#!/bin/gawk -f BEGIN { if (ARGV[1] == "") { print "Merge the fields 'ZygositySR' with 'ZygosityGT' from" print "the 'restricted' HCP csv file (data release S1200)," print "producing a new field 'Zygosity' (last column)." print "" print "Example:" print "mergezyg restricted.csv > restricted_zygmerged.csv" print "" print "Note that the '>' is mandatory." print "" print "_____________________________________" print "Anderson M. Winkler" print "FMRIB / Univ. of Oxford" print "Mar/2017" print "http://brainder.org" exit } } BEGIN { FS="," ; OFS="," } NR == 1 { print $0, "Zygosity" } NR > 1 { if ( $5 == "" || $5 == " " ) { if ( $4 == "" || $4 == " " ) { print $0, "" } else { print $0, $4 } } else { print $0, $5 } }