""" Home Assistant - Nexa Bridge X Integration Author: Anders Evenrud Homepage: https://github.com/andersevenrud/ha-nexa-bridge-x License: MIT """ from __future__ import annotations from functools import reduce from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from typing import cast, Any, Union from homeassistant.helpers.httpx_client import get_async_client from homeassistant.exceptions import ConfigEntryAuthFailed from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.update_coordinator import ( DataUpdateCoordinator, UpdateFailed, ) from .const import ( DOMAIN, NODE_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES, NODE_BINARY_CAPABILITIES, NODE_MEDIA_CAPABILITIES, POLL_INTERVAL, POLL_TIMEOUT, CALL_TIMEOUT, RECONNECT_SLEEP, WS_PORT, HTTP_BASIC_AUTH, FORCE_NODE_ENUM, NO_LEGACY_ENUM ) import dateutil.parser import asyncio import aiohttp import json import logging import async_timeout import httpx import time _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO: Add correct typing NexaNodeValueType = Union[str, int, float, bool] NexaEnergyData = Any NexaLegacyEnergyData = Any NexaEnergyNodeData = Any NexaNodeData = Any NexaInfoData = Any NexaCallData = Any NexaWebsocketMessage = str NexaWebsocketData = Any def is_capable_of(node: NexaNode, items: list(str)) -> bool: """Check if given capability is available""" return any(cap for cap in items if cap in node.capabilities) def is_newer_date(current: str, new: str) -> bool: """Check if given timestamp is newer to the current""" current_time = dateutil.parser.isoparse(current) new_time = dateutil.parser.isoparse(new) return new_time > current_time def now_timestamp(): now = datetime.now() timezone_offset_sec = time.timezone if (time.localtime().tm_isdst == 0) else time.altzone timezone_offset_hrs = -timezone_offset_sec // 3600 timezone_offset_min = (-timezone_offset_sec % 3600) // 60 timezone_str = f"{timezone_offset_hrs:02d}{timezone_offset_min:02d}" if not timezone_str.startswith("-"): timezone_str = "+" + timezone_str return now.strftime(f"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S{timezone_str}") def values_from_events(node: NexaNodeData, legacy: bool) -> list[NexaNodeValue]: """Creates a list of node values based on node data""" prev_key = legacy and "value" or "prevValue" keys = (prev_key, "value", "time") ignores = ("methodCall") values = [] if "lastEvents" in node: for key, data in node["lastEvents"].items(): if key not in ignores and all(k in data for k in keys): values.append(NexaNodeValue( key, data["value"], data[prev_key], data["time"] )) else: for key in node["capabilities"]: values.append(NexaNodeValue( key, None, None, now_timestamp() )) return values class NexaApiError(Exception): """Base error""" class NexaApiAuthorizationError(NexaApiError): """Authorization error""" class NexaApiInvalidBodyError(NexaApiError): """Invalid body error""" class NexaApiGeneralError(NexaApiError): """General error""" class NexaApiNotCompatibleError(NexaApiError): """Not a Nexa API error""" class NexaPlatform: """Nexa Platform""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry: ConfigEntry): host = entry.data["host"] username = entry.data["username"] password = entry.data["password"] legacy = False if "legacy" in entry.data: legacy = entry.data["legacy"] self.api = NexaApi(hass, host, username, password, legacy) self.coordinator = NexaCoordinator(hass, self.api, legacy) self.ws = NexaWebSocket(hass, host, self.coordinator) async def destroy(self) -> None: """Destroy all running services""" await self.ws.destroy() async def init(self) -> None: """Initialize all services""" await self.api.test_connection() await self.coordinator.async_config_entry_first_refresh() await self.ws.connect() class NexaWebSocket: """Nexa Websocket""" host: str stopping: bool = False task = None ws: aiohttp.ws | None = None session: aiohttp.session | None = None def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, host: str, coordinator: NexaCoordinator ) -> None: self.hass = hass self.host = host self.coordinator = coordinator async def destroy(self) -> None: """Stop all running things""" self.stopping = True _LOGGER.debug("Destroying websocket api instance") await self.close() async def close(self) -> None: """Close the running session""" _LOGGER.debug("Closing websocket") if self.ws: await self.ws.close() self.ws = None if self.session: await self.session.close() self.session = None if self.task: self.task.cancel() self.task = None async def on_message(self, msg: NexaWebsocketMessage) -> None: """Handle message from websocket""" if not msg.startswith("{"): msg = msg.split(':', 1)[1] try: data = json.loads(msg) except Exception as err: _LOGGER.warning("Invalid websocket message (%s): %s", msg, err) return try: await self.coordinator.update_node_from_message(data) except Exception as e: _LOGGER.warning("Failed to handle message: %s - %s", msg, e) async def run(self, url) -> None: """Create websocket connection""" try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: self.session = session try: async with session.ws_connect(url) as ws: self.ws = ws async for msg in self.ws: try: if msg.type in (aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR): break if msg.data: await self.on_message( cast(NexaWebsocketMessage, msg.data) ) except Exception: _LOGGER.error("Websocket message error") except Exception: _LOGGER.warning("Failed to create websocket connection...") except Exception: _LOGGER.error("Failed to create websocket session...") asyncio.create_task(self.connect(True)) async def connect(self, reconnect: bool = False) -> None: """Initiate websocket connection""" await self.close() if self.stopping: return url = f"ws://{self.host}:{WS_PORT}" _LOGGER.debug( "%s to websocket: %s", reconnect and "Reconnecting" or "Connecting", url ) if reconnect: await asyncio.sleep(RECONNECT_SLEEP) self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.run(url)) class NexaApi: """Nexa API""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, host: str, username: str, password: str, legacy: bool ) -> None: self.hass = hass self.host = host self.username = username self.password = password self.legacy = legacy self._client = get_async_client(hass) async def handle_response(self, method: str, response: httpx.Response) -> Any: """Handles response""" _LOGGER.debug("%s %s: %s", str.upper(method), response.url, response.status_code) ok = response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 300 if not ok: if response.status_code == 400: raise NexaApiInvalidBodyError(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: raise NexaApiAuthorizationError(response.text) raise NexaApiGeneralError(response.text) return response.json() async def request( self, method: str, endpoint: str, body: Any = None ) -> Response: """Performs a request""" url = "http://%s/v1/%s" % (self.host, endpoint or "") if HTTP_BASIC_AUTH or not self.legacy: auth = httpx.BasicAuth(self.username, self.password) else: auth = httpx.DigestAuth(self.username, self.password) _LOGGER.debug("%s %s: %s", str.upper(method), url, json.dumps(body)) response = await self._client.request( method, url, auth=auth, json=body, timeout=CALL_TIMEOUT, ) return await self.handle_response(method, response) async def test_connection(self) -> NexaInfoData: """See if the connection is valid""" result = await self.fetch_info() if not result: raise NexaApiNotCompatibleError("Device reported no information") for key in ["name", "systemType", "version"]: if key not in result: raise NexaApiNotCompatibleError("Device response invalid") check_type = self.legacy and "Bridge1" or "Bridge2" check_ver = self.legacy and "1" or "2" if result["systemType"] != check_type: raise NexaApiNotCompatibleError("Device system not compatible") # TODO: Add semver check in the future if there are firmware diffs if not str(result["version"]).startswith(check_ver): raise NexaApiNotCompatibleError("Endpoint not compatible") return result async def fetch_info(self) -> NexaInfoData: """Get information about bridge""" return await self.request("get", "info") async def fetch_nodes(self) -> list[NexaNodeData]: """Get all configured nodes""" result = await self.request("get", "nodes") if not NO_LEGACY_ENUM: if FORCE_NODE_ENUM or self.legacy: return await asyncio.gather(*[ self.fetch_node(r["id"]) for r in result ]) return result async def fetch_node(self, node: str) -> NexaNodeData: """Get a confiured node""" return await self.request("get", f"nodes/{node}") async def fetch_energy(self) -> NexaEnergyData | NexaLegacyEnergyData: """Get energy stats""" return await self.request("get", "energy") async def fetch_energy_nodes(self) -> NexaEnergyNodeData | None: """Get energy node stats""" if self.legacy: return None return await self.request("get", "energy/nodes") async def node_call( self, node: str, capability: str, value: any ) -> NexaCallData: """Perform an action on a device""" if self.legacy and capability == "switchBinary": binaryValue = value and "turnOn" or "turnOff" body = {"cap": capability, "method": binaryValue} else: body = {"cap": capability, "value": value} return await self.request("post", f"nodes/{node}/call", body) class NexaInfo: """Model for device information""" name: str version: str model: str id: str def __init__(self, data: NexaInfoData): self.name = data["name"] self.version = data["version"] self.model = data["systemType"] self.id = data["gwid"] class NexaNodeValue: """Model for node values""" def __init__( self, name: str, value: NexaNodeValueType, prev_value: NexaNodeValueType, time: str ): self.name = name self.value = value self.prev_value = prev_value self.time = time class NexaEnergy: """Model for energy stats""" total_kilowatt_hours: float | None current_wattage: int | None current_kilowatt_hours: float | None today_kilowatt_hours: float | None yesterday_kilowatt_hours: float | None month_kilowatt_hours: float | None def __init__( self, data: NexaEnergyData | NexaLegacyEnergyData, node_data: NexaEnergyNodeData | None, legacy: bool ): self.total_kilowatt_hours = None self.current_wattage = None self.current_kilowatt_hours = None self.today_kilowatt_hours = None self.yesterday_kilowatt_hours = None self.month_kilowatt_hours = None if not legacy and data and node_data: self.populate(data, node_data) elif legacy and data: self.populate_legacy(data) def populate_legacy( self, data: NexaLegacyEnergyData ): """Populate legacy energy data from api""" # FIXME: What even are these values ?! self.current_wattage = data["kW"] / 1000 self.total_kilowatt_hours = data["kWh"] def populate( self, data: NexaEnergyData, node_data: NexaEnergyNodeData, ): """Populate energy data from api""" if node_data["status"] == "OK": if "list" in node_data["data"]: self.total_kilowatt_hours = reduce( lambda result, value: result + value["value"], node_data["data"]["list"], 0 ) if data["status"] == "OK": if "current" in data["data"]: current = data["data"]["current"]["total"] self.current_wattage = current["wattage"] self.current_kilowatt_hours = current["kwh"] if "history" in data["data"]: history = data["data"]["history"] self.today_kilowatt_hours = history["today"] self.yesterday_kilowatt_hours = history["yesterday"] self.month_kilowatt_hours = history["month"] class NexaNode: """Model for a node""" id: str | int name: str capabilities: list[str] values: list[NexaNodeValue] custom_events: list[str] = [] def __init__(self, node: NexaNodeData, legacy: bool): self.id = node["id"] self.name = "name" in node and node["name"] or str(node["id"]) self.capabilities = node["capabilities"] self.values = values_from_events(node, legacy) if "extraInfo" in node: if "customEvents" in node["extraInfo"]: self.custom_events = [ e["id"] for e in node["extraInfo"]["customEvents"] ] def get_event( self, name: str, new_value: NexaNodeValueType, new_time: str ) -> None: """Creates an internal event""" if name == "customEvent": return { "device_id": self.id, "type": new_value } return None def get_binary_capabilities(self) -> list[str]: """Get all capabilities""" return list(filter( lambda n: n in NODE_BINARY_CAPABILITIES, self.capabilities )) def get_sensor_capabilities(self) -> list[str]: """Get all capabilities""" return list(filter( lambda n: n in NODE_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES, self.capabilities )) def set_values_from_node(self, node: NexaNode) -> None: """Sets values from another node""" for new_value in node.values: new_time = new_value.time for current_value in self.values: current_time = current_value.time if current_value.name == new_value.name: if is_newer_date(current_time, new_time): current_value.value = new_value.value _LOGGER.debug("[%s] Updating '%s' from node -> %s", self.id, current_value.name, new_value.value) else: _LOGGER.debug("[%s] Ignoring '%s' from node ", self.id, current_value.name) break def set_value( self, name: str, new_value: NexaNodeValueType, new_time: str ) -> None: """Set current state value""" for value in self.values: if value.name == name: if is_newer_date(value.time, new_time): value.value = new_value value.time = new_time _LOGGER.debug("[%s] Updating '%s' from value -> %s", self.id, name, new_value) else: _LOGGER.debug("[%s] Ignoring '%s' from value", self.id, name) break def get_value(self, name: str) -> NexaNodeValueType | None: """Get current state value""" for value in self.values: if value.name == name: return value.value return None def is_switch(self) -> bool: """If this is a switch""" return "switchBinary" in self.capabilities def is_light(self) -> bool: """If this is a light""" return "switchLevel" in self.capabilities def is_sensor(self) -> bool: """If this is a sensor""" return is_capable_of(self, NODE_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES) def is_binary_sensor(self) -> bool: """If this is a binary sensor""" return is_capable_of(self, NODE_BINARY_CAPABILITIES) def is_media_player(self) -> bool: """If this is a media player""" return is_capable_of(self, NODE_MEDIA_CAPABILITIES) class NexaData: """Model for polled data""" def __init__( self, info: NexaInfo, nodes: list[NexaNode], energy: NexaEnergy ): self.info = info self.nodes = nodes self.energy = energy class NexaCoordinator(DataUpdateCoordinator): """Coordinates updates between entities""" def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, api: NexaApi, legacy: bool): super().__init__( hass, _LOGGER, name="Nexa Bridge X Coordinator", update_interval=timedelta(seconds=POLL_INTERVAL), ) self.api = api self.legacy = legacy self.hass = hass def get_node_by_id(self, node_id: str) -> NexaNode | None: """Gets node by id""" if self.data and self.data.nodes: for node in self.data.nodes: if node.id == node_id: return node return None def update_nodes_from_data(self, data: NexaData): """Try to update nodes from given data""" self.data.info = data.info self.data.energy = data.energy for node in data.nodes: current_node = self.get_node_by_id(node.id) if current_node: current_node.set_values_from_node(node) async def update_node_from_message(self, data: NexaWebsocketData) -> None: """Try to update a node based on websocket message""" if not self.data: _LOGGER.debug("Coordinator is not yet ready to update data...") return cap_key = self.legacy and "name" or "capability" keys = (cap_key, "sourceNode", "value", "time") if not all(k in data for k in keys): return node_id: str = data["sourceNode"] if node_id and str(node_id) != "-1": value: NexaNodeValueType = data["value"] time: NexaNodeValueType = data["time"] cap: str = data[cap_key] #_LOGGER.debug("Coordinator update message: %s", data) node = self.get_node_by_id(node_id) if node: node.set_value(cap, value, time) event = node.get_event(cap, value, time) if event: self.hass.bus.async_fire(f"{DOMAIN}_custom_event", event) #self.async_set_updated_data(self.data) self.async_update_listeners() async def _async_update_data(self) -> None: """Update data by pulling in the background""" try: async with async_timeout.timeout(POLL_TIMEOUT): results = await asyncio.gather(*[ self.api.fetch_info(), self.api.fetch_nodes(), self.api.fetch_energy(), self.api.fetch_energy_nodes(), ]) (info, nodes, energy, energy_nodes) = results data = NexaData( NexaInfo(info), list(map(lambda n: NexaNode(n, self.legacy), nodes)), NexaEnergy(energy, energy_nodes, self.legacy) ) if self.data: self.update_nodes_from_data(data) return self.data return data except NexaApiAuthorizationError as err: raise ConfigEntryAuthFailed from err except NexaApiError as err: raise UpdateFailed(f"Error communicating with API: {err}")