1 November 1997 Evening Program Lisbon (Portugal) Talk Language: English | Transcript (English) - Reviewed Talk before Diwali Puja, Sintra, Lisbon (Portugal), 1 November 1997 [After the play by Sahaja yogis] (02:02:38) Shri Mataji: Actually Gyaneshwara always brings tears to my eyes, because he suffered so much. And he has talked about Sahaja Yoga. His dream (2.02.52) was nothing but Sahaja Yoga and it’s better to understand what it means, because it was in Marathi, so I would like to translate. [Shri Mataji translates from Marathi the Pasaydan, the epilogue to the Gyaneshwari by Saint Gyaneshwara:] He says: “O, the Spirit of the whole universe, for you I have composed this dream of mine. After hearing this, I hope you feel satisfied. It’s more than satisfaction. And then you give me a blessing of vibrations. ‘Pasaydan’ is vibrations. Now he describes that, “All the cruel people should give up their cruelty and there should be love between each other.” See how he is describing Sahaja Yoga! He says that, “Those who are away from Truth, removed from Truth, their darkness should go.” That’s what he is demanding. “And the whole world should see the sun of Self-realisation.” Can you imagine? “And whatever then one wants, he’ll get it.” He says, “Everywhere is the flow of auspiciousness and great saints will be there.” That is you all, you see, he is describing. And: “Such people will be very much in number and they will be respected. And it will become impossible to control themselves when you meet all the people whom you have created.” You see, all Sahaja Yoga, he’s describing Sahaja Yoga. “Tzala kalpataru...” Ah, this is for Sahaja Yogis...“Tzala kalpatarunche aarewar chaitana chintamanitzegao..” So he says, “Now you who are the Sahaja Yogis, who are the forest of trees which give the boon of whatever people like.” Kalpataru is a tree which gives you the boon for whatever you want. So he said, “You are the ones! You are the ones, come along! You are like the forest of those trees which give the boon.” “Chaitana chintamanitzegao.” Wah, wah! “You are the village, or we can say the community, of having awakened mind within you.” “You are the oceans which speak,” that’s what he has called you, “full of ambrosia”, “full of ambrosia”. “You are the oceans of ambrosia who can speak, who speak.” Now look at that! What he’s saying about you. That’s what you are. “Chandrame je alamchana martanda te tapahina”. “You are like the moon which has no spot in it, spotlessly clean. You are the moon who are spotlessly clean and you are the sun without any heat in it.” “Te sarvaanchi sadaa sajjana” “These people who are always very benevolent people, these are very benevolent people, and they become relations of each other.” Not your old relations, but you become relations of Sahaja Yogis, with each other. It’s a fact. You see, that’s what he said. “Kimbahunaa sarva sukhi, purna houni tinhi loki.” He says, “Otherwise, all of you will be very happy, very happy from all sides and you will be complete people, perfect people, in the three worlds.” “Bhajijo aadipurukhi, akhamḍita” “When you will worship the Primordial – now here they have said the Father – you will become eternal.” [Aaṇi graṁthopajiviye, vishesi lokim iye, dṛṣṭaadṛṣṭa vijaye, hoaave jī” He says, “You will be like books of eternal knowledge and in the whole world, people will see. Your eyes will see the eyes and you will win people with your eyes full of love. And such people should be put aarti.” “Yetha mhaṇe shrī vishvesharāo, hā hoīla dāna pasāvo, yeṇeṁ vareṁ jñānadevo, sukhiyā jālā” “She will be called as Adi Shakti and She will give you the pasaydan,” Pasaydan means vibrations. And he’s asking that, “Oh, God. Give us pasaydan and this will happen. By that the whole world will become extremely happy.” You see, I can’t read Roman language. I am very bad. I can know one language, and not translation of that. Nor do I know this Roman language which people use, English, to write about if they have to say something Marathi. But it’s not easy, because it misses the points I think. And I can’t read, so, you see, that’s my incapability to read it. Especially in India, in the church, they used to use this Roman thing, and I could never sing, I could not understand what is this. But what He (Gyaneshwara) has said is that you are the ones who are this, who are that. I mean, he has called you as the kalpataru, means the ones – you are the trees who can give any boon you want to. And there are forests of it, because you are so many of them. And ‘chintanmanitze’ — you are the ones who can remove all the worries of the people. Imagine! What a right description He has given! But I think [that] still Sahaja Yogis don’t believe in themselves: that they have all these powers and what they can do. It was Gyaneshwara who described you. But I wonder if you can describe yourself like that because, I don’t know why, they are very humble, Sahaja Yogis are very humble and that’s why they don’t believe that they could be this. But just think of all these false gurus who have nothing, their Kundalini is absolutely dissolved inside, but how much they talk, how much they tell! And their disciples are also the same style, you won’t believe. I met one lady, a disciple of one guru, and she started telling me about her guru such a lot that I got up and walked into another place, and I requested them that, “Baba, give me another seat!” So, when you have everything you don’t talk. You won’t even tell your mother, you won’t even tell your father, you won’t even tell your neighbours. All round, I mean, you are so many. There were only twelve disciples of Christ and they spread the message of Christ. Of course, whatever they did didn’t turn out very well! But you can, because you have got Realisation, you have got all the powers and you know, you have the real knowledge. Not only ‘real’ but it is the knowledge of the Divine, a secret knowledge. Everything you have, but you don’t talk. I would request you, all of you [that], to anybody who meets you, just start talking; in the plane, anywhere. Best is to wear my badge, so they will ask you questions, “Who is this?” And then you go on telling who am I. It’s the best way to spread Sahaja Yoga, that you all should talk about Sahaja Yoga to others, whenever you meet anyone. Can you promise that? All right. So thank you very much. This is what Gyaneshwara has talked about you. So you have to prove what he said is true. Thank you very much. [Applause] [After the sitar concert] (2.53.34) Shri Mataji: What a recital it was. And despite the horrible wind, you know, he just went on without looking at it. But actually it was so rhythmic, I felt, that even the wind was dancing. Now I cannot, I mean, I don’t know what to say, but only thing is that I have never heard such a Malkauns raga. Never. In my lifetime I have heard so many people, but no-one has played so well as this. These are the signs of a new era, where such a talent will be shown. Also everything was so wonderful and so good. I don’t know how to thank them for this beautiful recital. [Applause] And also the French made it a very wonderful evening for all of us. And it was really a Diwali in a way, but today is a day of brothers and sisters. And specially this day the brothers are worshipped by the sisters, and they are to be given something present, you know, the boys have to give. So, that need not be now done this year, let it be, doesn’t matter. But I think this kind of a Diwali is so beautiful and so energizing, because vibrations were flowing. So many vibrations. And the way you are appreciating this music – you see, it’s very different from yours, and you are all engrossed in it. I hope all the people also from Africa have appreciated this music, and they would like to go also to Academy in the name of my father. I never knew Spain, Spanish are included in this group? No. But I know about him, he is a very great tabla player, you know, very great. Spanish, he’s very good. And he was watching everything and only with watching I’m sure he’ll pick up your tabla. He is very dedicated, very good. And I’m happy to see people from all over the world here, and tomorrow they want to do some havan. I don’t know what time you can do it, and this Mister Wind is still there. There was this kind of a wind also in Italy, and I don’t know: they said that it came from the South, and froze the South Italy completely, which was never frozen before. Not the North, but the South. It’s all, I don’t know what’s happening to Italy now, and – this wind didn’t disturb us much, because it was dancing with your music. So thank you very much all of you for also enjoying, because I may be crazy about Indian music, but I don’t know how you people stand that. In any case tomorrow is the programme, I don’t know when they want to have a little havana. It’s important to do the havan. And then puja will start about – I told them 6 o’ clock if they are ready. But they are never ready by that time I think, na? (Shri Mataji laughs) And it’s a very small puja, it’s not a big puja, it’s not a very big puja. But later on, after puja, we spend more time. So, as it is, we have two programmes tomorrow. Those who want to join for havan can do it. And I don’t know where you will do the havan, here, or there outside? Here? Eh? Outside. Ah, this wind should not be there anymore. All right, let’s see. So I wish you all very, very happy Diwali for next year, and I think Portugal is the place for Diwali Puja, no doubt. I knew about Portuguese that Vasco de Gama, when he came to India, was a very nice, simple man. Then he came back and he told the king that Indians are Christians. So he said, ‘How do you say they are Christians?’. ‘Because they worship Mother! They don’t worship the Father as the Muslims do. So they are Christians or, if they are Hindus, they are Hindu-Christians’. He was a very simple man. And a big research was done on what was the influence of the Portuguese on India. But they lived there for quite some time, and they never listened to our music, that’s one thing. Nor did they understand anything of it. As it is, now in Portugal to have this music, itself is a great, I should say, is a very great adventure. Because these people had never known, they used to think that we are making some noises, that’s all. English also, they never learned any music or nothing. So, whatever it is, now this music has come to you. Once you know classical Indian music, you can sing any type of music. May be Spanish, may be the modern, anything, because the voice gets trained so well. So I would say those who can afford should go to Nagpur, and those who cannot afford should write to me, we’ll find something for them. So thank you very much all of you, enjoy your Diwali night. May God bless you.