22 September 1990 Evening Program Arzier (Switzerland) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) – Draft 1990-09-22 Navaratri Evening Program [Note: Here the dotted lines are depicting the Sanskrit phrase] So when the Gods are fighting because you are present they were so emboldened by your presence that they create this big Noise and all this brings terror and astonishment in the heart of their enemies. And you keep all of these gods in the state of excitement and you proceed to battle showing great anger on your face and lift your arms which holds the deadly weapons (all the weapons are deadly weapons in the hand of the goddess to strike the demons) Shri Mataji: This is only the one side of the goddess... you see ... Sahaja yogi: And this is again one more of the goddesses on the battlefield and you can see it ..... Shri Mataji: This is the description of the Mahishasura's killing and that's why it is more than how she kills the demons to protect her children from the invading evil this is why more of her warrior-like capacities are described ... Sahaja Yogi: This is for another 3 overs after that it's the description of the Goddess as the mother and Ocean of Compassion. So... When you by your own powers simply say "Hun" that itself makes great volumes of smoke and bright light emanate from your mouth and these 2 demons" dhruma & vilochan " They just got completely [unclear 01:51 /emulated] "Shonit beej" is same as Rakt beej and in the battlefield, you sucked out the blood of the terrible demon and whenever any drops fells of this demon on the earth from your mouth more such "rakt beejas "came up... So this means that these demons are the "rakt beejas" and "shumbh nishumbh " who are the other demons you kill them all and on their blood all these ghost and ghouls that go round lord shiva saying shiva they have a big feast of that blood. So You as the mother of Compassion you even look after these ghosts and ghouls because they say the name of Lord Shiva... This means that on the battlefield, Dhanur is your bow and your arms are moving so much together. You are so absorbed that your arm is moving continuously shooting arrows at the enemies & yet your whole body is moving as if you are dancing and your anklets I mean your bracelets are going "Natak katake " so they are also making a musical sound ...So the Goddess, even though she is fighting the demons she is doing it with such grace and beauty. You who destroyed this demon "Vatuk ''(is a demon ) from your arrows in the battlefields flashes of gold and yellow and light come out and sounds which are very pleasing to the ear... Here "batuk" is bhairava and the Gods are also filled with great enthusiasm and they see you fighting and they are fighting beside you that the quivers on their backs shine forth with new colours and seeing all this Lord Bhairava who is dancing in front of you starts dancing in great ecstasy. And I am sure he must be saying -Jai Mataji, Jai Mataji! So when we say your name and say it again and again then we come into great meditation, and then there is no need of any more sounds or language and immediately we come and {unclear prostate } for ourself before you, You who is the queen of the whole universe Or who you bring to the salvation to the whole universe. "Bhoot pate" is the lord of the "bhootas" ie-Lord Shiva ...& when he hears your ornaments which is "nupura" making the sounds like "Bhan Bhan Bhinjimi Binkriti " He who is beyond sound but when he hears this he leaves his own meditation & he wants to hear that sound again and again. So, Once you take the form of a great goddess of Shri Ardha Narishwara( half Shiva, half Shri Parvati ) & when you dance in the company of other dancers including Lord Shiva who is supposed to be the Lord of the cosmic Dance your dance puts them all to shame ...And when you dance your divine dance the greatest musicians and singers accompany you ...There is something for you ... Shri Mataji: Word "suman" ... So "suman" could mean the one who has the beautiful mana (The mind) or "suman" is also a flower(like also a soft beautiful flower ) or "suman" is also the combined form of Shri Parvati and Lord Shiva and "suman" also means that your whole being your form is so beautiful ... And " sumanohar "...And seeing all this you make our mind who are your devotees absolutely pure and beautiful ...And "Kanti yutey" all kinds of light emanate from you because you are totally fulgent. This we have seen [Shrit Rajni ..............................................................]. Shrit Rajni is the night ...Rajni here means night or darkness ...The darkness takes refuge in you because you are the light, the darkness dissolves in you. Rajni also means that you are very beautiful, Rajni means also the one whose arti we do ...Ra+ajni also means the one who has no birth who is totally eternal ...and Rajni is also a lotus and colours in the hands so you hold lotus in your hand ..." Vakravitay'' your noble face shines like a full moon [Sunayana rabhram.........................] Even the,..."Bhramara" actually means the black bees ...So, many times this black bees also have been her ganas and ... Shri Mataji: No no, ganas can be made into "Bhramaras " Sahajyogi: The goddesses' ganas have been made into black bees and have been sent to destroy... And her name is also "Bhramramba" And also black bees because the bhramara means the black bees are the ones that pollinate (goes from flower to flower ) so they are the ones who gave the realisation from person to person giving them power ...Then the sound of the "bhramranda" The buzzing of the bees is like the sound of the Kundalini rising in the Sushumna Nadi ...And the bhramara also When the clusters of the Bhramara when we see...Sunayana means the beautiful eyes ...and vibramhara there ...It means that your dark eyebrows are like clusters of black bees and she is also "brahmaradi patey " because as I mentioned earlier that by moving her eyebrows up and down the three lines on her forehead are the 3 worlds themselves and she creates and dissolves these worlds simply by moving her "brahma randra"... Sahit mahlav mall matalik...................... This I will I think hand over the mike with your permission to Shri Mataji : Shri Mataji: I mean I can't praise myself ... You better read this ... Mallas are the great wrestlers who fight with their own arms they don't use any weapons so, these mallas come into the battlefield This is in the first line ...and You battle with them in the same ways that they fight and you tire them out and you become totally absorbed in the battle and you plan to fight them in the same way and they are ....they have been harassing the bheel tribes ...Bheels are the "adivasis" (the aboriginals who lives in the forest) So, Whole Bheel-tribes have been harassed by these mallas but you fight with them and destroy them and Bheel -tribals are very happy that you are doing this ...Then continuing of the forests similes it says that your actions are so beautiful like ..."Sal lalitey " is also that you have done all this with great fine art ...and you see the rising of the sun...the rays of the sun in the morning as it rises ie -"sitarun" or the "Tallaj pallav " would mean the trees and the leaves of the forests as well and all this ...The "sita krita" is where you have your own actions are such that you have completely cooled us or they created the cool shiver of the Goosebumps you feel... Shri Mataji: With the cooling, they get the shivers...And its a poetry you see ...that all these ...I am always worried about aboriginals ...you must have heard many a times saying that what this praise did and why did they try like that and I am always concerned because they are "adijana" ...They are the primordial people & they have been ruined by so many peoples so, that's what they are saying that when she kills those demons who have troubled these "bhills" means the people who live in the jungles than all the leaves and all the trees are vibrated by her joy and they shine that's what it is ... Sahaja yogi : [Avind..........................................] So, here "gajraj patey" is again the lord of all the king of the elephants rather the king elephant himself ...Dignity with which he carries himself and the way he holds his neck and his movement and also that his throat is filled with nectar and this means that the goddess ...your neck is lifted up like that the King of elephants with dignity and prestige ...Your carriage is very regal ... And your speech is like...Is filled with nectar. [Tribhuvan .......................................] So, You are the ornament of all the 3 worlds. That is, you are the most beautiful, shining ornament or jewel of the ...It's difficult to do an exact translation into English... That which brings the beauty the Bhushan is that brings to the glory, so, "Bhut kala nidhhi " ...You are that ocean of various arts of creation and you are" roop payonidhi " that means you are the ocean of beauty ... "Rajsutey "... you are the daughter of the king or you are a great princess Shri Mataji: It means... Ocean of many forms. Sahaja yogi: "Roop payonidhi " is the ocean of many forms, each one more beautiful than the other... So, the children of "Dhriti " (the children of demons ) by your many forms and by your beauty they become pure and the baser self is not excited but they become the people with pure minds So those who are not good you can make them completely pure ... As in today's drama, Shri Mataji mentioned it to us. [Kamal dalamal........................] So Kamal is a lotus, dalamal is a cluster of lotuses Komal Kanti means from these lotuses you make them emit the beautiful, gentle kind of light and you have the art or you have the power to make them blossom and when they do that you take these lotuses and put them in your hair means that by your own power of desire you can make the Sahasrara lotuses blossom and when they do these clusters of pure lotuses then illuminate the beautiful light of self-realisation. [Sakal Vilas Kala ...............] So, the swan can discriminate between the milk and water or discriminate between good and evil these heavenly swans are around you and when they recognise your great work which brings a joy, they get filled with joy and they move around in an excited manner ...This is also your connection as it is ...Because you are Shri Saraswati and you are at the Shri Hamsa chakra is the one you open up ... [Alikul sankul ..........................................] So, clusters of bees as they are attracted to groups of flowers the same way the stars and all the planets...They are attracted and they come and take the abode on your forehead ... Now, this is also the tribals and the forest's description of the Goddess there... [Karmurli Rava ........................................] "Manjumatey "-It means you are very mild or intelligent and is music personified ...So Your intelligence is total as music personified and when you in your hand take the "murli" ( which is the flute )even the whole forest is filled with that beautiful sound and even the nightingale is put to shame [Milit .............................................................] "Milit Pujit " Means you are very being around us gives that static feeling which we know we feel in all our hairs strands and on ends on we get goose pimples the same way this name gives the "Manohar gunjit "..."Gunjit" is the sound of Bees Buzzing ...So you have the beautiful sound very pleasing to the mind of the bees buzzing which is rising of the kundalini & you who lives on the mountains on the "Shaila " ...You make the whole mountain very excited "Ranjit " ecstatic that all the shrubs (in the same simile that hair on your handstands up ... same with the shrubs get vibrated and blossoming ....) Shri Mataji: Hair on the mountain ...You are sitting on the mountain The mountain feels so happy because you are there ...Mountains are so happy so the hair stands on their ends means they have become "pulkit " and when they get that feeling also the shrubs which are the hair in the body of the mountain have also...They also become 'pulkit'. "Pulit " is a Sanskrit word or Marathi also we have mean when you are filled with feeling this means how your whole body starts getting these beautiful feeling of hair raising (is not a good word ) (again line in Sanskrit) ............................... So here, Shri Mataji: On the mountains, there are these aboriginal women who have got their original good character and original and very natural life ...They are very natural ones you see... and so when they get these shrubs being vibrated they also get into a very playful mood. It is to make them happy ...Because they are living in the jungles... nature ... Sahaj yogi: Now we have the form of the goddess when we have done her puja ...and we are ready for her darshan So,................................................. So "chandra ruchey" is one 21:03 who is fond of the moon ...You are the one who is fond of the moon because of the spirit...Or Also moon because you are Shri Shivani so you have moon in your [unclear].You wear cloth...yellow cloth around your waist emanate multi cloured lights even put the peacock to same ...And they are so brilliant about the clothes that you wear. In the next line, is the multitude of gods and demons all of them prostrate themselves at your lotus feet and that many jewels of the crown give off very brilliant lights...But the light emitting from your toenails is so great that those light from the jewels is not even the smallest particle of the light from toenails ...And the next line is translated that your entire front when we decorate the goddess is covered with gold ornaments. And the garlands reach down to your feet and they worship your feet making it more beautiful and your entire form is ... Shri Mataji: ...is that you feel as if you are absolutely secured ...You look like as if there is -You are standing without support absolutely equanimity. [Sahaja yogi : [sanskrit phrase]...............................] You are victorious over demons, thousands of demons who have 1000's of hands and we all devote who are so many ...With our thousands of hands, we bow down to you ... Shri Mataji: And with the 1000's petals Sahaja Yogi : And with the 1000's petals of our Sahasrara, we bow down to you and prostrate ourself before you. You who is the one with 1000's arms [[sanskrit phrase]....................................................] So the" tarakasura" is a demon and he fought with the guards that the goddess sent her son ...brave son Kartikeya ...into the battle and he saved them. [Sanskrit Phrase.......................................................] So you ...This effort that one can make which is really the effortless samadhi because of your compassion and saman samadhi is you put everyone into the collectivity, into samadhi which is totally collectivity ...And samadhi means you are finally the samadhi of samadhi ...Samadhi means very deep intense meditation and sujakartey means you work very hard for the benevolent and auspicious second birth of others ... This is about Sahaja yogis Padam Kamalam ...............................[sanskrit Phrase]............ Whoever puts complete attention on your lotus feet every day all the time you who is shivay and of ultimate compassion and surrenders there that person is blessed with salvation. [Sanskrit Phrase]..................................................... So, I too if I will put all my attention on your lotus feet which are the form of Shri Laxmi and the home of Shri Laxmi I too will get all my wealth and prosperity ...Why will I not get wealth and prosperity if I put my attention and pray to your lotus feet ... Shri Mataji: Feet are the abode of Laxmi ... Sahaj yogi: Because the feet of the goddess is the abode of Shri Laxmi ... [SAnskrit Phrase .....................................................................] So only your divine feet are the ones that can give salvation ...So If I will surrender myself then surely I will also get salvation Shri Mataji: The highest state ... Sahaja yogi: The highest state I will gain ... [Sanskrit Phrase....................................................................] So this is the Mahalaxmi tatwa that the golden ...and all these golden waters of the ocean are offered to you ... Shri Mataji: When the waves rise, and there is a golden line on all the cusp of the thing, that's what it is ... It's a poem Sahaja yogi: And this golden ...the glow of the water which is used for doing your worship they give the colours to your palaces of those who are worshipping you so that they become much richer... [Sanskrit Phrase ...................................................................] So those who offer the complete prayers to such a Goddess who is so bountiful is bound to attain the highest happiness ... [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So Why Should I also not take enjoyment at your lotus feet? And say your prayers with all my hands in great humility and sing your praises ... [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So, Your clear face without any blemishes is like a full moon and there is absolutely no blemish at all on your face. And you have been radiating beauty and it removes all the evils and misery from this world ... [Sanskrit Phrase .....................................................................] And you're whole ...This is the description of the Sahaja yogis that your family of the Sahaja yogis is so beautiful that you don't turn your face away from the city which is full of the people who are the Sahaja yogis, your children, who have the faces like a full moon Shri Mataji: From your own families your ... Sahaja yogi: You will never turn your face away from your own family Shri Mataji: In the city which has got no blemish on their faces, no blemish in their character ... Sahaja Yogi: So no blemish on the character ... [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So please oh great goddess Please do not delay any more ...Please give me the self-realisation Give me the fruit and wealth which is obtained by constantly saying the name of Shiva ...So Please do that action which gives me complete salvation ... [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] Shri Mataji: It's not easy in Sanskrit ... I can't read the roman language. Sahaja yogi : [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So you are the great Uma who is Shri Parvati and the compassion that you show to the poor and the affected please shower that compassion on me also, who is your devotee... [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So you are the one who gives the highest experience please oh mother of all the worlds you are the essence of all that is best...Please give me Salvation. [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] So my attention which keeps wandering and the heat that is there inside me & the obstacles and all that You know best how to remove it ...You know best how to take care of my spiritual growth so please without delay make me grow spiritually. [Sanskrit Phrase ......................................................................] Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namo Namah! Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji when did Shankaracharya leave how long ago? Shri Mataji: Century, but before that was Markandey 15000 years back. I have seen Markendey took the birth [unclear 32:18 ] Just the bit part of it. 32:18 Alright, now I think with this knowledge tomorrow's puja will be much deeper for all of you ...May God bless you! [Transcript from 1990-0922 Translation of Songs 1990 audio] May God bless you! “Tujhaa punji “ You sing so well without knowing the meaning. It’s rather embarrassing but I would say. In your ....you should get completely engrossed in your puja and in your worship. And Oh Nirmala! We should always remember your name, this is the main thing. “Tujha Pujni” is –in your puja in your worship we should get “leen vhavey” means we should get completely engrossed... “Tujhya darshanala amhi roj yave“ -We should come for your “darshan” every day “roj” means every day ... “Tujha mandiri Geet amhi marnave“- And in your temple, we should always sing songs about your praise. “Tujha kirtini ratri rangun yave” – In the night we should get completely ...What do you say about “rangun” Sahaja yogi- colour means great enthusiasm Shri Mataji: ecstasy ...We should get into the ecstasy of the “kirtan” in the night time... “Tujha kirtini ratri rangun yave”- “Ratri” means in the night. “Tujhe Nirmala naam amhi smarave”-We should remember your name Nirmala ... “Amhala visava prapancha madhye tu”- In this world ...In this worldly affairs, you are the only refuge and the restful place for us. “Amha pathi rakha bhavishya madhye tu“-And you are the one who is the ...Like a shepherd the one who looks after us in our future ... “Amhala visava prapancha madhye tu, Amha pathi rakha bhavishya madhye tu” “Tujh charnachi”- We should become the servants of your feet...That what important he says... “Tumha Davila mukticha marg amha”-You have shown us the path of “Moksha” or “Salvation”... “tuva Davila bhakticha swarg amha”-You have shown us the heavens of bhakti ...of devotion. So far the devotion is not the feeling of paralyse. I mean the paradise of bhakti ...You have given the paradise of bhakti ...When you sing you seem the feel of as it is...Isn’t it? “Tujha Kitiche gorve nitya gave”-We should sing the praise of your glory all the time. “Kirti” is what –of your faith, of the glory of your faith... We should sing all the time we should remember your name all the time. This is what I am saying as what Shankaracharya has said. What Adi Shankaracharya described so beautifully Baba Mama has put in his own simple style. Durga Adi Shakti: Which is the Bhairavi do you sing? Sahaja yogini: Bhawani Dayani Shri Mataji: Do you sing? Everybody cannot sing ... “Nirmala tujhi varna vi tujhi ga Stuti” ” tujhi ga Stuti” not “tujhi ka Stuti”... Ka means you are my brother and he addresses me in a singular way –Oh Nirmala! How much should I describe ...”Varnavi” means describe your praise. How can I describe your praise... “Manvala detes devacha ”-You give to a human being the experience of God “Devachi Anubhuti”- “Anubhuti” means experience and “devachi” means God ...that’s why anybody giving to a human being the experience of God. So how can I describe your praise ...How can I praise you? Describe your praise ...Because you give to human beings experience of god “Devachi” means god’s “Anubhuti” means experience. “Muli cha swarat tu”-You are the notes that are played out of the flute. “Tujha spandhanacha layeet tu” – The heart that beats ...You are in the rhythm of the beat of the heart. Rhythm means heart and the “Spandhan” means bating and “laya” means the rhythm ...So you are at the rhythm of the beating of the heart... “Anandachya sarit tu”- The joy that comes in ...No no, in the rays of joy you are there ... “SAgaracha bhartit tu, Anandacha sarit tu”- The sea gets happy at the ...What’s “Bhartit” ...happiness... bhakti means when the tides come up you are there ... Means even the love of the sea is you when it becomes full of ....When it gives you tide ...The English language is absolutely unpoetic. “Premacha sapeksh tu”-“Sapeksha” means... through you, we know what is love ...understand like that. “Dharmacha apeksah tu” – Through you we know what is the Dharma. “Sapeksha” means you are the meaning of. “Karmache moksha tu” – You are the one who gives us liberation from the Karma “Marmache lakshya hi tu” – “Marma” means the principle ...You are the aim of all the principles. “MAnavteche tatwa tu” – You are the principle of humanity. “Nirgunache satwa tu “- You are the essence of “Nirguna” means promise. The truth of formless ...You are the truth of formless... “Kartutwache kartutv tu” – Kartutv means? ...power of action or the power which we achieve work ...”Krtutv” means to achieve. The one who achieves you ... “Jiwancahe astitva tu” – You are the existence of life...”AStitva” means existence “jiwan” means life. “Sangeetacha sur tu”- You are the notes of the “sangeet” or music. “Premacha mapur tu”- Mahapur means? Floods ...You are the floods of love ...Your love flows like floods ... Like that, “Mahapur” means floods. Great Floods! “Devya sathi atur tu”- You are very anxious to give to others. “Anandacha Sagar tu” – You are the ocean of the Ananda... This is my brother singing to a sister...That’s what it said ...