@application_id@.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later Valent Connect, control and sync devices

Securely connect your devices to open files and links where you need them, get notifications when you need them, stay in control of your media and more.


Valent is an implementation of the KDE Connect protocol, built on GNOME platform libraries.

  • PipeWire support added
  • The user interface has been absorbed by the `gnome` plugin
  • The SMS plugin has been rewritten with TinySPARQL
  • The share dialog has been redesigned
  • The media dialog has been refactored, with some UI improvements
  • Port to libawaita-1.5
  • Updates to protocol implementation; certificates, device metadata, security
  • Translation updates

Initial release.

Connect to devices on your network https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andyholmes/valent/main/data/metainfo/01-devices.png Securely pair devices https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andyholmes/valent/main/data/metainfo/02-pairing.png Monitor and control remote devices https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andyholmes/valent/main/data/metainfo/03-actions.png valent @application_id@ https://valent.andyholmes.ca https://github.com/andyholmes/valent/issues https://github.com/sponsors/andyholmes https://github.com/andyholmes/valent/discussions Andy Holmes andrew.g.r.holmes@gmail.com @gettext_package@ @application_id@.desktop HiDpiIcon ModernToolkit Notifications pointing keyboard touch 360