Conversation after Ashtami Puja, (France), 30 September 1984. Already, It's already full, now you better do it. I mean that’s what I was wondering. Within this week’s time, you better must put 100 pounds,100 dollars with it. 100 dollars. Now there is a very cheap flight, may be arranged, from Rome for 250 pounds. But you must decide now. (Mother laughs). Americans have already decided, Australians have decided, English of course have decided, only the Italians have not given a full number and Austrians, not the full number. And the also, the full number is not given to us by the Swiss here. But nobody has decided in France. I mean, that is a limit. At least in other places, there is no final but here nobody is decided. Ultimately nobody will have place there. And I want French to come in, I mean let’s see how many are coming from France. Lets look at that. You like to... alright such a big ....(Sahaj Yogis laugh) Already so many. One, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, Oh my god, thirteen, forteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, (Sahaj Yogis laugh), twenty four. Twenty four. (A Sahaj Yogi remarks that we are too many and everybody laughs). We have to manage some how. Give your names to Guido. Swiss people, Matiaz (SWISS YOGI’S NAME). Twenty four. We have got twenty four fast. (MOTHER SAYS SOMETHING THAT IS LOST BEHIND THE TRANSLATION.). This time is going to be rather spartan. But I am going to arrange it along the riverside now,all your tents. (SOME DISCUSSION ABOUT SOMETHING LOOSE). [Mother] – You have to bring some loos here, some loos automatic ones ... [....SOME INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION.... CONVERSTAION GOES ON IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH AND BIT OF HINDI .. WE TRANSCRIBED AS MUCH AS WE COULD COMPREHEND..] [Mother] : “Portable, yeah..” [Mother] : “How much it costs?” [Sahaj Yogi] – “About thirty to thirty five pounds. “ [Mother] – “Oh baba. Get some of ten. It’s a good idea, get ten”. [Sahaj Yogi] – “Get some ten”. [Mother] – “Make it twelve. We will leave them in India. Leave in India. Plastic? They are made out plastic and you have some sort of canvas around it?” [YOGIS CONVERSE AMONG THEMSELVES AND WITH MOTHER] [Mother]- “We have to have some thing to hang otherwise how are you going to cover yourselves.(Laughs) Just find out how much it will cost, we would go buy it.” [Sahaj Yogi] – “French are the best in the world in portable loos”. [Every body laughs] [Mother] – [INAUDIBLE] [Sahaj Yogi] – “Shri Mataji, I have a gift as present to You. It is from Mary because she is leaving France now and we want her to establish the first contact.” [Mother] – “Where, where is she going?” [Sahaj Yogi] – “She is going to Switzerland.” [Mother] – “Mary! Ah. Oh, I have to open it. Oh Beautiful, beautiful. [Sahaj Yogi] – “This is another one for our leader Alexander who is moving to Paris ashram”. [Mother] – “Thank you. Beautiful”. [Sahaj Yogi] – “Everybody from France has gathered money to make it.” [Sahaj Yogi] – “Its very nice of my brothers and sisters to...[WORDS GET LOST IN CLAPS AGAIN] [MOTHER DIRECTS SOME ONE TO GIVE ALL THE THREE TO PRAT INCLUDING A SARI.] [Sahaj Yogi] – “Mother, can people come in and give you presents?” [Mother] – “Alright, I mean my birthday is not there. Thank you very much, thank you. Oh beautiful flowers. Can you keep this some where? You have finished with the photographs or..” [Sahaj Yogi] – “Yes Mother.” [Mother] – “Ah, today Gustav have come. Clever. What a photo, I tell you Ashtami Puja...[ INAUDIBLE..] I mean just see the face , just like a goddess! Absolutely round and looking younger and younger, I must. I tell you, this one is too much, nobody will believe my age.” [Sahaj Yogi] – “That’s good.” [Mother] – “What happens, I don’t know.” [Sahaj Yogi ]– “This camera is a special camera.” [Mother] – “Its too much... you see, just see this one.” [SOME INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION.] [Mother] – “We better write down the dates. Even my hands have come out so small here. Surprising......Tremendous. From where it has come?” [Sahaj Yogi]- “Something with the chemical.” [Mother] – “For what? Beautiful photos. I must... Its tremendous. Just see the face. It seem like a moonlight face. It doesn’t look like human, it looks like a dog’s face.” [Sahaj Yogi]-[ INAUDIBLE] [Mother] – “What is this? “ [Sahaj Yogi]- [INAUDIBLE] [Mother] – “Beautiful photographs, I must say. What have you got? You have to tell your name.” [Child] – [INAUDIBLE] [Mother] – “Ah, thank you. Even in America also. So many presents, I have no place now, you will have to make a house for them.” [A YOGI SHOWS MOTHER SOME INCREDIBLE PRESENT.] [Mother]-“Who has got this one? Ah this is called “Dhanush” (Bow), in Sanskrit its called “Indra Dhanush”. This is the arrow of Indra”. [YOGI ALSO TELLS MOTHER THAT IT WAS HANDMADE BY A YOGI FROM KAZAKHSTAN.] [SY] – “Mother, What did you say?” [SOME ONE PLAYS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT AND MOTHER PRAISES HIM/HER.] [SOME CONVERSATION.] [Mother] – “Just call the girls who yesterday were very emotional. The girls, one girls’ heart” .... [INAUDIBLE].. “The girl who caught her heart yesterday , you and him. Who has given you the realization? [INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION] Who looks after you? Put your hands towards me. What do you do, it’s a serious thing. Let me see. Are you getting cool breeze? No, lets see this on side, left, right catching too, agyna, have you seen? Its catching very badly. Be careful. You dominate them too much, you discipline them too much. Is it? See these two children were very much on the left. Be careful, you see I was quite frightened because the girl could have got the heart attack yesterday. The another one could not bear it.” You see what these vibrations are like. Just see. Put your left towards me, I think left is shaking. See now. Better bring lemon and chillies for him. In the evening. Better sit there with the light. Be careful, serious things you know. It can be very dangerous for Sahaj Yoga. Let the girls also put their left towards me and right to that side. See, heart left heart, agyna very bad. See all of you feeling it? Put your left hand, right hand there. Come here, come this side. All of those who are with you. All of those who are with him. You are better of ....[.INAUDIBLE]... What do you in your meditation? Ah, how do you do your meditation? All these girls are shaking, isn’t it. Their right side is shaking. That means the push of the left, on right is very big. Yesterday only, I noticed it first time. That’s why you see, you must have discipline otherwise it can be dangerous. [INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION] She is shaking too. That’s the reason, she could not bear yesterday. May be she has a defect, all of them have. Let me see Martin. Where is Martin. ...Ego, too much.... Must try to be alright first of all, you see when you try to do something for others, you must know, you should be alright, otherwise you might put bhoots into other people. And I was so shocked because this girl could have fainted yesterday. All of your family must come to Sahaj Yoga. [Sahaj Yogi] –“5th May 1982... he came Mother.” [Mother] – “I am surprised. What’s the matter with him? He came to India? Better get alright first. Left void.” [INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION] [Mother] – “Haven’t have My dinner. All those who are doing Sahaj Yoga with anyone, I didn’t know about him. Never told Me. Why?... You must know using your vibrations. [.....INAUDIBLE... ] ... bring into Sahaj Yoga, and see this. You must write to her. Is he better now? Put your right hand towards her now. Mostly, the left is very bad, put your left hand towards me, open your palm. Shaking? Alright you put it to the light. She is better now. She is better. Just watch me, don’t watch him. Martin, what’s the matter with you? See, she is very dominating, is she? Agyna, terrible agyna you have. You believe in Christ? Yes, then how humble you are? He was the greatest Sahaj Yogi, how humble He (Lord Jesus) was. Terrible, don’t get the pain there. I think she ....[ INAUDIBLE].... Is she married? Alright, I don’t want to spoil your mood today but lead the charge of the place without my permission and people should inform me. Yesterday this child have, such a thing would have happened. She is so weak....better now. How long you have been in Sahaj Yoga? [Sahaj Yogi] – “One year tomorrow.” [Mother] – Alright pull your ears, all of you, pull your ears, pull your ears. That’s good. Now see, they are better, your vibrations? You send somebody ...[INAUDIBLE]... not alright. You need some meditation. You have to put the left hand towards the photograph and right hand on the Mother Earth. And on the left hand, you should have the light. Alright, clear out, this shaking must go. You will get it even from the photograph. You must clear out, you see. First of first, you should be alright, isn’t it? You should have your own powers fully established, isn’t it? So that [... INAUDIBLE...] isn’t it? Otherwise you will cause more harm, it goes against the work. See yesterday, this girl would have been lost, I was worried. She told me she does ...[. INAUDIBLE]....But I know something must be different. So a Sahaj Yogi could be sort of a medium unless and until you perfect yourself. You see, Sahaj Yoga makes you go along [PLEASE CHECK THIS], even one hole in a ship can drown the ship. We all have to be very alert. [Sahaj Yogi] – Mother, I come from Spain. [Mother ]- So may God bless you all, look after these two. How far you live? [Sahaj Yogi] – Mother, about 800 km away. [Mother] – What about that girl? We shall send her to America. [Sahaj yogi] – Natalie? [Mother] – No, she is alright. She is alright, alright. She is better, I mean her right heart, left heart. Natalie, You should look after now; Others for time being, he is alright. Now ...[INAUDIBLE].. don’t be disappointed, you will be alright. But you must know, first of all if you are not alright, you can harm others. Now this is a sign, now you can see yourself. Try to help. [Sahaj Yogi] – I am not doing anything. [Mother] – No, you are! You don’t meditate. Why see, otherwise I am not doing anything, why is this shaking? Try to face it. You know, this child could have been dead yesterday. Try to understand otherwise I would not be panicked like that, you see. Try to understand, alright. This is God’s work. We have to be careful. It may react from you all. Be careful. It becomes serious; we had one of the persons in India. [INAUDIBLE CONVERSATION] [Mother] – The one who dies recently, can’t remember his name. He went out of Sahaj Yoga. I mean we couldn’t bear him as he would not correct himself, he died. Suddenly he died, very young. What’s the meaning of such life? [Sahaj Yogi] – Mother I sit down. [Mother] – You better sit down on the other side. .... Usha, come here. [Sahaj Yogi] – Mother I am not doing anything. .... [INAUDIBLE.] [Mother] - No you don’t teach anything now, alright? Just keep out for a while, for the time being. But you do now, you understand, left hand towards the photograph, right hand towards the Mother Earth, clear every day. First of all you must clear yourself. I am worried about you first because you have been such a ... [INAUDIBLE]..Alright? It happens, doesn’t matter. I mean if he can bring in from somewhere, if he can correct himself, better we must save him. [MOTHER CONVERSE WITH AN INDIAN YOGINI WHO TOLD MOTHER ABOUT HER ILL HEALTH. MOTHER SUGGESTED HER TO GO TO INDIA.] [A YOGINI PRESENTS A COVER FOR SOME INSTRUMENT TO MOTHER AND MOTHER REALLY APPRECIATES.] I hope they keep to this, otherwise they loose all their art. Beautiful. Give him a bandhan so he will not have a pain. What is this with men, women names, everyone has same name? [SAHAJ YOGI EXPLAINS TO MOTHER THAT EVERY NAME HAS A FEMININE AND MASCULINE FORM BY MENTIONING SOME EXAMPLES. MOTHER ENJOYS THE DIFFERENCE AND COMPARES WITH THE URDU LANGUAGE.] All right come here, look, come here. I was very happy to see you.You know how I felt to see you there, standing with the, I was wondering who must be, who must be translating and I saw you. Oh! how my children are there, all of them, to organize. I was very much touched, I was very much happy to see you there, really. I mean the way you are holding the phone I was wondering whose going to translate, and there she is. She knows the one who knows both the languages, the best. Very much touched. Hello Ganesh how are you? No no no no, you got... [Sahaj Yogi] – Its just to vibrate Mother. [Mother] - I thought again she has brought something for me. She has given me for five years now. Put him right to the left. [Sahaj Yogini] - This is from Cecil. [Mother] - Cecil is also little bit.... Haan! [CONVERSATION AMONGST THE YOGIS.] Let me see Cecil’s husband. What’s the matter with you? Are you alright. Ah! No no not that. Beacause Your wife is catching very badly, on the husband’s side. So that’s why, that’s all. That’s all.That’s all. That’s all. What other ones you have? [Sahaj Yogi] - ..INAUDIBLE.. [Mother] - Why, why, what problems? He is not well? [Sahaj Yogini] - Ego problems...other things and heart problems, hamsa.. [Mother] - Ya, beautiful, thank you very much. Who has given this? [Sahaj Yogini]- Cecil [Mother] – She has, she has ah.....left nabhi. Come, left hand, left hand towards the light. [Sahaj Yogi] – Mother she did astrology and other things.. [Mother] – Who? He? [Sahaj Yogi] – No Mother, Cecil. [Mother] - And he too did? [Sahaj Yogi] - No no. She has got left Swadishthan problem. May she has always had left Swadishthan problem also. May she has not fully worked, and also she tends to feel because she has more discipline than the others. She has this, she gets up in the morning 4:30 no problems. [Mother] - She’s right heart that’s why. [Sahaj Yogi ] - Maybe she has this discipline she does not see that there are some other problems to be worked out. She told me last time, and I was very surprised about it. She told me collective life is not what she expected, but I have to suffer to get something like that... [Mother] - What happened? No, no, no, don’t come for sufferings. [Sahaj Yogi ] - With ego also. [Mother] - How long have you been in Sahaj Yoga? [Sahaj Yogi ]- One year. [Mother] - Then you must come up. You cannot afford to go on like that. What is not this, what is, don’t worry about ohoooooooo. Must say, now left side. Left Vishuddhi, don’t, first of all, don’t have guilty, first of all. [MOTHER CONVERSES WITH AND INDIAN YOGI IN HINDI.] [Sahaj Yogini] – This is the present for the ashram at [LOAAN?] street. [Mother] – He is here! Is he? [Sahaj Yogi] – He is in that ashram. [Mother] - It is a very good ashram. What’s the matter? There must be some bhootish there. Life is so enjoyable. Just think of it, is a very good ashram compared to some of the ashrams in London. I was so happy, so you don’t see, when you are a happy person you don’t see all these things. I saw your letter written to Gregiore. What I have to say, in money matters, anything you want to do you must consult others before hand. You should have written to Gregiore, taken his permission and then done it. Or it should be consulted, it should not be done off hand. Then everybody will start doing that way. You see, then there will be a big problem. You know Me, if I can take away all your money, makes no difference to me. It’s so simple. Alright, you don’t know how meticulous that I am sitting there. I am very meticulous. Very meticulous. [Sahaj Yogi] - That’s nice Mother.Very interesting things happened with Richard just. Richard from Holland! [Mother] - What happened? [Sahaj Yogi] - His sister is really trying to turn his mother and father against Sahaj Yoga and against him. His sister! [Mother] - How? I think it is a very serious thing to talk against Sahaj Yoga. It is becoming like that. And be careful. When did she die? Did you hear that? [Mother] - What is her age? What was her age? I tell you another thing about money. Important. There is a gentleman in Bombay. There’s a gentleman in Bombay, who tried to embezzle little bit of money, tried to in the sense, misplace the money here and there, without asking Me or others. And his son-in-law is a realized soul, and a very good person. And they had such a funny accident that all of them; the car completely went upside down. But because of the son-in-law everybody was alright. But the father-in-law, after the accident he was the only one who got diabetes of a serious nature. Nobody knew he had done something about money. I knew of course. Then he telephoned to Me and I told him what have you done about the money. (MOTHER LAUGHS) And he was shocked. I said you pull your ears now. Don’t repeat it again. And he’s alright. Alright. Better... See better. How is he? [Mother] – Mariam in there? Where is she? I think the, who came to see me, your mother was that? Very nice, she is looking so much better. She is looking so much better, I couldn’t recognize her. When she first met me, she was very haggard, very pulled down, she couldn’t talk properly. Where is Mariam? Parents are coming as well. I was just saying, is he fast asleep? Very disturbed child. Lets see his vibrations. He was born in America, isn’t it? [Sahaj Yogini] - ....INAUDIBLE .. [Mother] - Your parents, family. I think you better, you would like to tell about your brothers to these people. What happened to them, your brother. Would you like to tell them? [Sahaj Yogini] - Now? [Mother:] Yes, alright take the things. French, in French. Loudly. Right to the left. Right to the left. Better now. Much better. To your right. [SAHAJ YOGINI NARRATES IN FRENCH.] [Mother] – So we are protected people, you must know that. So how is your mother in .....(church I think), she is better now? She has some sense? Good. [Sahaj yogi] - ..INAUDIBLE... [Mother] – Where is Cecil? Also with her left nabhi, something wrong with her, could be paternal. Hers is a hurt ego, ego is a hurt one, hurt ego. Cecil, thank you for the present, but you have to know that you have to be alright. Now see you forehead. Can you see in the mirror? Just show her the mirror. Just see. Put your hands, just see your forehead. Can you see the tow bumps. Two big ones. What are they? Beginning of Ekadasha! You dominate your husband too much, do you? Don’t be like French women. You have to be a Sahaj Yogini. Alright. Its very badly catching. May God bless you. If you are not kind to your husband I will not take your presents. Put your hands down under my foot. Put your both the hands towards me. Now, Vishal see her vibrations. Martin see her vibrations. Put your hands towards me. See your hands are so red. Just put your hands, both of them. Put like this. See now, yourself. See now. Ego, ego is glimmering here. Ego, ego, ego. Put your right hand towards photograph, left hand up and both the feet in the bottom. Forehead on the ground. [Mother] - What sort of a man you are? You must control her. Should I give you that? Where is that? What is this, you see Frenchmen are, become like some dainty darlings. They are more, they are more feminine than the women are. That’s what they are bending themselves, for ladies, for this that. Having a, having a small little waist like that. Don’t try to please your women. Of course not. You have to please your Mother, you have to please your Mother, not your women. We Indian women are very clever. You must learn from us how we control our husbands. No. I don’t mind. We make, we make ourselves indispensable. We make beautiful food. We know all their tricks, what they like what they don’t like, and also we know what they don’t know. They can’t exist without us. One man told Me, a foreigner, westerners said that: “English, Indian men are cowards, cowards, they can’t divorce their wives. (MOTHER LAUGHS) Because they cannot cook, so they cannot divorce their wives. That’s not the point. Those who divorce are cowards, they are escapists. They try to escape you see. They want to run away. (CHECK IF THIS SENTENCE IS CORRECT.) But somehow here the women , the shoe is on the other leg. Somehow, other foot. I don’t know how they manage. But so. You have to topple them down little more. The women have to please the men, not the men have to please the women. In pleasing the men you control them. This is the trick. No. [Sahaj Yogi] – Shall we resist? [Mother] - No there is no resistance. It’s a mutual understanding. It’s a mutual love, you know. And that oneness only develops when you understand that you can’t do without each other. It’s a very simple to understand. For example, I don’t understand anything about human love, so I give in. My husband is an expert. I say, “You look after them”. I know Divine laws and I look after that. And I help by Divine laws. But if it comes to human laws, then he helps me. But for him I would have been in jail long time back. Mother - Oh! Of course! Because I do all kind of things, you know. Like giving realization, all illegal things. [MOTHER LAUGHS] H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi