function trt = picktraits(csvfiles,trtlist,idlist,nohdr,saveas) % Select a list of traits from the HCP data % % Usage: % trt = picktraits(csvfiles,trtlist,idlist,nohdr,saveas) % % - csvfiles : List of restricted, unrestricted, and perhaps other % HCP files containing the traits. If more than one, % use input as a cell, e.g.: % {'restricted.csv','unrestricted.csv'}. % Leave empty, e.g. {}, to use the default files (their % locations can be defined inside). % - trtlist : List of traits to be selected, e.g.: % {'CardSort_AgeAdj','Flanker_AgeAdj','ListSort_AgeAdj'} % - idlist : Optional. List of subject IDs to be selected, e.g.: % [100307 100408 101107 101309 101410 102008 102311]' % - nohdr : Optional. A flag to indicate whether the headers for % rows and columns should be removed. % Default is false, i.e., headers are included. % - saveas : File name to save the table as. % % Note that the trait names ARE case-sensitive. % % _____________________________________ % Anderson M. Winkler % FMRIB / University of Oxford % Aug/2014 % % Take input arguments if nargin < 3 || nargin > 5, error('Incorrect number of input arguments'); elseif nargin == 3, nohdr = false; saveas = ''; end %csvfiles = {'restricted_zygmerged.csv','unrestricted.csv'}; if isempty(csvfiles), % Default locations (change here as needed) csvfiles = {... '~/Dropbox/projects-dphil/hcp/hcp900/restricted.csv',... '~/Dropbox/projects-dphil/hcp/hcp900/unrestricted.csv'}; elseif ischar(csvfiles), csvfiles = {csvfiles}; end if ischar(trtlist), trtlist = {trtlist}; end % Load the files nC = numel(csvfiles); tab = cell(nC,1); for c = 1:nC, tab{c} = strcsvread(csvfiles{c}); end % Remove repeated fields and merge tables for c1 = 1:nC, H1 = tab{c1}(1,:); for c2 = c1+1:nC, H2 = tab{c2}(1,:); for h1 = 1:numel(H1), idxrep = strcmp(H1{h1},H2); % change this line to strcmpi to ignore case differences H2(idxrep) = []; tab{c2}(:,idxrep) = []; end end end tab = horzcat(tab{:}); % Pick the IDs, if ~ isempty(idlist) idcol = strcmp('Subject',tab(1,:)); ids = cell2mat(tab(2:end,idcol)); ididx = zeros(size(idlist)); for i = 1:numel(idlist), ididx(i) = find(ids == idlist(i)); end %idsel = find(any(bsxfun(@eq,cell2mat(tab(2:end,idcol)),idlist(:)'),2)); tab = tab([1; ididx+1],:); end % Now pick the traits trtlist = horzcat({'Subject'},trtlist{:}); idx = zeros(size(trtlist)); for t = 1:numel(trtlist), f = find(strcmp(trtlist{t},tab(1,:))); if isempty(f), fprintf('Trait "%s" not found\n',trtlist{t}); else idx(t) = f; end end idx(~idx) = []; trt = tab(:,idx); % Remove the headers if asked if nohdr, trt = cell2mat(trt(2:end,2:end)); end % Save as a table: if ~ isempty(saveas), strcsvwrite(trt,saveas); end