A simple and pleasant programming language.
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## Cosy Cosy is a simple and pleasant programming language. Cosy is simple to read and write and has extensive compile-time validating. It has an multi-platform interpreter and can trans-compile to JavaScript. ```js print 'hello world' ``` ## High-level features * Familiar syntax. * Lambda functions (anonymous functions). * Gradural typing. * Small and concise. * Cosy is made with fewer than 3200 lines of source code. * Few keywords. * Safety. * Variable are immutable by default. * No `null`, `nil` or `undefined`. * No variable shadowing. * Compile-time validation. * Unused variables. * Simple dead code detection, i.e. statements following an unconditional `return` in a block. * Type checking. * String interpolation. * Has built-in code formatter. * Simple code optimization. * No library dependencies. * Web based [playground](http://andersnissen.com/cosy/playground/). * Inspired by [V](https://vlang.io/), [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) and [Haxe](https://haxe.org/) among others. Originally based on [Lox](http://www.craftinginterpreters.com/). ## Cosy compiler data flow ## Code examples
Cosy basics ```js // the basics of cosy // print to output print 'hello world!' // variables and types var a = true // Boolean var b = 1.2 // Number var c = 'hello' // String var d = [3, 4] // Array struct Point { // Struct var x var y var text = 'default value' } // instantiate struct var point = Point { x = 3, y = 5 } print point // variables are immutable by default var immutable = 42 // immutable = 24 // error // use the `mut` keyword to create a mutable variable mut mutable = 42 mutable = 24 // ok // conditional branching if 3 < 5 and 4 == 4 { print 'true' } else { print 'false' } // loop with counter for i in 0..3 { print 'loop #' + i } // loop without counter for 0..3 { print 'no counter' } // loop with condition mut j = 0 for j < 3 { print 'conditional loop #i' j = j + 1 } // loop over array for i in [5, 6, 7] { print 'array value: ' + i } // functions fn say(name) { print 'hello ' + name } say('world') // lambda functions var square = fn(value Num) { return value * value } print '5 * 5 = ' + square(5) // functions can return functions fn say_with_extra_text(extra_text Str) { return fn(text) { print text + extra_text } } var print_courteously = say_with_extra_text(', please!') print_courteously('make me a sandwich') // functions can tage functions as arguments fn do_n_times(f Fn(Num), n Num) { for i in 0..n { f(i) } } do_n_times(fn(x Num) { print 'i\'m called ' + (x + 1) + ' time(s)' }, 3) // functions act as closures fn counter(start, increment) Fn() Num { mut count = start return fn() { count = count + increment return count } } print 'counting down...' var count_down = counter(3, -1) print count_down() print count_down() print count_down() // dead code is not allowed fn dead_code() { print 'i\'m always printing this' return true // print 'i\'m never printing this' // error } dead_code() // shadowing of variables are not allowed { var unique = true { //var unique = 3 // error } print unique } // unused variables are not allowed var unused = 42 // error if the line below is removed print unused // because of this, we also have to use the variables defined at the top if !a print b + c + d + immutable + mutable // variables can be marked purposely unused with an underscore fn some_function(_unused) { print 'the arg is unused, but that\'s okay' } some_function(1234) // that's it for the basics // for more examples see: // https://github.com/anissen/cosy/tree/master/test/scripts ```
## Getting started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. 1. Clone the cosy repository ```sh git clone https://github.com/anissen/cosy.git ``` 2. Change to the repository directory ```sh cd cosy ``` 3. Install [lix](https://github.com/lix-pm/lix.client), a Haxe package manager ```sh npm install lix -g ``` 4. Downloading all dependencies ```sh lix download ``` ## Usage Usage: `cosy (source file)` Options: ``` --prettyprint Prints the formatted source. --bytecode Prints the compiled Cosy bytecode. --disassembly Pretty-print Cosy bytecode. --javascript Prints the corresponding JavaScript code. --markdown Prints the code as Markdown documentation. --strict Enable strict enforcing of types. --validate-only Only perform code validation. --times Output time spent in each phase. --watch Watch the file for changes and automatically rerun. --no-colors Disable colors in log output. ``` ### Using Haxe interpreter Run: `haxe -cp src --run cosy.Cosy`. ### Using JavaScript Build: `haxe scripts/javascript.hxml`. Include in your HTML body: ``. Run: `window.cosy.Cosy.run("print 'hello javascript!'")`. ### Using Node Build: `haxe scripts/node.hxml`. Run (as script): `node ./bin/node/cosy.js`. Run (as library): ```js const cosy = require("./bin/node/cosy.js").cosy.Cosy; cosy.run("print 'hello node!'"); ``` ### Using Java Build: haxe -cp src -main cosy.Cosy -java bin/java Run: java -jar bin/java/cosy.jar ### Using JVM Build: haxe -cp src -main cosy.Cosy --jvm bin/jvm/Cosy.jar Run: java -jar bin/jvm/Cosy.jar ### Using C++ Build: haxe -main cosy.Cosy -cp src -cpp bin/cpp Run: ./bin/cpp/Cosy ### Using HashLink (bytecode or C) Build to bytecode haxe -main cosy.Cosy -cp src -hl bin/hl/Cosy.hl Run from bytecode hl bin/hl/Cosy.hl Build to C haxe -main cosy.Cosy -cp src -hl bin/hlc/build/Cosy.c Compile gcc -O3 -o bin/hlc/Cosy -std=c11 -I bin/hlc/build bin/hlc/build/Cosy.c -lhl Run: ./bin/hlc/Cosy ## Roadmap Cosy is a work-in-progress. Current focus is: :star: _Bytecode code generator and virtual machine_. See the [wishlist](https://github.com/anissen/cosy/blob/master/wishlist.md) for a list of proposed features (and known issues). ## License
Distributed under the MIT License. ``` MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Anders Nissen Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```