# Windows 10 Theme for Sublime Text 3 Windows 10 inspired light theme for Sublime Text 3. ![Screenshot](./img/multiacol.png) ## Instalation ### Easy installation using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/): * Select `Package Control: Install Package` from Sublime Text's quick panel (`Ctrl+Shift+P`) * Search the theme by its name and press enter to install ### Manual installation * Download the zipped files from the [release page](https://github.com/andreibsk/win10-theme/releases/latest) or using GitHub's `Donwload ZIP` function * Unzip the files and rename the folder to `Theme - Windows 10` * Find your `Packages` directory using the menu item `Preferences` > `Browse Packages...` * Copy the folder into your Sublime Text `Packages` directory ## Activate the theme Activate the theme by setting the following entries in your settings file (`Preferences` > `Settings User`): ```json { "theme" : "Windows 10.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Windows 10/Widget - Windows 10.tmTheme", } ``` ## Configure the theme ### Overview ```json { "theme" : "Windows 10.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Windows 10/Widget - Windows 10.tmTheme", "theme_accent_color_58" : true, "theme_default_selection_color": true, "theme_default_toggle_color" : true, "theme_lightgray_sidebar" : true, "theme_blue_folders" : true, } ``` ### Accent colors It is recommended to select one of the predefined accent colors from the `Settings` app > `Personalisation` > `Colors`, and turn on the `Show color on title bar` feature. Additionally Sublime's menu can be hidden selecting `View` > `Hide Menu` (press `Alt` when you need to use the menu again). ![Settings panel](./img/settings.png) #### Setting the accent color Select the theme's accent color by setting `theme_accent_color_` to `true` where `i` and `j` are the color's column and row number in the settings panel as pictured above. e.g. `"theme_accent_color_58": true,` #### Selection color Set `theme_default_selection_color` to use a default explorer styled color for selected items instead of the chosen accent color. `"theme_default_selection_color": true,` ![Use default selection color](./img/default_selection_color.png) #### Toggle buttons color To better distinguish the toggle status of the panel buttons with certain accent colors, an option has been included for using the default blue color instead of the chosen accent color. `"theme_default_toggle_color": true,` ![Default toggle color](./img/default_toggle_color.png) ### Light gray sidebar `"theme_lightgray_sidebar": true,` ![Light gray sidebar](./img/lightgray_sidebar.png) ### Blue folder icons `"theme_blue_folders": true,` ![Blue folder icons](./img/blue_folders.png)