me and he’s very cunning”, the heart’s going to hate such a person. And heart has the attitude to see and feels the person. So if you could appeal to somebody’s heart and put a bandhan on the heart you can melt that person. And if you love someone and if you want that person should be corrected -supposing such a person is a drunkard or a person who beats you and is torturing you because he’s under the spell of some drugs or some sort of a foreign thing – then you just put bandhan to his heart and you will see, they’ll be changing. They will be changing very fast. And that’s why you say ‘change of heart’. Everywhere you find. In every scripture it is written : change of heart is needed, not the change of clothes. So it’s not an intellectual changing but a rational changing, but it is the change of heart. And that is brought about by moving the heart chakra, on the right hand side, in the clockwise manner. That is the heart itself in the clockwise manner. If you can do that, you can really do marvels. And that’s how on a collective basis, the heart is sort of the innermost, innermost string of the collective, one string that is passing through all of us. So if you could strike at the innermost – because in a three and a half circle that’s the innermost point – if you touch there, it passes over this. Supposing you touch somewhere else then it might break, but at the beginning if you start striking it, it goes very nicely and passes into complete circumference. Now the centre one I’ve told you is the heart plexus which we call as cardiac plexus and it has got ten sub-plexuses and the English names for that I will – again I’m going to give you the complete list. I don’t know when we’ll have time to go through the medical journal but I’ll find out all, all of them, and I’m going to tell you what they call it in, in the medical terminology. But they know that there are ten sub-plexuses which are supplying to the muscles of the heart, to the lungs and to the right side lungs and that’s how they divide it – But they do not know that it is already three parts and then there are ten petals which are working it out – I’m sorry, twelve petals, that are working it out. So three divided into twelve is four each side. But actually it is not so. It is the twelve petals are together in the centre, and the centre one is known as the “sacred heart.” In the Bible it is called as “sacred heart” and this is the sacredness of that heart in the abstract form is the motherly love of God. That’s why the Jagadamba, Mother of the Universe, resides there. And these, those twelve petals act according to the Mother of the heart and that’s why we cannot allow them to this side or that side, because it is ‘She’ who actually makes them pulsate. So here ‘She’ becomes a dominant person and not the heart. There are the Spirit rules. So Spirit rules by Itself and it is ruled with the help of the reflection of God Almighty Himself. It is on its own, it is arbitrary. It sees, it watches, it is the witness. It watches the play of these ten petals, 12 petals here, but if it finds that there’s too much of strain on the centre one, it just switches off, and when it’s switched off, the whole thing stops, you see. So you must understand the difference between the other chakras and this one, is that there is the Spirit on one side and the Mother, on the other side is a human, perfect personality [Shri Rama], three things are all together. Now, if you reduce them to our three powers, you’d understand. On one side is the instrument or you can say the nucleus for the left hand side working. In the centre it is – Or you can say left hand side working you can say the Mahakali’s working. In the centre you can say it is for the Mahalakshmi working. And the nucleus for the working of the right hand side is in the heart, on the right hand side, where Rama resides. Because we can call it a nucleus, the reason is because He was active, He was active without feeling, without feeling the witness state. Now they combined here where Krishna came and ‘He’ felt the witnessed state and ‘He’ called it as Leela, is the whole play. Rama never called it as play but He called it as play. So that’s why Krishna here is completed and that’s why we call Him as Sampoorna, is a complete incarnation, Adi. Do you know that Christ was here and I’ve told you about Christ in that book. I’ve read it out to you, the Devi Mahatmyam, what they have described about Him, how He was created and how is that he was brought here, He was Mahavishnu and how He was put there. But that is not – just now we are discussing, we are just now discussing about these three parts of the heart. Now what is the connection of these three parts? Why should they be placed at that time? Because at this juncture, we have three nucleus working together in, on three different channels and they are to be connected somehow.. They are to be connected, otherwise, you see, in a human being, there is not so much of connection established because there’s no Kundalini awakening. There is parasympathetic is halfway hanging, dangling and how are they to connect between the heart which is existence, between the heart which is evolution, between the heart which is activity? So at this juncture which is kept connected, once the heart stops, everything stops simultaneously. But when you are on this then your horoscope works out. Horoscope can work out only up to this point because if you predict a person is going to die according to a horoscope – Now say, they say, “He’s going to die”, say “tomorrow.” But he receives his Realization today, he is not going to die tomorrow, he will die much later. Or he’ll die whenever he feels like possibly, it has happened. Because he goes beyond this limit, where these three things are connected. So you see, they say that you have got limited number of heart beats, you have got limited number of breathing. When the breathing becomes so slow after Realization, the rate of breathing is so slow that, as it is realized, it is much elongated and the connection becomes very much different. Because the heart stops once you stop it, it cannot stop because other activities are stilled. So first of all, when a Realized soul dies, the Kundalini has to pass out from here and then the heart stops. It’s a different phenomena. And that’s why when a Realized soul dies, they find out that the prana, the life, has not passed through the mouth or from the nose, but it passes through here, and you find a clot of blood over here. But that is the sign that a person was Realized of a very high height. But those [realized] who die, even before such an achievement, they do not die with their eyes open, neither with nose bleeding or with their mouth open, but there is just no bleeding at all from the nose or from the mouth, no bleeding at all. And it could be they have to take pressure tests from them. Otherwise, in every other death, there is a bleeding. Eyes in some people may be opened, but if they are fully Realized then they’ll be closed. So this is the difference is. But at this level everything works out your [personality?], because here you are still at a level where you have not reached the witness state and that is the reason your horoscopes are working out your, all material things are working out at this level. And that’s how you become miraculously different. I’ll give another example of that, how you become miraculous. For example, a Realized soul is travelling by a train. We have got this example, a concrete example in India. There was a Realized soul travelling by a train and the train collided and not a single person was killed in that and there was – it has taken so many somersaults and nobody could explain. There was one car accident where one Realized soul was going by that car. It was a very big car and many boys were there and some of them were caught up together and they were all drunk and they were singing and he didn’t know what to do. But he was there somehow or other and not a single person died in that when this happened, which people were surprised how it had happened. Even if a Realized person is walking and if there is an accident that is going to come up, he’ll find suddenly something will happen that the accident will be averted. If you could put a bandhan at that time, you can immediately avert that accident. So you see, such a person who is Realized, who has gone beyond this state and has become in a witness state, such a person not only saves himself but saves others. So all your horoscopes and all these things you see, go into in different categories for a Realized soul because the whole thing changes. The whole thing changes, absolutely changes and he becomes a different person. His hands changes, his lines changes and people start saying, “Oh you must have been this and you must have been that” and then you see, those people who are not Realized, if they see your hand they might depict the spiritual change that has come into it. But still they stick onto certain things and they say some things, you see, that they cannot see. But if it is a Realized soul, he can tell you immediately that at what age you will get your full Realization, what will happen, all sorts of things, if he’s a fully Realized person. But actually, people after realization have no interest left in all these things, so seldom are. I’ve not know anyone who’s a Realized soul and still busy telling hands and some things like that. He has no interest left. But now this coming back to the heart again. On the right hand side we have got Rama’s place. Now Rama was known for His obedience to Swaddha, if you know his story. His father was in Ayodhya. He was ruling there and he had three wives. The third wife had no- I mean he had two children, sons, but she could not see Rama getting the throne. She [Kaikeyi]- was a very nice mother but somebody you see, some lady went and told something to her and she listened to her and she told her husband that, “If you want to give me my boon, the promised boon, you have to make Rama go into the jungle for 14 years, and give the throne to my son Bharata.” And when the Dasharatha heard this, he fainted, he fainted with this request but Rama was there. He heard it and He immediately told her that, “I am going to the forest and I’ve accepted it and your point your son has developed for Me. It’s all right.” And that’s how He went, see. Just to obey the order of His father, because father had not even ordered but because he was compelled. He had given his wife two boons, that once you see in the war she saved his life, so he said that whenever you want you can ask for these two boons and they were. She never knew that she would use them in such a funny way. Later on she repented because Bharata came and he refused to accept the throne and he put only Rama’s slippers there and ruled there, and everything was different. But Dasharatha died, because when Rama went away, he just died. So, you see, Rama’s life shows how He was obedient to His parents. He suffered so much. Anyone who has not been respectful to His parents – you see, [End of audio of sound track] You see, if your parents have been unkind, you have every right to tell them that they should not be unkind to you and that you feel hurt, but you have no business to answer them back and you have to be respectful. You have to be respectful because they represent your Primordial Parents. You are not to shout at them and misbehave. You have to be respectful to them. They may be bad people you could not have being born to God, you have really chosen them and you said: “These are going to be my parents.” So if they are your parents, they are there because of certain reasons, because you have been seeking them into your previous lives and that’s how you are there. For example now, you see, you meet some parents and you think they are very good parents to their children. She said, “Oh God, can I get them as my parents?” Oh! You have it. Unless you have it, you know what it is to be their children. Then you start misbehaving with them, that’s not the way. Now only best way is to get the best out of them so that at least next time you do not come with such mistakes of choosing wrong parents and be respectful to them and it comes as a blessing. It is always very blissful. Your parents will be very hard, disciplining time, misunderstanding time, I know it’s very hard. And with the education that you have, and with the understanding you have of the whole world, you think they’re absolutely foolish and babyish and childish and immature. And specially when you have vibrations, you feel even worse about them because they can be quarrelling, addicted to things and they could be quite slaves. But you must understand that you see they have got these troubles. You could have been the same if you had not come to Sahaja Yoga, you could have been much worse. So let us understand them, try to help them out and if you are respectful I tell you, you can be very sure, if you are respectful to them, you can change them.19:50 Elders, you can never change them by telling them off, never, that’s not the way to change your elders. By being respectfull, so they think they are to be respected. So they start behaving in a manner that they should be respected. This is, I’m telling you the secret, how to handle your parents is to be extremely respectful to them so they realize: “Oh God, when he respects me so much, how dare I misbehave in their presence?” This is the secret of handling your parents and not by shouting at them. Not that you have to do with children [?] but not with your elders. With your elders you have to create a feeling in them that they are to be respected. Like this, you see, you try, you try this thing with your elders. If you want anybody your elder to be nice to you, try to be extremely respectful and the person starts wondering: “Now what should I do to keep up my respect so I should not loose it?” 20:41 And what they value the most is the respect. Elders, they value the most is the respect. And if you give them the respect they will not give it up for anything. You can make them do whatever you like if you really show them the respect. And they will fight to keep that by giving up anything that, you see, lures them away from you, to keep the respect. But you see, it happens like that, you find your parents not doing what is right, you start suspecting them, then they think: “There it is, we have lost the respect, what are we going to gain now?” Because you see, these things do not sort of create any, any recording in their brains. We had a case, you see, some boy, he told Me about his father, that he’s been like this and he’s going down with a another woman and this and that, he’s behaving in such a manner, and it’s very wrong of him. I said: “I agree. It’s very wrong of him he should not do it” and so I said, “What are you doing?” He said: “We are hitting him and we are getting angry, we are abusing him.” And I said: “That’s not the way, that’s not the way. When he comes home you try to be very respectful. Try.” It worked. He gave up the woman. Because he cares for the respect. And you know how much is the respect! After all, most of the people if you see in this world, they want respect. If you respect someone, that person is willing to give up anything for that respect. And a father deserves it, because he’s your father and once you accept: “Yes, father, yes, yes,” and in a respectful way, you just try, and you see it will work. You see if you want something, all right, what will you have, just ask, “But can we stop it at that point? Let us talk about something”, you can direct the attention of your father only by being respectful, you just try with your mother and father. You’re not to boss over them, it’s real. I’m telling you the secret. Is not for anything for, you see, to make you change your ways or anything, but I’m just telling you the secret because you have lost the idea of the secretive methods of winning over people and understanding them and managing them, and really you will have your way. Only thing is to respect them. Now you might have some questions to start [inaudible]. Music But Bible is a book which is being compiled by various people at different places at different stages and all this was revealed to them by the Unconscious. All the knowledge that you find in the Bible was revealed to them by the Unconscious and they could not actually understand the full text of it. Whatever they understood or gathered, they put it down. Part of it was lost because it was not immediately recorded and also because the original bible itself was lost. So all explanations, all the things were left behind and that’s how people have a very good loophole to make whatever they feel like about all the great words that are in the Bible. For example, “The word.” What is ‘the word’? Is it logos or something? What is that? What is it comprising of, what does that mean, how it starts, from where it has come? It is OM. OM comes from three words: UH, OOH, MUH. UH, OOH, MUH. UH stands for the first creation of the left-hand side, what we call the Mahakali power. First only in the world manifestation of the superego took place, so we can say that UH stands for the beginning when only up to the stage when life was not created. OOH stands for the other stage, where now sound is the same. Sound is the same, manifestation is different. The voice is the same, My sound is the same. For example whatever is My sound, you can make it out wherever I speak, this is Mataji’s speaking. Maybe the manifestation is different in UH, OOH, MUH. So first UH starts, then comes to OOH, which is Mahasaraswati power. We can say the three notes which we have as, I don’t know in English what you say to the notes but we say, SAH, UH SAH ..., the basic three notes. So the second note is that of Mahasaraswati by which the life, Sun life, started working. And the third one is the MUH through which evolution started taking its place. So that is the Mahalakshmi stage. So you have got these three powers working together and that is, in a very short form, we say it is OM. But it is not only that human beings have said it. When you meditate you have seen that OMMMMMMMMMMMM I’m saying, that these three powers have a third, these three sounds, and that’s how this word is created of OM. For a realized soul, OM is a most powerful thing. For example, if you want to protect yourself, the word OM itself can protect; and when these three powers combine as OM we say that this only the child or the Sun God represents in its purest form OM. That’s why in the life of Christ or we can say in the life of a personality that represented the son of God, OM is very important because He embodies that OM within Himself. All these three powers are in Him and in the most innocent form. What I’m trying to say is this way, now you take any other deity, any other deity except for this one. Take any other deity, you will find they have more of this power, of that power. For example if you take say Vishnu who stands for evolution, if you take, say, Brahmadeva, he stands for creation. If you take Mahesha, he stands for the what you call the superego side, even if you take Krishna, He stands for evolution. But when you rise here, then only you find that all these three powers combine here at the Agnya. Till Agnya they are separated. At the Agnya they combine. That’s why it is very important that all these three powers are controlled by Christ and that’s why Jesus Christ is the most important Deity as far as Sahaja Yogis are concerned, because evolution is all right but the complete coordination and protection of a human being is only possible if you have all these three powers in your hands. She got her evolution quite all right, she got her realization quite all right, but then she found that her left side is broken. But supposing even if she’s evolved, what has she to do if the left side is overpowering her? Only Christ can save. Now supposing the right side is overactive. Some people it is, you know that very well. That right side of many people is active when you find their ego is too much temper. For them also, supposing they get evolved, what will happen? They’ll shoot all. But if they’re attacked by their ego, only Christ is the person who is going to give them a balance. And if you see Christ, Christ is nothing but a complete balance. It is a complete balance at a higher position. Have you seen a balance, how it is? Balance if you see which is kept at a higher position that the center. And that’s how it is, He balances, and that’s why He is the Omkara Himself, the embodiment of an Omkara because as we know that He is Ganesha and Ganesha is Omkara personified. In this sound of Omkara, the complete sounds of the worlds are there. All the permutations and combinations, the complete melody of these universes within these three sounds: UH, OOH, MUH. It is based on OM. When the Kundalini moves also, it moves in three ways: UH, OOH, MUH, because in the lower portion it is the UH. In the center portion it is the OOH, and here it is the MUH. Meaning that at the lower portion of the human being we are what was created as dead matter. In the center we are what is creation means creativity, and in the third is the evolutionary. So even we are divided in three ways, is, we are, our upper part is MUH, central part is OOH and the lower part is UH. That is how we are, and when you say OM in a proper way, you find the Kundalini rises. There is no difference at all as far as Bible is concerned and Sahaja Yoga is concerned, as far as Koran is concerned and Gita is concerned. Only the people with very limited vision see the difference. The one who has seen the internal of it cannot see any difference because it’s just the same. Only thing is because of circumstances, because of different methods by which it was manifested, you find a little difference in them, but as far as the matter is concerned and the substance is concerned, it is just the same. I do not find even a word which I cannot explain in the Bible or in the Koran or in the Gita. Everything can be explained very clearly but the problem with people is they cannot think in a unified manner, human beings cannot. They must try to find out the shell or a kind of a pool to stagnate. That’s human nature. They want to become worms all the time. Because they were once, they want to again become worms and amoeba. I think they’ll end up with being. I don’t know what to say. That’s why they cannot see the one universal truth that is flowing into them and that is the reason which has killed religions, all over, because once you know that there is one sound that is passing through all of these beautiful religions, the flowers of universal creation, then there cannot be any problem or fight. And by creating this kind of death for all the religions they have allowed these horrible people to come up and occupy the stage now. So you have them very nice to overcome all our physical, emotional and mental problems. OM works like anything. Now you may say that, “Where is the word OM in the Christian religion?” It is in Amen. Amen is nothing but OM because MUH means a nasal sound and end of a nasal sound and NUH also means nasal sound because in the Arabic language it’s written like a NEE, you see, and NEE with My name you say NOOH. With My name starts NUH, also written with a dot. All of them have got a dot. It’s a dot which shows that it’s a NUH. And in the Sanskrit language, ‘dot’ means ‘NUH’. And that is why it is MUH and NUH. Amen is the same as OM. Now the problem is everything as evolution goes up, changes and that’s why OM was brought to the level of Amen. UH became AH and OOH became MUH, and MUH became NUH. As I told you that Christ came as a human being but He was Ganesha. And the swastika became the cross. The same way, OM is Amen. So after every prayer you are supposed to say ‘Amen’. Why not ‘Amen’? What does that mean? From there the word OM ends in English language. If you see, even in the word, in the languages, the universality is ringing but we have no eyes to see the universality. We think, “Oh we are Christians. We believe in Christ. We don’t believe in all this nonsense. Because others are all nonsensical.” But how are you related to Christ? How much do you know of Christ? That nobody knows, you see. And that is how all the problems of all the religions are now coming before you, that people just don’t believe in anything. They say that believing in religion is tomfoolery. All this tomfoolery going on. Why was such a lot of money on churches? Why should we have any popes and why should we have any big organizations in the name of God? Why should we have temples? Why should you? I mean, there are, as here, we have everywhere people who are revolting against all these so-called, they say so-called religions. But everything that has come into being in the name of God, in the purity of heart of people has come to them from God Himself. The only problem is, when it is communicated to a human being who is not yet realized. Even realized, how far are they realized? You have seen now, how much Kevin knows and how much you know. So even those are slightly realized, how much are they going to know what He wants to communicate? And that’s why this kind of foolish separation started among human beings and once you disintegrate religion into religions, finished. That was the best way of finishing religion, because they did not give the substance, the importance to the substance. They just tried to give importance to something that is so superficial and that superficiality also was created by these horrid people who just wanted to use Christ as their pocketbook, Krishna as if He belongs to their household. This OM has been used all over the world in a very, very subtle way, and the MUH’s word means Ma, and you know that all of us, for a Mother, say Ma. You go anywhere in the whole world, they understand the word Ma. Nobody has problem as far as the word Ma is concerned, because it ends up into that, that means the whole creation ends up at the feet of the Mother. Even Christianity you can understand that it is the Mother, even is love. When they talk of Mahommed Sahib, they must know that He had to take the help of five women to be there. And they were all one better than the other, all of them were UH OOH MUHs, with him, the powers. They were the powers that He had and that’s how He had to marry so many. None understands what was it. For example his own first wife Hadjia was nobody else but Mahasaraswati. His own daughter was nobody else but Mahalakshmi. So it was all His powers expressed as His wife or sister or daughter, who helped Him in His lifetime, sustaining His powers. Now the same word OM is used by negative forces also. How do they use it? They will give this name to some devil. Normally they do not because this is one of the purest words which cannot be contaminated. Normally they will not, normally they will not. I have not met anyone so far who has got a devil on him with the name ‘OM’ and nobody so far has given this name to anyone but I have seen people giving names like ... These are the names, different: ‘Imee’ stands for Mahakali, ‘Bree’ for Mahasaraswati, ‘Glee’ for Mahalakshmi. I’m sorry, ‘Imee’ for Mahakali, ‘Bree’ for Mahalakshmi and ‘Glee’ for Mahasaraswati. So they will give these names, separately I have seen, to the devils whom they want to put. For example I will take the name of the gentleman, you know him, who calls himself transcendental and all that. He uses these names. Of course, out of them, the first one ‘Imee’ is now tied up somewhere. Now these ‘Imee’ ‘Bree’ ‘Glee’, though they are the names of the Goddesses, he can use. But he cannot use the name of OM and he cannot use the name of Jesus. He cannot give the name of Shri Ganesh. These names are beyond their ... you see because they are terrible. A Mother can forgive, but these people are, they just burn them out, and that’s why they dare not put these names. You will not find, though they will say it like this that, “In the name of Jesus”, you see, they might say. They might use the word ‘Jesus’, you see, “In the name of Jesus I give you this”, like that. And they say, “The photograph of Jesus” and all that. And they might even use cross because you can see cross made by these people only. They can put them. But they cannot give the name of Jesus to these devils. They cannot ask you, “Say ‘Jesus’, ‘Jesus’.” They will never say that. But they say ... They might say all kinds of OOHMs and everything. But with all of these they can attack someone. Like this they say, “OM Namo Shivaya.” It’s all right, “OM Namoh Shiva.” Now ‘OM’ you have put it. In that it neutralizes. They perhaps do not know it neutralizes a little bit, “OM Namoh Shivaya.” (End of side one) So somebody’s name is ‘Namoh Shivaya’ and he comes into it. And it means so great, means you bow to Shiva, that aspect of God which is eternal. But they will say that you take the name, “OM Namoh Shivaya” because with that the thing you see, it’s overpowered by Shiva and that’s how they will put ‘OM’ with that, but they’ll never give a single word as ‘OM’ at ... point, because no devil will own that name, it’s too great. And these are the tricks these people play with the word ‘OM’ and you should play with the same. Whenever you feel like that, you just say ‘OM’. Don’t say anything else. Say ‘OM’. For you, every sentence has an end, even if you say, “OM Namoh Shivaya” ... But even if you say, “OM Jesus”, it’s enough. Now in a circle. If you take the complete universe into a circle, then you make three portions of that, you get three arches. Say one is UH, another OOH, another MUH. When you try to reconstruct them, then you get UH OOH and MUH. There are three arches, you reconstruct them. First arch is bent like this, UH ; OOH, second one like that, and the third one is MUH. And the dot on that is the center point. Is the center point of the circle, dot on that. Now you have seen how OM is written down and that is how it is, the three arches are described like that. So the whole creation and the center dot, which is the God Himself, all put together makes the OM, and that is how it is being named. I think I have told you. Now first of all when the creation took place, how first the OM was formed? Did I tell you with the parabola, with the drawing? So the first sound, the first sound that started because of the separation, the first separation when it took place between the two identities, God and His Power, that was the time the sound started and that sound is nothing else but OM. That sound will be there and will work out till these two identities become one. Then there is no relativity left and so there is nothing. So people think the world has come out of nothing because there is no relativity. When they become two then there is something. Otherwise they are one and absolute and so there is nothing. When the sound merges or finishes or, as we say, disappears ... (inaudible), that is the time when the whole creation merges into one action. So that is the point where one has to go. Now in your own being it happens. First you feel the OM. You feel it sometimes the sound coming. Sometimes you feel some sort of tingling going on, because there are seven sounds which are easily discernible out of this OM. Easily. But there are many, but I am saying at least seven you can easily find out. If you sit down sometimes you might hear some sort of a bell ringing, sometimes you’ll hear as if there is a waterfall and sometimes you’ll hear as if in the night the small crickets are singing. You see all kinds of sounds are coming, you see. You feel that they are there, something is happening, in the night, you see, that sort of a feeling you’ll get. All different types of sounds there are but seven sounds you can easily find out and all of them put together make the OM. So, if you play all of them in a proper manner, in a melodious manner, well we can say in a harmonious manner, then you’ll hear the sound OM. Now when there is a suggestion coming to you from somewhere, you’ll always feel there is a sound coming in your ears, so you’ll be alerted. You are alerted and you just pay attention what ideas are coming and then suddenly you get an idea. Note it down. These are the ideas coming from the unconscious. Just wait, a sound will come. And the sound will suggest that there is a suggestion coming, you note it down. But with the devil, such a thing will never happen. You will never get the sound. You also will get Ad... or something ... with maybe little fragments because they carry as fragments, just ... But mostly you get horrid smell of, as of burnt leather, or something like rotten egg. Horrid smells you get from such people who are possessed. So this OM is, is a sound that understands, that talks, that organizes, that informs and that is the sound of the Divine love. This is the electrical feeling that you get on your hand. But this is the sound. So we have got also five very subtle type of expression of five elements and those are this fine sound of OM. The vibrations are the electrical. There is a magnet in that sound or in that powered, for a person who is, who is realized. The person who is blessed by God has a magnetic power. That person attracts. That person may not even speak about, but people know about these things. They know that he’s a man who’s realized, there’s something special about him. Immediately you can find it out what he is. It is because of this sound and the magnet. You must have heard that sound when we converted into matter. In the same way, all these things are converted, the sound becomes a magnet, the magnet becomes the vibrations, the vibrations can become the Spirit. So these are all convertible and part and parcel of the same thing, the same energy which is the Divine love, which is love. Love has a sound and love has electricity, it has got magnetism and it has got the power. When all these subtle powers are poured on to any human being, it acts, it acts and people start improving in their health. You must have heard of experiments where people have tried music on some people who are not well and they have been cured. And what happens is that they, the subtler, subtler powers of the sound that we are manifesting, that behind it, the power that is manifesting it, comes into play. Which is a very small thing there. But with you people, when you put your hand, this is the sound of OM which is vibrating. It is so micro, micro waved vibrations, that you cannot see with a magnifying glass, you will not see My finger shaking at all. You’ll say they are very steady but they’re very microwaves. And the microwaves, when they pass into the body of the human beings or anything, there they awaken the microwaves that are sleeping in the body of the human beings or whatever things you use and they start generating the second, what you call, phase as the ... of the outside ... For example, I’ll tell you how. Now, I put My hand to a person who is sick. Now here I put it and he is sick on this part, he has got some trouble. What happens? These waves, they’re passing to there and whatever are sleeping inside you see, they are sort of regenerated. And they start getting awakened and they start getting strengthened. Now they generate the other manifested ones or we can say the apparent ones, by which the person feel cured. For example we put like this. Now the blood is clotted here, there’s no blood flow. You put your vibrations there. What happens, that the blood clot starts dissolving because the dissolution power of the blood is with the Vitamin K. And the Vitamin K is excited because these vibrations passing through that. And the Vitamin K is excited there later on by the microwaves which are receding and that’s how it works. But you cannot see that. They just work. They are abrusha(?). They are invisible. But they are there. To record them is impossible. Because human beings do not have any such instruments. Now at least, thank God, the scientists have accepted that we haven’t got ears to record everything that is in the sound. So, in the same way, they haven’t got records to record the vibrations of these microwaves. Now, when you people say OM, realized people, when you say OM, the sound waves of OM, you just try on a person who is, just now you are having some pain there. All right. Now just now you put your hand there and say OM. Try it (Music) 1978-04-08 The Mind And Its Relation To Kundalini London NITL HD Shri Mataji: (inaudible). Such terrible things they are. You have to just in any way be positive about it. [You people to come forward]. Terrible! The problem is much deeper than you understand. A very severe problem it is. They all were just waiting for you people to come up to them and to attack you. That was their whole strategy, and they caught you into their webs. Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Oh God, just disregard it. [Inaudible conversation] Shri Mataji: Today I’m going to tell you about the mind and its relation to our Kundalini. Shri Mataji (to someone): Don’t do that, disregarded. You just put your left hand towards Me, right hand outside, it will work out. You can sit that side, here, that side. But not, you need not open it much. Just don’t [inaudible]. [Hindi?] Kingsley asked Me that they expect – all of you expect to get suddenly God’s Realization. I wish I could give you that. You should. But actually, you know, you have had problems – and very serious problems. And they have seen to it that the path of Kundalini is completely destroyed so that you lose your chance of Realization permanently. Absolutely, that’s what they have done. And each one of them I find is working on different chakras. And so, if you go to two-three of them, then God alone can save you. And even if He can, I don’t know, because it’s very dangerous, and they know their job very well. Moreover, you are so much under their obsession you can’t get out easily. When you go to them, you don’t even – cannot even ask them one question, cannot even talk to them. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: But with Me, you’ll be arguing as if they have given you a job of a pleader for them. And you don’t realize also that you are arguing only because they are in you. Despite the fact you are realizing that this is the truth, still you go on, you see, and waste your time. I would say, “First, keep yourself open completely”. This cannot be argued out. It cannot be with your mind. It is something of the beyond. Keep yourself open. Receive as much as you can. Get yourself all right. Understand. Don’t waste your time. So many of you touched – you see, just that’s what I have to do with all the force, you see – that you touch the Sahasrara. It works out. You all get Realization so that you get the glimpse of what is Realization and you feel it, the vibrations, to convince you that this is the truth. But I can’t retain it on My own power. You have to retain it yourself, on your own powers. Without Realization, nothing is possible. That is a fact. But to retain it, you have to work it hard. But some people it does not require at all. They just get it, and they are there, finished! Lady (on the phone): Get you where? You get it after, you catch it. [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: Who’s that? Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: This is in/that’s it in. Sahaja Yogi: To bring us to the right path. Shri Mataji: Forget it. Forget it. Forget it, it’s just a [inaudible] Lady: He has one, he has one. Shri Mataji: Now today, I will tell you the position of our mind. Now, the idea of mind that we have in our mind about mind, is very confused. So, let us first see what is mind, how are we placed as far as the mind part is concerned. You can have the chart or [inaudible] Can you fetch the board or something? How are you, Andy? Andy: Better. Shri Mataji: How are you? Sahaja Yogi: All right, very well. Shri Mataji: You are all right, aren’t you? And what about you? Better? Yes? Put your right hand on your heart. Right hand on your heart. He’s come for the first time? You? Seeker lady: Yes. Shri Mataji: Aah. Sahaja Yogi: He came for the first time after Caxton Hall. This is the first time. Shri Mataji: Did he get Realization? Did you get the cool breeze? Another Sahaja Yogi: He started to feel like that [inaudible conversation]. Shri Mataji: What do you say? Yeah. Is it a good paper? Sahaja Yogi: I could get some bigger one for You. Shri Mataji: Bigger one if you can, then I ‘ll do. Sahaja Yogi: Djamel telephoned last night. Shri Mataji: Hm? Sahaja Yogi: Djamel telephoned from Algeria. Shri Mataji: How is he? Sahaja Yogi: Very French. He will be here on the 24th. Shri Mataji: Very French! [Shri Mataji is laughing] What does that mean? [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: He’s coming for 2 weeks from the 24th. He’ll try to be here from the 21st. Shri Mataji: It’s great. That’s it. Did you get some good paper? Is it? Sahaja Yogi: I’ll get some good paper. Sahaja Yogini: I placed it somewhere. Shri Mataji: Now, this is the mind by which you are listening to Me. Whatever I’m telling you at this moment, you are listening to Me. Your attention is on Me, you are listening to Me. All right? This moment, you are absolutely conscious of what I’m saying. You are receiving it within yourself. This is the conscious mind, conscious mind. [Shri Mataji is drawing] Conscious mind: every moment we are conscious. But when you listen to Me then you take it through another mind which we call as the pre-conscious mind [Shri Mataji is drawing] into the subconscious mind. Through the pre-conscious mind, you put it into the subconscious mind. [Shri Mataji is drawing] Did you follow this? We receive it through our conscious mind, put it in – the pre-conscious mind receives it. This is a monkey. The symbol of this is Hanuman. He receives it and puts it into your subconscious mind. All right? This is happening throughout since when you were an amoeba, this has been happening. And now it’s happening much more when you are absolutely in the full stage of mind development. So- Sahaja Yogini (positioning of the paper board): [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: I can manage. It’s better. Now. Actually, the scientists they believe that the conscious mind is on the top, then there is pre-conscious mind and there is the subconscious mind. That’s what they believe into. But that is not the fact. The fact is that all this is placed like this within us. [Shri Mataji is drawing] This is the conscious mind, this is the pre-conscious mind and this is the subconscious mind. In the subtle form, when they are placed in our spinal cord, there are three channels that work it out. The one that is the subconscious mind is worked out through the Ida Nadi which is called also as Mahakali channel, Mahakali channel. And this one, on this side, is worked out by Pingala Nadi which is on the right-hand side. In the center this one pre-conscious mind comes only up to a point, or we can say they go down much more. Now what they do is to have a loop here and a loop here. And they come around here and this is what forms the chakra. Do you understand now? So, they – once it moves like this it passes over its information, this pre-conscious mind passes over its information to this. In the chakras it is decided what is to be stored, where, what is to be done. All the decisions take place in the chakras. Now who takes the decisions? It’s the deity there. Now, how can we know there’s a deity? Say, for example, in a human body anything that goes inside the human being has to be thrown away. But the fetus of a child is preserved, conserved and looked after. That’s done by Ganesha at the Mooladhara chakra here. He organizes it, He arranges it. There are many other things which the scientists cannot, cannot explain. One of them is this, that they cannot explain why the two chemicals ‘adrenalin’ and ‘acetylcholine’ react in different manners in a human being. They cannot explain. For example, if one has to augment, that is to contract, sometimes relaxes. It’s a chemical, after all it’s a chemical. How is it that, by the same chemical, sometimes it augments and sometimes it relaxes? They cannot explain, and they have very frankly confessed it, that the mode of action of these chemicals in a human being cannot be explained. All right? But they cannot go further. Why it is so arbitrary? What guides it? How they guide it? They do not know. Of course, now somewhere or other, in the awareness it’s also coming up that there is another nervous system that is guiding this. Now they are coming to this point also. They are saying this – that “There is another nervous system which guides all these things.” Now you see here is the conscious mind, is half way. And the pre-conscious mind and the subconscious mind meet at a point here. At these chakras, there are many chakras, this comes only up to a point much above the heart. And this we call as the Sushumna Nadi: Sushumna. It’s this Sushumna channel, you see. The central one is the Sushumna channel. [Shri Mataji shows it on the drawing] Now, this, these represent outside. Now this, I’m telling about the subtle things that are inside the spinal cord. All these channels are inside, out of which these two are expressed outside, and they are called, gross form, they are called as left and right sympathetic nervous system. You can see with naked eyes the left and right sympathetic nervous system. But the channels that guide or the powers that guide them are inside the spinal cord. When you have seen the Kundalini rising and pulsating, these channels work out in the spinal cord. Outside the spinal cord, you can see the chain of nerves, and you can see the sympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic nervous system you cannot see because it is from [the] brain, a little lower, up to the end of the brain, you can say, it comes up to enhance in there. But its effects are up to the heart chakra, we can say, up to the heart chakra are very much there. After that, all the chakras lie in the Void, as we have shown you in the diagram. So, these channels – now you see, mind is not only here. Mind is also in the spinal cord. To think that – thinking is done by mind – is all right, but all organs do not act according to the mind. They act according to the chakras, and these chakras control the gross plexuses, which I have told you. The chakras are subtle things inside the spinal cord. They are not the plexuses, but they are the subtle things that control these gross things which we can see with our naked eyes. None of these Kundalini’s books have described this. ‘Not one’ has described this. Imagine the basic things they do not know! Basic things that there are two forms of things, one is the subtle form which is inside the spinal cord and the gross that is outside. Can you imagine? They have written such big-big books, and they have not described the basic things about Kundalini. Now you can see with your naked eyes. I will show you how the Kundalini moves. All right. Now, as you see, there is a gap here. The gap is much more – I draw it out. You can see it’s a very big, much more, gap. But here I’ve shown it in a big way because I want to show the upper part of it. Now, when these two channels start working – all right? – then what happens? If you start a machinery, there are certain by-products, like the fumes. So, these fumes are to be accumulated somewhere. So, they bloat in the brain like this, like a balloon and one from here like a balloon. They bloat and then they join together. At that time this bone which is a soft bone in the childhood becomes hard, and you develop your identity as ‘I’. “I Mister God” (?is the greatest). You become ‘I’ and that ‘I-ness’ comes to you. Deliberately God has put this thing into you. It’s a very important way – important thing that He has done in a human being. I’ll show you that which is placed here. Isn’t it complicated? I hope you don’t get upset about it, no? [Shri Mataji is drawing on a board] Because, as I said, to put on the switch is all right. You just press it, it works out the way it has worked in you, and you think: “How can that be so easy?” It’s not easy! It’s all built-in in you. It’s all there! And it works because I know the job. Now, this is the brain of a man. What is the speciality of a brain of a man and an animal is, that man reaches this apex, not the animals. Animals always have a flat [brain]. This apex is reached, why? Because this is the apex which one has to break through there. So, the ego and superego when they make a balloon – now I must tell you the difference between ego and superego maybe some of you may not be knowing. Ego is when the mother is, say, nursing the child. The child is in a complete joy. Then the mother removes the child from one side and puts him to the other side. He doesn’t like it. So, he comes up with his ego, “Why is it?” He gets very angry. So, the mother said , “Don’t do like that!” So, his superego receives it, (?“Be poise now/being poisoned.”) Ego is that by which we try to do something, by which we are aggressors, we plan for [the] future, that’s the same thing. It is the ego that comes out of the pre-conscious mind by which we plan for [the] future, “I must do this. ‘I am doing this”, and the another is the superego in which I receive it, “Oh, I should not have done it. It’s wrong.” The conditioning. Or some Guru comes and says, “All right, come and bow to me. All right.” Superego. So, the bowing of that is superego, [the] asserting of that is ego. So, where should man go? You might say, “Either, Mataji, you become egoistical or you become a dormant personality, absolutely a dwarf. Now where do you want us to go and why God has made us like that?” [Laughter] He has made you like this, that with this mechanism you start using your freedom. And balance them so nicely in between that there is a space left and you come out. Without using all these instruments properly, your human awareness is not reached that state where you can understand His working. For example, at the time of Christ, imagine to those fishermen how could you talk about Kundalini? Was that possible? Even talking about Kundalini in these days to such learned people is a difficult task. So, in those days, to talk to the fishermen was an impossible thing. And those days, we had only fishermen who could come to Christ. None of the College [inaudible] would go to Christ at all, you see, so that was a problem. But now the awareness has come to this stage that ego and superego is balanced and when it is balanced there is a space in between and then the Kundalini which is the residual force here -that I will tell you later how it comes a residual force. Now, here is the brain. [Shri Mataji is drawing] This thing flows into this one. This one flows into this one. My drawing is the same as God has made this creation, same as My own work. All right. So, this, you see, this is the Mooladhara Chakra here. Cha-kra. And this is the Mooladhara, the triangular bone in which the Kundalini is placed. Now, this part of it, you see, comes inside and settles down. When the child is in the fetus stage, then only the Kundalini, or you can say this force, comes in. Now what is this force? It is known as Mahalakshmi force, which comes through the Sushumna. Now, this is the force of evolution. This is the force of existence. And this is the force of creation. This is the one which we call as the Mana in Sanskrit language. This is the Mana, not mind! There’s a confusion between English style and English – ah, Sanskrit. This is the Mana and this one is the Prana, you see? And Yoga means when Mana and Prana meet in the centre, they say Yoga can be achieved. This is ‘Ha’ and this is ‘Tha’. ‘Ha’ and this is ‘Tha’. This is Hatha Yoga. Or, ‘Ha’ means Surya, means Sun. ‘Tha’ means Moon. This is the sunlight and this is the moonlight. Ha-tha Yoga. Then they tell you big stories about Hatha Yoga. You’d better get a book of Patanjali itself and read it, and don’t listen to them. Now, Hatha Yoga is a way of climbing up in Agnya. Hanging there, there are two walls here. Put one foot here and one foot there and go on crossing. Again, you come down. Again, you come down. Then you go up like that, up to this point. From here you get into your ego sometimes, superego sometimes. Then sometimes by chance, with great luck, if you could go into this way your attention – I mean, this is a very hazardous thing – then you penetrate through this, all right? This is the Agnya Chakra. And then you get in here and hang over here for some time. [Laughter] Then sometimes the grace of the Mother comes in, and then you may get your Realization. But by doing this exercise, you are a strong person. . And moreover, you have done your chivalry, so you are a great person too. But this takes – sometimes, Johan [unsure] he was telling Me that he has taken twenty-one thousand years since when he was a frog. [Laughter] You see, and he’s still staying in the water. He’s the same as John the Baptist. Twenty-one thousand years! So, when he met Christ, he must have been nineteen thousand years. You see, that is what it is. Now ours is a simple method, all right? That is Shri Mataji’s method, all right. You see this Kundalini is here, and She’s my part, She’s my own. As soon as you face Me with your hands like this, through this, you see, these are the hands, you see, hands are coming out, say about this point here, your hands – hands are small here. Through the hands, the invitation of divine vibrations flow in. They go inside. First of all, they inform Ganesha. First of all, they inform Ganesha that, “It’s the Mother sitting here.” You’ll be amazed if you are facing Me, you cannot have any sex feelings. Try it. You cannot. It’s closed. This door is closed because it’s your Mother sitting here and have some shame about it. This door is closed and Ganesha is fully established. If you try and do any such thing, then it’s a very much punishing style. It punishes you very badly. And that’s why you be careful about this gentleman, Shri Ganesha. He is one of the most dynamic as well as a very sensitive deity. Those now who teach you to pay attention to Mooladhara Chakra and raise it towards some deity or mandala or anything are committing sin themselves. But they are then putting you into terrible sin. Spirituality has nothing to do with your sex. Nothing whatsoever! Whether you are impotent or potent or a girl or a woman or a man or anything! You can get Realization. But if you are using your sex for such purposes, very difficult. Because that is the basic point and then, you see, Ganesha first is to be satisfied. That’s why in the Indian mythology or in Indian life or in Indian form, first of all, they praise Ganesha because we must, first of all, create the holiness. He is the embodiment of holiness. He is the one who came to us as Christ on this earth. He is celibacy. And you, who have known Christianity, why should you accept these horrible, dirty, lusty? I don’t know. I don’t have, you know, such words what to use. But they are monsters, and they’ve advised that you should do sex in the name of God. This is what this point to begin with – first thing you have to do is to establish here because this is the main person who guaranties, “All right, he is the best. He’s all right”. This is the first certificate you must have to enter into the Kingdom of God, is Ganesha. Throughout, He is there to guide you, but main basically there. People don’t like it when I tell them. But I have to tell you the truth, whether you like it or not. You must have sane ideas about sex. Because of ruination of this chakra in the Western countries, it is very difficult for Western seekers. Apart from that, these gurus have done-they themselves have jumped into it. Why do you need a guru for that? After all, you have reached to the end of everything. And that’s why all kinds of diseases are coming up. It is so unnatural that your body reacts against it. Impotency develops, bad relationship with everyone, and human beings become extremely sensitive. I mean, even the slight thing you do, people feel bad. You go on this way you feel bad, you go that way, you feel bad. On the other hand, a person becomes so shaky he doesn’t know which way to walk, “If he wears this kind of a dress, will they like it? If I take it like this, will they like it?” I mean, all the time, a person is trying to please another person. Never trying to think, “Where am I pleasing my Self? Or not?” Because my Self is first of all (?sweeting with them). A very major part of your Self is here, because you must look nice for other men to look at you or other women to look at you, that is the first criteria. In this shape, if you’re handsome, you are handsome, if you are not, you are not. What does it matter? You are saints and you are seeking God. He has created you. First thing is holiness and holiness and holiness. Even [a] hundred times, [a] hundred and eight times, is holiness that is needed in us to begin with. So, establish your Self there at the holiness. And you have had. Most of you have had heard about Christ. And even then, the way you have denied Him, this is the sign is of the too much of activity of this side. Too much of activity of the right-hand side, of the Surya Nadi is that, “I’m doing this. I’m doing that. We must be competent. We must do this work. We must do that work. And we must show on, want and earn so much money. And if the wife is not earning, she’s a useless thing, everybody laughs at her, but if she’s a carrier girl, she’s great because she’s earning money”. All this is due to the activity of the right-hand side. This is all activity of the right- hand side going beyond all limits. And you suppress this part. All imperialism, all despotic, everything comes to this point. This is the Rajasa there. ‘Rajasa’ means there are three moods. This is the Tamo Guna, this is the Rajo Guna, this is the Satwa Guna. So, by doing this, what happens? You press the superego so much there is no balance, and you start asserting your ego without knowing about it. The part about your ego is that if you suffer from ego, you will never know you are suffering. People even say like that, “I’m never egoistical, you see!” All they will say like that, “I’m never egoistical.” They’ll hit you hard, “Oh, I never boast about myself.” They’re like that. They say, “We never want to praise him.” They go on praising him. They start like this, “I’m not going to speak much.” They speak honestly! [Laughter] So, this is what it is. There is no balance. We go on, we go on creating things. And in this we go so mad, we forget every kind of balance that has to be. For example, now we start judging ourselves by the things we produce. Out of proportion through the Mother Earth productions, we start producing such a lot, “And you must have machines to produce. Thousands of things we produce”. If you go in a house, you feel, “Oh, God! Where have we come? To a junk house or what?” Something dropping from your head, and you don’t know where to put them-where to put them. Now, all this built up a lot. So, people like you came in, and you said that, “This is all junk. Throw it away and let us become hippies”. So, you went out with others! [Laughter] From this end to this end, from this extreme to this extreme. Now here, on the superego side, all indulgences, all this drinking, going to the subconscious, seeing hallucinations. And then also what else? Drugs, drugs. And then also living just like pigs, even worse than that. This is self-destroying. This is destroying others, and this is self-destroying. This is another style started, self-destroying. You live in such conditions that the whole body becomes absolutely dead, and you talk of death all the time, and then you’ll start using spirits also. Death, death, death, everything. This is death and this is life, you can say. But not the consciousness, is in the centre . Then the Hatha Yoga means this one, ‘Ha’ in the abnormal way that people think of. This is not. This is the balance of both, is Ha-Tha Yoga. But normally, people what do they do, these people who are on this side? They will go to the runaway extreme of these people, you see, they don’t want all this. So, what they do? They will go on to the other extreme of this. And what is the other extreme of this is, “Give up materialism. Give up this.” And then you become a horrid personality. They’re so hot-tempered. These people try to control, you see, their sex, they will not marry, they will not have faith, they will drink urine. They will do all kind of nonsensical things! Why should they drink urine? I can’t understand. You see, they drink urine, they don’t understand this simple thing: whatever is thrown away by body, why should we drink? Our body knows better than we do! And then do – then they do all kind of nonsensical things also like hanging themselves, you see, upside down and some of them running for miles together. And some of them doing exercises of the extreme type and oh God! They are very hot-tempered, dried people, absolutely because the sun dries them up. The Prana here, you’ll be surprised, acts on the heart, because heart, has to balance this. So, what happens, all these people suffer from a stone-heart. They have a heart of a stone. They don’t believe in any love business, nothing. Wife, they will not see. They’ll have nothing to do. Only one person who has gone this way was Buddha, but he was born long time back as I told you to Rama and Sita. So, he could do that way. And the one who is the divine personality who moves on this, is the Hanumana. So, Buddha came this way and settled down here. Mahavira came this way and settled down here. But they forgot that they did not come this way at all. They came this way, and they were absolutely tired, they were sleeping, and suddenly they came by the same route as you all have come. Because the Kundalini is here [in the centre] so how can She come this way or that way? Kundalini being here, she cannot go to the left or the right at all. When they have said ‘Hatha Yoga’ what they did was to use the Kundalini. Gradually they pulled her from this side to this side. Again, from this side to this side. Again, in the centre only. It has to come by Sushumna, there is no other way. Kundalini does not rise by any other way but Sushumna itself. But the reactions can be felt on these. Supposing you upset Ganesha: when He gets upset, you get heated. Both centres completely heated, and their heat is communicated on both the sides. Sometimes even you will find blisters coming out to your hands. People get blisters. This Rajneesh, his one disciple who came to us- what’s his name, it’s in the book, ‘Gijere, Gijere’. He had all over the blisters. All over the blisters. And then he told Me, “Mataji, cure me, do anything”. And he gave it in writing, everything he published in the papers. Then Rajneesh people gave him ten thousand rupees and took him back again and put him the dress. This is what it is. Is it money? I don’t know what is it that makes people so much mad after money? They go to him to seek God. And then they become so materialistic that they don’t mind having any trouble in the body, just to advertise for it. First, he gave money to some women that, “You become naked when I’m giving lecture.” So, they all started. Just like the all manipulation of these – what you call these, what you had these – what you had? These singers, four of them who started singing first of all? Sahaja Yogis: Beatles. Shri Mataji: Beatles! They started the same way, you see. They paid and made some women to get drunk, and then they started singing. So, these women started reacting to that. And then they gave drugs and all that, I mean it was all the manager, the Beatles’ own uncle, you see, one of them, the one, the manager’s brother, I would say. Not the uncle but the manager’s brother was on my ship when I was (?pilot [unsure]) and he told Me the story. That’s how they managed, and now everybody’s like mad, you know. It goes into everybody’s head that when somebody’s singing, you must go mad like that. What is the need? If there’s something inside, then there is no need to go outside like that. Inside, whatever is happening should happen, not outside. They think unless and until you go do it in the full gusto, it will have no effect on this. So, this is what it is. That it’s due to the over-activity of this and the extreme movement of this side. So, now there are seven channels on this side and seven channels on this side. By these seven channels you are made to pass like resonance, you see. You move from here to here, to here to here, to seven channels. Once you go to the seventh channel, you are on the last one, then you are thrown into the Hell here. Same here are seven channels. You are given chances and chances and chances. But if you don’t listen then to the seventh channel, you go to the Hell again. So, all of them are settled down here, down below the Hell. There are seven Hells also. All right, I need not tell you, but Mahavira has described them very well because he went through superego. He went into Hell. Even Buddha has described it. Worst is Mahavira’s description. And if you read them, for three days you won’t eat any food. It’s horrid. But it is a fact, what He’s told you is a fact. Now this is – this is the Kundalini that is going to rise from here to here. This is the gap. These are like three ladders. But this can only go this way. So, this ladder is useless for this and this ladder is useless. But because of these ladders they have a loop on this one and a loop from here? And these chakras can be completely destroyed if their activity on these are more. Do you understand now? Like this, as I told you, like this is the central part and from here one comes as a loop, another comes from here. Now if they go on moving too much, they may come out like that, and they become on their own and that is how cancer settles in, malignancy. The people who are very egoistical can also become malignant by temperament, because they forget that they are a part and parcel of the vast Being. They are just a cell in the body of that vast Personality, and they cannot on their own start working. They have to relate themselves to Him. But this is only possible if this Kundalini rises and comes out and enters into the subtle Being which is around you. And this has to happen, there is no way out. Any religion, anything, any saint has to happen because this is the primule which sprouts in the seed and which has to come up, go up and open here. It’s a very simple thing because as soon as I – they see Me they know I’m there because this is awareness which understands, thinks, cooperates. There’s a telecommunication between your Kundalini and Mine. I put my force into your Kundalini. I take it on My Kundalini and take it up. This is the first Kundalini, as the Adi Kundalini, you call it. And you have the secondly Kundalinis. And when they see Me, then they are assured that they can come up. And that’s how the Kundalini comes up. But this could not be done earlier because this was not completed. But when it was just to be completed what human beings did was to press this very hard, and before I could start off this, the pressing became so hard – [cut in the audio] This way. So, now we have two extremes. We have very egoistical people on this side, or we have the other type who are destroying themselves every moment by every chance. And to help them, we have very egoistical monsters who have come from the Supra conscious. Beyond this is the Supra conscious, and beyond this is the Collective Subconscious. From that and from this, Collective Supra conscious and Collective Subconscious. they are. From there you are getting spirits who are entering into your psyche through your ego and superego, and they are working out for you. Through your eyes, through your nose, through your mouth, through your ears, they can enter through anything, through your Agnya. They enter inside and go into these, and they start giving you ideas. Now as you had asked Me the question that with these things like chanting the mantras as that I told you before also, you say some funny name given to somebody. All right. You give that name to someone who is a devil, genius – absolutely genius evil – and that evil genius is given a name, say of ‘Rama’, all right? You can do if you have no conscious, if you have no fear of God, if you are just a rakshasa, as they call it, a monster of the worst type, you can give this name to anyone. So, you give this name to someone like that. And then they tell you in your ears, “Call the name of ‘Rama’.” All right? You start calling the name of ‘Rama’. Immediately what happens the actual place of Rama which is the right side of the Heart Chakra, Rama slips off there. He’s so angry with you for this nonsense that, “Why did you go to such a horrid fellow? Why did you not use your brains fully? Why did you go to him? Why did you deny God and why did you accept him?” So, Rama slips off. Once He slips off somebody else comes in and that is this evil genius who is called as ‘Rama’. He comes in and once he comes in, he starts working in your right-side Heart. Now what is it? It’s just opposition of Rama! What was Rama? Rama was a very obedient son. First of all, you become extremely disobedient to your parents. Or else, maybe, that you have no feelings for your children as a father. You may go into abortions without any difficulties. Some girl you will sleep with, “She has conceived? It’s alright, go into abortion.” [Inaudible] No feelings as a father. No value for the life of your children. That develops with this kind of a chanting. Then He was a man known for his maryada, means for his boundaries: how far to go, how far to rule, how to look after a wife, how to look after the country, how to- He was the person who is known as Maryada Purushottama, means, “Highest among all the human beings.” He is the ideal for his boundaries. Now if you say, “a boundary” then they say, “What about liberation?” Naturally, you think liberation is nothing but abandonment. Now, if there is a pilot sitting here, alright? Supposing you have to build an aeroplane, if you do not put it into certain boundaries, then when it goes high up in the air everything will go helter-skelter. All liberated nicely! [laughter] And nothing will be left out of that liberated soul. So, there are certain boundaries which we have to put for ourselves as human beings with our wisdom and understanding. That was done by Rama, and that’s why those who catch on the right-hand side must know that this is the – something lacking in your character has come to them. Perhaps it might be lacking beforehand and might be it has been added up by this fellow because he must have read your mind and seen, “Oh, there’s [a] little bit in him, little revolt against the father and the mother. All right, put it into him.” Then he starts thinking, “Oh, my father, you see, he’s a horrid, he’s this, he’s that.” And there was a boy, as I told you, Jean, who came to Me, and he told Me, “I now was wanting to kill my father and mother, both” when he was chanting the mantra. And when he could not kill the father and the mother, then he started killing himself. And when I asked the monster sitting on him, he told Me that they want more people in the subconscious or the supra conscious area, so that they can bring them [to] come into the psyche. So, they want them to die. See this. Death, I don’t mind. Even if somebody dies, they can be born again. There’s no problem because you don’t die. But this is not death: this is enslavement by these people. When you die, you go into ‘their’ realm, and they use ‘you’ for this purpose. And then you cannot get out of it, because when you are living then it’s possible, but if you are dead you are absolutely under their hands. So, many of them that are into your mind, they ask Me for Moksha. They say that, “You promised us that you will liberate us from these horrible people” or “You’ll give us Realization.” And that’s why some of the very horrid ones also get Realization for a second. That’s all. Because I have promised that. But then they don’t come further, they just give up. Because they are – because I have promised them, so I just do it. But if you have to continue, then you have to respect yourself and to understand that you are saints. You have been seeking, and you cannot be frivolous about it. You cannot be vain about it. But you have to come to it with great humility and receiving power. The more you try to receive it, the better it is for you. Then you will go further and further with it. Because you must know you have already been attacked, you have already been possessed, you are already under somebody’s enslavement. You must know all of you are. Sooner you see the better. There I’m happy Bogdan suffers, but he sees at least. If you start seeing them attacking you it will be better than to be attacked and just numbed, you don’t know, you feel very happy. You are numbed like drunken people. Better to be aware of the pain than to be deadened so that you do not know if something is coming into you. Because you are a special fibre and special people. So, be careful about this. Because your subconscious and your pre-conscious, both have suffered quite a lot of damages. Not so much in previous lives as in this short life that you have made with the help of these horrid people. You have to come very positive (?into) this and to understand that you have to cure. But if you are still identified with them, it’s better that you spare Me at least and the Sahaja Yogis. You have to understand that it’s going to be tremendous, task for all of us to work it out. You know how difficult it is. Then, say, you have seen how we were doing it. Tomorrow when you will be Realized, you will know that you will have to do the same thing as these people have been breaking their heads, beating here, beating there and the needles and pain, and needles and all kinds of screwing up that was going on in their heads and things. The way they were trying to push your Kundalini, it was so difficult, you have seen it yourself. And which you will have to do yourself, and you will be giving it to others. So, you must understand, you must cooperate all. And be wise about it. Don’t come into the charm of these people. They have given you nothing so far except for emptying your purses and making them light. They have nothing to give. I have to warn you because most of you have been to such places. In India, when I started My work, I never talked about it for three years. But then we got some groups which were going outside and we had a terrible time. And those who were Realized did not know why it was happening like this. And I had to tell them about this that exists. I never told them. You’ll be surprised if you read – if you hear My first lecture in America, I never mentioned about these people. Nor did I mention about the spirits that are within us, but they are. And that’s how they have brought such a confusion, such a confusion! It was never that bad, you see. In the Gita, Krishna has said: “Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya ca duskrutam” [Gita IV; 8], meaning: “I have come again and again on this earth to destroy the monsters or the dushtas or the cruel forces, satanic forces and to give protection to the saints.” But here the saints are confused with them. I mean, this Kali Yuga is terrible! Where are the saints? I find the saint has got something sitting on his head. And it’s so delicately woven, it’s very difficult to take it out. Unless and until you all cooperate with Me, it’s going to be very difficult to resolve. But once some number of yours is nicely done and coming up, then you will see it will work much faster. Much faster, I’m sure of it. The same thing happened in India. For two years – imagine – twelve people I was working on. And twelve people got Realization out of twenty-five. After two years! So, it’s much better now. And you get it because you are saints. You get it that fast. But you are shifty people. It doesn’t stay. With Indians, they take time, but it stays because their Chakras are all right. But they are little – not yet seeking. You were seeking, but you went into the cut in your seeking. All these broken bones have to be put right, all these broken hearts to be brought right. And you have to just cooperate and understand that it is all for your good. Denying is the easiest thing. So, don’t deny. You all have experienced, most of you has the experience of vibrations, and you can see there are some people who are here who can feel your vibrations and can tell about it. You can also get it, and you can be also of the same type and of a much higher type if you little bit cooperate with Me and work it out. And don’t get disgusted with yourself. One day, indeed, it will be like this, [the] next day it will be like that. Doesn’t matter. In any case, you are progressing. So, don’t get upset. I know why you are upset, but that we’ll look after. All right? So, just be patient with yourself. You have to be patient because you have had a problem. [Cut in the audio] How did they accept this horrible Mahesh Yogi? How? Why did you accept him? Bending your head before him, why did you do it? Before all these gurus? There’s another one, Pia, who came from Sweden- Sahaj Yogi: Denmark. Shri Mataji: Denmark. She tells Me, “I can’t accept you as Mother.” I said, “What? What did you do with the Lama?” With that Lama, every day she had to go to him and bow before him one thousand and one time. And she did it for one month. And she wouldn’t accept Me, you see, when I said [inaudible], because it’s difficult to accept the truth. One thousand and one time she had to do, every day she did. And she couldn’t accept Me so, she went away. Because there was another lama sitting there, I think, in her head. And she’s a gone case. Now she’s having a very bad time, but she’s gone. But thank God, sometimes, you see, we have to thank because such horrible people if they enter into us, they trouble us a lot also, aren’t they? They divert your attention, they take away so much of your time discussing, arguing, arguing, you get fed up with them. How can you argue it out? This is a happening. You cannot argue it out. Still, I’m quite good at arguments and answering your questions. I’m quite good. I’ve learned how to defeat you. And I’ve too much patience. But why do you want to waste your time? Better have it. Better have it. The best thing is to get the blessing soon, as soon as possible. I’m anxious to give you, anxious to do it. What’s the use of talking about food? Better have it. Enjoy it! The whole world is created for your enjoyment, for your blessings. I know you have spoiled yourself, doesn’t matter. I’ll wash you completely. Everything I will do for you but cooperate with Me, don’t waste your time. Four years we took to create these seven people. Seven. Four years because you must know you are the first in this Western world to be that steady. Many things can be done, but only one thing I can’t do, is to force you to (?meditate/take). How many people have had nimbus [lemons] with them? So, any questions? Of course. Any questions? Then we can have food and then I’ll see their Kundalini. That is the last. How many of you had nimbus – no lemons? Hold your hands. Have you thrown? Are you better now? Getting – Sahaja Yogi: After I got one, I feel a space out. Shri Mataji: Spaced out. That’s it! Spacing out is the point. You never felt that before. Sahaja Yogi: No. Shri Mataji: That’s it. Are you feeling any cool in the hand? How is it? David? David: He just gave up smoking in no time. Shri Mataji: Hum? David: He just gave up smoking in no time. Shri Mataji: Smoking. Sahaja Yogi: He got a very strong experience of nausea and he just [inaudible] Shri Mataji: These are my tricks, you know? I stop your smoking. Sahaja Yogi: That’s how. Shri Mataji: Yes, I will. Because once you start doing that then I have to do something, isn’t it, to stop it. The smoking has to be stopped because it’s very bad and Krishna doesn’t like it at all. It’s very bad for the Vishuddhi Chakra and for the stomach. It’s very easy to stop. Very easy. You will be surprised within one year’s time you’ll be surprised how much you’ll do things and how you’ll give up these things. Except for [a] few things you won’t give up, which I’m going to tell to very few people. [Laughter] [Shri Mataji claps her hands] Ha! Better now, better, is he? Better? How are you David, mister David? Sahaja Yogi: I’m pleased to be here tonight. Shri Mataji: Hum? David: He’s pleased to be here tonight. Shri Mataji: Is it? But that’s not sufficient. That’s very diplomatic. What about your Agnya Chakra? Sahaja Yogi: Well, it doesn’t do what it’s used to do when I was hanging on to you. I think it is still- Shri Mataji: Pain? Pain is there? Sahaja Yogi: No pain, no. Shri Mataji: No pain at all. Pain is gone, completely. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: All right. Are you putting your eyes on the ground while walking on the roads? Or you’re looking at the girls? Sahaja Yogi: I haven’t been putting my eyes on the ground. Shri Mataji: You should. Sahaja Yogi: Oh. Shri Mataji: Put your eyes because ground, you know, the Mother Earth she takes away all the heat from the eyes, all right? Very necessary. Ganesha is made out of Mother Earth and if you put your eyes to the ground, she gives you that soothing feeling. It’s very good. Say, for example, in the morning time – of course winter staying here is very cold, but otherwise – if you, during summertime without wearing any shoes or anything if you walk on the grass, it’s very good for the eyes. Very good. And taking, you see, cool bath in this part is very good during summertime. Not winter here because winter is very severe and cold is also bad. But a day when there is quite hot, it’s so hot you can bear it. Then you should do it. It’s very good for the eyes. There are many things which are good for eyes. But the best thing is to pay no attention to anybody’s eyes because you catch from everybody’s eyes. Here every man like a, you see, watch tower is going on. What are you looking at? Where are you looking? Where are you going? Watching whom? It’s two attitudes. One is, “How many are looking at me” and “How many I have to look at”. It’s a mad world. It’s such a loss of energy. Eyes have nothing to do with sex. It’s perversion. Absolutely perversion. That’s why Christ has very clearly said that, “I’m not talking of adultery, but I’m talking about eyes that are adulterous.” We should not have adulterous eyes. [Matthew 5:27-28; Peter 2:14] Eyes are very important. You see, they are on the Agnya Chakra. They are the windows. See, from the eyes it should be only going, nothing coming. It should be so, such a clear eye that from the eyes it’s only going to others. Absolutely, it should be clear. Nothing taking in. Then it’s all right, you can look at people. Even I don’t look at people because sometimes I think that they might faint, or they might get a Kundalini suddenly up and all that. That’s why I’m a little bit worried about that might happen with Me, because so much love also very few people can take in, you see. Eyes should be absolutely clear, going outward, not receiving anything into the eyes from others because what you receive is dirt and filth. This is how you receive all the spirits from the eyes, and they go into yourself. Most of these gurus touch your Agnya and put the spirits into it through this. That’s why, you see, Mohammad Sahib said, “Never bend this before anybody else.” If you have bent this before anybody else, but a person who is really an authority, then all your – this is the sign of your human – of you being a human being. And when you bend this before anybody else, then they hit you hard, and they come into you, and they work it out. That’s enough for everyone, I think. Be silent. How are you now, Henri [unsure]? Better? Sahaja Yogi: Hum. Terrible. Shri Mataji: Alex is much better now. See how he was, poor thing, that Lama of [inaudible] he has tortured him completely. He is supposed to be a Lama and the things he did to his wife, it’s terrible! It’s all horrible people. Beat them with shoes and throw them away in the sea! They want your women, they want your money, they want everything. They are looters. Better? How are you? Now, don’t start condemning yourself too much. You are not to condemn yourself. Love yourself, respect yourself. You must respect. Not to condemn but love and respect because you are the – the chosen ones. You are chosen. Not to condemn. Forget the past, finished! Forget it. Now, don’t think about all the things, “I did this in nineteen hundred and nine.” [Laughter] That’s [inaudible]! I do my duty, isn’t it? [Laughter] And that’s why you don’t have any questions. [Laughter] Ah! Don’t do all that. It’s good for nothing. Useless things. Finished is finished. Past is past. Is lost. And future doesn’t exist. So, enjoy the present. The present you must enjoy. The present is most enjoyable. Hum. Good. Myriam, what do you say? Better? Myriam is a born Realized person. Since she has advantages over you that she doesn’t catch much. And if she catches things, she throws away in no time. We have another one you have seen is Kevin. They’re many people in this world, there are many people who have – who are born Realized now. And many children are born Realized, many children. I mean, so many of them that you’ll be surprised! Now, most of the children we see now are born Realized. They are all coming down great people, but you are the foundation. They are all going to come down to Sahaja Yoga. All of them are going to help us within ten years, you’ll see they’ll be all standing there. They all know about Kundalini. For example, now, Kevin, you don’t have to tell him. He knows everything about Kundalini, Kundalini, everything, he will tell you about. First time he came to see Me, he knew everything about Me. And I went up, and he said, “How did She go up?” She said, “Why? She went by staircase.” He said, “But where is the red carpet? You must spread some nice carpet for God. What do you think you are? And what She is? You’ve done nothing?” Like that, you see. He knows all about Me, he knows all about Kundalini. He is born like that. My own grand-children are like that, Realized. And when they were very young about six months age, two grand-daughters, they used to sleep with Me in the night. They would get up in the morning and start sucking my feet, just fallen there for half an hour. And their mother would come and say, “What? What are they doing, Mommy? I can’t understand. What are they doing to you?” Because they could feel it. They talk like that. They have seen Me. My grand-daughters have seen Me. They talk like that. They’ll understand everything. They know about Kundalini. Even a little one which is newly born one, she was hardly, I think, four months or five months, you see, she had just started crawling. So, one of the Sahaja Yogi had come, you see. So, she saw him; she was at my feet. She came down and starting hitting him on his Agnya and his Agnya opened out. They understand Me because it happened to them inside, and they know where is the obstruction, and they work it out. Only thing you people, all of you, should decide about yourself, to make yourself strong (?pedestal) each one of you. Don’t depend on others. (?You yourself all know), and then it will work out. It’s good now. And what about food? They can have? Then we’ll have a little session of this. Humm, put a bandhan on the liver. Right hand, right hand, all right? She’s come for the first time? You told Me- [Laughter] Sahaja Yogi: She was here before, Mother, but she’s always kept in the background. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: I had never seen her before, that’s what I was thinking... Come here, come here. She’s very good. Sit down, sit down, sit down facing that side, you see, facing that side. Look that side. Sit down, sit down properly. Can you sit on your foot? Ha, like that. Sit down. All the machinery starts. All right? [Laughter] Workshop. Now, tell Me. All of you who are Realized, now let’s see. [Inaudible] come along, when you will give, then only it will flow, it’s not going to be given to you free. You have to work it. Come along now. Tell Me. Sahaja Yogini: [Hindi?]. Shri Mataji: This is, that’s it. How about – where is My hand? On the Vishuddhi Chakra. Just my hand is there and you are feeling that. She has a problem there. Everybody is getting it on these fingers? Burning? See. What’s wrong with you? You are all right, you can feel it. Come along now. How are you? Feeling it? Sahaja Yogi: I feel she has it on this one. Shri Mataji: Which one? This one you are feeling? Put a bandhan to yourself and see now. Might be your own. They can, at least her [unsure] It just, just increases. Sahaja Yogini: No. Shri Mataji: Just. Just, just. Nothing is going to happen to you. She’s very sweet. Sahaja Yogini: I don’t know if (?I give bandhan. [Unsure] Shri Mataji: It doesn’t have to. You see, I have done it to learn . All right, come here. Hum? It starts working better, all right. Let it be we have... She has fears, you see. Ha, that’s it. What? Agnya? You put your right hand on the heart only. [Tape interruption.] There is God. And also, we know that He is reflected in us, in our heart as Spirit, as Atma, as Self. Now when we know about the three channels that are working within us of Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati – the three powers of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna which create the subconscious, pre-conscious and the conscious mind – are working in our consciousness. That means we are conscious of them. We are conscious of our left and right that is Ida and Pingala, sympathetic nervous system. We are not conscious of the parasympathetic. That means that we can increase the rate of our heart, we can increase the rate of our breathing, but we cannot decrease. The decrease or what you call the lowering down of the rate is done by parasympathetic. So, the parasympathetic is active, but we are not conscious of it in the sense that we have no control over it. The Spirit that is God, which is reflected in us, resides in the heart. The manifestation of the Spirit in our heart controls the parasympathetic. But this Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in our heart, as if in a mirror. And divine love which is the light of God is reflected in us through the reflection of the Spirit as the Unconscious mind. So, within us, there is an area about which we are not conscious. That is why it is called as Unconscious. That area lies so far away from our conscious mind that we cannot control it. We are not conscious of it. But it acts through parasympathetic activity. How it acts? I will give you a simile. Supposing there is a power-works somewhere, and it is acting through this light over here. You don’t see the power-work or the factory or wherever the power is created. But what you see is the manifestation here, and you see the light. But supposing you do not see the light nor the lamp nor the factory, but you are affected by it. That is the situation of a human being. A normal human being who is not a Realized soul is not aware of that factory which is God or the light it has got, is not aware of the lamp that he has got in his heart and is also not aware of the light that the lamp is emitting. But it is acting. So, the Unconscious mind is nothing else but the projection of God’s will through the light of divine love. I’m giving this simile again and again which is very good and act, that these two powers that are within us, one on the left, another on the right-hand side are there, and we are conscious of them, and we use them. Out of them, the right we use it in absolute awareness. Left one we know is used as subconscious mind and, sometimes, if you take drugs or if you do something like that, then you go to your subconscious also. So, you can become aware of the subconscious area also. So, you become – you are aware of the right-hand side already, and you are aware of the subconscious sometimes when you try to get aware of it. So, these two powers, that are within us, are all the time vibrating in a wave. And the points at which they meet they create the throb, or you can say the center. A center is created, a Deity is placed, but there is no light for us to see or to feel or to be conscious of the Deities. Deities are fast asleep. When the Kundalini rises – now Kundalini is the subconscious [at this stage]. You’ll be surprised that Kundalini is the Mahakali Power. She’s absolutely pure, in the purest form because she’s not used. We can say part of it is used in us, our subconscious. Sort of you have kept some water separately which you have not used so far. So, first of all we use the subconscious water and the pre-conscious water and – we dirty it, we exhaust it. Then the stored-up power rises and does the last cleansing. But when she rises, she creates a third current. Still, that third current when she is rising doesn’t have the light. But when it reaches the Sahasrara and pierces it, then it becomes one with the Universal Consciousness. Because what is God is the One who controls the Universal Consciousness. He is the controller of the Universal Consciousness. He emits the light and when this Kundalini rises, it gets that flame on it. So, now all the deities get awakened. Now you may say that, “It is in the heart, Mataji, you are saying. You are saying it is here.” There’s a confusion people think. But actually, it is all-pervading. Say, God is a nucleus, you can say, or a factory which has a light all over and is reflected in the heart. So, when your Kundalini, a particular individual Kundalini, touches that, then this light takes place. Then the heart – in the heart the Spirit is ignited or sort of it emits his – it manifests, projects, and his projections are these vibrations. So, through this you know the will of God. Through this you have a dialogue with God and you understand Him, what He wants. And what does He want you to know? There are three qualities of God which you can feel through this. One, what is the truth. You ask any questions. If you are asking for something and if it is in ‘Yes’ then you’ll get too many vibrations. If it is in ‘No’, vibrations will low down. That’s how you can verify what is right, what is wrong, what is the truth, what is not the truth. Now you can know. Nobody has to tell you. You don’t need any clergyman or anybody to certify. It is there. Through your vibrations, you can feel it: is this the truth or not? Is it a correct place you have come to, or to the wrong person? Then also the various combinations and permutations of these, you see. It is true, but still there is a little point which is wrong in you. For example, if you say that Christ was resurrected in person: “Yes, that’s true”. You’ll get more vibrations. But if you see now that if you say, “Is it Mataji the Mother of Christ?”. If you do not accept it, you will not get it on the Sahasrara. It should be on the Sahasrara. [End of tape]