19 March 1989 Birthday Puja New Delhi (India) Talk Language: Hindi | Translation (Hindi to English) - Draft 1989-03-19 Birthday Puja - Introspection (Hindi) Time flies without us realizing it when we are busy with the work of Sahaja Yoga. It has been nearly eighteen years now that we have been practicing Sahaja Yoga, and it has made significant progress. You have seen how its progress is increasing. Now, on the day of my birthday, you all should praise and speak well of each other. But there is one thing that I understand and should be said, which is that we need to deepen our inner self. It is very important to increase our inner depth, and this depth is within us. We do not need to search for it anywhere else; it is within us. However, when we increase our inner depth, we should observe where we stand. We must first understand where we ourselves stand. And there is a way to understand it, a simple and easy way, which is to introspect. For example, how is our behavior? What do we do? How do we bring thoughts into our mind? What are our ways like? To what an extent do we limit ourselves? Like when we started working in Delhi initially, people's attitudes were quite different. I was very hesitant because, at that time, no one knew anything about the puja. Everyone arrived with items in plastic containers, and I was quite perturbed. I thought, "What will happen to them now, poor things? They are ignorant, they don't know anything.” They brought kumkum in plastic containers and brought their household water pots to wash the feet. I was very nervous. My entire body became tense. I was trying to calm down all, saying, "Stay cool, everyone, or else Hanumanji might get upset." If Ganeshji started getting annoyed, who knows what would happen to the people of Delhi! I didn't know how to say that puja can't be done with plastic. The house where theft occurred was the house where the puja was held. He had some things kept there, the poor gentleman was very kind, he gave us the place, and his things went missing. After the puja, everyone took some things and left, so that's how it started. After that, he said, "Sir, I can't let you do it in my house anymore. If you want, you can conduct the puja in our compound. But don't let them come into the house from the compound." There are arrangements for water and everything outside. I felt somewhat insulted in a way. This is how Sahaja Yoga started here. At that time, we had sick people from all over the world coming to us. My hands would ache from morning till evening. Everyone was worried, "My son is not well, my daughter is not well, my father is not well, and my mother is not well." People brought patients from all over the world. From morning till evening, this was the work! After that, it started at my brother's house. There too, it was the same: "My so-and-so has this problem, my so-and-so has that problem, you must look at this, and how you can not see this, not that." Even if it was four o'clock and I hadn't had anything to eat, they would still insist. After that, there were phone calls after phone calls, insisting that they must speak to Mataji. It was as if everyone had complete authority over me. Then, when the foreigners started coming, they made things even more difficult for me here. I was already very fed up with the illness. Whoever you see, this minister is coming, that one is coming, he is coming; everyone thinks that we are very important, our children are very important, our relatives are very important. They even make me visit in hospitals. I said, "How will Sahaja Yoga happen here? These people are so restless that they don't even think of anything else, so forceful." "After that, our program started at my brother's place. There, he started getting annoyed, saying, 'You all are selfish, you only trouble our sister just because to get cured its illness, her illness. You are very selfish, what are you going to do for Sahaja Yoga? She does not even have a place to stay here, nothing, absolutely nothing. She, poor fellow, comes here on her own expense. Poor things.' "He drove everyone away, started driving away all those who were sick, warning that if anyone talks about illness, I won't spare them! When he started this, the numbers decreased significantly, but some good people started following. After that, foreigners came here, and we arranged weddings and engagements." So, even with those foreigners, they would say, 'Give us some foreign exchange, give us this much money. Or else, things will turn out better that we are coming to England. Arrange for our stay.' We managed everything along with it. Then they took so much money from me for food and drink that I was left bankrupt. Along with that, the entire bank balance was emptied. Then I said that I won't come to Delhi anymore because we couldn't even take a single rupee from them. And the expenses were so high that I was completely drained. I'm talking to you of those days, in the year 74-75, we came in 74, from 77 to 79, all the banks were empty, what should I do? It was like, first they said, "Cure the illnesses," they were very low-level people. Those who were engaged in curing of everyone's illnesses. This means they do not even understand the meaning of the Supreme. They do not even want to attain the state of the Supreme. If you tell those who need to be cured that you should take a photo. And they won't even take a photo, they don't even believe in Sahaja Yoga. So why bother Mother for them? Then the pressure and insistence that they are coming to meet, the Vice President. I was fed up. I said, "Baba, we don't have money to bring foreigners here; and then to start something else." Then somehow it struck in the brains of Sahaja yogis' and they said, "Okay Mother, let some of these people come and stay in our homes." And whatever money they save, they will give it to us; we will give it, to the ashrams. Although people from Maharashtra have more money here. Everyone here has cars. It's difficult to find even one car in Maharashtra. Not a single person has an Ambassador car that I can use, this is the situation. But no one has ever had such trouble with money. There are so many stingy people here that I am surprised they even move in cars. They want everything, jewelry, look at women's clothes, look at men's clothes, everything is very nice, but there it's not about this being the work of the Divine. So when we started the work, everyone started bringing money. I said, 'No, we haven't created anything yet, the trust hasn't been formed yet. When the trust is formed, then give money.' We said that you have to wait, until then keep your money with you. And when we said the trust has been formed, there was no one who had given less than a thousand rupees, no one. At that time, thousand, two thousand, four thousand, five thousand, whatever amount they received, whatever they collected, they brought it. I don't need money; you know that all the money is meant for the work. At that time, we were getting very good land here. I wish! We could have bought it at that time, but we thought it should be done with the money from Delhi, and Delhiites should do it. Now, the money collected in Maharashtra has been used to buy land. And everywhere we have bought land. And the money given here later also came from Maharashtra. This doesn't mean you spend a lot of money. You are so fashionable; the women of Delhi are very fashionable. They want saris, clothes every day. And if you give someone a nylon sari, they say we don't wear this, we wear chiffon. If you are so wealthy, you should at least sometimes give some money for charity. We have given a lot of money for charity. I once had an argument with my husband about this. He said, "Well, you have completely emptied my bank accounts. Other gurus fill up the banks, but you have emptied mine." It's a matter of shame, a great shame that I have to do this because of you people. I've seen how much men spend here; they must have a car, a television. How many people in Maharashtra have televisions? They want this, they want that, but there's no money for Sahaja Yoga. And approximately, in the first phase, we had collected four and a half lakh rupees in those days. At that time, how many Sahaja Yogis were there, and those people were much poorer than you in terms of money. None of them were in high positions. In Maharashtra, you know that all the major places are owned by Marwari, Gujarati, and Sindhi people. They have taken over all the businesses. You won't find a single Sahaja Yogi who is a business owner there. And they are such hardworking people; you have seen how they work. There are many professionals there too, but you won't find any of them to be egoistic. When Sahaja Yoga started here, I was very worried about how it would progress. The people here are so self-centered and selfish. They only think about themselves and their own interests. How will they attain the Divine? But slowly, it is your Mother's love that has changed people, and they have changed a lot. I was very happy to see that now there is a significant difference among you. Even so, I would say there was a time when Gandhi stood up and said that we must work for the country. It was a national effort, not a great humanitarian effort, not for the entire universe, not for the whole world, nothing like that. I remember our mother gave all her gold jewelry from the house, counting each piece, and gave them to him. She kept only two or four of her old traditional large pieces of jewelry and gave away the rest. We also took off our bangles and gave them to him. Our mother did this, and many other women did the same. Many people did such things. But what great thing did they do? They did not transform like you did, they didn't do anything particularly special. All of you have benefited greatly by coming into Sahaja Yoga. Everyone's conditions have improved, everything has gotten better, and health issues have been resolved. But people do not contribute money for Sahaja Yoga. If we had money today, we could have developed this place well. Now, they are stuck saying, "Mother, give us money. There is no money now. Mother, give us money, give us money." I said, "Okay, today we are giving eleven thousand rupees as a token, but we will send more in the future." But we will send more in the future, but you people should think for yourselves that this is our ashram, and we should contribute something to it. We have benefited so much from it. We have gained so much from Sahaja Yoga. Now, another thing is that we should observe this other aspect within ourselves. When we look within and see that we are being stingy, avoiding ourselves, when someone asks for help, no one shows up. So we should think that we do not have depth within us. We are being stingy; we lack depth. We need to move forward, yet we trouble Mother for our relatives' illnesses. These are very low-level Sahaja Yogis. They lack depth and are troubling Mother. If your relationship with Mother is right, then there is no need to say anything. Anyway, the relationships will get better on their own. There are also people who have simply mentioned that a certain person in New York is sick, and they immediately got better. There are such people, but you lack depth. And when you lack depth, all this happens. Then, people also think about making money through Sahaja Yoga. This is a very dirty thing and it degrades you a lot. In this something should be, that a book gets sold, a certain thing happens, may get settled, all these are wrong things. Sahaja Yoga is not for power, not for money, not for your relatives. It is for your own welfare. You have to seek your own welfare and attain the supreme state. And until we are determined to attain the supreme state and other things are futile. Family disputes, disputes between children, husband-wife quarrels, these are not things to be discussed with me. The ultimate goal is to attain that state where you can solve it yourself. But the first we need to attain that supreme state; now there is seen biggest flaw in it too. Like, this is a good opportunity to talk to you, where I can tell you that one should keep an eye on one’s ego, that what we are proud of, what we consider important. There are many things we think are very necessary and we should do. We should examine our thoughts and think about what we consider to be so important. We should weigh the things that we consider extremely important for ourselves. Some people even say that Maa! For us, it is very important to attain the supreme state and nothing else. Well, for such people, it's fine; there's no need to say anything to them. For the rest, life goes on with jobs, livelihood, food, drink, and everything else, the worldly things. I want the Delhiites to resolve completely today, on the day of Mother's birthday; now, we also know that our age has reached 66 years; it's quite an age. And not a single moment of ours has gone to waste, not a single moment. We have been working hard all the time; we have worked so hard. We don't want you to do it, not at all. You need not to do it. We are ready to work hard for you. Just keep assessing yourself inside, what am I doing? What have I done for Sahaj Yoga? The reason why I haven't reached this point yet today. What am I doing for Sahaj Yoga? Not for mother, but for Sahaj Yoga. Many people would give me money, offer land, but what's the use! I only give it to Sahaj Yoga; I don't keep it for myself. Anyway, if someone does give something, they can give it for Sahaj Yoga. Alright, if you want to give something in the form of love on my birthday, I accept that. No problem. But I don't have any special need for anything. I always fight to spend as little as possible, spend as little as possible. Because if some money is saved, you people can spend it on Sahaj Yoga. Because in Sahaj Yoga, you know we don't have any other way. We don't even take money from just anyone, go begging, or ask someone to give us money. So, my request to you all is to evaluate yourselves to see where we stand and what we want. So, in Sahaj Yoga, as long as your mind is not completely focused on God and remains engrossed in worldly matters, you will either think about making money or focus on other things like jobs or business. So, the real thing is not going to be attained easily. And when the real is attained, everything falls into place; this is such a special thing. And as long as this negativity persists, work will not progress. Just today, for example, when the key was not opening the lock, I asked who had closed the lock today. So, they said, "He did." So, I said, "Send him out for a couple of minutes." And as soon as they went outside, the lock opened. Nothing can work when there is negativity. But if you come to this situation, all your work gets accomplished automatically. And they turn out so beautifully that sometimes you feel, "Mother, I didn't want this, then why did this happen?" And later you say, "It's good it happened this way, and the hassle is gone." This is one of the values ​​of Sahajayoga; its miracle is that whatever comes in front of you should be accepted. And in the end, you will say that this was beneficial for me, this was good. It should be accepted with love and one should keep evaluating oneself. As you progress in Sahajayoga, you will know that it has immense blessings, countless blessings because all the deities will be with you. Wherever you go, they will be running around you. No one can trouble you, deceive you, or bother you. No one can file a case against you, nothing can happen. Absolutely, you are completely, entirely safe. No one can harm you. If someone tries to trouble you, they will be greatly troubled themselves, you can see that. Then, in every way, your condition will improve, your financial situation will improve, your health will improve; this will get better, that will get better. But this is also a temptation for us, a temptation. Like if we are going and we have to catch a flight. There may be juggler’s game going on, on the way, this is happening, that is happening, but what does that mean for us? We have to catch the plane. So, if you get distracted by this temptation, then you're lost. Now, I have seen that when people come into Sahaj Yoga, they get a lot of money and then they get lost. Once they're lost, then cancer develops, then they come back to me. I had left Sahaj Yoga. I got into business, there was a lot of work for me, and it was like this, like that. The first thing is to keep your mind engaged in Sahaj Yoga. Every program should be attended; one should participate in every collectivity. Wherever there is a puja, one should attend. The whole mind should be given to it, complete dedication should be there. Everything else, the Divine takes care of. You know, your mother has absolutely no understanding of money, she doesn't understand banking at all. Now, the people who live with me also say, "What's wrong with our mother?" If told twice, then the third time if I am not told on my own, I do not understand what this is all about! Because these days' rules and laws, I don't know anything about them. But if it comes to it, I am very clever otherwise. The point I make, big lawyers often ask how I came up with that point. Because there's subtlety in it, there's a parity with humans at this very place. Like, how does everything become available at a cheaper price? How does everything turn out to be good? How does it happen? Just today, these people asked which key would fit in there. And I said this key would fit, and it did. They brought the bunch; I had never even seen that key before. They started asking, "Which key will fit?" And I said, "This key will fit." And that key indeed fit. Now tell me, how does a mother know? Because it's subtle. We reside in the subtlety. Our consciousness is in the subtlety. And externally, we all say this needs to be done, that needs to be done, achieve this, and achieve that. So, don't fall into this temptation. Just remain in joy, not in temptation. You cannot experience this joy. If you fall into temptation, you're gone. Slowly, you'll keep slipping away. So, today, after so many years, I'm telling you this again and reiterating that there's a significant difference between the beginning of Delhi and today. But there should be even more change than this. And one should give with an open heart. Like now, you should think, and many people say, "Mother, I was thinking of giving so much money. Then I thought I should just make a piece of jewelry for the girl." "That's a good decision, Bhai! ." So, it's not bad, it's not bad at all, it's very good. You have also kept all your jewelry in the bank. The girl will also keep all her jewelry in the bank. And if she also has a daughter, she will also keep her jewelry in the bank. The whole bank has to give money. It would be better to make something for everyone's benefit, there will be joy in collectivity. So, there should be temptation in such things. Now, the biggest subtle temptation in Sahaj Yoga is that I do it. I have taken the land for the ashram. I have built the ashram. And because of me, or I have collected so much money. Or I have fixed it, I, I, I... This is a very subtle temptation. I am the organizer, I am the leader, and I am the big person. One should completely avoid this trap. If thoughts like "I did this, I did that" come to you, then you should think that you have reached a high ladder, and when you fall from this high ladder, you will come down with a thud. Let go of this 'I', 'mine'. I met a lady in Dehradun recently. When her children came, her hands were suddenly warm, and gave flowers, they were suddenly warm. So I asked, "What are you doing?" She started saying, "I'm not doing anything." And then she began to explain, "Mother, you have cured my spondylitis. You have cured my diabetes, fulfilled my needs, and got me a job. All this has happened because of you. So why are you warm?" "No, mother, I was wishing to run a center here, but these people are not giving permission, but I am running." I said, "That's why you are warm. Leave it. Stay worthy of who you are, you deserve to be well. Get better, you are not currently fit to run the center." "So, this point should be understood, we should judge ourselves. This last judgment, you know, this time that has come for resurrection, this is the last judgment. In this, we have to judge ourselves where we are, how we are, where our attention is running? Whom we are seeing? Where are our thoughts going? Keep an eye on your mind." "What are we thinking at this moment? Where is our attention going? What is our goal? What are we thinking? It's beautifully written about this in the scriptures, by Namdev. In your Granth Sahib too, there is a story about a kite flying and a boy flying a kite. He talks to this and that, jokes, but his eyes are on its kite." "There are many women walking with pitchers on their heads. They are laughing, joking among themselves, playing around, but their gaze is on their head. There is another woman, carrying her child on her back and sweeping the house, filling water, doing all the work while the child is on her back. Her focus is on her back. Where is our focus? This raises more questions, like why weren't we allowed to meet the mother?" "We want to meet our mother. We came here for this purpose but we weren't allowed to meet her. This is very wrong. We should keep our mother happy. Would you feel good if someone did this for you? And this is the most prevalent problem in Delhi, to meet Mother. This is a form of ego. And if we're not allowed to meet her, we start crying or shouting." "We should ponder over the finer details. Just like it's my birthday, similarly, all of you also have a birthday. The day you have your realization, that's your birthday." "I am eternal, I am thousands of years old. I have a very old age, there is no new age for me. You are celebrating my birthday. It should be your birthday, for those who were born and are now roaming as Sahaja Yogis. Those who are Sahaja Yogis, who have been born anew in a new form. It should be your birthday, what are you celebrating for me?" " You can see, how I am eternal, what birthday you celebrating of me? I want your birthdays to be celebrated. And with each birthday, a person grows, not diminishes. Have you ever seen that a grown person may end up drinking milk like a small child? But in Sahajayoga, this happens. They look good, they appear fine, and suddenly, who knows, and their head may turn upside down." They started saying that they have gone off. I said, "Gone off? Have they died?" "No, no, they have left Sahajayoga, slipped away. And the path is not so difficult. It's very easy, growing in Sahajayoga is very easy, every moment. Now you just need to see for yourself what level you are at. You won't even need me to say anything, just think and the work will be done. There won't even be a need to say anything, what's the need to meet! Mother is already enshrined in the heart. When you just bow your head a little, you'll see her. What's the need to meet then? Meet, then consume Mother’s mind, then it's like this, that's how it is, do this, do that. Will she be pleased with this? The Deities will never be pleased with this. Just think about it, if someone does this to us, will we feel good about it? And if you try this same approach, look at yourself "Mr. How are you today? What's the situation?” standing in front of the mirror, “How are you?” Today, just think, you're doing well, you're a Sahaj Yogi, you should know. Let's walk according to the dignity of being a Sahaj Yogi, with dignity. Then you will see that you will increase your broad-mindedness so much. It will increase so much that no problem can arise; it will clear everything instantly. This is your broad mindedness . You won't need to use my aura; you should use your own aura. This is how it is in Sahaj Yoga right now. There are people who, by just saying something, make everything happen. There are such people, it's not that they don't exist. But by breaking all barriers and finishing everything one must delve deeper into it. Now I will meet you all at Ganpatipule. And I remember each birthday. The way you all have celebrated it with so much love and beautifully decorated it. And now that today is the last day, I will leave. And then after so many days, we will meet here again. But I want that when I meet you all, you should be absolutely clean, beautiful, incomparable, like a fully grown tree, which I can proudly say, "These are my children." I should feel proud. It's as if I've said something to the children, and they've taken it upon themselves and shown it through their actions. But here, I hear that very few people are like that. Most people are like that; they come, take advantage, and leave. Then they don't think about how you are doing and what's happening with you. That shouldn't be the case. Next year, there will be a birthday celebration here as well; that's my big wish. But by that time, I want to see trees standing here one after another. Each person can easily give realization to at least a hundred individuals. Now, for instance, if there's a tradition in your home, I'm not sure if it's here, but in Maharashtra, there's a ritual called "Gauri Pujan." Women are invited, and they are offered turmeric and vermilion. So now, what these people do is, they invite, they keep our photo, they worship us, and then they invite friends and give them. So, in the friend circle, your friendship, recognition, and relationship are everywhere, talk to them: Look at how people have become fine with this, see how beneficial this is. At least out of a hundred, you will surely find fifty people. Going to weddings is very important. Many people say, "We cannot come in Puja, we have to attend the marriage." And by attending the wedding, did you add any new connections. Even a single turned to be your true relative, there, you see what clothes you wore, what the other person wore. I mentioned it as "unnecessary talk." What benefit did you gain from attending such a wedding? And everyone is against you. But here, your real relatives are present, those who are relatives to the entire world are gathered here today. The entire world is holding seminars today, you must be aware that people from all over Europe are conducting seminars in France for our birthday. Today's event is happening there for five or six days, seminars are being held at this moment. Mother, we've started your birthday celebrations from the 18th, and everyone has gathered together. And from there, I don't need to go everywhere now. Earlier I used to go, went to Greece first and set up Sahaj Yog there. Later went to Finland and set up Sahaj Yog there. Now went to Turkey and set up Sahaj Yog there. When we go to a country, we first establish Sahaj Yog and we visit ourselves. Here, everyone is sitting as still as Ganesha, no one is moving. Consider it fortunate to have come from here to Noida. I thought Noida is quite a distant place, but I saw it's right here. Well, in Noida, I've met people who have attracted you all, such attractive people. But go a little further, this thing will spread slowly, but it can also spread fast. Spreading is very important and time is very limited. And look at how people are spreading themselves everywhere. How they are working and we are not doing anything. And there are people who keep praising their Guru all the time. Their guru was a total fraud, he looted all the money from them and completely ruined their condition, and this is what happened. So today there is freedom, you can say whatever you want about me. You can say whatever you want about Sahaja yoga. Earlier it was said, "Do not say Adi Shakti," but now there is no harm in saying it, we have the evidence. Anyway, how will you recognize? You have ways to recognize! We have recognized. We have found our consciousness, you can know by asking consciousness questions. So, you will have to tell everyone, you will have to tell all your friends, you will have to tell everyone who recognizes. You have to tell everyone, your relatives, there will be at least a thousand people in each person's relatives. Write them letters, inform them, everyone. Make a list of all the relatives you invite to the wedding and send letters to everyone, telling them about the benefits of Sahaja Yoga, how it has benefited them, and why they should do it. This way, you are genuinely concerned about their well-being. Inviting people for dinner at your home incurs unnecessary expenses. What benefit will it bring later? They will criticize you, and you will criticize them. You will say they ate too much, and they will say you didn't offer enough food. Should such people be brought onto the path or not? You know, it's not that you don't know, and coming to Sahaja Yoga, you see everything more clearly. You see everything clearly. Then such people should be told, "Sir, that's it. Now our lives have changed, and you should also change. It's good, rest all is unnecessary." There is no harm in saying this, and in this way Sahaja Yoga can grow very rapidly. "I don't feel good about going today because today is a great festival day. There will be a wonderful program today, but even there, thousands of people will be sitting, there is also birthday there. And if you leave from here with one sentiment, another sentiment starts there. And in this way, our day has passed, with great joy, with happiness." "No inconvenience occurred, nor did I ever think about it, never thought about how things are going, what is happening? We don't sleep before two or four in the morning every day, and hard work continues throughout the day. I don't want you all to work so hard. But you need Sahaj Yoga, not me, you should understand this. Mother thinks you should meet, should give, that's why I am giving you Sahaj Yoga. But you should get, it's your thing." "You have to attain it, understanding this will make you realize that this is the only meaning of my life. It means so much that because of my life, your Kundalini has awakened. And you have reached to such a state that you can awaken others and change the whole world. So, I don't attach much importance to the meaning of this life." "If you weren't there, my life would have no meaning. Because you all are here, and you have your children. This work will keep growing, and many people will benefit from it. But if something special were to happen in my life, then it would certainly bring satisfaction that I have attained something in my own life." "As age progresses, your responsibility towards your Mother also increases to show what we have achieved and how we have enhanced Sahaja Yoga. The most significant thing is to demonstrate before our Mother the excellence we have achieved through Sahaja Yoga. Seeing Noida, I was very happy. Similarly, nothing is difficult." "Go towards Haryana, head towards Uttar Pradesh. This is what needs to be shown to Mother. Mother, we have opened a center there. Mother, we have given a center there. This alone has satisfied me, and I desire nothing more. I had a desire for some flowers, but you have fulfilled it so much that I don't want them anymore; that desire has also faded away." "Now it's just a matter of where you have created gardens, where you have established parks, where you have set up orchards, that's all there is to hear. Like it used to be, when there were no Sahaja Yogis, we used to see and admire the flowers. But now that you all have arrived, who will look for the flowers? But now you have to manage gardens everywhere. And some people are so good that they are involved in places where there is business, where there are transfers, where relationships are formed." "Whether they go to Japan or America, wherever they go, they keep talking about Sahaja yoga, they don't leave it. Sahaja yoga has become their life. And until this becomes your life, you cannot fully attain it. This is life for us. Everything else just continues. They are not important." "So what do I say to all of you today? I can't even thank you for celebrating my birthday. I just want to say that you should also celebrate your birthday and keep growing. As time goes by, I hope to see Sahaja Yogis from Delhi reaching great heights. Delhi is a very important place." "You know that Delhi is very important. It is essential for Sahaja Yoga to benefit and for Sahaja Yogis to have a special presence here, it's absolutely crucial. The whole world is watching Delhi. So, there should be a special progress and growth among the people of Delhi. Efforts should be made so that, just as there is more people speaking Hindi here." "Similarly, there are other people here, such as South Indians. They should be approached. Talking to them can lead to a lot of work being done. On this note, I would like everyone to write daily about how many people we have introduced to Sahaja Yoga today. These kids need to be taken care of; they are misbehaving. We should find out how much work we have done today." "Who has given it? Then one should think about oneself, what worries do we keep thinking about day and night? When our Mother is so powerful, what worries do we keep having? What keeps running in our minds? Whenever you worry, no work will be done. The moment you completely surrender to me, all the work will be done. When you say, 'We only put in half the effort in between."Alright, you put in half the effort. One should completely let go. And you can only let go completely when you reach that state, otherwise you cannot let go at all. Now, I'll just say this much, now you all know who we are? There's no need to hide anything. And its realization has also happened in many ways. But the feeling of it is not there yet." "If there is a realization, whose concern is it? What is the concern about? If the ‘Adi Shakti’ sitting in front of someone, talking? Has it ever happened? Nowhere in the entire history, not at all. And you know that we are the ‘Adi Shakti’ (Universal Power). Right now, you are our children, how should you be! Just as our name is, so should you be." "The blessing is that everyone will work with wisdom. Sahaja yoga is life for you, and you should fully manifest it within yourself. In its light, you should also shine and enlighten others. This is our blessing."