14 September 1990 First We Must Feel The Reality Public Program Hammersmith Town Hall, London (England) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft Public Program. Hammersmith Town Hall, London (UK), 14 September 1990. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot organize it, we cannot mold it. Also we cannot know it at the stage when we are human beings, with human awareness we cannot know it. So we have to become a super human being, a higher personality. What is said that you have to be the Spirit, you have to be the Self. In all the scriptures, in all the religions it has been said that you have to be the Spirit. I mean we see the turmoil and the problems of the world that are completely show us clearly that there is so much of a mess and most of them are the problems created by human beings. We have to do some introspection and some soul searching and we have to find out, after all, why we human beings have created all these problems for ourselves. We have had philosophies, we have ideologies, we have so many kinds of enterprises but despite that there are so many differences and the differences are having larger and larger gaps. If it is the truth, it has to be the truth for everyone. Everyone has to say: "This is The Truth". But it has to be the Absolute Truth. If it is not the Absolute Truth then what we believe into is not the reality. And this is the main reason why everything in the name of God, Divinity, everything has failed so far because it is not substantiated by reality. First we must feel the reality. And what is the reality, and what is the truth? The truth is that you are the Spirit, you are the pure Spirit. And that there is All Pervading Power of divine love which does all living work. Now we see all these beautiful flowers, beautifully arranged, everything, but we never think how so many flowers have come out of one seed. How it has worked? This living work is done by whom? We will say: "The Mother Earth". But the Mother Earth seems to be just... just a thing... it is just a matter. Than how these flowers have sprouted from a little seed, who has done this work? We don't even think who has done the job of making us human beings from ameba stage. So for a hypothesis let us think there is something, some power that is doing it. As scientists you must keep your minds open. There is no use having blind faith in Me, in Sahaja Yoga, in anything because blindness will never give you reality. But you should be open like scientists are and whatever hypothesis I am putting before you, you have to feel it on your central nervous system. This is what is the Bouddha, is what is Buddha preached about that you have to feel the All Pervading Power on your central nervous system. And the time has come. Time has come for all of you to feel that. You all can feel that All Pervading Power, the power of the Holy Ghost, power of the Primordial Mother. And then, once you are in connection with that, like this instrument when it is connected to the mains it has a meaning, your self-knowledge will tell you what is the meaning of your life. Otherwise, there is no meaning. We are without any connections to the reality and that's why we do not know where are we drifting, what is happening to us, where are we going. Now, I verily say to you that within us lies this instrument. And this instrument is very well intact in all of you. Now, there are some people who have written books after books which have really shocked Me saying that is very dangerous to raise the Kundalini, some people have said that Kundalini is in the stomach - shows they are unauthorized people or perhaps they do not want you to have your self-knowledge, they want to deviate you. Also you will find people who will tell you that you should not do this Kundalini awakening and all that because very dangerous and this brings problem. Not at all. This Kundalini which is in three and a half coil is an energy of Pure desire within you. All other desires rise within us and once we achieve them we still are not satisfied we are going from one desire to another. So the law of economics is that in general desires are not satiable. So this is the only power which has to rise and give us that Pure desire that once we achieve it or once we manifest it then all the desires become absolutely of no value. Then this madness of desire goes away and we understand all this transitory things, all this pleasures of life with it's full limitations and we know how far to go with them. But first we must seek the Eternal, we must seek this All Pervading Power which is very subtle and is all around us. But as human beings are as you must have seen here also, on top of your head here is on one side is the yellow ego; on the left side is your superego - is your conditionings. We have so many conditionings in our mind. To say that I am an Indian and you are British or you are this and you are that is a conditioning. God never created world like that, He created only one world. We have made it like this. This is the one world, this is another world, this is another nation. We human beings have done - created problem for us. Of course, I mean He did create rivers and mountains and He did create different type of people otherwise we all would have looked like some military junta. But no He made us differently to look different. That was His idea to create beauty. Why we have such conditionings, from the very childhood we have conditionings of this kind, then we think we are born in a particular religion. So that is one another horrible conditioning we have that we have got we are in this religion so we must follow this religion. But in Sahaja Yoga when you come you will be amazed to see that those people who started all these religions are the real people and once they started it after some time is drifted into something extremely nonsensical and now running away from religion also you can not solve the problem or running towards is just the same. So what is it that you have to go beyond all these conditionings that are there and also beyond your ego. Now, the ideas about ego are also prevalent and people say that these are our karmas, we must suffer. I know of so many people who say that: "Mother what about karmas". Now, the yellow stuff that you see there is the ego, is the only human beings think that they have done some bad karmas or good karmas. Animals don't think. They are under the complete control of God that's why they are called as pashu means paash - completely controlled. A dog is a dog, a scorpion is a scorpion and tiger is a tiger. They behave the way they are, but human beings are everything in them. You may find somebody as a very nice dog and suddenly becomes a snake. From where does it come in? It comes because still all these conditionings that are within us are built in and then also this ego that has come into us that I am doing this work, I am doing that work. Now, see we have a beautiful hall of course to be appreciated very much and we should say that it's a very good piece of art or whatever it is. But something like a tree was dead, so we have made this platform from dead to dead. We have done no living work whatsoever, we cannot do it. But when the Kundalini rises you will be surprised in many people who have problems on their centers you can see with naked eyes the pulsation and on your hand you can see the pulsation of the Kundalini rising and you can feel the pulsation on top of your head here. And when the pulsation disappears you feel the cool breeze coming out of your head, out of your own head. All these things are to be verified. There cannot be pretensions about it, reality stands by itself, it does not need any support. So when all this happens to you, what you get- the self-knowledge. And what is the self-knowledge is to first of all to know about your own centers. Now, a person gets lunatic without knowing that he is getting lunatic, a person gets cancer without knowing he has got cancer. Whatever happens to him, he does not know what is happening to him. He has to go to doctors, spend lot of money, everything and then the doctor certifies no you have these ten diseases in you and that now you will die after one month or so. You don't know how it has developed in you, how it has come suddenly to you but when these centers are out of gear then you feel this is wrong with you, that is wrong with you. Because you are realized soul and you can feel it on your fingertips when the centers tell you that this is wrong with you. This is not only on physical side, physical side is the minimum that you get, but you find out about emotional side, you find out about your spiritual side also very clearly that spiritually where are you. Just to certify yourself that we are twice-born people or we are this and this is misleading yourself. You've not been kind to yourself, I should say, and not honest to yourself. We have to be honest, we have to find the truth and we have to get to it, because it is our own, this is our right to have it as human beings and you cannot pay for it. One thing if you understand you cannot pay for it, you will understand what is reality. Like the seed you plant in the Mother Earth. How much do we pay to Mother Earth? How much did we pay to Christ? How much did you pay to Rama or Krishna? To any one of them how much did we pay? But those who are now commercialized all these ideas we are just getting lost into it. So we have to, little bit, have a soul searching and find out: "Where am I ?" I have to find the truth and I must get to it. This is the time when the whole world has to emancipate, this is the resurrection time or we can call it this is this Last Judgment. But you will be judged by your own Kundalini who is your Mother. She doesn't trouble you. When you were born your mother took up all the trouble, all the labor pains upon herself, she didn't trouble you. In the same way this Kundalini doesn't trouble you and she is anxiously waiting. I'm Myself amazed the way these days the Kundalini is rising. Of course today we have so many people I am sure you all will get realization. But in a place like Paris where I never had such hopes thousand people getting realization I was amazed at that and all of them full of joy, laughing, I have never seen French women laughing that much. They never laugh normally. I was amazed that all there cheeks were up there, up to their eyes and I said: "What's the matter?" They said, "Mother, we don't know from where this joy is pouring". That's the quality of the Spirit that you start feeling so joyous and the joy doesn't have the duality of happiness and unhappiness. It's singular. You just feel it from within yourself, you enjoy yourself. Then another quality of the Spirit is that when it comes into your attention- the light of the Spirit comes into your attention. Let's supposing this room is completely dark, we don't know how we relate to each other, where we are sitting, if we start walking we might tumble over other people, we may try to trample some people. But if there is light you see, you know where you are sitting, where others are sitting, what is your chair, what is their chair. So in that light of Spirit you develop a new awareness, a new dimension which we call as collective consciousness, which is described by Jung very clearly. Jung has talked about this and that is what happens to you, it is not a false thing that, 'Oh! I am collectively conscious'. No, it happens to you. Means you can feel the chakras of another person, you can feel what's wrong with him and you know how to correct it. Under your hand itself the Kundalini will rise, you get the powers, you get your own powers to raise the Kundalini, give realization. I mean, now I cannot go all over the places, Sahaja Yogis are doing this work. You all get those powers of raising the Kundalini and giving realizations to others, so that they find their own self, their own Spirit. So, the absolute knowledge can be only known through self-realization, because whatever you want to ask like a computer, the answer comes in. There is somebody who met Me in Paris. He said: "I don't believe in God". I said: All right, you ask a question to Me: 'Mother is there God?'. Stretch the hands towards Me, ask the question three times. "Mother, what's happening? This cool breeze coming" I said: "The answer has come, there is God". So absolute knowledge is only possible when you know the Absolute Truth and to have the Absolute Truth you have to go to the Absolute Being within you which is your Spirit. So, it gives you the Truth, it gives you the collective consciousness. The main thing is that you become extremely peaceful personality, you become peace, you emit peace. It's like the wheel, the wheel at the periphery moving very fast but in the center of the wheel is the axis, it has to be silent otherwise cart won't move and you jump onto that point within yourself where you are completely peaceful with yourself, completely integrated without any tension, without any problems. And these other ideas of removing tensions, this thing, that thing are all artificial and mental. It cannot be mental, it is beyond mental. When the Kundalini rises as you see there this is the center in the optic chiasma - Agnya chakra. When it crosses that center then these two institutions are sucked in and she passes through the limbic area and comes out of your fontanella bone area, which is the actualization of your realization. So, now for it is absolutely evident for people to see that we have to get to that stage and you have all the properties, all the possibilities, everything within yourself to get to it. So, now you'll have to close your eyes. Before closing the eyes, you can take out your spectacles but please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Nobody will have any problems. May be, some of you might feel the cool breeze coming out. Some will feel in their hands; some will feel out of their heads. Some will feel little heat coming out. Doesn't matter, let the heat get out. Doesn't matter! It's very simple. So, what I have to ask you is that you are entering into the kingdom of God and you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. First of, forgive yourself. Don't say it is difficult. It's the easiest thing to say. Just forgive yourself. And, don't feel guilty. Actually, forget the past because it's finished. And, the future doesn't exist. You have to be in the present. So, just forget about it. Some people might be feeling guilty: 'Why I read this book?' 'Why I read that book?' Forget it! Done is done! Finished! So, have confidence. All right! Now, please put your left hand towards Me, like this. And, now the right hand on your heart and please close your eyes. Here now, you have to ask Me like you ask a computer - a question. You may call Me Shri Mataji or you can call Me Mother - whatever suits you. Mother, am I the Spirit? Ask this question three times. In your heart. Now, you should know that if you are the Spirit, you are your master. So, please take your hand on to the left side of your body in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, ask another fundamental question three times. Mother, am I my own master? Ask a question. Please ask three times. I've already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. I cannot force! So, now take your hand down in the lower portion of your abdomen and ask six times a question. Or, you have to request. Six times because this center has got six petals. Mother, please give me pure knowledge. Six times as this center has got six petals. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini has started moving upward. You may not feel it but it is moving. So, now we have to nourish the upper centers with our self confidence to open them out. So, now raise your right hand on to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Press it hard and here, you have say with full confidence. Mother, I am my own master. Just say it with full confidence. Ten times because this center has got ten petals. Now, raise your right hand on to the heart where resides the Spirit. I've already told you that you are not this body; you are not this mind; you are not this conditionings nor your ego but you are the Spirit. Pure Spirit! So, now raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence twelve times. Mother, I am the Spirit. Twelve times! Mother, I am the Spirit. Which you are! I've already told you about this Divine Power and this Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge; is the ocean of compassion; is the ocean of blessings. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit, the power of this ocean of forgiveness can dissolve all that. So, now raise your right hand in to the corner of your neck and your shoulder, as far back as possible. Press it hard and push your head to the right fully. Now here, you have to say with full confidence in yourself. Mother, I am not guilty at all. I've already told you that whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into the hands of wrong people and you torture yourself. So, you have to forgive everyone, in general. So, raise your right hand on to your forehead and put your small finger and your thumb on two temples and three fingers on your head and put down your head. This is the control of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Now, put down your head. Put down fully! Now here, please say - very important - if you don't forgive, I can't forgive for you. You won't get your realization because this center is a center which is a very, very tight one. So, you have to forgive everyone in general. Just say that! Just say that! Mother, I forgive everyone. In your heart, say it in your heart. Not how many times; from your heart. Say it from your heart. Not how many times; that's not important. Now, please take back your hand on the back side of your head. Push back your head fully as far as possible. Hold it. Now here, you have to say for your own satisfaction without feeling guilty; without counting your mistakes. You have to just say: Oh Divine Power of Love, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. Oh Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or committed any wrongs knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me. You say it from your heart. Not how many times but from your heart. Now, please stretch your hand or stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now, please bend your head as much as you can. Push back your fingers as much as you can. Please push back your fingers. Put a good pressure on the fontanel bone area. And now, again I have to tell you that I respect your freedom. I cannot force Self-Realization on you. So, you have ask for it in your freedom. So, now move your scalp seven times slowly; seven times slowly clockwise saying: 'Mother, please give me my Self-Realization'. Now, please take down your hands. Slowly open your eyes. You can wear your spectacles. Put your hands up like that. Watch Me. Can you do it without thinking? Watch Me.