### 7.0.0 * Provide async version of main render method * Depend on yargs rather than minimist, removing dependency on an unmaintained package * Upgrade dependencies: html-to-text 6 -> 8, juice 7 -> 8 * Support only Node 14, 16, 18 * Internal refactoring to a more modern code style ### 6.0.0 * Upgrade dependencies: juice 4.1.0 -> 7.0.0, swig-templates 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3, html-to-text 3.3.0 -> 6.0.0 * Check in package lockfile ### 4.0.0 * **Warning:** swig is no longer maintained. Use this package at your own risk. You may wish to switch to [nunjucks] and for emails, use [email-templates]. * Upgrade to Juice 3. This brings changes from its dependency [web-resource-inliner]. * Add support for email subject. [nunjucks]: https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/ [email-templates]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/email-templates [web-resource-inliner]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/web-resource-inliner ### 3.0.0 * Upgrade to Juice 2. This changes various defaults for inlining styles. See the [list of changes in Juice](j2changes) for more information. These are mostly changes around preserving `@font-face` and `@media`, and applying widths/heights to tables. * Fix Outlook-breaking cheerio config (issue #34) * Update README for command-line utility [j2changes]: https://github.com/Automattic/juice/commit/a4cf6fdb671be56e6a01fd740f6460849b8813df ### 2.1.0 * Add new option: 'rewrite' - This allows you to read and alter the rendered HTML in whatever way wish before inling resources or generating text alternatives * Update dependencies ### 2.0.0 * **Support for Node 4+ as well as 0.10 & 0.12** * Switch to Cheerio instead of JSDom for compatibility with a wider range of Node versions - this means that the HTML you provide in your template will be closer to the output of swig-email-templates. JSDom added in html, body, tbody tags where Cheerio doesn't * Switch back to the the original 'juice' which is now more actively maintained - this version of juice also inlines images using data: URLs - be mindful that juice will fetch external resources for inlining, which can take some time * At the same time it made sense to refactor the API a bit: - the library presents itself as a class with a constructor method - rewriteUrl is now an option on EmailTemplates instead of an extra argument to render() - commandline tool no longer takes 'render' as a parameter * Add support for setting filters on the swig instance * Much more comprehensive documentation ### 1.4.0 * Marcin Jekot and domasx2 - update to work on node v0.12 and fix test failures. ### 1.3.0 * Connor Keenan - support text templates as well as html, and automatically render text emails based on the html when none is provided. ### 1.2.0 * Andrew Kelley - pend instead of batch dev dependency - update dependencies - extract CHANGELOG from README - add Expat license ### 1.1.0 * Dennis - Allow options to be passed to juice ### 1.0.1 * Joshua Halickman - Pass options to swig if we want to set any outside of the swig-email-templates - Update package.json ### 1.0.0 * **BREAKING CHANGE** - the ability to generate a dummy context was removed because swig [dropped support](https://github.com/paularmstrong/swig/issues/176) for ability to access the parse tree when it went to 1.x. * Update swig dependency to 1.3.0 * Update jsdom dependency to 0.8.11 * Switch to [juice2 fork](https://github.com/andrewrk/juice) ### 0.7.0 * added command line program (thanks [jmeas](https://github.com/jmeas)) ### 0.6.0 * updated swig to 0.14.0 ### 0.5.1 * updated juice to 0.4.0 ### 0.5.0 * **BREAKING CHANGE** - `render` and `generateDummy` no longer automatically append `.html` to your template name to look it up. This means that if you before had `render('meatball-sandwich')` you must change it to `render('meatball-sandwich.html')` to work with 0.5.0. * fixed crash during cleanup * updated juice to 0.3.2 * updated jsdom to 0.5.4