# sublime-npm-project A utility for running programs (i.e. starting a Node server) when switching Sublime Text projects. ## Prerequisites Follow the instructions to install Sublime Text's [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) ## Installation 1. Open the **Command Palette** (default key-combo is **Ctrl+Shift+P**) 2. Select **"Package Control: Install Package"** 3. Search for **sublime-npm-project** and hit enter ## Configuration By default, this package won't do anything. Go to **Project > Edit Project** and add a section called **"projectrunner"** like below: { "projectrunner": { "path": ".", "start": true }, "folders": [ { "path": "." } ] } This will ask you when you open a new project whether you want to perform the startup action, which unless explicitly specified is **"npm start"**. Note that by default, this is run from your project path. ### Change startup action "projectrunner": { "path": ".", "start": "node scripts/start.js" }, ### Change (relative) path "projectrunner": { "path": "react/", "start": true }, ### Disable startup action "projectrunner": { "path": ".", "start": false },