Marriages in Kew Ashram. Melbourne (Australia), 16 March 1985. Shri Mataji: ... ask all of them to stand at the back so all the people have to stand at the back so the girls can stand up. And bring their garlands and you have to ... one garland to the boy. [too much background noise to hear Shri Mataji] They should all stand up and move back. All of you will have to stand this side. All right. Should we ask them to get up now Warren? Have you given them numbers or something? Make them stand in that way ... They are standing now better stand ... way. Now, yes. We have to start. Get the garlands. This light has to be brought in here. I've not seen ... shining before I think. May God bless you. No, no, the children have to be in front of them, with the flowers in the hand. Can you break off the petals for the children in their hand? Warren, you have to take the flower petals for them, for the children. In the hand ... like this you make and give to the children. The boys have come, or not? They should come now. Warren, I think the girls better stand there because the boys will come here now. Can they come that way? Let the girls stand this side. Now you take your lights this side, I'm sorry to say. Is better. Take the lights on this side. All right. All the children you move them this side. All right. All the children you move them this side. The children. All right. No, no, children, you stand here, in the line. All the children have to stand in the line here all right. Now give the flowers in the hand. Tell them that they have to put flowers, put it in one hand. Yes please. Let them do the aarti ... See, hello, are these done or not? Oh, I see, so make the aarti then, one big one, just make Aarti one by one. Come let them do it ... Have you made aarti, Warren? ... Warren, have you got the aarti ready? And you have to put to them. Did you tell the girls and the boys, have to stand behind the girls. Little boys, the brothers of the girls have to stand behind and the sisters and the brothers. Warren, ask the brothers and the girls, the boys' sisters, the girls' sisters and brothers have to stand. Yes, behind them. And now, bring them by numbers. First number one do the ... aarti. You see in India systematic, in India no problem, in India. Come here Peter. [INAUDIBLE] Also you have to spread this side because they'll be walking down. Keep it here for the time being. Put it double, put it on top of this, yes so it comes up to that. No, the other way round you put it, you see ... other way round, other way round. No, no, no, no ... what are you doing, you just ... They've never done it. ... Just you put yourself into bandhan. For the last one spread something over there, for the last one. Pull it out that side a little. Warren: These are wet. No, no, just put it the other way round. Shri Mataji: Something should be put now, the grass ... should not sit ... that's better. Warren, you spread it, you see what I'm saying - if you just double it ... Now come along, see. Because that will spoil the saris ... they have got ... now, they have, why not spread these? That's it, put it down. Put it down. That side is also problematic, Warren. That's what I'm trying to tell you, that make one line. You see put these things behind and make one line, you see this thing you take it on the other side. No, no, no, what I'm saying that make one line, don't have two lines. Because there is water - how will they do it? One line, yes, one line. You make just one line. There's no need to have two lines. Just make one line. Warren, in one line you put all of them. Yes, of course. Make fifteen people to sit down together. Fifteen in a line, you can have up to the end. Warren, some can sit like that some ... that side. How can you do it? ... all right. They are not equal distance. ... That's all. It's very much better this way isn't it? They can all sit together in a line, they are not many. Now the aarti has been done. Ray see that they come, number one last because you see she is, number one here? Now can you remove this one from here so they can, they have to walk like that. All right done now, nothing to worry. All right. Warren. No, no, not necessary, no one's going to sit in front. Yes, there you can sit down, and the elder people can sit down. You can put it double. ... Open it, and put it because they can't sit on that. Put other side down. Yes, double it like that, that's a good idea. Make it double like they are done see. Start it from ... so you cover the whole lot. That's it. Better now. All right. Music. Put the music on. Now give ... to everyone. Now you have to have these things in your hand. All right, can you push them? And seven times Modi will be singing, it's eight times, seven times. Put seven times. The seventh time is the complete. All right. You put it like that. Eight times. It is eight times you have to put this. Some people could come this side later on. Come on this side. Some people can come this way. Yes. All of you, yes children, not children, you come along, you stand here. Come along. Take this. See the Bombay, Bombay efficiency. no, no, no, no, what are you doing? It's a big problem ... Modi himself is no, no, it's not that. You see the whole group is there. Here everything Modi has to do, that's the point. They should not have been given. Now also call the cooks. What are they doing? Cooks, they have to attend. I don't see Munjit here. Ah there. All right. Let the boys come in. You just stop that now. Boys have not arrived. Wives have not yet arrived. They are still getting ready? Where, in the room? In the room. They are arrived .. girls can sit down, sit down. My shawl. Where is My shawl? Why don't you take from here, all the girls? Why don't you keep it here? Now all of you sit in a line. You stand up now, the girls stand up. Will you please move from the centre, other people, just move out, ... in your hand. Number fifteen, let him go ... on the ground, who are you, stand behind. Stand behind the boy. Number fourteen ... Just follow them, stand behind. Father, mother and mama should stand behind them. No the boys should face the girls and you stand behind. Are the father, mother, going to marry? Let them be a little further, Warren. Again, the mother, the father should be behind, otherwise. They want garlands also. They're just standing without the garlands, they haven't got garlands ... don't disappear ... First four haven't got the garland ... you go and give garlands to the first four, see that they all have garlands ... the bridegroom must come, then the parents must come behind them. All right. Just say ... like that. Take their photographs also, little bit. When they are coming you see you can just take it. In India the bridegroom always takes - and we say that you have to put the red carpet, otherwise he won't come. You see we are really fussy. May God bless you. Now go ... Go behind. Are you standing behind him? Are you the mother, father? You stand behind. Otherwise there will be confusion again ... or let them stand behind the fire ... All right ... let them ... Find your girls and stand there. Tell them that they should go and find the girls and stand there ... Now before garlanding your husbands you must verify. Now the boys don't have to move. The boys have to stand where they are and the girls have to move, slowly with your heads down. All right. Hold the garland in both the hands. The girls should hold the garlands in both the hands and put your heads down, walking toward the boys. Before garlanding see that's your husband you're garlanding. And walk very slowly. You have to just walk in such a way, there are eight mangal ashtakas and then it will be done. Now, I'll tell you what mistake we have committed. This has to go to the .... because the boys were coming. All right. Lots of fun must be, all right. Now move this side, yes. Now the boys turn round, now you must stand straight. You see these are not standing straight behind you, tell them. Move back. Move back. Yes now. The girls should be in a straight line, don't walk fast. You are not in a straight line. Don't walk fast. You are not in a straight line, there's somebody - yes. And walk very slowly in the same line, very slowly, with your heads down. Now we'll start the mangal ashtakas. Now after every stanza you have to put these things that we have been given, rice, on the bridegroom and the bride. On both the sides. Now can some people come this side also, because this side somebody has to put also, some of you can come this side. Come, come along little bit ... Of course the children should be in front. Now the flower girls, flower girls have to be in front. Now the flower girls have to move very slowly, very, very slowly, very slowly. Putting the flowers. Now somebody should move with the flower girls. Can you stand that side. Somebody that side and somebody this side. Move the - yes, you move with them. Yes, move very, very slowly. The little girls should move very slowly putting flowers while you are moving, all right. All right. Little, little flowers you should allow to fall, but walk very slowly, all right, very, very slowly. Let's do it. No, no, no, no, it's too fast, again go back. The light is not sufficient. Shri Mataji is singing with Mr. Modi. It's a great thing that Adi Shankaracharya (...?) because of this Brahmin. Now, take it down. Now move out. Yes pull it out. Now the girls have to move forward, slowly. Move forward. I managed. Move forward, even, yes move forward, still more forward. Move forward please. Move forward, as soon as they start. Ah, now, put the garlands. Bend your heads. Once for all. Now put the garlands back. Good. Congratulations. Beautiful. Now, they should come, Warren. They should come and touch My feet and go and sit down. Now let them go because after marriage. Go ahead, from here. Yes, go ahead. Now, you see the parents also go with them. Warren : Parents sit behind or stand behind. Boy on the right. And the brothers, brothers. Shri Mataji: Now the little girls should not bother, the brothers should be there. Warren: the little girls - no; the brothers only. Go back, go back. Shri Mataji: Come behind, be careful. Warren: You might have to sit at an angle to each other. Shri Mataji: What we can do is to make the parents sit in front, is better. Yes, that would be better. Now the, you're carrying in your hand what we call the coconut, which you put it on the kalash that is there. Put it on top of that, nicely decorated. Put the kalash there. Is it fixing or not? You come from this side. Don't cross over. Come this side and sit at the back here. Come along. Father, mother and brothers. Warren: Father, mother and brothers. Shri Mataji: Father, mother and brothers. From this side, because we don't have space. From this side, at this back. Warren: Father, mother and brothers. Shri Mataji: All of them. Don't stand at the back this side. Peter, are you somebody's .... no. Ah, all right. Where are the mothers here? Where are the mothers? Warren: Who's a mother here? Shri Mataji: Yes, you could also stand behind. Warren: Like everybody. Shri Mataji: First of all let the people who have to marry sit down and then the rest. Those who are not father, mother and sister can sit at the back. Now listen to me carefully. Now the boy has to apply the kum kum to the kalash, to the kalash. Now at this time, Modi's saying that kalash represents the Kundalini, all right. So the girl has to touch his right hand, just like this. With her right hand touch his right hand, and the boy should, come move little bit, we can't even sit there, how to do. Move it, little bit can you not. Have them here. Hello, put them in an angle. Just, just spread this, spread this. They can come here in an angle. Come this side. Now at this stage the boy has to sit on the left hand side of the girl. Come here, no, no, don't move, don't move. You are all right, you sit this side. Come along, and now, yes. Now you move, now. I'm sorry this one but what to do now. Sit sideways. Facing this side would be better. If you all sit sideways you can do it. Let them... ah. Boys should be before, the girls can be behind. They have to just touch the men. What is there. So you be at the back. Let the man be in the front. Let the wife be sitting. Yes. But the left hand side. Be seated on the left hand, yes that's it. That's better, yes. That's better. Girls should be at the back. The boys, go at the back. Absolutely just like this, the way they are sitting. Is all right. All the girls move at the back. I'm sorry for this but, now it's better this way. All right. Now, all the girls sit at the back. Second row. Take the second row, all the girls. Please all the girls take the second row. They're also (...?) take the second row, behind their husbands. Yes, correct. Yes. Now. You touch the right hand of your husband with your right hand. Now, there is kum kum there - hold it in your hand like this. Hold the kum in your hand and with this you put it to the kalash. Warren: Where do they hold it Mother? Shri Mataji: In this finger. There's the kum kum, take it now. And put it to the - with this finger - to the kalash, yet go fast, yes. From the back you go Warren. It's better to go from the back. Right. Now the girls don't have to do it. It's the boys only please. Now put it. Now what is the mantra we are going to say here that we - this is a symbol of Kundalini as you know, kalash is the Mooladhara, so by putting this we are saying that we accept the, our universal religion, Universal Nirmala Religion of Kundalini. All right. So this is the mantra to be said. Now put it down. Like that. Modi: We accept the Universal Nirmala Religion. Shri Mataji: This is the mantra is. Just put it there, that's all and do like that. That's all. [Mantras are said] Kala sadana - means that this is the time, Kala is time and sadana means is the time we want to achieve - that's why, because we want to achieve this religion within ourselves; that's why we are doing this to the kalash that is there. Is symbolic, all right. Now second one is called as [Indian word - mudubak?) In this the father and the mother of the girl invite the boy to come for the wedding; that he has come some sweet has to be given. So now what they do - they take the thing kept in the - yoghurt, honey mixed together. Now, so now you give it three times. First mantra you give it to the boy and he has to eat it. Second time he has to eat it. Three times has to, three mantras are to be said. This is to invite the boy to this wedding of Sahaja Yoga, to respect him, to invite him. You see invitation, as invitation, you give some sweet because he's come to your house. All right, now. Three times. The first time you just came and you eat it, in the hand, yes, now eat it. Just eat it. Now this is the significance of the [Indian: dahee?], is the cool and the (...?) is in the centre, so it's given to you to make you cool and to be in the centre. Madu is honey, all right. Now second time. (Mantras are said) Please have it. Good. Now. [Indian: Madu, paralca?] is done now. That means they're invited. All right. Now the kanyadan is to give the girl to the boy. All right is the point. The hand of the girl is given to the boy. Now. What you have to do is to put the boy's hand like this and the girl's hand has to be put by the mother into the boy's hand from the back. Mother and father both. First the boy has to do and now put the hands - now. Modi: and then on top of it, there is a kalash so you take the kalash water. The father has to take the kalash water, and put it into their hands. Shri Mataji: And let the water fall little bit. Modi: Just a little bit of water, from the kalash to be taken and it should be poured into their hands. Shri Mataji: Not too much, little bit, yes when this mantra is said, slowly. Go on pouring the water now. Start. [Mantras are said] He's saying, I'm giving this daughter to you because you must take to Brahma, means the vibrations as you call it, the Brahma shakti, and that you must grow into it and you must create children in the same way and that you should have children of very high quality, that's why I'm giving you my daughter to you. Modi: Now the boy has to say that I accept. Shri Mataji: So, I accept, all right. That's good. In English would be better. Now take out (...?) you have given the girl, now take it back your kalash and keep it back in proper place with the coconut on (...?), the boy should wipe his hands. Now the boy and girl should stand up and the boy and girl should stand up, facing each other - should stand up. Now there is some rice there. The mother, father should find out if there is some rice. Modi: Rice is kept on the plate. Shri Mataji: Rice, rice. Modi: Mother and Father should give a small pinch of Shri Mataji: Rice. You all stand up now. All right. Now the thing is that you, first the boy has to put this rice on the head of the girl saying that let us lead a life of dharma. All right. So the girl says," Yes I agree." Now take the thing in the hand. Warren: Where do they put it, Mother? Shri Mataji: On the head. Modi: This has to be done twice. Shri Mataji: Now put it. Now the girl should put it. Sprinkle it, sprinkle it. Now the girl should put it on his head. She says, "yes I agree we have to live through dharma." Now put it on his head. Modi: The wife says (It is a mantra she says). Now again. Shri Mataji: Yes, for our benevolence we should be always in dharma. The girl says. All right. Now again. The husband takes the thing again in the hand. So we should work out for the success of Sahaja Yoga together, he says. Now the girl takes it. Yes she says, that even our children should work for this and have success in Sahaja Yoga. All right. Now please tie the boys, this thing has to be tied to the girl. That is to be done by the mother or the mamas (uncles). Mamas, where are they? Go and tie from behind. Warren: Mamas, should tie the shawl of the man on to the sari of the girl. Shri Mataji Come from the other side, come from the other side. Move from this side. All the mamas move from this side, go. Tie it up. Warren: Mamas come round and do the job. Shri Mataji: Now the mangalsutra has to be tied also. The husband has to put the mangalsutra in the neck of the girl. Warren: First tie the knot and then put the mangalsutra. The husband has to put the mangalsutra to the neck of the girl. Shri Mataji: Where is the mangalsutra? Warren: Mama has them in his pocket, I hope. Shri Mataji: All right, the mamas give the mangalsutra. Just put it in reverse, outside. Now, how are you putting? No, no, no, no, the girls have - no, no, not you people, stay facing the husbands. I am saying the - you see the mangalsutra should be in reverse, that's what. One better than the other. All right. Very good idea. Excellent. Now. Slowly, just put it slowly, that's good. Done. Now the little boys, the brothers should go behind their sisters, the little boys. The mamas should now go out. Let the little boys go behind. The little boys, the brothers have to go and stand behind. This is the way you see the brother is trying to tell the sister (...) Now you see what is happening, that the little boy - there is some pop puff corn there - puff, ah, puffed rice. The little boy has to take the puffed rice in the hand. All right, and has to, or the girl, has to put the boy has to put the hand in the girl's hand, both the hands. Modi: Mama should see that the fire is enlightened. Shri Mataji: Now put the fire on. Mamas please go and put the fire on. Some this side. Modi: Put the fire on. Warren: The mamas have all gone and sat down, Mother. Shri Mataji: No, mamas can't sit down. They are the real workers. Mamas come along. Give them way, give them way first of all, they should come forward. Ah yes, let the mamas do the job. It's the job of the mamas. Modi: Enlightenment of the fire please. Shri Mataji: Now in this one the brother is saying, in a way, that "I'm giving you this so that the rice should get enlightened so that there should be collectivity among people." This is the essence of this. So the brother gives it five times. Five times all right. In the hand. First of all, first mantra will be said, the boy, the girl holds the - first of all, [Indian: anjali?) like this. In that the boy has to put the hand on top, and in the hand of the boy the little brother puts the Indian: lahi?), puts that thing. Warren: Put a handful of rice puffs in the hand of the boy. The little boy puts a handful of. Shri Mataji: All right, correct. Now the first one says that by doing this we want to enlighten all the foods of the world. Secondly, it is for the collectivity of the world, like that is the five wishes of the little boy who is sending his sister with another man. Put it now. Turn round and put it in the fire. Come along, slowly. Bend it now. Warren: Lady as well. Shri Mataji: Now put it again. When I say, when I say - stand it. Warren: Put it in the hand a second time, a second time in the hand of the little boy. Shri Mataji: Now still, the second mantra. Come on now, this is for all the elders in Sahaja Yoga, all the seniors of Sahaja Yoga. The little boy is telling you. [third mantra] Warren: Put it in the hand. Shri Mataji: Now put it in the fire. This one is saying you protect and nourish my sister and look after her in the same way you look after all the other Sahaja Yogis. Modi: now the fourth one. Shri Mataji: Now this one is as the fire burns off all that is adharma and holds its own powers as the dharma of light in the same way you my brother-in-law please do so. The little boy is giving the lecture. One more. Modi: One more. Shri Mataji: The fifth one is, now put it. No, no, no, just a minute, now this is the one which means we also burn, or this fire, to worship the creator of the universe. [mantra is said] Put it now. This is the fifth one. See the fifth one, you see now it has talked about the five principles about, within ourselves the five elements. One more, the last. Modi: There is only one mantra, about the fifth one which you have done. Shri Mataji: You don't have to put fire, just stand up. Modi: Nothing to be done. Shri Mataji: All right, put it now again. [mantra is said] Shri Mataji: Is all the namaskars to all the gods and goddesses is there. All right. Now, done. Now you keep standing. We have to do [Indian: suptabadi?]. Now the mother has to put the seven mounds, the mother has to put the seven mounds, on the right side. Take the plate, make seven mounds and then remove the plate. Put the fire on. Mama, what is he doing, on first one. Ah Warren, you have got the seven vows. All the kalash should be kept up there, on the right hand side. And this on the left hand, oh right hand side. No, no, on the left hand side you should make seven, not there, here near the fire. Yes. No, no, no not that way. Along this side. No, no, no, straight line. We need not go round now. We just do it with that and then later on they can go round seven times. First let them... Seven, seven, how many has she done, only seven. Keep it in a line, you should not move round. Keep it closer also. Please keep it very close. Yes, very close. It should not extend more than the fire. Yes. And again make it nicely so it shows properly seven. It should be a real seven, use more rice. It should not confuse them. Now Where are you doing, put it on this. All right. Where have you done. All right. Now remove that one from there. No, no, the one on Ah that one. Yes please. All right. It's all right now. It's all right if you have done, it's all right. They can do this way but otherwise they have to do. Seven times have you done it? Now, Warren just say that. Yes. Now first the girl has to be forward, all right. Warren: The girl has to be in front please. Shri Mataji: All right. Now when he says one thing, then you must, what do you say that, no... Warren: Let the girl be standing in front. Shri Mataji: That is the oath you are taking. Modi: Warren will say the first stanza. Shri Mataji: Oath, oath. Modi: First oath out of the seven oaths. You have ... the girl will have to touch the first mound Shri Mataji: And just.... Modi: With her toe of the foot. Warren: You do it with your toe after I've said this stanza, with the toe you break the first mound; then after the second you do it a second time. Shri Mataji: All right. The girl is taking the oath now. Listen to the first oath. Warren: And you put your attention to the Sahastrara when you're saying these man.., saying these oaths, because you're saying them in your heart to Shri Mataji. The bride says "I will help to keep your Mooladhara chakra in order. You hand over all wealth which is in your possession. I will take care of those things. You should only eat the food that is cooked by me or your brothers and sisters, and if taken outside the home you will vibrate it. and you will be loyal to me." Now you cut.. Shri Mataji: You, first cut the thing. These are actually not the oaths, but demands. Is a promise as well as a demand. Is a combination. Warren: Now the bride stays where she is and says ... Shri Mataji: Second one. Warren: "I will do all the household work with my physical and spiritual powers. I will live with love and affection and will obey you. You should help me in my work and I will help you in the work of Sahaja Yoga." You cut the second one. Shri Mataji: All right that's it. Warren: And now the bride says the third oath: "I will keep my Lakshmi tattwa in order and you will respect my Lakshmi tattwa. This will keep your Lakshmi tattwa in order as well. You should give account of all you bring home. Nothing will be hidden." And now the third to be cut. Shri Mataji: We don't need any fire any more. All right. Now boy comes forward. Warren: Boy steps forwards because this is his oath. Shri Mataji: All right. Forward. Warren: The groom says "I will give you happiness and peace, with love and affection, but you will also have to think about my happiness and peace. You should not go outside without my permission. And I will tell you when I go outside." Shri Mataji: Now the girls should be, just one thing. The girls should be on the left hand side of the boy. They are just the other way round. Yes. You see, just move that way. Now again say it. Warren: The groom says, "I will give you happiness and peace, with love and affection, but you will also have to think about my happiness and peace. You should not go outside without my permission. And I will tell you when I go outside. I will not discuss or think about the past. And you will not discuss or think about the past." Shri Mataji: Behind, behind the girl, should be behind. Warren: The fourth mound. Shri Mataji. Yes now. Warren: The groom says, "You should take care of me and my children, and you should respect and welcome other Sahaja Yoga brothers and sisters when they come to our house." And now you cut the next one. And now the groom says again, " If I commit any mistakes whilst doing Sahaja Yoga, you should excuse me and I will excuse you." Now you cut the sixth. And now you both say, so you should both stand forward together. Shri Mataji: Together. Warren: You both say, and I think you should say after me phrase by phrase. "Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Nirmala Devi has put us in holy bandhan and this is a very great fortune by this act of Shri Mataji as Maha Yagya." And you say after me, "we will offer everything to Her feet that is, our health, our wealth, our mind and our heart. We will take an oath that we will be loyal to each other. We will work to increase Sahaja Yoga. We will bring our children up in Sahaja Yoga and that is our duty. Jai Shri Mataji." Shri Mataji: Now the last one you break. Both of you. Good. Now you all have to go round the fire about seven times and then you can touch My feet and go and sit down for your food. Of course always. Slowly. They can go in a round like that. You see. Go. Can you do it that way. You can go like that the whole ... doesn't matter. Yes, is good. Go in a line. Boys should be in front. Boy in front, just move. Now play some music. Seven times. Too much brains Mother has got. Warren: What we have left to do now is to present to Shri Mataji the gift which you've asked me to buy on your behalf. But also at the same time it's auspicious that we should give to Shri Mataji a symbol of Australia and a symbol which is the symbol there fore of Shri Ganesha. And also a symbol which is going to remain with us as our own special blessings for marriages in the future. Most of you have seen I hope the coral mangalsutra which has been purchased and the beautiful necklace that goes with it. Actually there's a story to this and it is that we were about to buy a very simple mangalsutra in silver, studded with diamonds. We had ten thousand rupees to spend from Australia and we'd almost concluded the arrangement for purchasing this very small mangalsutra which is a little smaller than the one Shri Mataji Herself wears. And Shri Mataji just turned around and walked across to a cabinet in the shop where we were about to pay the money and She noticed two things: the coral mangalsutra and the coral necklace, and She very and excitedly came back and said stop the deal, I've found just the thing for you people in Australia. And this is it. I hope you've all seen it and we shall offer this to Shri Mataji not as a gift from the couple but as a gift from Australia symbolizing the marriages, symbolizing the joy of marriage and symbolizing all that is represented by Her blessing marriages and by the whole process of the blessings of Her as Adi Shakti flowing to those marriages. As well, a present I've purchased on your behalf for Shri Mataji, a silver tray for Shri Mataji. Also a most magnificent sari which She herself chose, to be given by the couples which you'll see a little later. It's made of real gold threads and absolutely beautiful. Absolutely beautiful sari. It's made in Bengal, She got it in Calcutta, and it's a very special piece and as She chose it it's something very, very special. And also a sari from Melbourne centre. Melbourne is hosting this very auspicious occasion, has chosen to offer Her a sari, another beautiful sari for the privilege of having the marriage ceremony performed in this city. It's a very great blessing to have the marriage ceremony in any city and, as She said, it was a very, very important and auspicious occasion. So you've had the chance, the chance to give her on this occasion the saris and the tray, and it's a very special blessing that you have been able to offer a part of Australia and the necklace which is to be permanently ours and of course, being made of coral, the colour of Shri Ganesha and a very special coral. It's an antique coral. It's something very, very special. These are all Her blessings and the fact that we've had the chance to buy Her such a beautiful present is our good luck. It really is our good luck and all the punyas that flow from the opportunity, I pray that they'll all flow to all of us, but especially today to all the married couples, Jai Shri Mataji. Now let us just sit quietly and wait for Shri Mataji to come. I'll invite Her to come back and receive them. Shri Mataji: This is a hot-pot? Warren: Yes, it is Mother. Shri Mataji: Now, we have three types of rice, one is a real hot which I think is the tastiest, the one who can eat. The second one is less hot and the third one is the one for the children, not at all hot. So those who are children among you should also take. So for all the brides and bridegrooms we are giving them the middle one. I hope it's all right. Just see how fast I was, cooked all these things, got ready. I was here at seven-thirty. And I was waiting, nobody called Me. I said, "what's this they are not inviting Me or what?" Don't give it to very small children, they'll drop it. Warren: Now how shall they eat it? Shri Mataji, give them instructions please. Shri Mataji: I've started because you shouldn't feel now that I've not started. What you do is to take one morsel, first the girl, the boy has to take the morsel in the hand. The girl has to give it to the boy and then the boy has to give it to the girl. All right. Have you taken the names that we'll do later? Very good, just see. [Mother talks about the 'hot' food with women, difficult to hear.] It's not too much but you see without the chillies Indian foods do not taste all right. So one I have tried to make. The middle one is being served. How did that taste? Is it hot? Not hot. This is not the hot one. The other ones are for the children. If you find that one also hot better have the children's. Very good, well done. And now the second should be the children. Some more should go around. Children - this thing is separate, all right both the things. Just go and tell somebody. Mildest. First serve the children. Now those who want hot should raise their hands. Not very hot. Ah good. How many? Ah, hottest, hot one. Now bring the hot one for the hot people, it is for the cool they take hot. Bring some more for all of them. Not hot for children. Not at all hot. Now here, here, if they can sit here, children can come here. Here because you'll be served first, come along, come this side. Give them more. Can you get some thing in the trays to be given more to these people. Anybody who wants hot? Both of you who want hot. All right, how many couples? Bring hot one, hotter, three at least, three plates of hot. These are hot. Second one is also hot, but not very hot. They are liking it, children liking it? Good? Nice? Just remove this thing Warren. Keep them on the sides. This is hot. No these are not hot. Ah, is hot one? No. Is all right? Is it hot? This one is hot. Hello. This hot, this hot for this little child. You could have taken that one from the child. Good? Is it good? Have you got hot? Is it hot? Is it very hot? Hot for Rajabi. Warren some water for Me. Please give me some. No, no, no, no, I said water. All right Coca Cola, that will do. Little bit. How is it, Robert? Robert, is it hot for you? Medium, very good. This is medium. This is bad Coca Cola. But first find out, all right. There are three couples who want hot here. Yes, yes, let them have. Hot. Hot. Give one to Warren and one to Modi. Warren you take one. You take one now. No, no, no, not for me. Hello. Give them, give them the one. All right, is all right now. Should get second helping. Those who want second helping should go and get it. Is not very hot I think. I will try. Nothing, nothing I won't have. I have had so much of this. Tasting. Chief taster. Hello, how is it, good? Now bring more medium. Here. Here, give them. No, no, the one who is holding there, is it hot? And give one to Warren. You'll have what? Hot. It is not very hot. Now give one to Warren otherwise it will be all finished. Is it hot? Is it hot? Hot. How are the children? Are they enjoying? Good? It's like a hotel now. Where you have a choice. Come along, they have given you very little. Is it hot for you? Better not have. It's not hot at all. That's how we eat in our house. You don't like it. Why don't you take a medium one. Leave it for Warren. It will be good for Warren. Hello, giver her one medium. Let her have a medium one. Formality. What is there to be formality. Whatever you like you should have. Now it's all right now. What is there to be formal about, such a lot is there. Now I think too many are serving, you better all have your food. What about you, Peter, getting up and getting something. Still you eat really like a sparrow. That's all, that's all, that's all, that's all, that's all. I've got. No, I don't need. It's all right, I've had enough. Good? Go and have some more, then I'll give you. You liked it? Go and get. Thinking? Are you thinking whether to go or not? Chris did you take some? All right. Now the fastest thing would be to remove. Fast. To remove everything because - no, no, let us start eleven o'clock already we should start now. All right. Also the table should go. Good, go and get more. Go and get some. It was good, go and get some. Very good. Have some more. Please have some more. You people have worked very hard, go and get some more, Michael, I'll be very happy. Good. Nice. Beautiful. All right, that's good. Children have enjoyed it. That's the best. Best certificate one can have from children. If they have enjoyed, nothing like it. That's all. How many have taken only one will do. One more all right, thank you. Take away the other one, thank you. It's quite a lot. Warren: Shri Mataji, on this really auspicious occasion for Australia firstly we want to thank as our Mother for blessing us so profusely with the granting of marriage here in this land of Shri Ganesha. You've come, you've triumphed over the seekers of Australia and won through all their devious pathways and I really feel a great sense of optimism and tremendous sense of dynamic is coming now for Australia. Shri Mataji has announced, I don't know how many of you know, that fifty percent of the population of Australia will get their Self-realization. Shri Mataji: No, no, I didn't say - I said they are seekers. Warren: That means the same thing, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: I hope so. I say I hope so. Fifty percent are, younger people, are seekers. Younger people below fifty years of age are seekers no doubt. Warren: The most important thing tonight of course is the marriages. And the couples that have been remarried all of them in their own way have talked to me or talked to others about having this blessing and it's something very, very special because in our own way in the west we've gone into marriages and we've decided this and decided that and Shri Mataji so many of the couples that they said were a sort of, well "today is the first day of our marriage". It was like that. Shri Mataji: I mean, this is the first time I have sung these "Mangalasticas" for you and that's something great I should say. Warren: I don't know in which order we should offer the... Shri Mataji: I think you better give the history, you'd better give the history of the whole thing. Warren: I've told them one, Shri Mataji, but in your presence the story is very simple. With the gift of the mangalsutra and the gift of the necklace in coral it was a remarkable story and for those people who were serving the food inside, I hope they're here. Shri Mataji and myself and Rajabi Modi had decided to buy a very small mangalsutra, much smaller than the one that Shri Mataji is wearing now, in silver with diamonds. And we'd almost paid our money and She very quietly disappeared from the table and appeared back absolutely with a gleam of triumph in Her face and it was... Shri Mataji: It was even half of what I have. You see, in that amount, half of this one, yes. Warren: We had ten thousand rupees to spend and we just made it with the ten thousand for this silver piece and She came back with this amazing gleam in her eye and a tremendous sense of triumph that She'd found something specially for Shri Ganesha's land. And of course She came back with these two most beautiful pieces that we have already shown you. They are the most simple and yet the most beautiful things that we could think to offer Mother as the symbol of the great joy of marriage and the great blessings. Shri Mataji: Three pieces. Warren: Actually three, that's right, yes. Shri Mataji: Out of the same money. Warren: What Mother is implying there is a little something which we from Australia have done for New Zealand and we feel very humble and yet pleased that we've been able to do it. You weren't able to see but you will see that as well as these two items that you saw... Shri Mataji: No, there is one in my room. They can see that one also. Warren: It's there is it? Shri Mataji: Yes, they gave it to Me. Warren: Oh, they gave it back to you, wonderful. Shri Mataji: Yes, isn't it. Warren: Good. There is a very beautiful.... Shri Mataji: Necklace. Warren: How would you describe it Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Is a necklace, is a kind of necklace. Warren: Another necklace of more modern design which we bought out of our money. Shri Mataji: Very delicate. Warren: to establish the blessings of New Zealand. And so that third piece was bought for Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Then there are four pieces Warren, there are four pieces. One for the New Zealand, one for ... just see this one, I'll show you. See this one, this one, mangalsutra in gold, this one is real corals with all the things done, all right, in gold, plus these ear tops - so you call it two pieces at least, and then one they have given and this is the mangalsutra in gold, with corals. This is what? The box. This is the one I think, who has given Me. Warren: Perth Ashram, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Perth Ashram has given me this one to wear. Like this. I'll have to wear it properly, all right, so like this to wear. Tomorrow I'll wear it for the puja. When I don't know how to take out the other one, but it can be hanged with this one, like that. It is all, it is something one must understand. It's so spontaneous. It's so much co-ordinated, so much worked out. Like it was a Sunday, there was no shop open, except for this shop in Dada, that's how we went out. And there suddenly Warren saw this. They said "we have only one piece" which was no good, very small, like that in silver. So I said "what's the use of buying that Warren, such an expensive thing for such a little thing." So I turned around and I felt the vibrations. And this they said they cannot make even if I give them order or anything. This they cannot make. Some artist has made it and kept it there. This they cannot take an order again if they have to make one, so you can imagine. This I got in coral and so beautiful, such a beautiful piece. And then I went to Kuala Lumpur, from Kuala Lumpur this lady had come - you know her, Betty, and she brought me the ring which was not there. So you see how it is completed, the whole set is there. So beautifully done. I'm very much thankful to you for this, though I mean I have got it, but the way you wanted to buy something nice. I thought it should be in coral because it - the country of coral and must get something in coral. And that was the only thing they had in coral. Can you believe it. So this is something, this is so spontaneous. Now you will find all the time when you become spontaneous it works out very spontaneously. Everything works out very well, but if you go other way round - supposing you say I want to have a blue-coloured thing. Now for that you go round the whole world. You may not get it what you want. So it's better to see what is available and pick up out of that. Leave it to God and He will come forward with the thing that is good for you and auspicious for you. It's as simple as that. Because we wanted to buy a diamond thing it was not there. Very disappointed I said "there must be something arranged here." So just turned round and got such a nice beautiful piece and it looks so rich and so good and they said "we cannot replace it", can you imagine? And that would have been such a little thing hanging here. You would not have liked it much. Warren: Shri Mataji, tomorrow may we see it on Your neck? Shri Mataji: All right, of course, I'm going to wear it. Though no use buying ornaments for Me, I tell you, where is the time to wear ornaments? It will all be going in the personal archives of Sahaja Yoga I think. All right, but whatever you like. I cannot say anything, whatever you desire is. Warren: Now Mother as part of this puja to you and for the marriages, we would wish to offer... Shri Mataji: No, no, only give Me one, you see this is we are keeping it for the birthday. Yes, this one. Yes that one you keep it for tomorrow's birthday. Warren: So for today's marriages, Shri Mataji, we humbly offer You from all the married couples on this auspicious occasion a sari with all our love and our devotion. Shri Mataji: All right, one of you should come and give it to Me, one of the girls. There's a tail. That's the tail, all the time you have to carry, all right. Thank you very much. And this sari is another find, in Calcutta suddenly. You can't find saris like that. Suddenly I found such a nice sari. I was amazed at it. How just suddenly such a nice sari. In Calcutta. Now I think somebody should open it out and show. Can you. May God bless you. Thank you very much. See the beauty of the sari. It's beautiful, open it. Like that. See. It's all in real gold. See the workmanship and the combination. Look at the boys the one who have given me, they are the ones. So spontaneous. You can't believe, just in one shop only one sari, this one. And that in Calcutta in real gold thread. Where do you get it? I mean it's remarkable. Warren: And now Mother, from the couples to You, a little present it's only a small present. Shri Mataji: Now you've given Me so many. Warren: A present from the couples themselves Mother, just a little present from them: a tray that was silver plated here in Australia. Shri Mataji: Ah, thank you. That's also My find I must say. I was telling Warren, "Warren I don't want to buy anything that is not made in Australia. If I have come to Australia I want to buy something made in Australia." He said "Mother, here you can't get anything, it's all raw materials we export." I said "let us see." So just while we were walking on the road I said "I want to take something Australian. I will not take something that is not Australian." Just walking on the street you see. Suddenly I turned around, I said "Let's go into this shop" and when we went in they had silver, very cheap, silver plating. Very cheap and very beautiful, see, art. You won't find such nice pieces in England. English don't do all that. Such beautiful pieces I tell you, such workmanship. I said, "This cannot be English, just find out." They said, "This is Australian." Can you believe it? This is Australian. They are making such beautiful things in this country. And what a combination they have, see here they have got copper. It's beautifully done. See the workmanship. So we must know about our country, buy things that are actually Australian. Always try to do that. So you'll find new things, people will create new things because you don't have many consumer goods, you see. We went for the diamonds. Let's see what type of diamonds there are. Diamonds they don't have. They don't make any diamonds because they said "our diamonds are useless. They have no value." All right. So then I was looking out, so then we found our diamonds at a very cheap rate. They are called as the diamonds of zirconia cubical. Now these diamonds the material of that comes from Australia and extremely cheap and so beautiful and brilliant. They come from Australia, from Mother Earth. So if there's a desire that is in My heart I always feel it will become one day a form, it will take a form. And My desire is that the Australia must produce consumer goods, otherwise it will become just like Canada, dependent on America. So better be consumers goods producers you should be. Not only that but you should try to consume as far as possible Australian things. Thank you very much. Done now. Warren: Shri Mataji, just one last little matter which, if it has Your blessing, I'm sure they will be pleased. Shri Mataji: This is the one I wanted to have. Warren: We have from all the Sahaja Yogis a plate each for the couples. Shri Mataji: Is a present to all of you. One each. Warren: One each for all the couples. Shri Mataji: But they said they don't have it in the stores just now. But they will be giving it to us and they will be sent to you, all of you, this is a plate which you can always keep as a souvenir of this wedding. May God bless you. Now before we start our music programme I have some presents for the children. Only for the children. In the sense you are all my children, but this is for children who are younger than sixteen years of age. And we had very limited but we created suddenly so many presents out of something. This is a napkin I think, it's not a handkerchief. It's all right, I've got one. Now please take all the plates, remove them. Somebody must get up now. Those who have been serving should not get up. Those who have not been serving should do it. Those who have been serving should not do it. Please get up. Those who have been serving. Ah. Modi has got. He was feeling very sad that he gave. So he wants to give a present to every centre - a photograph of My father. So every centre must come and take it from him. Modi: Now that Sahaja Yoga has grown to this level I don't think anybody could have been extremely proud as much as Shri Mataji's father, had he been here. But let us see at least his photograph go to all the centres. Shri Mataji: Let's start from here. Somebody should come and read these names here. Ray should do it. He's the best. Ray, you go on reading these names one by one, all these. No, no, not the girls first; you just do it age-wise, this and this. Like that. Come along fast. The mother should come and take it. Come fast. Come fast. Nicola. What's that. Sarah. Sarah, I've given. Take all their names one by one fast. Jessie. Come fast. What's your name? Tulia. No, no, no, that's too far but what is this one, are that. Claire. What is this? We are going too fast now. Now all right, just see. Timothy, Christopher, Timothy all right, Christopher, Christopher, Bheema Quinn, Bheema, Suptashri, Leela Frankcombe, Anna, Anna, Tulia, Louise. All little boys, little girls, Penny. This is for bigger, smaller one. For the boys - Benjamin, Benjamin. All right, Kerry Tollis. That's for boys who will be coming to India, will be handy. Gabriel. These are smaller children. Gabriel. Smaller children. Melissa. Melissa. Where is she? Let Melissa - down there, all right. Take it. Melissa. Luke. Luke. Michael Cox. Jason. Jason. He's not here? Jason. Banyan Quinn. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi