function [Exp,Obs,Pexp,Pobs] = wachter(varargin) % Return the expected and observed eigenvalues of the covariance of % the matrix X. The expected are based on the Marcenko-Pastur distribution. % % These expected and observed can be used in a QQ-plot, which allows % a better informed choice for the intrinsic dimensionality of the data % than the scree test. % % Usage: % [Exp,Obs,Pexp,Pobs] = wachter(X,Z,nrm,tail) % % Inputs: % X : Data matrix of size n by p % Z : Nuisance variables. By default, Z = ones(N,1), % i.e., an intercept for mean-centering. % To omit removal of any nuisance, and thus not % even mean-center, use Z = []. % nrm : Boolean indicating whether the columns of the matrix should be % normalized to the same variance (true) or not (false). % Default is false. % tail : Boolean indicating whether upper-tail probabilities (p-values) % will be provided in Pexp and Pobs, or simply the CDF. % Default is true, i.e., p-values are returned. % % Outputs: % Exp : Expected eigenvalues. % Obs : Observed eigenvalues. % % Notes: % * Dividing X by 1./sqrt(n/p) requires Exp to be scaled by n/p. % % References: % * Bai ZD. Methodologies in spectral analysis of large dimensional % random matrices, a review. Statistica Sinica 1999;9(3):611?77. % * Johnstone IM. On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in % principal components analysis. The Annals of Statistics % 2001;29(2):295–327. % * Marcenko VA, Pastur LA. Distribution of eigenvalues for some % sets of random matrices. Math USSR Sb 1967;1(4):457?83. % * Wachter KW. Probability plotting points for principal components. % In: Proceedings of the Ninth Interface Symposium on Computer Science % and Statistics. Harvard University and Massachussetts Institute of % Technology: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt; 1976. % % _____________________________________ % Anderson M. Winkler % National Institutes of Health % Apr/2021 % % Accept and check arguments Z = 1; nrm = false; tail = true; if nargin < 1 || nargin > 4 error('Incorrect number of arguments'); elseif nargin == 2 Z = varargin{2}; elseif nargin == 3 Z = varargin{2}; nrm = varargin{3}; elseif nargin == 4 Z = varargin{2}; nrm = varargin{3}; tail = varargin{4}; end X = varargin{1}; nR = size(X,1); % Remove nuisance variables if isscalar(Z) Z = ones(nR,1); end if isempty(Z) Q = eye(nR); else [Q,D,~] = svd(null(Z'),0); Q = Q*D; end X = Q'*X; if nrm X = bsxfun(@rdivide,X,std(X,0,1)); end [n,p] = size(X); K = min(n,p); y = n/p; if y > 1, y = 1./y; end sigsq = var(X(:),0); % Covariance matrix and its singular values % Save some memory by working with the smallest % possible covariance matrix if n >= p SS = svd(X'*X,0)'; else SS = svd(X*X',0)'; end SS = SS./min(n,p); Obs = SS(1:K); % Observed eigenvalues % Quantiles if tail q = ((1:K)-.5)/K; else q = ((K:-1:1)-.5)/K; end Exp = zeros(size(q)); %Pexp = zeros(size(q)); Pobs = zeros(size(q)); for k = 1:K Exp(k) = mpinv( q(k), y,sigsq,tail)./y; % Expected eigenvalues %Pexp(k) = mpcdf(Exp(k).*y,y,sigsq,tail); % p-values of expected (these are the same as the quantiles, uncomment if you want to confirm mpinv.m is correct) Pobs(k) = mpcdf(Obs(k).*y,y,sigsq,tail); % p-values of observed end Pexp = q; % if you uncomment line 112, then comment this one out.