/*! angular-google-chart 2017-04-16 */ /* * @description Google Chart Api Directive Module for AngularJS * @version 1.0.0-beta.1 * @author GitHub Contributors * @license MIT * @year 2013 */ /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart', []) .run(registerResizeEvent); registerResizeEvent.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$window']; function registerResizeEvent($rootScope, $window){ angular.element($window).on('resize', function () { $rootScope.$emit('resizeMsg'); }); } })(); /* global angular, google */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .factory('FormatManager', formatManagerFactory); function formatManagerFactory(){ // Handles the processing of Google Charts API Formats function FormatManager($google){ var self = this; var oldFormatTemplates = {}; self.iFormats = {}; // Holds instances of formats (ie. self.iFormats.date[0] = new $google.visualization.DateFormat(params)) self.applyFormats = applyFormats; // apply formats of type to datatable function apply(tFormats, dataTable){ var i, formatType; for (formatType in tFormats){ if (tFormats.hasOwnProperty(formatType)){ for (i = 0; i < self.iFormats[formatType].length; i++) { if (tFormats[formatType][i].columnNum < dataTable.getNumberOfColumns()) { self.iFormats[formatType][i].format(dataTable, tFormats[formatType][i].columnNum); } } } } } function applyFormat(formatType, FormatClass, tFormats){ var i; if (angular.isArray(tFormats[formatType])) { // basic change detection; no need to run if no changes if (!angular.equals(tFormats[formatType], oldFormatTemplates[formatType])) { oldFormatTemplates[formatType] = tFormats[formatType]; self.iFormats[formatType] = []; if (formatType === 'color') { instantiateColorFormatters(tFormats); } else { for (i = 0; i < tFormats[formatType].length; i++) { self.iFormats[formatType].push(new FormatClass( tFormats[formatType][i]) ); } } } } } function applyFormats(dataTable, tFormats, customFormatters) { var formatType, FormatClass, requiresHtml = false; if (!angular.isDefined(tFormats) || !angular.isDefined(dataTable)){ return { requiresHtml: false }; } for (formatType in tFormats){ if (tFormats.hasOwnProperty(formatType)){ FormatClass = getFormatClass(formatType, customFormatters); if (!angular.isFunction(FormatClass)){ // if no class constructor was returned, // there's no point in completing cycle continue; } applyFormat(formatType, FormatClass, tFormats); //Many formatters require HTML tags to display special formatting if (formatType === 'arrow' || formatType === 'bar' || formatType === 'color') { requiresHtml = true; } } } apply(tFormats, dataTable); return { requiresHtml: requiresHtml }; } function instantiateColorFormatters(tFormats){ var t, colorFormat, i, data, formatType = 'color'; for (t = 0; t < tFormats[formatType].length; t++) { colorFormat = new $google.visualization.ColorFormat(); for (i = 0; i < tFormats[formatType][t].formats.length; i++) { data = tFormats[formatType][t].formats[i]; if (typeof (data.fromBgColor) !== 'undefined' && typeof (data.toBgColor) !== 'undefined') { colorFormat.addGradientRange(data.from, data.to, data.color, data.fromBgColor, data.toBgColor); } else { colorFormat.addRange(data.from, data.to, data.color, data.bgcolor); } } self.iFormats[formatType].push(colorFormat); } } function getFormatClass(formatType, customFormatters){ var className = formatType.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + formatType.slice(1).toLowerCase() + "Format"; if ($google.visualization.hasOwnProperty(className)){ return google.visualization[className]; } else if (angular.isDefined(customFormatters) && customFormatters.hasOwnProperty(formatType)) { return customFormatters[formatType]; } return; } } return FormatManager; } })(); /* global angular, google */ (function() { angular.module('googlechart') .controller('GoogleChartController', GoogleChartController); GoogleChartController.$inject = ['$scope', '$element', '$attrs', '$injector', '$timeout', '$window', '$rootScope', 'GoogleChartService']; function GoogleChartController($scope, $element, $attrs, $injector, $timeout, $window, $rootScope, GoogleChartService) { var self = this; var resizeHandler; var googleChartService; init(); function cleanup() { resizeHandler(); } function draw() { if (!draw.triggered && (self.chart !== undefined)) { draw.triggered = true; $timeout(setupAndDraw, 0, true); } else if (self.chart !== undefined) { $timeout.cancel(draw.recallTimeout); draw.recallTimeout = $timeout(draw, 10); } } // Watch function calls this. function drawAsync() { googleChartService.getReadyPromise() .then(draw); } //setupAndDraw() calls this. function drawChartWrapper() { googleChartService.draw(); draw.triggered = false; } function init() { // Instantiate service googleChartService = new GoogleChartService(); self.registerChartListener = googleChartService.registerChartListener; self.registerWrapperListener = googleChartService.registerWrapperListener; self.registerServiceListener = googleChartService.registerServiceListener; /* Watches, to refresh the chart when its data, formatters, options, view, or type change. All other values intentionally disregarded to avoid double calls to the draw function. Please avoid making changes to these objects directly from this directive.*/ $scope.$watch(watchValue, watchHandler, true); // true is for deep object equality checking // Redraw the chart if the window is resized resizeHandler = $rootScope.$on('resizeMsg', drawAsync); //Cleanup resize handler. $scope.$on('$destroy', cleanup); } function setupAndDraw() { googleChartService.setup($element, self.chart.type, self.chart.data, self.chart.view, self.chart.options, self.chart.formatters, self.chart.customFormatters); $timeout(drawChartWrapper); } function watchHandler() { self.chart = $scope.$eval($attrs.chart); drawAsync(); } function watchValue() { var chartObject = $scope.$eval($attrs.chart); if (angular.isDefined(chartObject) && angular.isObject(chartObject)) { return { customFormatters: chartObject.customFormatters, data: chartObject.data, formatters: chartObject.formatters, options: chartObject.options, type: chartObject.type, view: chartObject.view }; } } } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcBeforeDraw', beforeDrawDirective); function beforeDrawDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject=['chartWrapper']; function callback(chartWrapper){ scope.$apply(function (){ scope.$eval(attrs.agcBeforeDraw, {chartWrapper: chartWrapper}); }); } googleChartController.registerServiceListener('beforeDraw', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function() { angular.module('googlechart') .provider('agcGstaticLoader', agcGstaticLoaderProvider); function agcGstaticLoaderProvider(){ var useBothLoaders = false; var version = "current"; var options = { packages: ["corechart"] }; /** Add Google Visualization API package to loader configuration. */ this.addPackage = function(packageName){ options.packages = options.packages || []; options.packages.push(packageName); if (needsBothLoaders()) useBothLoaders = true; return this; }; /** Delete key from underlying loader configuration. */ this.clearOption = function(key){ delete this._options[key]; return this; }; /** Remove Google Visualization API package from loader configuration. */ this.removePackage = function(packageName){ options.packages = this._options.packages || []; var index = options.packages.indexOf(packageName); if (index > -1) options.packages.splice(index, 1); return this; }; /** Set option to value. See developers.google.com/chart/ for information about loader options. */ this.setOption = function(key, value){ options[key] = value; return this; }; /** Sets underlying loader options object to value provided. Replaces everything, included packages. */ this.setOptions = function(value){ options = value; return this; }; /** Set Google Visualization API frozen version to load. Default: 'current' */ this.setVersion = function(value){ version = value; if (needsBothLoaders()) useBothLoaders = true; return this; }; /** Override for internal setting to add both loader scripts. Required under certain conditions. */ this.useBothLoaders = function(value){ if (typeof value === 'undefined') value = true; useBothLoaders = !!value; return this; }; /** Check if conditions are correct to need both JSAPI and gstatic loader scripts. */ function needsBothLoaders(){ var versionCheck, packageCheck; versionCheck = !isNaN(+version) && +version < 45; packageCheck = options.packages.indexOf("geochart") > -1 || options.packages.indexOf("map") > -1; return versionCheck && packageCheck; } this.$get = function($rootScope, $q, agcScriptTagHelper){ function scriptLoadCallback(){ if (!google || !google.charts || typeof google.charts.setOnLoadCallback !== 'function'){ return $q.reject("Google charts library loader not present."); } var deferred = $q.defer(); google.charts.load(version, options); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function(){ $rootScope.$apply(function(){ deferred.resolve(google); }); }); return deferred.promise; } var tagPromise = agcScriptTagHelper("https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"); if (useBothLoaders) tagPromise = tagPromise.then(function(){ return agcScriptTagHelper("https://www.google.com/jsapi");}); var libraryPromise = tagPromise.then(scriptLoadCallback); return libraryPromise; }; this.$get.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$q", "agcScriptTagHelper"]; } })(); /* global angular */ (function() { angular.module("googlechart") .factory("agcJsapiLoader", agcJsapiLoaderFactory); agcJsapiLoaderFactory.$inject = ["$log", "$rootScope", "$q", "agcScriptTagHelper", "googleChartApiConfig"]; function agcJsapiLoaderFactory($log, $rootScope, $q, agcScriptTagHelper, googleChartApiConfig){ $log.debug("[AGC] jsapi loader invoked."); var apiReady = $q.defer(); // Massage configuration as needed. googleChartApiConfig.optionalSettings = googleChartApiConfig.optionalSettings || {}; var userDefinedCallback = googleChartApiConfig.optionalSettings.callback; var settings = { callback: function() { if (angular.isFunction(userDefinedCallback)) userDefinedCallback.call(this); $rootScope.$apply(function(){ apiReady.resolve(google); }); } }; settings = angular.extend({}, googleChartApiConfig.optionalSettings, settings); $log.debug("[AGC] Calling tag helper..."); agcScriptTagHelper("//www.google.com/jsapi") .then(function(){ $log.debug("[AGC] Tag helper returned success."); window.google.load('visualization', googleChartApiConfig.version || '1', settings); }) .catch(function(){ $log.error("[AGC] Tag helper returned error. Script may have failed to load."); apiReady.reject(); }); return apiReady.promise; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module("googlechart") .provider("agcLibraryLoader", AgcLibraryLoaderProvider); AgcLibraryLoaderProvider.$inject = ["$injector"]; function AgcLibraryLoaderProvider($injector){ var DEFAULT_LOADER = "Jsapi"; this.$get = function(loader){ return loader; }; this.setLoader = function(loaderName){ if ($injector.has(this.getProviderName(loaderName))) this.$get.$inject = [this.getProviderName(loaderName)]; else { console.warn("[Angular-GoogleChart] Loader type \"" + loaderName + "\" doesn't exist. Defaulting to JSAPI loader."); this.$get.$inject = [this.getProviderName(DEFAULT_LOADER)]; } }; this.getProviderName = function(loaderName){ loaderName = loaderName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + loaderName.slice(1); return "agc" + loaderName + "Loader"; }; this.setLoader(DEFAULT_LOADER); } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module("googlechart") .provider("agcNullLoader", AgcNullLoaderProvider); /** Fake loader strategy. Use this if you're loading the google charts library * in some non-standard way. */ function AgcNullLoaderProvider(){ this._hasTrigger = false; this._libraryOverride = null; this._triggerFunction = (function(){ // If the trigger function is called before $get, // just act as if it was never fetched. if (this._deferred) this._deferred.resolve(this._libraryOverride || google); else this._hasTrigger = false; }).bind(this); this._deferred = null; } AgcNullLoaderProvider.prototype.$get = function($q){ this._deferred = $q.defer(); if (!this._hasTrigger) this._deferred.resolve(this._libraryOverride || google); return this._deferred.promise; }; AgcNullLoaderProvider.prototype.$get.$inject = ["$q"]; AgcNullLoaderProvider.prototype.getTriggerFunction = function(){ // Records that the trigger function was fetched. // Will wait for it to be called to resolve. // This is useful for manual, but deferred, loading of // the google charts library. this._hasTrigger = true; return this._triggerFunction; }; /** Forces angular-google-chart to load this object as the google library. * Makes no checks to ensure that the object passed is compatible. Use * at own risk. */ AgcNullLoaderProvider.prototype.overrideLibrary = function(library){ this._libraryOverride = library; }; })(); (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnClick', onClickDirective); function onClickDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['args', 'chart', 'chartWrapper']; function callback(args, chart, chartWrapper){ scope.$apply(function (){ scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnClick, {args: args, chart: chart, chartWrapper: chartWrapper}); }); } googleChartController.registerChartListener('click', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnError', onErrorDirective); function onErrorDirective(){ return{ restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['chartWrapper', 'chart', 'args']; function callback(chartWrapper, chart, args){ var returnValues = { chartWrapper: chartWrapper, chart: chart, args: args, error: args[0], err: args[0], id: args[0].id, message: args[0].message }; scope.$apply(function(){ scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnError, returnValues); }); } googleChartController.registerWrapperListener('error', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnMouseout', agcOnMouseoutDirective); function agcOnMouseoutDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['args', 'chart', 'chartWrapper']; function callback(args, chart, chartWrapper){ var returnParams = { chartWrapper: chartWrapper, chart: chart, args: args, column: args[0].column, row: args[0].row }; scope.$apply(function () { scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnMouseout, returnParams); }); } googleChartController.registerChartListener('onmouseout', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnMouseover', agcOnMouseoverDirective); function agcOnMouseoverDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['args', 'chart', 'chartWrapper']; function callback(args, chart, chartWrapper){ var returnParams = { chartWrapper: chartWrapper, chart: chart, args: args, column: args[0].column, row: args[0].row }; scope.$apply(function () { scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnMouseover, returnParams); }); } googleChartController.registerChartListener('onmouseover', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnRangeChange', agcOnRangeChangeDirective); function agcOnRangeChangeDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['args', 'chart', 'chartWrapper']; function callback(args, chart, chartWrapper){ var returnParams = { chartWrapper: chartWrapper, chart: chart, args: args, start: args[0].start, end: args[0].end }; scope.$apply(function () { scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnRangeChange, returnParams); }); } googleChartController.registerChartListener('rangechange', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnReady', onReadyDirective); function onReadyDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject=['chartWrapper']; function callback(chartWrapper){ scope.$apply(function (){ scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnReady, {chartWrapper: chartWrapper}); }); } googleChartController.registerWrapperListener('ready', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('agcOnSelect', onSelectDirective); function onSelectDirective(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, require: 'googleChart', link: function(scope, element, attrs, googleChartController){ callback.$inject = ['chartWrapper', 'chart']; function callback(chartWrapper, chart){ var selectEventRetParams = { selectedItems: chart.getSelection() }; // This is for backwards compatibility for people using 'selectedItem' that only wanted the first selection. selectEventRetParams.selectedItem = selectEventRetParams.selectedItems[0]; selectEventRetParams.chartWrapper = chartWrapper; selectEventRetParams.chart = chart; scope.$apply(function () { scope.$eval(attrs.agcOnSelect, selectEventRetParams); }); } googleChartController.registerWrapperListener('select', callback, this); } }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function() { angular.module("googlechart") .factory("agcScriptTagHelper", agcScriptTagHelperFactory); agcScriptTagHelperFactory.$inject = ["$q", "$document"]; function agcScriptTagHelperFactory($q, $document) { /** Add a script tag to the document's head section and return an angular * promise that resolves when the script has loaded. */ function agcScriptTagHelper(url) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var head = $document.find('head'); var script = angular.element(''); script.attr('type', 'text/javascript'); script.on('load', onLoad); script.on('error', onError); script.attr('src', url); // This: head.append(script); // Adds the tag, but event handles don't work. // Workaround is to add element with native appendChild(). head[0].appendChild(script[0]); function onLoad() { deferred.resolve(); } function onError() { deferred.reject(); } return deferred.promise; } return agcScriptTagHelper; } })(); /* global angular, google */ /* jshint -W072 */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .directive('googleChart', googleChartDirective); googleChartDirective.$inject = []; function googleChartDirective() { return { restrict: 'A', scope: false, controller: 'GoogleChartController' }; } })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .value('googleChartApiConfig', { version: '1', optionalSettings: { packages: ['corechart'] } }); })(); /* global angular */ (function(){ angular.module('googlechart') .factory('googleChartApiPromise', googleChartApiPromiseFactory); googleChartApiPromiseFactory.$inject = ['agcLibraryLoader']; /** Here for backward-compatibility only. */ function googleChartApiPromiseFactory(agcLibraryLoader) { return agcLibraryLoader; } })(); /* global angular */ (function() { angular.module('googlechart') .factory('GoogleChartService', GoogleChartServiceFactory); GoogleChartServiceFactory.$inject = ['agcLibraryLoader', '$injector', '$q', 'FormatManager']; function GoogleChartServiceFactory(agcLibraryLoader, $injector, $q, FormatManager) { function GoogleChartService() { var self = this; self.draw = draw; self.getChartWrapper = getChartWrapper; self.getData = getData; self.getElement = getElement; self.getOption = getOption; self.getOptions = getOptions; self.getView = getView; self.getReadyPromise = getReadyPromise; self.isApiReady = isApiReady; self.registerChartListener = registerChartListener; self.registerServiceListener = registerServiceListener; self.registerWrapperListener = registerWrapperListener; self.setData = setData; self.setElement = setElement; self.setOption = setOption; self.setOptions = setOptions; self.setup = setup; self.setView = setView; var $google, _libraryPromise, _apiReady, _chartWrapper, _element, _chartType, _data, _view, _options, _formatters, _innerVisualization, _formatManager, _needsUpdate = true, _customFormatters, _serviceDeferred, serviceListeners = {}, wrapperListeners = {}, chartListeners = {}; _init(); function _activateServiceEvent(eventName) { var i; if (angular.isArray(serviceListeners[eventName])) { for (i = 0; i < serviceListeners[eventName].length; i++) { serviceListeners[eventName][i](); } } } function _apiLoadFail(reason) { // Not sure what to do if this does happen. // Post your suggestions in the issues tracker at // https://github.com/angular-google-chart/angular-google-chart/ return reason; } function _apiLoadSuccess(g) { $google = g; _apiReady = true; _serviceDeferred.resolve(); return g; } function _continueSetup() { if (!angular.isDefined(_chartWrapper)) { _chartWrapper = new $google.visualization.ChartWrapper({ chartType: _chartType, dataTable: _data, view: _view, options: _options, containerId: _element[0] }); _registerListenersWithGoogle(_chartWrapper, wrapperListeners); } else { _chartWrapper.setChartType(_chartType); _chartWrapper.setDataTable(_data); _chartWrapper.setView(_view); _chartWrapper.setOptions(_options); } if (!_formatManager) { _formatManager = new FormatManager($google); } if (_formatManager.applyFormats(_chartWrapper.getDataTable(), _formatters, _customFormatters).requiresHtml) { _chartWrapper.setOption('allowHtml', true); } _needsUpdate = false; } // Credit for this solution: // http://stackoverflow.com/a/20125572/3771976 function _getSetDescendantProp(obj, desc, value) { var arr = desc ? desc.split(".") : []; while (arr.length && obj) { var comp = arr.shift(); var match = new RegExp("(.+)\\[([0-9]*)\\]").exec(comp); if (value) { if (obj[comp] === undefined) { obj[comp] = {}; } if (arr.length === 0) { obj[comp] = value; } } obj = obj[comp]; } return obj; } function _handleReady() { // When the chartWrapper is ready, check to see if the inner chart // has changed. If it has, re-register listeners onto that chart. if (_innerVisualization !== _chartWrapper.getChart()) { _innerVisualization = _chartWrapper.getChart(); _registerListenersWithGoogle(_innerVisualization, chartListeners); } } function _init() { _apiReady = false; _serviceDeferred = $q.defer(); //keeps the resulting promise to chain on other actions _libraryPromise = agcLibraryLoader .then(_apiLoadSuccess) .catch(_apiLoadFail); registerWrapperListener('ready', _handleReady, self); } function _registerListener(listenerCollection, eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject) { // This is the function that will be invoked by the charts API. // Passing the wrapper function allows the use of DI for // for the called function. var listenerWrapper = function() { var locals = { chartWrapper: _chartWrapper, chart: _chartWrapper.getChart(), args: arguments }; $injector.invoke(listenerFn, listenerObject || this, locals); }; if (angular.isDefined(listenerCollection) && angular.isObject(listenerCollection)) { if (!angular.isArray(listenerCollection[eventName])) { listenerCollection[eventName] = []; } listenerCollection[eventName].push(listenerWrapper); return function() { if (angular.isDefined(listenerWrapper.googleListenerHandle)) { $google.visualization.events.removeListener(listenerWrapper.googleListenerHandle); } var fnIndex = listenerCollection[eventName].indexOf(listenerWrapper); listenerCollection[eventName].splice(fnIndex, 1); if (listenerCollection[eventName].length === 0) { listenerCollection[eventName] = undefined; } }; } } function _registerListenersWithGoogle(eventSource, listenerCollection) { for (var eventName in listenerCollection) { if (listenerCollection.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && angular.isArray(listenerCollection[eventName])) { for (var fnIterator = 0; fnIterator < listenerCollection[eventName].length; fnIterator++) { if (angular.isFunction(listenerCollection[eventName][fnIterator])) { listenerCollection[eventName][fnIterator].googleListenerHandle = $google.visualization.events.addListener(eventSource, eventName, listenerCollection[eventName][fnIterator]); } } } } } function _runDrawCycle() { _activateServiceEvent('beforeDraw'); _chartWrapper.draw(); } /* This function does this: - waits for API to load, if not already loaded - sets up ChartWrapper object (create or update) - schedules timeout event to draw chart */ function draw() { if (_needsUpdate) { _libraryPromise = _libraryPromise.then(_continueSetup); } _libraryPromise = _libraryPromise.then(_runDrawCycle()); } function getChartWrapper() { // Most get functions on this interface return copies, // this one should return reference so as to expose the //chart api to users return _chartWrapper; } function getData() { var data = _data || {}; return angular.copy(data); } function getElement() { return _element; } function getOption(name) { var options = _options || {}; return _getSetDescendantProp(options, name); } function getOptions() { var options = _options || {}; return angular.copy(options); } function getReadyPromise() { return _serviceDeferred.promise; } function getView() { var view = _view || {}; return angular.copy(view); } function isApiReady() { return _apiReady; } function registerChartListener(eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject) { return _registerListener(chartListeners, eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject); } function registerServiceListener(eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject) { return _registerListener(serviceListeners, eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject); } function registerWrapperListener(eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject) { return _registerListener(wrapperListeners, eventName, listenerFn, listenerObject); } function setData(data) { if (angular.isDefined(data)) { _data = angular.copy(data); _needsUpdate = true; } } function setElement(element) { if (angular.isElement(element) && _element !== element) { _element = element; // clear out the chartWrapper because we're going to need a new one _chartWrapper = null; _needsUpdate = true; } } function setOption(name, value) { _options = _options || {}; _getSetDescendantProp(_options, name, angular.copy(value)); _needsUpdate = true; } function setOptions(options) { if (angular.isDefined(options)) { _options = angular.copy(options); _needsUpdate = true; } } function setup(element, chartType, data, view, options, formatters, customFormatters) { // Keep values if already set, // can call setup() with nulls to keep // existing values _element = element || _element; _chartType = chartType || _chartType; _data = data || _data; _view = view || _view; _options = options || _options; _formatters = formatters || _formatters; _customFormatters = customFormatters || _customFormatters; _libraryPromise = _libraryPromise.then(_continueSetup); } function setView(view) { _view = angular.copy(view); } } return GoogleChartService; } })();