function varargout = hcp2blocks(restrfile,blocksfile,dz2sib,ids,showreport) % Takes a "restricted data" CSV file from the HCP and generates % a block file that can be used to make permutations in PALM. % % Usage: % [EB,tabout] = hcp2blocks(restrfile,blocksfile,dz2sib,ids) % % Inputs: % restrfile : CSV file downloaded from % containing the "Restricted Data" % For some releases, eg HCP500, some gawk processing is needed. % blocksfile : CSV file to be created, with the exchangeability blocks, % ready for used with PALM. % dz2sib : (Optional) Defines whether dizygotic twins should be % treated as ordinary siblings (true), or be a category % on its own (false). Default = false. % ids : (Optional) A vector of subject IDs. If supplied, only the % subjects with the indicated IDs will be used. % % Outputs (if requested): % EB : Block definitions, ready for use, in the original order % as in the CSV file. % tabout : (Optional) A table containing: % - 1st col: subject ID % - 2nd col: mother ID % - 3rd col: father ID % - 4th col: sib type % - 5th col: family ID % - 6th col: family type % - 7th col: subject's age % % Reference: % * Winkler AM, Webster MA, Vidaurre D, Nichols TE, Smith SM. % Multi-level block permutation. Neuroimage. 2015;123:253-68. % % _____________________________________ % Anderson M. Winkler % FMRIB / University of Oxford % Dec/2013 (first version) % Feb/2017 (this version) % warning off backtrace % Load the data and select what is now needed tmp = strcsvread(restrfile); % If there is no Zygosity field, create it from ZygSR and ZygGT zygo_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Zygosity')); if isempty(zygo_idx), zygoSR_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'ZygositySR')); zygoGT_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'ZygosityGT')); tmp(:,end+1) = cell(size(tmp,1),1); tmp{1,end} = 'Zygosity'; for s = 2:size(tmp,1), if (numel(tmp{s,zygoGT_idx}) == 1 && isnan(tmp{s,zygoGT_idx})) || ... (ischar(tmp{s,zygoGT_idx}) && strcmpi(tmp{s,zygoGT_idx},' ')) || ... isempty(tmp{s,zygoGT_idx}), tmp{s,end} = tmp{s,zygoSR_idx}; else tmp{s,end} = tmp{s,zygoGT_idx}; end end end % Locate the columns with the relevant pieces of info, i.e., % egoid, moid, faid, twin status and zygozity, in this exact % order, and take just them egid_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Subject')); moid_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Mother ID') | strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Mother_ID')); faid_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Father ID') | strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Father_ID')); zygo_idx = find(strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Zygosity')); agey_idx = strcmpi(tmp(1,:),'Age_in_Yrs'); tab = tmp(2:end,[egid_idx moid_idx faid_idx zygo_idx]); age = cell2mat(tmp(2:end,agey_idx)); % If subjects have these elementary info missing, remove them tab0a = cellfun(@isnan, tab(:,1:3)); tab0b = ~cellfun(@ischar,tab(:,4)); tab0 = any(horzcat(tab0a,tab0b),2); idstodel = cell2mat(tab(tab0,1)); if numel(idstodel), warning(sprintf([ ... 'These subjects have data missing in the restricted file and will be removed: \n' ... repmat(' %d\n',1,numel(idstodel))],idstodel)); end if nargin >= 4 && ~ isempty(ids) && ~ isempty(idstodel), ids(any(bsxfun(@eq,ids(:),idstodel'),2)) = []; end tab(tab0,:) = []; age(tab0) = []; N = size(tab,1); % Treat non-monozygotic twins as ordinary siblings. if nargin >= 3 && dz2sib, for n = 1:N, if any(strcmpi(tab{n,4},{'notmz','dz'})), tab{n,4} = 'NotTwin'; end end end % Instead of strings, use sib identifiers. These are based on the % fact that it's unlikely any family on the HCP have more than 10 % siblings overall. If this happens, it'll be necessary to make % changes here. sibtype = zeros(N,1); for n = 1:N, if strcmpi(tab{n,4},'nottwin'), sibtype(n) = 10; elseif any(strcmpi(tab{n,4},{'notmz','dz'})), sibtype(n) = 100; elseif strcmpi(tab{n,4},'mz'), sibtype(n) = 1000; end end tab = cell2mat(tab(:,1:3)); % Subselect subjects as needed if nargin == 4 && ~isempty(ids) && islogical(ids(1)), tab = tab(ids,:); sibtype = sibtype(ids,:); elseif nargin == 4 && ~ isempty(ids), idx = bsxfun(@eq,tab(:,1),ids'); idx = ~ any(idx,1); if any(idx), warning(sprintf([ ... 'These subjects don''t exist in the restricted file and will be removed: \n' ... repmat(' %d\n',1,sum(idx))],ids(idx))); end ids(idx) = []; tabnew = zeros(length(ids),size(tab,2)); sibtypenew = zeros(length(ids),1); agenew = zeros(length(ids),1); for n = 1:length(ids), idx = tab(:,1) == ids(n); tabnew(n,:) = tab(idx,:); sibtypenew(n,:) = sibtype(idx); agenew(n,:) = age(idx); end tab = tabnew; sibtype = sibtypenew; age = agenew; end N = size(tab,1); % Create family IDs famid = zeros(N,1); U = unique(tab(:,2:3),'rows'); for u = 1:size(U,1), uidx = all(bsxfun(@eq,tab(:,2:3),U(u,:)),2); famid(uidx) = u; end % For parents that belong to more than one family, merge % their families into just one, the one with lowest famid. par = tab(:,2:3); for p = par(:)', % for each parent pidx = any(par == p,2); famids = unique(famid(pidx)); % families that he/she belong to for f = 1:numel(famids), famid(famid == famids(f)) = famids(1); end end % Label each family according to their type. The "type" is % determined by the number and type of siblings. F = unique(famid); famtype = zeros(N,1); for f = 1:numel(F), fidx = F(f) == famid; famtype(fidx) = sum(sibtype(fidx)) + numel(unique(tab(fidx,2:3))); end % Twins which pair data isn't available should be treated as % non-twins, so fix and repeat computing the family types idx = (sibtype == 100 & (famtype >= 100 & famtype <= 199)) ... | (sibtype == 1000 & (famtype >= 1000 & famtype <= 1999)); sibtype(idx) = 10; for f = 1:numel(F), fidx = F(f) == famid; famtype(fidx) = sum(sibtype(fidx)) + numel(unique(tab(fidx,2:3))); end % Append the new info to the table. tab = horzcat(tab,sibtype,famid,famtype); % Families of the same type can be shuffled, as well as sibs of the same % type. To do this, the simplest is to construct the blocks within each % family type, then replicate across the families of the same type. % Start by sorting [~,idx] = sortrows([famid sibtype age]); [~,idxback] = sort(idx); tab = tab(idx,:); sibtype = sibtype(idx); famid = famid(idx); famtype = famtype(idx); age = age(idx,:); % Now make the blocks for each family B = cell(numel(F),1); for f = 1:numel(F), fidx = F(f) == famid; ft = famtype(find(fidx,1)); if any(ft == [(12:10:92) 23 202 2002]), B{f} = horzcat(famid(fidx),sibtype(fidx),tab(fidx,1)); else B{f} = horzcat(-famid(fidx),sibtype(fidx),tab(fidx,1)); % Some particular cases of complicated families if ft == 33, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 2 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 3) || ... (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 3 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 2), B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; end end elseif ft == 53, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 3 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 5) || ... (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 5 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 3), B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; end end elseif ft == 234, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 1 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 3) || ... (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 3 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 1), B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; end end elseif ft == 54, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 4 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 2, B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; elseif sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 1 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 3, B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) - 1; end end elseif ft == 34, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if (sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 2 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 2), B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; famtype(fidx) = 39; end end elseif ft == 43, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); k = 0; for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if tabx(s,1) == tabx(1,1) && ... tabx(s,2) == tabx(1,2), B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; k = k + 1; end end if k == 2, famtype(fidx) = 49; B{f}(:,1) = -B{f}(:,1); end elseif ft == 44, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 4 && ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 2, B{f}(s,2) = B{f}(s,2) + 1; end end elseif ft == 223, sibx = sibtype(fidx); B{f}(sibx == 10,2) = -B{f}(sibx == 10,2); elseif ft == 302, famtype(fidx) = 212; tmpage = age(fidx); if tmpage(1) == tmpage(2), B{f}(3,2) = 10; elseif tmpage(1) == tmpage(3), B{f}(2,2) = 10; elseif tmpage(2) == tmpage(3), B{f}(1,2) = 10; end elseif ft == 313 || ft == 314, famtype(fidx) = ft - 100 + 10; if famtype(fidx) == 223, famtype(fidx) = 229; end tmpage = age(fidx); didx = find(B{f}(:,2) == 100); if tmpage(didx(1)) == tmpage(didx(2)), B{f}(didx(3),2) = 10; elseif tmpage(didx(1)) == tmpage(didx(3)), B{f}(didx(2),2) = 10; elseif tmpage(didx(2)) == tmpage(didx(3)), B{f}(didx(1),2) = 10; end elseif ft == 2023, tabx = tab(fidx,2:3); for s = 1:size(tabx,1), if sum(tabx(:,1) == tabx(s,1)) == 4 && ... (sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 1 || ... sum(tabx(:,2) == tabx(s,2)) == 3) , famtype(fidx) = 2029; if B{f}(s,2) == 10, B{f}(s,2) = -B{f}(s,2); end end end end end end % Concatenate all. Prepending the famtype ensures that the % families of the same type can be shuffled whole-block. Also, % add column with -1, for within-block at the outermost level B = horzcat(-ones(N,1),famtype,cell2mat(B)); % Sort back to the original order B = B(idxback,:); tab = tab(idxback,:); tab(:,6) = B(:,2); % Drop columns that are redundant (useful when the supplied ids % contain just a few subjects) for c = size(B,2):-1:2, if numel(unique(B(:,c))) == 1, B(:,c) = []; end end if nargout >= 1, varargout{1} = B; end if nargout >= 2, varargout{2} = [tab age]; end % Save as CSV if nargin >= 2 && ~isempty(blocksfile) && ischar(blocksfile), dlmwrite(blocksfile,B,'precision','%d'); end % Print a simplified report if requested if nargin >= 5 && showreport, fprintf('Family type,Count,Sibship size,Number of subjects,Abbreviated description\n'); U = unique(B(:,2)); for u = 1:size(U,1), switch U(u) case 12, abbrv = '1 NS'; case 22, abbrv = '2 FS'; case 32, abbrv = '3 FS'; case 33, abbrv = '2 FS + 1 HS'; case 34, abbrv = '3 HS'; case 39, abbrv = '3 HS/NS'; case 42, abbrv = '4 FS'; case 43, abbrv = '3 FS + 1 HS'; case 44, abbrv = '2 FS + 2 HS'; case 49, abbrv = '2 FS/HS + 2 FS/HS'; case 52, abbrv = '5 FS'; case 53, abbrv = '3 FS/HS + 2 FS/HS'; case 54, abbrv = '2 FS/HS + 2 FS/HS + 1 HS/NS'; case 202, abbrv = '2 DZ'; case 212, abbrv = '2 DZ + 1 FS'; case 213, abbrv = '2 DZ + 1 HS'; case 222, abbrv = '2 DZ + 2 FS'; case 223, abbrv = '2 DZ + 1 FS + 1 HS'; case 224, abbrv = '2 DZ + 2 FS/HS'; case 229, abbrv = '2 DZ + 2 HS/HS'; case 234, abbrv = '2 DZ + 2 HS + 1 HS/NS'; case 2002, abbrv = '2 MZ'; case 2012, abbrv = '2 MZ + 1 FS'; case 2013, abbrv = '2 MZ + 1 HS'; case 2022, abbrv = '2 MZ + 2 FS'; case 2023, abbrv = '2 MZ + 2 HS'; case 2029, abbrv = '2 MZ + 1 FS + 1 HS'; case 2032, abbrv = '2 MZ + 3 FS'; case 2042, abbrv = '2 MZ + 4 FS'; end nP(u) = numel(unique(B(B(:,2) == U(u),3))); nS(u) = sum(B(:,2) == U(u)); fprintf('%d,%d,%d,%d,%s\n',U(u),nP(u),nS(u)/nP(u),nS(u),abbrv); end end warning on backtrace