package linkedlist; public class AddTwoIntegers { /* * Given head pointers of two linked lists where each linked list represents an integer number * (each node is a digit), add them and return the resulting linked list. * Input: List1: 1,2,3 List: 1,2 * Output: 2, 4, 3 * * Runtime Complexity: * Linear, O(n) * * Memory Complexity: * Constant, O(1) * * Add the integers 9901 and 237. The result of this addition would be 10138. * */ static LinkedList.Node addIntegers(LinkedList.Node integer1, LinkedList.Node integer2) { LinkedList.Node result = null; LinkedList.Node last = null; int carry = 0; while ( integer1 != null || integer2 != null || carry > 0) { int first = (integer1 == null ? 0 :; int second = (integer2 == null ? 0 :; int sum = first + second + carry; LinkedList.Node pNew = new LinkedList.Node(sum % 10); carry = sum / 10; if (result == null) { result = pNew; } else { = pNew; } last = pNew; if (integer1 != null) { integer1 =; } if (integer2 != null) { integer2 =; } } return result; } protected static class LinkedList { private Node head; public Node head() { return head; } public void printNode(Node node) { while (node != null) { System.out.print( + " "); node =; } } /* Inserts a new Node at end of the list. */ public void push(int new_data) { Node newNode = new Node(new_data); if (head == null) { head = new Node(new_data); return; } = null; Node last = head; while ( != null) { last =; } = newNode; } public static class Node { private Node next; private Integer data; public Node(Integer data) { = data; } public Node next() { return next; } public void setNext(Node next) { = next; } public Integer data() { return data; } public void setData(Integer data) { = data; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedList linkedList1 = new LinkedList(); linkedList1.push(1); linkedList1.push(2); linkedList1.push(3); LinkedList linkedList2 = new LinkedList(); linkedList2.push(1); linkedList2.push(2); System.out.println("List 1: "); linkedList1.printNode(linkedList1.head); System.out.println(); System.out.println("List 2: "); linkedList2.printNode(linkedList2.head); System.out.println(); LinkedList.Node mergedList = addIntegers(linkedList1.head, linkedList2.head); linkedList1.printNode(mergedList); } }