package trees; public class ConnectSiblings { /* * Given a binary tree, connect its siblings at each level * Runtime Complexity: * Linear, O(n) * * Memory Complexity: * Constant O(1) * * A binary tree is a data structure made up of nodes, where each node contains, besides data, up to two children: * "left" reference and "right" reference. Nodes with the same parent node are called siblings. * We need to connect all siblings at each level. * In level order traversal of a tree, all nodes are processed by depth; first the root, then the children of the * root and so on. It is equivalent to a breadth-first-search from the root. * Each node in the above binary tree has one more pointer i.e. next (aka sibling) along with the left and * right pointers. 'next' is used to connect one node to the other. * * Given the starting node at level 'x' (where nodes at level 'x' are connected): * 1. Traverse the nodes at level 'x' from left to right while connecting the siblings at level 'x+1'. * Now that siblings at level 'x+1' are connected, use the head node (left-most) of level 'x+1' and * apply the same approach on 'x+2'. * 2.Keep running these steps till you run out of levels. * * */ protected static class Node { int data; Node left, right, nextRight; Node(int item) { data = item; left = right = nextRight = null; } } private Node root; // Sets the next of root and calls connectRecur() // for other nodes void connect(Node p) { // Set the next for root p.nextRight = null; // Set the next right for rest of the nodes (other // than root) connectRecur(p); } protected void connectRecur(Node p) { if (p == null) return; if (p.left != null) p.left.nextRight = p.right; // Set the next pointer for p's right child // p->next will be NULL if p is the right most child // at its level if (p.right != null) p.right.nextRight = (p.nextRight != null) ? p.nextRight.left : null; connectRecur(p.left); connectRecur(p.right); } public static void main(String args[]) { ConnectSiblings tree = new ConnectSiblings(); /* Constructed binary tree is 10 / \ 8 2 / 3 */ tree.root = new Node(10); tree.root.left = new Node(8); tree.root.right = new Node(2); tree.root.left.left = new Node(3); tree.connect(tree.root); System.out.println("Following are populated next pointers in the tree" + "(-1 is printed if there is no next)"); int a = tree.root.nextRight != null ? : -1; System.out.println("next of " + + " is " + a); int b = tree.root.left.nextRight != null ? : -1; System.out.println("next of " + + " is " + b); int c = tree.root.right.nextRight != null ? : -1; System.out.println("next of " + + " is " + c); int d = tree.root.left.left.nextRight != null ? : -1; System.out.println("next of " + + " is " + d); } }