This is the sc-im help file.

Use the arrow keys to move around, or 'j' to go down and 'k' to go up.
You can also use the <ENTER> key to go one line down and <DEL> to go up.

<SPACE> moves a page down, while <C-f> and <C-b> move half page down or up.

'G' moves to bottom, and <C-a> or 'gg' to the beginning of the text.

Use '/' to search for a pattern in the help.

Use ':q<Enter>' to go back to the spreadsheet.

Important !!:
    Please keep your config file in ~/.config/sc-im/scimrc, and not in
    ~/.scimrc, nor .config/scimrc

sc-im has the following modes:

sc-im has the following modes:
   NORMAL MODE:  In Normal mode, you can navigate cells and input normal
   INSERT MODE:  Use the '=', '<', '>', or '\' to go to Insert mode, where you
                 can enter new values and expressions into cells.
     EDIT MODE:  Use the 'e' or 'E' keys to go to Edit mode and enter a single
                 line, Vi-like, command to modify cell content
                 and expressions.  The 'e' and 'E' keys enter this mode.
  COMMAND MODE:  Use the ':' key to enter Command mode. This is for entering
                 special commands such as quitting the app and saving files.
   VISUAL MODE:  Visual mode is used for selecting a range of cells.  See the
                 section 'Selecting a range' below.
                 The 'v' key enters this mode from Normal mode, or <C-v> in
                 Insert and Command modes.


Navigation commands:
     j k l h     Move cursor down, up, right or left.
     <UP>        Move cursor up
     <DOWN>      Move cursor down
     <LEFT>      Move cursor left
     <RIGHT>     Move cursor right
     ^           Go up to row 0 of the current column.
     #           Go down to the last valid row of the current column.  If
                 already in last valid row of the current column, then jump to
                 last valid row of the last valid cell in spreadsheet.
     0           Go left to column A in the current row.
     $           Go right to the last valid column of the current row.
     b           Go back to the previous valid cell.
     w           Go forward to the next valid cell.
     '{a-zA-Z}   Go to the cell or range marked previously with the character.
                 See 'm' for details.
     goab24      Go to cell AB24.  (There is no need to press <ENTER>.)
     g0          Go to the leftmost column visible on screen.
     g$          Go to the rightmost column visible on screen.
     gM          Go to the middle column on the screen.
     gf          Open filename or URL in current cell.
                 Uses helper script 'scopen' by default.
                 A different executable may be used by changing the
                 'default_open_file_under_cursor_cmd' configuration variable
                 at runtime, using the :set command.
     H           Go to the top row visible on screen.
     L           Go to the lowest row visible on screen.
     M           Go to the middle row on the screen.
     gg    c-a   Go to the first cell of sheet.
     G     gG    Go to last valid cell of sheet.
     gl          Go to the last (previously occupied) cell position.
     gt          Move to next sheet in file.
     gT          Move to previous sheet in file.
     c-f   c-b   Scrolls down and up full screen.
                 :set half_page_scroll=1 to scroll by half a page instead.
                 half_page_scroll=0 (default) scrolls by a full page.
                 See :set command for details.
     c-e   c-y   Scroll a row down and up.
     zh          Scroll left one column.
     zl          Scroll right one column.
     zH          Scroll left half a page.
     zL          Scroll right half page.
     zm          Scroll horizontally to position the selected cell at the
                 center of the screen.
     zz or z.    Scroll vertically to position the selected cell at the middle
                 of the screen.
     zt          Scroll vertically to position the selected cell at the top
                 of the screen.
     zb          Scroll vertically to position the selected cell at the bottom
                 of the screen.
     Vir         Select the smallest range that covers all valid cells.
     ESC or c-g  Clean stdin buffer, so sc-im no longer waits for completing a
                 correct command.

Commands for handling cell content:
     x     dd    Delete the current selected cell or range and save its
                 content in the yankbuffer.
     m{a-zA-Z}   Mark the current cell or selected range with that letter.
                 Note: When a mark is changed, all ranges that use that mark
                 are deleted.
     c{a-zA-Z}   Copy the marked cell or range to the current position,
                 adjusting row and column references in its numeric or string
                 expression, if any.
                 Select the range defined by the two marks.
                 Note: If a range already exists, it is replaced with the new

     { } |       Align the content of a cell to the left, right or center.  If
                 a range is selected, every cell of the range gets aligned.

     f< , fh , f-LEFT:  Change column format: Decrement column width.
     f> , fl , f-RIGHT: Change column format: Increment column width.
     f+                 Change column format: Increment decimal precision.
     f-                 Change column format: Decrement decimal precision.
     fj , f-DOWN:       Change row format: Increase height.
     fk , f-UP:         Change row format: Decrease height.

     fr          Freeze a row or the rows selected.
                 If none is selected it freezes the current row.

     fc          Freeze a col or the cols selected.
                 If none is selected it freezes the current col.

     fa          Freeze the area selected.

     ir          Insert a row.
     ic          Insert a column.
     or          Open a row: insert after the current row.
     oc          Open a column: insert after the current column.
     sk          Shifts the current cell or range up.
     sj          Shifts the current cell or range down.
     sh          Shifts the current cell or range left.
     sl          Shifts the current cell or range right.

     yy          Yank the selected cell.
     y           If a range is selected, yank the range.
     yr          Yank current row.
     yc          Yank current column.

     p           Paste the previously yanked cell or range.
                 If yr was used to yank a row, create a new row below and
                 paste content there.
                 If yc was used to yank a column, create a new column to the
                 left and paste content there.
     Pf          Works like 'p' except that only the cell formatting is
                 merged, leaving cell values intact.
     Pv          Works like 'p' except that only cell values are copied,
                 leaving cell formatting intact.
     Pc          Works like 'p' except that all cell references are adjusted
                 in the same way that they are for the copy command.
     Pt          Paste a range of cells but transposed.

     t           Same as 'p' but if yr was used to yank a row, create a new
                 row above and paste content there.
                 If yc was used to yank a column, create a new column to the
                 right and paste content there.
     Tf          Works like 't' except that only cell formatting information
                 is merged in, leaving cell values intact.
     Tv          Works like 't' except that only cell values are copied,
                 leaving cell formatting intact.
     Tc          Works like 't' except that all cell references are adjusted
                 in the same way that they are for the copy command.

     dr          Delete the current row.
     dc          Deletes the current column.
     .           Repeat the last normal mode command.
     -           Decrease a numeric value of the cell or range.
     +           Increase a numeric value of the cell or range.

     u           UNDO last change
     c-r         REDO last change
                 Note: Events implemented for undo and redo:
                 1. cell or range deletion
                 2. cell input
                 3. cell editing
                 4. cell or range change in alignment
                 5. pasting a cell or range
                 6. range or cell shift with sh sj sk sl
                 7. row or column insertion
                 8. row or column deletion
                 9. pasting a row or column
                 10. zap(hide) or show a row or column
                 11. reordering of a range
                 12. changing the format of a range or cell
                 13. '-' and '+' commands in normal mode
                 14. locking and unlocking of cells
                 15. the datefmt command
                 16. the cellcolor command
                 17. Change in format of a column as a result of the 'f' command
                 18. Change in format of a column as a result of auto_jus
                 19. Change format of columns as a result of ic dc
                 20. fill command
                 21. unformat
                 22. change in the format of rows

     c-d         Convert the text content of a selected cell or range to a
                 date, using default LOCALE's D_FMT format.
                 This converts text to a numeric value that can be shown as a
                 date. See DATES INPUT below for more info.
                 Note: USELOCALE has to be enabled during build.

     aa    c-j   Auto-resize the selected column(s) to accommodate the widest

 Other commands:
     ^L          Redraw the screen.
     Zr          Zap (hide) the current row.
     Zc          Zap (hide) the current column.
     Sr          If a range is selected, show the rows hidden in the range.
     Sc          If a range is selected, show the columns hidden in the range.
     /           Alias for ':int goto '.

                 If a number is given, sc-im will search for a cell containing
                 that number.  Searches for either strings or numbers proceed
                 forward from the current cell, wrapping back to a0 at the end
                 of the table, and terminate at the current cell if the string
                 or number is not found.

                 Example: Type '/4' to look for cells containing the value 4.
                 Or type '/"value"' to look for cells that has "value" as
                 label content.
                 You can quote a regular expression, and sc-im will search for
                 a cell containing a string matching that regular expression.
                 Example: Type / followed by "[_mente]" (with the double
                  quotes). That will look up for cells that has one character
                 and finish with 'mente'

                 You can search for formatted numbers or expressions using
                 regular expressions by preceding the opening quotes of the
                 regular expression with a '#' (for formatted numbers) or a
                 '%' (for expressions).
                 These are handy for searching for dates within a specified
                 range or cells which reference a given cell, for example,
                 although they are somewhat slower than searching through
                 ordinary strings, since all numbers must be formatted or
                 expressions decompiled on the fly during the search.

     ?           Same as / but searches backwards.
     n           Move to next search match.
     N           Move to previous search match.

     rl          Lock the current cell or range. Locking makes cells immune to
                 any type of editing. A locked cell can't be changed in any
                 way until it is unlocked.
     ru          Unlock a locked cell or range, making it editable.
     rv          Valueize the current cell or range. Valueizing removes
                 expressions, leaving only the values.


     =           Enter a numeric constant or expression.
     <           Enter a left justified string or string expression.
     \           Enter a centered label.
     >           Enter a right justified string or string expression.
                 NOTE: if entering strings that exceed column width, you
                 can make them show truncated, overlapping to adjacent column, or to
                 wrap it increasing the rows height.
                 Please see :set overlap, :set truncate, :set autowrap
                 You can also type \n when entering strings and sc-im will increase
                 row height accordangly.

     <TAB>       Return to Edit mode from Insert mode.
     <LEFT>, <RIGHT>
                 Move the cursor with the arrow keys.
     Keys <ENTER>
                 Input numbers, letters and operators.
     <BS>, <DELETE>
                 Delete the character after or before the cursor.
     <ESC>       Go back to NORMAL MODE. If you were in EDIT MODE before,
                 it goes back to that mode, instead of NORMAL MODE.
                 If the character is a mark of a cell or range, the range
                 represented is inserted into the field.
     c-v         Enter Visual mode. See C-o and C-k commands in VISUAL MODE.
     \\{char}    Fills the cell with n occurrences of {char} to complete its width.


     e           In normal mode, enter Edit mode to edit a numeric value.
     E           In normal mode, enter Edit mode to edit a text value.
     h           Move a character left.
     l           Move a character right.
     w           Move to the beginning of the next word.
     e           If at the end of a word, move to the end of the next word.
                 Otherwise, move to the end of word under the cursor.
     b           If at the beginning of a word, move to beginning of the
                 previous word. Otherwise, move to beginning of word under the
     0           Move to the beginning of the line.
     ^           Go to the first non blank character of the line
     $           Move to the end of the line.
     g_          Go to the last non blank character of the line
     f{char}     Move to the next occurrence of {char} to the right.
     F{char}     Move to the previous occurrence of {char} to the left.
     t{char}     Move until the next occurrence of {char} to the right.
     T{char}     Move until the previous occurrence of {char} to the left.
     r{char}     Replaces the character under the cursor with {char}.
     R{word}     Each character you type replaces an existing character,
                 starting with the character under the cursor.
                 ESC key or ENTER key must be pressed when finished typing the
                 new word.

     de          Delete until the end of the word.
     dw          Delete until the beginning of the next word.

     d0          Delete until the beginning of the line.
     d$          Delete until the end of the line.
     d^          Delete from position until the first non blank character of the line
     dg_         Delete from position until the last non blank character of the line

     db          If at the beginning of a word, delete until the beginning of
                 the previous word. Otherwise, delete until the beginning of
                 the word under the cursor.
     daw         Delete the word under the cursor.
     dE          Delete until the end of WORD.
     dW          Delete until the beginning of the next WORD.

     dB          If at the beginning of a word, delete until the beginning of
                 previous WORD. Otherwise, delete until the beginning of the
                 WORD under the cursor.
     daW         Delete the WORD under the cursor.
     dl          Delete the character under the cursor.
     d<RIGHT>    Delete the character under the cursor.
     dh          Delete the character before the cursor.
     d<LEFT>     Delete the character before the cursor.
     df{char}    Delete until the first occurrence of {char} to the right.
     dF{char}    Delete until the previous occurrence of {char} to the left.
     dt{char}    Delete until the next occurrence of {char} to the right.
     dT{char}    Delete until the previous occurrence of {char} to the left.

     ce          Same as "de", then enter Insert mode.
     cw          Same as "dw", then enter Insert mode.
     c0          Same as "d0", then enter Insert mode.
     cb          Same as "db", then enter Insert mode.
     caw         Same as "daw", then enter Insert mode.
     cE          Same as "dE", then enter Insert mode.
     cW          Same as "dW", then enter Insert mode.
     c$          Same as "d$", then enter Insert mode.
     c^          Same as "d^", then enter Insert mode.
     cg_         Same as "dg_", then enter Insert mode.
     cB          Same as "dB", then enter Insert mode.
     caW         Same as "daW", then enter Insert mode.
     cl          Same as "dl", then enter Insert mode.
     c<RIGHT>    Same as "d<RIGHT>", then enter Insert mode.
     ch          Same as "dh", then enter Insert mode.
     c<LEFT>     Same as "d<LEFT>", then enter Insert mode.
     cf{char}    Same as "df{char}", then enter Insert mode.
     cF{char}    Same as "dF{char}", then enter Insert mode.
     ct{char}    Same as "dt{char}", then enter Insert mode.
     cT{char}    Same as "dT{char}", then enter Insert mode.

     x           Delete the character under the cursor.
     X           Delete the character before the cursor.
     i or =      Go back to Insert mode.
     a           Append a character after the cursor.
     s           Delete a character under the cursor, then enter Insert mode.
     A           Append at the end of the line.
     I           Append at the beginning of the line.
     D           Delete from the current cursor position to end of line.
     C           Same as D, but then enter Insert mode.
     <SPACE>     Add a space under the cursor.
     <ENTER>     Confirm changes.
     <ESC>       It also confirm changes. If you were in INSERT MODE before,
                 it goes back to that mode, instead of NORMAL MODE.

     <LEFT>, <RIGHT>
                 Move the cursor position with the arrow keys.

                 Confirm a command.

     <DELETE>, <BS>
                 Delete the character under the cursor, or before the cursor.

     <HOME>, <END>
                 Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the line.

     <TAB>       Complete a command that begins with the text already entered
                 in the command line.

     <C-w>, <C-b>
                 Move forward or backwards a word.

                 Paste the current cell format (if any) to the command line.

     <C-v>       Starts VISUAL MODE. See C-o and C-k commands in VISUAL MODE.

     :w          Save the current spreadsheet.
     :w {file}   Save the current spreadsheet as {file}.
     :w! {file}  Save the current spreadsheet as {file}, forcing an overwrite
                 if {file} already exists.
                 The format in which it will be save will be according to the current file extension, if any.

     :h          Show this help.
     :help       Show this help.

     :q[uit]     Quit sc-im.
     :q[uit]!    Quit sc-im, ignoring unsaved changes.

     :load {file}
                 Load (or reload) {file} into the sc-im database.

                 {file} can be an sc format file (.sc), a comma-separated file
                 (.csv), a tab-separated file (.tab, .tsv),a markdown table
                 file (.md, mkd, .markdown), an xlsx or xls file.

                 If loading a csv, tab or tsv file and
                 'import_delimited_to_text' configuration variable is set
                 Sc-im will import numbers as text.

                 If loading an xlsx file and 'xlsx_readformulas' is set, Sc-im
                 will try to import formulas, rather than the final values of
                 a cell.

     :load! {file}
                 Same as previous, but ignore changes done to the current
                 loaded spreadsheet.

     :x          Save the current spreadsheet and quit sc-im.

     :x {file}   Save the current spreadsheet to {file} and quit sc-im.

     :x! {file}  Like ":x", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :e tab      Export the current spreadsheet to a tab-separated file.
                 The name of the created file comes from the current
                 spreadsheet, with ".tab" appended.
                 If a range is selected, only that range is exported.
                 NOTE: If you do an export with the :e command, current file
                 name stays unchanged.
                 See :file command for more details.
                 See 'ignore_hidden' configuration variable below to avoid exporting
                 hidden rows.

     :e tab {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to tab-separated file {file}.

     :e! tab {file}
                 Like ":e tab", but overwrite {file} if it exists.
                 If a range is selected, only that range is exported.

     :e csv      Export the current spreadsheet to a comma-separated file.

     :e csv {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to comma-separated file

     :e! csv {file}
                 Like ":e csv", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :e txt      Export current spreadsheet to plain text.
                 If a range is selected, only that range is exported.

     :e txt {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to plain text file {file}.

     :e! txt {file}
                 Like ":e txt", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :e tex      Export current spreadsheet to Latex file.
                 If a range is selected, only that range is exported.

     :e tex {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to Latex file {file}.

     :e! tex {file}
                 Like ":e tex", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :e mkd      Export the current spreadsheet to a markdown file solely
                 containing a single markdown table.
                 The column alignments come from the cells on the row. All
                 other alignments are ignored as markdown tables do do not
                 support cell level alignment.

     :e mkd {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to markdown file {file}.

     :e! mkd {file}
                 Like ":e mkd", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :e xlsx {file}
                 Export the current spreadsheet to xlsx file {file}.
                 If 'xlsx_readformulas' is set, sc-im tries to export
                 formulas, rather than the final values of a cell.

     :e! xlsx {file}
                 Like ":e xlsx", but overwrite {file} if it exists.

     :ccopy      Copy a selected range to clipboard.
                 When 'ccopy' command is executed, the default value of macro
                 DEFAULT_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_CMD (set in Makefile during build)
                 is executed.
                 That value contains a system command that is executed to copy
                 to an specific clipboard. See in Makefile the different
                 options available.
                 You can also set a different value of
                 'default_copy_to_clipboard_cmd' configuration variable at
                 runtime, using the :set command.
                 This process will export content as plain text.
                 It will not delimit columns with '\t' chars.
                 If you wish to delimit columns with tabs in order to paste
                 content directly into other spreadsheet programs rather than
                 an editor, set "copy_to_clipboard_delimited_tab" to "1".
                 If you wish to copy a full string representation of the range
                 instead of how its currently displayed in Sc-im, set
                 "copy_to_clipboard_wysiwyg" to "0".

     :cpaste     Paste clipboard content to Sc-im.
                 When 'cpaste' command is executed, the default value of macro
                 DEFAULT_PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_CMD (set in Makefile during
                 build) is executed.
                 That value contains a system command that is executed to
                 paste content of a specific clipboard to Sc-im.
                 See in Makefile the different options available.
                 You can also set a different value of
                 'default_paste_from_clipboard_cmd' configuration variable at
                 runtime, using the :set command.
                 This process will treat '\t' chars as column delimiter, and
                 '\n' chars as rows delimiters.

     :version    Show sc-im version number.

                 If you start Sc-im with ./sc-im --version
                 version number of Sc-im will be printed on screen, including
                 the different features that were enabled when Sc-im was
                 compiled. Afterwards Sc-im will exit.

     :refresh    Refresh the UI. Acts like the <C-l> command of NORMAL_MODE.

     :set        Show all configuration options and their values.

     :set {option}={value}
                 Set a configuration option to {value}. The arguments may be
                 Example:    :set half_page_scroll=0 numeric_zero=1
                             :set numeric          (same as :set numeric=1)
                             :set nonumeric        (same as :set numeric=0)
                             :set default_paste_from_clipboard_cmd="xsel"

     :newsheet "{name}"
                 create a new sheet in file and move to it.

                 move to next sheet in file

                 move to previous sheet in file

     :delsheet "{name}"
                 deletes the sheet named {name}.

                 deletes the current sheet.

     :renamesheet "{name}"
                 rename the current sheet to {name}.

     :showmaps   Show all key mappings.

     :nmap {lhs} {rhs}
                 Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} This mapping takes effect
                 only in NORMAL_MODE.
                 Example:  :nmap "H" ":h<cr>"

     :imap {lhs} {rhs}
                 Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} This mapping takes effect
                 only in INSERT_MODE.
                 Example:  :imap "<C-f>" "format"

     :emap {lhs} {rhs}
                 Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} This mapping takes effect
                 only in EDIT_MODE.
                 Example:  :emap "<C-k>" "D"

     :vmap {lhs} {rhs}
                 Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} This mapping takes effect
                 only in VISUAL_MODE.
                 Example:  :vmap "e" "y"

     :cmap {lhs} {rhs}
                 Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} This mapping takes effect
                 only in COMMAND_MODE.
                 Example:  :cmap "<C-q>" "quit<cr>"
                           :cmap "kj" "<ESC>"

     :nnoremap {lhs} {rhs}
                 This is the non-recursive version of ":nmap". See NOTES on
                 MAPPING below

     :inoremap {lhs} {rhs}
                 This is the non-recursive version of ":imap". See NOTES on
                 MAPPING below

     :enoremap {lhs} {rhs}
                 This is the non-recursive version of ":emap". See NOTES on
                 MAPPING below

     :vnoremap {lhs} {rhs}
                 This is the non-recursive version of ":vmap". See NOTES on
                 MAPPING below

     :cnoremap {lhs} {rhs}
                 This is the non-recursive version of ":cmap". See NOTES on
                 MAPPING below

     :nunmap {lhs}
                 Remove the map sequence {lhs} that takes effect in

     :iunmap {lhs}
                 Remove the map sequence {lhs} that takes effect in

     :eunmap {lhs}
                 Remove the map sequence {lhs} that takes effect in

     :vunmap {lhs}
                 Remove the map sequence {lhs} that takes effect in

     :cunmap {lhs}
                 Remove the map sequence {lhs} that takes effect in

     :file [{file}]
                 If {file} is given, expand {file}, and set the current file
                 name to the result of the expansion.

                 If {file} is not given, display the current file name on
                 the status line.
                 Take note that current file name is set during loading of
                 Sc-im or with this command. If you do an export with the :e
                 command, current file name stays unchanged.

     :fill {range} {initial_number} {increment_number}
                 Fill range {range} with values. The first cell of the range
                 will have {initial_number} and each successive cell
                 increments by {increment_number}.
                 Example:   :fill A0:A100 1 0.25

     :format "{format_string}"
           Set the numeric format for the selected cell or range.
           {format_string} can contain one or more of these:

           #    Digit placeholder.  If the number has fewer digits on either
                side of the decimal point than there are '#' characters in
                the format, the extra '#' characters are ignored.  The number
                is rounded to the number of digit placeholders as there are
                to the right of the decimal point.  If there are more digits
                in the number than there are digit placeholders on the left
                side of the decimal point, then those digits are displayed.

           0    Digit placeholder.  Same as for '#' except that the number
                is padded with zeroes on either side of the decimal point.
                The number of zeroes used in padding is determined by the
                number of digit placeholders after the '0' for digits on
                the left side of the decimal point and by the number of
                digit placeholders before the '0' for digits on the right
                side of the decimal point.

           .    Decimal point.  Determines how many digits are placed on
                the right and left sides of the decimal point in the number.
                Note that numbers smaller than 1 will begin with a decimal
                point if the left side of the decimal point contains only
                a '#' digit placeholder.  Use a '0' placeholder to get a
                leading zero in decimal formats.

           %    Percentage.  For each '%' character in the format, the actual
                number gets multiplied by 100 for the purposes of formatting
                (the original value is unmodified) and the '%' character is
                placed in the same position as it is in the format.

           ,    Thousands separator.  The presence of a ',' in the format
                (multiple commas are treated as one) will cause the number
                to be formatted with a ',' separating each set of three digits
                in the integer part of the number with numbering beginning
                from the right end of the integer.

           d    Specifies a date format that is applied to the numeric value
                of a cell. (See also the DATES INPUT section below.) Date
                format strings are identified by the presence of a 'd' in the
                first position.  If this is present, the remainder of the
                string is passed to the strftime() function, and therefore
                uses the same conversion specifiers as strftime().
                For more information on conversion specifiers for date format
                strings, see the man page for strftime(3).

           E- E+ e- e+
                Scientific format.  Causes the number to formatted in
                scientific notation.  The case of the 'E' or 'e' given is
                preserved. If the format uses a '+', then the sign is always
                given for the exponent value.  If the format uses a '-', then
                the sign is only given when the exponent value is negative.
                Note that if there is no digit placeholder following the '+'
                or '-', then that part of the formatted number is left out. In
                general, there should be one or more digit placeholders after
                the '+' or '-'.

           Examples:     :format "###,###,000"
                         :format "d%d/%m/%Y"
                         :format "####.####E+3"

    :formatcol {width} {precision} {fixed-point}
                Format the selected column or range of columns with the
                specified format of width, precision and fixed-point.

    :formatrow {height}
                Format the selected row or range of rows with the specified

    :datefmt "{date_format_string}"   See the DATES INPUT section below.

    :sort {range} "{sort_string}"
                Sort a range of cells with a given criteria.
                The rows in the specified range will be sorted according
                to a criteria given in the form of a string of characters.
                This string, enclosed in double quotes, may comprise a
                single criterion or multiple criteria in decreasing order
                of precedence. Each criterion has three parts, all of which
                are mandatory.

                The first part is a single character, either + or -, which
                specifies whether the sort should be done in ascending or
                descending order, respectively.

                The second part, also a single character, is either # or $,
                and specifies whether the sort should be based on the numeric
                portion or the string portion, respectively, of the cells
                used for the comparison.

                The third part is one or two letters (case insensitive) that
                specify the column used for making the comparisons.  This
                column must be in the range being sorted.

                Criteria may be concatenated with ';' and are applied in the
                order specified.

                Examples:        :sort C10:E13 "+#D"
                                 :sort C10:E13 "+#C;-#D"

    :sort "{sort_string}"
                Like ":sort {range}", but the sort is performed on the
                selected range.

    :subtotal {col_range} {operation} {col_operation}
                Apply subtotals over the data in a selected range.
                {col_range} is the column to group by.
                {operation} can be one of the following:
                    @sum, @prod, @avg, @count, @stddev, @max, @min
                {col_operation} is the column whose values will be used
                to do the {operation}.
                Example: load the file example examples/sc/,
                select the A1:C9 range, and type    :subtotal A @sum C

    :addfilter "{filter_string}"
    :filteron {range}
    :delfilter {filter_number}
                These commands filter a range of rows by multiple criteria.

                ":addfilter" defines a filter according to {filter_string} in
                this format:

                The first part is either '#' or '$', and specifies whether the
                expression evaluates the numeric portion or the string portion
                of the cell.

                The second part specifies the column that contains the values
                to be evaluated with the expression.

                The third part is the actual expression evaluated.

                Multiple criteria can be separated with the ';' character.

                            :addfilter "#B<8000"
                            :addfilter "#C>1500"
                            :addfilter "@eqs(@substr($B,1,3),'SEP')"
                            :addfilter "#B>3000;#B<5000;#B>@avg(B1:B20)"

                Once filters are added, you can see the details of each filter
                with ":showfilters".
                Each filter is preceded by a number. You can delete a filter
                with ":delfilter {filter_number}".
                For example, to remove the first filter defined:
                            :delfilter 0

                ":delfilters" deletes all defined filters.

                ":filteron {range}" applies the filters to the range.
                Example:        :filteron B10:C13

                If a range is selected you can simply type ":filteron".

                ":filteroff" turns off the filters.

    :strtonum {range}
                Converts string field containing digits to a numeric field.
                So you can calculate with it.
                label A0 = "5" -> let A0 = 5 (internal representation)

    :int "{string}"
                Send a command to the interpreter.
                Example:          :int goto B2

    :hidecol {column}
    :hidecol {column:column}
                Hide the column or column range given. (Case insensitive.)

    :hiderow {row}
    :hiderow {row:row}
                Hide the row or rows given.

    :showcol {column}
    :showcol {column:column}
                Show columns that were previously hidden.

                Having a selected range, it will show cols that were previously hidden in that range.

    :showrow {rows}
    :showrow {row:row}
                Show rows that were previously hidden.

                Having a selected range, it will show rows that were previously hidden in that range.

                Show details of hidden rows.

                Show details of hidden columns.

    :freezecol {column}
    :freezecol {column:column}
                Freeze the column or column range given. (Case insensitive).
                (the rest of the screen scrolls but the column/s stays fixed
                on the screen).
    :freezecol {range}
                Freeze the columns determined by the selected range.

    :freezerow {row}
    :freezerow {row:row}
                Freeze the row or row range given.
                (the rest of the screen scrolls but the row/s stays fixed on
                the screen).
    :freezerow {range}
                Freeze the rows determined by the selected range.

    :unfreezecol {column}
    :unfreezecol {column:column}
                Unfreeze a previous frozen col or range of cols.

    :unfreezerow {row}
    :unfreezerow {row:row}
                Unfreeze a previous frozen row or range of rows.

    :pad {spaces}
                Apply a left padding {spaces} characters in width to a column.
                If a range selected, pad the columns inside that range.

    :color "{key}={arg} .."
                Change a color definition.

                {key} is one of the following:
                type, fg, bg, bold, italic, dim, reverse, standout, underline,
                Notes: The type, fg, and bg keys are mandatory.
                       Some terminal dont support some attributes, such as italic.

                The value of type shall be one of the following:
                     EXPRESSION, GRID_EVEN, GRID_ODD,

                The value of fg and bg shall be one of the following:
                     DEFAULT_COLOR or NONE_COLOR.

                     DEFAULT_COLOR just takes the default color of your
                     terminal. If you set it as fg color it will take default
                     color of your foreground. If you set it as bg color it
                     will take the default background color of your terminal.

                     If you set fg or bg value to NONE_COLOR. Colors will be kept
                     intact and will not be changed. Just bold, italic and other
                     attributes will be applied.

                The value of other parameters are booleans, 1 or 0.

                Example:  :color "type=HEADINGS bold=0 fg=BLACK bg=YELLOW"

                Colors can be set at runtime or specified in:
                     a. the scimrc file stored in $HOME/.config/sc-im/
                     b. the current .sc file.

                color "type=HEADINGS fg=WHITE bg=CYAN"

                The different types and its details:
                        - HEADINGS Topmost (header) row that lists column names
                          (only for even columns), and leftmost (header) column
                          that lists row numbers.                          
                        - HEADINGS_ODD The same that above but shown for odd columns.
                        - MODE The text in the top right that indicates which
                          mode sc-im is currently in.
                        - NUMB The cell styling used for cells formatted as
                          numbers (That are positive)
                        - STRG The cell styling used for cells formatted as
                        - DATEF The cell styling used for cells formatted as
                        - CELL_SELECTION - The row and column selection styling
                          used on the HEADINGS to indicate the coordinates of the
                          selected row.
                        - CELL_SELECTION_SC The currently (focussed) cell.
                        - GRID_EVEN: Color shown for even columns itself.
                        - GRID_ODD: Color shown for odd columns itself.
                        - EXPRESSION The cell styling used for cells that are
                          the result of an expression.
                        - CELL_ERROR The cell styling used for when an expression
                          results in an error (like dividing by zero)
                        - CELL_NEGATIVE The cell that is used when a number (or
                          expression) is a negative value.
                        - INFO_MSG The text in the top left corner just above "A"
                          that will provide info messages "At column A" when you
                          try and go past the farthest column to the left
                        - ERROR_MSG The text that will display in the top left
                          corner when a command fails for some reason.
                        - CELL_ID The coordinates of the currently selected cell
                          that displays in the upper top left corner. Just to the
                          left of the CELL_FORMAT and CELL_CONTENT.
                        - CELL_FORMAT The text just to the right of the CELL_ID
                          and left of the CELL_CONTENT in the top left corner that
                          shows the formatting of the currently selected cell.
                        - CELL_CONTENT The text just to the right of the CELL_ID
                          and CELL_FORMAT that shows the content of the currently
                          selected cell. This will show the expression used to get
                          the current cell.
                        - WELCOME The text that shows up when you first open sc-im
                        - NORMAL Text that shows on top of the terminal (like in :help)
                        - INPUT The text that shows up while you type text in the
                          input bar at the top left of the screen.
                        - HELP_HIGHLIGHT Color used for highlighting search results
                          and titles of help page.

    :cellcolor "{key}={arg} .."
                Change the color of the current cell or range.
                Example:   :cellcolor "bg=CYAN fg=WHITE"
                           :cellcolor "fg=RED bold=1 underline=1"
                           :cellcolor A2:A6 "fg=CYAN bold=1 underline=1"

    :unformat {range}
                Removes a previous format set over a range.
                If not range is specified, it removes the format over current

    :define_color "{color} {R} {G} {B}
                Create a custom color named {color} with {R} {G} {B} RGB
                RGB values range from 0 to 255.

                Note: This requires that ncurses is built with --enable-ext-colors,
                and the terminal must support 256 colors. For example, TERM=xterm-256color.
                You can check how many colors your terminal supports with: 'tput colors' command.
                sc-im must also be linked to ncursesw library and not the common ncurses library.

                Example of use:   :define_color "skyblue" 75 50 200

                To make this take effect every time sc-im is started, you can
                add it to $HOME/.config/sc-im/scimrc:
                            DEFINE_COLOR "skyblue" 75 50 200

                You then can use the color defined above to colorize a type, like this:
                            :color "type=HEADINGS fg=skyblue bg=BLACK"
                or adding in $HOME/.config/sc-im/scimrc:
                            color "type=HEADINGS fg=skyblue bg=BLACK"

    :redefine_color "{color}" {R} {G} {B}
                Change the RGB values of the colors defined by ncurses.
                RGB values range from 0 to 255.

                Note: This requires that ncurses is built with
                --enable-ext-colors, and the terminal must support 256 colors.
                For example, TERM=xterm-256color.  sc-im must link to
                ncursesw library and not the common ncurses library.

                Example:   :redefine_color "RED" 250 0 0

                To make this take effect every time sc-im is started, you can
                add it to $HOME/.config/sc-im/scimrc:
                            REDEFINE_COLOR "RED" 250 0 0

                Redefining the BLACK color itself is another way to change the
                default background color of sc-im.

    :lock       Lock the current cell or range.  Locked cells are immune to
                any type of editing and can't be changed in any way until

    :unlock     Reverses the effect of ":lock", making the current cell or
                range editable.

    :valueize   Replace expressions in the current cell or range with the
                values evaluated from the expressions.

    :! {cmd}    Executes shell command {cmd}.

    :autofit {column}
    :autofit {column}:{column}
                Auto-resize the column or column range to fit their contents.

    :autofit    Auto-resize the columns covered by the selected cell or range.

    :trigger    Trigger action on cell or range. Trigger can be Read or Write
                or Both. On Read, trigger is executed before evaluating cells
                value, on Write, after the evaluation. Type of Trigger can be
                Lua or C. In Lua there are sc-im specific function available
                accessing cells, more in "examples/lua* directory.

                :trigger a5 "mode=R type=LUA file=trg.lua function=trg"

                Triggers when ever cell a5 is read and calls function
                trg() in file trg.lua. In Lua column, row and mode is
                passed as parameter to the function. Mode is whether
                it was a READ or WRITE trigger.

                :trigger b10 "mode=W type=C function=wr2mysql"

                Function "wr2mysql" in is called when to
                cell b10 is written a new value.
                See "examples/Module/module.c" for more Infos.
                Adding "-Wl,--export-dynamic" in Makefile for linking
                sc-im, will export all symbols from sc-im, making it
                available for dynamic linking with modules.

                The search path for LUA trigger files is
                $PWD/lua/ or $HOME/.config/sc-im/lua/ or /usr/local/share/sc-im/lua
                (in that order) and for C Trigger
                $HOME/.sc-im/module or /usr/local/share/sc-im/module

    :untrigger  Delete Trigger action on cell. Use with care.

    :fsum       Sum the numeric values of a range.

                The range is defined by the immediate cell above the current
                cell for vertical ranges, or by the immediate cell at the left
                of the current cell for horizontal ranges.

                The top or left corner is limited by the first non-numeric
                cell found.

    :fcopy      Copy the formula of a selected cell down a number of rows.
                The number of rows down is determined by the first empty cell
                in the column to the left of current cell.

                If a range is selected, the formula in the top left cell will
                be copied down to the end of the range.

    :fcopy {action}
                Copy the formulas of multiple selected cells into a direction.

                Use "c" or "columns" to copy every formula in the first
                selected row down its column, "r" or "rows" to copy every
                formula in the first selected column to the right in its row
                or "cells" to copy the formula of the first selected cell into
                all cells of the selected range.

    :plot {type}
                Plot a graphic using a selected range.
                Right now, only 'line', 'scatter', 'bar' and 'pie' types are

                Ex. of use:     :plot line
                This command calls gnuplot using the file called 'plotline'
                that is first looked in $HOME/.config/sc-im/, and if not found in
                /usr/local/share/sc-im/ (or HELPDIR path of Makefile).
                This 'plotline' can be customized by user. (See :plotedit
                command below). You can set terminal and other gnuplot
                parameters. Default terminal is 'dumb', although 'caca'
                terminal is recommended for colors and wide chars support.

    :plotedit {type}
                Edit a plot file that will be used for plotting.
                Can contain any gnuplot command.
                Right now, only 'line' type, 'scatter' type, 'bar' type and
                'pie' type files can be edited.

                Ex. of use:     :plotedit scatter

                If the character is a mark of a cell or range, the range
                represented is inserted into the command line.

                Command line history is stored in $HOME/.sciminfo.

    <UP>        Go back in command line history.
                NOTE: if inputline is not empty, up and down keys recall older
                commands from history, but taking whose commands that
                beginning matches the current inputline content.

    <DOWN>      Go forward in command line history.

&VISUAL MODE& - Selecting a range

    Visual mode is used for selecting a range of cells for an operation.

    You can enter this mode with 'v' in Normal mode, or with <C-v> in Insert
    and Command mode.

    When entering Visual mode from Normal mode, the top left and the bottom
    right limit of the selected range is set to current row and column.

    From Insert or Command mode, press <C-v>, then position the cursor with
    arrow keys or hjkl keys, and then press <C-o> to begin selection.
    Move the cursor to complete the selection, then press <C-k> to input
    the range into the cell.

    The following motion commands move the cursor during selection:
    j k l h     Move down, up, right or left.
    0           Move to column A.
    $           Move forward to the last valid column of the current row.
    #           Move down to the last valid row of the current column.
    ^           Move up to row 0 of the current column.
    '{a-zA-Z}   Move to the cell or select the range marked previously with
                {a-zA-Z}.  See the 'm' command for details.
    c-f c-b     Increase selection down or up a full screen.
                :set half_page_scroll=1 to scroll by half a page instead.
                See :set command for details.
    c-a         Moves to first cell of spreadsheet.

    y           Yank the selected cell or range and exit Visual mode.
    p           Paste the previously yanked cell or range into the Visual
                Range repeating to fill up the range
    P           Works like 'p' except that all cell references are adjusted
                in the same way that they are for the copy command.

    x , dd      Delete the current range, saving its content to the
    H           Move to the first row visible on screen.
    L           Move to the last row visible on screen.
    M           Move to the middle row visible on screen.
    w           Move forward to the next valid cell.
    b           Move back to the previous valid cell.
    G           Move to last valid cell of spreadsheet.

    :           Enters Command mode preserving the range selection, so a
                special command can be entered.
    Zr          Zap (hides) the rows covered by the selected range.
    Zc          Zap (hides) the columns covered by the selected range.
    f           Freeze the selected range
    Sr          Show rows that are hidden and that are covered by the selected
    Sc          Show columns that are hidden and that are covered by the
                selected range.
    { } |       Align the content of the cells covered by the selected range
                to the right, left or center.
    rl          Lock the current cell or range. Locking makes cells immune to
                any type of editing. A locked cell can't be changed in any
                way until it is unlocked.
    ru          Unlock a locked cell or range, making it editable.
    rv          Valueize the current cell or range. Valueizing removes
                expressions, leaving only the values.
    m{a-zA-Z}   Mark the current cell or selected range with that letter.
                Note: When a mark is changed, all ranges that use that mark
                are deleted.
    c-d         Convert the text content of a selected cell or range to a
                date, using default LOCALE's D_FMT format.
                This converts text to a numeric value that can be shown as a
                date. See DATES INPUT below for more info.
                Note: USELOCALE has to be enabled during build.
    c-j         Auto-resize the selected column(s) to accommodate the widest


    Mapping can be done in any sc-im file or in CONFIG_DIR/scimrc file.

    Maps can be added with the :nmap, :imap, :emap, :cmap and :vmap commands and
    removed with the :nunmap, :iunmap, :cunmap and :vunmap commands.
        :nmap "d" ":h<cr>"  ->   Maps d to ':help<cr>' in Normal mode.
        :imap "f" "foo"     ->   Maps f to the string 'foo' in Insert mode.
        :imap "kj" "<ESC>"  ->   Maps kj sequence to the ESC key in Insert mode.
        :emap "<C-k>" "D"   ->   Maps C-k to D in Edit mode.
        :cmap "kj" "<ESC>"  ->   Maps kj sequence to the ESC key in Command mode.
        :vmap "e" "y"       ->   Maps e to y in Visual mode.

    Some notes:
    The Left and Right sequence of a mapping cannot contain numbers.

    The following special keys can be used for mappings:
    <CR> <C-x> <TAB> <LEFT> <RIGHT> <DOWN> <UP> <DEL> <BS> <HOME> <END>

    If an existing map sequence is remapped, it is replaced with the new one.
    Mapping is recursive by default. The non-recursive versions of :nmap,
    :imap, :emap, :cmap and :vmap are :nnoremap, :inoremap, :enoremap,
    :cnoremap and :vnoremap.
        nmap "a" "b",
        nnoremap "b" "j"
        nmap "j" ":h<cr>"
    With this, 'a' maps to 'j', and only 'j' maps to ':h<cr>'.


    An optional number may precede commands in Normal, Visual or Edit mode to
    multiply or iterate the command.
    Ex. '4j' in Normal mode, translates to 4 times 'j'.
    Ex. '4yr' in Normal mode, yanks current row and the 3 rows below it.

    Note: The 'x' command in Visual mode, and the shift commands in Visual
    mode and Normal mode when a range is selected, cannot be multiplied.


    Dates are internally stored in sc-im as numeric values, and they are
    displayed as dates if a date format is applied to the cells that store
    them. You have 3 options for entering dates:

    1. Dates can be entered as text and then converted to a numeric
    value with <C-d> or with the :datefmt command.

        a. With <C-d> keybinding:
            The <C-d> command works on NORMAL and VISUAL modes, and converts
            cell's text content that represents a date, and sets the numeric
            value of the cell using using locale's D_FMT format.
            After conversion, the same format is applied automatically to the
            cell so that the value is displayed as a date.
            You can then change the date format with :format command or
            just leave it as it is with the current locale D_FMT format.

                :format "d %b %Y"
                will output 'Mar 1984' with my current locale.

            NOTES: + You can edit the date value by changing the text content
                     of the cell with 'E' command.
                   + To get current locale's D_FMT format, you might want to
                   issue ``locale -k d_fmt`` on your current shell.

        b. With :datefmt command:
            This command works like <C-d> but instead of using locale's D_FMT
            format for conversion, it takes a strftime-compatible format string as
            a parameter. Its syntax is ':datefmt "{strftime_format}"'
            After conversion, the same format is applied automatically to the cell
            so that the value is displayed as a date.

            Example:            \12/03/2020
                                :datefmt "%d/%m/%Y"

            NOTE: Take note here that if you edit the date with the 'E' command,
            sc-im will nevertheless convert the date using locale's D_FMT format
            and not the one you used with datefmt.
            You will need to reapply :datefmt "%d/%m/%Y" or whatever format
            you used earlier to reapply the format after the modification.

    2. You can also enter dates using the @date and @dts functions.
    Example:            \"@date(@dts(2015, 23, 2), "%d/%m/%Y")
    will show  '23/02/2015'.

    3. Another option is to enter the numeric value that represents the
    datetime (that would be the number of seconds since the beginning of the
    epoch - December 31, 1969, midnight, GMT) and apply a format with the
    :format special command.
    Example:            =1424660400
                        :format "d%d/%m/%Y"

    Please see &Built-in Date and Time Functions& below for more details.


    Numbers follow cell-specific format if set by the :format command.
    Otherwise they default to column specific format, which can be set by the
    scripting command FORMAT. The scripting FORMAT command has the syntax
        where TYPE is one of:
            0   Fixed-point
            1   Scientific format
            2   Engineering format
    The default column format is (10 2 0), meaning width 10, precision 2, and
    fixed-point. The column format width follows changes to the column width.

    Note: If the exponent is too large (>10^21) or too small (<10^-18), the
    scientific format is used.

&Entering Greek and Math operator symbols&

    Greek letters and a large set of math symbols available in UTF-8
    can be entered and will display, provided your terminal supports them.

    The full list is given below. In each column, left of the equal sign is
    the keyboard sequence to be entered, to obtain the character on the right
    of the equal sign.

    Ctrl-K a * = α	Ctrl-K b * = β	Ctrl-K c * = ξ	Ctrl-K d * = δ
    Ctrl-K e * = ε	Ctrl-K f * = φ	Ctrl-K g * = γ	Ctrl-K h * = θ
    Ctrl-K i * = ι	Ctrl-K j * = ϊ	Ctrl-K k * = κ	Ctrl-K l * = λ
    Ctrl-K m * = μ	Ctrl-K n * = ν	Ctrl-K o * = ο	Ctrl-K p * = π
    Ctrl-K q * = ψ	Ctrl-K r * = ρ	Ctrl-K s * = σ	Ctrl-K t * = τ
    Ctrl-K u * = υ	Ctrl-K v * = ϋ	Ctrl-K w * = ω	Ctrl-K x * = χ
    Ctrl-K y * = η	Ctrl-K z * = ζ

    Ctrl-K A * = Α	Ctrl-K B * = Β	Ctrl-K C * = Ξ	Ctrl-K D * = Δ
    Ctrl-K E * = Ε	Ctrl-K F * = Φ	Ctrl-K G * = Γ	Ctrl-K H * = Θ
    Ctrl-K I * = Ι	Ctrl-K J * = Ϊ	Ctrl-K K * = Κ	Ctrl-K L * = Λ
    Ctrl-K M * = Μ	Ctrl-K N * = Ν	Ctrl-K O * = Ο	Ctrl-K P * = Π
    Ctrl-K Q * = Ψ	Ctrl-K R * = Ρ	Ctrl-K S * = Σ	Ctrl-K T * = Τ
    Ctrl-K U * = Υ	Ctrl-K V * = Ϋ	Ctrl-K W * = Ω	Ctrl-K X * = Χ
    Ctrl-K Y * = Η	Ctrl-K Z * = Ζ

    Ctrl-K * s = ς	Ctrl-K R T = √	Ctrl-K F A = ∀	Ctrl-K T E = ∃
    Ctrl-K N B = ∇	Ctrl-K ( - = ∈	Ctrl-K - ) = ∋	Ctrl-K d P = ∂
    Ctrl-K I n = ∫	Ctrl-K I o = ∮	Ctrl-K D I = ∬	Ctrl-K * P = ∏
    Ctrl-K + Z = ∑	Ctrl-K + - = ±	Ctrl-K - + = ∓	Ctrl-K 0 ( = ∝
    Ctrl-K 0 0 = ∞	Ctrl-K - L = ∟	Ctrl-K - V = ∠	Ctrl-K P P = ∥
    Ctrl-K A N = ∧	Ctrl-K O R = ∨	Ctrl-K ) U = ∪	Ctrl-K ( U = ∩
    Ctrl-K ) C = ⊃	Ctrl-K ( C = ⊂	Ctrl-K ) _ = ⊇	Ctrl-K ( _ = ⊆
    Ctrl-K . : = ∴	Ctrl-K : . = ∵	Ctrl-K ? - = ≃	Ctrl-K ! = = ≠
    Ctrl-K = 3 = ≡	Ctrl-K = < = ≤	Ctrl-K > = = ≥	Ctrl-K < * = ≪
    Ctrl-K > * = ≫	Ctrl-K ! < = ≮	Ctrl-K ! > = ≯

    Note: It is possible to enter these characters also in the command mode,
    but your OS may not support filenames containing them.

&Other configuration variables&

    Set it to recalculate values automatically, or to '0' to do it manually
    upon execution of a '@' command.

    Set it to '1' to make an initial digit start a numeric value.
    Set it to '0', to make a digit act as a command multiplier.

    'numeric_zero' [default off]
    'numeric_decimal' [default off]
    When these are set, the zero digit or decimal point will correspondingly
    initiate numeric entry, but only when 'numeric' is also set.

    'newline_action' [default 0]
    Set it to 'j' to move the cursor down after an entry.
    Set it to 'l' to move right, or set it to '0' to take no action.

    'external_functions' [default off]
    Disabled by default, set this variable to enable external functions.  See
    @ext function below.

    'exec_lua' [default on]
    Enabled by default, set this variable to enable the execution of @lua
    scripts. See @lua function below.

    'overlap' [default off]
    If cell content exceedes column width it gets cut off to fit the column
    width.  If overlap is set, the content overflows into the next column.

    'input_bar_bottom' [default off]
    Place the input bar at the bottom of the screen.

    'input_edit_mode' [default off]
    Always go from INSERT_MODE to EDIT_MODE when pressing ESC in the former.

    'underline_grid' [default off]
    Underline cells to make a nicer grid

    'truncate' [default off]
    If cell content exceedes column width it gets replaced by asterisks '*'.
    If truncate is set, the content is cut off at the end of the cell.

    'autowrap' [default off]
    Auto wrap cell content and auto adjust row height to cover it.
    Works only when overlap and truncate are set to off.

    'debug' [default off]
    set this to see debug messages in screen

    'half_page_scroll' [default off]
    set this to scroll by half a page instead of full page.

    'xlsx_readformulas' [default off]
    If 'xlsx_readformulas' is set, sc-im tries to import formulas, rather than
    the final values of a cell.

    'tm_gmtoff' [default -10800 seconds]
    set gmtoffset used for converting datetimes to localtime.

    'command_timeout' [default 3000 milli seconds]
    the time sc-im waits for a valid command to be entered (the time it stays in '?')

    'mapping_timeout' [default 1500 milli seconds]
    this is used when some user input collides with the start of a mapping.
    sc-im will wait 'mapping_timeout' for user to complete a mapping. If
    passed that time no mapping was reached, that input would be passed to
    the stdin buffer.

    'ignorecase' [default off]
    set this to ignore case in searches done with '/' command.

    'autobackup' [default 0 (no autobackup)]
    set this to a number in seconds 'n', to backup current file every 'n'
    AUTOBACKUP must be set during sc-im build for this feature to be
    If you set this to 0 but AUTOBACKUP was set during build, it still will
    check for existence of backups before loading a file.

    'show_cursor' [default off]
    Make the screen cursor follow the active cell. Useful for people
    using sc-im with a braille display.

    'ignore_hidden' [default off]
    set this if you want the hidden rows of a spreadsheet to be ignored when exporting them
    to another format.
    this will also be used in case you also want to copy/paste a range that have hidden rows in
    it (for instance, the result of an applied filter).

&Built-in Range Functions&

    The following functions return the result of performing an operation on
    all valid (nonblank) entries in the given {range}. The optional second
    argument {expr} is an expression that is to be evaluated for each cell
    in the specified range to determine which cells to include in the
    function. Only those cells for which the expression evaluates to true
    (non-zero) will be used in calculating the value of the function.

        Sum up the values.
        examples with optional {expr} argument:

        Multiply the values together.

        Average the values.

        Count the values.
        examples with optional {expr} argument:

        Find the maximum value.
        See also the multi-argument version of @max below.

        Find the minimum value.
        See also the multi-argument version of @min below.

        Get the sample standard deviation of the values.

        Count the number of rows or columns.

&Built-in Numeric Functions&

        Return e (Euler's number) raised to the {expr} power.

        Return the natural logarithm of {expr}.

        Return the base-10 logarithm of {expr}.

        Return the largest integer not greater than {expr}.

        Return the smallest integer not less than {expr}.

        Round {expr} to the nearest integer.  Numbers halfway between integers
        are rounded up.

        Round {expr} to {n} decimal places.  {n} may be positive to round off
        the right side of the decimal point or negative to round off the left
        side.  See @rnd({expr}) above for rounding types.

        Interpret the string expression {se} as a base-256 number without
        digit 0 and convert to a base-10 nonnegative number.
        See also @chr.

        Return the row of the cell {var}. Ex. @frow(A4) returns 4

        Return the number of the col of the cell {var}. Ex. @fcol(D4) returns 3

        Return the absolute value of {expr}.

        Return {expr1} raised to the power of {expr2}.

        Return @sqrt({expr1}*{expr1}+{expr2}*{expr2}), taking precautions
        against overflows.

        Return a constant quite close to pi.

        Convert {expr} from degrees to radians.

        Convert {expr} from radians to degrees.

        Evaluate the trigonometric functions on {expr}, in radians. The
        magnitude of the arguments are not checked to assure meaningful

        Return the arc sine of {expr} in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

        Return the arc cosine of {expr} in the range 0 to pi.

        Return the arc tangent of {expr} in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.

        Returns the arc tangent of e1/e2 in the range -pi to pi.

        Return the maximum or minimum of the values of the expressions. Two or
        more expressions may be specified.
        See also the range version of @max and @min above.

        Convert string expression {se} to a numeric value.

        Return the numeric value of a cell selected by name. String expression
        {se} must evaluate to a column name ("A" - "ZZ") and {expr} must
        evaluate to a row number (0 - maxrows, by default 65536).
        If {se} or {expr} is out of bounds, or the cell has no numeric
        value, the result is 0.
        You can use this for simple table lookups. See also @sval below.
        =@nval("B", 0);     would output the same as   =B0

        Return 1 if string expressions {se1} and {se2} have the same value, 0

        Returns the length of string expression {se}.

        Evaluate a string expression as a numeric formula. Example of use:
        If you have in cell D0 a formula as text, "@sum(A0:A11)", instead of a proper
        numeric formula inserted with '=', you could make it get evaluated in another
        cell (for this example E0) with =@evaluate(D0). Please note that this will not
        added the dependency to the evaluation graph. That means that if you later
        update the value of cell A0, it will not get updated in cell D0.

&String Expressions&

    String expressions are made up of string constants (characters surrounded
    by double quotation marks), variables (cell names, which refer to the
    cell's label strings or expressions), and string functions.

    Note: String expressions are only allowed when entering a cell's label
    string, not its numeric part.  They are entered with a backslash followed
    by a double quote.
               Examples:  \"@coltoa(4)
                          \"A0 # "Plate"

    Note: String expression results may be left or right flushed or centered,
    according to the type of the cell's string label.

    #      Concatenate strings.
           For example, if the value of A0's string is "the la", then the
           string expression

               A0 # "zy dog"

           returns the string "the lazy dog".

&Built-in String Functions&

    String functions can be entered typing \"

        Extract from string expression {se} the substring indexed by character
        number {expr1} through {expr2}. (Defaults to the length of {se} if
        greater than the length.)  If {expr1} is less than 1 or greater than
        {expr2}, the result is the null string.  For example,

        @substr ("River Plate", 4, 8)

        returns the string 'er Pl'.

        Convert the string expression {se} to uppercase or lowercase.

        Convert the initial letter of words in {se} to upper case and other
        letters to lower case.

        Replace occurrences of {eold} in {se} with {enew}.
        For example, having in A1 the string "Extension" and entering in A2
        the following:
        will result "ExteZsioZ" in A2.

        Call an external program or script.  This allows arbitrary functions
        on values, e.g. table lookups and interpolations.  String expression
        {se} is a command or command line to call with popen(3).  {expr} is
        evaluated, converted to a string, and appended to the command line
        as an argument.  The result of @ex is a string: the first line printed
        to standard output by the command.  The command should emit exactly
        one output line.  Additional output, or output to standard error,
        messes up th  screen.  @ext returns a null string and prints an
        appropriate warning if external functions are disabled, {se} is null,
        or the attempt to run the command fails.

        External functions can be slow to run, and if enabled are called at
        each screen update, so they are disabled by default. Use the set
        command to enable them when needed.

            @ext ("echo", a1)

        You can use @ston to convert the @ext result back to a number.

            @ston (@ext ("", a9 + b9))

        Note: You can build a command line (including more argument values)
        from a string expression with concatenation.  You can also "hide" the
        second argument by ending the command line (first argument) with a "#"
        shell comment.

        Return a string name for a column from the numeric result of {expr}.

            @coltoa(@mycol-1)      @nval(coltoa(@mycol-1), @myrow+1)

        Return the string value of a cell selected by column and row.  String
        expression {se} must evaluate to a column name (A - AE) and {expr}
        must evaluate to a row number (0 - 199).  If {se} or {e} is out of
        bounds, or the cell has no string value, the result is the null

        Return the string "{se}" with 8th bit set.

        Interpret {expr} as a base-10 nonnegative integer and convert to a
        string (base-256 number without digit 0).
        See also @ascii.

    @lua("{luascript}", {i})
        Executes a "luascript". Using Lua script, sc-im can be extend with lot
        new functionality, such as complex programming, accessing databases

        Two global variables {r} and {c} are injected in the "luascript". The
        variables denote the row and column of the calling cell respectively.

        The second parameter {i} is 0 or 1 indicating if the reference to this
        cell should be added to the formula evaluation graph. Setting it to 0
        may be a good idea if you call sc.lquery to often in your scripts.
        However, in the cases were its not added to the dependency graph, it
        will nevertheless be executed when the cell that calls the script
        executions is referenced by another cell.

        The return of value of the "luascript" is inserted in the calling
        cell if it is a string.

        The search patch for LUA scripts files is $PWD/lua/
        $HOME/.sc-im/lua/ or /usr/local/share/sc-im/lua (in that order)

        To call a lua script use \" as with any other string function.
        @lua("luascript", 1)

    @fmt("{se}", {e})
        Convert a number to a string. The argument se must be a valid
        printf(3) format string. e is converted according to the standard
        rules.  For example, the expression
        \"@fmt("**%6.3f**", 10.5)
        yields the string ``**10.500**''. e is a double, so applicable
        formats are e, E, f, g, and G.  Try ``%g'' as a starting point.
        More details on:

        Evaluate a string expression as a string formula. Example of use:
        If you have in cell D0 a string formula as text, "@substr(A0, 4, 6)",
        instead of a proper string formula inserted with '\"', you could make it
        get evaluated in another cell (for this example E0) with =@sevaluate(D0).
        Please note that this will not added the dependency to the evaluation
        graph. That means that if you later update the value of cell A0, it will
        not get updated in cell D0.

&Built-in Date and Time Functions&

    The following functions operate on an expression {date_expr} denoting a
    UNIX timestamp.

        Return the year. Valid years begin with 1970, although many systems
        will return years prior to 1970 if e is negative. The last legal year
        is system dependent.

        Return the month, encoded as 1 (January) to 12 (December).

        Return the day of the month, encoded as 1 to 31.

        Return the number of hours since midnight, encoded as 0 to 23.

        Return the number of minutes since the last full hour, encoded as 0 to

        Return the number of seconds since the last full minute, encoded as 0
        to 59.

        Return the current time encoded as the number of seconds since the
        beginning of the epoch (December 31, 1969, midnight, GMT).

    @date({date_expr}, {sexpr})
           Convert the time {expr} in seconds to a date string, applying a format {sexpr}.
           This functions is entered as a string formula with \". Example:
           \"@date(@now, "%d/%m/%Y")
           Note that you can extract parts of this fixed-format string with @substr().
           A format string compatible with the strftime() function may optionally be
           given as a second argument to override the default format.
           See the strftime(3) man page for details.

     @dts({expr1}, {expr2}, {expr3})
           Convert a date to the number of seconds from the epoch to the first
           second of the specified date, local time. Dates may be  specified
           in either (m,d,y) or (y,m,d) format, although the latter is preferred,
           since it's more universally recognized (m,d,y is only used in  America).
           If e2 > 12 or e3 > 31, then (m,d,y) is assumed. Otherwise, (y,m,d)
           is assumed.
           Example of use:
               @date(@dts(1976, 12, 14)) yields 'Tue Dec 14 00:00:00 1976'
               @date(@dts(2015, 23, 2), "%d/%m/%Y") yields '23/02/2015'

           The month should range from 1 to 12; the day should range from 1 to the
           number of days in the specified month; and the year should
           include the century (e.g. 1999 instead of 99). Any date capable of being
           handled by the system is valid, typically 14 Dec 1901 to '18 Jan 2038'
           on a system that uses a 32 bit time_t. Invalid dates or dates outside of
           this range will return ERROR. For rapid entry of dates using only the
           numeric keypad, sc provides the alternate syntax y.m.d or m.d.y, which is
           automatically converted to the @dts(...) format above.
           The year, month, and day must be entered numerically in the alternate
           syntax; formulas are not allowed.

       @tts({expr1}, {expr2}, {expr3})
           @tts(8,20,45) converts the time 8:40:45 to the number of seconds since
           midnight, the night before. The hour should range from 0 to 23;
           the minutes and seconds should range from 0 to 59.

&Other functions&
        references current row

        references current column

    @if({expr}, {expr}, {expr})
        Conditional:   If the  first  expression  is  true  then  the  value  of
        the  second  is  returned,  otherwise the  value  of  the  third.
        example of use: @if(@eqs(A1,"a"),B1,0)
        example of use with string expression: @if(A1>100,"over","not enough")
        Remember string expressions should be entered by typing \"

    @getent({e}, {e})
        Reference to a cell evaluating expressions. First expression in
        formula corresponds to row number, the second expression to column
        Example of use: =@sum(A0:@getent(@lastrow-1,0))

&LUA Scripts and Triggers&

        sc-im was extended with LUA capabilities and also provided with helper
        functions to manipulate sc-im data with Lua at runtime. Since it is a
        fully functional Lua, you can also use all Lua packages for sc-im lua
        scripts. Use luarocks to install additional packages.

        Function provided to lua script/triggers :

        sc.lgetnum (c, r)       - get numeric value of cell c,r (c/r is number
                                  column/row) returns value
        sc.lsetnum (c, r, val)  - set numeric value to a cell c,t
        sc.lsetform (c, r, str) - set formula to a cell. Basically it does "let
                                  cell= str"
        sc.lsetstr(c, r, str)   - set string to a cell
        sc.lgetstr(c, r, str)   - get string from a cell
        sc.lquery(str)          - query input from user, but first prints str.
                                  Use with care!!
                                  Dont use this function within triggers!!
                                  returns string              - send str to sc-im parser
        sc.a2colrow(str)        - convert ascii cell representation to numeric
                                  column/row returns column, row example:
        sc.colrow2a(c,r)        - returns ascii representation of numeric
        sc.maxcols()            - return current maximum columns
        sc.maxrows()            - return current maximum rows
        sc.curcol()             - return current column
        sc.currow()             - return current row

        The search patch for LUA scripts files is $PWD/lua or
        $HOME/.config/sc-im/lua/ or /usr/local/share/sc-im/lua (in that order)
        Example can be found in sc-im/examples/lua in source code tree.

&Supported file formats / File import&

    sc-im can open the following file formats:
        .sc     sc-im's native text format
        .xls    Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
        .xlsx   Microsoft Office Open XML Workbook
        .csv    Comma-separated values
        .tsv    Tab-separated values
        .tab    Tab-separated values
        .txt    Simple text files
        .mkd    Markdown file with only table contents
        .md     Markdown file with only table contents

    You can pass files of any of the above formats to sc-im binary.
    If you pass a .txt or .csv file to sc-im, it is imported using a comma as
    the delimiter.
    If you pass a .tsv or .tab file to sc-im, it is imported using the tab
    character as the delimiter.

    Note: You can always override the delimiter used passing the --txtdelim
    parameter to sc-im.

    Example: ./sc-im --txtdelim="\t" file.txt

    Possible values are:


    There are a couple of themes you can use with sc-im.
    They are "dracula", "", "papercolor-dark" and "prince.persia", and
    they are located in the "/themes" folder.
    You can add the corresponding lines of those to $HOME/.config/sc-im/scimrc
    or you can load them at runtime with `:load path_to_theme_file`

&External scripts&

    sc-im can read data from a external script, either through a pipeline or
    This enables sc-im to be used as a non-interactive calculator.

    It can also be run interactively without the ncurses interface if you pass
    the --nocurses flag.

    You can set the --output parameter to save the results to a file.

    You can set the --quiet parameter to avoid printing messages of all kinds
    (info, error or debug).

    Export to csv, tab, markdown or plain text formats without interaction:
        ./sc-im --quit_afterload --nocurses --export_csv
        ./sc-im --quit_afterload --nocurses --export_tab
        ./sc-im --quit_afterload --nocurses --export_mkd
        ./sc-im --quit_afterload --nocurses --export_txt # (or just --export)

    If you set the --quit_afterload flag, sc-im will quit after loading all
    files, but before becoming interactive.

    Suppose you have a file called "script" with the following content:
        let A2=0
        let A3=A2+14
        getnum A3

    The following invocations demonstrate sc-im's input and output options.

    Output to stdout, then quit:
        cat script | ./sc-im --nocurses --quit_afterload

    Receive data from a pipe and output results to a file:
        cat script | ./sc-im --quit_afterload --output=return_file

    Receive data from a pipe and continue in non-ncurses mode:
        cat script | ./sc-im --nocurses

    Read data from a script and output to a file:
        ./sc-im --quit_afterload --output=return_file

    Receive data from both a pipe and a script, and output to file:
        cat script | ./sc-im --quit_afterload --output=return_file

    Export data and create pdf
        echo 'export "mkd" "/dev/stdout"' | ./sc-im --nocurses --quiet --quit_afterload foo.csv | text2pdf -L > fighters.pdf

    Start interactive mode but with no ncurses interface:
        ./sc-im --nocurses

    Note: Setting the --output parameter implies setting the --nocurses flag.

    sc-im script function names are case insensitive.
       'LET A0=1' is the same as 'let A0=1'

    Almost every interactive sc-im command is available for non-interactive
    scripting. Search the equivalent interactive commands for usage

    sc-im has these commands for available for external scripts.

    LET {[COL][ROW]}={expr}
        Sets the contents of a cell with a value or an expression. E.g.
        'LET A1=A2*A2'

    LABEL {[COL][ROW]}={expr}
        Sets the label of a cell with to a string value.

        Call an internal COMMAND MODE command. Examples:
        EXECUTE "load /tmp/test.csv"

        Export spreadsheet. First parameter is type, second is path to file.
        example of use:
        echo 'export "mkd" "/dev/stdout"' | ./sc-im --nocurses --quiet --quit_afterload foo.csv | text2pdf -L > fighters.pdf

        Recalculates a formulas in all cells

        Get numeric value from cell and print to STDOUT

        Get text value from cell and print to STDOUT

        Get expression from cell and print to STDOUT

        Get format from cell and print to STDOUT

        Get format from cell and print to STDOUT

        Quits sc-im.

    Other available commands for scripting are:

    DETAIL {var}
    LEFTSTRING {var_or_range}
    RIGHTSTRING {var_or_range}
    LEFTJUSTIFY {var_or_range}
    RIGHTJUSTIFY {var_or_range}
    CENTER {var_or_range}
    FMT {var_or_range} {STRING}
    DATEFMT {var_or_range} {STRING}
    HIDE {COL}
    SHOW {COL}
    SHIFT {var_or_range} {STRING}
    MARK {COL} {var_or_range}
    MARK {COL} {var_or_range} {var_or_range}
    FILL {var_or_range} {num} {num}
    FILL {num} {num}
    FREEZE {range}
    FREEZE {COL} : {COL}
    SORT {range} {STRING}
    SUBTOTAL {range} {COL} {STRING} {COL}
    RSUBTOTAL {range} {COL} {STRING} {COL}
    FILTERON {range}
    GOTO {var_or_range} {var_or_range}
    GOTO {var_or_range}
    GOTO {num}
    CCOPY {range}
    LOCK {var_or_range}
    UNLOCK {var_or_range}
    CELLCOLOR {var_or_range} {STRING}
    TRIGGER {var_or_range} {STRING}
    UNTRIGGER {var_or_range}
    UNFORMAT {var_or_range}
    FCOPY {strarg}
    PAD {NUMBER} {COL} : {COL}
    PAD {NUMBER} {var_or_range}
    PLOT {STRING} {var_or_range}
    SET {setlist}
    DEFINE {strarg} {range}
    DEFINE {strarg} {var}
    UNDEFINE {var_or_range}

    The commands below can be used for calculations.

    @MONTH ({expr})
    @DAY ({expr})
    @YEAR ({expr})
    @DTS ({expr},{expr},{expr})
    @TTS ({expr},{expr},{expr})
    @STON ({expr})
    @SLEN ({expr})
    @EQS ({expr},{expr})
    @DATE ({expr})
    @DATE ({expr},{expr})
    @FMT ({expr},{expr})
    @UPPER ({expr})
    @LOWER ({expr})
    @CAPITAL ({expr})
    @INDEX ( {range} ,{expr})
    @INDEX ({expr}, {range} )
    @INDEX ( {range} ,{expr},{expr})
    @LOOKUP ( {range} ,{expr})
    @LOOKUP ({expr}, {range} )
    @HLOOKUP ( {range} ,{expr},{expr})
    @HLOOKUP ({expr}, {range} ,{expr})
    @VLOOKUP ( {range} ,{expr},{expr})
    @VLOOKUP ({expr}, {range} ,{expr})
    @STINDEX ( {range} ,{expr})
    @STINDEX ({expr}, {range} )
    @STINDEX ( {range} ,{expr},{expr})
    @EXT ({expr},{expr})
    @LUA ({expr},{expr})
    @NVAL ({expr},{expr})
    @SVAL ({expr},{expr})
    @REPLACE ({expr},{expr},{expr})
    @SUBSTR ({expr},{expr},{expr})
    @FILENAME ({expr})
    @COLTOA ({expr})
    @ASCII ({expr})
    @SET8BIT ({expr})
    @CHR ({expr})

    The commands below set runtime configuration values:

    TRG = {NUMBER}
    TM_GMTOFF = {num}
