PHP_CBF for Sublime Text 3/4 ======================================== This is a lightweight ST Package to fix your php files with [PHP Codebeautifier]( aka `phpcbf`. It is based on the original [PHP_CodeSniffer]( package without the `phpcs`. The advantage of this plugin is that it acts directly in the Sublime Text buffer, avoiding file reloading thus being faster. For linting your code, please use [Sublimelinter-phpcs]( It is a more modern package for the purpose. Installation -------------- ### Package Control This package is available through [Package Control]( `Package Control ‣ Install Package ‣ PHP CBF` ### Cloning the repository - Clone the PHP_CBF Sublime Text Plugin in to ST3/ST4 Packages directory. ``` git clone PHP_CBF ``` - Packages directory locations: ``` Mac: /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages Windows: C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages ``` Configuration -------------- Configuration files can be opened via Preferences > Package Settings > PHP_CBF. Make sure the php_path and phpcbf_path paths are correct. E.g. ``` "phpcs_path": "/usr/local/bin/phpcs", "phpcbf_path": "/usr/local/bin/phpcbf", ``` **phpcs_standard** This settings can be the name of a single standard or a list of folder/project names and the standard to be used for each project. E.g. ```json "phpcs_standard": "Squiz" ``` ```json // sublime-project "settings": { "PHP_CBF": { "fix_on_save": true, "phpcbf_path": "${folder}/vendor/bin/phpcbf", "phpcs_standard": "${folder}/phpcs.xml" } } ``` **additional_args** Array containing additional arguments to pass to the PHPCS/PHPCBF scripts. **fix_on_save** If set to *true* then buffer will be checked and fixed on each save. Usage -------- There are one shortcut that can be used for Sublime PHP_CBF plugin: - **ALT + SHIFT + S**: Runs PHPCBF command for the open buffer. These commands are also available in Tools > PHP_CBF menu. Known Issues -------- If your project is configured to work with `tabs`, but for some reason ST is configured to indent with `spaces` (see conf in the bottom right corner), PHPCBF maybe start a loop saving process if `fix_on_save` is enabled.