const VERSION = "1.0.0", UNDEFINED = "undefined", ERROR_MESSAGES = { Forbidden: "접근 권한이 없습니다.", "Bad Request": "잘못된 접근입니다.", timeout: "처리 대기 시간을 초가하였습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도하여 주십시오.", parsererror: "데이터 파싱 중에 오류가 발생하였습니다.", "Bad credentials": "아이디 또는 비밀번호를 잘못 입력하셨습니다.", }, STRING = "string", STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES = { 0: "오프라인 상태입니다.", 404: "요청하신 웹 페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다.", 405: "웹 사이트에서 페이지를 표시할 수 없습니다.", 406: "이 웹 페이지 형식을 읽을 수 없습니다.", 408: "서버에서 웹 페이지를 표시하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸리거나 같은 페이지를 요청하는 사용자가 너무 많습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하여 주십시오.", 409: "서버에서 웹 페이지를 표시하는 데 시간이 너무 오래 걸리거나 같은 페이지를 요청하는 사용자가 너무 많습니다. 나중에 다시 시도하여 주십시오.", 500: "오류가 발생하였습니다.", 503: "서비스 이용이 지연되고 있습니다. 잠시 후 다시 시도하여 주십시오.", 403: "접근 권한이 없습니다. 권한이 필요한 경우 관리자에게 문의하십시오.", }; //const $ = require("jquery"); //const kendo = require("@progress/kendo-ui"); import * as $ from "jquery"; import * as kendo from "@progress/kendo-ui"; // Pace init const user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")); const initialState = user ? { status: { loggedIn: true }, user } : { status: { loggedIn: false }, user: null }; const RoleModel = { id: "roleId", fields: { roleId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0, editable: false, validation: { min: 0, required: true }, }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, description: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, creationDate: { type: "date", editable: false }, modifiedDate: { type: "date", editable: false }, }, }, UserModel = { id: "userId", fields: { userId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, username: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, nameVisible: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, firstName: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, lastName: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, email: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, emailVisible: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, anonymous: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: true }, enabled: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, external: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, status: { type: "string", defaultValue: "NONE" }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, roles: { type: "object", defaultValue: [] }, }, formattedCreationDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("creationDate"), "g"); }, formattedModifiedDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("modifiedDate"), "g"); }, hasRole: function (role) { if (typeof this.roles != "undefined" && $.inArray(role, this.roles) >= 0) return true; else return false; }, copy: function (target) { target.userId = this.get("userId"); target.set("username", this.get("username")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("email", this.get("email")); target.set("status", this.get("status")); if (this.get("creationDate") != null) target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (this.get("modifiedDate") != null) target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("enabled", this.get("enabled")); target.set("external", this.get("external")); target.set("nameVisible", this.get("nameVisible")); target.set("emailVisible", this.get("emailVisible")); target.set("anonymous", this.get("anonymous")); if (typeof this.get("roles") === "object") target.set("roles", this.get("roles")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); }, }, ImageLinkModel = { id: "imageId", fields: { imageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, linkId: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, publicShared: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, filename: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, }, }, SharedLinkModel = { id: "linkId", fields: { objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, linkId: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, publicShared: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, }, }, AttachmentModel = { id: "attachmentId", fields: { attachmentId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, contentType: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, downloadCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, size: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, user: { type: "object", defaultValue: { userId: 0 } }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, sharedLink: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.attachmentId = this.get("attachmentId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("contentType", this.get("contentType")); target.set("size", this.get("size")); target.set("downloadCount", this.get("downloadCount")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("user") === "object") target.set("user", this.get("user")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("sharedLink") === "object") target.set("sharedLink", this.get("sharedLink")); }, formattedSize: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("size"), "##,###"); }, formattedCreationDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("creationDate"), "g"); }, formattedModifiedDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("modifiedDate"), "g"); }, }, ImageModel = { id: "imageId", fields: { imageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, contentType: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, size: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, thumbnailContentType: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, thumbnailSize: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, user: { type: "object", defaultValue: { userId: 0 } }, imageLink: { type: "object", defaultValue: {}, }, tags: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.imageId = this.get("imageId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("contentType", this.get("contentType")); target.set("size", this.get("size")); target.set("thumbnailContentType", this.get("thumbnailContentType")); target.set("thumbnailSize", this.get("thumbnailSize")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); target.set("tags", this.get("tags")); if (typeof this.get("user") === "object") target.set("user", this.get("user")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("imageLink") === "object") target.set("imageLink", this.get("imageLink")); }, formattedSize: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("size"), "##,###"); }, formattedCreationDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("creationDate"), "g"); }, formattedModifiedDate: function () { return kendo.toString(this.get("modifiedDate"), "g"); }, }, AlbumModel = { id: "albumId", // the identifier of the model fields: { albumId: { type: "number", editable: false, defaultValue: 0 }, name: { type: "string", editable: true }, description: { type: "string", editable: true, defaultValue: "" }, collaborate: { type: "boolean", editable: true, defaultValue: "" }, shared: { type: "boolean", editable: true, defaultValue: false }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, user: { type: "object", defaultValue: { userId: 0 } }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.albumId = this.get("albumId"); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("description", this.get("description")); target.set("collaborate", this.get("collaborate")); target.set("shared", this.get("shared")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("user") === "object") target.set("user", this.get("user")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); }, }, PageModel = { id: "pageId", fields: { objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, pageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, versionId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, pageState: { type: "string", defaultValue: "INCOMPLETE" }, commentCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, viewCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, summary: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, tagsString: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, title: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, template: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, pattern: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, script: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, secured: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, bodyText: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, bodyContent: { type: "object", defaultValue: { bodyId: 0, bodyText: "", bodyType: "FREEMARKER", pageId: 0, }, }, user: { type: "object", defaultValue: { userId: 0 } }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.pageId = this.get("pageId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("versionId", this.get("versionId")); target.set("pageState", this.get("pageState")); target.set("commentCount", this.get("commentCount")); target.set("viewCount", this.get("viewCount")); target.set("summary", this.get("summary")); target.set("tagsString", this.get("tagsString")); target.set("title", this.get("title")); target.set("template", this.get("template")); target.set("pattern", this.get("pattern")); target.set("script", this.get("script")); target.set("secured", this.get("secured")); target.set("bodyText", this.get("bodyText")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("user") === "object") target.set("user", this.get("user")); if (typeof this.get("bodyContent") === "object") target.set("bodyContent", this.get("bodyContent")); }, }, BodyContentModel = { id: "bodyId", fields: { bodyId: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, bodyText: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, bodyType: { type: "string", defaultValue: "FREEMARKER" }, pageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, }, }, ApiModel = { id: "apiId", fields: { apiId: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: -1 }, title: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, version: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, description: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, contentType: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, scriptSource: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, pattern: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, creator: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, secured: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, enabled: { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.apiId = this.get("apiId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("title", this.get("title")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("version", this.get("version")); target.set("description", this.get("description")); target.set("contentType", this.get("contentType")); target.set("scriptSource", this.get("scriptSource")); target.set("pattern", this.get("pattern")); target.set("secured", this.get("secured")); target.set("enabled", this.get("enabled")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("creator") === "object") target.set("creator", this.get("creator")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); }, }, StreamsModel = { id: "streamId", fields: { streamId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, categoryId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, name: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, displayName: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, description: { type: "string", defaultValue: null }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, }, copy: function (target) { target.streamId = this.get("streamId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("categoryId", this.get("categoryId")); target.set("name", this.get("name")); target.set("displayName", this.get("displayName")); target.set("description", this.get("description")); target.set("enabled", this.get("enabled")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); }, }, MessageModel = { id: "messageId", fields: { user: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, threadId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, messageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, parentMessageId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, keywords: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, subject: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, body: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, replyCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, attachmentsCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.messageId = this.get("messageId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("threadId", this.get("threadId")); target.set("parentMessageId", this.get("parentMessageId")); target.set("keywords", this.get("keywords")); target.set("subject", this.get("subject")); target.set("body", this.get("body")); target.set("replyCount", this.get("replyCount")); target.set("attachmentsCount", this.get("attachmentsCount")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("user") === "object") target.set("user", this.get("user")); }, }, ThreadModel = { id: "threadId", fields: { threadId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectType: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, objectId: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, latestMessage: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, rootMessage: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, messageCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, viewCount: { type: "number", defaultValue: 0 }, properties: { type: "object", defaultValue: {} }, creationDate: { type: "date" }, modifiedDate: { type: "date" }, }, copy: function (target) { target.threadId = this.get("threadId"); target.set("objectType", this.get("objectType")); target.set("objectId", this.get("objectId")); target.set("messageCount", this.get("messageCount")); target.set("viewCount", this.get("viewCount")); target.set("modifiedDate", this.get("modifiedDate")); target.set("creationDate", this.get("creationDate")); if (typeof this.get("properties") === "object") target.set("properties", this.get("properties")); if (typeof this.get("rootMessage") === "object") target.set("rootMessage", this.get("rootMessage")); if (typeof this.get("latestMessage") === "object") target.set("latestMessage", this.get("latestMessage")); }, }; const userState = [ { text: "NONE", value: "0" }, { text: "APPROVED", value: "1" }, { text: "REJECTED", value: "2" }, { text: "VALIDATED", value: "3" }, { text: "REGISTERED", value: "4" }, ]; export const studio = { VERSION, services: { getApiUrl: function (url) { return `${API_ROOT_URL}` + url; }, accounts: { userState, state: initialState, logout, loginSuccess, authHeader, getCurrentUser, getUserAvatarUrl, getUserRoles, verify: verifyToken, }, }, data: { model: { Role: RoleModel, User: UserModel, Image: ImageModel, ImageLink: ImageLinkModel, Album: AlbumModel, Attachment: AttachmentModel, BodyContent: BodyContentModel, Page: PageModel, Api: ApiModel, Streams: StreamsModel, Thread: ThreadModel, Message: MessageModel, }, }, ui: { defined, isFunction, sleep, notify, send, handleAjaxError, handleAxiosError, headerWithAuth, isUserLoggedIn, getImageUrl, getAttachmentUrl, getAttachmentThumbnailUrl, setSecureImage, setImageAsBase64, getImageAsBase64, loadAceEditor, createToastUiEditor, attachmentGrid: createAttachmentKendoGrid, attachmentDataSource: createAttachmentDataSource, propertyGrid: createPropertyKendoGrid, aceEditor: createAceEditor, dropzone: createDropzone, filepond: createFilePond, masonry: createMasonry, ckeditor: createCKEditor5, format: { date: getFormattedDate, number: getFormattedNumber, byte: getFormattedByteSize, }, }, }; function getFormattedByteSize(bytes) { var sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"]; if (bytes == 0) return "n/a"; var i = parseInt(Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024))); if (i == 0) return bytes + " " + sizes[i]; return (bytes / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(1) + " " + sizes[i]; } function getFormattedNumber(num, format) { format = format || "###,##"; if (typeof num == "string") return kendo.toString(new Number(num), format); return kendo.toString(num, format); } function isSpeechSynthesis() { if ("speechSynthesis" in window) { return true; } else { console.log("Sorry, your browser doesn't support text to speech!"); return false; } } const DEFAULT_SPEECH_SYNTHESIS_OPTIONS = { voice: 10, volume: 1, rate: 1, pitch: 2, lnag: "en", text: "hello", }; function getSpeechSynthesisUtterance(options) { options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_SPEECH_SYNTHESIS_OPTIONS, options); var utter = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); utter.voice = voices[settings.voice]; utter.volume = settings.volum; // From 0 to 1 utter.rate = settings.rate; // From 0.1 to 10 utter.pitch = settings.pitch; // From 0 to 2 utter.text = settings.text; utter.lang = settings.lang; return utter; } function getUserRoles(userId) { const headers = {}; Object.assign(headers,; return axios .get(`${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/security/users/${userId}/roles`, { headers: headers, }) .then((response) => { const data =; return data.items; }) .catch(function (error) { return []; }); } function getFormattedDate(date, format) { format = format || "g"; if (typeof date == "string") return kendo.toString(new Date(date), format); return kendo.toString(date, format); } function authHeader() { // return authorization header with jwt token let _user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")); if (_user && _user.jwtToken) { return { Authorization: "Bearer " + _user.jwtToken }; } else { return {}; } } const DEFAULT_JSON_HEADER = { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }; function headerWithAuth(headers) { headers = headers || DEFAULT_JSON_HEADER; Object.assign(headers, authHeader()); return headers; } function isUserLoggedIn() { let _user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")); if (_user) { //console.log("is_user_logged_in" + !_user.anonymous); return !_user.anonymous; } return false; } function getUserAvatarUrl(username) { const _user = getCurrentUser(); if (_user == null) return "/assets/static/images/no-avatar.png"; else username = username || _user.username; return `${API_ROOT_URL}/download/avatar/${username}`; } function getCurrentUser() { if (typeof initialState.user != "undefined") return initialState.user.user; return null; } const DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS = { deafultImage: "/images/no-image2.jpg", thumbnail: false, width: 150, height: 150, jwt: false, }; function getImageUrlAsBase64(image, options) { let url = getImageUrl(image, options); return getImageAsBase64(url); } function isFunction(functionToCheck) { return ( functionToCheck && {} === "[object Function]" ); } function setSecureImage(elemment, delay, callback) { var delay = delay || 1000; let url = elemment.attr("secure-image"); setImageAsBase64( url, function (data) { elemment.attr("src", data); elemment.parent().removeClass("is-loading"); if (isFunction(callback)) callback(); }, function () { let maxRetry = 3, retry = 0; if (defined("max-retry"))) { maxRetry ="max-retry"); } if (defined("retry"))) { retry ="retry"); } if (retry < maxRetry) {"retry", retry + 1); setTimeout(function () { setSecureImage(elemment); }, delay); } else { elemment.parent().removeClass("is-loading"); } } ); } async function setImageAsBase64(url, successHandler, errorHandler) { const headers = {}; Object.assign(headers,; await axios .get(url, { headers: headers, responseType: "arraybuffer" }) .then((response) => { var mineType = response.headers["content-type"].toLowerCase(); var b64encoded = Buffer.from(, "binary").toString("base64"); var prefix = "data:" + mineType + ";base64,"; if (isFunction(successHandler)) successHandler(prefix + b64encoded); }) .then((error) => { if (isFunction(errorHandler)) { errorHandler(); } else { handleAxiosError(error); } }); } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function getImageAsBase64(url) { const headers = {}; Object.assign(headers,; const data = await axios .get(url, { headers: headers, responseType: "arraybuffer" }) .then((response) => { var mineType = response.headers["content-type"].toLowerCase(); var b64encoded = Buffer.from(, "binary").toString("base64"); var prefix = "data:" + mineType + ";base64,"; return prefix + b64encoded; }); } function getImageUrl(image, options) { options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS, options); if (image.imageId > 0) { var _imageUrl = `${API_ROOT_URL}/download/images/` + image.imageId + "/" +; if (defined(image.imageLink) && image.imageLink != null) { _imageUrl = `${API_ROOT_URL}/download/images/` + image.imageLink.linkId; } if (settings.thumbnail) { _imageUrl = _imageUrl + "?thumbnail=true&height=" + settings.height + "&width=" + settings.width + "&time=" + kendo.guid(); } else { _imageUrl = _imageUrl + "?time=" + kendo.guid(); } if (settings.jwt && isUserLoggedIn()) { _imageUrl = _imageUrl + "&jwt=" + authHeader().Authorization; } return encodeURI(_imageUrl); } return settings.deafultImage; } function getAttachmentUrl(attachment, options) { options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS, options); if (attachment.attachmentId > 0) { var _attachmentUrl = `${API_ROOT_URL}/download/files/${attachment.attachmentId}/${}`; if (settings.thumbnail) { _attachmentUrl = _attachmentUrl + "?thumbnail=true&height=" + settings.height + "&width=" + settings.width + "&time=" + kendo.guid(); } else { _attachmentUrl = _attachmentUrl + "?time=" + kendo.guid(); } return encodeURI(_attachmentUrl); } return settings.deafultImage; } const DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATE_OPTIONS = { refresh: false, url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/users/me.json`, }; function getUser(options) { options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATE_OPTIONS, options); logout(); return axios({ url: settings.url, method: "post" }) .then(handleResponse) .then((user) => { localStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(user)); }); } function verifyToken(options) { const headers = { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }; Object.assign(headers,; options = options || {}; if (!defined(options.url)) { options.url = `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/accounts/jwt/verify`; } axios .get(options.url, { headers: headers }) .then((response) => { const data =; }) .catch(function (error) { if (error.response) { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code // that falls out of the range of 2xx const data =; if (error.response.status == 401 && data.anonymous) { notify(null, "The authentication token has expired.", "error"); logout(); } } else if (error.request) { // The request was made but no response was received // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of // http.ClientRequest in node.js notify(null, error.message, "error"); } else { // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error console.log("Error", error.message); } //console.log(error.config); }); } function logout() { // remove user from local storage to log user out localStorage.removeItem("user"); initialState = { status: { loggedIn: false }, user: null }; window.location.replace("index.html"); } function loginSuccess(state, data) { if (data.jwtToken) { // store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshe localStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(data)); } state.loggedIn = true; state.user = data; } function handleResponse(response) { if (typeof !== UNDEFINED) { const data =; if (typeof data.error !== UNDEFINED) { const error = data.error; return Promise.reject(error); } return data; } else { return response.text().then((text) => { const data = text && JSON.parse(text); if (!response.ok) { if (response.status === 401) { // auto logout if 401 response returned from api logout(); location.reload(true); } const error = (data && data.message) || response.statusText; return Promise.reject(error); } return data; }); } } function defined(x) { return typeof x != UNDEFINED; } function handleAxiosError(error) { let message = ""; //console.log( '--------------------1' ); //console.log( JSON.stringify( error ) ); if (error.response) { // 요청이 이루어졌으며 서버가 2xx의 범위를 벗어나는 상태 코드로 응답했습니다. //console.log(; //console.log(error.response.status); //console.log(error.response.headers); if ( error.response.status == 0 || error.response.status == 404 || error.response.status == 503 || error.response.status == 403 ) { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[error.response.status]; } else if ( error.response.status == 500 || error.response.status == 400 || error.response.status == 401 ) { if (defined( { message =; if (message == null) { var exceptionClass =; if (exceptionClass.endsWith("UnAuthorizedException")) { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[403]; } else { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[500]; } } } } } else if (error.request) { // 요청이 이루어 졌으나 응답을 받지 못했습니다. // `error.request`는 브라우저의 XMLHttpRequest 인스턴스 또는 // Node.js의 http.ClientRequest 인스턴스입니다. message = error.message; //console.log(error.request); } else { // 오류를 발생시킨 요청을 설정하는 중에 문제가 발생했습니다. console.log("Error", error.message); } notify(null, message, "error"); } function handleAjaxError(xhr) { var message = ""; if (typeof xhr === STRING) { message = xhr; } else { var $xhr = xhr; if ($xhr.xhr) { $xhr = $xhr.xhr; } if ( $xhr.status == 0 || $xhr.status == 404 || $xhr.status == 503 || $xhr.status == 403 ) { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[$xhr.status]; } else if ($xhr.status == 500 || $xhr.status == 400) { if (defined($xhr.responseJSON)) { message = $xhr.responseJSON.error.message; if (message == null) { var exceptionClass = $xhr.responseJSON.error.exception; if (exceptionClass.endsWith("UnAuthorizedException")) { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[403]; } else { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[500]; } } } else { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[$xhr.status]; if ($xhr.responseText) { } if (!defined(message) && $xhr.statusText == "Bad Request") { message = ERROR_MESSAGES[$xhr.statusText]; } } } else if ( $xhr.errorThrown == "Forbidden" || $xhr.errorThrown == "timeout" || $xhr.errorThrown == "parsererror" ) { message = ERROR_MESSAGES[$xhr.errorThrown]; } else { if ($xhr.responseText) { var obj = eval("(" + $xhr.responseText + ")"); if (obj != null && obj.error.exceptionMessage) { if (obj.error.exceptionMessage == "Bad credentials") { message = ERROR_MESSAGES["Bad credentials"]; } } } else { message = STATUS_ERROR_MESSAGES[500]; } } } if ($("#notification").length == 0) { $("body").append(''); } var renderTo = $("#notification"); var notificationWidget = renderTo .kendoNotification({ position: { top: 20, right: 20, }, }) .data("kendoNotification"); console.log(notificationWidget);, "error"); } function notify(renderTo, message, type) { type = type || "error"; if (renderTo == null || renderTo.length == 0) { $("body").append(''); renderTo = $("#notification"); } var notificationWidget = renderTo .kendoNotification({ position: { top: 20, right: 20, }, }) .data("kendoNotification");, type); } const DEFAULT_ACE_OPTIONS = { mode: "ace/mode/html", theme: "ace/theme/chrome", warp: false, editable: true, }; function createDialog(renderTo, options) { options = options || {}; if (renderTo == null || renderTo.length == 0) { var guid = kendo.guid(); $("body").append(''); renderTo = $("'#" + guid + "'"); } } function createAceEditor(renderTo, options) { renderTo = renderTo || $("#editor"); options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_ACE_OPTIONS, options); if (renderTo.contents().length == 0) { var editor = ace.edit(renderTo.attr("id")); editor.getSession().setMode(settings.mode); editor.setTheme(settings.theme); editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(settings.warp); editor.setReadOnly(!settings.editable); } return ace.edit(renderTo.attr("id")); } function getAttachmentThumbnailUrl(attachment, width, height) { (width = width || 100), (height = height || 100); var _thumbnailUrl = `${API_ROOT_URL}/download/files/${attachment.attachmentId}/${}?thumbnail=true&height=${width}&width=${height}&jwt=` + authHeader().Authorization; console.log(_thumbnailUrl); return encodeURI(_thumbnailUrl); } const ATTACHMENT_FILE_TEMPLATE = ''; const DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_GRID_OPTIONS = { objectType: 0, objectId: 0, height: 300, }; function createAttachmentKendoGrid(renderTo, options) { renderTo = renderTo || $("#attachment-grid"); var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_ATTACHMENT_GRID_OPTIONS, options); if (!"kendoGrid")) { var grid = renderTo .kendoGrid({ height: settings.height, dataSource: [], sortable: true, filterable: true, pageable: false, columns: [ { selectable: true, width: "40px", headerAttributes: { class: "text-center" }, attributes: { class: "text-center" }, }, //{ field: "ATTACHMENT_ID", title: "ID", filterable: false, sortable: true, width: 80, template: '#= attachmentId #', headerAttributes: { "class": "text-center" }, attributes: { class: "text-center" } }, { field: "FILENAME", title: "FILE", filterable: false, sortable: true, template: ATTACHMENT_FILE_TEMPLATE, headerAttributes: { class: "text-center" }, attributes: { class: "g-pa-0" }, width: 100, }, { field: "FILE_SIZE", title: "Size", filterable: false, sortable: true, template: "#: studio.ui.format.byte(size) #", headerAttributes: { class: "text-center" }, attributes: { class: "text-center" }, width: 100, }, { field: "CONTENT_TYPE", title: "Content Type", filterable: false, sortable: false, template: "#= contentType #", headerAttributes: { class: "text-center" }, attributes: { class: "text-center" }, }, //{ field: "CREATION_DATE", title: "Creation Date", filterable: false, sortable: true, width: 100, template: '#: creationDate ,"yyyy.MM.dd")#', attributes: { class: "text-center" } }, //{ field: "MODIFIED_DATE", title: "Modified Date", filterable: false, sortable: true, width: 100, template: '#: modifiedDate ,"yyyy.MM.dd")#', attributes: { class: "text-center" } } ], }) .data("kendoGrid"); } if ((settings.objectType > 0) & (settings.objectId > 0)) {"kendoGrid").setDataSource( createAttachmentDataSource(settings.objectType, settings.objectId) ); } } function createAttachmentDataSource( objectType , objectId){ return new{ transport: { read: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/resources/${objectType}/${objectId}/files`, type: "get", contentType: "application/json", }, }, serverPaging: false, serverFiltering: false, serverSorting: false, error: handleAjaxError, schema: { total: "totalCount", data: "items", model: AttachmentModel, }, }); } function createPropertyKendoGrid(renderTo, type, objectId) { renderTo = renderTo || $("#property-grid"); if (!"kendoGrid")) { var grid = renderTo .kendoGrid({ dataSource: [], height: 300, sortable: true, filterable: false, pageable: false, editable: "inline", columns: [ { field: "name", title: "Name", width: 250, validation: { required: true }, }, { field: "value", title: "Value", validation: { required: true } }, { command: ["destroy"], title: " ", width: "250px" }, ], toolbar: kendo.template( 'Add Property Save Cancle' ), save: function () {}, }) .data("kendoGrid"); renderTo.on( "click", "a[data-kind=properties],a[data-action=refresh]", function (e) { var $this = $(this);; } ); } if (type == "users") {"kendoGrid").setDataSource( new{ transport: { read: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/security/${type}/${objectId}/properties/list.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, create: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/security/${type}/${objectId}/properties/update.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, update: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/security/${type}/${objectId}/properties/update.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, destroy: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/security/${type}/${objectId}/properties/delete.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, parameterMap: function (options, operation) { if (operation !== "read" && options.models) { return JSON.stringify(options.models); } return JSON.stringify(options); }, }, batch: true, schema: { model: { id: "name", fields: { name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, value: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, }, }, }, }) ); } else {"kendoGrid").setDataSource( new{ transport: { read: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/${type}/${objectId}/properties/list.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, create: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/${type}/${objectId}/properties/update.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, update: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/${type}/${objectId}/properties/update.json`, type: "post", contentType: "application/json", }, destroy: { url: `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/secure/mgmt/${type}/${objectId}/properties/delete.json`, type: "delete", contentType: "application/json", }, parameterMap: function (options, operation) { if (operation !== "read" && options.models) { return JSON.stringify(options.models); } return JSON.stringify(options); }, }, batch: true, schema: { model: { id: "name", fields: { name: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, value: { type: "string", defaultValue: "" }, }, }, }, }) ); } } const GET = "get", POST = "post"; function send(url, values, method, target) { method = method || GET; method = method && method.toUpperCase() == GET ? GET : POST; target = target || "_self"; if (!values) { var obj = parseUrl(url); url = obj.url; values = obj.params; } var form = $("
").attr({ method: method, action: url, target: target, }); for (var i in values) { $("") .attr({ type: "hidden", name: i, value: values[i], }) .appendTo(form); } $("body").append(form); form.submit(); } function parseUrl(url) { if (url.indexOf("?") == -1) return { url: url, params: {} }; var parts = url.split("?"), url = parts[0], query_string = parts[1], elems = query_string.split("&"), obj = {}; for (var i in elems) { var pair = elems[i].split("="); obj[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } return { url: url, params: obj }; } function loadAceEditor() { return import( /* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ "ace-builds/src-noconflict/ace" ).then(() => { return import( /* webpackChunkName: "ace" */ "ace-builds/webpack-resolver.js" ); }); } // Using ES6 imports: Toast UI import Editor from "@toast-ui/editor"; function createToastUiEditor(options) { return new Editor(options); } // Using ES6 imports: CKEditor 5 import ClassicEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic"; class StudioUploadAdapter { constructor(loader) { // CKEditor 5's FileLoader instance. this.loader = loader; // URL where to send files. this.url = `${API_ROOT_URL}/data/images/0/upload`; } // Starts the upload process. upload() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._initRequest(); this._initListeners(resolve, reject); this._sendRequest(); }); } // Aborts the upload process. abort() { if (this.xhr) { this.xhr.abort(); } } // Example implementation using XMLHttpRequest. _initRequest() { const xhr = (this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest());"POST", this.url, true); xhr.responseType = "json"; } // Initializes XMLHttpRequest listeners. _initListeners(resolve, reject) { const xhr = this.xhr; const loader = this.loader; const genericErrorText = "Couldn't upload file:" + ` ${}.`; xhr.addEventListener("error", () => reject(genericErrorText)); xhr.addEventListener("abort", () => reject()); xhr.addEventListener("load", () => { const response = xhr.response; console.log(response); if (!response || response.error) { return reject( response && response.error ? response.error.message : genericErrorText ); } // If the upload is successful, resolve the upload promise with an object containing // at least the "default" URL, pointing to the image on the server. resolve({ default: getDownloadUrl(response[0]), }); }); if (xhr.upload) { xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", (evt) => { if (evt.lengthComputable) { loader.uploadTotal =; loader.uploaded = evt.loaded; } }); } } // Prepares the data and sends the request. _sendRequest() { const data = new FormData(); let that = this; let file = that.loader.file; that.xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", authHeader().Authorization); file.then(function (result) { //wait for the promise to finish then continue data.append("upload", result); that.xhr.send(data); }); } } function getDownloadUrl(item) { return encodeURI(`${API_ROOT_URL}/download/images/${item.linkId}`); } function StudioUploadAdapterPlugin(editor) { editor.plugins.get("FileRepository").createUploadAdapter = (loader) => { return new StudioUploadAdapter(loader); }; } function createCKEditor5(renderTo, options, callback) { renderTo = renderTo || $("#ckeditor"); var $headers = headerWithAuth({}); return ClassicEditor.create(renderTo.get(0), { extraPlugins: [StudioUploadAdapterPlugin], mediaEmbed: { previewsInData: true, extraProviders: [ { name: "me", url: /^.*\/download/, html: match => { const id = match[ 1 ]; return 'hello'; } }, ], }, image: { // Configure the available styles. styles: ["alignLeft", "alignCenter", "alignRight"], // Configure the available image resize options. resizeOptions: [ { name: "imageResize:original", label: "Original", value: null, }, { name: "imageResize:50", label: "50%", value: "50", }, { name: "imageResize:75", label: "75%", value: "75", }, ], // You need to configure the image toolbar, too, so it shows the new style // buttons as well as the resize buttons. toolbar: [ "imageStyle:alignLeft", "imageStyle:alignCenter", "imageStyle:alignRight", "|", "imageResize", "|", "imageTextAlternative", ], }, }) .then((editor) => { window.ckeditor = editor; if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(editor); } }) .catch((error) => { console.error("There was a problem initializing the editor.", error); }); } import Dropzone from "dropzone"; function createDropzone(renderTo, options) { var myDropzone = new Dropzone(renderTo, options); return myDropzone; } import Masonry from "masonry-layout"; import jQueryBridget from "jquery-bridget"; // make Masonry a jQuery plugin jQueryBridget("masonry", Masonry, $); const DEFAULT_MASONRY_OPTIONS = { itemSelector: ".masonry-grid-item", columnWidth: ".masonry-grid-sizer", // columnWidth: '.masonry-sizer', percentPosition: true, }; function createMasonry(renderTo, options) { options = options || {}; var settings = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULT_MASONRY_OPTIONS, options); renderTo.masonry(settings); } import * as FilePond from "filepond"; import "filepond/dist/filepond.min.css"; // Import the plugin code import FilePondPluginImagePreview from "filepond-plugin-image-preview"; import FilePondPluginMediaPreview from "filepond-plugin-media-preview"; // Import the plugin styles import "filepond-plugin-image-preview/dist/filepond-plugin-image-preview.css"; // Import the plugin code import FilePondPluginFileValidateSize from "filepond-plugin-file-validate-size"; function createFilePond(renderTo, options) { options = options || {}; // Register the plugin FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginMediaPreview, FilePondPluginFileValidateSize ); return FilePond.create(renderTo.get(0), options); }