package arrays; import; public class FindMaximumSellProfit { /* * Given an array representing prices of the stock on different days, * find the maximum profit that can be earned by performing maximum of one transaction. * A transaction consists of activity of buying and selling the stock on different or same days. * * Eg: 1 - {100, 80, 120, 130, 70, 60, 100, 125} * the price of the stock on day-1 is 100, on day-2 is 80 and so on. * The maximum profit that could be earned in this window is 65 (buy at 60 and sell at 125). * * Eg: 2 - For price array - {100, 80, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50}, maximum profit that could be earned is 0. * * */ public static int findMaximumProfit(int[] stockPrices) { int minimumPrice = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxProfit = 0; /* * The profit is the maximum value of the maximumProfit so far and * the difference between the current element(selling price) and the minimum buying price - i.e. profit for that buy * Profit = current selling price - the minimum buying price * * Minimum buying price is the minimum value between the current element and the minimum price * */ for(int i=0; i findMaximumSellProfit(int length, int[] arr) { int currentBuy = arr[0]; int globalSell = arr[1]; int globalProfit = globalSell - currentBuy; int currentProfit; for(int i=1; i< length; i++) { int currentSell = arr[i]; currentProfit = currentSell - currentBuy; if(currentProfit > globalProfit) { globalProfit = currentProfit; globalSell = arr[i]; } if(currentBuy > arr[i]) { currentBuy = arr[i]; } } int optimalBuyPrice = globalSell-globalProfit; int optimalSellPrice = globalSell; return Pair.of(optimalBuyPrice, optimalSellPrice) ; } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {100, 80, 120, 130, 70, 60, 100, 125}; System.out.println(findMaximumSellProfit(arr.length, arr)); System.out.println(findMaximumProfit(arr)); } }