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' + (a.profile_image_url ? '' : "") + (a.name ? '" : "") + (a.screen_name ? '(@' + a.screen_name + ")
" : "") + (a.location ? '" : "") + (a.description ? '

' + a.description + "

" : "") + (a.url ? '' + a.url + "
" : "") + '" + "
" }; k = "Contacting Twitter..."; l = "Invalid username or you have exceeded Twitter request limit.
Please note, Twitter only allows 150 requests per hour."; j = function () { }; if (a("#t-follow-script").length <= 0) { var m = document.createElement("script"); m.type = "text/javascript"; m.src = "//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"; m.id = "t-follow-script"; a("body").append(m) } e.append('Follow') } break; case "facebook": { i = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + d, h = function (a) { return '
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" : "") + (a.likes ? '
" : "") + (a.description ? '

' + a.description + "

" : "") + (a.start_time ? '

Start Time:
' + a.start_time + "

" : "") + (a.end_time ? '

End Time:
' + a.end_time + "

" : "") + (a.founded ? '

' + a.founded + "

" : "") + (a.mission ? '

' + a.mission + "

" : "") + (a.company_overview ? '

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" : "") + (a.products ? '

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" : "") + (a.website ? '

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" : "") + (a.email ? '

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" : "") + (a.link ? '' + a.link + "
" : "") + (a.bio ? '

' + a.bio + "

" : "") + (a.website ? '

' + a.website + "

" : "") + (a.email ? '

' + a.email + "

" : "") + "
" }; k = "Loading..."; l = "Sorry, no data found."; j = function () { } } break; default: { } break } if (a.isEmptyObject(g)) { a.ajax({ url: i, type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp", timeout: 4e3, beforeSend: function () { e.find(".s-message").remove(); e.append('

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